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Original article

Effectiveness of hand hygiene interventions

in reducing illness absence among children
in educational settings: a systematic review
and meta-analysis
Micky Willmott, Alexandra Nicholson, Heide Busse, Georgina J MacArthur,
Sara Brookes, Rona Campbell

▸ Additional material is ABSTRACT

published online only. To view Objective To undertake a systematic review and meta- What is already known on this topic
please visit the journal online
( analysis to establish the effectiveness of handwashing in
archdischild-2015-308875). reducing absence and/or the spread of respiratory tract
▸ As semiclosed settings where large numbers of
(RT) and/or gastrointestinal (GI) infection among school-
School of Social and children with immature immunity regularly
Community Medicine, aged children and/or staff in educational settings.
congregate, educational establishments are
University of Bristol, Bristol, UK Design Randomised-controlled trials (RCTs).
potentially effective places to prevent spread of
Setting Schools and other settings with a formal
Correspondence to infection.
educational component in any country.
Professor Rona Campbell, ▸ Evidence is equivocal but potentially promising
School of Social and Patients Children aged 3–11 years, and/or staff
for the effectiveness of hand hygiene
Community Medicine, working with them.
interventions in preventing the spread of
University of Bristol, Intervention Interventions with a hand hygiene
Canynge Hall, 39 Whatley respiratory tract and gastrointestinal infection.
Road, Bristol BS8 2PS, UK; ▸ Three systematic reviews of studies of hand
Main outcome measures Incidence of RT or GI hygiene interventions to prevent respiratory
infections or symptoms related to such infections;
and/or gastrointestinal infections focus on
Received 28 April 2015 absenteeism; laboratory results of RT and/or GI infections.
Accepted 14 September 2015
educational settings; each has significant
Results Eighteen cluster RCTs were identified; 13
Published Online First limitations.
school-based, 5 in child day care facilities or preschools.
15 October 2015
Studies were heterogeneous and had significant quality
issues including small numbers of clusters and
participants and inadequate randomisation. Individual
What this study adds
study results suggest interventions may reduce children’s
absence, RT infection incidence and symptoms, and
laboratory confirmed influenza-like illness. Evidence of ▸ Eighteen cluster randomised controlled trials of
impact on GI infection or symptoms was equivocal. the effectiveness of hand hygiene interventions
Conclusions Studies are generally not well executed or in educational settings were identified; more
reported. Despite updating existing systematic reviews than in previous dated reviews.
and identifying new studies, evidence of the effect of ▸ Study design and reporting standards are
hand hygiene interventions on infection incidence in generally low quality, impeding meta-analyses,
educational settings is mostly equivocal but they may but recently published studies show signs of
decrease RT infection among children. These results improvements.
update and add to knowledge about this crucial public ▸ Evidence of the impact of hand hygiene
health issue in key settings with a vulnerable population. interventions among this population remains
More robust, well reported cluster RCTs which learn from equivocal: this review makes recommendations
existing studies, are required. for improving future trials to evaluate

Open Access
Scan to access more
free content INTRODUCTION and spread to vulnerable populations (eg, younger
Young children are particularly susceptible to siblings) in the community.4 5
respiratory tract (RT) and gastrointestinal (GI) Several systematic reviews (SRs) have evaluated
infections. While usually self-limiting, these highly evidence of interventions to prevent RT and GI
infectious illnesses spread quickly in semiclosed set- infections;6–16 current evidence is equivocal but
tings such as schools. Infections affect child health, promising for the effectiveness of hand hygiene
causing missed educational opportunities which interventions in preventing RT and GI infection.
may have a detrimental effect on educational out- Four SRs have included studies evaluating interven-
comes,1 2 lost productivity and days off work for tions in educational settings alongside other set-
To cite: Willmott M, school staff.3 Educational settings where large tings;8 9 11 14 two focus on RT infection,11 14 two
Nicholson A, Busse H, et al. numbers of children with immature immunity con- focus on diarrhoea prevention.8 9 Two of these are
Arch Dis Child gregate are promising sites for preventing infection, Cochrane reviews;8 11 one recommended that:
2016;101:42–50. particularly as outbreaks can affect whole schools “effort should be concentrated on reducing
42 Willmott M, et al. Arch Dis Child 2016;101:42–50. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2015-308875
Original article

