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SQL Bible
by Alex Kriegel and Boris M. Trukhnov ISBN:0764525840

John Wiley & Sons © 2003 (831 pages)

This definitive volume contains all the information you need to understand and use SQL and
its implementations in accordance with the established SQL99 standard.

CD Content

Table of Contents

SQL Bible
Part I - SQL Basic Concepts and Principles

Chapter 1 - SQL and Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)

Chapter 2 - Fundamental SQL Concepts and Principles
Chapter 3 - SQL Data Types
Part II - Creating and Modifying Database Objects

Chapter 4 - Creating RDBMS Objects

Chapter 5 - Altering and Destroying RDBMS Objects
Part III - Data Manipulation and Transaction Control

Chapter 6 - Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Chapter 7 - Sessions, Transactions, and Locks
Part IV - Retrieving and Transforming Data

Chapter 8 - Understanding SELECT Statement

Chapter 9 - Multitable Queries
Chapter 10 - SQL Functions
Chapter 11 - SQL Operators
Part V - Implementing Security Using System Catalogs

Chapter 12 - SQL and RDBMS Security

Chapter 13 - The System Catalog and INFORMATION_SCHEMA
Part VI - Beyond SQL—Procedural Programming and Database Access Mechanisms

Chapter 14 - Stored Procedures, Triggers, and User-Defined Functions

Chapter 15 - Dynamic and Embedded SQL Overview
Chapter 16 - SQL API
Chapter 17 - New Developments—XML, OLAP, and Objects
Part VII - Appendix

Appendix A - What's on the CD-ROM

Appendix B - The ACME Sample Database
Appendix C - Basics of Relational Database Design
Appendix D - Installing RDBMS Software
Appendix E - Accessing RDBMS
Appendix F - Installing the ACME Database
Appendix G - SQL Functions
Appendix H - SQL Syntax Reference
Appendix I - SQL-Reserved Keywords
Appendix J - SQL99 Major Features Compliance Across Different RDBMS
Appendix K - The Other RDBMS
Appendix L - A Brief Introduction to the Number Systems, Boolean Algebra, and Set Theory
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Code Examples
List of Sidebars

CD Content
Back Cover
Here, in one definitive volume, is all the information you need to understand and use SQL and its implementations in
accordance with the established SQL99 standard. Whether you want to learn database programming from scratch, you’d like
to sharpen your SQL skills, or you need to know more about programming for a heterogeneous database environment, this
book provides the complete menu. Tutorials and code examples in each chapter make it an indispensable reference for
every level of expertise.

Understand the definition and characteristics of relational databases and SQL’s role within RDBMS
Recognize vendor-specific implementation variations among Oracle, IBM DB2 UDB, and MS SQL Server
Create and modify RDBMS objects like tables, views, indexes, synonyms, sequences, and schemas using Data
Definition Language (DDL)
Comprehend Data Manipulation Language (DML) from different vendors’ perspectives
Master single-table select statements and multitable queries from the ground up
Explore in-depth SQL functions, operators, and data types for major RDBMS implementations
Discover new SQL developments including XML, OLAP, Web services, and object-oriented features

About the Authors

Alex Kriegel, MCP/MCSD, has worked for Pope & Talbot, Inc., in Portland, Oregon, since 2001 as Senior
Programmer/Analyst; prior to that, he worked for Psion Teklogix International, Inc., in the same capacity. He received his
B.S. in Physics of Metals from Polytechnic Institute of Belarus in 1988, discovered PC programming in 1992, and has never
looked back since. He is also the author of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Weekend Crash Course (Wiley, 2001).

Boris M. Trukhnov, OCP, has been working as Senior Technical Analyst/Oracle DBA for Pope & Talbot, Inc., in Portland,
Oregon, since 1998. His previous job titles include Senior Programmer Analyst, Senior Software Developer, and Senior
Operations Analyst. He has been working with SQL and relational databases since 1994. Boris holds a B.S. in Computer
Science from the University of Minnesota.
SQL Bible
Alex Kriegel and Boris M. Trukhnov

Published by
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
10475 Crosspoint Boulevard
Indianapolis, IN 46256

Copyright © 2003 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

Published simultaneously in Canada

Library of Congress Control Number: 2003101832

ISBN: 0-7645-2584-0

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About the Authors

Alex Kriegel, MCP/MCSD, has worked for Pope & Talbot, Inc., in Portland, Oregon, since 2001 as Senior
Programmer/Analyst; prior to that, he worked for Psion Teklogix International, Inc., in the same capacity. He received
his B.S. in Physics of Metals from Polytechnic Institute of Belarus in 1988, discovered PC programming in 1992, and
has never looked back since. He is also the author of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Weekend Crash Course (Wiley,

Boris M. Trukhnov, OCP, has been working as Senior Technical Analyst/Oracle DBA for Pope & Talbot, Inc., in
Portland, Oregon, since 1998. His previous job titles include Senior Programmer Analyst, Senior Software Developer,
and Senior Operations Analyst. He has been working with SQL and relational databases since 1994. Boris holds a
B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota.


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I dedicate this book to the future of my sons, Phillip and Michael. — Alex

In loving memory of my mother. — Boris

This book is about Structured Query Language. Known familiarly as SQL, it is the standard language of relational
databases and the lingua franca of the database world. It has been around for more than 20 years and shows no signs
of aging. This is mostly because of numerous revisions: proprietary inventions frequently introduced by database
vendors are either adopted into the standard, or become obsolete as the database community moves on. The latest
SQL standard was introduced in 1999, and even though ANSI/ISO SQL standards do exist, many of these standards
remain rather theoretical and differ significantly from implementation to implementation. That makes it difficult to find
an SQL book "that has it all." One author might be biased toward a particular vendor so that you might get a decent
Oracle or MS SQL Server book but not necessarily a good SQL one; a single explanation of all SQL ANSI/ISO
standards alone would hardly be useful to anyone on a practical level. We believe that only a combination of these two
approaches can produce a good result.

Note The RDBMS world is divided between people who pronounce SQL as "ess-cue-ell" and those who pronounce it
as "sequel." This book holds the former as the correct pronunciation, hence the usage "an SQL keyword" rather
than "a SQL keyword."

A comparison of modern database vendors shows that Oracle, IBM DB2, and Microsoft SQL Server have and are
likely to continue to have the lion's share of the market. This does not mean that other vendors are irrelevant. Some
features they offer can meet or even exceed those of the "big three" (as we call them); they have their devoted
customers, and they are going to be around for years to come. But because we cannot possibly cover each and every
proprietary SQL extension, we decided to concentrate on the "big three" and explain SQL features with an emphasis
on how they vary among Oracle, DB2, and MS SQL Server and how they differ from the SQL99 standard.

Note Sybase Adaptive Server SQL syntax is similar to the Microsoft SQL Server's syntax in many respects, and most
of this book's MS SQL Server examples would also work with the Sybase RDBMS.

Whom This Book Is For

This book is for readers of all levels — from beginners to advanced users. Our goal was to provide a comprehensive
reference that would help everyone who needs to communicate with relational databases, especially in a
heterogeneous environment. Programmers and database administrators can find up-to-date information on the SQL
standard and the dialects employed by most popular database products. Database users can gain a deeper
understanding of the behind-the-scenes processes and help with their daily tasks regardless of which of the three
major RDBMS they are working with. Managers evaluating database products will gain an insight into internals of
RDBMS technology. For managers who must plan for the RDBMS needs of their organizations, this book also
explains the role SQL is playing in modern businesses and what is in store for SQL in the future.
How This Book Is Organized
The book contains seventeen chapters presented in six parts. There are also twelve appendixes.

Part I: SQL Basic Concepts and Principles

The three chapters in Part I introduce you to SQL — the standard language of relational databases. Chapter 1
describes the history of the language and relational database systems (RDBMS), and Chapters 2 and 3 provide a
high-level overview of the major principles upon which SQL is built, as well as an in-depth discussion of SQL data
types. We emphasize the differences between the SQL standard and that of the three major RDBMS
implementations — Oracle 9i, IBM DB2 UDB 8.1, and Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

Part II: Creating and Modifying Database Objects

Part II's two chapters continue with a thorough explanation of database objects — tables, views, indices, sequences,
and the like. They include SQL syntax for creating, modifying, and destroying database objects, again highlighting
differences between the standard and its specific implementations.

Part III: Data Manipulation and Transaction Control

In Part III, Chapter 6 introduces you to Data Manipulation Language (DML), which handles inserting, updating, and
deleting records in database tables. It also discusses in detail advanced MERGE and TRUNCATE statements. Once
again, we give special consideration to differences among the Oracle, IBM, and Microsoft RDBMS implementations.
Chapter 7 explains sessions, transactions, and locking mechanisms in a multiuser environment from the point of the
view of the SQL standard and compares it with the actual implementations.

Part IV: Retrieving and Transforming Data

Part IV introduces one of the most important SQL statements — SELECT — in Chapters 8 and 9. We proceed from
simple single-table queries to advanced multitable SELECT statements, explaining the differences between
vendor-specific implementations. Chapter 10 is dedicated to the SQL functions. It covers dozens of functions either
mandated by the SQL standard or supplied by RDBMS vendors. We cross-reference the most common functions for
all three major implementations. Chapter 11 discusses SQL operators, their implementation across the RDBMS
vendors, and their uses in different contexts.

Part V: Implementing Security Using System Catalogs

One cannot underestimate the importance of information security in our increasingly interconnected world. Chapter 12
introduces the key concepts of database security, including basic security through SQL and advanced security
incorporated by the vendors into their respective products. Chapter 13 looks at the issue of accessing metadata
information in the RDBMS through SQL standard–mandated INFORMATION_SCHEMA and system catalogs.

Part VI: Beyond SQL: Procedural Programming and Database Access Mechanisms

The chapters in Part VI deal with the topics that are not the domain of SQL proper, such as procedural extensions (like
Oracle's PL/SQL and Microsoft's Transact SQL) for creating stored procedures, functions, and triggers. Here you'll find
a comprehensive overview of both Embedded and Dynamic SQL that delves into the complex topic of RDBMS access
interfaces (like ODBC, OLEDB, ADO.NET, and JDBC) with programming examples in C, Visual Basic, Java, and C#.
The last chapter is dedicated to new developments taking place today in the SQL world: XML integration, OLAP
business intelligence, and object-oriented features of RDBMS.


The appendixes provide "How-to" guides and reference material too voluminous and dry for the main text.
Appendix A describes the contents of the CD-ROMs.

Appendix B describes the ACME sample database structure used in virtually every example in the

Appendix C discusses the basics of relational database design.

Appendixes D, E, and F explain in detail how to install RDBMS software, how to access the RDBMS
of your choice, and how to install the ACME sample database (the full SQL scripts are included with
the book's CD-ROM).

Appendix G lists more than 500 SQL functions for Oracle, IBM DB2 UDB, and Microsoft SQL Server
2000, with a brief description of the functionality of each.

Appendix H provides the syntax reference for SQL for quick lookup of needed statements.

Appendix I is a list of all SQL reserved keywords that should not be used in your programming as

Appendix J provides a comparison between the SQL99 standard and its actual implementation by the
"big three" vendors.

Appendix K lists dozens of different RDBMS products that you could use besides those developed by
Oracle, IBM, and Microsoft.

Appendix L provides a brief introduction to the theory of sets and discrete math, which will be helpful
to you in understanding the general principles that govern SQL.


As noted previously, the book includes a CD-ROM. For detailed information on its content, see Appendix A.
Conventions Used in This Book

All the programming code in this book, including SQL statements, database object names, variable declarations, and
so on, appears in this fixed-width font.

Hierarchical menu choices are shown in the following way: FileàSave, which in this example means to select File on a
menu bar, then choose Save from the submenu that appears.

Throughout the book you will also find the following icons, among others:

Note Notes provide additional information on the topic at hand.

Tip Tips show you ways of getting your work done faster or more efficiently.

Caution A Caution provides additional information that you should take into consideration.

Cross-References Cross-References show where in another part of the book you can find related
subject matter.

What Is a Sidebar?

Sidebars present relevant but sometimes off-the-main-topic information.

Alex: My deep gratitude goes to my wife, Liana, for helping me to organize material and make sure that examples in
this book work as we say they should. I also thank Liana for putting up with my insane schedules.

Boris: I sincerely thank my wife, Kate, for her professional help, moral support, and unconditional understanding.
Writing a book was a stressful process for both authors and their families. Kate not only helped me to go through these
difficult times, but she also actively participated in the writing of this book by reviewing the chapters, helping with SQL
examples, and making valuable suggestions and comments.

I am grateful to all my friends who were with me when I needed them.

My gratitude also goes to Professor Jaideep Srivastava, who introduced me to the relational database world.

Alex and Boris: Thanks to Jim Minatel, Senior Acquisitions Editor at Wiley Publishing, for his help with the project and
his guidance through the maze of editorial procedures.

We thank the Wiley editorial team, especially Eric Newman and Maarten Reilingh, for helping to make this book better
than it would otherwise have been, providing valuable suggestions on how to improve the book's content, and pointing
out omissions, oversights, and outright bloopers.

Finally, we thank our technical editors for their help with preparing the publication.
Part I: SQL Basic Concepts and Principles

Chapter List

Chapter 1: SQL and Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)

Chapter 2: Fundamental SQL Concepts and Principles

Chapter 3: SQL Data Types

Chapter 1: SQL and Relational Database Management Systems

Information may be the most valuable commodity in the modern world. It can take many different forms — accounting
and payroll information, information about customers and orders, scientific and statistical data, graphics–to mention
just a few. We are virtually swamped with data. And we cannot — or at least we'd like to think about it this way —
afford to lose it, but these days we simply have too much data to keep storing it in file cabinets or cardboard boxes.
The need to safely store large collections of persistent data, efficiently "slice and dice" it from different angles by
multiple users and update it easily when necessary is critical for every enterprise. That need mandates the existence
of databases, which accomplish all the tasks listed above, and then some. To put it simply, a database is just an
organized collection of information — with emphasis on organized.

A more specific definition often used as a synonym for "database" is database management system (DBMS). That
term is wider and, in addition to the stored information, includes some methods to work with data and tools to maintain

Note DBMS can be defined as a collection of interrelated data plus a set of programs to access, modify, and maintain
the data. More about DBMS later in this chapter.

Desirable database characteristics

There are many ideas about what a database is and what it should do. However, all modern databases should have at
least the following characteristics.

Sufficient capacity

A database's primary function is to store large amounts of information. For example, an order management system for
a medium-sized company can easily grow into gigabytes of data; the bigger the company, the more data it needs to
store and rely upon. A company that wants to keep historical (archival) data will require even more storage space. The
need for storage capacity is growing rapidly, and databases provide for structured storage.

Adequate security

As was noted previously, enterprise data is valuable and must be stored safely. That means protection of the stored
data not only from malicious or careless human activities, such as unauthorized logins, accidental information
deletions/modifications, and so on, but also from hardware failures and natural disasters.

Multiuser environment

It's also important to note that in order to be useful, the information stored in a database must be accessible to many
users simultaneously at different levels of security, and, no matter what, the data must stay consistent. For example, if
two users try to change the same piece of information at the same time, the result can be unpredictable (e.g., data
corruption), so situations like that have to be handled appropriately by internal database mechanisms. Also, certain
groups of users may be allowed to modify several pieces of information, browse other parts of it, and be prevented
from even viewing yet another part. (Some company data can be strictly confidential with a very restricted access.)


Users need quick access to the data they want. It is very important not only to be able to store data, but also to have
efficient algorithms to work with it. For example, it would be unacceptable for users to have to scroll through each and
every record to find just one order among millions stored in the database; the response to someone's querying the
database must be fast, preferably instantaneous.
Note As an analogy, suppose you wanted to find all the occurrences of the word "object" in a book. You could
physically browse through the entire book page by page until you reach the end. Or you could use the index and
determine that the word is used on pages 245, 246, and 348. This situation is comparable to using bad or good
programming algorithms.


Databases must be flexible and easily adaptable to changing business needs. That primarily means that the internal
structure of database objects should be easily modified with minimum impact on other objects and processes; for
example, to add a field in a legacy database you would have to bring the whole dataset offline, that is, make it
inaccessible to users, modify it, change and recompile related programs, and so on. We'll talk more about that in the
"Database Legacy" section of this chapter.

Another scalability aspect is that data typically lives longer than the hardware and software used to access and
manipulate it, so it would not be very convenient to have to redesign the entire database to accommodate the current
"flavor-of-the-month" development environment; for example, in case of a takeover or when company management
suddenly decides to switch production environment from Java to C#.


Databases are not just for programmers and technical personnel (some would say not for programmers — period).
Nontechnical users constitute the majority of all database users nowadays. Accountants, managers, salespeople,
doctors and nurses, librarians, scientists, technicians, customer service representatives — for all these and many
more people, interaction with databases is an integral part of their work. That means data must be easy to manipulate.
Of course, most users will access it through a graphical user interface with a predefined set of screens and limited
functionality, but ad-hoc database queries and reports become more and more popular, especially among
sophisticated, computer-literate users.

Note Consider this. An order management application has a screen to view all orders and another window to browse
customers. It can also generate a number of reports, including one to analyze orders grouped by customer. But
accountant Jerry is working on a report for his boss and needs to find the ten customers with the highest debt. He
can request a new report from the IT department, but it will take days (or even weeks) because of bureaucratic
routine, programmers' busyness, or something else. The knowledge of SQL can help Jerry to create his own
ad-hoc query, get the data, and finish his report.
Selecting Your Database Software
Every single DBMS on the market follows essentially the same basic principles, there is a wide variety of database
products on the market, and it is very difficult for a person without solid database background to make a decision on
what would be the right product to learn or use. The database market is chockfull of different RDBMS: IBM DB2 UDB,
Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, Informix, PostgreSQL, to name just a few.

No two DBMS are exactly alike: There are relatively simple-to-use systems, and there are some that require serious
technical expertise to install and operate on; some products are free, and some others are fairly expensive — all in
addition to a myriad of some other little things like licensing, availability of expertise, and so on. There is no single
formula to help you in the DBMS selection process but rather several aspects to consider while making the choice.
Here are the most common ones to start with.

Market share

According to a study by Gartner Dataquest, in 2001 the three major DBMS implementations shared about 80 percent
of the database market. Oracle accounted for 32 percent, IBM DB2 about 31.6 percent, and Microsoft SQL Server
16.3 percent. Informix (now part of IBM) ranked fourth with 3 percent, followed by Sybase (2.6 percent); the rest of the
market (14.4 percent) is shared among dozens (or maybe hundreds) of small vendors and nonrelational "dinosaurs."
It's also worth noticing that the share of the "top three" is constantly growing (at the expense of their smaller
competitors) — in 1997 the combined share of the "big three" was less than 70 percent.

Total cost of ownership

The prices for the three major implementations are comparable but could vary depending on included features,
number of users, and computer processors from under a thousand dollars for a standard edition with a handful of
licenses to hundreds of thousands or even millions for enterprise editions with unlimited user access. Many small
database vendor implementations are free. Skills are a different story. Database expertise is a costly thing and usually
is in short supply. On average, Oracle expertise is valued a little higher than comparable expertise for Microsoft SQL
Server or DB2. The total cost of ownership (TOC) analysis released by vendors themselves tends to be biased, so use
your best judgment and do your homework before committing your company to a particular vendor. Make no mistake
about it: This is a long-term commitment, as switching the database vendors halfway into production is an extremely
painful and costly procedure.

Support and persistency

One may ask, why spend thousands of dollars on something that can be substituted with a free product? The answer
is quite simple: For a majority of businesses the most important thing is support. They pay money for company safety
and shareholders' peace of mind, in addition to all the bells and whistles that come with an enterprise level product
with a big name. (As the adage goes: "No one was ever fired for buying IBM"....) First, they can count on relatively
prompt support by qualified specialists in case something goes wrong. Second, the company management can make
a reasonable assumption that vendors like IBM, Microsoft, or Oracle would still be around ten years from now.
(Nobody can guarantee that, of course, but their chances definitely look better against the odds of their smaller
competitors.) So, the less expensive (and sometimes free) products by smaller database vendors might be acceptable
for small businesses, nonprofit organizations, or noncritical projects, but very few serious companies would even
consider using them for, say, their payroll or accounting systems.
Everything in Details: DBMS Implementations
One book cannot possibly cover all existing database implementations, and taking into consideration all these aspects,
we've decided to concentrate on "the big three": Oracle Database, IBM DB2 UDB, and Microsoft SQL Server. These
implementations have many common characteristics: They are all industrial-strength enterprise level relational
databases (relational database model and SQL standards are covered later in this chapter), they use Structured
Command Language (SQL) standardized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO), and all three are able to run on Windows operating system. Oracle also is
available on virtually any UNIX flavor, Linux, MVS, and OpenVMS; DB2 UDB is running on UNIX/Linux, NUMA-Q,
MVS, OS/2, and AS/400.

Note ANSI is a private, nonprofit organization that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and
conformity assessment system. The Institute's mission is to enhance both the global competitiveness of U.S.
business and the U.S. quality of life by promoting and facilitating voluntary consensus standards and conformity
assessment systems, and safeguarding their integrity. ANSI was founded October 18, 1918 and is the official
U.S. representative to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and some other international

The problem is, none of the databases mentioned earlier is 100 percent ANSI SQL compliant. (We'll talk about three
levels of conformance on the following pages; the feature compliance list is given in Appendix J.) Each of these
databases shares the basic SQL syntax (though some diversity exists even there), but the language operators,
naming restrictions, internal functions, datatypes (especially date and time related), and procedural language
extensions are implemented differently.

Cross-References See Chapter 14 for more information on the SQL procedural extensions.

Table 1-1 compares some data on maximum name lengths supported by different database implementations.

Table 1-1: Maximum Name Length Restrictions for Some of Database Objects

IBM DB2 8.1 MS SQL Server 2000 Oracle 9i

Column name length (characters) 30 128 30

Constraint name length (characters) 18 128 30

Index name length (characters) 128 128 30

Number of table columns 255 1023 1000

In an ideal world the standards would rule supreme, and SQL would be freely shared among different implementations
for the benefit of humanity. Unfortunately, the reality looks somewhat different. While it is possible to distill a standard
SQL understood by all database vendors' products, anything above some very trivial tasks would be better, quicker
accomplished with implementation-specific features.
Real-Life Database Examples
To say that the databases are everywhere would be an understatement. They virtually permeate our lives: Online
stores, health care providers, clubs, libraries, video stores, beauty salons, travel agencies, phone companies,
government agencies like FBI, INS, IRS, and NASA — they all use databases. These databases can be very different
in their nature and usually have to be specifically designed to cater to some special customer needs. Here are some

Note All relational databases can be divided into two main categories according to their primary function — online
transaction processing (OLTP) and data warehouse systems. OLTP typically has many users simultaneously
creating and updating individual records; in other words it's volatile and computation-intensive. Data warehouse is
a database designed for information processing and analysis, with focus on planning for the future rather than on
day-to-day operations. The information in these is not going to change very often, which ensures the information
consistency (repeatable result) for the users. In the real world most systems are hybrids of these two, unless
specifically designed as data warehouse.

Order management system database

A typical database for a company that sells building materials might be arranged as follows: The company must have
at least one customer. Each customer in the database is assigned one or more addresses, one or more contact
phones, and a default salesperson who is the liaison between the customer and the company. The company sells a
variety of products. Each product has a price, a description, and some other characteristics. Orders can be placed for
one or more product at a time. Each product logically forms an order line. When an order is complete it can be shipped
and then invoiced. Invoice number and shipment number are populated automatically in the database and can not be
changed by users. Each order has a status assigned to it: COMPLETE, SHIPPED, INVOICED , and so on. The database
also contains specific shipment information (bill of lading number, number of boxes shipped, dates, and so on). Usually
one shipment contains one order, but the database is designed in such a way that one order can be distributed
between more than one shipment, as well as one shipment can contain more than one order. Some constraints also
exist in the database. For example, some fields cannot be empty, and some other fields can contain only certain types
of information.

You already know that a database is a multiuser environment by definition. It's a common practice to group users
according to the functions they perform and security levels they are entitled to. The order management system
described here could have three different user groups: Sales department clerks' function is to enter or modify order
and customer information; shipping department employees create and update shipment data; warehouse supervisors
handle products. In addition, all three user groups view diverse database information under different angles, using
reports and ad-hoc queries.

We'll use this database, which we'll call ACME, throughout this book for examples and exercises. ACME database is a
simplified version of a real production database. It has only 13 tables, and the real one would easily have over a

Cross-References See Appendix B (The ACME Sample Database) andAppendix F (Installing ACME
Database) for more detailed descriptions of the database and installation

Health care provider database

A health provider company has multiple offices in many different states. Many doctors work for the company, and
each doctor takes care of multiple patients. Some doctors just work in one office, and others work in different offices
on different days. The database keeps information about each doctor, such as name, address, contact phones, area of
specialization, and so on. Each patient can be assigned to one or more doctors. Specific patient information is also
kept in the database (name, address, phones, health record number, date of birth, history of appointments,
prescriptions, blood tests, diagnoses, etc.). Customers can schedule and cancel appointments and order prescription
drugs either over the phone or using the company Web site. Some restrictions apply — for example, to see a
specialist, the patient needs an approval from his/her primary physician; to order a prescription the patient should have
at least one valid refill left, and so on.

Now, what are the main database user groups? Patients should be able to access the database using a Web browser
to order prescriptions and make appointments. This is all that patients may do in the database. Doctors and nurses
can browse information about their patients, write and renew prescriptions, schedule blood tests and X-Rays, and so
on. Administrative staff (receptionists, pharmacy assistants) can schedule appointments for patients, fill prescriptions,
and run specific reports.

Again, in real life this database would be far more complicated and would have many more business rules, but our
main goal now is just to give a general idea what kind of information a database could contain.

The health provider and order management system databases are both examples of a typical hybrid database (though
the former is probably closer to an OLTP).

Scientific database

A database for genome research and related research areas in molecular and cellular biology can be a good example
of a scientific database. It contains gene catalogs for completely sequenced genomes and some partial genomes,
genome maps and organism information, and data about sequence similarities among all known genes in all
organisms in the database. It also contains information on molecular interaction networks in the cell and chemical
compounds and reactions.

This database has just one user group — all researchers have the same access to all the information. This is an
example of a data warehouse.

Nonprofit organization database

A database of an antique automobile club can be pretty simple. Also, such an organization would not typically have too
many members, so the database is not going to be very large. You need to store members' personal information such
as address, phone number, area of interest, and so on. The database might also contain the information about the
autos (brand, year, color, condition, etc.). Autos are tied to their owners (members of the club). Each member can
have one or more vehicles, and a vehicle can be owned by just one member.

The database would only have a few users — possibly, the chairman of the club, an assistant, and a secretary.

The last two examples are not business-critical databases and don't have to be implemented on expensive enterprise
software. The data still have to be kept safely and should not be lost, but in case of, let's say, hardware failure it
probably can wait a day or two before the database is restored from a backup. So, the use of a free database, like
mySQL, PostgreSQL, or even nonrelational Posgres is appropriate. Another good choice might be MS Access, which
is a part of Microsoft Office Tools; if you bought MS Office just because you want to use Word and Excel, you should
be aware that you've got a free relational database as well. (MS Access works well with up to 15 users.)
Database Legacy
Flat file, hierarchy, and network databases are usually referred as legacy databases. They represent the ways people
used to organize information in prehistoric times — about 30 years ago.

Flat file databases

The flat file database was probably one of the earliest database management systems. The idea behind flat file is a
very simple one: one single, mostly unstructured data file. It mirrors "ancient" precomputer data storage systems:
notebooks, grocery lists, and so on. You could compare it to a desk drawer that holds virtually everything — bill stubs,
letters, small change. While requiring very little effort to put information in, such a "design" becomes a nightmare to get
the information out, as you would have to scroll through each and every record searching for the right one. Putting
relevant data into separate files and even organizing them into tables (think of a file cabinet) alleviates the problem
somewhat but does not remove the major obstacles: data redundancy (the same information might be stored more
than once in different files), slow processing speed ("I know it was there somewhere..."), error-prone storage and
retrieval. Moreover, it required intimate knowledge of the database structure to work at all — it would be utterly useless
to search for, say, orders information in the expenses file.

Let's design a flat database system for an order entry system that gathers information about customers, orders they've
placed and products the customers had ordered. If data is accumulated sequentially, your file will contain information
about customers, then orders and products, then about some new customer, and so on — all in the order the data is
entered (Table 1-2). Just imagine a task of extracting any meaningful information from this mess, not to mention that a
lot of the cells will remain empty. (What would you fill Quantity column for the "Ace Hardware" or Address column for
"Nails" with?)

Table 1-2: Flat File Records Keeping

Name Type Address Price Quantity

Nails Product n/a 100 2000

Ace Hardware Customer 1234 Willow Ct Seattle, n/a n/a


Cedar planks Product n/a 2000 5000

Dissatisfaction with these shortcomings stimulated development in the area of data storage-and-retrieval systems.

Note Excel is often used to create flat file databases.

Hierarchical databases

The concept of a hierarchical database was around since the 1960s and — believe it or not — it is still in use. The
hierarchical model is fairly intuitive: As the name implies, it stores data in hierarchical structure, similar to that of a
family tree, organization chart, or pyramid; some readers could visualize a computer file system as it is presented
through some graphical interface.

The most popular hierarchical database product is IBM's Information Management System (IMS) that runs on
mainframe computers. First introduced in 1968, it is still around (after a number of reincarnations), primarily because
hierarchical databases provide impressive raw speed performance for certain types of queries.

It is based on "parent/child" paradigm in which each parent could have many children but each child has one and only
one parent. You can visualize this structure as an upside down tree, starting at the root (trunk) and branching out at
many levels (Figure 1-1).
Figure 1-1: Hierarchical structure

Since the records in a child table are accessed through a hierarchy of levels there could not be a record in it without a
corresponding pointer record in the parent table — all the way up to the root. You could compare it to a file
management system (like a tree-view seen in the Microsoft Windows Explorer) — to get access to a file within a
directory one must first open the folder that contains this file.

Let's improve upon the previously discussed flat file model. Instead of dumping all the information into a single file you
are going to split it among three tables, each containing pertinent information: business name and address for the
CUSTOMER table; product description, brand name, and price for the PRODUCT table; and an ORDER_HEADER table
to store the details of the order.

In the hierarchical database model redundancy is greatly reduced (compared with flat file database model): You store
information about customer, product, and so on once only. The table ORDER_HEADER (Figure 1-2) would contain
pointers to the customer and to the product this customer had ordered; whenever you need to see what products any
particular customer purchased, you start with ORDER_HEADER table, find list of id(s) for all the customers who placed
orders and list of product id(s) for each customer; then, using CUSTOMER table you find the customer name you are
after, and using products id(s) list you get the description of the products from the PRODUCT table.

Figure 1-2: Hierarchical database example

Everything works great as long as one is willing to put up with a somewhat nonintuitive way of retrieving information.
(No matter what information is requested one always has to start with the root, i.e., ORDER_HEADER table.) Should
you need only customers' names the hierarchical database would be blazingly fast — going straight from a parent
table to the child one. To get any information from the hierarchical database a user has to have an intimate knowledge
of the database structure; and the structure itself was extremely inflexible — if, for instance, you'd decided that the
customers must place an order through a third party, you'd need to rewire all relationships because CUSTOMER table
would not be related to ORDER_HEADER table anymore, and all your queries will have to be rewritten to include one
more step — finding the sales agent who sold this product, then finding customers who bought it. It also makes
obvious the fact that you did not escape the redundancy problem — if you have a customer who places an order
through more than one sales agent, you'll have to replicate all the information for each agent in a number of customer

But what happens if you need to add a customer that does not have a placed order, or a product that no one yet
ordered? You cannot — your hierarchical database is incapable of storing information in child tables without a parent
table having a pointer to it: by the very definition of hierarchy there should be neither a product without an order, nor a
customer without an order — which obviously cannot be the case in the real world.

The hierarchical databases handle one-to-many relationship (see Chapter 2 for definition) very well. However, in many
cases you will want to have the child be related to more than one parent: Not only one product could be present in
many orders, but one order could contain many products. There is no answer (at least not an easy one) within the
domain of hierarchical databases.
Network databases

Attempts to solve the problems associated with hierarchical databases produced the network database model. This
model has its origins in the Conference on Data Systems Languages (CODASYL), an organization founded in 1957 by
the U.S. Department of Defense. CODASYL was responsible for developing COBOL — one of the first widely popular
programming languages — and publishing the Network Database standard in 1971 The most popular commercial
implementation of the network model was Adabas (long since converted to the relational model).

The network model is very similar to the hierarchical one; it is also based on the concept of parent/child relationship
but removes the restriction of one child having one and only one parent. In the network database model a parent can
have multiple children, and a child can have multiple parents. This structure could be visualized as several trees that
share some branches. In network database jargon these relationships came to be known as sets.

In addition to the ability to handle a one-to-many relationship, the network database can handle many-to-many

Cross-References One-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships are explained in

Chapter 2.

Also, data access did not have to begin with the root; instead one could traverse the database structure starting from
any table and navigating a related table in any direction (Figure 1-3).

Figure 1-3: Network database example

In this example, to find out what products were sold to what customers we still would have to start with
ORDER_HEADER and then proceed to CUSTOMER and PRODUCT — nothing new here. But things greatly improve for
the scenario when customers place an order through more than one agent: no longer does one have to go through
agents to list customers of the specific product, and no longer has one to start at the root in search of records.

While providing several advantages, network databases share several problems with hierarchical databases. Both are
very inflexible, and changes in the structure (for example, a new table to reflect changed business logic) require that
the entire database be rebuilt; also, set relationships and record structures must be predefined.

The major disadvantage of both network and hierarchical database was that they are programmers' domains. To
answer the simplest query, one had to create a program that navigated database structure and produced an output;
unlike SQL this program was written in procedural, often proprietary, language and required a great deal of knowledge
— of both database structure and underlying operating system. As a result, such programs were not portable and took
enormous (by today's standards) amount of time to write.
Relational Databases
The frustration with the inadequate capabilities of network and hierarchical databases resulted in the invention of the
relational data model. The relational data model took the idea of the network database some several steps further.
Relational models — just like hierarchical and network models — are based upon tables and use parent/child
relationships. (Though this relationship was implemented through column values as opposed to a low-level physical
pointer defining the relationship; more on that later in the chapter.)


A table is a basic building unit of the relational database. It is a fairly intuitive way of organizing data and has been
around for centuries. A table consists of rows and columns (called records and fields in database jargon). Each table
has a unique name in the database (i.e., unique fully qualified name, the one that includes schema or database name
as a prefix).

Note The Dot (.) notation in a fully qualified name is commonly used in the programming world to describe hierarchy of
the objects and their properties. This could refer not only to the database objects but also to the structures,
user-defined types, and such. For example, a table field in an MS SQL Server database could be referred to as
ACME.DBO.CUSTOMER. CUST_ID_N where ACME is a database name, DBO is the table owner (Microsoft
standard), CUSTOMER is the name of the table, and CUST_ID_N is the column name in the CUSTOMER table.

Cross-References See Chapter 4 for more on table and other database object names.

Each field has a unique name within the table, and any table must have at least one field. The number of fields per
table is usually limited, the actual limitation being dependent on a particular implementation. Unlike legacy database
structure, records in a table are not stored or retrieved in any particular order (although, records can be arranged in a
particular order by means of using clustered index — discussed in Chapter 4); the task of sorting the record in
relational databases systems (RDBMS) is relegated to SQL.

A record thus is composed of a number of cells, where each cell has a unique name and might contain some data. A
table that has no records is called an empty table.

Data within the field must be of the same type, for example, the field AMOUNT contains only numbers, and field
DESCRIPTION , only words. The set of the data within one field is said to be column's domain.

Note Early databases — relational or otherwise — were designed to contain only text data; modern databases store
anything that could be converted into binary format: pictures, movies, audio records, and so on.

The good relational design would make sure that such a record describes an entity — another relational database term
to be discussed later in the book but worth mentioning here. To put it in other words, the record should not contain
irrelevant information: CUSTOMER table deals with the customer information only, its records should not contain
information about, say, products that this customer ordered.

Note The process of grouping the relevant data together, eliminating redundancies along the way is called
normalization and will be discussed inChapter 2. It is not part of SQL per se, but it does impose limits on the SQL
query efficiency.

There is no theoretical limit on the number of rows a table could have, though some implementations impose
restrictions; also there are (or at least ought to be) practical considerations to the limits: data retrieval speed, amount of
storage, and so on.


Tables in RDBMS might or might not be related. As it was mentioned before, RDBMS is built upon parent/child
relationship notion (hence the name — relational), but unlike"in legacy databases (hierarchical, network) these
relations are based solely on the values in the table columns; these relationships are meaningful in logical terms, not in
low-level computer specific pointers. Let's take the example of our fictitious order entry database (the one that we will
design, build, and use throughout the book). The ORDER_HEADER table is related to CUSTOMER table since both of
these tables have a common set of values: The field ORDHDR_CUSTID_FN (customer ID) in ORDER_HEADER (and its
values) corresponds to CUST_ID_N in CUSTOMER. The field CUST_ID_N is said to be a primary key for the CUSTOMER
table and a foreign key for the ORDER_HEADER table (under different name).

Primary key

The primary key holds more than one job in RDBMS. We've said already that it is used to define a relationship; but its
primary role is to uniquely identify each record in a table.

In the days of legacy databases, the records were always stored in some predefined order; if such an order had to be
broken (because somebody had inserted records in a wrong order or business rule was changed), then the whole
table (and, most likely, the whole database) had to be rebuilt. The RDBMS abolishes fixed order for the records, but it
still needs some mechanism of identifying the records uniquely, and the primary key, based on the idea of a field (or
fields) that contains set unique values, serves exactly this purpose.

By it is very nature, the primary key cannot be empty; this means that in a table with defined primary key, the primary
key fields must contain data for each record.

Note Though it is not a requirement to have a primary key on each and every table, it is considered to be a good
practice to have one; in fact, many RDBMS implementations would warn you if you create a table without defining
a primary key. Some purists go even further, specifying that the primary key should be meaningless in the sense
that they would use some generated unique value (like EMPLOYEE_ID) instead of, say, Social Security numbers
(despite that these are unique as well).

A primary key could consist of one or more columns, i.e., though some fields may contain duplicate values, their
combination (set) is unique through the entire table. A key that consists of several columns is called a composite key.

Note In the world of RDBMS, only tables that have primary keys can be related. Though the primary key is a
cornerstone for defining relation in RDBMS, the actual implementations (especially early ones) have not always
provided a built-in support for this logical concept. In practice, the task of enforcing uniqueness of a chosen
primary key was the responsibility of programmers (requiring them to check for existing values before inserting
new records, for example). Today all major relational database products have built-in support for primary keys; on
a very basic level this means that the database does its own checking for unique constraint violations and will
raise an error whenever an attempt to insert a duplicate record is made.

Foreign key

Let's go back to our CUSTOMER and ORDER_HEADER tables. By now you understand why the CUST_ID_N was
designated as a primary key — it has unique value, no customer can possibly have more than one ID, and no ID could
be assigned to more than one customer. To track what customers placed which orders, you need something that will
provide a link between customers and their orders.

Table ORDER_HEADER has its own primary key — ORDHDR_ID_N which uniquely identifies orders; in addition to that it
will have a foreign key ORDHDR_CUSTID_FN field. The values in that field correspond to the values in the CUST_ID_N
primary key field for the CUSTOMER table. Note that, unlike the primary key, the foreign key is not required to be
unique — one customer could place several orders.

Now, by looking into ORDER_HEADER table you can find which customers placed particular orders. The table
ORDER_HEADER became related to table CUSTOMER. It became easy to find a customer based on orders, or find
orders for a customer. You no longer need to know database layout, order of the records in the table, or master some
low-level proprietary programming language to query data; it's now possible to run ad-hoc queries formulated in
standard English-like language — the Structured Query Language.

Invasion of RDBMS

In spite of the clear advantages of the relational database model, it took some time for it to become workable. One of
the main reasons was the hardware. The logically clear and clean model proved to be quite a task to implement, and
even then it required much more in terms of memory and processing power than legacy databases.
The development of relational databases was driven by the need of the medium to big businesses to gather, preserve,
and analyze data. In 1965, Gordon Moore, the cofounder of Intel, made his famous observation that the number of
transistors per square inch on the integrated circuits (IC) doubles every year ever since the IC were invented.
Surprisingly, this rule still holds true. More powerful machines made it feasible to implement and sell RDBMS; cheap
memory and powerful processors made them fast; perpetually growing appetites for information made RDBMS
products a commodity, drastically cutting their price down. Today, according to some estimates, less than 10 percent
of the market is being held by the database legacy "dinosaurs" — mostly because of significant investment made by
their owners more than 20 years ago. For better or for worse, relational database systems have come to rule on planet
Object Database and Object-Relational Database Models

The innovation did not stop here. At the end of the 1980s the buzzword was object-oriented programming (OOP).
Because of very similar reasons (memory requirements, processing power) as those preventing widespread adoption
of RDBMS, object-oriented programming did not take off until well into the 1990s. OOP languages are based on the
notion that a programming (or business) problem could be modeled in terms of objects.

While the code of the program remained practically the same, the way the code was organized changed dramatically;
it also changed the way programs were constructed, coded, and executed. For programming applications that
communicate with the databases it would be only natural to store objects on an as-is basis instead of disassembling
them into text and putting them back together when needed.

Modern RDBMS have the ability to store binary objects (e.g., pictures, sounds, etc.), in the case of OO databases,
they need to store conceptual objects: customer, order, and so on. The emerging standard (SQL3) was designed to
work with object-oriented databases. There are several products on the market for OODBS (object-oriented database
systems) and OORDBMS (object-oriented relational database systems) that offer object-oriented features combined
with reasonable performance, though none of these meet with a widespread adoption — as yet.

While SQL itself is not an object-oriented language now, it might as well be — in the future. Meanwhile, several
vendors (Oracle, IBM) supplied their flagship database products with capability to use Java as procedural language
that has some embedded SQL statements.

The other development worth noticing is a wide adoption of eXtensible Markup Language (XML). XML was developed
as a logical evolution of the plain static HyperText Markup Language (HTML) used to generate Web pages. XML is
discussed in the final chapters of this book as it has not become a part of the SQL standard yet, and is implemented
through proprietary extensions to the RDBMS. An XML document contains self-describing data in a
platform-independent industry-standard format that makes it easy to transform into different types of documents, to
search, or to transfer across heterogeneous network.

Every major RDBMS release is either a new version of its product or an add-in to the existing one to handle XML. The
logical step in this direction would be to create an XML native database, that is, a database that stores data in XML
format, without parsing XML documents when storing the records nor reconstituting them from text-based data for
retrieval. In theory, that would speed up XML-related database operation.
Brief History of SQL and SQL Standards

As we already know, prerelational databases did not have a set of commands to work with data. Every database either
had its own proprietary language or used programs written in COBOL, C, and so on to manipulate records. Also, the
databases were virtually inflexible and did not allow any internal structure changes without bringing them offline and
rewriting tons of code. That worked more or less effectively until the end of the 1960s, when most computer
applications were based strictly on batch processing (running from beginning to end without user interaction).

Humble beginnings: RDBMS and SQL evolution

In the early 1970s, the growth of online applications (programs that require user's interaction) triggered the demand for
something more flexible. The situations when an extra field was required for a particular record or a number of
subfields exceeded the maximum number in the file layout became more and more common.

For example, imagine that CUSTOMER record set has two fixed-length fields, ADDRESS1 (for billing address) and
ADDRESS2 (for shipping address), and it works for all customers for some period of time. But what if a customer, who
owns a hardware store, has bought another store, and now this record must have more than one shipping address?
And what if you have a new customer, WILE ELECTRONICS INC., who owns ten stores? Now, you have two choices.
You can take the whole dataset offline, modify the layout, and change/recompile all programs that work with it. But
then, all other customers that just have one store each will have nine unnecessary fields in their records (Figure 1-4).
Also, nobody can guarantee that tomorrow some other customer is not going to buy, say, 25 stores, and then you'll
have to start over again. Another choice would be to add ten identical records for Wile Electronics Inc., completely
redundant except for the shipping address. The programs would still have to be changed, because otherwise they may
return incorrect results (Figure 1-5).

Figure 1-4: Multiple columns to resolve multiple addresses for CUSTOMER

Figure 1-5: Multiple records to resolve multiple addresses for CUSTOMER

So, as you can see, most problems are actually rooted in the structure of the database, which usually consisted of just
one file with records of a fixed length. The solution is to spread data across several files and reassemble the required
data when needed. We already mentioned hierarchical and network database models that definitely were attempts to
move in this direction, but they still had had too many shortcomings, so the relational model became the most popular
technique. The problem we just discussed would not be a problem at all in a relational database, where CUSTOMER
and ADDRESS are separate entities (tables), tied by primary/foreign key relationship (Figure 1-6). All we have to do is
to add as many ADDRESS records as we want with a foreign key that refers to its parent (Figure 1-7).
Figure 1-6: Primary/Foreign Key relationship between tables

Figure 1-7: Resolving the multiple customer addresses problem within relational model

Note Our example might not look very convincing — it almost looks like that instead of adding new shipping addresses
to CUSTOMER, we just added the same records to a separateADDRESS table. In fact, the difference is huge. In a
real-life legacy database, CUSTOMER file would not have justNAME and ADDRESS fields, but rather it would
contain tons of other information: about orders, products, invoices, shipments, etc. All that would be repeated
every time you accessed the database, even for something as simple as adding a new shipping address.

Another advantage of the relational schema was a simplified logic for the applications that worked with data. For
example, let's assume the nonrelational CUSTOMER dataset has fields for a maximum of five customer orders. (That
easily could be a couple fields per order, by the way.) If you want to display all orders for a specific customer, a
program will have to scroll through all these fields, determine which ones are not empty, and display their contents. In
the relational case, all you need to do is to display all records in ORDER_HEADER table that have the required
customer number. All that made ad-hoc query languages relatively easy to write and finally resulted in appearance of

The concept of a relational database and thus SQL was first introduced by Dr. Edward Frank Codd, who worked for
IBM as a researcher, in his paper "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks" in 1970. In simple words,
his idea of a relational database model was based on data independence from hardware and storage implementation
and a nonprocedural high-level computer language to access the data. The problem was, IBM already had declared
its own product, called IMS, as its sole strategic database product; the company management was not convinced at all
that developing new commercial software based on relational schema was worth the money and the effort. A new
database product could also potentially hurt the sales of IMS.

In spite of all that, a relational database prototype called System R was finally introduced by IBM in the late 1970s, but
it never became a commercial product and was more of a scientific interest, unlike its language SQL (first known as
SEQUEL) that finally became the standard for all relational databases (after years of evolution). Another relational
product called Ingres was developed by scientists in a government-funded program at the University of California,
Berkeley at about the same time, and also had its own nonprocedural language, QUEL, similar to IBM's SQL.
But the first commercial relational database was neither System R nor Ingres. Oracle Corporation released its first
product in 1979, followed by IBM's SQL/DS (1980/81) and DB2 (1982/83). The commercial version of Ingres also
became available in the early 1980s. Sybase Inc. released the first version of its product in 1986, and in 1988
Microsoft introduced SQL Server. Many other products by other companies were also released since then, but their
share of today's market is minimal.

A brief history of SQL standards

The relational database model was slowly but surely becoming the industry standard in the late 1980s. The problem
was, even though SQL became a commonly recognized database language, the differences in major vendors'
implementations were growing, and some kind of standard became necessary.

Around 1978, the Committee on Data Systems and Language (CODASYL) commissioned the development of a
network data model as a prototype for any future database implementations. This continued work started in the early
1970s with the Data Definition Language Committee (DDLC). By 1982, these efforts culminated in the data definition
language (DDL) and data manipulation language (DML) standards proposal. They became standards four years later
— endorsed by an organization with an improbably long name, the American National Standards Institute National
Committee on Information Technology Standards H2 Technical Committee on Database (ANSI NCITS H2 TCD).

NCITS H2 was given a mandate to standardize relational data model in 1982. The project initially was based on IBM
SQL/DS specifications, and for some time followed closely IBM DB2 developments. In 1984, the standard was
redesigned to be more generic, to allow for more diversity among database products vendors. After passing through
all the bureaucratic loops it was endorsed as an American National Standards Institute in 1986. The International
Standard Organization (ISO) adopted the standard in 1987. The revised standard, commonly known as SQL89, was
published two years later.

SQL89 (SQL1)

SQL89 (or SQL1) is a rather worthless standard that was established by encircling all RDBMS in existence in 1989.
The major commercial vendors could not (and still to certain degree cannot) agree upon implementation details, so
much of the SQL89 standard is intentionally left incomplete, and numerous features are marked as

SQL92 (SQL2)

Because of the aforesaid, the previous standard had been revised, and in 1992 the first solid SQL standard, SQL92 or
SQL2, was published. ANSI took SQL89 as a basis, but corrected several weaknesses in it, filled many gaps in the old
standard, and presented conceptual SQL features, which at that time exceeded the capabilities of any existing
RDBMS implementation. Also, the SQL92 standard is over five times longer than its predecessor (about 600 pages
more), and has three levels of conformance.

Entry-level conformance is basically improved SQL89. The differences were insignificant — for example, circular views
and correlated subqueries became prohibited in SQL92

Intermediate-level conformance was a set of major improvements, including, but not limited to, user naming of
constraints; support for varying-length characters and national character sets, case and cast expressions, built-in join
operators, and dynamic SQL; ability to alter tables, to set transactions, to use subqueries in updatable views, and use
set operators (UNION, EXCEPT, INTERSECT) to combine multiple queries' results.

Full-level conformance included some truly advanced features, including deferrable constraints, assertions, temporary
local tables, privileges on character sets and domains, and so on.

The conformance testing was performed by the U.S. Government Department of Commerce's National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST). The vendors hurried to comply because a public law passed in the beginning of the
1990s required an RDBMS product to pass the tests in order to be considered by a federal agency.
Note As of this writing, all major database vendors (Oracle, DB2, MS SQL Server, and Sybase) meet only the first level
of SQL92 conformance in full. Each of the vendors has individual features that venture into higher levels of
conformance. The only vendor that claims its product meets all three levels, or 100 percent SQL92 compliant, is a
small company called Ocelot Computer Services, Inc., and their RDBMS implementation of the same name does
not seem to be very popular.

In 1996, NIST dismantled the conformance testing program (citing "high costs" as the reason behind the decision).
Since then, the only verification of SQL standards compliance comes from the RDBMS vendors themselves; this
understandably increased the number of vendor-specific features as well as nonstandard implementation of the
standard ones. By 2001, the original number of RDBMS vendors belonging to the ANSI NCIT had shrunk from 18 (at
the beginning of the 1990s) to just 7, though some new companies came aboard.

Note The current members of the ANSI NCIT H2 Technical Committee on Database are IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, NCR,
Computer Associates, Compaq, Pervasive, FileTek, and InterSystems.

SQL99 (SQL3)

SQL3 represents the next step in SQL standards development. The efforts to define this standard began virtually at
the same time when its predecessor — SQL92 (SQL2) — was adopted. The new standard was developed under
guidance of both ANSI and ISO committees, and the change introduced into the database world by SQL3 was as
dramatic a shift from nonrelational to relational database model; its sheer complexity is reflected in the number of
pages describing the standard — over 1,500 — comparing to 120 or so pages for SQL89 and about 600 pages for
SQL92. Some of the defined standards (for example, stored procedures) existed as vendor-specific extensions, some
of them (like OOP) are completely new to SQL proper. SQL3 was released as an ANSI/ISO draft standard in 1999;
later the same year its status was changed to a standard level.

Note We can draw a parallel between SQL ANSI/ISO standards and Latin. These standards are good to know; they
may help one to learn the actual SQL implementations, but it is impossible (or almost impossible) to write a real
100 percent ANSI SQL compliant production script. The knowledge of Latin can help someone to learn Spanish,
Italian, or Portuguese, but people would hardly understand you if you started speaking Latin on the streets of
Madrid, Rome, or Lisbon. The main difference is the general direction — Latin is an ancestor of all the above (and
many more) languages, and ANSI/ISO SQL standards are rather a goal for all proprietary SQL flavors.

SQL3 extends traditional relational data models to incorporate objects and complex data types within the relational
tables, along with all supporting mechanisms. It brings into SQL all the major OOP principles, namely inheritance,
encapsulation, and polymorphism, all of which are beyond the scope of this book, in addition to "standard" SQL
features defined in SQL92. It provides seamless integration with the data consumer applications designed and
implemented in OO languages (SmallTalk, Eiffel, etc.).

There are several commercial implementations of OODBMS on the market as well as OO extensions to existing
commercial database products; not all of them adhere to the standards and a number of proprietary "features" makes
them incompatible. For a time being OODBMS (OORDBMS) occupy an insignificant portion of the database market,
and the judgment is still out there.

While it is impossible to predict what model will emerge as a winner in the future, it seems reasonable to assume that
relational databases are here in for a long haul and have not yet reached their potential; SQL as the language of the
RDBMS will keep its importance in the database world.
Databases penetrate virtually every branch of human activity, with relational databases (RDBMS) becoming the
de-facto standard. Some legacy database models — hierarchical and network databases — are still in use, but
relational database model (RDBM) holds the lion's share of the market.

The RDBM resolves some of the inherent problems of the legacy databases, and — with the advent of faster hardware
and support from the industry heavyweights — became the staple of every business enterprise. The new
object-oriented databases (OODMS) and object-oriented relational database systems (OORDBMS) are evolving,
though none has reached the level of acceptance comparable with that of RDBMS.

Most of the existing applications on the market database use SQL as the standard language. There are three (four, by
some counts, if SQL86 is included) standards: SQL89, SQL92, and SQL99, with virtually every RDBMS product being
at least partially SQL92 compliant.
Chapter 2: Fundamental SQL Concepts and Principles
Ever since SQL89 was adopted as the first SQL standard, SQL aimed to be just that — the standardized, generic,
nonprocedural vendor independent language of relational databases. It did succeed — to a certain extent.

Promises and Deliverables

Unlike many popular programming languages (C++, Java, Visual Basic, C#, to mention just a few), SQL was designed
to be nonprocedural. That means that the features one takes for granted in any other programming language —
control flow statements (IF. . .THEN), looping constructs (FOR. . .NEXT), and the like — were completely excluded.

SQL was designed for data storage, retrieval, and manipulation, and as such it was tightly coupled with database
management systems (DBMS); it neither exists outside DBMS nor could it be executed without. All one has to do is to
submit a query to a DBMS and receive results in some client program — either actual data from the database or status
results of a task (like inserting/deleting records).

In contrast to programming-style variable manipulation, inserting, updating, and retrieving data are set-based
procedures. SQL statements operate on datasets, and though an operation itself might be lengthy, it does not really
have any flow. From the programmer's point of view, a SQL program is just one statement, no matter how long, that
executes as a whole, or not at all.

Note To overcome problems introduced with SQL procedural deficiency, database vendors came up with procedural
extensions of their own: PL/SQL for Oracle Transact-SQL for Microsoft SQL Server, SQL PL for IBM DB2 UDB;
the latest developments allow for using high-level language like Java or Visual Basic inside RDBMS. These are
gradually making their way into the SQL99 standard (SQL/JRT).

Use of SQL is intertwined with the paradigm of client/server computing — long before this became a buzzword of the
day. A client was supposed to know how to connect to a server, request data, and represent it for a user in some,
usually graphical, format; a server is supposed to understand clients' request and return data — in addition to
managing this data internally for best performance and providing safe storage and security services.

The complexity of low-level implementation — how the SQL statements are translated into machine language and
executed — is hidden behind concise statements like SELECT, INSERT, or UPDATE, and the task of translating them
into actual machine commands is left with the RDBMS.

This opened a whole can of worms; not only had RDBMS vendors chosen to implement different pieces of the SQL
standard, but also in some cases those pieces were implemented differently. Vendor specific extensions — which
often provided a base for the next iteration of SQL standard — complicated the matter even more.

As you learned in Chapter 1, the ANSI SQL standard (SQL89) instituted three levels of conformance for every
database product aspiring to be ANSI compliant. SQL3 (SQL99) introduced two levels of conformance: Core SQL99
and Enhanced SQL99. Every major RDBMS is at least first (core) conformance-level compliant.

Nevertheless, SQL could hardly be considered portable; it is rather adaptable. There are quite a few points left up to
the vendors to implement:

Semantic and syntactic differences.

Opening database for processing. The interfaces of ODBC, CLI, OLEDB, and others are not part of
any SQL standard.

Dynamic and Embedded SQL implementations might differ from vendor to vendor.

Collating order. How results of a sorted query are presented; this depends on whether ASCII or
EBCDIC characters are used. (Though the UNICODE standard alleviates this problem.)

Different data types extensions.

Differences in database catalog tables. Because this is mentioned at the full conformance level
standard only; vendors working in the core level have no incentive to abandon their own proprietary

ANSI/ISO Standard Documents

The following documents constitute the main body of ANSI/ISO standards:

ANSI/ISO/IEC 9075-1:1999. Information technology — Database languages — SQL — Part 1:

Framework (SQL/Framework)

ANSI/ISO/IEC 9075-1:1999/Amd 1:2001. On-Line Analytical Processing (SQL/OLAP)

ANSI/ISO/IEC 9075-2:1999. Information technology — Database languages — SQL — Part 2:

Foundation (SQL/Foundation)

ANSI/ISO/IEC 9075-2:1999/Amd 1:2001. On-Line Analytical Processing (SQL/OLAP)

ANSI/ISO/IEC 9075-3:1999. Information technology — Database languages — SQL — Part 3:

Call-Level Interface (SQL/CLI)

ANSI/ISO/IEC 9075-4:1999. Information technology — Database languages — SQL — Part 4:

Persistent Stored Modules (SQL/PSM)

ANSI/ISO/IEC 9075-5:1999. Information technology — Database languages — SQL — Part 5:

Host Language Bindings (SQL/Bindings)

ANSI/ISO/IEC 9075-5:1999/Amd 1:2001. On-Line Analytical Processing (SQL/OLAP)

ANSI/ISO/IEC 9075-9:2001. Information technology — Database languages — SQL — Part 9:

Management of External Data (SQL/MED)

ANSI/ISO/IEC 9075-10:2000. Information technology — Database languages — SQL — Part 10:

Object Language Bindings (SQL/OLB)

ANSI/ISO/IEC 9075-13:2002. Information technology — Database languages — SQL — Part 13:

SQL Routines and Types Using the Java TM Programming Language (SQL/JRT)

ANSI/ISO/IEC 9579:2000. Information technology — Remote database access for SQL with
security enhancement

ANSI/ISO/IEC 13249-1:2000. Information technology — Database languages — SQL multimedia

and application packages — Part 1: Framework

ANSI/ISO/IEC 13249-2:2000. Information technology — Database languages — SQL multimedia

and application packages — Part 2: Full-Text

ANSI/ISO/IEC 13249-3:1999. Information technology--Database languages — SQL Multimedia

and Application Packages — Part 3: Spatial

ANSI/ISO/IEC 13249-5:2001. Information technology — Database languages — SQL multimedia

and application packages — Part 5: Still Image

These documents are available for a fee on the Web at and

Table 2-1 introduces the key SQL99 features areas that have been added to the previous SQL89, SQL92 standards.
The more detailed and complete list of all major SQL99 features and compliance among major RDBMS vendors is
given in Appendix J.
Table 2-1: Key SQL99 Areas

Features Description

Call level interface (CLI) The specification defining access to the database through a set of routines
that could be called by a client application (ODBC, JDBC, etc.).

Information schema A set of database views to access metadata for a particular database.

ROLES Security A security paradigm defining ability to fine-tune security privileges while
Enhancements grouping them into logically relevant groups.

Recursion Refers to the nested relationship needed to model hierarchical structures.

Savepoint An ability to add granularity to the transactional operation where a

transaction could be rolled back not to the beginning but to a certain
named step.

SQL Data types: BLOB, New data types to accommodate complexity of modern computing. (See
CLOB, BOOLEAN, REF, Chapter 3 for in-depth discussion.)
ARRAY, ROW, User Defined

SQL Multimedia data types: New data formats developed for multimedia
Full Text, Still Image, Spatial

SQL/MED Defines extensions to Database Language SQL to support management

of external data through the use of foreign tables and datalink data types.

SQL Programming Language The domain ruled by proprietary procedural extensions like Oracle's
PL/SQL or Microsoft Transact-SQL; defines standard programming
Control-Of-Flow constructs (IF...THEN...ELSE ), looping, etc.

Triggers Defining action taken automatically in response to some predefined event;

new standard fine-grained basic trigger functionality.

Management facilities for Infrastructure supporting for centralized or distributed processing.

Connections, Sessions,
Transactions, and

SQL is a living language; it continues to grow and adapt to ever-changing demands. Despite the market pressures to
standardize features and data exchange between the databases, vendors prefer to lock their customers into a specific
RDBMS package by getting them hooked on some convenient nonstandard features that, while sometimes
significantly improving performance, make it hard, expensive, or altogether impossible to port SQL routines to a
different RDBMS.

Every vendor is encouraged to submit papers with new ideas and ANSI/ISO committees are reviewing these on an
ongoing basis, which eventually would lead to yet another SQL standard in the future. The SQL of tomorrow might not
turn out to be how we imagine it to ourselves today. Some of the emerging standards include XML (eXtensible Markup
Language) and OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing).

Cross-References XML and OLAP are discussed inChapter 17.

Note DB2 boasts being a major contributor to the current SQL99 standard, IBM being the number-one submitter of
accepted papers for SQL99 for every single year from 1993 to 1999.
SQL: The First Look
Throughout this book we are going to use the ACME order management database of a fictitious hardware store. For
full a description of this database as well as detailed instructions on how to install it on the RDBMS of your choice (as
long as you choose Oracle 9i, Microsoft SQL Server 2000, or IBM DB2 UDB 8.1) please refer to Appendixes B and F,
respectively. The whirlwind tour of SQL for this chapter will be using ACME tables exclusively. We've tried to create as
generic as possible syntax that would be acceptable for every RDBMS discussed in the book.

Database example

As far as SQL is concerned the database starts with the CREATE statement. It is used to create all the objects that
comprise a database: tables, indices, constraints, and so on. We look into creating, altering, and destroying database
objects in Chapters 4 and 5.

You start with a CREATE TABLE statement. The syntax is virtually identical across all three databases: name of the
column and its data type, which defines what kind of information it will hold in the future.
status_id_n INT, status_code_s CHAR(2), status_desc_s VARCHAR(30) )

This statement executed against an RDBMS will create a structure — an empty table, with columns of the specified
data types: status id, status code, and description.

Cross-References Data types are discussed inChapter 3.

The procedure may be repeated as many times for as many tables you wish to add to your database. The
relationships between these tables will be defined through constraints. To keep this introduction simple none of the
constraints (or default values) are specified here.

Cross-References Constraints are discussed inChapter 4.

To dispose of a table (or many other objects in the RDBMS) one would issue a DROP statement:

Note In real life, referential integrity constraints may prevent you from dropping the table outright; in the Chapter 1 we
talked about what makes a database relational, in context of database integrity. You may need to disable
constraints or cascade them. More about referential integrity and constraints is in Chapters 4 and 5.

A database is more than just a collection of the tables; there are many more objects as well as associated processes
and structures that work together to keep and serve data; for now we can afford a more simplistic view.

Getting the data in and out

Once the tables are created, you probably would want to populate them with some data — after all, that's what
databases are for. The SQL defines four basic statements, which are fairly self-explanatory, to query and manipulate
data inside the database tables (Table 2-2). The exact uses of these statements will be discussed in depth in Chapters
6 through 9.
Table 2-2: Four Basic SQL Statements

SQL Statement Purpose

INSERT Adds new data to the table

UPDATE Updates data — i.e., changes existing values — in the database table

SELECT Retrieves data from database table

DELETE Removes data from the table

Note Later in the book you will learn of data definition language (DDL) (Chapters 4 and 5), data manipulation language
(DML) (Chapter 6), data query language (DQL) (Chapters 8 and 9), and data control language (DCL) (Chapter 12).
These are parts of SQL proper.

To add new status for the table created in the previous example one would use the following statement:

This statement could be entered directly through RDBMS access utility (Appendix E); in that case the database usually
would acknowledge insertion with a message, or would generate an error message if the insertion failed for some

Note The values for STATUS_CODE_S and STATUS_DESC_S are enclosed in single quotes because these columns are
of character data type. STATUS_ID_N is of numeric data type and does not need quotes.

If you need to change some existing data (e.g., an acquisition status code might be changed while other related data
elsewhere remains the same) you would use an UPDATE statement. Again, the syntax is completely portable across
the three RDBMS products used in the book — Oracle 9i Database Server, IBM DB2 UDB 8.1, and Microsoft SQL
Server 2000.
UPDATE status SET status_desc_s
= 'APPROVED' WHERE status_id_n = 8

You update on a column basis, listing all the columns you want to update with the values you want to change; if every
column in the record needs to be updated, they all must be listed with corresponding values.
UPDATE status SET status_desc_s
= 'APPROVED', status_code_s = '90' WHERE status_id_n = 8

The UPDATE statement has a WHERE clause to limit the number of updated rows to exactly one customer whose ID is
8; if omitted from the query, the result would be that the existing value will be replaced with a new one for each and
every customer.

The same applies to deleting data. If you need to completely remove a particular customer record from your database,
then you might issue the following command:
DELETE status WHERE status_id_n

Omitting the WHERE clause could be disastrous as all records in the table will be blown away; usually databases have
some built-in mechanisms for recovering deleted data, which does not mean that you should not pay attention to what
you're doing with the data.

The basic SELECT statement retrieves the data from a table or a view. You need to specify the columns you wish to be
included in the resultset.

Note View is a virtual table that is being populated at the very moment it is queried. Views are discussed in detail in
Chapter 4.

The following script selects CUSTOMER_NAME, ORDER_NUMBER and TOTAL_PRICE columns from the
customer_name, order_number, total_price FROM v_customer_totals customer_name
order_number total_price ----------------------- ---------------- -----------
COMPANY 523722 6608.00 WILE BESS
COMPANY 523723 11144.00 WILE ELECTROMUSICAL INC. 523726 6608.00 WILE

Slice and dice: Same data, different angle

There is always more than one way to look at data. SQL provides you with the means to manipulate data while
retrieving it. You can arrange the data in ascending or descending order by virtually any column in the table; you can
perform calculations while retrieving the data; you can impose some restrictions on what data should be displayed.
Here are just a few examples of these capabilities.

Basic SELECT query returns a resultset based on the selection criteria you've specified. What if one would like to see,
for instance, net sales figures, with state and federal taxes subtracted? You could perform fairly complex calculations
within the query itself. This example is based on the view V_CUSTOMER_TOTALS, which contains columns

Assuming tax at 8.5%, the query might look like follows:

SELECT customer_name,
order_number, (total_price–(total_price * 0.085)) net_sale FROM
v_customer_totals customer_name order_number net_sale ------------------------
------------------- -------- WILE BESS COMPANY 523720 6872.56 WILE BESS COMPANY
523721 7676.85 WILE BESS COMPANY 523722 6046.32 WILE BESS COMPANY 523723
523727 6046.32 WILE ELECTROMUSICAL INC. 523728 6046.32

Note By default, every column in the returned results has it is own name, in cases of calculated columns like the one in
the example above, RDBMS will use the whole string (SALE_AMOUNT-(SALE_AMOUNT * 0.085) as the name. For
readability, you may substitute this unwieldy string for something more descriptive using alias — in our case

The results returned by the query include calculated values; in other words, the original data from the table has been
transformed. SQL also provides several useful functions that could be used in the query to manipulate data as it is
being extracted.

Cross-References Chapter 10 gives an in-depth description of all popular functions and their uses
across three RDBMS vendors (IBM, Microsoft, and Oracle); Appendix G lists
virtually all SQL functions.

With SQL, you have full control over how data is displayed: you could order it by any column — alphabetically or
numerically. Let's say that you want the list of your companies and sales arranged according to the amount of sales for
each customer's order.
customer_name, order_number, (total_price–(total_price * 0.085)) net_sale FROM
v_customer_totals ORDER BY net_sale customer_name order_number net_sale
------------------------ -------------- -------- WILE ELECTROMUSICAL INC.
523728 6046.32 WILE BESS COMPANY 523722 6046.32 WILE BESS COMPANY 523720
6872.56 WILE BESS COMPANY 523721 7676.85 WILE BESS COMPANY 523723

Now you want to see the customers with the most sales at the top of the list; use DESC modifier (stands for
descending); default order is ascending.
customer_name, order_number, (total_price–(total_price * 0.085)) net_sale FROM
v_customer_totals ORDER BY net_sale DESC customer_name order_number net_sale
------------------------ -------------- -------- WILE BESS COMPANY 523723
10196.76 WILE BESS COMPANY 523721 7676.85 WILE BESS COMPANY 523720 6872.56 WILE
BESS COMPANY 523722 6046.32 WILE ELECTROMUSICAL INC. 523726 6046.32 WILE


Using SQL, you could transform your data while retrieving it. For instance, you need to know the total sum of the
sales. Let's assume your database contains the V_CUSTOMER_TOTALS view with the information for all the sales
you've had up to date; now you need to sum it up.

To find out your total for all orders across all products, you would use the SQL built-in SUM function; it will simply add
up all the amounts it finds in the TOTAL_PRICE column of the view.
SELECT SUM(total_price)
net_sale_total FROM v_custome_totals net_sale_total --------------

To find out the average size of the orders, you would run this query, using AVG aggregate function on the
SELECT AVG(total_price)
net_sale_average FROM v_custome_totals net_sale_average ----------------

In the real life you would want even further limit the query by requesting the average sales for a particular customer or
date range.

Using other predicates like GROUP_BY and HAVING , one could sum NET_SALE by customer, or date, or product, and
so on; grouping allows for aggregating within a group.

We used these samples just to give you a sense of what could be accomplished using SQL and RDBMS.

Cross-References See Chapter 10 for more on SQL functions, including aggregate functions.

Data security

SQL provides a number of built-in mechanisms for data security. It is fine-grained, though granularity greatly depends
on the particular implementation. Essentially, it comes down to granting access on the object level: ability to connect
and view a particular table or set of tables, execute particular command (e.g., ability to view data — execute SELECT
statement, while lacking privileges to INSERT new data).


Assuming that there is a user JOHN_DOE defined in the database, to grant a permission to this user, the following SQL
statement could be used:
v_custome_totals TO john_doe

To grant SELECT and UPDATE simultaneously one could use this syntax:
v_custome_totals TO john_doe

To revoke this privilege:

v_custome_totals FROM john_doe

Here is the syntax to quickly revoke all privilege from JOHN_DOE:

v_custome_totals FROM john_doe

One of the common mechanisms for implementing security is using views. A view is a way to limit the data accessible
to a user. You may think of a view as a virtual table: It could join columns from several tables in the database, limit the
number of columns available for viewing, and so on. It does not contain any data but fetches it on demand whenever a
SELECT statement is executed against it. For most practical purposes, selecting from a view is identical to selecting
from a table.

For example, the view V_CUSTOMER_TOTALS collects information from the CUSTOMER, ORDER_HEADER,
ORDER_LINE, and PRODUCT tables, while summing and grouping some data along the way.

Cross-References To see the full SQL syntax for creating view V_CUSTOMER_TOTALS, please refer to
Appendix B.

Cross-References Some views limit access to underlying data (e.g., no UPDATE or INSERT statements
could be executed). Views are discussed in Chapter 4.

There is much more to the security than discussed here; for example, all three RDBMS discussed in this book
implement role-based security, where individual users are assigned to a particular role (e.g., accountants) and all the
privileges are granted to the role.

Cross-References For a comprehensive discussion of the SQL security features, seeChapter 12.

Accessing data from a client application

A wide range of client applications is being used to access RDBMS data. They all use SQL to do that in two radically
different ways.

Embedded SQL allows users to create programs that can access RDBMS through SQL statements embedded in an
ANSI/ISO standard host programming language such as C or COBOL. That means that you program an application in
the standard programming language and switch to SQL only where there is a need to use a database. Usually vendors
provide special development tools to create such applications.

Dynamic SQL is all the embedded SQL is and then some more. The major difference is that dynamic SQL is not
blended into some programming language, but is rather built on the fly dynamically and passed to RDBMS as a simple
text. This allows for flexibility that embedded SQL cannot possibly have: there is no need in hard-coded tables names
or column names, or even database name — it all could be changed.

Cross-References Embedded and dynamic SQL are discussed inChapter 15.

New developments

The SQL99 standard also reflected a concept that had been evolving for quite some time — online analytical
processing (OLAP). It was neither a new nor an obscure concept. The OLAP council was established in 1995, and
most of the analysis was done manually since then. It soared in popularity with the advent of data warehousing —
another database-related concept.

OLAP is about making sense out of data: analyzing complex trends, viewing the data under a variety of different
angles; it transforms raw data into a multidimensional view, crafted to the user's perspective. OLAP queries could
answer more intelligent questions than plain SQL, asking, for example, "what would be the effects of burger sales if
prices of beef rise by 10 cents a pound?" These kinds of problems were usually solved with custom-made proprietary
applications; SQL99 introduced built-in support for it. OLAP products complement the RDBMS, and all three major
vendors (IBM, Oracle, and Microsoft) support it with some proprietary extensions. There are over 30 vendors on the
market supplying RDBMS-based OLAP solutions.

Another relatively new feature supported by SQL is eXtensible Markup Language (XML). XML is all about data
exchange. It is often called a self-describing format as it represents data in hierarchical structure, which, coupled with
eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL), provides for visual representation via a browser or serves as a data format
exchange between several parties.
Because it is an open standard that is not locked in by one particular vendor, it will be eventually supported by all
vendors, enabling truly universal data interoperability. One of the major strengths of XML is that it could be transferred
using HTTP protocol — the very protocol of the Internet — thus making any proprietary networks obsolete; it could be
encrypted for better security or sent over the Secure Socket Layer (SSL). This versatility comes at a price — XML is
inherently slower than compiled code, being a text that needs to be parsed and interpreted each time.
Any Platform, Any Time
SQL is different from standard programming languages such as C, Visual Basic, Java because it cannot be used to
create stand-alone applications. It does not exist outside some database engine that is capable of translating its
statements into machine language and execute. SQL does not have all the programming constructs that are the
staples of other languages: for example, conditional logic, loops, and use of variables.

While these deficiencies are being alleviated, first with the introduction of procedural extensions, and then adding
object-oriented features to SQL, it was never meant to be just another multipurpose programming language. This
"weakness" is the key to SQL ubiquity — since it is dependent on RDBMS to execute, it is the first truly
platform-independent language.

Every program is created by typing in some commands in plain ASCII. These commands are then compiled into binary
machine code executable files for most of the programming languages. The problem with this approach is that for
each and every platform the program has to be recompiled using the platform-specific compiler, e.g., a program
compiled for Microsoft Windows would not work on UNIX, and vice versa. The solution proposed by Java still requires
its platform-agnostic byte-code to be executed on platform-specific Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

An SQL query is created in very much the same way as the rest of the programs — by typing in SQL keywords; but
here the similarity ends. The SQL program could be stored as a simple ASCII file that could be copied on UNIX,
Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and so on — without any changes. Moreover, it could be opened, modified, and saved in
any of these operating systems with some standard editing tools; there is no need to take into consideration any
platform-specific features. As long as SQL remains a script, it is easily transferable between different platforms (but not
between different RDBMS!); in a sense, the RDBMS works like a JVM. Even when SQL becomes part of a host
language (e.g., embedded in a C program), it is still only text. It behaves in exactly the same way as HTML, which is
just a collection of ASCII characters until it is fed into some Web browser to be executed. In case of SQL, its
statements need to be sent to an RDBMS to be translated into executable machine codes; all it needs is a
platform-specific database engine implementation.

One of the truly platform-independent features of SQL are basic data types: no matter whether you execute your SQL
on UNIX or Windows (32-bit or 64-bit OS), the size and the structure of the reserved storage blocks will be exactly the
same. INTEGER data type will always be 4 bytes and DOUBLE data type will occupy 8 bytes no matter what
(proprietary data types might behave differently, depending on implementation). It may sound like an obvious thing,
but this is not the case with all other programming languages. For C programming language INTEGER is 4 bytes on a
32-bit OS and 8 bytes on a 64-bit OS. (Of course, this also might depend on particular C compiler.) More about data
types in Chapter 3.

In a sense, SQL shares the idea of platform independence with the Java programming language: just as Java Virtual
Machine translates Java byte-code into platform-specific machine code, RDBMS executes platform-independent SQL
code, translating it into OS machine-specific code. Because of this, an SQL program written using Notepad on
Windows could be run by an Oracle RDBMS installed on UNIX or Linux.

Note Oracle 9i database (different editions) is available for Sun SPARC Solaris, HP-UX, Compaq TRU64 UNIX, IBM
OS/390 (MVS), Compaq Alpha Open VMS, Microsoft Windows (NT4.0/2000/XP and 95/98/Me), Linux(Intel), and

IBM DB2 UDB 8.1 software (different editions) could be installed on IBM OS/2, Microsoft Windows
(NT4.0/2000/XP and 95/98), Linux, IBM AIX, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, NUMA-Q, and SGI IRIX.

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (different editions) is available for Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000
Advanced Server, Windows 2000 Datacenter Server, Windows XP (both Professional and Home Edition),
Windows 2000 Professional, Windows NT (SP5 or later), Windows Millennium (Me), and Windows 98; Microsoft
SQL Server CE also is available for Windows CE.

It was noted before, that there are numerous differences between dialects of SQL: a query written for SQL Server
2000, for example, might not execute on IBM DB2 UDB, and vise versa. But a query that runs on Oracle installed on
Windows would require no changes to be executed on Oracle installed on Linux or UNIX. That, in turn, means that as
long as one uses SQL features and keywords that are common across all three databases, exactly the same query
could run — unchanged! — by any of these RDBMS.

There are virtually dozens of RDBMS products out there running on every imaginable platform (OS): Sybase, Ingres,
Informix, Empress, MySQL, mSQL, PostgreSQL, LEAP RDBMS, FirstBase, Ocelot, Progress, Typhoon, SQL/DS,
Daffodil DB, Compaq Non-Stop SQL/MX & SQL/MP, Linter RDBMS SQL, Interbase, UniVerse, GNU SQL Server — to
name just a few, and new developments continue to sprout.

Note It is worth noticing that, although the overwhelming majority of RDBMS vendors choose to have their product
ANSI-compliant, there are small segments of the market that run proprietary databases that use sometimes
proprietary, non-SQL, language.

Of course, each of these RDBMS sports its own SQL dialect, but the good news is that majority of these are SQL
standard-compliant. Basic SQL statements in every implementation require either no changes or very few changes to
be executed on any of them; you could easily adapt your knowledge of SQL to any of these systems.
SQL is not just another programming language, it is a database language designed specifically to retrieve and
manipulate data.

There is an SQL standard that is generally supported by all the major RDBMS vendors; though one must pay close
attention to the dialect used by any particular RDBMS, SQL is nevertheless lingua franca of the database world.

Using SQL, you can create (and destroy) a number of database objects, insert, select, update or delete data.

There are two different types of SQL used in the client applications — embedded SQL and dynamic SQL — and each
has its own use.

OLAP is relatively new to SQL. Part of the rapidly evolving field of business intelligence, OLAP facilitates analyzing
data for business support information.

XML has emerged as a standard data exchange format, with pledged support by virtually every vendor in the field.
Some of the RDBMS products (and all three major RDBMS vendors chosen for this book) are coming up with a native
support for XML — an open standard for structuring and describing data. It is becoming the de-facto data exchange
standard for the industry, especially over the Internet.
Chapter 3: SQL Data Types

Previously we defined database as an organized collection of information. Not only does that mean that data have to
be organized according to a company's business rules, but also the database organization should reflect the nature of
the information. Databases can store dollar amounts, quantities, names, date and time values, binary files, and more.
These can be further classified by type, which reflects the "nature" of the data: numbers, characters, dates, etc.

Note Data type is a characteristic of a database table column that determines what kind of data it can hold.

One can ask: why do we need data types at all? Wouldn't it be easier simply have one uniform data type and store
everything, let's say, in the form of character strings?

There are many reasons why we don't do that. Some of them are historical. For example, when relational databases
were born in the late twentieth century, hard disk space and memory storage were at premium, so the idea was to
store everything as efficiently as possible. Already existing programming languages had some built-in rules for how to
store different types of data. For example, any English character (plus special characters and digits) could be
represented using its ASCII equivalent and the necessary storage for it was one byte (more about ASCII later in this
chapter). Numbers are traditionally stored in the form of binary strings (native to computer architecture). To represent
a number from negative 32,768 to positive 32,767, two bytes (or sixteen bits) of storage are sufficient (2 ). But if we
used ASCII characters to represent numbers, we would need six bytes to store any integer greater than 9,999 (five
bytes for digits, and one for the plus or minus sign), five bytes for whole numbers greater than 999 (four bytes for
digits, one byte for the sign), and so on. Now imagine — if we have a million of records, we could save four million
bytes (about 4M). Sounds like almost nothing today, but back in the 1970s that was incredibly large storage space.
The principle of effectiveness is still in place, of course, but now we are talking different scales.

Note One byte consists of eight bits. Each bit is a binary number that can either be 0 or 1. All information is stored in
memory or on the hard disk in form of ones and zeroes, representing the only two states computers understand:
zero means no signal, and one indicates the presence of the signal.

Another reason is logical consistency. Every data type has its own rules, sort order, relations with other data types,
implicit conversion rules, and so on. It is definitely easier to work with sets of like values, say dates, rather than with a
mixture of dates, numbers, and character strings. Try comparing library shelves where all materials are sorted and
classified (fiction is in one room, kids' literature in another, audio books in their special area, videotapes somewhere
else) with a pile of chaotically mixed books, tapes, white papers, and CDs and think what would you prefer for finding

And the last thing to mention — some modern data types (particularly movie files) are too large and too complicated to
store them in a traditional way. Now we are going to discuss existing SQL data types in more details.
No Strings Attached
Generally all strings could be divided into character strings (to store plain text) and binary strings which contain either
machine code (computer programs) or special binary instructions for other programs.

Character strings

A character string can be defined simply as a sequence of bytes. The length of the string is the number of bytes in the
sequence. A string of zero length is called an empty string. It can be an equivalent to NULL (special concept introduced
at the end of this chapter) or not, depending on implementation. SQL99 specifically differentiates between empty
strings and nulls.

All strings in SQL can be of fixed length or varying length. The difference is quite simple, but sometimes not very easy
to understand for people with no technical background, so let us explain it in some greater detail.

Fixed-length character strings

If you define string to be of a fixed length, the system preallocates the desired number of bytes in memory and/or
computer hard disk. It does not matter if the actual value to be stored in that string is exactly that many bytes, twice
smaller, or just one character long — it is still going to occupy the whole allocated space (unused bytes will be padded
with blank characters), so all strings will have exactly the same length. For example, imagine you defined a column
DATABASE as having a character field of length 13, and now we want to store three strings in that column: ORACLE,
UDB2, and MS SQL SERVER. Figure 3-1 illustrates the results of that operation. Note that all strings are exactly 13
bytes long.

Figure 3-1: Fixed-length character string storage

Character strings of varying length

If you define DATABASE column as a varying-length string with maximum 13 characters to store, the picture will be
different. The actual memory or disk space required to hold our values is allocated dynamically. As a result, all three
strings will be of different length and will require different numbers of bytes to hold them. String ORACLE occupies 6
bytes, DB2 UDB — 4 bytes and MS SQL SERVER takes maximum allowed 13 bytes. (See Figure 3-2.)

Figure 3-2: Varying-length character string storage

Here is the general platform-independent recommendation: use a fixed-length data type when your values are
expected to be of the same size, and a varying-length one for values when size is expected to vary considerably. In
the example above it rather looks logical to use the varying-length strings, but if we need a column to store, say,
gender in form M or F, a fixed-length string is more appropriate.

National character strings

Even though English is a very popular language, it is not the only language on Earth. And in spite of the fact that
practically all major software companies reside in the United States, the market dictates its own rules. For example,
Oracle is a very popular database vendor around the world with customers in China, India, Korea, Germany, France,
Israel, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and many other countries.
Note Oracle has customers in 145 countries. But would that be the case if the English language was the only option
customers were able to use? Most likely, the answer is "no." Customers have to be able to store and use
information in their native language — otherwise they would rather use some less-efficient and/or more expensive
DBMS vendor who provides that option.

Now we have a little bit of a problem. So far we've used terms "character" and "byte" as synonyms. Byte is a computer
term for a unit of information storage that consists of 8 bits. Each bit can either be 1 or 0 and the combination of 8 bits
allows us to store 256 (2 ) distinct values (or 256 different characters represented by numbers from 0 to 255). That
looks like a lot, but ... not actually. We need separate holders for uppercase and lowercase letters, punctuation marks,
digits, math symbols, and so on. That barely leaves space for distinct characters used in other languages that employ
the Latin alphabet. And what about the ones which don't? There are about 3,000 different languages in the world,
dead and living, in addition to constructed languages like J.R.R. Tolkien's Quenya, Sindanin, or Entish, and most of
them have their own distinct alphabets!

Note ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) was published in 1968 as a standard of ANSI. It
uses the aforementioned 256 holders to store different characters, and it remains a useful standard to this day.

The solution seems to be rather intuitive — use two bytes per character instead of one. That allows 65,535 (2 )
distinct combinations, which is enough to store all existing characters from every major language on Earth.

SQL has two data types to store strings in national characters — national character string and national character string
of varying length — that behave in exactly same way as previously described character string and character string of
varying length correspondingly, but use the two-byte Unicode standard. So, if you declared your DATABASE column
as a national character field of size 13, it would still hold 13 characters, but would reserve 2 bytes for each letter, for a
total of 26 bytes. The difference is, now it can hold the names from previous examples spelled in practically any
language, for example, in Russian. Figure 3-3 illustrates that.

Figure 3-3: Fixed-length Unicode character storage

Figure 3-4 shows same concept for national characters of varying length.

Figure 3-4: Varying-length Unicode character storage

Introducing Unicode

The ultimate successor to ASCII is Unicode. It is a standard double-byte character set that assigns a unique
number to every single character, so all of them can be represented in one character set. To speak in database
terminology, the Unicode character number serves as a primary key to index virtually all the world's characters.
(Another good example of database use!) The Unicode standard has been adopted by such industry leaders as
Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Sun, Sybase, Unisys, and many others. Unicode is required by modern
standards such as XML, Java, JavaScript, CORBA, WML, HTML, and is the official way to implement ISO
standard 10646. It is supported in many operating systems, all modern browsers, major RDBMS vendors, and
many other products. The emergence of the Unicode standard and the availability of tools supporting it are
among the most significant recent global software technology trends.
Note In Russian Oracle is spelled with only five characters rather than six in English, so only five memory (or hard disk)
holders are occupied, but now each holder is two bytes long.

