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A pen pal letter is people who regularly write to each other mainly
through the post. In indonesian pen pal is known as pen pal.

Function a pen pal letter is :

a. used to train reading and writing in foreign languages
b. to increase literacy
c. to learn more about other countries and cultural lifestyles

d. used also for friendship as well as friendship in life

2. a name tag

A name tag is a label that shows the name of the person who wears it.
name tags written or printed on paper, cardboard or plastic attached to
something to show ownership, properties, price, etc.

Function a name tag is name tags are used by company employees

such as fast food restaurants, so customers get to know their maids easily,
name tags are widely used in universities, banks, and other companies.

3. Driving license

Driver's License or Driver's License is a proof of competence for a

person who has passed the knowledge, skills and driving skills on the road in
accordance with the requirements stipulated under the Traffic and Road
Transport Act.
SIM functions (driving license) are:
a. As proof of driving competence,
b. As the registration of the driver of the motor vehicle containing the
driver's full identity information,
c. To support investigation, investigation and forensic identification of the

4. Id card

ID Card is a card that is not only a company employee identity card,

but gives its own meaning in supporting the formality and value or image of a
ID Card function is:
a. When the Partners or Customers visit the impression of formal and tidy
can be raised.
b. Neat and formal impression will be created when everyone uses ID
Card, it will give a positive impression on the work atmosphere.
c. Make it easy for someone to know and ask for help to employees
according to division and name on ID card.
d. Distinctively distinguish and separate between employees and non
employees to maintain security, infiltration, and unwanted things.
e. ID card can serve as a presenter.

5. Form
Form is one form of web pages used to receive input from the user, for
further input from the user is processed using a web programming language,
either server side scripting (eg PHP, JSP) or client-side scripting (javascript).
The form can be used for various purposes such as login requirements,
sales transactions, gather information or request feedback from users, offer
goods / services on-line and so on. The form is very often encountered in a
web-based information system applications.


A pen pal letter is people who regularly write to each other mainly
through the post. In indonesian pen pal is known as pen pal.

Function a pen pal letter is :

e. used to train reading and writing in foreign languages
f. to increase literacy
g. to learn more about other countries and cultural lifestyles

h. used also for friendship as well as friendship in life

2. a name tag

A name tag is the name tag is the emblem or sticker worn on the outer
garment as a tool to display the name of the wearer for others who see

Function a name tag is name tags are used by company employees

such as fast food restaurants, so customers get to know their maids easily,
name tags are widely used in universities, banks, and other companies.

3. Driving license

Driver's License or Driver's License is a proof of competence for a

person who has passed the knowledge, skills and driving skills on the road in
accordance with the requirements stipulated under the Traffic and Road
Transport Act.
SIM functions (driving license) are:
d. As proof of driving competence,
e. As the registration of the driver of the motor vehicle containing the
driver's full identity information,
f. To support investigation, investigation and forensic identification of the

4. Id card

ID Card is a card that is not only a company employee identity card,

but gives its own meaning in supporting the formality and value or image of a
ID Card function is:
a. Distinctively distinguish and separate between employees and non
employees to maintain security, infiltration, and unwanted things.
b. ID card can serve as a presenter.
c. Will be able to facilitate directors or fellow employees to know exactly
what parts (divisions) and names concerned. very good if each division
can be distinguished by color.
d. ID Card for the implementation of access control that is, only with an
employee id card can enter the room.
e. As a promotional tool out when employees visit other companies. By
using ID card other companies will be easy to know our company
5. Form

Form is one form of web pages used to receive input from the user, for
further input from the user is processed using a web programming language,
either server side scripting (eg PHP, JSP) or client-side scripting (javascript).
The form can be used for various purposes such as login requirements,
sales transactions, gather information or request feedback from users, offer
goods / services on-line and so on. The form is very often encountered in a
web-based information system applications.

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