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ROUGH The Sons of Confederate Veterans – Camp 265



Home of the Rankin Rough & Ready’s – Brandon, Mississippi

Commander’s Report
Our speaker this month will be the Magnolia Rifles.
They will be demonstrating drills and giving us an explanation of
commands, clothing worn, and camp life. Please come support
our youth reenactors! The Turkey Shoot winner from the trail of
honor will be at this meeting to collect his target, certificate of
appreciation, letter from the commander, and his $100.00 first
place prize! We have new members to induct, catfish for a change
on the menu, and a good business session planned. So come early,
bring someone with you and as sure as the dew kisses the morning
grass, I will probably see you at our next camp meeting at Uncle
Buck’s in The Bass Pro Shop. – Tim Cupit

Meeting Agenda for September 1st:

Agenda For September 1st, 2018 Meeting
- Open with prayer at 7pm sharp
- Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag and salutes led by 2nd Lt.
Commander Tom Lilly
- Trivia by Ralph Smitherman
- Present winners with door prizes from the Relic Show
- Guest Speakers–Magnolia Rifles/Topic: Drills & Explanation

Unfinished Business
- Adopt minutes from August 4th, Motion, 2nd, Discussion, Vote.
- Dues are due!
- Did everyone sign in & get a door prize ticket?
- and Facebook stats from Chris Merck Our guest speaker for the
- 1st Thursday Coin Club Meeting at the Brandon Library at 6:30pm August 4th meeting was Mr. Scott
hosted by Ed Lofton & draw for first door prize Bell. He traveled all the way from
- OCR Report by Brandi Gray East Texas to speak to us about his
- Review 2019 MS Division SCV Reunion. We need members fo the book titled, “The Camel Regiment: A
camp to attend this reunion!!! History of the Bloody 43rd
- Camp polo shirts– Lynn Gaskin
- Fall Muster is October 21st & 22nd, 2018
Mississippi Volunteer Infantry, 1862-
- Is there any other unfinished business? 1865.” An awesome speaker and
guest– Thank You Mr. Bell!
New Business
- New Members
- Drawing for McWilliams Artwork valued at $500 from all paid
members at October meeting.
- Elections for Camp Officers will be held at our November meeting: Keep up with what’s happening in and around
Anyone wanting to hold a position needs to let it be known! Camp 265 by checking out the official
- Door Prizes Rankin Rough & Ready’s Facebook page!
- Pass the Hat!
- Turkey Shoot Winner– Certificate of Appreciation, Letter from the
Commander, & Prize Money!
- Open Floor
- Close the meeting with prayer at approx. 8:35pm

Commander’s Quote:
“If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way.
If not- you’ll find an excuse.”
by Tom Fortenberry by Charles Lewis

I thought this month I would give you something to think about. Our
The Great Revival ancestors did not qualify for federal government pensions until the 1930's.
Some Southern states, however, did pay pensions. Mississippi began in
During the years of the War of Aggression from 1861 to 1865 1888. In the beginning these pensions ranged anywhere from $8.00 to
men from both the North and the South fought a war which $13.00 a month. At the peak of the pensions, they ran around $30.00 a
month. That means our ancestors lived on no more than a $1.00 a day. At
would kill over 750,000 soldiers from both sides combined. today's minimum wage in Mississippi you live on $58.00 a day, and are
The effects of the war were many. Men from both sides were eligible for all types of government assistance. Our ancestors were not.
far away from their homes and loved ones and mail service Our SCV dues are 14 cents a day. Do we not owe them that? If they
was long and often lost to those sending and receiving. survived on 27 cents a day when pensions were at the lowest to $1.00 a
day at the height of the pensions, can we not find 14 cents a day to honor
Commanders were hard tasked in keeping their troops spirits them? Thank you to all who paid your dues in a prompt manner. Your
up with poor food, health, hard labor, the lost of comrades in ancestors and the camp appreciates it. Any dues sent in now are
battle, and boredom resulting in desertions and the will to delinquent, resulting in reinstatement. To reinstate mail a check made out
fight. to SCV Camp # 265 in the amount of $57.50 to:

Charles Lewis
The effects of the beginning of the war had a profound effect 1324 Rosemary Rd.
in preparing the soil for a revival to begin. It is said that a Florence, MS 39073
revival is started by one and consumes the rest. In the same
way one spark can consume a whole field. Sixty nine people signed in for door prizes at the Aug. meeting.

