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Scene 1:

(Alfredo walking sa kalsada tas nakita nya si Julia bumibili sa tindahan)

Alfredo: (lumapit kay Julia; natutuwa) Good morning.

(Julia looked at him; quiet; tumalikod)

Alfredo: I thought you already went away. I've been thinking about you.

Julia: No, my sister told me to stay for awhile until they're ready to leave.

Alfredo: Oh, the judge is leaving too?

(Julia nodded; *long pause*)

Julia: (tumingin kay Alfredo; smile) By the way, Mr. Salazar, I would like to congratulate you.

Alfreo: (confused) For what?

Julia: For your approaching wedding.

(Alfredo shocked)

Julia: I should have congratulated you sooner, but I just recently heard the news.

(*long pause*)

Julia: So when is it going to be?

Alfredo: (thinking) This May. Will you come?

Julia: Why not?

Alfredo: So you will?

Julia: If you'd ask me to.

Alfredo: I am asking you.

Julia: Then I'll be there.

(*long pause*; lakad na paalis si Julia)

Alfredo: (hinabol si Julia) Julia... did you ever have to choose between something you wanted
to do and something you had to do?

Julia: No.
Alfredo: Well you're lucky. But if you had, then maybe you'd understand my situation.

Julia: Are you sure of what you're doing?

Alfredo: I don't know. Maybe not. But I have to do it. I have no choice.

Julia: Then why... (voice shaking)

Alfredo: Julia...

Julia: No (head shaking) It doesn't matter. It's your problem after all. I should go now.

Alfredo: But Julia...

Julia: Goodbye, Alfredo. (walks away; about to cry)

(nasa likod si Esperanza nakita sila)

Sidescene 1: Flashback ni Esperanza

(Nasa bahay ni Esperanza)

Esperanza: Oh, Carmen. What are you doing here, my beautiful sister in law?

Carmen: (Chuckles) This is the reason why I like you for Alfredo.

Esperanza: Why are you here? Is there something bothering you?

Carmen: I just miss you. I don’t see you and my brother as often as before. Are you both fine?

Esperanza: Don’t worry, Carmen. We're fine. You know how busy your brother is with work.

Carmen: Is he? But why does he always go out with Julia Salas.

Esperanza: (confused) Julia Salas?

Carmen: Yes, Judge del Valle's sister in law. Didn’t Alfredo mention it to you?

Esperanza: I don’t know. Maybe she's not worth mentioning.

Carmen: But they’re getting closer for my liking. If I haven’t known Alfredo I might think Julia is

his fiancée.

Esperanza: I am not in the position to be jealous, Carmen. We are engaged, he does not love

somebody else.
Carmen: I just don’t understand, four years ago, he was so crazy over you but now, it’s like he’s

tired of—

Esperanza: Stop thinking whatever it is, Carmen. I’m going to get your food and drink. I'll go
ask him about that later.

(Back to present; umalis na si Esperanza)

Scene 2:

(Nasa office si Alfredo)

Alfredo: (nakaupo; nagiisip)

(Dumating bigla si Esperanza)

Esperanza: There you are. I knew you'd be here.

Alfredo: Esperanza, what are you doing here?

Esperanza: I just came to visit. Is there something wrong with that?

Alfredo: No, it's just... I'm really busy right now.

Esperanza: (naupo) I just wanted to talk to you. We haven't been going out much anymore
because you're always so busy.

Alfredo: What do you want to talk about?

Esperanza: Have you heard the news about Calixta?

Alfredo: Calixta? Our note-carrier?

Esperanza: Yes. I heard she's living with a guy she isn't married to.

Alfredo: So? What about it?

Esperanza: She isn't married to him, besides, she should have thought of us. Nanay practically

brought her up. We never thought she would turn out bad.

Alfredo: How are you so positive about her badness?

Esperanza: Well, do you agree?

Alfredo: Of what?

Esperanza: Of what she did.

Alfredo: No

Esperanza: Well?

Alfredo: All I say is that it isn't necessarily bad.

Esperanza: Why shouldn’t it be? You know, you talk like an – immoral man. I didn't know that

your ideas were like that.

