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HCM Data Loader User’s Guide

Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management 11g Release 10 (11.1.10)

Table of Contents

Introduction 1
HCM Data Loader Data Flow 2
Who Can Load Data Using HCM Data Loader? 3
Supported Key Types 3
Object References 5
Key Resolution Sequence 5

Oracle Fusion Business-Object Structure 6

Terminology 6

Zip File Structure 7

Dat File Structure 7
File Line Instruction Tags 8
File Discriminators 8
Line Structure 9
Line Ordering 9
Metadata Line Validation 10
Data Line Validation 10

Preparing the Source Data 10

Reviewing and Cleansing the Source Data 10
Defining Referenced Oracle Fusion HCM Objects 10
Reviewing Lists of Values (LOVs) 11

Preparing the Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management Environment 12

Specifying the HCM Data Loader Scope 12
Defining your Source Owner 13
Reviewing Enterprise Settings 14
Objects in Multiple Languages 14
Review HCM Data Loader Configuration Parameters 14

Supported Business Objects 15

Reviewing Business Objects 15
Supplied Business-Object Documentation 16
Generating and Modifying Template Files 17


Extracting Data into the HCM Data Loader File Format 19
Developing an Extract for Each Business Object 19
Retaining Current Values 20
Setting Not Null Attribute Values to Null 20
Lookup Validated Attributes 20
Number Attributes 20
Date and Time Attributes 20
CLOB and BLOB Attributes 20
Supplying Key Values 21
Date Effective and MCPD Components 24
Reserved Characters 29
Flexfields 30
Source-System References 34

Maintaining Existing Date-Effective Data 34

Date-Effective Maintenance Modes 35
Retaining Existing Date-Effective Records 35
Replace Future Dated Records 39
Updating the First Effective Start Date or Last Effective End Date 40

Translation Data 41
Translation-File Discriminators 42
Updating Translation Data 43

Deleting Data from Oracle Fusion 43

Importing and Loading Data 44
Loading your Zip file to the WebCenter Content Server 44
Using the HCM Data Loader Interface for File Submission 45

Monitoring Progress 49
Import and Load Data User Interface 49

Extracting Data 54
Status and Errors 54
Compensation Changes 54

Required Post Processes 54


Maintaining Stage Table Data 55
Deleting a Single Data Set 55
Deleting Multiple Data Sets 56

Best Practices 58
File Shape 58
Data Migration 58
Ongoing Interfaces 58

Additional Help 59
HCM Data Loader Data Set Status Diagnostic 59

Glossary 63


Table of Figures
Figure 1: User Key: Create Department - the user key is the organization name ..................................................... 3
Figure 2: Example of a HCM Data Loader zip file ..................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3: Example of the BlobFiles folder content .................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4: METADATA and data line structure ........................................................................................................... 9
Figure 5: SET line structure ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 6: COMMENT line structure........................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 7: Manage Lookups (Navigator - Setup and Maintenance) .......................................................................... 12
Figure 8: Initiate Data Load (Navigator - Data Exchange - Initiate Data Load)........................................................ 15
Figure 9: Initiate Data Load page (Navigator - Data Exchange - Initiate Data Load) .............................................. 18
Figure 10: Generate HCM Data Loader Templates submission page .................................................................... 18
Figure 11: Review template files (Navigator - Data Exchange - Initiate Data Load - Processes) ............................ 19
Figure 12: Loading attachments - Supplying references to attachment files ........................................................... 21
Figure 13: BloblFiles folder to deliver attachment files for Documents of Record ................................................... 21
Figure 14: Supplying a source key for the local record ........................................................................................... 22
Figure 15: Supplying a source key for a foreign object ........................................................................................... 22
Figure 16: Supplying the User Key for the local record ........................................................................................... 23
Figure 17: Supplying the user key for a foreign object ............................................................................................ 23
Figure 18: Supplying the Fusion Surrogate ID for the local record .......................................................................... 23
Figure 19: Supplying the Fusion Surrogate ID for a foreign object .......................................................................... 24
Figure 20: Supplying the Fusion GUID for the local record ..................................................................................... 24
Figure 21: Supplying the Oracle Fusion GUID for a foreign object ......................................................................... 24
Figure 22: Overwriting Reserved Characters with the SET command .................................................................... 29
Figure 23: Descriptive Flexfield code format ........................................................................................................... 30
Figure 24: Descriptive Flexfield attribute name format ............................................................................................ 30
Figure 25: Descriptive Flexfield METADATA example ............................................................................................ 31
Figure 26: Descriptive Flexfield METADATA example ............................................................................................ 31
Figure 27: Defining DFF attributes in METADATA .................................................................................................. 32
Figure 28: Supplying Descriptive Flexfield Data ..................................................................................................... 32
Figure 29: Supplying Descriptive Flexfield Data for multiple flexfield codes ............................................................ 32
Figure 30: Defining EFF attributes in METADATA .................................................................................................. 33
Figure 31: Supplying Descriptive Flexfield Data ..................................................................................................... 33
Figure 32: Specifying a Source System Reference Table Name ............................................................................ 34
Figure 33: Setting the update mode for future dated records .................................................................................. 35
Figure 34: SET Command to Retain existing date-effective records ....................................................................... 36
Figure 35: SET Command to Replace Future Dated Changes ............................................................................... 39
Figure 36: File Import and Export (Navigator - Tools - File Import and Export) ....................................................... 44
Figure 37: Import and Load Data - Import File ........................................................................................................ 45
Figure 38: Available WebCenter Content Files ....................................................................................................... 46
Figure 39: Submit Import and Load HCM Data File ................................................................................................ 46
Figure 40: Submit load for an individual business object ........................................................................................ 48
Figure 41: Submit the Load Business Object ESS job ............................................................................................ 48
Figure 42: Import and Load Data Progress Icons ................................................................................................... 49
Figure 43: Import and Load Data Counts ................................................................................................................ 49
Figure 44: Error Management File Structure........................................................................................................... 50
Figure 45: Error Management Physical Row .......................................................................................................... 50
Figure 46: Error Management Attribute Values ....................................................................................................... 51
Figure 47: Error Management Source System References .................................................................................... 52
Figure 48: Canceling a Data Set ............................................................................................................................. 52
Figure 49: Canceling a Business Object ................................................................................................................. 53
Figure 50: Confirming cancelation .......................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 51: Deleting an individual data set ............................................................................................................... 56
Figure 52: Delete Stage Table Data ....................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 53: Schedule Delete HCM Data Loader Stage Table Data .......................................................................... 57
Figure 54: Diagnostic Dashboard (Settings and Actions - Troubleshooting - Run Diagnostic Tests) ...................... 60
Figure 55: Searching for the HCM Data Loader Data-Set Status diagnostic test .................................................... 61
Figure 56: Selecting the HCM Data Loader Data-Set Status diagnostic test .......................................................... 61


Figure 57: Supply or Edit Input Parameters ............................................................................................................ 61
Figure 58: Enter the parameter values ................................................................................................................... 62
Figure 59: Submitting the HCM Data Loader Data-Set Summary ........................................................................... 62
Figure 60: Reviewing the HCM Data Loader Data-Set Summary test run status .................................................... 62


HCM Data Loader is a powerful tool for bulk-loading data from any source to Oracle Fusion Human
Capital Management (Oracle Fusion HCM).

HCM Data Loader:

 Supports important business objects belonging to key Oracle Fusion HCM products, including
Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources, Compensation, Absence Management, Performance
Management, Profile Management, Global Payroll, Talent and Workforce Management.
 Is available in cloud, on-premises, and on-demand environments.
 Supports one-time data migration, maintenance of Oracle Fusion HCM data via upload, and
coexistence scenarios, where core HR data exists outside Oracle Fusion.
 Provides a comprehensive user interface for initiating data upload, monitoring progress, and
reviewing errors, with real-time information provided for both the import and load stages of its
 Supports multithreaded processing, which enables you to upload complete system extracts without
severe performance impacts. HCM Data Loader manages references among objects that are
processed on separate threads.
 Includes a delimited-file reader that can identify file contents from metadata included in the file that
you upload. This feature enables you to perform partial or incremental loads, thereby minimizing
the related processing.
 Supports user keys for all objects. Knowledge of Oracle Fusion internal IDs is not required.
 Enables bulk update of objects, regardless of whether they were created using HCM Data Loader.
 Loads all data files from the Oracle WebCenter Content server, which provides a single point of
entry to Oracle Fusion HCM.
 Can be initiated using a web service call, which enables you to automate data upload.
 Is function-rich. For example, you can upload:
o Current and historical records for date-effective objects. You determine the amount of
history to load.
o End-dated, terminated, or inactive records.
o Translated attributes in multiple languages. The WE8ISO8859P1 character set (West
European 8-bit ISO 8859 Part 1) with UTF-8 encoding is supported.
o Descriptive flexfields (DFFs) and extensible flexfields (EFFs).
o Hierarchical tree data, such as Organization, Department Trees.
o Attachments and pictures.
o Data from multiple sources. You can include source-system references in uploaded data.


HCM Data Loader Data Flow
This figure summarizes the process of loading data using HCM Data Loader.

1. You place a zip file containing your data on the WebCenter Content server.
2. You submit a request to HCM Data Loader to import and load the zip file of data. For this step, you can
use either the HCM Data Loader interface or the HcmCommonDataLoader web service.
3. HCM Data Loader decompresses the zip file and imports individual data lines to its stage tables, grouping
those distinct file lines into Oracle Fusion HCM business objects.
4. It then calls the relevant logical object interface method (delivered in product services) to load objects to
the Oracle Fusion application tables.
5. Any errors that occur during the import or load phase are reported in the HCM Data Loader interface.
6. Having reviewed import and load errors in the HCM Data Loader interface, or via the Data Set Summary
extract, you correct them in your source data. You load a new zip file containing the corrected data to the
WebCenter Content server.
You repeat this process until all of the data is successfully loaded.


Who Can Load Data Using HCM Data Loader?
To load data using HCM Data Loader, you must have the Human Capital Management Integration Specialist job

Supported Key Types

A common problem when integrating data from one system to another is how to uniquely identify a record when
creating it in a new system and for continuing updates.

HCM Data Loader resolves this by supporting four different key types, for all types of object reference:

 User Key
 Oracle Fusion Surrogate ID
 Source Keys
 Oracle Fusion GUID (Globally Unique Identifier)

User Key
HCM business objects are published with one or more attributes defined as a user, or natural, key. The user key is
always visible on the user interface and can be used to uniquely identify a business object occurrence. Example, the
user key for organization is the organization name.

Figure 1: User Key: Create Department - the user key is the organization name

This key solution is suitable for the initial creation and updates of a logical object.

User keys are part of the business object definition and are always mandatory when creating a logical object,
regardless of how you create it.

You must take care when using user keys to reference a logical object to update. The user key value can change
over time and some user key attributes are translatable.


User Keys for Child Objects

When a business object is bound by another, the user key will need to also include the user key for its parent, for
example, jobs are always part of a set, so JobCode alone would not uniquely identify a job, the SetCode must be
part of the user key for Job. Job grades are for a specific job, so the user key for a job grade would include the user
key for the parent job too, for example GradeCode, JobCode, or SetCode.

The user key is recommended when referencing or maintaining an Oracle Fusion HCM record that was not created
with a source key, or where the source key value is unknown.

Oracle Fusion Surrogate ID

The Oracle Fusion surrogate ID is the Oracle Fusion internal system identifier, generated by Oracle Fusion on the
initial creation of the component data in the database. As it is not generated until the data is committed to the
database, this value is not available to uniquely identify a record for creation. Oracle Fusion Cloud customers are
unlikely to have access to the Oracle Fusion surrogate ID, so its use is primarily by on premise customers.

Source Keys
Integration-enabled business objects can be referenced by the internal ID from your source system. This key
solution is suitable for the initial creation and updates of a business object occurrence. This solution requires two
values to be supplied, the SourceSystemOwner and SourceSystemId. The SourceSystemOwner specifies the
system where the data originated. The SourceSystemId specifies the ID from that source system and must be
unique for the business object component. If you are supplying date effective history for a record, the source system
ids must be supplied for every date effective record in the file, the values would be identical for each line of the date-
effective history.