Let's talk about SQL99 standards and implementation specifics for all types of character strings. These are
summarized in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1: Major Vendor Implementations Character String Data Types

SQL99 Oracle 9i DB2 UDB 8.1 MS SQL SERVER 2000


[(n)] [(n)] [(n)] CHAR[ACTER]


NCHAR[(n)] OR NCHAR[(n)] NCHAR[(n)]




SQL99 has two major character sets: CHARACTER and CHARACTER VARYING. In addition, there are also NATIONAL

CHARACTER can also be abbreviated with CHAR . The size can optionally be specified in the form CHARACTER(n). For
example, CHARACTER(15) can hold character strings up to 15 characters long. If size is omitted, the default is 1. An
error occurs if one tries to store a string that is bigger than the size declared.

CHARACTER VARYING can be abbreviated with CHAR VARYING or VARCHAR. You have to specify the maximum size
for strings to be stored, for example, CHARACTER VARYING(15) holds 15-character strings, or smaller.

default data type for the country of implementation. This is a fixed-length character string data type.

SET < char_set_name> , CHAR VARYING CHARACTER SET < char_set_name> ) is a varying-length country-specific
character string data type.

CLOB is a new SQL99 data type to store large nondatabase-structured text objects of varying size and complexity,
such as employees' resumes, collections of papers, books, and other similar data.

Oracle 9i
Oracle is fully compliant with SQL99 standards for character strings.

CHAR is used for fixed-length strings. The default length for a CHAR column is 1 byte with a maximum
of 2,000 bytes.

VARCHAR2 is an Oracle data type to store varying-length character strings. It does not have the
default length, so you have to specify a value from 1 to 4,000 (maximum number of bytes for

NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 are used to store fixed-length and varying-length national character strings.
Beginning with Oracle9i, they were redefined to be Unicode-only data types and can hold up to 2,000
and 4,000 characters (not bytes!) correspondingly. That means if you declare a column to be
CHAR(100) it will allocate 100 bytes per column, but NCHAR(100) Unicode-based column requires 200

Note The VARCHAR data type in Oracle is currently a synonym toVARCHAR2. If you declare a column
as VARCHAR(30), it will be converted it toVARCHAR2(30) automatically. Oracle does not
recommend the use of VARCHAR as a data type, but rather recommendsVARCHAR2 instead
because keyword VARCHAR may be later used in some different way.

CLOB and NCLOB can store up to four gigabytes of data in Oracle. Both fixed-length and
variable-length character sets are supported. CLOB uses the CHAR database character set, and
NCLOB stores Unicode data using the national character set.

LONG is an old Oracle data type to store variable-length character strings containing up to two
gigabytes. It is similar to VARCHAR2, but has many limitations. For example, you cannot use LONG in
the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement (discussed in Chapter 8), a table can't have more than one
LONG column, it can't be indexed, and so on. Oracle strongly recommends to discontinue the use of
the LONG data type and use CLOB instead.

Note Oracle has synonyms for SQL99 compatibility. For example, you can use CHARACTER(100)
rather than CHAR(100) or CHARACTER VARYING rather than VARCHAR2 to attain the same
results. See Table 3-1 for more details.

DB2 UDB 8.1

DB2 has following character string data types:

CHARACTER is compliant with SQL99 standards. The maximum length is 254 characters. The default
length is 1.

VARCHAR is used for varying-length strings and has a maximum of 32,672 characters.

LONG VARCHAR is virtually same as VARCHAR, but can hold larger values (up to 32,700) and can't
be limited to a certain number of characters.

CLOB types are SQL99 compliant varying-length strings of up to two gigabytes. An optional maximum
length can be supplied in kilobytes (K|k), megabytes (M|m), or gigabytes (G|g). For example, CLOB
(10M) would allow maximum of 10,048,576 characters.

GRAPHIC is a rough DB2 equivalent to NATIONAL CHARACTER. It is a double-byte data type, which
may range from 1 to 127 characters. If the length specification is omitted, a length of 1 is assumed.

VARGRAPHIC is a varying-length double-byte character string data type, comparable to SQL99

NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING. The range is from 1 to 16,336.

LONG VARGRAPHIC is similar to VARGRAPHIC with a maximum length of 16,350. It does not have an
optional length limit to be supplied by user.

DBCLOB is a double-byte equivalent to CLOB. Maximum storage is one gigabyte of character data.
DBCLOB accepts a maximum length in the same way as CLOB.
Note GRAPHIC, VARGRAPHIC, and DBCLOB data types are not supported in the Personal Edition of
DB2 supplied with your book.

See Table 3-1 for more information.

MS SQL Server 2000

The following character string data types are supported by MS SQL Server:

CHAR and VARCHAR are used for fixed-length and variable-length character data correspondingly.
The maximum length is 8,000 characters. Unlike Oracle, you don't have to specify length for
VARCHAR — it defaults to 1 like CHAR .

TEXT is similar to VARCHAR, but can hold much larger values. Its maximum length is two gigabytes or
2 – 1 (2,147,483,647) characters.

NCHAR and NVARCHAR, and NTEXT are Unicode equivalents to CHAR , VARCHAR, and TEXT. NCHAR
and NVARCHAR can hold up to 4,000 characters; NTEXT is much larger — one gigabyte or 2 –1
(1,073,741,823) characters.

For SQL99 compatibility synonyms see Table 3-1. If one data type has more than one name (or synonym) the most
widely used name is given in italics.

Character string literals

The terms literal and constant refer to a fixed data value, for instance
'Frozen Margarita' 'ALEX'
'2003/08/07' '10101101'

are all character literals. Character literals are enclosed in single quotes. To represent one single quotation mark
within a literal, you can enter two single quotation marks:

Character literals are surprisingly consistent between all our three major vendors, with only slight variations. For
example, MS SQL Server allows double quotes for character literals instead of single ones if the option
QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is set off for a connection. To represent a national character set literal, it has to be preceded by
capital letter N (DB2 understands G in addition to N):
N'Jack Smith' N'Boris M.
Trukhnov' N'123 OAK ST.'

Text entered using this notation is translated into the national character set.

Binary strings

A binary string is a sequence of bytes in the same way that a character string is, but unlike character strings that
usually contain information in the form of text, a binary string is used to hold nontraditional data such as images, audio
and video files, program executables, and so on. Binary strings may be used for purposes similar to those of character
strings (e.g., to store documents in MS Word format), but the two data types are not compatible; the difference being
like text and a photo of the same text. Binary string data types are summarized in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2: Binary String Data Types

SQL99 Oracle 9i DB2 UDB 8.1 MS SQL SERVER 2000





Character vs. Special Files

It might sound a little bit confusing — why plain text documents can be stored as character strings, and a Word
document has to be treated as a binary string. The thing is, a Word file is a text document from user's point of
view, but from computer storage perspective it is not. In addition to plain text characters it contains many special
signs and instructions that only MS Word software can interpret. The same is true for any other special files —
bitmaps, spreadsheets, audio and video files, and so forth. You can think of it in this way: a special file (e.g., of
the DOC, XLS, BMP, or AVI type) is like a tape for VCR, whereas a program (MS Word, Excel, Paint,
QuickTime Player) is like a VCR. You have to have a VCR to play a tape, and it has to be the right VCR — if you
try to play a standard US VHS tape in NTSC format on a European video recorder (PAL format), it's not going to
work. You might see some blinking on your screen, you will hear some noise, but you will definitely not be able
to watch the movie. Just try to open a Word file with, say, Notepad and you will see what we are talking about.


SQL99 has following data types to store binary strings: BIT, BIT VARYING, and BLOB.

BIT is a fixed-length binary string somewhat similar to CHAR . If you declare a column to be BIT(100),
100 bytes will be allocated in memory/disk, and if the object you store is just 60 bytes, it's still going to
occupy all 100 bytes.

BIT VARYING is similar to VARCHAR — even if you specify BIT VARYING(100) to be the data type
lasting the previous example, it will only take 60 bytes to store the object.

BLOB is a binary equivalent to CLOB.

Oracle 9i

Oracle doesn't have an equivalent to SQL99 BIT, but has two data types that correspond to BIT VARYING — RAW and
LONG RAW . BLOB data type is also supported.

RAW can hold a maximum of 2,000 bytes. The size has to be specified.

LONG RAW can accumulate up to two gigabytes of data. This data type is obsolete, and Oracle
strongly recommends converting it to BLOB.

BLOB can store up to four gigabytes of binary data in Oracle.

DB2 UDB 8.1

The only data type for binary strings in DB2 is BLOB, which can be up to 2 gigabytes long.

MS SQL Server 2000

MS SQL Server has three different data types for binary strings: BINARY, VARBINARY, and IMAGE.

BINARY is a fixed-length data type to store binary data. The size can be specified from 1 to 8,000; the
actual storage volume is size + 4 bytes.

VARBINARY can hold variable-length binary data. The size is from 1 through 8,000. Storage size is
the actual length of the data entered + 4 bytes. The data entered can be 0 bytes in length.

IMAGE is a variable-length binary data type that can hold from 0 through 2,147,483,647 bytes (two
gigabytes) of data.

Binary string literals

MS SQL Server allows literals for binary string fields (BINARY, VARBINARY, IMAGE) either in the form of hexadecimal
numbers prefixed with 0x or as binary strings. The value has to be unquoted:

MS SQL Server implicitly converts these literals into appropriate binary format. Oracle and DB2 don't have binary
string literals; the values have to be converted into proper format using special functions (see Chapter 10).

Note Literals are barely needed for large objects that can store gigabytes of data. In most cases LOBs are not
manipulated by traditional SQL statements, but rather accessed by special programs and interfaces that know
how to handle such objects without reading them directly into memory.
In Numbers Strength

All numeric data could generally be divided into two categories: exact numbers and approximate numbers.

Exact numbers

Exact numbers can either be whole integers (numeric primary keys, quantities, such as number of items ordered, age)
or have decimal points (prices, weights, percentages). Numbers can be positive and negative and have precision and
scale. Precision determines the maximum total number of decimal digits that can be stored (both to the left and to the
right of the decimal point). Scale specifies the maximum number of decimals allowed. Exact numeric data types are
summarized in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3: Exact Numeric Data Types

SQL99 Oracle 9i DB2 UDB 8.1 MS SQLSERVER 2000





NUMERIC[(p[,s])] OR NUMERIC[(p[,s])] NUMERIC[(p[,s])] NUMERIC[(p[,s])]



[(p[,s])] [(p[,s])] [(p[,s])]




SQL99 specifies the following data types for exact numbers: INTEGER, SMALLINT, NUMERIC, DECIMAL (as well as
some synonyms found in Table 3-3).

INTEGER represents countable numbers; its precision is implementation-specific.

SMALLINT is virtually same as INTEGER, but maximum precision can be smaller than that for

NUMERIC data type supports storage of numbers with specific decimal component as well as whole
numbers. Optional scale specifies the number of decimal locations supported.

DECIMAL is very similar to NUMERIC. The only difference is the precision (but not the scale) used by a
vendor-specific implementation can be greater than that used in declaration.

Oracle 9i

Oracle has one data type, NUMBER , to represent all numeric data and numerous synonyms for it to comply with
SQL99 (see Table 3-3). INTEGER and SMALLINT will translate into NUMBER(38); NUMERIC and DECIMAL will be
substituted with NUMBER . The NUMBER data type stores zero, positive, and negative fixed and floating-point numbers
–130 125
with magnitudes between 1.0 * 10 and 9.9...9 * 10 with 38 digits of precision. The space is allocated
dynamically, so Oracle claims having one numeric data type for all numeric data won't hurt performance.
DB2 UDB 8.1

DB2 has four data types for exact numbers: INTEGER, SMALLINT, BIGINT , and DOUBLE.

INTEGER is a four-byte integer with a precision of 10 digits. It can store values from negative 2
(2,147,483,648) to positive 2 – 1 (2,147,483,647).

Precision and Scale for NUMERIC and DECIMAL Datatypes

NUMERIC and DECIMAL values' scale and precision often cause confusion. Please remember,
precision specifies the maximum number of ALL digits allowed for a value. For example, if a
hypothetic table has these columns
column1 NUMERIC(10, 4)
column2 NUMERIC(10,2) column3 NUMERIC(10,0)

then the maximum number you can store in column1 is 999,999.9999; column2 can hold values
up to 99,999,999.99 inclusive; and column3 is good enough for 9,999,999,999. To determine
the maximum number of figures before the decimal point, subtract scale from precision. If you
try to insert a value with more figures before the decimal point than column allows, you will get
an error, but values with more decimal points than specified will simply be rounded. For
example, 999,999.9999 inserted into column2 (or column3) will be rounded to 1,000,000, but
an attempt to set column1 to 99,999,999.99 would fail.

SMALLINT is reserved for smaller size integers. The storage size is two bytes, and the range is from
15 15
negative 2 (32,768) to positive 2 – 1 (32,767).

BIGINT is an eight-byte integer with precision of 19 digits. It ranges from negative 2 –1
(9,223,372,036,854,775,808) to positive 2 (9,223,372,036,854,775,807).

DECIMAL data type (corresponds to NUMERIC) is designated for decimal numbers with an implicit
decimal point. The maximum precision is 31 digits, and the range is from negative 2 + 1 to positive
2 – 1.

MS SQL Server 2000

MS SQL Server has more numeric data types for exact numeric data than Oracle and DB2. In addition to INT, BIGINT ,

31 31
INT (or INTEGER) is to store whole numbers from negative 2 to positive 2 – 1. It occupies four

63 63
BIGINT is to store large integers from negative 2 through positive 2 – 1. The storage size is eight
bytes. BIGINT is intended for special cases where INTEGER range is"not sufficient.

15 15
SMALLINT is for smaller integers ranging from negative 2 to positive 2 –1

TINYINT is convenient for small nonnegative integers from 0 through 255. It only takes one byte to
store such number.

DECIMAL is compliant with SQL99 standards. NUMERIC is a synonym to DECIMAL. (See Table 3.3 for
38 38
other synonyms.) Valid values are in the range from negative 10 +1 through positive 10 – 1.

MONEY is a special eight-byte MS SQL Server data type to represent monetary and currency values.
The range is from negative 922,337,203,685,477.5808 to positive 922,337,203,685,477.5807 with
accuracy to a ten-thousandth.
SMALLMONEY is another monetary data type designated for smaller amounts. It is four bytes long and
can store values from negative 214,748.3648 to positive 214,748.3647 with the same accuracy as

Note Why have special data types for monetary values? One good reason is consistency. Probably all
accountants know how much trouble so-called rounding errors can cause. For example, one
column for dollar amounts is declared as NUMERIC(12,2) and another isNUMERIC(14,4). If we
operate large sums, discrepancies can easily reach hundreds and even thousands of dollars.
From another point of view, many different data types for virtually the same entities can cause
confusion, so Oracle has its reasons for allowing only one data type for all numeric data. We'll let
you decide which approach has more validity.

Literals for exact numbers

Literals for exact numbers are represented by string of numbers optionally preceded by plus or minus signs with an
optional decimal part for NUMERIC and DECIMAL data types separated by a dot (.):
123 -33.45

Oracle optionally allows enclosing literals in single quotes:

'123' '-677.34'

Note MS SQL Server has literal formats for MONEY and SMALLMONEY data types represented as strings of numbers
with an optional decimal point optionally prefixed with a currency symbol:

Selecting Correct Data Types

The incorrect use of data types is quite typical for inexperienced database developers and can result in serious

For example, defining a money-related field as a FLOAT or NUMERIC(12,1) causes rounding errors.
(Accountants are just going to hate you!) Insufficient precision for a primary key column (say, ORDHDR_ID_N
NUMBER(5) in an ORDER_HEADER table) will work for a while, but after inserting a certain number of records
(99,999 in our case), you will not be able to insert new rows anymore — the next value for the primary key
(100,000) won't fit NUMBER(5) precision.

The last example is easily fixable — the precision of a numeric column can easily be adjusted (more details in
the next chapter). That is one of the benefits of a relational database over the old legacy systems. But still, it
might take some time to figure out what causes the problem and fix it, and if your database is, for example, a
large 24/7 order management system, your users are not going to be happy with the delay.

Approximate numbers

Approximate numbers are numbers that cannot be represented with absolute precision (or don't have a precise value).
Approximate numeric data types are summarized in Table 3-4.
Table 3-4: Approximate Numeric Data Types

SQL99 Oracle 9i DB2 UDB 8.1 MS SQL SERVER 2000

FLOAT[(p)] FLOAT[(p)] FLOAT[(p)] FLOAT[(p)]





Note A classic example is number p, which is usually approximated to 3.14. The number was known in ancient Babylon
and Egypt some 4,500 years ago and has been a matter of interest for mathematicians from Archimedes to
modern scientists. As of today, 206,158,430,208 (3 * 2 ) decimal digits of p have been calculated. It would take
approximately forty million pages, or fifty thousand volumes to store it in written form!


SQL99 specifies the following data types for approximate numbers: FLOAT, REAL, and DOUBLE PRECISION.

FLOAT is to store floating-point numbers with precision optionally specified by user.

REAL is similar to FLOAT, but its precision is fixed.

DOUBLE PRECISION is virtually the same as REAL, but with a greater precision.

Oracle 9i

As we already know, Oracle has one numeric data type, NUMBER , for both exact and approximate numbers. Another
supported data type is FLOAT, which is mostly used to represent binary precision. The maximum decimal precision for
FLOAT is 38; maximum binary precision is 126.

Note In addition to positive precision, Oracle allows negative precision as well. For example, if you have a column
specified as NUMBER (10, –2), all inserted values will be implicitly rounded to the second significant digit. For
example, 6,345,454,454.673 will be stored as 6,345,454,500

DB2 UDB 8.1

DB2 has REAL single-precision data type as well as DOUBLE double-precision data type for approximate numbers.
FLOAT is a synonym to DOUBLE.

REAL is a four-byte long approximation of a real number. The range is from negative 3.402E + 38 to
negative 1.175E – 37 or from positive 1.175E – 37 to 3.402E + 38. It also includes 0.

DOUBLE requires eight bytes of storage and is much more precise than REAL . The number can be
zero or can range from –1.79769E + 308 to –2.225E – 307, or from 2.225E - 307 to 1.79769E + 308.

MS SQL Server 2000

MS SQL Server has one data type for floating-point numbers — FLOAT. It also has a number of synonyms for SQL99
compliance (Table 3-4).

FLOAT data type can hold the same range of real numbers as DOUBLE in DB2. The actual storage size can be either
four or eight bytes.

Literals for approximate numbers

In addition to literals for exact numbers you can specify a real number as two numbers separated by upper- or
lowercase character E (scientific notation). Both numbers may include plus or minus; the first number may also include
a decimal point:
+1.23E2 -3.345e1

The value of the constant is the product of the first number and the power of 10 specified by the second number.
Once Upon a Time: Date and Time Data Types
Handling dates and times is probably one of the most complicated and inconsistent topics in SQL. According to our
personal experiences, operations with dates often cause confusion and even frustration not only among database
users, but in the developers' community, too.

Introduction to complex data types

One of the problems is dates are not actually what they look like. So far we were talking only about simple data types
that store one value per row. Date and time data types hold a number of elements (year, day, month, hour, etc.). In
programming, such data types are called complex and are often represented as structures. When returned as a
database query result, date and time fields appear like strings, but in fact they rather are parts of structures, similar to
ones in the example below. (We don't use any specific programming language in this example, but rather some kind of

The displayed value just formats and concatenates the fields of this structure. For example, for the YYYY/DD/MM
format, the pseudocode may look like this:

Note The Dot (.) notation used in the above example is explained inChapter 1.

These structures should also have some methods to handle situations when users want to display dates and times in
different formats, for example to display time on the 12- or 24-hour scale, show day of week for a certain date, display
century, convert it into a different time zone, and so on.

We'll talk more about complex data types later in this chapter.

Date and time implementations

As we've mentioned before, date and time data types are mandated by SQL99 and handled by different RDBMS
implementations quite in a different way. Date and time data types are summarized in Table 3-5.

Table 3-5: Date and Time Data Types

SQL99 Oracle 9i DB2 UDB 8.1 MS SQL SERVER 2000








DATE data type is a structure that consists of three elements: year, month, and day. The year is a
four-digit number that allows values from 0000 through 9999; the month is a two-digit element with
values from 01 through 12; and the day is another two-digit figure with range from 01 through 31.
SQL99 does not have any strict rules on how to implement DATE internally, so vendors can make
their own decisions. One vendor could choose something similar to the structures above; others could
implement characters, numbers with different scale, and so on.

TIME consists of hour, minute, and second components. The hour is a number from 00 to 23, the
minute is a two-digit number from 00 to 59, and the second is either another integer from 00 to 61 or a
decimal number with scale of 5 and precision of 3 that can hold values from 00.000 to 61.999.

Note The range of values for seconds greater than 59 is to handle the representation of leap seconds,
occasionally added to Earth's time. None of our three major vendors has that feature

TIMESTAMP is a combination of DATE and TIME data types and includes year, month, day, hour,
minute, and second.

TIME WITH TIME ZONE is basically an improvement to the TIME data type. It stores time zone
information in addition to standard TIME elements.

TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE is an extension to the TIMESTAMP with information on time zone.

Oracle 9i


DATE is a slightly confusing data type, because in spite of its name it stores both date and time
information and rather corresponds to SQL99 TIMESTAMP . In addition to standard SQL99
TIMESTAMP fields (year, month, date, hour, minute, and second), it also includes century.

TIMESTAMP data type is practically same as DATE, but you can specify an optional precision for the
number of digits in the fractional part of seconds. The valid values are numbers from 0 to 9 with the
default of 6.

TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type speaks for itself. The only difference from TIMESTAMP is a
time zone displacement included in its value, which is the difference in hours and minutes between
local time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data type is another variation of TIMESTAMP (or TIMESTAMP
WITH TIME ZONE). The difference is that it is normalized to the database time zone and the
displacement value is not stored with it, but when users query the column, the result is returned in
user's local session time zone.


This example will help you to understand the difference between TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP

Imagine ACME expanded, and it now has its offices all around the world. John is a head of
Sales department located in Seattle, WA, and needs to see all new invoices created yesterday
at each location. (We assume each location has its own database, and the databases can
communicate to each other.) The problem is, one of the offices is in New York, another one is
in Amsterdam, yet another is located in Bangkok, and so on; of course, each location is in its
own time zone. But as far as John is concerned, he wants to see all new orders created
whatever is considered to be yesterday in Seattle, in other words, according to the Pacific
Standard Time (PST). Each of the mentioned offices belongs to a different time zone, without
even mentioning the Daylight Savings. So, 08/31/2003 6:00 PM in Seattle is equivalent to
08/31/2003 9:00 PM in New York, 09/01/2003 3:00 AM in Amsterdam, and 09/01/2003 8:00 AM
in Bangkok. That means not only different days, but even different months!

If the data type of ORDER_HEADER.ORDHDR_INVOICEDATE_D column is TIMESTAMP , John

would need a report that programmatically translates all the different locations' invoice dates
into PST.

Life would definitely be easier if we declared ORDHDR_INVOICEDATE_D as a TIMESTAMP WITH

LOCAL TIME ZONE — then each time John queries a remote database from Seattle the result is
returned in his session's time, that is, invoices created in Bangkok at 8 AM on September 1
(Thailand local time) will appear as belonging to August 31 Pacific Standard Time.

INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH data type stores a period of time using year and month fields.

INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND data type can store a period of time in days, hours, minutes, and

Caution The Oracle format value for minutes is MI, not MM like most other databases. So, be aware
that if you want specify a time format it should look like HH:MI:SS , not HH:MM:SS . MM in Oracle
stands for months.

DB2 UDB 8.1

DB2 has three standard SQL99 date and time data types — DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP .

DATE consists of year, month, and day. The range of the year part is 0001 to 9999; month can be
from 1 to 12; and the day part ranges from 1 to 28, 29, 30, or 31, depending on the month. DATE in
DB2 is stored internally as a string of four bytes. Each byte represents two decimal digits. The first two
bytes are for the year, the third is reserved for the month, and the fourth one holds day value. The
length of a DATE column is 10 bytes to fit character string representation in literals.

TIME data type is represented internally as a string of three bytes — one byte for hours, one for
minutes, and one for seconds. Hour ranges from 0 to 24 (if value is 24, minutes and seconds will be
all zeroes). Minute and second components have to be from 0 through 59. The length of a TIME
column in DB2 is 8 bytes to allow the appropriate length for a character string representation.

TIMESTAMP data type is a combination of DATE and TIME elements plus a microsecond component.
The internal representation is a string of ten bytes (four DATE bytes, three TIME bytes, and additional
three bytes for microseconds). The length of a TIMESTAMP column is 26 bytes.

MS SQL Server 2000

MS SQL Server has two date and time data types, DATETIME and SMALLDATETIME that both represent the
combination of date and time values, but have different ranges.

DATETIME can store values from 01/01/1753 to 12/31/9999 with accuracy of 0.00333 seconds. It is
stored internally as an eight-byte string. The first four bytes represent the number of days before (or
after) 01/01/1900, which is the system reference date. The second four bytes store time in
milliseconds passed since midnight.

SMALLDATETIME can hold dates from January 1, 1900 to June 6, 2079, with accuracy to the minute.
The internal storage for that data type is four bytes. Again, the first portion (two bytes) stores the
number of days after the system reference date (01/01/1900), and the second portion stores time (in
minutes after midnight).

Date and time literals

Date and time literals are implementation-specific and vary significantly among different vendors.

Oracle 9i

Oracle lets you specify DATE values as literals if they match special database initialization parameter
NLS_DATE_FORMAT, which defaults to DD-MON -YY . (Oracle initialization parameters are usually handled by DBA and
are not covered in this book.) You can also use SQL99 literal standard (YYYY-MM-DD) with a DATE prefix, or convert
literals into string using the Oracle function TO_DATE (covered in Chapter 10). The three following statements are valid
date literals examples. (SHIPMENT_ARRIVDATE_D is a DATE field in Oracle ACME database.)
UPDATE shipment SET
shipment_arrivdate_d = '03-SEP-02' WHERE shipment_id_n = 30661;

UPDATE shipment SET

shipment_arrivdate_d = DATE '2003-09-02' WHERE shipment_id_n = 30661;

shipment SET shipment_arrivdate_d = TO_DATE('September, 02 2003', 'Month, DD
YYYY') WHERE shipment_id_n = 30661;

But these are illegal:

UPDATE shipment SET
shipment_arrivdate_d = 'YYYY-MM-DD' WHERE shipment_id_n = 30661;

UPDATE shipment SET

shipment_arrivdate_d = '03-SEP-02 23:12:45' WHERE shipment_id_n =

TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data types also accept the DD-MON -YY format for literals (with optional
TIME part); in addition, you can specify literals with a TIMESTAMP prefix:
TIMESTAMP '1997-01-31
09:26:50.124' TIMESTAMP '1997-01-31 09:26:56.66 +02:00' TIMESTAMP '1999-04-15
8:00:00 -8:00' TIMESTAMP '1999-04-15 8:00:00 US/Pacific' TIMESTAMP '1999-10-29
01:30:00 US/Pacific PDT'

The first of these lines is for TIMESTAMP data type, and the other four are for TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.

Note TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data type does not have any literals associated with it.

Oracle gives you a great deal of flexibility when specifying interval values as literals. Reference Table 3-6 for
Table 3-6: Interval Literals in Oracle


INTERVAL '23-5' YEAR TO MONTH Interval of 23 years and 5 months

INTERVAL '67' YEAR(3) Interval of 67 years and 0 months

INTERVAL '500' MONTH(3) Interval of 500 months

INTERVAL '7' YEAR Interval of 4 years (maps to INTERVAL '7-0' YEAR TO



indicates 6 years and 2 months

INTERVAL '7 6:15' DAY TO MINUTE Interval of 7 days, 6 hours and 15 minutes

INTERVAL '40' DAY Interval of 40 days

INTERVAL '11:20' HOUR TO MINUTE Interval of 11 hours and 20 minutes

INTERVAL '10:22' MINUTE TO SECOND Interval of 10 minutes 22 seconds

INTERVAL '25' HOUR Interval of 25 hours

INTERVAL '40' MINUTE Interval of 40 seconds

DB2 UDB 8.1

The following formats for DATE literals are recognized: YYYY-MM-DD (ANSI/ISO), MM/DD/YYYY (IBM US), and
DD.MM.YYYY (IBM Europe).

So, these three statements are legal:

UPDATE shipment SET
shipment_arrivdate_d = '2003-09-02' WHERE shipment_id_n = 30661

UPDATE shipment SET

shipment_arrivdate_d = '09/02/2003' WHERE shipment_id_n = 30661

UPDATE shipment SET

shipment_arrivdate_d = '02.09.2003' WHERE shipment_id_n = 30661

But this one is not:

UPDATE shipment SET
shipment_arrivdate_d = '02-SEP-2003' WHERE shipment_id_n =

The valid TIME literal formats are: HH.MM.SS (ANSI/ISO and IBM Europe), HH:MM AM|PM (IBM USA), and HH:MM:SS
(Japanese Industrial Standard). Also, trailing blanks may be included, and a leading zero may be omitted from the hour
part of the time; seconds may be omitted entirely:
'12.23.56' '23:15 AM'

The valid string formats for TIMESTAMP literals are YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS.NNNNNN and YYYY-MM-DD
UPDATE shipment SET
shipment_createdate_d = '2003-10-12-23.34.29' WHERE shipment_id_n = 30661

UPDATE shipment SET

shipment_createdate_d = '2003-10-12 23:34:29.345678' WHERE shipment_id_n =

MS SQL Server

MS SQL Server is probably the friendliest RDBMS in terms of handling date and time. It recognizes the date and time
literals enclosed in single quotation marks in many different formats. For example:
'August 15, 2003' '15
August, 2003' '15-AUG-2003' '15 Aug, 2003' '030815' '2003/08/15' '08/15/03'
'14:30:24' '04:24 PM' '15 August, 2003 23:00' '15-AUG-2003

All these (and many other) formats are valid for both DATETIME and SMALLDATETIME .
Object and User-Defined Data Types
You are already familiar with the concept of complex data types (date and time), but their complexity is hidden from
the users. Now, we are going to talk about some complex data types that do require more user involvement.
Understanding these data types requires some background in object-oriented programming and design.


In general, SQL99 defines two new groups of complex data types: Abstract types (ADT) and collections.


ADT provides means to explicitly define a structural type within the larger context of the database structure. It is a
series of attribute names paired with system data types plus optional methods to manipulate those properties. ADT
can virtually be anything one can imagine and describe by the means of the language — a car, a person, an invoice.

Note We already mentioned in Chapter 1 that object-oriented design and principles are very popular today. All modern
computer languages (Java, C#, VB.NET) are strictly based on those principles. Nevertheless, we would like to
remind you that object-oriented databases are hardly mainstream; their market share is marginal at best, and
their future existence is still questionable. Major database vendors seem to prefer embedding some
object-oriented features into their existing RDBMS engines (OORDBMS approach). We are not going to list all
pros and contrast once again, but in our opinion the major advantage of traditional relational databases is they
are based on strong mathematical and theoretical platforms and time-proven standards.


Collections can be of reference type, set type, and list type.

Reference type

Reference type is a special type through which an instance of another type can be referenced. The reference values
are read-only and unique in database system catalog.

Set and list types

These types extend a field's capabilities by storing a collection of homogeneous data. For instance, we could make a
good use of array data type for a phone number field.

Note Until recently, phone numbers didn't cause database programmers and designers any troubles. It was
conventional for a person to have only one home number and a work number. The situation has dramatically
changed in recent years. Cell phones are now as popular as TVs, VCRs, and watches. Many people even have
more than one cell phone! That is not such a big deal for a correctly designed relational database — we simply
can store phone numbers in a separate table with pointers to their parent. But using an array data type would be
another elegant solution in this situation.

Sets and lists can consist of built-in data types (for example, array of strings), abstract data types, reference data
types, or named row data types. The only difference between the two collection types is that the list has to be ordered.

Oracle 9i

Oracle supports ADT in the form of object types. Collections are supported as nested tables, varying arrays, and ref


Objects in Oracle can either simply describe an entity or have some methods (functions) to manipulate it in addition to
that. We can create an object in Oracle using this syntax:
( street VARCHAR(30), city VARCHAR(30), state CHAR(2), zip VARCHAR(10), country
VARCHAR(30) type CHAR(1));

We can now create table CUST1 with address field of type ADDR_TYPE:
name VARCHAR(30), address addr_type);

Figure 3-5 is the illustration of what we've just created, assuming some records have been populated. Now we can
access the attributes of address field using dot notation:

Figure 3-5: Table with column declared as an object type

address.state address.type

Not much benefit so far — basically we just store multiple address fields in one column — but we'll take advantage of
our new custom type in later examples.

Nested tables

A nested table in Oracle corresponds to SQL99 set type. It can be defined as a table that is a column of another table
with unlimited number of rows. The actual data for a nested table is physically stored in another table, but from a
user's viewpoint it looks like an integral part of the main table.

For example, we have a parent-child relationship between tables CUST2 and ADDRESS and want to eliminate it using
a nested column instead. Assuming we already have ADDR_TYPE created, what we do next is
CREATE TYPE addr_type_tab AS
TABLE OF addr_type

This creates a new user-defined type ADDR_TYPE_TAB of nested table type. Now, we can create the actual table
CUST2 so that each row may contain a table of addresses:
name VARCHAR(30), address addr_type_tab) NESTED TABLE address STORE AS

The last line of code specifies the name of the storage table where the rows of all the values of the nested table reside.
Figure 3-6 shows how addresses for CUST2 are stored in a nested table.
Figure 3-6: Nested tables in Oracle

Varying arrays

VARRAY data type is very similar to NESTED TABLE. The main difference is that VARRAY has to be ordered. Also, you
have to specify the maximum number of elements for VARRAY and don't have to indicate the name for the storage:
CREATE TYPE addr_type_varray AS
VARRAY(50) OF addr_type;
create table cust3 ( id NUMBER,
name VARCHAR(30), address addr_type_varray);

DB2 UDB 8.1

DB2 supports user-defined structured types, reference types, and user-defined distinct types.

User-defined types

User-defined types are very similar to Oracle's object types. This example shows how to create an address structure:
CREATE TYPE addr_type AS (
street VARCHAR(30), city VARCHAR(30), state CHAR(2), zip VARCHAR(10), country

Now we can create a table that uses the new user-defined data type ADDR_TYPE:
CREATE TABLE cust1 ( id
INTEGER, name VARCHAR(30), address addr_type)

Reference types

Reference types are used to define references to a row in another table (or user-structured type). The references are
similar to referential integrity constraints but do not enforce relationships between the tables:
CREATE TABLE cust2 ( id
INTEGER, name VARCHAR(30), address REF(addr_type))

The address column of the CUST2 table references the user-defined ADDR_TYPE.

Distinct types

Distinct types are defined using existing data types and have the same features of the built-in type. For example, we
can create a new data type usd for U.S. dollars:

Now we can use it throughout the whole database in a way similar to the way MS SQL Server uses its MONEY data
type. For example, we can create tables with column of a type USD:
CREATE TABLE employee ( id
INTEGER, same VARCHAR(30), salary USD);
Other Data Types
We covered all the major SQL data types in detail. Now let's briefly describe a couple more that either are not
implemented by any of the major vendors or are implemented in such a way that the data type name would not match
SQL99 standards.


SQL99 has a special BOOLEAN data type with a range that includes only two values: TRUE and FALSE. Oracle, DB2,
and Microsoft SQL Server don't have a BOOLEAN data type. (Or, to be more precise, DB2 has it, but for internal use
only, i.e., you cannot declare a column of type BOOLEAN .) But the BOOLEAN data type can be easily simulated, for
example by using a user-defined data type of type VARCHAR that only allows FALSE and TRUE for its values.

This example illustrates how to do it in MS SQL Server:

CREATE RULE bool_rule AS @list
in ('TRUE', 'FALSE') sp_addtype BOOLEAN, 'VARCHAR(5)', 'NULL' sp_bindrule
'bool_rule', 'BOOLEAN'

Now you can use it just as another data type in your instance of MS SQL Server.


ROWID is a special Oracle data type to store unique addresses for each row in the database. Tables can be created
with ROWID columns, but that's not recommended.


UROWID is similar to ROWID but used for index-organized tables.


BFILE Oracle data type enables read-only access to binary files stored outside the Oracle database.


DATALINK is an DB2 data type to manage large objects in the form of external files. The files can reside in a file system
on the same server or on a remote server. Internal database functions are used to manipulate DATALINK columns.


BIT data type in MS SQL Server stores a bit of data (0 or 1) and does not correspond to previously described SQL99
BIT. The literal value for bit is a single character from its range optionally enclosed into single quotes.

Tip MS SQL Server BIT data type is yet another way to simulate SQL99 BOOLEAN data type. 1 corresponds to TRUE
and 0 denotes FALSE.


TIMESTAMP data type in MS SQL Server is not the same as TIMESTAMP SQL99 data type. You can only have one
column per table of type TIMESTAMP . It exposes automatically generated binary numbers (unique within a database)
and is basically used to uniquely identify a database row in a manner similar to (but not identical to) Oracle's ROWID
and primarily serves version control purposes. The main difference between TIMESTAMP and ROWID is that the value
of a TIMESTAMP column gets updated every time the row is changed, whereas Oracle's ROWID is assigned to a row
for as long as the row exists.

Microsoft is planning to replace this data type with a ROWVERSION data type in future releases for SQL99 compliance.
Currently ROWVERSION is a synonym to TIMESTAMP .

The storage size of TIMESTAMP data type is 8 bytes; it is semantically identical to binary(8).

Tip Another related concept in MS SQL Server (and DB2 UDB) is an identity column. It is not a data type, but rather a
special numeric column property that requires the column to contain system-generated sequential values that
uniquely identify each row within table. More about identity columns is in Chapter 4.

NULL is a special database concept to represent the absence of value. It is neither a zero nor an empty string, but a
special character that can be substituted for any data type. Nulls are usually used when the value is unknown or
meaningless. NULL columns can later be updated with some real data.

For example, when a new employee is hired, he/she might neither yet have the phone number nor be assigned to a
department. In such situation the NULL values are appropriate for PHONE and DEPARTMENT columns.

Another situation is when a value is nonapplicable; like STATE field in a European address. It can also be set to NULL.

The NULL value requires special handling and has to be dealt with carefully. In fact, any operator that involves NULL as
an operand also returns NULL.

Caution NULL can cause you serious troubles if not used properly. For example, imagine you have two columns in your
table and you want to calculate the difference between them. If one of your columns has NULL values, the
result of your calculation is undefined (NULL), i.e., 100 – 0 = 100, but 100 –NULL = NULL. That means you have
to use special mechanisms (discussed in Chapters 10 and 11) to handle this and similar situations.
While it may not be apparent at the first look, the data types are there to safeguard us and make our life easier. This
chapter describes and categorizes all existing data types (character and binary strings, precise and approximate
numbers, dates and time, user-defined and object types, as well as few others that don't fit well any of the above) and
analyzes variations between vendor implementations and SQL99 standards.

It is very important to know what data types are available in each implementation and to understand the
correspondence between them and SQL99 standards.

You also need to consider ramifications of using a particular data type to store a particular kind of data.

Each of the three RDBMS vendors discussed in this book has its own proprietary extensions — in addition to SQL99
standard mandated data types.

The concept of NULL is introduced in this chapter. While not defining a data type, this concept is crucial for
understanding how data is created, retrieved, and compared.
Part II: Creating and Modifying Database Objects

Chapter List

Chapter 4: Creating RDBMS Objects

Chapter 5: Altering and Destroying RDBMS Objects

Chapter 4: Creating RDBMS Objects

By definition, a database is a collection of objects and processes that manage these objects. Before you can start
doing anything with a database, you (or somebody else) has to design it and then create its objects. The database
design is a separate (though related to) SQL topic; we give a crash course in RDBMS design basics in Appendix C.
This chapter is about creating objects in a relational database.

Cross-References To be able to create database objects you must have sufficient (implementation
specific) security privileges. See Chapter 12 for detailed discussion of SQL security.
Tables are the central and the most important objects in any relational database. The primary purpose of any
database is to hold data that is logically stored in tables.

One of the relational database design principles is that each table holds information about one specific type of thing, or
entity. For example, a CUSTOMER table would contain data about customers only, not about the products they
ordered, invoices issued to them, or salesmen who placed orders for them. The ACME database doesn't even have
customers' addresses and phone numbers because those are separate entities represented by ADDRESS and PHONE
tables respectively.

Rows (sometimes also called records) are horizontal slices of data; each row contains data about one entity item. A
row from the CUSTOMER table contains information about one single customer, a row from the ORDER_HEADER ,
about one single order, and so on.

The vertical cuts of table data are called columns. A column holds a particular type of information for all entity records.
The CUST_NAME_S column in the CUSTOMER table encloses all customers' names; ORDHDR_INVOICENBR_N in
ORDER_HEADER contains all invoice numbers.

Note While for the sake of simplicity it is possible to visualize tables as rows and columns sequentially stored
somewhere on your hard disk, such a picture does not reflect the actual state of things. First, tables are not
sequential, and second, they are not necessarily on your disk. (For example, Oracle keeps all new and modified
rows, committed and uncommitted, in memory until a special database event occurs that synchronizes the
memory contents with what's on the hard disk.) This is something to consider for a database administrator; as a
user (and even as a programmer) it remains to your advantage to use this simple visualization and to concentrate
on the table creation process.

CREATE TABLE statement

Even though we can make some generalizations about the database table creation process, internal table
implementations and CREATE TABLE statement clauses differ from vendor to vendor significantly. For example,
Oracle's CREATE TABLE syntax diagram is about fifteen pages long; DB2's takes roughly seven pages; MS SQL
Server has the shortest definition — only one-and-a-half pages.

We are going to concentrate on the most common clauses as described in the SQL99 standards with emphasis on
vendor implementation differences.

SQL99 syntax

SQL99 offers the following CREATE TABLE syntax:

TEMPORARY] TABLE <table_name> (
<column_name> [<domain_name> | <datatype>
[<size1>[,<size2>] ] [<column_constraint>,...] [DEFAULT
<default_value>] [COLLATE <collation_name>],...
[<table_constraints>] [ON COMMIT {DELETE | PRESERVE} ROWS]

Oracle 9i syntax

In Oracle 9i, you can create three different types of tables: relational tables, object tables, and XML type tables. The
latter two are out of scope of this book; the simplified CREATE TABLE syntax for relational tables is shown below:
TABLE [<schema>.]<table_name> ( <column_name>
<datatype> [<size1>[,<size2>]] [DEFAULT
<default_value>] [<column_constraint>,...],...
[<table_constraint>,...] [<physical_properties>] ) [ON COMMIT

DB2 UDB 8.1 syntax

In DB2 UDB 8.1, you can create tables using this syntax (some complex clauses are omitted):
[<schema>.]<table_name> ( <column_name> <datatype>
[<size1>[,<size2>]] [<column_constraint>,...] [[WITH] DEFAULT
[<identity_clause>] ],... [<table_constraint>,...] | [[LIKE
REFRESH DEFERRED | IMMEDIATE } ] ] ] [<tablespace_options>]

MS SQL 2000 syntax

Here is MS SQL Server 2000 syntax:

[[<database_name>.]<owner>.][#|##]<table_name> (
<column_name> <datatype> [<size1>[,<size2>]] [COLLATE
<collation_name>] [[DEFAULT <default_value>] | [IDENTITY [
([<seed>, <increment>])

[NOT FOR REPLICATION] ] ] [<column_constraint>,...],...

[<table_constraint>,...] [ON <filegroup>] [TEXTIMAGE_ON
<filegroup>] )

Permanent and temporary tables

Database tables can be permanent or temporary, based upon the lifespan of table data.

Usually you want tables to be permanent, meaning that inserted data stays there until somebody explicitly deletes
table rows. In some less common situations, you may want the table data to disappear as soon as one commits
changes in other tables or logs off. Typically, that may be the case when you are issuing SQL statements from other
programs (embedded SQL) or using procedural SQL extensions, such as PL/SQL (Oracle) or Transact SQL (MS SQL
Server) to perform complex tasks. For example, you might want a program to select columns from dozens of different
tables, apply formulas to perform calculations on them, store the intermediate results in a temporary table, and then
update another group of tables based on those results.

Temporary tables in SQL99

SQL99 mandates two types of temporary tables: LOCAL and GLOBAL. The difference is in their data visibility. Even
though the data in a temporary table is visible only within the session (or transaction) that populated it, GLOBAL tables
can be accessed by any program or module within the session; thus, a stored procedure sp_1 can create the global
temporary table TEMP_TABLE1; another stored procedure sp_2 can populate it with data, and then other stored
procedures sp_3, sp_4, and sp_5 can use the data in their processing as long as all five stored procedures are started
from the same session.

Unlike temporary table data, the temporary table's definition is permanent; so, if user A creates a temporary table B,
populates it with data, and logs off, when s/he logs back the next day (or next year), the table is still there, but it is

Cross-References A session is one or more transactions during the interval from when a user logs into
the database until s/he logs off. A transaction can be defined as a logical unit of
work that consists of SQL statement(s) that usually change data (update, insert, or
delete rows); at the end of a transaction all changes are either saved in the
database using the COMMIT statement or discarded (rolled back). More about
sessions, transactions, and COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements in Chapter 7
Temporary tables in Oracle 9 i

You can create GLOBAL TEMPORARY tables in Oracle; LOCAL TEMPORARY tables are not yet implemented. The idea
of a GLOBAL TEMPORARY table is slightly different from that described in the SQL99 concept. The table definition is
visible to all sessions, but the data in a temporary table is only visible to the session that populated the data:
TABLE tmp_customer_order_totals ( customer_name VARCHAR2(30), customer_total

In other words, user John might have created the TMP_CUSTOMER_ORDER_TOTALS table a year ago; users Mary,
Susan, and Kyle are using the table concurrently (assuming they have appropriate privileges), but from their point of
view it's like each of them was using his or her own temporary table; see Figures 4-1, 4-2, and 4-3.

Figure 4-1: Mary's rows in the TMP_CUSTOMER_ORDER_TOTALS temporary table

Figure 4-2: Susan's rows in the TMP_CUSTOMER_ORDER_TOTALS temporary table

Figure 4-3: Kyle's rows in the TMP_CUSTOMER_ORDER_TOTALS temporary table

Temporary tables in DB2 UDB 8.1

Temporary tables cannot be created in DB2 UDB 8.1 with CREATE TABLE; you can instead declare a temporary table
for current session with the DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement.

The declared temporary table cannot be shared with other sessions; when a session is terminated, rows and the table
definition are both dropped.

The syntax of the DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement is similar to DB2's CREATE TABLE statement;
here is an example:
TABLE tmp_customer_order_totals ( customer_name VARCHAR(30), customer_total

Note One important thing to mention here is that if you try this statement on your sample database, it will fail with an
error saying that the user does not have a large enough temporary tablespace. We explain the concept of
tablespace later in this chapter.

Temporary tables in MS SQL Server 2000

The MS SQL Server syntax used to create a temporary table is not consistent with SQL99 standards. To create a local
temporary table, you prefix it with the pound sign ( #); the double pound sign (##) indicates a global temporary table.

Local temporary tables are visible only to the current session; both the table data and table definition are deleted when
the user logs off (comparable to DB2 temporary tables created with the DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE
#tmp_customer_order_totals ( customer_name VARCHAR(30), customer_total MONEY

Global temporary tables are visible to all users; they are destroyed after every user who was referencing the table
disconnects from the SQL Server:
##tmp_customer_order_totals ( customer_name VARCHAR(30),
customer_total MONEY )

Column definitions

The table has to have one or more column definitions, which consist of the column name and the data type.


According to SQL99, a domain can be used for a column instead of a data type. (Domains are covered later in this

Note Oracle 9i, DB2 UDB 8.1, and MS SQL Server 2000 are reasonably consistent in their column definition clauses;
the only difference is each implementation uses its own data types. For instance, this Oracle column definition:
VARCHAR2(30) customer_total NUMBER

Would have to be replaced in MS SQL Server with:

customer_name VARCHAR(30)
customer_total MONEY

None of the above vendors allows domains in column definitions. (As a mattrer of fact, they don't have domains at

Column constraints

Each column can have one or more column constraints. SQL99 specifies the following column constraints:

NOT NULL means that the NULL values are not permitted in the column.

UNIQUE means all values in the column must be distinct values; NULLs are permitted.

PRIMARY KEY specifies that all column values must be unique and the column can't contain NULLs. In
other words, it's a combination of the above two constraints.

REFERENCES means the column is a foreign key to the referenced table.

CHECK verifies that the column values obey certain rules; for example, only positive numbers are
permitted, or only a certain set of strings is valid.

All three implementations have all the above constraints and handle them in similar ways. You can either name
constraints accordingly with your database naming conventions, or don't specify constraint names at all. In the latter
case, RDBMS will generate default names. The following examples illustrate the use of column constraints (Oracle or
MS SQL Server):
TABLE salesman salesman_id_n
( INT CONSTRAINT pk_salesmanprim PRIMARY
KEY,salesman_code_s VARCHAR (2) CONSTRAINT uk_salescode
UNIQUE, salesman_name_s VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL,
salesman_status_s CHAR (1) CONSTRAINT chk_salesstatus
CHECK(salesman_status_s in ('N', 'Y')) )
CREATE TABLE address (addr_id_n INT CONSTRAINT pk_addrprimary
PRIMARY KEY,addr_custid_fn INT, addr_salesmanid_fn INT
CONSTRAINT fk_addr_salesmanREFERENCES salesman (salesman_id_n),
addr_address_s VARCHAR(60),addr_type_s VARCHAR(8) CONSTRAINT
chk_addr_type CHECK(addr_type_s IN ('BILLING',
nn_addr_city NOT NULL,addr_state_s CHAR(2), addr_zip_s
VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,addr_country_s CHAR(3) )

You would need to make a couple of modifications for this statement to run in DB2:
salesman_id_n INT CONSTRAINT pk_salesmanprim PRIMARY KEYNOT
NULLsalesman_code_s VARCHAR (2) CONSTRAINT uk_salescode UNIQUE
NOT NULL addr_id_n INT CONSTRAINT pk_addrprimary PRIMARY

Note Oracle and MS SQL Server implicitly create NOT NULL constraints on all primary keys and unique columns, but
DB2 does not, so you have to specify both NOT NULL and PRIMARY KEY constraints on a primary key column of a
DB2 table or an error will be generated.

Column default values

Each column can optionally be given a default value (in range of its data type). In this case, if an INSERT statement
omits the column, the default value will automatically be populated:
CREATE TABLE product (
prod_id_n INTEGER NOT NULL, prod_price_n DECIMAL(10,2), prod_num_s VARCHAR(10),
prod_description_s VARCHAR(44) NOT NULL,
prod_status_s CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y',prod_brand_s VARCHAR(20) NOT
NULL, prod_pltwid_n DECIMAL(5,2) NOT NULL, prod_pltlen_n DECIMAL(5,2) NOT NULL,
prod_netwght_n DECIMAL(10,3), prod_shipweight_n DECIMAL(10,3) ) INSERT INTO
product ( prod_id_n, prod_price_n, prod_num_s, prod_description_s,
prod_brand_s, prod_pltwid_n, prod_pltlen_n, prod_netwght_n, prod_shipweight_n )
VALUES (990, 18.24, '990', 'SPRUCE LUMBER 30X40X50', 'SPRUCE LUMBER', 4, 6,
21.22577, 24.22577 ) SELECT prod_id_n, prod_price_n, prod_status_s FROM product
PROD_ID_N PROD_PRICE_N PROD_STATUS_S --------- ------------ ------------- 990
18.24 Y

This example will work with all our "big three" databases.

Column collating sequence

Character string columns can optionally have a collating sequence; thus, you can specify nondefault character
precedence order.

Out of our three database vendors only MS SQL Server allows collations as a part of the column definition. The
collation name specifies the collation for the column of a character string data type; you can use both MS SQL Server
and MS Windows predefined collations. For example, if you want all customer names in the ACME database to be
handled according to French collation rules, you can modify the CUSTOMER table:
TABLE customer ( cust_id_n INT NOT NULL, cust_paytermsid_fn INT,
cust_salesmanid_fn INT, cust_status_s VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' NOT NULL,
cust_alias_s VARCHAR(15), cust_credhold_s VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' NOT NULL

Note CI in the above collation definition stands forCASE INSENSITIVE, and AI means ACCENT INSENSITIVE; to use a
case-sensitive, accent sensitive collation, use FRENCH_CS_AS instead. See MS SQL Server and MS Windows
documentation for full lists and descriptions of the available collations.

Table constraints

Table constraints are similar to column constraints; the main difference is that table constraints can be used not only
on individual columns, but also on column lists. The valid table constraints are listed here:

UNIQUE. Similar to the column constraint, but can ensure uniqueness of the combination of two or
more columns.
PRIMARY KEY. The combination of values in constrained column(s) must be unique; NULL values are
not allowed.

FOREIGN KEY. Specifies a column or group of columns in the table vhat references a column (or
group of columns) in the referenced table.

CHECK. Defines a predicate that refers values in one or more tables; similar to the column CHECK

The following example illustrates the use of table constraints:

TABLE order_header ( ordhdr_id_n INTEGER NOT NULL, ordhdr_payterms_fn INTEGER,
ordhdr_statusid_fn INTEGER, ordhdr_custid_fn INTEGER, ordhdr_salesmanid_fn
INTEGER, ordhdr_nbr_s VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, ordhdr_invoicenbr_n
INTEGER,ordhdr_orderdate_d DATETIME, ordhdr_invoicedate_d DATETIME,
ordhdr_canceldate_d DATETIME, ordhdr_credithold_s CHAR(1),
ordhdr_readytoinvoice_s CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N', ordhdr_notes_s VARCHAR(60),
ordhdr_createdby_s VARCHAR(10), ordhdr_createdate_d DATETIME,
CONSTRAINT chk_ordhdr_ready CHECK
(ordhdr_readytoinvoice_s IN ('N', 'Y')),CONSTRAINT
chk_ordhdr_credh CHECK(ordhdr_credithold_s IN ('N',
'Y')),CONSTRAINT pk_ordhdrprim PRIMARY KEY
(ordhdr_id_n),CONSTRAINT idx_ordhdr_ordnbr UNIQUE
(ordhdr_nbr_s)) CREATE TABLE shipment ( shipment_id_n INTEGER NOT
NULL, shipment_bolnum_s VARCHAR(6), shipment_shipdate_d DATETIME,
shipment_arrivdate_d DATETIME, shipment_totalcases_n INTEGER,
shipment_trailernbr_s VARCHAR(12), shipment_shpmntfrght_n DECIMAL(12,2),
shipment_frtterms_s VARCHAR(3), shipment_createdby_s VARCHAR(10),
shipment_createdate_d DATETIME,CONSTRAINT chk_shipfrtterms
CHECK(shipment_frtterms_s IN ('COL', 'PPD')),
CONSTRAINT pk_shipmentrprim PRIMARY KEY (shipment_id_n) )
CREATE TABLE order_shipment ( ordship_ordhdr_id_fn INTEGER NOT NULL,
ordship_shipment_id_fn INTEGER NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT pk_ordhdrship
PRIMARY KEY(ordship_ordhdr_id_fn,
ordship_shipment_id_fn),CONSTRAINT fk_ordsh_ord FOREIGN
KEY (ordship_ordhdr_id_fn)REFERENCES

This example is for MS SQL Server syntax; to make it work in Oracle 9i or DB2 UDB 8.1, modify the DATETIME data
be of a valid data type for the particular implementation (DATE or TIMESTAMP ).

Referential integrity constraints optional clauses

SQL99 assumes an optional clause on the creation of FOREIGN KEY and REFERENCES constraints that specifies
what happens to a row if that row has a referential relationship and the referenced row is deleted from the parent table
or changes are made to the referenced table. The syntax is as follows:

NO ACTION is the default behavior and means an error will be generated if one tries to delete the row (or update the
primary key value) referenced by other table(s).

CASCADE assumes that the same changes will automatically be done to the foreign key as were made to the parent;
thus, if the parent row is deleted, all child rows that referenced it will also be deleted; if the parent's primary key is
updated, all child rows' foreign keys that reference it will also be updated with the same value.

SET NULL means if the parent row was deleted or its primary key was changed, all child tables' referencing foreign key
values will be set to NULL.
SET DEFAULT is very similar to SET NULL, but the child tables' columns are set to their default values rather than to
NULLs. This assumes that column default values exist.

All our three vendors implemented the above SQL99 standard to certain degree.

Oracle 9i does not have the ON UPDATE clause; the ON DELETE clause syntax is:

DB2 UDB 8.1 has an additional optional RESTRICT that in most cases behaves like NO ACTION:

MS SQL Server 2000 has two options — NO ACTION and CASCADE for both ON DELETE and ON UPDATE clauses:

The default is NO ACTION for all three implementations.

The following examples illustrate the difference between NO ACTION and CASCADE using Oracle 9i syntax.

Listing 4-1 uses previously created SALESMAN and ADDRESS tables with default (NO ACTION) option on the referential
integrity constraint FK_ADDR_SALESMAN.

Listing 4-1: Default (NO ACTION) option


salesman 2 ( 3 salesman_id_n, 4 salesman_code_s, 5 salesman_name_s, 6
salesman_status_s 7 ) 8 VALUES 9 ( 10 23, 11 '02', 12 'FAIRFIELD BUGS
ASSOCIATION', 13 'Y' 14 ); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO address 2 ( 3
addr_id_n, 4 addr_custid_fn, 5 addr_salesmanid_fn, 6 addr_address_s, 7
addr_type_s, 8 addr_city_s, 9 addr_state_s, 10 addr_zip_s, 11 addr_country_s 12
) 13 VALUES 14 ( 15 49, 16 NULL, 17 23, 18 '223 E FLAGLER ST.', 19 NULL, 20
'MIAMI', 21 'FL', 22 '33131',23 'USA' 24
); 1 row created. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> DELETE FROM
salesman; DELETE FROM salesman * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02292: integrity
constraint (TEMP.FK_ADDR_SALESMAN) violated - child record

Listing 4-2 — with CASCADE option on the referential integrity constraint FK_ADDR_SALESMAN:

Listing 4-2: CASCADE option

SQL> drop table

ADDRESS; Table dropped. SQL> CREATE TABLE address 2 ( 3 addr_id_n INT
CONSTRAINT pk_addrprimary PRIMARY KEY, 4 addr_custid_fn INT, 5
addr_salesmanid_fn INT CONSTRAINT fk_addr_salesman 6 REFERENCES salesman
(salesman_id_n) 7 ON DELETE CASCADE, 8 addr_address_s VARCHAR(60), 9
addr_type_s VARCHAR(8) CONSTRAINT chk_addr_type CHECK 10 (addr_type_s IN
('BILLING', 'SHIPPING')), 11 addr_city_s VARCHAR(18) CONSTRAINT nn_addr_city
NOT NULL, 12 addr_state_s CHAR(2), 13 addr_zip_s VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, 14
addr_country_s CHAR(3) 15 ); Table created. SQL> INSERT INTO address 2 ( 3
addr_id_n,4 addr_custid_fn, 5 addr_salesmanid_fn, 6 addr_address_s, 7
addr_type_s, 8 addr_city_s, 9 addr_state_s, 10 addr_zip_s, 11 addr_country_s 12
) 13 VALUES 14 ( 15 49, 16 NULL, 17 23, 18 '223 E FLAGLER ST.', 19 NULL, 20
'MIAMI', 21 'FL', 22 '33131', 23 'USA' 24 ); 1 row created. SQL> COMMIT;
ADDR_SALESMANID_FN ADDR_ADDRESS_S ---------- -------------- ------------------
----------------- 49 23 223 E FLAGLER ST. SQL> DELETE FROM salesman; 1 row
deleted. SQL> SELECT * FROM address; no rows selected
Deferrable constraints

SQL99 standards say that constraints can be either DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE (default). A NOT
DEFERRABLE constraint is checked after each DDL statement; DEFERRABLE constraints can either be checked
immediately after every INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE (INITIALLY IMMEDIATE) or at the end of the transaction

That feature can be especially helpful when data loads are performed with no particular order; that allows you to load
data into child table(s) first, then into parent table(s). Another use would be loading data that does not comply with a
CHECK constraint and then updating it appropriately.

The only vendor out of our "big three" who provides deferrable constraints is Oracle 9i. The syntax is


Tip Like any other programming language, SQL allows you to add comments to your code. A line in SQL code is
treated as a comment (i.e., RDBMS does not try to compile and execute it) if it is prefixed with a double dash (--).
Yet another way to "comment out" text (which is usually used for multiline comments) is to enclose it into /* */.

Listing 4-3 illustrates the use of deferrable constraints.

Listing 4-3: Using deferrable constraints

-- Create SALESMAN table

with NOT DEFERRABLE CHECK constraint -- chk_salesstatus on salesman_status_s
column SQL> DROP TABLE salesman; Table dropped. SQL> CREATE TABLE
salesman 2 ( 3 salesman_id_n NUMBER NOT NULL, 4 salesman_code_s VARCHAR2(2) NOT
NULL, 5 salesman_name_s VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL, 6 salesman_status_s CHAR(1)
DEFAULT 'Y', 7 CONSTRAINT chk_salesstatus CHECK (salesman_status_s in ('N',
'Y')), 8 CONSTRAINT pk_salesmanprim PRIMARY KEY (salesman_id_n) 9 ); Table
created. -- Now, try to insert a row with salesman_status_s = 'A' SQL>
INSERT INTO salesman 2 3(
salesman_id_n, 4 salesman_code_s, 5 salesman_name_s, 6 salesman_status_s 7 ) 8
VALUES 9 ( 10 23, 11 '02', 12 'FAIRFIELD BUGS ASSOCIATION',13
14 ); /* The result is a constraint violation error (constraint
is checked immediately). */ INSERT INTO SALESMAN * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02290:
check constraint (TEST.CHK_SALESSTATUS) violated -- Drop SALESMAN table and
re-create it with
TABLE salesman; Table dropped. SQL> CREATE TABLE salesman 2 ( 3
salesman_id_n NUMBER NOT NULL, 4 salesman_code_s VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL, 5
salesman_name_s VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL, 6 salesman_status_s CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y',
7 CONSTRAINT chk_salesstatus CHECK (salesman_status_s in ('N', 'Y'))
PRIMARY KEY (salesman_id_n) 10 ); Table created. -- Try to insert the same row
again – works this time SQL> INSERT INTO salesman 2 ( 3 salesman_id_n, 4
salesman_code_s, 5 salesman_name_s, 6 salesman_status_s 7 ) 8 VALUES 9
10 23, 11 '02', 12 'FAIRFIELD BUGS ASSOCIATION', 13 'A' 14 ); 1 row created. --
Try to commit changes SQL> COMMIT; -- Error occurs – the constraint is
checked at the end of the transaction. COMMIT * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02091:
transaction rolled back ORA-02290: check constraint (TEST.CHK_SALESSTATUS)
violated -- Trying to insert again SQL> INSERT INTO salesman 2 ( 3
salesman_id_n, 4 salesman_code_s, 5 salesman_name_s, 6 salesman_status_s 7 ) 8
VALUES 9 ( 10 23, 11 '02', 12 'FAIRFIELD BUGS ASSOCIATION', 13 'A' 14 ); 1 row
created. -- Now update it with an appropriate value ('Y') SQL> UPDATE
salesman 2 SET salesman_status_s = 'Y' 3 WHERE salesman_status_s = 'A'; 1 row
updated. -- COMMIT works this time. SQL> COMMIT;

Commit complete.


The INITIALLY DEFERRED constraint status is usually used for special cases (data loads, conversions, etc.);
when used in everyday database operations, the deferred constraints can be confusing and even harmful.

For example, imagine someone issued a couple dozen DML statements and then tries to commit their changes,
but the commit fails because the very first INSERT statement violates an INITIALLY DEFERRED constraint. The
transaction will be rolled back, so the user would have to retype all the statements. If the constraint were
checked after each statement, the user would have known to correct data before going any further.

The solution is simple: only use INITIALLY DEFERRED constraint status for special needs and change it to
INITIALLY IMMEDIATE whenever the deferred functionality is no longer desirable. (You can always change it
back and forth if your constraint was created as DEFERRABLE.) We'll learn more about that in Chapter 5.

ON COMMIT clause

This clause can be used for temporary tables only. It specifies if the table rows are implicitly deleted at the end of a
transaction or preserved until the session ends, so consequent transactions can use the temporary table data.

The clause can be used within Oracle's CREATE TABLE statgment or DB2's DECLARE TABLE. See the previous
examples in the section about temporary tables.

Physical properties clause

Now, it's a little bit of a simplification, but generally data is physically stored on a database server's hard disk(s). The
precise definition is beyond the scope of a book about SQL, but we are going to cover the very basics to help you
better understand the creation of the database objects.

The implementations use quite diverse approaches, but the idea is the same: to be able to separate different database
objects by type and, ideally, to put them on separate physical disks to speed up database operations. For example, all
table data would live on Disk1, all table indexes on Disk2, and all LOBs would be placed on Disk3. The importance of
such an approach varies from vendor to vendor; many other factors, like database size, workload, server quality, and
so on can also play their role.

This book assumes the ACME sample database will be used primarily for educational purposes. We don't expect you
to use a real big server with multiple disks, so the physical storage has rather theoretical significance for now.

Oracle 9i

Oracle uses tablespaces (logical database structure explained later in this chapter). You can specify separate
tablespaces for table data, table indexes, and table LOBs:
TABLE phone ( phone_id_n NUMBER CONSTRAINT pk_phonerimary PRIMARY KEY
phone_custid_fn NUMBER, phone_salesmanid_fn NUMBER, phone_phonenum_s
VARCHAR2(20), phone_type_s VARCHAR2(20), CONSTRAINT chk_phone_type CHECK
(phone_type_s IN ('PHONE', 'FAX')) ) TABLESPACE DATA01

This example assumes the existence of tablespaces DATA01, where the table data will reside, and INDEX01, to store
the index for the primary key.

DB2 UDB 8.1

DB2 also uses tablespaces much as Oracle does. You can specify separate tablespaces for table data, indexes, and
large objects:
phone_id_n INTEGER NOT NULL, phone_custid_fn INTEGER, phone_salesmanid_fn
INTEGER, phone_phonenum_s VARCHAR(20), phone_type_s VARCHAR(20), CONSTRAINT
chk_phone_type CHECK (phone_type_s IN ('PHONE', 'FAX')), CONSTRAINT
pk_phonerimary PRIMARY KEY (phone_id_n)IN)

The system-managed tablespace USERDATA01 presumably exists. We'll show how to create it at the end of the
chapter in the section about tablespaces.

Index Organized Tables and Other Physical Properties

The ability to specify where data is physically stored on the server is just one of many options you can specify
when creating a database table. For example, you can specify how much space will be left for updates when a
row is inserted, regulate the physical table growth, slice the table based on certain conditions (either horizontally
or vertically), place the different partitions on separate physical devices, and so on.

Oracle also allows you to create index-organized tables. An index-organized table is a special type of table in
which the table rows are maintained in an index built on the primary key. In other words, unlike regular tables in
which rows are stored in no particular order, the rows of an index-organized table are always sorted by the
primary key field. The access to such tables based on primary key is therefore much faster, but the DML
statements can be considerably slower. For example, to insert a row into an index-organized table, an RDBMS
has to re-sort and rebuild the whole physical table structure.

This syntax creates an index-organized table named ORDER_LINE:


MS SQL Server implements a similar concept in clustered indexes, which are explained later in this chapter.

MS SQL Server 2000

Instead of tablespaces, MS SQL Server employs filegroups. Again, the idea is very similar; the difference is mostly in
the syntax:
phone_id_n INTEGER NOT NULL, phone_custid_fn INTEGER, phone_salesmanid_fn
INTEGER, phone_phonenum_s VARCHAR(20), phone_type_s VARCHAR(20),CONSTRAINT
chk_phone_type CHECK (phone_type_s IN ('PHONE', 'FAX')), CONSTRAINT
pk_phonerimary PRIMARY KEY (phone_id_n)ON INDEX01 )

In this example, we have presumed the existence of previously created filegroups DATA01 and INDEX01. MS SQL
filegroups are covered in more detail later in this chapter.

Identity clause

Sometimes in your database, you want to generate unique sequential values, for example for a primary key column,
for order or invoice numbers, customer IDs, and so on. We already mentioned the concept of identity columns in
Chapter 3; now we are going to cover it in greater detail.

Oracle 9i
Oracle does not have identity columns; it uses special database objects called sequences instead. You can simply
create a table with a numeric field to be populated; at the moment of table creation the RDBMS does not need to know
that, for example, you intend to populate the PAYTERMS_ID_N field of the PAYMENT_TERMS table using a sequence:
CREATE TABLE payment_terms
( payterms_id_n NUMBER NOT NULL, payterms_code_s VARCHAR(6), payterms_desc_s
VARCHAR(60), payterms_discpct_n NUMBER, payterms_daystopay_N NUMBER, CONSTRAINT
pk_payterms PRIMARY KEY (payterms_id_n) )

More about sequences can be found in the CREATE SEQUENCE section that follows in this chapter as well as in the
ALTER SEQUENCE, and DROP SEQUENCE sections of Chapter 5.

DB2 UDB 8.1

Identity properties for a column can be specified instead of the default clause. You can specify the starting value, the
increment, the minimum and maximum values, whether the sequence should cycle around when it reaches the
maximum value or whether it should stop, and the number of values cached in memory:
TABLE payment_terms ( payterms_id_n INTEGER NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS
payterms_code_s VARCHAR(6), payterms_desc_s VARCHAR(60),
payterms_discpct_n DECIMAL(5,2), payterms_daystopay_N INTEGER, CONSTRAINT
pk_payterms PRIMARY KEY (payterms_id_n) )

The default number of values to cache is 20; you can specify NO CACHE if you don't want to cache values.

MS SQL Server 2000

An identity column is created in a very similar way with slightly different syntax:
TABLE payment_terms ( -- The first 1 means "start with"; the second stands for
"increment by" payterms_id_n INT NOT NULL IDENTITY (1,1),
payterms_code_s VARCHAR(6), payterms_desc_s VARCHAR(60), payterms_discpct_n
DECIMAL(5,2), payterms_daystopay_n INT, CONSTRAINT pk_payterms PRIMARY KEY
(payterms_id_n) )

The caching option is not available in MS SQL Server.

Creating new table as a copy of another table

Sometimes it's very useful to be able to create a table as a copy of another table. You can "clone" an existing table by
creating its exact copy (with or without data) in all "big three" databases with slightly different syntax.

Oracle 9i

The statement below creates a temporary table that is a copy of the PAYMENT_TERMS table (including all rows):
TABLE payment_terms2 AS (SELECT * FROM payment_terms);

The proper use of the SELECT statement enables you to create a table that only contains certain columns and/or rows
from the target table:
TABLE customer ( cust_id_n NUMBER NOT NULL, cust_paytermsid_fn NUMBER,
cust_salesmanid_fn NUMBER, cust_status_s VARCHAR2(1) DEFAULT 'Y' NOT NULL,
cust_name_s VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL, cust_alias_s VARCHAR2(15), cust_credhold_s
(cust_status_s IN ('N', 'Y')), CONSTRAINT chk_cust_credhold CHECK
(cust_credhold_s IN ('N', 'Y')), CONSTRAINT pk_custprimary PRIMARY KEY
(cust_id_n) ); CREATE TABLE phone ( phone_id_n NUMBER NOT NULL, phone_custid_fn
NUMBER, phone_salesmanid_fn NUMBER, phone_phonenum_s VARCHAR2(20), phone_type_s
VARCHAR2(20), CONSTRAINT chk_phone_type CHECK (phone_type_s IN ('PHONE',
'FAX')), CONSTRAINT pk_phonerimary PRIMARY KEY (phone_id_n) ); CREATE TABLE
customer_phone AS ( SELECT cust_name_s, phone_phonenum_s FROM customer, phone
WHERE cust_id_n = phone_custid_fn );

To create an empty table in Oracle, deliberately use a FALSE condition in the WHERE clause:
/* We
know that all primary keys in ACME database are positive integers so we know
that PAYTERMS_ID_N < 0 condition always evaluates to "FALSE" */ CREATE
GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE payment_terms3 AS (SELECT * FROM payment_terms WHERE

Cross-References See more about TRUE and FALSE conditions in Appendix L.

DB2 UDB 8.1

Either one of two statements below will create a copy of the PAYMENT_TERMS table in DB2 UDB:
CREATE TABLE payment_terms2
CREATE TABLE payment_terms2
LIKE payment_terms

The first syntax (DB2 considers it a special case of a summary table — see the sidebar "Creating Summary Tables") is
more flexible because it allows you to create tables based on a subset of the original table columns or even on a
multitable query:
TABLE customer ( cust_id_n NUMBER NOT NULL, cust_paytermsid_fn NUMBER,
cust_salesmanid_fn NUMBER, cust_status_s VARCHAR2(1) DEFAULT 'Y' NOT NULL,
cust_name_s VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL, cust_alias_s VARCHAR2(15), cust_credhold_s
(cust_status_s IN ('N', 'Y')), CONSTRAINT chk_cust_credhold CHECK
(cust_credhold_s IN ('N', 'Y')), CONSTRAINT pk_custprimary PRIMARY KEY
(cust_id_n) ) CREATE TABLE phone ( phone_id_n NUMBER NOT NULL, phone_custid_fn
NUMBER, phone_salesmanid_fn NUMBER, phone_phonenum_s VARCHAR2(20), phone_type_s
VARCHAR2(20), CONSTRAINT chk_phone_type CHECK (phone_type_s IN ('PHONE',
'FAX')), CONSTRAINT pk_phonerimary PRIMARY KEY (phone_id_n) ) CREATE TABLE
customer_phone AS( SELECT cust_name_s, phone_phonenum_s FROM customer, phone
WHERE cust_id_n = phone_custid_fn ) DEFINITION ONLY -- required

The foregoing statement creates an empty CUSTOMER_PHONE table with two columns, CUST_NAME_S and
PHONE_PHONENUM_S, with the same data types as the corresponding columns in the underlying tables; you could
have achieved the same result using this syntax:
CREATE TABLE customer_phone
AS ( cust_name_s VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, phone_phonenum_s VARCHAR(20)

The advantage of CREATE TABLE ... LIKE syntax is that it can optionally create a copy of table with all column defaults
and/or identity columns.

Tip The CREATE TABLE ... AS and CREATE TABLE ... LIKE syntaxes both create empty tables in DB2. The data can be
populated by using the INSERT INTO ... SELECT FROM statement discussed in later chapters.

MS SQL Server 2000

In MS SQL Server, you can create a copy of the PAYMENT_TERMS table using this syntax:

Note This syntax creates a MS SQL local temporary table; if the pound sign were omitted, PAYMENT_TERMS2 would
be created as a permanent table.
Tip You can use the same trick (a deliberately "FALSE" condition) as in Oracle to create an empty table in MS SQL

Creating Summary Tables

Some RDBMS tables can be very large, so querying them can take a long time. Even when all appropriate
indexes are in place and the database is properly tuned, some queries still have to perform full table scans, in
which each and every record is searched for specific values, to return the desired results. That is especially true
when you want a query to retrieve records summarized with a GROUP BY clause using aggregate functions.

The concept of summary tables introduced in DB2 allows you to maintain a summary of table (or multiple tables)
data in another table, refreshing it every time when the underlying table(s) data changes. The most interesting
fact about DB2 summary tables is that not only users can query them to obtain results faster, but the RDBMS
optimizer can also use them to execute users' queries that indirectly request information already summarized in
the summary tables.

Keep in mind that this only works well on tables that are more or less static; if the source tables change
frequently (i.e., many DDL statements run against them), the overhead may become too big and the overall
performance may actually degrade.

You can have two types of summary tables in DB2. Tables created with the REFRESH DEFERRED clause can be
refreshed on demand with the REFRESH TABLE table_name statement; if the REFRESH IMMEDIATE clause was
used, the summary table will delete and reinsert rows automatically every time the table(s) used in its WHERE
clause change. In both cases, you have to use the REFRESH TABLE ... statement at least once on a summary
table before you (or the optimizer) can start using it.

Summary tables are subject to many limitations. For example, you cannot use ORDER BY , outer joins, or
nondeterministic functions in the select_statement; you must have GROUP BY clause and COUNT (*) column; all
columns must be named, and so on. See DB2 UDB documentation for all rules and restrictions.

Here is an example of the table ORDERLINE_SUMMARY that summarizes ordered and shipped product
quantities by order on demand:
orderline_summary AS ( SELECT ordline_ordhdrid_fn, SUM(ordline_ordqty_n) AS
ord_qty_summary, SUM(ordline_shipqty_n) AS ship_qty_summary, COUNT (*) AS
rowcount FROM order_line GROUP BY ordline_ordhdrid_fn ) DATA INITIALLY DEFERRED

Oracle provides similar capabilities by using MATERIALIZED VIEWS discussed latter in this chapter.
Index is another database physical structure that occupies disk space in a way similar to that of a table. The main
difference is that indexes are hidden from users and are not mentioned in any DML statements, even though they are
often used behind the scene.

Assume our PHONE table created previously in this chapter has been populated with records. Assume you issue the
following query:

The RDBMS first checks if the index exists on the condition column (PHONE_CUSTID_FN). If the answer is yes, the
index is used to determine the physical location of the corresponding rows (i.e., the two rows with PHONE_CUSTID_FN
= 152). If no index is found on the column, the whole table is scanned to find rows with appropriate values.

A database index is similar to an index at the end of a book — it stores pointers to the physical row locations on the
disk in the same way a book's index points to the page numbers for the appropriate topics. From another viewpoint, it
is similar to a database table with two or more columns: one for the row's physical address, and the rest for the
indexed table columns. In other words, index tells the RDBMS where to look for a specific table row (or a group of
rows) on the disk as illustrated on Figure 4-4.
Figure 4-4: Index use

As you can see, the table column and the index have the same set of values; the main difference is that in the index,
these values are sorted, so it takes much less time to find what you need.

In most databases indexes are implemented as B-Tree indexes, that is, they use the so called B-Tree algorithm that
minimizes the number of times the hard disk must be accessed to locate a desired record, thereby speeding up the
process. Because a disk drive has mechanical parts, which read and write data far more slowly than purely electronic
media, it takes thousands of times longer to access a data element from a hard disk as compared with accessing it
from RAM.

B-Trees save time by using nodes with many branches (called children). The simplest version of a B-Tree is called a
binary tree because each node has only two children. Figure 4-5 illustrates a search for the value 100 using a binary
tree. The algorithm is very simple. Starting at the top, if the top node value is less than what you are looking for, move
to the left; if it's greater than 100, go to the right, until the value is found.
Figure 4-5: B-Tree example

Indexes can be created to be either unique or nonunique. Unique indexes are implicitly created on columns for which a
PRIMARY KEY or a UNIQUE constraint is specified. Duplicate values are not permitted. Nonunique indexes can be
created on any column or combination of columns without any regard to duplicates.

Indexes can be created on one column or on multiple columns. The latter can be useful if the columns are often used
together in WHERE clauses. For example, if some frequently used query looks for a certain customer's orders created
on a certain date, you may create a nonunique index on the ORDHDR_CUSTID_FN and ORDHDR_CREATEDATE_D
columns of the ORDER_HEADER table.

SQL99 does not specify any standards for indexes (or even require their existence at all), but practically all database
vendors provide mechanisms to create indexes, because without them any production database would be unbearably

There is no universal rule on when to create indexes, but some general recommendations can be given.

It usually does not make much sense to create indexes on small tables — they can degrade
performance rather than improve it. If the table is only, say, 50 rows long, it might be faster to scan it
than to use the B-Tree algorithm.

On large tables, indexes should be created only if the queries that involve indexed column(s) retrieve
a small percentage of rows (usually under 15 percent).

Indexes are usually helpful on columns used in table joins. (Primary keys and unique columns are
indexed by default; it is often not such a bad idea to index foreign key columns also.)

Indexes slow down DML operations that involve indexed columns — for example, if you update a
value on such column, the index column has also to be updated; and if you insert a row, the
corresponding index(es) may have to be re-sorted. So if a table is likely to be subjected to frequent
updates, inserts, and/or deletes, it is recommended to have fewer indexes.

CREATE INDEX statement

The CREATE INDEX statement differs slightly for different implementations. The somewhat simplified syntax is below.

Oracle 9i
INDEX [<schema>.]<index_name> ON
[<schema>.]<table_name> ({<column> |
<column_expression> }[ASC | DESC],...)

This statement creates a unique index on the IDX_CUST_NAME on the CUST_NAME_S column of the CUSTOMER table
with column values stored in descending order:
idx_cust_name ON CUSTOMER(cust_name_s DESC)

Function-based indexes

Oracle 9i also lets you create so-called function-based indexes where instead of a column you can specify a column
expression (a deterministic function). For example, you know that customers often query the CUSTOMER table using
the LOWER function in the WHERE clause:
LOWER(cust_name_s) = 'boswell designs corp.' ...

In this situation, a function-based index might make sense:

idx_cust_name ON CUSTOMER(LOWER(cust_name_s))

Bitmap indexes

The BITMAP keyword indicates that an index is to be created with a bitmap for each distinct key rather than indexing
each row. Oracle recommends creating bitmap indexes on columns with low cardinality, that is, columns such as
hypothetical GENDER and MARITAL_STATUS columns that would likely have few distinct values.

In the ACME database, order status can be a goof candidate for a bitmap index because there are only four possible
statuses for an order (COMPLETE, INVOICED , SHIPPED, and CANCELLED). The example below creates bitmap index
idx_ordhdr_status ON order_header (ordhdr_statusid_fn)

Note Function-based and bitmap indexes are available in Oracle Enterprise Edition only, so you will get an error if you
try to execute the foregoing statement on the Personal or Standard versions.

Physical storage clause

As we mentioned before, you can specify separate tablespaces for table data and table indexes (and it does make
sense from the database performance point of view). The syntax is the same as for CREATE TABLE (the example
below assumes tablespace INDEX01 exists in your database):
idx_cust_name ON CUSTOMER(cust_name_s) TABLESPACE INDEX01

DB2 UDB 8.1

Here is the simplified DB2 syntax to create an index:

[<schema>.]<index_name> ON [<schema>.]<table_name>
(<column_name> [ASC | DESC],...)

This statement creates unique index IDX_CUST_NAME_ALS on CUST_NAME_S and CUST_ALIAS_S columns of
CUSTOMER table with column values stored in default (ascending) order:
idx_cust_name_als ON CUSTOMER(cust_name_s, cust_alias_s)

Clustered Indexes

MS SQL Server allows you to create clustered indexes by specifying CLUSTERED keyword. (See the CREATE
INDEX syntax described previously.)

The concept is very similar to one with index-organized tables in Oracle — the actual table rows are with the
index and the physical order of rows is the same as their indexed order; that is, the rows are re-sorted every
time a new one is inserted (or deleted). Only one clustered index is allowed on a table (or view) at a time; thus,
you can create a clustered index on a column, drop it later, and create a clustered index on another column, but
you can't create two clustered indexes on the same table simultaneously as data in the table can only be
physically organized in one order.

These statements create the table SALESMAN and unique clustered index on its SALESMAN_CODE_S column.

The default for a CREATE INDEX statement is NONCLUSTERED except for indexes on the primary key columns
that are automatically created with CLUSTERED.

Note You cannot specify a physical location for the index in a CREATE INDEX statement in DB2; all indexes for a table
will be created either in the default tablespace or in a tablespace specified in the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE
INDEX IN clause.

MS SQL Server 2000

To create an index in MS SQL Server, use this syntax:

<table_name> | <view_name> ( column [ ASC | DESC ],...) [ON

The syntax is very similar to DB2. You can specify a filegroup to create the index on. This statement creates the
unique index IDX_CUST_NAME_ALS on the CUST_NAME_S and CUST_ALIAS_S columns of the CUSTOMER table
physically stored on filegroup INDEX01 (assuming it exists):
idx_cust_name_als ON CUSTOMER(cust_name_s, cust_alias_s) ON

Tip In MS SQL Server you can create indexes on views. The view definition must be deterministic and schema bound.
The most common view definition describes it as a virtual table. Database users can select rows and columns from a
view, join it with other views and tables, limit, sort, group the query results, and so on. Actually, in most cases, users
wouldn't even know if they were selecting values from a view or from a table. The main difference is that, unlike tables,
views do not take physical disk space. View definitions are stored in RDBMS as compiled queries that dynamically
populate data to be used as virtual tables for users' requests.

The details are implementation-specific — RDBMS can create a temporary table behind the scene, populate it with
actual rows, and use it to return results from a user's query. The database engine may also combine a user's query
with an internal view definition (which is, as you already know, also a query) and execute the resulting query to return
data, and so on — from a user's viewpoint, it does not matter at all.

Views are used in many different ways. For example, they can combine data from multiple tables in a more
user-friendly form or enforce security rules by making available for users certain horizontal or vertical slices of data
(more about security in Chapter 12). In this chapter, you'll learn how to create different types of views.

CREATE VIEW statement

This section explains the CREATE VIEW statement for different RDBMS implementations.


Here is the SQL99 syntax for a CREATE VIEW statement:

CREATE VIEW <view_name>
[(<column_name>,...)] AS <select_statement> [WITH [CASCADED |

Column names

The column_name list is optional in most cases — if it's skipped, the view columns will be named based on the column
names in the SELECT statement; it becomes mandatory though if at least one of the following conditions is true:

Any two columns would otherwise have the same name (ambiguity problem).

Any column contains a computed value (including concatenated strings) and the column is not

SELECT statement and updatable views

The select_statement can be virtually any valid SELECT statement with some minimal restrictions. For example, the
ORDER BY clause cannot be included in view definition, but GROUP BY can be used instead; the view definition cannot
be circular; thus, view cannot be referenced in its own select_statement clause, and so on.

Views can be updatable or not updatable. If a view is updatable, that means you can use its name in DML statements
to actually update, insert, and delete the underlying table's rows. A view can be updatable only if all these rules hold:

The select_statement does not contain any table joins; that is, the view is based on one and only one
table or view. (In the latter case, the underlying view must also be updatable.)

All underlying table's mandatory (NOT NULL) columns are present in the view definition.

The underlying query does not contain set operations like UNION, EXCEPT, or INTERSECT; the
DISTINCT keyword is also not allowed.

No aggregate functions or expressions can be specified in the select_statement clause.

The underlying query cannot have a GROUP BY clause.

Cross-References The SELECT statement is covered in detail inChapters 8 and 9.