transmission from young children through regular education at Information sources and search strategy
school on hygiene” (ref.11, p.9). The search strategy had three components: handwashing, popu-
Three SRs12 13 16 focus exclusively on studies among children lation and setting and study type. Handwashing, population and
in educational settings. However, one only included hand sani- setting terms were extensive; handwashing terms used free-text
tiser interventions;13 another included children 2–11 years old terms as well as available controlled vocabulary terms.
and is over a decade old.16 The most recent SR focused on the Population and setting terms were not used in education data-
effects of multicomponent interventions (access to safe water, bases (Education Resource Information Center, Australian
handwashing facilities, hygiene education) but did not assess Education Index, British Education Index). The search focused
study quality, included numerous study designs and had limited on sources reporting RCTs and excluded unpublished literature
search parameters (eg, only searched in two databases).12 None as the coauthors agreed this was unlikely to report RCTs. A
of these SRs included meta-analyses (MAs). This review aimed broad study type filter was used in databases where RCTs were
to update these reviews using thorough methods (eg, searching less well indexed (see figure 1 for MEDLINE search strategy).
a range of databases) to identify all relevant studies which apply No date or language restrictions were applied.
the most robust study design (randomised controlled trial, RCT) Eight electronic databases were initially searched from incep-
for evaluating interventions. tion to April 2011: MEDLINE (1950 to date), EMBASE (1980–
The objective of this SR was to summarise evidence of the 2011, week 15), Social Science & Science Citation Indexes (ISI
effectiveness of hand hygiene interventions in reducing infec- Web of Knowledge), CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Education
tious illness and/or absence in educational settings for children Resource Information Center (1966 to date), Australian
aged 3–11 years and/or staff working with them, and to obtain Education Index (1979 to date) and British Education Index
a quantified estimate of the effect using MAs if possible. (1975 to date). The search was updated twice using the same
strategy, first to cover up to 26 September 2012, then up to 5
METHODS September 2014; dates overlapped with previous searches to
This SR is reported in line with current guidance.17 Review ensure items were not missed. Results of each search were
coauthors agreed the review protocol.18 uploaded to an EndNote database, combined and deduplicated.

Eligibility criteria Study selection and data collection process

This SR included RCTs of interventions with a hand hygiene All titles were screened for eligibility by one reviewer; 10%
component (any comparator) in educational settings for chil- were independently screened by a second reviewer (Cohen’s κ
dren aged 3–11 years in any country. No length of follow-up statistic=≥0.75). Abstracts were independently screened by two
was defined. reviewers. Where reviewers did not agree, abstracts were
Educational settings were defined as institutions incorporating included in full paper screening. Full papers were dual reviewed
formal educational activities including day care facilities and and reasons for exclusion recorded: coauthors moderated where
nurseries. Other community settings (eg, playschools) and there was disagreement. Additional studies were identified
domestic child care settings were excluded. Study populations through references in full papers and citation search facilities in
could include staff and/or children in these settings. The review ISI Web of Science, journal websites and Google Scholar.
age range aimed to ensure the inclusion of all studies in formal Two potentially eligible abstracts not in English were reviewed
educational settings for younger ( primary or elementary school- by native speakers. A full translation was obtained for the one
aged) children—hereafter referred to as primary school-aged study that met review criteria.19 Protocols for included studies
children—where children can be expected to understand hand were obtained from trial registers where available.
hygiene, toilet themselves and clean their own hands. Study
populations could include children whose age overlapped with Data collection and data items
the review age range (eg, 2–6-year-old, 5–12 year-old) because Two reviewers independently extracted study data using a form
school policy and practice varies between countries: children developed from a template from another SR16 and piloted on a
start formal education at different ages; children may repeat a sample of included studies. Data included were: study details;
year so may be older than 11 years in primary school; structured intervention description; study recruitment; random allocation;
nursery facilities for younger children may be integrated in study baseline data; follow-up; process evaluation; outcomes
schools. and analysis. Reviewers discussed differences and recorded
Hand hygiene interventions were defined as any initiative for moderated results.
children and/or staff working with them undertaken to prevent
the spread of infectious illness. Comparators could include pla- Risk of bias assessment
cebos or active comparators such as handwashing with soap Study quality was assessed independently by two reviewers
compared with hand sanitiser use. using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool (V.5.1), compliance with
Inclusion criteria were piloted on reports known to authors. reporting guidance20 21 and good research practice (research
Primary review outcomes were: incidence of RT or GI infec- governance, process evaluation, outcome measurement
tions or symptoms related to such infections; absenteeism rate; methods) pertinent to interventions with this population in
or laboratory results of RT and/or GI infections. Secondary out- these settings.
comes were: hospital admissions due to such infections; changes
in knowledge, attitudes, beliefs or behaviours about hand Summary measures
hygiene among children and/or staff working with them. We All effect measures pertaining to review outcomes are reported.
intended that outcomes related to children and staff be consid- Where studies included children under 3 years old and stratified
ered separately: we did not anticipate many studies would the results they presented by age, we only report results for chil-
report staff outcomes. Studies which presented outcome data dren over 3 years old. Where possible we present unadjusted
for staff and children together would be considered separately results, where adjusted results are stated the variables used for
from studies which presented data for staff and students. adjustment are described. As a large number of studies reported
Willmott M, et al. Arch Dis Child 2016;101:42–50. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2015-308875 43
Original article

