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Republic of the Philippines

Ateneo De Zamboanga University
Senior High School Unit
Zamboanga City

PEH 111

Dance Aerobics
Hip Hop Abs


(Schedule of your PEH Class) – (ROOM)


Family Name, Given Name M.I

Family Name, Given Name M.I


Subject Teacher

Date Submitted:
December 6, 2016

I. Definition of the Topic


Aerobic exercise, particularly aerobic dancing, is one of the most popular type of fitness activities.
Aerobics classes, which give students the opportunity for continuous dancing and movement, are offered
throughout the world. The rise in popularity of televised and videotaped aerobic exercise programs reflects
the enthusiasm for this form of exercise.
The word aerobics is often used synonymously with exercise, but the concept is often misunderstood.
Aerobic literally means "with oxygen" or "in the presence of oxygen." Today, aerobics also means a form
of endurance exercise where people move to music.
Aerobic exercise (also known as cardio) is physical exercise of low to high intensity that depends
primarily on the aerobic energy -generating process. Aerobic literally means "relating to, involving, or
requiring free oxygen", and refers to the use of oxygen to adequately meet energy demands during exercise
via aerobic metabolism. Generally, light-to-moderate intensity activities that are sufficiently supported by
aerobic metabolism can be performed for extended periods of time.
When practiced in this way, examples of cardiovascular/aerobic exercise are medium to long
distance running/jogging, swimming, cycling, and walking, according to the first extensive research on
aerobic exercise, conducted in the 1960s on over 5,000 U.S. Air Force personnel by Dr. Kenneth H.
At first, aerobics referred to dance movements put to music, but the scope has expanded to include low-
impact aerobics, high-impact aerobics, water aerobics, step aerobics, funk aerobics, slide aerobics, and
country-western line aerobics. The current interest in aerobic exercise is the result of the wide-spread
interest in improving appearance, health, and longevity.

An aerobics class begins with a warm-up. The warm-up activities at the beginning of the class should be
low intensity and prepare the person for more vigorous activities during the formal work-out period. As the
exercise moves from the warm-up to the actual exercise routine, it is important to control exercise
intensity. An exercise program easily tolerated by one person may cause fatigue and injury in another.

The goal of the aerobics section is not to work at the highest intensity possible, but rather to exercise at a
comfortable intensity that can be maintained yet still provide a conditioning effect. Target heart rates are
often used to help people control exercise intensity.
High-impact aerobic dance is a good way to improve fitness. This type of aerobic activity combines music
with kicking, bending, and jumping, and provides the same benefits as running, bicycling or swimming.
Intensity levels during high-impact aerobics usually reach the upper end of the target heart rate zone (80%-
Higher intensity is created by including a lot of bouncing and jumping movements using larger muscle
groups. Movements involving arm patterns which are positioned above the heart are also used to increase
the intensity. High-impact aerobic dance is generally performed at a tempo of 130-160 beats per

II. History and Theories

Both the term and the specific exercise method were developed by Dr Kenneth H. Cooper, an exercise
physiologist, and Col. Pauline Potts, a physical therapist, both of the United States Air Force. Dr. Cooper,
an avowed exercise enthusiast, was personally and professionally puzzled about why some people with
excellent muscular strength were still prone to poor performance at tasks such as long-distance running,
swimming, and bicycling. He began measuring systematic human performance using a bicycle, and began
measuring sustained performance in terms of a person's ability to use oxygen. In 1968, he
published Aerobics, which included exercise programs using running, walking, swimming and bicycling.
The book came at a time when increasing weakness and inactivity in the general population was causing a
perceived need for increased exercise.
Aerobics gained worldwide popularity after the release of Jane Forda 's exercise videos in 1982.


III. Benefits (Advantages and Disadvantages)

Like other forms of exercise, step aerobics helps burn calories and fat. The number of
calories burned depends on the speed of movements, step height, length of exercise, and the
persons height and weight. Dance aerobics can help you have a healthy but it also has a
disadvantage. Dance aerobics may present a high risk of injury, even for those in good
physical condition. The high-impact nature of this activity puts you at risk for muscle strains
and joint sprains. Some routines require jumping or leaping. The full impact of the weight of
your body when you land, plus the pull of gravity will be taken on by your legs and hips. The
repetitive pounding may result in stress fractures in your feet and shins. Knee sprains are also
common. Dance aerobics moves can be complex, requiring coordination and balance. If your
balance and coordination is poor, you might have problems keeping up with a group and risk
a fall. Dancing and aerobic exercise can help improve your balance and coordination when
done regularly for months, but they require those qualities from the start. Other aerobic
exercise performed twice each week for four to six weeks can help improve your balance and
coordination significantly. Once your balance is improved, you may want to try it. Do not
exercise to the point of fatigue. When you are tired, your risk of injury and falls increases
greatly. See your doctor for a complete checkup before you start a dance aerobics class.

IV. Current Trends and Development

Today’s generation are likely more health conscious than any previous generation for a
variety of reasons. Working out is an important component of todays goals for overall mind
body health, as well as being a great way to get involved in a fun community environment.

While previous generations steered more in favor of gyms, it just doesn’t cut it for
Generation Y women. They want a departure from the monotonous exercise of yesterday and
want a more challenging and fun workout.
The younger generation fitness enthusiast also desires more of a shared experience with
others who have the same goals and appreciate the same levels of excitement. The
community atmosphere offered in dance fitness classes are one thing that drives its
Group workouts that involve some of the more popular dance fitness trends have become an
addiction of sorts for many millennials. The enthusiasts crave the adrenaline-pumping moves
and excitement that dance fitness offers, and the popularity of its classes is soaring because
of it.
Generation Y women are also goal setters. It’s no longer enough to just go through the
motions of traditional exercise. Setting goals is important to millennials as they hold
themselves accountable. The group setting of dance fitness is the ideal platform to achieve
their objectives.
While Zumba and other lower impact dance and fitness routines are just fine for the baby
boomer generation, Generation Y fitness fanatics want more.

They want a dance fitness routine that’s exhilarating, booty-shakin’, challenging, innovative
and most of all, fun! In fact, they want a routine that doesn’t seem like exercise at all.


Some of the more popular dance fitness trends are:

Vibrant and energetic Cardio Dance
Pole Dancing fitness, high-energy Bollywood Dance
WERQing it out to the hottest pop and hip-hop hits of today.

V. Definition of Terms commonly used

VI. References used


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