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Quiz No. 8

1. Differentiate admissions from confessions.

2. Explain the rule on res inter alios acta and give an example. What are the
exceptions to the res inter alios acta rule.
3. Explain the rule on Admission by a party and give an example.
4. Explain the rule on Admission by a third party and give an example.
5. Explain the rule on Admission by a co-partner or agent. Give an example.
6. Explain the rule on Admission by silence and give an example.
7. Explain the rule on Admission by a conspirator. Give an example.
8. Explain the rule on Admission by privies. Give an example.
9. Explain the rule on similar acts and give an example.
10. What is hearsay? Explain independent relevant statement. Cite an example.
What are the exceptions to the hearsay rule?
11. Explain the rule on dying declaration and give an example.
12. Explain the rule on declaration against interest and give an example.
13. Explain the rule on act or declaration about pedigree and give an example.
14. Explain the rule on common reputation and give an example.
15. Explain the rule on Family reputation or tradition and give an example.
16. Explain the rule on Part of res gestae and give an example.
17. Explain the rule on Entries in the course of business and give an example.
18. Explain the rule on Dying Declaration and give an example.
19. Explain the rule on Entries in official records and give an example.
20. Explain the rule on Commercial lists and give an example.
21. Explain the rule on learned treaties and give an example.
22. Explain the rule on Testimony or deposition at a former trial and give an
23. Is an opinion admissible as evidence? Explain the rule and give an example.
Explain the rule on opinion of an expert and give an example. Explain the rule on
opinion of an ordinary witness and give an example.
24. What is character evidence? Is it admissible? Explain. Explain the rule on
character evidence in criminal case and give an example. Explain the rule on character
evidence in civil cases and give an example.
25. Study the Rule on Examination of a Child witness (A.M. No. 004-07-SC)
and Explain the following:
a. Applicability of the rule
b. meaning of a child witness
c. Competency of a child
d. Examination of a child witness
e. Live-link TV testimony of a child witness
f. Videotaped deposition of a child witness
g. Hearsay exception in child abuse cases
h. Sexual abuse shield rule
i. protective orders
26. When is an evidence offered under the Rules on Evidence
27. Explain the rules on objection and enumerate the grounds for objection.
28. Explain the rules on repetition of an objection. When should the Court
make a ruling to an objection? Explain the rules on striking out an answer to a question.
Discuss tender of excluded evidence and give an example.
29. Study Judicial Affidavit Rule (A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC) and answer the
a. Scope and application of the Rule
b. Contents of a Judicial Affidavit
c. Application to civil actions
d. Application to criminal actions
e. Effect of non-compliance with the Rule
30. Study Efficient Use of Paper Rule (A.M. No. 11-9-4-SC) and discuss the
salient features of the Rule.

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