View constraints

SQL99 does not allow creating explicit constraints on views, but the CHECK OPTION can be viewed as some kind of a
constraint. This clause can only be specified for updatable views and prohibits you from using DML statements on any
underlying table's rows that are not visible through the view. The CASCADED option (default) means that if a view is
based on another view(s), the underlying view(s) are also checked. The LOCAL keyword would only enforce checking
at the level of the view created with this option.

Oracle 9i

Oracle has the following syntax to create a view:

REPLACE] [FORCE] VIEW [<schema>.]<view_name> [(<column_name>
<column_constrnt>,... [<view_level_constrnt>])] AS
<select_statement> [WITH {[READ ONLY | CHECK OPTION [<constrnt

Note The OR REPLACE clause (often used when creating many Oracle objects — stored procedures, functions,
packages, etc.) basically tells RDBMS to drop the view if it already exists, and then re-create it with the new
syntax. This is a very practical feature, but it has to be used with care — if you already have a view with the exact
same name, Oracle will just replace the old object definition with the new one without giving you any warning.

The pseudocode for CREATE OR REPLACE view_name is:

IF EXISTS (view_name) THEN
DROP VIEW view_name CREATE VIEW view_name view_definition ... END

For example, this statement creates view V_CUSTOMER_STATUS if it does not exist, or replaces the old definition for
V_CUSTOMER_STATUS if it is present.
v_customer_status ( name, status ) AS SELECT cust_name_s, cust_status_s FROM

The view columns are

Name Null? Type
-------------------- -------- ------------ NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(50) STATUS

In the latter case, you would get an error if the OR REPLACE clause is skipped:
CREATE VIEW v_customer_status
( name, status ) AS SELECT cust_name_s, cust_status_s FROM customer; ORA-00955:
name is already used by an existing object

The column names / constraints clause is optional:

v_customer_status AS SELECT cust_name_s, cust_status_s FROM

Note that in this case Oracle gives view columns the same names as in underlying table:
Name Null? Type
------------------------- -------- --------------- CUST_NAME_S NOT NULL

Note Oracle 9i allows you to specify integrity constraints on the view column or view as a whole, but does not enforce
those constraints, so they are declarative only.

The WITH READ ONLY clause makes the view nonupdatable even if it satisfies all conditions for updatable views listed
v_phone_number ( phone_id, phone_number ) AS SELECT phone_id_n,
phone_phonenum_sFROM phone WHERE phone_type_s = 'PHONE' WITH READ ONLY;

UPDATE v_phone_number SET

phone_number = NULL WHERE phone_id = 1; ORA-01733: virtual column not allowed

The WITH CHECK option is basically the same as described for SQL99 except CASCADE /LOCAL keywords are not
available (the default behavior is always CASCADE ):
v_fax_number ( fax_id, fax_number ) AS SELECT phone_id_n, phone_phonenum_s FROM
phone WHERE phone_type_s = 'FAX' WITH CHECK OPTION;

DB2 UDB 8.1

To create a view in DB2, use this syntax:

[<schema>.]<view_name> [(<column_name>,...)] AS
{<select_statement> | <values_statement>} [WITH [CASCADED | LOCAL]

The only clause in DB2's CREATE VIEW statement that does not look familiar from the SQL99 standards point of view
is the values_statement , which allows for creating a view that does not refer to an actual table, but rather contains its
own list of values:
VIEW v_exchange_rate ( currency_name, exchange_rate, converted_price ) AS
VALUES ('Canadian Dollars', CAST (0.6331458594 AS DECIMAL(20,10)), NULL),
('Euro', CAST (0.9761179317 AS DECIMAL(20,10)), NULL), ('Japanese Yen', CAST
(0.0083339039 AS DECIMAL(20,10)), NULL)
db2 => SELECT * FROM
v_exchange_rate CURRENCY_NAME EXCHANGE_RATE CONVERTED_PRICE ----------------
-------------- --------------- Canadian Dollars 0.6331458594 0 Euro
0.9761179317 0 Japanese Yen 0.0083339039 0 3 record(s)

Note DB2 does not perform implicit data type conversion, so we have to use functions CAST and INTEGER in the
foregoing example. More about conversion functions in Chapter 10.

The view created in the foregoing example can be used in a way similar to how temporary tables are used — for
example, the CONVERTED_PRICE column can be populated dynamically based on data from other tables or views.

MS SQL Server 2000

MS SQL 2000 syntax is

[(<column_name>,...)] [WITH {ENCRYPTION | SCHEMABINDING |
VIEW_METADATA,...}] AS select_statement [WITH CHECK OPTION]

MS SQL provides some additional options with the CREATE VIEW statement.

The WITH ENCRYPTION clause gives you the ability to encrypt the system table columns containing the text of the
CREATE VIEW statement. The feature can be used, for example, to hide proprietary code:
CREATE VIEW v_phone_number (
phone_id, phone_number ) WITH ENCRYPTION AS SELECT phone_id_n, phone_phonenum_s

The WITH SCHEMABINDING clause binds the view to the schema (more about schemas later in this chapter):
dbo.v_phone_number ( phone_id, phone_number ) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT
phone_id_n, phone_phonenum_s FROM WHERE phone_type_s =

The WITH VIEW_METADATA clause specifies that SQL Server returns to the calling application that uses OLE DB,
ODBC, or DBLIB information about the view rather than about underlying tables.

Cross-References OLE DB, ODBC, DBLIB programming interfaces (API) are covered in more detail in
Chapter 16.

Creating complex views

We already mentioned that you can create a view based on practically any SELECT statement (with some insignificant
limitations). The SELECT statement itself is one of the most difficult SQL topics and will be covered in detail in later
chapters. Examples below are to illustrate the main concepts used when creating a complex view.

Simulating OR REPLACE Clause in MS SQL Server

We mentioned before that Oracle's OR REPLACE clause can be a very useful feature. MS SQL Server does not
have it, but it can easily be simulated using this syntax:
table_name FROM information_schema.views WHERE table_name = 'V_CUSTOMER_STATUS'
) DROP VIEW V_CUSTOMER_STATUS GO CREATE VIEW v_customer_status ( name, status )
AS SELECT cust_name_s, cust_status_s FROM customer

This example uses the MS SQL Server built-in procedural language Transact SQL that is widely used by MS
SQL Server developers but is not a part of standard SQL (which is nonprocedural by definition).

Another option (for all "big three" databases) is to use ALTER VIEW statement described in Chapter 5.

Join view with GROUP BY clause and aggregate function

V_CUSTOMER_TOTALS displays the total calculated order price grouped by the CUSTOMER_NAME and then by
VIEW v_customer_totals ( customer_name, order_number, total_price ) AS ( SELECT
customer.cust_name_s, order_header.ordhdr_nbr_s, sum(product.prod_price_n *
order_line.ordline_ordqty_n) FROM customer, order_header, order_line,
productWHERE customer.cust_id_n = order_header.ordhdr_custid_fn AND
order_header.ordhdr_id_n = order_line.ordline_ordhdrid_fn AND product.prod_id_n
= order_line.ordline_prodid_fn AND order_line.ordline_ordqty_n IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY customer.cust_name_s, order_header.ordhdr_nbr_s )

View based on another view example

The V_CUSTOMER_TOTALS_OVER_15000 view displays the same data as its underlying view V_CUSTOMER_TOTALS
but only for orders with a total price over $15,000:
v_customer_totals_over_15000 AS SELECT * FROM v_customer_totals WHERE
total_price > 15000

View with UNION example

The V_CONTACT_LIST view displays the combined list of customers and salesmen with their phone numbers and
contact types (customer or salesman):
CREATE VIEW v_contact_list (
name, phone_number, contact_type ) AS SELECT cust_name_s, phone_phonenum_s,
'customer' FROM customer, phone WHERE cust_id_n = phone_custid_fn AND
phone_type_s = 'PHONE' UNION SELECT salesman_name_s, phone_phonenum_s,
'salesperson' FROM salesman, phone WHERE salesman_id_n = phone_salesmanid_fn
AND phone_type_s = 'PHONE'

Cross-References UNION is one of the set operators used to combine the results of two or more SQL
queries. The theoretical aspect of the set operators is covered in detail in Appendix
L; the practical part is discussed inChapter 7.

View with subquery

V_WILE_BESS_ORDERS displays orders for customer WILE BESS COMPANY:

v_wile_bess_orders ( order_number, order_date ) AS SELECT ordhdr_nbr_s,
ordhdr_orderdate_d FROM order_header WHERE ordhdr_custid_fn IN ( SELECT
cust_id_n FROM customer WHERE cust_name_s = 'WILE BESS COMPANY'

The foregoing examples will work in all our three RDBMS. Some of the SELECT statements used to create the views
will be covered in Chapters 8 and 9.
Aliases and Synonyms
Different databases are organized in quite different ways. Even the word database itself has completely different
meanings in different RDBMS implementations. For example, an Oracle database is a totally self-contained and
independent entity with its own set of users, tables, indexes, and other objects invisible to other databases. Each
Oracle database user can have his/her own tables, views, indexes, and so on. (In Oracle terms USER and SCHEMA
are often used as synonyms which adds confusion.) To access objects that belong to another user (or are within
another schema), you have to be granted appropriate permissions (see Chapter 12) and you also have to use fully
qualified names (schema_name.object_name). For example, if USER1 wants to select records from SHIPMENT table that
belongs to USER3 , the query would look like this:

Assuming SHIPMENT always means USER3.SHIPMENT for USER1 , typing fully qualified name makes queries longer
and less readable.

Note The synonyms are especially important when users who don't own objects need to access the database using an
application with embedded SQL (discussed in Chapter 15). The programming effort to make such applications
work properly without synonyms would increase tremendously.

Figure 4-6 illustrates Oracle's database organization.

Figure 4-6: Database organization in Oracle

The Oracle RDBMS lets you to create synonyms to deal with the problem. A synonym is a name that translates into
another name whenever it is referenced. In other words, we can say that a synonym is an alternative name for a
database object. You can create the synonym SHIPMENT for USER3.SHIPMENT and use it any time you need to
access the USER3.SHIPMENT table.

DB2 UDB organization is quite similar; a database object that is simply a different name for another database object is
called ALIAS .

The structure of MS SQL Server is different. There can be many databases within a single SQL Server. Users (or
logins) are created on the server level and can have access to many databases while the database objects belong to
a single owner (usually called dbo). See Figure 4-7.
Figure 4-7: Database organization in MS SQL Server


Synonyms and aliases are not a part of SQL99 standards.

Oracle 9i CREATE SYNONYM statement

The syntax for the CREATE SYNONYM statement is

[<schema>.]<synonym_name> FOR

Public versus private synonyms

In Oracle, you can create public synonyms accessible to all database users or private ones visible only to their owners.
Use keyword PUBLIC if you want to create a public synonym or skip it otherwise. (Keyword PRIVATE is invalid.)

Types of objects you can create synonyms for

You can create synonyms for the following Oracle objects: table, view, sequence, stored procedure, function, package,
materialized view, and Java class schema object. You can also create a synonym for another synonym.

Creating synonyms for remote database objects

You can create synonyms for objects located in remote databases assuming a database link exists for those
databases. More about database links later in this chapter.


The following example creates the public synonym SHIPMENT for a hypothetical table USER3.SHIPMENT:
shipment FOR user3.shipment;

The next statement illustrates the creation of private synonym EMP for a USERn.EMPLOYEE table in USER2 schema:

Note that you could skip USER2 if the above statement was issued by USER2 him/herself; it is mandatory though if the
synonym EMP is being created by, say, the database administrator for USER2 .

Note Even though synonyms can be very useful, they also can cause lots of confusion. The most typical situation is
when a user has objects in his/her schema with exactly the same names as public or private synonyms. Oracle
tries to resolve names looking in the users' schema first, and if the name is found, RDBMS assumes that's the
one to use. So, if there are views USER1.VIEW1 and USER2.VIEW1 in the database, and there is also public
synonym VIEW1 for USER2.VIEW1 that is supposed to be used in all user queries,USER1 might have serious
program errors (if the columns of his/her VIEW1 are different fromUSER2.VIEW1). Or, which is sometimes even
worse because it's more difficult to notice, incorrect results (if the column definitions are identical, but the views
use different underlying tables or join them in a different way).

Tip In Oracle you can create synonyms for nonexistent objects; if the objects are created later they can be referred
using those synonyms. You can also create synonyms for objects you don't have privileges to access, but doing so
will not give you an access to those objects.


You can use either the CREATE SYNONYM or the CREATE ALIAS statement. Aliases can be created for tables, views,
or other aliases. The syntax is
<alias_name> FOR <object_name>

In DB2, you cannot create an alias with a name identical to one of a table, view, or another alias that already exists in
the current database. That resolves the problem described in the previous section about Oracle's synonyms, but
makes using aliases in DB2 less flexible.

Here are examples that create aliases in DB2:


Note that the following statement returns an error (assuming you are using objects shown in Figure 4-6) because the
table named SHIPMENT exists in schema USER3 :

Like Oracle, DB2 allows you to create synonyms for objects that do not yet exist, though a warning will be issued.

MS SQL Server 2000

MS SQL Server does not let you create aliases or synonyms. This limitation is justified by its database structure
(Figure 4-7).
A schema is a logical database object holder. SQL99 defines a schema as a named group of related objects. Creating
schemas can be useful when objects have circular references, that is, when we need to create two tables each with a
foreign key referencing the other table. Different implementations treat schemas in slightly different ways.


The CREATE SCHEMA statement has different meanings in SQL99, Oracle, DB2, and MS SQL Server.


SQL99 states that the CREATE SCHEMA statement creates a group of objects that somehow logically relate to each
other; the group has a name that is called schema name. Also, you can grant privileges on these objects within the
CREATE SCHEMA statement. The syntax is
{<schema_name> | AUTHORIZATION <authorization_id> |
<schema_name> AUTHORIZATION <authorizat_id> }

The schema creator usually owns the objects within the schema unless otherwise specified by using a different

Objects that can be created as a part of a schema include tables, views, domains, assertions, character sets,
collations, and translations; you can grant any valid privileges within the grant_privilege_statement clause.

Note Creation of domains, assertions, character sets, collations, and translations are not valid operations in all our
three major databases even though they are all part of SQL99 standards.

Cross-References The GRANT PRIVILEGE statement is covered in Chapter 12 (SQL and RDBMS

Oracle 9i

We already mentioned that in Oracle terminology the word schema is almost identical to user. You still can use the
CREATE SCHEMA statement in Oracle, but the only use for that operation would be to create multiple objects in a
single transaction.

Note The CREATE SCHEMA statement does not actually create a schema in Oracle. The schema is automatically
created when you create a user (see Chapter 12).

The syntax for CREATE SCHEMA is

<schema=your_user_name> <create_object_statement>,...
<grant_privilege_statement>,... ;

The schema name must be the same as your Oracle user ID, otherwise the statement will fail. The valid objects to
create include tables and views; you can grant any valid object privileges on them to anybody. The following example
creates two tables in hypothetical schema ACMETEST (i.e., we assume that the statement is run by user ACMETEST
that does not exist in the ACME test database) and gives permissions on them to user ACME:
pk_addrprimary PRIMARY KEY, addr_custid_fn INT, addr_salesmanid_fn INT
CONSTRAINT fk_addr_salesman REFERENCES salesman (salesman_id_n) ON DELETE
CASCADE, addr_address_s VARCHAR2(60), addr_type_s VARCHAR2(8) CONSTRAINT
chk_addr_type CHECK (addr_type_s IN ('BILLING', 'SHIPPING')), addr_city_s
VARCHAR2(18) CONSTRAINT nn_addr_city NOT NULL, addr_state_s CHAR(2), addr_zip_s
VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, addr_country_s CHAR(3) ) CREATE TABLE salesman (
salesman_id_n INT CONSTRAINT pk_salesmanprim PRIMARY KEY, salesman_code_s
VARCHAR2 (2) CONSTRAINT uk_salescode UNIQUE, salesman_name_s VARCHAR2 (50) NOT
NULL, salesman_status_s CHAR (1) CONSTRAINT chk_salesstatus CHECK
(salesman_status_s in ('N', 'Y')) ) GRANT ALL ON salesman TO ACME GRANT ALL ON
address TO ACME ;

Note The first CREATE TABLE statement will fail if you didn't create the two tablesas a part of one transaction because it
refers to the nonexistent SALESMAN table (constraint FK_ADDR_SALESMAN).

Note If any statement within CREATE SCHEMA fails, all other statements are also ignored.

DB2 UDB 8.1

The DB2 CREATE SCHEMA statement seems to be closer to SQL99 standards. The syntax is
SCHEMA {<schema_name> | AUTHORIZATION <authorization_id> |
<schema_name> AUTHORIZATION <authorization_id> }

The valid objects to create within the create_object_statement clause are tables, views, and indexes. The owner of the
schema is either authorization_id or (if not specified) the user who issued the CREATE SCHEMA statement:
NULL CONSTRAINT pk_addrprimary PRIMARY KEY, addr_custid_fn INT,
addr_salesmanid_fn INT CONSTRAINT fk_addr_salesman REFERENCES salesman
(salesman_id_n) " ON DELETE CASCADE, addr_address_s VARCHAR(60), addr_type_s
VARCHAR(8) CONSTRAINT chk_addr_type CHECK (addr_type_s IN ('BILLING',
'SHIPPING')), addr_city_s VARCHAR(18) CONSTRAINT nn_addr_city NOT NULL,
addr_state_s CHAR(2), addr_zip_s VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, addr_country_s CHAR(3) )
CREATE TABLE salesman ( salesman_id_n INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT pk_salesmanprim
PRIMARY KEY, salesman_code_s VARCHAR (2) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT uk_salescode
UNIQUE, salesman_name_s VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, salesman_status_s CHAR (1)
CONSTRAINT chk_salesstatus CHECK (salesman_status_s in ('N', 'Y')) ) GRANT ALL
ON salesman TO ACME GRANT ALL ON address TO ACME

MS SQL Server 2000

MS SQL Server provides this syntax to create a schema:

<owner> <create_object_statement>,...

The owner must have a valid security account in the database. The statement below assumes the existence of
account ACMETEST:
pk_addrprimary PRIMARY KEY, addr_custid_fn INT, addr_salesmanid_fn INT
CONSTRAINT fk_addr_salesman REFERENCES salesman (salesman_id_n) ON DELETE
CASCADE, addr_address_s VARCHAR(60), addr_type_s VARCHAR(8) CONSTRAINT
chk_addr_type CHECK (addr_type_s IN ('BILLING', 'SHIPPING')), addr_city_s
VARCHAR(18) CONSTRAINT nn_addr_city NOT NULL, addr_state_s CHAR(2), addr_zip_s
VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, addr_country_s CHAR(3) ) CREATE TABLE salesman (
salesman_id_n INT CONSTRAINT pk_salesmanprim PRIMARY KEY, salesman_code_s
VARCHAR (2) not null CONSTRAINT uk_salescode UNIQUE, salesman_name_s VARCHAR
(50) NOT NULL, salesman_status_s CHAR (1) CONSTRAINT chk_salesstatus CHECK
(salesman_status_s in ('N', 'Y')) ) GRANT ALL ON salesman TO ACME GRANT ALL ON
Other SQL99 and Implementation-Specific Objects
By now you probably realize that SQL standards exist more in theory than in real life. SQL99 defines many objects
that are implemented in none of our three major databases. In its turn, every vendor has its own unique set of
database object types not used in other RDBMS implementations and/or not described in SQL99 standards.

Domains (SQL99)

A domain is a database object that can be used as an alternative to a data type when defining table columns. In
addition to a data type, it can optionally specify a default value, a collation, and a set of constraints. The syntax is
<domain_name> [AS] <datatype> [DEFAULT <default_value>]
[<constraint_definition>,...] [COLLATE

As we mentioned before, domains are not implemented by Oracle, DB2, or MS SQL Server, though they all have
some kind of functionality to achieve similar goals. (For example, CREATE DISTINCT TYPE in DB2, CREATE RULE in
MS SQL Server, and so on. See examples in Chapter 3.)

Note Domains are implemented in Sybase, PostgreSQL, InterBase, Borland, and some other RDBMS vendors.

Tablespaces and filegroups

We already mentioned tablespaces while discussing the process of creating tables and indexes. The concept of
tablespace is not particularly intuitive — it's a logical structure for physical storage. In other words, tablespace is
something you refer in your SQL code when you want to specify a physical location of a database object. Tablespace
can consist of one or more datafiles — special system files where table, index, or any other physical data is stored in
binary form. One datafile can only belong to one tablespace. Figure 4-8 shows the relationship between tablespace
and datafile.

Figure 4-8: Relationship between tablespace and datafile (one-to-many).

When users create tables in, say, the DATA01 tablespace, they have no control over which datafile this table's rows will
physically reside: data01, data02, data03, or spread across all three of them. RDBMS will manage that by itself.
(Actually, in most cases, users do not need to specify even the tablespace; objects are created in their default
tablespaces, i.e., tablespaces assigned to them by the database administrator.)

Note Note that datafiles are binary files, you can't edit them manually or open them to see table data. Only the RDBMS
"knows" their internal proprietary structure and can work with those files.

Oracle 9i

Tablespaces in Oracle are created using the CREATE TABLESPACE command. The simplified syntax is
<tablespace_name> DATAFILE <file_path_and_name> SIZE
<size>[K|M] [REUSE] [<default_storage_clause>]

SIZE is an integer concatenated with letter K (for kilobytes) or M (for megabytes). The default storage specifies the
default physical characteristics for objects created in this particular tablespace.

Note Creating tablespaces in Oracle is not a simple task and is usually handled by the database administrator. They
have many optional clauses that are beyond the scope of this book.

The following example creates tablespace DATA01 with one datafile of size one megabyte (assuming standard
Oracle9i installation on Windows):
DATAFILE 'C:\oracle\ora92\oradata\acme\data01.dbf' SIZE 1M;

Oracle creates file data01.dbf in directory C:\oracle\ora92\oradata\acme formatted in Oracle blocks. You will get an error if
the file already exists unless the REUSE clause is specified. Now you can try the example from the beginning of this
chapter that creates table PHONE in tablespace DATA01.

DB2 UDB 8.1

The CREATE TABLESPACE statement in DB2 is also fairly complex and is normally used by DBA only. The basic
syntax is
([FILE | DEVICE] <file_or_device_name> [<size> K|M|G], ...)

The REGULAR clause is the default; you would only create LONG tablespace to store LOB objects.

Note System-managed tablespace requires less maintenance than database-managed tablespace.

Database-managed tablespace in its turn gives more flexibility to an experienced DBA. You cannot use FILE |
DEVICE or specify size when creating a system-managed tablespace.

The following code creates regular system-managed tablespace USERDATA01 in directory C:\DB2\DATA01 (assuming
the default installation):

MS SQL Server 2000

There is no such thing as tablespace in MS SQL Server, but you can create filegroups and add files to them, which is
exactly the same concept as using tablespaces in Oracle and DB2. This is simply different terminology and slightly
different syntax: you actually use the ALTER DATABASE statement to add filegroups and/or files to a database.

Here is the syntax:

NAME = <logical_file_name> [, FILENAME = <os_file_name>] [, SIZE =
<size> KB|MB|GB|TG] [, <other_physical_parameters>]), ... [ TO
FILEGROUP <filegroup_name> ]

As you can see, the idea is not much different from what you already learned: MS SQL Server filegroup is a logical
structure, just like tablespace in Oracle and DB2, and a file is an element of physical storage.

Few minor variations to mention here: you can create logical names that are different from their physical OS names;
size can be indicated in terabytes in addition to kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes, and so on. The following code
creates filegroup DATA01 and then adds a file with logical name DATA0101 to it of size 1M:
DATA0101, FILENAME ='C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Server\MSSQL\Data\data0101.ndf', SIZE = 1MB ) TO FILEGROUP


A sequence is a database object with functionality similar to that of identity (discussed previously in this chapter). The
main difference is that identity is tied to a table column, and sequence is totally independent from other database
objects; thus, multiple users can generate unique numeric values from a sequence and use them for different
purposes. The most typical use is to generate primary key values for a table (or for multiple tables).

Note You can use one sequence to generate primary keys for two or more tables. If you employ the concept of
meaningless primary keys, then you don't really care that out of integers from 1 to 10 numbers 1, 2, and 5 will be
used to populate primary keys in TABLE1; 3, 7, and 10 will be used forTABLE2; 4, 6, and 8 will become primary key
values for TABLE3, and 9 is not used at all as illustrated onFigure 4-9. Still, a more typical approach would be to
create a separate sequence for each table's primary key.

Figure 4-9: Using sequence-generated numbers to populate primary keys in multiple tables

In general, a sequence is more flexible than an identity column because it is an independent database object, whereas
an identity column is a part of a table definition. For example, sequences can be much more convenient than identity
columns when used in a procedural program (C, Java, COBOL, etc.) that populates records for parent/child tables.

Sequences in Oracle 9i

The syntax to create a sequence in Oracle is

[<schema>.]<sequence_name> [START WITH <start_value>]
[INCREMENT BY <increment_value>] [MAXVALUE <max_value> |

As you probably noticed, most clauses in the CREATE SEQUENCE statement are optional. If you just want to create a
sequence that starts with 1 and generates sequential values (2, 3, 4,...) all the way until it reaches the largest possible
integer in Oracle (10 ), this statement will do:
If you need something more complicated, here is what you can do:

Creating ascending and descending sequences

You can create a sequence that starts with a certain value (START WITH clause) and then each next sequence value
gets populated according to the value specified in the INCREMENT BY clause. To create a descending sequence, use
a negative increment. You would also have to specify the maximum and the minimum sequence values:

Creating cycling sequences

In the previous example, my_sequence2 will generate values 500, 490, 480, 470,...0. After that, you will get an error
saying that your sequence goes below the MINVALUE and cannot be instantiated. What you can do is to create a
sequence that cycles; that is, after it reaches its maximum (or minimum in the case with a descending sequence), it
will simply start over. In the next example sequence, my_sequence3 will restart with 500 again after reaching its
minimum value:

It's often difficult to understand the difference between START WITH and MINVALUE (or MAXVALUE for descending
sequences) clauses. Actually, the difference is only important for cycling sequences. For example, you may want your
sequence to start with 100 and then when it reaches its maximum value (for example, 10,000) start over again, but this
time not with 100, but rather with 10. In this case, you specify 100 for the START WITH clause and 10 for the MINVALUE

Caching sequence values

By default, Oracle caches 20 consecutive sequence values in memory for faster access. You can override the default
behavior either by specifying a different number of values to cache (10, 100, 1000, or whatever you prefer) or by using
the NOCACHE clause that guarantees you sequential values every time you generate values using the sequence.
Otherwise the values in memory would be wiped out if, for example, the davabase has been restarted.

Tip For sequences that cycle, the number of values to cache must be less than the number of values in the cycle.

Guaranteeing the order of sequence values

You may want to guarantee that sequence numbers are generated in order (for example, if you are using them as
timestamps) by specifying an ORDER clause. The default is NOORDER.

Note Oracle does not have identity columns, so sequences are the only option to generate sequential numbers.

Accessing sequences in Oracle

You can generate new sequence values by using SEQUENCE_NAME.NEXTVAL in your SQL code. To access the
current sequence value (i.e., the last generated sequence number) use SEQUENCE_NAME.CURRVAL:
my_sequence4.NEXTVAL 2 FROM dual; NEXTVAL ---------- 102 SQL> SELECT
my_sequence4.CURRVAL 2 FROM dual; CURRVAL ---------- 102 SQL> SELECT
my_sequence4.CURRVAL 2 FROM dual; CURRVAL ---------- 102

Cross-References The example above uses a dummy table DUAL that is used in Oracle to select
values from "nothing." For more information, see Chapter 10.

Note To be able to access CURRVAL, you have to generate the sequence value at least once during the current
session, or an error will be generated. In a sense, DB2's PREVVAL name is more accurate — you are actually
accessing the previously generated value.
DB2 UDB 8.1

The syntax to create a sequence in DB2 is

<start_value>] [INCREMENT BY <increment_value>] [MAXVALUE
<max_value> | NOMAXVALUE] [MINVALUE <min_value> | NOMINVALUE]

As you can see, it's almost identical to the Oracle syntax; all examples from the previous section would work in DB2.
There are a couple of minor differences:

You can specify the data type you want the sequence values to be populated of — it's mainly the
precision metter. The default is INTEGER; if you specify DECIMAL data type, the scale must be zero.
Oracle always assumes the NUMBER data type.

In DB2, you can create static sequences that would always populate the same value (it's very difficult
to imagine why you would need something like that) either by specifying INCREMENT BY 0 or by using
same values for MINVALUE and MAXVALUE. Oracle requires that INCREMENT TO be a positive or a
negative integer, zero is not permitted; MAXVALUE must be greater than MINVALUE.

Accessing sequences in DB2

You can retrieve either current or previous sequence value using the NEXTVAL and PREVVAL keywords. NEXTVAL is
not different from NEXTVAL in Oracle; PREVVAL is an equivalent to Oracle's CURRVAL. The access to the sequence
values is slightly different:
-----------102 1 record(s) selected. db2 => SELECT PREVVAL FOR
my_sequence4 AS PREVVAL \ db2 (cont.) FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 PREVVAL -----------
102 1 record(s) selected. db2 => SELECT PREVVAL FOR my_sequence4 AS PREVVAL
\ db2 (cont.) FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 PREVVAL ----------- 102 1 record(s)

Cross-References The SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 table in DB2 is an equivalent to Oracle'sDUAL. See

Chapter 10 for more details.

Materialized views (Oracle 9i)

A MATERIALIZED VIEW is yet another Oracle object that contains data and occupies physical space. The name is a bit
confusing — you already know that a view is just a compiled query, but the materialized views are more like tables —
they have actual rows with data that could be updated dynamically. The closest analogy is summary tables in DB2;
although in addition to data aggregation materialized views can be used in many different ways (data warehousing,
data replication, and more). In addition to that, materialized views have fewer limitations than DB2 summary tables —
most select statements that work with the CREATE VIEW statement can be used to create a materialized view.

The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW syntax is quite complex; most clauses are of the database administrator's concern
only and require special database security privileges most users don't have. For example, the CREATE MATERIALIZED
VIEW privilege allows users to create materialized views; QUERY REWRITE permits users to create materialized views
used in query rewrites by optimizer, and so on.

Tip QUERY REWRITE transforms a SQL statement expressed in terms of tables or views into a statement accessing
one or more materialized views that are defined on the detail tables. This feature can significantly improve
database performance when used properly.

The following examples illustrate a few possible uses for materialized views.

Materialized view refreshed on demand

Materialized view VRM_ORDERLINE_SUMMARY is analogous to the DB2 ORDERLINE_SUMMARY summary table we
talked about earlier in the chapter. It summarizes ordered and shipped product quantities by order on demand:
ordline_ordhdrid_fn, SUM(ordline_ordqty_n) AS ord_qty_summary,
SUM(ordline_shipqty_n) AS ship_qty_summary, COUNT (*) AS rowcount FROM
order_line GROUP BY ordline_ordhdrid_fn );

Materialized view refreshed periodically with no user interaction

Materialized view VRM_CONTACT_LIST uses the same select_statement as V_CONTACT_LIST view. The snapshot of
records is taken at the moment of the materialized view creation and is refreshed daily at 6 AM:
cust_name_s, phone_phonenum_s, 'CUSTOMER' CONTACT FROM customer, phone WHERE
cust_id_n = phone_custid_fn AND phone_type_s = 'PHONE' UNION SELECT
salesman_name_s, phone_phonenum_s, 'SALESPERSON' FROM salesman, phone WHERE
salesman_id_n = phone_salesmanid_fn AND phone_type_s = 'PHONE';

Cross-References The statement NEXT (TRUNC(SYSDATE + 1)) + 6/24 in the previous statement adds
one day to SYSDATE, truncates the result to get "12 AM tomorrow," and adds 6
hours to it which gives us 6 AM of the following day. More information about the
TRUNCATE function and date arithmetic is in Chapter 10.

This materialized view can be used in situations when the use of a regular view is inappropriate, for example, when
underlying tables are too large and data retrieval becomes too slow; or when tables used in the select_statement
physically reside on a remote database and must be transferred over a network; a materialized view can refresh data
during off-load time.

Note The previous examples assume you have the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW privilege granted to you by a
database administrator with the following statement:

More about privileges in Chapter 12.

Database links (Oracle 9i)

A database link is an object in the local database that enables you to access remote database objects. The remote
database does not have to be an Oracle database — you can directly connect to DB2, MS SQL Server, Sybase, or
any other RDBMS that supports ODBC or OLE DB protocols. You can refer to a remote table or view in a SQL
statement by appending @<dblink> to the table or view name (where <dblink> is the name of a previously created
database link).


The syntax for CREATE DATABASE LINK is


The SHARED keyword specifies that a single network connection can be used by multiple users; PUBLIC means the
database link is available to all users, not only to its creator. CURRENT_USER can be specified if the remote database
user and password are identical to those of whoever is using the database link; otherwise, remote user name and
password have to be specified.

The connect_string parameter must be a valid service name. (See Oracle's Net Services Administrator's Guide for
setting service names.) It has to be enclosed by single quotes.
The following command creates database link named DBL_SALES assuming you have a valid service name SALES
and pointing to a database where user SALES_MANAGER exists:
dbl_sales CONNECT TO sales_manager IDENTIFIED BY sales123 USING

Note Both DB2 and MS SQL Server also allow you to connect to remote databases. DB2 uses NICKNAMES, and MS
SQL Server features Linked Servers and Remote Servers. See vendor-specific documentation for details.
CREATE Statement Cross-Reference
Table 4-1 provides the full list of all objects you can create in the "big three" databases as well as SQL99 CREATE
statement standards. Some of the statements were covered in this chapter; some others will be covered later in this
book. For example, we'll talk about CREATE USER, CREATE ROLE, and CREATE PROFILE statements in Chapter 12.
Table 4-1: Valid CREATE Statements Cross-Reference

Statement SQL99 Oracle DB2 UDB 8.1 MS SQL Server 2000
































Statement SQL99 Oracle DB2 UDB 8.1 MS SQL Server 2000


Statement SQL99 Oracle DB2 UDB 8.1 MS SQL Server 2000


























Many CREATE statements are for database administrators use only, so you will not find their detailed explanation in the
book; refer to vendor-specific documentation for more information.

One of the definitions of a database is "a collection of objects and processes for their manipulation." In a relational
database, the objects are created through either standard SQL99 or vendor-specific SQL. The CREATE <object>
syntax can be very complicated and usually belongs to the database administrator's domain; nevertheless,
understanding how database objects are created is important.

The most important objects introduced in this chapter include table, index, view, materialized view, synonym, schema,
and sequence. This list by all means does not cover all objects that could be created within RDBMS using SQL.

The central and most important database object is table — a logical concept of a data holder implemented in a
database file structure. Tables can be temporary or permanent, according their life span within an RDBMS. Even such
a basic concept can be implemented differently by the different vendors. Most differences occur in the context of the
CREATE syntax employed in temporary tables, whereas the syntaxes used in permanent tables tend to adhere more
closely to the SQL standard.

Indexes are not part of the SQL standard specification and are hidden from users. The purpose of an index is to speed
up data retrieval from a table. A view differs from a table by being populated with data on demand from its base tables
(with the exception of materialized views); views are defined by an SQL SELECT query and are dependent on the
tables this query specifies. Views are used for many reasons, explained in the chapter.

Synonyms are used to facilitate database object referencing by replacing long, fully qualified names with easy-to-use

Some other database objects mentioned in the chapter are domains, tablespaces, filegroups, and constraints.

Each vendor has chosen to implement a different subset of database objects in its RDBMS software; some of these
objects are not part of the standard SQL, and some of the higher-level standard-mandated objects are not
implemented. Syntax for creating these objects also differs among the vendors and should be checked against
vendors' documentation.
Chapter 5: Altering and Destroying RDBMS Objects

Objects created within a database are not cast in stone. The ability to easily change database objects gives an
RDBMS a big advantage over nonrelctional models because flexibility is built into the relational database concept. This
includes the ability to create, modify, and destroy database objects. Needless to say, all our three major vendors
provide this ability so as to incur minimal impact on other database entities.

Note Examples in this chapter assume incremental buildup of the ACME database started in Chapter 4. Constraints
implemented in the database scripts included with the CD-ROM may prevent some of the statements from
successful execution.
You already know that the table is the central RDBMS object. In a perfect world you would never have to change
anything in a table's structure after it was created. In real life though you need to modify table definitions quite often.
Changing business rules are usually the main reason; incorrect initial design is also not uncommon, especially in test
environments. The whole idea behind the ALTER TABLE statement is to make the table definition changes as fast and
as painless as possible. The DROP TABLE statement is used to remove a table (both its data and definition) from the

ALTER TABLE statement

We are now going to explain how ALTER TABLE is implemented by different vendors.


The SQL99 ALTER TABLE syntax is:

ALTER TABLE <table_name>
{[ADD [COLUMN] <column_definition>] |
[ALTER [COLUMN] <column_name> {SET DEFAULT <default> | DROP DEFAULT}] |
[DROP [COLUMN] <column_name> RESTRICT | CASCADE] |
[ADD <table_constraint>] |

Basically this code defines the syntax for adding or deleting a table column or a default value for a column as well as
for dropping a table constraint.

Oracle 9i

The ALTER TABLE statement has even more options in Oracle than CREATE TABLE does. The following syntax lists
only the ones most important in the context of this book:
ALTER TABLE [<qualifier>.]<table_name>
{[<change_physical_attributes>] |
[ADD <column_name> <datatype> [<size1>[,<size2>]]
[DEFAULT <default_value>] [<column_constraint>,...]
]..., |
[MODIFY <column_name> <datatype> [<size1>[,<size2>]] |
[DEFAULT <default_value>] [NULL | NOT NULL]
]..., |
[DROP {COLUMN <column_name> | (<column_name>,...)}
[MODIFY CONSTRAINT <constraint_name> <constraint_state>] |
[ADD {PRIMARY KEY (<column_name>,...) |
UNIQUE (<column_name>,...) |
CONSTRAINT <constraint_name> <constraint_definition>
UNIQUE (<column_name>,...) |
CONSTRAINT <contraint_name> [CASCADE]
UNIQUE (<column_name>,...) |
CONSTRAINT <constraint name> |
[RENAME TO <new_table_name>]

Changing physical attributes

Many different physical attributes of a table can be changed in Oracle using the ALTER TABLE statement. For example,
it would be very easy to fix once you realized that your table was created in a wrong tablespace. The following
example assumes the existence of tablespace DATA01:

Note In our sample ACME database, all objects were created without explicitly specifying a tablespace. Also, user
ACME was created without specifying a default tablespace. That means all tables and indexes are created in
SYSTEM tablespace by default, which is absolutely unacceptable in a production database. You now know how
to correct it using the ALTER TABLE statement.

See the Oracle documentation for more information on changing table physical attributes.

Adding columns

Often you will need to add a column to an existing table. For example, our ACME database can easily handle
situations when a customer has more than one phone number. But now imagine we have a new set of business rules
saying that if a customer or a salesman has more than one phone, we need a way to know which number is primary
and what kind of phone it is (business, mobile, home, etc.). So, we want to add two new columns to PHONE:
PHONE_PRIMARY_S with a default value of Y and PHONE_CATEGORY_S. We also want to specify the range of valid
values for PHONE_PRIMARY_S (Y and N). The task is quite simple to implement:

As you can see from this example, Oracle allows you to use one ALTER TABLE statement to add multiple columns at
the same time. You can drop multiple columns within one ALTER TABLE statement as well.

Tip If you add a column with a default value to an existing table, each row in the new column is automatically updated
with the value specified for DEFAULT.

Modifying existing columns

You can modify columns in a couple of different ways. You can change the column's data type; increase or decrease
the size of a CHARACTER or a RAW column (or precision of a NUMERIC column). You can also specify a new default
for an existing column and/or add a NOT NULL constraint to it.

As usual, certain restrictions apply. You can decrease the size or precision of a column only if it's empty, that is, if it
contains all NULLs. (You can decrease the size and precision with no limitations though.) You also can't add NOT NULL
constraint to a column that contains NULLs. (Again, you can do it the other way around.) You can change a column's
data type to a compatible data type only (for example, CHAR can be changed to VARCHAR) if the column is not empty;
no limitations exist for empty columns.

Note Only the NOT NULL constraint can be added to a table column using theMODIFY clause of the ALTER TABLE
statement. All other constraints can be added, dropped, modified, and disabled using ADD, DROP, DISABLE,

Here are some examples. The column PHONE_CATEGORY_S that we added to PHONE table in our recent example is
CHAR(15). We are aware that the CHAR data type is best used when we know exactly how many characters will be
stored in the column; otherwise VARCHAR2 is a better choice. Also, we decided to increase the maximum column size
to 20 characters because we might want to store larger strings there; but for now we want the default string BUSINESS
to be populated in this column for all new rows. We also decided we don't want any NULL values in the PHONE_
PRIMARY_S column.
The following statement successfully accomplishes this task:

Note This statement works because when we added PHONE_PRIMARY_S column we also specified the default value of
Y, so it does not contain anyNULL values. Unlike ALTER TABLE ... ADD the above ALTER TABLE ... MODIFY
statement does not populate default values for existing columns.

Removing table columns

Now imagine the business rules have changed again, and the columns you added and modified in previous examples
are no longer needed. The following statement removes PHONE_PRIMARY_S and PHONE_CATEGORY_S columns
from PHONE table:

Note When you drop a column all indexes and/or constraints associated with the column (if any) are also dropped. If
the column to be dropped is a parent key of a nontarget column or if a check constraint references both the target
and nontarget columns, CASCADE CONSTRAINTS must be specified, or Oracle generates an error.

Modifying constraints

The MODIFY CONSTRAINT clause enables you to change the existing column or table constraints' status of INITIALLY
IMMEDIATE to INITIALLY DEFERRED assuming the constraints were created with keyword DEFERRABLE. Assuming
Chapter 4 examples, it would probably make sense to issue the following command after the data load is complete:

The constraint behavior is now indistinguishable from one of a nondeferrable constraint; that is, the constraint is
checked after each DDL statement. When you want to perform another data load, the following statement changes the
constraint's behavior again:

Creating new constraints

As with new columns, you might need to create new constraints on the existing table. The situations are usually similar
to those when you might need new table columns — for example, when implementing new business rules or
amending bad initial designs. For example, you might have realized the salesman's code in the SALESMAN table must
be unique. The following statement accomplishes the task:
ALTER TABLE salesman
ADD CONSTRAINT uk_salesmancode UNIQUE (salesman_code_s);

And here are examples of implementing referential integrity constraints on tables created in Chapter 4:
ALTER TABLE customer ADD CONSTRAINT fk_cust_payterms
FOREIGN KEY (cust_paytermsid_fn)
REFERENCES payment_terms (payterms_id_n);
ALTER TABLE customer ADD CONSTRAINT fk_cust_salesman
FOREIGN KEY (cust_salesmanid_fn)
REFERENCES salesman (salesman_id_n);
ALTER TABLE order_line ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ordline_ordhdr
FOREIGN KEY (ordline_ordhdrid_fn)
REFERENCES order_header (ordhdr_id_n);
ALTER TABLE order_line ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ordline_product
FOREIGN KEY (ordline_prodid_fn)
REFERENCES product (prod_id_n);

Cross-References For the full list of ACME tables, indexes, and constraints, refer to
Appendix B.
Removing constraints

ALTER TABLE enables you to remove column or table constraints. For example, to remove the unique constraint you
just created, use
DROP CONSTRAINT uk_salesmancode;

Disabling and enabling constraints

In some situations you might want to be able to defer constraint's action:

DISABLE CONSTRAINT chk_salesstatus;

Some data load action here...


ENABLE CONSTRAINT chk_salesstatus;

Note As you already know, you can disable/enable constraints only if your table was created with DEFERRABLE
constraints. Otherwise you would have to drop and re-create constraints or do some other workarounds described
in Chapter 4.

Tip You can also enable or disable all triggers (special database objects discussed in Chapter 14) associated with the
specified table using ENABLE | DISABLE ALL TRIGGERS clause.

Renaming a table

You can change the name of a table using a RENAME TO clause. For example, if you (or your boss) decided that name
SALESMAN is not politically correct, you can change it to SALESPERSON using this command:

Please keep in mind that any programs (including your PL/SQL procedures, functions, packages, and triggers that
refer the renamed table) will no longer be valid after this change. You would have to find and change all references to
the SALESMAN table in your code and recompile the programs.

So, you've found out that's too much of an effort, so you decided to change the name back. No problem:

DB2 UDB 8.1

The DB2 ALTER TABLE statement allows you to add columns to a table, add or drop constraints, change the length of
a column (VARCHAR only), modify identity column properties and summary table options, alter physical attributes, and
more. The syntax (simplified for the purpose of this book) is:
ALTER TABLE [<qualifier>.]<table_name>
[ADD COLUMN <column_definition>],... |
[ALTER COLUMN [SET DATATYPE VARCHAR <newlength_gt_existinglength>] |
[ADD CONSTRAINT <constraint_definition>] |
[<physical_options>] |
[SET SUMMARY AS {DEFINITION ONLY | <summary_table_definition>}]

Adding new columns to a table

The statement below adds two new columns to PHONE:


Increasing VARCHAR column size

DB2 has very limited options for modifying existing columns. Virtually all you can do is to increase the size of an
existing VARCHAR column:

The statement above increases the size of CUST_ALIAS_S from VARCHAR(15) to VARCHAR(20).

Note DB2 would not let you decrease the size of a VARCHAR column as well as altering the size of any other data type
columns or changing a column data type.

Modifying identity column options

You can modify the options for an existing identity column. Assuming you've created the table PAYMENT_TERMS with
PAYTERMS_ID_N as an identity column (see Chapter 4), the following statement alters the identity column option in
such a way so it would cycle starting with 100 after the maximum value of 500 is reached:
ALTER TABLE payment_terms
ALTER COLUMN payterms_id_n

Note This statement would fail ifPAYTERMS_ID_N column was not created as an identity column.

Creating new constraints on an existing table

You can add PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, CHECK or referential integrity constraints using the ALTER TABLE statement.
Some examples follow:
ALTER TABLE salesman
ADD CONSTRAINT uk_salesmancode UNIQUE (salesman_code_s)
ALTER TABLE customer ADD CONSTRAINT fk_cust_payterms
FOREIGN KEY (cust_paytermsid_fn)
REFERENCES payment_terms (payterms_id_n)
ALTER TABLE customer ADD CONSTRAINT fk_cust_salesman
FOREIGN KEY (cust_salesmanid_fn)
REFERENCES salesman (salesman_id_n)
ALTER TABLE order_line ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ordline_ordhdr
FOREIGN KEY (ordline_ordhdrid_fn)
REFERENCES order_header (ordhdr_id_n)
ALTER TABLE order_line ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ordline_product
FOREIGN KEY (ordline_prodid_fn)
REFERENCES product (prod_id_n)

Removing constraints

The ALTER TABLE ... DROP CONSTRAINT statement deletes an existing constraint. For example, to remove the unique
constraint you've just created, use
DROP CONSTRAINT uk_salesmancode;

Altering summary table options

You can alter summary table options; for example, assuming we created ORDERLINE_SUMMARY table (Chapter 4),
ALTER TABLE orderline_summary

MS SQL Server 2000

MS SQL Server allows you to change a data type and collation sequence for existing columns, add new and drop
existing columns, add or drop constraints, and disable or enable table triggers:
ALTER TABLE [<qualifier>.]<table_name>
[ALTER COLUMN <column_name>
<new_datatype> [<size1>[,<size2>]
[COLLATE <collation_name>] |
[ADD <new_column_definition> [<column_constraint>,...]] |
[DROP COLUMN <column_name>,...]
[ADD <table_constraint>,...] |
[DROP CONSTRAINT <constraint_name>] |
[{ENABLE | DISABLE} TRIGGER {ALL | <trigger_name>,...}]

Cross-References Triggers are explained in Chapter 14.

Adding new columns to a table

You can add new columns to a table using the same syntax for column definitions as in MS SQL Server's CREATE
TABLE statement. Collation sequences, defaults, identity properties, and constraints can also be specified. The
statement below adds two new columns to PHONE:
CONSTRAINT chk_phoneprim

Modifying existing columns

The rules of modifying existing columns in MS SQL Server are different from what either Oracle or DB2 would allow
you to do. For example, you cannot change the data type of a column on which a constraint is based or give it a
default value. You also are unable to alter columns with TEXT, NTEXT, IMAGE, or TIMESTAMP data types. Some more
restrictions apply; see vendor's documentation for details.

Unlike in Oracle, you can decrease the size of a nonempty column as long as all existing data fits the new size. For
example, MS SQL Server would let you decrease the size of the PHONE_TYPE_S column from VARCHAR(20) to
VARCHAR(10) or even VARCHAR(5) because the longest string stored in this column PHONE is only five characters

However, the RDBMS returns an error if you try to decrease the column size to maximum four characters:

Server: Msg 8152, Level 16, State 9, Line 1

String or binary data would be truncated.
The statement has been terminated.

MS SQL Server behaves similarly with numeric columns. You can decrease the scale, but only down to the size of the
biggest column value. The following statement changes the data type of the ORDLINE_ORDQTY_N column from

But changing it to NUMERIC(2) is not going to work because the largest current value in this column happens to be 700
in our ACME database:

Server: Msg 8115, Level 16, State 8, Line 1

Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type
numeric. The statement has been terminated.

Removing table columns

Removing table columns in MS SQL Server is more restrictive than in Oracle. For example, a column cannot be
dropped if it is used in an index or in a constraint; associated with a default; or bound to a rule. The statement below
fails because the column PHONE_PRIMARY_S is used in check constraint CHK_PHONEPRIM and is also associated
with a default:

Server: Msg 5074, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The object 'DF__PHONE__PHONE_PRI__3B0BC30C' is dependent on column 'PHONE_PRIMARY_S'.
Server: Msg 5074, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The object 'chk_phoneprim' is dependent on column 'PHONE_PRIMARY_S'.
Server: Msg 4922, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
more objects access this column.

The following statement nonetheless succeeds because the PHONE_CATEGORY_S column alone is not the subject for
any of the previous limitations:

Creating and removing constraints

The syntax to create new constraints or remove existing constraints in MS SQL Server is no different from one in
Oracle's and DB2:
ALTER TABLE salesman
ADD CONSTRAINT uk_salesmancode UNIQUE (salesman_code_s);
DROP CONSTRAINT uk_salesmancode;

DROP TABLE statement

Because tables occupy physical space, for the sake of efficiency it is important to be able to get rid of them as soon as
they are no longer needed. The DROP TABLE statement works pretty much the same way in all "big three" databases.
It releases the physical storage for the deleted table as well as for any indexes on its columns. The definitions for the
table, its related indexes, integrity constraints, and triggers are removed from the database data dictionary. All views
become invalid and have to be either changed to delete all references to the removed table or manually deleted from
the database.

Caution DROP TABLE is a part of DDL and is therefore irreversible. Specifically, it is committed to the database
immediately without possibility of a rollback. Use it with extreme care.

Following is the syntax for the DROP TABLE statement.

Oracle 9i

DROP TABLE [<qualifier>.]<table_name> [CASCADE CONSTRAINTS];

The optional CASCADE CONSTRAINTS clause lets you drop a table with enforced referential integrity constraints; the
constraints will also be dropped. If the clause is omitted and such referential integrity constraints exist, Oracle
generates an error and the table would not be dropped:
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02449: unique/primary keys in table referenced by foreign keys

The problem is that CUSTOMER table is referenced by ADDRESS , PHONE, and ORDER_HEADER tables (constraints
constraints you could use this SQL statement:

Table dropped.

DB2 UDB 8.1

DROP TABLE [<qualifier>.]<table_name>

In addition to all objects listed here (indexes, constraints, and triggers), all summary tables referencing the table to be
removed are also dropped as well as all related referential integrity constraints:
db2 => DROP TABLE customer
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.

This unforgiving behavior could spell a disaster resulting in unintentional loss of data, so be especially cautious when
working with the DROP TABLE statement in DB2.

MS SQL Server 2000

DROP TABLE [<qualifier>.]<table_name>

Unlike Oracle, MS SQL Server would not let you drop a table in which a primary key is referenced by any foreign key.
To drop the table CUSTOMER you would have to drop the referential integrity constraints FK_ADDR_CUST,
2> GO
Msg 3726, Level 16, State 1, Server PD-TS-TEST1, Line 1
Could not drop object 'CUSTOMER' because it is referenced by a FOREIGN KEY
1> ALTER TABLE address
2> DROP CONSTRAINT fk_addr_cust
3> ALTER TABLE phone
4> DROP CONSTRAINT fk_phone_cust
5> ALTER TABLE order_header
7> GO
2> GO
As we already know, indexes are invisible for most database users, so in most cases they would not need to change
indexes. Also, you can always drop and re-create an index rather than modify it. Out of our three database vendors
only Oracle provides the ALTER INDEX statement to change the physical definition of an index. The DROP INDEX
statement is used to remove indexes; it's available in all three databases.

Note As discussed in Chapter 4, indexes are not part of SQL99.

ALTER INDEX statement in Oracle 9i

As usual, we are not going to concentrate on details of the ALTER INDEX statement and will rather refer you to Oracle
documentation for more information, and we'll illustrate only a couple of clauses that might be interesting for us in the
course of this book:
ALTER INDEX <index_name>
{[RENAME TO <new_name>] |
[REBUILD TABLESPACE <tablespace_name>]

Renaming indexes

The RENAME clause can be useful if your indexes were created with system-generated names (that is, if you did not
name them specifically on object creation). For instance, suppose you created table SALESMAN with the following
salesman_id_n NUMBER PRIMARY KEY,
salesman_code_s VARCHAR2(2) UNIQUE,
salesman_name_s VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL,
salesman_status_s CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y',
CONSTRAINT chk_salesstatus CHECK
(salesman_status_s in ('N', 'Y'))

Oracle will automatically create indexes on both the SALESMAN_ID_N and SALESMAN_CODE_S columns (remember,
indexes are always created on primary key or unique columns), but the names will be rather nondescriptive;
something like SYS_C003521 and SYS_C003522. If your database has some kind of naming conventions similar to
those described in Appendix B (which is not a bad idea), you might want to change the names of the indexes to
something more descriptive later:

Rebuilding indexes into a different tablespace

Another frequent mistake while creating Oracle indexes is to create them in a wrong tablespace. This happens even
more often than with tables because Oracle does not provide a default index tablespace option. Specifically,
regardless if a user has an assigned default data tablespace (DATA01 for example), all physical objects (including
indexes) are created in this tablespace by default if otherwise was not specified. That is not always the desirable
behavior, especially in a production environment where data and index tablespaces are usually located on separate
physical devices (hard disks); creating indexes in wrong tablespaces can significantly degrade performance.

The ALTER INDEX command can be used to fix the problem:


Note This example assumes the existence of the tablespaceINDEX01.

DROP INDEX statement

Similar to the DROP TABLE statement, DROP INDEX releases the allocated space and removes the index definition
from the database information schema. You cannot drop indexes created to implement PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE
constraints using DROP TABLE; ALTER TABLE ... DROP CONSTRAINT statement would have to be used instead.

Cross-References The database information schema is discussed inChapter 13.

Oracle 9i

The syntax is
DROP INDEX [<qualifier>.]<index_name>;

The first statement returns an error because PK_ORDHDRPRIM is the primary key on table ORDER_HEADER , but the
second one works just fine:
SQL> DROP INDEX pk_ordhdrprim;
DROP INDEX pk_ordhdrprim
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02429: cannot drop index used for enforcement of unique/primary key
SQL> DROP INDEX idx_phone_cust;

Index dropped.

When an index is dropped, all objects dependent on the underlying table are invalidated.

DB2 UDB 8.1

Use the same syntax as in Oracle:

DROP INDEX [<qualifier>.]<index_name>

Assume you want to drop index IDX_PHONE_CUST on PHONE_CUSTID_FN column of the PHONE table:
DROP INDEX idx_phone_cust

DB2 invalidates packages that have dependency on the dropped index.

MS SQL Server

You have to specify both the table name in which the indexed column is located and the index name:
DROP INDEX <table_name>.<index_name> [,...]

For example
DROP INDEX phone.idx_phone_cust

Tip You can drop multiple indexes within oneDROP INDEX statement. The names must be comma-separated.
Views can be changed or dropped using the ALTER VIEW and DROP VIEW statements correspondingly.

ALTER VIEW statement

Oracle 9i, DB2 UDB, and MS SQL Server all have an ALTER VIEW statement, but its syntax and functionality is quite

Oracle 9i

The two main uses of ALTER VIEW in Oracle are either to recompile a view invalidated because of underlying table(s)
DDL changes or to add, modify, or drop view constraints. The syntax is
ALTER VIEW [<qualifier>.]<view_name>
[ADD CONSTRAINT <view_constraint_definition>] |
[MODIFY CONSTRAINT <constraint_name>] |
[DROP {CONSTRAINT <constraint_name> | PRIMARY KEY}]

For example, you might want to recompile view V_FAX_NUMBER because its underlying table (PHONE) has been
ALTER VIEW v_fax_number

Tip You don't actually have to recompile Oracle views invalidated when their underlying tables have been changed.
The invalidated view will be automatically recompiled when referred by SQL code; the main reason to recompile
views manually is for performance improvement.

The next example adds the UNIQUE constraint to the view V_CONTACT_LIST:
ALTER VIEW v_contact_list
ADD CONSTRAINT vpk_contactlist UNIQUE (name, phone_number)

To drop this constraint, issue the following statements:

ALTER VIEW v_contact_list
DROP CONSTRAINT vpk_contactlist;

Note Oracle's ALTER VIEW statement cannot alter the view definition; if you need to add or drop view columns, change
data types or the underlying query, etc., you have to use CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW statement (or, alternatively,
use DROP VIEW and CREATE VIEW statements).

DB2 UDB 8.1

DB2 allows you to use the ALTER VIEW statement to alter a reference type column to add a scope. The functionality is
an advanced topic and is not covered in this book.

MS SQL Server 2000

The ALTER VIEW in MS SQL Server enables you to change view columns, underlying select statements, and other
view options without affecting dependent database objects or changing permissions (which would be different had you
used DROP VIEW and CREATE VIEW statements). The syntax is practically the same as for CREATE VIEW:
ALTER VIEW [<qualifier>.]<view_name>
AS <select_statement>
Cross-References See Chapter 4 examples for CREATE VIEW.

Note SQL99 does not specify any rules for altering views.

DROP VIEW statement

DROP VIEW statement removes view definition from the system catalog. The dependent objects become invalid.

Oracle 9i

The syntax is

For example
DROP VIEW v_phone_number;

The optional CASCADE CONSTRAINTS clause removes all referential integrity constraints that refer to primary and
unique keys in the view to be dropped. See Oracle's DROP TABLE statement described previously.

DB2 UDB 8.1

DB2 uses syntax as follows:

DROP VIEW [<qualifier>.]<view_name>

MS SQL Server

You can drop multiple views using the MS SQL Server DROP VIEW statement:
DROP VIEW <view_name> [,...]

The following statement drops three views (V_PHONE_NUMBER, V_CUSTOMER_TOTALS, and

1> DROP VIEW v_phone_number, v_customer_totals, v_wile_bess_orders
2> Go
Aliases and Synonyms
You cannot modify aliases or synonyms in Oracle and DB2. If the definition of a synonym (alias) must be changed,
you can drop and re-create it using DROP SYNONYM (ALIAS ) and CREATE SYNONYM (ALIAS ).

Oracle 9i

The syntax to destroy an Oracle synonym is

DROP [PUBLIC] SYNONYM <synonym_name>;

You must use the PUBLIC keyword if the synonym you are going to remove was created as a public synonym.
Assuming the examples from Chapter 4,

Oracle does not invalidate any objects that the dropped synonym was referring to except for materialized views.

DB2 UDB 8.1

The syntax to remove an alias in DB2 is

DROP {ALIAS | SYNONYM} <alias_name>

For example

All tables, views, and triggers that reference the dropped alias become inoperative.
None of our "big three" vendors has syntax to change a schema; only DB2 allows you to drop schema. Here is the
syntax to do this:

The schema must be empty (i.e., no objects can be defined in it) for the schema to be deleted from the database. The
following statement would fail unless you dropped the ACMETEST.ADDRESS and ACMETEST.SALESMAN tables
(assuming examples from Chapter 4):
The object type "SCHEMA" cannot be dropped because
there is an object "ACMETEST.ADDRESS" of type "TABLE" which depends
on it. SQLSTATE=42893
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
Other Implementation-Specific Objects

In this section you'll learn how to change and destroy some implementation-specific objects discussed in Chapter 4.


Both Oracle and DB2 allow you to change or remove existing tablespaces.


Several options are available to modify an existing tablespace.

Oracle 9i

The most common action on a tablespace is to add a new file to an existing tablespace:
ALTER TABLESPACE <tablespace_name>
ADD DATAFILE <file_path_and_name> SIZE size K|M;

The following command adds a new data file, C:\oracle\ora92\oradata\acme\data01.dbf ,of size 1 megabyte to tablespace
ADD DATAFILE C:\oracle\ora92\oradata\acme\data01.dbf SIZE 1M;

Note Many more options are available with the ALTER TABLESPACE statement in Oracle, but they are mostly for
database administrators' use and are not covered in this book.

DB2 UDB 8.1

Similar to Oracle, the ALTER TABLESPACE statement in DB2 is primarily for DBAs. For example, you can add a
container to a tablespace created with the MANAGED BY DATABASE option or increase its size.

Note You already know from Chapter 4 that MS SQL Server 2000 usesfilegroups in a way similar to how Oracle and
DB2 use tablespaces. The ALTER DATABASE ... ADD FILE command is covered in Chapter 4.


Again, usually only database administrators have the necessary privileges to drop existing tablespaces. Please keep
in mind that dropping a tablespace drops all objects defined in the tablespace; proceed with caution.

Oracle 9i

In Oracle you can specify several options with the DROP TABLESPACE statement:
DROP TABLESPACE <tablespace_name>

If you want to drop a tablespace that contains objects, you would have to specify INCLUDING CONTENTS or Oracle
generates an error. By default the actual operating files are not deleted; you have to specify an AND DATAFILES clause
unless you want to remove them manually. Specify CASCADE CONSTRAINTS to drop all referential integrity constraints
from tables outside tablespace that refer to primary and unique keys of tables inside tablespace.

Note If the tablespace is Oracle-managed, you don't need the AND DATAFILES clause; the OS files will be deleted

DB2 UDB 8.1

The syntax for DB2 is

DROP TABLESPACE[S] <tablespace_name>,...
You can delete multiple tablespaces within one DROP TABLESPACE statement. All OS files for the tablespace(s)
managed by the system will be removed; containers created by users are not deleted.


Sequences can be modified or dropped both in Oracle and DB2; as you know from Chapter 4, MS SQL Server has no
sequence objects.


Almost all options for sequences that you can use with the CREATE SEQUENCE statement (Chapter 4) can also be

Oracle 9i

You can change the increment, minimum, and maximum values, cached numbers, and behavior of an existing
sequence. Only the future sequence numbers are affected. The only clause you cannot modify for existing sequences
ALTER SEQUENCE [<qualifier>.]<sequence_name>
[INCREMENT BY <increment_value>]
[CACHE <value> | NOCACHE]

The following statement changes MY_SEQUENCE4 in such a way that it no longer has a maximum value and does not
CREATE SEQUENCE my_sequence4

DB2 UDB 8.1

DB2 allows you to restart the sequence, to change its increment (for future values only), to set or eliminate the
minimum or maximum values, to change the number of cached values, and more:
ALTER SEQUENCE <sequence_name>
[RESTART WITH <start_value>]
[INCREMENT BY <increment_value>]
[CACHE <value> | NOCACHE]

For example
CREATE SEQUENCE my_sequence4


Sequences can be dropped with the DROP SEQUENCE statement.

Oracle 9i

DROP SEQUENCE [<qualifier>.]<sequence_name>;

No dependencies exist (i.e., no database objects would prevent a sequence from being dropped; also, no objects
would be invalidated). The statement below removes sequence MY_SEQUENCE1:
DROP SEQUENCE <my_sequence1>;

DB2 UDB 8.1

DROP SEQUENCE <sequence_name> RESTRICT -- restrict is a required keyword

You cannot drop a sequence used in a trigger. This example is an equivalent to Oracle's syntax from the previous
ALTER and DROP Statements Cross-Reference
Table 5-1 provides the full list of all objects you can change in the "big three" databases using ALTER statement.
Table 5-1: Valid ALTER Statements Cross-Reference

Statement SQL99 Oracle 9i DB2 UDB 8.1 MS SQL Server 2000


































Table 5-2 provides the full list of all objects you can remove using a DROP statement.
Table 5-2: Valid DROP Statements Cross-Reference

Statement SQL99 Oracle DB2 UDB 8.1 MS SQL Server 2000


































Statement SQL99 Oracle DB2 UDB 8.1 MS SQL Server 2000








DROP TABLE ü ü ü ü

Statement SQL99 Oracle DB2 UDB 8.1 MS SQL Server 2000












DROP VIEW ü ü ü ü


Every object in a database has a lifespan. Objects can be created, modified, and destroyed. In the RDBMS world this
is achieved through SQL statements that don't always comply with the SQL standards. Some vendors provide more
functionality and control than others, and compliance levels vary greatly among them. Virtually every object that could
be created within a database could be altered or destroyed.

In most cases the ability to modify database objects is optional, that is, you can always use a set of alternative
statements (like DROP and CREATE) to achieve the same results.

The ability to remove database objects is also very important. It releases space for physical objects that are no longer
in use and can also be used to change objects that cannot be altered (by dropping and re-creating them).
Part III: Data Manipulation and Transaction Control

Chapter List

Chapter 6: Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Chapter 7: Sessions, Transactions, and Locks

Chapter 6: Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Chapters 4 and 5 discussed an important part of SQL called the data definition language (DDL) that enables you to
create, alter, and destroy various database objects. We emphasized the fact that tables are the most important
database objects because they store data, and data is what databases are all about. This chapter deals with the data
manipulation language (DML) that allows you to add data to the database, modify it as necessary, and destroy it when
it is no longer needed.

"Classical" DML consists of three statements: INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. Oracle 9i introduces yet another DML
statement, MERGE, that combines the functionality of INSERT and UPDATE.

Note Examples in this chapter assume incremental buildup of the ACME database started in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5.
Constraints implemented in the database scripts included with the CD-ROM may prevent some of the statements
from successful execution.
INSERT: Populating Tables with Data
As you know, tables in a relational database denote entities — or at least they should. For example, each row in the
CUSTOMER table holds information about a specific customer; a row in ORDER_HEADER represents a definite order,
and so on. Usually, the appearance of a new "real-life" entity calls for inserting a new row. For example, you would
need a new row in CUSTOMER table if ACME, Inc. obtained a new customer; you need to insert a row into
ORDER_HEADER table when a customer makes an order; a new row has to be added to the PRODUCT table if ACME
starts selling a new product, and so on.

The INSERT statement is used to add rows to a table, either directly or through an updateable view. The syntax differs
slightly among SQL99, Oracle 9i, DB2 UDB 8.1, and MS SQL Server 2000, but it is possible to come up with some
kind of a generic INSERT syntax that works with all our "big three" databases:
INSERT INTO <table_or_view_name>
{ {VALUES (<literal> |
<expression> |
DEFAULT,...)} |
{<select_statement>} }

We are going to concentrate on the generic INSERT functionality first, and then describe some of its SQL99 and
vendor-specific only features.

Common INSERT statement clauses

One would typically insert values into one table at a time within one INSERT statement. (Oracle 9i allows you to
perform multitable inserts, but that is rather advanced functionality not covered in this book.) The name of the table is
provided in the table_or_view_name clause. (An updateable view name can be given instead of a table name.)

The column_name clause is optional; it determines the order in which column values of the row to be inserted are
populated. It also allows you to skip values for columns you don't want to populate at that particular moment; such
columns would either have NULL values or would be populated with column defaults specified with a CREATE (ALTER)
TABLE statement.

Caution You cannot skip any NOT NULL columns in your column_name clause; otherwise the RDBMS will give you an

The values to insert can either be specified using the VALUES clause or the resulting set from the select_statement
clause (also called subquery). In the first case, usually only one row is inserted (exception is DB2 where you can
specify multiple VALUES clauses within one INSERT statement; more about that in this chapter's section about DB2); in
the second case, the RDBMS inserts as many rows as were returned by the select_statement — it can be zero, one,
ten, or one thousand.

You have to list values for all table columns in the VALUES clause in the exact same order they are specified in the
table definition if the column_name list was omitted.

Cross-References Obtaining information about the internal structure of database objects is discussed
in Chapter 13.

If the column_name list is present, you have to specify a corresponding value for each column listed.

Note If the select_statement clause was used rather than theVALUES clause, its resulting set has to be organized either
in table definition order (if column_list is not specified) or incolumn_list order.

Inserting values for specified columns

The situation when you want to insert a row with NULL values for certain columns is not unusual. As you know, NULL is
used when value is unknown or nonapplicable. For example, suppose you know ACME starts selling a new product
SPRUCE LUMBER 30 ×40 ×50, but certain properties of this product (price and weight) are still unknown. We can add
a record to the PRODUCT table using the following INSERT statement:

The following two statements insert two records into the PAYMENT_TERMS table (we'll use them later in our
INSERT INTO payment_terms
'2% 15 NET 30',
INSERT INTO payment_terms
'2% 15 NET 30',

If any of skipped columns has a default value, RDBMS uses this value rather than NULL:
INSERT INTO salesman

Because the SALESMAN_STATUS_S column of the SALESMAN table has the default value of Y, the inserted row looks
like that:
FROM salesman
WHERE salesman_code_s = '02'



Here is another example using the CUSTOMER table:

INSERT INTO customer

Since the CUST_STATUS_S field has the default value of Y, the value for the column gets populated implicitly:
SELECT cust_status_s
FROM customer
WHERE cust_alias_s = 'MNGA71396'


Inserting values for all columns

Assuming you have all the necessary values and want to populate all columns by the time you are ready to insert a
row, you have a choice. You can either still list all column names with corresponding values, or the column_name
clause can be completely skipped. The two statements below produce identical results:
'STEEL NAILS 6''''',
'STEEL NAILS 6''''',

Note that the latter syntax requires values to be in exact order to match the column list.

Tip Even though the second syntax is faster to type, the first one is easier to understand and maintain, so it makes
more sense to use column names in your production code.

Inserting NULL and default values explicitly

In the examples above we insert literals; when a column name is skipped, the column is populated with NULL or with
the column default value implicitly. But sometimes you may want to explicitly insert a NULL value into a column or
make the RDBMS use the column's default value. That can be accomplished by using keywords NULL or DEFAULT,
correspondingly. The statement below populates NULL in the PROD_PRICE_N column of the newly inserted row:

Here is another statement that inserts a row into the ORDER_HEADER table, explicitly populating multiple columns with
INSERT INTO order_header

Later, the NULL fields (for invoice number, notes, multiple dates, etc.) can be populated with the actual data using the
UPDATE statement.

This statement creates a record in the SALESMAN table explicitly specifying to use a default value for the
INSERT INTO salesman

Inserting values selected from other tables

A typical (but not the only) situation when you may want to insert values selected from other tables is when archiving
on a periodic basis. For example, a table that holds shipments for a large company can grow dramatically over long
periods. Assume a company that has a business rule stating it usually does not need any information about shipments
that are older than 180 days on a regular basis, but still may need the old shipment data occasionally for special cases
like auditing, etc. To improve performance, we can create the table SHIPMENT_ARCHIVE with exactly the same
columns as in SHIPMENT (see Chapter 4 for details), and then, say once a month, insert into SHIPMENT_ARCHIVE all
rows from SHIPMENT that are older than 180 days. The old records can then be removed from the SHIPMENT table
using the DELETE statement (discussed later in this chapter). This statement archives shipment records older than 180
days using Oracle syntax:
INSERT INTO shipment_archive
FROM shipment
WHERE TRUNC(shipment_createdate_d) < TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 180;

Note DB2 UDB and MS SQL Server have their own methods and functions to work with dates. See
Chapter 10 for details.

Archiving Based on Complex Business Rules

The business rules set could be much more complicated than the one described in our archiving example; for
instance, you may want to archive certain order information that is older than 90 days and is logically stored in
two tables, ORDER_HEADER and ORDER_LINE. Assuming you need to archive order number, order date,
customer id, product id, and shipped quantity, you create the archive table with appropriate columns first and
then use the INSERT statement with a subquery to archive data (subqueries are discussed in Chapter 8):
CREATE TABLE order_archive
(SELECT ordhdr_nbr_s,
FROM order_header JOIN order_line
ON ordhdr_id_n = ordline_ordhdrid_fn)
INSERT INTO order_archive
SELECT ordhdr_nbr_s,
FROM order_header JOIN order_line
ON ordhdr_id_n = ordline_ordhdrid_fn
WHERE ordhdr_createdate_d < (CURRENT DATE - 90 DAYS)

This example is using DB2 syntax to create table ORDER_ARCHIVE that is slightly different from the other two
RDBMS; please refer to Chapter 4 on how to create a table based on columns from other tables.

INSERT statement and integrity constraints

Inserting rows into a table obeys certain rules and restrictions. For example, all column values have to be of same or
at least compatible data types and sizes with corresponding column definitions. There are some
implementation-specific variations — for example, Oracle performs implicit conversions whenever possible (from
character string data types to numeric, from dates to strings, etc.), and in DB2 you always have to explicitly convert
values to a compatible data type — but in general there is no RDBMS that would allow you to insert a customer name
into a numeric or date column. An error will be generated and the whole row (or even multiple rows) is rejected.

Caution The problem with "one bad row" while performing a subquery-based insert is quite typical (and is usually quite
annoying). Just imagine the situation where you have to select ten thousand rows, twenty columns in each,
from multiple tables and insert the result into your destination table. Just one value in one row can cause the
whole insert to fail if the value is bigger than the column definition allows. For example, if your destination table
column is NUMERIC(5), an attempt to insert into this column any value greater than 99,999 will fail — as well
as the whole INSERT statement that might have been running for a couple of hours before it did. The
conclusion is simple: Be careful when designing your INSERT statements.

A similar problem happens when you try to insert a value that violates an integrity constraint. You cannot insert NULL
values into NOT NULL columns; duplicate values will be rejected for UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY columns, and so on.
For example, the following statement would fail because of the CHECK constraint violation:
INSERT INTO salesman

The check constraint on SALESMAN_STATUS_S says the only two valid values for this column are Y and N, and we are
trying to insert A. Simply change it to Y to make this statement work.

RDBMS error messages

Each vendor has its own specific set of error messages for certain events. The wording is different; what is
common though — all our "big three" vendors mention the name of the violated constraint.

ORA-02290: check constraint (ACME.CHK_SALESSTATUS) violated

SQL0545N The requested operation is not allowed because
a row does not satisfy the check constraint

MS SQL Server
INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN

It is much easier to identify and fix a problem fast if the constraint name is descriptive, that is, if it tells you right
away which column in what table caused the problem.

INSERT statement vendor-related specifics

The generic INSERT statement syntax given at the beginning of this chapter includes the most important clauses
common for our "big three" RDBMS as well as for SQL99 syntax. In this section, we will talk about some
vendor-specific differences.


The main difference between our generic syntax and one used as SQL99 standard is that SQL99 has an additional
INSERT INTO <table_or_view_name>
{ {VALUES (<literal> |
<expression> |
NULL,...)} |
{<select_statement>} |
The DEFAULT VALUES clause is explained in the "MS SQL Server" section of this chapter.

Note Abstract Data Types (ADT)–related clauses are intentionally excluded from the syntax above; abstract data types
are discussed in Chapter 17.

Oracle 9i

The INSERT statement in Oracle has many optional clauses. For example, it can return rows and store them in
predeclared variables. (UPDATE and DELETE also have this functionality.) Also, you can perform multitable inserts (i.e.,
insert values derived from the returned rows into multiple tables within one insert statement) that can also be
conditional — for example, rows that satisfy condition1 are inserted into TABLE1; rows that suit condition2 go to
TABLE2, and so on. And you can use sequences in your INSERT statements, work with partitioned tables, and more.

Note Tables (and indexes) in Oracle can be partitioned. A partitioned table consists of a number of parts called
partitions, all of which have the same logical attributes. For example, all partitions in a table share the same
column and constraint definitions, but may reside on different logical and/or physical devices. Partitioning is
usually done by a DBA for performance improvement; see Oracle technical documentation for details.

Most of the options listed above are advanced and vendor-specific and therefore are out of the scope of this book.
Using sequences in the INSERT statement, however, is quite typical for Oracle (primarily for populating the primary
keys or other unique values).

The following example illustrates inserting a row into an ADDRESS table using sequence SEQ_ADDR:


'223 E FLAGLER ST.',

Cross-References Sequences are discussed inChapters 4 and 5.

DB2 UDB 8.1

The main difference between DB2's INSERT and our generic syntax is the ability to insert multiple rows within a single
VALUES clause of the INSERT statement. The following statement inserts four rows into STATUS table at once:
( 2, '20', 'COMPLETE'),
( 6, '60', 'SHIPPED'),
( 8, '70', 'INVOICED'),
( 9, '80', 'CANCELLED')

You can also use sequences in your INSERT statements (using syntax slightly different than in Oracle):


'223 E FLAGLER ST.',

The last thing to mention is identity columns (discussed in Chapter 4). When a row is inserted into a table that has an
identity column, DB2 generates a value for the identity column. This value is always generated for a GENERATED
ALWAYS identity column — in fact, if you explicitly try to insert a value (other than DEFAULT) into such column, an error
will be generated. For a GENERATED BY DEFAULT column, DB2 generates a value only if it is not explicitly specified
with a VALUES clause or with a subquery.

MS SQL Server 2000

In addition to the generic INSERT syntax clauses, MS SQL Server allows you to use the DEFAULT VALUES clause and
to manipulate with identity columns.

The DEFAULT VALUES clause can be used to insert into a table with each column having a value that can be used
when no explicit value is specified (DEFAULT, IDENTITY, NULL OR TIMESTAMP ). In other words, the DEFAULT VALUES
option is used to add rows without supplying explicit values:
1> CREATE TABLE defaults
2> (
3> c1 int identity,
4> c2 varchar(30) DEFAULT ('column default'),
5> c3 timestamp,
6> c4 int NULL
7> )
9> INSERT INTO defaults
12> SELECT *
13> FROM defaults
15> GO
(1 row affected)
c1 c2 c3 c4
----------- -------------- ----------------- ------------
1 column default 0x00000000000002A9 NULL

(1 row affected)

Trying to explicitly insert values into an identity column generates an error unless you override the identity property of
the column using Transact-SQL syntax (see below). In addition, you have to use the column_name list in your INSERT

The following example illustrates this concept using the PAYMENT_TERMS table created with PAYTERMS_ID_N as an
identity column (see Chapter 4):
-- Trying to insert with IDENTITY_INSERT option off fails
1> INSERT INTO payment_terms
2> (
3> payterms_id_n,
4> payterms_code_s,
5> payterms_desc_s,
6> payterms_discpct_n,
7> payterms_daystopay_n
8> )
10> (
11> 26,
12> 'N30',
13> 'NET 30',
14> 0,
15> 30
16> )
17> GO

Msg 544, Level 16, State 1, Server PD-TS-TEST1, Line 1

Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table
'payment_terms' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.
-- Set IDENTITY_INSERT option on; insert succeeds.
1> SET IDENTITY_INSERT payment_terms ON
2> GO

1> INSERT INTO payment_terms

2> (
3> payterms_id_n,
4> payterms_code_s,
5> payterms_desc_s,
6> payterms_discpct_n,
7> payterms_daystopay_n
8> )
10> (
11> 26,
12> 'N30',
13> 'NET 30',
14> 0,
15> 30
16> )
17> GO
(1 row affected)
UPDATE: Modifying Table Data
The UPDATE statement serves the purpose of modifying existing database information. We can emphasize two
general situations when we need to change data.

Somevimes when you insert rows into a table, you don't know all information yet (that's where NULL values come in
handy); later on, when the information becomes available, you can update the appropriate row(s). For example, you
may want to create a new customer before you know who the customer's salesperson is going to be, or generate a
new order line entry with an unknown shipped quantity. (There is no way to know what this quantity is before the order
is actually shipped.)

Another case when you may need to change database information is when you have to reflect some changes in the
"real world." For example, a customer could cancel an order, so you would have to change the order status from
COMPLETE to CANCELLED; a customer might accumulate "bad debt," so you would want to put his credit on hold. (In
the ACME database that would mean to change CUST_CREDHOLD_S field to Y.)

The UPDATE statement is used to modify table data; again, as with the INSERT statement discussed earlier, either
directly or through an updateable view. Here is the generic syntax for our "big three" databases:
UPDATE <table_or_view_name>
SET {<column_name> = <literal> |
<expression> |
(<single_row_select_statement>) |
[WHERE <predicate>]

The UPDATE statement allows you to update one table at a time. Other than that, it provides great flexibility on what set
of values you are updating. You could update single or multiple columns of a single row or multiple rows, or (though it
is rarely employed) you could update each and every column of all table rows. The granularity is determined by
different clauses of the UPDATE statement.

Note The situation when no rows were updated because there were no rows in the table that satisfied the WHERE
clause condition is not considered an error by RDBMS. The same stands for the DELETE statement (discussed in
the next section). When no rows satisfy theWHERE clause, no rows are updated and no error is generated.

We are now going to discuss the most common clauses of the generic UPDATE.

Common UPDATE statement clauses

The name of the table (or an updateable view) to be updated is provided in the table_or_view_name clause.

In the SET clause, you specify the name of the column to update and the new value to be assigned to it. You can
specify multiple corresponding column/value pairs separated by commas. The assignment values could themselves
be the same as in the VALUES clause of the INSERT statement (i.e., literals, expressions, nulls, defaults, etc.).

The WHERE clause sets your "horizontal" limits — if in the SET clause you specified what columns to update, now you
have to define a condition upon which some rows need to be updated.

Dangers of the WHERE Clause

The WHERE clause is very important and has to be handled with care. If you accidentally skipped it or based it
on an incorrect assumption, it could update all rows in your table with the same value, and that's usually not
what you want. For example, you might want to change the price from $33.28 to $34.76 for product 1880
(STEEL NAILS 6"). You start thinking — well, may be something like the following will do:
UPDATE product
SET prod_price_n = 34.76
But if you forgot about the WHERE clause, the result would be rather disastrous — all products in the ACME
database now cost $34.76! The correct syntax to use would be:
UPDATE product
SET prod_price_n = 34.76
WHERE prod_num_s = '1880'

Note that even if you remembered about the WHERE clause but just made a typo, e.g., > instead of = , the result
is not much better — all products with product numbers greater than '1880' will be erroneously updated.

Updating a single column of a single row

One of the most common update situations is when you need to modify just one column of a single row. Assigning a
salesperson to a recently created customer, canceling an order, changing a product price — these are all examples of
such a procedure. The following example assigns a price to product 990 that we previously created when we
discussed INSERT in this chapter:
UPDATE product
SET prod_price_n = 18.24
WHERE prod_id_n = 990

Tip Using primary key or column(s) with UNIQUE constraint in the UPDATE statement's WHERE clause ensures you are
only updating one row uniquely identified by the value in the column.

Updating multiple columns

Sometimes you might want to update more than one column within one UPDATE statement. For example, imagine the
manufacturer has changed the packaging for its product 990, so the dimensions are now 5 ×7 instead of 4 ×6. This
update statement synchronizes the database information with the real-world change:
UPDATE product
SET prod_pltwid_n = 5,
prod_pltlen_n = 7
WHERE prod_id_n = 990

Updating a column in all rows

Even though updating all table rows is not very typical (and often undesirable), sometimes you might want to perform
such an operation. Giving all employees a 5 percent raise, inactivating all customers, setting all column values to NULL
— these are a few common examples. As you could have noticed, the keyword here is "all." In other words, we would
only want to omit the WHERE clause intentionally if we wanted to update each and every single row in the target table.

The UPDATE statement below increases all product prices by 10 percent (ACME, Inc. struggles with the increased
operation costs):
UPDATE product
SET prod_price_n = prod_price_n * 1.1

Cross-References Using operators in SQL queries is explained inChapter 11.

Updating column using a single-row subquery

You can use the result of a SELECT statement (subquery) as an assignment value in an UPDATE statement. The main
thing to remember is that your subquery must return no more than one row. (If no rows are returned, the NULL value
will be assigned to the target column.) Also, according to SQL99 standards, only one expression can be specified in
the select list.

Note Oracle and DB2 allow you to specify multiple values in the select list of a single row subquery; the details are
given later in this chapter.

You can concatenate two or more columns or perform math operations on them, but you can not list multiple columns
separated with commas. Thus, SET my_col = (SELECT col1 + col2 ...) is valid, but SET my_col = (SELECT col1, col2 ...) is

Deriving the assignment value from another value

There are many situations when using a subquery as an assignment value is beneficial. For example, you want to
change the payment terms for order 30670 to be N21531 in the ACME database. The problem is, in our relational
database we do not store the actual value N21531 in an ORDER_HEADER table column; instead, we use the foreign
key, which is a meaningless integer, from the PAYMENT_TERMS table. Using a subquery helps us to accomplish the
UPDATE order_header
SET ordhdr_payterms_fn =
(SELECT payterms_id_n
FROM payment_terms
WHERE payterms_code_s = 'N21531')
WHERE ordhdr_id_n = 30670

Figure 6-1 illustrates the above example.

Figure 6-1: Using data from other table as an assignment value

The statement above has two WHERE clauses, but don't be confused: the first one belongs to the SELECT statement
— as indicated by the surrounding parentheses, limiting the resulting set to one value — the primary key for the row
where the value of payterms_code_s column is equal to N21531; the second WHERE clause belongs to the UPDATE
statement and ensures that only one row of ORDER_HEADER with ordhdr_id_n equal to 30670 is updated.

Update with correlated subquery

The previous example was relatively straightforward — you derived the value you needed for the update from another
given value. But sometimes conditions are more complicated. For example, imagine that ACME's business rules have
changed and no longer allow orders to have payment terms different from the default payment terms of a customer
who placed the order. You can relate (join) a table from the UPDATE clause with tables specified in the assignment
subquery — that pretty much overrides the "single-row" rule because the assignment will be done on a row-by-row
UPDATE order_header
SET ordhdr_payterms_fn =
(SELECT payterms_id_n
FROM payment_terms,
WHERE payterms_id_n = cust_paytermsid_fn
AND ordhdr_custid_fn = cust_id_n)

The very last line of this syntax joins the ORDHDR_CUSTID_FN field of the ORDER_HEADER table (UPDATE statement)
with the CUST_ID_N table of the CUSTOMER table (nested subquery); in other words, the customer id field is the link
between the UPDATE statement and the subquery that correlates them.

