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MISSION: POSSIBLE “With God, all things are possible” Mark 10:27

15 years of exciting the kids and parents

for Jesus! by Jessica Macaraeg
Summer ended with a bang! On June 4 and 5, the
Sunday School team launched a project of what seemed
to be a dream years ago a reality today. Instead of
engaging ourselves with a more popular Daily Vacation
Bible School, we wanted something that could be done
overnight. That thought became an exciting yet an
ambitious project for us. For 2 months, we should have
barely made that dream happen. All we had at the start
was just a vision and a team of ministers having that
vision, without any lesson, resources and manpower.
FCCF celebrates their 15th anniversary last April 2010
However during one of the first meetings, God has
confirmed that vision. He allowed us to have resources
that we can borrow and ideas that we can retrieve from
IN THIS ISSUE the internet. Thus, it gave birth to the camp’s theme:
“Mission: Possible”—a JForce special agents training.
Mission: Possible 1
continued on p.2
The Wordless Book 2

The attendance rocketed 2

Two of the most memorable days of 2010 3

Message from the Sunday School Director 4

INTENSE: Top 5 reasons why it’s all worth it 4

Exciting the kids and parents for Jesus!

10 Gandhi St., Filinvest II

Quezon City, Philippines
The camp’s theme and goals were others to Christ, we should not be
aligned with the church’s revolutionized terrified, nor discouraged, for the Lord,
mission: to nurture families that are our God will be with us wherever weconfess
If we go Him to be The moment we are in
God promised that we But we cannot enter But God loves us so
can be with Him in Spirit-led and disciple (Joshua 1:9).
much that He paid the
our Lord, we will Christ, we are now a new
heaven because of receive the creation. We need to
makers. Our there
heaven where focusare is to develop a
our SIN. Romans
penalty of our sins
FORGIVENESS of our GROW in our new
streets of GOLD.
relationship with the students and their Indeed, that His
through lesson was also relatable
BLOOD. relationship with Christ. 2
6:23 sins. Colossians 2:13,
Matthew 25:34 even John
as 3:16 were preparing for the
we Corinthians 5:17
parents because we recognize that 14
partnering with them is a key to camp. We experienced trials, but in the
accomplish our mission one step further midst
30 of them, we have also
Two of the most memorable days of 2010
It was also our desire that at the end of experienced how the Lord made real His
the camp, the kidsJUNE have4 known Christ promises to The us. The two days were a
4th and the students
5th days ofand
June mark as the highlights of the year. Imagine
personally and also trained them how15to
lobby blast to us all—teachers,
that the building the kids knew as our church’s center, became the Satellite
lead others toORIENTATION
God’s promises asMission
well. parents. OurTraining
CenterDefinitely was The two days were the times where the kids
of the JForce.
Command made possible because
became and for
special God. in
agents  training and the adults were the JForce
6 Center
They shall remember that as we lead commanders.
6:30-7:30 DINNER JUNE 5 Energy Lab
7:30-9:00 Preschool
ASSEMBLY Primary Junior
Mission Volunteers When we entered the premises, we were transported to a new world. We
7:00-8:30 BREAKFAST Energy Lab
With special
With headquarter Command were also welcomed by the registration staff, gave us special IDs and
leaders Center instructions. As we saw one kid enter, we saw their smiles reaching from
8:30-9:15 WASH-UP
ear to ear. Some of them, were nervous as they saw new faces. Most of
9:30-10:30 BONFIRE Command
Mission them had mixed emotions because to them, it would be the first time to
Command spend the night without their parents. The parents were even more anxious
Center spending the night without their children.
Training Room
A: Preschool
The Wordless Book
The first day was focused with play. They learned about their mission. They
Training Room learned to enjoy worshipping God through songs. They also witnessed the
B: Primary presence of two agents from the past, Joshua and Caleb, who told them
Training Room about their mission. Before they went to sleep, they had a simulated bonfire
A: Juniors
Training room
inside the air-conditioned Mission Command Center, where they shared
their fears and how they could entrust them to God. Perhaps the most
10:30-10:45 SNACKS Training rooms
exciting part of the night was when they were sent off to sleep in their
10:45-12:00 BREAKOUT Training rooms
respective headquarters. There were 3 headquarters. Two of those tried to
fit around 10 girls with 2 commanders each, and the other tried to fit around
Energy Lab
The attendance rocketed
20 restless boys.

