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The aughdeighe is a creature of Northern legend, ap- COMBAT
pearing as a tall white stallion with crystalline hooves to Attack (Kick): 8 dice (Damage 14)
lost travelers in blizzards. When warm skin touches its
Attack (Touch): 6 dice
icicle-encrusted mane, the unfortunate traveler sticks
fast, and it carries them deeper into the storm. When Combat Movement: 12 dice (see Swift-Hooved)
the weather clears, it reveals frozen statues that once Evasion 3, Parry 1
were victims. Survivors describe beasts with coats the Soak/Hardness: 6/4
stark white and dingy gray of ice. Asked how they freed SPECIAL ABILITIES
themselves, they say frostbite, and hold up hands missing
Secure in the Saddle (Latent): For one Willpower,
several digits.
the aughdeighe reflexively makes its rider immune to
unhorsing for the scene, mildly freezing her in place
Essence: 3; Willpower: 6; Join Battle: 6 dice
without damage.
Personal Motes: 30
Health Levels: −0x2/−1x3/−2x3/−4x2/Incap.
Icy Hide: The aughdeighe is an environmental
Speed Bonus: +4 hazard to anyone touching it, with Damage 1B/
Actions: Deception: 6 dice; Feats of Strength: 6 round and difficulty 3. Anyone who dies from its touch
dice (may attempt Strength 3 feats); Senses: 5 dice; turns completely to solid ice. An aughdeighe’s master
Stealth: 3 dice (6 in a blizzard); Traversing Frigid may train it not to freeze her as a latent ability.
Terrain: 10 dice Swift-Hooved: Double 9s on rolls to disengage or
Resolve 1, Guile 1 withdraw. The aughdeighe can be trained to apply
this to rush rolls also, as a latent ability.

Storyteller Tactics
Frozen Trail (1m, 1wp; Reflexive; One day; Eclipse;
Essence 2): The aughdeighe’s icy hooves instantly Folktales say aughdeighes exist only within a snow-
freeze water and other liquids within close range, al- storm, though brave riders who have tamed the beasts
lowing it to create a frozen path for itself as it runs. prove this false — perhaps taming them tethers them to
OFFENSIVE CHARMS the earth. In the wild, they act docile, giving frightened
Hold Fast (10m, 2i; Reflexive; Instant; Essence 3): travelers hope that this placid animal will bring them to
One victim in physical contact with the aughdeighe safety and shelter. By the time victims realize their folly,
becomes stuck. It can make a touch attack to initiate they’re already caught.
contact, but this Charm can also affect riders, those
making unarmed attacks against it, and others who A wild aughdeighe in a fight prefers brushing up against
touch it for any reason. Those not already astride can foes and dragging them into the storm’s heart to freeze
perform a difficulty 3 gambit to climb onto its back; them to death, rather than attacking outright, unless it’s
otherwise, it drags them along, reducing their Initia- desperate. Since aughdeighes only appear during bliz-
tive by one per turn and forcing them to move with zards in the wild, the severe cold environmental haz-
it. Victims can pry themselves free as a difficulty 3 ard (Exalted, p. 232) often accompanies an encounter.
gambit; if successful, they take (1 + number of rounds Aughdeighes flee combat when they take damage to
stuck) lethal damage that ignores Hardness. their −2 health levels.

Those willing to risk a few fingers can tame the augh-

deighe as a mount (Exalted, p. 554).
Authors: Eric Minton, Lauren Roy, Monica Speca, and Robert Vance

Developer: Meghan Fitzgerald

Line Developers: Eric Minton and Robert Vance

Artists: Gunship Revolution Studios

Art Director: Mike Chaney

Creative Director: Richard Thomas

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erwise, without the prior written permission of White Wolf Entertainment AB. Reproduction prohibitions do not apply
to the character sheets contained in this book when reproduced for personal use. White Wolf, Exalted, and Exalted 3rd
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