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Issues and Approaches in Pakistan’s Politics

Youth are a dynamic asset of any nation. Their and every such sector needs to be specifically
significance for the nation lies in their creativity, addressed, there is absence of an integrated and well-
courage, learning competence and high degree of self- defined approach for youth at the policy level.
confidence which is also considered to be the major Consequently, the potential is getting wasted. It is not
source for nation building. Young people have much surprising that a good number of them remain
to offer to society – from innovation to creativity to directionless, engaged in worthless activities, not
new thinking and initiatives. But this needs an knowing as to what exactly they can and should do for
enabling environment of holistic growth. An all- themselves, community and the country. In the
inclusive development is critical for youth to realize process some of them get exploited by the people with
their potentials. Intellectual capabilities through vested agendas or even by the adversaries and enemies
across the board education opportunities, rewarding of the country.
and decent employment, health and wellbeing, as well
as civic and political engagement and empowerment The pressing challenge is to convert this bulge of
are some of the inevitable in this regard. youth into dividend by making progress in largely
three domains of youth development: economic,
Pakistani youth have set remarkable examples of social and political participation.2 At the same time,
achievements in different fields of life. A number of for any development program, it needs to be
them are found playing significant roles in and outside recognized that youth development is a cross-cutting
the country in different institutions and organizations. theme and requires a holistic approach. Additionally,
At community levels too, particularly in urban areas, youth is composed of diverse categories, levels and
a number of youth organizations, established by youth sub-fractions and one cannot define it as uniform,
themselves are engaged in multiple types of social and single faceted population.
welfare activities. Yet, in most cases these are
individual initiatives and performances. The current census has shown 63 per cent of the
population of Pakistan is below the age of 29 years
The overall situation in the country doesn’t appear to and approximately 30 per cent between the age
be very bright. Indicators, such as education and brackets of 15-29 years which is defined as youth age
employment levels as well as social and political bracket by the government.3 In Pakistan 43.82 percent
participation do not depict a good picture. While each

This brief is part of a larger study being conducted at IPS to understand the national mood in light of the approach of various
Political Parties, in the elections 2018, on subjects of important issues related to the National Agenda. This brief consists of
two parts. The first part discusses the Political Parties’ vision about Youth Policy and Programs and their specific approaches
to Civic and Social Engagements as well as Sports and Culture. The second part looks into the program of parties about the
Youth Economic empowerment and an overall conclusion.
Different standards are used to measure youth development. The standards used by the Commonwealth Youth development
Index are civic participation, political participation, education, employment and health and well-being. The Commonwealth,
(2016). Global Youth Development Index and Report: Commonwealth Secretariat United Kingdom
UNDP Pakistan, (2015). Youth in Pakistan. Islamabad: UNDP Pakistan
of the 105 million Pakistanis who voted in the state systems. Political parties have tried to address the
elections 2018 are between the ages of 18 -35.4 issues by bringing forward policies such as integration
of youth at the grassroots by initiating volunteer
Since the voter is fixed at 18 years, political parties programs and forming youth councils at community
have recently started giving greater attention to youth. levels. Coming to the specifics, there are a number of
It has positively pushed them to consider ideas as to important ideas found in the manifestoes related to
how they can attract youth and even the concerned youth leadership, its participation and engagement in
elders. No wonder therefore that all political parties community services and volunteerism.
have plans and programs for youth in their respective
manifestos.5 All of them vehemently emphasize on • PPP promises the revival of student unions and
youth development. The following brief review of establishment of district and provincial level
2018 party manifestos attempts to analyze as to what youth councils. In this connection, it stresses on
extent the political parties have covered the issues regulatory mechanism to ensure these unions
related to the youth, what are their approaches; are are for and by the students and work for only
these approaches conflicting or unanimity reflects students’ welfare and activities. ANP and
more, and finally, is anything substantial missing? MMA have also stated that they will support
revival of student unions in colleges and
I. Programs and Policies for Youth universities. While other parties haven’t talked
The Vision: reflecting its vision of youth about students’ unions, they have included
development, the Pakistan Peoples’ Party (PPP) other ideas for their increased role. PML-N will
maintained, “We will foster positive values, creativity “Ensure youth representation in National and
and compassion in our youth”. Pakistan Muslim provincial Assemblies and local bodies”. It also
League-Nawaz (PML-N) “envisions a youth that promises “Formation of National and
would drive Pakistan into new economic and social Provincial Youth Commission with its presence
horizons”. Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) vows that at the provincial, districts, tehsil and union
its youth policy will provide the youth with “three Es: council (UC) levels.6 PTI talks about
Education, Employment and Engagement.” It further investment “in the youth members of local
says: “Our policy will ensure that we create a group of government bodies by training them and
educated, skilled young people that are invested in empowering them to conduct village-level
making Pakistan a great nation”. Mutahidda Majlis-e- activities for other young people”. PTI also
‘Amal (MMA) outlines its vision in six encapsulating vows to “Launch a Youth in Politics and
points without explaining anything specific to its Community Challenge Fund to engage the
vision regarding the youth. MQM stresses on equal youth in national & provincial development by
opportunities and enabling the youth to represent the giving small grants to young people for solving
nation in the international forums in respectable pressing problems of their communities” and to
manner. ANP claims it “will develop a holistic youth revitalize “the Youth Parliament and create
policy with special emphasis on providing programs in which young people can intern
opportunities to youth for creative learning, art and with parliamentarians as staffers or
culture, recreation and sports, employment, skills and researchers”.7 MMA has pledged to ensure
vocational capacity development.” holistic growth of youth and issue ‘Youth
leadership cards’ to those who achieve certain
Social Development and Civic Engagement number of points on the basis of performing a
constructive role in national service.8
As per contemporary findings and narratives, the need
for direct representation and involvement in the civic • “Revitalization of National Volunteer
departments and political process of the youth is vital Movement (NVM)” “for nation building
for advancement. Failure in the performance of these activities” is another agenda item in PPP
sectors of society have only led to deterioration of the manifesto.9 Whereas National library Program

