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Executive Summary

Switzerland (/ˈswɪtsərlənd/; German: Schweiz [ˈʃvaɪts]; French: Suisse

Italian: Svizzera ; Romansh: Svizra or officially the Swiss Confederation
(Latin: Confoederatio Helvetica, hence its abbreviation CH), is a federal
parliamentary republic consisting of 26 cantons, with Bern as the seat
of the federal authorities, the so-called Bundesstadt ("federal city").The
country is situated in Western and Central Europe,where it is bordered
by Italy to the south, France to the west, Germany to the north, and
Austria and Liechtenstein to the east. Switzerland is a landlocked
country geographically divided between the Alps, the Swiss Plateau and
the Jura, spanning an area of 41,285 km2 (15,940 sq mi). While the Alps
occupy the greater part of the territory, the Swiss population of
approximately 8 million people is concentrated mostly on the Plateau,
where the largest cities are to be found; among them are the two
global and economic centres of Zürich and Geneva.

The establishment of the Swiss Confederation is traditionally dated to 1

August 1291, which is celebrated annually as Swiss National Day. The
country has a long history of armed neutrality—it has not been in a
state of war internationally since 1815—and did not join the United
Nations until 2002. Nevertheless, it pursues an active foreign policy and
is frequently involved in peace-building processes around the world. In
addition to being the birthplace of the Red Cross, Switzerland is home
to numerous international organizations, including the second largest
UN office. On the European level, it is a founding member of the
European Free Trade Association, but notably, it is not part of the
European Union, nor the European Economic Area (and thus does not
use the Euro currency). However the country does participate in the
Schengen Area and the EU's single market through a number of
bilateral treaties.

Straddling the intersection of Germanic and Romance Europe,

Switzerland comprises four main linguistic and cultural regions:
German, French, Italian and Romansh. Therefore, the Swiss, although
predominantly German-speaking, do not form a nation in the sense of a
common ethnicity or language; rather, Switzerland's strong sense of
identity and community is founded on a common historical
background, shared values such as federalism and direct
democracy,and Alpine symbolism.

Switzerland ranks high in several metrics of national performance,

including government transparency, civil liberties, economic
competitiveness, and human development. In April 2015, Switzerland
was found to be the ‘happiest’ country in the world in the third annual
World Happiness Report.It has the highest nominal wealth per adult
(financial and non-financial assets) in the world according to Credit
Suisse and the eighth-highest per capita gross domestic product on the
IMF list.Zürich and Geneva each have been ranked among the top cities
with the highest quality of life in the world (the former coming second
globally according to Mercer)

Switzerland has existed as a state in its present form since the adoption
of the Swiss Federal Constitution in 1848. The precursors of Switzerland
established a protective alliance at the end of the 13th century (1291),
forming a loose confederation of states which persisted for centuries.
1.1 Introduction to Swisstours
Established in the year
1997, Swisstours is the
leisure division and a
100% subsidiary of
Swiss International Air
Lines, Switzerland.
Managing Director of
Swisstours is Mr.
Toovey Abharam. and
Marketing and HR head Mrs Masuma Pardawala. With more than a
decade of experience in the European travel Market, we specialize in
offering services and
products that
include rail passes,
air tickets, hotels,
packages, wellness
options and tailor
made itineraries within the specific countries. Our strength is our well
travelled, friendly and professional personnel who with their expertise
ensure that our clients have the most memorable experience. With its
corporate head office in Zurich, Switzerland and its operations
headquartered in Mumbai, India, Swisstours also has a local network of
8 branches in India and various overseas offices. As also Swisstours is a
part of Swiss International Airline.
1.2 Early History Of Swistzerland
Much like the rest of Europe, Switzerland has found human remains
from up to 150,000 years ago. However, real migration to the region
came with the Roman Influence in 58 BC. When the Romans left, the
Germans moved in,
as well as
Anyways, during the
middle ages is when
Switzerland actually
started to unify,
being called a
Reform came back in the 16th century along with two reformers with
different ideals; Zwingli and Calvin. They brought about several
religious wars and conflicts that led to peasant revolts and religious
peace at the end of the 17th century. Then, in 1798, France invaded the
confederation and formed a more centralized government. Napoleon
realized that the confederation style of government was failing and set
up a new economic system, as well as establishing a new Federal
Constitution in the 19th century. Switzerland endured 2 World Wars as
a neutral zone, then set up a large tourism industry and industrialized
itself on the world market. The Switzerland government has now also
become Democratic, with several Democrat classes.
The oldest traces of hominid existence in Switzerland date back about
150,000 years. The oldest known farming settlements in Switzerland,
which were found at Gächlingen, have been dated to around 5300 BC.

Founded in 44 BC by Lucius Munatius Plancus, Augusta Raurica was the

first Roman settlement on the Rhine and is now among the most
important archaeological sites in Switzerland.

The earliest known cultural tribes of the area were members of the
Hallstatt and La Tène cultures, named after the archaeological site of La
Tène on the north side of Lake Neuchâtel. La Tène culture developed
and flourished during the late Iron Age from around 450 BC, possibly
under some influence from the Greek and Etruscan civilisations. One of
the most important tribal groups in the Swiss region was the Helvetii.
Steadily harassed by the Germans, in 58 BC the Helvetii decided to
abandon the Swiss plateau and migrate to western Gallia, but Julius
Caesar's armies pursued and defeated them at the Battle of Bibracte,
in today's western France, forcing the tribe to move back to its original
homeland. In 15 BC, Tiberius, who was destined to be the second
Roman emperor and his brother, Drusus, conquered the Alps,
integrating them into the Roman Empire. The area occupied by the
namesakes of the later
Helvetica—first became
part of Rome's Gallia
Belgica province and
then of its Germania
Superior province, while the eastern portion of modern Switzerland
was integrated into the Roman province of Raetia. Sometime around
the start of the Common Era, the Romans maintained a large legionary
camp called Vindonissa, now a ruin at the confluence of the Aare and
Reuss rivers, near the town of Windisch, an outskirt of Brugg.

The first and second century AD were an age of prosperity for the
population living along the Swiss plateau. Several towns, like
Aventicum, Iulia Equestris and Augusta Raurica, reached a remarkable
size, while hundreds of agricultural estates (Villae rusticae) were
founded in the countryside.

In about 260 AD, the fall of the Agri Decumates territory north of the
Rhine transformed today's Switzerland into a frontier land of the
Empire. Repeated raids by the Alamanni tribes provoked the ruin of the
Roman towns and economy, forcing the population to find shelter near
Roman fortresses, like the Castrum Rauracense near Augusta Raurica.
The Empire built another line of defense at the north border (the so-
called Donau-Iller-Rhine-Limes), but at the end of the fourth century
the increased Germanic pressure forced the Romans to abandon the
linear defence concept, and the Swiss plateau was finally open to the
settlement of German tribes.

In the Early Middle Ages, from the end of the 4th century, the western
extent of modern-day Switzerland was part of the territory of the Kings
of the Burgundians. The Alemanni settled the Swiss plateau in the 5th
century and the valleys of the Alps in the 8th century, forming
Alemannia. Modern-day Switzerland was therefore then divided
between the kingdoms of Alemannia and Burgundy.[24] The entire
region became part of the expanding Frankish Empire in the 6th century,
following Clovis I's victory over the Alemanni at Tolbiac in 504 AD, and
later Frankish domination of the Burgundians.

Throughout the rest of the 6th, 7th and 8th centuries the Swiss regions
continued under Frankish hegemony (Merovingian and Carolingian
dynasties). But after its extension under Charlemagne, the Frankish
empire was divided by the Treaty of Verdun in 843.The territories of
present day Switzerland became divided into Middle Francia and East
Francia until they were reunified under the Holy Roman Empire around
1000 AD.

By 1200, the Swiss plateau comprised the dominions of the houses of

Savoy, Zähringer, Habsburg, and Kyburg.Some regions (Uri, Schwyz,
Unterwalden, later known as Waldstätten) were accorded the Imperial
immediacy to grant the empire direct control over the mountain
passes. With the extinction of its male line in 1263 the Kyburg dynasty
fell in AD 1264; then the Habsburgs under King Rudolph I (Holy Roman
Emperor in 1273) laid claim to the Kyburg lands and annexed them
extending their territory to the eastern Swiss plateau.
1.3 Geography Of Switzerland
Switzerland borders France in the West, Germany in the north, Austria
and the principality of Liechtenstein in the east and Italy in the south.

Extending across the north and

south side of the Alps in west-
central Europe, Switzerland
encompasses a great diversity
of landscapes and climates on
a limited area of 41,285 square
kilometres (15,940 sq mi).The
population is about 8 million,
resulting in an average
population density of around 195 people per square kilometre (500/sq
mi).The more mountainous southern half of the country is far more
sparsely populated than the northern half. In the largest Canton of
Graubünden, lying entirely in the Alps, population density falls to 27
/km² (70 /sq mi).

Switzerland lies between latitudes 45° and 48° N, and longitudes 5° and
11° E. It contains three basic topographical areas: the Swiss Alps to the
south, the Swiss Plateau or Central Plateau, and the Jura mountains on
the west. The Alps are a high mountain range running across the
central-south of the country, comprising about 60% of the country's
total area. The majority of the Swiss population live in the Swiss
Plateau. Among the high valleys of the Swiss Alps many glaciers are
found, totalling an area of 1,063 square kilometres (410 sq mi).
From these originate the headwaters of several major rivers, such as
the Rhine, Inn, Ticino and Rhône, which flow in the four cardinal
directions into the whole of Europe. The hydrographic network includes
several of the largest bodies of freshwater in Central and Western
Europe, among which are included Lake Geneva, Lake Constance
(known as Bodensee in German) and Lake Maggiore.

Switzerland has more than 1500 lakes, and contains 6% of Europe's

stock of fresh water. Lakes and glaciers cover about 6% of the national
territory. The largest lake is Lake Geneva, in western Switzerland shared
with France. The Rhône is both the main source and outflow of Lake
Geneva. Lake Constance is the second largest Swiss lake and, like the
Lake Geneva, an intermediate step by the Rhine at the border to
Austria and Germany. While the Rhône flows into the Mediterranean
Sea at the French Camarque region and the Rhine flows into the North

Contrasted landscapes between the regions of the Matterhorn and

Lake Lucerne 48 of Switzerland's mountains are 4,000 metres (13,000ft)
above sea in altitude or higher.At 4,634 m (15,203 ft), Monte Rosa is
the highest, although the Matterhorn (4,478 m or 14,692 ft) is often
regarded as the most famous. Both are located within the Pennine Alps
in the canton of Valais. The section of the Bernese Alps above the deep
glacial Lauterbrunnen valley, containing 72 waterfalls, is well known for
the Jungfrau (4,158 m or 13,642 ft) Eiger and Mönch, and the many
picturesque valleys in the region. In the southeast the long Engadin
Valley, encompassing the St. Moritz area in canton of Graubünden, is
also well known; the highest peak in the neighbouring Bernina Alps is
Piz Bernina (4,049 m or 13,284 ft). The more populous northern part of
the country, comprising about 30% of the country's total area, is called
the Swiss Plateau. It has greater open and hilly landscapes, partly
forested, partly open pastures, usually with grazing herds, or vegetables
and fruit fields, but it is still hilly. There are large lakes found here and
the biggest Swiss cities are in this area of the country.
1.4 Cuisine, Sports, Culture , Religion, Language Of Switzerland
Crusine: The cuisine of
Switzerland is
multifaceted. While
some dishes such as
fondue, raclette or rösti
are omnipresent
through the country,
each region developed
its own gastronomy
according to the differences of climate and languages.Traditional Swiss
cuisine uses ingredients similar to those in other European countries, as
well as unique dairy products and cheeses such as Gruyère or
Emmental, produced in the valleys of Gruyères and Emmental. The
number of fine-dining establishments is high, particularly in western
Switzerland.Chocolate had been made in Switzerland since the 18th
century but it gained its reputation at the end of the 19th century with
the invention of modern
techniques such as
conching and tempering
which enabled its
production on a high
quality level. Also a
breakthrough was the
invention of solid milk
chocolate in 1875 by
Daniel Peter. The Swiss are the world's largest consumers of chocolate.

Sports: Skiing, snowboarding and mountaineering are among the most

popular sports in Switzerland, the nature of the country being
particularly suited for such activities.Winter sports are practiced by
since the second half of the 19th century with the invention of
bobsleigh in St. Moritz.The
first world ski
championships were held in
Mürren (1931) and St.
Moritz (1934). The latter
town hosted the second
Winter Olympic Games in
1928 and the fifth edition in
1948. Among the most
successful skiers and world champions are Pirmin Zurbriggen and Didier

Spengler Cup in Davos

Swiss are fans of football

and the national team is
nicknamed the 'Nati'. The
headquarters of the
sport's governing body,
the International
Federation of Association
Football (FIFA), is located
in Zürich. Switzerland hosted the 1954 FIFA World Cup, and was the
joint host, with Austria, of the Euro 2008 tournament. The Swiss Super
League is the nation's professional club league. For the Brasil 2014
World Cup finals tournament, the country's German-speaking cantons
will be closely monitored by local police forces to prevent celebrations
beyond one hour after matches end.Europe's highest football pitch, at
2,000 metres (6,600 ft) above sea level, is located in Switzerland and is
named the Ottmar Hitzfeld Stadium.

Many Swiss also follow ice hockey and support one of the 12 clubs in
the League A, which is the most attended league in Europe.In 2009,

Switzerland hosted the IIHF World Championship for the 10th time.It
also became World Vice-Champion in 2013. The numerous lakes make
Switzerland an attractive place for sailing. The largest, Lake Geneva, is
the home of the sailing team Alinghi which was the first European team
to win the America's Cup in 2003 and which successfully defended the
title in 2007. Tennis has become an increasingly popular sport, and
Swiss players such as Martina Hingis, Roger Federer, and most recently,
Stanislas Wawrinka have won multiple Grand Slams.

