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To help the student and design engineer to prepare their own programs, flowcharts are
given for most chapters.

1. Flowcharts 22.1, 22.2, and 22.3 explain the analysis of single, double, and T-sections
(Chapter 3).

2. Flowcharts 22.4, 22.5, and 22.6 explain the design of single, double, and T-sections
(Chapter 4).

3. Flowchart 22.7 explains the calculation of development length (Chapter 7).

4. Flowchart 22.8 explains shear design (Chapter 8).

5. Flowchart 22.9 explains the analysis of rectangular columns at balanced condition

(Chapter 11).

6. Flowchart 22.10 explains the analysis of rectangular columns (Chapter 11).

7. Flowchart 22.11 explains the design of rectangular or square footings (Chapter 13).

8. Flowchart 22.12 explains the design for combined shear and torsion (Chapter 15).
Given: b, d, As, f’c, fy
Required: φMn

Let ρ = As / bd

No Yes
ρ > ρmin

Increase ρ Yes ρ ≤ ρmax No


a = Asfy/ (0.85f’cb)
c = a / β1 Reduce ρ

εt = 0.003(dt – c)/c
εt ≥ 0.005

φ = 0.9
φMn = φAsfy(d-a/2)


Flowchart 22.1 Analysis of single reinforced rectangular section.

(1) ρ min = 3 f 'c / fy ≥ 200 / fy

 87 
(2) ρb = (0.85β1)(f’c / fy)  
 87 + f y
 
 0.003 + f y / Es 
ρ max=   ρb
 0.008 
Given: b, d, d’, As, A’s, f’c, fy
Required: φMn

Let ρ = As / bd, ρ’ = A’s / bd

No ρ ≥ ρmin Yes

Increase ρ
No ρ - ρ' ≥ K Yes
f’s < fy f’s = fy

Solve for c:
A1c2 + A2c + A3 = 0 Yes ρmin ≤ ρ-ρ’≤ρmax No
A1 = 0.85β1f’cb
A2 = A’s(87 – 0.85f’c) - Asfy
A3 = -87A’sd’ a=(As–A’s)fy/(0.85f’cb)
Change ρ

Calculate f’s < fy; εt = 0.003(dt -c)/c

ε’s = 0.003(c-d’)/c
f’s = Esε’s = 87 (c − d ')
c Yes εt ≥ 0.005 No

No εt ≤ 0.002 Yes

φ = 0.9

φ = 0.65+(εt – 0.002)(250/3) φ = 0.65 (other

(other members) members)

( As f y − A 's f 's )
0.85 f 'c b

φMn = φ[Asfy – A’sf’s)(d-a/2) + A’sf’s(d-d’)] End

Flowchart 22.2 Analysis of double reinforced rectangular section.

 87 
(1) K = (0.85β1)(f’c / fy)(d’ / d) 
 87 − f y 
 
(2) Refer to flowchart 22.1 to calculate ρmin and ρmax.
Given: b, bw, d, t, As, f’c, fy
Required: φMn

No As ≤ As max Yes

Reduce As Yes As ≥ As min No


For T-section, be is the smallest value of: Span / 4 or Center to

center of adjacent slabs or (bw + 16t); t = slab thickness.
For L-section, be is the smallest value of: Span / 12 or half clear
distance to next web + web width or (bw + 6t); t = slab thickness Increase As

Let a’ = Asfy/(0.85f’cbe)

No εt =0.003(dt-c)/c Yes
εt ≥ 0.005

section Yes a’≤ t No

T-section analysis

Rectangular analysis
a = a’ Asf = 0.85f’ct(b-bw) / fy

φMn = φAsfy (d - a/2) a = (As – Asf)fy/(0.85f’cbw)

φMn = φ[(As – Asf)fy(d-a/2) + Asffy(d-t/2)]


Flowchart 22.3 Analysis of T- and L-sections.
(1) As max = 0.6375(f’c/fy)[t(b-bw) + 0.375bwβ1d]
3 fc'   200
(2) As min =  bwd ≥  bwd
 f y   fy 
Given: Mu, f’c, fy
Required: As

Yes b and d are given No

Calculate Assume b (12-20) in.

Ru = Mu/(bd2) Or d / b ≈ 2

0.85 f 'c  Assume ρ.

ρ= 1 − 1 − (2 Ru / 0.85 f 'c φ ) 
fy  ρmin ≤ ρ ≤ ρmax
or let ρ ≈ ρb / 2

No ρmin ≤ ρ ≤ ρmax Yes

(1) Calculate Ru:
Ru = φρfy (1-ρfy/1.7f’c)
As = ρbd
Change section
d = M u / Ru b

As = ρbd
Choose bars

h = d+2.5 in. (one row of bars)

h = d+3.5 in. (two rows of bars)
Round h to the next higher inch.