Iftikhar A Khan. Around 46m young voters set to play key role in polls. News Report, Islamabad: DAWN, May 25, 2018
‘Maximizing the Youth Dividend: Naujawan Pakistan’ (PPP-page 21-22); ‘Sustainable Economic growth: Youth and
Leadership- Jump-Starting Entrepreneurship’ (PML-N Chapter 1 page 24-25); Youth, Culture and Sports Mutahida Qaumi
Movement (MQM- page 24-25); ‘Youth Development and Employment’ Awami National Party (ANP-page 14); and ‘Youth’
Muttahida Majlis e Amal (MMA) (page 8-9)
PPP (PG 22)
PTI (PG 47)
MMA (PG 8)
PPP (PG 47)
for the Youth and establishment of e-Libraries through the development of sports facilities,
in every tehsil have been promised by MQM10 parks and backing private initiatives such as
and PML-N11 respectively. ANP has vowed to arts academies”.18 MMA vows to “Provide
develop a cadre of youth volunteers trained in sports opportunities at UC level”. MMA also
disaster mitigation and management in each promises establishing ‘female only’ sports
district. These youth volunteers will be complexes.19
connected with the Local Government.12
Similarly, PTI has promised that it will “launch • With reference to Arts and Cultural activities,
a nationwide literacy program to engage 50,000 PTI stresses on “State patronage to sports, arts
youth volunteers to teach literacy in exchange and culture. Local and international exposure to
for university credits”.13 With reference to athletes, artists and artisans”. Revitalization of
Balochistan, PTI has pledged to “reach out to Pakistan’s National Council of Arts and
the Baloch leadership and the disgruntled creation of art and culture exchange
Baloch groups, especially the youth by ensuring partnerships with international arts councils and
them political and economic empowerment”.14 bodies to provide international exposure to
local artists, too is among its agenda. It also
Sports and Culture talks about establishing vibrant community
Promoting sports and culture is crucial for developing centers at the district level and holding of
the youth mentally, physically and morally for their expos, exhibitions, literary festivals, art and
future endeavors. Similarly, an affiliation with culture culture shows and events.20 MQM proposes
instills character in the youth and keeps them institutionalization of arts and sports in the
associated to their roots. The subject has been focused overall youth development program and
by all the parties in their respective manifestos. supports “private initiatives such as arts
academies”.21 ANP has given a long 19-point
• PPP has promised to “strengthen the Pakistan agenda under the heading of Art and Culture
Sports Board and the Olympic Association of which has an obvious, though not directly
Pakistan, promote local football associations, referred, relation to the youth engagement and
organize annual football league matches, set up development. A significant point there is a
a sports fund for players and sporting events in pledge that ANP “Will introduce culture
large and small cities.15 PML-N pledges to education into government education
Establish 250 new stadiums and 50 Astro Turfs, system”.22
and to build sports academies at all levels and
introduce sports programs in all educational While all political parties speak of development of
institutions.16 PTI also promises “to Provide (1) young people of Pakistan, they seem to ignore the
Playgrounds at tehsil level, (2) training centers holistic growth of youth bulge as the manifestos lack
and gymnasiums at divisional level to be used specific goals and agendas and do not seem to care
for training provincial and national teams and about the importance of personality development and
(3) category A (National and International moral values that is imperative for holistic growth.
standard) sports complexes at the provincial Proposed agendas of political parties seem only for
level through a phased approach”. The PTI urban youth while a large cohort of young people
agenda also includes holding of “inter-district,
inter-division, provincial and national games
annually”.17 Similarly, MQM promises to
“Encourage youth towards arts and sports