Culture: Three of
Europe's major
languages are official
in Switzerland. Swiss
culture is
characterised by
diversreflected in a
range of traditional customs. A region may be in some ways strongly
culturally connected to the neighbouring country that shares its
language, the country itself being rooted in western European culture.
The linguistically isolated Romansh culture in Graubünden in eastern
Switzerland constitutes an exception, it survives only in the upper
valleys of the Rhine and the Inn and strives to maintain its rare linguistic
tradition. Alpine symbolism has played an essential role in shaping the
history of the country and the Swiss national identity.Nowadays some
concentrated mountain areas have a strong highly energetic ski resort
culture in winter, and a hiking (ger: das Wandern) or Mountain biking
culture in summer. Other areas throughout the year have a recreational
culture that caters to tourism, yet the quieter seasons are spring and
autumn when there are fewer visitors. A traditional farmer and herder
culture also predominates in many areas and small farms are
omnipresent outside the cities. Folk art is kept alive in organisations all
over the country. In Switzerland it is mostly expressed in music, dance,
poetry, wood carving and embroidery. The alphorn, a trumpet-like
musical instrument made of wood, has become alongside yodeling and
the accordion an epitome of traditional Swiss music.

Switzerland has
no official state
religion, though
most of the
cantons (except
Geneva and
Neuchâtel) recognize official churches, which are either the Catholic
Church or the (Protestant) Swiss Reformed Church. These churches, and
in some cantons also the Old Catholic Church and Jewish congregations,
are financed by official taxation of adherents.

Christianity is the predominant religion of Switzerland (about 71% of

resident population), divided between the Catholic Church (38.21% of
the population), the Swiss Reformed Church (26.93%), further
Protestant churches (2.89%) and other Christian denominations
(2.79%). There has been a recent rise in Evangelicalism.Immigration has
brought Islam (4.95%) and Eastern Orthodoxy (around 2%) as sizeable
minority religions

Language: Switzerland has four unevenly distributed languages and a

wealth of dialects.

German (65.6 %)

German is by far the most widely spoken language in Switzerland: 19 of

the country’s 26 cantons are predominantly (Swiss) German-speaking.

French (22.8 %)

French is spoken in the western part of the country, the "Suisse

Romande." Four cantons are French-speaking: Geneva, Jura, Neuchâtel
and Vaud. Three cantons are bilingual: in Bern, Fribourg and Valais both
French and German are spoken.

Italian (8.4 %)
Italian is spoken in Ticino and four southern valleys of Canton

Rhaeto-Rumantsch (0.6 %)

Rumantsch is spoken in the only trilingual canton, Graubünden. The

other two languages spoken there are German and Italian. Rumantsch,
like Italian and French, is a language with Latin roots. It is spoken by just
0.5% of the total Swiss population.

Other languages (5.6 %)

The many foreigners resident in Switzerland have brought with them

their own languages, which taken as a whole now outnumber both
Rumantsch and Italian. The 2000 census showed that speakers of
Serbian/Croatian were the largest foreign language group, with 1.4% of
the population. English was the main language for 1%.

Climate: The climate is moderate with no excessive heat, cold or


From July to August the daytime temperature range is 18 to 28 °C (65° -

82° F) and from January to February the range is -2 to 7 °C (28° - 45° F).
In spring and autumn, the daytime temperature range is 8 to 15 °C (46°
- 59° F).

Depending on the altitude the temperature range may vary. It is highly

recommended to visitors to pack a sweater, good walking shoes,
sunscreen, sunglasses, a compact umbrella and/or a light rain coat.
Seasons :The seasons are clearly distinguishable. In autumn (September
to November), the fruit ripens and the leaves of deciduous trees change

The winters were formerly generally cold and snowy, but now freezing
temperatures and snow are no longer the rule, especially in the
lowlands. Nowadays, many ski resorts could hardly survive without
artificial snow.

In spring (March to May) the trees blossom and the meadows turn
green. Sometimes in April the winter returns for a short period and
sometimes there are summer conditions as early as May.

Summer temperatures rise to 25 to 30°C, with temperatures exceeding

the 30°C mark during hot summers.
1.5 Unknown Facts of Switzerland

Portable Cassette Player was first tested in St. Moritz

Europe's largest clock face is in Zürich

Swiss grocery chain MIGROS has a twin in Turkey

Ikea founder Kamprad is Switzerland's richest resident

The cheapest item for sale in Zürich in 2009 was an egg from a
foreign farm

Zürich has a staggering 1224 fountains

Swiss mailboxes have two slots - one for letters, and one for

Latin is the third most prevalent language

Chinese and Mexican restaurants are considered exotic and are

generally quite expensive

Freddie Mercury and Queen had a recording studio in Montreux

2.1 Overview of Destination covered by Swisstours
Zermatt: Zermatt lies at the foot of the Matterhorn. The town's
touristic development is closely linked to what is most probably the
world's most famous mountain. The vacation destination is a car-free
zone, has preserved its original character and offers nearly unlimited
possibilities as far as excursions are concerned.

Zermatt lies at the

foot of the
Matterhorn. The
town's touristic
development is
closely linked to
what is most
probably the
world's most
famous mountain. The vacation destination is a car-free zone, has
preserved its original character and offers nearly unlimited possibilities
as far as excursions are concerned. The location of Zermatt at the foot
of the Matterhorn and in the middle of an enormous hiking and ski
region makes it one of the world's most attractive vacation villages. The
ski region encompasses 63 mountain railways and 360 kilometers of
pistes. The region called "Matterhorn glacier paradise" is Europe's
largest and highest lying summer skiing region. Numerous national ski
teams train here in the summer.
The region is legendary amongst mountaineers: the
Haute Route, a challenging international route that takes several days
to complete, leads from Mont Blanc to Zermatt. Over 400 kilometers of
hiking trails lead through and out of the Matter Valley, including the
mule traders' trails, which date back to the 13th century (a part of
these paths is paved).

Interlaken: Interlaken lies in the Bernese Oberland on an alluvial plain,

between Lake Thun and Lake Brienz. The vacation destination, which
is presided over by the three mighty mountains, Eiger, Mönch and
Jungfrau, is the starting point for numerous activities.

Interlaken lies in the Bernese Oberland on an alluvial plain, between

Lake Thun and
Lake Brienz. The
vaca tion
which is
presided over
by the three
Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau, is the starting point for numerous
activities. By the beginning of the 19th century Interlaken in the
Bernese Oberland had already become renowned for its impressive
mountain scenery. Famous contemporaries such as Johann Wolfgang
von Goethe and Felix Mendelssohn traveled in these mountains. Interla
ken's success as a tourist destination was further enhanced by the
completion of the Bernese Oberland Railway in 1890 and the Jungfrau
Railway in 1912.
As a vacation destination and convention location of international
importance, Interlaken is an ideal starting point for countless
excursions. Over 45 mountain railways, cable cars, chair lifts and ski lifts
lead to 200 kilometers of pistes and a dense network of hiking trails.
Excursion ships, including historic paddle steamers, ply the waters of
Lake Thun and Lake Brienz.

Lucerne: Lucerne, the gateway to central Switzerland, sited on Lake

Lucerne, is embedded within an impressive mountainous panorama.
Thanks to its attractions, its souvenir and watch shops, the beautiful
lakeside setting and the nearby excursion mountains of the Rigi,
Pilatus and Stanserhorn, the town is a destination for many travel
groups and individuals on their journey through central Switzerland.

Lucerne, the
gateway to
sited on Lake
Lucerne, is
within an
mountainous panorama. Thanks to its attractions, its souvenir and
watch shops, the beautiful lakeside setting and the nearby excursion
mountains of the Rigi, Pilatus and Stanserhorn, the town is a
destination for many travel groups and individuals on their journey
through central Switzerland. Complete with gable paintings, the
covered, medieval Chapel Bridge forms the centrepiece of Lucerne’s
tow nscape and is considered to be one of the oldest, covered wooden
bridges in Europe. A further landmark of the town is the Museggmauer,
a wall which, with the exception only of one of its towers, has been
preserved in its original, well-fortified state.

Historic houses decorated with frescoes line the picturesque town

squares as they do the ‘Weinmarkt’ square in the car-free old town.
Lucerne is a city of town squares and churches. The Jesuit church dating
from the 17th century is regarded as Switzerland’s first sacral Baroque
building and the twin towers of the Hofkirche form an integral part of
the townscape. The figure of a dying lion which was hewn

from the face of rock in remembrance of the heroic death of Swiss

guards killed during an attack on the Tuileries in 1792 is one of the
best-known monuments in Switzerland. And with its 112-metre-long
Bourbaki panorama, Lucerne possesses one of the world’s few
maintained, mammoth circular paintings.

Tradition and modernity stand side-by-side with ease in Lucerne, as the

town has also earned a reputation for itself with innovative design. The
futuristic Culture and Convention Centre (KKL), designed by leading
French architect Jean Nouvel, is one the architectural highlights of the
town. The KKL is also a landmark of

Lucerne: Festival City» and venue for a wide variety of cultural events
throughout the year.
Lucerne is the ideal starting point for many excursions to the highlights
of central Switzerland. A trip up one of Lucerne’s regional mountains,
the Pilatus or the Rigi – the queen of mountains – is a must. But
excursions up
onto the
Stanserhorn, the
Bürgenstock or a
steamship cruise
on Lake Lucerne
with its many
bends and arms
are certainly no
less worthy. The
Wilhelm Tell Express originates in Lucerne and ferries its passengers to
the foot of the Gotthard pass via Lake Lucerne and then continues by
rail into Ticino, south of the Alpine ridge. The «cherry road» leads from
Lucerne through the landscape of cheery trees and kirsch.

Zurich: As a “metropolis of experiences” by the water, with a

magnificent view of the snowcapped Alps on the horizon, Zürich
Downtown Switzerland offers a unique mixture of attractions – over
50 museums and more than 100 art galleries, international fashion
labels and Zürich designs, and the most flamboyant and lively nightlife
in Switzerland.
As a «metropolis of experiences» by the water, with a
magnificent view of the snowcapped Alps on the horizon, Zürich offers
a unique mixture of attractions – over 50 museums and mor e than 100
art galleries, international fashion labels and Zürich designs, and the
most flamboyant and lively nightlife in Switzerland. Recreational
activities range from a visit to the riverside and lakeside bathing areas
in the very heart of the city, to a spectacular hike on the Uetliberg
mountain. The city of Zürich lies in the heart of Europe and at the
center of Switzerland, on the northern shores of Lake Zürich. Its
multicultural flair and the variety of leisure activities on offer attract
guests from all over the world to this “region of short routes”. Zürich is
quick and easy to reach, whether by train, plane or private vehicle. Its
international airport has direct connections with over 150 destinations.
Just a 10-minute
train ride from
the airport and
situated right
in the city
center, Zürich’s
Main Railway
Station is
regarded as a
central European railroad hub. A total of 370,000 people live in this
experience, science and business center. Thanks to its top-quality
infrastructure set amidst natural surroundings, it is a popular place for
study and research. For example, at Zürich University or the Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (ETH); built in 1855
by Gottfried Semper, the ETH Zürich is today associated with 21 Nobel

Some 150 years ago, part of the city’s fortifications was transformed
into what is now arguably the most famous “Station Road” in the world,
the Bahnhofstrasse. Zürich’s shopping mile has contributed largely to
the city's reputation as an El Dorado for shoppers and is a top address
for international fashion labels, jewelry and watches. However, it is just
one of the places where you can find urban Zürich labels; whether in
Zürich-West or in the Aussersihl quarter, you often come across local
brands where you least expect them. They inspire the fashion-
conscious and cause a sensation far beyond Switzerland's borders – as
has, for example, the cult label Freitag, with its unique style of bags and

Zürich boasts the highest density of clubs in Switzerland – here, you can
never turn up too late. From a house music party in the legendary
Kaufleuten to Greatest Hits from the Eighties at the oldest club in the
city, the Mascotte, to a gay event at the Labor Bar – parties really get
going after 11.00 pm and continue into the wee hours of the morning.
Here, there are no official closing times. In summer, nightlife can be
found not only in the clubs, but also outside in the open air; the venues
where visitors bathe and relax during the day are ideal places to flirt
and dance at night.

Also for lovers of art Zürich has a lot to offer. The city alone is home to
over 50 museums, some 14 of which are devoted to art. The museum
of fine arts, the Kunsthaus Zürich, boasts a significant collection of
paintings, sculptures, photographs and videos. In addition, it has an
extensive collection of works by Alberto Giacometti.
Another highlight is the Rietberg Museum, one of the leading centers of
non-European art in the world. Just a stone's throw from Zürich's main
station, the Swiss National Museum – housed in an over 100 year old
building reminiscent of a fairytale castle – contains the country's most
comprehensive collection of exhibits relating to Swiss cultural history.

Geneva: Embedded between nearby Alpine peaks and the hilly terrain
of the Jura, the French-speaking city of Geneva lies in the bay where
the Rhone leaves Lake Geneva. With its humanitarian tradition and
cosmopolitan flair, the European seat of the UNO and headquarters of
the Red Cross is
known as the
“capital of peace”.

between nearby
Alpine peaks and
the hilly terrain of
the Jura, the
city of Geneva lies in the bay where the Rhone leaves Lake Geneva.
With its humanitarian tradition and cosmopolitan flair, the European
seat of the UNO and headquarters of the Red Cross is known as the
«capital of peace». The symbol of the «world’s smallest metropolis» is
the “Jet d’eau” – a fountain with a 140-metre-high water jet at the p
eriphery of Lake Geneva. Most of the large hotels and many restaurants
are situated on the right-hand shore of the lake. The old town, the
heart of Geneva with the shopping and business quarter, holds sway
over the left-hand shore. It is dominated by St. Peter’s Cathedral,
however the actual centre of the old town is the Place du Bourg-de-
Four, which is the oldest square in the city. Quays, lakeside
promenades, countless parks, lively side streets in the old town and
elegant shops invite guests to stroll. One of the best-maintained streets
is the Grand-Rue, where Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born. The
«mouettes», a type of water taxi, enable crossings to be made from
one lakeshore to the other, while larger vessels invite visitors to enjoy
cruises on Lake Geneva.