By supplying a SourceSystemOwner, multiple source systems can provide data for the same business objects. For
example, you have Person data on both US and UK databases and these are to be combined into one Oracle
Fusion system. By providing the SourceSystemOwner, the SourceSystemID does not need to be unique across
both source systems, just unique within the database it originates.

Source keys are only supported for integration-enabled business objects. Source keys are not held against the
created record, but in an Integration Key Map table.

The SourceSystemOwner value is validated against the HRC_SOURCE_SYSTEM_OWNER lookup. You will need
to add your source system name to this lookup prior to loading data using source system references

The source key is the recommended key type to use when performing data migration. You can then continue to
reference your Oracle Fusion data using your source system identifier when maintaining or referencing that data.

Oracle Fusion GUID

When an integration-enabled business object is created in Oracle Fusion, a Fusion GUID (globally unique identifier)
is generated. As the GUID is generated on creation of a business object it is only suitable for identifying business
objects that already exist. It is not available for the initial creation of a business object occurrence. The GUID is not
held against the created record, but in an Integration Key Map table. The GUID is useful for reporting changes from


downstream systems. For example, a third party payroll provider. You extract the changes for the third party payroll,
providing the GUID as the unique reference to the worker. If you need to report the changes back to Oracle Fusion
HCM, you can provide the GUID to identify the records to update.

Object References
In HCM Data Loader the four key types can be used to identify:

 The row being changed.

 The parent of the row being changed. The parent could be supplied in the same file of data to be loaded, or
already in Oracle Fusion.
 Any objects referenced by the row being changed.

Note: Oracle Fusion GUIDs and Oracle Fusion surrogate IDs are not generated until the record has been
successfully created in Oracle. Source keys are not recognized in Oracle until the record using them has been
successfully created in Oracle. For these reasons you need to be careful when referencing foreign objects, to
ensure the foreign object already exists in Oracle Fusion HCM, prior to attempting to import your data into HCM
Data Loader. For a new Oracle Fusion HCM implementation, the simplest way to achieve that is to load each
business object in a separate zip file and ensure that each zip file has loaded successfully before importing the next.
If you decide to supply all business objects within the same zip file, HCM Data Loader will load the business objects
in order of potential dependency. The only situation when a foreign object reference will then fail is, if the referenced
object failed to load due to an error.

Key Resolution Sequence

Key references are resolved in the following order:

 Oracle Fusion GUID

 Oracle Fusion surrogate ID
 Source key
 User key


Oracle Fusion Business-Object Structure
Many Oracle Fusion HCM business objects comprise a hierarchy of business-object components. At the top of the
hierarchy is the parent component, and beneath it are child (and, sometimes, grandchild) components. Each
business-object component is made up of multiple attributes:

For example, the rating model business-object comprises rating model, rating level, and rating category
components. The rating model component is the parent of the other two components. Each of these components is
made up of attributes such as rating model name, rating model code, rating level code, and so on.

The most complex business object supported by HCM Data Loader is the worker object, where 5 levels exist in the
object hierarchy. These range from the worker component at the top to assignment work measure, assignment
manager, assignment grade steps, and assignment extra information at level 5. By contrast, the person type object
comprises only the person type component.

When different components for the same business object are delivered together, HCM Data Loader groups them
into logical objects and loads the complete logical object in its entirety. It does not process the individual
components separately. If any part of the logical object fails validation, the whole logical object is rejected. By only
loading complete logical objects, you can be sure of exactly what data has been loaded, for example, Job
‘Accountant’ loaded successfully, Job ‘Accounts Clerk’ failed.

In this User’s Guide, the term object or business object always refers to the complete object (the parent component
and all child components). For example, Grade or Worker. The terms component or business-object component
refer to individual components of a business object. For example, Person Name or Work Relationship. The term
logical object refers to a group of related components that form one occurrence of a business object. For example,
the Grade ‘IC1’.


Zip File Structure
HCM Data Loader accepts compressed zip files that have been uploaded to the WebCenter Content server. These
compressed zip files can be encrypted as a whole, but HCM Data Loader does not support the encryption of files
within the compressed zip file.

The zip file can contain one or more business object specific dat files. Each dat file corresponds to a single business
object, such as location, grade, worker, or salary. Dat files should not be placed within folders in the zip file and each
dat file must have the name of a HCM Data Loader supported business object.

You only supply dat files for the business objects you are updating.

Figure 2: Example of a HCM Data Loader zip file

You can define the name of the zip file, but ensure that it is in alphanumeric characters. For example, a-z and
0-9. Both upper and lowercase letters are acceptable.

The only acceptable folder names that can be included in the zip file are:
 BlobFiles
 ClobFiles
You place files to be loaded as attachments, or into large objects within these folders. You must ensure that file
names of these attachments or images are in alphanumeric characters. The data type of the attribute that is used to
load your attachment or large object data determines which folder to use. For example, the File attribute in
Documents of Record (DOR) is used for loading attachment files. It has a data type of BLOB, therefore, files to be
loaded as DOR attachments should be placed in the BlobFiles folder.

Figure 3: Example of the BlobFiles folder content

Dat File Structure

HCM Data Loader dat files are business object specific. All components for a business object hierarchy are provided
in the same dat file. For example, job, job valid grade, job evaluation, job extra information, and job legislative extra
information can all be provided in Job.dat.


This single business object file approach makes it easier to see all the data for a business object and its
components, and aids with the validation of parent references on all child components. It also simplifies the
construction of the zip file as separate directories are not required and there are fewer files to generate.

File Line Instruction Tags

Dat file flexibility is achieved with the use of instruction tags:

Tag Line Type Description

METADATA Definition Identifies the business-object component and its attributes for which values are included in the
data file.

MERGE Data Provides data to be added to Oracle Fusion. You use the MERGE instruction whether creating
or updating objects. Oracle Fusion identifies the appropriate action. The MERGE instruction
accepts complete or partial objects. The data supplied with the MERGE instruction is merged
into the existing Oracle Fusion data.
Note: HCM Data Loader cannot accept multiple MERGE lines for the same record, in the same
dat file if that object is not date-effective. For example, you cannot create a Person Ethnicity
record and then correct it from the same file. As the object is not date-effective you are
attempting to correct the created data, not update it. In such a situation, you can supply only the
current data. Alternatively, you can insert a record in one file and update the record in a second
HCM Data Loader does not process individual file lines, it groups related lines. This grouping
works for date-effective records because the file lines are processed in effective start date order.

DELETE Data Identifies business-object components to be purged from Oracle Fusion HCM. You cannot
delete individual date-effective records; DELETE only supports the removal of the entire record.
Note: You should not provide DELETE instruction along with a MERGE instruction for the same
record. HCM Data Loader cannot guarantee in which order the two instructions will be
processed so you could either delete and create the record, or update and delete the record.
Caution: Deleted data cannot be recovered. It is recommended that you try and correct your
data rather than delete and recreate it.

SET Control Enables override of the default behavior for the file.

COMMENT Comment Adds a comment to the data file. The comment has no effect on processing.

File Discriminators
File discriminators are used to uniquely identify the business object component you wish to update. For example,
the available file discriminator for the Job business object:

Component Name File Discriminator

Job Job

Job Valid Grade JobGrade

Job Evaluation JobEvaluation

Job Extra Information JobExtraInfo

Job Legislative Extra Information JobLegislative


Line Structure

METADATA, MERGE and DELETE line structure

The shape of each METADATA and data line will be primarily derived by the shape of the view object supporting the
business object component. METADATA and MERGE / DELETE data lines must have the following structure:


Figure 4: METADATA and data line structure

For example:


SET line structure

SET lines have the following structure:


Figure 5: SET line structure

For example:


COMMENT line structure

COMMENT lines have the following structure:

COMMENT <comment>

Figure 6: COMMENT line structure

Line Ordering
METADATA lines define which attributes are supplied in the file for a business object component. As such the
definition of a component must appear before any data for that component. You can include multiple METADATA
lines in the same business object file. However, each METADATA line must be for a different discriminator of the
owning business object hierarchy.

SET lines can override the default behavior of how the file is read, as such they must be supplied before any
METADATA lines. There are no other restrictions for line ordering in the file.

The order of the data lines in the file does not impact the order in which they are processed.

You should not supply a DELETE and MERGE line for the same logical object. There is no guarantee if the object
will first be deleted then created, or updated then deleted. Similarly, you must not provide multiple MERGE lines for
the same object. Provide only the latest data, unless the component supports date-effectivity, in which case you can
provide date-effective history for a logical object.


Metadata Line Validation
Each METADATA line must:

 Reference a valid discriminator for the object specified by the dat file name.
 Reference a unique discriminator for the object, you cannot supply multiple METADATA lines for the same
 Only list valid attributes for that discriminator, attribute names are case sensitive.
 Specify the attributes for at least one of the supported key mechanisms to uniquely reference the component
defined by the discriminator.

Data Line Validation

Each data line must:

 Be preceded by the METADATA line for the same discriminator.

 Contain the same number of attributes as the relevant METADATA line and in the same order.
 Not include values for attributes that do not appear in the METADATA line.
 Contain a unique reference for itself, using any one of the supported key types.
Each data line for a child component must include a unique reference to its parent. For example,
GradeRateValue must include a unique reference to its GradeRate: .

You can provide MERGE and DELETE instructions in the same file, but not for the same record. For example,
when loading jobs, you cannot provide a MERGE and a DELETE instruction for the same job.

Preparing the Source Data

This section identifies some tasks to perform before you begin mapping your data to the Oracle Fusion HCM object

Reviewing and Cleansing the Source Data

Identify the business objects that you are planning to upload to Oracle Fusion HCM and their source systems.
Review this source data, and verify that it is both accurate and current. If it is not, then correct any problems before
you attempt to extract it. For example:

 Ensure that a manager is identified for every worker and that the information is accurate.
 For jobs and positions, ensure that correct job codes and titles exist in the source systems.
 For worker history, establish the accuracy of any historical data. Understand whether all historical data must be
uploaded or just key events, such as hire, promotion, and termination.
Preparing the source data in this way will minimize the problems that can occur when you upload data to Oracle
Fusion HCM. It will also make it less likely that you copy any inaccuracies to the new environment.

Defining Referenced Oracle Fusion HCM Objects

Business objects that originate in your source environment may reference a small number of business objects that
cannot be loaded using HCM Data Loader. Some of these objects are predefined. Others need to be defined or
updated in the target Oracle Fusion HCM environment before you load data that references them.

You may have performed this step during implementation of Oracle Fusion HCM.


The following table identifies the main objects of this type and the Oracle Fusion HCM tasks that you use to review
or create them.

Business Object Oracle Fusion HCM Task

Schedule Manage Work Schedules

Official Language Code Manage Languages

Currency Code Manage Currencies

Business Unit Manage Business Unit

Legal Entity Manage Legal Entity

Content Type Manage Profile Content Types

Profile Type Manage Profile Types

Assignment Status Type Manage Assignment Status

Element Type Manage Elements

Goal Plan Manage Goal Plans

Application Reference Data Set Manage Reference Data Sets

When referring to these objects in the objects that you are loading, you use their user keys. (Alternatively, you can
use their surrogate IDs if available.)

HCM Data Loader provides business-object documentation for all supported objects. This documentation specifies
the user key that you can use to reference other objects. For example, the position component includes a reference
to the business unit object, which is not integration enabled. The position documentation identifies the business unit
name as its user key. Therefore, when loading a position component you can refer to the associated business unit
using the business unit name. (For more information about keys, see page 3.)

Reviewing Lists of Values (LOVs)

The permitted values of many object attributes are defined in Oracle Fusion HCM in LOVs. Some LOVs are
predefined and cannot be updated in any way. Others contain some values but you can also add your own. And in
some cases, you can edit or remove predefined values.