MQM (PG 25)
PML-N (PG 23)
ANP (PG 14)
PTI (PG 45)
PTI (PG 19)
PPP (PG 52)
PNL-N (PG 25)
PTI (PG 52)
MQM (PG 25)
MMA (PG 9)
PTI (PG 52)
MQM (PG 25)
ANP (PG 17)
belongs to underprivileged rural areas23 the about establishing a liaison office in the
manifestoes do not offer much to them. Ministry of Foreign Affairs to promote foreign
placement of Pakistani youth 25. ANP pledges
II. Programs and Policies for Youth that “Special attention will be paid to
Economic Empowerment addressing challenges faced by the educated
unemployed. Facilities like internship,
Poverty, lack of skills and education and a dearth of placement bureaus and advisory organizations
economic opportunities are some of the reasons which will be provided to help them find jobs.26 PML-
prevent the youth to meaningfully realize and N pledged to create “200,000 apprenticeship
contribute their energies to their own, their societies’ positions in collaboration with 5,000
and their country’s progress. Young people have the companies”.
ambitions, but they need some facilitation as well as
an enabling environment in which they can thrive. • Vocational Trainings: PML-N promised to
Political parties, while taking note of the prevailing, extend “Technical training opportunities to 3M
rather dismal, situation, have rightly given twin people” and stressed on modernizing training
emphasis on ‘skill development’ as well as creating systems. Under the heading of ‘Prosperity and
entrepreneurship and employment opportunities. Protection of the Poor (Impart technical
training) it promises to train 2 million people in
Skill Development skills required for entrepreneurship and
demanded by industry. It also talks about
Ideas with regard to the skill development could be
integrating technical and vocational education
classified in following three categories: internship into formal education systems and establishing
programs, vocational trainings and career counselling.
Technology University in Rasul, District Gujrat
• Internship Programs: PPP has dealt with this as well as upgrading TVET institutes to
aspect of youth development in relatively international standards.27 PTI too talks about
greater detail. Commenting that internships are increasing skill development & vocational
not regulated in Pakistan and there is no training programs and launching a national
mechanism of oversight, it promises a program for graduates in the public & private
“guaranteed paid internships for a period of up organizations for provision of practical
to 12 months to all qualifying educated in the training. While promising to “double the size of
age bracket of 17 to 21 years”. In addition, it existing skill development & vocational
lays special emphasis on “female applicants training programs”, it pledges to “establish at
and applicants from deprived areas and poor least 10 technical universities in Pakistan to
families”. The PPP manifesto also talks about provide skills to our youth”. It also looks
specially designed aptitude test as well as an forward to implementing a technical and
employment bureau under its internship vocational education reform program for
program.24 PTI, while talking about expanding upskilling labor force in demand-driven
vocational training programs, talks about trades.28 PTI has also vowed for partnership
providing relevant, high-quality skills to post- with local industries and foreign governments
secondary students under a partnership with to employ vocational and technical graduates.
local industries and foreign governments to ANP stresses district level initiatives and says
employ vocational and technical graduates. it will improve existing vocational training
PTI’s promise to launching Youth in Politics centers and will also start new centers.29
and Community Challenge Fund, revitalizing Similarly, MQM has promised to increase
the Youth Parliament, and creating programs in vocational training centers and youth
which young people can intern with development centers in every district.30 MMA
parliamentarians, have been listed above. in relation to its agenda on Industry and labor,
Another idea presented in PTI manifesto is pledges to open skill development centers at the

