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This definition emphasizes health as a positive state of well-being not just absence of disease people in a

state of emotional physical and social well-being fulfills life responsibilities functions effectively in daily
life and is satisfied with their interpersonal relationships and themselves

some of the Other definitions of health are as follows

Health means Wellness the opposite of illness

The condition of being sound in body mind or spirit especially freedom from physical disease or pain

health is a positive state of well being that is felt physically mentally socially and spiritually

health is a wildlife requiring knowledge of body functions and how to keep fit and will to cultivate
healthy habits including diet and exercise

health is related to a person’s self realisation relationship with others and feeling of giving a worthwhile
contribution to the society

Health is an individual responsibility and if a person makes no effort to be healthy no one can provide
him his health

health is a positive quality of life which helps us to live life to its fullest and serve our fellow men to the
best of our ability

Positive health implies the notion of perfect health in body and mind. it cannot become a reality it
always remains a mirage because everything in our life is subject to change

Health is an elusive word most people who consider themselves healthy or not and many people who
are suffering from some known disease may be relatively healthy health is a concept which does not
merely relate to others absence of disease of healthy working of organs are having good thoughts health
is a Holistic concept it relates to a person as a whole the state of one’s health is reflective of an
individual’s ability to meet life challenges and maintain his or her capacity for optimal functioning this
requires the various aspects of one's makeup for example mental physical and biochemical to maintain a
level of functioning that has a positive influence and support for one another

Signs of good health

Health the process through which a person 6 to maintain an equilibrium that promotes stability and
comfort is a dynamic process that varies according to a person’s perception of well-being the traditional
definition of health as the absence of illness is a narrow concept to look for signs of good health we
must exam in all the three aspects physical mental and social

Physical health

This is probably the easiest to define and yet it is sometimes the most difficult to understand Physical
health can be defined as a state in which all the body parts are Anatomical intact and are performing
their size physiological functions perfectly and harmoniously Physical health is easy to detect and
describe a person is physically healthy if he or she looks alert and responsive it is a very simple stick
definition but it’s basically covers everything like
All the body parts should be there

All of them are in their natural place and position

Where is normal for age and height

None of them has any Pathology

all of them are doing the physiological functions properly

They work with each other harmoniously

Mental health

Mental health is a state of emotional psychological and social violence evidence by satisfying
interpersonal relationships effect if we have beer and coping positive self concept and emotional
stability mental health has Mani components and wide variety of factors influencing

because each person can have a different fua interpretation of behaviour depending on his or her Palace
and believe the determination of Mental Health may be difficult

Factors influencing a person’s mental health can be categorised as individual interpersonal and social
oblique cultural individual factors include a person’s biologic makeup sense of harmony in life vitality
ability to find meaning in life and emotional resilience or hardiness spirituality and positive identity
interpersonal factors include effective communication ability to help others intimacy and balance of
separateness and connection social or cultural factors include a sense of community access to adequate
resources intolerance of violence and support of diversity among people

A person is mentally healthy if he or she is relaxed and free from any worries there is no absolute
affection for mental health as there is a great variation in the level of mental faculties among people but
still we can set some reasonable standards some of the markers of Mental Health can be

Having a mental aptitude near or about social average

Having the ability to pursue things as they are and not as one thinks they are

Having the ability to understand the social structure and ability to comprehend vocal and other forms of
communication within that social structure

having a reasonable ability to make judgements regarding good and bad or right and wrong

having the ability to remember and reproduce information collected through various sensors author
learning to a reasonable degree

Social health

The concept of social health is less intuitively family and than that of physical or mental health along
with physical health and mental health social health forms the last of the three fundamental and vital
forms of health for a person physical and mental health typically deal with an individual and how well his
or her body and mind are functioning and keeping his or her various system running properly. Social
health on the other hand often indicates how that person interact with people as well as the
consequences of benefits of such interactions in relation to the well-being of that person.

Social health often deals with how people relate to each other and how an individual is able to socialize
with other people and form relationships. Chris can't deal with friendships in terms of how well the
person can form and keep friendships and other types of relationships as well. There are a number of
ways in which the different aspects of the health are interrelated and have an impact on each other. For
example the study of human security often deals with physical mental and social health in
understanding how people relate to each other and how sexual it manifest for an individual and affects
the relationships that individual has with others

The social health of individuals refers to that dimension of an individuals well being that concerns how
he gets along with other people how other people react to him and how he interacts with social
Institutions and societal mores. This definition in corporates elements of personality and social skills
reflects social norms and there’s a close relationship to concepts such as well be at this moment and
social functioning. A person with good social health:

Gets along well with people around

Have pleasant manners

Helps others

Fulfills responsibility towards others

Concept of health

Biomedical concept of health

Germ theory is the basis of paramedical concepts according to biomedical concept illness occurs due to
entry of pathogenic organisms in the body and health is considered as absence of disease. According to
buy medical concept one factor that is term is responsible for illness but other factors which contribute
to illness have not been considered. Traditionally health has been viewed as absence of disease if one is
free from dish is he or she is considered as healthy. This is concept known as biomedical concept the
medical profession what the human body has a machine disease as a consequence of breakdown of
machine and one of doctors task as repair of machine. limitation of this concept is that it has minimum
role of environment social fisheye psychological and cultural determinants of health.

Ecological concept of health

Ecology is the study of environment and biologists according to ecologists illness occurs due to pollution
in the environment health problems occur due to environment pollution or months adjustment to
environment or I’m perfect man environment. Ecologist have considered the external environment of
human beings but internal environment of human being is also responsible for this is.