In Oracle Fusion HCM, LOVs are defined as lookups. You are recommended to review the predefined lookups and
make any updates before you attempt to load data that uses them. You may have completed this process during
implementation of Oracle Fusion HCM.

Relevant lookups are identified in the business-object documentation for HCM Data Loader supported objects.

To manage lookups, search for relevant tasks by entering Manage % Lookups in the Setup and Maintenance work
area. All available lookups tasks are listed. For example, to manage person lookups, select the Manage Person
Lookups task. On the Manage Person Lookups page, select a lookup to edit:


Figure 7: Manage Lookups (Navigator - Setup and Maintenance)

Ensuring that lookups contain appropriate values will reduce validation errors when you load data.

Preparing the Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management Environment

Specifying the HCM Data Loader Scope

HCM Data Loader cannot be used in parallel with HCM File-Based Loader or HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader for
maintaining the same business objects. The HCM Data Loader Scope parameter in the Configure HCM Data
Loader page is used to control if HCM Data Loader is used for all bulk data loading, or just for objects not supported
by File-Based Loader. The HCM Data Loader Scope parameter has two settings:

Settings Description

Limited Only business objects not supported by HCM File-Based Loader can be loaded using HCM Data

Full HCM Data Loader is used for bulk loading data into all supported business objects. HCM File Based
Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader are disabled.

The default value of this parameter is Limited. If you attempt to load data for a business object not supported in the
Limited mode, your whole data set will fail.

If you do not intend to use HCM File-Based Loader or HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader, you must set this parameter
to Full to ensure complete business object support for using HCM Data Loader.

To update the HCM Data Loader Scope parameter:

1. Navigate to the Configure HCM Data Loader page (Setup and Maintenance - Configure HCM Data

2. In the HCM Data Loader Scope parameter, select Full.


The HCM Data Loader Scope parameter cannot be set back to Limited once it has been set to Full. Once set to
Full, HCM File-Based Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader will no longer function.

Restricted Objects
The HCM Data Loader registered objects that cannot be loaded using HCM Data Loader when the HCM Data
Loader Scope parameter is set to Limited are:
Global HR Action Reasons Grade Translation Organization
Action Reasons Translation Grade Step Translation Organization Translation
Actions Grade Ladder Position
Actions Translation Grade Ladder Translation Position Translation
Location Step Rate Translation Department Tree
Location Translation Grade Rate Department Tree Node
Job Family Grade Rate Translation Person Contact
Job Family Translation Job Person Contact Relationship
Grade Job Translation Worker
Global Payroll Element Entry
Compensation Salary Basis Salary
Absences Person Absence Entry Person Entitlement Detail
Talent Education Establishment Rating Category Translation Content Item Rating Description Translation
Education Establishment Translation Rating Level Translation Content Items Relationship
Rating Model Content Item Talent Profile
Rating Model Translation Content Item Translation Talent Profile Translation

Defining your Source Owner

If you plan to use source-system IDs, then you must add your source-system owner values to the
HRC_SOURCE_SYSTEM_OWNER lookup before you load data.

To edit this lookup:

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the Manage Common Lookups task.
2. In the Search Results section, click Go to Task for the Manage Common Lookups task.
3. On the Manage Common Lookups page, search for the lookup type value
4. In the Search Results, select the lookup type to display its lookup codes.
5. In the Lookup Codes section of the page, click New ( ) to add a lookup-code row. Complete the fields
in the row. Ensure that the new code is enabled and that the start and end dates are valid for the data that
you are loading.
6. Repeat Step 5 for additional source-system owner values.
7. Click Save and Close.


Reviewing Enterprise Settings
When you load worker records, by default:

 A user-account request is created automatically for each worker. (The request is sent to Oracle Identity
Management (OIM) when you run the Send Pending LDAP Requests process, as described on page 54)
User names are in the format specified by OIM.
 Roles are provisioned automatically to workers, as specified by current role-provisioning rules.
 Workers are notified automatically of their sign-in details.
You are recommended to review the enterprise settings that control user provisioning and make any updates before
you load worker records. For example, you may want to prevent the automatic creation of user-account requests
during initial data loads to the stage environment.

To review the enterprise user-provisioning settings:

1. Open the Manage Enterprise HCM Information page (Navigator - Setup and Maintenance - Manage
Enterprise HCM Information).
2. In the section User and Role Provisioning Information, review current settings and make any updates.
3. Click Submit.
Any changes that you make to the User and Role Provisioning settings apply to the enterprise, regardless of how
person records are created.

Objects in Multiple Languages

If you are using an on-premise version of Oracle Fusion HCM, then to enable support for multiple languages you
install the appropriate language packs during setup. For example, if you want to store translatable values in both
Spanish and German, then you must install the language pack for those languages during enterprise setup. (For
more information about this, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide.) For cloud implementations,
requested language packs may be installed before the environment is delivered. Alternatively, you can request
language packs by raising a service request (SR).

Review HCM Data Loader Configuration Parameters

The HCM Data Loader configuration parameters control the HCM Data Loader import and load processes. The
default settings of the parameters suit most requirements and do not need to be changed. You can review the
delivered settings by performing the task Configure HCM Data Loader (Navigator - Setup and Maintenance -
Configure HCM Data Loader).

The configuration parameters are:

Parameter Default Description

Delete Source File Yes Delete the source file from the WebCenter Content server when processed.

File Action Import and Default file-processing action.


File Encryption None Default file encryption.

Import Cache Clear Limit 2400 Number of file lines to be processed before the cache is cleared.


Parameter Default Description

Import Commit size 100 Number of file lines to import between each commit.

Maximum Percentage of Import Errors 100 Percentage of file lines in error that can occur in a business object before the
import process stops for the object.

Maximum Percentage of Load Errors 100 Percentage of business-object instances in error that can occur for a business
object before the load process stops.

Data Error Stack Trace Occurrences 2 Maximum number of data error message occurrences on a processing thread for
by Thread which stack trace is recorded.

Complex Error Stack Trace 5 Maximum number of complex error message occurrences on a processing thread
Occurrences by Thread for which stack trace is recorded.

Load Cache Clear Limit 500 Number of business-object instances to be loaded from the stage tables before
the cache is cleared.

Maximum Concurrent Threads for 8 Maximum number of threads to run concurrently when loading data from the stage
Load tables to the application tables.

Load Group size 100 Number of business objects processed as a single unit of work by a single thread.

Supported Business Objects

Reviewing Business Objects

The Initiate Data Load page provides a list of HCM Data Loader registered business objects. These are displayed in
the order in which it is recommended that you load them, if performing data migration.

Figure 8: Initiate Data Load (Navigator - Data Exchange - Initiate Data Load)

From this page you can generate business object templates that provide METADATA lines for all components of the
business object hierarchy. These are useful to identify the attribute name to use for loading data. See the
Generating and Modifying Template Files section on page 17 for more information.


However, to load a business object successfully to Oracle Fusion HCM, you need to understand its Oracle Fusion
structure, supported key systems, data formats, valid values, and required values.

Supplied Business-Object Documentation

HCM Data Loader provides a spreadsheet containing all the required information for each supported business
object. These are available from the MOS document, HCM Data Loader: Business Object Documentation (Doc ID

Each spreadsheet is named for its top-level business object. For example, the file Location.xls includes the
information that you need about the location business object.

For complex business objects, the spreadsheet includes one tab for each component of the object. For example, the
Location.xls spreadsheet includes Location and Location Other Address tabs. Objects that support extensible
flexfields (EFFs) also include one tab for each EFF.

General information about a component appears at the top of its tab. This information includes:

 The name of the Oracle Fusion HCM product that owns the object.
 The name of the data file that you load (for example, Location.dat).
 The component’s identifier (referred to as its discriminator). For example, LocationOtherAddress.
 The date type for the components, such as, is it Simple Date, Effective Date, Multiple Changes Per Day
(MCPD), or not dated.
 The level at which the component appears in its object hierarchy.
For child and grandchild components, the parent discriminator is also identified.

Following the general information about the component, these details appear for each attribute of the component:

Value Description

Attribute Name The attribute name as it appears in the data file that you load for the component.

Key Type For attributes that are key values or can be used as key values, identifies the key type. For example, user key, GUID or
Foreign Surrogate ID.

Alternate User Identifies the attributes that you can use in place of surrogate IDs. For example, the LocationId is the surrogate ID
Key for Surrogate attribute for Location. To refer to the location from another business object, you can use the LocationCode and
IDs SetCode user keys in place of the surrogate ID. The alternate user key for an attribute comprises all values that appear
in this column.

Integration Object For attributes that refer to other business objects, this column provides the name of the referenced object type. If that
Name object is not integration enabled, then the column contains the text not integration enabled. Integration enabled objects
can be referenced using Integration keys. Objects that are not integration enabled can only be referenced by user key
or Fusion surrogate ID.

Data Type The data type of the attribute. For example, Number or String.

Length The maximum attribute length.

Scale For Number values, the number of decimal places.

Primary Key Indicates whether the attribute is a component of the primary key. For example, for the location business object,
LocationId, EffectiveStartDate, and EffectiveEndDate are primary key values.

Mandatory Indicates whether the attribute is required. You must include required attributes when you create or update objects.

Lookup Name For attributes that are lists of values, provides the name of the Lookup. To see valid values for an attribute, review the
Lookup as described on page 11.


Value Description

Description Provides additional information about the attribute.

For each integration-enabled component, the following attributes appear at the end of the attribute list for each
object component:

 Oracle Fusion GUID for the component. This value is generated in Oracle Fusion and is described on page 4.
 Source Key attributes SystemOwnerId and SourceSystemId values. For more information, see page 4.
For all business object components, the following information attributes appear at the end of the attribute list:

 Source-system reference information (the table name, and up to 10 reference values). For more information,
see section Source-System References on page 34.

The spreadsheet for each supported business object also includes an Overview tab which summarizes the hierarchy
of components for the business object.

Generating and Modifying Template Files

HCM Data Loader provides a template file for each supported business object hierarchy.

The template contains:

 A COMMENT line, which identifies the business object, its version, and the file creation date.
 A METADATA line for each component of the business object hierarchy that you can load for the business
object. The METADATA line includes every attribute of the component, including environment specific
configured flexfield attributes.
You can generate business object template files and use them as the basis of your own data files.

To generate business object template files, navigate to the Data Exchange work area and select the Initiate Data
Load task.


Figure 9: Initiate Data Load page (Navigator - Data Exchange - Initiate Data Load)

This page lists all HCM Data Loader supported business objects. You can choose to generate a template for a
single business object, or multiple business objects.

Generating a Single Business Object Template

Select the business object you wish to generate a template for and click the Generate Template button available on
the table toolbar. This will navigate you to the Generate HCM Data Loader Template File submission page. Click
Submit to initiate the process that will identify the business object shape and generate the template file. You can
download the newly created template file by clicking the download icon ( ) in the File column for the business

Generating Multiple Business Object Templates

Click the Generate Templates button at the top right hand of the Initiate Data Loader page. This will navigate you to
the Generate HCM Data Loader Templates submission page.

Figure 10: Generate HCM Data Loader Templates submission page

If you specify a Module of All, templates will be generated for every supported business object. Alternatively, select
a specific module to generate business object templates for.

To access template files individually from the Business Objects table, click on the file download icon ( ) in the File
column for the business object. Alternatively, you can download a single zip file for all the business object templates
you generated in a single process. To view all the processes submitted to generate template files, click the
Processes tab. Click the file download icon ( ) for your process.


Figure 11: Review template files (Navigator - Data Exchange - Initiate Data Load - Processes)

Modifying METADATA Lines

You should not simply copy the METADATA lines from the template file and use them within your own data files.
The template files are there to help you identify the names for all available attributes, including environment specific
attributes such as flexfield segments. Your own data files should only include the METADATA lines for components
you wish to load data for, and the attribute names for the values you wish to supply.