Geneva is Switzerland’s most international city, as it is where the

European seat of the UNO is based. Even the International Red Cross
directs its humanitarian campaigns from here. Besides being a congress
city, Geneva is also a centre for culture and history, for trade fairs and
exhibitions. The «Horloge Fleuri», the large flower clock in the “Jardin
Anglais” (English Garden), is a world-renowned symbol of the Geneva
watch industry.

Culturally, this city on the westernmost fringe of Switzerland has much

to offer. International artists perform in the Grand Théâtre and Geneva
Opera House, and an extremely diverse range of museums such as the
“Musée international de l'horlogerie”, a watch museum with a
collection of jewellery watches and musical clocks, and the
International Museum of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, which
provides an insight into the work of these humanitarian organisations,
invite city guests to visit them.

A rewarding excursion destination is Mont Salève, which is situated in

neighbouring France. The cableway lifts visitors to an altitude of 1100
metres in less than five minutes, giving rise to outstanding vistas across
the city of Geneva, Lake Geneva, the chain of Alps, the Jura and

Basel: Located on both sides of the Rhine, in the three-country-corner

of Switzerland, Germany and France, Basel is the third largest city in
Switzerland. Not only diverse cultures, but also a multifaceted history,
modern art and
converge here.

Home to 40
museums, the
city of culture
for connoisseurs
has the highest
concentration of
museums in the country. Basel also has a beautiful Old Town, modern
architecture, and the Rhine – an inviting spot to rest a while. Basel is
Switzerland's oldest university city. Historic landmarks of the city
include the large
market square
with its richly
decorated red
sandstone town
hall and the
Almost 40 museums make Basel the city with the highest density of
museums in the country. Internationally known museums, such as the
Basel Art Museum, the museum devoted to the iron sculptor JeanBasel
is among other things home to the symphony orchestra and the
chamber orchestra as well as the musical theatre featuring
international productions. And a wide range of classical and
contemporary productions are shown on the stages of the Basel
Theatre and the Playhouse.

Basel is a green city. The Botanical Gardens, several parks and the
banks of the Rhine are perfect places to relax and linger for a while.
And the Etoscha House at the biggest zoo in Switzerland offers
spectacular insights into the Namibian Savannah.

At nearby Augusta Raurica near Augst impressive ruins and a great

many finds at the museum bear testimony to the busy lives of the
Romans in the region in the past. The charming countryside of the Basel
region with its many cherry trees in spring boasts a particularly
beautiful display of blooms. Germany and France, the Black Forest and
Vosges Mountains are only a stone's throw away from the border city
of Basel.

The yearly Fasnacht (Carnival) is the most important celebration for the
people of Basel. On the Monday following Ash Wednesday the city rises
with the "Morgenstraich". At four in the morning on the dot all the
lights in the city go out and a colourful and brilliant procession through
the streets of the city begins.

Bern: Not many cities have managed to retain their historic features
quite as successfully as Bern, the capital of Switzerland. The old town
of Bern has been entered in the list of UNESCO Cultural World
Heritage Sites and thanks to its 6 kilometres of arcades - the locals
refer to them as 'Lauben' - boasts on of the longest weather-sheltered
shopping promenades in Europe. The Zentrum Paul Klee houses the
collection of
works by the

Not many cities

have managed
to retain their
historic features
quite as successfully as Bern, the capital of Switzerland.

The old town of Bern is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and thanks to its
6 kilometres of arcades - the locals refer to them as 'Lauben' - boasts on
of the longest weather-sheltered shopping promenades in Europe. The
medieval air of this city with its many fountains, sandstone facades,
narrow streets and historic towers is unique. The elevated Rose Garden
above the Bear Park and the platform of the 101-metre-high cathedral
tower offer the best views of the old town round which the River Aare
flows. The former entrenchments and bastions drop down steeply to
the river. The boutiques, bars and cabaret stages of the old town, some
of which are located in vaulted cellars, and the small street ca fes
attract locals as well as a lot of tourists. Although Bern has a very good
public transport network it is best to explore the city centre on foot.

The Zentrum Paul Klee situated on the outskirts of the city houses the
most comprehensive collection of works by the artist Paul Klee. The
Albert Einstein House bears testimony to the physics genius' stay in
Bern at the start of the 20th century and may ideally be combined with
a visit to the Einstein Museum. With the History Museum, Art Museum,
Swiss Alpine Museum and
Communication Museum
Bern offers a very varied
range of exhibitions.
Bern is the seat of Switzerland's government. The Houses of Parliament
(Bundeshaus) rise above the city just a stone's throw away from the
railway station. The doors to the Houses of Parliament are open to
visitors most of the time, and if you're lucky you might even bump into
a member of parliament in the streets of the city.

In summer the River Aare provides an opportunity for the ultimate

bathing experience; very good, experienced swimmers allow
themselves to drift along in the clean Aare while enjoying a view of the
Houses of Parliament. The Botanical Gardens are also located along the
riv er, as is the Dählhölzli Zoo and the old Matte district. Bern and
bears, the cities heraldic beast, are inseparable. A visit to the Bear Park,
habitat of a family of bears, is a must-do.

In the squares of the city centre colourful weekly markets present their

Set in the heart of Switzerland, Bern is the gateway to the Alps. The
capital city may easily be reached by car or by air via the Bern-Belp
Airport and bus links to the city centre. Visitors who prefer to travel by
train may take advantage of the dense rail network with its direct
connections to the major European cities. Bern’s central location makes
it the perfect base for overnight accommodation and for excursions
throughout Switzerland.
Lugano: Lugano – the largest town in the holiday region of Ticino, is
not only Switzerland's third most important financial centre and a
conference, banking and business centre, but also a town of parks and
flowers, villas and sacred buildings. With Mediterranean flair, Lugano
offers all the advantages of a world-class city, combined with the
cachet of a small town. Thanks to its mild climate, Lugano is a popular
tourist destination in
the spring when the
camellias are in

Lugano, the largest

town in the holiday
region of Ticino, is not
only Switzerland's
third most important
financial centre and a conference, banking and business centre, but also
a town of parks and flowers, villas and sacred buildings. With
Mediterranean flair, Lugano offers all the advantages of a world-class
city, combined with the cachet of a small town. Lugano lies in a bay on
the northern side of Lake Lugano, surrounded by numerous mountains
offering splendid viewpoints. The traffi c-free historic town centre, the
numerous buildings in Italianate Lombardy style, the exclusive
museums, the mountains, lake and a packed calendar of events all
invite visitors to see the sights, soak up the atmosphere – and enjoy
"dolce far niente". Thanks to its mild climate, Lugano is a popular
tourist destination in the spring when the camellias are in bloom.
The town centre with its Mediterranean-style squares and arcades, and
numerous parks with sub-tropical plants such as the Parco Civico on the
shores of the lake invite you to laze around, enjoying the atmosphere.
By the lakeside promenade are the Belvedere Gardens, where the
parkland boasts not only camellias and magnolias but also countless
sub-tropical plants and modern works of art.

Art connoisseurs are attracted to this city of art and architecture by the
high standard of the exhibitions it hosts. In the Museo Cantonale d'Arte
are paintings by Klee, Jawlensky, Renoir and Degas, among others. In
the last 50 years, the Ticino region, and Lugano in particular, have
developed into an important region for architecture. The most well-
known representatives of the "Ticino School" are

Luigi Snozzi and Mario Botta. Botta's Banca BSI (Viale Franscini), the

Palazzo Ransila (Via Pretorio) and his own workshop on the Via Ciani
are good examples.
The two closest mountains to Lugano, Monte San Salvatore and Monte
Brè, give you an outstanding panorama of the town, Lake Lugano and
the alpine scenery. From Monte Brè there is a walk down to the village
of Brè, which has preserved its typical Ticino village centre, and
enhanced it with works of art. From the San Salvatore another popular
walk leads down through the beautifully situated Carona to Lake
Lugano at Morcote. Taking a boat trip back to Lugano is a splendid way
to round off the day. Other excursions are to the fishing village of
Gandria, up the Monte San Giorgio or the Monte Generoso or to the
Lilliput world of Switzerland in Miniature at Melide.

Lausanne: Lausanne, the second-largest city on Lake Geneva,

combines a dynamic commercial town with the locality of a holiday
resort. The capital of the canton of Vaud is also a lively university and
convention town. Sports and culture are given a high profile in the
Olympic capital.

Lausanne, the second-largest city on Lake Geneva, combines a dynamic

commercial town with the locality of a holiday resort. The capital of the
canton of Vaud is also a lively university and convention town. Sports
and culture
are given a
high profile
in the
capital. The
setting of
Lausanne is
extremely picturesque: it is hardly surprising that the International
Olympic Committee has been based here since 1914. The town is built
on three hills, surrounded by vineyard-covered slopes, with Lake
Geneva at its feet. Rising impressively from the opposing French
lakeshor e are the Savoy Alps. The attractive old town is largely car-
free. Small alleyways with cafes and boutiques shape the streetscape in
the medieval city centre.

The old town is dominated by the cathedral, which is regarded as

Switzerland’s most impressive piece of early Gothic architecture.
Lausanne was a diocesan town for over a thousand years. Shopping
streets can be found surrounding the cathedral as well as in the pretty
waterfront area of Ouchy. Switzerland’s only «metro» connects the
various parts of the town and eases travel in this incline-based town.

Also worthy of a visit are the parks, containing many Mediterranean

plant species, and grand palace hotels like the Beau-Rivage Palace in
Ouchy and the Hotel de l'Angleterre, were Lord Byron once stayed.
Gourmets will be able to savour many regional specialities in Lausanne
such as cabbage-filled sausage with leek gratin called "Papet Vaudois".
Mind you, master chef Fredy Girardet who was voted «Cuisinier du
siècle» or chef of the century by his colleagues has in the meantime
retired and handed over his sceptre in the Hôtel de Ville to his head
chef, Philippe Rochat.

Even lovers of culture won’t feel short changed in Lausanne: the

collection of marginal art (“Art Brut”) in Beaulieu Castle, the Fondation
de l'Hermitage, the «Musée de l'Elysée» photo museum, the pipe
museum and many others merit a visit. The offering of theatre
productions and musical performances too is above average. Finally,
Lausanne is home to the world-famous Béjart Ballet.

The «Olympic capital» is home to the Olympic Committee and also the
Olympic Museum, the world’s largest information centre about the
Olympic games. But sport in general is given a high profile here,
examples of which are the «Lausanne Marathon» and «Athletissima»,
the international meeting for track and field athletics.
St. Moritz - Alpine Metropolis: King Carl Gustaf of Sweden is only one
of the many prominent guests of St. Moritz. St. Moritz is often called
an Alpine metropolis. There are numerous luxury hotels, spas and
upscale shops against an Alpine background of lakes and
mountains.King Carl Gustaf of Sweden is only one of the many
guests of St.
Moritz. St.
Moritz is
often called
an Alpine
There are
luxury hotels,
spas and upscale shops against an Alpine background of lakes and
mountains. St. Moritz, which is in the Upper Engadine, at an elevation
of 1,856 m, boasts plenty of sunny days. It was exactly this sun that
was legally protected as the emblem of St. Moritz in 1930. St. Moritz
was often ahead of the times - for example, the first electric light went
on at Christmastime in 1878, the first golf tournament in the Alps took
place here, in 1889 and one of the first ski lifts in Switzerland began
running in 1935.

Sights such as the leaning tower, a remnant of the Mauritius Church

from around 1500, or the Segantini Museum, offer a change from the
life of luxury and the jet set.
Gstaad: The Gstaad-Saanenland holiday region in the Bernese
Oberland, from the chalet village of Gstaad with its many famous
visitors through to the authentic villages in the vicinity, offers a
charming mixture of options and visitors. The extensive "Gstaad
Mountain Rides" ski and hiking arena stretches across the whole
Saanenland to which the Montreux-Oberland-Railways (MOB) offer
easy access.

The Gstaad-
holiday region
in the Bernese
Oberland is
popular with a
charming mix
of visitors:
while the ch
alet village of
Gstaad attracts countless stars and starlets the smaller neighbouring
villages offer attractive options for families with children. In the past
years the centre of Gstaad has developed into the most popular and
shortest shopping street in Switzerland. With its top hotels, gourmet
restaurants, luxury chalets and nearby Saanen airport, the car-free
resort of Gstaad is a popular destination for international celebrities.
With the neighbouring resorts of Saanen, Schönried, Saanenmöser,
Zweisimmen, Gsteig, Lauenen, Feutersoey, Turbach and Abländschen,
the Saanenland as a whole however offers a considerably broader
spectrum: the nature preserve by idyllic Lake Lauenen with its
waterfalls and high moors, the narrow streets in the historic village
centre of Saanen, the advantageous situation of Schönried and
Saanenmöser for winter sports enthusiasts and the peacefulness of the
idyllic mountain village of Abländschen are examples of an extremely
diverse holiday region.

Montreux: The town of Montreux nestles in a sheltered Lake Geneva

bay, surrounded by vineyards and against the breathtaking backdrop
of snow-covered Alps. The Montreux Jazz Festival, which takes place
in June/July and features concerts on a variety of stages and parks is
very famous.

The town of Montreux nestles in a sheltered Lake Geneva bay,

surrounded by vineyards and against the breathtaking backdrop of
snow-covered Alps. The Montreux Jazz Festival, which takes place in
June/July and
concerts on a
variety of
stages and
parks is very
Because of the
mild climate Montreux is called the cap ital of the Vaud Riviera. Plants
associated with the Mediterranean, such as pines, cypresses and palm
trees grow here. Charlie Chaplin, Freddie Mercury and several other
famous people of world-renown lived and continue to live on the Vaud

The long, flower-bordered lake promenade which links Vevey and

Montreux going all the way to Chillon Castle is simply asking to be
strolled along. Cultural events, such as the Montreux Jazz Festival, as
well as countless excursion options to the mountainous hinterland or
on the lake make Montreux the most popular excursion and holiday
destination. Many of the houses along the lakeside road, including the
magnificent Fairmont Le Montreux Palace, date from the hayday of the
Belle Epoque. And the town has a modern congress and exhibition
centre: the Montreux Music and Convention Centre (2M2C).
2.2 Exclusive Mountain Excursions & Sightseeing by
Mt. Jungfraujoch: Top of Europe

Europe's highest altitude Railway station at 3454 metres.

