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Jhonalyn M.

Business Analytics

1. Choropleth
2. Density Plot
3. Stacked Bar
4. Bar Graph
5. Doughnut

Total Sales Average Performance Accou Years with
1. Salesperson ($) Bonus Previous Years ($) nts Company
Smith, Michael 325,001 12,499 124 14
Yu, Joe 13,678 240 9 7
Reeves, Bill 452,359 21,987 175 21
Hamilton, Joshua 87,424 7,643 28 3
Harper, Derek 87,654 1,250 21 4
Quinn, Dorothy 234,091 14,568 48 9
Graves, Lorrie 379,402 27,981 121 12
Sun, Yi 31,734 673 7 1
Thompson, Nicole 127,845 13,323 17 3
2 Gross Domestic Product (in Billions of US Dollars, $)
Country 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Albania 7.4 8.1 9.7 11.6 10.8 10.6
Argentina 169.7 198.0 241.0 301.3 285.1 339.6
Australia 704.5 758.3 916.9 983.0 934.2 1,178.8
Austria 272.9 290.7 336.8 375.8 344.5 341.4
Belgium 335.6 355.4 408.5 451.7 421.4 416.5

Gross Domestic Product (in Billions of US Dollars, $)

Country 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Albania 7.4 8.1 9.7 11.6 10.8 10.6
Argentina 169.7 198.0 241.0 301.3 285.1 339.6
Australia 704.5 758.3 916.9 983.0 934.2 1,178.8
Austria 272.9 290.7 336.8 375.8 344.5 341.4
Belgium 335.6 355.4 408.5 451.7 421.4 416.5
Brazil 756.8 935.5 1,175.0 1,407.0 1,370.8 1,782.4
Canada 1,056.8 1,193.9 1,332.1 1,404.8 1,245.2 1,469.9
Costa Rica 18.9 21.2 24.7 28.0 28.0 33.9
Czech Republic 111.7 128.7 156.6 194.6 170.9 172.6
Finland 169.9 180.2 214.8 236.6 206.7 207.9
France 1,915.0 2,015.0 2,312.8 2,541.6 2,367.9 2,301.8
Germany 2,516.9 2,632.8 2,984.7 3,258.9 2,973.7 2,966.1
Greece 217.2 234.3 273.8 307.1 292.6 269.1
Ireland 177.7 195.3 229.6 233.3 199.5 186.2
Israel 122.4 133.2 153.4 185.7 178.7 199.8
Italy 1,597.3 1,661.9 1,892.7 2,063.9 1,900.0 1,836.9
Mexico 823.3 928.5 1,011.9 1,085.6 858.3 1,010.3
Netherlands 567.3 600.9 694.8 775.4 708.0 700.8
New Zealand 108.9 105.1 129.0 125.7 112.9 136.2
Peru 72.3 84.4 98.5 117.8 120.4 144.3
Poland 267.8 300.1 371.9 463.4 382.6 413.4
Portugal 165.3 172.9 200.1 218.7 206.0 200.5
Saudi Arabia 317.4 358.4 386.7 477.3 374.4 436.2
Singapore 119.7 139.1 167.0 179.3 173.8 209.7
South Africa 220.3 232.2 254.4 247.5 256.9 328.8
Spain 1,012.0 1,100.0 1,293.2 1,459.0 1,361.0 1,287.9
Switzerland 350.6 368.2 409.2 474.7 464.9 498.2
Turkey 425.5 467.9 579.0 656.6 557.7 655.8
United Kingdom 2,030.3 2,178.0 2,504.6 2,381.9 1,959.2 2,005.6
United States 12,579.7 13,336.3 14,010.9 14,369.5 14,113.3 14,601.6
17 Tasks
Attending Preparing
Required Business Idle
Meetings Reports
Seattle 32% 17% 37% 14%
Portland 52% 11% 24% 13%
Locatio Bend 18% 11% 52% 19%
ns Missoula 21% 6% 43% 30%
Boise 12% 14% 64% 10%
Olympia 17% 12% 54% 17%

a. Time allocation of Store Managers

Ol ympi a
Boi s e
Mi s s oul a

Portl a nd
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Percentage of Time