HCM Data Loader validates every attribute name on every METADATA line. It also determines any potential
dependencies on other business objects in the same zip file by reviewing the attributes supplied in METADATA. For
example, if the Job.dat file contains the ValidGrade METADATA line with the GradeId attribute, HCM Data Loader
will assume that the Job.dat has a potential dependency on Grades.

The speed and efficiency of the import and load processes can be improved by only declaring the attributes that you
are supplying data for.

Extracting Data into the HCM Data Loader File Format

This section describes how HCM Data Loader expects your data to be formatted in order for it to be successfully
imported into the HCM Data Loader stage tables.

Developing an Extract for Each Business Object

You need to define mappings between your source data and the Oracle Fusion business-object model by comparing
source attributes with attributes in Oracle Fusion HCM objects. For information on Oracle Fusion HCM objects, refer
to the supplied business-object spreadsheets. You must also define the transformation logic and build extraction
routines. You can use tools that are native to the source system, such as PL/SQL in Oracle E-Business Suite or
SQR in Oracle PeopleSoft. Alternatively, you can use an ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) tool, such as Oracle
Data Integrator (ODI) or PowerCenter Informatica.


Retaining Current Values
When you are updating existing Oracle Fusion data, you need to supply only the attributes that have changed, along
with a unique identifier to identify the record being updated. Any attribute values not supplied will not be updated.
However, for date-effective records all attribute values you do supply will be updated for the date-range specified.
For more information, see the section Maintaining Existing Date-Effective Data on page 34.

Setting Not Null Attribute Values to Null

If you want to set an attribute value explicitly to null, you cannot just leave the attribute value blank, you must supply
the #NULL token.

Lookup Validated Attributes

For attributes that are defined in Oracle Fusion HCM as lookups, you can specify either the lookup code or its
meaning. For example, the gender attribute of the person object can be specified using:

 M (the code value) or Male (the code meaning)

 F (the code value) or Female (the code meaning)

This is true for non-flexfield attributes only. For more information on lookup meaning values for lookup validated
flexfield segments, see page 33.

Number Attributes
For numbers, only the decimal separator is supported. Do not include currency symbols, scientific notation, or
thousands separators.

To set an existing numeric value to null, specify the tag #NULL as the attribute value.

Date and Time Attributes

The expected formats for date and time values are:



For example, 2013/11/05 18:35:00

To set an existing date or time value to null, specify the tag #NULL as the attribute value.

CLOB and BLOB Attributes

Providing data for Character Large OBjects (CLOB) and Binary Large OBjects (BLOB) differs from all other
attributes. Instead of supplying the data directly, the data is supplied in a separate file and the filename is referenced
in the CLOB/BLOB attribute.

This is because data for these data types tends to be very large. Additionally, content to be loaded directly (rather
than by attachment) may need to include new line characters, making it complex to include in the business object
dat file.

The business object documentation specifies the data type of all attributes. If you wish to load data into a CLOB
attribute you supply that data in a separate file and place that file in a folder named ‘ClobFiles’ within the same zip


file as the business object dat file. Similarly if you wish to load data, or upload an attachment to a BLOB attribute,
you supply the data or file to attach in a folder named ‘BlobFiles’ within the same zip.

Files within the ClobFiles and BlobFiles folders can have any name and most extensions are supported.

In the business object dat file you specify the file name for the CLOB / BLOB attribute. For example:

MERGE|DocumentAttachment|Drivers License|file01.txt|23901|..
MERGE|DocumentAttachment|Drivers License|file02.txt|64235|..

Figure 12: Loading attachments - Supplying references to attachment files

For DocumentAttachment the File attribute has a BLOB data type, referenced files should be placed in the BlobFiles

Figure 13: BloblFiles folder to deliver attachment files for Documents of Record

Supplying Key Values

Creating a New Record

When supplying a unique reference for a new record, only the user key and source key are supported. Both the
Oracle Fusion Surrogate ID and Oracle Fusion GUID are system generated when the record is committed to the

Note: If the source key is not specified on the initial creation of a record it cannot be used later to update that record.

Updating Existing Records

HCM Data Loader does not differentiate between create and update. All records to be loaded into Oracle Fusion
are simply tagged as ‘MERGE’. For integration-enabled objects all four key types can be used to reference an
existing object for update or delete. For non-integration enabled objects only user key and Fusion Surrogate IDs can
be used.


Supplying Source Key Values
The source key comprises two attributes; SourceSystemOwner and SourceSystemId. If supplying a source
key to uniquely reference the record being merged, you can also supply source key values for integration-
enabled foreign object references too, including the parent record for child component records.

Note: You cannot use source keys for foreign object references, including parents, if you are not supplying a source
key for the local record.

The SourceSystemOwner attribute is common for all source keys supplied in a record, so the foreign objects
being referenced by source key must have the same SourceSystemOwner value to the record being merged.

Before source keys can be used the SourceSystemOwner value must be created in the
HRC_SOURCE_SYSTEM_OWNER, see page 12 for additional details.

Specifying a Source Key for the Local Record

Supply values for both the source key attributes; SourceSystemId and SourceSystemOwner

MERGE|Job|12349|EBS-UK|SE|Software Engineer|COMMON|2010/01/01|4712/12/31

Figure 14: Supplying a source key for the local record

Specifying a Source Key for a Foreign Object

Append the (SourceSystemId) hint to the surrogate ID attribute for the foreign object being referenced. In this
example Job, this Job must have been created using HCM Data Loader with the source key supplied.


Figure 15: Supplying a source key for a foreign object

Source keys can only be used for integration-enabled foreign objects. The business object documentation identifies
which foreign objects are integration enabled.

Supplying User Key Values

User keys are specific to the business object component being loaded. The business object documentation details
the user key attributes available for each business object component and all foreign objects referenced.

The user key attributes will be mandatory when you first create a record and mandatory for updates unless you
supply a different key type to uniquely reference the record being updated.

Caution: Some user keys can change over time, this can make using the user key for historical references


If you are loading date-effective history for a business object component where the user key does change, you must
also supply a source key. This will allow HCM Data Loader to correctly group related date-effective records to
correctly form the object being loaded.

Specifying a User Key for the Local Record

User keys can comprise of multiple attributes, all must be supplied if no other key type is being used:

MERGE|Job|SE|Software Engineer|COMMON|2010/01/01|4712/12/31

Figure 16: Supplying the User Key for the local record

Specifying a User Key for a Foreign Object

In this example the Assignment is uniquely referenced by a source key. However, the Job is referenced by its user


Figure 17: Supplying the user key for a foreign object

Supplying Oracle Fusion Surrogate ID Values

Oracle Fusion Surrogate IDs are specific to the business object component being loaded. The Business Object
documentation details the Oracle Fusion Surrogate ID attribute for the business object component and all foreign
objects referenced.

Oracle Fusion Surrogate ID cannot be assigned when you create data in Oracle Fusion. Oracle Fusion generates
them internally at commit, so for new records either a source key or user key must be supplied.

Specifying Oracle Fusion Surrogate ID for the Local Record

MERGE|Job|13413|Software Engineer - Java|2013/01/01|4712/12/31

Figure 18: Supplying the Fusion Surrogate ID for the local record

Specifying Oracle Fusion Surrogate ID for a Foreign Object

In this example the Assignment is uniquely referenced by a source key. However, the Job is referenced by its
Fusion Surrogate ID:




Figure 19: Supplying the Fusion Surrogate ID for a foreign object

Supplying Oracle Fusion GUID Values

The Fusion GUID is a hexadecimal value assigned by Oracle Fusion when a record is committed to the database.

Specifying Oracle Fusion GUID for the Local Record

When supplying an Oracle Fusion GUID value to uniquely reference the record being merged or deleted, the
attribute name is identical for all business object components: GUID.

MERGE|Job|2342UJFHI2323|Software Engineer - Java|2013/01/01|4712/12/31

Figure 20: Supplying the Fusion GUID for the local record

Specifying Oracle Fusion GUID for a Foreign Object

Append the (GUID) hint to the surrogate ID attribute for the foreign object being referenced. In this example Job:


Figure 21: Supplying the Oracle Fusion GUID for a foreign object

Oracle Fusion GUIDs can only be used for integration-enabled foreign objects. The business object documentation
identifies which foreign objects are integration enabled.

Date Effective and MCPD Components

Data-Effective Maintenance Mode

If you provide changes for a date range where date-effective or MCPD records already exist, HCM Data Loader
provides two modes that determine how existing Oracle Fusion date-effective records are manipulated.

For more details and examples of how these modes will impact your data see the Maintaining Existing Date-
Effective Data section on page 34.

Date effective records have common attributes that are normally mandatory when loading data:

EffectiveStartDate The start date for the attribute values, this value is always mandatory for date-effective components.

EffectiveEndDate The end date for the attribute values. If left blank the ‘end of time’ is defaulted, meaning the date effective
record will continue on with no end

EffectiveSequence When multiple changes per day (MCPD) can be recorded the EffectiveSequence provides the order in
which the changes occurred.

EffectiveLatestChange A Y/N flag, for MCPD records this attribute indicates which record is the latest for the EffectiveStartDate.


Supplying Date-Effective History
You can choose how much history to load into Oracle Fusion for new objects, but the history you provide must be
complete and valid.

Retaining Existing Values

When you supply date-effective history for a record that is new to Oracle Fusion, Oracle Fusion deems only the first
date-effective record to be a new record and later dated records to be updates. To retain the values from the
previous date-effective record you can leave the attribute values blank, or repeat the value that is to continue.
Leaving an attribute value blank will not set the attribute to null in Oracle Fusion.

For example, loading date-effective history for a new object:


The resulting data in Oracle Fusion:

EffectiveStartDate EffectiveEndDate Attribute1 Attribute2

1950/01/01 2012/03/04 W X

2012/06/02 2013/02/03 W Y

2013/02/04 Z Y

Attribute 1 will retain the ‘W’ value on the second row, as no value was specified, similarly attribute2 will retain the ‘Y’
value on the final row.

Setting Not Null Values to Null

If you want to change a not null value to a null, then you must supply the #NULL token.

For example:


The resulting data in Oracle Fusion:

EffectiveStartDate EffectiveEndDate Attribute1 Attribute2

1950/01/01 2012/03/04 W X

2012/06/02 2013/02/03 (null) Y

2013/02/04 Z (null)


It is advisable to use the #NULL token to ensure a null value in Oracle Fusion. Leaving an attribute with no value will
roll forward any existing value that attribute may have.

Rules for Supplying Date-Effective History

There must be no gaps in the date-effective records

There is no restriction on the order in which date effective records are provided in the dat file, but there must be no
break in the dates.


This is not valid as the information between 5-Mar-2012 and 1-Jun-2012 is missing.


The unique key value must not change over time

HCM Data Loader groups your distinct file lines into logical objects, a logical object being one occurrence of the
business object. For example, a job or a worker. The logical object grouping is performed on the unique key for the
component, so the key value must be the same across the date-effective history. Any of the four keys types can be
used to uniquely identify the records.


This is not valid as the SourceSystemId used to uniquely identify Job ‘ACC1’ changes with the date-effective history.


The EffectiveSequence must be sequential for MCPD records

When reporting multiple changes on the same effective start date, the EffectiveSequence value must start at 1 and
increase sequentially. The same EffectiveSequence value cannot be repeated for the same logical object on the
same date, nor can there be any gaps. If there is only one change for an effective start date the EffectiveSequence
will always be 1. You cannot leave the EffectiveSequence blank when providing multiple changes per day. Without
this information there is no guarantee in which order the records starting on the same EffectiveStartDate will be


This is not valid as each sequence starts at zero, and the sequence 2 is missing.




The EffectiveLatestChange must only be Y on the latest MCPD record

When reporting multiple changes on the same effective start date, the latest record should have an
EffectiveLatestChange value of Y. All earlier records should have an N value. This attribute is always mandatory for
MCPD records.

If there is only one change for an effective start date, the EffectiveLatestChange will always be Y.


This is not valid as the EffectiveSequence of 3 is the latest change but the EffectiveLatestChange value is not Y.