Note You don't have to use table aliasing here because of the special notation rules you used when the ACME
database was created. Each column is already prefixed with its table name abbreviation, so there are no
ambiguous column names.

Cross-References More discussion about table aliasing can be found inChapters 8 and 9.

For each row in ORDER_HEADER you must find the corresponding value in the resulting set of the subquery and use it
as an assignment value. The concept is illustrated in Figure 6-2.
Figure 6-2: Updating multiple rows using correlated subquery

Note This syntax uses "old" join notation, which is recognized by all our "big three" databases. We used it here
because in our opinion it better illustrates the correlated query concept. The SQL99-compliant equivalent syntax
would be:
UPDATE order_header
SET ordhdr_payterms_fn =
(SELECT payterms_id_n
FROM payment_terms
JOIN customer
ON payterms_id_n = cust_paytermsid_fn
JOIN order_header
ON ordhdr_custid_fn = cust_id_n)

The main differences between the "old" and the "new" join syntaxes are discussed in Chapter 9.

Note Subqueries can also be used in the WHERE clause of the UPDATE statement in a similar way to theWHERE clause
of the SELECT statement. We are going to discuss subqueries in general and correlated subqueries in particular in
Chapter 8.

UPDATE statement and integrity constraints

Updating table rows obeys rules and restrictions similar to ones with INSERT statement. All column values have to be
of the same or compatible data types and sizes with corresponding column definitions and no integrity constraints
should be violated. There is a slight difference in behavior with the referential integrity constraints — when constraint is
specified with ON UPDATE CASCADE or ON UPDATE SET NULL, RDBMS successfully performs an update of the target
table; child tables' columns are also updated with the corresponding values.

Cross-References Constraints are discussed inChapter 4.

Vendor-specific UPDATE statement details

Like the INSERT statement, UPDATE also has some vendor-specific features. This section briefly discusses the most
important ones.

Oracle 9i and DB2 8.1

The main thing that differs between Oracle and DB2's UPDATE syntax and that of our generic one is the option to
specify values enclosed into the brackets and separated with commas in the SET clause and specify multiple
corresponding assignment values for them. The syntax is
SET (col1, col2,... colN) = (value1, value2,... valueN)

The advantage of this syntax is in ability to use a multicolumn subquery instead of the list of values:
SET (col1, col2,... colN) =
(SELECT value1, value2,... valueN

The subquery still has to return no more than one row.

Cross-References Subqueries are explained in Chapter 8.

MS SQL Server 2000

The UPDATE statement has an optional FROM clause in MS SQL Server. It specifies the table(s) to be used to provide
the criteria for the update operation and can be used in a very similar way to the previously discussed correlated
query. The following example performs virtually the same task as the correlated query from the previous section; the
only difference is that when you use the former syntax, each and every row of ORDER_HEADER is updated
unconditionally, whereas MS SQL Server syntax excludes columns with nulls unless the OUTER JOIN was used (more
about joins in Chapter 9):
UPDATE order_header
SET ordhdr_payterms_fn = payterms_id_n
FROM payment_terms JOIN customer
ON payterms_id_n = cust_paytermsid_fn JOIN order_header
ON ordhdr_custid_fn = cust_id_n
DELETE: Removing Data from Table

Believe it or not, there is such a thing as too much data. Since computerized databases were introduced, humankind
had accumulated pentabytes of data. We are drowning in it, and DELETE provides a way to get rid of the information
that is no longer needed. Deleting database rows is usually necessary when the entity these rows correspond to
becomes irrelevant or completely disappears from the real world. For example, an employee quits, a customer does
not make orders any more, or shipment information is no longer needed.

Note Quite often the entity information is not removed from the database right away. When an employee quits, the HR
department still keeps the historical information about this employee; when a customer is inactive for a long time,
it is sometimes more logical to "inactivate" him rather than delete — in the relational database deleting a
customer usually involves much more than just removing one CUSTOMER table record — it would normally have
referential integrity constraints from other tables, the other tables in their order would be referenced by more
tables, and so on. There is a way to simplify the process by using the ON DELETE CASCADE clause, but that's not
always exactly what you want. Even when you don't need, say, information for a certain customer any more, you
still may want to be able to access the data about orders and invoices for this customer, and so on.

You may also want to delete rows when they were inserted by mistake — for example, an order was taken twice, or a
duplicate customer record was created. Situations like those are not atypical at all, especially for large companies
where dozens of clerks take orders and create new customers.

Tip Good database design can help to reduce the number of human errors. For example, putting unique constraint on
the customer name field could help in preventing duplicate customers (not completely foolproof, though, because
RDBMS would still treat "ACME, INC." and "ACME INC." as two distinct strings).

The DELETE statement removes rows from a single table (either directly or through an updateable view). The
generalized syntax is
DELETE FROM <table_or_view_name>
WHERE <predicate>

Note The FROM keyword is optional in Oracle and MS SQL Server but is required for DB2 syntax and compliant with
SQL99 standards.

DELETE removes rows from one table at a time. You can delete one or many rows using a single DELETE statement;
when no rows in the table satisfy the condition specified in the WHERE clause, no rows are deleted, and no error
message is generated.

Common DELETE statement clauses

The DELETE statement is probably the simplest out of all DML statements. All you need to specify is the table you
want to remove rows from and (optionally) upon what criteria the rows are to be deleted. The syntax simplicity should
not mislead you — DELETE statements can be quite complicated and require caution. If the WHERE clause is omitted
or malformed, valuable information could be deleted from the target table. Quite often the results are not exactly what
you wanted, and the data restoration process could be painful and time consuming.

The statement below deletes a salesman record from the SALESMAN table:
DELETE FROM salesman
WHERE salesman_code_s = '02'

This statement deletes all records from PHONE table:


DELETE statement and integrity constraints

The DELETE statement is not as restrictive as INSERT and UPDATE in terms of integrity constraints. PRIMARY KEY,
UNIQUE, NOT NULL, or CHECK constraints would not prevent you from deleting a row. The referential integrity
constraints are a different story — you would not be able to delete a row that contains a column referenced by another
column unless the referential integrity constraint has the ON DELETE CASCADE option (SQL99 standard implemented
by all "big three" RDBMS vendors). In that case DELETE would succeed; all rows in any tables that referenced the
constrained column would also be deleted. This behavior can be extremely dangerous, especially in combination with
a badly constructed WHERE clause, so it is considered to be a good practice to use ON DELETE CASCADE with care.
Imagine the situation where you have a table CUSTOMER referenced by a table ORDER, which is its order referenced
by a table SHIPMENT. If ON CASCADE DELETE is used in both relationships, when you delete a customer record, all
related order and shipment records are also gone. Just imagine what would happen if you also skipped the WHERE
clause! Figure 6-3 illustrates this example.

Figure 6-3: Deleting from table referenced by ON DELETE CASCADE constraints

Another (slightly less dangerous) referential constraint option is ON DELETE SET NULL (SQL99 standard implemented
by Oracle and DB2). No records from the referencing tables will be deleted, but the values for the foreign key columns
will be set to nulls as illustrated in Figure 6-4.

Figure 6-4: Deleting from table referenced by ON DELETE SET NULL constraints

If a referential integrity constraint exists on a column with default (NO ACTION) options, and the column is referenced,
the DELETE would fail. The error messages vary between different vendors. The example below is for Oracle:
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02292: integrity constraint(ACME.FK_ORDHDR_CUSTOMER)
violated – child record found

Using subqueries in DELETE statement WHERE clause

Similarly to UPDATE statement, in addition to comparison operators, literals, and expressions, the WHERE clause in
DELETE statements can contain a subquery to allow the selection of rows to be deleted based on data from other
tables. The idea is very similar to one explained in section about the SET clause of the insert value — using a
subquery you derive value(s) based on some known value(s). For example, you want to delete all orders for customer
WILE SEAL CORP., but we don't know the value of its primary key (which is a foreign key in the ORDER_HEADER ). You
can accomplish the task using the appropriate subquery in the WHERE clause:
DELETE FROM order_header
WHERE ordhdr_custid_fn =
(SELECT cust_id_n
FROM customer
WHERE cust_name_s = 'WILE SEAL CORP.')

Tip Correlated subqueries can also be used with the DELETE statement in a way similar to one discussed in theUPDATE

Vendor-specific DELETE statement clauses

The vendor-specific DELETE statement variations are rather insignificant. The brief explanation follows.

Oracle 9i

The only significant difference between Oracle and generic DELETE syntax is that the FROM keyword is optional and
can be skipped.

MS SQL Server 2000

MS SQL Server recognizes our generic syntax that uses a subquery in the WHERE clause; in addition, it provides its
own proprietary syntax using the FROM clause with different meaning. This is the equivalent to our "standard" syntax to
delete all orders for WILE SEAL CORP.:
DELETE order_header
FROM order_header JOIN customer
ON ordhdr_custid_fn = cust_id_n
WHERE cust_name_s = 'WILE SEAL CORP.'
Other SQL Statements to Manipulate Data
Two more vendor-specific SQL statements to manipulate table data are MERGE and TRUNCATE

MERGE statement

Oracle 9i introduces the MERGE statement that could be thought of as a combination of INSERT and UPDATE. MERGE
inserts a row if it does not yet exist and updates specified columns based on given criteria if the target row has
previously been inserted. The syntax for the statement is
MERGE INTO [<qualifier>.]<table_name1>
USING [<qualifier>.]<table_name2> ON (<condition>)
UPDATE SET {<column> = {<expression> | DEFAULT},...}
INSERT [(<column>,...)] VALUES (<expression> | DEFAULT,...);

The statement could be practical in many different situations; for example, imagine ACME, INC. has a central
database and a local database for each warehouse. Each location has its own LOCAL_PRODUCT table that structurally
is a copy of the PRODUCT table:
CHECK (PROD_STATUS_S in ('N', 'Y')),

You can use the MERGE statement to synchronize the contents of LOCAL_PRODUCT with data in PRODUCT. Most
likely you don't have to synchronize all columns because some of them are static, i.e., data in these fields changes
rarely, if ever. Assuming the values that could change are price, active status,"packaging dimensions, and shipping
weight your MERGE statement would be
MERGE INTO local_product lp
USING product p ON (lp.prod_id_n = p.prod_id_n )
SET lp.prod_price_n = p.prod_price_n,
lp.prod_status_s = p.prod_status_s,
lp.prod_pltwid_n = p.prod_pltwid_n,
lp.prod_pltlen_n = p.prod_pltlen_n,
lp.prod_shipweight_n = p.prod_shipweight_n
VALUES (p.prod_id_n,
Now, when you run this statement for the first time when LOCAL_PRODUCT is empty, all rows from PRODUCT will be
inserted into your local table. If scheduled to run on a permanent basis (for example, every hour) the MERGE
statement will trace all possible changes in the PRODUCT table and will either update existing rows of
LOCAL_PRODUCT appropriately or insert new rows.

TRUNCATE statement

In addition to the standard DML statements described in this chapter, Oracle and MS SQL Server also introduce a
TRUNCATE statement that is functionally identical to DELETE without a WHERE clause — it removes all rows from the
target table. The difference is that TRUNCATE is much faster and uses fewer system resources than DELETE. The
main limitation of TRUNCATE is that you cannot use it on a table referenced by an enabled FOREIGN KEY constraint.

Tip Sometimes dropping referential integrity constraints, truncating table, and then re-creating constraints is still more
efficient than using DELETE; also in Oracle you can disable and then re-enable constraints (seeChapter 5).

The syntax for TRUNCATE is simple:

TRUNCATE TABLE <table_name>

This example illustrates the use of TRUNCATE statement using Oracle:

-- TRUNCATE fails because PRODUCT is referenced
-- by foreign key FK_ORDLINE_PRODUCT
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys

-- Disable the constraint and try again


Table altered.


Table truncated.

-- Re-enable the constraint


Table altered.

Note DB2 does not have TRUNCATE statement in its syntax.

Differences between Oracle and MS SQL Server TRUNCATE statements

The main difference is that in Oracle TRUNCATE is irreversible; in other words, you cannot undo it using the
ROLLBACK statement. Moreover, Oracle treats TRUNCATE as a DDL statement, which means TRUNCATE, like any
other DDL statement in Oracle, always ends transactions performing implicit COMMIT. That means if you issued five
INSERT statements, ten updates, and three deletes on some tables, and then performed TRUNCATE for a yet another
table within a single transaction, all your changes will be committed right away and the transaction will be ended.

Cross-References Transactional control terms and commands such as session, transaction, COMMIT,
and ROLLBACK are covered in detail in Chapter 7.

MS SQL Server's transactional control differs from Oracle's one significantly, so the TRUNCATE behavior is also
different. It is reversible by ROLLBACK statement within explicitly started transaction and does not perform the implicit
The three classical DML statements are INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.

RDBMS data is dynamic by definition because it represents real-world entities that often change. When a new entity
emerges that is relevant to your database, you create new row(s) of data in one or more tables that represent this
entity using an INSERT statement. When an entity already exists in the database changes in real world, you modify
database information about this entity using an UPDATE statement. When an entity is no longer relevant to your
database or disappears from the real world completely, you remove information about it from your database using a
DELETE statement.

DML statements have different granularity. The smallest unit you can INSERT or DELETE is one row; UPDATE can
perform changes on a singe column of a single row. Even though you might say you are deleting values from a column
or inserting values into a column, you would actually use an UPDATE statement to set the column values to nulls or to
certain values, correspondingly.

It is critical to understand the importance of the WHERE clause of UPDATE and DELETE statements. When the WHERE
clause is omitted, all target table rows are affected (modified or removed).

Some vendors have additional statements that perform similar functions to the classical DML statements. In this
chapter, we described Oracle 9i's MERGE statement that combines the functionality of INSERT and UPDATE
statements. The TRUNCATE statement supported by Oracle and MS SQL Server was also discussed; it works in a way
like the DELETE statement without a WHERE clause.
Chapter 7: Sessions, Transactions, and Locks

In an ideal world, a database is accessed by one and only one user, changes are made and saved in a proper order,
and malicious intrusion is an unheard of concept. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen like that in the real world. Frequently
data must be shared; it might come from different sources, sometimes at unusual times; and rarely, if ever, would a
database server be accessed by one user at a time.

Relational databases were designed to work in a multiuser environment. When more than one user accesses the
same set of data, a completely different set of problems appears: What data should be visible for the users? Which
modification should take the precedence? What is the guarantee that the data changes will not be lost during
execution of a lengthy database procedure? The answer to these and many other problems comes in terms of
sessions, transactions, and locks.

The transaction is a solution to potential data consistency problems (discussed in detail later in the chapter), while
locks deal with data concurrency problems. The session represents the context in which — along with some other
things — transactions and locks take place.
Whatever happens in terms of communication between an RDBMS server and a user accessing it happens in the
context of a session. In a multiuser environment, one of the primary concerns is data integrity. When a client
application establishes a connection to an RDBMS server, it is said that it opens a session. The session becomes this
application's private communication channel. The user of the application may change some preferences within the
session (for example, default language or default date format); these settings would affect only the session
environment and remain valid only for the duration of the session. The details of the implementation and default
behavior of the sessions might differ among the RDBMS, but these basic principles always remain the same.

By now, you ought to be acquainted with at least one of the tools provided by Oracle, IBM, or Microsoft to access their
respective databases. Each RDBMS package is a resource intensive piece of software, and in general it is
recommended not to install all of them onto the same machine. Once you've installed your RDBMS of choice, you
could run multiple instances of Oracle's SQL Plus to access Oracle 9i RDBMS, Microsoft's OSQL (if you've selected
MS SQL Server 2000), or IBM's Command Line Processor for IBM DB2 UDB from the same computer where your
RDBMS is installed, and each instance will open its own session, which would be isolated from every other session
established to the RDBMS server.

The SQL standard specifies a number of parameters that could be set in a session (listed in Table 7-1). None of these
are implemented directly by the RDBMS, though some elements made it into proprietary syntax, ditching the letter,
preserving the spirit.

Table 7-1: SQL Standard SET Statements

SQL Statement Description

SET CONNECTION If more than one connection is opened by a user to an RDBMS,

this statement allows that user to switch between the connections.

SET CATALOG This statement defines the default catalog for the session.

SET CONSTRAINTS MODE Changes the constraints mode between DEFERRED, and

SET DESCRIPTOR Stores values in the descriptor area.

SET NAMES Defines the default character set for the SQL statements.

SET SCHEMA Sets the schema to be used as a default qualifier for all unqualified

SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION Sets the authorization ID for the session, no other IDs can be used.

SET TIME ZONE Sets the default time zone for the session.

In Oracle, a user must have a system privilege CREATE SESSION in order to establish a database connection. Initially,
all the default parameter values for the session are loaded from a special Oracle configuration file; the file could be
modified only by a database administrator, or someone who has the necessary privileges. Once the connection is
established (a session is created), a user can alter the session according to his/her preferences and job requirements.

Cross-References See Chapter 12 for more information on privileges.

The session parameters in Oracle can be modified using an ALTER SESSION statement. The syntax of the statement is
relatively complicated and usually belongs to advanced database topics. Even the parameters that can be changed
with this statement are somewhat irrelevant to SQL programming, like DB_BLOCK_CHECKING, HASH_JOIN_ENABLED ,
or MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE. These statements deal more with RDBMS administration and optimization, and belong to
an advanced Oracle book.
Tip We recommend Oracle Administration and Managementby Michael Ault (Wiley, 2002).

Here we are going to demonstrate the concept of altering the session to suit your particular needs using one of the
parameters NLS_DATE_FORMAT.

You can use this parameter to alter date format returned by your SQL query, as it specifies the default date format
returned by the TO_CHAR and TO_DATE functions.

Cross-References Read more about NLS_DATE_FORMAT in Chapter 10.

nls_date FROM dual; NLS_DATE ----------------- 06 - 10 - 03

The format in which the output of the TO_CHAR function appears is determined by the initialization parameter
NLS_DATE_FORMAT, which is the default for each new session. After the session is altered, the format of the
displayed date is changed:
---------------------------- 06-OCT-2003 10:33:44

Setting SQL*Plus Session Parameters

Oracle's command-line utility SQL*Plus has its own parameters that can be set within the session initiated
through it. These parameters affect the way data is fetched, manipulated, and displayed — in the SQL*Plus
utility. The following is a short list of some options that could be SET in SQL *plus.

SET Option Description

AUTO[COMMIT] {ON | OFF | This command sets up default behavior for the pending data changes in
IMMEDIATE} the database. Setting it to OFF (default value) requires users to commit
changes manually, issuing the COMMIT statement.

[LIN]ESIZE n This option sets up the maximum number of the characters that
SQL*Plus can display on one line; range is from 1 to a
system-dependent maximum.

NULL <text> This option sets up the text you'd like to be displayed when data
containing NULL is returned.

[PAGES]IZE n Sets up the maximum number of lines per page for displaying the
results of a query.

[WRA]P (WRA) {N | OFF} This command determines how the output data is displayed: ON
enables a returned row that is longer than the current setting to be
wrapped to the next line, OFF truncates it to the size of the line.

All these options (and many more, not listed here) could be SET within the SQL*Plus environment using the
standard syntax:
SET <option>

The options set up during the session are usually lost once the session is ended. You can save these custom
options into a script file, that later could be conveniently loaded into SQL*Plus to restore your custom session

To view all parameters set for any given session, the SHOW ALL command is used:
SQL> show
all appinfo is ON and set to "SQL*Plus" arraysize 15 autocommit OFF autoprint
OFF autorecovery OFF autotrace OFF blockterminator "." (hex 2e) btitle OFF and
is the first few characters of the next SELECT statement cmdsep OFF colsep " "
compatibility version NATIVE concat "." (hex 2e) copycommit 0 . . . underline
"-" (hex 2d) USER is "ACME" verify ON wrap : lines will be

There are many more parameters than are shown here. Refer to the Oracle documentation for more

The changes made with an ALTER SESSION statement are valid for the duration of the session. To make changes
permanent, the ALTER SYSTEM statement should be used.

Cross-References You may also control privileges afforded to the session by issuing a SET ROLE
statement. Refer to Chapter 12 for more information.

IBM DB2 UDB provides surprisingly little control for the user over the session environment. It lists the keyword
SESSION as reserved for future use, alongside with SESSION_USER.

The closest it comes to providing session control is with the SET PASSTHRU statement, which opens and closes a
session for submitting SQL data directly to the database. Also, a global temporary table created during the session
may be qualified with the SESSION component as a schema. (It is used to prevent ambiguity in accessing the table,
when the temporary table name is the same as some persistent table, and in some other just as obscure cases.)

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 has a number of statements that you can specify to alter the current session (some of
them are shown in Table 7-2 and Table 7-3). These statements are not part of SQL standard, being rather part of the
Transact-SQL dialect. They can be grouped in several categories: statements that affect date and time settings, query
execution statements, statistics statements, locking and transaction statements, SQL-92 settings statements, and —
the all-time favorite — miscellaneous settings.
Table 7-2: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SQL-92 Settings

SET Statement Description

SET ANSI_DEFAULTS {ON | Specifies that all the defaults used for the duration of the session should
OFF} be these of ANSI defaults. This option is provided for compatibility with
SQL Server 6.5 or later

SET ANSI_NULL_DFLT_OFF Specifies whether columns could contain NULL value by default. If set to
{ON | OFF} ON, the new columns created would allowNULL values (unless NOT NULL is
specified); otherwise it would raise an error. It has no effect on the
columns explicitly set for NULL. It is used to override default nullability of
new columns when the ANSI null default option for the database isTRUE.

SET ANSI_NULL_DFLT_ON Essentially, the same as the statement above, with one exception: it is
{ON | OFF} used to override default nullability of new columns when the ANSI null
default option for the database is FALSE.

SET ANSI_NULLS {ON | OFF} Specifies the SQL-92 compliant behavior when comparing values using
operators EQUAL (= ) and NOT EQUAL (< > ).

SET ANSI_PADDING {ON | Specifies how the values that are shorter than the column size for CHAR ,
OFF} VARCHAR, BINARY, and VARBINARY data types are displayed.

SET ANSI_WARNINGS {ON | Specifies whether a warning should be issued when any of the following
OFF} conditions occur: presence of NULL values in the columns evaluated in the
aggregate functions (like SUM, AVG,COUNT, etc.); divide-by-zero and
arithmetic overflow errors generate an error message and the statement
rolls back when this option is set to ON; specifying OFF would cause a
NULL value to be returned in the case.
Table 7-3: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SET Statements

SET Statement Description

SET DATEFORMAT {<format> | @<format Specifies the order of the date parts for DATETIME and

SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL {ON | Specifies what would be the result of concatenation of the
OFF} column values (or expressions) should any or both of them
contain NULL.

SET LANGUAGE { <language> | Specifies the default language for the session. This setting
@<language ID>} affects the datetime format, and system messages returned by
SQL Server.

SET NOCOUNT {ON | OFF} SQL Server usually returns a message indicating how many
rows were affected by any given statement. Issuing this
command would stop this message.

SET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT {ON | Specifies the severity of an error that results in loss of
OFF} precision; if set to OFF the rounding generates no error; when it
is set to ON, then an error will be generated and no results
returned. Depending on some other settings, a NULL might be

SET ROWCOUNT <integer> If this statement is used, Microsoft SQL Server stops
processing a query after the required number of rows (specified
in the SET statement) is returned.

While detailed discussion of these settings and their implications are well beyond the scope of our SQL topic,
nevertheless, we are going to discuss some of the most important statements and how they may affect your SQL
statements executed against Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

Here is an example of how setting ANSI_NULLS affects the output in the current session. The SQL-92 standard
mandates that the comparison operations involving NULL always evaluate to FALSE. The following statement is
supposed to bring all the records from the PHONE table of the ACME database when the PHONE_SALESMANID_FN
filed is not NULL.
1> SELECT phone_phonenum_s 2> FROM phone 3> WHERE phone_salesmanid_fn
<> NULL 4> GO PHONE_PHONENUM_S -------------------- (0 row(s)

The query returns zero records in spite of the fact that there are supposed to be 12 records satisfying this criterion.
Setting the ANSI_NULLS OFF changes the situation (valid in Microsoft SQL Server only; neither Oracle nor IBM DB2
UDB supports this feature):
1> SELECT phone_phonenum_s 2> FROM phone 3> WHERE phone_salesmanid_fn
<> NULL 4> GO PHONE_PHONENUM_S -------------------- (305) 555-8502
(626) 555-4435 (717) 555-5479 (718) 555-7879 (718) 555-5091 (814) 555-0324
(305) 555-8501 (626) 555-4434 (717) 555-5478 (718) 555-7878 (718) 555-5091
(814) 555-0323 (12 row(s) affected)

Note This situation could be completely avoided if theIS NULL syntax is used. The query
SELECT phone_phonenum_s FROM
phone WHERE phone_salesmanid_fn IS NULL

would return correct results in all three RDBMS. Since NULL is not a specific value, it has to be treated differently.
Neither Oracle 9i nor IBM DB2 UDB have such a setting as ANSI_NULLS. Refer to Chapter 3 for more information
about NULL.
It is possible to specify multiple options with ON or OFF settings, using one SET statement. For example, the following
statement will set two options at the same time.
ON 2> GO

To check the options set for your session, use the following statement. It returns all the active options that have been
set for this particular session within which you execute this statement
USEROPTIONS Set Option Value -------------------------- ---------------------
textsize 64512 language us_english dateformat mdy datefirst 7 quoted_identifier
SET arithabort SET ansi_null_dflt_on SET ansi_defaults SET
ansi_warnings SET ansi_padding SET ansi_nulls SET concat_null_yields_null SET
(12 row(s) affected) DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages,
contact your system administrator.

The DataBase Console Command (DBCC) package is a toolbox of all the DBA utilities, with some options accessible
to a user. There are over 60 DBCC commands that handle various aspects of SQL Server configuration,
administration, status checking, and so on.

Note If the SET statement is set in the stored procedure, it is valid within the session for the duration of the stored
procedure execution, and reverts to its previous value once the execution stops. When using Dynamic SQL (see
Chapter 15), the SET statement affects only the batch it is specified in; subsequent statements will not be affected
by this setting.

Some other SET statements pertaining to transactions and locks will be discussed in the corresponding paragraphs of
this chapter.

When a client terminates a session — either voluntarily or abnormally — all values set for various session parameters
disappear. In addition, for all pending transactions, an implicit commit will be issued in the case of voluntary
termination or rolled back when the session has terminated abnormally. The session can be killed or disconnected by
a DBA; syntax for the statements vary among RDBMS.

Orphaned Sessions

Orphaned sessions occur when a client application terminates abruptly without the ability to terminate its open
session to RDBMS server. Usually, it is the responsibility of the operating system to detect that the client exited,
and notify the server. (In some implementations, the server would query the client whether it is still present after
some period of inactivity.) Certain situations, however, might prevent a proper client exit (e.g., sudden network
failure). If the session was active (i.e., RDBMS was processing some command at the time), it will detect the
absence of the client automatically and terminate the session. However, if the session was inactive, waiting for
command from the client, such a session remains valid for the server.

Such sessions consume system resources and should be cleaned up. Usually it is done automatically after a
certain interval configured for the server; or these sessions may be resolved manually by the DBA.
A transaction is one of the mechanisms provided within SQL to enforce database integrity and maintain data
consistency. The details of implementation differ among the RDBMS vendors, though the SQL92/99 spirit is generally

What is a transaction?

A transaction complements the concept of the session with additional granularity — it divides every operation that
occurs within the session into logical units of work. In this way, database operations — those involving data and
structure modifications — are performed step-by-step and can be rolled back at any time, or committed if every step is
successful. The idea of the transaction is to provide a mechanism for ensuring that a multistep operation is performed
as a single unit. If any of the steps involved in a transaction fails, the whole transaction is rolled back. If all steps have
been completed successfully, the transaction can be either committed (to save all the changes into a database) or
rolled back to undo all the changes.

The SQL standard defined transactions from the very beginning and enhanced the concept during subsequent
iterations. According to the standard, a transaction is started automatically by RDBMS and continues until COMMIT or
ROLLBACK statements are issued; the details were left for the vendors to implement.

A transaction must pass the ACID test:

Atomicity. Either all the changes are made or none.

Consistency. All the data involved into an operation must be left in a consistent state upon completion
or rollback of the transaction; database integrity cannot be compromised.

Isolation. One transaction should not be aware of the modifications made to the data by any other
transaction unless it was committed to the database. Different isolation levels can be set to modify
this default behavior.

Durability. The results of a transaction that has been successfully committed to the database remain

One of the classic real-life example of a transaction involves an ATM (bank machine) withdrawal operation. Suppose
you need $20 and you decide to withdraw this money from the nearest bank machine; you put in your bank card (User
ID) and enter your PIN (personal identification number) to initiate the session. Once the bank confirms your identity,
you are allowed to proceed; you ask for a money withdrawal operation in the amount of $20. That's where the
transaction begins. There are several operations involved: the machine needs to check your account to verify that you
have enough money to cover the transaction, subtract the money from your account, and release the money to you. If
any of these steps (and some others, depending on the given bank policies) fails, the transaction must be aborted,
and everything must revert to a state where it was before the transaction even began.

Explicit and Implicit Transactions

An implicit transaction has been chosen as the default in SQL92/99 standard. Whenever certain statements (of
DDL and DML type) are executed within a session, they start (or continue) a transaction. A transaction is
terminated by issuing either a COMMIT statement or a ROLLBACK statement.

An explicit transaction is started by the client application with a BEGIN TRANSACTION statement and is
terminated in a manner similar to the implicit transaction protocol. This is a Microsoft SQL Server 2000–only
feature, which is the default setting. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 provides a statement SET
IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS {ON | OFF} to configure the default behavior of the transaction. When the option is
ON, the SQL Server automatically starts a transaction when one of the following statements is specified: ALTER
UPDATE. The transaction must be explicitly committed or rolled back, though; a new transaction is started once
any of the listed statements gets executed. Turning the IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS option OFF returns the
transaction to its default autocommit transaction mode.

While not required by the SQL standard, in every RDBMS implementation COMMIT is issued implicitly before
and after any DDL statement.

This means that you cannot get your cash, unless it was subtracted from your balance; the bank cannot subtract the
money from your balance unless you have enough money to cover the transaction and you actually received your

The transaction model, as it is defined in the ANSI/ISO standard, utilizes the implicit start of a transaction, with an
explicit COMMIT, in the case of successful execution of all transactions logical units, or an explicit ROLLBACK , when
the noncommitted changes need to be rolled back (e.g., when program terminates abnormally). Most vendors follow
this model, while some — Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is one example — allow for explicit start of a transaction.

Transactions COMMIT and ROLLBACK

The COMMIT statement ends the current transaction and makes all changes made to the data during transaction
permanent. The syntax is virtually identical for all three RDBMS vendors, as well as for the SQL99 standard, and is
very straightforward:

The keyword WORK is not required, though it might be added for clarity; a simple COMMIT is usually all that is required.

Oracle 9i syntax looks like follows

(<text>)] [FORCE (<text>), [<int>]] ;

Here the COMMENT clause enables you to specify a comment (up to 255 bytes long) that is recorded for every
pending transaction and can be viewed through DBA2_PC_PENDING dictionary view (see Chapter 13 for more
information on system catalogs). The FORCE clause allows you to commit an in-doubt distributed (see more about
distributed transactions later in the chapter) transaction manually; it commits only a named transaction and has no
effect on all other transactions.

The IBM DB2 UDB syntax is identical to the standard. In IBM terminology, transaction is a unit of work (UOW). No
authorization is required to issue the statement; all locks held by the transaction are released. Named transactions are
not supported.

The following syntax will work both for Oracle 9i and IBM BDF2 UDB:
UPDATE customer SET
cust_status_s = 'N'; COMMIT;

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 does support the SQL99 standard syntax — in addition to its own. The Microsoft syntax
allows for committing named transaction whereas the standard one does not.
[<transaction name>]]

As you can see, only COMMIT is required, everything else is optional, and the keywords can be shortened (i.e., TRAN
instead of TRANSACTION). Alternatively COMMIT WORK can be used.

The following example illustrates the COMMIT statement using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 explicit transactions mode.
customer UPDATE customer SET cust_status_s = 'N' COMMIT TRAN

No changes are taking place until the last COMMIT is executed. Only Microsoft requires a BEGIN TRANSACTION
statement to start an explicit transaction; in both Oracle and DB2 UDB, transaction are always started implicitly for
every DML or DDL statement.
Nested Transactions

Named transactions are especially handy for nested transactions. This concept is not implemented by either
Oracle or IBM DB2UDB. The idea is to have a transaction within a transaction within a transaction — ad
infinitum. At any time you can check the total number of pending transactions using the @@TRANSCOUNT
unary function. Nested transactions in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 are introduced for readability purposes only;
committing an internal transaction does not really commit anything, only the outermost COMMIT actually commits
the changes; all other commits just decrement the transaction counter. Here is an example illustrating the
TRANSACTION trans1 -- the transaction counter @@TRANSCOUNT = 1 INSERT INTO
<table> VALUES <values> BEGIN TRANSACTION trans2 -- the transaction
counter @@TRANSCOUNT = 2 INSERT INTO <table> VALUES <values> BEGIN
TRANSACTION trans3 -- the transaction counter @@TRANSCOUNT = 3 INSERT INTO
<table> VALUES <values> COMMIT TRANSACTION trans3 -- Nothing
committed at this point but the transaction -- counter is decremented by 1;
@@TRANSACOUNT = 2 COMMIT TRANSACTION trans2 -- Nothing committed at this point
but the transaction counter -- is decremented by 1; @@TRANSACOUNT = 1 COMMIT
TRANSACTION trans1 -- All INSERTs are committed to the database -- the
transaction counter is decremented by 1; @@TRANSACOUNT =0

In this case, three transactions were initiated to insert three records into a table; only the very last COMMIT
actually made the changes to the table.

When COMMIT is executed, SQL Server must start a transaction either implicitly or explicitly for another COMMIT to
execute successfully; if no transaction is started, issuing this command will result in an error:
Server: Msg
3902, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 The COMMIT TRANSACTION request has no
corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION.

Neither Oracle nor DB2 UDB will complain, no matter how many times you execute COMMIT.

When changes made to the data in the databases need to be "undone" the ROLLBACK should be used. It may be
issued anytime before the last COMMIT and results in automatic rollback of all changes made since the controlling
transaction had started.

The syntax is identical in all RDBMS and SQL99 standards (see Table 7-4), save for using named transactions in
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and some Oracle-specific optional clauses. The following statement will attempt to update
column CUST_STATUS_S in the CUSTOMER table of the ACME database, but all changes will be rolled back:
UPDATE customer SET
cust_status_s = 'N' ROLLBACK WORK

Table 7-4: Vendor-Specific ROLLBACK Statements


Oracle 9i ROLLBACK [WORK] [TO SAVEPOINT <savepoint name>] | [FORCE <text>]


Microsoft SQL Server 2000 ROLLBACK [TRAN[SACTION]] [<transaction name>] [<savepoint name>]

As with a COMMIT statement, all the locks are released if the ROLLBACK command is issued.

The Oracle 9i WORK clause is optional and the TO SAVEPOINT clause is explained later in this chapter; the FORCE
clause pertains to distributed transactions, acting very much the same as in the COMMIT transaction case; Microsoft
SQL Server has an optional transaction name clause.
Note Because certain statements (like DDL) automatically issue a COMMIT before and after, every change to data that
happened prior to the DDL statement would be committed as well.

Here is an example that is valid for all three RDBMS (assuming the IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS option is set to ON in
Microsoft SQL Server 2000):
UPDATE customer SET
cust_status_s = 'N' WHERE
cust_id_n = 1 DELETE customer WHERE cust_id_n = 1 ROLLBACK

Neither UPDATE nor DELETE will be committed to the database, as the whole transaction is rolled back.

Usually, a transaction consists of more than one SQL statement that you may want to either COMMIT or ROLLBACK .
To add granularity to the transaction processing, the SAVEPOINT concept was introduced. It allows you to specify a
named point within the transaction, usually after the last successful statement, and, if any error occurs after that, roll all
the changes back not to the beginning of the transaction but to that particular SAVEPOINT. An explicit (or implicit, like
the one issued after a DDL statement) COMMIT releases all SAVEPOINTs declared within a transaction.

Oracle 9i has the most straightforward syntax for the SAVEPOINT:

SAVEPOINT <savepoint

Here is an example of using the SAVEPOINTs in Oracle:

UPDATE customer SET
cust_status_s = 'N' WHERE cust_id_n = 1; SAVEPOINT first_upadate; DELETE
customer WHERE cust_id_n = 2; SAVEPOINT first_delete; DELETE customer WHERE
cust_id_n = 10; ROLLBACK first_update; COMMIT;

In the example above, only UPDATE gets committed to the database, all DELETEs are rolled back, and the SAVEPOINT
first_delete is erased.

The savepoint name must be unique within the current transaction; if a new savepoint uses the same name, the
previous savepoint is destroyed.

Here is the IBM DB2 UDB syntax for SAVEPOINT:

SAVEPOINT <savepoint name

Several optional clauses can be specified with the standard SAVEPOINT statement. The UNIQUE clause indicates that
the session does not intend to reuse the name, rendering it therefore unique; if this statement is omitted and the same
name is used later in the transaction, the previous SAVEPOINT with that name will be destroyed and a new one

The ON ROLLBACK RETAIN CURSORS clause specifies what the system will do with implicit or explicit cursors opened
after the SAVEPOINT statement in the case of a rollback; the last clause — ON ROLLBACK RETAIN LOCKS — changes
the default behavior that instructs RDBMS not to release locks acquired after the SAVEPOINT statement.

Cross-References See Chapter 14 for more information on explicit cursors. Both IBM and Oracle
employ a concept of an implicit cursor — a special structure for manipulating data,
when virtually every select statement opens one. The discussion of implicit cursors
is beyond the scope of this book.

DB2 UDB also has RELEASE SAVEPOINT statement that destroys all the SAVEPONTS created after that named

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 has the most unorthodox syntax, when it comes to establishing the SAVEPOINTs.
<savepoint name>
When rolling back to a specific SAVEPOINT, all data changes become undone, but all the locks are held until COMMIT
or full ROLLBACK commands are issued. The SAVE TRAN [SACTION] statement is not supported in distributed

Here is an example illustrating use of the SAVE TRANSACTION statement in Microsoft SQL Server 2000:
customer SET cust_status_s = 'N' WHERE
cust_id_n = 1 SAVE TRANSACTION cust_1 UPDATE customer SET cust_status_s = 'N'

Distributed Transactions

Transactions that involve more than one database are referred to as distributed transactions. Such transactions
are by their very nature complex and require advanced skills and knowledge.

In Oracle 9i, a distributed query uses dblinks to qualify the object, and there are several restrictions for such
transactions. The RDBMS server manages these transactions and ensures data consistency; a special ADVISE
statement issued within the session determines whether the transaction needs to be rolled back or committed
whenever its status is set in doubt by the database.

IBM DB2 UDB labels distributed transactions as DUOW (Distributed Unit Of Work) and uses the Database
Manager to coordinate distributed transactions.

In Microsoft SQL Server 2000, the task of managing the distributed transactions belongs with MSDTC (Microsoft
Distributed Transaction Coordinator). (Other transaction managers complying to the X/Open XA specification
could be employed instead.) The transaction can be explicitly started with the BEGIN DISTRIBUTED
TRANS[ACTION] statement.

A distributed transaction must minimize the risk of data loss in case of a network failure. The two-phase commit
protocol is employed in distributed transactions, and while details of the implementation are different between
the vendors, they generally follow the same phases.

Prepare Phase. When the transaction manager receives a COMMIT request, it communicates it
to all resource managers involved in the transaction, and they prepare to do a COMMIT

Commit Phase. In this phase, they actually issue COMMIT and report to the coordinator; when
all COMMITs are successful, the coordinator sends notification to the client application. If any of
the resource managers fails to notify the coordinator, a ROLLBACK command is issued to all
resource managers. To perform a ROLLBACK after a COMMIT is executed, log files are normally

This code begins a named transaction TRANS1, updates field CUST_STATUS_S for the customer whose ID is 1, then
creates a SAVEPOINT with the name CUST_1 . It then proceeds to update another customer's status, and then it rolls
back the changes made for customer 2 by rolling back the transaction to the savepoint. The transaction is finally
committed, and only the first update actually takes place.

Transaction isolation levels

There are different transaction isolation levels. Isolation levels refer to the ability of the transaction to see the world
(data) outside its own scope, i.e., data modified by any other transaction. The SQL99 standard isolation levels are
listed in Table 7-5.
Table 7-5: SQL99 Transaction Isolation Levels

Isolation Level Description

READ UNCOMMITED This level is the lowest of all isolation levels, permitting dirty reads (i.e., able to
see uncommitted data). No locks are issued, none honored.

READ COMMITED This level specifies that shared locks will be held while data is being read. No
dirty reads (containing uncommitted data) are permitted; thoughphantom reads
(when row number changes between the reads) may occur.

REPEATABLE READ No changes will be allowed for the data selected by a query (locked for updates,
deletes, etc.), but phantom rows may appear.

SERIALIZABLE The highest level of transaction isolation; places a lock for the whole dataset; no
modifications from outside are allowed until the end of the transaction.

Oracle 9i has two transaction isolation levels — SERIALIZABLE and READ COMMITED. The SET TRANSACTION syntax
for Oracle can be complicated:
SEGMENT <segment name>] [NAME <transaction name>]

As you can see, the statement can be used to set many parameters, though it cannot be done all at once. To set a
transaction as READ ONLY, the following statement could be used:

After the transaction was set as READ ONLY, you cannot modify any data within this transaction either with UPDATE
or INSERT statements.

Oracle is the only one among the "big three" RDBMS that provides for READ ONLY mode of a transaction. In full
compliance with the SQL99 standard, this clause sets the transaction for read-only mode, and an error is generated if
an attempt to change data is made. It establishes statement-level behavior, which becomes the default for the session.

There is some terminology confusion in how DB2 UDB defines transaction isolation levels. What SQL99 specifies as
SERIALIZABLE, it names REPEATABLE READ (RR), which is the highest isolation level in DB2 UDB.

SQL99 REPEATABLE READ becomes READ STABILITY (RS), and a new level — CURSOR STABILITY — is introduced.

The last one, CURSOR STABILITY (CS), is the default for IBM DB2 UDB and resembles the READ COMMITTED level of
the SQL99 standard. Essentially, it guarantees that a row of data will remain unchanged.

The UNCOMMITED READ (UR) level is the same as it is defined by the standard: no locks are acquired, so dirty reads
are possible.

DB2 UDB also has NO COMMIT (NC) as the isolation level, which is not supported by its mainframe big brother DB2.

When establishing connection from within an application, the isolation level can be specified using PREP or BIND API
directives, from the command-line processor the following statement may be used:
UR DB20000I The CHANGE ISOLATION command completed successfully

Tip You cannot change isolation levels while connected to DB2 UDB; the isolation level is specified before the
connection is established. Use the TERMINATE command to disconnect from the DB2 UDB database.

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 supports all four levels of isolation. The isolation level is set for the whole session, not just
a single transaction. To specify a level within the session, the following statement is used:
Here is an example, illustrating the importance of the transaction isolation level to manipulate consistent data using
Microsoft SQL Server 2000. (The example, with minor modifications, is applicable to Oracle and DB2 UDB as well.)
This example performs an update, selects the updated value, and then rolls back the transaction (OSQL interface, see
Appendix E for more information):
1> SELECT cust_status_s
2> FROM customer 3> WHERE cust_id_n = 1 4> GO cust_status_s
------------- N (1 row affected) 1> SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ
cust_status_s = 'Y' 4> WHERE cust_id_n = 1 5> GO (1 row affected) 1>
SELECT cust_status_s 2> FROM customer 3> WHERE cust_id_n = 1 4> GO
cust_status_s ------------- Y (1 row affected) 1> ROLLBACK TRAN TRAN1 2>
GO 1> SELECT cust_status_s 2> FROM customer 3> WHERE
cust_id_n = 1 4> GO cust_status_s ------------- N (1 row

The transaction TRANS1 updates the field CUST_STATUS_S, changing it from Y to N, and then issues a SELECT
statement that shows the changed data. The transaction isolation level for the session is READ COMMITED, so only
changes committed to the database are supposed to be selected. Since the SELECT was issued within the same
transaction, it will be able to see uncommitted changes made by this transaction update. The data changes will be
visible to other transactions that attempt to select it within the sessions with transaction isolation level set to READ
UNCOMMITED; but they are invisible for transactions with other levels of isolation — if they were issued prior to the
ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement. The example also shows that the data, after the transaction was rolled back,
remain unchanged.
Understanding Locks
Concurrency is one of the major concerns in a multiuser environment. When multiple sessions write or read data to
and from shared resources, a database might loose its integrity. To prevent this from happening, every RDBMS worth
its salt implements a concurrency control mechanisms. In the case of RDBMS servers, the concurrency is managed
through various locking mechanisms. All three leading RDBMS vendors have implemented sophisticated mechanisms
for concurrency management.

Oracle has probably the most evolved and complex locking schema. It follows the rule that reading and writing
processes cannot block each other, even if working on the same (or a close) set of data. Each session receives a
read-consistent image of the data. Thus, even if some other process has begun modifying data in the set but did not
commit the changes, every subsequent session will be able to read the data just as it was before; once the changes
are committed in the first session, every other session is able to see it. The locks are acquired only when the changes
are being committed to the database. Oracle automatically selects the least-restrictive lock. User can choose to
manually lock a resource (a table, for example). In this case, other users still might be able to access the data,
depending on the type of lock deployed.

IBM DB2 UDB and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 both employ locks that can enable a reader to block a writer and vice
versa. The problem of concurrent access to the data is somewhat alleviated by the granularity of the locking — table,
page, row, and so on. There are locks acquired by read-only queries, DDL statements, DML queries, and so on. There
are different lock types for each scenario, which we're going to discuss in more detail.

Most of the time, a user does not have to worry about locking, as RDBMS automatically select the most appropriate
lock (or locks) for a particular operation; only if this programmed logic fails should you attempt to specify the locks
manually, using the SQL statements.

Locking modes

There are two broad categories of concurrency — optimistic and pessimistic. The names are self-explanatory.
Transactions with optimistic concurrency work on the assumption that resource conflicts — when more than one
transaction works on the same set of data — are unlikely (though possible). Optimistic transactions check for potential
conflicts when committing changes to a database and conflicts are resolved by resubmitting data. Pessimistic
transactions expect conflicts from the very beginning and lock all resources they intend to use. Usually RDBMS
employ both optimistic and pessimistic transactions, and users can instruct their transactions to use either.

Note Locking granularity has a significant effect on system performance. Row-level locking increases concurrency (i.e.,
does not block other transactions from accessing a table) but usually incurs overhead costs of administration. A
full table lock is much less expensive in terms of system resources but comes at the price of concurrency. This is
something to keep in mind when designing database applications.

Locks are used to implement pessimistic transactions, and each RDBMS has its own levels of locking, though there
are some similarities. In general, there are either share locks or exclusive locks, which refer to the way a resource
(e.g., a table) is being used.

In Oracle, when a client process accesses a resource, it can explicitly lock the resource using one of the lock types
specified in Table 7-6. Such a lock overrides any automatic lock settings.
Table 7-6: Oracle 9i Lock Modes

Lock Mode Description

EXCLUSIVE Allows a SELECT query on the locked table, all other operations (i.e.,
UPDATE, DELETE, etc.) are prohibited to other transactions.

SHARE Allows concurrent queries, but updates are prohibited for all transactions.

ROW SHARE Allows concurrent access to the table, but no other users can acquire an
exclusive lock on the table. Also, the SHARE UPDATE mode is provided for
backward compatibility.

ROW EXCLUSIVE Is essentially the same as ROW SHARE but also prevents locking inSHARE

SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE Locks the whole table; queries are allowed but no other transaction can
acquire any lock on the table.

For example, the following statement locks table CUSTOMER of the ACME database in exclusive mode:
LOCK TABLE customer IN

The transaction that issues this statement will attempt to lock the table for its exclusive use, subject to the restrictions
specified in Table 7-6. If any other process keeps a lock on the table, the transaction will be put in a queue, and the
lock will be acquired in priority received. The lock will be in place for the duration of the transaction (i.e., until COMMIT
is executed). A deadlock situation might occur (see next paragraph) if the transaction that already holds a lock on the
table attempts to acquire a lock on a resource that the second transaction has a lock on. The clause NOWAIT instructs
a transaction to move on if a table it tries to lock is already locked.
LOCK TABLE customer IN

If the lock command is issued for a view, Oracle will attempt to lock the base tables for the view. Certain types of
operations require locking. Oracle will allow you to perform DDL operations on a table only if that table can be locked.
(It is possible to use this statement to lock some other types of objects in Oracle, e.g., dblink).

Note Oracle allows specifying a special clause in CREATE and ALTER TABLE statements that either allows or disallows
locking for the table. Disabling locking for the table effectively prevents any DDL operation against such a table.

Oracle provides several hints for performance optimization; some of these would affect the locking used by Oracle.
The hints, while being very important for Oracle database tuning and optimization, are beyond the scope of this book;
please refer to the vendor's documentation for more information.

In IBM DB2 UDB, the custom locking control is somewhat similar to that in Oracle, though less granular. A user can
specify two modes of table locking — SHARE or EXCLUSIVE. For example:
db2=>LOCK TABLE customer IN
EXCLUSIVE MODE DB20000I The SQL command completed

The SHARE mode prevents any other transaction from executing any type of operation on the locked table, except for a
read-only SELECT; also, no other transaction can acquire a lock to that table The EXCLUSIVE mode prevents any
operation on the table, including read-only operations.

The lock is held for the duration of the transaction and is released once a COMMIT statement is issued. Except for
these two modes, the locking for operations in DB2 UDB databases is governed by isolation levels set for the
transactions (described earlier in the chapter).

All other locks are at the discretion of the RDBMS. Default locking is row-level, and a lock may escalate to a table-level
lock (there is no page-level locking in DB2 UDB); the lock escalation may be avoided using the LOCK TABLE statement
from above. The escalation thresholds are configurable by the DBA through a number of parameters (i.e., maxlocks,
locksize, etc.).

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 provides several lock options to be specified for the transactions (Table 7-7). These
represent categories of locks that further could be divided by specific lock HINTS, some of which are presented in
Table 7-8.

Table 7-7: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Lock Modes

Lock Mode Description

SHARED (S) This type of lock is used for read-only operations.

UPDATE (U) This lock is used whenever the data is updated.

EXCLUSIVE (X) Prevents all other transactions from performingUPDATE, DELETE or INSERT.

INTENT This is used to establish a hierarchy of locking: intent, shared intent, exclusive,
and shared with intent exclusive. An intent lock indicates that SQL Server wants
to acquire a shared or exclusive lock on some resources down in the hierarchy
(e.g., table — page — row); at the very least the intent lock prevents any
transactions from acquiring an exclusive lock on the resource.

SCHEMA This lock type is used when a DDL operation is performed.

BULK UPDATE (BU) These locks are used when bulk copying is taking place.

Table 7-8: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Locking Hints

Locking Hint Description

NOLOCK This hint issued in a SELECT statement specifies that no shared locks should be used
and no exclusive locks should be honored; this means that the SELECT statement could
potentially read uncommitted transactions (dirty reads).

UPDLOCK Instructs SQL Server to use UPDATE locking (as opposed to shared locks) while reading
data; makes sure that data has not changed if an UPDATE statement follows next.

XLOCK Places an exclusive lock until the end of a transaction on all data affected by the
transaction. Additional levels of granularity can be specified with this lock.

ROWLOCK Specifically instructs SQL Server to use row-level locks (as opposed to page and

The lock mode is either selected by the SQL Server itself, or based on the type of operation performed. To manually
specify the locking mode, one should use the table-level locking hints that fall into one of the categories listed in Table
7-7. These locking hints override the transaction isolation level and should be used judiciously. The hints in the Table
7-8 provide just a sampling of what is available, and the list is by no means complete.

For example, to specify row-level locking for the transaction in a SELECT statement, the following syntax may be

There is a penalty to pay for the high granularity — it degrades performance as SQL Server allocates more resources
for row-level locking operations.
Note In addition to the visual interface of the Enterprise manager, Microsoft SQL Server provides stored procedure
sp_locks, which return information about all active locks on the system; sufficient privilege-levels are required.

SQL Server deploys different locks at its own discretion based on cost decisions: the default is a row-level lock, which
may escalate to a page-level lock, and in turn to a table-level lock, when a transaction exceeds its escalation
threshold. This parameter is not configurable and is determined by SQL Server itself in each situation.

Dealing with deadlocks

The classic deadlock situation arises when two (or more) sessions are waiting to acquire a lock on a shared resource,
and none of them can proceed because a second session also has a lock on some other resource that is required by
the first session. Imagine a situation, in which Session 1 holds resource A, while trying to access resource B; at the
same time Session 2 holds resource B while trying to access resource A.

Usually RDBMS resolves situations like this automatically by killing one of the processes and rolling back all the
changes it may have made.

Oracle implements a sophisticated mechanism enforcing the rule "reader and writer processes cannot block each
other." The idea behind this rule is to present each process with a consistent image of data without noncommitted
changes. Nevertheless, deadlocks do occur in Oracle and usually are resolved by the RDBMS itself; in some rare
cases, manual resolution — choosing the deadlock "victim" process — is required. The most common deadlock types
are ORA-00060 (en queue deadlocks) and ORA-04020 (library cache deadlocks). It is possible to specify the NOWAIT
clause or set up session timeouts to avoid deadlocks, some other techniques involve explicit locking and use of the
isolation levels within the transaction. A deadlock may also be resolved manually through Oracle's interfaces.

IBM DB2 runs a background process, called Deadlock Detector, to find and resolve the deadlock situation. The
session chosen as a deadlock victim is rolled back, and a special error is generated (SQLCODE-901, SQLSTATE
40001). The read-only process is a prime candidate for the deadlock victim, and beyond that, DB2 employs "least cost"
criteria to select the session to be killed. If deadlocks ever become a problem, IBM recommends using system
monitoring tools to collect information about the deadlock situations and either optimize the system or redesign any
applications involved.

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 employs a proprietary algorithm for detecting deadlocks and resolves them in a way
similar to that implemented by Oracle or DB2 UDB: deadlocks are resolved automatically or manually through the
Enterprise Manager Console. It is possible to volunteer a session to become a deadlock victim by setting the
DEADLOCK_PRIORITY parameter within that session (see paragraph about sessions earlier in the chapter).

Another way of dealing with the situation would be setting LOCK_TIMEOUT for the session. Setting the timeout means
that the session will hold the resource under the lock no longer than a specified interval. Once the time set for locking
expires, SQL Server returns an error and the transaction is rolled back. The resolution of the situation will be similar to
that for every other RDBMS: handle the situation in which an error indicating a deadlock situation is returned (Error
1205 for SQL Server, SQLSTATE 40001) by re-running the transaction, redesigning the application to decrease or
eliminate the deadlock possibility, and so on.
All communications with RDBMS happen within the context of a session. When a session between a client program
and RDBMS is established, it possesses certain default properties that determine its behavior. Some of these can be
changed for the duration of the session, and the database administrator can change the defaults. Some parameters
may be changed through use of SQL statements; some are client-dependent and must be set in the client's

The next level of granularity is transactions — when one or more SQL statements comprise a single logical unit of
work. Within the session, an SQL statement runs as a transaction — by the SQL standard definition. RDBMS
implementations may treat it differently, some starting an implicit transaction by default, and some requiring explicit
statements to begin a transaction. Transactions must satisfy certain criteria (the so-called ACID test) to comply with
these standards, but these details are usually taken care of by the RDBMS itself.

Transactions accessing shared resources must implement some concurrency control. One of a transaction's properties
is its isolation level established for the transaction. The isolation level regulates what this transaction may access, and
what data it is allowed to "see."

There are four isolation levels defined by the SQL standard and some RDBMS (Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and IBM
DB2 UDB) have implemented all of them, while some (Oracle 9i being one example) have implemented only two.

Some RDBMS implement intricate locking systems to address the concurrency issue, though locks are not part of the
SQL standard. The locks might be of different types; they can be specified within the SQL statement itself, or they may
be specified properties of the session. A deadlock situation may occur in a high-volume of transactions or improperly
designed systems. Deadlocks may be resolved automatically by the RDBMS or manually by database administrators.
Part IV: Retrieving and Transforming Data

Chapter List

Chapter 8: Understanding SELECT Statement

Chapter 9: Multitable Queries

Chapter 10: SQL Functions

Chapter 11: SQL Operators

Chapter 8: Understanding SELECT Statement

This chapter covers selecting data from the RDBMS tables using the SELECT statement. As the name implies it deals
with selecting data from the RDBMS objects — tables or views — either to be presented to the users, or for some
internal purpose. This is the only statement of the data query language (DQL) group.

The use of this statement within a SELECT query is relatively simple, but the SELECT statement rarely executes without
clauses, and that's where the fun begins. The select query clauses are probably the most confusing in the SQL and
have to be dealt with accordingly. This chapter introduces the topic, covering use of subqueries, compound operators,
and aggregate function clauses.
Single Table SELECT Statement Syntax
Here is the generic SELECT statement, as it is defined by the SQL99 standard, for selecting data from a single table.
The query includes the SELECT command, followed by the list of identifiers (table or view columns); then comes the
mandatory FROM clause that contains names of the tables, from which these columns are selected. The rest of the
clause is optional, used to increase selectiveness of the query, as well as add some ordering capabilities. All of these
pieces make up the complete SELECT statement.
SELECT [DISTINCT] [<qualifier>.]<column_name> |
[AS <column_alias>],...
FROM <table_or_view_name> |
[[AS] <table_alias>]
[WHERE <predicate>]
[GROUP BY [<qualifier>.]<column_name>,...
[HAVING <predicate>]
[ORDER_BY <column_name> |
[ASC | DESC],...

Of course, the statements that you would run against the three leading RDBMS do differ, both in syntax and usage.
SELECT Clause: What Do We Select?
In the relational databases the SELECT statement selects values in the columns, literal values, or expressions. The
returned values themselves could be of any valid data types. These values can be displayed in the client application,
or written into a file, used in the intermediate calculations, or entered into database tables.

Prior in this chapter, we've mentioned that the FROM clause of the SELECT statement is mandatory, whereas all other
clauses are optional. This still holds true for the SQL99 standard, though the rules are somewhat more relaxed with
the vendor-specific implementations.

Single-column select

You can select as many or as few columns as you wish from a table (or a view) for which you have SELECT privileges
(see Chapter 12 on SQL security). The following example selects only a customer name (column CUST_NAME_S from
the table CUSTOMER in the ACME database).
SELECT cust_name_s
FROM customer

The return result is a set of the CUST_NAME_S column values from all rows in the CUSTOMER table. The values in the
set are not ordered in any way; it is possible to order the returned values though; see later in the chapter for
information on ordering data in the resultset (section on GROUP BY clause).

The syntax is identical across all three RDBMS products as well as for the SQL99 standard.

Multicolumn SELECT

A single column SELECT, while useful, is certainly not the limit of the SQL capabilities. It's very likely that you'll be
selecting more than one column at a time in your queries.

Selecting several columns

The following query selects three columns at the same time from the same CUSTOMER table in the ACME database:
SELECT cust_id_n,
FROM customer

---------- - -----------------------------------------------

As in the case with a single column SELECT, the result returned is a set of values, with a distinction that it is rather a
set of sets — one set for each column mentioned in the SELECT statement. The sequence in which these sets appear
directly corresponds to the sequence in which the column names were mentioned in the SELECT clause.

Note It is possible to select a column more than once within a single query. The result will simply be duplicate sets of

The syntax is identical across all three RDBMS products as well as for the SQL99 standard.

Selecting all columns

Selecting all columns in the table could be achieved by listing every single column from the table in the SELECT clause
of the query, or using the convenient shortcut — asterisk (*) — provided by the SQL99 standard and implemented by
virtually every RDBMS on the planet.
FROM status

----------- -- ------------------------------

As with any multirow query, the returned result comprises the sets of the selected values of all rows for each column.
The sequence in which columns appear in the resultset is exactly the same as in the underlying table (view).

Selecting all columns plus an extra column

In a relatively rare case where you need to select all the columns from the table and a duplicate of a column(s), you
may do so in all three RDBMS, but this is where vendor's implementations differ from the SQL99 standard as well as
from each other.

Oracle and DB2 require the asterisk to be prefixed by a table name or a table alias (the order in which asterisk is listed
in relation to other columns is not important):
SQL> SELECT status.*, status_desc_s
2 FROM status;
----------- -- ------------------------------ -------------

4 rows selected.

This full name qualification is not required in MS SQL Server:

1> SELECT *, status_desc_s FROM status
2> GO
----------- ------------- --------------- --------------

(4 rows affected)

This may seem a superfluous feature, but imagine a situation when you need to see all 200 rows in the table and wish
to change the default sequence in which the columns appear in the final resultset. You have an option to list all the
columns in the desired order (i.e., typing in all the columns in the SELECT clause of your query) or to do it the easier
way at the expense of having a duplicate set of values — but in the place where you would rather see it. Of course,
you may combine all/any rows in the table into a single resultset more than once.

Selecting distinct values

As you become more selective in terms of what data is expected to be returned by a query, the need may arise to
eliminate duplicates. The SQL99 standard provides an easy and elegant way to eliminate any duplicate values from
the final resultset.

The table PAYMENT_TERMS in the ACME database contains data about discounts, in terms of percentages, given to
customers. While the particulars of each discount might differ, it is quite conceivable that the actual percentage might
be the same.

The following example selects all the rows for the PAYTERMS_DISCPCT_N column from that table:
SELECT payterms_discpct_n
FROM payment_terms

(11 rows affected)

As you can see, there are quite a few duplicates among these 11 records. If the goal is to find out what are the
percentage rates used within the company, the DISTINCT keyword might be used.
SELECT DISTINCT payterms_discpct_n
FROM payment_terms

2 rows selected.

Now, all the duplicate values have been eliminated and the resultset contains only two distinct values.

It is important to understand that DISTINCT refers to the entire row, not just a single column; if DISTINCT precedes
multiple columns the entire set — row values in all columns — needs to be distinct. Here is an example run in MS SQL
Server 2000 (applicable to Oracle and DB2 UDB as well):
SELECT DISTINCT payterms_discpct_n,
FROM payment_terms
------------------ ---------------
.00 N10
.00 N120
.00 N15
.00 N20
.00 N30
.00 N45
.00 N60
.00 N90
.02 CADV
.02 N21530
.02 N21531

(11 row(s) affected)

By adding the PAYTERMS_CODE_S column to PAYTERMS_DISCPCT_N, we've made the pair of the columns to be
distinct. As a result, duplicate values in a single column are allowed as long as the pair of the values is distinct.

Using literals, functions, and calculated columns

Columns are not the only things that you can select in the relational database world, and the SELECT statement does
not always involve a table. Selecting columns from a table is a very straightforward concept, much more so than
selecting expressions and literals.

When a value we are after does not exist up to the moment we call it, because it is returned by a function, or being
calculated on the fly, you still need to SELECT from somewhere. This "somewhere" could be any table existing within
the database and to which you have select privilege (see Chapter 12 for more information on the privileges), but it
would be rather inconvenient, and hard to maintain, as the user must know what tables are present in the database,
and change the query every time the table in use is dropped or renamed; besides, if you SELECT a literal or an
expression from an actual table, the resultset will have as many rows as there are in the table.

Oracle supports the SQL99 standards to the extent of providing a special table, DUAL, when there is no physical object
(view or table) to select from. Suppose you need to find out a system time of your Oracle database; the RDBMS
provides you with a function SYSDATE (more about the functions in Chapter 10), which returns this information. While
not being SQL99 standard compliant, this function is a legitimate Oracle 9i SQL dialect statement and must be treated
as such. Since all queries must start with SELECT, you would start with it, but the information is not stored anywhere in
the database — it is generated dynamically at the request's moment. That's where the table DUAL comes in handy —
you can "select" virtually anything from this table.


The DUAL table itself has only one column (not without irony named DUMMY) and one row containing value X.

Note The DUAL table was introduced by Chuck Weiss of Oracle as an underlying object in the Oracle Data Dictionary.
It was never meant to be seen by itself, but rather to be used in some complex JOIN operations (discussed
Chapter 9); it logically fits theSELECT notion as it implies that theFROM clause is to be used with each statement.

For selecting noncolumn values, DB2 UDB 8.1 has essentially the same concept — table SYSDUMMY1 , located in the
SYSIBM system schema. This table has a single column called IBMREQD, and a single row containing value Y. The
following example demonstrates using this table for calculating the sum of two numbers:
db2=> SELECT (5+5) FROM sysibm.sysdummy1


1 record(s) selected.

The sum of these numbers is not stored anywhere, but it has to be selected following the SQL99 standard rules. This
becomes more important, when SQL functions (Chapter 10) are used in the procedural language (like PL/SQL or

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 actually allows you to forgo the FROM clause altogether in the situation like this. Here is an
SELECT (5+5) num_sum

The "dummy" tables, as well as ability to select from nothing, is not a part of the SQL standard, but rather manifests of
vendors' ingenuity in customers' satisfaction quest.

In the most recent example we've used alias NUM_SUM as the name for the non-existent column. This is alias – a
standard feature, supported by all three RDBMS vendors as well as mandated by the SQL standard. The idea behind
alias is very simple — giving columns selected in the SQL query more descriptive names as they appear in the final
result set. Every single SELECT example in this book could be rewritten with the column names substituted by aliases.
For instance, the example from above that selects a distinct value of the PAYTERMS_DISCPCT_N, could be written as
SELECT DISTINCT payterms_discpct_n AS discount_percent
FROM payment_terms

The new name, while not being shorter, is significantly more descriptive for the user, just as the column name is more
informative for the programmer (as it tells what data type the column contains — N — for NUMERIC). The use of the
'AS' operator is optional, and the syntax (either with or without 'AS') is valid in all three databases.

The aliasing becomes even more useful when literals and expressions are selected. An example of selecting an
expression (5 + 5) was given previously in the chapter; here is the SELECT statement involving literals:
SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer


---------------------------- ---------------- ---------------
... ...

37 record(s) selected.

In the default behaviour, if no alias is specified for the constructed column — be it a literal, expression, or a function —
Oracle will use the literal itself or an expression in the place of the alias; IBM DB2 UDB will number the columns
starting with 1; and Microsoft SQL Server simply leaves the name blank.

Literals can be a part of a "standard" SELECT query, where they are listed together with the column names, as in the
example above.

Aliasing is very convenient when a resulting value combines different sources — a column, a function, an expression,
or a literal. Here is an example in Oracle and DB2 UDB syntax that concatenates product ID (column PROD_ID_N)
from the PRODUCT table of the ACME database with an empty space and product brand (column PROD_BRAND_N)
into a single value:
SELECT CAST(prod_id_n AS CHAR(5)) || ' ' || prod_brand_s
FROM product

4964 BASES

10 record(s) selected.

Cross-References Concatenation operators and functions are covered in detail in Chapters 11 and 10,

To run this query in MS SQL Server, replace the concatenation ( ||) operator to a plus (+ ) operator.

Cross-References See Chapter 11 for more about operators.

As a part of the SELECT statement, the functions or expressions could be used for insert or update purposes. Imagine
that you would like to keep track of every insert and update with a date/time stamp, using a SELECT query as an input
(see INSERT and UPDATE statements in Chapter 6); the following Oracle 9i syntax provides this functionality using
SYSDATE and USER functions. (See Chapter 10 for equivalent DB2 UDB and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 syntax.)
SELECT salesman_code_s,
FROM salesman;


-- -------------------------------- --------- -------

6 rows selected.

Using subqueries in a SELECT clause

The concept of a subquery is simple — it is a query within a query that supplies necessary values for the first query. A
SELECT query could have an embedded subquery as a way to retrieve unknown values, and the nesting level (how
many subqueries you could have within each other) is limited only by the RDBMS capability.

To illustrate the concept, some preliminary work is required (since the required table is not within the ACME
database). Let's say that in full accordance with database design guidelines you have created a table that contains
state tax amounts for each state, as well as each state's full name and two-letter postal abbreviation.

First you need to create a table:

CREATE TABLE sales_tax
stax_amt_n DECIMAL(6,3),
stax_state_s CHAR(2),
CONSTRAINT pk_sales_tax PRIMARY KEY (stax_id_n )

The next step is to insert some meaningful data into your new table.
INSERT INTO sales_tax
VALUES (1, 8.5,'WA')

When you wish to produce a report that would contain a product ID and price, and the amount of tax applied to unit of
the product in the state of Washington, the following query would be useful:
SELECT prod_num_s,
(SELECT stax_amt_n
FROM sales_tax
WHERE stax_state_s = 'WA') AS TAX_RATE,
prod_price_n *
(SELECT stax_amt_n
FROM sales_tax
WHERE stax_state_s = 'WA')/100 AS SALES_TAX
FROM product

prod_num_s prod_price_n TAX_RATE SALES_TAX

---------- ------------ -------- -----------------------
990 18.32 8.500 1.557200000
1880 34.09 8.500 2.897650000
2871 26.92 8.500 2.288200000
3045 15.98 8.500 1.358300000
4000 11.84 8.500 1.006400000
4055 16.09 8.500 1.367650000
4761 23.20 8.500 1.972000000
4906 27.10 8.500 2.303500000
4964 23.20 8.500 1.972000000
5786 17.98 8.500 1.528300000

(10 row(s) affected)

This example uses the state abbreviation (WA) as a parameter to find the amount of the applicable state tax and
calculates the necessary values on the fly using subquery to extract this value from the SALES_TAX table; note that
the data retrieval is conducted for each and every row in the resulting set.
FROM Clause: Select from What?
The FROM clause is mandatory for every SELECT statement — with the exception of the MS SQL Server case
discussed earlier in this chapter. The database objects you should be able to select from are tables and views. These
come in many flavors — temporary tables, inline views, materialized views, to name just a few — but the truth is that
there is nothing else in the RDBMS world to select from.

Selecting from tables and views

We've used tables and views as "selectable from" objects in the examples given earlier in this chapter (and all
previous chapters). In fact, the only truly selectable object in RDBMS is a table, while view is a query that is based on
some table (or tables). Unlike a table, view, by definition, does not contain data but rather collects it from the base
tables whenever a SELECT query is executed against the view.

Note Oracle also sports the concept of a materialized view. The regular view is based on some query that extracts data
from the underlying tables; this query executes the very moment as the SELECT statement is executed against
the view. To speed up the selection process, it is possible to create a materialized view that actually contains a
snapshot of the data it's supposed to fetch. Such a view does not differ much from a table. The thing to remember
here is that the data in a materialized view might not be up-to-date, and needs refreshing to ensure it.

Using aliases in a FROM clause

It is possible to alias the table names listed in the FROM clause of a SELECT query to shorten notation and make it
more visual by prefixing the columns in a different clause with the table alias. Here is an example of selecting three
columns from a STATUS table in the ACME database where the table is aliased with s:
SELECT status_id_n,
FROM status s

The columns in the SELECT clause may or may not be prefixed with the table's alias (or table name); moreover, the
columns themselves could be aliased for readability purposes, replacing somewhat cryptic column names with more
meaningful ones (see paragraph earlier in this chapter). If such prefixes are used, they follow <object>.<property>
notation, shown in the example above.

While not being very useful in the case of a single table selection, it simplifies queries when more than one table is
involved, and helps to remove confusion should two or more tables have identically named columns. Please refer to
Chap-ter 9 for more information on multitable queries.

Note Using alias for the tables in the FROM clause of the SELECT query is not the same asCREATE ALIAS statement,
described in Chapter 4. The latter creates a database object that subsequently could be used to refer to the
object (not necessarily a table) by some other, usually more convenient way. The alias in the SELECT query
serves somewhat the same purpose — shortening the calling notation — but is radically different because it only
refers to a table (or view) and exists only for the time the query is running, and disappears afterward.

There are certain rules on using the aliases in the other clauses that comprise the SELECT query. The table that was
aliased in the FROM clause could be referred to by this alias throughout the whole query: SELECT, WHERE, GROUP
BY , ORDER BY , and so on. Though it is possible to use column names in these clauses without qualifying them by the
table name (or alias), it is recommended to use aliases (if specified) to prevent ambiguity.

Using subqueries in a FROM clause (inline views)

We have discussed the VIEW database object in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. Here we are going to introduce so-called
inline views. Unlike the VIEW object, the inline views do not exist outside the query that contains them, and may or may
not have a proper name for themselves. Consider the following statement that selects customer's ID, name, and status
from an inline view CUST:
cust. cust_name_s,
FROM (SELECT cust_id_n AS id,
cust_status_s AS active,
cust_alias_s AS alias,
cust_credhold_s AS hold
FROM customer) cust

----------- --------------------------- ------

37 record(s) selected.

Note that the outer SELECT clause refers to the columns selected from the inline view by their alias — because of the
way these columns are exposed to it; replacing CUST.ID with CUST. CUST_ID_N would generate an Invalid column name
error, since that is not the name that outer query could reference. At the same time, the column CUST_NAME_S could
be used the way it is mentioned in the subquery because it was not aliased.
WHERE Clause: Setting Horizontal Limits

While selecting everything a table or view could contain might be of value for some operations, most of the time you
will be looking for specific information — a person with a particular phone number, data falling into a certain date
range, and so on. The table might contain several million rows, and you simply have no time to search for the
information all by yourself. The SQL WHERE clause provides a mechanism for setting horizontal limits; specifically, it
allows you to limit the number of rows in resultsets returned by a query through specifying some condition or set of
conditions. Depending on what conditions you have specified with your query, there might be zero, one, or more
records (rows) returned. The search criteria specified in the WHERE clause evaluate to TRUE or FALSE, and all the
rules of Boolean algebra are fully applicable there.

Cross-References See Appendix L for information on Boolean algebra.

Using comparison operators

To specify conditions in the WHERE clause, SQL employs a number of operators. These are discussed in detail in
Chapter 11. Here, we are going to touch them only briefly.

Consider the following query run against the ACME database in Microsoft SQL Server (the syntax and results would
be identical in all "big three" databases). It returns some information about a particular customer, uniquely identified by
the customer ID field CUST_ID_N. The uniqueness of the customer ID (not that of the address record) value is
enforced by the primary key constraint as well as a UNIQUE constraint placed onto the column in the table
CUSTOMER. (There could be only one customer associated with any given ID.)
SELECT cust_id_n,
FROM customer
WHERE cust_id_n = 7


---------- ---------------------- -------------

(1 row(s) affected)

You were able to pinpoint the record because only one record satisfied your condition.

Now, nothing prevents a customer from having one or more addresses, which is illustrated by the following query
requesting all address records for a customer with a customer ID equal to 7:
SELECT addr_address_s,
FROM address
WHERE addr_custid_fn = 7

addr_address_s addr_city_s addr_state_s addr_zip_s

----------------- ------------------ ------------ ----------
... ... ... ...

(11 row(s) affected)

This query yields 11 records, containing all the addresses under which customer number 7 conducts its business.

Comparison operators could also determine a range of values. When you want to know what products in your
database are selling for more than $20, use the following query:
SELECT prod_description_s,
FROM product
WHERE prod_price_n > 20

-------------------------------------------- ------------
STEEL NAILS 6'' 33.28
STOOL CAPS 5'' 26.82
BAR RAILS 24X48X128 23.10
BAR RAILS 30X45X60 27.00
BASES 30X45X60 23.10

(5 rows affected)

This query returns information for all products whose price is over $20.

Compound operators: Using AND and OR

There could be more than one criterion specified with the query. For example, you may want to retrieve all the phone
salespersons in your company that are not assigned to a customer. In the table, there are phone numbers and fax
numbers; to eliminate the latter, the following query could be used:
SQL> SELECT phone_salesmanid_fn,
FROM phone
WHERE phone_custid_fn IS NULL
AND phone_type_s = 'PHONE'


------------------- -------------------- --------------------
23 (305) 555-8502 PHONE
24 (626) 555-4435 PHONE
25 (717) 555-5479 PHONE
26 (718) 555-7879 PHONE
27 (718) 555-5091 PHONE
28 (814) 555-0324 PHONE

6 record(s) selected.

Only records where column PHONE_CUSTID_FN contains NULL and the type of the numbers is PHONE made it to the
final resultset.

The records could be selected using the OR compound operator. In the following example, only records for the orders
that were placed by customer 63 or that have an order ID equal to 30661 are taken into consideration.
SELECT ordhdr_id_n,
FROM order_header
WHERE ordhdr_id_n = 30661
OR ordhdr_custid_fn = 63

----------- ----------------
30613 63
30614 63
30615 63
30661 1

4 records(s) selected.

This provides you with the functionality to specify disparate selection criteria: the customer ID of the customer who had
placed order 30661 is not 7, nevertheless it is present on the list of the records because you've specified that you are
interested in the orders placed by customer 63 OR the order #30661, regardless of the customer ID. Using AND in this
case would yield no results since order 30661 was not placed by customer 7, and no record satisfying both criteria at
the same time would be found.

Using the BETWEEN operator

While it is possible to use a combination of => (greater than or equal to) and <= (less than or equal to) operators to
achieve exactly the same results, the BETWEEN operator provides a more convenient (and often more efficient) way
for selecting a range of values.
SELECT prod_description_s,
FROM product
WHERE prod_price_n BETWEEN 23.10 AND 30

-------------------------------------------- ------------
STOOL CAPS 5'' 26.82
BAR RAILS 24X48X128 23.10
BAR RAILS 30X45X60 27.00
BASES 30X45X60 23.10

4 record(s) selected.

Note that the range of the values is inclusive, that is, the values used in specifying the range are included into the final
resultset. This behavior is number-specific, if other database types (e.g., characters, dates, etc.) are used for criteria,
results might differ. The operator could be used with virtually any data type: dates, characters, numbers, and so on.
(See Chapter 11 for more information.)

Using the IN operator: Set membership test

When there is more than one exact criterion for the WHERE clause, and these criteria do not fit any range of values,
you may use an OR statement. Consider the following query:
SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer
WHERE cust_alias_s = 'MNGA71396' OR
cust_alias_s = 'MNGA71398' OR
cust_alias_s = 'MNGA71400'

------------------------------------- ---------------

3 record(s) selected.

Any records that correspond to either of the three specified criteria make it into the final resultset. The same result is
easier achieved using an IN operator:
SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer
WHERE cust_alias_s IN
('MNGA71396', 'MNGA71398', 'MNGA71400')

---------------------------------- ---------------

3 record(s) selected.

The IN operator makes your life easier by replacing numerous OR statements and speeding up the query execution
along the way. All values specified within an IN operator must be of the same data type as they refer to one column.

The NOT operator

The NOT operator negates results of the operator by making it perform a search for the results exactly opposite to
those specified. Any of the operators and queries discussed to this point could have produced opposite results if NOT
was used. The following example returns all the results that do not match the specified criteria — having the name with
the second letter I, third L, and fourth E; only records that do not have such a sequence starting from the second
position within the company name are selected:
SQL> SELECT cust_name_s
FROM customer
WHERE cust_name_s NOT LIKE '_ILE%'


32 record(s) selected

Using the IS NULL operator: Special test for NULLS

We have mentioned before that relational databases are using a special value to signify the absence of the data in the
database table column — NULL. Since this value does not comply with the rules that all the other values follow (e.g.,
comparison, operations, etc.), they cannot be detected with the equation/comparison operator =; i.e., the syntax
WHERE <column_name> = NULL, while being technically valid in Oracle or DB2 UDB (and valid in Microsoft SQL Server
2000 under certain circumstances), would never yield any data because the equation will always evaluate to FALSE.

The test for NULL is performed with the IS keyword, as in the example below, which retrieves information about
salesmen that have customers without a PHONE_CUSTID_FN number.
SELECT phone_salesmanid_fn,
FROM phone
WHERE phone_custid_fn IS NULL
------------------- -------------------- --------------------
23 (305) 555-8502 PHONE
24 (626) 555-4435 PHONE
25 (717) 555-5479 PHONE
26 (718) 555-7879 PHONE
27 (718) 555-5091 PHONE
28 (814) 555-0324 PHONE
23 (305) 555-8501 FAX
24 (626) 555-4434 FAX
25 (717) 555-5478 FAX
26 (718) 555-7878 FAX
27 (718) 555-5091 FAX
28 (814) 555-0323 FAX

12 record(s) selected.

Note In Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Transact-SQL, a NULL is never equal to anotherNULL unless you specifically
instruct SQL Server to do so by issuing command SET ANSI_NULLS OFF; setting this parameterOFF within the
session would allow you to compare a NULL value with anotherNULL value, setting it backON (default) brings back
the SQL99 standard behavior.

Just as easily, you may test for the absence of the NULL value in the specified column using the NOT operator. The IS
NULL test returns FALSE or TRUE, depending on whether the value in the column is or is not a NULL. The syntax
follows that of the English language: you cannot use NOT IS NULL (produces error), but IS NOT NULL yields the desired
results. The following query produces the records for the salesmen whose customers do have phones (therefore the
value in the field PHONE_CUSTID_FN is NOT a NULL):
SELECT phone_custid_fn,
FROM phone
WHERE phone_custid_fn IS NOT NULL


--------------- -------------------- --------------------
1 (909) 555-9957 PHONE
1 (909) 555-9956 FAX
2 (501) 555-5702 PHONE
2 (501) 555-5701 FAX
152 (541) 555-8979 PHONE
152 (541) 555-8978 FAX

74 records

Using subqueries in a WHERE clause

As in the SELECT clause, the subqueries could be used with the WHERE clause to provide missing values (or a set of
values). For example, you cannot find information from the ORDER_HEADER table using a customer's name only,
because the ORDER_HEADER table contains customer IDs, not the names; thus, the customer ID could be found in
the table CUSTOMER using the customer name as a criterion, and then used to select values from the
SELECT ordhdr_nbr_s,
FROM order_header
WHERE ordhdr_custid_fn =
(SELECT cust_id_n
FROM customer
ordhdr_nbr_s ordhdr_orderdate_d
------------- ---------------------------
523733 2002-08-15 00:00:00.000
523734 2002-08-15 00:00:00.000
523735 2002-08-15 00:00:00.000

(3 row(s) affected)

The subquery executes first, thus providing the outer query with a set of values to select from. In this case, a single
matching value is expected. If for some reason the subquery returns more than one row (and therefore more than one
value could match the ORDHDR_CUSTID field), an error will be generated.

Any of the operators discussed earlier in this chapter could be used with the subqueries, though one has to pay
attention to the kind of data required by them: the IN operator would accept a range of values, while LIKE requires a
single value to function. For example, the following query uses the IN operator for several values returned by the
SELECT phone_phonenum_s,
FROM phone
WHERE phone_salesmanid_fn IN
(SELECT salesman_id_n
FROM salesman
WHERE salesman_code_s BETWEEN '07' and '10')

-------------------- --------------------
(718) 555-7879 PHONE
(718) 555-5091 PHONE
(814) 555-0324 PHONE
(718) 555-7878 FAX
(718) 555-5091 FAX
(814) 555-0323 FAX

6 record(s) selected.

When the subquery returns a set of possible values, and the outer query employs some operator that compares them,
how would this query distinguish between these values? SQL introduces two operators ANY and ALL to accomplish this

There is a view in the ACME database that contains order totals for a single company — WILE BESS COMPANY. The
view was created to illustrate the usage of these two operators. Consider the following query:
SELECT v_total.customer_name,
FROM v_customer_totals v_total
WHERE v_total.total_price >
ANY (SELECT vctw.total_price
FROM v_customer_totals_wilebess)
ORDER BY total_price ASC

--------------------------------------- -----------
... ...
WILE SEAL CORP. 15456.80

29 rows selected.
It is looking for orders with a total greater than ANY order by WILE BESS COMPANY (i.e., greater than any amount
present in the set returned by the subquery). That means that records selected by the outer query should be greater
than any of the values — effectively meaning that they should be greater than the smallest of the values returned by
the subquery (which is 6608.00). The resultset was sorted in ascending order to help you visualize the situation. Here
is a query that would produce identical results:
SELECT v_total.customer_name,
FROM v_customer_totals v_total
WHERE v_total.total_price >
(SELECT MIN(vctw.total_price)
FROM v_customer_totals_wilebess)
ORDER BY total_price ASC);

The subquery here returns a single value — the minimal TOTAL_PRICE , which could be compared with a single value
from the outer query.

Deploying the ALL operator brings up completely different records. It will instruct the outer query to select records
whose TOTAL_PRICE is greater than all the values — meaning greater than the greatest value returned by the
subquery. The results are arranged in ascending order, to underscore the point that the lowest TOTAL_PRICE column
from the view V_CUSTOMER_TOTAL value returned by the outer query is bigger than the greatest:
SELECT v_total.customer_name,
FROM v_customer_totals v_total
WHERE v_total.total_price >
ALL (SELECT vctw.total_price
FROM v_customer_totals_wilebess vctw)
ORDER BY total_price DESC

----------------------------------- -----------

2 rows selected.

The same results could be achieved employing MAX function in the subquery, which ensures that only a single value
(i.e., 15402.20) would be returned for comparison purposes:
SELECT customer_name,
FROM v_customer_totals
WHERE total_price > (SELECT MAX(total_price)
FROM v_customer_totals_wilebess)
ORDER BY total_price DESC;

Nested subqueries

The subquery could host a subquery in its turn. This is called nested subqueries. There is no theoretical limit on the
nesting level — i.e., how many times there could be a query within a query — though some vendors limit it. Subquery
is an expensive way (in computer resources terms) to find out information and should be used judiciously.

For example, to find all customers that ever ordered a product called CRATING MATERIAL 12X48X72, you could use the
following query:
SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer
WHERE cust_id_n IN
(SELECT ordhdr_custid_fn
FROM order_header
WHERE ordhdr_id_n in
(SELECT ordline_ordhdrid_fn
FROM order_line
WHERE ordline_prodid_fn =
(SELECT prod_id_n
FROM product
WHERE prod_description_s = 'CRATING MATERIAL 12X48X72'
------------------------------------ ---------------

2 rows selected.

The first query to be executed would be that with the highest nesting level — three in this case, then the second, then
the first, and finally, when all necessary information is gathered, the main query would be executed.

There are also special cases of subquery called correlated subquery. The difference in regular and correlated
subqueries is that the values from the outer subquery (host query) can be used as a parameter in the inner subquery.
The correlated subqueries will be explained further in the chapter, in the section dealing with combining resultsets of
the queries — namely, dealing with INTERSECT and MINUS keywords.
GROUP BY and HAVING Clauses: Summarizing Results
Grouping records in the resultset based on some criteria could provide a valuable insight into data that has
accumulated in the table. For example, you would like to see the final resultset of your orders (where there could be
one or more order items per order) not in the random order they were entered in, but rather in groups of items that
belong to the same order:
SELECT ordline_ordhdrid_fn,
ordline_ordqty_n AS QTY_PER_ITEM
FROM order_line
GROUP BY ordline_ordhdrid_fn,

ordline_ordhdrid_fn QTY_PER_ITEM
------------------- ------------
30607 90
30607 500
30608 275
30608 340
30609 560
... ...
30666 560
30667 560
30668 72
30668 90
... ...
30669 120
30669 480
... ...
30670 126
30670 450

97 records selected.