100% Snow guaranteed all year round!
Amazing Attractions: Ice Palace, Ski & Snowboard Park, the Sphinx
observation terrace and the "Top of Europe" Glacier Restaurant
Famous activities: Snow Disk Run, Tyrolienne Jungfraujoch
Restaurants at the top: Bollywood ( Indian), Aletsch Self Service &

Popular Routes :

Interlaken – Lauterbrunnen - Kleine Scheidegg - Top of Jungfraujoch

Or Grindelwald - Kleine Scheidegg - Top of Jungfraujoch

Operational days: Operates all year round.

Mt Titlis: World’s first revolving cable car

World’s first revolving cable car offering you a magical 360

degrees panoramic view.
100% Snow guaranteed all year round!
Amazing Attractions: The Fun Lift, Ice flyer Chair lift, The Glacier
Grotto and the Glacier Park.
Famous activities: Skiing & snow boarding
Restaurants at the top: Panorama Restaurant, Terrace, Ofen Bar &

Popular Route : Luzern – Engelberg – Engelberg BET- Mt Titlis.

Operational days:

Closed for maintenance from 02 Nov - 13 Nov 2015

Mt Stanserhorn: First Open Double Decker Cable car

Amazing Attractions: Flower Reserve, Marmots Park, the Vintage

Cable car from Kalti station, Cabrio double decker cable car.
Famous activities: Paragliding, Hiking
Restaurants at the top: Rondorama Revolving Restaurant.

Popular Route : Luzern – Mount Stanserhorn

Operational days: Closed for Maintenance : 01 Jan -10 Apr 2015 & 16
Nov-31 Dec 2015.
Matterhorn Glacier Paradise: Europe’s highest and largest snow sport

Europe’s highest and largest snow sport destination at 3883

Highest mountain cableway in Europe.
360 degrees Breathtaking view of 38 super – colossal peaks!
Amazing Attractions: Glacier Palace & highest observation
Famous activities: Skiing and snow sports.

Popular Route : Zermatt – Matterhorn

Restaurants at the top: Matterhorn Glacier Paradise Restaurant & Shop

Operational days: Excursion will be closed from 04 May - 15 May 2015

due to maintenance.
Mt. Pilatus: World’s steepest cogwheel railway

Experience the World’s steepest cogwheel railway

The Golden round trip - a boat ride from Luzern, the cogwheel to
the top and the panoramic aerial gondolas back down.
Amazing Attractions: Fraekmuentegg - Toboggan run & the Rope
Krienseregg: Pilu Land Adventure kids playground
Famous activities: Pilatus Tubing, Hiking, Pilatus Climbing
Restaurants at the top: Restaurant Bellevue, Panoramagrill, Sun
Terrace & more.

Popular Route : Luzern – Alpnachstad/ Kriens – Pilatus

Operational days: Closed for maintenance from 19 Oct - 06 Nov 2015

Grindelwarld First: First Flyer

The Grindelwald First Lift – a 3 staged and was once the longest
Chair lift of Europe.
Lake Bachalpsee area where the snow-clad Alpine peaks are
mirrored in its blue, crystal-clear waters.
Amazing Attractions: First Flyer ride & the scooter bikes
Popular activities: Hiking and Biking
Restaurants at the top: The First Mountain Restaurant

Popular Route :Grindelwald – Grindelwald First

Operational days: Closed From : 01 Jan- 01 May & 26 Oct -31 Dec 2015.

Note : Passenger must weigh minimum 35 kgs to ride the First Flyer.
Glacier 3000: the highest bobsleigh track

From the scenic town of Gstaad a beautiful journey up to the vast

Glacier 3000.
Amazing Attractions: Alpine Coaster – the highest bobsleigh track,
Husky sled rides & the sn ow bus.(Additional Cost)
Restaurants at the top: Botta 3000 & Oldegg

Popular Route : Gstaad – Col du Pillon – Glacier 3000

Operational days: Closed for maintenance from 12 Oct -30 Oct 2014

Alpine Coaster closed from 1 Jan -30 Apr , 12 Oct -31 Dec 2015
Mt.Schilthorn: The James Bond Mountain

Enjoy in the World’s first revolving mountain – top restaurant, Piz

Views of peaks from the Bernese Alps and Mont Blanc to the
Blackforest plains.
Amazing Attractions: Touristorama – Highlights of James Bond
Restaurants at the top: Piz Gloria.

Popular Route : Interlaken – Lauterbrunnen – Stechelberg – Schilthorn

Operational days: Closed for maintenance : 20 Apr - 24 Apr & 09 Nov -

04 Dec 2015.
Swiss Miniatur: Miniature of Switzerland

Swiss Miniatur is located in Melide, just a 7 minute train ride from

The park boasts of more than 120 models of all the Swiss
The Park also has various kinds of rides for children.
You can also find your favourite Indian cuisine at the restaurant.

Park closed from 01 Jan - 11 Jan & 26 Oct - 31 Dec 2015

Park timings : 12 Jan -13 Mar 2015 ( 1 pm - 4 pm )( Lunch not


Park timings :14 Mar -25 Oct 2015 (9 am - 6 pm)

Lake Lucerne Dinner Cruise:

Sail off into the sunset on Lake Lucerne.

Enjoy a 1.5 hr cruise with Bollywood music and delectable Indian
Pass by beautiful castles and get inspired by the breathtaking view
of the nearby mountains.
The Indian buffet is offered by one of the finest Indian restaurants
- Kanchi.

Operational period:

Every Monday and Thursday from 20th April to 28th September.

Departs from the boarding pier in front of Schwanenplatz, Lucerne at


You can call a day prior and book your seat or we can make an
advance booking for you before your departure to Switzerland.
Swiss Chocolate Adventure:

The Swiss Museum of Transport in Luzern has gained a further

Experience the Swiss Chocolate Adventure on an exciting journey
with the new multimedia theme world, developed in conjunction
with the Lindt Chocolate Competence Foundation.
This new theme world allows the visitor to learn interesting facts
about the discovery, origin, production and transport of
Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling: this multimedia
voyage of discovery appeals to all the senses.
It illustrates the entire value creation and transport chains from
the cultivation of the cocoa bean and the transport to Switzerland
up to the manufacture and sale of the finished chocolate product.

Opening times: Summertime: 10 am – 6 pm,

Wintertime: 10 am – 5 pm
2.3 Swiss Travel System:
The Swiss Travel System is
the most convenient and
surest way of getting to
know Switzerland. It
operates as reliably and as
punctually as clockwork.
Perfectly co-ordinated
timetables allow rapid
interchange from one
means of transport to
another. Competent,
friendly personnel,
proficient in languages, will be ready to help you with any advice and
assistance you may need.
The pass allows you
unlimited travel on the
public transportation of 35
Swiss cities on a network
that covers 20,000
kilometres of train, bus and
boat routes. An added
attraction on the Swiss
Travel System is that
children below 16 years
travel free if accompanied by at least one parent.
This entitles you to unlimited travel on the Swiss Travel System for 3,
4 , 8 or
15 consecutive days. All other benefits of the Swiss Travel Pass apply.


This entitles you to unlimited travel on the Swiss Travel System for
3,4,8 or 15
days of your choice within a period of 1 month. All other benefits of
the Swiss Travel Pass apply.
For families travelling together, this free card allows children below
16 years
to travel for free when accompanied by at least one parent who is in
possession of a valid Swiss Travel Pass. Children aged 6-16 years who
are not
members of the family still qualify for a 50% reduction on all Swiss
Travel Passes.

General Conditions:
 Your Swiss Pass needs to be activated within 6 months of the
issuing date.
 The Youth Pass is valid for individuals under 26 yrs on first date of
 Children under 16 years travel free, if accompanied by at least one
2.4 National Passes By Swisstours


This pass is valid for unlimited travel on the national rail network of
France. It
offers you unlimited train travel from 3 days upto 9 days in a period of
onemonth. Travel days may be used consecutively or non-
Children 4 to under 12 years of age pay half the adult fare.
Senior fare is valid for passengers who are 60 years and over on the
firstday of travel.
Saver Pass is valid for 2 to 5 people travelling together at all times
(pricesper person).
Youth Pass is valid for passengers under 26 years of age on first day
This pass is valid for unlimited travel on the national rail network of
Italy. Itentitles you to any 3,4,5 or 8 days of unlimited travel within a
period of onemonth. Travel days may be used consecutively or non-
Children under 12 years of age travel free when accompanied by an
adult.Maximum 2 children per adult.
Saver Pass is valid for 2 to 5 people travelling together at all times
(prices per person).
Youth Pass is valid for passengers under 26 years of age on first day of
This pass is valid for unlimited travel on the national rail network of
Spain. Itoffers you unlimited train travel for any 3, 4, 5 or 8 days in a
period of one month. Travel days may be used consecutively or non-
Children under 12 years of age travel free when accompanied by an
adult. Maximum 2 children per adult

This rail pass entitles you to any 3,4,5 or 8 days of unlimited travel
within aperiod of one month on the national rail network of Belgium,
Luxembourgand the Netherlands. Travel days may be used
consecutively or nonconsecutively. Children under 12 years of age
travel free when accompanied by an adult. Maximum 2 children per
The European East Pass offers unlimited travel on the national rail
networksof Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and Hungary in 1st
class & 2nd class. It offers you train travel starting from any 5 days up to
10 days in a 1month period. Travel days may be used consecutively or
Children from 4 up to 11 years inclusive on the first day of travel pay
half the adult fare.
Note : The European East Pass is valid on all non-stop trains on the
German leg of the section between Kufstein and Salzburg.
3.1 Swisstours Exclusive Apartments

Private Allemand Apartments Lucerne:

In Lucerne, you now have choice to stay in the heart of the city as
Swisstours offers you comfortable, beautiful and exclusively furnished
apartments with all necessary amenities just two kilometers away
from the main station.

2 - 4 Person Studio - Luzern : 25 m2 more

One spacious open plan room with:
Sleeping area with double bed & attached bathroom.
Living / dining area with sofa bed for 2 people.
Modern equipped kitchen with pressure cooker.
2 Kms from Lucerne main station.
2 - 4 Person Apartment - Luzern : 31 m2 more
One spacious open plan room with:
Sleeping area with 1 double bed & attached bathroom.
Living / Dining area with sofa bed for 2 people.
Modern equipped kitchen with pressure cooker.
2 Kms from Lucerne main station.

4 - 5 Person Apartment - Luzern : 43 m2 more

One spacious open plan room with:
1 Bedroom with 3 single beds & 1 attached bathroom.
Living / Dining room with sofa bed for 2 people.
Modern equipped kitchen with pressure cooker.
2 Kms from Lucerne main station.

7 Person Apartment - Luzern : 108 m2 more

2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms.
Living / dining room. Free Wifi. TV with channels.
Modern equipped kitchens with pressure cooker.
2 Kms from Lucerne main station.
Private Schwizi’s Apartments Interlaken:
A short train ride from Interlaken Ost brings you to the picturesque
resorts of Ringgenberg & Niederried that provide an ideal stay for
both small families as well as groups up to 12 people. Ringgenberg
apartments are nestled in the upper part of the village with a common
indoor swimming pool, whirl pool (jacuzzi), steam bath, sauna, and a
freshwater aquarium where as Niederried is a small village just 4
minutes away from Ringgenberg, offering apartments with a glorious
180° panoramic lake view of Lake Brienz.
Apartment 29 - Ringgenberg (Downtown) : 30 m2 : 2 persons more
1 Room, 1 bathroom.
Living / dining /
Sleeping (double bed)
all in one room.
Small kitchen with
microwave &
3 mins walk to
Ringgenberg bus stop;
3 mins by train to
Interlaken Ost station.
Apartment 25/27- Ringgenberg (Downtown) : 30 m2 : 2 - 4 persons
1 Bedroom, 1 bathroom.
Living-/dining room with sleeper couch for 2 people.
Fully equipped Kitchen with microwave & hot plates.
3 mins walk to Ringgenberg station; 3 mins by train to Interlaken Ost
station. Patio with mountain view.
Apartment 10/12/14/16 - Niederried : 35 m2 : 2 - 4 persons more
1 Studio room with a double bed and a double bunk bed , 1 bathroom.
Living / Dining room.
Small modern open Kitchen with microwave.Balcony & patio with roof.
2 minutes walk to Niederried station; 7 mins by train to Interlaken Ost
Apartment 5/7 - Ringgenberg (Hillside) : 60 m2 : 2 - 6 persons more
1 Bedroom, 1 sleeping loft with 2 beds, 1 bathroom.
Living / dining room with sofa bed for 2 people.
Open kitchen with microwave and dishwasher.
5 -7 mins walk to Ringgenberg station; 3 mins by train to Interlaken Ost
Balcony with glorious lake views.
Apartment 9/11/13/15 - Niederried : 130 m2 : 6 - 10 persons more
3 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms & 2 balconies.
Living / Dining room & fireplace with wood burning stove.
Modern open Kitchen with microwave and dishwasher.
2 minutes walk to Niederried station; 7 mins by train to Interlaken Ost
station. Glorious Lake View.
The picturesque village of Grindelwald at the foot of the Eiger nestles
in a varied and unspoiled Alpine landscape. The town is set against
the backdrop of the imposing snow capped world-famous chain of
mountains which include the Eiger, Monch and Jungfrau. On arrival at
either Zurich or Geneva airport, board a train to Interlaken and then a
connecting train to Grindelwald. Here in this ideal setting is the
Grindelwald apartment house. The house is a leisurely 15 minute stroll
or just a 7 minute bus ride from the station. It houses modest studios
to spacious 5 room apartments and has a restaurant and grocery close

Type 11 - Grindelwald : 22 m2 : 2 persons more

Studio apartment with a double bed & attached bathroom.
Living / dining room.Open kitchen area.
15 mins walk or 7 mins bus ride to Grindelwald station. Limited view.
Type 20 - Grindelwald : 45 m2 : 2 persons more
1 Master bedroom, 1 bathroom
Living / dining room.
Screened kitchen area.
15 mins walk or 7 mins bus ride to Grindelwald station.
Balcony with beautiful mountain view.
Type 21 - Grindelwald : 50 m2 : 4 persons more
1 Master bedroom, 1 bathroom.
Living / dining room with 2 beds.
Screened kitchen area.
15 mins walk or 7 mins bus ride to Grindelwald station.
Balcony with beautiful mountain view.
Type 50 - Grindelwald : 117 m2 : 8 persons more
4 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms
Living room & dining area.
Kitchen area with dishwahser.
15 mins walk or 7 mins bus ride to Grindelwald station.
Balcony with beautiful mountain view.
3.2 Best Contracted Hotels by Swisstours

Hotel Simi: Zermatt

Address: Brantschenhaus 93, 3920 Zermatt, Switzerland

Phone:+41 27 966 45 00
Located in the heart of Zermatt, Hotel Simi is walking distance ( 300 m)
from the station.
Quiet and
equipped &
rooms, free
WIFI, free use of Spa and sauna, friendly and helpful staff and easy
access to all mountain railways, lifts and numerous attractive shops.

