July Bulletin

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Bulletin July 2008

Issue 33

Communities & Local Government

CSIP South West has recently Target shake up delivers stronger focus on
issues that matter to the public
changed to a new communications
system. To contact CSIP employees The results of a comprehensive shake up of council
please use the following email targets and priorities were published recently.
combination The priorities - agreed in partnership with central
Firstname.Surname@csip.org.uk government - show the pattern of issues across
(e.g. carol.prescott@csip.org.uk) England that councils will now have to grapple with
over the next three years.

Click below to read the full news article.

National News
Department of Health
World Class Commissioning Assurance System
The chosen priorities in every local area in England
can be viewed at:
The delivery of the world class commissioning vision
and competencies will take place within a
commissioning assurance system. This will drive
peformance and development, and reward PCTs as
they move towards becoming world class
commissioners. Department of Health
Health Secretary’s Goal to Tackle Health
Click below to view or download a copy of this Inequalities
The Government's commitment to tackling health
http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Managingyourorganisation/C inequalities and helping the most deprived
ommissioning/Worldclasscommissioning/Assurance/i communities was set out by Health Secretary Alan
ndex.htm Johnson on 10 June 2008 together with details of
£34 million to fund programmes to support local

Click below to view or download the full news article.


Page 1 of 8
National Offender Management Service Department of Health
The Offender Management Guide to Working with Carers at the heart of 21st century families and
Women Offenders communities: a caring system on your side, a life
of your own
This document gives guidance to probation areas,
offender managers and Regional Offender Managers The carers' strategy sets out the Government's short-
and Directors of Offender Management, to improve term agenda and long-term vision for the future care
service delivery to women in the criminal justice and support of carers.
system to help them to reduce their offending. The
intention is to promote the best possible provision for The carers' strategy is underpinned by £255 million
this, generally vulnerable, offender group at all to implement some immediate steps alongside with
stages of their ‘journey’ through the criminal justice medium and long-term plans.
system, with the aim of breaking cycles of re-
offending and, where appropriate, providing effective Click below to view or download a copy of this
alternatives to custody for socially excluded women document.
at risk of offending .
Click below to view or download a copy of this blications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_0853
document. 45

Department of Health
Strategic Health Authorities’ Visions for Better
NHS Confederation
Cabinet Champion Needed for Better Mental Each of the nine Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs)
Health for All, says new Coalition involved in the Review published their visions for
better healthcare during May and early June 2008.
A New Vision for Mental Health, from the Future These vision documents will be the basis of Lord
Vision Coalition', calls for action to build on the Darzi’s final Our NHS, our future report, which will
successes of the National Service Framework (NSF) enable and support their delivery.
for Mental Health, to put mental wellbeing at the
centre of public policy and to improve the quality of Click below to view or download a copy of the South
life of all people with mental health problems. West Vision

Click below to view or download the full press http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Pu

release. blications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_0854
http://www.nhsconfed.org/issues/mediacentre- Web

Department of Health South West News

Transforming the quality of dementia care -
consultation on a National Dementia Strategy CSIP South West
Health, Social Care & Criminal Justice (HSCCJ)
The Government's first National Dementia Strategy Programme
consultation document was published recently. The
Strategy is one of the first national strategies that The HSCCJ has developed an area on the CSIP
focuses on the Commissioner's responsibility in South West website. To visit these pages click
delivering high quality services. This is a move away below.
from previous national strategies that has expected
providers to drive improvements. http://www.southwest.csip.org.uk/our-work/health--
Click below to view or download a copy of the
Consultation paper.