Note the repeating values (groups) in the ORDLINE_ORDHDRID_FN field, representing the order header ID for which
there could be one or more order items and for which there are different quantities. This information might become
more concise with the use of aggregate functions that could sum the quantity for the order or calculate the average,
and so on (see the example in this paragraph using SUM function).

Note All columns specified in a SELECT clause list, with the exception of aggregate columns (these used as an
argument for an aggregate function), must be listed in the GROUP BY clause as well.

The GROUP BY clause is mostly (but not always) used in conjunction with aggregate functions, which are introduced in
Chapter 10. The aggregate functions return a single value as a result of an operation conducted on a set of values.
The set is grouped to provide a series of sets for use with the aggregate functions.

Table 10-7 in Chapter 10 lists five aggregate functions alongside their descriptions and particulars of implementation
across all three RDBMS. For examples of the specific function usage, please refer to Chapter 10; here we're going to
discuss the concept of aggregation and how it refers to the GROUP BY clause within a SELECT query.

To calculate the total sum of an ordered quantity for all orders (and one order could have one or more items) in the
table ORDER_LINE you could use the SUM aggregate function:
SUM(ordline_ordqty_n) AS TOT_QTY_PER_ORDER
FROM order_line;

1 record selected.

The single value that summed up all ordered quantities for all the records in the table was returned. While useful, this
information could be more valuable if the ordered quantity is summed up per order — you would know how many
items were ordered in each and every order. Here is the query that accomplishes this task:
SELECT ordline_ordhdrid_fn,
SUM(ordline_ordqty_n) AS TOT_QTY_PER_ORDER
FROM order_line
GROUP BY ordline_ordhdrid_fn

------------------- -----------------
30607 590
30608 615
30609 560
... ...
30669 600
30670 720

51 rows selected.

Here we have much more detailed information, as the quantities were grouped by order and then summed up for each
order, producing a single value for each order (as opposed to producing it for a whole resultset).
Here is an example of another aggregate function AVG,
which calculates the average of the values. In this case, you are
going to calculate the average quantity per order.
SELECT ordline_ordhdrid_fn,
AVG(ordline_ordqty_n) AS AVG_QTY_PER_ORDER
FROM order_line
GROUP BY ordline_ordhdrid_fn
------------------- -----------------
30607 295
30608 307.5
30609 560
... ...
30669 300
30670 180

51 rows selected.

Note For order #30608, the average quantity is 307.5 in Oracle, but MS SQL Server and DB2 would round the value to
307 because the field is of INTEGER data type, whereas Oracle uses theNUMBER data type able to accommodate
decimals. Refer to Chapter 3 for more information on data types.

The HAVING clause used exclusively with the GROUP BY clause provides a means of additional selectivity. Imagine
that you need to select not all records in your GROUP BY query but only those that would have their grouped value
greater than 750. Adding additional criterion to the WHERE clause would not help, as the value by which we could limit
the records is calculated using GROUP BY and is unavailable outside it before the query has completed execution. The
HAVING clause used within the GROUP BY clause allows us to add this additional criterion to the results of the GROUP
BY operation. For example, to display orders with a total quantity greater than 750, the following query could be used:
SELECT ordline_ordhdrid_fn,
SUM(ordline_ordqty_n) TOT_QTY_PER_ORDER
FROM order_line
GROUP BY ordline_ordhdrid_fn
HAVING SUM(ordline_ordqty_n) > 750

------------------- -----------------
30628 789
30668 789

2 records selected.

As you can see, only 2 records among 51 from the previous query had satisfied this additional restriction.

We could have used a column ORDLINE_ORDHDRID_FN, without the SUM aggregate function in the HAVING clause to
restrict the returned records by some other criteria, but we cannot use just any column from the SELECT clause: It also
has to be listed in the GROUP BY clause to be used with HAVING. Here is a query example that sums up order
quantities grouped by order header ID only if they fall into a specified list of orders:
SELECT ordline_ordhdrid_fn,
SUM(ordline_ordqty_n) TOT_QTY_PER_ORDER
FROM order_line
GROUP BY ordline_ordhdrid_fn
HAVING ordline_ordhdrid_fn IN (30607,30608,30611,30622)

ordline_ordhdrid_fn TOT_QTY_PER_ORDER
------------------- -----------------
30607 590
30608 615
30611 625
30622 726

4 records selected.

Note While GROUP BY would consider the null values in the columns by which the grouping is performed a valid group,
this is not the way the NULLs are treated by the aggregate functions. Aggregate functions simply exclude theNULL
records — they will not make it to the final result. See Chapter 10 for more information.
ORDER BY Clause: Sorting Query Output
The query returns results matching the criteria unsorted — i.e., in the order they've been found in the table. To
produce sorted output — alphabetically or numerically — you would use an ORDER BY clause. The functionality of this
clause is identical across all "big-three" databases.

The following query sorts the output by the customer name alphabetically in ascending order:
SQL> SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer
ORDER BY cust_name_s;

cust_name_s cust_alias_s cust_status_s

-------------------------------- --------------- -------------

37 rows selected.

The results could be sorted in either ascending or descending order. To sort in descending order, you must specify
keyword DESC after the column name; to sort in ascending order you may use ASC keyword (or omit it altogether, as it
is done in the above query, since ascending is the default sorting order).

The column used in the ORDER BY clause does not have to appear in the SELECT clause, though it must be present in
the table:
SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer
ORDER BY cust_status_s

In this query, results are sorted by CUST_STATUS_S — a column that is not among those selected for display.

It is possible to sort by more than one column at the same time, though results might not be as obvious. The
precedence of the columns in the ORDER BY clause is of importance here: First results are sorted by the values of the
first column, then — within the order established by the first column — the results will be sorted by the second column

It is even possible to specify different orders — ascending or descending for the different columns listed in the ORDER
BY clause. The following example orders the records from the PRODUCT table first by the price in ascending order,
then by the net weight — in descending order for each price value:
SELECT prod_id_n,
FROM product
ORDER BY prod_price_n ASC,
prod_netwght_n DESC

PROD_ID_N prod_price_n prod_netwght_n

----------- ------------ --------------
4000 11.80 15.194
... ... ...
990 18.24 21.226
4964 23.10 18.480
4761 23.10 10.032
2871 26.82 34.552
4906 27.00 22.000
1880 33.28 38.391

10 rows selected

Among the results returned by the query (which are sorted by the price in ascending order) there are two products
(PROD_ID_N = 4964 and PROD_ID_N = 4761) that happen to have an identical price — $23.10. You can see that the
values of the column PROD_NETWGHT_N for these products IDs are sorted in descending order.

Note If any of the column values contain NULLs, they would appear last on the ascending list, asNULLs by definition
have ASCII number greater than any printable character.

Both Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 allow using ordinal numbers in the ORDER BY clause — i.e., instead of
the column name you may use a number referring to the order in which this column appears in the SELECT part of the
query. Following these rules, the above query could be rewritten as
SELECT prod_id_n,
FROM product

When ordinals are used instead of the column names in the ORDER BY clause, all these columns must appear in the
SELECT statement (compare with the previous paragraph).

The ORDER BY clause is commonly used in conjunction with the GROUP BY expression, and the ordering could be
performed by a computed column. The next query demonstrates this; it also uses a computed aliased AVG value for
sorting purposes:
SELECT ordline_ordhdrid_fn,
AVG(ordline_ordqty_n) AS AVG_QTY_PER_ORDER
FROM order_line
GROUP BY ordline_ordhdrid_fn
------------------- -----------------
30610 700
30619 700
30650 700
30668 157.8
30622 145.2
30662 145.2

51 rows selected.

Note The GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses have certain similarities in both syntax and usage. They both are dealing
with the ordering of data, and sometimes it is possible to use a GROUP BY clause in place of an ORDER BY
clause. (That might be useful; for example, in the view creation process when the ORDER BY clause is illegal.)
However, GROUP BY used for this purpose would have some disadvantages: You must list all nonaggregate
columns listed in the SELECT clause in the GROUP BY clause, and you cannot use numbers to designate columns.
Combining the Results of Multiple Queries
It is possible to produce a single result combining the results of two or more queries. The combined resultset might be
a simple aggregation of all records from the queries; or some operation related to the theory of sets (see Appendix L)
could be performed before the final resultset was returned.

The SQL99 standard supports UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT clauses that could be used to combine the results of
two or more queries.


The following query returns all the records containing some information about customers that do not yet have an
assigned salesman:
SELECT phone_custid_fn OWNER_ID,
FROM phone
WHERE phone_type_s = 'PHONE'
AND phone_salesmanid_fn IS NULL

OWNER_ID PHONE_TYPE phone_phonenum_s

----------- -------------- --------------------
51 CUSTOMER PHONE (817) 555-5524
5 CUSTOMER PHONE (847) 555-2924
12 CUSTOMER PHONE (508) 555-5224
61 CUSTOMER PHONE (541) 555-3091
... ... ...
16 CUSTOMER PHONE (201) 555-9302
89 CUSTOMER PHONE (908) 555-3779
85 CUSTOMER PHONE (281) 555-2835
152 CUSTOMER PHONE (541) 555-8979

37 records selected

This query returns a total of 37 records. Now, assume that you also would like to include in the resultset the list of
salesmen's phones who do not have a customer assigned to them yet. Here is the query to find these salesmen; it
returns six records:
SELECT phone_salesmanid_fn,
FROM phone
WHERE phone_type_s = 'PHONE'
AND phone_custid_fn IS NULL

phone_salesmanid_fn phone_phonenum_s
------------------- -------------- --------------------
23 SALESMAN PHONE (305) 555-8502
24 SALESMAN PHONE (626) 555-4435
25 SALESMAN PHONE (717) 555-5479
26 SALESMAN PHONE (718) 555-7879
27 SALESMAN PHONE (718) 555-5091
28 SALESMAN PHONE (814) 555-0324

6 records selected

To combine these records into a single resultset, you would use the UNION statement:
SELECT phone_custid_fn OWNER_ID,
FROM phone
WHERE phone_type_s = 'PHONE'
AND phone_salesmanid_fn IS NULL
SELECT phone_salesmanid_fn,
FROM phone
WHERE phone_type_s = 'PHONE'
AND phone_custid_fn IS NULL


---------- -------------- --------------------
1 CUSTOMER PHONE (909) 555-9957
2 CUSTOMER PHONE (501) 555-5702
3 CUSTOMER PHONE (520) 555-5513
4 CUSTOMER PHONE (802) 555-2091
26 SALESMAN PHONE (718) 555-7879
27 SALESMAN PHONE (718) 555-5091
28 SALESMAN PHONE (814) 555-0324

43 rows selected.

Now you have a full list that includes all records from the query about customers, combined with the results brought by
the query about salesmen. You may visualize this as two resultsets glued together. All queries in an SQL statement
containing a UNION operator must have an equal number of expressions in their lists. In addition, these expressions
(which could be columns, literals, results of functions, etc.) must be of compatible data types: For example, if the
expression evaluates to a character string in one query, it cannot be a number in the second query that is joined to the
first by the UNION operator.

The results of UNION could be ordered (as we can see in the UNION query above) but the ORDER BY clause could be
used only with the final resultset — that is, it can refer to the result of the UNION, not to particular queries used in it.

If the queries potentially could bring duplicate records, you may want to filter the duplicates, or, conversely, make sure
that they all are present. By default, the UNION operator excludes duplicate records; specifying UNION ALL makes sure
that your final resultset has all the records returned by all the queries participating in the UNION.

Here is a simple query returning status code and description from the STATUS table of the ACME database:
SELECT status_code_s,
FROM status

-- ------------------------------

4 rows selected.

You can use exactly the same query to produce a resultset containing the duplicate rows, and combine the resultsets
together using UNION:
SELECT status_code_s,
FROM status
SELECT status_code_s,
FROM status

-- ------------------------------

4 rows selected.

As you can see, the duplicates (i.e., the record where each corresponding column matched in both queries) were
excluded, and the final record count is still 4, which is what you could have gotten from the one query only. This
behaviour is in full compliance with the Set Theory. Running the same queries combined with the UNION ALL operator
(which overrides this behaviour) returns all records from both queries, no duplicates are excluded:
SELECT status_code_s,
FROM status
SELECT status_code_s,
FROM status

-- ------------------------------

8 records selected.

Note The ALL keyword in the UNION operator brings the business world into our discussion:UNION ALL does not comply
with set theory, where Idempotent Law A U A = A (see Appendix L) simply states that union of a set with itself is
the same union. It is more intuitive from a business point of view to expect all records from constituent queries
combined in the final resultset.


The INTERSECT operator is used to evaluate results returned by two queries but includes only the records produced
by the first query that have matching ones in the second. This operator is implemented in Oracle and IBM DB2 UDB
but not in Microsoft SQL Server 2000, which uses EXISTS operator for this purpose.

Consider the query that selects customer IDs (field CUST_ID_N) from the CUSTOMER table of the ACME database and
intersects them with results returned by a second query, producing a resultset of customer's IDs who placed an order:
SELECT cust_id_n
FROM customer
SELECT ordhdr_custid_fn
FROM order_header


5 records selected

The same results are achievable in a variety of ways. Here is an example, using a subquery and an IN operator:
SELECT cust_id_n
FROM customer
WHERE cust_id_n IN
(SELECT ordhdr_custid_fn
FROM order_header)


5 records selected

MS SQL Server does not have INTERSECT, offering the EXISTS operator instead. The following query could be
rewritten in SQL Sever syntax using this operator and a correlated query:
SELECT cust_id_n
FROM customer
(SELECT ordhdr_custid_fn
FROM order_header
WHERE ordhdr_custid_fn = cust_id_n)

(5 row(s) affected)

Note The EXISTS keyword is common for all our "big three" databases, so this query would work for all of them.

While INTERSECT could be replaced with a combination of other SQL methods, it contributes to the clarity of the SQL
code and speeds up its execution because it is more optimized than a subquery.


When combining the results of two or more queries into a single resultset, you may want to exclude some records from
the first query based on what was returned by the second. This keyword is implemented in IBM DB2 UDB only,
whereas Oracle uses the MINUS keyword and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 uses EXISTS for the same purpose. The
operation's functionality directly follows the rules of set theory, covered in Appendix L.

Consider the following two queries; both select some information about a customer. Here is the resultset returned by
the first query:
SELECT cust_id_n
FROM customer


37 rows selected

The first query returns 37 rows. And here are the results of the second query:
SELECT ordhdr_custid_fn
FROM order_header


(51 row(s) affected)

The EXCEPT result will be all the records from the first minus those returned by the second.
SELECT cust_id_n
FROM customer
SELECT ordhdr_custid_fn
FROM order_header;


(32 row(s) affected)

And the MINUS operation brings 32 records. Five of the records from the second query were excepted from the
records returned by the first query. We've shortened the output of all three queries to fit the page, but you may run the
query yourself on the RDBMS of your choice; with any luck the results would match these described in the paragraph.

Oracle's name for this operator is MINUS, while DB2 UDB retains the SQL99 standard — EXCEPT.

The DB2 UDB syntax for this query would be identical save for the use of the EXCEPT operator:
SELECT cust_id_n
FROM customer
SELECT ordhdr_custid_fn
FROM order_header

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 offers the NOT EXISTS operator instead; surprisingly this syntax, while not part of the
SQL99 standard, is common to all "big-three" databases. To get the results with the NOT EXISTS operator you need to
use a correlated subquery. A correlated subquery differs from a regular subquery in that it accepts a parameter from
the outer query as a criterion in the WHERE clause:
SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer cust
FROM order_header
WHERE ordhdr_custid_fn = cust.cust_id_n)

cust_name_s cust_alias_s cust_status_s

--------------------------------- --------------- -------------
... ... ...

(32 row(s) affected)

In this case, we used the CUST_ID_N field of the CUSTOMER table as a criterion for the subquery to limit the number of
the potential records. If there is a record for a customer ID (ORDHDR_CUSTID_FN = CUST.CUST_ID_N) in the
ORDER_HEADER table, the record will be excluded from the outer query final resultset; only records for customers that
have not placed orders will be returned.
The SELECT statement is arguably the most important statement in the whole Structured Query Language. It is the
only statement of the data query language (DQL) and provides the means for extracting data.

This chapter introduces the important concepts of a single table SELECT query and all its component clauses —

The query only extracts data and modifies the extract, it never modifies the data in the underlying tables. The
operations on the resultsets generally follow the rules of the mathematical set theory, the basic knowledge of which is
beneficial for understanding the results.

The queries could be combined into a single resultset using the UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operations. Some of
these results are implemented differently by different RDBMS vendors.

Subqueries can be used as a part of a general SELECT query and can be nested in order to dynamically retrieve
information that is difficult or impossible to obtain otherwise.
Chapter 9: Multitable Queries

In the previous chapter we introduced the simple, or single-table query. However, you can hardly find a relational
database with just one table — that contradicts the whole idea of RDBMS and normalization rules. To achieve
meaningful results you usually have to retrieve information from multiple tables within a single query. All RDBMS allow
you to join data from two or more tables based on a common column (or multiple columns), i.e., when this column(s)
appears in both tables — under the same or a different name; for example (having ACME database in mind),
ORDER_HEADER table could be joined with CUSTOMER using the ORDHDR_CUSTID_FN and CUST_ID_N columns.

Note The rule above is only enforced logically; for example, nothing prevents you from joining two tables based on
unrelated columns (for example, ORDER_HEADER and PRODUCT using ORDHDR_ID_N and PROD_ID_N
correspondingly), but the result of such a join would be completely meaningless nonsense.

All joins can generally be divided into two large groups — inner joins and outer joins.
Inner Joins
In this section we'll be talking about inner joins, which only return rows with matching values from both joined tables
excluding all other rows.

Two syntaxes for inner joins

There are two different syntaxes for table joins in SQL, one introduced in 1992 by the SQL standards committee, and
the "old" one, used before this date but which still persists. The new standard syntax began to take a foothold in the
late 1990s with introduction of Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, IBM DB2 UDB 7.1, and eventually Oracle joining the club
with its 9i version, which supports the standard "new" SQL syntax in addition to the old one.


SQL99 defines syntax that uses FROM clause of the SELECT statement to join tables:
FROM <table1>
[ON <condition>] | [USING <column_name>,...],...

The actual examples are given later in this chapter; for now let's clarify what all the optional clauses stand for.

Inner join options

With an inner join, you have these options:

Keyword INNER is optional; it could be used for clarity to distinguish between inner and outer joins.

Keyword NATURAL is used to specify a natural join between two tables, i.e., join them by column(s)
with identical names. You cannot invoke either the ON or USING clause along with the NATURAL
keyword. Out of all our "big three" RDBMS, it is available only in Oracle 9i. The natural join is
discussed in more detail later in this chapter.

Keyword CROSS is used to produce a cross join, as discussed later in this chapter. The keyword is
valid for Oracle 9i and MS SQL Server 2000 syntax but is not recognized by DB2 UDB 8.1.

ON and USING clauses

The ON clause is to specify the join condition (equijoin or nonequijoin, explained later in the chapter); all our "big three"
databases have it in their syntax.

When you are specifying an equijoin of columns that have the same name in both tables, a USING clause can indicate
the column(s) to be used. You can use this clause only if the join columns in both tables have the same name. The
USING clause could be used when the NATURAL join would not work properly, i.e., tables have more identically named
columns than you would actually want to use in your join. For example, if hypothetical tables A and B have common
fields CUST_ID, PROD_ID, and ORDER_ID, but you only want to join them by CUST_ID and PROD_ID, you could specify

Note The column names in USING clause should not be qualified by table names.

The USING clause is only supported by Oracle 9i out of our three vendors, but the same results could easily be
achieved with ON clause:

Old syntax

The other syntax, which is commonly used by virtually everyone (Oracle only recognized the "standard" syntax starting
version 9i, and Microsoft SQL Server introduced it in version 7.0), performs joins in the WHERE clause:
WHERE [<qualifier>.]<column_name>
[AND [<qualifier>].<column_name>

The join_condition can be the "equal" sign ('= ') for equijoin or "not equal," "greater than," "less than," "greater than or
equal," or "less than or equal" signs ( <>, > , < , >=, <=) for non-equijoin. The explanation of terms "equijoin" and
non-equijoin" follows.


Equijoin, which is the most popular type of table join, uses exact matching between two columns. For example, in the
ACME database the CUSTOMER table does not contain any information about customer phone numbers; the PHONE
table has the field PHONE_CUSTID_FN, which is the foreign key to CUSTOMER table. To display information from both
tables, use equijoin as shown in Figure 9-1.

Figure 9-1: Simple inner join

SQL99 standard syntax

The SQL99-compliant syntax to produce the output shown on the bottom of Figure 9-1 is given here:
SELECT cust_id_n,
FROM customer JOIN phone
ON cust_id_n = phone_custid_fn

Natural join

Natural join is a special case of equijoin performed by RDBMS on the following assumption: "Always join tables using
a column (or multiple columns) if they share the same name(s)." In other words, you don't have to specify the columns
explicitly in the ON subclause of the SELECT statement's FROM clause. The ON subclause is omitted completely.

Note The idea of natural join contradicts the quasi-"Hungarian" notation concept (see Appendix B). In the ACME
database, every column is prefixed with its abbreviated table name, so every column name in the database is
unique and as such the natural join cannot be used at all. There are different opinions on whether the primary
and the foreign keys should share the same name. The possibility to perform natural joins seems to be the only
advantage in this case (and only if you are using Oracle), so in our ACME database we decided to use the
notation consistently.

Cross-References The naming conventions for the ACME database are described inAppendix B.

The natural join can make the query writing process easier, but only assuming the database structure and the query
itself are simple enough; otherwise undesirable joins and incorrect query output could result.

Fully Qualified Column Names

If two or more tables share one or more column names referenced in your query, you must prefix column names
with either names of tables or with table aliases; otherwise the RDBMS will not be able to resolve the ambiguity
and an error message will be generated.

It is considered to be a good practice to qualify column references explicitly; however, as we mentioned before,
in our ACME sample database each and every column name is unique (i.e., is already fully qualified, in a way),
which makes the use of the fully qualified names unnecessary. The following example illustrates the use of the
qualified names with the same query as in the previous example:
SELECT customer.cust_id_n,
FROM customer JOIN phone
ON customer.cust_id_n =

We'll use the fully qualified names randomly in our further examples.

Old syntax

The old syntax joins tables in the WHERE clause of the SELECT statement. The syntax has its defenders and
opponents. The main argument against it is that the WHERE clause should not mix joins and predicates — its only
purpose should be setting the "vertical" limits on the produced resultset. The major point for it is that in queries that join
dozens of tables the old syntax is more readable. Another big point is code legacy, especially for Oracle where the
standard syntax was not available until version 9i. It is your choice which syntax to use (we would suggest the
SQL99-compliant one for all new developments), but it is definitely not a bad idea to be familiar with both.

The following statement is the equivalent to one given in the previous section; the old syntax being the only difference:
SELECT c.cust_id_n,
FROM customer c,
phone p
WHERE c.cust_id_n = p.phone_custid_fn


Sometimes you need to join tables based on criteria other than equality. While the most typical use of equijoin deals
with primary/foreign key relationships, that is not usually the case with nonequijoins — such a join would usually
populate the resulting set in a way that does not make much sense at all. For example, if you replace the = (equals)
operator in the query from the last section with <> (not equal), the resulting query will return every possible combination
of customers and phone numbers except the ones that actually represent the valid customer/phone listings (Figure
9-2); in other words, the result will be somehow similar to the Cartesian product (CROSS JOIN) discussed later in this

Figure 9-2: Primary/foreign key nonequijoin

In some situations though, nonequijoins appear to be quite useful. For example, imagine ACME, INC. has the
following set of business rules. There is no discount for orders under $10,000; a 2 percent discount is given to all
orders with total amount between $10,000 and $14,999; the orders with a total amount between $15,000 and $19,999
receive a 3 percent discount; and, finally, the orders that are $20,000 or more are eligible for a 4 percent discount.

One of the ways to implement such business rules is to have a table that stores minimum and maximum order amount
along with the corresponding discount percentage as shown in Figure 9-3.
Figure 9-3: The contents of DISCOUNT table

Tip It is always a good practice to store values that potentially could change (for example, the discount for orders over
$20,000 might change from 4 to 3.5 percent) in a RDBMS table rather than to hardcode them in the application.
Should business rules change, you only need to update the table value(s) — which is fast and painless in
comparison with changing the application code, recompiling the application, and so on.

In the following example, the nonequijoin between view V_CUSTOMER_TOTALS (that displays the dollar amount totals
per order calculated using the order line amounts) and table DISCOUNT is shown. The query calculates the
appropriate discount for each dollar amount (TOTAL_DISCOUNT) by multiplying the order total amount by the
appropriate percent discount found based on the rules described above.

SQL99 standard syntax

SELECT ct.order_number,
ct.total_price * d.disc_pct / 100 AS total_discount
FROM v_customer_totals ct
discount d
ON ct.total_price > d.disc_minamount_n
ct.total_price < d.disc_maxamount_n


------------------------------ ----------- --------------
523774 6608 0
523778 6608 0
523777 10010 200.2
523737 10010 200.2
523730 10915.8 218.316
523781 15402.2 462.066
523741 15402.2 462.066
523775 15456.8 463.704
523735 15456.8 463.704

51 rows selected.

Old syntax

SELECT order_number,
total_price * disc_pct / 100 AS total_discount
FROM v_customer_totals ct,
discount d
WHERE ct.total_price > d.disc_minamount_n
AND ct.total_price < d.disc_maxamount_n
Note Tables can be joined by more than one column. In this example we join the V_CUSTOMER_TOTALS column
TOTAL_PRICE with both the DISC_MINAMOUNT_N and DISC_MAXAMOUNT_N columns of theDISCOUNT table to
find the appropriate discount percentage for the specified range. Another typical example of multicolumn joins is
when you have to join composite primary/foreign keys.


The idea of self-join is probably one of the most unintuitive SQL concepts. Even though it sounds very simple — a
table is joined with itself rather than with another table — sometimes it causes lots of confusion.

One important thing to understand here is that despite the fact that you are joining the table with itself, you are still
dealing with two instances of the same table, or with two identical tables rather than with just one table, so the self-join
should be considered as a special case of the multitable join.

Note The understanding of the difference between a table and its instance is also very important. Two table instances
could be thought of as the table data loaded twice into two different memory locations completely separate from
each other.

Imagine if ACME, INC. decided to implement some kind of multilevel marketing. It starts selling products to resellers,
who in their turn either sell the products to a lower-level reseller or directly to a customer. That means any of ACME's
customers now could be a reseller (the one who buys and resells products) or a supplier (the one whom products are
bought from), or both. The relationship has been implemented in the RESELLER table. ACME, INC. has NULL in the
RESELLER_SUPPLIER_ID column because it's on the top of the tree and so it does not have a supplier. Everybody else
has another entity's (from the RESELLER table) primary key in this field.

Figure 9-4 illustrates this concept as well as the idea of multiple table instances.
Figure 9-4: Self-join

SQL99 standard syntax

The following query uses self-join to retrieve the reseller id and name along with its supplier id and name (for each
entity in RESELLER table) using SQL99-compliant syntax:
SELECT r.reseller_id_n AS res_id,
r.reseller_name_s AS res_name,
s.reseller_id_n AS sup_id,
s.reseller_name_s AS sup_name
FROM reseller r JOIN reseller s
ON r.reseller_supplier_id = s.reseller_id_n


------ ---------------------------- ------ --------------------------

(9 rows affected)

The information is to be interpreted this way: ACME, INC. sells directly to MAGNETICS USA INC. and
them to WILE ELECTRONICS INC. and INTEREX USA, and so on.

Old syntax

The following statement is the old syntax equivalent of the same query:
SELECT r.reseller_id_n AS res_id,
r.reseller_name_s AS res_name,
s.reseller_id_n AS sup_id,
s.reseller_name_s AS sup_name
FROM reseller r,
reseller s
WHERE r.reseller_supplier_id = s.reseller_id_n

Cross join (Cartesian product)

Cross join, or the Cartesian product of two tables, can be defined as another (rather virtual) table that consists of all
possible pairs of rows from the two source tables. Returning to our customer phone example in the nonequijoin section
of this chapter, the cross join of the CUSTOMER and PHONE tables returns results very similar to what we've got on
Figure 8-2 except it would also return the valid customer/phone combinations, excluded from the previously mentioned

SQL99 standard syntax

This query will return all possible combinations of customer names and phone numbers by performing cross join of
CUSTOMER and PHONE tables:
SELECT cust_name_s,

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------
DLH INDUSTRIES (817) 555-5524
BOSWELL DESIGNS CORP. (817) 555-5524
FABRITEK INC. (817) 555-5524
... ...
DLH INDUSTRIES (847) 555-2924
BOSWELL DESIGNS CORP. (847) 555-2924
FABRITEK INC. (847) 555-2924
... ...
DLH INDUSTRIES (814) 555-0323
BOSWELL DESIGNS CORP. (814) 555-0323
FABRITEK INC. (814) 555-0323
... ...

3182 rows selected.

Old syntax

The old syntax for cross join simply omits the WHERE clause in a multitable join:
SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer,

Cross join could be a very costly operation, especially when it happens as the result of a human error and involves
large tables with hundreds of thousands or even millions of rows. Since the resulting set of a Cartesian product is
every possible combination of all rows in both tables, if the first table is, say, one hundred thousand rows and the
second one is two hundred thousand rows, the query returns twenty billion rows (100,000 * 200,000 = 20,000,000,000)
— quite enough to cause considerable database server slowdown that would affect all users that are currently logged

Thus, the Cartesian product should be handled with care, especially because it is not something that a typical SQL
user uses a lot. Cross joins can be useful to generate test data or in educational purposes (for example, to
demonstrate the idea that all equijoins and nonequijoins are simply a subset of a cross join that meets certain
conditions), but one would hardly need, say, all possible combinations of customer names and phone numbers. In
most real-life situations a Cartesian product is simply the result of a human error that would have to be fixed by the
DBA (probably by killing the user's session; more on the sessions in Chapter 7).

Joining more than two tables

In a relational database quite often you need to retrieve data from many tables simultaneously within a single query to
get all necessary information. Thus, in real life a multitable query could easily mean a dozen-table query or even a
hundred-table query. Probably 90 percent of the SQL programming art is the talent to properly join multiple tables
based on the knowledge of the internal database objects' structure plus the ability to apply this knowledge.

The concept is simple. The result of joining two tables could be considered as a new virtual table, which, in its turn,
could be joined with the next table in the query, producing yet another virtual table, and so on. For example, if you
needed to know what customers ordered which products, your query would have to join four tables: CUSTOMER,
SELECT DISTINCT customer.cust_name_s,
FROM customer
JOIN order_header
ON customer.cust_id_n =
JOIN order_line
ON order_header.ordhdr_id_n =
JOIN product
ON product.prod_id_n =

You could envision this query as a sequence of joins. First, join CUSTOMER and ORDER_HEADER using the
appropriate columns; then join the resulting set of rows with the ORDER_LINE table; and, finally, join your result with
the PRODUCT table as illustrated in Figure 9-5.
Figure 9-5: Four tables join

Also note that even though you might not need any columns either from ORDER_HEADER or from ORDER_LINE tables,
you have to use them in your query joins because there is no direct relationship between the CUSTOMER and
PRODUCT tables.

Number of joins

One important rule to remember is that there should be at least (n – 1) joins in an n-table query, thus, at least two joins
for a three-table query, at least three joins for query that involves four tables, and so on. The words "at least" are
important — there could be more than (n – 1) joins in a nonequijoin query or in a query that joins tables using
composite primary/foreign keys, but if your multitable query has less than (n – 1) joins, the result will be a Cartesian

Note The most common (and the most dangerous) type of a cross join happens in queries that involve more than two
tables. In that situation you don't even have to omit the WHERE clause — it would be sufficient to simply skip a
join between two tables out of a dozen. Also, the more tables are joined within a single query, the bigger the
resulting set could be — the Cartesian product of five tables, with only one hundred rows each, produces ten
billion rows.

SQL99 standard syntax

The query in the previous example uses SQL99-compliant syntax. The query that follows also uses SQL99-compliant
syntax to join the CUSTOMER, ORDER_HEADER , and STATUS tables and return customer name, order number, and
order status:
SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer
ON cust_id_n = ordhdr_custid_fn
ON status_id_n = ordhdr_statusid_fn


----------------------- ------------ -------------
... ... ...

51 rows selected.

Old syntax

Here is the old syntax equivalent of the previous query:

SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer,
WHERE cust_id_n = ordhdr_custid_fn
AND status_id_n = ordhdr_statusid_fn
Outer Joins: Joining Tables on Columns Containing NULL Values

You probably noticed in the RESELLER table presented earlier in this chapter that the query returns all table records
except one for ACME, INC. This is because the ACME, INC. record in the RESELLER table has NULL in the
RESELLER_SUPPLIER_ID column, so an RDBMS cannot find the corresponding value in the table you are trying to join
(in this case, the other instance of RESELLER table). As the result, the query returns nine rows even though the table
contains ten records. That's just the way the standard (inner) join works. Sometimes, however, you want a query to
return all rows from table A and the corresponding rows from table B — if they exist. That's where you use outer joins.

Two syntaxes for outer joins

Like inner joins, the outer joins also have two different syntaxes.


The SQL99-compliant syntax indicates outer join in the FROM clause of the SELECT statement:
FROM <table1>
[ON <condition>] | [USING <column_name>,...],...

The syntax is generally supported by all our three RDBMS vendors. The exceptions are the USING clause that is
implemented only by Oracle and the UNION clause (discussed later in this chapter) that is not a part of any of the "big
three" databases syntax.

Old syntax

The old syntax uses the WHERE clause and is different for Oracle and MS SQL Server. (DB2 does not have any "old"
syntax for outer joins at all; it was using the SQL99-compliant syntax from the very beginning. In fact, the latter syntax
has originated from DB2 standards.)

Oracle 9i

The old right or left outer join syntax is denoted by the plus operator (+ ) placed after the name of the table with no
matching rows on the corresponding side of the = sign. The full outer join can be only specified with the
SQL99-compliant syntax. The old Oracle syntax for right and left outer joins is shown below:

Syntax for right outer join

WHERE [<qualifier>.]<column_name> =
[<qualifier>.]<column_name> (+)
[AND [<qualifier>.]<column_name> =
[<qualifier>.]<column_name> (+)

Syntax for left outer join

WHERE [<qualifier>.]<column_name> (+) =
[AND [<qualifier>.]<column_name> (+) =

MS SQL Server 2000

The right or left outer join is denoted by the asterisk (*) placed on the appropriate (right or left) side of the equals sign
(= ). The full outer join is unavailable in the old syntax. The following old syntax could be used in MS SQL Server for
right and left outer joins:

Syntax for right outer join

WHERE [<qualifier>.]<column_name> =*
[AND [<qualifier>.]<column_name> =*

Syntax for left outer join

WHERE [<qualifier>.]<column_name> *=
[AND [<qualifier>.]<column_name> *=

Left outer join

In fact, the term "left outer join" is just a convention used by SQL programmers. You can achieve identical results
using left or right outer joins as we will demonstrate later in this chapter. The whole idea behind an outer join is to
retrieve all rows from table A (left) or table B (right), even though there are no matching columns in the counterpart
table, so the join column(s) is NULL. A left (or right) outer join also returns nulls for all unmatched columns from the
joined table (for rows with NULL join columns only).

SQL99 standard syntax

The following query illustrates how to produce the resulting set containing all ten rows from RESELLER table using
SQL99-compliant left outer join:
SELECT r.reseller_id_n AS res_id,
r.reseller_name_s AS res_name,
s.reseller_id_n AS sup_id,
s.reseller_name_s AS sup_name
FROM reseller r
reseller s
ON r.reseller_supplier_id = s.reseller_id_n


------ ---------------------------- ------ --------------------------

(10 rows affected)

One more example. Assume we need to retrieve customer name and all order numbers for customer 152. The
following (inner) join will do:
SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer
ON cust_id_n = ordhdr_custid_fn
WHERE cust_id_n = 152

------------------ ------------
... ...
... ...

31 rows selected.

Now we need very similar results except that we also want corresponding payment terms for each order. We assume
we could simply modify our query by joining PAYMENT_TERMS table to it:
SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer
ON cust_id_n = ordhdr_custid_fn
ON payterms_id_n = ordhdr_payterms_fn
WHERE cust_id_n = 152;


------------------ ------------ ---------------
... ... ...
WILE BESS COMPANY 523732 2% 15 NET 30
... ... ...

30 rows selected.

To our surprise, the query now returns thirty rows instead of thirty one. The reason is order 523731 for WILE BESS
COMPANY has NULL in the ORDHDR_PAYTERMS_FN column, so the row is completely excluded from the resultset if
we use inner join. The solution is to use outer join:
SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer
ON cust_id_n = ordhdr_custid_fn
ON payterms_id_n = ordhdr_payterms_fn
WHERE cust_id_n = 152;


------------------ ------------ ---------------
... ... ...
WILE BESS COMPANY 523732 2% 15 NET 30
... ... ...

31 rows selected.

Old syntax

The old syntax for outer joins varies from vendor to vendor.

Oracle 9i

Oracle did not become compliant with SQL99 syntax for outer joins until version 9i. If you use an earlier version of
Oracle, an outer join would be announced by the plus sign enclosed by parentheses, (+), placed after the table name
that does not have matching rows. The query producing results identical to the previous example would be as follows:
SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer,
WHERE cust_id_n = ordhdr_custid_fn
AND ordhdr_payterms_fn = payterms_id_n (+)
AND cust_id_n = 152

The confusion is compounded by the fact that in Oracle the join is usually called a "right outer join" — because the (+)
sign is on the right side of the = sign.

DB2 UDB 8.1

DB2 uses only the standard SQL99 syntax for left outer join.

MS SQL Server 2000

The old MS SQL Server syntax for left outer join is to put an asterisk on the left side of the equals sign in the WHERE
clause. The left outer join that produces results identical to those with SQL99 syntax is
SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer,
WHERE cust_id_n = ordhdr_custid_fn
AND ordhdr_payterms_fn *= payterms_id_n
AND cust_id_n = 152

Right outer join

As we mentioned before, the only difference between left and right outer joins is the order in which the tables are
joined in the query. To demonstrate that we'll use queries that produce exactly same output as in the previous section.

SQL99 standard syntax

As you can see, the resulting set of the inner join of ORDER_HEADER and CUSTOMER is on the right-hand side from
the PAYMENT_TERMS table:
SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM payment_terms
ON payterms_id_n = ordhdr_payterms_fn
ON cust_id_n = ordhdr_custid_fn
WHERE cust_id_n = 152

------------------ ------------
... ...
... ...

31 rows selected.

Old syntax

We already explained the old syntax for left outer join in previous section; the syntax for right outer join is very similar.

Oracle 9i

As we mentioned in the section about left outer join, the old definition of left and right outer joins in Oracle is vague.
The equivalent to the above query using the old syntax is
SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer,
WHERE cust_id_n = ordhdr_custid_fn
AND payterms_id_n (+) = ordhdr_payterms_fn
AND cust_id_n = 152

The (+) sign has moved to the left along with the column name from the PAYMENT_TERMS table (PAYTERMS_ID_N )
that does not have matching rows. The output is identical to what all other "identical" queries produce; this type of join
is called "left outer join" in Oracle.

Note Many Oracle users are confused by the "new" SQL99 outer join syntax. The problem is, they used to call an outer
join "left" or "right" depending on what side of the equals sign, = , the outer join sign,(+), was located. The "new"
syntax takes a different approach — the term "left" or "right" identifies the relational position of the table from
which you want to retrieve all rows, no matter if the other table that participates in the join operation has matching
rows or not.

DB2 UDB 8.1

DB2 uses only the standard SQL99 syntax for right outer join.

MS SQL Server 2000

The old MS SQL Server syntax for right outer join is to put an asterisk on the right side of the equal sign in the WHERE
clause. The right outer join that produces results identical to ones from SQL99 syntax is
SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer,
WHERE cust_id_n = ordhdr_custid_fn
AND payterms_id_n =* ordhdr_payterms_fn
AND cust_id_n = 152

Full outer join

Full outer join is the combination of left and right outer join. It returns all rows from both "left" and "right" tables, no
matter if the counterpart table has matching rows or not. For example, in the ACME database there are some
customers that did not place any orders yet — as well as some orders with no customers assigned to them.

Note An order without a customer may sound unusual, but think of a situation in which customers A and B make very
similar orders on a weekly basis. Customer service personnel create a few "barebones" orders when they have
spare time and leave the customer number field blank (as well as some other fields), so when a customer actually
calls to place the order, it takes less time to process the request.

The query that retrieves all customers without orders as well as all orders with no customer assigned to them is shown
SELECT customer.cust_name_s,
FROM customer
ON customer.cust_id_n = order_header.ordhdr_custid_fn


---------------------------------------- -------------
... ...
NULL 523727
NULL 523728

83 record(s) selected.

The above syntax is SQL99-compliant and is the only one available for full outer join in all our "big three" databases. It
would be logical to suggest something like (+) = (+) for Oracle and *=* for MS SQL Server, but these are not valid.

Union join

The UNION join (not to be confused with the UNION operator) could be thought of as the opposite of an inner join — its
resulting set only includes those rows from both joined tables for which no matches were found; the columns from the
table without matching rows are populated with nulls.

Cross-References Applying set theory basics, covered in Appendix L, you could say thatA UNION JOIN
Joins Involving Inline Views
As we already mentioned in this chapter, a query that involves table joins could be quite complicated. You can join
tables with other tables, views, or any other RDBMS-specific objects you can select rows from to produce the resulting

Another type of object that can participate in a join is an inline view (which simply is a nested query in the FROM

Note An inline view could be useful to produce a resulting set that is used in only one single query as an alternative to
creating a regular view. Unlike regular views, inline view definitions do not exist in the database information
schema and require no maintenance at all. You could consider using inline views in your queries if you know for
sure you (or somebody else) are not going to use its results anywhere else.

The query below returns phone numbers for salesmen who have associated customers with more than five orders
using inline query results in SQL99 standard join. The inline view counts the number of orders per customer, limits the
result with only those who have more than five orders, and returns the salesmen id's for those customers. The results
are then joined with SALESMAN table to get the appropriate salesmen names; the resulting set in its order is joined with
PHONE table to retrieve the salesmen phone numbers:
SELECT s.salesman_name_s,
FROM salesman s
(SELECT cust_id_n,
COUNT(ordhdr_nbr_s) cnt
FROM customer
ON cust_id_n = ordhdr_custid_fn
GROUP BY cust_id_n,
HAVING COUNT(ordhdr_nbr_s) > 5) c
ON s.salesman_id_n = c.cust_salesmanid_fn
JOIN phone p
ON p.phone_salesmanid_fn = s.salesman_id_n
WHERE p.phone_type_s = 'PHONE'

------------------------ --------------------
HUNTER COMPONENTS (717) 555-5479

2 record(s) selected.

Note that in this example you have joins in both the main query and the nested query (inline view); the joins in the
inline view are performed first and the resulting set is later used in the main query.
Multitable Joins with Correlated Queries
One important rule to remember is never to combine the new syntax with the old one within a single query. First, such
syntax may not work properly, and also it would definitely look confusing.

However, if you need to create a correlated query, the SQL99 syntax simply will not work, so the general
recommendation is to either use the old syntax or replace correlated query with something else.

The following statement uses a correlated query to retrieve all customer names and phone numbers for customers
who have orders:
DISTINCT c.cust_name_s,
FROM customer c,
phone p
WHERE c.cust_id_n = p.phone_custid_fn
FROM order_header oh
WHERE oh.ordhdr_custid_fn = c.cust_id_n)
AND p.phone_type_s = 'PHONE'

-------------------------- ----------------
WILE BESS COMPANY (541) 555-8979
WILE ELECTRONICS INC. (609) 555-4091
WILE SEAL CORP. (909) 555-9957

5 record(s) selected.

The equivalent query that does not involve correlated queries is

DISTINCT c.cust_name_s,
FROM customer c
order_header oh
ON c.cust_id_n = oh.ordhdr_custid_fn
phone p
ON c.cust_id_n = p.phone_custid_fn
WHERE p.phone_type_s = 'PHONE'

As you can see, it is usually possible to avoid correlated queries in a SELECT statement; UPDATE and DELETE
statements could be trickier, especially in Oracle and DB2. (MS SQL has a special FROM clause in UPDATE and
DELETE statements as described in Chapter 6.)
Improving Efficiency of Multitable Queries
Each RDBMS has its own algorithms to translate an SQL query into a set of binary instructions that could be further
interpreted by the RDBMS engine to create the execution plan for the query. This plan indicates the order in which
tables are joined, the WHERE clause conditions that are applied, whether the indexes are used, and so on.

The order of joins and WHERE clause conditions can seriously affect query performance. For example, assume a goal
to join tables CUSTOMER and ORDER_HEADER and then get all orders for customer FAIR PARK GARDENS only. It is
obvious that the operation will take less time if we limit the row set from the CUSTOMER table first (WHERE
customer.cust_name_s = 'FAIR PARK GARDENS') and then perform the join of the resulting set with the
ORDER_HEADER table, because in that case you only perform the join for one row. Also, indexes on both
CUST_NAME_S and the columns participating in the join operation could be useful.

Cross-References See Chapter 4 for index creation recommendations.

All modern RDBMS have special mechanisms called optimizers that create execution plans for queries based on
certain information accumulated in the information schema. That — in theory — makes complex query writing rules
(that are different for all vendors and are beyond the scope of this book) obsolete. SQL developers no longer have to
specify tables and columns in a certain order in FROM and WHERE clauses of the SELECT statement to achieve
acceptable query performance — the optimizer will do the job.

The words "in theory" were not used here by accident. Sometimes (usually for complex queries that join large number
of tables) optimizers simply cannot find the "optimal" way to parse a query. In situations like that, you can give the
query a hint, using a predefined vendor-specific set of keywords that overrides the optimizer's algorithm and perform
actions in the order specified by the programmer. In general, hints can tell RDBMS which tables to join first, whether or
not to use an index or to perform full table scan, and so on.

Note Hints are instructions in the SQL code that direct the RDBMS optimizer to use specific methods when creating the
execution plan.

You know from Chapter 4 that you would not always benefit from using indexes. For example, the STATUS table is very
small, so the full table scan does a better job. The following syntax overrides the index on the STATUS_ID_N column
and forces the optimizer to perform the full table scan (using Oracle syntax):
SELECT /*+ FULL(status)*/ status_id_n,
FROM status

The multitable query is the bread and butter of every RDBMS operation. It combines data in a variety of ways into a
single resultset, sometimes incorporating convoluted business logic.

Joining tables is one of the most important concepts to learn in the entire SQL world, and should not be taken lightly.

There are several different types of joins, which could be divided into two broad categories — inner join and outer join.
The conditions on which tables could be joined fall into either equijoin or nonequijoin, depending on how columns that
are used to join the tables are compared (equal, greater, less than, etc.).

The tables are not the only objects that could be joined in the query. Other objects can be views, or even inline views.
A rich arsenal of the SQL language — operators, functions, subqueries — can be used to produce a join query

To improve database performance when running queries involving complex JOIN statements, a system of hints can be
employed. The hints are strictly RDBMS implementation-specific, and are not part of the SQL standard.
Chapter 10: SQL Functions

SQL functions exist to make your life easier when you need to manipulate data retrieved from a table. While SQL
query, which is composed of the statements, is busy retrieving some data for you, the functions used within that query
are validating, converting, calculating, getting the system information, and much more.

Think of the SQL functions as tools designed to accomplish a single well-defined task, for example, calculating square
root or converting lowercase letters into uppercase. You invoke a function within SQL query by name (usually a single
keyword). Some functions accept arguments and some do not, but what differentiates a function from every other
executable module in RDBMS is that it always returns value.

While SQL itself is not a procedural language — that is, it lacks procedural features such as flow control structures and
loops — using functions allows you, to a certain extent, to alleviate problems stemming from this deficiency.

All functions could be divided into two broad categories: deterministic functions and nondeterministic functions.
Deterministic functions always return the same result if you pass into the same arguments; nondeterministic functions
might return different results, even if they are called with exactly the same arguments. For example function ABS,
which returns the absolute value of a number passed to it as an argument, is a deterministic function — no matter how
many times you call it with, say argument, -5, it will always return 5 as a result. For example, the Microsoft SQL Server
function GETDATE() — when it accepts no arguments and returns only the current date and time on the RDBMS
server — is an example of a nondeterministic function: each time you call it a new date and time is returned, even if
the difference is one second.

Some RDBMS restrict use of the nondeterministic function in database objects such as INDEX or VIEW. For example,
the MS SQL Server disallows use of such functions for indexed computed columns and indexed views; the IBM DB2
UDB does not allow nondeterministic functions in the join condition expression, and you cannot use these function in
Oracle's function-based index.

Note Virtually every database vendor provides procedural extensions for use with their database products. Oracle has
built-in PL/SQL, Microsoft uses its own dialect of Transact-SQL, and DB2 UDB uses IBM SQL (which is similar to
Transact-SQL). Unlike SQL, these procedural extensions allow for creating full-fledged programs within their
respective host environments. User-defined custom functions are usually created using one of their procedural

The list of SQL functions available for use within a particular RDBMS implementation grows with every new release,
and some vendors are allowing users to define their own custom functions to perform nonstandard tasks. In this
chapter we provide only a short list of the most helpful functions and their uses. Differences between vendor-specific
implementations are highlighted.

Note The portability problem with using functions in a query is the possibility that the query might not run properly with
competitors' products. Some functions are identical in name and usage, some have only a different name, and
some exist only within a particular RDBMS implementation.

Not all of these functions (some would say most of them are not) are part of the SQL standard — be it SQL89 (SQL1),
SQL92 (SQL2), or even SQL99 (SQL3). In fact, all of these standards specify only a handful of functions as a
requirement for conformance to a specific level (entry, intermediate, or full). The old saying that you cannot program a
standard still keeps true. The list of the functions specified in the SQL2 standard is given in Table 10-1.
Table 10-1: Standard SQL2 Functions

SQL Function Description

BIT_LENGTH (expression) Returns the length of the expression, usually string, in bits.

CAST (value AS data type) Converts supplied value from one data type into another
compatible data type.

CHAR_LENGTH (expression) Returns the length of the expression, usually string, in


CONVERT (expression USING Returns string converted according to the rules specified in the
conversion) conversion parameter.

CURRENT_DATE Returns current date of the system.

CURRENT_TIME (precision) Returns current time of the system, of the specified precision.

CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (precision) Returns current time and the current date of the system, of the
specified precision.

EXTRACT (part FROM expression) Extracts specified named part of the expression.

LOWER (expression) Converts character string from uppercase (or mixed case) into
lowercase letters.

OCTET_LENGTH (expression) Returns the length of the expression in bytes (each byte
containing 8 bits).

POSITION (char expression IN source) Returns position of the char expression in the source.

SUBSTRING (string expression, start, Returns the string part of a string expression, from the start
length) position up to specified length.

TRANSLATE (string expression USING Returns string translated into another string according to
translation rule) specified rules.

TRIM(LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH char Returns string from a string expression where leading, trailing,
expression FROM string expression) or both char expression characters are removed.

UPPER (expression) Converts character string from lowercase (or mixed case) into
uppercase letters.

Cross-References For obvious reasons, it would be very beneficial to have a clear picture of what
functions are available in the most popular RDBMS as well as mapping of those
functions between different implementations. In Appendix D, we've attempted to
provide list of all functions, their respective mapping to each other, and brief
explanations for the "big three" — Oracle 9i, IBM DB2 UDB 8.1, and Microsoft SQL
Server 2000.

Every vendor has its own classifications of the functions supported in its database product. IBM groups its DB2 UDB
functions into column functions, scalar functions, row functions and table functions; whereas Oracle uses terms like
single-row functions, aggregate functions, analytic functions, and object-reference functions; and Microsoft sports the
most detailed classifications of configuration functions, cursor, date and time, mathematical functions, aggregate
functions, metadata, security, string, system functions, and system statistical functions, as well as text and image
functions, and rowset functions.

Note IBM makes a distinction between SYSIBM and SYSFUN schema functions; they differ in the way they handle data;
for example, sometimes one is handling numeric input while the other handling character input. Consider it an
IBM implementation of function overloading where a different task is expected of a function based on the
argument data types passed into the function.
This chapter concentrates on the functions that could be used in any implementation context, leaving out many
proprietary extensions. The XML-related functions are discussed in Chapter 17, security functions are in Chapter 12,
and metadata functions are in Chapter 13.

All the examples, unless otherwise stated, use the ACME database. You could run them directly against this database
installed in the RDBMS of your choice.

Cross-References Refer to Appendix F on instructions for installing ACME database, andAppendix E

for how to start a command line or visual interface for the RDBMS of your choice.

Numeric functions

We grouped some functions into numeric functions because they are operating with numbers — both input and output
parameters are usually numeric: INTEGER, DECIMAL, and so on. The list of most common numeric functions is given
in Table 10-2.

Table 10-2: Numeric Functions

Oracle 9i IBM DB2 UDB 8.1 MS SQL Server 2000 Description

ABS (n) ABSs (n) ABS (n) Returns absolute value of a number

CEIL (n) CEIL[ING] (n) CEILING (n) Returns smallest integer that is
greater than or equal to n.

EXP (n) EXP (n) EXP (n) Returns exponential value ofn.

FLOOR (n) FLOOR (n) FLOOR (n) Returns the largest integer less
than or equal to n.

MOD.(n,m) MOD.(n,m) Operator % Returns remainder of n divided by m.

POWER.(m,n) POWER.(m,n) POWER.(m,n) th

Returns value of m raised into n

N/A RAND.(n) RAND.(n) Returns a random number between

0 and 1.

ROUND(n,[m]) ROUND (n,[m]) ROUND (n,m,[0]) Returns number n rounded to m

decimal places. For MS SQL
Server, the last argument — zero
— is a default.

SIGN(n) SIGN(n) SIGN(n) Returns -1, if n is a negative

number, 1 if it is a positive number,
and 0 if the number is zero.

TRUNC (n,[m]) TRUNC[ATE] ROUND (n,m,<>0) Returns n truncated to m decimal

(n,[m]) places. For MS SQL Server, when
the last argument has a value other
than zero, the result of the function
is truncation.

Cross-References See Chapter 3 for more information on data types.


By definition, function CEIL returns the least integer of the argument passed; that means that the function rounds the
values up. The syntax and usage are identical for all three databases.
The argument could be a number or a column value; the output is shown underneath the query:
SELECT CEILING (prod_price_n)
ceil_price, prod_price_n FROM product; ceil_price prod_price_n ------------
------------ 19 18.24 34 33.28 27 26.82

The FLOOR function acts in a very similar fashion, rounding down. The syntax is identical across all three databases:
SELECT FLOOR (prod_price_n)
floor_price, prod_price_n FROM product; floor_price prod_price_n ------------
------------ 18 18.24 33 33.28 26 26.82

Tip The command line interface is different in all three implementations. Oracle uses SQL*Plus, Microsoft uses the
OSQL utility, and IBM the command line processor. To execute an SQL command (after connection is
established), type the command into the window of the utility (DOS window on the Windows platform, command
prompt on UNIX/LINUX), and press Enter for DB2 UDB or type in a semicolon (;) and Enter for Oracle, or typeGO
and press Enter for the MS SQL Server. Each of these interfaces is customizable, and you could "teach," for
instance, the MS SQL Server to accept a semicolon in lieu of GO statement.


One might wonder how that is different from the TRUNC function. This function rounds a number to a specific length or
precision, and works almost identically in all three RDBMS implementations.

In the following example, all the values of the PROD_PRICE_N column from the table PRODUCT are rounded to 1
decimal digit of precision:
SELECT ROUND(prod_price_n,1)
round_price, prod_price_n FROM product; round_price prod_price_n ------------
------------ 18.20 18.24 33.30 33.28 26.80 26.82

Since our query requested precision 2, the numbers were rounded up and down — depending on the number itself:
33.28 was rounded to 33.30, and 18.24 was rounded to 18.20.

Note The Microsoft SQL Server's version of the ROUND function behaves somewhat differently than its equivalents in
Oracle and DB2 UDB — it has a third optional argument (function) that by default is 0. When this argument is
omitted or explicitly set to 0, the result is rounding — exactly as seen in the foregoing example; when the value is
other than 0, the result will be truncated.

The second integer argument could be negative to round numbers on the left of the decimal point, the integral part of
the number:
SELECT ROUND (prod_price_n,1)
round_price_right, ROUND (prod_price_n,-1) round_price_left, prod_price_n FROM
product; round_price_right round_price_left prod_price_n -----------------
---------------- ------------ 18.30 20.00 18.32 34.10 30.00 34.09 26.90 30.00
26.92 16.00 20.00 15.98

Here, specifying -1 as the second argument of the - function, we are getting the result of a rounded value for the digits
on the left side of the decimal point.


Function TRUNC returns its argument truncated to the number of decimal places specified with the second argument.
The example shown applies to Oracle and IBM DB2 UDB; the MS SQL Server uses the ROUND function to truncate:
SELECT TRUNC(prod_price_n, 1)
trunc_price, prod_price_n FROM product; trunc_price product_price_n
------------ ------------ 18.2 18.24 33.2 33.28 26.8 26.82

There is a special case where function TRUNC is used to truncate dates in Oracle. It produces the midnight value for
the date argument, that is, it truncates off all the hours, minutes, and seconds:
TRUNC(SYSDATE) truncated FROM dual; SYSDATE TRUNCATED ---------------------
---------------------- 9/22/2003 10:53:36 AM 9/22/2003 00:00:00


The RAND function is used to generate some random numbers at runtime. The syntax and usage are almost identical
for DB2 UDB and the MS SQL Server 2000. (There is no analog function in Oracle, although it could be emulated
through use of PL/SQL packages.) It accepts an optional seed argument (integer) and would produce a random float
number in the range between 1 and 0 (inclusive).

The MS SQL Server 2000 syntax is:

SELECT RAND(1) random_number
random_number --------------------- 0.71359199321292355

The DB2 UDB Syntax produces analogous results in somewhat different format:
sysibm.sysdummy1 random_number ---------------------

There are some nuances to RAND function usage: called several times within a session with the same seed value, it
will produce exactly the same output. To get different pseudo-random numbers you need to specify different seed
values, or use different sessions.

Getting Random Numbers in a Different Range

What do you do when random numbers of a range different from 0 to 1 are required? In this case you could
multiply the output of the - function by the range factor, and then TRUNCATE or ROUND the result. Here is an
example of producing a set of pseudo-random values in the range of 0 to 10000 in MS SQL Server 2000 syntax:
10000),0) from_zero_to_10000 from_zero_to_10000 --------------------------

Encapsulating this functionality in a custom-made function would be the most rational solution. All three vendors
provide the ability to create user-defined functions in their RDBMS software.


The SIGN function works exactly the same way in all three implementations. It is used to determine the sign of the
numeric expression argument: if the number is positive, then the function returns 1; if the number is negative (the
result will be -1, if the argument is zero), then 0 is returned. In our example all 1s were returned since the price is
expressed in positive numbers:
SELECT SIGN (prod_price_n)
sign_price, prod_price_n FROM product; sign_price prod_price_n ------------
------------ 118.24 1 33.28 1 26.82

You could use just a literal number in place of the value from a table's column. Since all implementations use SELECT
as the keyword to execute a function, you need something to select from.

Note The DUAL table was introduced by Chuck Weiss of Oracle as an underlying object in the Oracle Data Dictionary.
It was never meant to be seen by itself, but rather to be used in some complex JOIN operations (discussed in
Chapter 9); it logically fits theSELECT notion as it implies that theFROM clause is to be used with each statement.

String functions

String functions are grouped together because they perform some operations specifically pertaining to strings
characters — that is, manipulation of the strings: changing the letter case, changing alignment, finding ASCII codes,
and so on. Usually, but not always the output of such functions is a string. Some of the most common string functions
are listed in Table 10-3.
Table 10-3: String Functions

ORACLE 9i IBM DB2 UDB MS SQL Server 2000 Description


ASCII (string) ASCII (string) ASCII (string) Returns ASCII code of the
first character of a string.

CHR (number) CHR (number) CHAR (number) NCHAR Returns character for the
(number) ASCII code.

CONCAT (string1, CONCAT operator '+' Returns result of

string2) (string1, concatenation of two strings.

INSTR (string, LOCATE CHARINDEX (string1,string2, Returns position of an

substring, start (string1, n) occurrence of a substring
position, string2, n) PATINDEX within the string.
occurrence) POSSTR (<pattern>, <string>) The POSSTR test is case
(string1, sensitive.
string2, n)

SUBSTR (1,n) LEFT (string, n) LEFT (string, n) Returns n number of

characters starting from the

LENGTH (string) LENGTH LEN (string) Returns number of

(string) characters in a string.

LENGTHB LENGTH DATALENGTH (expression) Returns number of bytes in

(expression) (expression) the expression, which could
be any data type.

LOWER (string) LOWER (string) LOWER (string) Converts all characters in a

LCASE (string) string to lowercase.

LPAD (string1,n, REPEAT (char REPLICATE (char expression, Returns string1 padded from
string 2) expression, integer) the left with string2 n times.
integer) SPACE(integer)

LTRIM (string, set) LTRIM (string) LTRIM (string) Returns string with leading
blank characters removed.

REPLACE (string1, REPLACE REPLACE (string1, string2, Replaces all occurrences of

string2, string3) (string1, string3) string1 within string2 with
string2, string3.

RPAD (string1,n, SPACE SPACE (integer) Returns string1 padded from

string2) (integer) the left with string2 n times.

LPAD/RPAD REPEAT REPLICATE (string, n) Returns string consisting of

combination (string, n) the argument repeated n

RTRIM (string, set) RTRIM (string) RTRIM (string) Returns string with trailing
blank characters removed.

TO_CHAR CHAR STR (expression) Converts argument

(expression) (expression) expression into a character
ORACLE 9i IBM DB2 UDB MS SQL Server 2000 Description

SUBSTR (string, n, SUBSTR SUBSTRING (string, n, m) Returns a part of a string

m) (string, n, m) th
starting from n character for
the length of m characters.

TRANSLATE TRANSLATE STUFF (<char_ Replaces all occurrences of

(string1, string2, (string1, expression1>,<start>, string1 within string2
string3) string2, <length>,<char_expression1>) translated into string3.
string3) Functions STUFF and
INSERT (works INSERT add/replace strings
similar to within strings.

TRIM (string) LTRIM (RTRIM LTRIM (RTRIM (string)) Trims leading or trailing
(string)) spaces off the string, or both.

UPPER (string) UPPER (string) UPPER (string) Converts all characters

UCASE (string) of a string into uppercase.

Cross-References Refer to Appendix G for a comprehensive list of vendor-specific functions.

String functions are arguably the most widely used and the most confusing of the SQL functions. Here we are giving
the examples of some we are using daily.


The CONCAT function simply concatenates two strings. This function could be replaced with an operator — + for SQL
Server, and || for Oracle and DB2 UDB.

Note You could use output of one function to be an input for another — this is not RDBMS- or even SQL-specific; it is a
general programming concept.

Here is a concatenation example in Oracle 9i syntax:

TO_CHAR(prod_price_n)) display_price FROM product;
display_price ------------------------------- $18.24 $33.28

For DB2 UDB the syntax will be:

SELECT '$' ||
CHAR(prod_price_n) display_price FROM product; display_price -------------
$00000018.24 $00000033.28 $00000026.82

Note That CHAR function converts numeric data into a fixed-length string, and the final result will be padded with
zeroes from the left. The number of zeroes depends on the numeric data type converted. You could use
additional formatting/conversion functions to produce results identical to these produced by Oracle or the MS
SQL Server.

Here is an equivalent MS SQL Server 2000 syntax:

SELECT '$' +
CONVERT(varchar, prod_price_n) display_price FROM product;

Note We used conversion functions CHAR , TO_CHAR, and CONVERT to convert a numeric expression into a string data
type to combine two different types. Some implementations would implicitly convert compatible data types; some
require explicit conversion to take place. It is usually a good idea not to rely on implicit conversions but rather
explicitly convert the values. There is more on conversion later in this chapter.

SQL is a language specifically designed to handle information. As such it has a rich toolset for manipulating strings
and characters. The three functions INSTR, LOCATE, and CHARINDEX are used to determine the position of a specific
character (or combination of characters) within a string; based on this information, you can slice and dice text
information in a number of ways.

For example, to locate the position of the end of the first word, use a blank space to separate the words in the
description (assuming that every value in the column PROD_DESCRIPTION_S would have at least one blank space).

In MS SQL Server 2000 syntax, the blank space is indicated as ' '. You can use ASCII code 32 to specify blank space
— CHAR (32). The following two statements are equivalent and produce identical results:
prod_description_s, 1) FROM product; SELECT CHARINDEX(CHAR(32),
prod_description_s, 1) char_position FROM product; char_position -------------
7 6 6 6 5 8 4 4 6 8 (10 row(s) affected)

Oracle's INSTR function syntax is slightly different — Oracle allows you to specify occurrence of the string within a
string — first, second, and so on. Most of the arguments are optional.

This query, executed in Oracle 9i SQL*Plus, looks for a second occurrence of the blank space within the string:
INSTR(PROD_DESCRIPTION_S, CHAR(32),1,2) char_position FROM product;

The following query executed in IBM DB2 UDB produces a result identical to that shown for MS SQL Server: it finds
the first occurrence of a blank space in the string (both starting char and occurrence are optional arguments, if omitted
defaults to 1):
',PROD_DESCRIPTION_S) char_position FROM product;

To use IBM DB2 UDB function POSSTR you would need to change order of arguments:
POSSTR(PROD_DESCRIPTION_S,' ') char_position FROM product;

The results of the both queries will be identical, and match that produced for MS SQL Server.

Note Optional arguments are the arguments that have some predefined default value that is assumed if the argument
is missing from the list. Since the order of arguments is fixed, you must enter all the arguments prior to the one
that you decided to specify; in the foregoing example, once you've specified occurrence value (fourth argument)
you no longer can omit starting position (third argument).


The SUBSTR (SUBSTRING on MS SQL Server) function returns part of an argument string, which is designated by
starting position and required character length. Here is a query example using the function to return only the first three
characters of the column prod_description_s value:
SUBSTR(prod_description_s,1,3) FROM product;

The third argument, specifying the required length, is optional for Oracle and DB2 UDB, and is mandatory for MS SQL
Server's SUBSTRING function. If the third argument is omitted, the function would return all characters after the starting
position in Oracle and DB2 UDB; for SQL Server to simulate this behavior, use an LEN / LENGTH function (see later in
the chapter) to determine the total length of the string, or a number large enough to exceed any possible length of the
string (no greater than 8000). For example, in the SQL Server this query would return all characters in the column
prod_description_s, beginning from the second character:
SUBSTRING(prod_description_s, 2, LEN(prod_description_s)) FROM
Let's make our output slightly more complex. Say a user wants results to be mangled in a special way to produce an
output that combines product number, product price, and product description in the format <first word of product
description> <pound sign><product_number><pound sign><dollar sign>< product_price> for some company application. This
could be done in a number of ways, one of which is the following query below (in MS SQL Server syntax):
LEFT(prod_description_s, CHARINDEX(CHAR(32), prod_description_s, 1)-1) + '#'+
prod_num_s + '#' + '$' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,prod_price_n) display FROM product;
display ------------------------- SPRUCE#990#$18.24 STEEL#1880#$33.28
STOOL#2871#$26.82 STOOL#3045#$15.92 HAND#4000#$11.80

In Oracle this result can be produced with this query:

SUBSTR(prod_description_s,1 INSTR(CHAR(32), prod_description_s, 1,1)-1) || '#'
|| prod_num_s || '#' || '$' || TO_CHAR(prod_price_n)display FROM product;
display ------------------------- SPRUCE#990#$18.24 STEEL#1880#$33.28
STOOL#2871#$26.82 STOOL#3045#$15.92 HAND#4000#$11.80

IBM DB2 UDB uses the POSSTR (or LOCATE) function in place of Oracle's INSTR function, and function CHR to
produce a blank character from ASCII code 32 and converts number to string with the CHAR function (instead of
Oracle's TO_CHAR):
SUBSTR(prod_description_s,1 POSSTR(prod_description_s, CHR(32))-1) || '#' ||
prod_num_s || '#' || '$' || CHAR(prod_price_n) display FROM product; display
------------------------------------- SPRUCE#990#$18.24 STEEL#1880#$33.28
STOOL#2871#$26.82 STOOL#3045#$15.92 HAND#4000#$11.80

While this query might look a bit scary, there is nothing mysterious about it. The CHARINDEX / INSTR / POSSTR
functions find the position of blank space — CHAR (32) — and subtract 1 from that number so a blank space is not
included in the final result. We use the position value as input for the function LEFT, specifying from which position it
should return the characters (column PROD_ DESCRIPTION_S) to the left (Oracle and DB2 UDB use the SUBSTR
function; MS SQL Server uses SUBSTRING — which, in a sense, is a more generic version of its own LEFT/RIGHT
functions); the rest is a simple concatenation of characters, discussed previously.

Note You may have noticed that we did not use the available function LEFT in DB2 UDB; this is because this function
works differently from the similarly named function in the MS SQL Server. In the IBM DB2 UDB database,
function LEFT returns a string consisting of the leftmostexpression2 bytes in expression1.

Also, function LOCATE has a third optional argument with which to specify what character the search should start
from. (POSSTR always starts at the first character.)


The function LENGTH (LEN for MS SQL Server) returns a number of characters (not a number of bytes! — see Chapter
3 for more details) in the argument. If an argument is not of a character type, it will be implicitly converted into string,
and its length will be returned. Oracle also provides a number of variations of the function:
LENGTH(prod_description_s) length_of_string FROM product;

To return a number of bytes in the expression, use LENGTHB and DATALENGTH for Oracle and SQL Server,
respectively. IBM and Oracle also overload their LENGTH functions — the same function could return length in
characters or bytes, depending upon the data type of the argument. These functions do not convert argument into
string, but rather give the internal storage size for the data type as it is defined in the RDBMS. For example, the query

returns 9 for Oracle (internal storage for current system date). The MS SQL Server equivalent expression
reports that 8 bytes are used to store system date. IBM UDB2, for example, uses 4 bytes for date storage and 10
bytes for timestamp:
date_length, LENGTH(CURENT TIMESTAMP) timestamp_length FROM sysibm.sysdummy1
date_length timestamp_length ------------ ----------------- 4

Cross-References For more information on data types and their internal storage, seeChapter 3.


The functions LOWER and UPPER are the rare examples of functions mandated by the SQL92/99 standard and
implemented across all three RDBMS without modifications. These functions are simple and intuitive to use. They
convert string expressions into lowercase or uppercase, respectively:
UPPER(prod_description_s) upper_case, LOWER(prod_description_s) lower_case FROM
product; upper_case lower_case ------------------------ -----------------------
SPRUCE LUMBER 30X40X50 spruce lumber 30x40x50STEEL NAILS
6'' steel nails 6'' STOOL CAPS 5'' stool caps 5''

IBM DB2 UDB also contains additional versions of the functions LCASE and UCASE, most probably due to being in
business for a long time — you certainly accumulate some baggage after being on the market for over 30 years.


These functions fall into the broader range of Conversion Functions, which are discussed later in this chapter. They
are used to convert one data type into character data type, for example, a number into a string or date/time data into a
string (this might be needed to produce a report that accepts character data only). In addition, these functions allow
you to format output when used to convert, for instance, date and time data types.

The usage examples are shown in the CONCAT function above. Since this function accepts only strings, it is necessary
to convert all the numbers into strings to avoid an error in IBM DB2 UDB; Oracle 9i implicitly converts all concatenated
values into strings.

Microsoft function STR differs from Oracle's TO_CHAR and IBM's CHAR in that it accepts only numeric input — no
date/time or even string. It has optional arguments that specify total length of the result (including decimal point) as
well as number decimal places. For example, the following query converts a float number 123.35 (two decimal places)
into a string (MS SQL Server 2000 syntax):
SELECT STR(123.35) result
result ---------- 123

Since both optional arguments — total length (default 10) and precision (default 0) — were omitted, the result is
truncation. The following query takes into account that the expected result should be 7 characters long and have 3
decimal places (specifying 2 decimal places — less than is present — would result in rounding the final output):
SELECT STR(123.235,7,3)
result result ------- 123.235


The REPLACE function found in IBM DB2 UDB, Oracle, and MS SQL Server returns a string (CHAR data type); every
occurrence of an expression2 is replaced with expression3, for example:
REPLACE('aabbaabbaa','aa','bb') FROM dual; result ------------

This query returns a 'bbbbbbbbbb' string since every occurrence of 'aa' is replaced with 'bb'. To run this query against
SQL Server, just remove the FROM clause.


To replicate a character or sequence of characters you may use the REPLICATE and REPEAT functions. These
functions pertain to IBM DB2 UDB and the Microsoft SQL Server; in Oracle similar functionality is achieved with a
combination of functions LPAD/RPAD. It is a fairly intuitive to use this function because the DB2 UDB syntax produces
a string where a word repeat is replicated three times (note the absence of a blank space separator between the
SELECT REPEAT('repeat',3)
example FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 example ------------------------------

There is a limit to the total length of the resulting string imposed by the argument's data type — the maximum number
of replications must not exceed the upper range of integer values for the system (for 32-bit machines, up to
2,147,483,647). The results from MS SQL Server would be identical with the following syntax:
example example ------------------------------ repeatrepeatrepeat

Here is an example of using the RPAD function to replicate a string:

RPAD('repeat',LENGTH('repeat')*3,'repeat') example FROM dual; example
------------------------------ repeatpepeatrepeat

The second argument of the function specifies the total length of the resulting string, and the function LENGTH is used
to generically determine the length of the initial string. Multiplying it by three specifies that the string is to be repeated
three times.


This is a smart version of the REPLACE function. It uses pattern matching to find and replace characters within a string;
the following query replaces all numbers (from 0 through 9) with 0, and all letters — except K — with an asterisk (*);
the letter K is replaced with X:
'0000000000**********X***************') translate_example FROM DUAL;
translate_example ------------------------------ 0X**000

This function is useful for security purposes: inside the SQL code you can use the exact values (say, credit card
numbers), but the produced output is obfuscated. Here is a credit card example, which replaces all numbers with
6091 1506', '0123456789', '**********') visa_card_number FROM dual;
visa_card_number ------------------------ **** ***** **** ****

The usage is identical in Oracle and DB2 UDB, while the SQL Server does not have a built-in function to do this; its
function STUFF removes a specified number of characters at a specific point, and stuffs in another specified string of
characters. The first argument is the string itself, the second specifies at what character to start, the third argument
tells the function how many characters to remove (0 or greater), and the fourth — the last — argument specifies what
characters to insert at this point. In this example an insertion of the bbb string is made at the third character in the
argument string, replacing this character in the process:
SELECT STUFF('aaaaaaaaa', 3,
1, 'bbb') result result ----------- aabbbaaaaaa

One could use the STUFF function (in conjunction with some other SQL functions) to duplicate Oracle and DB2 UDB
functionality by creating customized, user-defined functions. (The creation of user-defined functions, which are
mentioned at the end of this chapter, is beyond scope of this book.)


Although it might not be apparent, blank spaces could be a major concern. Usually, blank spaces are not shown in the
user interface when typing in some character value, and that could easily cause mistakes. RDBMS requires absolute
precision — the string 'user' and the string 'user ' (with a trailing blank space) are never the same.

These functions act similarly in all three RDBMS: they remove leading and/or trailing characters from a string
expression. The main difference is that Oracle 9i supports more of the SQL standard syntax (TRIM in addition to LTRIM
and RTRIM), and allows for trimming characters other than blank spaces; while IBM DB2 UDB and the Microsoft SQL
Server use this function for blank spaces only.

Consider the following example, which works in IBM UDB2:

three_blanks')) ltrimmed, LENGTH(' three_blanks') with_leading_blanks FROM
sysibm.sysdummy1 ltrimmed with_leading_blanks ----------- -------------------
12 15

A similar script in the MS SQL Server produces identical results:

three_blanks')) ltrimmed, LEN(' three_blanks')

To achieve the same results in Oracle 9i, use either the LTRIM function or the TRIM function. The LTRIM example looks
almost identical to IBM DB2 UDB (just replace sysibm.sysdummy1 with dual), and therefore is omitted:
FROM ' three_blanks')) ltrimmed, LENGTH(' three_blanks') with_leading_blanks
FROM dual; ltrimmed with_leading_blanks ----------- ------------------- 12
@code last w/ rule Char:15

Note that blank spaces are default for the TRIM function. To use this function to trim characters other than blank
spaces from a string expression, the following syntax could be used. For example, to remove the letter M from both the
beginning (leading) and end (trailing) of the string value M&M or IBM:
'M&M or IBM') trimmed FROM dual; trimmed ----------- &M or

The argument specifying what letter is to be removed is always case-sensitive.

Date and time functions

The functions grouped in Table 10-4 deal with date and time; they accept a wide range of parameter data types and
produce output strings (characters), date/times, and numbers.
Table 10-4: Date and Time Functions

ORACLE 9i IBM DB2 UDB MS SQL Server Description

8.1 2000

ADD_MONTHS (date, DATE + n DATEADD Returns date plus n months (Oracle);

n) MONTHS (month, number, returns date plus date partyear, month,
date) day(MS SQL Server).
TIME + n

CURRENT_DATE CURRENT DATE GETDATE** Returns current date in session's time


TO_DATE (value, DATE (value) CONVERT** Returns date from the value according
format, nls_param) CAST** to specific format, national
language(Oracle) (**).

EXTRACT (day) DAY DAY Returns DAY part (integer) of the

specified datetime expression.

TO_CHAR (date, DAYNAME DATENAME (date Returns a name of the requested date
'day'/month) MONTHNAME part, datetime) part: day or month.

EXTRACT (datetime) MONTH, DAY, DATEPART (date Returns requested date part (day,
HOUR etc part, datetime) month, year).

MONTH_BETWEEN Date arithmetic DATEDIFF Calculates difference between two


NEW_TIME CURRENT GETUTCDATE Returns datetime relative to current

TIMEZONE datetime on the server.

NEXT_DAY Date arithmetic DATEADD (day, Calculates what day would be next
n, m) relative to some other supplied date.

SYSDATE CURRENT DATE GETDATE Returns current datetime on the


EXTRACT (year) YEAR YEAR Returns YEAR part of the specified

datetime expression.


Keeping a time track of the changes in the database requires access to the system's date and time settings. Oracle
implemented SYSDATE pseudo column (which can be considered a function for our purposes) that returns the
system's current date and time, the Microsoft SQL Server has function GETDATE (), and IBM DB2 UDB uses a
CURRENT DATE clause in the SELECT part of the query. These functions are listed in Table 10-5.
Table 10-5: Getting Current Date Out of RDBMS



[FROM DUAL]; [FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1] 2003-09-05 13:54:18.873

---------------- ----------------- ---------------

05-SEP-03 9:47:01 PM 9/5/2003 2003-09-05 13:54:18.873

The date output can be formatted using various vendor-specific masks, arguments, or conversion functions. Refer to
the RDBMS manual for more information.

Time zone functions

These functions deal with the Earth's different time zones. The "standard" functions always return the time zone in
which the machine is located, and sometimes — especially when telecommuting to a central location from a different
time zone — it is not what is needed.

The MS SQL server function GETUTCDATE returns current UTC time (Universal Time Coordinate or Greenwich Mean
Time). Consider the following query, which returns results from both the GETDATE and GETUTCDATE functions:
GETUTCDATE() utc_time, GETDATE() local_time utc_time local_time
--------------------------- ----------------------------- 2003-09-06
00:06:14.660 2003-09-05 19:04:14.660

Oracle's approximate equivalents to this function are TZ_OFFSET and SYS_EXTRACT_UTC , while NEW_TIME returns
the time that would be in zone 2 when the date/time in zone 1 is the specified value.

For example, to find out the date and time in New York, NY, when it is September 5, 2002, 7:23:45 p.m. in Seattle,
WA, using Oracle RDBMS software, you would run the following query (to force Oracle SQL*Plus to show date/time in
the extended format, use ALTER SESSION statement explained later in this chapter):
NEW_TIME(TO_DATE('09-05-2003 7:23:45 AM', 'MM-DD-YY HH:MI:SS PM' 'PST', 'EST')
eastern_time FROM dual; eastern_time --------------------------- 05-SEP-2003
10:23:45 PM

The function NEW_TIME takes only arguments specified in Table 10-6. The function FROM_TZ could use many more
time zones values.
Table 10-6: Valid Range of the Time-Zone Values for Oracle's NEW_TIME Function:

Time Zone Description

AST (ADT) Atlantic Standard (or Daylight Time)

BST (BDT) Bering Standard (or Daylight Time)

CST (CDT) Central Standard (or Daylight Time)

EST (EDT) Eastern Standard (or Daylight Time)

GMT Greenwich Mean Time

HST (HDT) Alaska-Hawaii Standard Time or Daylight Time

MST (MDT) Mountain Standard or Daylight Time

NST Newfoundland Standard Time

PST (PDT) Pacific Standard or Daylight Time

YST (YDT) Yukon Standard or Daylight Time

In DB2 UDB you can use CURRENT TIMEZONE to find out the difference between UTC and your current time zone. In
our example it shows 7 hours difference between Pacific Time Zone and UTC (Coordinated Universal Time):
TIMEZONE) utc_difference FROM sysibm.sysdummy1 utc_difference --------------

Oracle's function CURRENT_DATE returns the current date of the session, not the server.

Note UTC is an abbreviation corresponding to Coordinated Universal Time, formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time
(GMT). The GMT is based on the time at the zero meridian that crosses Greenwich, England; it became the
de-facto standard in the nineteenth century, largely because of the successes of British Navy and English traders.
UTC is essentially GMT, only "politically corrected." It uses 24-hour time notation.

The following examples demonstrate this. First, to instruct Oracle to return the extended date/time value format for
your SQL*Plus session:

To use the function SYSDATE to get the current system date:

SELECT SYSDATE server_date,
CURRENT_DATE session_date FROM dual; server_datesession_date
-------------------- -------------------- 30-SEP-2003 19:05:35 30-SEP-2003

As you can see, the session time and the system time are identical. To change the session time, say, for Portugal's
time zone ('WET'), eight hours ahead, code:
TIME_ZONE ='WET'; Session altered.

Tip You could specify the time in HH:MI format or supply some predefined TIME_ZONE value set for the system. To
find out the list of valid values for this parameter, query Oracle's dynamic performance view V$TIMEZONE_NAMES.

And now our session time is eight hours ahead of our system time:
SELECT SYSDATE server_date,
CURRENT_DATE session_date FROM dual; server_datesession_date
-------------------- -------------------- 30-SEP-2002 19:05:39 01-OCT-2002

These examples by far do not exhaust the topic of time zone functions. Refer to the specific RDBMS manuals to learn


The MS SQL Server DATEADD function returns a new datetime value calculated by adding a specified date part on top
of the date argument. It is not as straightforward as it may seem.

The following example query returns the date that is exactly five months from date '2002-09-05' (refer to Chapter 3 for
more information on this datetime type and its use of literals):
DATEADD(month,5,'2003-09-05') months months ---------------------------
2003-02-05 00:00:00.000

The DATEADD function can also add days, hours, and minutes to a date; Oracle and DB2 UDB use date arithmetic to
accomplish this task.

The same results can be produced in Oracle with the following query:
ADD_MONTHS(TO_DATE('2003-09-05','YYYY-MM-DD'),5) months FROM dual; months
--------------------------- 05-FEB-2004

Oracle is much less flexible in accepting literals as dates — hence the need for explicit conversion of the literal
'2003-09-05' into date type. (See Chapter 3 for literals usage; conversion functions are discussed later in the chapter.)
Also, the default output format depends on the machine settings and could be overridden by an application — that is,
forward slashes can be replaced with dashes, the year can be put in front followed by month and date.

To add, say, 20 days to a current date, use the following query in Oracle:

Cross-References Oracle 9i introduced the INTERVAL data type, which could be used in date/time
arithmetic, effectively obliterating the ADD_MONTH function. Refer to Chapter 3 for
more information on using interval literals.

IBM DB2 UDB does not have a special function for date and time arithmetic. To add five months to a date you can use
the following query:
MONTH)add_months FROM sysibm.sysdummy1 add_months ----------

The same syntax serves for adding days, hours, and so on:
DAYS)add_days FROM sysibm.sysdummy1 add_days ----------

You may substitute the date value with that from the table in a query, or use a literal.


Oracle's EXTRACT function returns the value of a specified part of a date/time expression. The acceptable parts are
YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE , and SECOND. It also allows you to specify TIMEZONE_HOUR,
TIMEZONE_MINUTE, TIMEZONE_REGION, and TIMEZONE_ABBR (for 'abbreviation'); these are added to accommodate
time zone differences. This sample query extracts the YEAR part from the current date:
SYSDATE) year_part FROM DUAL; year_part -------------- 2002

The date/time expression must be in correct format; for example, asking for a MINUTE portion of the expression would
be meaningless (defaults to 00) if that expression does not have minutes in it.

The Microsoft SQL Server uses the DATEPART function to extract parts of the date/time expression. In addition to the
standard arguments like YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE , and SECOND, it also returns milliseconds — if required:
'09-08-2002') month_part month_part -------------- 9


DB2 UDB and the SQL Server have special functions to return the name of the part of the date. Here is an example of
such a function in IBM DB2 UDB:
day_name FROM sysibm.sysdummy1 day_name --------------

The function MONTHNAME would have returned 'September'.

The MS SQL Server has a DATENAME function that encompasses functionality of both DAYNAME and MONTHNAME
functions of IBM. The following query returns the name of the month:
GETDATE()) month_name month_name ---------------- September

And this function returns the name of the day of the week:
GETDATE()) day_name day_name ---------------- Thursday

As said before, Oracle does not have any specific functions to accomplish these tasks, but you can use the conversion
function with applied format. This function is similar to the DATENAME function of the SQL Server.

This query returns day name of the today's date:

TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DAY') day_name_upper, TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'Day') day_name_mixed
FROM dual; day_name_upper day_name_mixed ---------------- ------------------

And this query returns month name of the current date:

TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'MONTH') day_name_upper, TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'month')
day_name_lower FROM dual; day_name_upperday_name_lower
---------------------------------- SEPTEMBER september

Note that using a different letter case to specify the date part name in Oracle 9i results in different output formatting.
This does not apply to either the MS SQL Server, or IBM DB2 UDB v8.1.