Cheryl Bruce, from the MS Wounded Warriors, was presented a check for
In the fall of 1863 as winter approached, the moment and time $500.00. She gave a very informative report on how the money is used.
had been made ready for wounded hearts to receive a great
awakening. With the passing of time, the war had brought forth Mr. Scott Bell, from east Texas, was the guest speaker. He spoke on the
Chaplains and preachers who had been assigned to units on history of the 43rd Mississippi Regiment - The Camel Regiment. At the
end of the meeting the hat was passed to help cover traveling expenses.
both sides with many coming from the same town and county Ninety two dollars was raised.
as the unit. Bibles were handed out to as many as supply lasted
and most times left many without. Yet the Word was preached New member Jonas Hogan Patrick received his membership certificate.
and received in the camp, on the march, and even on the battle Richard C. Lee received his replacement certificate denoting his
membership in the Rankin Rough and Ready's.
field. Although there were troops from both sides which heard
and read the Good News of Jesus Christ from Chaplains, Commander Cupit presented Jeremy Quarshie (member of the Magnolia
prayer meeting and in Churches along the way. An incredible Rifles) the Rep. J. L. Harris Heritage Award. This award is given by the
number of soldiers began to respond like a running flame in Mississippi Division SCV.
faith to receive the Good News of Jesus Christ.
OCR member Susan Jones presented members of the Magnolia Rifles
handmade Memorial Ribbons for their participation in the Gettysburg
Thus began a period during the war which stands out and was Reenactment.
known as the Great Revival. In the late fall of 1863 and into
the spring and summer of 1864 a Great Out Pouring of the Camp # 265 was honored to have received the General Nathan Bedford
Forrest Award - Camp with the greatest gain in membership for 2017 -
Holy Spirit began and continued. History records that over a 2018 at the SCV National Reunion.
period of some ten months, a number of around 230,000
soldiers both North and South made their decisions to follow James Cook was appointed 1st Lieutenant, to serve until elections in Nov.,
Christ. Reports from some writing home talked about their 2018.
witness of being baptized in ponds and streams many of which
Upcoming Events:
were very cold and in winter conditions. Commanders of many
units assigned Chaplains and where possible handed out - Fall Muster - Oct. 20th & 21st - Beauvoir Biloxi, MS
bibles. Bibles ran out quickly. Commanders even began to rest - Salvation Army Bell Ringing - Nov. 21st, 10 A.M. to 8 P. M., Bass Pro
their troops on the Sabbath and would not enter into battle Shop, Pearl, MS. The OCR has signed up to ring the Salvation Army
Bell. This is for both the OCR and SCV members. We need ringers. If you
until the following day. are interested you can let me know, ring with your wife or just come join
us when you can.
Psalm 85:6 “Will You not revive us again that your people
may rejoice in You.”
– Charles Lewis, Adjutant
– Thomas Fortenberry, Chaplain Camp 265
Mary Ann Forrest Chapter
of the Order of Confederate Rose
August has been busy with back-to-school activities,
and the MAFOCR took a small break, but we are getting
ready to get back to regular activities. Our first endeavor
for September is the start of a supply drive for the Rankin
CountyAnimal Shelter, including collars for the cats and For more information on INITIATIVE 62
dogs, plus as much pet food as we can get. This is a truly Please visit:
worthy cause for the neglected pets who are dropped off
so many times due to the owners not being able to care
for them or being surrendered. We hope you will help us
on this project as we will be collecting at the September
and October meetings.

The ladies of the Black Rose Society have also been

invited to participate in a Confederate Memorial Service
at Collums Cemetery on September 22nd with the
Margery B. Rogers Clark OCR Chapter in Bruce, MS.
We are honored to be a part of any event that honors our
ancestors. We hope to see you at the September meeting,
and we surely do appreciate our Sponsor Camp 265
Rankin Rough & Readies!


For more information on the Mary Ann Forrest Chapter of

the Order of Confederate Rose, or to become a member,
please visit them online at

You can also visit them on Facebook at: Mr. Willard Chatham (right) was presented an award for “Going Above and Beyond the Call of Duty” for Camp 265, the Rankin Rough & Ready’s!

For more information about SCV Camp 265,

the Rankin Rough & Ready’s, visit us online at:


Camp 265 was recognized with the General Nathan Bedford

265 Forrest Award as being the “camp with the greatest gain in
membership 2017-2-18” Congratulations!!!
Camp 265 Commander Tim Cupit recently spoke at General Nathan Bedford Forrest Camp #1649 in Meridian, Mississippi.

Mr. Richard Curtis Lee is now a member of SCV Camp 265 upon the record of his
Confederate Ancestor, Private Jonathan Lee, Company B, Steel’s Battalion.

Camp Commander Tim Cupit presented Cheryl Bruce of Wounded Warriors of

Mississippi with a $500 donation check.

Mr. Jonas Hogan Patrick is now a member of SCV Camp 265 upon the record of his
Confederate Ancestor, Private Thomas Albert Tuck, Company K, 40th Regimen,
Georgia Infantry.

Magnolia Rifles member Mr. Jeremie Quarshie received the Rep. J.L. Harris
Heritage Award from the Mississippi Division SCV.

MAFOCR member Susan Jones presented members of the Magnolia Rifles Our speaker Mr. Scott Bell even won a door prize! Congratulations!
handmade Memorial Ribbons for their participation in the Gettysburg Re-enactment.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans
Camp #265


317 Lake Heather Road BRANDON, MS
Brandon, MS 39047 PERMIT NO. 265

Our next meeting is September 1st

at Bass Pro Shop in Brandon at 7:00pm.
Come early!

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