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Current Date: 6/19/2017 9:08 AM

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File name: S:\HuskyLima\22HL4G04\STRUCT\CALCS\Bubble Tower Structure Connections - 06-16-17.cnx\

Steel connections


Connection name : CP_1PL_2B1

Connection ID : 8

Family: Column cap (CC)

Type: Cap Plate
Description: Node 403

Design code: AISC 360-05 LRFD

Description Ru Pu Mu PufTop PufBot Load type
[Kip] [Kip] [Kip*ft] [Kip] [Kip]
Pmax 0.00 -282.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Design
Pmin 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Design
Vmax 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Design
Vmin 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Design

Dimensions Unit Value Min. value Max. value Sta. References
Cap Plate
Bolt diameter [in] 0.75 -- 1.50 DG4 Sec. 1.1
dbmax = 1.5 [in] DG4 Sec. 1.1

Transverse center-to-center spacing (gage) [in] 5.50 2.00 12.00 Sec. J3.3,
Sec. J3.5
smin = 8/3*d = 8/3*0.75 [in] = 2[in] Sec. J3.3
IsCorrosionConsidered → False
smax = min(24*tp, 12 [in]) = min(24*0.5[in], 12 [in]) = 12[in] Sec. J3.5

Transverse edge distance [in] 3.00 1.25 -- Tables J3.4,

Lemin = edmin + C2 = 1.25 [in] + 0[in] = 1.25[in] Tables J3.4,

Longitudinal edge distance [in] 1.50 1.25 -- Tables J3.4,

Lemin = edmin + C2 = 1.25 [in] + 0[in] = 1.25[in] Tables J3.4,

Transverse edge distance [in] 2.45 1.25 -- Tables J3.4,
Lemin = edmin + C2 = 1.25 [in] + 0[in] = 1.25[in] Tables J3.4,

Plate (support side)
Distance from centerline of bolt to nearer surface o... [in] 1.50 1.25 -- DG4 Sec. 2.1
d<=1 [in] → 0.75[in]<=1 [in] → True
pfmin = d + 1/2 [in] = 0.75 [in] + 1/2 [in] = 1.25[in] DG4 Sec. 2.1

Weld size [1/16in] 5 4 -- table J2.4

wmin = wmin = 0.0156 table J2.4
wmin = wmin = 0.0208 table J2.4

Verification Unit Capacity Demand Ctrl EQ Ratio References
Cap Plate
Resulting tension capacity due prying action [Kip] 49.81 0.00 Pmax 0.00 p. 9-10
a' = Min(a + d/2, 1.25*b + d/2) = Min(1.5 [in] + 0.75 [in]/2, 1.25*1.5 [in] + 0.75 [in]/2) = 1.88[in] p. 9-12
b' = b - d/2 = 1.5 [in] - 0.75[in]/2 = 1.13[in] p. 9-12
ρ = b'/a' = 1.13 [in]/1.88[in] = 0.6 p. 9-12
δ = 1 - d'/p = 1 - 0.813 [in]/5.75[in] = 0.859 p. 9-11
tc = ((3.33*B*b')/(φ*p*Fu))0.5 = ((3.33*29.84 [kip] *1.13[in])/(0.75*5.75 [in]*58000[lb/
in2] ))0.5 = 0.668 [in] p. 9-12
α' = (1/(δ*(1 + ρ)))*((tc/tp)2 - 1) = (1/(0.859*(1 + 0.6)))*((0.668 [in]/0.5[in])2 - 1) =
0.573 p. 9-13
Q = (tp/tc)2*(1 + δ*α') = (0.5 [in]/0.668 [in])2*(1 + 0.859*0.573) = 0.835 p. 9-12
Tavail = 2 * (B*Q) = 2 * (29.84 [kip] *0.835) = 49.81 [kip] p. 9-10

Bending [Kip*ft] 1061.25 0.00 Pmax 0.00 Sec. F13.1
Ag = Lp*tp = 10.4 [in]*0.61[in] = 6.34[in2] Sec. D3-1
Lh = dh + 1/16 [in] = 0.813 [in] + 1/16 [in] = 0.875 [in] Sec. D3-2
An = (l - n*Lh)*tp = (10.4 [in] - 2*0.875[in])*0.61[in] = 5.28[in2] Sec. D3-2
Fy/Fu<=0.8 → 50000 [lb/in2] /65000 [lb/in2] <=0.8 → True
Yt = 1 Sec. F13.1
Fu*Afn<Yt*Fy*Afg → 65000 [lb/in2] *5.28[in2] <1*50000[lb/in2] *6.34[in2] → False
φMn = φ*Fy*Zx = 0.9*50000 [lb/in2] *283[in3] = 1061.25 [kip*ft] Sec. F13.1

Resulting tension capacity due prying action [Kip] 46.02 0.00 Pmax 0.00 p. 9-10
a' = Min(a + d/2, 1.25*b + d/2) = Min(2.45 [in] + 0.75 [in]/2, 1.25*2.52 [in] + 0.75 [in]/2) =
2.83[in] p. 9-12
b' = b - d/2 = 2.52 [in] - 0.75[in]/2 = 2.14[in] p. 9-12
ρ = b'/a' = 2.14 [in]/2.83[in] = 0.758 p. 9-12
δ = 1 - d'/p = 1 - 0.813 [in]/5.5[in] = 0.852 p. 9-11
tc = ((3.33*B*b')/(φ*p*Fu))0.5 = ((3.33*29.84 [kip] *2.14[in])/(0.75*5.5 [in]*65000[lb/
in2] ))0.5 = 0.89 [in] p. 9-12
α' = (1/(δ*(1 + ρ)))*((tc/tp)2 - 1) = (1/(0.852*(1 + 0.758)))*((0.89 [in]/0.61[in])2 - 1) =
0.755 p. 9-13
Q = (tp/tc)2*(1 + δ*α') = (0.61 [in]/0.89[in])2*(1 + 0.852*0.755) = 0.771 p. 9-12
Tavail = 2 * (B*Q) = 2 * (29.84 [kip] *0.771) = 46.02 [kip] p. 9-10