Idl e Customer Interaction

Prepari ng Bus i nes s Reports Attendi ng Requi red Meetings

Time allocation of Store Managers
Ol ympia

Boi s e

Mi s s oul a


Portl and

Seattl e

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Percentage of Time
Attendi ng Requi red Meetings Preparing Bus i nes s Reports
Customer Interaction Idl e
Percentage of Time
Attendi ng Requi red Meetings Preparing Bus i nes s Reports
Customer Interaction Idl e
c. Time Allocation of Store Managers in Seattle
Idl e

Customer Intera ction


Prepari ng Busi nes s Reports

Attendi ng Requi red Meetings

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Percentage of Time

Time Allocation of Store Managers in Portland

Idl e

Customer Intera ction


Prepari ng Bus i nes s Reports

Attendi ng Requi red Meetings

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Percentage of Time

Time Allocation of Store Managers in Bend

Idl e

Customer Intera ction


Prepa ring Bus i nes s Reports

Attending Requi red Meetings

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Percentage of Time
Attending Requi red Meetings

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Percentage of Time
Time Allocation of Store Managers in Missoula
Idl e

Customer Intera ction


Prepari ng Bus i nes s Reports

Attendi ng Requi red Meetings

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Percentage of Time

Time Allocation of Store Managers in Boise

Idl e

Customer Interaction

Prepa ri ng Bus i nes s Reports

Attendi ng Required Meetings

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Percentage of Time

Time Allocation of Store Managers in Olympia

Idl e

Customer Interaction

Prepa ring Bus i nes s Reports

Attendi ng Required Meetings

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Percentage of Time
Attendi ng Required Meetings

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Percentage of Time
d. The form of bar chart preferable for these data is clustered bar chart because you
can easily and clearly compared the datas unlike with stacked chart and unlike with
multiple chart where you have to create a lot of chart, with clustered bar chart you onlyneed one.
need one.

e. In all location, except with Portland, their store managers spend a lot of their time
with customer interactions. In Portland, store managers has a lot of time in
attending required meetings.

Expected Rate of Risk Capital Invested
Project Return (%) Estimate (Millions $)
1 12.6 6.8 6.4
2 14.8 6.2 45.8
3 9.2 4.2 9.2
4 6.1 6.2 17.2
5 21.4 8.2 34.2
6 7.5 3.2 14.8

Risk and Return of R&D projects

Risk Estimate

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Expected Rate of Return (%)

b. Projects that appear to be located on the efficient frontier are projects 5,2 and 1.
rt because you
nd unlike with
ar chart you onlyneed one.

ot of their time

cts 5,2 and 1.

Revenue ($)
a. Company Jan Feb Mar Apr Ma Jun
Blue Sky Media 8,995 9,285 11,555 9,530 11,230 13,600
Innovate Technologies 18,250 16,870 19,580 17,260 18,290 16,250
Timmler Company 8,480 7,650 7,023 6,540 5,700 4,930
Accelerate, Inc. 28,325 27,580 23,450 22,500 20,800 19,800
Allen and Davis, LLC 4,580 6,420 6,780 7,520 8,370 10,100
Smith Ventures 17,500 16,850 20,185 18,950 17,520 18,580

b. As illustrated above, we can see that Timmler Company and Accelerate, Inc. are the companies that have
decreasing revenues over the six months. While company Allen and Davis, LLC has exhibited the most
consistent growth over the six months. On the other hand, the three remaining companies, Blue Sky
Media, Innovate Technologies and Smith Ventures have revenues that are both increasing and decreasing
over the six months.

c. Just by looking to it once, you'll find sparklines to be better than heat map in communicating the
trend of revenues over the six months. Heat map is confusing because the only indicator you have
is theiir colors which is hard to understand.

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