For MCPD records that are not the latest change, the EffectiveEndDate must match the EffectiveStartDate.

When reporting multiple changes on the same effective start date, all MCPD records that are not the latest change
should have an EffectiveEndDate matching the EffectiveStartDate.


This is not valid because the EffectiveEndDate of those records with an EffectiveLatestChange of N have an
EffectiveEndDate that does not match the EffectiveStartDate.


An example of a valid MCPD history




The following rules have been observed:

 There are no gaps in the dates.

 The unique key is identical over all date effective records.
 The EffectiveSequence starts at 1 for all new effective start date and is sequential for matching effective start
 The EffectiveLatestChange is always N when the record is not the latest change for an effective start date and
Y when it is.
 The EffectiveEndDate matches the EffectiveStartDate when the MCPD record is not the latest change for an
effective start date.

Supplying Incremental Date Effective Changes

When your object already exists in Oracle Fusion you may not know exactly what is recorded, the change you need
to add may be the latest change, or future changes may already exist. For MCPD records you may not know the
next available sequence number, or you may want to correct existing data. This section describes how to maintain
existing date-effective and MCPD records.

Updating a Date-Effective Record

Simply supply the data that has changed with the effective start date the change became effective.


Note: The EffectiveEndDate value has not been supplied ensuring that this change will take effect until the end of

Generating a New MCPD Split

For MCPD records, if you do not know the next available sequence number you can generate it by simply leaving
the EffectiveSequence attribute blank.


Correcting an Existing MCPD Split

By supplying an EffectiveSequence value that already exists you will be correcting the existing record, not creating a
new MCPD split. To correct MCPD records you must supply all MCPD attributes to uniquely identify the MCPD
record to correct.




Reserved Characters
By default, these characters are reserved and cannot be included in attribute values:

 Delimiter (pipe |)
 Escape (slash \)
To include the new line and pipe characters in attribute values, you precede them immediately with the escape
character (slash \). For example:

MERGE|Address|TheSteading\|Kier Allan

This entry enables the pipe character to appear in AddressLine1:

The Steading|Kier Allan

To include the new-line character in a value, you specify \n. For example:

MERGE|Address|TheSteading\nKier Allan

This entry results in the following value for AddressLine1:

The Steading
Kier Allan

The SET File-Line Instruction

You can override the reserved characters for a file by using the SET file-line instruction, which must appear before
any METADATA lines in the file.

The format of the SET command for overriding reserved characters is:

SET FILE_ESCAPE <new_value>

SET FILE_NEW_LINE <new_value>

Figure 22: Overwriting Reserved Characters with the SET command

The new value can be up to 10 characters. For example, you could set the new-line character to newline and the file
delimiter to comma (,) using the following SET commands:


In this case, METADATA and MERGE lines could appear as follows:

MERGE,Address,TheSteading\newlineKier Allan


Using HCM Data Loader, you can load both descriptive flexfield (DFF) and extensible flexfield (EFF) data.

After configuring your descriptive and extensible flexfields, navigate to the Initiate Data Load page to generate a
template for your object. The generated template will include in the METADATA lines all the attributes required to
successfully load data into your configured flexfields. For more information about generating business object
templates, refer to page 17.

This section explains the concepts that are common to supplying descriptive and extensible flexfield data, followed
by the specific information required for each flexfield type.

Flexfield Code
If supplying flexfield attribute values, in addition to providing the flexfield attribute names, you must also supply the
flexfield code in the METADATA line, in the format:

FLEX:<descriptive flexfield code>

Figure 23: Descriptive Flexfield code format

The available flexfield codes will be included in your generated template file.

Both descriptive and extensible flexfields have one or more contexts. This attribute will be used to supply the
context information on your MERGE lines.

Flexfield Attribute Names

Flexfield attribute names are derived from the name you configured the flexfield segment with. However, they must
also be provided with a hint that tells HCM Data Loader which flexfield the attribute belongs to, and which context it
is applicable to:

<flexfield attribute name>(<flexfield code><context code>)

Figure 24: Descriptive Flexfield attribute name format

Some business object components support multiple DFFs, by supplying both the flexfield code and context against
each flexfield attribute you can supply all DFF flexfield attributes together for every supported flexfield and every
configured context. Although EFFs do not support multiple flexfield codes on the same line, the format of the
attribute name is the same for consistency.

Descriptive Flexfield Example:

The contract component of the worker business object supports both the PER_CONTRACT_DF and
PER_CONTRACT_LEG_DDF descriptive flexfields.

These flexfields have the following configuration:

DFF Context Attribute Hint










If you were to generate a Worker.dat template file, the Contract METADATA line would include these attributes:

METADATA|Contract|...|_CONTRACT_GLB(PER_CONTRACT_DF=Global Data Elements)


Figure 25: Descriptive Flexfield METADATA example

Extensible Flexfield Example

The Job hierarchy provides the JobLegislative extensible flexfield. This has the following configuration:

EFF Context Attribute Hint






If you were to generate a Worker.dat template file, the Contract METDATA line would include these attributes:



Figure 26: Descriptive Flexfield METADATA example


Supplying Descriptive Flexfield Data
This section describes how to construct METADATA and MERGE lines in a data file to supply descriptive flexfield
(DFF) data.

You can load data for all attributes of any DFF defined for all HCM Data Loader registered objects.

Constructing the DFF METADATA

Descriptive FlexFields (DFF) extend a business object, as such DFF attributes can be provided with the core
attributes for the business object component.

To supply DFF data for a business object component simply include the Flexfield Code and Descriptive Flexfield
attributes that you wish to load for to the METADATA line of the business object component. These are available
from your generated business object template file.

Figure 27: Defining DFF attributes in METADATA

The DFF attributes can be defined anywhere on the METADATA line, they do not need to appended to the end.

Constructing DFF MERGE Lines

For each supported DFF for a business object component, a record can only have one context at any point in time.
The context for each record must be supplied against the Flexfield Code for the DFF.


Figure 28: Supplying Descriptive Flexfield Data

Supplying DFF MERGE Lines for Multiple Flexfield Codes and Contexts

When multiple DFFs are supported for the same business object component, the data can be loaded at the same

bal Data Elements) |_Currency(PER_CONTRACT_DF=CONTRACT_DF)
MERGE|Contract|E8732|39987|2013/12/14|2014/03/04|CONTRACT_DF|CN|Contract Glb
value|USD|Contract Data|||
MERGE|Contract|E8732|39987|2014/03/05|4712/12/31|CONTRACT_DF|CH|Contract Glb
value|USD||31/03/2015|NDA Value|Competition Clause Value

Figure 29: Supplying Descriptive Flexfield Data for multiple flexfield codes


Supplying Extensible Flexfield Data
This section describes how to construct METADATA and MERGE lines in a data file to supply extensible flexfield
(EFF) data.

Category Code

In addition to the Flexfield Code, extensible flexfields also have a Category Code. This will be provided in your
generated template file with an attribute name of EFF_CATEGORY_CODE.

Constructing the EFF METADATA

Extensible Flexfields (EFF) are not an extension of a business object component, but a separate component in the
business object hierarchy.

To supply EFF data simply include the METADATA line for the EFF component, removing any attribute names you
will not be supplying data for.


Figure 30: Defining EFF attributes in METADATA

Constructing the EFF MERGE lines

An extensible flexfield record can only have one context at any point in time. The context for each record must be
supplied against the Flexfield Code for the EFF.



Figure 31: Supplying Descriptive Flexfield Data

Unlike other components of the business object hierarchy, EFF MERGE lines cannot be supplied in isolation, but,
must be accompanied by a ‘parent’ record.

Supplying Lookup Validated Flexfield Values

For configured flexfield attributes, the flexfield attribute name but be suffixed with ‘_Display’ if providing a lookup
meaning value. For example, for a configured gender attribute on a flexfield, supply the lookup code (M / F) in the
gender attribute. To supply the meaning (Male / Female), use the attribute name gender_Display.



Source-System References
You can include source-system references in each data line in a file.

Source-system references are optional. They enable you to record the source-system database table name, column
names, and attribute values. These details are visible in the HCM Data Loader interface. Therefore, if an object fails
to load, you can easily identify the data source.

Source-system references comprise a name and a value.

Source-System Names
You specify source-system names in the relevant METADATA line.

To specify the source-system table name, you add to the METADATA line:

SourceRefTableName=<table name>

Figure 32: Specifying a Source System Reference Table Name

You can specify up to 10 source-system column names in the same METADATA line using the SourceRef001 to
SourceRef010 tags.

For example:


Source-system references can appear anywhere in the METADATA line after the instruction and discriminator tags.

Source-System Values

Supply the source-system values on each data line, ensuring that they appear in the order specified on the

In data lines you must leave the source-system table name blank. This value appears in the METADATA definition

For example:


Maintaining Existing Date-Effective Data

Maintaining Oracle Fusion data when existing date-effective records exist for the date range of the update can be a
challenge. This section describes the various options available when existing date-effective records may exist.


When supplying changes for date-effective records there is the potential for updates to impact multiple date-effective
rows. Care must be taken if your change predates existing data for your record.

For example:


ESD EED JobCode JobName RegularTemporary FullPartTime Active Status

2010/06/08 2012/01/09 ACC1 Accounts Clerk T PART_TIME A

2012/01/10 2012/03/03 ACC1 Accounts Clerk T FULL_TIME A

2012/03/04 4712/12/31 ACC1 Accounts Administrator T FULL_TIME A

If you supply an update with an Effective Start Date of 2011/01/01 and no Effective End Date is supplied, a new
date-effective split will be generated on the 1st January 2011 but both the 10th January 2012 and 4th March 2012
records will be impacted. How these records will be updated depends on the date-effective maintenance mode.

Date-Effective Maintenance Modes

HCM Data Loader supports two different update modes that impact how future dated records are handled:

 Retain - Retains all existing date-effective records. This mode is recommended when you are supplying an
incremental update to an existing record.

 Replace - Removes existing date-effective splits for the date range specified. This mode is useful during
data migration, when you are uploading the complete data for a record.

Both modes will generate a new date-effective split if you specify an effective start or end date that is new. That is,
no date-effective split exists for that date.

Both modes will only update the attributes that you have supplied values for. If you want to ensure a null value
exists, then make use of the #NULL token. See Setting Not Null Attribute Values to Null, on page 20.

The following information provides guidance on the functionality that these modes provide. However, not all
business objects fully support these modes. See the business object specific documentation for more information.

The Replace mode is the HCM Data Loader default behavior.

The mode can be controlled with a SET command:


Figure 33: Setting the update mode for future dated records

Where either Y (Replace) or N (Retain) can be supplied.

Retaining Existing Date-Effective Records

This is the recommended behavior when supplying incremental updates to existing data.

To retain future dated records you must include a SET command to override the default behavior:



Figure 34: SET Command to Retain existing date-effective records

When HCM Data Loader is running in retain mode, you can choose to:

 Retain future dated record values without updating them

 Retain future date-effective splits but roll forward the changed values
Here, ‘future’ refers to any date-effective record that has an effective start date later than the effective start date of
the update being processed.

Retaining Future Dated Record Values

If you want any future dated changes to be retained untouched, then instead of supplying a date for the Effective
End Date, use the #RETAIN tag. This will ensure that your change will only take affect from your supplied Effective
Start Date until the next date-effective record. If there are no future dated records your change will continue until the
end-date of the record, usually the end of time.