Figure 1 Search strategy used for


absence by reason, three additional sets of outcome data are RESULTS

presented; absence due to any illness, absence due to RT infec- Study selection
tion, absence due to GI infection. Of the 5306 titles assessed for eligibility, 18 studies fitted review
criteria (figure 2). Protocols for four RCTs with as yet unpub-
Synthesis of results lished results were identified.29–32
We aimed to conduct MAs if studies were sufficiently homogen-
ous and data were adequate. Missing and unclear data were
Study characteristics
identified in the data extraction form. Studies where additional
All included studies were cluster RCTs, including two with a
data could not be accessed were excluded from MA and reasons
cross-over design22 23 (table 1).
recorded. Authors were only contacted in exceptional circum-
stances due to the length of time since completion for many
studies. No authors provided additional data. This led to the Study participants
exclusion of several studies. Six studies were excluded due to Age of participating children was not always reported. Five of
design flaws (risk of contamination between study arms); cross- the 13 school-based studies included all children in each
over design,22 23 clusters at class level,24–26 and clusters at class school;26 27 37 39 41 others included one or more age grade. Six
and school levels.27 28 Therefore, MAs were not conducted. studies included children under 3 years.19 24 37 46 47 53 These
were retained because the interventions included hand hygiene
Additional analyses for children as well as staff. Four studies included students over
Prespecified subgroup analyses (age, gender, location, setting, the typical maximum primary school age of 11 years.27 34 36 37
intervention and duration) and sensitivity analyses were not pos- These were retained because students’ education level was likely
sible due to poor reporting and data quality. to be equivalent to students in other contexts.
44 Willmott M, et al. Arch Dis Child 2016;101:42–50. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2015-308875
Original article

Figure 2 Flow of papers through the review.