The Oracle function MONTHS_BETWEEN returns the number of the months between two dates: if the first date is later
than the second, the result is a positive number; if the first date is earlier than the second, the returned number will be
negative. When compared dates have the same day portion, the result is always an integer; otherwise, Oracle returns
a fractional value based on 31-day month and takes into consideration time portion of the dates:
(TO_DATE('09-05-2002','MM-DD-YYYY'), TO_DATE('11-05-2002','MM-DD-YYYY'))
months_in_between FROM dual; months_in_between ----------------- -2

The DATEDIFF function in the MS SQL Server returns a specified date part (or all of them) between the two dates. It
obeys the same rules as Oracle's function, but is different in that its return value could represent days, months,
minutes, and so on:
datediff(month, '09-05-2002','11-05-2002') months_in_between months_in_between
----------------- 2

For DB2 UDB, use date arithmetic:

SELECT (MONTH('09-05-2002')
– MONTH('11-05-2002')) months_in_between FROM sysibm.sysdummy1
months_in_between ----------------- 2

In exacltly the same way you can calculate, for example, the number of days, hours, minutes, or seconds, using DAY,
HOUR, MINUTE , or SECOND functions, respectively.

Aggregate functions

While aggregate functions (listed in Table 10-7) logically belong with the SELECT statement discussed in Chapter 8 and
are thoroughly covered there, it is appropriate to include a brief description in this chapter for reference.

Table 10-7: Aggregate Functions

ORACLE 9i IBM DB2 UDB MS SQL Server Description


AVG (number) AVG (number) AVG (number) Calculates average for a range of
numeric values.

COUNT (number) COUNT (integer) COUNT (integer) Returns number of rows in a SELECT
COUNT_BIG statement.

MAX (number) MAX (number) MAX (number) Returns max value among selected

MIN (number) MIN (number) MIN (number) Returns min value among selected

SUM (number) SUM (number) SUM (number) Calculates sum of the selected values.

Aggregate functions return a single value based on a specific calculation within a set (group) of values; usually they
are tied to the GROUP BY clause of the SELECT statement, though it is not a requirement for some of them. When used
with a GROUP BY clause, each aggregate function produces a single value for each group, not to the whole table.

Note Of course, since aggregate functions are mathematical in nature, they work exclusively with numbers; arguments
must be of built-in numeric data types, and the result of the function must be within the range defined for this data


The SUM function sums up all the values in the specified column. If you, for example, needed to know the total amount
of all your sales, this query would bring the answer:
SELECT SUM(total_price)
total_sale FROM v_customer_totals; total_sale ---------------

For the total of all your sales grouped by customer, use the query:
customer_name, SUM(total_price) total_sale FROM v_customer_totals GROUP BY
customer_name; customer_name total_sale --------------------------- ----------
INC. 28672.80 WILE SEAL CORP. 100771.80
This query summed up the values contained in the total_price column for each customer separately and produced total
sales for each customer in the total_sale column.

This function can be used with ALL or DISTINCT predicates. The concept behind these is quite simple: ALL counts each
and every value found in the column, while DISTINCT counts identical values only once (i.e., if there are several sales
in the amount of $6608.00, only one of the sales is counted). Consider the following query comparing outcome of the
SUM functions with and without the DISTINCT predicate:
total_price)distinct_price, SUM(ALL total_price) total_sale FROM
v_customer_totals; distinct_price total_sale -----------------
-------------------- 165405.80 457000.40

Comparing results of this query with previous examples, you can see that the ALL predicate is specified by default.
The syntax for the SUM function is identical for all three RDBMS.

You could specify the WHERE clause to further restrict the values, for example, to find total sales for the last quarter.

Cross-References Refer to Chapter 8 for more detailed discussion of the aggregate functions uses,
including examples.


This function returns the total number of records in the table/view. To find how many orders were placed by customers
in the ACME database, all you have to do is query the V_CUSTOMER_TOTALS view:
SELECT COUNT(order_number)
total_orders FROM v_customer_totals;

total_orders ------------ 51

The same result could be achieved by issuing another COUNT query:

SELECT COUNT(*) total_orders
FROM v_customer_totals; total_orders ------------ 51

The results are dependent on whether the ALL (default) or DISTINCT predicates are applied. ORDER_NUMBER is
unique within the view; that's why counting order numbers produces results identical to counting the total number of
records in the view. However, if we count customers who placed these orders in the CUSTOMER_NAME column, the
results will be different. Here is the query that uses COUNT in the CUSTOMER_NAME column twice — once with the
DISTINCT predicate and one with the ALL predicate (default):
customer_name)total_customers, COUNT(ALL customer_name) all_records FROM
v_customer_totals; total_customers all_records --------------- ----------- 5 51
(1 row(s) affected)

To find out how many orders each customer placed, use the GROUP BY clause. The following query accomplishes this
SELECT customer_name,
COUNT(order_number) total_orders FROM v_customer_totals GROUP BY customer_name;
customer_name total_orders ---------------------------- ---------- WILE BESS

You could use SQL predicates DISTINCT and ALL with the COUNT function, ALL being the default. In the foregoing
example, orders are grouped by CUSTOMER_NAME to get the total orders for a customer; imagine that you are asked,
"How many customers do you have?" Obviously, using the COUNT function in the CUSTOMER_NAME column would
not produce the desired results because it counts each of the multiple entries of the same company; you need to use
the DISTINCT predicate here:
SELECT COUNT(customer_name)
all_records, COUNT(DISTINCT customer_name) distinct_records FROM
v_customer_totals all_records distinct_records ----------- ---------------- 51

As you can see, only five different customers placed the 51 orders recorded in the view.

NULL and Aggregate Functions

You also should know about the use of NULL in aggregate functions. NULL values are not included for
calculations; if all values are NULL, that is what will be returned, not 0. Consider the following query, which
returns counts for the column PHONE_SALESMANID_FN:
COUNT(phone_salesmanid_fn) count_for_nulls, COUNT (*)count_all FROM phone;
count_for_nulls count_all ---------------- ----------- 12 @SB code

Notice that all the NULLs are simply ignored when they are used for calculating averages, sums, and so on.
Should you specifically request records "WHERE phone_salesmanid_fn IS NULL" an exact 74 records would be
returned, which together with 12 not NULL values make up the total 86.


This function produces average value of a group of numeric values. For example, if you would like to know the
average value of the orders you have in the V_CUSTOMER_TOTALS view, you would issue the following statement:
SELECT AVG(total_price)
average_price FROM v_customer_totals; average_price ----------------

What this function did was sum up the total_price value for every record in the view and then divide it by the number of
records. You can produce the same result by using a combination of the SUM and COUNT functions:
SUM(total_price)/COUNT(order_number) average_price, FROM v_customer_totals;
average_price ------------------- 8960.792156

To get the average order placed per customer, use the GROUP BY clause:
customer_name, AVG(total_price) average_order FROM v_customer_totals GROUP BY
customer_name; customer_name average_order -------------------------
------------- WILE BESS COMPANY 8928.245161 WILE ELECTROMATIC INC. 7739.050000
SEAL CORP. 10077.180000


These functions select minimum and maximum values from the list of values in the column. The following example
finds the biggest and the smallest orders ever placed, looking at all customers:
SELECT MAX(total_price)
max_order, MIN(total_price) min_order FROM v_customer_totals; max_order
min_order --------------- ------------- 15456.80 6608.00

To find out the minimum and maximum orders placed by a particular customer, use the GROUP BY clause in your
customer_name, MAX(total_price) max_order, MIN(total_price) min_order FROM
v_customer_totals GROUP BY customer_name; customer_name max_order min_order
-------------------------- --------- ----------- WILE BESS COMPANY 15402.20
6608.00 WILE ELECTRONICS INC. 15456.80 6608.00 WILE SEAL CORP. 15456.80

You can also use SQL predicates DISCTINCT and ALL with the MIN and MAX functions.

Note Oracle 9i also uses aggregate functions with the analytic clauseOVER . There is no direct equivalent to this
functionality in MS SQL Server 2000 and IBM DB2 UDB.

Cross-References There are more aggregate functions implemented by the vendors in their products.
For a comprehensive list of the vendor-specific implementations, refer to Appendix

Conversion functions

Sometimes it is necessary to convert one data type into another. In the examples with CONCAT function, we had to
convert numbers into string before being able to concatenate then with other string values. As it becoming clearer that
English is not the only language on Earth, there is ever-increasing demand for national characters databases:
conversion functions provide translation for data so it could be correctly represented in the character set of the native
alphabets. Some of the most common conversion functions are listed in Table 10-8.

Table 10-8: Conversion Functions

ORACLE 9i IBM DB2 UDB 8.1 MS SQL Server Description


CAST (data type CAST (data type CAST (data type Converts one data type into another,
AS data type) AS data type) AS data type) compatible data type.
data type, value,

CONVERT N/A N/A Converts character data from one

character set into another character set.

TO_CHAR CHAR CAST (expression Converts an expression of a compatible

(expression) (expression) as data type into a string of characters.

TO_DATE DATE CAST (expression Converts an expression of a compatible

(expression) (expression) as DATETIME) data type/format into DATE/DATETIME
data type.

Note Sometimes RDBMS converts data implicitly from one type to another; while this feature might be convenient, it is
also something to worry about. One example is the loss of precision when inserting the FLOAT data type intro a
column that was declared as INTEGER — the number would lose all decimal numbers because it would be
truncated when converted implicitly into INTEGER.

Conversion between different data types

There are two general functions that perform this type of conversion: CAST and CONVERT. These functions convert
one data type into another. The function CAST is used almost identically across all three RDBMS. CONVERT, however,
is used for conversion from one character set to another Oracle 9i (discussed later in this chapter), and in the Microsoft
SQL Server it is almost a synonym for the function CAST.

The CAST function syntax is as follows:

CAST (<from datatype>
AS <into datatype>)
There are slight differences in the CAST function's capabilities among the three implementations: the IBM DB2 UDB
and the SQL Server can cast any built-in data type into another built-in data type, while Oracle allows collection-based
data types (like VARRAY) to be used as valid arguments for this function.

In comparison, the SQL Server's CONVERT function's syntax is more convoluted; it can deal not only with data type but
also with how the output is formatted. The parameters length and style are optional: length is used for data types that
could have length — like VARCHAR, CHAR , NCHAR, VARBINARY — and style is used to convert datetime and
smalldatetime into text. (It defines how the resulting string is formatted, e.g., with century or without, with milliseconds
or not.) The data type must be system-defined data types; user-defined data types are not permissible:
( <data_type> [(length)]
, <expression> [ ,style ])

For example, the ACME database view V_CUSTOMER_TOTAL has a column TOTAL_PRICE with a numeric data type;
in order to display this data with a preceding dollar sign ($), you must convert a number into a character data type first.
(Oracle would perform an implicit conversion in this case, while DB2 UDB and the MS SQL Server would both
generate an error.)

Oracle implicitly converts the numeric data types into character string data types when concatenating numbers (values
in the TOTAL_PRICE column) and strings ($) as follows:
customer_name, ('$' || total_price) price FROM v_customer_totals customer_name
price --------------------------- ---------- WILE BESS COMPANY $7511.00 WILE

Here is the SQL Server syntax for the query (the MS SQL Server also could use the CONVERT function to achieve the
same result):
customer_name, '$' + CAST(TOTAL_PRICE as VARCHAR(10)) price FROM
v_customer_totals customer_name price --------------------------- ----------

A similar result in DB2 UDB is produced with the following query:

customer_name, CONCAT('$', CAST(total_price as CHAR(32)) price FROM
v_customer_totals customer_name price --------------------------- ----------

DB2 UDB insists on including leading zeroes in the final result, which for the DECIMAL data type is 32 characters long
(since the precision is 32 for the TOTAL_PRICE column data type); the result is
$00000000000000000000000007511.00. To reduce the number of leading zeroes, the first step is to cast
TOTAL_CAST value to a DECIMAL with a different precision:
customer_name, CONCAT('$', CAST(CAST(total_price as DECIMAL(7,2)) AS CHAR(12))
price FROM v_customer_totals customer_name price ---------------------------
---------- WILE BESS COMPANY $07511.00 WILE BESS COMPANY $08390.00 WILE

Notice that there is still one leading zero, since specifying, for example, DECIMAL (6, 2) would lead to an overflow error
for the values that exceed this precision (while producing correct results for the three result values).

Note Format templates (models) are literals that define how the date or number would be represented in a string, or
how a string is to be interpreted for conversion into date or number. A format template does not change the
internal representation of the data; it only affects how it is displayed. Oracle and IBM use format templates, while
the MS SQL Server has assigned codes for these.

When using the MS SQL Server CONVERT function, you must correctly format the output results. To display current
date in mon dd yyyy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM (or PM) format:
GETDATE(),109) formatted_date ------------------------- Sep 11 2002

To format the same output into the Japanese standard YYYY/MM/DD, the following query would be used:
GETDATE(),111) formatted_date -------------------------

The third parameter in the code above (111) specifies an output format. Some useful formats for the SQL Server
CONVERT function are given in Table 10-9. The last column in the table, Input/Output, shows input when converting
into the datetime data type, and shows output when converting datetime data into character strings.

Table 10-9: Formatting MS SQL Server CONVERT Function Output for Dates

Standard With century (YYYY) Without century (YY) Input/Output

Default 0 or 100 N/A MON DD YYYY hh:mi AM/PM

USA 101 1 MM/DD/[YY]YY

ANSI 102 2 [YY]

British/French 103 3 DD/MM/[YY]YY

German 104 4 DD.MM.YY[YY]

Italian 105 5 DD-MM-[YY]YY

N/A 106 6 DD MM [YY]YY

N/A 107 7 MON DD, [YY]YY

N/A 108 8 hh:mm:ss

Default and 9 or 109 N/A MON DD YYYY

milliseconds hh:mi:ss:mmm AM/PM

USA 110 10 MM-DD-[YY]YY

Japan 111 11 [YY]YY/MM/DD

International 112 12 [YY]YYMMDD

Organization (ISO)

Europe default and 13 or 113 N/A DD MON YYYY

milliseconds hh:mm:ss:mmm (24 h)

N/A 114 14 hh:mm:ss:mmm (24 h)

Oracle offers a variety of formats for the character-to-number, character-to-date types of conversion. Here are just a
few of the most useful formats (shown in Table 10-10).
Table 10-10: Selected Oracle Datetime Format Templates

Format Element Description Example


AM Meridian indicator (AM/PM) TO_CHAR (SYSDATE,'HH:MI:SS AM')

BC BC indicator (Before Common TO_CHAR (SYSDATE,'YYYY BC')

era/Before Christ)

D Day of the week (from 1 to 7) TO_CHAR (SYSDATE,'D')

DAY Name of the day, padded with blank TO_CHAR (SYSDATE,'DAY')

spaces to the total length of 9

DD Day of the month (from 1 to 31) TO_CHAR (SYSDATE,'DD')

DDD Day of the year (from 1 to 366) TO_CHAR (SYSDATE,'DDD')

DY Abbreviated name of the day TO_CHAR (SYSDATE,'DY')

HH Hour of the day (from 1 to 12) TO_CHAR (SYSDATE,'HH')

HH12 Hour of the day (from 1 to 12) TO_CHAR (SYSDATE,'HH12')

HH24 Hour of the day (from 0 to 23) TO_CHAR (SYSDATE,'HH24')

MI Minute (from 0 to 59) TO_CHAR (SYSDATE,'MI')

MM Month (from 01 to 12) TO_CHAR (SYSDATE,'MO')

MON Abbreviated name of the month TO_CHAR (SYSDATE,'MON')

MONTH Name of the month, padded with blank TO_CHAR (SYSDATE,'MONTH')

spaces to the total length of 9

PM Meridian indicator (AM/PM) TO_CHAR (SYSDATE,'PM')

RM Roman numeral month (from I to XII) TO_CHAR (SYSDATE,'RM')

RR Calculates full year given 2 digits TO_CHAR (SYSDATE,'RR')

SS Second (from 0 to 59) TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'SS')

Character-to-date/date-to-character format templates are accepted by the date-related functions TO_DATE,

TO_TIMESTAMP, TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ, TO_YMINTERVAL , and TO_DS_INTERVAL (see Appendix G for their syntax and
brief descriptions). Function TO_CHAR also accepts these format templates when converting character data into date
type data. The separator characters between these format elements could be dashes (- ), forward slashes ( /), commas
(,), semicolons (;), apostrophes ( '), or colons (:). The Example column shows how to use the format template against a
current date returned by Oracle's SYSDATE function.

Each of these elements can be used in conjunction with all other valid elements in the table. For example, to produce
a string representing a current date in format <date><full day's name><full month name><spelled out year> this SQL query
would help:
-------------------------------------- 12-THURSDAY -SEPTEMBER-TWO THOUSAND

The RR date format element needs a little more explanation. It represents an incomplete two-digit year (remember the
so-called "Y2K" scare?). If the input for the TO_DATE function is a year with the last two digits less than 50, and the
current year's last two digits are equal to or less than 50, then the date will be in the current century:
TO_DATE('09/12/49','DD/MM/RR') a_date FROM dual; a_date --------------

To make this output more intelligible, we need to see all four digits of the year part of the date. The time zone
examples given earlier in this chapter showed how to change output display format by altering a session's settings.
Similarly, the following statement displays all four digits in Oracle's SQL*Plus utility:

The same query would produce a four-digit year output:

TO_DATE('09/12/49','DD/MM/RR') a_date FROM dual; a_date --------------

If supplied date digits are equal to or over 50, and the current year's last two digits are less than or equal to 50, then
the resulting date will be from the previous century (current year's first two digits minus 1):
TO_DATE('09/12/51','DD/MM/RR') a_date FROM dual; a_date -----------

The format templates in Table 10-10 are used to convert numeric data into a character string of specific format. For
example, the following query displays the result of a conversion using the TO_CHAR function (see Table 10-11 for the
conversion format templates):
TO_CHAR(-1234,'9999MI') result FROM dual; result ----------- 1234-
Table 10-11: Selected Oracle Number Format Templates

Format element Description Example

$ Returns value with appended dollar sign at the TO_CHAR (1234,'$9999')


0 Returns leading and/or trailing zeroes. TO_CHAR (1234,'09999')

9 Returns value of the specified number of digits, TO_CHAR (1234,'9999')

adding leading blank space for positive
numbers or leading minus sign for negatives.

B Returns blanks for the integer of a fixed-point TO_CHAR (1234,'B9999')

number, where the integer part of the number
is zero.

C Returns ISO currency symbol (as defined by TO_CHAR (1234,'C9999')

Oracle's NLS_ISO_CURRENCY parameter) in
the requested position.

D Returns ISO decimal character (as defined by TO_CHAR (1234.5,'99D99')

parameter) in the requested position.

EEEE Returns value in scientific notation. TO_CHAR (1234,'9.9EEEE')

FM Returns value with no leading or trailing blank TO_CHAR (1234,'FM9999')


MI Returns negative value with the trailing minus TO_CHAR (-1234,'9999MI')

sign; positive values are returned with a trailing
blank space.

PR Returns negative value in the angle brackets, TO_CHAR (-1234,'9999PR')

and positive value with leading and trailing
blank spaces.

RN / rn Returns value as a Roman numeral in TO_CHAR (1234,'RN')

uppercase/or lowercase.

S Appends minus or plus signs either in the TO_CHAR (1234,'S9999')

beginning or at the end of the number.

X Returns hexadecimal value of the specified TO_CHAR (1234,'XXXX')

number of digits; noninteger values are

IBM DB2 UDB does not offer multiple formatting options for any of its functions. It solves formatting problems by
offering an incredible number of single functions dealing with every imaginable part of a date, for example, functions

To convert literal strings into a date or time, the string must be in one of the formats listed in Table 10-12 and Table
Table 10-12: IBM DB2 UDB Date Strings Formats

Format Template Example

International Standard Organization (ISO) YYYY-MM-DD 2002-09-12

Japanese Industrial Standard Christian Era (JIS)

IBM USA Standard MM/DD/YYYY 09/12/2002

IBM European Standard DD.MM.YYYY 12.09.2002

Database Custom Defined Depends on the database N/A

country code

Table 10-13: IBM DB2 UDB Time String Formats

Format Template Example

International Standard Organization (ISO) HH.MM.SS 22.45.02

Japanese Industrial Standard Christian Era (JIS)

IBM USA Standard HH:MM AM/PM 10.45 PM

IBM European Standard HH.MM.SS 22.45.02

Database Custom Defined Depends on the database country N/A


For example, this query accepts data in any of the formats in the table and converts it into data type DATE in the
internal IBM format:
SELECT DATE('2002-09-12')
ISO DATE('09/12/2002') USA DATE('12.09.2002') EUR FROM sysibm.sysdummy1 ISO USA
EUR ----------- ----------- ----------- 09/12/2002 09/12/2002

The DB2 UDB TIMESTAMP /TIMESTAMP_FORMAT function has only two formats (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS and
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS:nnnnnn) to use when either converting a string into a timestamp or a timestamp into a string.

As for the CHAR and VARCHAR functions that could be used to convert a DATE or TIME into a string, there are no
templates to be applied; the resulting string is always in the system-specified format. You could bypass this deficiency
by implementing a custom function for this purpose.

The data type can only be casted/converted into a compatible data type. To make things worse, every database has
its own compatibility criteria: compatible types in one RDBMS might be incompatible in another. In the foregoing
example, for instance, we cannot cast DECIMAL to VARCHAR in DB2 UDB as these are incompatible for this RDBMS,
while the same operation in the MS SQL Server or Oracle would be perfectly legal.

Conversion between different character sets

The Microsoft SQL Server uses functions NCHAR and UNICODE for the conversion purpose. The NCHAR function
returns the UNICODE character being given an integer code as defined by the Unicode standard, and the UNICODE
function returns the character corresponding to the integer code.

For example, the following operations take the Scandinavian character 'Ø' to find a UNICODE number for it:
SELECT UNICODE('Ø') uni_code
uni_code ---------- 216
It then displays the character again by passing this number into the NCHAR function:
uni_character uni_char -------- Ø


The function TRANSLATE...USING converts text from one database default char-acter set into another. In a sense it
works like Oracle's CONVERT function, except that the former deals with strings (as opposed to text), which could be
NCHAR or NVARCHAR data types.

The following example converts three characters — one is 'A umlaut' (signified by two dots at the top of the letter,
found in German and Scandinavian languages), the letter 'Ø' (from the Scandinavian alphabet), and another being just
plain 'A' from the ISO 8859-1 West European 8-bit character set into a U.S. 7-bit ASCII character set:
'US7ASCII', 'WE8ISO8859P1') translation FROM dual; translation
-------------------- A A ?

As you can see, the 'A umlaut' is translated into regular 'A' because this character does not exist in the English-based
U.S. 7-bit ASCII character set. When no replacement is available, a question mark appears. The replacement
character's mapping could be defined in the character set itself.

Note The CHAR_CS value returns Oracle's database character set ID that is specified for the server. Its
equivalent does the same for the national character set.

The function TRANSLATE ... USING returns similar results:

USING CHAR_CS) translation FROM dual; translation -------------------- A A

The function UNISTR performs string conversion from any character set into Unicode (see Chapter 2 for more
information on Unicode); a backslash in the value is an escape character that signifies the input is a hexadecimal
number to be converted into a Unicode character (see Appendix L for more about hexadecimal numbers):
'\00D1') FROM dual; UN ---

If you check the number of bytes (using the Oracle function LENGTHB) allocated by Oracle to each of these
characters, you will find an interesting fact: a length in characters is identical for ASCII and Unicode characters, but the
length in bytes shows that a Unicode character occupies 2 bytes as opposed to one for ASCII:
LENGTHB(unistr('\00F5')) in_bytes, LENGTH(unistr('\00F5')) in_chars,
LENGTHB('A') in_bytes, LENGTH(unistr('A')) in_chars FROM dual; IN_BYTES
IN_CHARS IN_BYTES IN_CHARS ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 2 1 1

IBM DB2 UDB uses VARGRAPHIC for conversion. The absence of the rich set of functions found in other RDBMS
shows the AS/400 legacy. IBM assumes that you set up a database to work in a specific character set and stay there.
In the personal edition of DB2 UDB version 8.1 this function is not supported.

Data type specific conversion functions

In addition to the universal CAST function, Oracle has a number of conversion functions specifically for one data type;
the same goes for DB2 UDB where data type declarations are conversion functions at the same time.

There is no difference in results produced by either function, and the only reason for using them is convenience.

The use of
VARCHAR2(10)) char_date FROM dual; char_date ----------- 10-SEP-02
is equivalent to Oracle's
dual; char_date ----------- 10-SEP-02

and is identical to IBM DB2 UDB's

char_date FROM sysibm.sysdummy1 char_date ----------- 09/10/02

Note The actual format of the displayed string depends on your system settings, and it always could be changed with a
formatting function.

Oracle's conversion function for a specific type includes TO_DATE, TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_CLOB. For IBM
DB2 UDB, as mentioned before, the data type declaration is overloaded with an additional conversion functionality.

Cross-References For a comprehensive list of vendor-specific functions, seeAppendix G.

Cross-References A data type could be converted into another data type only if the type it is converted
into is compatible with the original. Since each RDBMS implements its own data
types, the conversion rules are different for each of them. Appendix K contains a
matrix table of data conversions for the MS SQL Server, Oracle 9i, and IBM DB2
UDB data types.

Miscellaneous functions

With every classification there are always some functions that do not fit into a single well-defined category. We've
grouped such functions into a "Miscellaneous" category (Table 10-14).
Table 10-14: Miscellaneous Functions

ORACLE 9i IBM DB2 UDB 8.1 MS SQL Server 2000 Description


(expression1, (expression1, (expression1, on the list that is not
expression2, expression2, expression2, NULL. VALUE
expression3 ...) expression3 ...) expression3 ...)

CASE (expression) CASE (expression) CASE (expression) Compares input

WHEN <compare WHEN <compare WHEN <compare expression to some
value> value> value> predefined values, and
THEN <substitute THEN <substitute THEN<substitute outputs a substitute
value> value> value> value, either hard
ELSE END ELSE END ELSE END coded or calculated.
(expression compare
value, substitute value

NULLIF (expression1, NULLIF (expression1, NULLIF (expression1, Compares two

expression2) expression2) expression2) expressions; if they are
null, returns NULL,
otherwise the first
expression is returned.

NVL COALESCE ISNULL (expression, Checks whether

(expression, value) (expression, value) value) expression is null, and if
it is returns specified

NVL2 (expression, N/A N/A If the expression is

value1, value2) NULL, returns first
value, otherwise returns
the second one.


CASE is an SQL99 keyword that is implemented as a DECODE function in Oracle. Microsoft and DB2 UDB allow the
CASE statement to be used with a standard SELECT statement, and DB2 UDB also uses it as a part of its procedural
extension to SQL.

Oracle's DECODE function allows you to modify the output of the SELECT statement depending on certain conditions. It
compares an expression (usually a column value) to each search value one by one. If a match is found, the function
returns the corresponding result, otherwise it returns the default value; if no match is found and no default specified,
the function returns NULL. In addition to DECODE, Oracle 9i also has a CASE statement that is identical in usage to that
of the other RDBMS discussed.

The CASE statement produces similar results though using somewhat different syntax — and no function is involved.

For example, you can prepare a list where a customer's name is listed alongside its credit status. In our ACME
database table CUSTOMER, column CUST_CREDHOLD_S defines whether this particular customer is allowed to order
on credit. If it is, the column value is 'Y,' otherwise it displays 'N.' The simple SELECT that fetches two columns looks
as follows (the syntax is valid for all three vendors):
SELECT cust_name_s,
cust_credhold_s FROM customer; cust_name_s cust_credhold_s
---------------------------- --------------- WILE SEAL CORP. Y MAGNETICS USA
While technically correct, such a report requires additional information on how to interpret the somewhat cryptic 'Y' and
'N.' The query that would resolve the problem in Oracle (old syntax) is:
SELECT cust_name_s,
DECODE(cust_credhold_s, 'Y', 'good credit', 'N', 'on hold', 'undefined') FROM
customer; cust_name_s ---------------------------- --------------- WILE SEAL
hold' FAIR PARK GARDENS 'on hold'

And this example produces identical results in the MS SQL Server 2000, IBM DB2 UDB, and Oracle 9i:
SELECT cust_name_s, CASE
cust_credhold_s WHEN 'Y' THEN 'good credit' WHEN 'N' THEN 'on hold' ELSE
'undefined' END FROM customer cust_name_s ----------------------------
--------------- WILE SEAL CORP. 'good credit' MAGNETICS USA INC. 'on hold'

In plain English the DECODE statement in this query means: if the value in the column CUST_CREDHOLD_S is 'Y,' then
replace it in the output with 'good credit' string; if the value is 'N,' then put 'on hold' in its place, if it is neither 'Y' nor 'N,'
then replace it with 'undefined.'

Note Oracle introduced CASE expressions in version 9i; previous versions used the DECODE function exclusively, and it
is still supported for backward compatibility.

When using CASE expressions with DB2 UDB, you must have theELSE clause; if there is no action to take and
there is no matching case, add ELSE NULL.

You could use both functions in several ways; here we're just showing a few basic examples of how they are used. For
instance, usage is not limited to SELECT queries, you also can use them in UPDATE. The column CUST_STATUS_S can
only accept values 'Y' and 'N,' but the following query reverses these values, putting 'N' in place of 'Y' and vice versa:
cust_status_s = CASE cust_status_s WHEN 'Y' then 'N' ELSE 'Y' END (37 row(s)

Other uses for the function include the WHERE clause and nested queries. Refer to the vendor's documentation for
detailed discussions of these features.


These two functions are special cases of the Oracle DECODE function and the CASE expression, dealing with NULL
values exclusively; they are found in all three databases.

Note IBM DB2 UDB also has a VALUE function that operates in exactly the same way asCOALESCE; Oracle's function
VALUE has nothing to do with NULLs and belongs to the object-oriented features domain.

The function NULLIF compares two expressions; if they are equal, it returns NULL, otherwise it returns the first
expression. For example, in our CUSTOMER table we not only have CUST_CREDHOLD_S information but also a
CUST_STATUS_S column that tells us whether or not this customer is active. If CUST_CREDHOLD_S and
CUST_STATUS_S s contain the same values, we return NULL, otherwise CUST_CREDHOLD_S value. Such a technique
might be useful for discovering discrepancies in the company rules. If customer credit is on hold (N), then its status
also has to be N;, if NULLs are detected, the conflict must be resolved manually by one of the managers:
NULLIF(cust_credhold_s, cust_status_s) compare_stat FROM customer compare_stat
------------ NULL N N N

The syntax for the NULLIF function is identical across all three RDBMS.

The COALESCE function takes the principle of NULLIF a step further — it returns the very first argument on the list that
is not NULL. For example, you've devised several methods for your customers to pay their bills — credit account, direct
deposit, and mail-in check. If you are about to send a customer a bill but do not remember which method was
approved for this particular customer, this query might help:
SELECT customer_id,
COALESCE(visa_account, direct_deposit, check_account) FROM

The ACCOUNT_MANAGEMENT table is not in our ACME database, but this example gives you an idea how to use the
COALESCE function. The syntax for this function is identical for all three RDBMS vendors.


These functions are used to detect NULLs in the fetched values and take action by replacing NULL values with
non-NULL values. NVL is Oracle's equivalent of the SQL Server's ISNULL function; DB2 UDB does not have NULL
detection functions, but you may use the COALESCE function to achieve similar results.

An example of Oracle's NVL function is:

cust_name_s, NVL(cust_alias_s, 'undefined') FROM customer; cust_name_s
alias_status --------------------- ----------------- WILE SEAL CORP. MNGA71396
GARDENS undefined INTEREX USA undefined

This query will return a list of customer names and their corresponding aliases. For the customers where an alias
value is not yet entered (and therefore contains NULL), the resulting list would contain 'undefined.' In the SQL Server's
syntax this query would look as follows:
cust_name_s, ISNULL(cust_alias_s, 'undefined') alias_status FROM customer
cust_name_s alias_status ----------------------------- --------------- WILE
MNGA71400 FAIR PARK GARDENS undefined INTEREX USA undefined

As we've mentioned, the DB2 UDB equivalent would use the COALESCE function:
cust_name_s, COALESCE(cust_alias_s, 'undefined') alias_status FROM customer
cust_name_s alias_status -----------------------------

The result of this query in DB2 UDB and the SQL Server is identical to that shown previously for Oracle 9i.

Oracle 9i also has a more evolved NVL2 function, which differs in action from the regular NVL function. It allows for
more than one substitution based on whether the expression is NULL or not. If, for instance, you wish to check what
customers were assigned aliases and which were not, this query would do the job:
cust_name_s, NVL2(cust_alias_s, 'alias assigned', 'not assigned' ) alias_status
FROM customer; cust_name_s alias_status --------------------- -----------------
DEVICES INC. alias assigned FAIR PARK GARDENS not assigned INTEREX USA not

In the above query, if the customer alias column contains NULL then 'not assigned' will be included in the final
resultset, otherwise 'alias assigned' will be included.

The arguments for expression2 and expression3 can be of any data type except LONG , the expression1 can be of any
data type.

Note All three RDBMS have a number of functions that are not covered in this chapter. This refers to Oracle 9i cursor,
analytical, and object reference functions; IBM DB2 UDB table functions and expressions; as well as Microsoft
SQL Server 2000 system functions, text and image functions, rowset functions, and so on. These functions
represent vendor-specific extensions and are rarely used; they also require advanced understanding of a
particular RDBMS structure. Most of these are mentioned in Appendix G.
Conversion Pitfalls

For every function that substitutes one value for another, it is important to specify data of compatible data types:
the substitute value must match that of the column. For example, if instead of 'undefined' we put a number 0, the
MS SQL Server and IBM DB2 UDB databases would generate an error complaining about inability to convert

Oracle would implicitly convert NUMBER into VARCHAR2, but not vice versa. The following query demonstrates
this distinctive Oracle' behavior:
SELECT '4'||5
concat_value, '4'+ 5 sum_value FROM dual; concat_value sum_value
---------------- ----------- 45 @SB code:9

Based on the operator's function, Oracle implicitly converted the literal 4 (a character, defined by single quotes)
into the NUMBER data type for the SUM_VALUES (operator +), and for the CONCAT_VALUE (operator ||). The
number 5 was converted into a string.

User-Defined Functions

User-defined functions extend the built-in functionality provided with RDBMS products. They are not a part of the SQL
standard, and as such are out of the scope of this book. The syntax for creating a function within RDBMS (the CREATE
FUNCTION) is similar across all three vendors; it is created just as any other RDBMS object.

Although not every vendor provides an ability to add custom functions, all "big three" RDBMS vendors provide this
capability with their RDBMS, thus enabling code reuse (the same functions could be called by many users/programs).

The user-defined functions are usually implemented in a procedural language, which includes Java and PL/SQL for
Oracle, Transact-SQL and C (for extended stored procedures) for the Microsoft SQL Server 2000, and Java and IBM
SQL for IBM DB2 UDB 8.1. The syntax vastly differs among these RDBMS.

In addition to the functions created and maintained within RDBMS, all three vendors provide scripts and executables
capabilities for calling external objects maintained by the operating system. The mechanisms for invoking external
programs are different, but the principle is the same — provide an ability to communicate with outside OS, without
restrictions imposed by RDBMS framework. Such programs could be written in any language supported by OS.

The MS SQL Server 2000 also has the ability to invoke and execute OLE (ActiveX) objects within SQL code inside
stored procedures via a special set of system-stored procedures.
SQL built-in functions complement inherent deficiencies in the nonprocedural language. They perform many tasks,
ranging from rounding numbers to strings manipulation to conversion of data types into the sophisticated logic of
substitute functions like DECODE.

While the number of functions defined in SQL92/99 standards is relatively small, every RDBMS vendor has its own set
of these useful tools well in excess of hundreds. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise that functions differ across
the vendors — in capability, implementation details, syntax, or simply being included or excluded from the

This chapter contains a comprehensive overview of the most important functions, as well as the correspondence
between the three RDBMS implementations in terms of producing similar outcomes. The function classifications in this
chapter are based on the data types of the arguments used by the functions to perform operations (for example,
character data, numeric data, date), and on general functionalities (like conversion). Some functions that have
advanced or nonstandard features are included in the chapters that discuss topics relevant to those functions: security
functions are covered in the security chapter, and XML functions are part of the chapter on latest SQL developments.
Chapter 11: SQL Operators

Operators in SQL are defined as symbols and keywords that are used to specify an action to be performed on one or
more expression called operands or arguments.

There are two general types of operators

Unary Operators. Applied to only one operand at the time; the typical format is <operator><operand>.

Binary Operators. Applied to two operands at the time; they usually appear in format
Arithmetic Operators
These operators, just as the name implies, are used for arithmetic computations. The use of the arithmetic operators is
very intuitive (assuming that one did not flunk elementary school), and they can be used in virtually every clause of the
SQL statement. The full list of arithmetic operators is given in Table 11-1.

Table 11-1: Arithmetic Operators

Operator Description

+ Addition; adds two numbers or — in the case of MS SQL Server — also concatenates
strings. With this exception, the usage is identical across all three databases. Only MS SQL
Server overloads the operator, using it both for concatenation and addition.

- Subtraction; subtracts one numeric value from another. The usage is identical across all
three databases.
It is also used as a sign identity or unary negation operator.

* Multiplication; multiplies one number by another. The usage is identical across all three

/ Division; divides one number by another. The usage is identical across all three databases.

|| Concatenation operator; concatenates character strings; valid for Oracle and IBM DB2
UDB only.

% Modulo; calculates integer remainder of a division. This is an MS SQL Server-only

operator. The functionality of this operator is represented by the MOD function in both
Oracle and IBM DB2 UDB.

While doing arithmetic in SQL is relatively easy, one must pay attention to the data type used in the operations; for
numeric values that would mean the precision and scale of the result; for datetime, the range of the resulting values
and so on.

Some databases (like Oracle) would perform implicit conversion (whenever possible) if data types are not compatible
with operator (e.g., string value used with addition operator); the others (DB2 UDB and SQL Server) would require
explicit conversion into a compatible data type to perform an operation.

Here are several examples of arithmetic operator usage. To add two values in Oracle, the following query could be
SELECT 5 + 5 total_value FROM
dual; total_value ----------- 10

The resulting TOTAL_VALUE is of a numeric data type; if, instead of the addition operator, the concatenation operator is
used, the result would be quite different:
SELECT 5 || 5 total_value FROM
dual; total_value ----------- 55

Here, Oracle implicitly converted numbers into characters and the TOTAL_VALUE is a result of this concatenation of
the character data type. DB2 UDB also recognizes the concatenation operator, though it does not perform implicit
conversion; this example executed in UDB would generate an error, requiring explicit data type conversion of the
numbers into strings.

MS SQL Server works differently — it overloads the addition operator, for example, the addition operator is also used
for concatenating strings. The decision to add operands or concatenate them is made based upon the operand's data
types: SQL Server will add numbers and concatenate strings. The following examples demonstrate this functionality.
This query has two integers as operands, and SQL Server calculates the sum of these (also an integer):
SELECT 5 + 5 total_value
total_value ----------- 10

The following query uses two characters (signified by single quotes for literal values), and the result is concatenation
(character data):
SELECT '5' + '5' total_value
total_value ----------- 55

This operator also is used in date arithmetic. While numerous functions could be employed to add and subtract dates,
the same functionality can be achieved with arithmetic operators. Here is an example of adding 10 days to a date in
MS SQL Server 2000 (date is given as a literal and is converted to a datetime data type to ensure proper handling):
SELECT CAST('09/10/2003 12:00 AM'
AS DATETIME) + 10 AS result_date result_date -------------------------
2003-09-20 00:00:00.000

The date arithmetic could be very confusing. Oracle allows for extensive use of arithmetic for date manipulation, as
does IBM DB2 UDB — whereas Microsoft SQL Server clearly steers users to use date- and time-related functions.

The following are examples of date arithmetic in Oracle. The first query adds a specified number of days to the
specified date; the date might come from the table or be requested from the RDBMS:
result_date FROM dual; SYSDATE result_date ---------- ------------ 9/17/2003

For instance, to add two hours, the following operation could be used:
result_date FROM dual; SYSDATE result_date ---------------------
--------------------- 9/22/2003 11:04:05 AM 9/22/2003 1:04:05

By adding 24/24 (evaluating to 1), you are essentially adding 1 day; henceforth 2/24 constitute 2 hours.

The same goes for the minutes and seconds:

1/(24*60) result_date FROM dual; SYSDATE result_date ---------------------
--------------------- 9/22/2003 11:08:26 AM 9/22/2003 11:09:26

Note The parentheses around the 24*60 are significant. As you will learn in this chapter, the results are dependent on
the precedence of operators used in the expression; these brackets make sure that 1 is divided by the product of
24 multiplied by 60 (number of minutes).

Of course, the same manipulations would apply to other operators — as long as the operands are of compatible data
types. You cannot multiply or divide dates, for example; only addition and subtraction is allowed. For the regular
numeric data types, any arithmetic operator is valid.

For example, if you would like to calculate amount of sales tax (say, 8.5%) imposed on each of your transactions as
recorded in the ACME database, view V_CUSTOMER_TOTALS:
SELECT order_number, total_price,
total_price * 0.085 tax FROM v_customer_totals order_number total_price tax
---------------- ----------- --------- 523720 7511.00 638.43500 523721 8390.00
713.15000 523722 6608.00 561.68000

The modulo operator (%) calculates the integer remainder of a division. This is MS SQL Server-specific operator, as
both Oracle and IBM use the MOD function instead. The following query calculates modulo of the integer 5 divided by
3 in MS SQL Server:
SELECT 5%3 remainder remainder
--------- 2
Which is absolutely identical to the Oracle and IBM DB2 UDB function MOD (where SYSDUMMY1 table is Oracle's
equivalent of DUAL):
SELECT MOD(5,3) remainder FROM
sysibm.sysdummy1 remainder --------- 2

Caution SQL Server and Oracle would allow NULLs to be used with arithmetic operators (e.g.,SELECT SYSDATE +
NULL FROM DUAL; the result is NULL). It is important to understand, that for any operator given aNULL operand,
the result always will be NULL — no matter what the other operand may be. Oracle excepts the concatenation
operator from this rule, whereas IBM DB2 UDB does not allow NULLs in any operator's context.
Logical Operators
These operators are used to evaluate some set of conditions, and the returned result is always of value of TRUE,
FALSE or "unknown."

Note Starting from Oracle 9i RDBMS release, Oracle lists logical operators as SQL Conditions. Previous versions refer
to Comparison Operators and/or Logical Operators. IBM DB2 UDB uses term Predicates instead of Operators
(which is totally misleading, in our opinion).

Table 11-2 lists all the logical operators supported in SQL.

Table 11-2: SQL Logical Operators

Operator Action

ALL Evaluates to TRUE if all of a set of comparisons are TRUE.

AND Evaluates to TRUE if both Boolean expressions are TRUE.

ANY Evaluates to TRUE if any one of a set of comparisons are TRUE.

BETWEEN Evaluates to TRUE if the operand is within a range.

EXISTS Evaluates to TRUE if a subquery contains any rows.

IN Evaluates to TRUE if the operand is equal to one of a list of expressions.

LIKE Evaluates to TRUE if the operand matches a pattern.

NOT Reverses the value of any other Boolean operator.

OR Evaluates to TRUE if either Boolean expression is TRUE.

SOME Evaluates to TRUE if some of a set of comparisons are TRUE.


Compares a scalar value with a single-column set of values. It is used in conjunction with comparison operators and is
sometimes classified as a comparison operator. It returns TRUE when specified condition is TRUE for all pairs;
otherwise it returns FALSE. The example of its usage is given in Chapter 8, the section "Using Subqueries in a
WHERE clause."


Compares a scalar value with a single-column set of values. The keywords ANY and SOME are completely
interchangeable. The operator returns TRUE if specified condition is valid for any pair; otherwise it returns FALSE. The
example of its usage is given in Chapter 8, the section "Using Subqueries in a WHERE clause."

Note For Microsoft SQL Server and IBM DB2 UDB, operators ANY | SOME could only be used with a subquery; only
Oracle allows for the list of scalar values to be used with it.

BETWEEN <expression> AND <expression>

The BETWEEN operator allows for "approximate" matching of the selection criteria. It returns TRUE if the expression
evaluates to be greater or equal to the value of the start expression, and is less or equal to the value of the end
expression. Used with negation operator NOT, the expression evaluates to TRUE only when its value is less than that
of the start expression, or greater than the value of the end expression.
Note AND keyword used in conjunction with BETWEEN operator is not the same as the AND operator explained later
in the chapter

The following query retrieves data about product ID, product description and product price from the PRODUCT table,
where product price is in the range between 15 and 25 dollars.
SELECT prod_id_n,
prod_description_s description, prod_price_n price FROM product WHERE
prod_price_n BETWEEN 15 AND 25 prod_id_n description price ---------
------------------------ ----- 990 SPRUCE LUMBER 30X40X50 18.24 3045 STOOL CAPS
9'' 15.92 4055 GAZEBOS 40X30X60 16.03 4761 BAR
RAILS 24X48X128 23.10 4964 BASES 30X45X60 23.10 5786 CRATING MATERIAL 12X48X72
17.90 (6 row(s) affected)

Note that the border values are included into the final result set. The operator works identically across all three
databases and could be used with a number of different data types: dates, numbers, and strings.

Though rules for evaluation strings are the same, the produced results are not that straightforward as those with the
numbers. The string are evaluated according to the characters in the value, and unless full string is specified, the
border limit values are not included. For example, if one wants to get the product's information for a range of
descriptions starting with "C" and "S," the following query could be used:
SELECT prod_id_n,
prod_description_s description, prod_price_n price FROM product WHERE
prod_description_s BETWEEN 'C' AND 'S' prod_id_n description price ---------
---------------------------- ----- 4000 HAND RAILS ROUNDS 48X48X12 11.80 4055
GAZEBOS 40X30X60 16.03 5786 CRATING MATERIAL 12X48X72 17.90 (3 row(s)

Note that the product with description 'SPRUCE LUMBER 30X40X50' was not included in spite that it does starts with
'S'; the cut-off criterion 'S' implies that only description consisting of a single 'S' answers the condition; using wildcard
characters (see later in the chapter) does not help in this case. To include the product for the above description, the
full value must be used, or the first TWO characters of the value next in line (see the query above), and so on
SELECT prod_id_n,
prod_description_s description, prod_price_n price FROM product WHERE
prod_description_s BETWEEN 'C' AND 'ST' prod_id_n prod_description_s
prod_price_n --------- ------------------------------- ------------ 990 SPRUCE
LUMBER 30X40X50 18.24 4000 HAND
RAILS ROUNDS 48X48X12 11.80 4055 GAZEBOS 40X30X60 16.03 5786 CRATING MATERIAL
12X48X72 17.90 (4 row(s) affected)


This operator matches any given value to that on the list — either represented by literals, or returned in subquery. The
following query illustrates the concept of the IN operator
SELECT prod_id_n,
prod_description_s description, prod_price_n price FROM product WHERE
prod_price_n IN (10,15,18.24,16.03) prod_id_n description price ---------
------------------------ ----- 990 SPRUCE LUMBER 30X40X50 18.24 4055 GAZEBOS
40X30X60 16.03 (2 row(s) affected)

Since we do not have products priced exactly at 10 or 15 dollars, only two matching records were returned.

Note The data type of the expression evaluated against the list must be correspond to the data type of the list values.
Some RDBMS would implicitly convert between compatible data types (e.g. MS SQL Server 2000 and Oracle 9i
both would accept the list like follows (10,15,'18.24', 16.03) — mixing numbers with strings, while IBM DB2 UDB
would generate an error SQL0415N, SQLSTATE 42825).

The operator IN behavior could be emulated (to a certain extent) by using OR operator. The following query would
bring the result set identical to that returned by the query using a list of literals
SELECT prod_id_n,
prod_description_s description, prod_price_n price FROM product WHERE
prod_price_n = 10 OR prod_price_n = 15 OR
prod_price_n = 18.24 OR prod_price_n = 16.03 prod_id_n description price
--------- ------------------------ ----- 990 SPRUCE LUMBER 30X40X50 18.24 4055
GAZEBOS 40X30X60 16.03 (2 row(s) affected)

The values on the IN list could be generated dynamically from a subquery. The following query retrieves all
descriptions for the products that were sold in quantities of less than 90 items:
SELECT prod_description_s FROM
product WHERE prod_id_n IN (SELECT ordline_prodid_fn FROM order_line WHERE
ordline_ordqty_n < 90) prod_description_s
-------------------------------------------- HAND RAILS ROUNDS 48X48X12 BAR
row(s) affected)

Using NOT operator in conjunction with IN would return all records that are not within the specified list of values —
either predefined or generated from a subquery.


The EXISTS operator checks for the existence of any rows with matched values in the subquery. The subquery could
query the same table, or different table(s), or a combination of both (see Chapter 8 for information on correlated
query). The operator acts identically in all three RDBMS implementations

EXISTS usage resembles that of IN operator (normally used with correlated query, discussed in Chapter 8). The
following SQL query produces results identical to those produced by the queries in the above examples:
SELECT prod_description_s FROM
product WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM order_line WHERE ordline_prodid_fn =
product.prod_id_n AND ordline_ordqty_n < 90) prod_description_s
-------------------------------------------- HAND RAILS ROUNDS 48X48X12 BAR
row(s) affected)

The use of an additional condition (ordline_prodid_fn = product.prod_id_n) is necessary to limit output to those records
from PRODUCT to only those that have corresponding records in ORDER_LINE table – i.e., only those products for
which there are orders. Without this condition, the query would bring all products from the PRODUCTS table.

Note While it is possible to specify a nonempty list of values with the EXIST operator, it would always evaluate to
TRUE. For example, the following query would return all records from the table PRODUCT, because the
subquery always would evaluate to TRUE:
SELECT prod_description_s

The EXISTS operator produces results identical to '= ANY' from the examples in the respective sections. Using
operator NOT in conjunction with EXISTS results in records when no rows are returned by a subquery.


Operator LIKE belongs to the "fuzzy logic" domain. It is used any time when criteria in the WHERE clause of the
SELECT query are only partially known. It utilizes a variety of wildcard characters to specify the missing parts of the
value (Table 11-3). The pattern must follow the LIKE keyword.
Table 11-3: Wildcard Characters for use with Operator LIKE

Character Description Implementation

% Matches any string of zero or more Oracle, IBM DB2 UDB, MS SQL Server
characters 2000

_ (underscore) Matches any single character within a Oracle, IBM DB2 UDB, MS SQL Server
string 2000

[] Matches any single character within Microsoft SQL 2000 only

the specified range or set of

[^] Matches any single character NOT Microsoft SQL 2000 only
within specified range or set of

The following query requests information from the table CUSTOMER of the ACME database, where customer name
(field CUST_NAME_S) starts with 'WILE'
cust_id_n, cust_name_s FROM customer WHERE cust_name_s LIKE 'WILE%' cust_id_n
cust_name_s --------- -------------------------------- 152 WILE BESS COMPANY 55
WILE SEAL CORP. (5 row(s) affected)

Note that blank spaces are considered to be characters for the purpose of the search.

If, for example, we need to refine a search to find a company whose name starts with WILE and has a second part
sounding like EAL ("MEAL"? "SEAL"?), the following query would help:
cust_id_n, cust_name_s FROM customer WHERE
cust_name_s LIKE 'WILE% _EAL%' cust_id_n cust_name_s ---------
------------------------------ 1 WILE SEAL CORP. (1 row(s)

In plane English, this query translates as "all records from the table CUSTOMER where field CUST_NAME_S contains
the following sequence of characters: the value starts with WILE followed by unspecified number of characters, then
blank space, and the second part of the value starts with some letter or number followed by combination EAL; the rest
of the characters is unspecified".

In Microsoft SQL Server (and Sybase, as well), you also may use matching pattern that specifies range of characters.
The following query retrieves records for the customer whose second part of the name starts with either 'S' or 'B':
cust_id_n, cust_name_s FROM customer WHERE cust_name_s LIKE 'WILE% [S,B]%'
cust_id_n cust_name_s --------- ------------------------------------ 152 WILE
BESS COMPANY 1 WILE SEAL CORP. (2 row(s) affected)

ESCAPE clause in conjunction with the LIKE operator allows for inclusion wildcard characters themselves to be
included in the search string. It allows you to specify an escape character to be used to identify special characters
within the search string that should be treated as "regular" ones. Virtually any character could be designated as an
escape character in a query, though caution must be exercised in order not to use characters that might be
encountered in the values themselves (e.g., use of the '%' or 'L' as an escape character would result in erroneous
results to be returned). The clause is supported by all three major databases and is part of SQL standard.

The following example uses an underscore sign (_) as one of the search characters; it queries
INFORMATION_SCHEMA view (Microsoft SQL Server 2000 specific view for accessing information about objects
present in the current database; covered in detail in Chapter 13):
SELECT table_name, table_type
table_name table_type --------------- ---------- ORDER_LINE BASE TABLE (1
row(s) affected)

The query requests records from the view where table name starts with 'ORD' followed by unspecified number of
characters, has an underscore "_" as part of its name, followed by 'L' and, again, ending with an unspecified number of
characters. Since the underscore character has a special meaning as a wildcard character it has to be preceded by an
escape character '/'. As you can see, the table name ORDER_LINE uniquely fits these requirements.

Note Oracle 9i specifies four types of LIKE operator: LIKE, LIKEC, LIKE2, and LIKE4. The first evaluates a string as
defined by the input value character set, the second (LIKEC) assumes UNICODE complete set, while LIKE2 and
LIKE4 subsets use USC2 (fixed-width, 2 bytes/16-bit encoding of the UNICODE characters) and USC4 (4
bytes/32-bit encoding) codepoints, respectively. The term USC refers to Universal Multiple-Octet Coded
Character Set.

With a bit of practice one could construct quite sophisticated pattern matching queries. Here is an example: the query
that specifies exactly three characters preceding 'E' in the first part of the name, followed by unspecified number of
characters, exactly one character preceding letters 'ES' in the second part, followed by unspecified number of
cust_id_n, cust_name_s FROM customer WHERE cust_name_s LIKE '___E% _ES%'
cust_id_n cust_name_s --------- ----------------------------------------- 89

The results might be surprising at first glance: why does the resultset include 'INTEGRATED POWER DESIGNS'? To
understand the results one should recall that '%' stands for any character, blank spaces included; therefore 'GRATED
POWER' string fits the criteria; it is followed by a blank space and a word that includes 'ES' as the second and first

Note In a search for similarly sounding names use SOUNDEX function, described inChapter 10.


AND combines two Boolean expressions and returns TRUE when both expressions are TRUE. The following query
returns records for the product with a unit price over $20 and whose description starts with 'S':
SELECT prod_id_n,
prod_description_s description, prod_price_n price FROM product WHERE
prod_price_n > 20 AND prod_description_s LIKE 'S%' prod_id_n description
price --------- ------------------------ ----- 1880 STEEL NAILS 6'' 33.28 2871
STOOL CAPS 5'' 26.82 (2 row(s) affected)

Only records that answer both criteria are selected.

When more than one logical operator is used in a statement, AND operators are evaluated first. The order of
evaluation could be changed through use of parentheses.


This operator negates a Boolean input. It could be used to reverse output of any other logical operator discussed so
far in this chapter. Here is a simple example using IN operator.
SELECT prod_id_n,
prod_description_s description, prod_price_n price FROM product

WHERE prod_price_n NOT IN (10,15,18.24,16.03) prod_id_n description price

--------- ----------------------------- ----- 1880 STEEL NAILS 6'' 33.28 2871
STOOL CAPS 5'' 26.82 3045 STOOL CAPS 9'' 15.92 4000 HAND RAILS ROUNDS 48X48X12
11.80 4761 BAR RAILS 24X48X128 23.10 4906 BAR RAILS 30X45X60 27.00 4964 BASES
30X45X60 23.10 5786 CRATING MATERIAL 12X48X72 17.90 (8 row(s)
The query returned information for the products whose price does not match any on the supplied list, i.e., where
operator IN returns TRUE (match) it becomes FALSE, while FALSE (no match) translates into TRUE.


Combines two conditions according to the rules of Boolean logic (see Appendix L for more information on Boolean
logic). When more than one logical operator is used in a statement, OR operators are evaluated after AND operators.
However, you can change the order of evaluation by using parentheses. The example of the usage of the OR operator
is given earlier in the chapter, in a paragraph discussing operator IN.
Operator Precedence
Precedence represents the order in which operators from the same expression are being evaluated. When several
operators are used together, the operators with higher precedence are evaluated before those with the lower
precedence. In general, the operators' precedence follows the same rules as in the high school math, which might be
somewhat counterintuitive. The order of the precedence is indicated in Table 11-4.

Table 11-4: Operators Precedence

Operator Precedence

Unary operators, bitwise NOT (MS SQL Server only) 1

Multiplication and division 2

Addition, subtraction, and concatenation 3

SQL conditions 4

The evaluation precedence could dramatically affect results of the query. Consider the following Oracle query, which
supposedly calculates value as TOTAL_PRICE + 4 * 0.085:
SELECT total_price, total_price
+ 4 * 0.085 tax FROM v_customer_totals total_price tax ----------- -------
7538.20 7538.54 8420.10 8420.44 6630.40 6630.74

Depending on how you are inclined to count, it might mean that you want to increase all your prices by four dollars and
then calculate 8.5 percent of the result; or — if operators' precedence rules are taken into consideration — it means
that you would like to increase the price by 0.34 cents. Of course, RDBMS would follow the rules of precedence and
would first multiply 4 by 0.085 and then add the result to whatever value there is in the TOTAL_PRICE column.

You may be wondering how the minus (–) and plus (+ ) operators are of the first and third precedence at the same
time. This is just another example of an operator's overloading: in addition to performing subtraction and addition
operations, they also signify the unary operators negation and sign identity (like –5 or +5). For example, the following
expression will evaluate to a negative number rather than a positive one:
SELECT -2 * 3 + 5 result FROM
dual; result ------ -1

Instead of -11, as you might have expected, this expression evaluates to –1 because the sign of the multiplier 2 is
taken into consideration before the multiplication. If we employ brackets to apply the minus sign last, the result is
SELECT –(2 * 3 + 5) result FROM
dual; result ------ -11

The unary operator + does not affect its operand, while – changes it to negative, as illustrated in the following example
(applies to all three RDBMS):
SELECT –(+total_price)
minus_first, +(-total_price) plus_first FROM v_customer_totals minus_first
plus_first ----------- ---------- -7538.20 -7538.20 -8420.10 -8420.10 . . . . .
. -6630.40 -6630.40 . . . . . . -12138.60 -12138.60

Why Operator Precedence Is Important

The issue of operator precedence is not as trivial as it may seem. Take, for example, a ubiquitous computer
program such as Microsoft Calculator (or any modern calculator, for that matter), which is bundled with every
copy of the Windows operating system. It seems as if this program differentiates between Standard and
Scientific types of calculations. When Standard mode is selected from the View menu, the expression 5+4*3, for
example, evaluates to 27, and if a Scientific mode is selected from the menu, exactly the same expression
suddenly gives 17 as an answer; a regular calculator would insist on 27 as a correct answer, no matter what.

For a historical reason — namely, dearth of memory, the first calculators had only two registers (i.e., storage for
input numbers) so only two numbers could be placed there and then an operation had to be performed to free
up space for the next number. In our example it would look like the following sequence of instructions: put 5 into
one register, then put 4 into the second register, perform operation (+), save the result into one of the registers,
put number 3 into the second register, perform operation (*), and so on.

The result is calculated after each operator button is pressed. Gradually, as hardware became cheaper, it
became possible to use more than two registers — and implement precedence rules that had been established
in mathematics for centuries.

By then, there was already a huge amount of calculators out there doing math the "simple" way, and rather than
risk consumer revolt, vendors decided on having two types of calculators — one for "normal" people, and one for
the "scientific" ones. This, of course, was transferred into software calculators.

As you can see, the order of unary operators did not affect the result it turned out negative in both cases.

Tip You can change the precedence of operations (not operators!) by using parentheses.

The previous expression would evaluate to the different values if parentheses were used:
SELECT total_price, (total_price
+ 4) * 0.085 price_increase1, total_price + 4 * 0.085 price_increase2 FROM
v_customer_totals; total_price value1 value2 ----------- --------- -------
7538.20 641.08700 7538.54 8420.10 716.04850 8420.44 6630.40 563.92400
Assignment Operator
The assignment operator is one of the most intuitive to use. It assigns a value to a variable. The only confusion in
using this operator could stem from its overloading. All RDBMS overload this operator with an additional function —
comparison — in the SQL.

The equals operator (= ) is used as an assignment in the following SQL query that updates the price (PROD_PRICE_N)
column in the PRODUCT table, raising the existing prices by 2 percent:
UPDATE product SET prod_price_n
= prod_price_n * 1.02 (10 row(s) affected)

And the same operator would be used for comparing values when used, for example, in the WHERE clause of an SQL
UPDATE product SET prod_price_n
= prod_price_n * 1.02 WHERE prod_id_n = 1880 (1 row(s)

This statement assigns a 2 percent increase to a product whose ID is 1880; in the same query, the equals operator (= )
is used in its assignment and comparison capacity at the same time.

Note In some SQL procedural languages, there are distinctions between assignment and comparison operators.
Oracle PL/SQL uses := for assignment and= for comparison; MS SQL Server's Transact SQL uses only one
operator for these purposes, = , as does IBM DB2 UDB.
Comparison Operators
Comparison operators are used to compare two or more values. They are usually found in the WHERE clause of a
SELECT statement, though you may use them in any valid SQL expression.

The usage is identical across all three databases except for the nonstandard operators !< and !> — they are
recognized by IBM DB2 UDB 8.1 and MS SQL Server 2000, but are excluded from Oracle 9i. The nonstandard not
equal to operator, !=, could be used in all three dialects. Table 11-5 lists all comparison operators.

Table 11-5: Comparison Operators

Operator Description

= Equals

> Greater than

< Less than

>= Greater than or equal to

<= Less than or equal to

<> Not equal to

!= [*]
Not equal to

!< [*]
Not less than

!> [*]
Not greater than

Does not follow SQL standards

To illustrate the uses of the operators listed in Table 11-5, we're going to query the ACME database view

To restrict the number of rows returned by a query SQL uses the WHERE clause, discussed in Chapter 7. Comparison
operators logically fit into this strategy, allowing you to limit the number of rows based on some search criteria.
Consider the query that returns all rows. (We are showing only five of these here.)
SELECT customer_name,
order_number, total_price FROM v_customer_totals customer_name order_number
total_price ----------------- ----------- ----------- WILE BESS COMPANY 523720
7538.20 WILE BESS COMPANY 523723 11186.00 WILE BESS COMPANY 523724 8745.50 WILE

Someone who wanted to see, for instance, only the records for WILE BESS COMPANY would issue the following
SELECT customer_name,
order_number, total_price FROM v_customer_totals WHERE customer_name = 'WILE
BESS COMPANY' customer_name order_number total_price -----------------
------------ ----------- WILE BESS COMPANY 523720 7538.20 WILE BESS COMPANY
523723 11186.00 WILE BESS COMPANy 523724 8745.50

This query would go through all customers in the view, and by comparing the value in the column CUSTOMER_NAME
with the one supplied in the WHERE clause it would select only those that match WILE BESS COMPANY, excluding all

To find out only the records that have TOTAL_PRICE over a certain preset limit (say, $7,500), one would use the
greater than operator ( > ):
SELECT customer_name,
order_number, total_price FROM v_customer_totals WHERE total_price > 7500
customer_name order_number total_price ----------------- -----------
----------- WILE BESS COMPANY 523720 7538.20 WILE BESS COMPANY 523723 11186.00
WILE BESS COMPANy 523724 8745.50

As you can see, this effectively excluded all records where the total price was less than $7,500. If you wish to include a
cut-off value, operators greater than or equal to (>=) and/or less than or equal to (<=) might be used:
SELECT customer_name,
order_number, total_price FROM v_customer_totals WHERE total_price <=
7538.20 customer_name order_number total_price -------------------------
----------- ----------- WILE BESS COMPANY 523720 7538.20 WILE ELECTROMUSICAL
INC. 523727 6630.40 WILE ELECTROMUSICAL INC. 523728 6630.40

This query returns records from the V_CUSTOMER_TOTALS view that are equal to $7538.20 or less than this value.

To find out the orders that were placed by any of your customers but one, you would use not equal to operators — <>
or != — the latter being a nonstandard operator, supported nevertheless by all three vendors:
SELECT customer_name,
order_number,total_price FROM v_customer_totals WHERE customer_name <>
'WILE BESS COMPANY' customer_name order_number total_price
------------------------ ------------ ----------- WILE ELECTROMUSICAL INC.
523727 6630.40 WILE ELECTROMUSICAL INC. 523728 6630.40

We have mentioned earlier that the WHERE clause is not the only place where you can use comparison operators.
Chapter 10 introduced the CASE expression, which we're going to use here:
SELECT order_number, total_price
CASE WHEN total_price < 7500 THEN 'medium order' WHEN total_price > 7500
AND total_price < 10000 THEN 'big order' WHEN total_price > 10000 THEN
'very big order' ELSE 'cannot say' END FROM v_customer_totals order_number
total_price ----------- ----------- --------------- 523720 7538.20 big order
523723 11186.00 very big order 523724 8745.50 big order 523727 6630.40 medium
order 523728 6630.40 medium order.
Bitwise Operators
Bitwise operators perform bit operations on integer data types; all bitwise operators introduced into SQL by RDBMS
vendors are listed in Table 11-6. To understand the results of the bitwise operations one must understand the basics
of Boolean algebra.

Cross-References See Appendix L for more information on Boolean algebra.

Table 11-6: Bitwise Operators

Operator Description

& Bitwise AND

| Bitwise OR

/\ Bitwise exclusive OR

~ Bitwise NOT

The operands for bitwise operators can be of either the integer data type or the binary string data type (except for
IMAGE data type) category. Data type compatibility is given in Table 11-7. Bitwise operations are not typical for a
high-level language such as SQL, and one might be hard-pressed to come up with a usage example.

Table 11-7: Data Type Compatibility for Bitwise Operands

Left Operand Right Operand







One of the possible uses could be a complex bit mask made for color — after all RDBMS now supports more than just
text and numeric data. Consider a combination of zeroes and ones, for example 0101. When a binary AND is applied
to this number and to another binary number, for example 1101, it will produce the following result:
SELECT 5 & 13 result result
------ 5

The binary representation of 5 is 0101. In this example of logical AND, only 1 and 1 produce 1, any other
combinations — namely 1 and 0, or 0 and 0 — produce 0.
0101 (decimal 5) 1101 (decimal
13) ---- 0101 (decimal 5)

To decode or encode a pixel in an image stored in your database you would use bit mask and shifting. Another
possible use of the XOR (exclusive OR) operator would be to encrypt data based on some numeric key.

Using Boolean Logic for Data Safety

In the database world, safety of data is of paramount importance; it comes right after getting the software
running at all. There are different safety aspects, discussed in Chapter 12, including unauthorized access,
malicious data manipulations, and so on. Here we're going to briefly touch the data corruption issue.

Sometimes a technical glitch occurs and data gets corrupted — somewhere in the gazillions of zeroes and ones
representing data on your hard drive, a couple of bits get flipped, exchange places, or disappear altogether. You
could blame it on a power fluctuation, cosmic rays, earthquakes, and such, but the question remains — how to
restore data to a consistent state.

One of the technologies out there is RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks). While RAID does not apply
directly to SQL, it does have something important to do with RDBMS and Boolean algebra.

The idea behind RAID is to combine several relatively inexpensive disk drives into an array that works as a
single unit, thus increasing the reliability and speed of operations. There are different types of RAID architecture
(ways these disks can be combined), ranging from RAID0 to RAID5 (the first, RAID0, being just another name
for a single disk).

What makes RAID relevant to Boolean logic is that the fundamental technology behind it is striping. RAID
partitions each of the drives participating in the array into stripes that are interleaved in a sequence.

To visualize that, imagine a stack of wafers where you butter the first, third, and fifth wafers, and spread jam
over the second and fourth. In a similar manner, RAID enables you to perform different operations on the data
spread across more than one disk (drive) simultaneously, greatly improving input/output operations. In RAID3,
RAID4, and RAID5 configurations, an additional benefit of safety comes from parity, where one drive is
dedicated to storing parity information: In case of one drive failure the whole information can be recovered by
using a Boolean exclusive OR (XOR) operation of the bit information on the remaining drives.

Consider the previous example, but performing only an XOR operation instead of the logical AND. The XOR
operation follows rules of Boolean logic: 0 XOR 0 = 0, 0 XOR 1 = 1, 1 XOR 1 = 0, and 1 XOR 0 = 1. Imagine that the
first number is written on disk 1, the second is written on disk 2, and their XOR result (parity) — on disk 3. Now,
disk 2 (containing value 1101) has failed. By performing an XOR operation between data on disk 1 and data on
disk 3, you could easily restore the corrupted values:
0101 0101 1101 1000 ---- ----
1000 1101

Of course, if more than one drive fails, then this safety system would not work. The bet is on the calculated risk,
when failure of more than one drive at the same time is extremely unlikely.

All this is a fairly low level that normally is outside of the SQL programming domain, and chances are that if you
find yourself in need of more in-depth coverage of Boolean algebra, you will reach for a topic-specific book, and
not the one on general SQL issues.

Only Microsoft SQL Server provides bitwise operators; the IBM DB2 UDB dialect of SQL does not have bit operations
support built into the language itself, and Oracle 9i has a BITAND function that works identically to SQL Server's bitwise
User-defined Operators
Oracle 9i allows you to create user-defined operators. They are created using the CREATE OPERATOR statement and
are identified by names rather than by single characters. Once a user-defined operator is created it can be used just
like any of the built-in operators with the notable exception that one has to have EXECUTE privilege to this object.

User-defined operators in Oracle 9i behave very similarly to user-defined functions, because Oracle takes sets of
operands for input and returns values.

Though not emphasized in the SQL, operators serve their important role by enabling you to manipulate output and to
specify selection criteria and search conditions.

Operators can be unary or binary, depending on whether they are applied to one or two operands.

The argument of what could be considered an operator goes on for at least as long as the existence of RDBMS —
some databases insist on keywords such as LIKE, IN, EXISTS, BETWEEN and so on to be classified as operators, and
some list them as predicates. This is a rather academic discussion, as classification does not affect the way you use
either operators or predicates in SQL programming.

Operators are generally uniform across all database vendors with the notable exception of bitwise operators in
Microsoft SQL Server and nonstandard comparison operators.

The precedence of operators is an established order in which RDBMS evaluates expressions that contain more than
one operator; it is very important to take into consideration the precedence order. Using parentheses, one can specify
custom precedence in an expression (as opposed to default precedence order).
Part V: Implementing Security Using System Catalogs

Chapter List

Chapter 12: SQL and RDBMS Security

Chapter 13: The System Catalog and INFORMATION_SCHEMA

Chapter 12: SQL and RDBMS Security
SQL provides only limited security mechanisms, relying on the software to implement a more robust security
framework. Recognizing this, we've decided to give you a comprehensive overview of the RDBMS security, in addition
to detailed coverage of SQL specific security statements (both mandated by the SQL99 standard and vendor-specific

Basic Security Mechanisms

Database security is an enormous topic, and exploring the ways in which leading database vendors implemented its
various aspects is even larger. Security was not invented with the relational database; the password authentication,
locks, and other security concepts are as ancient as human history, and SQL just added a new twist. Following
SQL92/99's lead, all databases essentially comply in establishing the security procedures. There are three levels of
security common to all RDBMS:

Authentication. User connects to the RDBMS.

Authorization. User gets access to the database or database schema objects to perform certain
actions, based on the set of privileges assigned to the user.

Auditing. For monitoring suspicious (and otherwise) activity, and performing postmortem analysis.

What differs is the way each of these relational database management systems (RDBMS) implement these levels.

Identification and authentication

The first line of defense is authentication. Before you even access RDBMS you must submit sufficient information
validated either by RDBMS itself, or by the operating system within which this database is installed. Once the identity is
authenticated, you may proceed with the attempt to access the database resources, objects, and data.

Authorization and access control

Once the user is authenticated and granted access to the database, RDBMS employs a complex, finely grained
system of privileges (permissions) for the particular database objects. These privileges include permission to access,
modify, destroy, or execute relevant database objects, as well as add, modify, and delete data.


Encryption provides an additional security layer, protecting the data from unauthorized viewing. Even if access to the
database is obtained, it will not be easy to decipher encrypted data into a human readable form.

Integrity and consistency

While security is mostly based on authentication and authorization procedures, data integrity plays a certain role in
protecting data from unintentional or malicious manipulation. For example, even if a user gains access to the database
(by stealing a password, for example), s/he still has to follow relational rules for data manipulation, which, among
others, do not allow orphaned records; s/he wont be able to delete records from a parent table without understanding
database relationships (though some vendors had implemented the CASCADE feature that instructs RDBMS to
remove child records upon deletion of the parent one), won't be able to insert a duplicate a record into a column
protected by the UNIQUE constraint, or won't be able to insert invalid data that would violate CHECK constraints.


Auditing provides means to monitor database activity, both legitimate and unauthorized. It preserves the trail of
database access attempts — either successful or failed, data deletions and inserts (in case one has to find out what
had happened), and so on. It is a necessary component in order to be considered for security certification, discussed
later in the chapter.
Defining a Database User

The concept of the USER, while being plain and simple in an intuitive layman way, is one of the most confusing across
the RDBMS implementations. SQL99 does not specify any special syntax (or even a way) to create a user in the
database. Left to their own devices, the database vendors have managed to create some ingenious solutions. For
example, Oracle 9i makes little distinction between a user and the database schema, IDB DB2 UDB only uses
operating system-defined users (or those defined by some external framework), and the Microsoft SQL Server
combines both approaches, using Windows accounts and special system procedures for adding users to a database.

By definition, a database user is someone who makes use of the services provided by the RDBMS server. It could be
an application, a database administrator, or just anyone who happens to access the database at any given moment.
User authentication, as we've mentioned before, is the first line of defense when it comes to security issues.

In Oracle 9i, the syntax for creating a user is as follows:

CREATE USER <user_name>
<def_tablespace_name>] [TEMPORARY TABLESPACE <tmp_tablespace_name>]
[QUOTA (<integer> (K | M) ON <tablespace_name>],... [PROFILE
<profile_name>] [PASSWORD EXPIRE] [ACCOUNT [LOCK |

In addition to the CREATE USER privilege (explained later in the chapter), to create a user, you need, at the very least,
to specify user name and password, since most of the clauses in the statement are optional. To create a user
identified by the operating system (OS), use the keyword EXTERNALLY. For more information on OS integration, see
the sidebar "OS Security Integration" later in the chapter.

The other options are Oracle-specific, and not found in other RDBMS implementations. For example, by specifying the
PASSWORD EXPIRE clause, you are essentially telling Oracle that the password for this user expires immediately,
forcing the user to select a different password on the next connection to the database. ACCOUNT LOCK allows you to
specify, for example, that access is to be blocked after so many unsuccessful attempts (precluding password
guessing), or disable user's account when, say, employee leaves the company. This is a security measure that
prevents all "inactive" users from logging onto the database. A detailed discussion of all the Oracle-specific options is
well beyond the scope of this book.

Here is a very simple version of the CREATE USER statement:

BY it_is_me; User created.

By omitting all the optional clauses, this statement creates a user that has all the system defaults assigned: it uses
system tablespace, his/her password never expires, and so on. Needless to say, this practice has no place in a real,
live production environment. In addition to being less secure, it is also very inefficient.

Oracle 9i User PROFILE

The PROFILE clause assigns an environmental user profile that governs the user's resource access by setting
limits the user cannot exceed. If no profile is specified, then a default profile is used. To create a profile, you
must assign the CREATE PROFILE privilege — either directly or through a role (explained later in the chapter).

A profile is created with the CREATE PROFILE statement. The syntax is relatively simple:

Resource parameters could be set to integer UNLIMITED, or DEFAULT. The first explicitly specifies number of
days, retries, and so on; the second removes the limit; and DEFAULT tells Oracle to use its default value, which
is set in the system as part of the default profile (assigned to any user for whom no explicit profile was
There are a number of parameters used here, most of which require some Oracle knowledge. Many of these are
directly related to security. For example, the resource parameter SESSIONS_PER_USER limits the number of
concurrent sessions allowed for this user ID; when the number is exceeded, the logon is denied. Another
resource parameter — CONNECT_TIME — sets a limit for the connection time; yet another, IDLE_TIME, tells
Oracle exactly how long a particular connection is allowed to remain idle, terminating the connection once the
limit is reached. Of course, there are more resource parameters used for allocating system resources to a user,
which you will find in the Oracle documentation.

Among password parameters, virtually every one falls into the security domain. Parameters like
PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME, and PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME all define how passwords are created, used, and
expired. The names of the parameters describe their functions. The first, FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS, guards
against guessing the password and locks an account once the allowed number is reached. The
PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX parameter specifies number of password changes before the current password is
reused, and so on. One of the parameters (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION) allows for using custom logic,
usually implemented as PL/SQL script, for additional password verification, logging, and so on.

When a user is created, a schema corresponding to that user is also created. The newly created user has no rights or
privileges within RDBMS, but must at least be granted the CONNECT privilege to be able to connect to the Oracle
database and the set of privileges assigned on "as needed" basis (privileges and the GRANT statement syntax are
discussed later in this chapter). After these privileges have been granted, the user ACME might access database
ACME using password ACME, and perform actions based on the privileges granted.

Note In fact, that is the only way to create a "real schema"; the CREATE SCHEMA statement serves a somewhat
different purpose. See Chapter 4 for more information on creating database objects.

Of course, as with almost any Oracle database object, a USER could be either dropped or altered later on. Here is the
DROP syntax:
DROP USER <user name>

CASCADE specifies that all objects in the user's schema should be dropped before dropping the user; Oracle does not
allow dropping a user whose schema contains any objects, unless this clause is specified.

The ALTER USER statement specifies a number of changes for a user. It assigns a different profile, changes the
resources limit, changes the default tablespace, and much more. It also provides a convenient way to modify a user's
properties without the need to drop the user and then recreate it from scratch. For complete syntax of the ALTER USER
statement, refer to Oracle documentation.

Information about users in the Oracle database is accessible through the system catalogs, discussed in detail in
Chapter 13.

IBM DB2 UDB uses a combination of external security services and internal access controls. The first step in RDBMS
security is authentication. IBM DB2 UDB does not provide authentication services, relying instead on external services,
which could be implemented within the operating system, or as a third-party software product (especially in the case
where the database is installed as part of a distributed environment).

This means that a user cannot be created unless s/he also has an operating system account, be it Windows, Unix, or
any other OS. As such, all user authentication is managed outside of the DB2 UDB database. For more information,
refer to the OS Security Integration section later in this chapter, or to IBM DB2 UDB documentation.

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 can be configured for user authentication either through the Windows NT/2000 operating
system, or through Mixed Mode authentication.

In the first case, the user must belong to some predefined Windows account that allows logon to the SQL Server
database with his/her system login, which must be mapped to the internal SQL Server account. Therefore, the OS
login must be mapped to an SQL Server login in each and every database within it that this login is allowed to access.
The second case — Mixed Mode — requires the user to (1) have a valid Windows account to establish connection to
the SQL Server and (2) supply a user ID/password to be authenticated by the SQL Server.

The Microsoft SQL Server does not have the CREATE USER statement. Instead it uses several system-stored
procedures, which are special precompiled routines stored within the database server, usually written in Transact-SQL.
The stored procedures can be executed from ISQL/OSQL command-line utilities, or from the visual interface of the
Microsoft SQL Server Query Analyzer (see Appendix E for more information on accessing RDBMS).

Table 12-1 lists stored procedures utilized by user management within the SQL Server. The arguments needed to run
these stored procedures are by and large self-describing. If you are new to the MS SQL Server, consult SQL Server
Books Online (included with every installation of the RDBMS), as there are some restrictions applicable to the use of
these procedures.
Table 12-1: Selected Microsoft SQL Server 2000 User Management

System-Stored Procedures: Stored Description


sp_grantdbaccess <windows account Maps security account to one inside SQL server database,
name>, [<name inside database>] adding a user to the users list of the current database.
The Windows account must be a valid account (<DOMAIN
NAME>\<User Name>). When a second argument is not
supplied, the Windows account name is used. If called from
within an application, it returns 0 on success or 1 on failure.
Only members of the SQL Server fixed role SYSADMIN have
permission to execute this procedure.

sp_revokedbaccess <name inside Removes the account mapping from the current database.

sp_adduser <windows account name>, Adds user (security account) to the current database; Microsoft
[<name inside database>].[<group name>] supplies this procedure for backward compatibility only and
sp_grantdbaccess recommends using instead
If called from within an application, returns 0 on success or 1
on failure.

sp_dropuser <name inside database> Removes user (security account) from the current database.
Microsoft supplies this procedure for backward compatibility
only and recommend using sp_revokedbaccess instead.

sp_addlogin <login name>,[<password>], Creates a new SQL Server login that allows a user to connect
[<default database>], [<default language>], to the SQL Server using SQL Server authentication. Normally
[<security used for users connecting to the SQL Server over the network
identification number>], [<encryption (i.e., they do not have a local account). All arguments, except
option>] the login name are optional.
If called from within an application, returns 0 on success or 1
on failure.

sp_grantlogin <windows account name> Grants SQL Windows account. If called from within an
application, returns 0 on success or 1 on failure.Server access
privileges to a valid

sp_revokelogin <windows account name> Removes access privileges for a Windows account (either user
or group). If called from within an application, returns 0 on
success or 1 on failure.
Note: This procedure revokes individual privileges; if a user
whose login privileges were revoked is a member of a group
that has these privileges, the user will still be able to connect.

sp_denylogin <windows account name> Adds login to 'deny list'; the login for this user will be denied. If
called from within an application, returns 0 on success or 1 on
Only members of sysadmin and securityadmin fixed SQL Server
roles can execute this procedure.

sp_droplogin <windows account name> Removes a login from the current database. If a login is
mapped to a user, the user must first be removed using the
sp_dropuser stored procedure; other restrictions also apply. If
called from within an application, returns 0 on success or 1 on
Note The main difference between system-stored procedures and user-created procedures is their scope. The first are
global, while the latter are usually local to the database in which they are created. Virtually all system-stored
procedures are prefixed with sp_, and they all are located in the Master database.

To execute any of the above stored procedures, either from ISQL/OSQL or the Query Analyzer, type in
EXEC <stored procedure
name> (arg1,arg2,...,argN)

The information about users in the Microsoft SQL Server is accessible in the system catalogs
(INFORMATION_SCHEMA ), discussed in detail in Chapter 13, as well as in the system-stored procedures.
Managing Security with Privileges
An RDBMS is essentially a collection of objects — schemas, tables, views, procedures, and so on, in addition to the
processes that manage these objects. Restricting access to these objects is an essential security mechanism
implemented on the SQL level through the privileges system.

Privileges represent the rights of a particular user to access, create, manipulate, and destroy various objects inside a
database, as well as perform administrative tasks. Privileges can be granted to a user, or ROLE, or both (the concept
of ROLE is discussed in the next paragraph).

All the privileges can be divided into two broad categories — system privileges and object privilege — and they vary
widely among different database vendors. For a more detailed look, refer to the section on specific RDBMS
implementations later in this chapter.

GRANT statement

The SQL92/99 standard defines privileges as the types of actions a user is authorized to perform on the objects and in
the system to which s/he is granted access. All these privileges are valid across the three RDBMS discussed in this

A privilege can be granted — either to an individual user or to a role. The GRANT statement can be used for granting
either system privileges or object privileges. The syntax for granting the privilege is fairly consistent across all three
RDBMS packages, and multiple privileges can be granted in a single statement, such as:
<privilege,...> [ON <object_name>] TO <user> | <group>

The privilege can be any of the ones listed in Table 12-6; the options clauses vary among databases, and are listed in
Table 12-2.

Table 12-2: GRANT Statement Options

Option Description Applies To

ADMIN OPTION Allows the grantee to GRANT this Oracle 9i

system level privilege to other
users or roles.

GRANT OPTION Allows the grantee to GRANT this Oracle 9i, Microsoft SQL Server
object level privilege to other 2000, IBM DB2 UDB 8.1
users or roles. SQL92/99 Standard


(Oracle only) indicates that the
object privilege is granted not
only for the object itself but also
for all derived objects.

Granting system-level privileges

System privileges in general allow users to perform some administrative tasks within a given RDBMS (creating a
database; creating and dropping users; creating, altering, and destroying database objects; and so on). You need a
sufficiently high level of authority within the RDBM system to be able to exercise or grant system privileges. The
features that distinguish these system privileges from object privileges are their scope and, sometimes, the types of
activities they allow the user to perform.
System privileges are strictly database specific: each vendor implements its own set of system privileges and some
system privileges may have different meanings for different vendors. Some systems — the Microsoft SQL Server, for
instance — do not even define system privileges, using privileges for SQL statements instead.

Oracle 9i has literally dozens of system privileges (and roles that bundle them together), the most common of which
are given in Table 12-3. The SQL statement syntax that grants a system privilege is very much in line with the SQL
standard. All granted privileges enable the grantee immediately (if the grantee is a ROLE, it acquires the privileges
once enabled). The following code presents a basic syntax for granting system privileges in Oracle 9i.
<system privilege,...> | <role> TO <user> | <role> |

System privileges might be any of those listed in Table 12-3 (and some more complex or obscure ones, which were
not included here). You can either grant a privilege or a role (that was granted some privileges); the ALL keyword
refers to all privileges at once and might be followed by an optional PRIVILEGES keyword, introduced in Oracle for
compatibility with the SQL99 standard.
Table 12-3: Common Oracle 9i System Privileges

System Privilege Description

ALTER DATABASE Permits grantee to alter Oracle database.

ALTER SYSTEM Permits grantee to alter Oracle system allowing for execution of
system-altering statements.

AUDIT SYSTEM Permits grantee to issueAUDIT SQL statements.

CREATE [PUBLIC] DATABASE LINK Permits grantee to create private/public database links in the
grantee's schema.

DROP [PUBLIC] DATABASE LINK Permits grantee to drop public database links.

CREATE ANY INDEX Permits grantee to create a domain INDEX in any schema, or an
index on any table in any schema.

ALTER ANY INDEX Permits grantee to alter anyINDEX in any schema.

DROP ANY INDEX Permits grantee to drop anyINDEX in any schema.