Alfredo: My ideas? Look, I just want to apply to conduct the test of fairness. Am I injuring

anybody? No? Then I am justified in my conscience. You're saying she's living with a man to

whom she isn't married – is that it? It may be wrong, and again it may not.

Esperanza: She has injured us. She was ungrateful.

Alfredo: (angry) The problem with you, Esperanza, is that you are –

Esperanza: Why do you get angry? I don't understand you anymore! I think I know why you

have been acting so indifferent to me lately. I'm not blind, nor deaf; I see and hear things people

are probably trying to keep from me! (*pause*) Why don’t you just tell me the truth? Before it’s

too late. You don’t need to think of me or what other people will have to say. Just say it directly!

Alfredo: Yes, one tries to be fair – according to his lights – but it is hard. One would like to be

fair to one’s self first – (SLAP)

Esperanza: What do you mean? Whatever my shortcomings, and no doubt they are many in

your eyes, I have never gone out of my way, out of my place, to find a man. Just tell me directly.

Alfredo: Esperanza – you – suppose I –

Esperanza: Suppose you what? Suppose you take back your word? Why don’t you just tell me
if you are tired of me? Why don’t you tell me there’s someone else? (*cries; hug ni Alfredo)

Sidescene 2: Aalis na si Julia

Judge: Julia, we should get going now. It'll get dark soon.

Julia: (nod; binitbit baggage)

Judge: Don't you want to say goodbye to your friend, Alfredo, before we leave?

Julia: (sad) No. There's no need for that. He doesn't matter to me anymore.

Judge: (sympathetic) Ok, if you say so.

(Ride car; leave)

Scene 3: Fast forward sa marriage

Scene 4: Several years later

Alfredo: (walk papunta sa car) Good afternoon, Mr. President.

President: Ah, Atty. Salazar. Nice to meet you. (Shake hands)

Alfredo: My pleasure, sir. Just call me Alfredo.

President: Then Alfredo, about my case. I've finally found a possible witness.

Alfredo: That's great news, sir. Who is he?

President: His name is Brigida Samuy. But he lives far away though, in Sta. Cruz.

Alfredo: (surprised) Sta. Cruz?

(*flashback sa time na sinabi ni Julia her hometown is Sta. Cruz*)

President: Yes, in Sta. Cruz. We need to go and find him.

Alfredo: I've heard about that place. I've always wanted to go there.

President: That's great then. (looks at watch) We should get going now.

Alfredo: Yes, sir.

(Ride car; leave)

Sidescene 4: Esperanza
Esperanza: (sitting by the window) *sigh* Even though we're already married, Alfredo is still so
busy with work. (*pause*) I wonder when he'll be back.

Scene 5: Arrive at Sta. Cruz; Gabi na

(Baba sa car)

Alfredo: Sta. Cruz... (remembers Julia)

President: Finally we're here. It's already late though. We should find a place to stay for the

Alfredo: Um, Mr. President. Would you mind if I'd look around the place just a little bit?

President: Oh sure. Go ahead. I'll just give you a call once I found a place.

Alfredo: Thank you very much, sir.

Scene 6: Julia

Julia: (nakaupo sa labas ng bahay; malakas hangin)

Alfredo: Good evening.

Julia: Alfredo? What are you doing here?

Alfredo: On some business trip.

Julia: Well how did you find out where I live?

Alfredo: I've asked the some people for the house of the prettiest woman in town.

Julia: (smile, quiet, *pause*)

Alfredo: So how have you been?

Julia: Shouldn't I be the one asking you that? How is it being married to Esperanza?

Alfredo: We're fine, of course.

(*long pause*)

Alfredo: (stands up) I should be going now.

Julia: (stands up) Don't you want to come inside?

Alfredo: (shakes head) No, it's fine. I've only come here to see how you are— and now that I
know you're fine, I should say goodbye to you for the last time. (offers hand)

Julia: (hesitantly takes his hand; shake hands)

Alfredo: Goodbye, Ms. Julia Salas.

Julia: Goodbye, Mr. Salazar.

(Alfredo starts to leave; looks at the stars while walking; then looks behind at Julia)

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