Out of 50 million youth in the age group of 18-29 years, 45 percent is rural youth.
PPP (PG 21)
PTI (PG 47)
ANP (PG 14)
PML-N (PG 15)
PTI (PG 27).
ANP (PG 14)
MQM (PG 24)
grassroots level under its ‘Skillful Pakistan startup incubators via private sector and help and
Program’.31 Promote hi-tech startups via legislation and
policies.41 PTI vows to encourage
• Career counselling: MMA,32 and MQM33 entrepreneurship, especially the SMEs, to boost
have specifically promised to introduce career economic value and job creation in the tourism
counselling while ANP has pledged advisory industry.42 Also, discussing the provision of 10
organizations to help find jobs.34 PML-N talks million jobs, it talks about creating a business and
about establishing a job placement and investor-friendly environment for investments in
vocational counseling services.35 human capital and professional development.43
EMPLOYMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP ANP says it will enroll skilled students in the
A respectable employment or enterprise is natural Baacha Khan Self-Employment Schemes on
ambitions every young person aspires for. The merit basis and will assist them financially to
governments are expected to promote policies which initiate businesses.44 MMA pledges Interest free
ensure both employment and entrepreneurship. easy loan schemes for young people.45
Political Parties, cognizant of the fact have deliberated All political parties have something to offer some
on both aspects in their manifestos. economic opportunities for women in their
Entrepreneurship: On entrepreneurship, PPP manifestos. PPP manifesto talks about
talks about creating technology infrastructure establishing Women’s Business Councils to
with youth investment, and creating a support their businesses,46 and promises to
technology-based incubation system. It also talks provide trainings to the beneficiaries to setup
about Technology-based startups by youth and their own ventures.47 MQM promises to increase
promises finances for setting up an enterprise the number of women industrial home to provide
development fund.36 Whereas, providing credit to an opportunity to learn skills.48 PTI says, it will
community banks and incentivize them to Increase state-provided micro-finance available
provide funding to entrepreneurial ventures and to women.49 PML-N promises that it will provide
creating youth entrepreneurship ecosystem under credit facilities to promote entrepreneurship and
National Youth Council are significant points in eradicate the gender-based wage gap.50 PPP
PML-N manifesto.37 Enrollment in incubators is pledges to give interest free loans to the poorest
another idea mentioned in PML-N manifesto.38 and women of Sindh province51 and ensure
Similarly, it will scout for young entrepreneurs in adequate access of credit through First Women
disadvantaged communities through business Bank.52 MMA vowed encouraging small scale
plan competitions.39 Establishment of innovation Industries which to be run by female
centers and incubators along the CPEC is another entrepreneurs.53 ANP promises to provide
idea in PML-N manifesto.40 It vowed to expand
MMA (PG 6)
MMA (PG 8)
MQM (PG 25)
ANP (PG 14)
PML-N (PG 15
PPP (PG 22)
PNL-N (PG 25)
PNL-N (PG 15)
PNL-N (PG 15
PNL-N (PG 19)
PNL-N (PG 23)
PTI (PG 33)
PTI (PG 29)
ANP (PG 14)
MMA (PG 8)
PPP (PG 37)
PPP (PG 15)
MQM (PG 15)
PTI (PG 23)
PNL-N (PG 61)
PPP (PG 15)
PPP (PG 37)
MMA (PG 9)
technical and financial support to women54 and Enabled Services (ITES).64 It wants to accord
incentives for women run businesses through the overseas Pakistanis respectable treatment and
women’s chambers.55 PPP promises to connect provide them with economic opportunities in
women with the market economy as Pakistan. To persuade talented and qualified
entrepreneurs under “Bhook Mitao” program.56 overseas Pakistanis with attractive economic
opportunities to return to Pakistan in order to
• Employment: PPP’s manifesto seems focusing reverse the brain drain that is responsible for
more on managing the job sector while PML-N recruitment of incompetent people on most
and PTI have vowed for creating new critical positions.65
opportunities. Thus, PPP manifesto talks about
building a mass database by ‘Employment PTI, ANP and MQM pledge for women
Bureau’.57 Whereas PML-N, talks about employment in their manifestos. PTI vows to
promoting software industry, creating low and increase female participation in the public sector
medium skilled jobs through e-rozgar and by establishing quotas for women.66 PPP gives
freelancing. It also pledges to generate preference for Government job placement for
employment by unleashing the housing sector. female applicants, applicants from deprived areas
It indicates the strategy in this regard by saying or poor families and those with no family
that it would be curbing illegal settlements and member in government job. In this regard it also
paying workers to construct their own houses.58 stresses that minimum eligibility conditions will
In the IT sector PML-N vows to increase jobs include qualification equal to matriculation.67
for skilled workers from 300,000 to 1 million.59 ANP aims to give equal access to women for
In addition, it pledges, creating 10 million jobs employment opportunities and ensure
through cross-cutting initiatives led by the implementation of the existing quota for
private sector. Creating a labor exchange women’s employment.68 ANP says, it will ensure
supported by public-private partnerships to payment of minimum wages in informal and
improve skills matching is an agenda point in formal sectors and equal opportunities of
PTI manifesto.60 It also expresses priority about employment in the fields of their choice.69
former FATA by pledging to ensure job
Disabled or especially-abled people have also
creation in the tribal areas.61
been addressed by MMA and PTI. MMA vows
ANP has come up with an agenda connecting to give 100% surety of employment or
academia with industry. It looks forward tp unemployment allowance for young disable
making research work more fruitful and would people.70 PTI used word “differently-abled
also increase chances of new employment persons” and aims to facilitate/assist and
opportunities. ANP62 and MMA63 vow to ensure integrate them into mainstream society with
respectable employment for young people; merit- rights-based approach to provide the necessary
based government jobs, and jobs or job resources and infrastructure. It vows to ensure
allowances for disable young people. 2% job quota fulfilment for differently-abled
persons at all government establishments and
MQM vows for creation of jobs for IT provide training, skills and finance through
professionals through Information Technology public-private partnerships for differently-abled