Flowchart 22.4 Design of single reinforced rectangular section.

(1) Refer to flowchart 22.1 to calculate ρ min and ρ max

Given: Mu, b, d, d’, f’c, fy
Required: As, A’s

Calculate ρmin and ρmax


Calculate Ru max
Ru max = φρmaxfy(1-ρmaxfy/1.7f’c)

Calculate φMn = Mu1 as singly reinforced

Mu1 = Ru maxbd2

No Mu ≥ Mu1 Yes

Comp. steel is not As1 = ρmaxbd


Mu2 = Mu - Mu1
Go to flowchart 22.4

As2 = Mu2 / φfy(d-d’)

Total As = As1 + As2

As ≤ As max

Check if comp. steel yields.

Let a = As1fy / 0.85f’cb
No εt =0.003(dt-c)/c Yes c = a / β1
εt ≥ 0.005 Calculate f’s = 87(c - d’) / c

Yes f’s ≥ fy No
f's = fy f's < fy
A’s= As2 A’s= As2fy/ f’s

End End

Flowchart 22.5 Design of rectangular sections with compression steel.

(1) Refer to flowchart 22.1 to calculate ρ min and ρ max
Given: Mu, b, bw, d, t, f’c, fy
Required: As

No d is given Yes

Assume a = t Calculate Muft (total flange).

Cft = 0.85ϕf’cbt
d = Mu / ϕ(0.85f’cbt) + t/2 Muft = φ Cft(d – t/2)

Yes Mu ≤ Muft No
As = Mu / [φ fy (d - t/2)]

Rectangular section T-section design,

If steel is high,assume design, a ≤ t a>t
a < t or a ≈ t / 2 a = a’

Ru = Mu / bd2 Cf = 0.85f’ct(b – bw)

d = Mu / (0.85φf’cba) + a/2 Asf = Cf / fy

ρ = (0.85f’c/fy)[1- 1 − 2 Ru / 0.85φ f 'c ]

As = Mu / [φfy(d – a/2)] Muf = φCf (d – t/2)
Muw (web) = Mu - Muf
As = ρbd
Ruw = Muw / bwd2

ρw =(0.85f’c/fy)[1- 1 − 2 Ruw / 0.85φ f 'c ]

As = Asf + Asw
Asw = ρwbwd

No Or Yes
εt = (dt - c)/c ≥ 0.005

Change section As is OK

Flowchart 22.6 Design of T- or L-sections.

Given: bw, d, f’c, fy, bars
Required: Development length

f 'c ≤ 100 psi

Compression bars Tension bars

ldc = (0.02dbfy) / λ f 'c (for no 7 and large bars)

ldc ≥ 0.0003dbfy ld1 / db = ψ tψ e f y / 20λ f c'
(for no-6 and smaller bars)
ld1 / db = ψ tψ e f y / 25λ f c'
ld = ldc*(Rs or Rs1, if applicable)
ld ≥ 8 in.
c ≥ db
No s ≥ db Yes
or s > 2db
Rs = As (required) / As (provided)
Rs1 = 0.75 for spiral columns

ld = 1.5 ld1 ≥ 12 in. ld = ld1 ≥ 12 in.

Flowchart 22.7 Calculation of development length

(1) c = clear cover

s = clear spacing
Given: bw, d, f’c, fy, Vu
Required: shear reinforcement

Vc = 2λ f 'c bwd
φ = 0.75

No Vu ≥ φVc/2 Yes

Yes Vu > φVc No

No shear
is required

Vs = (Vu - φVc) / φ Choose minimum

shear reinforcement.
Av ≥ 50bwS / fy
Av =0.75 f 'c (bwS/fy)
No Vs > 4Vc Yes
S ≤ d/2 ≤ 24 in.
Minimum stirrups
no.3 at Smax
Av = VsS / fyd
S = Avfyd/Vs Increase

Yes Vs > 2Vc No

S ≤ d/4 ≤ 12 in. S ≤ d/2 ≤ 24 in.

S ≤ Avfy / 50bw


Flowchart 22.8 Shear Design.