Country location and setting presented knowledge, attitude and/or behavioural out-
Thirteen studies were school-based; five were in day care facil- comes.34 36 37 41 48 53 No study reported hospital admissions
ities or preschools. Institutions were not necessarily representa- due to infection. Four studies presented staff
tive of settings in that country. For example, one study only outcomes.36 37 48 53
included schools with continuous water supply.45 Eleven studies Outcome definitions and summary measures varied. Three
were in high-income countries (defined using World Bank cat- reports did not clearly define illnesses or symptoms.23 47 48
egories54); only two did not involve hand sanitiser.19 48 Four Some only reported adjusted outcomes (variables differed
studies were from middle-income countries;24 33 45 46 three between studies).
were from one low-income country (Kenya).34 36 37
Risk of bias within studies
Interventions and comparators Methodological issues increased risk of bias in most studies
Twelve interventions included hand sanitiser;22–27 (see online supplementary table S1, reviewers’ assessment of
37 39 41 46 47 53
six focused on handwashing with the quality and risk of bias of included studies). Some issues
soap.19 33 34 36 45 48 Several interventions included additional highlight difficulties in evaluating behaviour change (eg, lack of
infection control measures, such as eliminating shared cups,48 participant blinding); others indicate study design weaknesses
water treatment and building new latrines,34 36 cleaning toys or (eg, random sequence generation) and inadequate reporting
equipment.25 53 Five included a home component such as par- (eg, only reported statistically significant results).
ental information.19 33 41 45 48 Five studies described an adequate method of random
Fourteen studies compared interventions with ‘standard prac- sequence generation,39 41 45 46 53 only two adequately
tice’ but this was often unclearly defined. One study was described allocation concealment.39 41 Perhaps unsurprisingly
placebo-controlled,26 three compared an intervention with an given the nature of the intervention, only the study where a
alternative intervention.23 36 39 Four studies compared two placebo hand sanitiser was the comparator was judged to be
interventions and a control.24 33 34 37 Only two studies adopted at low risk of performance bias.26 Only one study39 was
a multifactorial design to test the effect of different intervention assessed as having adequately described all measures to blind
components.24 37 outcome assessors. The completeness of data reported for
Hand hygiene protocols varied. For example, only 7 of the each outcome was assessed as adequate in five
12 studies including hand sanitiser described the frequency studies;23 25 39 46 48 high risk of selective reporting was iden-
and/or intensity of use. Nine interventions lasted 10 weeks or tified in four studies.24 26 37 41
less.19 22 23 25 26 33 34 37 48 Four reports did not present baseline data.19 22 23 26 Despite
being concerned with illness outcomes, only eight reported
Outcomes baseline health data.24 25 27 39 46–48 53
The online supplementary table S2 presents study results Six studies22–28 had clusters at class level (two of these
according to review outcomes. Only three studies34 36 46 did applied a cross-over design), therefore increasing risk of contam-
not report absence outcomes. Six studies presented results con- ination between study arms. Not all investigators took clustering
cerning RT infection and/or symptoms;33 37 41 45 46 53 four pre- into account in sample size calculation or analysis.
sented results concerning GI infection and/or Three studies were funded by companies producing hygiene
symptoms.33 37 46 53 Two studies reported laboratory results, products,23 25 33 three used manufacturer-donated pro-
both pertaining to influenza-like illness (ILI).41 45 Six studies ducts,22 37 46 one required parents to provide soap and hand
Willmott M, et al. Arch Dis Child 2016;101:42–50. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2015-308875 45

Original article
Table 1 Characteristics of included studies
Population Study design (cluster RCTs)
Control (not all
Study author Year of Age in years (school Intervention (product details provided authors defined Number of
(study name) study Participants grade) Setting Location where reported) standard practice) Cluster clusters

School-based studies
Azor Martínez et al27 28 2009–2010 School children 4–12 years Primary Spain (Almeria) Handwashing with soap followed by hand Standard practice School and 4 schools,
(n=1640) school (n=5) sanitiser (ALCO ALOE GEL) classroom 29 classes from
another school
Bowen et al33 (Safeguard 2003–2004 School children Median Primary China (3 counties (1) Standard programme (teacher training Standard practice School 90
Promotion Program) (n=3962) 7.53 years (1st grade) school (n=90) in Fujian Province) to encourage handwashing with soap, (Annual statement 30 intervention (1),
student take home pack) (2) Enhanced about Handwashing 30 intervention (2),
programme (standard programme plus before eating and after 30 controls
supply of safeguard soap, student peer toilet)
Freeman et al (WASH 2007 School children 6–16 years; median Public Kenya (4 districts (1) Hygiene promotion (HP) and water Standard practice School 135
programme)34 35 (n=5989 13 years (4th–8th grade) primary in Nyanza treatment (WT) (3 days teacher training, 45 intervention (1)
supplied absence school Province) follow-up sessions) (2) HP and WT plus up 45 intervention (2)
data) (n=135) to 7 new latrines per school 45 controls
Graves et al36 (substudy 2008–2009 School children Age not reported Primary Kenya (rural NICHE intervention (multiple components NICHE intervention only School 21 schools
of NICHE: Nyando (precise number (Students in NICHE study school (n=21) western area) including health promotion by teachers, 10 intervention
Integrated Child Health not reported) were in 4th–8th grade) installation of drinking water, 11 control
and Education) handwashing stations) plus a visual aid (14 included in
poster designed by students in intervention analysis)
Willmott M, et al. Arch Dis Child 2016;101:42–50. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2015-308875