Hotel Stella: Interlaken

Address: General-Guisan-Strasse 2, 3800 Interlaken, Switzerland
Phone:+41 33 822 88 71
A warm welcome in the Stella hotel Interlaken, the smallest 4 star hotel in
Interlaken in the Bernese Oberland.
Enjoy your stay in a loving yet sophisticated ambience and take the
opportunity to benefit from the numerous opportunities available in
Interlaken and the
Jungfrau region.
After a vivacious
walk or any of the
varied excursions, a
visit to the gourmet
'Stellambiente' or a
swim in our own
pool is relaxing and
very pleasurable.
Hotel Arc - en – ciel: Gstaad
Address: Egglistrasse 24, 3780 Gstaad, Switzerland
Phone:+41 33 748 43 43
The Arc en Ciel hotel
in traditional Chalet
style is situated in a
quiet location on the
outskirts of Gstaad,
next to the Eggli
cable car close to the
car-free centre, 10
minutes by foot from
the Gstaad main
The hotel offers a free shuttle pick up and drop from the Gstaad train
3.3 Popular Packages for Switzerland by Swisstours


 Airfare on Swiss International Air Lines including airline
 Schengen Visa & Travel Insurance
 2 nights accommodation in Zermatt in 4 star hotel
 2 nights accommodation in Lucerne in 3 star hotel
 2 nights accommodation in Interlaken in 3 star hotel
 1 night accommodation in St. Moritz in 3 star hotel
 1 night accommodation in Lugano in 3 star hotel
 1 night accommodation in Montreux in 3 star hotel
 1 night accommodation in Zurich in 3 star hotel
 Daily Breakfast
 15 Days Swiss Travel Pass
 Seat reservation on the Glacier Express train in 2nd class
 Seat reservation on the Bernina Express train & coach in 2nd
 Journey on the the GoldenPass Line in 2nd class
 Excursion to Jungfraujoch - Top of Europe
 Excursion to Matterhorn Glacier Paradise
 Excursion to Mt. Titlis
 Excursion to Stanserhorn
 Meals & 3.50% Service Tax.
From Rs. 1,59,990 /- per person on Twin sharing basis.
Highlights: Jungfraujoch - Interlaken
Europe's highest altitude railway station at 3454 metres.
Amazing Attractions: Ice Palace, Ski & Snowboard Park and the Sphinx
observation terrace.
Matterhorn Glacier Paradise - Zermatt
The highest cable car station in Europe at 3,883 m.
Amazing Attractions: Europe's highest Glacier Palace, Cinema Lounge,
observation platform & photo point.
Mt. Titlis - Engelberg
World's first revolving cable car offering you a magical 360 degrees
panoramic view.
Amazing Attractions: The Fun Lift, Ice Flyer Chair lift, the Glacier Grotto,
the Cliff Walk and the Glacier Park.
Stanserhorn - From Luzern
Amazing Attractions: Vintage Funicular ride from Stans to Kalti, open
top double decker cable car.
Glacier Express - From Zermatt to St. Moritz
Amazing Attractions: A day trip through untouched mountain
landscapes, glamorous health resorts, deep gorges, delightful valleys,
91 tunnels and across 291 impressive bridges.
Bernina Express - From St.Moritz to Lugano
The famous bus and train combination from St. Moritz to Lugano via
The Bus ride from Tirano to Lugano through the picturesque landscape
of Valtellina – an Italian valley famous for its wines.
GoldenPass Line – From Montreux to Interlaken
Along with the amazing views, you will also enjoy the most modern
comforts in all of the coaches of the Golden Pass Panoramic trains.

Must See
 Chapel Bridge - One of Europe's oldest wooden bridges and
landmark of Lucerne faithfully restored to its original design
after a serious fire.
 Culture and Convention Centre of Lucerne (KKL) -Unites a
large concert auditorium, the convention centre and the art
museum under its imposing roof.
 Swiss Museum of Transport - One of the most diverse
museums in Europe for transport and communication, and
the most-frequented museum in Switzerland. Has its own
IMAX cinema on site.
 Lake Lucerne - The scenic beauty of the lake can be
discovered on the many different cruises offered by
paddlewheel steamers and motor vessels.
 Mt. Titlis - The perfect day excursion! Travel from Lucerne to
neighbouring Engelberg and then up to the the highest
mountain in central Switzerland by the Rotair.
 Pilatus - The Dragon Mountain and its famous Golden Round
trip fascinates visitors with its view from 7000 feet above
sea level.
 Lion Monument - The dying Lion of Lucerne is one of the
world's most famous monuments.
Most Popular Package: SWISS HIGHLIGHTS 7 Nights/ 8 Days
 2nd class train tickets as required by the itinerary
 2 nights accommodation in Geneva region
 1 night accommodation in Zermatt
 2 nights accommodation in Interlaken
 2 nights accommodation in Lucerne
 Daily breakfast
 Excursion to Matterhorn Glacier Paradise
 Excursion to Jungfraujoch- Top of Europe
 Excursion to Mt.Titlis.
 Airfare
 Swiss Visa Fees
 Overseas Travel Insurance
 Meals
 Any other expenses of personal nature

From CHF 1475 approx Per Adult/-

Day 1 - Geneva / Lausanne / Montreux
Arrive and transfer to Geneva, Lausanne or Montreux. Rest of the day
at leisure. Overnight in your chosen town.
Day 2 - Geneva / Lausanne / Montreux
Today you have the time to explore your chosen town at leisure. If in
Geneva, you can visit all the international organizations housed there. If
you have chosen Lausanne do not forget to visit the Olympic Museum
and stroll along the beautiful lake promenade. For those staying in
Montreux, visit the beautiful Chillon Castle or take the time to visit the
neighbouring village of Gruyeres.Overnight in your chosen town.
Day 3 - Zermatt – Matterhorn Glacier Paradise
This morning leave Geneva region for the car free resort of Zermatt on
the foothills of the majestic Matterhorn by train. Visit the Matterhorn
Glacier Paradise (3,883 metres above sea level) the highest sightseeing
point in Europe, which is accessible by cableway. The exciting tour from
Zermatt to the Matterhorn takes about 40 minutes. You'll find snow
365 days a year & it offers a breathtaking 360 panoramic view of the
Swiss, Italian and French Alps with a total of 38 four-thousand-metre
peaks. Overnight in Zermatt.
Day 4 - Interlaken
Depart for Interlaken - a mecca for visitors who never have enough of
its spectacular scenery. Day at leisure to explore Interlaken's Hoheweg-
an inviting 700 meter long boulevard with hotels, cosy cafes, fashion
boutiques, watch and jewellery stores. As dusk draws near, admire the
mountains by taking an optional dinner cruise on Lake Brienz (May to
Aug only). Overnight in Interlaken.
Day 5 - Interlaken - Jungfraujoch
Depart on an excursion from Interlaken to Jungfraujoch- Top of Europe.
This memorable train trip from Interlaken Ost takes you via
Lauterbrunnen and Wengen to the Kleine Scheidegg, at the foot of the
famous Eiger North Wall. Then ascend by the Jungfrau Railway to the
magnificent mountain world of eternal ice and snow, Jungfraujoch-at
3454mts, the highest railway station in Europe. Visit the Ice Palace and
Sphinx Terraces offering breathtaking views of the Aletsch Glacier, the
longest glacier in the Alps. Overnight in Interlaken.
Day 6 - Lucerne
The day starts with a memorable rail trip by the GoldenPass Line from
Interlaken to the city of lights- Lucerne (panoramic coach seats in 1st
class only). Day at leisure to visit the Swiss Transport Museum, the
IMAX Theatre or the Lion Monument on your own. Overnight in
Day 7 - Lucerne – Mt. Titlis
A memorable experience awaits you as you depart on an excursion to
the glacier paradise of Mount Titlis. Ascend in the world's first revolving
gondola ROTAIR, ride the spectacular ice flyer chairlift and see the ice
grotto. Overnight in Lucerne.
Day 8 - End of tour
This morning depart to a Swiss border or airport or continue your stay
in Switzerland on your own.
Must See
 Jet D' Eau - The “Landmark of Geneva” the 140 meter high water
jet at the periphery of the Lake Geneva can be seen from afar.
 St. Pierre Cathedral - Visit the north tower of the three naved
basilicas in the old town to see some magnificent views of Geneva
city and Lake Geneva.
 Palace of United Nations - Originally built to house the League of
Nations, the Palace of United Nations is worth visiting to see the
 magnificent Assembly Hall, in addition to the large collection of
public art, libraries and landscaped grounds.
 Cruises on Lake Geneva - From the cruise boats, visitors may
marvel at the unique scenery of castles and magnificent
residences set against wonderful landscapes and mountain
 International Museum of the Red Cross - The birthplace of the
International Red Cross houses the only museum that is dedicated
to the history and work of this organization.
 Chamonix Mont Blanc - The perfect excursion to the picturesque
Arve Valley from Geneva to Chamonix (France), one of the most
famous mountain villages at the foot of the remarkable and
majestic Mont-Blanc.
If you are interested in taking or sending home some Swiss souvenirs
you can certainly find them in Geneva, mainly along the main streets
leading down to the lake from Gare Cornavin. There are also a couple of
good spots on the other side of the lake near the end of the Mont Blanc
FROM LAKES TO ALPS 10 days / 9 nights
 2nd class train tickets as required by the itinerary
 2nd class seat reservation on the Glacier Express from Andermatt
to Zermatt
 2 nights accommodation in Lugano
 1 night accommodation in Zermatt
 2 nights accommodation in Montreux
 2 nights accommodation in Interlaken
 2 nights accommodation in Lucerne
 Daily Breakfast
 Excursion to Mt Pilatus
 Excursion to Glacier 3000
 Excursion to Rochers – De - Naye
 Airfare
 Swiss Visa Fees
 Overseas Travel Insurance
 Meals
 Any other expenses of personal nature

From CHF 1520 approx Per Adult/-

Day 1 - Lugano
Arrive in Switzerland and make your way to Lugano. Enjoy the
Mediterranean atmosphere in this southern town. Stroll along the
lakeside promenade or go up to Monte Bre or San Salvatore. Overnight
stay in Lugano.
Day 2 - Lugano
Today you can take an optional excursion to Swiss Miniatur which is in
Melide, a convenient 7 minute train trip from Lugano. This special
attraction of Switzerland, covering an area of 14,000 sq mts, houses
replicas of the famous buildings, castles and cathedrals, and has over
3500 mts of rail with no less than 18 trains, funiculars and cable cars in
motion. Overnight in Lugano.
Day 3 - Zermatt
You have a wonderful journey to look forward to today. Take the train
from Lugano to Andermatt (we suggest you take a train at around 1100
hrs). From Andermatt you connect to the Glacier Express and
experience one of the best train journeys in the world which will take
you to Zermatt. Overnight stay in Zermatt.
Day 4 - Zermatt – Montreux - Rochers - de - naye
Spend the day in this car free resort where horse drawn carriages and
sleighs along with electric cars are the only vehicles you will see.
Zermatt is surrounded by 38 mountains which are around 4000 meters
high. Proceed to Montreux and on arrival visit Rochers-De-Naye, a one
hour journey by cogwheel train from Montreux. The 2045 metre
mountain offers an imposing view over the Alps, Lake Geneva and the
Swiss Romande region. If you are lucky, you will view several species of
Marmot from around the world, which live in several large enclosures.
Also visit La Rambertia, the Alpine garden where you can examine
nearly 800 varieties of Alpine plants and flowers. Overnight in
Day 5 – Montreux - Glacier 3000
This morning travel to Gstaad and onward to Col Du Pillon which is the
base of the Glacier 3000. Once on top, there are various activities for
young and old. The one kilometre Alpine Coaster, the worlds highest
bobsleigh track, is a must. There are also husky dog sled rides, the snow
bus and skiing galore. Overnight in Montreux.
Day 6 – Interlaken
Make your way to Interlaken, the town nestled between Lake Thun and
Brienz. Arrive and spend the rest of the day visiting the Hoheweg with
its quaint cafes, boutiques and jewellery stores. Overnight in Interlaken.
Day 7 – Interlaken
Today you can take an optional excursion to Jungfrau - Top of Europe,
which at 3454 meters is the highest railway station in Europe. On your
descent you can visit the neighbouring town of Grindelwald or else take
a leisurely cruise on lake Brienz. Overnight in Interlaken.
Day 8 - Lucerne
The day starts with a memorable rail trip on the GoldenPass line from
Interlaken to the city of lights- Lucerne (panoramic coach seats in 1st
class only). Arrive in Lucerne and spend the day at leisure visiting the
Swiss Transport Museum, the IMAX Theatre or the Lion Monument on
your own. Overnight in Lucerne.
Day 9 – Lucerne – Mt. Pilatus
This morning get set to depart for an excursion to The Dragon
Mountain – Pilatus. Board the lake Lucerne cruise from Lucerne to
Alpnachstad, then up to Pilatus by the steepest cogwheel railway in the
world (from mid May to mid November).During winter you take the bus
from Lucerne to Kriens and further a panoramic gondola from Kriens to
Pilatus. Overnight in Lucerne.
Day 10 – End of tour
This morning depart to a Swiss border or airport or continue your stay in
Switzerland on your own.