CREATE [ANY] MATERIALIZED VIEW Permits grantee to create a materialized view in his/her own
schema (or any schema if the clause is used).

ALTER ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW Permits grantee to alter a materialized view in any schema.

DROP ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW Permits grantee to drop a materialized view in any schema.

CREATE [ANY] OPERATOR Permits grantee to create an operator and its bindings in his/her
own schema (or any schema if the clause is used).

DROP ANY OPERATOR Permits grantee to drop an operator in any schema.

EXECUTE ANY OPERATOR Permits grantee to execute an operator in any schema.

CREATE [ANY] PROCEDURE Permits grantee to create a procedure (or function), stand-alone
or packaged, in his/her own schema (or any schema if the clause
is used).

DROP ANY PROCEDURE Permits grantee to drop a procedure (or function), stand-alone or
packaged in any schema.

EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE Permits grantee to execute a procedure (or function), stand-alone
or packaged in any schema.

CREATE PROFILE Permits grantee to create profiles.

ALTER PROFILE Permits grantee to alter existing profiles.

DROP PROFILE Permits grantee to drop existing profiles.

CREATE ROLE Permits grantee to create a role.

ALTER ANY ROLE Permits grantee to alter any role in existing the database.

DROP ANY ROLE Permits grantee to drop any role existing in the database.

GRANT ANY ROLE Permits grantee to grant any existing role in the database.

CREATE [ANY] SEQUENCE Permits grantee to create a sequence in his/her own schema (or
any schema if the clause is used).

ALTER ANY SEQUENCE Permits grantee to alter any sequence in any schema.

DROP ANY SEQUENCE Permits grantee to drop any sequence in any schema.
System Privilege Description

CREATE SESSION Permits grantee to connect to the Oracle Database.

ALTER SESSION Permits grantee to issueALTER SESSION statements.

System Privilege Description

CREATE [ANY | PUBLIC ] SYNONYM Permits grantee to create private or public synonym in his/her
own schema (or any schema if the clause is used).

DROP [ANY | PUBLIC ] SYNONYM Permits grantee to drop public synonym in his/her own schema
(or any schema if the clause is used).

CREATE [ANY] TABLE Permits grantee to create a table in his/her own schema (or any
schema if the clause is used).

ALTER ANY TABLE Permits grantee to alter any table in any schema.

DELETE ANY TABLE Permits grantee to delete data in any table or view in any schema.

DROP ANY TABLE Permits grantee to drop or truncate any table in any schema.

INSERT ANY TABLE Permits grantee to insert data into tables and views in any

LOCK ANY TABLE Permits grantee to lock tables and views in any schema.

SELECT ANY TABLE Permits grantee to select data from any tables or views in any

UPDATE ANY TABLE Permits grantee to update data or view in any schema

CREATE TABLESPACE Permits grantee to create a tablespace.

ALTER TABLESPACE Permits grantee to alter a tablespace.

DROP TABLESPACE Permits grantee to drop a tablespace.

CREATE [ANY] TRIGGER Permits grantee to create a database trigger in his/her own
schema (or any schema if the clause is used).

ALTER ANY TRIGGER Permits grantee to alter (enable, disable, or compile) any trigger
in any schema.

DROP ANY TRIGGER Permits grantee to drop database trigger in any schema.

CREATE [ANY] TYPE Permits grantee to create object types and object bodies in
his/her own schema (or any schema if the clause is used).

ALTER ANY TYPE Permits grantee to alter object types inany schema.

DROP ANY TYPE Permits grantee to drop any object type and object bodies in any

EXECUTE ANY TYPE Permits grantee to use any user-defined object type or collection
in any schema, and to invoke methods defined within these
object types.

UNDER ANY TYPE Permits grantee to create a subtype of any nonfinal object types.

CREATE USER Permits grantee to create a user, and, at the same time, assign
quotas on any tablespace, set default temporary tablespaces,
and assign a PROFILE.
System Privilege Description

ALTER USER Permits grantee to alter any user, i.e., change a user's
authentication method, assign quotas on any tablespace, set
default temporary tablespaces, and assign a PROFILE and default

BECOME USER Permits grantee to become another user.

DROP USER Permits grantee to drop other users.

CREATE [ANY] VIEW Permits grantee to create a view in his/her own schema (or any
schema if the clause is used).

DROP ANY VIEW Permits grantee to drop views in any schema.

UNDER ANY VIEW Permits grantee to create subviews for any object views.

COMMENT ANY TABLE Permits grantee to add comments on any table, view, or column
in any schema.

GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE Permits grantee to grant any system privilege.

SELECT ANY DICTIONARY Permits grantee to query any data dictionary object in the Oracle
SYS schema.

Tip You can view all system privileges associated with a user by querying DBA_SYS_PRIVS in the Oracle dictionary
view; the privileges available for the session are shown in the catalog view SESSION_PRIVS. See more on system
catalogs in Chapter 13.

The privilege or role can be granted to a user, role (either predefined or created), or PUBLIC (which effectively means
all users defined in the RDBMS). The IDENTIFIED BY clause specifies a password for an existing user, or — if a user
does not yet exist — tells Oracle to create such a user implicitly. This clause is invalid if the grantee is a role, because
it has to be created explicitly.

WITH ADMIN OPTION is an Oracle-specific clause. Essentially it means that the user or members of a role will be
allowed to GRANT the assigned system privilege to some other users or roles (with the exception of GLOBAL roles),
revoke the privilege from another user or role, and so on. In that regard it works very much like the WITH GRANT
OPTION clause for the object-level privilege, though there are some subtle differences in usage. Refer to vendor
documentation for a full explanation.

Here are some examples based in the ACME database. To grant a user privilege to create a table in the database
and, in turn, pass it onto others, the following statement could be used:
new_user IDENTIFIED BY it_is_me WITH ADMIN OPTION; Grant

If you have sufficient privileges, the user NEW_USER identified by the password IT_IS_ME will be created, but you
cannot use this user ID and password to connect to the Oracle database if the user NEW_USER has not been granted
the CREATE SESSION system privilege, which it would need to access the database. The error ORA-01045: user
NEW_USER lacks CREATE SESSION privilege; logon denied would be generated.

To fix the situation you need to grant the newly created user this privilege:
new_user IDENTIFIED BY it_is_me WITH ADMIN OPTION; Grant succeeded.

Now you can connect to the database using NEW_USER/IT_IS_ME credentials, and — because of the WITH ADMIN
OPTION — grant this privilege to other users.

There are two more system privileges in Oracle deserving separate discussion: SYSDBA and SYSOPER , shown in
Table 12-4. These privileges act like roles in that they include a number of other system privileges. When connecting
to the Oracle database, you can specify to connect AS SYSDBA or AS SYSOPER , assuming that these privileges had
been granted to the user. SYSDBA is one of the highest privileges that can be granted.

Table 12-4: Oracle 9i SYSDBA and SYSOPER System Privileges

Privilege Description

SYSDBA Permits grantee to perform STARTUP and SHUTDOWN operations, CREATE DATABASE,
ALTER DATABASE (open, mount, backup and change default character set)ARCHIVELOG
and RECOVERY, CREATE SPFILE, and includes theRESTRICTED SESSION privilege.

SYSOPER Permits grantee to perform STARTUP and SHUTDOWN operations, ALTER DATABASE (only
open, mount and backup), ARCHIVELOG and RECOVERY, CREATE SPFILE, and includes

Note On some platforms for Oracle 9i it is possible to assign privileges to database users through the initialization
parameter OS_USERS, which allows you to grant roles using operating system facilities. For such users, you
cannot also use the GRANT statement to grant additional roles, though it is possible for all other users and roles.

IBM DB2 UDB is somewhat similar in this aspect to Oracle; it has system privileges, and some of the privileges are
associated with authority levels (see more on this later in the chapter). All system-level privileges for DB2 UDB are
shown in Table 12-5.

Table 12-5: Common IBM DB2 UDB System Privileges

System Privilege Description

BINDADD Permits grantee to create packages; the package creator automatically has
object level CONTROL privilege.

CONNECT Permits grantee to access the DB2 UDB database.

CREATETAB Permits grantee to create tables within the database (with the CONTROL object
level privilege granted automatically on all created objects, and retained
afterward even if the CREATETAB system privilege is revoked).

CREATE_NOT_FENCED Grants user the authority to register functions for execution in the database
manager main process.

IMPLICIT_SCHEMA Permits grantee to implicitly create schema.

DBADM Grants database administrator's authority; the DBA has all the privileges and
the ability to grant them to others.

LOAD Permits grantee to use LOAD utility to transfer data into a database; additional
object level permissions are required to successfully perform loading.

The generic GRANT statement in DB2 UDB follows the syntax:

<system privilege,...> ON DATABASE TO USER <user> | GROUP
<group> | PUBLIC

As you can see, DB2 UDB does not have WITH ADMIN OPTION clause (as in Oracle), and you cannot use ALL
PRIVILEGES, though granting DBADM essentially serves the same purpose.

Here is the example of granting CREATETAB system privilege to PUBLIC (all users), in the database ACME:
TO PUBLIC DB0000I The SQL command completed successfully

Note that unlike Oracle or the MS SQL Server, the keywords USER and GROUP must be specified in DB2 UDB.
Granting the system privilege (database authority in IBM DB2 jargon) to a group called SALES would have the
following syntax:
TO GROUP sales DB0000I The SQL command completed successfully

If neither USER nor GROUP keywords are specified, then DB2 UDB employs a set of security authorization rules to
resolve potential conflicts: if the name is defined in the OS as GROUP, then GROUP would be assumed; if it is defined
in the OS as USER, or is undefined, then USER would be assumed; if the name refers to both GROUP and USER (it is
possible to have a GROUP and a USER with the same name) then an error is generated. The same error would also be
generated if external DCE authentication were used. There is more on authentication methods later in this chapter, and
a detailed discussion can be found in the vendor's documentation.

To GRANT the DBADM authority, a user must have SYSADM authority. Both SYSADM and DBADM can grant the other
privileges to users or groups. There is more on IBM DB2 UDB's authorities later in this chapter.

The Microsoft SQL Server 2000 does not have system privileges, or at least not in the sense that Oracle or IBM have it.
The privileges are granted to a user (or role) for specific SQL statements. Once the privilege is granted, a user can
execute the statement to perform operations that they define. Note that the SQL Server has no WITH ADMIN OPTION
clause for these privileges:
<statement,...> TO <security_account>

The statements that require special permissions (privileges) are those that could do the most harm, if misused: adding
new objects to a database, altering existing ones, and performing some administrative tasks. Most of these statements
are discussed in detail in Chapter 4. The statement list includes (among others) the following:








The system permissions are tied to a database (MS SQL Server also uses this concept; the closest Oracle equivalent
would be schema) and are hierarchical. For example, to GRANT the privilege to execute a CREATE DATABASE
statement, you must be in the context of the SQL Server master database as this statement produces results affecting
the whole instance of the SQL Server 2000.

The security account refers to the SQL Server user, SQL Server role, Windows NT user, or Windows NT group. There
is some granularity to the security accounts defined by the SQL Server: privileges granted to a user (either on the SQL
Server or Windows NT) affect this user only; privileges granted to a role or Windows NT group affect all members of
this role or group. In the case of a privileges conflict between a group/role and their members, the most restrictive
privilege — DENY — takes precedence (discussed later in the chapter).

Tip In order to effectively manage SQL Server security using Windows NT groups and accounts, you must understand
underlying Windows OS security.

Granting the CREATE DATABASE statement to a user/role while being in context of the ACME database would produce
an error, as follows:
USE acme
in the master database.

Note USE keyword is not a part of the SQL standard; it is valid though in Transact-SQL dialect, which is used by the
Microsoft SQL Server and the Sybase Adaptive Server.

Changing the context to the master database resolves the issue:

DATABASE TO PUBLIC The command(s) completed successfully.

Granting something more local, pertaining to a database itself, requires a narrower scope. To grant a privilege to
create a view in the ACME database, one must be in ACME database context:
TO PUBLIC The command(s) completed successfully.

Some Transact-SQL statements cannot be granted through privileges; the grantee must be a member of a predefined
fixed server role (discussed later in this chapter). This means that in order to be able to execute, for example, the KILL
statement (that stops a process inside an SQL Server installation) you have to be a member of the processadmin fixed
role, in order to be able to grant ALL statement permissions you have to be a member of the sysadmin fixed role, the
members of the db_owner role can grant and/or revoke any privilege within their database, and so on.

Granting object-level privileges

By their very nature, the object-level privileges are much more fine-grained than system-level ones. This is reflected in
the syntax of the GRANT statement. These privileges could go all the way down to column level (if the object is a
database table or view), or to any other object within the database such as stored procedures, functions, and triggers.
The SQL Object-Level privileges are listed in Table 12-6.
Table 12-6: SQL Object-Level Privileges

Object Privilege Compliance Description

INSERT SQL92/99, IBM DB2 UDB, Permits the grantee to insert data in a database
Oracle, Microsoft table (or view). The permission could be further
restricted to specific columns.

SELECT SQL92/99, IBM DB2 UDB, Permits the grantee to select data from a database
Oracle, Microsoft table, view, or some other implementation-specific
objects (sequences, snapshots, etc.). The
permission could be further restricted to specific

UPDATE SQL92/99, IBM DB2 UDB, Permits the grantee to update data in a database
Oracle, Microsoft table or view. The permission could be further
restricted to specific columns.

DELETE SQL92/99, IBM DB2 UDB, Permits the grantee to delete data in a database
Oracle, Microsoft table or view.

ALTER IBM DB2 UDB, Oracle, While generally considered a system-level

Microsoft privilege, it permits the grantee to alter certain
database objects, e.g., tables and views. Some of
the objects might be implementation-specific.
Though this privilege is not part of a standard SQL,
it is implemented by all three vendors.

INDEX IBM DB2 UDB, Oracle, Permits the grantee to create an index on the
Microsoft existing table.

UNDER Oracle Permits grantee to create a subview under a view.

EXECUTE IBM DB2 UDB, Oracle, Permits the grantee to execute an existing stored
Microsoft procedure or function.

REFERENCES SQL92/99, IBM DB2 UDB, Permits the grantee to modify an existing table (or
Oracle, Microsoft create a new one) that incorporates a foreign key
constraint referencing some other table.

This is the Oracle 9i generic syntax for granting privileges to the database objects:
<object_privilege,...> [ON [<schema>].<object>] TO

As with the GRANT system privileges statement, you need to supply a list of all the privileges you wish to grant (see
Table 12-6 for a list of relevant object privileges). Specifying ALL would enable all privileges, but you as a user must
have sufficient system privileges to grant this option yourself. Next comes the list of columns to which you may grant
access (if applicable, as some database objects do not have columns), then you specify the object itself — table, view,
procedure, package, sequence, synonym, and any other valid Oracle database object (the new JAVA and DIRECTORY
clauses are not part of SQL and are beyond the scope of this book).

Note that not every object has a given privilege: some privileges are irrelevant to the objects. For example, the
REFERENCES privilege does not make much sense if you are trying to assign it to an Oracle sequence, nor does the
EXECUTE privilege make sense for a table. Consequently, if you specify ALL privileges, only those allowed for the
object type would be granted. The following GRANT statement would generate an error:
deduction TO PUBLIC; ORA-02224: EXECUTE privilege not allowed for

The object privilege could be granted to a user, to a role, or to PUBLIC (which is a specific way to grant privileges to
each and every user within that database).

The WITH GRANT OPTION indicates that the grantee will be able in his/her turn to GRANT this privilege to other users or

The WITH HIERARCHY OPTION (Oracle only) indicates that the object privilege is granted not only for the object itself
but also for all derived objects. For example, if a view is based upon a table, granting privileges to a table with such an
option would automatically grant the same privileges for the view; however, it does not work the other way around —
privileges for the view would not give the same access to the base table.

Note The WITH GRANT OPTION can be specified only when the grantee is a user orPUBLIC; this option is invalid when
granting to a role.

Here is a real example that is less confusing; it grants ALL privileges in the ACME database table PRODUCT to the
SALES_FORCE role. Whoever belongs to the SALES_FORCE role will be able to exercise these privileges as soon as
the following statement is executed:
UPDATE, DELETE ON product TO sales_force; Grant succeeded.

IBM DB2 UDB has probably the most diverse syntax when it comes to object-level privileges. In addition to the
object-level privileges shown in Table 12-6, it has a bunch of its own (Table 12-7).
Table 12-7: IBM DB2 UDB Object-Level Privileges

Object Syntax Description Pertains To


CONTROL GRANT CONTROL ON Permits grantee to drop the Index package

{OBJECT}<object_name> TO object. table view
USER <user>| GROUP nickname
<group>| PUBLIC

BIND GRANT BIND ON PACKAGE Permits grantee to bind the Package

<package TO USER <user> package.
name>| GROUP <group>|

ALTERIN GRANT ALTERIN ON Permits grantee to alter the Schema

SCHEMA<schema name> TO existing objects in the schema,
USER <user>| GROUP or to add comments to them.
<group>| PUBLIC

CREATEIN GRANT ALTERIN ON Permits grantee to create Schema

SCHEMA<schema name> TO objects in the schema.
USER <user>| GROUP
<group>| PUBLIC

DROPIN GRANT ALTERIN ON Permits grantee to drop objects Schema

SCHEMA<schema name> TO in the schema.
USER <user>| GROUP
<group>| PUBLIC

USAGE GRANT USAGE ON Permits grantee to access the Sequence

SEQUENCE<sequence_name> sequence through NEXTVAL or
TO USER <user>| GROUP PREVVAL expressions.
<group>| PUBLIC

USE OF GRANT USE OF TABLESPACE Permits grantee to access and Tablespace

TABLESPACE <tablespace_name> TO USER use the specified tablespace.
<user> | GROUP <group> |

PASSTHRU GRANT PASSTHRU ON Permits grantee to access and Server

SERVER<server_name> TO use a data source in a
USER <user>| GROUP pass-through mode.
<group>| PUBLIC

Each of these privileges abides by certain rules, and it should not be assumed that these rules are transferable
between different objects. Refer to DB2 UDB documentation (or IBM DB2 UDB–specific books) for more information.

The most important thing (and relevant in the sense of being close to the SQL standard) is granting privileges to a
table or a view. Here is a more specific syntax for granting such privileges to a table (or view, or nickname):
name>,...) | SELECT [(<column name>,...)] | UPDATE [(<column
name>,...)] ON [TABLE] <table_name> | <view_name> |
<nickname> TO USER <user> | GROUP <group>| PUBLIC [WITH GRANT

Note In IBM DB2 UDB, theGRANT ALL statement grants all privileges except theCONTROL privilege.

To grant, for example, a privilege to reference a table (create a foreign key based on the table's column) to PUBLIC (all
users), the following statement would be issued:
customer(cust_paytermsid_fn) TO PUBLIC WITH GRANT OPTION DB0000I The SQL
command completed successfully

This grants privilege to create and drop a foreign key that references the table (as the parent). Of course, the grantor
must have sufficient privileges him/herself to execute any of the GRANT statements.

The following generic syntax for granting object-level privileges is valid in Microsoft SQL Server 2000:
[<column1>,<column2>...)] ON [<table> | <view>] | ON
[<stored_procedure> | <extended_procedure>] | ON
[<user_defined_function>] TO <security_account>,... [WITH GRANT
OPTION] [AS <group> | <role>]

Note PRIVILEGES is an optional SQL99 keyword that can be used for standards compliance in any of the three RDBMS

There are many similarities of the object-level privileges GRANT statement to that used with the system-level one: use
of the ALL keyword to grant all the privileges en mass, the security_account refers to exactly the same thing (see
previous paragraph), and so on.

Since the statement in the preceding code grants privileges for objects (and object parts — for example, columns
within tables), it has many different options. You can grant a privilege (one from the list in the Table 12-6) on a table or
a view, on one or more columns within these, and on some other valid existing objects within the SQL Server
database. The syntax allows you to list several subobjects at the same time (columns, tables, and so on), though you
cannot list several objects like tables and views at the same time.

The notable difference between the Microsoft SQL Server and both Oracle and IBM DB2 UDB is an additional AS
clause. It is used when privileges (permissions in Microsoft terminology) granted to a group or role are, at the same
time, granted to users that are not members of this group/role — and therefore the group does not have sufficient
authority. In this case you must use both the WITH GRANT OPTION and AS clauses. This would permit the grantee to
GRANT this privilege under the authority of the group/role specified in the AS clause.

The following SQL statement grants SELECT object-level privileges to the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 predefined role
PUBLIC for the table PRODUCT (see the paragraph on security models overview later in the chapter):
PUBLIC The command(s) completed successfully.

Now any authenticated user belonging to the role PUBLIC would be able to issue a SELECT statement on the table
PRODUCT. An example of a more complex statement, which limits columns for user viewing, follows this paragraph.
This statement grants PUBLIC role permissions to select and update only two columns from the table PRODUCTS,
while hiding the rest:
(prod_id_n, prod_price_n) ON product TO PUBLIC The command(s) completed

Tip In the generic MS SQL Server, it makes no difference which of the following syntaxes you choose for the GRANT
GRANT <...>
(prod_id_n, prod_price_n) ON product

GRANT <...> ON
product (prod_id_n, prod_price_n)

The list of columns may either follow or precede the table name.

REVOKE privileges
This command revokes privileges — either system-level or object-level — from a database user, role, or group. Roles,
which are just are sets of privileges, are revoked in exactly the same way as users. The syntax that follows revokes
system privileges using SQL99 standards:
[PRIVILEGES] | <privilege>,... FROM USER <user> | GROUP

As you can see, you can either revoke a privilege or a GRANT OPTION of that privilege, meaning that the user/role
would lose his/her ability to GRANT this privilege in its turn. The privileges themselves remain unaffected.

SQL99 also specifies two optional clauses, RESTRICT and CASCADE . With the first option, the statement succeeds
only if there are no abandoned privileges in the database. Such a situation might occur when the user, for example,
already granted this privilege to some other user. When you are determined to revoke the privilege no matter what,
and propagate this change across all the users that have received this privilege from the user, the CASCADE clause
must be specified.

As usual, each of the vendors has its own ideas for implementing this statement.

Revoking system-level privileges

Oracle 9i syntax follows that of the SQL99 standard, but does not support the CASCADE and RESTRICT clauses. It also
does not allow for revoking GRANT/ADMIN OPTION .
<role> | <system_privilege>,... FROM <user> | <role> |

To revoke a system privilege or role requires sufficient privileges, or just the ADMIN OPTION privilege. This preceding
statement can only revoke the privileges and roles that have been granted through the GRANT statement; if the
privilege was granted with initialization parameter OS_USERS (see GRANT privileges section's Note), you cannot
revoke it with the REVOKE statement.

You can revoke the system-level privilege CREATE TABLE from a user NEW_USER with the following statement:
FROM new_user; Revoke succeeded.

The effects of REVOKE are immediate — the user loses the privilege the very moment the statement is executed by
Oracle. If the privilege is revoked from PUBLIC, each user loses that privilege if it was granted through PUBLIC;
privileges granted to the user directly or through a role remain unaffected in this case. The rules for revoking system
privileges are complex. For example, if a privilege (or role) is revoked from a role, it is revoked from that role only; if
the role had granted the privilege (or role) to another user (or role), the user would continue to exercise the privilege (or
role). There is no cascading effect for revoking the system privileges in Oracle. For example, say user1 was granted
the system-level privilege WITH ADMIN option, and, in turn, user1 granted this privilege to user2. The latter ( user2)
retains this privilege even if it is revoked from user1 some time later.

Also, keep in mind that there is no reversal for all the objects that a user had created. When privileges are revoked, all
objects created with these privileges up to the moment will remain in the database.

Revoking system-level privileges in IBM DB2 UDB is simple — just follow the GRANT statement path in reverse:
<system privilege>,... ON DATABASE FROM USER <user> | GROUP
<group> | PUBLIC

Here is the example from the section discussing the GRANT statement in DB2 UDB, which revokes the CREATETAB
system privilege to PUBLIC (all users), in the database ACME:
FROM PUBLIC DB0000I The SQL command completed successfully

When neither USER nor GROUP is specified, DB2 UDB looks into the system catalog (more on system catalogs in
Chapter 13) to determine grantee type. Revoking a privilege does not necessarily revoke the ability to perform the
action if the user has some higher authority, or belongs to a group that holds this privilege.
The Microsoft SQL Server 2000 REVOKE statement for statement permissions (which is Microsoft's system privileges)
is similar to that of Oracle. Like Oracle, it does not support CASCADE and RESTRICT at this level, nor revoking the
<privilege>,... FROM <security_account>,...

The ALL keyword in the REVOKE statement on the system level can only be used by members of the SYSADMIN fixed
role. All restrictions and notes mentioned in the GRANT section of this chapter for the SQL Server 2000 also apply

To revoke, for example, the CREATE table privilege from the user NEW_USER, the following statement might be used:
new_user The command(s) completed successfully.

Revoking object-level privileges

The SQL99 standard does not differentiate between revoking system-level or object-level privileges, providing the
same syntax for both. In the vendor RDBMS implementations, the situation is dramatically different; as with the GRANT
statement for the object-level privilege, the REVOKE statement is quite complex. The information in this book barely
covers the basics of this topic as it is implemented by the vendors; refer to the vendor-specific documentation for more

Oracle 9i syntax for revoking object privileges is fairly standard, except for the number of the optional clauses like JAVA
and DIRECTORY (skipped for simplicity):
ALL [PRIVILEGES] | <object_privilege,...> [(<column>)] ON
[<schema>].<object>] FROM <user> | <role> | PUBLIC

The object PRIVILEGE can be any of those listed in Table 12-6 (assuming that it is relevant to the object). The
COLUMN clause specifies an optional column or a list of columns for which the statement is applicable; the object for
which privileges are revoked could be any of the database objects.

The privilege can be revoked from a user, a role, or from PUBLIC. The users cease to exercise the privilege
immediately after it is revoked from them.

If the privilege is revoked from a role, all users to whom this role was granted lose this privilege, effective immediately.
A privilege revoked from PUBLIC is revoked from every user who had been granted this privilege through the PUBLIC.
If, however, a user was granted the privilege directly or through the role, the revoke statement has no effect on

The following statement revokes INSERT, DELETE , and UPDATE privileges from the PUBLIC for columns
CUST_PAYTERMSID_FN and CUST_SALESMANID_FN (assuming that these were granted before) of the table
CUSTOMER (database ACME):
DELETE, UPDATE (cust_paytermsid_fn, cust_salesmanid_fn) ON CUSTOMER FROM
PUBLIC; Revoke succeeded.

All dependent objects (for example, views created by the user who lost his/her privilege for the underlying table)
related to the revoked privilege become invalid.

Note If there were no privileges granted on the object, Oracle neither takes any action nor returns an error.

The CASCADE CONSTRAINTS clause is relevant only if you revoke the REFERENCES privilege, or ALL. It gets rid of all
the referential integrity constraints that were defined by the user using this privilege.

Specifying FORCE when revoking the EXECUTE object privilege causes the privileges to be dropped. Even if it leaves
user-defined type objects behind, all dependent objects are invalidated.

Unlike system privileges, revoking object privileges in Oracle has a cascading effect. Say a privilege is granted to
user1 via the WITH GRANT option, and user1, in turn, grants the privilege to user2. If the privilege is subsequently
revoked from user1, user2 loses this privilege the very moment the user1 loses it.

As with system privileges in IBM DB2 UDB, its object-level privileges are revoked with a syntax similar to that of a
GRANT statement. DB2 UDB does not support revoking GRANT OPTION nor the CASCADE | RESTRICT clause. For
<privilege,...> ON <object> <object_name> FROM USER
<user> | GROUP <group> | PUBLIC

The following example revokes a privilege to reference a table (create a foreign key based on the table's column) to
PUBLIC (all users):
customer (cust_paytermsid_fn) FROM PUBLIC DB0000I The SQL command completed

Again, if neither USER nor GROUP is specified, DB2 UDB will look up the information in the system catalog and raise
an error if the user from whom the privilege is revoked is authenticated by an external DCE (see OS security
integration later in this chapter).

Note There all rules to follow when revoking a privilege that was used to create a dependent object. For example, the
SELECT privilege for a table passed onto a view would be revoked for the user when s/he loses this privilege; the
user would be unable to select from the view just as s/he would not be able to select from the table.

Revoking an object-level privilege might not necessarily revoke the ability to perform the action if the user has some
higher authority, or belongs to a group that holds the revoked privilege.

The Microsoft SQL Server 2000 supports revoking GRANT OPTION and the CASCADE clause (but not RESTRICT). The
following REVOKE statement is applicable to the context of the current database only:
ALL [PRIVILEGES] | <permission>,... [(<column,...>)] ON
[<table> | <view>] | ON [<table> | <view>]
[(<column>,...)] | ON [<stored_procedure> |
<extended_procedure>] | ON [<user_defined_function>] FROM
<security_account>,... [CASCADE] [AS <group> |

Privileges cannot be revoked from system-fixed roles. When permissions are revoked from a Windows NT group, the
security account argument should be in the format BUILTIN\<domain>, where domain represents either a computer
name or a domain where this user is defined.

Note You must have sufficient authority to revoke privileges; members of the SYSADMIN fixed-server role, DB_OWNER,
and DB_SECURITYADMIN are granted REVOKE privilege by default, within their corresponding scope.

To revoke, for example, SELECT permission on the table PRODUCT in the ACME database, the following statement
would be issued:
FROM PUBLIC The command(s) completed successfully.

If the privilege was initially granted WITH GRANT OPTION , both GRANT OPTION FOR and CASCADE must be specified.
If the CASCADE option is not specified (default), the user who was granted the privilege through the security account,
from which this privilege was revoked, does not lose the privilege.
Managing Security with Roles
ROLE is an abstract concept introduced in the relational databases to facilitate user management tasks by grouping
users' privileges according to some criteria, usually a job function. If, for example, your accounting staff of 100 people
needs privileges for the dozens of objects they access daily — in addition to some system-level privileges — you have
two choices: go through each and every user and individually grant him/her all the privileges required; or create a
group (role), such as ACCOUNTANTS, grant all the privileges to the role, and thus grant this role to all the users in the
group. Revoking the privileges would pose the same choices. It seems fairly obvious which choice is better.

Some RDBMS provide roles-creating capabilities, in addition to having a number of predefined system roles that could
be granted to a user. Oracle 9i and the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 have this feature, while DB2 UDB employs only
fixed, predefined roles (authorities).

The Oracle 9i roles are collections of privileges that could be granted to (or revoked from) a user or another role, thus
providing a hierarchy of privileges. A role must be enabled (with a SET ROLE statement or by the database
administrator) before it can pass on all the privileges granted to it.

Oracle 9i has a number of predefined roles through which privileges are granted to users. Table 12-8 shows these with
short descriptions.

Table 12-8: Oracle 9i Predefined Roles

Predefined Role Description

CONNECT RESOURCE DBA Provided for compatibility with the previous versions of Oracle; it is
explicitly stated that these roles might not be supported in the future
There are a number of privileges associated with each of these roles
in Oracle 9i. The DBA role, for example, has 124 privileges;
RESOURCE and CONNECT have 8 each. Some of these have
overlapping privileges — like CREATE TABLE or CREATE VIEW — and
some of them are unique.
Refer to the DBA_SYS_PRIVS dictionary view for the full list of
privileges and their descriptions.

DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE Provided for users who need to access data dictionary views.

EXP_FULL_DATABASE Provided for users who need to perform full database export.

AQ_USER_ROLE Needed for Oracle's advanced queuing functionality.


SNMPAGENT Used by Enterprise Manager/Intelligent Agent.

RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER Needed for a user who owns a recovery catalog.

HS_ADMIN_ROLE Provided to grant access to the DBMS_HS package, which is required

for heterogeneous services administration.

You neither can add new privileges to a predefined role, nor can you revoke any from the role.

The following Oracle syntax, which creates a custom role, is straightforward:

CREATE ROLE <role name>
[<schema>].[<package>] } ];

Only the role name is a required argument for this statement, the rest is optional. If the role is to have its own
password, then the IDENTIFIED clause must be used. The NOT IDENTIFIED clause indicates that no password is
required to enable it.

SQL Server 2000 DENY Statement

The Microsoft-specific DENY statement adds an additional level of granularity to the system of privileges not
found in Oracle or DB2 UDB. The SQL92/99 standard does not define such a statement.

If you are using roles to assign a set of privileges to a user, you might find yourself in a situation when this set
should be modified for one and only one user, while preserving it for all other users to whom this role was
granted. Attempting to revoke a privilege from the user that was granted through a role will result in an error.
You could create another role and grant a subset of privileges from the first role and then grant it to a user; or
you could grant these privileges to the user directly, bypassing the role. Any of these, while workable, would
lead to redundancy and possible confusion. The DENY statement provides an elegant solution to the problem. It
allows you to grant a role with a full set of privileges and then deny some of these privileges to a user.

The following DENY statement works both for system-level and object-level privileges, with the syntax very
similar to that of GRANT and REVOKE statements:
<permission>,... [(<column>)] ON [<table> | <view>] |
ON [<table> | <view>] [(<column>,...)] | ON
[<stored_procedure> | <extended_procedure>] | ON
[<user_defined_function>] TO <security_account>,...

The CASCADE clause means that a privilege (permission) denied to the security_account will also be denied to
every other user/role/group to that has this security_account permission.

For example, you have a role SALES that has all the privileges in the database, and a user NEW_USER needs all
of these, except for CREATE TABLE. The following statements take care of granting the appropriate privileges to
the user:
GRANT sales TO new_user GO

The DENY statement always takes precedence, so while having the inherited privileges of the SALES role, the
user NEW_USER will get an error if s/he ever attempts to create a table, though other members granted SALES
role will have no problems doing so.

For identified users, the IDENTIFIED BY <password> clause actually creates a local user with this password if none
previously existed; a password needs to be specified when enabling the role. The USING [<schema>].[<package>]
clause creates an application role (compared to that in the MS SQL Server), which means that the role can be enabled
by that specific application using authorized package.

Note Package in Oracle RDBMS is a collection of pre-compiled routines (usually written in PL/SQL), and residing in
RDBMS itself. A user could access database functionality through procedures and functions defined in the

Using the EXTERNALLY clause creates an external user (see OS Security integration sidebar later in the chapter), and
the GLOBALLY clause creates a global user, authorized by the enterprise directory service.

Here is an example of a role created for the ACME database with a minimal set of default options:
CREATE ROLE sales_force; Role
Now you can grant privileges to this role (see GRANT statement paragraph earlier in this chapter for more information),
and later grant the privileges to everyone who needs them by assigning those people to the sales_force role.

Note You can enable or disable ROLE for the duration of the current database session using theSET ROLE statement.
There might be a limit to the number of concurrent roles that can be set by the database administrator.

A custom role can be altered or dropped by using, respectively, the ALTER ROLE or DROP ROLE statements.

Any user that accesses the IBM DB2 UDB database must have a valid OS account. Once authenticated, the user's
access to the database's objects is governed by a system of authorities (roles) and privileges inside the RDBMS. DB2
does not support user-defined roles. Instead it relies on the system's predefined authorities (roles), which a user can
be a member of, and on GROUP, which behave almost the same as roles that are employed in Oracle or the MS SQL
Server 2000.

System authorities (roles) include system administration (SYSADM), system control (SYSCTRL), system maintenance
(SYSMAINT), and database administration (DBADM), listed in Table 12-9. Each of these roles implies certain privileges;
certain types of privileges are automatically granted to every user authenticated by the OS.

Table 12-9: IBM DB2 UDB System Authorities

System Authority Description

SYSADM System administration, which includes all the privileges of all other system
authorities as well as the ability to grant and revoke DBADM authority.

SYSCTRL System control, which includes privileges to create, update, or drop a database. It
does not allow direct access to the data.

SYSMAINT System Maintenance, which enables database maintenance tasks in all databases
associated with an instance, including the authority to modify configure files, and
backup and restore databases.

DBADM Database administration, which has all the privileges within a single database.

A privilege in DB2 UDB is defined as permission for the authenticated user to access and use database resources
such as tables, views, and stored procedures, which will be discussed in greater detail later in the chapter.

Most of IBM DB2 UDB privileges — both on system and object levels — granted to the authorities (Table 12-9) are
listed in Table 12-6.

Note Some privileges for the database objects are not relevant for all discussed RDBMS. For example, the PACKAGE
object can be found in the DB2 UDB or Oracle database, but is nonexistent in the MS SQL Server.

The highest authority level belongs to SYSADM, which has full control over all database objects, as well as the DB2
UDB installation that contains this database. It defaults to the Administrators Group on Windows NT/2000/XP; on Unix
the initial value is NULL and defaults to the primary group of the database instance owner.

The SYSCTRL and SYSMAINT roles represent a lower level of hierarchy, followed by DBADM. Users that do not belong
to any of these roles are granted privileges on an object-by-object basis. A new group can be created by DBADM, and
privileges could then be granted to this group and to users in this group. This is a handy way to administer privileges
for a number of users with similar responsibilities within the database, and is similar in functionality to the roles in
Oracle and the Microsoft SQL Server.

For the syntax of granting system authorities, refer to the GRANT statement section of this chapter.

On the authentication level, the MS SQL Server 2000 offers two choices: Windows OS authentication and mixed
authentication modes. The first is usually rated as the better security provider, because it relies on the more robust
security mechanisms of the operating system, and — for accessing the database over the network — it does not
require sending login information unprotected. The second offers a more "personal approach" that allows many users
to connect to the same SQL Server without needing to be added to the Windows users group. Microsoft defines a
special system administrator user — usually sa, which is the default — who is responsible for all administrative tasks
within the MS SQL Server 2000.

Note The SQL Server 2000 is tightly integrated with Windows OS: no matter what authentication mode you choose
during installation, Windows authentication mode would always allow you to log on.

Authorization is performed by the SQL Server itself. All information about the user's granted permissions is recorded in
the server's system tables (partially accessible through INFORMATION_SCHEMA views). Like IBM DB2 UDB and
Oracle, the Microsoft SQL Server enforces security through a hierarchical system of users implemented via fixed roles
and application roles (the concept of a role is explained at the beginning of this chapter).

OS Security Integration

It is important to remember that the operating system (OS) was there before the first computer database was
invented, and no RDBMS could operate without some kind of OS. Each operating system comes with its own
security mechanisms. All the RDBMS discussed in this book — to a certain extent — provide security integration
with the OS they are running on. Essentially, it boils down to using operating system accounts and privileges to
access the database, instead of relying on the RDBMS itself.

The Microsoft SQL Server 2000, for example, has tight OS-integrated security, which allows users with a valid
Windows account to be authenticated based on their Windows NT/2000/XP credentials. Instead of supplying
user ID and password, the user is able to access the SQL Server 2000 automatically as soon as s/he logs onto
the machine that runs RDBMS.

Both Oracle 9i and IBM DB2 UDB extend this functionality to multiple operating systems, and the details of
implementation and usage are just as different as the systems they integrate with.

DB2 UDB uses an external facility for user authentication — either the operating system, or a so-called
distributed computing environment (DCE) facility. A user must have a valid OS account — login and user ID —
in order to access the database.

For regular users to be authenticated externally, an Oracle database administrator must create a user account
prefixed with a character value from the Oracle initialization parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX and marked as
AUTHENTICATED EXTERNALLY. Oracle uses the value of the parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX to check
whether any of the users' names created within the database are prefixed with this value if a user name does
not have this prefix, it will not be allowed to be authenticated externally. This is only a brief description of the
basic mechanism implemented by Oracle, refer to the vendor's documentation for more information on this

For EXTERNALLY authenticated users that intend to administer a database, Oracle 9i requires that two
predefined OSDBA and OSOPER groups be created on the machine that is running the operating system, and
make these users members of one of these groups. In addition, the Oracle start-up parameter
REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE has to be set to one of its valid values.

RDBMS running on some operating systems (notably, Windows 9x) do not have OS security integration, as the
OS itself does not provide facilities for this.

Fixed server roles provide a server-wide scope hierarchy where each role is allowed to perform certain activities,
SYSADMIN being on the top, and having privileges to perform any activity. These roles are listed in Table 12-10.
Table 12-10: Microsoft SQL Server Fixed Server Roles

Fixed Server Role Actions Allowed

SYSADMIN Can perform any activity within the SQL Server (this is the highest privileges level).

SERVERADMIN Able to startup/shutdown server, as well as modify server's configuration.

SETUPADMIN Able to manage linked servers and modify startup procedures.

SECURITYADMIN Manages logins, passwords, and permissions; is allowed to read error logs.

PROCESSADMIN Allowed to manage the SQL Server's processes.

DBCREATOR Has permissions to create, alter, and drop databases.

DISKADMIN Allowed to manage SQL Server disk files.

BULKADMIN Allowed to perform BULK INSERT operations.

A fixed role cannot be altered, and new fixed server roles cannot be created. You may add new members to a role, or
remove members from the role using SQL Server system-stored procedures, or through graphical user interface (GUI).

The next level in the SQL Server 2000's security hierarchy is fixed database roles, shown in Table 12-11. Each
database defined within an SQL Server instance has a set of predefined (fixed) database roles to which any of the
database users (logins) can be added. The scope of these roles is much more limited — they are confined to the
database within which they are declared. As with the fixed server roles, no permissions can be altered for these roles,
but new database roles can be created (unlike fixed server roles).

Table 12-11: Microsoft SQL Server Fixed Database Roles

Fixed Database Role Actions Allowed

DB_OWNER Members of this group have permissions to do anything — within the database

DB_ACCESSADMIN Members of this role can add or remove users from the database.

DB_SECURITYADMIN Members of this role manage security: all the privileges, objects, roles, etc.

DB_DDLADMIN Members of this role may issue any DDL statement, but cannot issue GRANT,
REVOKE, or DENY statements.

DB_BACKUPOPERATOR Members of this role may issueDBCC , CHECKPOINT, and BACKUP statements.

DB_DATAREADER Members of this role are allowed to select all data from any user table in the

DB_DATAWRITER Members of this role are allowed to modify any data in any user table in the

DB_DENYDATAREADER Members of this role are not allowed to select any data from any user table in
the database.

DB_DENYDATAWRITER Members of this role are not allowed to modify any data in any user table in the

Application roles are unique to the SQL Server 2000 (and Oracle 9i with some specifics). They are activated only by
the application that accesses RDBMS; there are no predefined application roles. In a way, they just provide another
method to manage group permissions — if users always connect to the database server through some accounting
program, the SQL Server DBA can create a role for that accounting program and assign all the privileges it needs for
normal functioning. When the SQL Server receives a request from the accounting program, it activates the role for this
application — no sooner, no later. If the application is phased out and replaced by a new one, all the DBA must do to
prevent access from the previous application is to drop an associated application role.

Application roles contain no members, and there are no predefined application roles. There is much more to
application roles than described here. If you need to use them, refer to SQL Server (and Oracle) documentation.

Note The column level privileges are recorded in the system tables and can be viewed through the
Chapter 13.

As with other RDBMS, permissions (privileges) can be assigned at the object level, for example, in a table or stored
procedure — all the way down to a column. A column is the smallest object for which a user may have privilege. In
addition to object granularity, privileges can be differentiated by type — EXECUTE privilege, SELECT privilege, DELETE
privilege, and so on, in any combination. The privileges — both on system and object levels — are discussed earlier in
this chapter.

The SQL Server does not have the CREATE ROLE statement; it employs system-stored procedures instead. The list of
some relevant procedures is given in Table 12-12.

Table 12-12: Selected Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Role Management System-Stored Procedures

sp_addrole <role name> , Creates a new role in the current database.[<role owner>]

sp_droprole <role name> Removes a role from the current database.

sp_addapprole <role name> , <password> Creates a new application role in the current database.

sp_setapprole <role name> , [<password>], Activates the permissions associated with an application
[<encryption>] role in the current database.

sp_dropapprole <role name> Removes an application role from the current database.

sp_addrolemember <role name> , <user name> Adds a member to an existing database role.

sp_droprolemember <role name> , <user name> Removes a member from the existing role.

sp_addsrvrolemember <role name> , <user Adds a member to an existing fixed server role.

sp_dropsrvrolemember <role name> , <user Removes a member from the fixed server role.

Note Microsoft provides a number of sp_ help system-stored procedures to obtain information on roles — either fixed
or user-defined.
Using Views for Security
One of the mechanisms that can be used to implement security is SQL views, (discussed in Chapter 4). Using views, it
is possible to restrict data accessible to a user, the type of operations the user can perform through the views, or both.

Consider the following DDL SQL statement, which is generic enough to be acceptable in all three major RDBMS
CREATE VIEW v_customer_status (
name, status ) AS SELECT cust_name_s, cust_status_s FROM

This view selects only two fields from the table CUSTOMER, which has a total of seven fields. This is called vertical
restriction, as it restricts access to the subset of columns (fields). The other fields might contain confidential
information that should be accessible only to upper management. If you grant SELECT privilege to the view to some
role (for example, ROLE "staff"), then everyone who belongs to that role would be able to see customers' names and
statuses, while the rest of the information that the table contains remains inaccessible to them.

If the SELECT statement from the view V_CUSTOMER_STATUS is executed by an authorized person, it will produce the
following results (but the same statement issued by a person who was not granted privileges to the view would
generate an error):
SELECT * FROM v_customer_status
name status -------------------------------------------------- ------ WILE SEAL

You can also restrict the access horizontally — by specifying a subset of rows. For example, you may want to grant
access to the historical data, something that was entered into the table a year ago or earlier, and prevent access to
data added after that date; or — using the example from the ACME database — say you have a sales force that is split
in two groups according to responsibility and experience level (one group has salespersons that deal with clients
whose orders total above 15,000, and the other group handles customers generating less volume). For the latter
example, the SQL syntax for all three databases would be as follows:
v_customer_totals_over_15000 AS SELECT * FROM v_customer_totals WHERE
total_price > 15000

Selecting from the following view will bring up only the records for the customers whose total is over 15000:
v_customer_totals_over_15000 customer_name order_number total_price
---------------------- --------------- ------------------ WILE ELECTRONICS INC.
523735 15613.60 WILE BESS COMPANY 523741 15464.10 . . . . . . . . . . . . WILE
SEAL CORP. 523775 15613.60 WILE SEAL CORP. 523781 15464.10

Note The view V_CUSTOMER_TOTALS_OVER_15000 is built upon another view,V_CUSTOMER_TOTALS, and different
privileges can be assigned for each of these objects. Using this method, one can build a sophisticated,
fine-grained security hierarchy.

Of course, both horizontal and vertical selection could be combined into a single view.

Views also can limit displayed data to summary information, like in V_CUSTOMER_TOTALS, where information about
sales is summed up while being grouped by order number (see Appendix B for the SQL statements that create this

Additional restrictions that can be implemented in views include WHERE clauses and JOIN conditions. These are useful
when more than one table is involved in a view. For example, you can restrict your view to show only customers that
have placed an order and hide all others, as follows (syntax is valid for all three databases):
customer cu JOIN order_header oh ON cu.cust_id_n = oh.ordhdr_custid_fn
CUST_NAME_S -------------------------------------------------- WILE BESS

Views are used not only for SELECT but also for UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements. Some of these operations
are governed by the inherent properties of a view object, and some can be specified when the view object is created.
For example, you cannot update or insert views that were created using aggregate functions — attempting to do so
would generate an error. This is an inherent behavior. On the other hand, for an updateable view you could create a
constraint, which could accept or reject data modifications based on some criteria. There is more about constraints in
the next section.
Using Constraints for Security
Constraints often are used to maintain integrity, be it referential, data integrity (also called entity integrity), or domain
integrity (discussed in greater detail in Chapter 4). Here we will discuss the use of constraints from a security point of
view only.

Note While all CONSTRAINT examples are given asALTER TABLE, they also may be created in theCREATE TABLE

Domain integrity constraints, like the CHECK constraint or the DEFAULT constraint, validate data for correct format and
content. For example, in the ACME database the CHK_ADDR_TYPE constraint that follows validates an address as
being either a 'SHIPPING' or 'BILLING' type of address:
CONSTRAINT chk_addr_type CHECK (addr_type_s = 'SHIPPING' OR addr_type_s =

Now any attempt — legitimate or otherwise — to enter invalid data, for example, 'HOME' address type, would generate
an error; your data is protected against inconsistency. Validating data before it is committed to the database table is a
very efficient security layer.

Note If the constraint you've trying to add is already in the database, the above example would generate an error. To
run the example you might need to drop the constraint.

Another mechanism for enforcing domain integrity is the DEFAULT constraint. When specified, this constraint
guarantees that if any data was omitted from the query, a default value will be used instead of blank space or NULL. In
the following example (valid for Microsoft SQL Server only, as Oracle 9i and IBM DB2 UDB do not consider it a
constraint; see Chapter 4 for more information on constraints), the DEFAULT constraint DF_CUSTOMER_CUST_S
assigns the default value of 'Y' in every insert statement that does not supply this value:
CONSTRAINT df_customer_cust_s DEFAULT ('Y') FOR cust_status_s

Note It is open for discussion whether DEFAULT represents a security breach or a security enforcement mechanism.
On the one hand, it prevents data inconsistency, which is a good thing; on the other, it requires less precision on
the data entry end — by preventing omission/sloppiness errors — and less effort for a malicious intruder to insert

Entity integrity, which essentially refers to a row of data, is maintained with indices and constraints like the PRIMARY
KEY constraint or the UNIQUE constraint. It effectively prevents users from entering duplicate values. Putting these
constraints on the Social Security Number (SSN) column would prevent miscreants from applying for a job using
stolen SSN cards.

Referential integrity maintains healthy relationships between the tables for which it is declared. It mandates that there
cannot be a record in the child table if a corresponding record in the parent table is missing, or that a record in the
parent table cannot be deleted as long as it has a corresponding record in the child table. Here is an example using
the table ADDRESS from the ACME database. The FOREIGN KEY constraint mandates that there will be no record in
the ADDRESS database unless it refers to a valid customer in the CUSTOMER table; the field ADDR_CUSTID_FN from
the ADDRESS table is referencing the primary key field CUST_ID_N of the CUSTOMER table:
CONSTRAINT fk_addr_cust FOREIGN KEY(addr_custid_fn) REFERENCES

Constraints by themselves cater to a very narrow segment of database security and should be considered
supplemental to the more robust mechanisms provided by the overall RDBMS security.
Using Stored Procedures and Triggers for Security
Stored procedures and triggers allow for a very finely grained object-level security. Both are compiled modules
implemented in some procedural language and stored inside the RDBMS server.

The idea behind using stored procedures for security is to encapsulate certain business logic inside persistent
modules that are stored server-side, and restrict a user's database communication to the use of these procedures
only. For example, you can implement a set of stored procedures in such a way that every SELECT, UPDATE, and
DELETE would go through the stored procedures. Users could be granted these privileges only through stored
procedures and denied direct access to the tables that these stored procedures are based upon. Inside your stored
procedures you can implement business security rules that govern the way data is inserted, queried, updated, or
deleted. You can even use stored procedures for creating database objects (though there might be some
implementation-specific restrictions).

The facilities provided by standard vanilla SQL to implement sophisticated business logic are not adequate. While
SQL92 and SQL99 both specify persistent server-side modules, their implementation details developed by the various
database vendors are far from being standardized — both in syntax and language. Oracle uses its own PL/SQL
procedural extension for the SQL, the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 uses its own Transact-SQL dialect, and IBM uses its
own IBM SQL.

Note Oracle and IBM also allow for using Java for to create stored procedures, and the MS SQL Server 2000 sponsors
DTS (Data Transformation Services) that, while not being a stored procedure equivalent, could be used to access
and transform data through VBScript and ActiveX objects.

Procedural extensions (as well as Java Programming Language) are beyond the scope of this book, which provides
only very basic examples on how they can be used for security purposes.

Here is a simple procedure that handles insert into the CUSTOMER table of the ACME database.

Note This example assumes existence of the table DELINQUENT_CUSTOMER, which collects information about former
customers that were dropped due to nonpayment; the actual ACME database does not contain such a table.

In MS SQL Server syntax, this stored procedure might be implemented as follows:

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_cust_insert
@cust_id INT, @cust_paytermsid INT, @cust_salesmanid INT, @cust_status
VARCHAR(1), @cust_name VARCHAR(50), @cust_alias VARCHAR(15), @cust_credhold
FROM delinquent_customer WHERE cust_name_s = @cust_name) INSERT INTO customer (
cust_id_n, cust_paytermsid_fn, cust_salesmanid_fn, cust_status_s, cust_name_s,
cust_alias_s, cust_credhold_s ) VALUES ( @cust_id, @cust_paytermsid,
@cust_salesmanid, @cust_status, @cust_name, @cust_alias, @cust_credhold ) ELSE
RAISERROR ('Delinquent customer',19,2)

What is actually happening here is that the application that calls this stored procedure (sp_cust_insert) passes seven
parameters to it, one of the parameters being new customer's name. Before inserting the data into the table
CUSTOMER, the procedure checks whether this customer is not already on the delinquent customer list. It allows the
record to be added only if no such customer exists there; otherwise, it produces an error and passes it back to the
calling application with a description of the error and the severity of it.

This procedure uses Transact-SQL language (which is generally out of scope of this book). The syntax in the sample
code was made as simple as possible, and kept to a bare minimum. The syntax for the Oracle RDBMS and IBM DB2
UDB would be quite different, though the idea would be the same.

Cross-References Stored procedures, user functions, and triggers are discussed inChapter 14.

The same functionality can be implemented as a trigger. A trigger is a special kind of stored procedure that executes
automatically, in response to a certain event. In the previous example, the event is the INSERT statement executed
against the CUSTOMER table. You could set up a trigger to fire (execute) whenever an application tries to insert,
update, or delete data from the table.
Note The ACME database has an example of using a trigger for security-related auditing purposes — it fires whenever
an update takes place and records data about the user who made the changes.

Data encryption

Encryption is a method to convert information from a human readable format into a format that is unreadable by
humans. The encrypted data normally can be decrypted using the same process (algorithm) that was used to encrypt
it. Encryption is not a part of the SQL standard; therefore each vendor provides different encryption-related services.

The data inside the RDBMS is stored as plain text(ASCII, Unicode), or binary (BLOBS , IMAGE, and similar data types).
To prevent this data from being viewed by unauthorized users (who happen to be granted access to the table that
contains it), or to send a data extract over an unsecured network, the data could be encrypted. The data also could be
encrypted via some client software before it is entered into the database, or it could be done inside the RDBMS using
its own facilities.

This provides an additional level of security, when in order to view data in human readable format — be it text or
pictures, audio files, or executable files — a user would need a password and decrypting facilities, either on RDBMS or
inside his/her client software.

While maintaining high security for authentication, user access, public key infrastructure, and so on, Oracle 9i does not
provide much of the user-accessible encryption functionality within the database itself, but it compensates with add-on
products. The only things you can encrypt using the RDBMS-supplied functionality are the PL/SQL code contained in
Oracle's package specifications and package bodies, and stand-alone procedures and functions using the utility
wrap.exe (found in directory $ORACLE_HOME/bin on Unix, and \Oracle9\bin on Windows machines). Oracle 9i also
provides an obfuscation package (DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT), which provides a means to hide the source code
and data from prying eyes by converting the code into ASCII gibberish. It uses the DES implementation algorithm.
Obfuscation differs from encryption by being more secure and not limited to a range of human readable characters.

IBM DB2 UDB 8.1 provides several functions for data encryption (listed in Table 12-13). For example, this query returns
product brand from the ACME database table PRODUCT:
SELECT prod_brand_s FROM

Table 12-13: IBM DB2 UDB Encryption Functions

Function Description

ENCRYPT (<data to encrypt>, Encrypts CHAR or VARCHAR data (up to 32633 bytes long)
<password>, <hint>) using a password — CHAR or VARCHAR string (at least 6
bytes, no more than 127 bytes long).
A HINT (CHAR or VARCHAR, up to 32 bytes long) is an optional
parameter; if used, it provides capability to recall a password
using a hint expression via the GETHINT function.

DECRYPT_BIN (<encrypted data>, Decrypts binary data (BLOB,CLOB, etc.) encrypted with
<password>) ENCRYPT function.

DECRYPT_CHAR (<encrypted data>, Decrypts character data encrypted withENCRYPT function.


GETHINT (<encrypted data>) This function returns a hint for the encrypted data, if such a hint
was found. Hopefully, the user could recall the password using
the hint.

To produce encrypted data — for example, a list of brands from the PRODUCT table (to be sent to a branch over an
unsecured network) — in IBM DB2 UDB, the following SQL statement could be used:
SELECT ENCRYPT(prod_brand_s,
'PASSWORD') encrypted FROM product ENCRYPTED

To decrypt the above seemingly senseless string of characters, use the DECRYPT_CHAR function (since we are using
character data), with exactly the same password, to restore the data into its original form. Numeric data cannot be
encrypted with this function directly (you can also encrypt binary or character representation of numbers).

The Microsoft SQL Server 2000 allows you to encrypt (or encrypt by default) the following:

Login and application role passwords (stored server-side)

Stored procedure body (the actual implementation code)

User-defined functions body (the actual implementation code)

View definitions (the actual SQL statements)

Triggers (the actual implementation code)

Rules and defaults definitions

Data packets sent between the SQL Server and the client application

Logins and passwords are stored in MS SQL Server 2000 system tables and are always encrypted. The algorithm
used for this is proprietary, and passwords cannot be viewed directly (unless NULL is used as a password).

When a stored procedure, function, view, or trigger is compiled and saved in the SQL Server, the creator has an
option to encrypt the actual implementation code to prevent it from being viewed by other users or third parties who
have access to the database system objects. The encryption option is in the CREATE statement. For example, to
encrypt one of the ACME database views inside the MS SQL Server 2000, you would use the following statement:
CREATE VIEW v_customer_status
( name, status ) WITH ENCRYPTION AS SELECT cust_name_s, cust_status_s FROM

The WITH ENCRYPTION option saves the actual Transact-SQL code inside the SYSCOMMENTS system table in
encrypted form rather than in standard plain text. There is a catch to encrypting SQL Server objects — once
encrypted, the object cannot be modified; if you need to do so, you would have to drop the object and recreate it.

Note There are literally hundreds of data encryption algorithms — both custom and public. To devise and implement an
encryption algorithm requires familiarity with programming principles — in addition to advanced math. Here are
some popular algorithms in use today: DES (designed by IBM in 1970, adopted by NIST in 1976 for unclassified
data), RC5 (from RSA Data Security), CMEA (developed by the Telecommunication Industry Association to
encrypt digital cellular phone data), FEAL (developed by Nippon Telephone & Telegraph), TEA, MD5, Tiger, and
CAST — to name just a few.

The data sent between the SQL Server 2000 and a client application can be encrypted using Secure Socket Layer
(SSL) encryption if TCP/IP is chosen as a communication protocol — which is usually the case for most networks and
Internet connections. When multiprotocol is employed, an application must specifically call the Windows RPC
encryption API (application programming interface). The actual strength of such an encryption (the length of the
encryption key) depends on the version of the Windows OS where the software is installed.

Note SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a protocol initially developed by Netscape Communications to secure the transfer
of documents over the Internet. It uses so-called public key encryption data. By convention, the SSL connection
Internet link starts with the prefix https:// as opposed the standard http:// (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).

A very simple password-based data encryption can be implemented in Transact-SQL using the Microsoft SQL Server
2000 bitwise operator XOR (logical, exclusive OR) . This type of encryption is very easy to implement — and break.

How XOR Encryption Works

XOR encryption uses a key (password) to encrypt the text. Each letter in the computer world is represented by a
specific ASCII/Unicode or ECBCD number. When encrypting data with a key, each character of the data is
XORed with a corresponding character of the key; reversing the operation restores the original data.

The XOR operation follows rules of Boolean logic:

0 XOR 0 = 0 0 XOR 1 = 1 1
XOR 1 = 0 1 XOR 0 = 1

The operation applies to one bit at the time. For more a detailed introduction of Boolean algebra, refer to
Appendix L.

Here is an example of encrypting string ABC with a password B. In the ASCII codes table these letters are
assigned codes 65, 66, and 67, respectively. In binary notation they would look like this:
A 1000001(ASCII 65) B
1000010(ASCII 66) C 1000011(ASCII 67)

The result of XORing these with B (binary 1000010), bit by bit, would look as follows:


Characters to encrypt 1000001 1000010 1000011

Password 'B' 1000010 1000010 1000010

Results of the XOR operation 0000011 0000000 0000001

Result in binary format ASCII (3) ASCII (0) ASCII (1)

The result of the XOR operation gives three nonprintable characters, which could be converted into their
previous form using the same operation (XOR) and password (1000010) — shown in bold.

ASCII ( 3 ) ASCII ( 0 ) ASCII ( 1 )

Encrypted characters 0000011 0000000 0000001

Password 'B' 1000010 1000010 1000010

Result in binary format 1000001 1000010 1000011

The corresponding SQL statement in the SQL Server 2000 is:

SELECT 65 ^ 66 'a_XOR_b' ,66
^ 66 'b_XOR_b' ,67 ^ 66 'c_XOR_b' a_XOR_b b_XOR_b c_XOR_b -----------
----------- ----------- 3 0 1 (1 row(s) affected)

The result gives a string of ASCII codes, which represent nonprintable characters( since ASCII codes for 3, 0,
and 1 are End of Text, NULL, and Start Of Heading, respectively). For passwords longer than one character, you
may apply XOR to the consecutive letters in the password with that of the data.
Database Auditing
Auditing provides the ability to trace the information flow inside a database, including connection attempts, data
updates, deletes, inserts and selects, execute functionality, and such. It is useful both for postmortem scenarios and
for on-going monitoring to prevent unauthorized activity.

Auditing has nothing to do with the SQL standard, and is strictly vendor-dependent — in capabilities, implementation
details, and so on. This paragraph gives a brief overview of the RDBMS auditing.

Oracle 9i allows you to choose between an operating system auditing trail, a database one, or both. The first option is,
of course, operating system dependent, and would contain only such information that the OS is programmed to
preserve. An audit trail generated by Windows will be much different from one generated on the Unix box, even if the
Oracle database setup is the same.

The database auditing trail will be very much the same, no matter what OS Oracle is installed on; it also has an
additional advantage of being able to produce audit reports using Oracle's built-in facilities. The auditing information
(database statements, privileges, and so on) is stored in the SYS.AUD$ catalog table, which is commonly referred to as
audit trail, in Oracle. Essentially, you select for yourself the events you wish to monitor. A number of events in Oracle
are audited by default: instance startup, instance shutdown, and attempts to connect to the database with
administrative privileges. You may choose to specify custom auditing options to monitor other events happening within
your Oracle installation, with the Oracle-specific AUDIT statement. Table 12-14 shows Oracle 9i audit levels.

Table 12-14: Oracle 9i Audit Levels

Level Action

STATEMENT Initiates auditing of some specific SQL statements. For example, the AUDIT TABLE
command initiates audits for the CREATE TABLE, TRUNCATE TABLE, COMMENT ON
TABLE, and DELETE [FROM] TABLE statements.

PRIVILEGE Initiates auditing for the SQL statements created using special system privilege. For
example, AUDIT CREATE USER will monitor all statements that are issued using this
particular system privilege.

OBJECT Initiates audit of the events pertaining to a particular object likeTABLE or VIEW.

When setting the audit level, you also can specify some of the options that narrow the scope of the events you wish to
monitor (see Table 12-15).

Table 12-15: Oracle 9i AUDIT Level Options

Option Description

BY SESSION / BY ACCESS The first option accumulates information on all the SQL statements
issued for the duration of the session, the second causes Oracle to write
one record for each access.

WHENEVER SUCCESSFUL Records audit information only for statements that succeed.

WHENEVER NOT Records audit information only for statements that fail or generate in

For example, to audit all failed attempts to perform various database operations, the following statement could be

Upon execution of this statement, Oracle begins to collect information on all failed attempts to perform operations
listed in the audit clause. Refer to the Oracle 9i documentation for more detailed information on auditing capabilities of
the RDBMS.

Tip Keep in mind that the amount of accumulated information could easily exceed reasonable limits. Choose wisely
what events you wish to monitor and for how long.

IBM DB2 UDB introduces the auditing facility db2audit to monitor database events, and log the collected information.
The audit is performed at an instance level, and the user of this facility must have SYSADM authority. The audit trail is
generated for a series of predefined events. There are several categories of events for which you may want to
generate an audit trail; each of these events can be monitored for failure, success, or both. The categories are listed in
Table 12-16.

Table 12-16: IBM DB2 UDB Events Categories Available for Audit

Category Description

AUDIT Generates a log record whenever auditing settings are changed.

CHECKING Generates a log record when performing authorization checking.

OBJMAINT Generates a log record when database objects are created or destroyed.

SECMAINT Generates a log record when privileges and authorities are granted or revoked; also
when security configuration parameters are changed.

SYSADMIN Generates a log record when an operation requiring high-level authority is performed

VALIDATE Generates a log record when a user is being authenticated, or his/her security
information is retrieved.

CONTEXT Generates a log record of the operation context; it might help when analyzing other
events' records. By its very nature, such a record could be very large and should be used
with caution (e.g., CONNECT, BACKUP_DB etc.).

The collected information is written into a log file with a predefined structure. Each category of events generates its
own file, and has its own structure. The file is a regular ASCII file, optimized for loading into a table; the files are not
encrypted but are protected within the operating system's security framework. The loading is also done through the
db2audit utility, using the extract parameter as the argument.

An audit facility runs from the command line and accepts a number of parameters (over 20). Here is a very simple
example of the usage:
db2audit start checking

This would start auditing all events that fall into the CHECKING category for both failure and success.

The audit facility is very complex, and even a brief explanation of its usage would require a chapter of its own; refer to
IBM DB2 UDB documentation for more information.

The Microsoft SQL Server 2000 provides an SQL Profiler tool that can be used for auditing, and, as you would expect
in the Windows world, there is a visual interface. It is invoked from the Tools menu of the SQL Server Enterprise
manager. However only members of the SYSADMIN security fixed role are allowed to enable it; for all other users, this
option is not available.

The SQL Profiler provides a visual interface for auditing events. The events fall into several categories: user activity,
database administrative activity, server events, and so on. Each category represents a collection of the events that
could be selected separately — or all together. The event categories available for monitoring are shown in Table

Table 12-17: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Event Categories

Event Category Description

CURSOR Events generated by cursor operations

DATABASE Events generated by data and log files when an expansion/shrinkage occurs

ERRORS AND WARNINGS Events generated by an exception that occurred within a process

LOCKS Events generated by locks occurring during the operation

OBJECTS Events generated by operations with objects as they are created,

destroyed, opened, etc.

PERFORMANCE Collection of events related to the DML (Data Manipulation Language)


SCANS Events generated by the scan performed on a database object (like table or

SECURITY AUDIT Events generated by security-related operations (like granting privilege, for

SESSIONS Events generated by connecting and disconnecting to and from the SQL

STORED PROCEDURES Events generated by executing stored procedures within SQL Server

TRANSACTIONS Events produced by the execution of Microsoft Distributed Transaction

Coordinator (MS DTC) transactions or by writing to the transaction log.

TSQL Events generated by execution Transact SQL statements passed to the

SQL Server instance from the client

USER CONFIGURABLE Allows user to specify custom events

The information recorded contains date/time stamp, user ID, type of event, outcome (success/failure), the source
(machine name, IP address), names of the objects accessed, and full text of the SQL statement. All this information is
recorded in the auditing files, placed under operating system security protection.

The SQL Server provides very fine-grained monitoring capabilities (for example, the amount of CPU time required for
the event to occur) for each of the event categories. In addition, you can specify filters, stating, for example, that you
would like to monitor the selected events only if they are generated by a specific application, ignoring all others.

Note The Microsoft SQL Server supports C2 audit requirements (see more information on C2-level security certification
later in this chapter). To turn on the C2 auditing option, a member of the SYSADMIN fixed role must run the
system-stored procedure sp_configure, and set thec2 audit mode option to 1:
EXEC sp_configure 'c2 audit

To access the advancedaudit mode option, run this script first:

EXEC sp_configure 'show
advanced options', '0' RECONFIGURE

Enabling this option turns on a security trace template that collects all information needed for the C2-level security
audit, as specified by the security standard.
Security Standards
While not related directly to SQL, security standards define the infrastructure within which it is employed, and are
therefore of interest to SQL users. Usually, RDBMS software complies with these standards to a certain degree —
either voluntarily, or under pressure from the government agencies that mandate requirements for the software's

The first nationwide attempt to standardize security procedures for computer systems was undertaken in 1985 by the
U.S. National Computer Security Center (NCSC). To be considered for a government contract, the vendors had to
achieve a certain level of security for their products through proctored testing. Dozens of vendors went through years
(the process has taken three years, on average) of testing procedures just to be able to sell their products to
government agencies. The vendors, like Sun, Oracle, and Novell, received their certifications (either C1 or B2) in early
1990s, following a directive that all computer systems storing sensitive information must be C2 certified.

International security standards

BS7799 and its international equivalent ISO 17799 are the most widely recognized security standards in the world.
Their closest equivalent in the United States is the level B1 security.

ISO 17799 provides a detailed roadmap in several areas, and every company that seeks this standard's endorsement
for its product must address all of these areas:

Business Continuity Planning. Mandates procedures for continuing business activities in spite major
failures or disasters.

System Access Control. Focuses on controlling access to information, ensures protection of the
networked services, detects and counteracts unauthorized activity, ensures information security for
distributed mobile applications.

System Development and Maintenance. Mandates that security be built-in (as opposed to external);
deals with data loss prevention and data misuse, as well as with confidentiality, authenticity, and
integrity of information

Physical and Environmental Security. Deals with preventing unauthorized access, damage, and
interference to top business premises and information, preventing loss, compromise, or theft of
information and information processing facilities.

Compliance. Avoids breaches of any criminal or civil law, statutory, regulatory, or contractual
obligations; ensures compliance of every system in the organization with established organizational
security policies and standards; minimizes interference of the audit process with business practices.

Personnel Security. Reduces risks resulting from human error, theft, fraud, or misuse of facilities,
minimizing damage in case such incidents occur; educates users about proper policy procedures.

Security Organization. Manages information security within an organization; maintains security for the
organization's facilities accessed by third parties, for example, when the responsibility for information
protection has been outsourced to a third party.

Computer and Operation Management. Deals with facility's operational policies, ensures safety of
information in the networks and the supporting infrastructure, prevents loss, misuse, or unauthorized
modification of data exchanged between organizations.

Assets Classification and Control. Maintains protection of the corporate assets.

Policy. Establishes and manages a viable security policy within an organization.

In spite of the detailed standards, the actual implementations of them might widely differ across the board. One reason
for the differences is that there are so many standards; and, since the certification process can be very expensive, it is
not a viable option for many businesses. Most banks in the United States, for example, do not use ISO standards,
relying instead on SAS 70 auditing standards, while other companies prefer using use ISO 9000/2000 standards.

Note More information on information systems security can be accessed on one of these sites:,,, and .

There are also emerging standards like the Common Criteria (CC) program. This program was started in 1996, initially
by the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and the Netherlands with strong support from the National Information
Assurance Partnership (NIAP). Since then 11 more countries have joined the program: Australia, New Zealand,
Canada, Finland, Greece, Israel, Italy, Norway, Spain, and Sweden.

What Is C2 Security Level?

Class C2 is a security rating established by the U.S. National Computer Security Center (NCSC). It is granted to
the products that pass Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC) tests (known as Orange Book)
administered by the Department of Defense. This rating is an absolute security minimum required for a product
to be considered for employment in government agencies and offices that accumulate and process sensitive
secure information.

The TCSEC standards were established in 1985 and updated numerous times since then. According to TCSEC,
system security is evaluated at one of four levels, ranging from class A1 to class D.

Class D is defined as Minimum Security; meaning essentially — "In God we trust."

Class C1 is defined as Discretionary Security Protection; systems evaluated at this level have to meet security
requirements by controlling user access to data.

Class C2, defined as Controlled Access Protection complements class C1 by adding additional accountability
features, such as login procedures, auditing capabilities to verify all users' actions (i.e., attempts to access, read,
write, or delete any object), finely grained access privileges, and so on.

Class B1 is defined as Labeled Security Protection; systems at this level must have a stated policy model, and
specifically labeled data.

Class B2, defined as Structured Protection, adds a much more explicit and formal security policy to the B1

Class B3, defined as Security Domains, adds stringent engineering and monitoring requirements.

Class A1 is defined as Verified Design; systems at this level are functionally equivalent to B3 systems, but in
addition to all the features of the all previous levels they must undergo formal functional analysis procedures to
ensure security.

The National Security Agency (NSA) instituted — beginning July 2002 — that all new national security systems (and
that includes RDBMS software) must pass a rigorous test as mandated in CC; there are also indications that this might
spread to every government organization.

Note Usually database vendors are certified on a C2 level. As for the Common Criteria program, only Oracle has
certified its products at the EAL4 CC certification level. The Microsoft SQL Server 2000 received the C2 Level of
security certification from NSA, and IBM DB2 UDB has yet to be certified.
SQL by itself provides only limited security mechanisms. It essentially uses GRANT and REVOKE statements to control
access to the database objects through system privileges. Relational Database Systems needed more robust security,
which have been implemented in a variety of nonstandard ways by the RDBMS vendors.

There are several different macro-layers of security: authentication, authorization, and audit. There are also different
techniques used to protect data on the most basic levels.

All RDBMS consider the notion of a user as some entity that connects to a database and performs actions. Further, all
three vendors discussed in this book implement, in one way or another, roles, which is a method to manage sets of
privileges. Roles can be system-defined (fixed) or user-defined.

The user gets authenticated either through RDBMS itself, or through the operating system on which the RDBMS is
installed. Once authenticated, the user can perform authorized actions on the database objects. The authorization is
handled through a system of privileges.

Using GRANT or REVOKE, authorization (privileges) can be assigned or denied to users or roles, and there are rules
that govern the process.

Additional security can be implemented through various mechanisms supplied by the database itself: constraints,
views, stored procedures, and triggers. The lowest level of defense is vested in the data itself, via encryption, which
renders data unreadable by humans.

There are national and international security standards, which are recommended (but not required); some database
vendors choose to get certified, while some do not.
Chapter 13: The System Catalog and INFORMATION_SCHEMA
To keep track of all objects, their relationships, etc., the RDBMS use the same technique they are advocating — a set
of relational tables and views. This approach was first defined in the SQL92 standard (ISO/IEC 9075-2:199x) and was
implemented across all major RDBMS — to a certain degree.

SQL System Catalogs

In the SQL Standard a CATALOG is a collection of schemas that contains, among other things,
INFORMATION_SCHEMA . It comprises the tables and/or views that provide all the information about all the other
objects and records defined in the database: schemas, tables, privileges, and so on. The main idea is to provide both
users and the RDBMS with a consistent standardized way of accessing metadata (the data about data: table
definitions, user-defined types, etc.) as well as some system information. By definition, the INFORMATION_SCHEMA
tables and views cannot be updated directly, though some vendors allow this (e.g., IBM DB2 UDB).

Table 13-1 shows INFORMATION_SCHEMA views as specified in SQL99 standards.

Table 13-1: SQL Standard INFORMATION_SCHEMA Views

INFORMATION_SCHEMA view Description Implemented in


ASSERTIONS Lists all the assertions created in the None

database; not implemented by any of
the leading vendors.

CHARACTER_SETS Describes character set definitions None

accessible to the user; one row per

CHECK_CONSTRAINTS Describes check constraints on the SQL Server 2000

tables accessible by the user; one row
per constraint.

COLLATIONS Describes collations accessible to the None

user; one row per collation.

COLUMNS Describes columns accessible to the IBM DB2 UDB,

current SQL Server 2000 user for
every table in the database; one row
per column.

COLUMN_DOMAIN_USAGE Contains information about the objects SQL Server 2000

for which the current user has

COLUMN_PRIVILEGES Describes privileges on the column SQL Server 2000

level granted to the user; one row per
privilege per column.

CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE Describes columns referenced in SQL Server 2000

every constraint; one row per column.

CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE Describes tables referenced in every SQL Server 2000

constraint; one row per table per

DOMAINS Describes domains accessible to the SQL Server 2000

user(data type, restrictions, etc.); one
row per domain.

INFORMATION_SCHEMA_CATALOG_NAME Name of the database for the user; None

one row per name; not implemented
by any of the leading vendors.

DOMAIN_CONSTRAINTS Describes domain constraints SQL Server 2000

accessible to the user; one row per
domain constraint.

KEY_COLUMN_USAGE Describes columns used in the SQL Server 2000

key-based constraints(primary key,
foreign key, unique, etc); one row per

REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS Describes foreign key constrains for SQL Server 2000

the tables accessible to the user; one
row per constraint.

SCHEMATA Describes schemas contained in the IBM DB2 UDB,

database; SQL Server 2000 one row
INFORMATION_SCHEMA view Description Implemented in

SQL_LANGUAGES Contains information about languages None

supported by the RDBMS (i.e., C,
FORTRAN, PL/I etc.).

TABLES Describes every table accessible to IBM DB2 UDB,

the user; SQL Server 2000 one row
per table/view.

TABLE_CONSTRAINTS Describes constraints declared for the SQL Server 2000

table(primary key, check constraint
etc.); one row per constraint.

TABLE_PRIVILEGES Describes all the privileges granted to SQL Server 2000

the user; one row per privilege.

TRANSLATIONS Translation definitions accessible to None

the user.

USAGE_PRIVILEGES Contains information about privileges None

granted to a user; one row per

VIEWS Describes every view accessible to IBM DB2 UDB,

the user; SQL Server 2000 one row
per view.

VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE Describes columns referenced by the SQL Server 2000

views accessible to the user; one row
per column.

VIEW_TABLE_USAGE Describes tables referenced by views SQL Server 2000

accessible to the user; one row per

Similar functionality has been implemented by the RDBMS vendors in views with different names or in a different way.
Please refer to the particular RDBMS section of this chapter for more information. In Table 13-1 the column
"Implemented in RDBMS" refers to the actual syntax of the view, that is, its name; some vendors choose to use
different names and/or add their own views and tables to the System Catalog.
Oracle 9i Data Dictionary
Oracle uses the term "Data Dictionary" for its system catalogs. Each Oracle database has its own set of system tables
and views that store information about both the physical and logical database structure. The data dictionary objects
are read-only, meaning that no database user ever manually modifies them; however, Oracle RDBMS itself
automatically updates data in these objects in response to specific actions. For example, when user ACME creates a
new object (table, view, stored procedure, etc.), adds a column or a constraint to a table, and so forth, the appropriate
data dictionary tables are updated behind the scenes at once, and the corresponding changes are visible through the
system views (discussed later in this chapter).

Oracle's data dictionary consists of hundreds of different views and tables that logically belong to different categories,
but most of them are only of interest to the database administrators and are beyond the scope of this book. We list
only the main object groups in the information schema and briefly describe the most common objects in each

Oracle data dictionary structure

Generally, the data dictionary consists of base tables and user-accessible views.

The base tables contain all database information that is dynamically updated by Oracle RDBMS. Oracle strictly
discourages using those tables even for selects; the database users normally have no access to them, and even
DBAs do not typically query these tables directly. The information stored in the base tables is cryptic and difficult to

The user-accessible views summarize and display the information stored in the base tables; they display the
information from the base tables in readable and/or simplified form using joins, column aliases, and so on. Different
Oracle users can have SELECT privileges on different database views.

Note All Oracle data dictionary objects belong to a special user called SYS. Oracle creates public synonyms to simplify
user access to these objects (see Chapter 4). That means you do not have to, for example, refer to
SYS.DBA_TABLES with the fully qualified name; simplyDBA_TABLES will do, assuming you have appropriate
privileges to access the view.

The data dictionary views, in turn, consist of static and dynamic views. The name "static" denotes that the information
in this group of views only changes when a change is made to the data dictionary (a column is added to a table, a new
database user is created, etc.). The dynamic views are constantly updated while a database is in use; their contents
relate primarily to performance and are not relevant to this book.

Note The dynamic data dictionary views can be distinguished by the prefix V_$, and the public synonyms for these
views start with V$.

The static views can be divided into three groups. The views in each group are prefixed USER_ , ALL_ , or DBA_, as
shown in Table 13-2.

Table 13-2: Static View Prefixes

Prefix Scope

USER User's view (objects in the user's schema).

ALL Expanded user's view (all objects that the user can access).

DBA Database administrator's view (all objects in all users' schemas).

The set of columns is almost identical across views, that is, USER_TABLES, ALL_TABLES, and DBA_TABLES have the
same columns, except USER_TABLES does not have column OWNER (which is unnecessary because that view only
has information about tables that belong to the user who queries the view).
Table 13-3 contains information about the most commonly used static views.
Table 13-3: Selected Oracle Data Dictionary views

Data Dictionary View Contains Information About:

ALL_ALL_TABLES All object and relational tables accessible to the user.

ALL_CATALOG All tables, views, synonyms, sequences accessible to the user.

ALL_COL_PRIVS Grants on columns accessible by the user.

ALL_CONSTRAINTS Constraint definitions on accessible tables.

ALL_CONS_COLUMNS Information about columns in constraint definitions accessible by the user.

ALL_DB_LINKS Database links accessible to the user.

ALL_INDEXES Indexes on tables accessible to the user.

ALL_OBJECTS All objects accessible to the user.

ALL_SEQUENCES Database sequences accessible to the user.

ALL_SYNONYMS All synonyms accessible to the user.

ALL_TABLES Relational tables accessible to the user.

ALL_TAB_COLUMNS Columns of tables, views, and clusters accessible to the user.

ALL_TRIGGERS Triggers accessible to the current user.

ALL_USERS Information about all users of the database visible to the current user.

ALL_VIEWS Views accessible to the user.

DBA_ALL_TABLES All object and relational tables in the database.

DBA_CATALOG All database tables, views, synonyms, and sequences.

DBA_COL_PRIVS All grants on columns in the database.

DBA_CONSTRAINTS Constraint definitions on all tables.

DBA_CONS_COLUMNS Information about all columns in constraint definitions in the database.

DBA_DB_LINKS All database links in the database.

DBA_INDEXES All indexes in the database.

DBA_OBJECTS All database objects.

DBA_SEQUENCES All sequences in the database.

DBA_SYNONYMS All synonyms in the database.

DBA_TABLES All relational tables in the database.

DBA_TAB_COLUMNS Description of columns of all tables, views, and clusters in the database.

DBA_TRIGGERS All triggers in the database.

DBA_USERS Information about all users of the database.

DBA_VIEWS All views in the database.

USER_ALL_TABLES All object and relational tables owned by the user.

USER_CATALOG Tables, views, synonyms, and sequences owned by the user.

USER_COL_PRIVS Grants on columns for which the user is the owner, grantor, or grantee.
Data Dictionary View Contains Information About:

USER_CONS_COLUMNS Information about columns in constraint definitions owned by the user.

USER_DB_LINKS Database links owned by the user.

USER_INDEXES The user's own indexes.

USER_OBJECTS Objects owned by the user.

USER_SEQUENCES The user's own database sequences.

USER_SYNONYMS The user's private synonyms.

USER_TABLES The user's own relational tables.

USER_TAB_COLUMNS Columns of user's tables, views, and clusters.

USER_TRIGGERS Triggers owned by the user.

USER_USERS Information about the current user.

USER_VIEWS The user's own views.

The select privilege for USER_ and ALL_ views (as well as for selected V$ views) is granted to PUBLIC by default; DBA_
views are visible to privileged users only.

Oracle data dictionary and SQL99 standards

We already mentioned that Oracle is the least compliant of our three databases with SQL99 INFORMATION_SCHEMA
standards. Historically, Oracle has its own naming conventions for the system catalog objects that do not match the
standards. However, most of the "SQL99 standardized" information (at least regarding the objects implemented by
Oracle) can be retrieved from Oracle's data dictionary. Table 13-4 shows a rough correspondence between SQL99
INFORMATION_SCHEMA views and Oracle data dictionary objects.
Table 13-4: Oracle Data Dictionary Views Correspondence to SQL99 INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

INFORMATION_SCHEMA View Oracle Data Dictionary View














The following query (when issued by user ACME in the ACME sample database) retrieves the names and creation
dates of all tables that belong to the current user:
SELECT object_name, created
FROM user_objects WHERE object_type = 'TABLE'; OBJECT_NAME CREATED
------------------------------------------------ --------- ADDRESS 27-OCT-02
STATUS 27-OCT-02 13 rows selected.

The query results tell us that there are currently 13 tables in the ACME database that belong to user ACME and that all
of them were created on October 27, 2002.

The system catalog views can be joined just as any other views or tables in Oracle to produce some combined output.
The query below joins USER_TABLES and USER_TAB_COLS data dictionary views to produce the list of all columns in
ADDRESS table that belongs to user ACME:
table_name, column_name FROM user_tables JOIN user_tab_cols USING (table_name)
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ADDRESS ADDR_ID_N
ADDRESS ADDR_COUNTRY_S 9 rows selected.

One more level deep: Data about metadata

The whole idea of Oracle's data dictionary is to hold data about data that are used both internally by the RDBMS and
by Oracle users. However, unlike the SQL99 INFORMATION_SCHEMA, which only contains a handful of views, the
Oracle 9i data dictionary consists of over a thousand objects, with dozens of columns in each. That raises a question
— where to look for certain information within the data dictionary. Fortunately, Oracle provides a few objects that
contain the information about the system objects. The two main views are DICTIONARY, which contains a description
of the data dictionary tables and views, and DICT_COLUMNS, which describes these objects' columns.

You can use a simple SQL query to look for objects that contain the information you need. For example, if you want to
know which columns in which tables you have permission to modify, a query similar to one below can help you to find
------------------------ -----------------------------------
ALL_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS Description of all updatable columns
USER_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS Description of updatable columns

Querying either ALL_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS or USER_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS will provide you with the information
you are looking for.

The other view, DICT_COLUMNS, gives you information about the individual columns of the data dictionary objects.
The query below displays all the columns in the USER_OBJECTS view along with comments for these columns:
from dict_columns WHERE table_name = 'USER_OBJECTS'; TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME
COMMENTS ---------------- --------------- ----------------------------
the sub-object (for example, partition) USER_OBJECTS OBJECT_ID Object number of
the object USER_OBJECTS DATA_OBJECT_ID Object number of the segment which
contains the object USER_OBJECTS OBJECT_TYPE Type of the object USER_OBJECTS
CREATED Timestamp for the creation of the object USER_OBJECTS LAST_DDL_TIME
Timestamp for the last DDL change (including GRANT and REVOKE) to the object
USER_OBJECTS TIMESTAMP Timestamp for the specification of the object
USER_OBJECTS STATUS Status of the object USER_OBJECTS TEMPORARY Can the current
session only see data that it place in this object itself? USER_OBJECTS
GENERATED Was the name of this object system generated? USER_OBJECTS SECONDARY
Is this a secondary object created as part of icreate for domain indexes? 12
rows selected.

