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SCENE 1: (In his room, Alfredo thinks what had happened)

Alfredo’s Thoughts: Several weeks ago, I am very much sure of my love for Esperanza, but Julia came, that
Julia Salas whom at first meant nothing to me. I didn’t even know her name before but now – is it greed?
Am I being unfair to the both of them? If only I didn’t come with my Dad that time, will everything not


(Don Julian knocks)

Don Julian: Alfredo, are you busy? Can you come with me?

Alfredo: Sort of, but where?

Don Julian: To Judge Del Valle’s. I have something to discuss with her.

Alfredo: Fine, just give me a minute.

SCENE 2: (At the salas, Carmen and Don Julian talks about Alfredo and Esperanza)

Carmen: Papa, Alfredo seems to be so quiet lately.

Don Julian: Maybe he’s been deeply in thought of his marriage.

Carmen: I wonder why he seems to be still thinking about getting married. He is over thirty and still a
bachelor! I’m sure Esperanza’s already tired of waiting.

Don Julian: She does not seem to be in much of a hurry either.

Carmen: How can a woman be in a hurry when the man does not hurry her? Papa, do you remember how
much in love he was?

Don Julian: In love? With whom?

Carmen: With Esperanza, of course. I remember the time when he told me about the first time he went to
Esperanza’s House. What I mean is that at the beginning he was enthusiastic – flowers, serenades, notes
and things like that –

*FLASHBACK* (4 years ago)

(Alfredo knocks at the door looking so nervous; Esperanza’s mom opens the door)

Mother: Oh, Alfredo what brought you here? And what’s with those flowers?
Alfredo: (Looks very shy) Good evening, Tita. Well as you can see, I am here for Esperanza and to talk to
you about something.

Mother: Is that so? Okay. Please come in and don’t be too nervous young man. I think you’re about to

(Alfredo laughs and sits at the sofa; meanwhile Esperanza is going downstairs)

Mother: Esperanza come here, someone’s looking for you.

Esperanza: Okay Mom, I’m coming.

(Alfredo handed Esperanza the flowers and she sits beside him)

Mother: So you two, I think you have some explaining to do. Are you dating?

Alfredo: To be honest Tita yes, but still we’d like to ask for your approval and blessings.

Mother: Well you two are old enough to handle these kind of things, so who am I to disapprove. And
besides, I believe that Alfredo’s a great man.

Esperanza: Really Mom? Oh thank you so much. That means a lot to us.

(Esperanza hugs her mother)

Alfredo: If you don’t mind Tita and Esperanza, I’m going home since it’s getting late.

Esperanza: Hey, come join us for dinner.

Alfredo: As much as I would love to, but you know lawyer duties.

Esperanza: Oh, I almost forgot. Okay but let me come with you outside.

Mother: I’ll leave you two here and prepare our dinner. You sure can’t join us?

Alfredo: Yes Tita, I’ll just make it up to the both of you next time.

Mother: No problem with that. (Waves goodbye/send her farewell to Alfredo)

(Alfredo and Esperanza walk to the gate, or where his car was parked; Alfredo looks at Esperanza and
noticed how happy she was)

Alfredo: Are you really that happy? Seems like you can’t get that smile off your face.

Esperanza: Of course I am. Who wouldn’t be? Let’s go to your house next time. It’s been long since I last
talked to Carmen.

Alfredo: You’ll go there to bond with Carmen only?

Esperanza: Of course. I miss her so much. (tells this as if she’s teasing Alfredo)

Alfredo: Fine, I’m going home, and I’ll make sure that when you go there, Carmen’s not around so that I
won’t be neglected.

Esperanza: Sure, whatever you please (laughing)

(Alfredo and Esperanza wave goodbye at each other and Alfredo went to his car)


Carmen: What do you think happened?

Don Julian: I suppose long-engaged people are like that: warm now, cool tomorrow. I think they’re
oftener cool than warm. Come to think of it, Carmen, the very fact that an engagement has been allowed
to prolong itself argues a certain placidity of temperament – or of affection – on the part of either or
both. That phase you were speaking of is natural enough for a beginning. Besides, as I see it, was Alfredo’s
race with escaping youth. A last spurt of hot blood.