Must See
 Parco Civico Ciani - Overlooking the shores of lake Ceresio, its
63.000 sq. metres constitute the city's green lung; it's a quiet
place where you can take nice walks and where it is impossible to
remain unperturbed by the grandeur of century old trees.
 Monte Brè (925 m) - Lugano's closest mountain can be reached by
funicular railway from Cassarate on the outskirts of Lugano and
offers wonderful panorama of the town, lake and mountains,
stretching right over the border into Italy.
 Monte San Salvatore (912 m) - From the top of the "sugarloaf"
(reached by funicular railway from Lugano-Paradiso) you can walk
down the panoramic footpath to Carona and then on to Morcote.
 San Lorenzo Cathedral - Set above the Old Town, it is worth a visit.
The Cathedral's facade is in the Lombardy Renaissance style, and
it has countless frescoes and valuable Baroque artefacts inside.
 Church of Santa Maria degli Angioli - In this former monastery
church, built around the year 1500, are fine frescoes by the
masters of the Renaissance.
 Tourist Train of Lugano - A tour of the City aboard the train “La
freccia rossa” (the red arrow).
 Swiss Miniatur - A must for families. The open-air museum where
one can admire the most important Swiss buildings and means of
transportation is a delight for adults and children alike. Their
restaurant offers local, Chinese and Indian cuisine.
 There are all kinds of shops and department stores in which you can find
The Lugano market offers the typical food products of small farmers that
sell their goods directly. Via Nassa, one of Lugano's historical streets is
particularly popular with its sophisticated and artistically displayed goods.
Foxtown, a factory outlet for some of the world's best brands is located in
Mendrisio, 15 kms from Lugano.
3.4 Pararomic Trains in Switzerland


The Glacier Express is an express train connecting railway stations of the two
major mountain resorts of St. Moritz and Zermatt in the Swiss Alps. The train is
operated jointly by the Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn (MGB) and Rhaetian
Railway (RhB). For much of its journey, it also passes along and through
the World Heritage Site known as the Rhaetian Railway in
the Albula / BerninaLandscapes.

The train is not an "express" in the sense of being a high-speed train, but rather,
in the sense that it provides a one-seat ride for a long duration travel. In fact it has
the reputation of being the slowest express train in the world.[1] As St. Moritz and
Zermatt are home to two well-known mountains, the Glacier Express is also said
to travel from Piz Bernina to Matterhorn.

The Glacier Express first ran in 1930. Initially, it was operated by three railway
companies: the Brig–Visp–Zermatt Bahn (BVZ), theFurka Oberalp Bahn, and the
RhB. Since 2003, the train has been operated by RhB and a newly established
company, the MGB, which arose from a merger between the BVZ and the FO.
The trip on the Glacier Express is a 7½ hour railway journey across 291 bridges,
through 91 tunnels and across the Oberalp Pass on the highest point at 2,033 m
(6,670 ft) in altitude. The entire line is metre gauge (narrow gauge railway), and
large portions of it use a rack-and-pinion system both for ascending steep grades
and to control the descent of the train on the back side of those grades.

Glacier Express Train Route


The Swiss Chocolate Train is a joint venture of GoldenPass

Services and Cailler-Nestlé. Ride in first-class comfort in a "Belle
Epoque" Pullman car, vintage 1915 and/or the modern panorama
car affording
stunning views of the
Montreux and
medieval Gruyères.

 Montreux - Broc - Gruyères and back
 Depart Montreux on the Swiss Riviera, ascend to Gruyères, home
of the famous Gruyère cheese, and eventually continue to Broc,
where the chocolate factory is situated.
 The compulsory supplement to a 1st class pass or ticket is
available and includes:
 Seat reservation
 Coffee and croissants on the
 Bus from and to Gruyères train
 Visit to cheese factory
 Film presentation, factory visit and chocolate sampling in Nestlé
Chocolate Factory
Taking a day trip on the GoldenPass Line is in itself like taking a short
vacation. After leaving Lucerne and its enchanting lake and
mountains, enjoy more scenic splendour as the Lucerne-Interlaken
Express climbs leisurely past the Alpnach, Sarner and Lungern lakes up
to the Brünig Pass. Then comes the descent to Meiringen, Brienz (on
the same-named lake) and Interlaken. Here you change trains to
continue along Lake Thun and past the picturesque wooden houses of
the Simme Valley to Zweisimmen. From here, the Golden Pass
Panoramic heads for glamorous Gstaad. Along the way Rossiniè re is
renowned for its Grand Chalet (dating from the 18th century and the
largest inhabitable
wooden house in Sw
itzerland). Passengers’
first glimpse of Lake
Geneva comes as the
train winds its way
through vineyards to
your day’s destination,
Montreux. Be tween
Zweisimmen and
Montreux you can also travel by the GoldenPass Classic, a replica of
the elegant Belle Epoque trains – and a must for nostalgia fans.
Route of the train:
Montreux – Zweisimmen – Interlaken – Lucerne
Travel duration (incl. change of trains): 5.08 h
Interlaken Ost-Lucerne (travel time 1.51 h)
Interlaken Ost-Zweisimmen (travel time 1.11 h)
Zweisimmen-Montreux (travel time 1.48 h)
4.1 Austrian Tours by Swisstours:
Austria is a German-speaking country in Central Europe, characterized
by its mountain villages, baroque city architecture, Imperial history
and rugged alpine terrain. Vienna, its Danube River capital, is home to
the Schonbrunn and Hofburg palaces, and has counted Mozart,
Strauss and Sigmund Freud among its residents. The country’s other
notable regions include the northern Bohemian Forest, Lake Traun
and eastern hillside vineyards.
Austria German:
Österreich , officially
the Republic of Austria
(German: Republik
Österre ich, About this
sound listen, is a
federal republic and a
landlocked country of
over 8.5 million
peoplein Central
Europe. It is bordered by the Czech Republic and Germany to the north,
Hungary and Slovakia to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and
Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the west. The territory of Austria
covers 83,879 square kilometres (32,386 sq mi) and has an alpine
climate. Austria's terrain is highly mountainous, lying within the Alps;
only 32% of the country is below 500 metres (1,640 ft), and its highest
point is 3,798 metres (12,461 ft).The majority of the population speak
local Bavarian dialects of German as their native language ,and Austrian
German in its standard form is the country's official language. Other
local official languages are Hungarian, Burgenland Croatian, and
Slovene. The origins of modern-day Austria date back to the time of the
Habsburg dynasty when the vast majority of the country was a part of
the Holy Roman Empire. From the time of the Reformation, many
Northern German princes, resenting the authority of the Emperor, used
Protestantism as a flag of rebellion.
Settled in ancient
times,the Central
European land
that is now
Austria was
occupied in pre-
Roman times by
various Celtic
tribes. The Celtic
kingdom of
Noricum was later
claimed by the
Roman Empire and made a province. Present day Petronell-Carnuntum
in Eastern Austria was an important army camp turned capital city in
what became known as the Upper Pannonia province. Carnuntum was
home for 50,000 people for nearly 400 years."Heidentor" - Remains of
the Roman military city of Carnuntum.After the fall of the Roman
Empire the area was invaded by Bavarians, Slavs and Avars.
Charlemagne conquered the area in AD 788, encouraged colonisation
and introduced Christianity.As part of Eastern Francia, the core areas
that now encompass Austria were bequeathed to the house of
Babenberg. The area was known as the marchia Orientalis and was
given to Leopold of Babenberg in 976. As a result, Ottokar II of Bohemia
effectively assumed control of the duchies of Austria, Styria and
Carinthia. His reign came to an end with his defeat at Dürnkrut at the
hands of Rudolph I of Germany in 1278. Thereafter, until World War I,
Austria's history was largely that of its ruling dynasty, the Habsburgs.
Popular Package of Austria : AUSTRIAN JEWELS 7 days / 6 nights
 3 days 2nd class Austria Rail Pass
 2 nights accommodation in Vienna.
 2 nights accommodation in Salzburg.
 2 nights accommodation in Innsbruck.
 Daily breakfast.
 Innsbruck - Swarovski Crystal World, Sightseer bus, Alpinezoo,
Golden Roof Museum and more.
 Salzburg - Sound of Music Tour.
 Vienna - City tour including Schonnbrunn Palace.
From EUR 625 Per Adult/-
DAY 1 - Innsbruck
Arrive Vienna and transfer by train to Innsbruck. Check into your hotel.
Explore this little city which is hidden between snow capped
mountains. The medieval centre of the “Old City” boasts the Imperial
Palace and church, museums, a multitude of shops and cafes, an
exciting nightlife and a hotel that once housed Goethe and Mozart.
With Olympic sports and spectacular scenery Innsbruck remains one of
the most popular tourist attractions. Overnight in Innsbruck.
DAY 2 - Innsbruck - Swarovski Crystal World
This morning you have the time to explore this beautiful city by
hopping on to the “sightseer” bus. Visit the Alpine Zoo, the Golden Roof
Museum and experience one of the cable cars / funicular trains in
Innsbruck. In the afternoon visit the sparkling world of Swarovski. The
Swarovski Kristallwelten is situated in Wattens. The water spouting
Giant (a remarkable huge face sculptured on top of a rock) will amaze
you with its sparkling eyes. Overnight in Innsbruck.
DAY 3 - Salzburg
Today take a train to Salzburg. Transfer on own and check in to your
hotel. Arrive and spend the rest of the day exploring the city of Mozart.
Salzburg’s lovely scenery and its carefully preserved majestic Baroque
architecture combine to create a unique charm. Visit the Salzburger
Dom - the city’s cathedral, Mozart Square and his birthplace and
residence. Overnight in Salzburg.
DAY 4 - Salzburg - Sound of music tour
Today you will go on the most unique Sound of Music tour. Relive the
story of the Von Trapp family visiting all the places in the city and the
nearby lakes and mountain area known as the Salzkammergut. The
beautiful garden in Hellbrunn and the wedding church in Mondsee are
a treat for all fans of the film. Overnight in Salzburg.
DAY 5 - Vienna
Take the train from Salzburg to Vienna for the last leg of your journey.
Arrive and transfer to your hotel on your own. Day at leisure to explore
this city of palaces, museums, parks and pastries. Spend time having
some fun family time in the Prater with its famous giant ferris wheel.
Overnight in Vienna.
DAY 6 - Vienna - City tours & Schonbrunn palace
This morning take a city tour of Vienna which will introduce you to the
most important sights of the Austrian capital. Driving around the
famous 'Ringstrasse', Vienna's main boulevard, pass by the State Opera,
the Parliament building, the City Hall and the University. The highlight
of the tour is a visit to the Schonbrunn Palace, where you take a tour of
some of the most magnificently decorated rooms. Return to the city
centre, passing by Belvedere Palace, continue to the State Opera
House, where the tour ends. Overnight in Vienna.
DAY 7 - End of tour
Make your way to the airport/ border station or continue your stay in
Austria on your own.
Must See
 Goldenes Dachl (Golden Roof) - Amidst the charming Old Town, a
classic Austrian hybrid of Gothic and Baroque, you will find
Innsbruck's greatest tourist attraction and certainly it's most
characteristic landmark: The Golden Roof.
 Triumphal Arch (Triumphpforte) - Situated on the southern end of
the Maria Theresia Strasse, Triumphpforte is a famous tourist
attraction commissioned by Maria Theresia on the death of her
 Stadtturm (Town Tower) - The 148 spiral steps of the tower take
you to a viewing platform that offers a 360o panoramic view over
the rooftops of Innsbruck and the medieval city center.
 Imperial Palace / Hofburg - One of the most important historic
buildings in the city, this former palace of Maximilian I stands as a
testament to the great ruler's reign.
 Alpenzoo (Alpine Zoo) - The biggest zoo in Europe, Alpenzoo is
located on the southern slope of the Hungerburg plateau. It is a
home to around 2000 different species.
 Swarovski Crystal World - A magical world you haven't even
imagined! The Chamber of Wonders containing the Planet of
Crystal, the Crystal Dome, the Crystal Theater, the Ice Passage and
the Floating Poem.
4.2 German Tours by Swisstours:
Germany is a Western European country with a terrain of vast forests,
rivers and mountain ranges, and 2 millennia of history. Berlin, its
capital, is home to thriving art and nightlife scenes, iconic
Brandenburg Gate and many sites relating to WWII. Munich is known
for its Oktoberfest and cavernous beer halls, including 16th-century
Frankfurt, with its
houses the
European Central
Germany, officially
the Federal
Republic of G
ermany (German: Bundesrepublik Deutschland, pronounced
[ˈbʊndəsʁepuˌbliːk ˈdɔʏtʃlant] ( listen)), is a federal parliamentary
republic in western-central Europe. It includes 16 constituent states
and covers an area of 357,021 square kilometres (137,847 sq mi) with a
largely temperate seasonal climate. Its capital and largest city is Berlin.
With 80.7 million inhabitants, Germany is the most populous member
state in the European Union. After the United States, it is the second
most popular migration destination in the world.
Various Germanic tribes have occupied northern Germany since
classical antiquity. A region named Germania was documented before
100 CE. During the Migration Period the Germanic tribes expanded
southward. Beginning in the 10th century, German territories formed a
central part of the Holy Roman Empire. During the 16th century,
northern German regions became the centre of the Protestant
Germany was a founding member of the European Communities in
1957, which became the European Union in 1993. It is part of the
Schengen Area, and became a co-founder of the Eurozone in 1999.
Germany is a member of the United Nations, NATO, the G8, the G20,
and the OECD. Known for its rich cultural history, Germany has been
continuously the home of influential artists, philosophers, musicians,
entrepreneurs, scientists and inventors.
The discovery
of the Mauer
1 mandible
shows that
humans were
present in
Germany at
least 600,000
years ago. The oldest complete hunting weapons found anywhere in
the world were discovered in a coal mine in Schöningen where three
380,000 year old wooden javelins 6–7.5 feet long were unearthed. The
Neander Valley was the location where the first ever non-modern
human fossil was discovered, the new species of human was named
Neanderthal man.. The finds include 42,000 year old bird bone and
mammoth ivory flutes whi ch are the oldest musical instruments ever
found, the 40,000 year old Ice Age Lion Man which is the oldest
uncontested figurative art ever discovered, and the 35,000 year old
Venus of Hohle Fels which is the oldest uncontested human figurative
art ever discovered. The Nebra sky disk is a bronze artifact created
during the European Bronze Age attributed to a site
near Nebra, Saxony-Anhalt. It is part of UNESCO's Memory of the World
Popular Package of Germany: GERMAN HIGHLIGHTS 8 days / 7
 3 days 2nd Class German Rail Pass
 2 nights accommodation in Berlin
 1 night accommodation in Cologne
 2 nights accommodation in Frankfurt
 2 nights accommodation in Munich
 Daily breakfast
 Bus and Boat Tour, Berlin
 Panorama Cruise, Cologne
 Tour to Heidelberg, Frankfurt
 Tour of Royal Castles, Munich
 Hop on Hop off Tour, Frankfurt
From EUR 699 Per Adult/-
Day 1 : Berlin
Arrive in Berlin on your own and check into your hotel. The day is free
at leisure. You can opt to visit Madame Tussauds for a fully interactive
experience with the rich and famous or Stars in the Concert which is
Berlin’s famous show where artists impersonate superstars like Elvis
Presley, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Tina Turner etc. This show
is in its 9th year at the Estrel Festival Centre. Overnight in Berlin.
Day 2 : Berlin - Bus and boat tour
Today discover the city of Berlin by bus and boat. This tour offers an
ideal way to explore and visit the main tourist highlights. You will see
sights such as; the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, Potsdam Square,
the Town Hall, Fernsehturm, Unter Den Linden, the Brandenburg Gate,
the Victory Column, Charlottenburg Palace and many more. Make as
many stops as you like and continue your trip on the next available bus.
Your ticket is valid for a full day during the hours of operation. You can
also enjoy a one hour boat trip, where you can see such distinctive
attractions such as the Nikolai quarter and the Berlin Cathedral.
Overnight in Berlin.
Day 3 : Berlin - Cologne
This morning check out and take a train to Cologne. Arrive and check
into your hotel. In the afternoon you will enjoy the Panorama cruise
which gives you the opportunity to see the skyline of Cologne from the
river Rhine. See beautiful views of the city's most important sights such
as the famous Cathedral and the fairground, while a commentary will
give you information about the attractions as you pass them by.
Overnight in Cologne.
Day 4 : Cologne - Frankfurt
Today you travel to Frankfurt. Arrive and check in to your hotel. Later
proceed on the Hop on Hop off tour an ideal way to explore the city of
Frankfurt. Simply hop off at one of the bus stops, visit the sights close
by and then continue the tour with one of the next buses. See the
highlights of the former Coronation City of the German Emperors and
the modern European Banking Center - the historic heart with the
'Romer', and Frankfurt’s famous old city hall. Donot miss Frankfurt’s
shopping center –Zeil. Overnight in Frankfurt.
Day 5 : Frankfurt - Tour to heidelberg
Today you go on a tour to romantic Heidelberg, regarded as one of
Germany's most beautiful cities located on the River Neckar. Visit the
world famous castle, showpiece of German Romanticism, complex of
partially destroyed buildings in Gothic and Renaissance styles
surrounded by beautiful gardens and containing the world's largest
wine barrel. See the medieval town centre with the mighty Old Bridge
and Germany's oldest University. Overnight in Frankfurt.
Day 6 : Frankfurt - Munich
This morning proceed to board the train to Munich. Once you arrive
you can use your time to discover the city with a Hop on Hop off tour.
The tour will allow you to see the Pinakotheken art museums and the
National Theater with the Royal Palace. Alternatively spend time in one
of the famous beer gardens or walk along the pedestrian area
Marienplatz with its many shopping opportunities. Overnight in
This morning depart on a tour to the Royal Castles. Hidden in the
seclusion of the mountains, Ludwig II built two of his dream castles:
Neuschwanstein and Linderhof. This excursion shows these two
extraordinary castles (entrances to be paid locally), both testifying to
the vision of Bavaria's fairytale King. Guided tours are included in both
castles. There is also time for a short stop for souvenir shopping in
Oberammergau. Overnight in Munich.
Day 8 : MUNICH
This morning depart to the airport or continue your stay in Germany on
your own.
Must See
 The English Garden - Munich's largest park. This green oasis is a
wonderful place to explore: Rent a paddle boat, stroll along the
wooded paths and visit one of its traditional beer gardens.
 Hofbräuhaus -No trip to Munich is complete without a visit to the
most famous beer hall in the world, the Hofbräuhaus. They serve
hearty, regional specialties such as veal sausage, pork roast, and
brewer goulash.
 Frauenkirche -The Catholic Cathedral of Our Blessed Lady is the
landmark of Munich and the city's largest church.
 Dachau Concentration Camp - The concentration camp of Dachau,
was one of the first concentration camps in Nazi Germany.
Dachau visitors follow the "path of the prisoner", walking the
same way prisoners were forced to after their arrival in the camp.
 Neuschwanstein Castle - Perched over one of the world's prettiest
gorges, this castle is everyone's fantasy dream. With its turrets,
battlements and gables, Neuschwanstein Castle is an impressive
picture-book example of a mighty royal castle.
 Residence Palace of Munich - The former royal palace of the
Bavarian monarchs. The Residence consists of ten courtyards and
beautiful historical gardens.
 Zugspitze - Visit Germany's highest peak (2962 metres high) and
enjoy the breathtaking view over Germany, Switzerland, Austria
and Italy. You can either take the cogwheel train or a cable car to
go up.
Swiss International Air Lines AG (short: Swiss) is the flag carrier[6]
airline of Switzerland operating scheduled services in Europe and to
North America, South America, Africa and Asia. Its main hub is Zurich
Airport, with a focus city operation at Geneva International Airport.
The airline was formed after the 2002 bankruptcy of Swissair,
Switzerland's former flag carrier.
Swiss is a member of the Star Alliance. It is a subsidiary of the
Lufthansa Group, with headquarters at EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-
Freiburg near Basel, Switzerland, and an office at Zurich Airport in
Kloten, Switzerland. The company's registered office is in Basel.The
airline uses the IATA Code LX that it inherited from the Swiss regional
airline Crossair (Swissair's code was SR). The ICAO code is SWR,
inherited from Swissair (Crossair's was CRX), in order to keep
international traffic rights.