Assignment Example


ESD Seq EED Action Code Job Grade Location Normal Hours

2010/06/08 1 2012/03/03 HIRE ACC1 IC2 HQ 40

2012/03/04 1 2012/03/04 PROMOTION ACC1 IC4 HQ 40

2012/03/04 2 2012/03/04 TRANSFER ACC1 IC4 LVP 40

2012/03/04 3 2012/06/01 JOB_CHANGE ACC3 IC4 LVP 40

2012/06/02 1 4712/12/31 JOB_CHANGE ACC2 IC4 LVP 40

Update the working hours on the 10th Jan 2012 retaining future dated values



ESD Seq EED Action Code Job Grade Location Normal Hours

2010/06/08 1 2012/01/09 HIRE ACC1 IC2 HQ 40

2012/01/10 1 2012/03/03 ASG_CHANGE ACC1 IC2 HQ 37.5

2012/03/04 1 2012/03/04 PROMOTION ACC1 IC4 HQ 40

2012/03/04 2 2012/03/04 TRANSFER ACC1 IC4 LVP 40

2012/03/04 3 2012/06/01 JOB_CHANGE ACC3 IC4 LVP 40


ESD Seq EED Action Code Job Grade Location Normal Hours

2012/06/02 1 4712/12/31 JOB_CHANGE ACC2 IC4 LVP 40

Note: The EffectiveSequence attribute was not supplied with a value to ensure the next MCPD split was assigned to
this change. If you want to start at an existing MCPD split, specify the EffectiveSequence and
EffectiveLatestChange values for that MCPD record.

ATTENTION: This is the only recommended action for MCPD records, or any record with a mandatory ActionCode.
By attempting to roll forward any changes over future dated records, you are likely to corrupt the ActionCode for
each future dated record in your specified date range.

If you had not supplied the #RETAIN tag, but instead left the EffectiveEndDate unspecified or had a value of
4712/12/31, to ensure the change was applied until the end of time, you would get a very different result:

Update the working hours on the 10th Jan 2012 overwriting future dated values:



ESD Seq EED Action Code Job Grade Location Normal Hours

2010/06/08 1 2012/01/09 HIRE ACC1 IC2 HQ 40

2012/01/10 1 2012/03/03 ASG_CHANGE ACC1 IC2 HQ 37.5

2012/03/04 1 2012/03/04 ASG_CHANGE ACC1 IC4 HQ 37.5

2012/03/04 2 2012/03/04 ASG_CHANGE ACC1 IC4 LVP 37.5

2012/03/04 3 2012/06/01 ASG_CHANGE ACC3 IC4 LVP 37.5

2012/06/02 1 4712/12/31 ASG_CHANGE ACC2 IC4 LVP 37.5

As the Action Code is a mandatory attribute that you have supplied a value for, the supplied value will overwrite the
existing Action Code for all future dated records.

Note: This action is not reversible. If you supply attribute values that span existing date-effective splits they will all be
updated with every attribute value supplied.

Correcting Future Dated Record Values

If you want to roll forward your changes across any future dated records, you have two options:

 Specify the effective end date when the change should stop
 Specify that the change should continue until the end of the object


Note: This functionality should be used with caution. Many business objects have mandatory attributes. All values
you supply will be rolled forward across all records in the date range that you specify. This could have an undesired
impact on your data. Review the specific business object documentation for more details.

Supplying an Effective End Date

If you know when your change should end, supply that date in the EffectiveEndDate attribute.


ESD EED JobCode JobName RegularTemporary FullPartTime Active Status

2010/06/08 2012/01/09 ACC1 Accounts Clerk T PART_TIME A

2012/01/10 2012/03/03 ACC1 Accounts Clerk T FULL_TIME A

2012/03/04 4712/12/31 ACC1 Accounts Administrator T FULL_TIME A

You can apply a change to RegularTemporary from 4th March 2011 to 4th April 2014 by including these lines in the
Job .dat file:



ESD EED JobCode JobName RegularTemporary FullPartTime ActiveStatus

2010/06/08 2011/03/03 ACC1 Accounts Clerk T PART_TIME A

2011/03/04 2012/01/09 ACC1 Accounts Clerk R PART_TIME A

2012/01/10 2012/03/03 ACC1 Accounts Clerk R FULL_TIME A

2012/03/04 2014/04/04 ACC1 Accounts Administrator R FULL_TIME A

2014/04/05 4712/12/31 ACC1 Accounts Administrator T FULL_TIME A

A new date-effective split will be created for both the start and end dates. Only the RegularTemporary attribute was
supplied with a value, so only that attribute is updated for the date-range, other attributes retain their existing value.

Correct All Future Dated Records for the Life of the Object

Most objects do not end, they are terminated, or become inactive. However, you can ‘stop’ a few objects in time, for
example, element entries. The #ALL tag provides a safe way of specifying that you want all future dated records to
be corrected with your changes, regardless of the end date of the object.


ESD EED JobCode JobName RegularTemporary FullPartTime ActiveStatus

2010/06/08 2012/01/09 ACC1 Accounts Clerk T PART_TIME A


2012/01/10 2012/03/03 ACC1 Accounts Clerk T FULL_TIME A

2012/03/04 4712/12/31 ACC1 Accounts Administrator T FULL_TIME A

You can apply a change to RegularTemporary from 4-Mar-2011 until the end of the Job by including these lines in
the Job .dat file:



ESD EED JobCode JobName RegularTemporary FullPartTime ActiveStatus

2010/06/08 2011/03/03 ACC1 Accounts Clerk T PART_TIME A

2011/03/04 2012/01/09 ACC1 Accounts Clerk R PART_TIME A

2012/01/10 2012/03/03 ACC1 Accounts Clerk R FULL_TIME A

2012/03/04 4712/12/31 ACC1 Accounts Administrator R FULL_TIME A

Replace Future Dated Records

This mode is only recommended when supplying the complete date-effective history for an object, where existing
data in Oracle Fusion should be replaced with the data supplied in the file.

By default future dated changes will be replaced. However, if you want to ensure this behavior then supply this SET


Figure 35: SET Command to Replace Future Dated Changes


ESD Seq EED Action Code Job Grade Location Normal Hours

2010/06/08 1 2012/03/03 HIRE ACC1 IC2 HQ 40

2012/03/04 1 2012/03/04 PROMOTION ACC1 IC4 HQ 40

2012/03/04 2 2012/03/04 TRANSFER ACC1 IC4 LVP 40

2012/03/04 3 2012/06/01 JOB_CHANGE ACC3 IC4 LVP 40

2012/06/02 1 4712/12/31 JOB_CHANGE ACC2 IC4 LVP 40

Update the working hours on the 10th Jan 2012 replacing future dated values





ESD Seq EED Action Code Job Grade Location Normal Hours

2010/06/08 1 2012/01/09 HIRE ACC1 IC2 HQ 40

2012/01/10 1 4712/12/31 ASG_CHANGE ACC1 IC2 HQ 37.5

A new date-effective split is generated for the new EffectiveStartDate of 10th Jan 2012 supplied.

The date-effective records that existed after that date are replaced by this change.

Existing attribute values that pre-date the change and where new values have not been supplied will continue on the
new record. To explicitly remove existing values the #NULL token must be supplied.

CAUTION: This action is not reversible.

Updating the First Effective Start Date or Last Effective End Date
To alter the first effective start date or the last effective end date, you must place a Y against either of the following

 ReplaceFirstEffectiveStartDate

 ReplaceLastEffectiveEndDate

You supply the new date using the EffectiveStartDate and EffectiveEndDate attributes.

This functionality can also be used in conjunction with supplying other updates. For example, you can specify an
earlier effective start date and supply a name change to reconcile across all existing date-effective records.


The following example shows how to alter the first effective start date of an existing Job:


The following example shows how to end an existing recurring element entry:

The following example shows how to alter both dates, with multiple date-effective records:


There are certain situations in which the ability to replace the last effective end date is not supported.

Invalid action

Some objects do not support the last effective end date being anything other than the Oracle Fusion end of time.
HCM Data Loader raises an error for objects that do not support this where the ReplaceLastEffectiveEndDate
attribute is included in the METADATA line.

Similarly, objects like worker do not support the first effective start date being altered using this mechanism. To alter
a worker's effective start date, you can use the NewStartDate worker attribute.

If you attempt to alter the first effective start date or the last effective end date for an object that does not support it,
you will receive the following error message:

The {BUSINESS OBJECT} METADATA line cannot be processed as the {ATTRIBUTE} attribute is invalid. {DATE
ATTRIBUTE} cannot be modified for this business object.


Token Description Example

BUSINESS OBJECT The business object discriminator Worker

ATTRIBUTE The name of the replace attribute ReplaceFirstEffectiveStartDate

DATE ATTRIBUTE The name of the effective date attribute that cannot be updated EffectiveStartDate
for this object

Reconcile Mode

When running in reconcile mode, you can populate the EffectiveEndDate with different values to control what
happens to any future dated records, that may exist. The following values cannot be used in conjunction with
altering the last effective end date:


 #ALL

 null

Translation Data
In environments where multiple languages are enabled, you can load translated objects. HCM Data loader supports
the WE8ISO8859P1 character set with UTF-8 encoding.

Loading translated objects is a two-stage process:

1. You create the object by loading the base-language version. At this stage, translation records are created
for all enabled languages, but they hold base-language versions of any translatable values. For example, if
US English is your base language, then translation records hold US English versions of translatable


2. Once the base-language version is created successfully, you load the translated values as corrections to
the base-language object. To perform this step, you use data-file templates that are provided specifically
for translation. One translation data-file template is provided for each business-object component that
includes translatable values.

For example, if you create a record for the Sales Manager job in an environment where US English is the base
language and French, German, and Spanish are enabled, then the object is created as follows:

Language Source Language Name

US English US English Sales Manager

French US English Sales Manager

German US English Sales Manager

Spanish US English Sales Manager

Once this object is successfully created, you can load a single translation data file (JobTranslation.dat) to correct the
French, German, and Spanish translations of the job name. You can load the translations in separate files, one per
language, if you prefer.

You can deliver translation files either in the same zip file as the original object or separately. However, you cannot
deliver them before the object that they apply to exists.

Translation-File Discriminators
Unique file discriminators are defined for the translation files and are identified in the relevant file. For example, the
file discriminator for the file JobTranslation.dat is JobTranslation.

Effective Dates
When you load translated values for an existing object, you must ensure that the effective dates in the translation
files are the same as those in the base-language version of the object. If you later update the object, then you
update the base-language object before updating the translation object. All components of a translated object must
remain synchronized.

Example: Job.dat

MERGE|Job|EBS-UK|JB2ACC44|2010/01/01|2014/04/04|ACADM|Accounts Administrator|A
MERGE|JOB|EBS-UK|JB2ACC44|2014/04/05|4712/12/31|ACADM|Accounts Clerk|A

Example: JobTranslation.dat

MERGE|Job|EBS-UK|JB2ACC44|2010/01/01|2014/04/04|ES| Administrador de Cuentas
MERGE|JOB|EBS-UK|JB2ACC44|2014/04/05|4712/12/31|ES| Cuentas Clerk


Updating Translation Data
To update existing translation data, if the object is not date-effective you can simply upload the relevant translation
file only.

If providing an updated translated value for a date-effective object and no date-effective split exists on the start date
of the new translation value, then you must also update the base-language object. This requirement exists to
ensure that the effective dates of the base-language and translation objects remain the same.

Deleting Data from Oracle Fusion

You can delete most objects, regardless of whether they were loaded using HCM Data Loader. To delete an object,
include the DELETE instruction tag in the relevant data file. For example, you could delete a previously loaded Job
Family object by including these lines in the JobFamily.dat file:


Caution: Deleted data cannot be recovered. It is recommended that you try and correct your data rather than delete
and recreate it.

Before deleting an object, ensure that other business objects do not refer to it.

Note that:

 You can delete complete business objects and individual complete business-object components. You cannot
delete individual date-effective records.
 When you delete a parent object, its child objects and any translation objects are also deleted. For example, to
delete a grade and its child business objects, you create a DELETE instruction for the Grade discriminator. To
delete only a grade rate value child component, you create a DELETE instruction for the GradeRateValue
 You cannot delete worker objects from the production environment, though you can delete some child
components of the worker object. For example, you can delete the person e-mail component of a worker object.
 You cannot include DELETE instructions in translation data files.
 Deletion means complete removal of the object from Oracle Fusion HCM. A deleted object cannot be
 To delete a date-effective object referenced by user keys, the EffectiveStartDate and EffectiveEndDate
attributes are mandatory.
 To delete a date-effective object using source keys, Oracle Fusion GUID or surrogate ID the effective start and
end dates are not mandatory.
 You must not supply a DELETE instruction for an object that has a MERGE instruction in the same file. HCM
Data Loader will not know in which order to process the two instructions.


