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Art I

Mrs. Chrissy Neelon

Work Phone: (336) 610-0813 ext 401

Welcome! I am very excited about this school year and look forward to teaching you all about the
wonderful world of art. Students will learn and apply the elements and principles of design to
produce creative art projects that reflect their understanding of these concepts. This should be a
productive and fun semester. I hope that this sheet will answer both your questions and the
questions of your parents.

Required Art Kit

What you will need in class everyday: ∙ paint brushes
∙ Sketchbook
∙ zipper- bag or box
∙ pencil Optional items:
∙ eraser
∙ Set of drawing pencils
∙ 2 ex-fine black sharpie
∙ Set of Prisma Colored Pencils
∙ 2 fine sharpie
∙ pencil sharpener
∙ glue stick
Classroom Expectations
The amount of time you will have to complete each project is planned to coincide with the amount
of class time given before the due date. Generally speaking, you should have enough studio time to
complete each project in class. However, it is expected that you also complete work at home in
order to meet the deadlines.
The following is our usual class routine:
• Start of Class - Be on Time and Prepared. As soon as you enter the classroom, you should find
any projects or materials needed for the day, be seated and start working. If there is a presentation
or demonstration, sit quietly and take out your sketchbook to take notes.
• Studio Time - If you need clarification or have questions about the day’s activity, ask questions.
Follow instructions for how the studio time is used. Use time management. I will be circulating the
room to assist, if not readily available to help you, ask a peer for help.
• End of Class - The last 5 minutes are for cleaning up. Put all materials away. Wash anything that
needs it.

• Do not leave the classroom for any reason without permission.

• Respect all people, projects, materials and the studio.
• Act in a mature and responsible way. No horseplay or swearing.
• Come to class prepared, pay attention, follow directions and stay on task.
• No cell phones in class unless I give you permission to photograph your art.
• We will listen to the radio, but music is teachers choice.
• Discrimination or any hateful/negative language or actions will not be tolerated.
• Restroom/Personal concerns: Any restroom break should be no longer than 5 minutes.
Project Assessment Rubric
6- Excellent- (A+) (98-100)
Work at this level:
• Is consistently of high quality
• Shows obvious evidence of thinking
• Demonstrates verve
• Addresses fairly complex visual and/or conceptual ideas
• Uses materials well, technique is excellent
• Shows evidence of experimentation and/or risk taking
• Shows strong evidence of informed decision making
5 Strong- (A) (95)
Work at this level:
• Is generally strong
• Shows obvious evidence of thinking in that it is about something
• Is fairly confident
• Has a grasp of the elements and principles of design
• Shows a strong sense of the student’s individual transformation of images
4 Good- (B) (85)
Work at this level:
• Has some sense of direction but may not be fully evolved
• Exhibits some degree of success
• Shows that some manipulation of ideas is evident
• Shows a good understanding of the elements of and principles of design
• Demonstrates that some technical aspects are handled well but sometimes do not match the idea
• Indicates that, if other source materials are used, the student’s voice can still be discerned
3 Moderate- (C) (75)
Work at this level:
• May show a sense of real effort but problems are not successfully resolved
• May be more accomplished technically than it is conceptually
• Demonstrates that an awareness of the elements and principles of design is emerging
• Is erratic in technique, with little or no sense of challenge
• Shows some ambition while achieving only moderate success
• Indicates that, if other source materials are used, the student’s voice is minimal
2 Weak- (D) (65)
Work at this level:
• Is technically weak or awkward
• Is simplistic in addressing solutions to problems
• Shows no clear intent
• Is limited in artistic decision making
• Indicates that, if other source materials are used, the student’s voice is not discernable
1 Poor- (F) (0-55))
Work at this level:
• Shows little, if any, evidence of thinking/artistic decision making
• Is poor in technique
• Is trite in addressing solutions to problems
• Has poor composition
• Shows that work is obviously copied from photographic sources or from the work of others

Project grades- Midterm= 80% of term grades

Participation- Classwork = 20% of term grades
Exam:The final exam will count for 25% of your final grade. (Exemptions apply, see handbook
for exemption specifications.)

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