Swiss was formed after the 2002 bankruptcy of Swissair, Switzerland's

former flag carrier. Crossair had 40% of its income come from the
defunct Swissair. The new airline's losses totaled $1.6 billion from
startup until 2005. Swissair's biggest creditors, Credit Suisse and UBS,
sold part of Swissair's assets to Crossair, the regional counterpart to the
transatlantic Swissair. At the time, both Swissair and Crossair were
under the same holding company, called SAirGroup. Crossair later
changed its name to Swiss, and the new national airline started its
operations officially on 31 March 2002. The airline was first owned by
institutional investors (61.3%), the Swiss Confederation (20.3%),
cantons and communities (12.2%) and others (6.2%). Swiss also owns
subsidiary companies Swiss Sun (100%) and Crossair Europe (99.9%). It
has a total of 7,383 employees.
According to Marcel Biedermann, the managing director
intercontinental markets for Swiss, there were three possibilities: stay
independent as a niche carrier, shrink to an unrecognisable level, or
attach onto another airline group. The last choice was taken. Swiss
talked to Air France-KLM, British Airw ays, and Lufthansa. However,
Swiss was tied up with debt and an uncertain future, and seemed to be
an unattractive i nvestment. After merging with KLM, Air France said
they were too busy to deal with Swiss joining them. British Airways was
open, and Oneworld partners thought Zurich Airport would be a viable
alternative hub for London Heathrow.
After almost a year of disputes, Swiss was finally accepted into the
Oneworld airline alliance, after having been blocked by British Airways,
which competes with Swiss on many long-haul routes. On 3 June 2004,
Swiss announced its decision not to join Oneworld because they did not
want to integrate their current frequent flyer program into British
Airways' Executive Club. Furthermore, Swiss thought the relationship
was one sided, where British Airways sapped out the benefits of the
airline, but they would get no return.
The airline annually halved its losses, and in 2006 recorded a net profit
of $220 million. The net profit for 2007 was $570 million. Biedermann
stated in the March 2008 edition of "Airways", that "this was the
beginning of getting our house back in order." He said that help was
needed and looked up to Lufthansa as a comparison, so their coming
together was natural, even with their differences. Even with the smaller
network, Swiss carries the same number of passengers as they did in
On 22 March 2005 Lufthansa Group confirmed its plan to take over
Swiss, starting with a minority stake (11%) of a new company set up to
hold Swiss shares called Air Trust. The Swiss operations were gradually
integrated with Lufthansa's from late 2005, and the takeover was
completed on 1 July 2007. Swiss joined the Star Alliance and became a
member of Lufthansa's Miles and More frequent flyer program on 1
April 2006.
The airline has set up a regional airline subsidiary called Swiss European
Air Lines. This carrier has its own air operator's certificate. The two
independently operating divisions Swiss Aviation Training and Swiss
WorldCargo (using the belly capacity of passenger planes) are also
owned by Swiss.
In 2008 Swiss International Air Lines acquired Edelweiss Air and Servair
- now Swiss Private Aviation. From February 2011, Swiss Private
Aviation ceased to operate as a result of internal reconstruction.
The company recommended Lufthansa Private Jet Service as a
The Swiss brand is well respected by travellers, as can be seen by the
company coming top of the upmarket Condé Nast Traveler readers'
survey for short
haul flights in 2008.
In 2007 Swiss
placed an order for
9 Airbus A330-300s
to eventually
replace the existing
A330-200s. The
A333 is more
friendly and has
three-class seating. As each A330-300 arrived, an A330-200 was retired
from the fleet. The first A330-300 jet was put into
service from Zurich to New York-JFK in April 2009. In spring 2010 Swiss
operated 5 A330-300s for mid-long haul route. The remaining 4 A330-
300 aircraft joined the fleet in 2011.
Takeover by Lufthansa:
Following Lufthansa Group takeover,the regional fleet was changed
from Crossair's Embraer ERJs and Saabs to Avro RJs, which are flown by
a wholly owned subsidiary, Swiss European Air Lines. The rest of the
fleet, apart from the regional jets, was also rationalised and is now all
The airline reconstruction also caused Swiss to renegotiate their
supplier contracts, which include ground handling, maintenance, food
service, and labour. The shareholders of Swiss received a performance-
based option for their shares. Payment will be in 2008, and the amount
will depend on how well Lufthansa's shares compare with competitors'
shares. Lufthansa continues to maintain Swiss as a separate brand.
In 2010, Swiss and Lufthansa were named in a European Commission
investigation into price-fixing, but was not fined due to acting as a
On August 18, 2011, Swiss announced a new logo for their company,
resembling the logo of the defunct Swissair.The new logo lead to vivid
online criticism, within days several protest groups on social media
platforms appeared
4.2 Requirements of Documents
A passport valid for three months beyond the length of stay (or for the
duration of stay for EU/EEA nationals) and issued within the past 10
years is required by all nationals referred to in the chart above, except
(1) EU nationals holding a valid national identity card.
Passport note:
Regulations also apply to Liechtenstein (no border control between the
two countries).
Passengers arriving at Basel or Geneva airports can enter either France
or Switzerland, provided their documents for the country of entry are in
order; both airports have two different exits, one to France and one to
Switzerland. Therefore passengers can exit to the French part of the
airport with a valid French or Schengen visa, if required.
The airport of Basel/Mulhouse is located on French territory.
Part of Geneva airport is located by convention in France and some
flights between France and Geneva are considered as domestic flights
while others are considered international flights. In this case,
passengers must hold proper entry documents for either of the
destination countries.
Visas are not required by all nationals referred to in the chart above for
stays in Switzerland of up to three months.
Visa note:
Nationals not referred to in the chart are advised to contact the
embassy to check visa requirements for Switzerland.
Tourist visa application is applicable in case you are travelling for
tourism purposes. This visa is given for travel period of up to 90
days.Applications accepted at Switzerland Visa Application Centre
Mumbai will be submitted on the next working day in the Consulate.
Applications accepted from Satellite VAC’s will be submitted to the
Consulate on the third working day in the Consulate. The time
required to process Visa Applications is minimum of 5 working days
for Mumbai and 6 to 7 working days for Satellite VAC under normal
circumstances (excluding day of submission at VFS).
When applying for a Schengen Visa in order to travel to one or more of
the Schengen Zone countries there are some requirements one has to
establish prior to the application. If you are planning to travel to more
than one Schengen country its best if you apply in the Embassy/
Consulate of the country you will be staying at the most, regarding the
residing days. Once you are issued a multiple entry visa you are able to
travel to all of the Schengen Zone countries for the time permitted on
the visa.
When applying for the visa you should bear in mind that you have to
personally hand the required documents once you’ve made an
appointment at the embassy/consulate. It is always recommendable to
arrange the appointment at least 15 days prior to your departure since
that is the estimated time needed for the bureaucratic process taking
part in the corresponding institution.
Every Schengen country shares more or less the same requirements
into issuing a visa to the needy party. However there are slim
differences here and there, depending on the consulate/embassy on
the required documents additional to the main identification papers
and your current economic status.
Tourist visa Requirement:
 The current bank statement (preferably for the last 6 months)
 In case one doesn’t have a bank account or doesn’t own enough
funds to be taking care of their expenses during this travel, one
must ask the visiting friends or relatives to sign an “official
affidavit of support” at the corresponding office in his/her place of
residence. Make sure you carry the original document when
applying for the visa.
 The applicant description of their trip, the purpose of travelling,
the time frame and all the personal date written down in a letter.
 In case of first time travelers, one must submit also:
 Income tax returns for the last three years
 Appointment letter
 Proof of legal entity of the company
 A reference letter from the employer
 In case the applicant is the owner of the company he/she is
working for, the business registration, tax returns and the latest
bank statement is to be attached.
 The plane ticket reservation (One shall buy the ticket after getting
the visa, as recommended).
 Other documents, specified by the visa type
User Agreement
1- ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS Website ("Website") is an internet based travel

portal owned and operated by Airline Marketing Services India Private
Limited a company incorporated under the laws of India, and owned by
Swiss International Air Lines in India with its registered office at Urmi
Estate, 10th Floor, 95, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel West,

1.2-Through the Website, shall provide you ("User")

travel-related information, pricing, availability and reservations for
airlines, hotels, railway, holiday packages, bus and car rentals across
cities and rural areas throughout India ("Service"), as more particularly
described and defined in the terms of service ("TOS") relating to such
Service, as set out in Annex 1; This Service may be availed by the User,
his family members and friends at any time during the year through
vendors ("Service Providers").