Morton and Schultz 2000–2001 School children Age not reported Elementary USA (New Handwashing with soap and AlcoSCRUB Standard practice Classroom 17 (cross-over
(Healthy hands)22 (n=253) (Kindergarten–3rd grade) school (n=1) England) alcohol gel use (45 min session for (handwashing with design)
students) soap)
Pandejpong et al24 2009–2010 School children 2–3, 3–4, 4–5, 5–6 years Private school Thailand Application of alcohol hand gel: Two Standard practice Classroom 68 (not clear how
(n=1437) (n=1) (suburban intervention groups (1) every 60 min; (alcohol gel application many classes in
Bangkok) (2) every 120 min once, before lunch) each arm)
Pickering et al37 Unclear School children 5–10 years (preunit to Primary Kenya (Kibera (1) Handwashing with soap. Two soap No intervention School 6
(n=1364) P5). 1 included a nursery school (n=6) urban community dispensers installed by toilets, eating area (standard practice) 2 intervention (1)
(2–4 years), 4 included in Nairobi) (plus water tank with a spigot). 2 intervention (2)
10–13-year-olds (P6-8 (2) Alcohol-based hand sanitiser use 2 controls
grades) (Purell). Two dispensers installed by toilets,
eating area
Priest et al38–40 2009 School children 5–11 years (school years Primary New Zealand 30 min inclass hand hygiene education 30 min inclass hand School 68 schools
(n=16 245) 1–6) school (n=68) (Dunedin, session, instruction on hand sanitiser use, hygiene education 34 intervention
Christchurch, ‘no touch’ dispensers installed in session only (no 34 controls
Invercargill) classrooms instruction on hand
sanitiser use)
Sandora et al25 2006 School children Age not reported (3rd– Elementary USA (Avon, Ohio) Handwashing with soap, Aerofirst hand Standard practice Team 6 teams in 15
(n=285) 5th grade) school (n=1) sanitiser use, plus Clorox disinfectant (handwashing with classrooms
wipes (Student instruction, teachers wiped soap)
students’ desks once a day, after lunch)
Stebbins et al 2007–2008 School children Age not reported Elementary USA (Pittsburgh, Handwashing and Purell hand sanitiser use Standard practice School 10
(Pittsburgh Influenza (n=3360) (Kindergarten—5th school (n=10) Pennsylvania) (45 min presentation for students, 5 intervention
Prevention Project)41–44 grade) educational materials for parents) 5 controls
Willmott M, et al. Arch Dis Child 2016;101:42–50. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2015-308875

Table 1 Continued
Population Study design (cluster RCTs)
Control (not all
Study author Year of Age in years (school Intervention (product details provided authors defined Number of
(study name) study Participants grade) Setting Location where reported) standard practice) Cluster clusters

Talaat et al45 2008 School children Median 8 years (1st–3rd Elementary Egypt (Cairo) Handwashing with soap (school-specific Standard practice School 60
(n=44 451) grade) school (n=60) activities, coordinated by teachers, school 30 intervention
nurse; pupils provided soap, drying 30 controls
Vessey et al23 Not known School children Age not reported (2nd Elementary USA (Butte, Hand sanitiser use (one educational Handwashing with soap Classroom 18 (cross-over
(n=383) and 3rd grades) school (n=4) Montana) session for students) design)
White et al26 1999 School children 5–12 years (Kindergarten Elementary USA (California) Handwashing and alcohol-free hand Handwashing and Classroom 72 32 retained for
(n=769) —6th grade) school (n=3) sanitiser use (all students attended 22-min placebo sanitiser use analysis: 16
assembly) (all students had 22-min intervention, 16
assembly) controls
Non-school based studies
Correa et al46 2008 Children 1–5-years Child care Colombia (6 Purell alcohol-based hand sanitiser use Standard practice Child care 42 (32 community,
(n=1727) centre (n=42) urban settings) (training workshop for staff and children, (handwashing with centre 10 preschool)
monthly refresher workshops) soap)
Ladegaard and Stage19 Not known Children (n=399 0–2 years and 3–6 years Nursery (n=8) Denmark Handwashing with soap (staff training, Standard practice Nursery 8
aged 3–6 years) (Borough of take home book, 1 h education session for 4 intervention,
Odense) children) 4 controls
Lennell et al47 2004–2005 Children 0–5 years. Mean: Day care Sweden (10 Handwashing with soap and alcohol-based Standard practice Day care 60
(n=1477) 3.2 years (intervention), centre (n=60) counties, south oily disinfectant gel use (instruction, (handwashing with centre 30 intervention, 30
3.1 years (control). Circa and mid-Sweden) demonstration to staff and children) soap) controls (matched
30% <3 years pairs)
Rosen et al ( Jerusalem 2001 Children 3 years and 4 years Preschool Israel ( Jerusalem) Handwashing with soap (2 3-h staff Standard practice and Preschool 40
handwashing study)48–52 (n=1029) (n=40) training sessions, child education alternative take-home 20 intervention
programme, take home pack) pack (about oral 20 controls
Uhari and Möttönen53 1991–1992 Children 861 >3 years Child day care Finland (Oulu Handwashing with soap and alcohol-based Standard practice Day care 20
(n=1522) 661 <3 years centre (n=20) city) oily disinfectant use, plus cleaning centre 10 intervention
Mean: 3.6 years environment (staff lecture on infection 10 controls
(intervention), 3.5 years prevention; cleaning toys; staff encouraged (matched pairs)
(control) to take sick leave at first sign of

