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Foreign Language Immersion Course 2

Main Objectives: 1) To provide students with communication and critical thinking skills that can be
transferred to other languages and disciplines. 2) To expand on prior English communication courses to
develop advanced communication skills

Course Name: Class Name: Class Location: Semester/Days/Times:

외국어심화과정2 Beginner Debate ___________ Fall Semester,
Units/Hours: Textbook:
2 Discover Debate. Lubetsky, Lebeau, Harrington. (Language Solutions Inc., 2000) [ISBN-10:

Teacher: Office & Office Hours:

_________________ ___________________


Attendance 20% of final grade

Homework & 20% of final grade Breakdown between HW & Participation at teacher discretion

Midterm Exam 20% of final grade Oral exam (Teacher-created) Week 8

Final Exam 40% of final grade Oral exam (Teacher-created) Week 15

The curve for this class will be determined by Academic Affairs and will be available on the WSU
information site during the archiving period.
F = i) score below 40, ii) did not sit final exam, iii) ≥33% absence, iv) proven cheating in exam(s)

Course Description:
This course is designed for Endicott students to begin developing critical thinking skills for formulating
and countering opinions in the format of a formal debate. Students will learn the basics of formal debate
while developing, supporting and finding evidence for their opinions on a variety of topics relevant to
their lives. To accomplish this, students will hone their critical thinking skills and further develop the
public speaking skills they acquired during the spring term Foreign Language Immersion Course 1 and
the summer term English for Creative Performance 1 courses.

Course objectives:
The general objectives for this course are to:
1) Formulate and state opinions, make supporting statements and provide evidence for those
2) Listen to, understand, critically assess and counter the arguments of others
3) Organize arguments and effectively deliver a debate-style speech based on those arguments
4) Develop English communication skills needed to debate using extemporaneous speech

By the end of this course you will have:

1) Developed and supported opinions about a wide variety of topics
2) Researched arguments for and against topical social issues
3) Worked with a small team to argue for or against provided topics in a formal debate


Textbook All students must BUY the assigned textbook. PHOTOCOPIED TEXTBOOKS WILL
NOT BE ALLOWED IN CLASS. Persistent refusal to comply with this directive
may result in disciplinary action.

Materials Each student should come to class with all their necessary books as well as
pens and pencils and other required materials.

Cell phone Cell phone use is permitted for dictionaries but should be limited for phone
calls and messaging unless absolutely urgent. STUDENTS SHOULD POLITELY

Behavior Students are expected to behave respectfully toward the teacher, their
classmates, Woosong property, and any Woosong staff. Students should pay
attention, participate willingly, and always do their best. Effort and good
attitude will be rewarded as well as ability.

Attendance Attendance comprises 20% of each student’s final score. Attendance is

calculated in half-hour increments. Persistent absence and/or tardiness will
affect a student’s final score. ≥33% absence will result in a Fail.

Week Outcomes

Weeks 1 - 15 Textbook:
Discover Debate, Units 1-9

CEFR A2 - B1:
Depending on the individual’s language preparation, students will be operating
at the A2 - B1 levels on the CEFR scales overall oral production, addressing
audiences, and overall spoken interaction, in addition to the tasks across a
range of skills assumed by the textbook.

Week 8 Midterm Oral Exam

Week 15 Final Oral Exam

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