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Seleksi Nasional ASC 2018 – IT Network Systems Administration – Day 3 1 of 5

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2 of 5 Seleksi Nasional ASC 2018 – IT Network Systems Administration – Day 3

Day 3 – Packet Tracer Challenge

IT Network Systems Administration

Seleksi Nasional ASC XII 2018

Jakarta, 5-9 September 2017
Seleksi Nasional ASC 2018 – IT Network Systems Administration – Day 3 3 of 5

Packet Tracer Scenario: Banana n’ Co

Banana n' Co is an Indonesian AI researcher company based in Yogyakarta.
Banana have two other branch and also connected to it's subsidiary company
named Melon Inc.

Each Banana office connected through site-to-site tunnel over internet, and
connected to Melon through BGP peering over site-to-site tunnel. Banana n' Co
using centralized DHCP server on HQSRV1 and distributedCall Manager on each
site main router. Banana also have it's own web server can be accessed
through or

As a new engineer, you are challanged to solve troubleshoots from given

simulated Banana's network. Here is the list of problems. Problems may be
related to one another.

A. Banana Headquarter Site

1. Finance IP Phone 1
Finance IP Phone 1 (FNCIPP1) unable to register to CME but FNCIPP2
strangely registered to CME with no problem. Make sure FNCIPP1 able to
register to CME and can make a phone call.

2. Staff PC 1
Staff PC 1 (STFPC1) cannot get IP address but Staff IP Phone 1 (STFIPP1)
can work perfectly. Make sure STFPC1 can get IP address and able
to access

3. Internal Laptop 1
A new laptop staff (INTLTP1) cannot connect to APInternal Wireless
network. Make sure INTLTP1 able to connect to APInternalWireless

4. NetAdmin PC 2 Softphone
NetAdmin PC 2 (ADMPC2) want to use softphone to join CME,
unfortunately softphone on ADMPC2 cannot get number and any
configuration, but softphone on ADMPC1 work perfectly. Make
suresoftphone on ADMPC2 can work properly.
4 of 5 Seleksi Nasional ASC 2018 – IT Network Systems Administration – Day 3

5. Manager PC 1
Manager PC 1 (MGRPC1) cannot get IP address from DHCP but Manager
IP Phone 1 (MGRIPP1) can work perfectly. Make sure MGRPC1 can get IP
from DHCP, softphone registered to CME and can access or

6. Connection to Melon Inc.

Banana's network unable to connect to Melon's network. Melon's IT
section reported that their configuration is perfectly correct but don't
receive any advertised network from Banana. Make sure Melonreceive
advertised Banana internal network and able to connect. Computers in
Melon Network should able to access or

B. Banana Branch 1 Site

1. IPv6 over IPv4 Tunnel to HQ Site

Banana HQ and Site 1 are running dual stack. IPv4 connection from Site 1
to HQ is run perfectly but IPv6 in Site 1 still unable to connect to IPv6 in
HQ. The suspect is because IPv6 traffic no flow through tunnel. Make
sure IPv6 traffic from Site 1 to HQ vice versa can flow through IPv6 over
IPv4 tunnel.

2. IPv6 Routing
HQ Site using RIPng for IPv6 Routing, unfortunately Branch 1 computers
cannot access HQ servers using IPv6. Observe, solve and make sure
Branch 1 computers can access HQ servers using IPv6 address.

C. Banana Branch 2 Site

1. HQ-Branch 2 Tunnel
Tunnel from Branch 2 to HQ suddenly down after an engineer apply new
configuration on BR2RTR. Make sure site-to-site tunnel from Branch 2 to
HQ run well as it should be.

2. Branch 2 cannot call Branch 1 phones

Phones in Branch 2 are able to call phones in HQ site perfectly, but
cannot call any phone in Branch 1. Make sure phones in Brach 2 able to
call phones in HQ and Branch 1.
Seleksi Nasional ASC 2018 – IT Network Systems Administration – Day 3 5 of 5

3. Link Aggregation between BR2SW1 and BR2SW2

Brach 2 implement link aggregation for connection each switches to
improve availability and performance. Unfortunately link aggregation
which is using LACP between Switch 1 (BR2SW1) and Switch 2 not work
(BR2SW2). BR2SW1 should be actively negotiating LACP while BR2SW2
receiving negotiation. Make sure link aggregation between BR2SW1 and
BR2SW2 work as it should be.

4. BR2SW2 not receive VLAN update

All switches in Branch 2 is running VTP with BR2SW1 as VTP serverand
other switch as VTP client. Branch 2 switches using VTP version 2,
VTP domain set as BANANA and VTP password set as PBANANA.
Unfortunately BR2SW2 doesn't get any VLAN update and suspected
there are miss configuration in VTP. Make sure BR2SW2 can get VLAN
update from BR2SW1.

5. Wireless Connection on BR2TBL2

Branch 2 wireless is using WPA2-Enterprise with HQSRV1 in HQ Site as
Radius server. BR2TBL1 and BR2TBL3 are able to connect to wireless
network perfectly but it's strage that BR2TBL2 cannot connect to wireless
network. Make sure BR2TBL2 can connect to wireless
network and access or

6. BR2PC1 cannot get IP address

It's quite strage that BR2PC2 can get IP address from DHCP Services on
HQSRV1 perfectly but no for BR2PC1. Make sure BR2PC1 can obtaining IP
from DHCP and able to access or


• Each problem may have different score

• Problems may related to one another

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