ANP (PG 7)
ANP (PG 8)
PPP (PG 6)
PPP (PG 21)
PNL-(PG 25)
PNL-N (PG 23)
PTI (PG 27)
PTI (PG 19)
ANP (PG 14)
MMA (PG 8)
MQM (PG 22)
MQM (PG 23)
PTI (PG 23)
PPP (PG 21)
ANP (PG 7)
MMA (PG 8)
persons, and income support to differently-abled priorities. Having focus on youth unemployment
persons with severe disabilities.71 PTI promises issues manifestos pledge to offer opportunities, mostly
to launch special assistance programs for to educated young people; as mentioned earlier in the
differently-abled persons.72 first part uneducated and rural young people haven’t
been specifically discussed in relation to parties’
Conclusion programs discussed in this second part. All the
Manifestos are reflection of mindset and promises of manifestos show inclination towards economic
the Political Parties as to what they would offer in empowerment, which is understandable, yet social
response to support and power provided to them by the development and political empowerment is largely
people. In the above analysis it has been found that missing. Similarly, ethical and moral values’
almost in all parties’ manifestos youth issues cover dimension and youth participation at community level
significant space which shows consideration of youth are generally missing. innovative ideas are also
as an important policy area. Interestingly, similar missing; most of the manifestos are carrying only
aspects of youth development have been discussed in generic statements revolving around skills training,
all manifestos. internships, jobs, loans etc. Nevertheless, the broad
consensus on issues and their solutions provide a
Political parties have expressed high promises for strong base for dialogue within parties and come up
youth development and included a lot of things based with a minimum common agenda in any future
on economic issues, but they are missing in setting dispensation.

Prepared by:
Shafaq Sarfraz
Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Islamabad.

For queries:
Syed Nadeem Farhat
Senior Research Officer |

PTI (50)
PTI (PG 47)

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