Carmen: (laughs) I suppose that could be a reason.

SCENE 3: (Continuation of Flashback Scene 1 at Judge Del Valle’s House)

Judge: Welcome Don Julian! Is this your son?

Don Julian: Ah yes. He’s Alfredo.

Alfredo: It’s nice to meet you.

(Julia’s entrance; the door opens)

Judge: Oh there you are my dear. I thought you were going to leave me here and accompany our guests
all alone. By the way, this is Julia.

Julia: (shakes hands with the both of them) A pleasure to meet you.

Alfredo: A pleasure meeting you too Miss Del Valle.

Judge: Julia, where’s Adela?

Julia: She says she’ll go downstairs when the meal’s ready.

SCENE 4: (Fast forward after the dinner)

(Don Julian and Judge Del Valle were talking about some cases)
Don Julian: So how’s your recent case going on?

Judge: You mean with that murder case? It’s a pretty difficult one though.

Don Julian: As what I expected (laughs)

Doña Adela: Hey, why do you call my cousin Ms. Del Valle?

Alfredo: Why? Isn’t she a Del Valle? (somehow confused)

Doña Adela: No, silly man. She’s my cousin. So technically, she’s the judge’s niece.

Alfredo: (looks at Julia) I’m –

Judge: The night is young Don Julian. Would you mind if we play chess as we chat? I feel like playing a
little game of logic.

Don Julian: Anything you prefer.

Doña Adela: I’ll go get the chess board. Please make yourself at home.

Don Julian & Alfredo: All right.

Julia: Please excuse me. I’ll be in the balcony in case you need anything.

Alfredo: Would you want me to keep you company for a while? I’m not really fond of playing chess.
(pause) Of course, if you don’t mind.

Julia: (Smiles) Not at all.

(At the balcony)

Alfredo: I apologize for calling you Miss Del Valle. You should have corrected me earlier.

Julia: That is nothing. Each time I was about to correct you but I remember a similar experience I had once

Alfredo: Oh?

Julia: A man named Manalang – I kept calling him Manalo. After the tenth time or so, the young man rose
from his seat and said suddenly, “Pardon me, but my name is Manalang, Manalang!” And from that day
on, I never forgave him.

(They laughed together)

Julia: And you know that time, I realized that its always better to make the person realize his mistakes on
his own.
Alfredo: As you did this time. Shall we try it again? My name is Alfredo Salazar.

Julia: And I’m Julia. Julia Salas (shakes hand; pause) Oh look at the skies today. They look extraordinarily
bright and beautiful.

Alfredo: (while looking at Julia) Absolutely beautiful indeed.

SCENE 5: (At the living room)(Don Julian, Carmen, Esperanza, and Alfredo Scene)

(Even though Esperanza’s talking here about their marriage, she seems uneasy; she felt something wrong)

Don Julian: So when will your wedding be?

Esperanza: We want our wedding to be as quick as possible yet well prepared, so Alfredo and I decided to
schedule it in three months’ time.

Carmen: In three months? Is that enough time? How about the guests?

Alfredo: We think so. After all, the parish priest is a very close friend of the family. And about the guests,
we got the reception covered.

Esperanza: We called some of our friends who are to come and help us, so it won’t be much of a problem.

Carmen: You didn’t even ask for our help.

Esperanza: (coughs) Oh Carmen don’t be so sad. We would still need you for the arrangements with the

Carmen: All right. It just makes me excited because finally my brother’s gonna marry the girl of his dreams

Don Julian: If everything’s arranged then, I guess there would be no problem.

Esperanza: If you’ll excuse us, I think we have some talking to do (laughs)

Carmen: Sure go ahead.

(Esperanza & Alfredo Scene)

(Esperanza becomes serious and sad at the same time.

Esperanza: I see that you’ve been very busy lately.

Alfredo: Yes and sorry about that. I am almost done.

Esperanza: Even on Sundays, you seem to forget to wait for me outside the church.

Alfredo: I just had a lot of paper works to do. I help Papa on some cases and go to Judge Del Valle’s house.
(becomes uneasy remembering that for several Sundays he had been with Julia instead; long pause)

Esperanza: I understand with your job and all. I’m just … (sighs)

Alfredo: Are you okay?