2:00-4:00 Prepare for

40 was the the sun
number thatrose
we the nextGod.
asked morning, we were
We aimed that 40 kids would
sure that what was in store for us was a new
Group be part of the special agents training. God has blessed us with
Performance day filled with hope from the Lord. This day’s
around 30 volunteers
goal was to who aretoparttheof the
share JForceGod’s
students team and staff.
4:00-6:00 FINAL Mission
ASSEMBLY Command promises and how to share it to their friends and
With parents Center Come the 4th of
family June,the
through it Wordless
turns out Book.
that God has raised that number
and more! The lunch,
So after team theywas were
evaluated because
if they aretheready
to share the
hall akaBookMission
to others. Command
After which, they also prepared
Center would with
not their
fit groups
a performance summarizing all they have learned
comfortably that number. Nevertheless, we had had incredibly throughout the camp.
These were performed before their parents during the final assembly.
enjoyed the timeallwith
They those 40+different
showcased kids. talents, and develop creativity and
cooperation with their group. The camp ended with fellowship and dinner.
We have all our own memories in this camp. Indeed these two days are
fun-filled. These are just 2 days, but it began a greater journey with theAssemb
Pre-camp preparations Agents
kids and their parents andfinally arrived
our church. Goodbyes

packed in the JForce team with

bonfire headquarters group presentations
Energy Lab the parents
Message from the Director
My congratulations to all the teachers and volunteers of the
JFORCE team who have given their time and efforts into this
project. I salute all of you for making this vision a reality. What Sussie Co
you had done is not an easy task. CAMP DIRECTOR
Thank you for bringing these children to the saving knowledge
of who Jesus Christ is. You have brought FCCF Sunday
School into a new dimention. Surely, God will be truly pleased Jessica Macaraeg
with this achievement that you have made. PROGRAM HEAD
All for God’s glory!

Malou Macaraeg Jing Hohlmann

Malou Macaraeg
INTENSE: Top 3 reasons why it’s all worth it
By Jessica Macaraeg

Come to think about it, we could have just let #2. Jotham
The students were INTENSE! 40Manlapaz
the summer pass and avoid all the stress excited kids who were feeling on top of
that this camp has brought to all of us. We the world for they were away from their
could have just pursued it the following year parents would be definitely tough to
Glo Rebolledo
where there could be more time for handle. This was where my knowledge of
preparation. But I have listed 3 things, in no classroom management was applied.
particular order why all those efforts were
I could list more, but space is running
worth it. This camp experience could also be Jelly Macaraeg
out. So I could just give the spot to the
summed up in one word: INTENSE. If I PROMOTIONS HEAD
most INTENSE of all:
could, I would include exclamation points all
over the place. Here are the reasons why:
#3. GOD!! He allowed us to experience
Jam Macaraeg
#1. We had an INTENSE team. From DOCUMENTATIONS
the joy of serving these kids and Him, HEAD
and to see young lives and our lives
teachers, to security officers and to the rest
being changed by Him. God hasJoy Dionio-Lim
made it
of the staff, all have shown their committed
all worth it and want us to serve Him HEAD
service, I am blessed to work with them.
more. 

Thank you teachers!— All the glory

Stephen Alvarado, student belongs to God!
--Sussie Co,
All the blood, sweat and tears were
worth it the moment I saw how the kids
enjoyed, and by faith, brought them
closer to Jesus –Jot Manlapaz,

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