Page 2 of 8
Publications & Resources
The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services
Mental Health into the Mainstream – An ADASS
Discussion Paper
National Offender Management Service
National Service Framework – Improving This discussion paper calls for a new, ten-year,
Services to Women Offenders cross-government national strategy for mental health
and wellbeing focusing on eight priorities:
This is a strategic framework to achieve improved • Enabling people to live ordinary lives,
and effective service delivery to women in the • Putting the person first,
Criminal Justice System to enable them to reduce
their offending. • Safeguarding people,
• Developing effective and accessible services,
Click below to view or download a copy of this • Creating a mentally healthy society,
document. • Supporting people who care for people with
mental health problems,
• Building capacity in public services.
08?view=Binary • Taking forward Vision 2015: the future of
mental health, published by the Sainsbury
Centre for Mental Health, the NHS
Confederation, the Local Government and
Association of Directos of Adult Social Services
Mental Health Foundation
in 2006
Keeping the Faith – Spirituality and Recovery
from Mental Health Problems
Click below to view or download a copy of the
The potential for a positive relationship between
spirituality and mental wellbeing has been illustrated
previously by the Mental Health Foundation but how
this is occurs at a practice level has been largely left
unexplored. This report, funded by the Department of
Health, explores how spiritual activities as part of an
integrative approach can support the mental health
and healing of individuals.
A Collective Responsibility to Act Now on Ageing
Click below to view or download a copy of this and Mental Health – A Consensus Statement
Formal consultation on the National Dementia
http://www.southwest.csip.org.uk/silo/files/keeping- Strategy for England has begun - the organisations
the-faith.pdf endorsing this statement firmly believe it should mark
only the starting point of a comprehensive
commitment to address the full range of mental
health problems in later life. Dementia cannot and
should not be seen in isolation from the rest of
mental illness in older people. For instance
depression affects three times as many older people
as dementia. It is essential that the funding and
resources necessary are made available to
implement sustained improvements across the
spectrum of later life mental disorder, which must
also include a focus on mental health promotion.

Click below to view a copy of this document


Page 3 of 8
National Statistics The Equalities Review
Attitudes to Mental Illness 2008 Research Report Engendered Penalties: Transgender and
Transsexual People’s Experiences of Inequality
This report presents the findings of a survey of and Discrimination
attitudes towards mental illness among adults in
England. Questions on this topic have been asked as This research project was undertaken for the
part of TNS's face-to-face Omnibus since 1994. The Equalities Review between the period of July 14th
most recent previous surveys in the series were and September 1st 2006. During this 6 week period,
carried out in 2003 and 2007. the researchers undertook a mixed quantitative/
The aim of these surveys is to monitor public qualitative approach to collecting and analysing
attitudes towards mental illness, and to track information on transgender and transsexual people’s
changes over time. experiences of inequality and discrimination in the
Click below to view or download a copy of this report.
This report is an analysis and summary of the results
http://www.londondevelopmentcentre.org/cms/site/do obtained, and it outlines the levels of inequality and
cs/Bulletin/July%2008/DH_084573[1].pdf discrimination that trans people face.

Click below to view or download a copy of this

Social Care Institute for Excellence
Experiences of children and young people caring http://www.southwest.csip.org.uk/silo/files/engendere
for a parent with a mental health problem d-penalties.pdf

This briefing focuses on the experiences of children

and young people under 18 years of age caring for a
parent or parents defined as having mental health Department of Health
problems that are ‘serious’ or ‘severe’, and Support, Time & Recovery (STR) Worker – A
‘enduring’. Competence Framework

Click below to view or download a copy of this This Best Practice Guidance sets out the
briefing paper. background; purpose; and development of the
Competence Framework for Support, Time and
http://www.scie.org.uk/publications/briefings/files/scar Recovery (STR) workers employed across health
e24.pdf and social care sectors.

Click below to view or download a copy of this

Department of Health
Mental Health Act 2007: Report on the http://www.southwest.csip.org.uk/silo/files/str-
Consultation Exercises on the Draft Revised workers--a-competence-framework.pdf
Code of Practice and Secondary Legislation

This report covers the consultation exercises

conducted from 24 October 2007 to 24 January 2008
on the draft revised Code of Practice to the Mental
Health Act 1983 and on the secondary legislation to
be made in the light of the Mental Health Act 2007. It
details the process, analyses the responses received
and explains which comments were accepted and
which discarded and why.