Esperanza: I’m just used of your presence every Sunday but lately I’ve been standing outside the church
alone. Maybe I just missed you.

Alfredo: Hey is something bothering you?

Esperanza: Earlier after church, someone asked me if you cancelled our wedding which scared me half to
death. Please tell me they’re wrong, Alfredo.

Alfredo: Come here (held Esperanza’s both hands) Listen to me, Esperanza. People always have
something to say. And I’m sorry for neglecting you lately. I promise I’ll make it up to you.

SCENE 6: The Sixth Week (Another Sunday at Judge Del Valle’s)

(Alfredo sees Julia at the balcony again; he goes there)

Julia: Oh you’re here again.

Alfredo: (laughs) Obviously.

Julia: (looks at the stars) They’re beautiful aren’t they?

Alfredo: But not as beautiful as you.

Julia: Oh please, Alfredo.

Alfredo: Up here I find – something –

Julia: (laughs woman-like; asking) Amusement?

Alfredo: No, youth – its spirit.

Julia: Are you so old?

Alfredo: And heart’s desire. Down there, the road is too broad, too trodden by feet, too barren of

Julia: Mystery? You lawyers always go on about mystery.

Alfredo: Not always (looks into Julia’s eyes) But you are also a mystery.

Julia: You have known me for only a few weeks; so the mystery.

Alfredo: I could study you all my life but you would still remain a mystery.

Julia: For so long?

Alfredo: I would like to.

SCENE 7: (Before the Holy Week at Don Julian’s house) (Don Julian, Carmen, Alfredo at the living room)

Don Julian: I am planning to have a simple lunch with the Del Valles and you two should come. Take
Esperanza with you also.

Carmen: On Sunday? (Don Julian nods at Carmen’s question) Sure, I think I don’t have much to do.

Alfredo: I’ll call Esperanza to see if she’s free on Sunday.

(Alfredo calls Esperanza)

Alfredo: Hey are you free this Sunday?

Esperanza: Why? Are we going out on a date?

Alfredo: Well perhaps and I wish. But Papa wanted to have a lunch with the Del Valles.

Esperanza: Wait, I’ll just check on my schedule (pause) Oh, too bad I have to attend something across

Alfredo: Maybe I’ll just come with you.

Esperanza: No need. It’s just for my Women’s Club. You’d get bored with it anyway (laughs)

Alfredo: All right if you say so.

Esperanza: Enjoy yourselves there, bye!

(Call ends)

Carmen: What did she say? Is she coming?

Alfredo: No, she had some work to do.

Carmen: All right. Lately, you two are always busy to see each other. (Alfredo just shrugs)
(Lunch time; Del Valles Entrance)

(Judge, Doña Adela and Julia walking)

Don Julian: I’m so glad you’re here.

Doña Adela: Of course, Don Julian. Are we a bit late?

Don Julian: No you’re just in time.

Doña Adela: Glad to hear that.

Don Julian: And, oh, by the way, this is my daughter Carmen. Carmen this is Judge Del Valle, her daughter,
and Julia Salas.

Carmen: (shakes hands with the three of them) Glad to meet you. Come in and the lunch is ready.

Doña Adela: Yeah sure.

(After lunch; Doña Adela & Carmen’s talking)

Carmen: Hey, you seem very happy today. Mind sharing your thoughts?

Doña Adela: Do I? Well I’m just relieved that finally I get a little mental relaxation (both laughs)

Carmen: Why? Is your mother always stressing you?

Doña Adela: Not really, but I remember how absentminded she is.

Carmen: Really? Never thought of that, considering she’s a judge.

Doña Adela: Well, I think that’s really the reason why. You know sometimes she goes out without her
collar or with unmatched socks, and I bet you wouldn’t want to see a judge like that.

Carmen: Oh really. Judge Del Valle’s really funny though. How I wish Esperanza was here. I bet she’ll be
pleased to hear the story.

Doña Adela: Esperanza who? Is she your sister?

Carmen: Um, no. She’s my brother’s fiancée and they are getting married three months from now.

Doña Adela: Really? I thought he’s a single guy. He’s at our house every Sunday visiting Julia.