Original article
RCT, randomised controlled trial; WASH, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.
Original article

drying materials.45 It is unclear whether the way in which Strengths and limitations of this review
these interventions were resourced affected their acceptability, Much has been made of the potential of hand hygiene interven-
sustainability or study outcomes: only two study reports tions for reducing infection in this population.11 This review
state the role of these companies in the study, analysis and provides a more detailed assessment of such interventions and
report. 25 33 how promising they might be based on studies which apply the
Most reports described the intervention protocol and moni- most rigorous, RCT evidence. This review updates existing SRs
toring, three noted intervention costs24 28 46 but few presented focused on this population, and our comprehensive search strat-
process evaluation data. egy resulted in finding more studies than previous SRs. Findings
Most outcome measurement methods could have introduced of this review corroborate existing SRs; that studies have signifi-
bias due to poor case definition, use of non-validated tools or cant design limitations and poor quality reporting. The quality
self-report (including routine school absence reporting data). of reporting in more recently published studies27 28 39 seems to
Some studies which attempted to validate outcomes (eg, illness) have improved which perhaps indicates the impact of guidance
experienced attrition due to the complexity of the process (ref. on the reporting of cluster RCTs.20 21 This may result in
41, p.3). improved evidence, capable of demonstrating the effectiveness
of this important public health issue. Despite identifying new
Individual study results studies, it was not possible to produce meaningful MAs (as
Five of the six studies reporting children’s absence and 8 of earlier SRs have found) due to study heterogeneity, study design
the 13 studies measuring children’s illness absence reported an limitations and poor quality reporting.
intervention effect (see online supplementary table S2 for Limitations of this SR include that: we assumed that report
study results according to review outcomes). The one study titles or abstracts would contain ‘handwashing’ or ‘hand/s’ but
reporting staff illness absence found it was higher among the they did not; unpublished literature was excluded; some included
intervention group53 which may be because the intervention studies had study populations which included children younger
included asking staff not to attend work if they had infection and older than the prespecified review age range; RT and GI
symptoms. infection incidence can vary within the age range included in the
All five studies reporting RT infection incidence showed a review, as can the potential effectiveness of interventions (due to
reduction, but each applied different outcome definitions. Three children’s developmental stage); risk of bias assessment was
reported RT infection symptoms (rhinitis, cough); one53 found impeded by inadequate reporting. Furthermore, all interventions
a reduction in both, one37 only identified a reduction in with a hand hygiene component were included so the impact of
observed rhinorrhoea and another33 found no change in cough hand hygiene cannot be isolated. This review does not distin-
and a 12% increase in rhinorrhoea episodes (‘standard’ inter- guish between handwashing with soap or hand sanitiser use even
vention vs control). though these methods may have different resource implications
Two studies reported GI incidence; one reported a reduc- and be differentially effective in eliminating certain pathogens.55
tion,46 the other did not.53 Only one of three studies recording
diarrhoeal symptoms found any effect.37 Two studies reported What this study adds
vomiting outcomes,37 53 only one found an effect.53 While studies are heterogeneous, there is evidence that hand
Two studies41 45 collecting laboratory results found some evi- hygiene interventions among primary school-aged children in
dence of decreased ILI, although in one study this only related educational settings may be beneficial, particularly in reducing
to influenza A (ref. 41, Supplemental Digital Content (SDC) 2). RT infection incidence. However, this SR highlights limitations
Four of five studies reporting children’s behaviour change of evidence on this crucial public health issue in a key setting
identified a positive intervention effect.34 37 41 48 All five studies with a vulnerable population and the need for improved studies
reporting changes in children’s and/or staff hand hygiene knowl- to enable more definitive assessment (eg, MA) of the effective-
edge, attitudes and/or beliefs found an intervention ness of simple public health interventions to inform practice.
effect.34 37 41 51 53 We have four recommendations for future research and which
may enable future estimates of the pooled effects of such inter-
Synthesis of results ventions using MA.
Due to study heterogeneity and the generally low quality of First, better designed and reported cluster RCTs are required.
study design and of study reporting, coauthors agreed that it Investigators should apply guidance20 21 and learn from robust
could be misleading to present pooled estimates of the effect of studies39 in order to avoid design flaws (eg, clusters at classroom
interventions using MAs. level) and improve reporting (eg, children’s age, control group
conditions). Second, studies should incorporate technical
DISCUSSION advances for outcome measurement, such as the use of environ-
Main findings mental swabs to detect the level of viral and/or bacterial con-
We found 18 cluster RCTs investigating the effect of interven- tamination in schools56 which may enable robust, standardised
tions with a hand hygiene component on absence and infection outcome measures instead of using self-report and observations.
among 3–11-year-old children in educational settings. Third, research should include process evaluation to refine inter-
Individual study results suggest interventions may reduce chil- ventions and establish intervention acceptability and fidelity.
dren’s absence, RT infection incidence and symptoms, and Studies which have done process evaluations40 57 have identified
laboratory-confirmed ILI. They may also improve children’s and barriers to hand hygiene including access to adequate sanitary
staff hand hygiene attitudes, knowledge and behaviour. facilities (even in high-income countries), suggesting that provi-
Evidence of impact on GI infection or symptoms was equivocal. sion of hygiene products and education may be insufficient to
Despite updating existing SRs and identifying new studies, indi- achieve effective infection prevention and control and more
vidual study results appear to show that there remains equipoise robust studies of complex, multicomponent interventions are
about the effectiveness of hand hygiene in preventing RT and required. Fourth, studies should evaluate cost, cost-effectiveness
GI infection. and intervention sustainability in educational settings.
48 Willmott M, et al. Arch Dis Child 2016;101:42–50. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2015-308875
Original article