Click below to view or download a copy of this



Page 4 of 8
National Events Substance
After the Event: Culture and Sport – Access &
Changing Minds, Social Perspectives Network, Legacies
Social Care Institute for Excellence 15 & 16 July 2008
Power to the People? A study day exploring Bridgewater Hall, Manchester
personalisation in mental health
8 July 2008 -10.00am – 4.00pm This conference will focus on events of every hue -
The Sturtridge Suite, Weedon Road, NN5 5BG, from the global to the local; from the mega to the
Northampton mini; from cultural to sports. It will ask: ‘How do we
make them ‘open’? How do we make them work for
This study day is open to all service users, careers, us? What do we mean by legacy?’
practitioners, managers, commissioners, academics
and other people interested in sharing good practice Click below for further information.
and examining the challenges for all the stakeholders
in realising the promise of this bold new agenda. http://app.e2ma.net/app/view:CampaignPublic/id:594
Click below for further information or  020 7089 7da

Department of Health
Towards a Strategy to Support Volunteering in
Health and Social Care
2 September 2008
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Somerset County Cricket Club, Taunton TA1 1JT
The Heart & Soul of Change. What Works in
Therapy? The Department of Health launched on the 3rd June
14 July 2008 2008, a ‘Vision towards a Volunteering Strategy’, for
EMMTEC Building, University of Lincoln consultation. The aim is to promote the role of
volunteering in the context of health and social care
This workshop will provide a detailed recipe for reform, and inform improvements to support
enhancing what works based upon the empirically volunteering across the health and social care
validated guidelines of how change actually happens system.
in therapy.
For further information and a booking form, please
Click below for further information. go to:

http://www.southwest.csip.org.uk/silo/files/heart-- http://www.southwest.csip.org.uk/silo/files/towards-
soul-workshop.doc strategy-to-support-volunteering-in-health-and-social-

Neil Stewart Association

Transforming Social Care: Putting People First Nacro
15 July 2008 Improving Health, Supporting Justice: Meeting
Jurys Great Russell Street Hotel, London the Challenge
3-4 September 2008
This is a milestone conference for senior managers University of Derby
and policy makers in adult social care from health,
local government, the voluntary and private sectors. ‘Improving Health, Supporting Justice’, strategy for
It will provide a unique opportunity to bring together offender health and social care, sets out a template
the full range of players from the Putting People First to meet the mental health needs along the criminal
consortium and provide high level policy guidance justice pathway and includes both those offenders
and feedback on how this change is being taken being resettled from prison and those supervised in
forward. the community.

Click below for further information or  020 7324 Click below for further information or  020 7840
4363, 6466,


Page 5 of 8
B-U Events Ltd
Pavilion Dual Diagnosis – Clinical Skills Conference
Future Challenges – Exploring creative ways for 8 October 2008
mental health education and training to bridge Leicester Racecourse, Oadby, Leicester
the gaps between legislation, policy and practice
10 & 11 September 2008 Living with Dual Diagnosis, mental health and
Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham substance use means a complex presentation to
services, which, at times do not hold the key skills to
This conference will examine the role of address the issues. This conference aims to discuss
education and training as an essential bridge these issues and explore ways of moving services
between legislation, policy and practice. This forward for service users.
will be done through:
• presentations on the key themes of Click below for further details or  07527 201051 or
07964 698163
implementing legislation and
consolidating recent innovative
initiatives in education and training
• concurrent sessions concentrating on
specific areas and challenges for
education and training
• a concluding session to evaluate the Association of Directors of Social Services & Local
conference, draw together key messages Government Association
and set the scene for the 2009 National Children and Adult Services (NCAS)
conference. Conference
22-24 October 2008
Click below for further information or  0870 890 Liverpool Arena & Convention Centre
The theme for this conference is “Sharing the Vision -
http://www.pavpub.com/pavpub/conferences/showfull Shaping the Future”.
The programme will consist of a mix of keynote/
ministerial addresses and other significant plenary
sessions by key players in the adult and children
sectors. There will also be the opportunity to take
Cygnet Health Care
part in a variety of participatory breakouts and
Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Adults with
networking sessions.
Autistic Spectrum Disorder
2 October 2008
Click below for further details or  01609 532705
Royal College of Physicians 11 St Andrews Place,
Regent’s Park, London NW1 4LE http://www.adss.org.uk/events/2008/conf08.shtm
The conference will address the mental health
problems that affect adults with Autistic Spectrum
Disorders (ASDs). Experts in the field will give an
overview of how mental health problems present with
ASDs, including what they are, how common they
are, and what causes them.