1.3-This User Agreement ("Agreement") sets out the terms and

conditions on which shall provide the Services to the
User through the Website. In addition to this Agreement and
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Agreement shall prevail.
1.4-Use of the Website is offered to the User conditioned on
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User must not use the Website.

1.5Additionally, the Service Provider may provide terms and guidelines

that govern particular features, offers or the operating rules and
policies applicable to each Service (for example, flights, hotel
reservations, packages, etc.). The User shall be responsible for ensuring
compliance with the terms and guidelines or operating rules and
policies of the Service Provider with whom the User elects to deal,
including terms and conditions set forth in a Service Providers' fare
rules or contract of carriage. In the event that any of the terms,
conditions and notices contained in this Agreement or the TOS conflict
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Provider, then the latter terms/guidelines shall prevail. at its sole Discretion Reserves The Right Not To

Accept Any Order Placed By The User Through The Website Without
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notices under which the Services are offered through the Website,
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4.2 The User further agrees and undertakes not to reverse engineer,
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5.1 has endeavored to ensure that all the information

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contained in the website.

5.2 Since acts only as a booking agent, it shall not have
any liability whatsoever for any aspect of the arrangements between
the service provider and the user as regards the standards of services
provided by the service providers. In no circumstances shall be liable for the services provided by the service

5.3 Although makes reasonable commercial efforts to

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5.4 does not endorse any advertiser on its website in

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information on their own before undertaking any reliance on such

5.5 does not, by offering travel related services to

particular destinations, represent or warrant that travel to such
destinations is without risk, and shall not be liable for damages or
losses that may result from travel to such destinations.

5.6 In no event shall be liable for any direct, indirect,

punitive, incidental, special, consequential damages or any other
damages resulting from: (a) the use or the inability to use the services;
(b) the cost of procurement of substitute goods and services or
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6.1 The Website may contain links to other websites ("Linked Sites").
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As a condition of the use of the Website, the User warrants that they
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8.1 The Website may contain services such as email, chat, bulletin
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rights of others; (b) publish, post, upload, distribute or disseminate any
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software or other material contained in a file that is uploaded; (i)
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Agreement or any other terms and conditions for the use of the
Website contained elsewhere herein.

8.2 has no obligation to monitor the Communication

Services. However, reserves the right to review
materials posted through Communication Service and to remove any
materials in its sole discretion. reserves the right to
terminate the User's access to any or all of the Communication Services
at any time without notice for any reason whatsoever.

8.3 reserves the right at all times to disclose any

information as is necessary to satisfy or comply with any applicable law,
regulation, legal process or governmental request, or to edit, refuse to
post or to remove any information or materials, in whole or in part, in's sole discretion.

8.4 does not control or endorse the content, messages

or information found in any communication service and, therefore, specifically disclaims any liability or responsibility
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communication services and any actions resulting from the user's
participation in any communication service.

8.5 Materials uploaded to a Communication Service may be subject to

posted limitations on usage, reproduction and/or dissemination. User is
responsible for keeping himself updated of and adhering to such
limitations if they download the materials.

9- TERMINATION/ACCESS RESTRICTION reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate

the access to the website and the related services or any portion
thereof at any time, without notice.


10.1 reserves the right to charge listing fees for certain
listings, as well as transaction fees based on certain completed
transactions using the Services. further
reserves the right to alter any and all fees from time to time, without

10.2 The User shall be liable to pay all applicable charges, fees, duties,
taxes, levies and assessments for availing the Services.

11.1 In consideration of use of the Website, the User represent and

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is not a person barred from using the Website and/or receiving the
Services under the laws of India or other applicable law.

11.2 To avail a Service the User has and must continue to maintain at
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modem etc. to access the Website/avail Services; (b) own access to the
World Wide Web. The User shall be responsible for accessing the
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charges or internet service provider’s charges which are to be
exclusively borne by the User.

11.3 The user also understands that the services may include certain
communications from as service announcements and
administrative messages. The user understands and agrees that the
services are provided on an "as is" basis and that does
not assume any responsibility for deletions, mis-delivery or failure to
store any user communications or personalized settings.

11.4 Registration of the User on the Website is optional. If the User

opts to register himself on the Website, upon completion of the
registration process, the User shall receive a user id and password. The
User agrees and undertakes at all times to be responsible for
maintaining the confidentiality of the password and user id, and shall
be fully responsible for all activities that occur by use of such password
or user id. Further, the User agrees not to use any other party's under
id and password for any purpose whatsoever without proper
authorization from such party. You are responsible for the security of
your password and for all transactions undertaken using your password
through our service. will not be responsible for any
financial loss, inconvenience or mental agony resulting from misuse of
your ID/password/credit card number/account details number for using Services.

11.5 The user also agrees and undertakes to immediately notify of any unauthorized use of the user's password or user
id and to ensure that the user logs off at the end of each session at the
website. shall not be responsible for any, direct or
indirect, loss or damage arising out of the user's failure to comply with
this requirement.

11.6 The User also agrees to: (a) provide true, accurate and complete
information about himself and his beneficiaries as prompted by the
registration form ("Registration Data") on the Website; and (b)
maintain and promptly update the Registration Data to keep it true,
accurate, current and complete. If the User provide any information
that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete or
has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue,
inaccurate, not current or incomplete, has the right to
suspend or terminate the User's registration and refuse any and all
current or future use of the Website and/or any Service.
11.7 Furthermore, the User grants the right to disclose
to third parties Registration Data to the extent necessary for the
purpose of carrying out the Services.


12.1 Without prejudice to the other remedies available to under this agreement, the tos or under applicable law, may limit the user's activity, or end the user's listing,
warn other users of the user's actions, immediately
temporarily/indefinitely suspend or terminate the user's registration,
and/or refuse to provide the user with access to the website if: (a) the
user is in breach of this agreement, the tos and/or the documents it
incorporates by reference; (b) is unable to verify or
authenticate any information provided by the user; or (c) believes that the user's actions may infringe on any
third party rights or breach any applicable law or otherwise result in
any liability for the user, other users of the website and/or 12.2 may at any time in its sole
discretion reinstate suspended users. Once the user have been
indefinitely suspended the user may not register or attempt to register
with or use the website in any manner whatsoever until
such time that the user is reinstated by
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the user breaches this agreement, the
tos or the documents it incorporates by reference,
reserves the right to recover any amounts due and owing by the user to and/or the service provider and to take strict legal
action as deems necessary.

13.1 may provide the User with content such as sound,
photographs, graphics, video or other material contained in sponsor
advertisements or information. This material may be protected by
copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights and laws.
The User may use this material only as expressly authorized by and shall not copy, transmit or create derivative works
of such material without express authorization from

13.2 The User acknowledges and agrees that they shall not upload,
post, reproduce or distribute any content on or through the Website
that is protected by copyright or other proprietary right of a third party,
without obtaining the permission of the owner of such right. Any
copyrighted or other proprietary content distributed on or through the
Website with the consent of the owner must contain the appropriate
copyright or other proprietary rights notice. The unauthorized
submission or distribution of copyrighted or other proprietary content
is illegal and could subject the User to personal liability or criminal


None of the provisions of this Agreement, terms and conditions, notices

or the right to use the Website by the User contained herein or any
other section or pages of the Website and/or the Linked Sites, shall be
deemed to constitute a partnership between the User and and no party shall have any authority to bind or shall be
deemed to be the agent of the other in any way. It may be noted,
however, that if by using the Website, the User authorizes and its agents to access third party sites designated by
them or on their behalf for retrieving requested information, the User
shall be deemed to have appointed and its agents as
their agent for this purpose.


The headings and subheadings herein are included for convenience and
identification only and are not intended to describe, interpret, define or
limit the scope, extent or intent of this Agreement, the TOS or the right
to use the Website by the User contained herein or any other section or
pages of the Website or any Linked Sites in any manner whatsoever.


The terms and conditions herein shall apply equally to both the singular
and plural form of the terms defined. Whenever the context may
require, any pronoun shall include the corresponding masculine and
feminine. The words "include", "includes" and "including" shall be
deemed to be followed by the phrase "without limitation". Unless the
context otherwise requires, the terms "herein", "hereof", "hereto",
"hereunder" and words of similar import refer to this Agreement as a


The User agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless from and against any and all losses, liabilities, claims,
damages, costs and expenses (including legal fees and disbursements in
connection therewith and interest chargeable thereon) asserted against
or incurred by that arise out of, result from, or may be
payable by virtue of, any breach or non-performance of any
representation, warranty, covenant or agreement made or obligation
to be performed by the User pursuant to this Agreement and/or the


If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or

unenforceable in whole or in part, such invalidity or unenforceability
shall attach only to such provision or part of such provision and the
remaining part of such provision and all other provisions of this
Agreement shall continue to be in full force and effect.


19.1 Either the User or may terminate this Agreement

and a Service with or without cause at any time to be effective

19.2 The User agrees that may under certain

circumstances and without prior notice, immediately terminate the
User's user id and access to the Website/Services. Causes for
termination may include, but shall not be limited to, breach by the User
of this Agreement or the TOS, requests by enforcement or government
agencies, requests by the User, non-payment of fees owed by the User
in connection with the Services as specified in the applicable TOS.
19.3 This Agreement may be terminated by either the User or through a written notice to the other.
shall not be liable to the User or any third party for termination of any
Service. Should the User object to any terms and conditions of this
Agreement, any TOS or become dissatisfied with the Service in any way,
the User's only recourse is to immediately: (a) discontinue use of the
Website/Service; and (b) notify of such discontinuance.

19.4 Upon termination of the Service, User's right to use the

Website/Services and software shall immediately cease. The User shall
have no right and shall have no obligation thereafter to
execute any of the User's uncompleted tasks or forward any unread or
unsent messages to the User or any third party. Once the User's
registration or the Services are terminated, cancelled or suspended, any
data that the User has stored on the Website may not be retrieved later


All notices and communications (including those related to changes in

the TOS, Service, termination of Service etc.,) shall be in writing, in
English and shall deemed given if delivered personally or by commercial
messenger or courier service, or mailed by registered or certified mail
(return receipt requested) or sent via email/facsimile (with
acknowledgment of complete transmission) to the following address:
(a) If to, at or at the address
posted on the Website. (b) If to a non registered User, at the
communication and/or email address specified in the application form
availing of a Service. (c) If to a registered User, at the
communication and/or email address specified in the registration form.
Notice shall be deemed to have been served 48 hours after it has been
sent, dispatched, displayed, as the case may be, unless, where notice
has been sent by email, it comes to the knowledge of the sending party,
that the email address is invalid.


This agreement and each tos shall be governed by and constructed in

accordance with the laws of india without reference to conflict of laws
principles and disputes arising in relation hereto shall be subject to the
exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of mumbai.

© 1997-2015
 I would like to conclude by saying that after knowing all the detail
about Swisstours a company dealing with majorly Switzerland,
Austria & Germany and also a part of Swiss would like to say that
this company has tie ups with all the big brands in travel industry
like Rail Europe for tickets and rail passes, VFS for Visas and
Insurance, STC for Swiss Hotels and many more.
 They are coming with exclusive from which of Switzerland of
which only Swisstours has the authority to sell them across India.
 After Interviewing Mrs Masuma Pardawala an HR Head of
Swisstours, said that Swisstours only deals with FIT’s and also
cater agents i.e B2B all over India and Abroad. Our products are
meetings the needs and demands of our clients and agents.
 Swisstours also have their offices in Srilanka, Zurich, Dubai and
the clients they cater is all over the world majorly from China,
Singapore, United Stated Of America, South Africa, and some
parts of Europe.
 Travelers are mostly families and Honeymooners as it’s a romantic
& scenic destination.
 Swisstours is excellent selling brands for SWITZERLAND and gains
a competitive advantage in Indian Market .
 As the logo itself says ‘ sign is our promise, holidays swiss made’ .
 After an interview I learnt many new destinations , new products,
recent trends in market, culture of Swiss etc.
 It would be a tragedy if Switzerland were not able to find its place
in a united Europe, to which it could give its rich experience of
relatively harmonious coexistence and resulting prosperity among
four different ethno-linguistic groups.

 Switzerland tourism.
 Brochure of Swisstours 2015

Thank You…!!!

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