Local web yielding [Kip] 220.45 141.00 Pmax 0.64 Eq. J10-2
IsBeamReaction → False
N = N = 3.08[in] Sec. J10-2
IsMemberEnd → False
φRn = φ*(5*k + N)*Fyw*tw = 1*(5*1.26[in] + 3.08 [in])*50000[lb/in2] *0.47[in] =
220.45 [kip] Eq. J10-2

Web crippling [Kip] 220.35 141.00 Pmax 0.64 Eq. J10-4
IsBeamReaction → False
N = N = 3.08[in] Sec. J10-2
φRn = φ*0.80*tw2*(1 + 3*(N/d)*(tw/tf)1.5)*(E*Fyw*tf/tw)1/2 = 0.75*0.80*
0.47[in]2*(1 + 3*(3.08[in]/29.5[in])*(0.47[in]/0.61[in])1.5)*(2.90E+07 [lb/in2] *50000[lb/in2] *
0.61[in]/0.47[in])1/2 = 220.35 [kip] Eq. J10-4

Weld capacity [Kip] 69.61 0.00 Pmax 0.00 Eq. J2-3
Fw = 0.6*FEXX = 0.6*70000 [lb/in2] = 42000 [lb/in2] Sec. J2.4
Aw = (2)1/2/2*D/16 [in]*L = (2)1/2/2*5/16 [in]*10[in] = 2.21[in2] Sec. J2.4
φRn = φ*Fw*Aw = 0.75*42000 [lb/in2] *2.21[in2] = 69.61 [kip] Eq. J2-3

Side wall local crippling [Kip] 2212.38 141.00 Pmax 0.06 Eq. K1-12
φRn = φ*Nwalls*0.8*tp2*(1 + (6*N/B)*(tp/tp)1.5)*(E*Fy*tp/tp)0.5 = 0.75*
2*0.8*0.581[in]2*(1 + (6*5.18[in]/10[in])*(0.581[in]/0.5[in])1.5)*(2.90E+07 [lb/in2] *50000[lb/in2] *
0.5[in]/0.581 [in])0.5 = 2212.38 [kip] Eq. K1-12

Side wall local yielding [Kip] 445.92 141.00 Pmax 0.32 Eq. K1-11
φRn = φ*Nwalls*min(Fy*tp*(5*tp + N), B*Fy*tp) = 1*2*min(50000[lb/in2] *
0.581 [in]*(5*0.5[in] + 5.18 [in]), 10[in]*50000[lb/in2] *0.581[in]) = 445.92 [kip] Eq. K1-11
Global critical strength ratio 0.64

a: Plate depth
Afg: Gross tension flange area
Afn: Net tension flange area
Ag: Gross area
An: Net area
Aw : Effective area of the weld
a': Distance for prying action
α': Value that either maximizes the bolt available tensile strength for a given thickness or minimizes the thickness required for a given bolt
available tensile strength
B: Available tensile strength per bolt
B: Available strength of all bolts
B: Width of a rectangular HSS
b': Distance for prying action
N: Bearing length
b: Distance from bolt centerline to the face/centerline of tee stem/angle leg.
C2: Edge distance increment
d: Nominal bolt diameter
dbmax: Maximum bolt diameter
dh: Nominal hole dimension
d': Width of the hole along the length of the fitting
δ: Ratio of the net area at bolt line to gross area at face of the stem or leg of angle
d: Beam depth
D: Number of sixteenths of an inch in the weld size
E: Elastic modulus
FEXX: Electrode classification number
Fu: Specified minimum tensile strength
Fw : Nominal strength of the weld metal per unit area
F y: Specified minimum yield stress
Fyw: Specified minimum yield stress of web
IsBeamReaction: Is beam reaction
IsCorrosionConsidered: Is corrosion considered
IsMemberEnd: Is member end
k: Distance from outer face of flange to the web toe of fillet
l: Length
Lemin: Minimum edge distance

Lh: Hole dimension for tension and shear net area
Lp: Plate length
L: Length of weld
edmin: Minimum edge distance
n: Bolts rows number
N: Bearing length
Nwalls: Number of walls
pfmin: Minimum distance from the inside of a beam tension flange to the nearest inside bolt row
φ: Design factors
φMn: Design or allowable strength
φRn: Design or allowable strength
p: Tributary length per pair of bolts, which should preferably not exceed the gage between the pair of bolts
Q: Prying action coefficient
Q: Prying action coefficient
ρ: Prying distances ratio
smax: Maximum spacing
smin: Minimum spacing
tp: Thickness of the connected material
Tavail: Available tensile strength per bolt including effects of prying action
t c: Flange or angle thickness required to develop the available strength of the bolt with no prying action
tf: Thickness of the loaded flange
tp: Plate thickness
tw : Web thickness
wmin: Minimum weld size required
Yt: Beam flexural factor
Z x: Plastic section modulus about the x-axis


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