Carmen: Oh that. My brother told me it’s about a case that they’re working on together. Besides,
Alfredo’s been very loyal ever since.
(After lunch; Don Juan & Judge Del Valle talking)

Don Julian: You know, I am very much into plants. Farming has been my family’s business for years now.

Judge: Yes, it is evident in your coconut plantation. By the way, I would like to show you our rest house
somewhere south. Would you and your family like to come?

Don Julian: Of course, my friend. When could this be?

Judge: This coming summer.

Don Julian: Yes, we’d be happy to come.

Judge: Excellent.

SCENE 8: (Afternoon; Alfredo saw Julia walking around so he follows her)

Julia: That scared me! I thought you’re someone else (smiles) And you’re following me again and again

Alfredo: Well not really. I just saw you walking around.

Julia: This afternoon has seemed very short, hasn’t it? This, I think, is the last time – we can visit.

Alfredo: The last? Why?

Julia: Oh you will be too busy perhaps.

Alfredo: Do I seem especially industrious to you?

Julia: If you are, you never look like it. Not perspiring or breathless as a busy man ought to be.

Alfredo: But –

Julia: Always unhurried, too unhurried and calm.

Alfredo: I wish that were true. A man is happier if he is, as you say, calm and placid.

Julia: Like a carabao in a mud pool.

Alfredo: Who? I?

Julia: Oh! No! (laughs)

Alfredo: You say I am calm and placid.

Julia: That is what I think.

Alfredo: I used to think so too. Shows how little we know ourselves. I’d like to see your hometown.

Julia: (looks at the distance) There’s nothing to see.

Alfredo: Nothing? There is you.

Julia: Oh me? But I’m here.

Alfredo: I will not go, of course, until you’re there.

Julia: Will you come? You will find it dull. There isn’t even one American there.

Alfredo: Well Americans are rather essential to my entertainment. (Both laugh)

(Meanwhile – Farewell)

Doña Adela: Thanks for inviting us over – we had so much fun.

Don Julian: No problem. Well it’s really been a nice day.

Carmen: Are you going now? Hey, Adela let’s chat again sometime.

Doña Adela: Sure. I’ll just visit you when I’m free and you should too.

Carmen: (laughs) Of course! That would be great. By the way, isn’t Julia going with you too?

Judge: I bet not. I think she has something else to do, you know that girl can be really mysterious

Don Julian: Yeah. I notice it too. By the way, thank you for today. (Waves goodbye at each other)

(Continuation –)

Julia: We live at Calle Cruz in Sta. Cruz, a little street with trees.

Alfredo: Could I find that?

Julia: If you don’t ask for Miss Del Valle (Julia smiles teasingly)

Alfredo: I’ll inquire for the house of the prettiest girl in town.

Julia: There is where you’ll lose your way. (Alfredo laughs; Julia turned serious) Now you’re laughing. This
is not quite sincere.

Alfredo: No. It is.

Julia: I thought you, at least, would not say such things.

Alfredo: Pretty – Pretty a foolish word! I just thought it would be close to what I was.

Julia: Now you’re withdrawing the compliment.

Alfredo: No, I’m re-enforcing it, maybe. Something is pretty when it pleases the eye – it is more than that
when –

Julia: If it saddens?

Alfredo: Exactly.

Julia: It must be ugly.

Alfredo: Always.

Julia: No, of course you are right.

Alfredo: Why did you say this is the last time?

Julia: I am going home.

(Long silence)

Alfredo: When?

Julia: Tomorrow. I received a letter from father and mother yesterday. They want me to spend Holy Week
at home.

(Waits for him to speak, after short pause continues)

Julia: That is why I said this is our last time.

Alfredo: Can’t I come to say goodbye?

Julia: Oh you don’t need to.

Alfredo: No, but I want to.

Julia: There is no time. (Julia turns and looked into his face) Home seems so far from here. This is almost
like another life.

Alfredo: I know. This is elsewhere and yet strange enough, I cannot get rid of the old things.

Julia: Old things?

Alfredo: Oh. Old things, mistakes, encumbrances, old baggage.

(He walked close; his hand sometimes touching hers for one whirling second)
(They held hands but Julia didn’t face Alfredo)

Julia: Goodbye

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