CONCLUSION 14 Rabie T, Curtis V. Handwashing and risk of respiratory infections: a quantitative

Interventions to improve hand hygiene in educational settings systematic review. Trop Med Int Health 2006;11:258–67.
15 Warren-Gash C, Fragaszy E, Hayward AC. Hand hygiene to reduce community
may reduce RT infection incidence among younger children. transmission of influenza and acute respiratory tract infection: a systematic review.
More robust, well reported studies are required, especially of Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2013;7:738–49.
multicomponent interventions. 16 Wilson J, Wang D, Meads C. Simple interventions to prevent respiratory and
gastrointestinal infection in children in day care and school settings—a systematic
Acknowledgements The authors thank Val Hamilton for constructing the search review and economic evaluation. Birmingham: West Midlands Health Technology
strategy and doing the database search in 2011 and 2012; Dagmar Luettel, Lone Assessment Collaboration, 2006.
Gale and Julianna Photopoulos for their translations. Beki Langford advised on the 17 Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, et al. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
review process; Kate Tilling, Deborah Caldwell and Hayley Jones provided statistical Reviews and Meta-Analyses: The PRISMA Statement. PLoS Med 2009;6:e1000097.
advice. 18 Nicholson A, Willmott M, Brookes S, et al. A systematic review to evaluate the
evidence of the effectiveness of hand washing in reducing the spread of infectious
Contributors The manuscript has been read and approved by all authors. RC, SB,
illness in primary schools. Protocol. Bristol: DECIPHer, University of Bristol, 2012.
AN conceived and instigated the study. RC, SB, AN and MW drafted the protocol. (accessed
MW conducted the 2014 search and all citation searches. MW, GJM and AN
27 Apr 2015).
screened the results. MW, AN and HB extracted the data and assessed the quality of
19 Ladegaard MB, Stage V. Hand-hygiene and sickness among small children attending
studies. RC and SB were moderators. MW and RC analysed the data. MW drafted
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