Importing and Loading Data
This section describes:

 How to deliver your zip file of data to the WebCenter Content server
 How to import and load your data
 How to monitor progress and correct any errors
 Some processes to run after loading Worker and Hierarchy Tree data
Before attempting to load any data into Oracle Fusion, review the Preparing the Oracle Fusion Human Capital
Management Environment section on page 12.

Loading your Zip file to the WebCenter Content Server

Once your zip file, containing one or more .dat files for a single Oracle Fusion HCM product is ready, you can deliver
it to the WebCenter Content server. HCM Data Loader searches this server for zip files that are ready to load.

To deliver a zip file to the WebCenter Content server, you can use the Oracle Fusion HCM File Import and Export
interface or the WebCenter Content web service.

Using the File Import and Export Interface

To deliver your zip file manually to the WebCenter Content server:
1. Open the File Import and Export page (Navigator - Tools - File Import and Export).
2. In the Search Results section of the File Import and Export page, click Upload ( ).
3. In the Upload File dialog box, click Browse to locate the file that you want to upload.
4. In the Account field of the Upload File dialog box, select hcm/dataloader/import.
5. Click Save and Close.

Figure 36: File Import and Export (Navigator - Tools - File Import and Export)


WebCenter Content allocates a unique content ID to every file. To view the content ID allocated to your file, select
View - Columns - Content ID in the Search Results section of the File import and Export page. The row for your file
in the search results now includes the file’s content ID.

The Automating HCM Data Loader whitepaper explains how to use the WebCenter Content server web service.
This is available from the MOS document, HCM Data Loader: User Guide (Doc ID 1664133.1).

Using the HCM Data Loader Interface for File Submission

Once your zip file is available on the WebCenter Content server, you are ready to import and load it. For this stage
of the process, you can use either the HCM Data Loader interface or the HcmCommonDataLoader web service.

To import and load your zip file:

1. Open the Import and Load Data page (Navigator - Data Exchange - Import and Load Data).
2. On the Import and Load Data page, click Import File.

Figure 37: Import and Load Data - Import File

3. In the WebCenter Content Files dialog box, any files that have not been processed are listed. You can filter
the list to reduce it. For example, you can enter the WebCenter Content ID or file creation date. Select the file
that you posted to the WebCenter Content server and click Submit.


Figure 38: Available WebCenter Content Files

4. On the Schedule Request page, review the parameter values and click Submit. A confirmation message
showing the process ID appears. Note the process ID.

Figure 39: Submit Import and Load HCM Data File

5. Click OK to close the message and return to the Import and Load Data page.

File Import Parameters

The following parameters are available when submitting this process:


Parameter Description

File Name The name of the file on the WebCenter Content server to process.

Content ID WebCenter Content ID for the file on the WebCenter Content server.

File Action Two options:

Import and load will automate the load process for each business object in the zip file.
Import only will only import the business object data into the stage tables, the Load process can then be
manually initiated from the user interface.

File Encryption Encryption type for the file.

Delete Source File Purge the source file from the WebCenter Content server after processing.

Maximum Percentage of Percentage of file lines in error that can occur in a business object before the import process stops for the
Import Errors object.

Maximum Percentage of Load Percentage of business-object instances in error that can occur for a business object before the load
Errors process stops.

Maximum Concurrent Threads The maximum number of concurrent process threads to use for loading your data set.
for Load

Load Group Size The number of objects to process at a time by each thread. The record counts will only be updated at the
end of processing each group.

Import Only

If you set the File Action parameter to Import only your business object data will be:

 Streamed from your zip file on the WebCenter Content server, decrypting the stream if your file is encrypted
 Validated for business object file name and METADATA definitions
 Imported into the HCM Data Loader file line stage tables
 Validated against attribute data types
 Grouped by local key values to form logical records of related date-effective file lines. For example, all date-
effective file lines supplied for a job will be grouped into a logical occurrence of a job, such as the job
 Formed into logical objects by resolving parent references. For example the logical record for a valid grade will
be associated with the job it references

See the Supplying Key Values on page 21 for details on how to correctly supply key values.

Your valid logical objects will not be loaded into Oracle Fusion if you submit your file in the Import only mode.

Import and Load

If you set the File Action parameter to Import and load, the above import steps will be performed before valid
logical objects are submitted for loading. HCM Data Loader does not load your data directly into Oracle Fusion, it
passes your valid object data to the business object specific services. These services are responsible for performing
validation that is specific to that business object.


Initiating Load / Resubmitting Load
Whether you submitted your data set in the Import only mode, or you want to resubmit a failed load process, you
can initiate the load process directly by clicking the Load button available on the Business Objects table.

To initiate load for a specific business object:

1. Select the business object you wish to initiate load for and click Load. Only business objects with a loaded
status of Ready ( ), Error ( ), or Cancelled ( ) will have the Load button enabled.

Figure 40: Submit load for an individual business object

2. On the submission page, review the parameter values, update if necessary, and click Submit.

Figure 41: Submit the Load Business Object ESS job


Monitoring Progress

Import and Load Data User Interface

On the Import and Load Data page (Navigator - Data Exchange - Import and Load) you can review the status of
your import and load requests. By default, this page displays the status of any requests that you submitted in the last
7 days. You can search for particular data sets (zip files) and business objects.

The Search Results section presents one row for each data set. The Progress section of the search results is as

Figure 42: Import and Load Data Progress Icons

This section provides a summary of the import and load processes for each data set. If errors or warnings occur
during either the import or load process, then the relevant icons (warning and error ) appear. If both stages
complete successfully, then the green check mark ( ) appears in both columns.

Other icons that can be seen in the Progress section are In Progress ( ), Ready ( ), Locked ( ) and Cancelled
( ).

When warnings and errors occur, messages provide the details. You click the Messages icon to open the Messages

The Imported Physical Rows and Objects sections of the search results provide more detail:

Figure 43: Import and Load Data Counts

The Imported Physical Rows section shows the percentage of rows in the data set imported successfully to the
stage tables. It also shows the total number of rows in the data set, the number of rows imported, and the number
that failed to import.

The Objects section shows the percentage of objects in the data set that loaded successfully to the application
tables. It also shows the total number of objects in the data set, the number of objects that are ready to load, the
number that loaded successfully, and the number that failed to load. As objects are created during the Import stage,
it is possible to see failed objects during import, before load has started.

Positive numbers in Failed columns are hyperlinks to more information about the failures.


For any data set selected in the Search Results section, the Business Objects tab in the Details section of the Import
and Load page provides information about the progress of each business object. For example, if the data set
includes both grades and locations, then one row appears for grades and one for locations.

The Processes tab in the Details section of the Import and Load page shows the status of the process submitted to
import and load the data set.

Reviewing Physical Row Errors

On the Import and Load Data page, click the number in the Failed column of the Imported Physical Rows section in
the search results. This action opens the File Line Errors page, where you can review import errors for a data set.
(You can also open this page from the Number of Messages column on the Messages page.)

In the File Structure section of the page, expand any folders to see file lines with import errors. For example:

Figure 44: Error Management File Structure

When you select a line with errors:

 The Messages section of the File Line Errors page displays the associated error message.
 The Details section of the File Line Errors page displays the contents of the physical row.
 The Physical Row tab displays the METADATA and data lines supplied in the file for the record that has

Figure 45: Error Management Physical Row

Using this information, you can determine how to correct the import errors. You must import and load the corrected
data again, and you must add the corrected data file to a new zip file. Any attempt to process the existing zip file
again will fail.


Examples of physical row errors are:

 The instruction or discriminator tags are not recognized.

 The number of values supplied in a data line does not match those defined in the METADATA.
 A unique reference for the component was not supplied.
 The parent on a child component could not be found, either in the file or in Oracle Fusion HCM.

Reviewing Object Errors

On the Import and Load Data page, click the number in the Failed column of the Objects section in the search
results. This action opens the Object Errors page, where you can review object errors for a data set. You can also
open this page from the Number of Messages column on the Messages page.

In the File Structure section of the page, expand any folders to see objects with errors. When you select an object
with errors, the Details section of the Object Errors page shows the:

 Object attributes and the values that you supplied for those attributes
 Source-system references, if any
 Contents of the physical row
For example, attributes:

Figure 46: Error Management Attribute Values

Source System References

The values displayed in the Source System References tab are those supplied in the METADATA and data lines in
your file for the SourceRef attributes. See page 34 for details on how to correctly provide values that are displayed in
the user interface.


Figure 47: Error Management Source System References

The Messages section of the Object Errors page displays error messages for the selected object.

Using this information, you can determine how to correct the errors. You must import and load the corrected data
again, and you must add the corrected data file to a new zip file. Any attempt to process the existing zip file again
will fail.

Examples of Object Errors

 An alphanumeric value being supplied for a numeric attribute.

 The foreign object referenced using an integration key is not found in Oracle Fusion HCM.
 The logical object has validation errors.
Where possible, HCM Data Loader will always form logical objects from the distinct data lines, even if those lines
are in error. In this way, only complete valid objects are loaded into Oracle Fusion HCM.

Canceling Processing
You can cancel a processing data set at any time. The Cancel button, available on the Data Set table and Business
Objects table can be clicked to initiate the cancel request. However, it can take a few minutes for a large data set to
completely stop processing. To retain efficiency in the import and load processing, the check for a cancel request is

Canceling a Complete Data Set

1. Select the data set you wish to cancel, Refresh the Data Sets table to ensure that the data set is still
processing. The availability of the Cancel button is determined by the Imported and Loaded statuses of the
data set. The button is enabled only if either is In Progress ( ).

2. Click Cancel.

Figure 48: Canceling a Data Set


Canceling an Individual Business Object

1. Select the Business Object you wish to cancel, it is worth refreshing the Business Objects table to ensure that
the Business Object is still processing. The availability of the Cancel button is determined by the Imported and
Loaded statuses of the business object, only if either are In Progress ( ) is the button in enabled.

2. Click Cancel.

Figure 49: Canceling a Business Object

Confirming Cancel

A canceled process cannot be restarted. You will be asked to confirm if you wish to proceed with the cancelation.
Click OK to proceed.

Figure 50: Confirming cancelation

Potential Errors

Sometimes it is not valid to submit the cancel, perhaps processing has already completed normally, there are no
processes to cancel, or cancel has already been requested. For these situations a dialog box will display the reason
why cancel will not submitted.

Canceled Business Objects

When a Business Object is cancelled the process where cancel occurred will have a canceled status:


You cannot restart the Import process for cancelled or failed imports. You can restart cancelled and failed Load
processes. For more information, see Initiating Load and Resubmitting Load on page 48.

Extracting Data
HCM Data Loader makes use of two outputs from HCM Extracts. Like all seeded HCM Extracts it is recommended
that you make a copy of the seeded extract and tailor it to suit your use case.

Status and Errors

HCM Data Loader is delivered with the HCM Data Loader Data Set Summary report available in HCM Extracts. This
report extracts the Data Set and Business Object status and record counts, along with all messages raised and the
records impacted by each message.

The delivered output is in XML making the extract machine readable, you can however create your own BI Publisher
formats based on this extract.

Compensation Changes
HCM Extracts also delivers the Compensation Changes extract. This report extracts the compensation changes
made for a particular compensation run.

Required Post Processes

After a successful data migration or incremental update, some business objects require further processes to be run
to complete data setup in the Oracle Fusion HCM environment. You run these processes as required from the
Scheduled Processes work area.

Business Object Process Description

Worker Synchronize Person Records When you run the Synchronize Person Records process, changes to person
and assignment details that have occurred since the last data load are
communicated to consuming applications, such as Oracle Fusion Trading
Community Model and Oracle Identity Management, in the Oracle Fusion

Worker Update Person Search Several attributes of person, employment, and profile records are used as
Keywords person-search keywords. This process copies keyword values from the
originating records to the PER_KEYWORDS table, where they are indexed to
improve search performance. When you run the Update Person Search
Keywords process, the whole PER_KEYWORDS table is refreshed; therefore,
you are recommended to run the process at times of low activity to avoid
performance problems.
Submit this process with the After Batch Load parameter set to Yes.