Given: b, d, d’, As, A’s, f’c, fy
Required: Pb, Mb, eb

cb = 87d / (87 + fy)

ab = β1cb

f’s = [87(cb – d’) / cb]

f’s ≤ fy (Ksi)

Cs = A’s (f’s – 0.85f’c)

Cc = 0.85f’cab
T = Asfy

Pb = Cc + Cs - T

Mb = Cc(d – ab/2 – d’’) + Cs(d – d’ – d’’) + Td’’

eb = Mb / Pb


Flowchart 22.9 Balanced load, moment, and eccentricity for rectangular

column sections
(Use Ksi for f’c and fy; d’’ = distance from the plastic centroid to As).
Given: b, d, d’, As, e
Required: Pn, Mn

No e > eb Yes

Compression failure Tension failure

fs < fy fs = fy
a > ab a < ab
φ = 0.65 0.65 ≤ φ ≤ 0.9

Assume f’s = fy
Solve for a:
Aa3 + Ba2 + Ca + D = 0
A = 0.85f’cb/2
B = 0.85f’cb(e’ – d) Solve for a:
C = A’s(fy– 0.85f’c)(e’– d + d’) + 87Ase’ Aa2 + Ba + C = 0
A = 0.425f’cb
D = -87Ase’β1d
B = 2A(e’ – d)
e’ = e + d’’, c = a / β1
C = A’s(f’s– 0.85f’c)(e’– d + d’) - Asfye’
Solve by trial or calculator
e’ = e + d’’, c = a / β1

f’s = [87(c – d’)/c] ≤ fy No ε’s ≥ εy Yes

fs = [87(d – c)/c] ≤ fy (1)
f’s = fy
f’s = [87(c – d’)/c] ≤ fy

T = Asfs

T = Asfy

Cc = 0.85f’cab
Cs = A’s(f’s– 0.85f’c) ≥ 0

Pn = Cc + Cs - T
Mn = Pn e


Flowchart 22.10 Analysis of rectangular columns

(Use Ksi for f’c and fy)
(1) ε’s = 0.003(c-d’/c); εy = fy / Es
Given: PD, PL, H, qa, f’c, fy
Column size c, and bars

Assume footing depth h (in.) qe = qa – h(150)/12 – (H - h)(100)/12 ; psf

Let Wc = 150 pcf, Ws = 100 pcf

Footing area A = (PD + PL)/qe Pu = 1.2 PD + 1.6 PL

Side = A for square footing qu = Pu / A
Or L x B for rectangular footing Let average d = h – 4.5 in.
Choose L / B < 2

Check two-way shear: d2 is the largest value of: Check one-way shear:
d2 = Vu2/(4λ f 'c b0) d1 = Vu1/(2λ f 'c b)
d2 = Vu2/λ[(αsd/b0) + 2] f 'c b0
d2 = Vu2/λ[(4/β + 2] f 'c b0
αs = 40, 30, 20 for interior, edge and corner columns
b0 = 4(c + d) for square columns
d = the larger of d1 and d2
b0 = 2(c1+d) + 2(c2 + d) for rectangular columns
h’ = d + 4.5 ≥ h
φ = 0.75
If h’ < h, increase h and repeat.

Long direction MuL = 0.5qu (L/2 – c/2)2

Short direction MuS = 0.5qu (B/2 – c/2)2 N1 = φ(0.85f’c)A1 (column)
Calculate AsL and AsS N2 = N1( A2 / A1 ) ≤ 2N1
Choose bars and check ld φ = 0.65

Yes Pn > N1 No

Dowel bars
Pex = Pu – N1 Min. Asd = 0.005 A1
Asd = Pex/fy ≥ 0.005A1 Use 4 bars

Choose dowel bars and check ld in compression.


Flowchart 22.11 Design of rectangular or square footings .

Given: b, h, Vu, Tu
Required: Closed stirrups and A1

Let x0 = b, y0 = h, φ = 0.75
Let x1 = (b – 3.5 in.), y1 = (h – 3.5 in.)

Acp = x0y0, Pcp = 2(x0 + y0)

A0 = 0.85 x1y1 = 0.85A0h
Ph = 2(x1 + y1)

Let Q = (φλ f 'c )A2cp/ Pcp

Yes Tu > Q No

No Tu > 4Q Yes Tu is neglected.

Check for Vu
(flowchart 22.7)
Use Tu Tu = 4Q
for compability Tu

Yes (Vu / bw d ) 2 + (Tu Ph /1.7 A2 0 h ) 2 ≤ φ[(Vc / bw d ) + (8 f 'c )] No

At/S = Tn/(2A0fytcotθ) Increase


A1 = (At/S) Ph (fyt/fy) cot2θ

Total area of closed stirrups
A1 min = (5 f 'c Acp)/fy – (At/S) Ph (fyt/fy) Avt = 2At + Av
Al min ≥ 25bw / f yt Avt ≥ (50bwS/fyt)
(Av from shear)
Min. bar diameter =0.042S ≥ no. 3

Spacing of stirrups = area of bar/Atot

Max. S = Ph/8 ≤ 12 in.


Flowchart 22.12 Design for combined shear and torsion.

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