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Ms. Covert
Course Syllabus
Class Info
Level: French I (Introduction)
Marking Period: Fall Semester 2018
Location: Classroom 731
Contact Information
e-mail: melissacovert@fcschools.net
Planning Period: 2nd period
Available to meet with students before school and after school by appointment.
In order to be considered eligible for most four-year colleges and universities,
students must take and pass two foreign language courses. This class is
designed to not only fulfill the first foreign language requirement, but also to
prepare students for future, higher-level language instruction.

Our curriculum is informed by the North Carolina Essential Standards for world
language instruction. A student who successfully completes this French I course will be
able to do the following:
-Use the language to engage in interpersonal communication
-Understand words and concepts presented in the language
-Use the language to present information to an audience
-Compare student’s own culture with the target culture
These items will be divided into daily essential questions for each day of the
semester. The essential question for each day, along with the day’s “I Can” statement,
will be written on the board. Students are encouraged to keep track of their
comprehension of course material a day at a time – if you do not feel as though you
grasp the material after instruction time is over, SEE ME.

The grading system will be organized by percentages of final grade, with each
assignment type weighted differently and the final grade determined from the
percentage correct of student work in each category. Assignment types and their
individual point values are as follows:
Tests: 50%
Quizzes: 30%
Homework: 10%
Classwork: 10%
Course Materials
Pencil and pen
A designated "French" section in a three-ring binder with loose-leaf paper or a folder
with loose-leaf paper

1. Any business (seeing other teachers, getting water, using the restroom, etc.) must
occur during the first or last ten minutes of class.
2. Questions and discussions are welcome, but must be related to the content being
discussed in the lesson.
4. Use technology only as directed by teacher.
5. Remain seated until the bell rings.
6. Respect yourself, the teacher, the learning environment, and your classmates.

Cell Phone Policy

Cell phones will not be permitted under any circumstances, because they are primarily a
distraction from learning. Now that FHS is a 1:1 school and every student will have
access to a ChromeBook, any technological needs will be met by this method and a
phone should not be necessary for any academic purpose.
A warning will be issued, but if the cell phone is not put away, the following
consequences will take place: the first time, it will be held by an administrator for
student pick-up at the end of the day. The second time, it will be held by an
administrator until parent pick-up at the end of the day. The third offense will be an
administrative referral. (All this is taking place in conjunction with Franklinton High
School’s school-wide cell phone policy).
Attendance/Tardy Policies


The school-wide procedures regarding attendance and consequences for absence will
apply. In the event of an absence, students should ask for any make-up work
before/after school OR during a non-lecture portion of class. Careful records will be
kept and students will have access to all missed work and notes, but it is their
responsibility to ask for it. Make-up work must be completed and returned within two
weeks of the missed deadline – after that, whether or not to accept the work (and how
much credit will be given) is up to the teacher’s discretion.
Because of the way foreign language progresses and builds on prior knowledge, you
MUST understand each individual concept or you WILL fall behind in future chapters.
Don’t let it get to the point that you can’t catch back up – I want you to succeed!
Grading Policy
Franklinton High School uses a nine-week grading period, and students will receive one
midterm report card each semester and one end-of-the-semester report card each
semester. We use a ten-point grading scale, meaning that 100-90 will be an A, 89-80
will be a B, 79-70 will be a C, and 69-60 will be a D (anything below a 60 is considered
a failing grade). Grades for Franklinton High School foreign language will be determined
as follows:
To earn an A in this class…
Reading (comprehension/presentation): You will be able to read using proper
pronunciation and intonation and understand basic messages from a variety of level-
one appropriate sources: textbooks, newspapers, books, magazines etc. with at least
90% accuracy.
Writing: You will be able to write short responses, sentences or paragraphs using
correct, level-one appropriate grammar spelling and vocabulary with at least 90%
Listening (Comprehension): You will be able to respond to basic messages, verbally
or in writing, from a wide variety of sources and media: textbooks, newspapers, signs,
websites, news broadcasts, television and radio programs, lectures, presentations-live
and recorded, etc. using level-one appropriate vocabulary and grammar with 90%
Speaking: You will be able to respond verbally to a variety of level-one appropriate
questions, verbal or written, and present basic information using proper pronunciation,
grammar and vocabulary with at least 90% accuracy.

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