Ecologist put forward add another hypothesis which beautyhealth as dynamic equilibrium between and
his environment and disease as a man at this moment of the human organisms to the environment.
ecological and cultural adaptation determines not only occurrence of disease but also the availability of
food and population explosion. History August at improvement in human adaptation to natural
environment can lead to longer life expectancies and better quality life. The concept supports the need
for clean and safe water Ozone layer in atmosphere etc to protect us from exposure to unhealthy

Psychological concept of health

Psychologist have discuss the influence of interpersonal relationship on health wealth our culture and
interpersonal relations are also need to be studied along with biological factors for maintaining the
health status of the community. In some culture people prefer to eat high fat diet which can lead to
obesity. Stressful situations can result in hill health due to poor social interaction. while considering
health and illness psychological aspects are also need to be kept in mind.

Contemporary development in social science revealed that health is not only a biomedical phenomenon
but one which is in need by social psychological cultural economic and political factors of people
concerned. Health is both a biological and social phenomenon.

Holistic concept of health

The words holisM and Holistic are derived from the Greek word holos, meaning whole. Holistic health is
a concept that all potential contributing factors which may affect a person's well-being are taken into
consideration when assessing a person's overall health together our wholeness is greater than the parts
alone. this aspects of our wholeness are our body our mind our emotions and our spirit. Wholeness as
body mind emotion heart and spirit is Central to the definition of Holistic health it is synthesis of Pas
Medical and ecological model and psychological concept. It recognises the strength of social economic
political and environmental influence on health. The definition of Holistic health is simple and inclusive.
It is over all state of Wellness on all level of being physical emotional mental and spiritual. ITT covers the
health of entire being and extends to resources environment and relationships. Taking a Holistic
approach to life has to create a balance in personal life family relationships community activities and
work environment. Wholesome is based on an understanding that the whole is greater than the sum of
its parts. Practitioners of Holistic medicine focus on the whole person not just a specific disease and
believe that mind body and spirit are inseparable. They also believe that good health is not merely the
absence of disease that the body has an innate power to heal itself. And that Lifestyle factors contribute
to health and illness.

Dimensions of health

Physical dimension

Genetic makeup age development level race and sex are all part of an individuals physical dimension
and strongly influenced help status and health practices. Providing physiological care focuses on
achievement of the basic needs suggest oxygenation circulation sleep and confirm nutrition and
Emotional dimension

How the mind and body interact to affect body function and to respond to body conditions are also
influences health long term stress affects the body systems and anxiety affects health habits conversely
calm acceptance and relaxation can actually change body responses to illness.

Intellectual dimension

The intellectual dimensions and compasses cognitive abilities such as judgement orientation memory
and the ability to take in and process information educational background and past experiences. This
influence Archives responses to teaching about health and reactions to health care during illness. They
also play a major role in health behaviours. Intellectual functioning can be empowered by multiple
factors including infection exposure to talk scenes substance abuse trauma and psychological. it is
important for nurses to determine the clients intellectual abilities in order to communicate effectively.

Environmental dimension

The environment has main influences on health and illness housing sanitation climate and pollution of
air food and water are aspects of environmental dimension.

Socio cultural dimension

has practice and beliefs are strongly influenced by a person's economic level Lifestyle family and culture.
Low income groups are less likely to seek Healthcare to prevent or treat illness. High income groups are
more prone to stress related habits and illness. The family and the culture to which the person belongs
determine patterns of living and values about health and illness that are often unalterable.

Spiritual dimension

spiritual and religious beliefs are important components of the way the person behaves in health and
illnees. Spirituality is multidimensional in that it refers to one’s relationship with oneself a sense of
connection with others and a relationship with a half hour or devices. Spirituality assist a person in
determining the sense of meaning or purpose in one's life. It is an integral component or core of one's
pink. spirituality is somewhat difficult to define as it is determined as an individual level.

Factors affecting health

Human biology

hereditary characteristics that our height weight colour of skin blood groups etc are determined by cin
which is coming one from mother and one from father. The genetic constitution of man is land at the
time of conception. So the state of health therefore depends partly on genetic constitution inherited by
the individual. This is inherited diseases like diabetes cleft palate epilepsy and hypertension etc. Are
genetic defects


in the environment the various living and nonliving things surrounding man plays an important role.
Environment employees air water and soil but also social and economic conditions in which man lives.
This relation between man and environment is called human ecology. The man’s environment is divided
into three major components

Physical environment

This is the part of my external environment water are housing climate soil nutrition etc. man has halted
everything in his physical environment due to air pollution water pollution excessive noise a radiation
hazards are main and man has become ill health.

Biological environment

This is the living component of mines external environment. It consists of plants animals insects bacteria
and virus with which man is in constant relationship. When the delicate balance is disturbed Men's
Health is affected.

Social environment

This pertains to man in relationship with his fellow human beings. The social environment is quite prod
and ill defined. It is composed of customs habits income occupation religion standard of living human
behaviour availability of health services and social and political organisations. Maladjustment Mein
result in problems like drug addiction alcoholism crime violence suicides divorce is mental illness
hypertension peptic ulcer etc. When man has controlled physical and biological environment and also
social environment the health and well-being of the individually maintained.

Way of living

Health may not be given by one person to another person it depends upon the way of living the level of
personal hygiene education and the lifestyle of the people. People must maintain the rules of hygiene
heating balanced diet healthy habits immunization and periodic medical checkups by increasing
standard of living can control tuberculosis and not smoking can decrease is the cancer and heart disease.
By the way of life the people can raise their health status.

Economic status

It is known that people who are read and there is the better health than those who are poor. This is due
to economic status. Poverty leads to sickness and sickness leads to poverty.

Health Services

in India health services are provided by physicians nurses health assistant health workers Dias etc. The
services are both curative and preventive. Their medical care control of community diseases mother and
child health and family planning improvement of environment school health services collection of vital
statistics and health education.

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