Click below for further information or  01438



Page 6 of 8
NHS Employers CSIP South West
Leading Workforce Thinking Dementia Strategy Consultation Event
4-6 November 2008 17 July 2008
International Conference Centre, Birmingham The Warspite Room, Council House, Civic Centre,
Royal Parade, Plymouth
This conference promises a high quality programme,
innovative thinking from high profile speakers and Following the Department of Health Listening events,
the chance to make connections through networking the National Dementia Strategy is due for publication
with colleagues. in early June. This event will explore the content and
how this will be taken forward by health and social
The conference offers a unique opportunity for care organisations. The final publication is due in
healthcare leaders to discuss workforce issues, October 2008 following this period of consultation.
exchange views and ideas and expand their
knowledge. Featuring a mix of thought-provoking The flyer is available at:
plenary sessions, interactive workshops, in-depth
masterclasses and a first class exhibition, this http://www.southwest.csip.org.uk/silo/files/dementia-
important event is your chance to take a step back strategy-flyeer.pdf
from your day job, learn and be inspired.
and a booking form from:
Click below for further information.
http://www.nhsemployers.org/toolkit/conference.cfm strategy-rsvp.doc

South West Events

CSIP South West
Dementia Strategy Consultation Event
23 July 2008
Care Services Improvement Partnership – Valuing British Airways Workers Association Healthcare
People Support Team & Leisure Centre, Southmead Road, Filton,
Supporting People with Complex Needs Bristol
8 July 2008
The Royal Hotel, South Parade, Weston Super Following the Department of Health Listening events,
Mare the National Dementia Strategy is due for publication
in early June. This event will explore the content and
A number of people will deliver presentation relating how this will be taken forward by health and social
to services, networks and therapies to help support care organisations. The final publication is due in
people with complex needs. October 2008 following this period of consultation.

For further information, please contact Jackie The flyer is available at:
Edwards, Valuing People Carer Co-ordinator on
01934 875643 Jackie.Edwards@ukonline.co.uk http://www.southwest.csip.org.uk/silo/files/dementia-

and a booking form from:


Page 7 of 8
Equality South West
Get Involved in the LGBT Health Summit
4-5 September 2008
BAWA Healthcare & Leisure Centre, Bristol
South Somerset MIND - Re-Launch & Open Day
The theme of this year’s summit is Equality and 24 July 2008 - 10.00am – 3.00pm
Diversity. The key objectives are to: The Markwick Centre, Dampier Street, Yeovil.
BA21 4EN
 raise awareness of differences in health
outcomes affecting LGBT people; For further information about this event  01935
 share ideas and good practice regarding the 474875 or 01935 410138
removal of barriers to service access for LGBT
 focus on the specific and differing needs of a
broad range of LGBT people, including older Voluntary Action Swindon
people, BME communities, disabled people Swindon LINk Development Officer
and those living in rural settings; Full time, 35 hours/week
 foster partnership working and to make £23,749 - £25,320 pa + up to 5% pension
recommendations about improving health contribution
outcomes for LGBT people. Closing date: 4 July 2008, 4pm
Interview date: week commencing 14 July 08
Click below for further information.
Voluntary Action Swindon is a local charity
http://www.lgbthealth.co.uk/userimages/Abstract_sub supporting voluntary groups in the community. There
mission_form_FINAL_07_05_08.doc is an opportunity for an outstanding individual to
support and develop the Swindon Local Involvement
Network (LINk):

For further details and an application form, you can

Newsletters/Web Links visit the website at: http://www.vas-swindon.org
Equality South West
News from Equality South West The successful applicants will be subject to a CRB
Click below to view or download a copy of the July

http://www.southwest.csip.org.uk/silo/files/news- To contribute to forthcoming CSIP SW Bulletins

from-equality-south-west--july-2008.doc send information to Carol Prescott, by no later
than 20th of each month, at

Mind in Taunton & West Somerset For more details about forthcoming EVENTS,
E-Bulletin and contact details for the CSIP SW team,
go to http://www.southwest.csip.org.uk, or
Click below to view or download copies of their most contact the CSIP SW office on 01278 432002.
recent Bulletins.


South Somerset Mind


Click below to view or download a copy of the most

recent Bulletin.


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