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 Attention

 Assalamualaikum and very good morning to ……

 (The Headmaster of Sekolah Rendah Arab JAIM Selandar.

Ustaz Hj, Mohd Nasir b. Yusof

 (The Senior Asistant of Curriculum)

Ustaz Hj. Azmi b. Jantan

 (The Senior Asistant of Student Affair)

Ustaz Mat Zulkifli bin Ngah

 (The SeniorAsisstant of co-curiculum)

 Ustaz Mahat b. Othman

 Teachers

 And the pupils of Sekolah Rendah Arab JAIM Selandar

 To begin our assembly today, I would like to invite

.................................................................................... to recite the

prayer. Please welcome.

(In English)


Alhamdulillahirabbil alamin wasalatu wasalam

Ala asharafil anbiya hiwalmursalin

Waala alihi wasabihi ajmain

Almighty Allah,

Please pardon us,

Our parents, our teachers,

And muslim all over the world.

Let us be among the soleh,

As the Ambia’ , Aulia’, and Solihin,

Almighty Allah,

Grant us,

With a wide range of knowledge, success in our coming examination

and let us be unite,

And shower us with your mercy,

Robbana atina fiddunnia hasana wafil aahiroh

Hasana waqina azabbannar

Wasallah huala Saidina Muhammad wa ala alihi

Wasabbihi wassalam walhamdulillahirabbail alamin

 Thank you to the prefect in charge.

 Next, our assembly will be continued with recitation of

Rukunegara and our school Oath. For that, I would like to
invite to lead the
recitation. Pupils please stand at attention.

 The OATH

 Thank you to the prefect in charge.

 Our assembly today will continue with recitation of

Asma’ul Husna. All of the pupils please stand at


 Next, the assembly is continued with the singing of the


 I hope everybody will sing aloud with full spirit.

 Now we would like to invite the teacher on duty for last


To deliver his/her speech.

Please welcome.
 Thank you for the speech.
 Now we would like to invite the teacher on duty for this


To deliver his/her speech.

Please welcome.

 Now, we would like to invite

( The Headmaster Of Sekolah Rendah Arab JAIM Selandar

To deliver his speech. Please welcome.

(The Senior Assisstant of Curriculum)

to deliver his speech. Please welcome.

(The Senior Assisstant of Student’s Affair)

to deliver his speech. Please welcome.

(The Senior Assisstant of Co-Curriculum)

to deliver his speech. Please welcome.

(The discipline teacher Ustaz Khairi b.

Mohamad Harami)

to deliver his speech. Please welcome.

Our assembly this morning has come to the end.

With that, we end our assembly for today.


Thank you and see you again.

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