Worker Optimize Person Search Optimizes the index of the person search keywords table. Recommended to
Keywords Index be run after the Update Person Search Keywords process.

Worker Refresh Manager Hierarchy For performance reasons, the complete manager hierarchy for each person is
extracted from live data tables and stored in a separate manager hierarchy
table, known as the denormalized manager hierarchy. It ensures that a
person's manager hierarchy is both easily accessible and up to date. The
Refresh Manager Hierarchy process populates the denormalized manager
hierarchy table with latest information after each data load.

Worker Send Personal Data for Updates several person-related changes and updates the corresponding OIM
Multiple Users to LDAP attributes. An update request is sent to OIM which in turn updates the LDAP.


Business Object Process Description

Run this process only when you want user accounts to be created or updated.

Worker Autoprovision Roles for All This process provisions / deprovisions roles based on where the
Users Autoprovision box is enabled.

Name Format Apply Name Formats to Applies name formats, Display Name, List Name, Full Name, Order Name, to
Person Names denormalized person name data when a name format is modified or added.

Organization Tree Node / Tree Flattening Logic Tree data flattening that improves query performance against the hierarchical
Department Tree Node data, especially for hierarchical queries such as roll-up queries.

Organization Tree Node / Tree Audit Auditing tree-structure metadata verifies that it conforms to all rules and
Department Tree Node ensures data integrity. Running an audit allows you to view audit details and
messages, and to correct any validation errors that the audit detects.

Maintaining Stage Table Data

When you are loading large volumes of data into Oracle Fusion HCM, the HCM Data Loader staging tables can
rapidly increase in size. It is good practice to regularly delete the stage table data for Data Sets that you have
finished processing.

The frequency of deleting stage table data depends upon the volume and frequency of your data loads. But during
data migration, you may want to consider deleting every large Data Set as you finish with it.

There are two ways to delete HCM Data Loader stage table data:

 Delete an individual data set from the Import and Load Data page.
 Delete multiple data sets using the Delete Stage Table Data page.

Deleting a Single Data Set

To delete a single data set from the HCM Data Loader stage tables:
1. Open the Import and Load Data page (Navigator - Data Exchange - Import and Load Data).
2. On the Import and Load Data page, select the Data Set you want to delete and click Delete. You can restrict
which data sets are displayed by altering the search criteria.


Figure 51: Deleting an individual data set
3. On the Schedule Request window, select Yes in the Delete Source File parameter if you want the source file
on the WebCenter Content server to be also deleted.
Note: If you submitted this Data Set with the Delete Source File parameter set to Yes, the source file will
already have been purged and selecting Yes here will have no impact.
4. Click Submit.
5. The ID of the process that will perform the delete will be displayed. Click OK to close the dialog.
You can review the status of the process by navigating to the Delete Stage Table Data page. This page has a
processes table that displays the results of all processes submitted to delete stage table data.

Deleting Multiple Data Sets

To delete Data Set stage table data for multiple data sets, or for data sets that conform to specific conditions:
1. Open the Delete Stage Table Data page (Navigator - Data Exchange - Delete Stage Table Data).


Figure 52: Delete Stage Table Data

2. Use the Search criteria to identify which data sets you want to include in the search. By default, all data sets
created by the current user that have not been updated in over a month are listed.
3. Identify the correct Data Sets to purge and click Schedule.

Figure 53: Schedule Delete HCM Data Loader Stage Table Data

4. If you wish to delete the source files for the Data Sets from the WebCenter Content server, ensure the Delete
Source File parameter is set to Yes.


5. Click Submit.
You can review the status of the ESS by refreshing the Processes table at the bottom of the Delete Stage Table
Data page.

Caution: Deleting stage table data is not reversible. Once you have purged a data set you will no longer be able to
report on it, or extract errors that were generated for it.

Best Practices

File Shape
When determining your file shape, the following actions are recommended:

 Only extract changed attribute values, along with a unique reference to the record being maintained.

 Never include a DELETE and MERGE instruction for the same record in the same file. HCM Data Loader does
not guarantee in which order the file lines are processed.

HCM Data Loader validates every attribute name supplied in METADATA lines in your file. It will negatively impact
performance to include attributes that you do not intend to supply data for.

Data Migration
When creating business objects during data conversion, it is recommended that you deliver one object type per zip
file. For example, create one zip file for jobs, one for grades, one for workers, and so on. You must ensure that you
load individual zip files in the correct order and correct any errors before loading the next object to avoid data-
reference errors.

For objects containing date-effective components:

 Set the HCM Data Loader date-effective maintenance mode to replace by supplying the SET
PURGE_FUTURE_CHANGES Y command at the top of your file.

 Supply #NULL for attributes that should have null values when supplying history.

 Understand and adhere to the date-effective rules. See the section Date Effective and MCPD Components
on page 24 for more details.

When loading large volumes of data it is recommended that you regularly purge the stage table data for Data Sets
that you no longer need to reference. For more information, see the section Maintaining Stage Table Data on page

Ongoing Interfaces
When reporting incremental changes for ongoing interfaces:

 Extract only the changed attribute values, along with a unique reference to the record being updated.

 For date-effective records:

o Set the HCM Data Loader behavior to retain future dated records by supplying the SET
PURGE_FUTURE_CHANGES N at the top of your file.


Note: If you do not supply this command any future dated records in existence for your updated date
range will be purged.

o Always supply the effective start date of the change.

o Supply the #RETAIN tag for the effective end date if you do not want to correct any future dated

o Leave the effective end date null if you want a change to roll on until the end of time.
Note: Every attribute specified will be used to correct each record within the specified date-range, this
will include attributes such as ActionCode.

o Leave the effective sequence blank to ensure a new MCPD split is generated with the correct
sequence for a new multiple changes per day record (MCPD).

 Supply all business object files in the same compressed zip file. HCM Data Loader ensures they are processed
in the correct order. Referenced data is loaded before the data that references it.

Additional Help

HCM Data Loader Data Set Status Diagnostic

The HCM Data Loader Data Set Status diagnostic is available from the diagnostic framework and provides
additional technical information that can assist you to identify problems. Use this output when the error message
returned does not supply enough information for you to identify a solution. The output can be sent to Oracle Support
to help Oracle identify and resolve your issue.

Report Output
The HCM Data Loader Data-Set Summary is a user readable HTML output that provides status information, along
with details of every ESS process submitted to process your data set.

For each business object included in your data set the business object status and file definition is reported. The
following sections are used to provide technical information about your failed records:

 Failed and Unprocessed Objects

 Child Rows with No Valid Parent
 Failed and Unprocessed Rows
 Failed and Unprocessed Lines
The HCM Data Loader Data-Set Summary does not include any sensitive data, just internal statuses, error
messages and where recorded, stack trace.

It is advisable to restrict the report output to errors that need further investigation. The following parameters are
available to achieve this:

Where this information can be found

Name Description
(Import and Load Data user interface)

**Content ID A unique reference to a single Data Set Data Sets table – Content ID

**Process ID A unique reference to a single Data Set Data Sets table – Process ID


Business Object Name The name of a business object within the Data Set. This Business Objects table – Business Object
is optional though it is recommended if your do not supply
the other parameter values.

Message Text Partial or complete message text. Only records that Messages page – Message Text, or
failed with this message will be reported. Error Management page – Message Text

User Keys A comma delimited list of the user key value. Only Error Management – Data Structure for Object
records with these user keys will be reported errors

Line Numbers A comma delimited list of file line numbers. Only the file Error Management – Data Structure for Line errors.
lines with these sequence numbers will be reported.

Maximum Number of The maximum number of messages to report, minimum

Messages 1, maximum 500.

** Either Content ID or Process ID must be supplied to uniquely identify a Data Set.

Submitting the HCM Data Loader Data-Set Summary

To submit the HCM Data Loader Data-Set Summary you must have access to the Diagnostic Dashboard.

Figure 54: Diagnostic Dashboard (Settings and Actions - Troubleshooting - Run Diagnostic Tests)

1. On the Diagnostic Dashboard (User Name – Settings and Actions – Troubleshooting List – Run
Diagnostic Tests, search for the HCM Data Loader Data-Set Summary test by entering the name in the Test
Name search field and clicking Search.


Figure 55: Searching for the HCM Data Loader Data-Set Status diagnostic test

2. Select the test by clicking the checkbox to the left of the test name and click Add to Run.

The HCM Data Loader Data-Set Summary appears in the Choose Tests to Run and Supply Inputs section.

Figure 56: Selecting the HCM Data Loader Data-Set Status diagnostic test

3. To review the parameter values, click the Click to Supply or Edit Input Parameters button.

Figure 57: Supply or Edit Input Parameters

4. Review the available parameters and provide values to target the output for the data you need to report.


Figure 58: Enter the parameter values

5. Enter the parameter values and click OK. The parameters window closes.

6. Enter a name in the Run Name field to name your test run. Alternatively, leave this field blank for the
application to generate a name.

7. Click Run to submit the HCM Data Loader Data-Set Summary.

Figure 59: Submitting the HCM Data Loader Data-Set Summary

8. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box displaying the test Run name.

9. Click the Display Latest Test Run Status Information link to retrieve the run results.

Figure 60: Reviewing the HCM Data Loader Data-Set Summary test run status

10. Expand the test hierarchy to see the HCM Data Loader Data-Set Status output and click on the Report icon to
open the report.

The output can be saved and attached to a service request if you need support from Oracle.


Term Description

attribute A data field in a business-object component.

business object A data structure that represents a real-world business artifact, such as worker or job. Comprises one or more
business-object components in a hierarchical structure.

child component A component of a business object that occurs below the top level of the component hierarchy.

component A logical grouping of attributes in a business object. A component has a unique ID that enables it to be
maintained independently of the business object to which it belongs.

data set A zip file containing one or more .dat files to be loaded.

date-effective Records that store the history of a component. Date-effective components do not have any gaps in their
history. Examples of date-effective components are Job, Contract, Assignment Manager.

discriminator In an HCM Data Loader .dat file, the value that identifies the business-object component to be loaded.

file-line instruction tag In an HCM Data Loader .data file, the value that identifies the purpose of a file line. Valid tags are: COMMENT,

file template The data (.dat) file supplied for each integration-enabled business object. It contains a METADATA file line for
each business-object component showing all attributes of the component. File templates are also supplied for
translation-object components.

GUID Globally Unique Identifier.

integration-enabled object Business object that can be loaded using HCM Data Loader and for which a Logical Object interface method

logical object The grouping of related data lines to form one occurrence of the object, such as the Job ‘Sales Consultant’.

MCPD Some date-effective components support reporting Multiple Changes Per Day (MCPD). These allow different
attribute values on the same record to be changed and stored as separate updates, this is achieved by having
an effective sequence for each change on the same effective start date. Examples of MCPD components are
Work Terms and Assignment.

METADATA file line In an HCM Data Loader .dat file, the file-instruction line that defines, for a business-object component, the
attributes to be loaded and their order.

natural key Alternative term for user key.

object See business object.

OIM Oracle Identity Management.

parent component A component of a business object that occurs at the top of the component hierarchy.

primary key A key made up of the attributes that uniquely identify a row.

simple-dated Components that have a date range during which they are valid, typically ‘date from’ and ‘date to’. These
components can have gaps in the date records, unlike date-effective components. Examples of simple dated
components are Person Address, Person Email.

source-system ID Source-system owner and ID values for integration-enabled objects.

source-system reference Source system table name, column name, and attribute values optionally included in a business-object
component to be loaded.

surrogate ID Oracle Fusion internal system ID for a business-object component.

user key A key formed of real-world attributes, such as person name or job code.


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HCM Data Loader Users Guide

June 2015


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