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School Phone: (210) 543-1111
1st -2nd Syllabus
Class Syllabus

Welcome to Art class! This year we will focus on learning basic drawing, the elements of art, color theory, and how art can be
incorporated into other subjects. We will experiment with a variety of tools and explore new methods of creating. Please come to
class ready to think outside the box and try new things!

A. Art Room Rules

Follow directions quickly
Respect each other, the teacher, and supplies
Come to art class with supplies ready to work
Work quietly & use time wisely
Follow clean up procedures

B. Daily Supplies


(Teachers will share classroom supplies to build community art supply boxes for the classroom)

Other supplies may be required for specific projects

C.Folder Content
In class assignments
Free Draw Fridays

D. Grading
Summative- 40% (Completed Major Projects)
Practice- 20% (Participation, Warm-ups.)
Formative- 40% (Daily Assignments)

Sample Grading Rubric: This project shows that the student :

1 followed all directions.
2 exhibited understanding of new concepts
4 displayed neat, tidy work, and good craftsmanship.
3 used original ideas/did not copy another student’s work.
5 used class time wisely.
6 used materials appropriately.
7 put name and grade on the back of their work in pencil.
8 was prepared for class.
9 completed project on time.
10 used appropriate clean up procedures.

E. Expectations for turned in work

All assignments must have name and grade clearly written on them.
All work turned in must be in good condition, no dirty, wet or crumpled paper, or projects.
Class time should be utilized.
Project instructions and guidelines should be followed.
Project ideas should be original (I do not want to see a group all turn in identical projects.)
F. Class Procedures

Moving around the art room: You may get out of your seat to sharpen your pencil, get supplies, use the sink etc. during individual
work time only, not during instructional time.

Restroom passes: Will be given only during individual work time, not during instructional time, unless it is an emergency.

Coming into class: Students will line up quietly outside the art room door. They will be invited to enter once the class is quiet and

Leaving the classroom: You are expected to remain seated quietly until you are lined up and dismissed from class- the bell does
not dismiss you.

Tardy: You should be in your seat and ready for class by the time the bell rings. Anyone not in his or her seat will be considered

Absences: Make up work is equal to one day per absence day.

G. Consequences
If a student chooses to display unacceptable behavior, he/she will be given negative consequences such as:
1. Verbal warning
2. Deduct Dojo Point/Parent Contact
3. Referral to administration

Vulgarity; defiant, disrespectful, or argumentative behavior; and habitual tardiness will receive immediate loss of Dojo points.
Alternative projects may be assigned to students who will not comply with project guidelines or refuse to use tools as

** Intentional misuse of tools (ex. Painting on another student) will result in DPS and loss of privilege. I will find an alternative
material for the student to use, such as crayons. The privilege will be returned when the student shows they are ready to use
tools as demonstrated. **

G. Incentives

Positive Dojo points- points will be given as positive reinforcement.

“Free Draw” or “Pick your art day” will be given to students who display exceptional behavior in the art room.

I look forward to having your student in my class and making some great art!

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