Tip You can use the DESCRIBE command to obtain some minimal information about the data dictionary views and
tables in exactly the same way that you would use it to inquire about any other database objects, for example:
DESCRIBE user_sequences Name
Null? Type ---------------- -------- ------------- SEQUENCE_NAME NOT NULL
IBM DB2 UDB 8.1 System Catalogs
IBM DB2 UDB maintains two sets of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views — one in SYSCAT schema and a subset in the
SYSSTAT schema (used for SQL Optimizer to improve query performance). All views are created whenever the
CREATE DATABASE command is run; the views comprising the catalog cannot be explicitly dropped, altered, or
updated, except for some columns in the SYSSTAT views.


The Table 13-5 shows some of the views we consider most useful.

Note INFORMATION_SCHEMA views are introduced for SQL standard compliance and are maintained on top of system
base tables.
Table 13-5: Selected IBM DB2 UDB INFORMATION_SCHEMA Views

INFORMATION_SCHEMA View Contains Information About

SYSCAT.ATTRIBUTES Attributes of the structured data types

SYSCAT.DBAUTH Database authorities

SYSCAT.CHECKS Check constraints; corresponds to the SQL99 standard view


SYSCAT.COLAUTH Column level privileges

SYSCAT.COLUMNS Columns accessible for the current user

SYSCAT.COLCHECKS Columns referenced by the check constraints

SYSCAT.KEYCOLUSE Columns used in the keys — either primary or foreign

SYSCAT.CONSTDEP Constraint dependencies

SYSCAT.DATATYPES Valid data types

SYSCAT.INDEXAUTH Privileges for indices

SYSCAT.INDEXCOLUSE Columns of which indices are comprised

SYSCAT.INDEXDEP Index dependencies



SYSCAT.PACKAGEAUTH Package privileges

SYSCAT.PACKAGEDEP Package dependencies

SYSCAT.PROCOPTIONS Stored procedure options.

SYSCAT.PROCPARMOPTIONS Stored procedure parameter options

SYSCAT.PROCPARMS Stored procedures parameters

SYSCAT.REFERENCES Referential constraints; corresponds to the SQL99 standard


SYSCAT.SCHEMAUTH Schema privileges

SYSCAT.SCHEMATA All the schemas defined for the database

SYSCAT.SEQUENCES Database sequences

SYSCAT.PROCEDURES Stored procedures

SYSCAT.TABCONST Constraints defined for the table

SYSCAT.TABAUTH Table level privileges

SYSCAT.TABLES Tables created within the database

SYSCAT.TABLESPACES Database tablespaces

SYSCAT.TABLESPACEAUTH Tablespace privileges

SYSCAT.TRIGDEP Trigger dependencies

SYSCAT.TRIGGERS Triggers created in the database.

SYSCAT.FUNCTIONS User-defined functions

The SELECT privilege to views is granted to PUBLIC by default. IBM explicitly states that columns in the views might be
changed from release to release and recommends querying these tables using SELECT * FROM SYSCAT.<view>
syntax. Nevertheless, IBM specifies that some columns are "guaranteed" to work with the corresponding views. (See
Table 13-6.)

Table 13-6: INFORMATION_SCHEMA Views Column Names

Object Selected Column Names











The following query retrieves information about the table CUSTOMER created in the ACME database. To display
meaningful results, we've limited the number of columns selected to three, because the table contains over 30
db2 => SELECT tabschema,
colcount, create_time FROM syscat.tables WHERE tabname = 'CUSTOMER' TABSCHEMA
COLCOUNT CREATE_TIME ------------------- -------- --------------------------
ACME 7 2002-09-23- 1 record(s) selected.

The information returned shows that the table CUSTOMER belongs to the schema ACME, was created on 9/23/2002,
and contains seven columns. It is possible to join tables of the system catalog to produce combined results. The
following query joins two tables, SYSCAT.TABLES and SYSCAT.COLUMNS, to give a single set of values extracted from
both tables.
db2 =>
SELECT tbl.tabname, cl.colname FROM syscat.tables tbl, syscat.columns cl WHERE
syscat.tables.tabname = syscat.columns.tabname AND syscat.tables.tabname =
'CUSTOMER' TABNAME COLNAME ------------- ------------------------------
CUST_CREDHOLD_S 7 record(s) selected.

Some INFORMATION_SCHEMA views contained in the SYSSTAT schema are updateable as shown in Table 13-7.
Table 13-7: Updateable IBM DB2 UDB INFORMATION_SCHEMA Views


SYSSTAT.COLUMNS Contains information about columns for each table.

SYSSTAT.INDEXES Contains information about indices created for the database tables.

SYSSTAT.COLDIST Contains detailed statistics about column usage.

SYSSTAT.TABLES Contains information about the database tables.

SYSSTAT.FUNCTIONS Contains information about user-defined functions.

Tip For the sake of compatibility with the DB2 Universal Database for OS/390, IBM maintains the SYSDUMMY1 catalog
table in the SYSCAT schema. This table consists of one row and one columnIBMREQ
( ) of the CHAR(1) data type. See
Chapter 8 for more information on the use of this table.

Obtaining information about INFORMATION_SCHEMA objects

The DESCRIBE TABLE <table_name> command can be used to obtain information about the internal structure of the
INFORMATION_SCHEMA objects in DB2. For example:
db2 =>
describe table syscat.views Column Type Type name Length Scale Nulls name
schema --------------- ------------- --------- ------- ------ ----- VIEWSCHEMA
record(s) selected.
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 System Catalog
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 provides several ways of obtaining system information — through
INFORMATION_SCHEMA views and/or through system stored procedures and functions.

Tip One of the ways to obtain system information about the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is direct querying of the system
tables — that is, tables and views that contain information about the current database (e.g., sysobjects, sysindexes,
sysusers, etc. — up to a total of 19 tables). Those stored in Master database contain information about the RDBMS
itself. While it is possible — for a user with sufficient privileges — to query these views and tables, Microsoft
strongly discourages such practice, stating that the system tables are for the exclusive use of the SQL Server itself,
and that the names and structures might change in future releases (and they certainly do — each version of the
SQL Server brings new tables, old ones are dropped, and the names get changed). Our advice is to resist the
temptation of using this "backdoor" but instead use legitimate interfaces to obtain information.


The INFORMATION_SCHEMA system views were first introduced in Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 for SQL92 standard
compliance. These views are defined in each database contained in RDBMS. They are based on system tables, which
should not be queried directly (see Tip above).

Table 13-8 contains information about MS SQL Server 2000 INFORMATION_SCHEMA views.
Table 13-8: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 INFORMATION_SCHEMA Views

INFORMATION_SCHEMA View Contains Information About

CHECK_CONSTRAINTS All check constraints for the current database; based on sysobjects
and syscomments system tables. Shows only constraints for which
the current user has permission.

COLUMN_DOMAIN_USAGE All user-defined data types; based on sysobjects, syscolumns, and

systypes system tables. Shows only data-types for which the current
user has permission.

COLUMN_PRIVILEGES All privileges either granted to or by the user; based on sysprotects,

sysobjects, and syscolumns system tables. Shows only privileges for
which the current user has permission.

COLUMNS Every column in every table in the current database accessible to

the user; based on sysobjects, spt_data type_info, systypes,
syscolumns, syscomments, sysconfigures, and syscharsets system
tables. Shows only columns for which the current user has

CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE Every column in the database that has constraint put on it; based
on sysobjects, syscolumns, and systypes system tables. Shows only
columns for which the current user has permission.

CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE Each table in the current database that has a constraint defined on
it; based on sysobjects system table. Shows only tables for which
the current user has permission.

DOMAIN_CONSTRAINTS Every user-defined data type that has a rule bound to it; based on
sysobjects and systypes system tables. Shows only types for which
the current user has permission.

DOMAINS User-Defined Types declared in the current database; based on

spt_data type_info, systypes, syscomments, sysconfigures, and
syscharsets system tables. Shows only UDT(s) for which the current
user has permission.

KEY_COLUMN_USAGE Each column declared as a key (primary or foreign) for every table
in the current database; based on sysobjects, syscolumns,
sysreferences, spt_values, and sysindexes system tables. Shows only
key columns for which the current user has permission.

PARAMETERS Each parameter defined for a user-defined stored procedure or

function; also shows return parameter for a function; based on
sysobjects and syscolumns system tables. Shows only information for
the stored procedures and functions for which the current user has

REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS Each foreign key constraint defined in the current database; based
on sysreferences, sysindexes, and sysobjects system tables. Shows
only constraints for which the current user has permission.

ROUTINES Every stored procedure or function defined in the current database;

based on sysobjects and sysscolumns system tables. Shows only
functions for which the current user has permission.

ROUTINE_COLUMNS User functions that are table-valued (containing a SELECT

statement); based on sysobjects and syscolumns system tables.
Shows only functions for which the current user has permission.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA View Contains Information About

SCHEMATA All databases accessible to a user; based on sysdatabases,

sysconfigures, and syscharsets system tables. Shows only databases
for which the current user has permission.

TABLE_CONSTRAINTS Table constraints defined in the current database; based on

sysobjects system table. Shows only constraints for which the
current user has permission.

INFORMATION_SCHEMA View Contains Information About

TABLE_PRIVILEGES Each table privilege either granted to or by the user; based on

sysobjects and sysprotects system tables. Shows only constraints for
which the current user has permission.

TABLES Every table defined in the current database; based on sysobjects

system table. Shows only tables for which the current user has

VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE Each column used in a view definition; based on sysobjects and

sysdepends system tables. Shows only columns for which the
current user has permission.

VIEW_TABLE_USAGE Tables used as a base table for the views; based on sysobjects and
sysdepends system tables. Shows only tables for which the current
user has permission.

VIEWS Views in the current database accessible to a user; based on

sysobjects and syscomments system tables.

The INFORMATION_SCHEMA views are queried just like any other view or table in the database with one important
distinction: the view name must be preceded with the INFORMATION_SCHEMA qualifier. Each view contains several
columns, and search conditions can be specified on the columns these views contain (for the full list of the
INFORMATION_SCHEMA views columns, please refer to the vendor documentation).

Here are several examples illustrating the use of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views in SQL Server 2000.

The following query returns information about every column in the ACME database. (The results displayed were
shortened somewhat, because the query returns all rows for each table in the database, including 19 system tables,
used by the SQL Server to keep track of the objects; only 4 columns were requested, since the view contains a total of
23 columns.)
SELECT table_name,
column_name, column_default, data_type FROM information_schema.columns
TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME DATA_TYPE ---------------- --------------- -------------
SHIPMENT_ARRIVDATE_D datetime . . . . . . . . . . . . STATUS STATUS_ID_N int
STATUS STATUS_CODE_S char STATUS STATUS_DESC_S varchar . . . . . . . . .
v_customer_totals customer_name varchar v_customer_totals order_number varchar
char (112 row(s) affected)

For example, if you would like to query the table for information only on table SALESMAN, then the query should look
like the following:
SELECT table_name,
column_name, column_default, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE
table_name = 'SALESMAN' TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME DATA_TYPE ----------------
--------------- ------------- SALESMAN SALESMAN_ID_N int SALESMAN
SALESMAN_STATUS_S char (4 row(s) affected)

It is possible to join INFORMATION_SCHEMA views just as you would the "regular" views or tables, or use any other
SQL expressions. For example, to find out what tables do not have constraints declared on their columns, the
following query can be used:
SELECT tbl.table_name,
tbl.table_type FROM information_schema.tables tbl WHERE tbl.table_name NOT IN
(SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.constraint_column_usage) TABLE_NAME
TABLE_TYPE ---------------- --------------- sysconstraints VIEW syssegments
VIEW v_contact_list VIEW
v_customer_status VIEW v_customer_totals VIEW . . . . . . v_fax_number VIEW
v_phone_number VIEW v_wile_bess_orders VIEW (10 row(s)

As it turns out, every single table in the ACME database has some type of constraint (at least primary or foreign keys)
declared for it, but views do not. Note that the final resultset includes two system views.

Microsoft SQL Server system stored procedures

There are many categories of system stored procedures supplied with Microsoft SQL Server 2000, depending on the
purpose and tasks performed. Only catalog procedures are discussed at relative length in this chapter.

Table 13-9 contains information about MS SQL Server 2000 INFORMATION_SCHEMA system stored procedure
Table 13-9: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 System Stored Procedure Categories

Category Description

Active Directory Procedures Used to register SQL Server with Microsoft Windows Active

Catalog Procedures Returns information about system objects; implements ODBC data
dictionary functions.

Cursor Procedures Implements cursor functionality (see Chapter 14 for more

information on cursors).

Database Maintenance Plan Used to set up and perform core database maintenance tasks.

Distributed Queries Procedures Used to execute and manage Distributed Queries.

Full-Text search Procedures Pertains to the Full-Text search capabilities; requires special setup
to use full text indices.

Log Shipping Procedures Used in configuration and administration of the SQL Server Log

OLE Automation Procedures Allows for using ActiveX (OLE) automation objects to be used
within standard Transact SQL code.

Replication Procedures Used to set up and manage replication process.

Security Procedures Security management procedures.

SQL Mail Procedures Integrates e-mail operations with SQL Server.

SQL Profiler Procedures Used by the SQL Profiler add-on to monitor SQL Server

SQL Server Agent Procedures Used by SQL Server Agent to manage scheduled activities.

System Maintenance Procedures Used for the entire RDBM system maintenance tasks.

Web Assistant Procedures Used by SQL Server Web assistant to publish information with
Internet Information Server.

XML Procedures Used to perform operation on XM documents (see Chapter 17 on

XML/SQL integration).

General Extended Procedures Refers to the stored procedures capable of accessing resources of
the underlying Windows OS.

The Catalog stored procedures will be the focus of this chapter, and we will look into some of the most useful as
examples. The Microsoft SQL Server 2000 lists 12 stored procedures that provide information about the system. You
can use these procedures directly from the command-line interface of OSQL, from SQL Query Analyzer, or from a
client application accessing the SQL Server through any of the programming interfaces provided. Initially, the purpose
of these procedures was to implement ODBC data dictionary functions to isolate ODBC applications from possible
changes to the SQL Server system tables structure.

Tip The use of system stored procedures is unique to Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase adaptive Server, since they
both have their origins in a joint project initiated by Microsoft, Sybase, and Ashton-Tate in 1988, whereas
INFORMATION_SCHEMA views were introduced starting with version 7.0 of the SQL Server.

The information returned by these stored procedures usually pertains to the current database; in the case of the server
scope, it pertains to the databases in the current installation. In addition to that, these procedures might return
information about objects accessible through a database gateway (i.e., registered as legitimate data sources with the
SQL Server). Since the details of implementation differ from data source to data source, some information might be
unavailable (for example, Oracle's concept of a "database" is totally different from that of MS SQL Server, so
sp_database procedure will not be able to return it).

Tip Every procedure listed in the following sections accepts none, one or more arguments; we are going to specify only
the most basic of the arguments, often only required arguments in our examples, as a full listing will require many
more pages and really belongs in a Microsoft SQL Server book.


This procedure returns a list of tables and views (and some related information about them) in the current database.
The format of the returned data set is given in Table 13-10.

Table 13-10: Result Set Returned by sp_tables System Stored Procedures

Column Name Description

TABLE_QUALIFIER Table qualifier name. In the SQL Server, this column represents the database
name. This field can be NULL.

TABLE_OWNER Contains the table owner name, usuallyDBO (database owner).

TABLE_NAME Contains the name of the table.

TABLE_TYPE Specifies the type of the object: a table, system table, or a view.

REMARKS Comments can be added to the table, but usually this column returnsNULL.

The procedure accepts a number of optional parameters that correspond to the column name in the Table 13-10; if
omitted, every single table and view in the current database will be listed. Here is an example:
REMARKS --------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ acme dbo
syscolumns SYSTEM TABLE NULL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . acme dbo ADDRESS
. . . . . . . . . . acme dbo v_fax_number VIEW NULL

Note that this procedure lists all the system tables and views in the context of the current database.

Note If the server property ACCESSIBLE_TABLES returned by the system stored proceduresp_server_info (see later in
the chapter) is Y, then, only tables that the current user has permission to access will be returned.


This procedure returns all the columns (and column-specific information) accessible in the current session. Here is a
basic example:
exec sp_columns

Cross-References The procedure is equivalent to the ODBC API SQL columns. See Chapter 16 for
more details on ODBC.


Executing the procedure without any parameters returns 29 rows, while specifying the attribute ID gives you exactly
one row of data. The information returned represents a subset of the data provided by an ODBC call SQLGetInfo.
exec sp_server_info 2> go attribute_id attribute_name attribute_value
------------ -------------------------- --------------------- 1 DBMS_NAME
Microsoft SQL Server . . . . . . . . . 12 MAX_OWNER_NAME_LENGTH 128 13
TABLE_LENGTH 128 . . . . . . . . . 112 SP_RENAME Y 113 REMOTE_SPROC Y 500
SYS_SPROC_VERSION 8.00.178 (29 row(s) affected)

This procedure is capable of returning information about non-SQL Server RDBMS, provided that a database gateway
or linked data source is specified.


This procedure returns a list of all SQL Server databases. Here is an example of the returned data, on the MS SQL
Server installation performed as described in Appendix D:
1> exec sp_databases
2> go DATABASE_NAME DATABASE_SIZE REMARKS -----------------------
------------- -------------- acme 2176 NULL master 14208 NULL model 1280 NULL
msdb 14336 NULL Northwind 4352 NULL pubs 2560 NULL tempdb 8704 NULL

The data returned are contained in the table SYSDATABASES of the Master database. It has no corresponding ODBC

Getting Help

One of the most useful procedures in obtaining information about any database object is the sp_help<> group of
stored procedures.

Stored Procedure Description

sp_help Returns information about database objects in the current database.

sp_helpuser Returns information about database users, database roles, etc.

sp_helptrigger Returns information about triggers defined on the specified table for the
(<tabname>) current database.

sp_helprotect Returns information about user permissions in the current database.

sp_helpindex Returns information about the indices on a table or view.

SP_HELP is probably the most universal of the lot. If used without any arguments, it will returned information
about every single database object (table, view, stored procedure, index, default, etc.) listed in the sysobjects
table of the current database.
1> exec sp_help 2>
go Name Owner Object_type ---------------------- -------------
----------------- sysconstraints dbo view . . . v_fax_number dbo view
v_phone_number dbo view . . . . . . . . ADDRESS
. dbo
user table CUSTOMER dbo user table . . . . . . . . . sysindexes dbo system
table . . . . . . . . . PK_ADDRPRIMARY dbo primary key cns PK_CUSTPRIMARY dbo
primary key cns . . . . . . . . . sp_productadd dbo stored procedure . . . . .
. . . . CHK_ADDR_TYPE dbo check cns CHK_CUST_CREDHOLD dbo check

Queried again, with the object name passed as a parameter, it returns a wealth of information about the object,
for example, CUSTOMER table of the ACME sample database:
exec sp_help

The above example returns multiple resultsets, each describing the table CUSTOMER. Because of its sheer size,
the output is not shown here.
There is a sp_help<object> system stored procedure for virtually every database object. Please refer to the
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 documentation for more information. When using these procedures, keep in mind
that usually more than one resultset is returned.

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 system functions

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 also provides a number of functions that return information about the RDBMS server and
contained objects. The full list of the functions is given in Appendix G. The functions' grouping follows that of Microsoft
documentation, and the number of functions might increase in future releases.

Configuration functions

The @@CONNECTIONS unary function returns number of connections (or attempted connections) for the period since
the RDBMS was started.
'Connections Total' Connections Total -----------------

49 (1 row(s) affected)

The unary function @@VERSION returns the full version information about particular installation of the SQL Server.
SELECT @@VERSION AS ' SQL Server Info' 2> go SQL Server Info
------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft SQL
Server 2000 - 8.00.194 (Intel X86) Aug 6 2000 00:57:48 Copyright (c) 1988-2000
Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Evaluation Edition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build
2195: Service Pack 2) (1 row(s) affected)

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 lists 15 functions in the Configuration Functions category.

Metadata functions

The DB_NAME function returns name of the current database if no parameters were specified or a database name
corresponding to a numeric database ID. The function DB_ID returns the numeric ID of the current database (if no
parameters were specified), or — if a numeric ID was specified — a database name corresponding to that ID.
DB_NAME() AS 'database', 3> DB_NAME(7) AS 'db_by_id', 4> DB_ID() AS 'id'
5> go db_by_id databaseid id ------------------ ----------- ------ acme acme
7 (1 row(s) affected)

The example above uses both the DB_NAME and DB_ID functions; the USE ACME keyword makes sure that the ACME
database context is specified. There is a total of 25 metadata functions supplied with MS SQL Server 2000.

System functions

The APP_NAME function returns the name of the application (if set by the application) that initialized connection. For
example, the following output was produced using OSQL command-line utility (see Appendix E for more information).
1> select app_name() as
'application' 2> go application --------------- OSQL-32 (1 row

The @@ROWCOUNT returns the number of rows affected by the last SELECT statement for the session's scope. For
instance, if issued immediately after the statement from the above example, it will produce the following results:
1> select @@ROWCOUNT as
'rows' 2> go rows ---------- 1 (1 row affected)

Note, that the statement itself affects the result: if, for example, the previous statement returned 100 records, the
statement SELECT @@ROWCOUNT will return 100, issued immediately after that, it will return 1 (i.e., rows affected by
the statement itself).

Here is an example of the SUSER_SNAME and USER_NAME system functions usage. The first function is supposed to
return the login identification name, given a user identification number (or the current user, if the number is omitted),
and the second function returns the database user name. Start two OSQL sessions or establish two connections in the
SQL Query Analyzer; then use Windows authentication for the first session and SQL Server Authentication (UserID
'acme,' password 'acme') for the second session; please see Appendix E for details.

Here are the results returned by the function in the first session (Windows Authentication); the login name is
represented by the computer name/user name.
1> SELECT suser_sname()
-------------------------- ----------- ALEX-KRIEGEL\alex_kriegel dbo (1 row(s)

The following example shows the same query executed within a session initiated through SQL Server Authentication:
1> SELECT suser_sname()
-------------------------- ----------- acme dbo (1 row(s)

There is total of 38 functions in the Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

INFORMATION_SCHEMA was endorsed by the ISO/ANSI body long after the real RDBMS implementations moved into
the market. As a result, some of the vendors implemented their own version of the metadata repository in a form of
system tables.

The information from these tables can be gathered in a variety of ways, usually through views, provided by the vendor
for just this purpose (the idea behind the INFORMATION_SCHEMA ), through some vendor-supplied stored procedures
or functions, or by making your best guess via direct querying of the underlying system tables.

Most vendors explicitly discourage users from accessing the system tables directly because their structure might
change without any notice, and the information contained in the table is not guaranteed to mean what you think it
should; in short, system tables are for the use of the system, views are for the users.

While introducing the standard is a step in the right direction toward uniform interface to metadata, it probably will not
happen overnight (considering that INFORMATION_SCHEMA was first introduced in the SQL92 standard). The system
catalog of the structure specified in the SQL92/99 standard is a requirement for achieving higher levels of the standard
conformance; most of the RDBMS products are only Level 1 compliant and are likely to remain so in the nearest
Part VI: Beyond SQL—Procedural Programming and Database
Access Mechanisms

Chapter List

Chapter 14: Stored Procedures, Triggers, and User-Defined Functions

Chapter 15: Dynamic and Embedded SQL Overview

Chapter 16: SQL API

Chapter 17: New Developments: XML, OLAP, and Objects

Chapter 14: Stored Procedures, Triggers, and User-Defined

As was mentioned before, SQL is a nonprocedural programming language by definition. That means it lacks
procedural constructs, specifically, the ability to perform operations in optionally named hierarchical logical blocks that
can accept and return values, perform iterations, execute conditional statements, and so on.

Note Most programming languages are procedural. A procedural program is a list of step-by-step instructions that tell
the computer what to do; for example, repeatedly read user's input, multiply it by some predefined constant, and
store the result in a database table. A procedural program can also have error handling — for example, if the
value is nonnumeric, do not try to multiply it but rather display an error message; or multiply the input by different
values depending on how large the input was. Also, instead of storing the result into a table a procedural program
can pass it to a different program (subprogram) that in its order might perform more calculations and pass the
results to yet another programming module, and so on.

First RDBMS implementations did not have procedural language capabilities — all procedural database processing
was done using embedded programming. All major procedural languages that were popular back then (C, COBOL,
Pascal, etc.) had (and still have) special extensions (precompilers) that allow the programmer to embed SQL
statements directly into programming language code. The work of precompiles is to translate SQL into appropriate
language constructs that can be later compiled into binary code.

Cross-References Embedded programming is discussed inChapter 15.

However, while relational databases became increasingly sophisticated and more internal control was delegated to
RDBMS, the idea arose to store procedural programming modules inside RDBMS in compiled (binary) form. The
problem was that ANSI/ISO standards specified no (or almost none) guidelines for such elements. As a result, each
vendor implemented its own version of internal RDBMS procedural modules.

SQL99 added persistent stored routines (PSR) and triggers to SQL standards when all major RDBMS vendors already
had their own procedural languages. Oracle's procedural SQL extension is called PL/SQL; MS SQL Server uses
Transact-SQL; and DB2 UDB introduced its own version that does not seem to have an official name, but is
sometimes referred to as T-SQL or IBM SQL.

Note DB2 UDB did not have its own procedural SQL extension until version 7.1. Instead, it provided capabilities to
write stored routines using your choice of C or COBOL and, later, Java. Java can also be used as an alternative
to PL/SQL in Oracle to be used for writing procedural code.

Even though the basic syntax elements of these three languages are similar, the advanced features differ significantly.
It is impossible to cover all three syntaxes in depth in the scope of this book, so we are going to explain the common
basic features and encourage you to refer to vendor-specific documentation for more details.

Note PSR includes stored procedures, user-defined functions, and special constructs called modules that can contain
procedures, functions, and shared variable declarations for them. Modules are known in Oracle as packages; they
are not implemented in MS SQL Server and DB2 UDB and are not covered in this book.

The two main forms of RDBMS procedural routines are stored procedures and triggers that embody two different
procedural programming approaches — linear and event-driven, correspondingly. A user-defined function can be
envisioned as a special case of a stored procedure, and a module is just a number of stored procedures and functions
bundled together.
Procedural Extension Uses and Benefits
Stored procedures, user-defined functions, and triggers can be used in many different ways and for many different
reasons. The main categories include performance improvement, network traffic reduction, database security, and
code reusability.

Sequential and Event-Driven Programming

In sequential programming, the application controls the order of execution; in other words, the code is executed
in a predetermined sequence and requires minimal user interference. Sequential, or linear, programming is
typical for batch programs that perform large sequential tasks. The most popular languages for linear
programming are COBOL, FORTRAN, and C.

In event-driven programming, the code is executed according to a user action or system event; the user actions
and system events control the sequence. Application starts and waits for an event (mouse click, keystroke, or a
system event such as time expiring) to occur. Based on the specific event the program performs an action and
waits for the next event. Most modern visual applications are event-driven. Order entry, financial, time tracking,
banking, and many other applications typically open the main menu screen on startup and then wait for users to
perform certain actions. The most typical languages for writing event-driven applications are Visual C++, Visual
Basic, and Java. (Of course, you can create an event-driven program using COBOL or a procedural program
using C++; we just emphasize the typical or most common scenarios.)

In RDBMS, events are usually more database-related than the ones described here. For example, inserting or
deleting table rows, updating certain columns, users logging in and out can trigger other events in a database.

Performance and network traffic

Stored routines can be used to improve application performance. Since they simply appear to be compiled code stored
inside the RDBMS, they generally execute faster uncompiled SQL statements (that normally have to be compiled each
time a user or program calls them).

Network traffic can also be significantly reduced because there is no need to send SQL statements as they are already
compiled and stored on the server. Each individual statement is probably not large enough to improve the overall
network performance, but, in a large system with thousands of users and tons of SQL statements, it can make a

Database security

Stored procedures, functions, and triggers can be used for database security purposes.

A stored procedure (or function) is a separate database object with its own database privileges. That means you can
design a stored procedure in such way that it would, for example, update only certain columns; or insert rows with
NULL values for columns that a user who executes the procedure has no permission to update — s/he would only
need the privilege to execute that particular stored procedure.

Triggers are even more useful for security implementation. For example, they can be designed in such way that
certain actions performed by users on certain objects are written to special database tables or OS files. These records
can be reviewed later.

Cross-References Read more about using stored procedures and triggers to enforce database
security in Chapter 12.

Code reusability
Another important thing about stored routines is code reusability — once compiled, a stored procedure or user-defined
function can be used over and over again by multiple users (or applications), saving time on retyping large SQL
statements and reducing the probability of human errors. Also, when a persistent module needs to be changed, the
change won't affect the client programs that access it, as long as all the calling parameters remain the same.
Key Elements of a SQL Procedural Language
In this section we introduce the main elements of a SQL procedural language.

Variables and assignment

Variables can be thought of as storage units for values. They can be of any data type supported by your RDBMS. For
example, NUMBER and VARCHAR2 are valid data types for variable declaration in Oracle PL/SQL, but MONEY or

Cross-References Data types are discussed inChapter 3.

The declaration syntax is also slightly different for different vendors. The sample declaration for integer type variable
v_prodcount is shown below.

PL/SQL (Oracle)

Variables are declared in the declaration section of the programming unit (between the header and the word BEGIN).
All statements in PL/SQL end with semicolon:
v_prodcount NUMBER;

The assignment can be done on the declaration, but is usually done in the program body; the assignment operator in
PL/SQL is a colon followed by an equals sign ( :=).
v_prodcount := 0;


DB2 procedural language uses the DECLARE keyword for variable declarations. A declaration is done in the stored
program body rather than in the declaration section; the statement ends with a semicolon:
DECLARE v_prodcount INTEGER;

The keyword SET is used for variable assignment:

SET v_prodcount = 0;

The values stored in variables can be retrieved and/or changed during the execution scope of the programming unit.

Transact-SQL (MS SQL Server)

The keyword DECLARE is also used in Transact-SQL to declare variables. All local variables must be prefixed with the
at-sign (@); global variables are prefixed with the double at-sign (@@).
declare @v_prodcount INTEGER

The variable assignment can be done in two different ways:

select @v_prodcount = 0

set @v_prodcount = 0

Modularity, subprograms, and block structure

Modularity is the important feature of the procedural languages that allows developers to improve code reusability and
to hide the complexity of the execution of a specific operation behind a name. There are two levels of modularity: the
ability to create sequential logical blocks within a single program and the aptitude of a program to call another
program, which in its turn can call yet another program, and so on.

The first level of modularity enables you to structure your program and handle errors appropriately (error handling is
discussed later in this chapter). This is especially convenient in PL/SQL where each block can have its own
EXCEPTION section:
BEGIN -- Main program
BEGIN -- Nested block level 1
BEGIN -- Nested block level 2
END; -- Nested block level 2
END; -- Nested block level 1
END; -- Main program

The other vendors' procedural SQL extensions also have the idea of nested blocks that may be used to implement a
similar principle as well as to write large programs with complex functionality. Refer to vendor-specific documentation
for more details.

Here is the example of the second level of modularity invoking separate modules. Stored procedure A inserts records
into tables BB and CC by calling procedures B and C, each of which inserts records into the corresponding table as
shown using PL/SQL-like pseudocode:
field2 INTEGER,
field3 INTEGER)
VALUES (field1, field2, field3);
field2 INTEGER,
field3 INTEGER)
VALUES (field1, field2, field3);
field2 INTEGER,
field3 INTEGER)
b(field1, field2, field3);
c(field1, field2, field3);

Passing parameters

Another procedural programming feature closely tied with modularity is the ability to accept parameters and/or pass
them to another programming module. Parameters (sometimes also called arguments) are in a way similar to
variables. The main difference is that the variables are local to the program whereas parameters are passed into the
program upon the module invocation. For example, a stored procedure or user-defined function could have zero or
more parameters that are later used for certain actions determined in the program logic. Parameter names and data
types are defined in the header part of the programming unit.

Note Parameters can be passed to a stored procedure or to a user-defined function, but not to a trigger because of the
triggers' event-driven nature.


The main difference between PL/SQL and other proprietary procedural SQL extensions is that you cannot specify data
type precision, scale, or length in the parameter declaration. For example, v_prodnum VARCHAR2(10) or v_prodprice
DECIMAL(10,2) would produce an error. The parameters are enclosed by parentheses.

The declaration section of the SP_PRODUCTADD procedure written in PL/SQL is shown here:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_productadd
v_prodid NUMBER,
v_prodprice NUMBER,
v_prodnum VARCHAR2,
v_proddesc VARCHAR2,
v_prodstatus CHAR,
v_prodbrand VARCHAR2,
v_prodpltwid NUMBER,
v_prodpltlen NUMBER,
v_prodnetwgt NUMBER,
v_prodshipwgt NUMBER


The parameters in Transact-SQL are prefixed with at-signs in the same way the variables are; you do not enclose
them in parentheses:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_productadd
@v_prodid INTEGER,
@v_prodprice MONEY,
@v_prodnum VARCHAR (10),
@v_proddesc VARCHAR (44),
@v_prodstatus CHAR,
@v_prodbrand VARCHAR (20),
@v_prodpltwid DECIMAL(5, 2),
@v_prodpltlen DECIMAL(5, 2),
@v_prodnetwgt DECIMAL(10, 3),
@v_prodshipwgt DECIMAL(10, 3)


The syntax is practically identical to that of PL/SQL except you have to specify the length or precision and scale when
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_productadd
v_prodid INTEGER,
v_prodprice INTEGER,
v_prodnum VARCHAR(44),
v_proddesc VARCHAR(10),
v_prodstatus CHAR(1),
v_prodbrand VARCHAR(20),
v_prodpltwid DECIMAL(5,2),
v_prodpltlen DECIMAL(5,2),
v_prodnetwgt DECIMAL(10,3),
v_prodshipwgt DECIMAL(10,3)

Passing Parameters by Name and by Value

Most procedural languages implement two main types of parameters: by value and by reference. The main
difference is that if you send a variable from the calling module as a by value parameter, a copy of this variable is
actually sent, so whatever happens to it inside the subroutine does not affect the original variable value.
However, if you send the variable by reference, the memory address of this variable is passed to the
subprogram, so it could actually be changed. The following example (written in pseudocode) illustrates the
-- The parameter x is passed by value
x := x * x;


-- The parameter x is passed by reference
x := x * x;


-- Declare local variable y of type integer
-- Assign variable y the value of x
y := x;
-- Display the value of variable y
PRINT (y);
-- Call procedure POWER_V.
-- The value of y does not change
PRINT (y);
-- Call procedure POWER_R.
-- The variable y was passed by reference
-- so its value actually changes (squared)
PRINT (y);


All the "big three" databases allow you to pass parameters by value or by reference, with by value being a

Both Oracle and DB2 have two types of by reference arguments, OUT and IN OUT (INOUT in DB2). The first one
means you can not pass a value using the argument (you would usually pass NULL instead), but the nested
program could assign a value to it that is readable by the main module. The second type means you could
actually send a value to the subprogram, that it would use in its calculations, optionally change it, and send it
back to the calling module. MS SQL Server has only one type of by reference variable called OUTPUT that
roughly corresponds to IN OUT.

The syntax varies between implementations:

Oracle 9i
<variable_name> [IN | OUT IN OUT] <datatype>

For example:
my_value1 IN OUT NUMBER;
my_value2 OUT VARCHAR2;
my_value3 IN DATE;

Note that the last declaration could simply be

my_value3 DATE;

DB2 UDB 8.1

[IN | OUT INOUT] <variable_name> <datatype>

For example:
INOUT my_value1 INTEGER;
OUT my_value2 VARCHAR(30);
IN my_value3 DATE;

The last statement is an equivalent to the following simple line:

my_value3 DATE;

MS SQL Server 2000

@<variable_name> <datatype> [OUTPUT]

For example:
@ my_value1 INTEGER OUTPUT
@ my_value3 DATETIME

There is no alternative for the last statement; @my_value3 DATETIME INPUT is invalid syntax.

Conditional execution

Sometimes you want your program to perform different actions based on different conditions (usually resulting from
the previous program code execution). For example, you might want to multiply the amounts retrieved from a table by
different factors depending on how large the amounts are.

The main conditional statement in all three proprietary procedural SQL extensions is one or another flavor of the IF ...
ELSE construct in form:
IF <condition1> THEN
<perform action 1>
[ELSE IF <condition2>
<perform action2>
[ELSE IF <conditionN>
<perform actionN>]
<perform default action>

Here <condition...> is a Boolean expression that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE.


The syntax is slightly different from the generic one listed previously. The main difference is you use the keyword
ELSIF instead of ELSE IF:
IF v_prodcount = 0 THEN
INSERT INTO product ...
ELSIF v_prodcount = 1 THEN
UPDATE product ...


The syntax resembles PL/SQL except the ELSEIF keyword is used instead of ELSIF:
IF (v_prodcount) = 0 THEN
INSERT INTO product ...
ELSEIF (v_prodcount = 1) THEN
UPDATE product ...


The keyword THEN is not used in Transact-SQL; END is only used to end the program or a logical block, not to
terminate the conditional statements. The syntax here illustrates the conditional constructs usage in Transact-SQL:
IF @v_prodcount = 0
INSERT INTO product ...
ELSE IF @v_prodcount = 1
UPDATE product...

Cross-References The CASE function, another example of conditional execution, is discussed in

Chapter 10.

Repeated execution

Sometimes you want to repeat a certain block of code more than once within the same execution path. For example,
you might want your program to read a line from a file, parse it into tokens, assign their values to variables, and insert
a row of data into a table, repeating this operation until the end of file is reached. You may also want to read user input
some predetermined number of times, or perform some calculations based on your variables until a certain result is
obtained, and so on. The programming constructs that allow you to perform the repeated execution are called loops.

Most programming languages have three types of loops.

WHILE loop repeats a predefined action while some condition remains TRUE.

REPEAT UNTIL loop repeats a block of code until some condition becomes TRUE.

FOR loop repeats the execution some predefined number of times.

All three types of loops can generally be simulated using just one syntax, for example, you can simulate both REPEAT
UNTIL and FOR loops using a WHILE loop. Only Oracle PL/SQL has all three types of loops; however, all our "big
three" databases have WHILE loop, so we are going to discuss it in this chapter. For more information on how to
simulate other loops using the WHILE loop refer to vendor documentation.


WHILE <condition>


WHILE <condition>


WHILE <condition>

The two keywords BREAK and CONTINUE are important. BREAK causes an exit from the WHILE loop; any statements
after the END keyword are executed. CONTINUE causes the WHILE loop to restart, ignoring any statements after the
CONTINUE keyword.

Note Oracle and DB2 UDB use the EXIT and LEAVE/ITERATE keywords, respectively, for similar purposes. See vendor
documentation for more information.


Cursor is a special programming construct that allows you to create a named working area and access its stored
information. The main advantage of cursors is the ability to work with individual rows one-by-one rather than with the
record set as a whole. For example, all DML statements work with record sets, so you could change "all or nothing". If
your update statement is changing hundreds of thousands rows, just one single row could cause the whole statement
to fail and roll back all the changes if it violates a column constraint, resulting in serious time losses. Fortunately,
cursors are able to handle such situations working with each row individually. A logic that combines cursors, loops, and
conditional statements could generate a warning, store the unsuccessfull row information in a special table, and
continue processing. Also, cursors give you flexibility on commits and rollbacks (you can commit after each row, after
ten rows, or after every five hundred rows), which sometimes can be very useful to save system memory space; you
can employ conditional logic and perform calculations on certain values before they are used in your DML statements;
using cursors, you are able to update multiple tables with the same values, and much more.

Different RDBMS vendors implement cursors in different ways. Both syntax and functionality vary, which makes it
difficult to talk about some generic cursor. SQL99 standards require a cursor to be scrollable, that is, you should be
able to move back and forth from one record in the record set to another, but until recently only a few RDBMS vendors
(notably MS SQL Server) implemented such functionality. The main reason is that a scrollable cursor is a huge
resource waste and not every system can afford it. It is a known fact that many MS SQL Server developers are
explicitly warned against using cursors unless it is absolutely necessary, whereas for PL/SQL programmers cursor use
is an integral part of their everyday work.

In spite of all the differences, all cursor implementations have some common features. In general, the main operations
you can perform on a cursor are DECLARE, OPEN , FETCH , and CLOSE.


DECLARE associates a cursor name with a certain SELECT statement and defines a memory structure to hold the
appropriate columns (that could be of different data types). The simplified SQL99 syntax is
FOR <select_statement>
[FOR [READ ONLY | UPDATE [OF <column_name>,...]]

INSENSITIVE means that a temporary copy of data based on the <select_statement> is made, so the cursor fetches are
not sensitive to any DML changes of underlying tables that may happen afterwards; the default is SENSITIVE, which
means every subsequent fetch uses the actual data at this particular moment of time.

SCROLL specifies the cursor as scrollable; that is, additional FETCH options (discussed later) are available.

READ ONLY prevents a cursor from changing data while UPDATE specifies updatable columns within the cursor.

The same syntax is valid in Transact-SQL (even though it has many additional advanced cursor features not
mentioned in this book); the Oracle PL/SQL cursor declaration is quite different:
CURSOR <cursor_name> [<parameter_list>] [RETURN <return_type>]
IS <select_statement>;

As you can see, the keyword DECLARE is omitted; and the IS keyword is used instead of FOR; also PL/SQL cursors are
not scrollable, but can optionally take parameters and return values.

DB2 cursors also do not allow scrolling; other than that the syntax is similar to the SQL99 one:
DECLARE <cursor_name> CURSOR
FOR <select_statement>


The OPEN statement executes the underlying query and identifies the result set consisting of all rows that meet the
conditions specified on the cursor declaration. The basic syntax is consistent between all three RDBMS:
OPEN <cursor_name>


FETCH retrieves the current row (for nonscrollable cursors) or a specific row (for scrollable cursors), parses the row,
and puts the column values into predefined set of variables. The Transact-SQL syntax is
INTO @<variable_name>,...

The PL/SQL and DB2 syntax for nonscrollable cursors is

FETCH <cursor_name>
INTO <variable_name>,...

Note The number of columns in the SELECT clause of the <select_statement> specified upon the cursor declaration must
exactly match the number of variables specified in the INTO clause of the FETCH statement.

The cursor rows of nonscrollable cursors are usually fetched in a loop until the last row is processed; the scrollable
cursors can be used as a part of a more complicated processing logic.


The CLOSE statement deallocates memory, releases locks, and makes the cursor's result set undefined. The syntax is
CLOSE <cursor_name>

The cursor can be reopened with the OPEN statement.

Note In addition to the four main cursor operations described in this section, Transact-SQL requires all cursors to be
deallocated using the DEALLOCATE statement that releases all data structures comprising the cursor:
DEALLOCATE <cursor_name>

Cursor examples

As we mentioned before, cursors are used in row-by-row operations and are usually fetched within loop structures.
The following examples are very simple; our main goal here is to show how to declare, open, fetch, and close a cursor
with emphasis on the implementation differences.

The procedure SP_PRINTCUSTPHONE declares and opens the cursor cur_custphone based on a query retrieving
records from the V_CONTACT_LIST view and then fetches them one by one and prints them to the standard output.

Note The term "standard output" identifies the device to which the program sends its output; usually, by default it's the
display of your monitor. The standard output could be redirected into an OS file.


Each PL/SQL cursor has four attributes associated with it that can be appended to the cursor name to return certain
information. The arguments are as follows:

%FOUND. TRUE if the last FETCH returned a row; FALSE otherwise.

%ISOPEN. TRUE if the cursor is open; FALSE otherwise.

%NOTFOUND. The logical opposite of %FOUND.

%ROWCOUNT. The number of rows fetched so far.

The following example uses %FOUND to determine when to exit the loop (when it yields FALSE there are no more rows
to fetch):
-- The procedure displays customer names and phone numbers
-- Declare local variables to fetch cursor values into
v_custname VARCHAR(50);
v_phone VARCHAR(20);
-- Declare cursor
CURSOR cur_custphone IS
SELECT name,
FROM v_contact_list
WHERE contact_type = 'customer';
-- Open cursor
OPEN cur_custphone;
-- Fetch cursor for the first time
FETCH cur_custphone
INTO v_custname,
-- Fetch records in loop until the last one is reached
WHILE cur_custphone%FOUND
FETCH cur_custphone
INTO v_custname,
-- Enable standard output
-- Put line into the standard output
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_custname || v_phone);
-- Close cursor
CLOSE cur_custphone;


Transact-SQL uses the so-called cursor global functions to obtain information about the cursor. The two most
commonly used are @@FETCH_STATUS, which returns 0 (zero) if the last fetch was successful or a negative number
otherwise, and @@CURSOR_ROWS, which returns the number of qualifying rows currently in the last cursor opened.

Note As we mentioned before, Transact-SQL cursors can be scrollable. Unlike PL/SQL or DB2 cursors, where you only
can go to the next record in the record set while previous rows become unavailable unless you close and reopen
the cursor, Transact-SQL gives you the option to navigate the entire record set contained in the cursor — in a
way similar to how you would use your compact disk player buttons when jumping between the songs on the CD.

The following example uses @@FETCH_STATUS to determine when the loop is to be terminated; the cursor is not
declared as scrollable to be consistent with the previous examples:
-- The procedure displays customer names and phone numbers
-- Declare local variables to fetch cursor values into
DECLARE @v_custname VARCHAR(50)
DECLARE @v_phone VARCHAR(20)
-- Declare cursor
DECLARE cur_custphone CURSOR FOR
SELECT name,
FROM v_contact_list
WHERE contact_type = 'customer'
-- Open cursor
OPEN cur_custphone
-- Fetch cursor for the first time
FETCH cur_custphone
INTO @v_custname,
-- Fetch records in loop until the last one is reached
WHILE @@fetch_status = 0
FETCH cur_custphone
INTO @v_custname,
PRINT @v_custname + @v_phone
-- Close cursor
CLOSE cur_custphone
DEALLOCATE cur_custphone

Note More detailed information on how to create stored procedures is given later in this chapter.

Error handling

The error handling varies a lot between the three procedural SQL extensions discussed in this book. Oracle and DB2
use structured error handling to deal with abnormal conditions during the program execution. When an error occurs,
RDBMS raises an exception (syntax is quite different between Oracle and DB2). Exceptions can be predefined (for
example, one of the most common ones in Oracle — NO_DATA_FOUND occurs when a SELECT ... INTO statement
returns no rows) or user-defined. MS SQL Server allows you to raise, trap, and handle errors inside the program body.

The error handling is a quite complicated process. This chapter gives you just the very basics; the vendor-specific
documentation is the best source if you need to know more.


All PL/SQL programming blocks have an optional EXCEPTION section where the program control is passed if an error
occurs. Oracle has a set of predefined exceptions. We already mentioned NO_DATA_FOUND; another common one is
TOO_MANY_ROWS, which occurs if a single-row subquery returns more than one row; the generic one to be raised for
any type of error is OTHERS. You could also declare and instantiate your own exceptions in the declaration section of
the program and raise them in the program body:
/* To handle error conditions that have no predefined
name, you must use the pragma EXCEPTION_INIT. A pragma
is a compiler directive that is processed at compile

my_exception EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(my_exception, -400);
IF <special_condition>
RAISE my_exception;
WHEN no_data_found THEN
<conditions to handle no_data_found>
WHEN too_many_rows THEN
<conditions to handle too_many_rows >
WHEN my_exception THEN
<conditions to handle my_exception >
WHEN others THEN
<conditions to handle all other exceptions >

The conditions to handle a specific exception can be quite different. For example, you might want to rollback (or
commit) a transaction and exit the program; or in some situations you don't want any action at all but simply to
continue the execution; you also might want to display (or write into a table or OS file) an error message, and so on.


When an error occurs in DB2, the behavior of your SQL program is determined by condition handlers. The three
general conditions in DB2 are NOT FOUND, SQLEXCEPTION, and SQLWARNING . If a statement in your SQL program
issues an SQLWARNING or NOT FOUND condition and a handler for the appropriate condition has been declared, the
control is passed to the corresponding handler; otherwise DB2 passes control to the next statement in the program
body. The situation is different when SQLEXCEPTION condition is issued by a statement. The control is still passed to
the appropriate handler if the handler is declared; if not, the program execution is terminated and the control is passed
to the calling module.

DB2 has three main handler types: CONTINUE, EXIT, and UNDO. CONTINUE means the program execution continues
with the next statement after the one that caused the error (after the special error-handling statements are complete);
EXIT tells the program to go to the last statement in the program; and UNDO is in a way similar to EXIT, but in addition
all DML statements in the program are rolled back:
[<error-handling statements>]


In Transact-SQL errors are usually handled using the conditional statements ( IF ... ELSE) described above. The way to
handle critical problems is to use RAISERROR statement that terminates the program and returns control to the calling
module; otherwise if you want to continue the program execution, the GOTO statement can be used to point to the
block of statements to execute:
IF <special_condition>
IF <another_special_condition>
GOTO <label>

The special global unary function @@error returns the error number for the last Transact-SQL statement executed. It is
set to 0 if the statement executed successfully. If an error occurs, an error message number is returned. (See MS SQL
Server documentation for error message numbers and descriptions.)
Stored procedures
As we mentioned before, stored procedures are linear or sequential programs. The syntax varies from implementation
to implementation, but some common features can be emphasized. Stored procedures can accept parameters and
allow local variable declarations; they are structured and allow the use of submodules; also, they allow repeated and
conditional statement execution.


The CREATE PROCEDURE syntax is different among RDBMS implementations. The simplified syntaxes for SQL99 and
all our three major RDBMS vendors are provided below:


CREATE PROCEDURE <procedure_name>



CREATE [OR REPLACE] PROCEDURE [qualifier.]<procedure_name>

([<argument_name> IN | OUT | IN OUT <datatype>
[DEFAULT <default>],...])
{IS | AS}
[<variable_name <datatype> [DEFAULT <default>];],...

DB2 procedural language

CREATE PROCEDURE [qualifier.]<procedure_name>

([IN | OUT | INOUT <argument_name> <datatype>,...])


CREATE PROC[EDURE] <procedure_name> [@<parameter_name> <datatype> [ = <default>]

[OUTPUT] ] ,...

Creating a simple stored procedure

Our stored procedure implements the following business logic. New products are often entered into the PRODUCT
table of the ACME sample database. The problem is the clerks sometimes enter duplicate product names using the
different combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, SPRUCE LUMBER 30X40X50, spruce lumber
30x40x50 and Spruce Lumber 30X40X50 are supposed to be a single entry, but could be entered as three separate
entities with different primary keys referred by foreign keys from other tables causing data integrity problems.

The procedure SP_PRODUCTADD adds a row to the PRODUCT table if the product with the given product description
does not exist or updates the existing record with new values. It accepts ten parameters, one for each column in the
PRODUCT table, then checks if a product with such a description (in uppercase or lowercase letters) already exists,
and then performs the appropriate action (INSERT or UPDATE) based on the result.

Oracle 9i

A typical Oracle-stored procedure consists of header, declaration part, body, and exception handling component. The
header (between keywords CREATE and IS) includes parameter names and data types. The local variables can be
declared in the declaration section. The body stores the procedure's logic, and the optional exception section is for
handling exceptions — errors that could happen during the execution of the procedure. Here is the syntax to
implement this logic:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_productadd
/* This procedure adds new product to PRODUCT table */
v_prodid NUMBER,
v_prodprice NUMBER,
v_prodnum VARCHAR2,
v_proddesc VARCHAR2,
v_prodstatus CHAR,
v_prodbrand VARCHAR2,
v_prodpltwid NUMBER,
v_prodpltlen NUMBER,
v_prodnetwgt NUMBER,
v_prodshipwgt NUMBER

-- Local variable declaration
v_prodcount NUMBER := 0;
v_prodid_existing NUMBER;
-- Check if product with this name already exists
INTO v_prodcount
FROM product
WHERE UPPER(prod_description_s) = UPPER(v_proddesc);
-- Product does not exist
IF v_prodcount = 0 THEN
-- Insert row into PRODUCT based on arguments passed
-- Product with this name already exists
ELSIF v_prodcount = 1 THEN
-- Find the product's primary key number
SELECT prod_id_n
INTO v_prodid_existing
FROM product
WHERE UPPER(prod_description_s) = UPPER(v_proddesc);
-- Update the existing product with values
-- passed as arguments
UPDATE product
SET prod_price_n = v_prodprice,
prod_description_s = v_proddesc,
prod_status_s = v_prodstatus,
prod_brand_s = v_prodbrand,
prod_pltwid_n = v_prodpltwid,
prod_pltlen_n = v_prodpltlen,
prod_netwght_n = v_prodnetwgt,
prod_shipweight_n = v_prodshipwgt
WHERE prod_id_n = v_prodid_existing;

-- No errors; perform COMMIT


-- Exception section -- the execution flow goes here

-- if an error occurs during the execution
-- Enable standard output
-- Put line into the standard output
-- Rollback all changes
END sp_productadd;

The above stored procedure can be compiled directly from SQL*Plus command line or from a GUI tool like TOAD or
Oracle Enterprise Manager and then called using the following syntax:
(1, 23.67, 1, 'TEST PRODUCT', 'Y', 'TEST', 1, 3, 45, 33);


The structure of a DB2 stored procedure is similar to one of PL/SQL except it does not have an EXCEPTION section in
it. The syntax to create our stored procedure using DB2 SQL procedural language is as follows:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_productadd
/* This procedure adds new product to PRODUCT table */
v_prodid INTEGER,
v_prodprice DECIMAL(10,2),
v_prodnum VARCHAR(44),
v_proddesc VARCHAR(10),
v_prodstatus CHAR(1),
v_prodbrand VARCHAR(20),
v_prodpltwid DECIMAL(5,2),
v_prodpltlen DECIMAL(5,2),
v_prodnetwgt DECIMAL(10,3),
v_prodshipwgt DECIMAL(10,3)

-– Transaction has to be atomic if we
-- want to be able to roll back changes
-- Local variable declaration
DECLARE v_prodcount INTEGER;
DECLARE v_prodid_existing INTEGER;
DECLARE v_result_set_end INTEGER DEFAULT 0;


SET v_result_set_end = 1;

SET v_prodcount = 0;


INTO v_prodcount
FROM product
WHERE UPPER(prod_description_s) = UPPER(v_proddesc);

IF (v_prodcount) = 0 THEN
-- Insert row into PRODUCT based on arguments passed
ELSEIF (v_prodcount = 1) THEN
-- Find the product's primary key number
SELECT prod_id_n
INTO v_prodid_existing
FROM product
WHERE UPPER(prod_description_s) = UPPER(v_proddesc);
-- Update the existing product with values
-- passed as arguments
UPDATE product
SET prod_price_n = v_prodprice,
prod_description_s = v_proddesc,
prod_status_s = v_prodstatus,
prod_brand_s = v_prodbrand,
prod_pltwid_n = v_prodpltwid,
prod_pltlen_n = v_prodpltlen,
prod_netwght_n = v_prodnetwgt,
prod_shipweight_n = v_prodshipwgt
WHERE prod_id_n = v_prodid_existing;

-- perform COMMIT
To compile the foregoing stored procedure using DB2's Command Line Processor tool (CLP), use this syntax
(assuming the above code is saved in file C:\SQLBIB\DB2\SP_PRODUCT.SQL):

MS SQL Server 2000

A MS SQL Server Transact-SQL stored procedure also consists of the header and the body; the variable declarations
are done in the procedure body. The syntax to create the stored procedure with the foregoing functionality might be as
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_productadd
/* This procedure adds new product to PRODUCT table */
@v_prodid INTEGER,
@v_prodprice MONEY,
@v_prodnum VARCHAR (10),
@v_proddesc VARCHAR (44),
@v_prodstatus CHAR,
@v_prodbrand VARCHAR (20),
@v_prodpltwid DECIMAL(5, 2),
@v_prodpltlen DECIMAL(5, 2),
@v_prodnetwgt DECIMAL(10, 3),
@v_prodshipwgt DECIMAL(10, 3)
-- Local variable declaration and preassignment
declare @v_prodcount INTEGER
select @v_prodcount = 0
declare @v_prodid_existing INTEGER
-- Begin transaction
-- Check if product with this name already exists
SELECT @v_prodcount=COUNT(*)
FROM product
WHERE UPPER(prod_description_s) = UPPER(@v_proddesc)

-- Check for errors

IF @@error <> 0 GOTO E_General_Error

-- Product does not exist

IF @v_prodcount = 0
-- Insert row into PRODUCT based on arguments passed

-- Check for errors

IF @@error <> 0 GOTO E_General_Error

-- Product with this name already exists

ELSE IF @v_prodcount = 1
-- Find the product's primary key number
SELECT @v_prodid_existing = PROD_ID_N
FROM product
WHERE UPPER(prod_description_s) = UPPER(@v_proddesc)

-- Check for errors

IF @@error <> 0 GOTO E_General_Error

-- Update the existing product with

-- values passed as arguments
UPDATE product
SET prod_price_n = @v_prodprice,
prod_description_s = @v_proddesc,
prod_status_s = @v_prodstatus,
prod_brand_s = @v_prodbrand,
prod_pltwid_n = @v_prodpltwid,
prod_pltlen_n = @v_prodpltlen,
prod_netwght_n = @v_prodnetwgt,
prod_shipweight_n = @v_prodshipwgt
WHERE prod_id_n = @v_prodid_existing

-- Check for errors

IF @@error <> 0 GOTO E_General_Error

-- No errors; perform COMMIT and exit


-- If an error occurs, rollback and exit

PRINT 'Error'

You probably notice some differences between Oracle (or DB2 UDB) and MS SQL Server syntax; for example, in MS
SQL Server arguments are not enclosed in parentheses, the error handling is done in a different way, the variables are
prefixed with at-signs, and so on. The stored procedure can be compiled using OSQL command-line tool, Query
Analyzer, or other MS SQL Server-compatible tools; to execute this stored procedure you can use the following
1, 23.67, 1, 'TEST PRODUCT', 'Y', 'TEST', 1, 3, 45, 33

Removing a stored procedure

The basic syntax to remove a stored procedure is identical for all three databases:
DROP PROCEDURE [qualifier.]<procedure_name>

Note Transact-SQL lets you drop multiple procedures within a single DROP PROCEDURE statement. The procedure
names have to be separated by commas.
User-Defined Functions
User-defined functions combine the advantages of stored procedures with the capabilities of SQL predefined
functions. They can accept parameters, perform specific calculations based on data retrieved by one or more SELECT
statement, and return results directly to the calling SQL statement.

Cross-References Built-in SQL functions are discussed inChapter 10.


The CREATE FUNCTION syntax is different for different implementations. The simplified SQL99 syntax as well as
syntaxes for all "big three" SQL procedural extensions are given here:


CREATE FUNCTION <function_name>



CREATE [OR REPLACE] FUNCTION [qualifier.]<function_name>

([<argument_name> IN | OUT | IN OUT <datatype>
[DEFAULT <default>],...])
RETURN <datatype>
{IS | AS}
[<variable_name <datatype> [DEFAULT <default>];],...

DB2 procedural language

CREATE FUNCTION <function_name>

([<argument_name> <datatype>,...])
RETURNS <datatype>
RETURN {<value> | <sql_statement>}


CREATE FUNCTION <function_name> ([@<parameter_name> <datatype> [ = <default>]],...)

RETURNS <datatype>
RETURN <value>
Creating a simple function

Functions can be very useful in many situations. For example, imagine you need to extract order totals for customers
with state sales tax added to the total price. The sales tax rate is different in different states; for example, in California
it is 7.25 percent at this writing. In addition, in the ACME database the total price for orders is not stored anywhere
(normalization tradeoffs) but has to be calculated dynamically by adding prices for all order items multiplied by item
quantities. The latter is done in the ACME view V_CUSTOMER_TOTALS (see Chapter 4); user-defined function
UF_ORDERTAX takes two parameters, tax factor and order number, and returns the total order amount multiplied by
that factor.


PL/SQL syntax to create user-defined functions is not much different from that for stored procedures. The main
difference is it has to specify the return data type in the header section and return a value somewhere in the function
body. Any code after the RETURN statement in the function body will be ignored. The code below creates function

The slash (/) at the end is necessary to compile the function code from a SQLPLUS command line. (That is also true
for compiling PL/SQL stored procedures and triggers.) It could usually be omitted when using a GUI tool:
v_tax NUMBER,
v_ordnum VARCHAR2
-- Declare local variables
v_result NUMBER;
v_ordamt NUMBER;
-- This query performs variable v_ordamt assignment
SELECT total_price
INTO v_ordamt
FROM v_customer_totals
WHERE order_number = v_ordnum;
-- Variable v_result is v_ordamt multiplied by tax
v_result := v_ordamt * v_tax;
-- Return result
RETURN v_result;

Note PL/SQL user-defined functions have an optional EXCEPTION clause in the same way the stored procedures do.
The foregoing example skips the EXCEPTION section.

As we mentioned before, the function could be called from within SQL statements using either literals or actual column
names as the parameters:
SELECT ordhdr_nbr_s,
uf_ordertax(1.0725, ordhdr_nbr_s) AS amt_incl_tax
FROM order_header
ON (ordhdr_custid_fn = cust_id_n)
ON (cust_id_n = addr_custid_fn)
WHERE addr_state_s = 'CA'
------------------------------ ----------------------- ------------
523774 2002-08-21 00:00:00.000 7037.52
523775 2002-08-21 00:00:00.000 16461.49
523776 2002-08-21 00:00:00.000 13734.45
523777 2002-08-21 00:00:00.000 10660.65
523778 2002-08-21 00:00:00.000 7037.52
523779 2002-08-21 00:00:00.000 7037.52
523780 2002-08-21 00:00:00.000 7037.52
523781 2002-08-21 00:00:00.000 16403.34
523782 2002-08-21 00:00:00.000 8984.34
523783 2002-08-21 00:00:00.000 12927.60

10 rows selected.

Note that the function was executed ten times, once for each row returned by the SELECT statement.


DB2 procedural SQL extension has syntax for creating user-defined functions that is quite dissimilar from both PL/SQL
and Transact SQL grammar (provided later in this chapter):
v_tax DECIMAL(12,2),
v_ordnum VARCHAR(10)
-- This query performs variable v_ordamt assignment
SELECT total_price * v_tax
FROM v_customer_totals
WHERE order_number = v_ordnum

This function can be compiled in exactly the same way DB2 stored procedures are:

You can then call it from a SQL statement using the syntax given previously in the PL/SQL section.


The Transact-SQL syntax for user-defined functions is quite similar to the PL/SQL one — more than it resembles the
Transact-SQL syntax for creating stored procedures. The parameters are enclosed by parentheses, and the function
body is enclosed by the BEGIN and END keywords:
@v_tax NUMERIC(12,4),
@v_ordnum VARCHAR(30)
-- Declare local variables
declare @v_result NUMERIC(12,4)
declare @v_ordamt NUMERIC(12,4)
-- Assign variable @v_ordamt using SELECT statement
SELECT @v_ordamt = total_price
FROM v_customer_totals
-- Variable @v_result is @v_ordamt multiplied by tax
SET @v_result = @v_ordamt * @v_tax
-- Return result
RETURN @v_result

The call for a user-defined function from a SQL statement must be qualified with the user name, forming the so-called
two-part name of the function:
SELECT ordhdr_nbr_s,
dbo.uf_ordertax(1.065, ordhdr_nbr_s)
FROM order_header
ON (ordhdr_custid_fn = cust_id_n)
ON (cust_id_n = addr_custid_fn)
WHERE addr_state_s = 'CA'

A function could also be called with literals for both parameters:

SELECT dbo.uf_ordertax(1.065, '523774') AS ORDER_TOTAL

(1 row affected)

Removing a user-defined function

The basic syntax to remove a user-defined function is identical for all three databases:
DROP FUNCTION [qualifier.]<function_name>

Again, as in case with the stored procedures, Transact-SQL allows you to drop multiple functions within a single DROP
FUNCTION statement.
A trigger is a special type of stored procedure that fires off automatically whenever a special event in the database
occurs. For example, a trigger can be invoked when a row is inserted into a specified table or when certain table
columns are being updated.


The syntax differs among RDBMS products, none of which complies with the SQL99 standards.


SQL99 only mandates triggers that automatically execute on DML events; here is the syntax to create a trigger:
CREATE TRIGGER <trigger_name>
ON <table_name>

BEFORE and AFTER keywords specify whether the trigger fires off before or after the DML event actually takes place.
In other words, if a particular trigger is designed to execute whenever a row is inserted into table A and the BEFORE
keyword is specified, the trigger will fire off just before the RDBMS tries to perform the insert; if the trigger produced an
error, the insert will never take place. The AFTER triggers execute upon the triggering DML statement completion; if an
error occurs, the transaction will be rolled back.

Triggers with a FOR EACH ROW optional clause are sometimes referred as row triggers. A row trigger executes once
for each row affected by a DML statement; for example if an UPDATE statement modifies column values in ten rows,
the trigger will fire off ten times. If the clause is omitted, the trigger will only execute once no matter how many rows
are affected (table trigger).


Oracle's PL/SQL has all the options required by the SQL99 standards and many more. The following syntax includes
only DML trigger clauses; in addition, PL/SQL allows you to create DDL and database triggers that fire off on specified
DDLs (CREATE, ALTER, DROP, etc.) or database events (user logon/logoff, database startup/shutdown, and so on).
CREATE [OR REPLACE] TRIGGER [qualifier.]<trigger_name>
{INSERT | DELETE | UPDATE OF <column_name>,...} [OR],...
ON <table_or_view_name>
[REFERENCING OLD AS <name_for_old> NEW AS <name_for_new>]
[WHEN <condition> <sql_block>],... |

Like many other Oracle objects (stored procedures, functions, views, synonyms, sequences, etc.). PL/SQL syntax has
an optional OR REPLACE clause (discussed in Chapter 4).

In addition to the BEFORE and AFTER keywords, INSTEAD OF could be specified (for views only); in that case Oracle
performs actions coded in its body instead of executing the triggering event. That is especially useful when working
with nonupdateable views (see Chapter 4) to simulate the updatable view behavior. For example, you cannot use a
DML on a view that has a GROUP BY or DISTINCT clause in its definition; however, an INSTEAD OF trigger could
include special logic that overrides that rule using procedural language constructs to execute appropriate DML

Another advanced feature is the UPDATE OF clause. Unlike the SQL99 standard that only allows you to execute a
trigger if any column of the triggered table is being updated, PL/SQL lets you specify update of which column (or a set
of columns) fires off the trigger.

The REFERENCING clause allows you to specify alternative correlation names for OLD and NEW keywords used to
prefix column names to access old (not modified) or new (modified) column values, correspondingly.

Some other PL/SQL advanced features include the ability to create triggers for multiple DML events and specify
different actions for different events in the trigger body:
CREATE TRIGGER multi_action

The following example creates trigger TRBU_PRODUCT that inserts a row into special auditing table PRODUCT_AUDIT
each time PROD_PRICE_N value changes in PRODUCT table. The information includes the primary key of the modified
row, the new and the old price values, the username of the person who modified the record, and the timestamp. The
trigger fires off for every modified row in PRODUCT that meets the condition, so if someone issued an UPDATE
statement that changes the price for five products, five rows would be inserted into PRODUCT_AUDIT.
BEFORE UPDATE OF prod_price_n ON product
INSERT INTO product_audit
VALUES (:NEW.prod_id_n,

Note The name of the trigger in the foregoing example extends the Hungarian notation discussed in other chapters.
TRBU stands for Trigger for each Row Before Update.


DB2's procedural language has the following syntax to create a trigger:

CREATE TRIGGER <trigger_name>
{INSERT | DELETE | UPDATE [OF COLUMN <column_name>,...]}
ON <table_name>
[REFERENCING OLD AS <name_for_old> NEW AS <name_for_new>]

The syntax in general resembles SQL99 specifications with the exception of some minor details. For example, simply
BEFORE is not good enough — you have to specify NO CASCADE BEFORE. Also, to create a row trigger, MODE
DB2SQL keywords have to be added to the FOR EACH ROW clause.

Note The MODE clause specifies the mode of triggers; DB2SQL is the only currently supported one in DB2.

The REFERENCING clause is similar to that of PL/SQL except even though the clause itself is optional, you have to
specify alternative names for OLD and NEW if you want to use them in the trigger's body.

The trigger TRAU_PRODUCT created using the code in the following example has the same functionality as the trigger
TRBU_PRODUCT described in the PL/SQL example earlier in this chapter:
CREATE TRIGGER trau_product
AFTER UPDATE OF prod_price_n ON product
INSERT INTO product_audit
VALUES (NNN.prod_id_n,


Here is the generalized Transact-SQL syntax for creating triggers:

CREATE TRIGGER <trigger_name>
ON <table_or_view>
[IF UPDATE ( <column_name> )
[AND | OR UPDATE ( <column_name> ) ],...]

FOR is the Transact-SQL equivalent to the SQL99 keyword BEFORE.

Unlike PL/SQL, the INSTEAD OF clause can be specified for both table and view triggers.

The IF UPDATE clause allows you specify the updating of those columns (or combinations of columns) that cause the
trigger to fire off.

The following syntax creates a trigger that functions identically to the PL/SQL one discussed in the previous section:
CREATE TRIGGER trbu_product ON product
IF UPDATE (prod_price_n)
INSERT INTO product_audit
SELECT i.prod_id_n,
FROM inserted i
deleted d
ON i.prod_id_n = d.prod_id_n

Several things in this example require explanation. Unlike PL/SQL or DB2 UDB, Transact-SQL does not have special
structures OLD and NEW that hold the original and modified values of table columns. Instead, MS SQL Server provides
two special virtual tables, DELETED (stores copies of the affected rows during DELETE and UPDATE operations) and
INSERTED (holds copies of the affected rows during INSERT and UPDATE). We can join the two tables as shown above
to get the values that have to be inserted into PRODUCT_AUDIT.

Tip To imitate FOR EACH ROW functionality in Transact-SQL, use a cursor. See vendor documentation for details.

Removing a trigger

This syntax removes an existing trigger definition from the system catalog:
DROP TRIGGER [qualifier.]<trigger_name>
The syntax is identical for all three databases. Transact-SQL allows you to drop multiple triggers just in the same way
as when dropping stored procedures, user-defined functions, or any other database objects.
This chapter introduces the key components of the SQL procedural languages, for which the main purpose is to
amend deficiencies of non-procedural nature of SQL proper. The ISO/ANSI standard provides for the existence of the
RDBMS-stored modules for data processing without specifying what language should be used for the implementation.
Left to their own devices, vendors have implemented it in a variety of ways — from their own proprietary SQL
extensions like PL/SQL (Oracle), Transact-SQL (Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase), TSQL or IBM SQL (IBM DB2
UDB), to Java, Cobol, and Visual Basic (Data Transformation Services).

Programming RDBMS using these languages does not differ much from creating programs using any other
programming language, with the notable exception that these SQL extensions are database-oriented, and include
many specific constructs for specific tasks (like cursors, for row-by-row data manipulation).

The procedural SQL programs can be compiled into a variety of the module types: stored procedures, user-defined
functions, and triggers. All these might differ in flavor, with various invocation methods and so on, but the general
principles remain the same: the module is compiled and stored server-side using either a proprietary SQL extension
language or a general-purpose language (like Java); the module includes constructs of the procedural language and
SQL statements, and is executed within RDBMS environment.

The procedural languages are not part of the SQL standard (though persistent modules are mandated), and some
popular SQL products did not even have this capability until very recently.
Chapter 15: Dynamic and Embedded SQL Overview

As you already know, SQL is a nonprocedural language. In the previous chapter, you learned how to create
procedural programs using proprietary SQL procedural extensions. These programs (stored procedures, user-defined
functions, triggers, etc.) are stored inside RDBMS. This approach, though very popular since the 1990s, was not the
first attempt to empower SQL with procedural language capabilities. The idea of the embedded SQL arose long before
the SQL procedural extensions were developed. It was introduced by IBM in the beginning of the 1980s and then
implemented by many other SQL vendors. The dynamic SQL was the logical continuation of the embedded SQL
principles that alleviated some limitations and inconveniences of the latter.
SQL Statement Processing Steps
The internal mechanisms of SQL statement processing are different for each RDBMS, but generally, there are always
these five steps involved to process an SQL statement.
1. The RDBMS parses the SQL statement by breaking it up into individual words (tokens) and
validating the statement syntax. The purpose of this step is to make sure the statement does not
have typos and logical errors in it (if it does, the processing stops right there, saving time and
system resources). For example, the following statements would be rejected at the first step
because the first one has keyword SELECT misspelled, and in the second one the order of the
FROM and WHERE clauses is incorrect:

Note Generally, any SQL statement consists of three types of tokens: keywords like SELECT,
UPDATE, WHERE, etc.; table, view, constraint, or other database object names and column
names; and values assigned to the columns or used in WHERE and HAVING clause
predicates (or special variables for these values that could be substituted with real values in
the runtime). In Step 1 of the process described here, only the first group of tokens is

Parsing is usually the quickest step because it does not require actual database access.

2. The statement is then validated by the RDBMS by checking the statement against the information
schema. In fact, this step validates the second group of tokens by making sure all the table and
column names exist in the database. In addition, it checks the user privileges to execute the
statement, ensures the column names are not ambiguous, and so on. For example, the following
statement would fail at Step 2 (if you try to execute it against ACME sample database) because
column CUST_ID does not exist in the CUSTOMER table:

3. The next step is to optimize the statement. The query optimization process differs significantly
between different RDBMS vendors, but the idea is the same: to find the most efficient way to
execute the SQL statement. For example, it determines in which order the tables should be joined,
when search conditions are to be applied, whether use the existing indexes on certain columns,
and so on. Optimization is usually very CPU-intensive; the RDBMS may need to choose from
dozens of different ways to process the same query, especially if it is complex and involves
multiple table joins and conditions; however, when done in the right way, optimization could
improve the query performance dramatically.

4. The next step is to generate an execution plan for the statement based on the optimization
process performed during Step 3. The execution plan is simply a binary representation of the
optimized sequence of actions.

5. Finally, the set of binary instructions created in Step 4 is executed by the RDBMS. Most database
vendors provide mechanisms that allow you to substitute the third group of token variables with
the actual values at this point.

Note In addition to the standard five steps to process any SQL statement, an additional step is
necessary when processing a SELECT statement, namely returning the query results in some
organized form.

We will be talking about the five steps of SQL statement processing again in this chapter when discussing dynamic
Embedded (Static) SQL
The idea of embedded SQL is simple — implant the SQL statements into the program written in a traditional
procedural language, like C, COBOL, FORTRAN, or Pascal. This approach enables you to combine SQL's capability
to work with relational database tables (and more) with all the power of a procedural language (variables, parameters,
subprograms, iterations, conditional statements, etc.).

Cross-References The major elements of a procedural language are introduced inChapter 14.

Embedded SQL and SQL99 standards

Embedded SQL is a classic example of how de-facto IBM-based standards became SQL99 standards. As we
mentioned before, IBM developed and implemented embedded SQL principles in the early 1980s; since then most
vendors were simply following these standards with just slight variations. The standards were recognized first by
SQL92 and later by SQL99 specifications.

All the "big three" vendors featured in this book support the ANSI/ISO standards to some extent. Oracle provides
precompilers for C/C++, COBOL, ADA, PL/I, and FORTRAN; DB2 supports embedded SQL for C, COBOL, PL/I,
FORTRAN, and Java; and MS SQL Server allows you to use only C language.

Embedded and Dynamic SQL Terminology

The terminology used in this chapter follows commonly accepted conventions. However, it may look confusing
to some. For example, we are talking about embedded and dynamic SQL as if they were two separate topics,
whereas dynamic SQL is rather an extension to the embedded SQL; dynamic SQL simply adds some
functionality and extends the embedded SQL syntax. It is more appropriate to talk about two variations of the
embedded SQL — static and dynamic.

Another commonly misinterpreted issue is the differences between the embedded SQL and the vendor-specific
procedural SQL extensions. For example, Oracle allows you to write stored procedures using Java language, or,
as an alternative, you could create a C program with embedded SQL. The main difference between a stored
procedure and a host program is that the stored procedure is a compiled code stored inside the database,
whereas a host program with embedded SQL resides outside the database as a binary file somewhere in the
operating system.

Embedded SQL basic elements

Even though the embedded SQL syntax differs slightly for different implementations (mostly because of the
proprietary SQL syntax variations), the concept and the elements are the same. You have to declare host variables,
establish database connection, execute one or more SQL statements, get the results, and perform some error
handling when necessary.

Tip To be able to use embedded SQL in your host program, you must provide it with special instructions on how to find
the specific precompiler files for the RDBMS the host program will be using.

Host variables

Host variables are the key to communication between your host program and the server. They are used to pass data
to RDBMS and/or to receive the information back from it. In other words, the host variables are necessary to link the
SQL statements with the host language (C, COBOL, etc.) statements. For example, your C program could pass
parameters accepted from the command line into an SQL statement using previously declared host variables.

Host variables declaration

The declaration of the host variables is done in the DECLARE section in the following form:
SECTION <language-specific delimiter> <language-specific variable
declaration>,... EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION <language-specific

Note The EXEC SQL keyword is used to start an embedded SQL block in a host-language program.

The following three examples show how to declare a character-string host variable that can hold fifty characters and
another variable of type integer in C, COBOL, and FORTRAN, respectively:

Example 1


SECTION; char custname [51]; int custid; ... EXEC SQL END DECLARE

Example 2



Example 3



As you can notice, the delimiter in C is a semicolon (;), COBOL uses the keyword END-EXEC, and no delimiter is
necessary in FORTRAN. The host data types are usually declared according to the host-language variable declaration
rules using data types valid for this specific language. SQL99 rules require host variable names to be no longer than
eighteen characters, but most RDBMS allow longer names.

Input versus output host variables

As we mentioned before, the purpose of using host variables is to provide communication between the host program
and the RDBMS. Generally, you can divide host variables into two main categories: input and output host variables.
The input host variables transfer information from the host program to RDBMS, and the output host variables receive
data from the database. Host variables can be used anywhere an expression can be used; however, in SQL
statements, they must be prefixed with a colon (:), to set them apart from database schema names.

Host variables and SQL data types correspondence

The correspondence between host variables and SQL data types is a complex and unintuitive topic. The fact that
some host-language data types share their names with incompatible SQL data types adds even more confusion.

Table 15-1 shows the correspondence between SQL99 data types and some host-language data types (C, COBOL,
and FORTRAN). You will need to refer to vendor-specific documentation for more information.
Table 15-1: Data type Correspondence


CHAR(n) char[n+1] PIC (n) CHARACTER*n







Note Many SQL99 data types do not have exact equivalents in the host languages; for example, all date and time
related data types must be converted into host-language-compatible character string data types.

Dealing with NULLs and indicator variables

The concept of null is foreign to most programming languages. To deal with that issue, embedded SQL introduces the
concept of indicator variables. You can associate any host variable with an optional indicator variable. Every time an
SQL statement uses the host variable, a result is stored in its associated indicator variable, providing you the capability
to monitor host variables and treat them accordingly.

Indicator variables must be declared in the host variable declaration sections, just like any other host variables. The
appropriate data type for an indicator variable is short in C; PIC S9(4) COMP in COBOL; and FORTRAN programs could
use INTEGER*2.

Indicator variables must be placed immediately after the corresponding host variable specified in the Embedded SQL
statement (without separating them with a comma); they can be used with both input and output host variables. The
first scenario is typically used to assign NULL values in DML statements while the second situation allows you to
handle nulls received by SELECT INTO (discussed later in this chapter) or as the result of a cursor fetch.

Tables 15-2 and 15-3 show how the value of an indicator variable affects the related host variable.

Table 15-2: Indicator Variable Values (Input)

Value Meaning

-1 NULL will be assigned to the column; the value of the host variable is ignored.

>= 0 The value of the host variable will be assigned to the column.

Table 15-3: Indicator Variable Values (Output)

Value Meaning

-1 The column value is NULL.

0 The column value is not NULL; the original column value is assigned to the associated host

>0 The column value is not NULL, but the original column value was truncated before it was
assigned to the associated host variable.
In the following examples (written in C and COBOL, respectively), we declare host variable price (PRICE) along with
indicator variable priceind (PRICEIND), assigned the value of -1 to the latter, and then used the variables in the UPDATE
statement to modify the price for product 990 to be NULL.
SECTION; double price; short priceind = -1; ... EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION;
= 990; ...

Database connection

Before your program can start doing anything else, it has to establish connection to the target database. The
embedded SQL keyword CONNECT is used for that purpose; the grammar again is vendor-specific with generic syntax
specified below:
<connect_string> <language-specific delimiter>

The <connect_string> is different for different RDBMS, and the delimiter is host-language-specific. For example, to
connect to Oracle using Pro*C (Oracle's precompiler for C/C++), you can use this embedded SQL statement
(assuming the host variables username and password of appropriate data types are properly declared and some
meaningful values are assigned to them):
IDENTIFIED BY :password;

Note This example is the typical situation when the input host variable is used to pass the information (the user name
and the password) from your host program to the RDBMS.

The <connect_string> in a C program that connects to DB2 UDB would be slightly different, as shown in the following
CONNECT TO :database USER :username USING :password;

Note This example assumes that the additional host variable, database, is in place. In the Oracle example, we assumed
the default database connection; otherwise the connect string would be slightly different.

The syntax to connect to MS SQL Server is quite similar, except the username and the password must be
concatenated with an intervening dot (.):
"."), password); EXEC SQL CONNECT TO :database USER :username;

The first line of code is simply using the C function strcat() to represent the username and password in the form
username.password and store the result in the host variable username; the second line performs the database

All the previous examples are using C as the host language; the syntax for COBOL connecting to Oracle and DB2
UDB, respectfully, follows:

Oracle example



DB2 UDB example


These examples assume three host variables: DATABASE , USERNAME, and PASSWORD .

Data retrieval and SELECT INTO statement

One of the major advantages of embedded SQL over nonprocedural SQL is the ability to retrieve data from a
database server into host variables and use that data within the host program. A special variation of the SELECT
statement, SELECT INTO, is used to accomplish this task. The syntax is very similar to that of the regular SQL SELECT
statement; the main difference is that in the INTO clause of the SELECT INTO statement, you specify the host variables
to store the resulting set rather than sending it to the standard output:
{[<qualifier>.]<column_name> | <expression>},... INTO
<host_variable>,... FROM <from_clause> [WHERE <predicate>]
[GROUP BY [<qualifier>.]<column_name>,... [HAVING
<predicate>] ]

SELECT INTO has some limitations, but in general it is capable of doing most things the regular SELECT can do,
including grouping, using aggregate functions, and so on. (The SELECT statement was discussed in Chapter 8.) The
number of columns listed in the SELECT clause must match the number of host variables in the INTO clause; they also
must be of compatible data types. Also, the query must return one and only one row, otherwise either TOO MANY
ROWS or NO DATA FOUND RDBMS error is generated.

Assuming host variable declarations earlier in this chapter, the following SELECT INTO statement selects CUST_ID_N
and CUST_NAME_S columns from the CUSTOMER table using the ACME sample database for a customer with alias






The host variables used in these SQL statements are output host variables; you could combine both input and output
host variables in a single SELECT INTO statement. For example, assuming another host variable, custalias
(CUSTALIAS) was declared and the value MNGA71396 has been assigned to it, the above statements could be written
in this form:





In this case, CUSTID and CUSTNAME are still used as output host variables, and CUSTALIAS plays the role of an input
host variable since it transfers data from the host program to RDBMS.

Using cursors to store multirow query results

SELECT INTO can be useful in many situations, but it has a very serious limitation — it can only return one row at a
time. We introduced the concept of the CURSOR in Chapter 14, so not to repeat ourselves let us simply remind you
there are four basic operations on a cursor: DECLARE, OPEN , FETCH , and CLOSE. You can use both input and output
host variables in DECLARE and FETCH . The following examples show how to use a cursor to retrieve CUST_ID_N and
CUST_NAME_S columns from the CUSTOMER table, row by row, and fetch the values into the host variables until the
last row is processed:


OPEN custcur; ... do { EXEC SQL FETCH custcur INTO :custid, :custname; ... if
(SQLCODE != 0) break; } ... EXEC SQL CLOSE custcur; ...




Handling errors

Error handling is an important part of any application program. For a program with embedded SQL, error handling
means detecting and recovering from SQL statement execution errors (in addition to any other errors in the program).
It is critical to check for error conditions after every DML statement to make sure it processed all data it was supposed
to; when using a SELECT INTO statement, you usually check if a single row query returned no data (NO DATA
condition) or more than one row (TOO MANY ROWS condition).

SQL99 specifies two variables, SQLCODE and SQLSTATE, for error handling needs. SQLCODE is pretty much
implementation-specific. A negative value indicates some serious problem; a positive number points to a warning; and
zero means successful completion. SQLSTATE is the new SQL99 standard; it consists of error class and error
subclass, which are consistent across implementations. Table 15-4 shows several SQLSTATE classes and subclasses
and their meanings.
Table 15-4: Selected SQLSTATE Codes

Code Code Condition Subcode Subcode condition

00 Successful completion 00000 Successful completion

01 Warning 01000 Warning

01001 Cursor operation conflict
01007 Privilege not granted

02 No data 02000 No data

08 Connection exception 08000 Connection exception

08002 Connection name is use
08006 Connection failure

0A Feature not supported 0A000 Feature not supported

0A001 Multiple server transactions

23 Integrity constraint violation 23000 Integrity constraint violation

27 Triggered data change 27000 Triggered data change

violation violation

The error handling is usually done in the host program using programming language-specific conditional statements.
For example:


<embedded_sql_statement>; if (SQLCODE < 0) {
<condition_to_handle_error>,... } ...... EXEC
SQL <single_row_select>; if (SQLSTATE != "02000") {
<do_something>,... } ...


<embedded_sql_statement> END-EXEC. IF SQLCODE LESS THAN 0
<condition_to_handle_error>,... ... ... EXEC SQL
<single_row_select> END-EXEC. IF SQLSTATE NOT = "02000"
<do_something>,... ...

Note You must declare SQLCODE and/or SQLSTATE before you can use it in your program; refer to vendor-specific
documentation for details.

As an alternative to checking SQLCODE and/or SQLSTATE values after each embedded SQL statement, you can use
SQL Communications Area (SQLCA) to handle embedded SQL errors. SQLCA is a structure containing components
that are filled in at runtime after the SQL statement is processed by RDBMS. Before your program can start using
SQLCA, you have to include the structure in your program using the following syntax (usually somewhere before the
host variables declaration section):



The main advantage of using SQLCA is that in addition to explicit checking of its components in a way similar to how
you would do it with SQLCODE and SQLSTATE variables, you can perform implicit checking using WHENEVER

Rather than checking errors after every single embedded SQL statement, with the WHENEVER statement you can
specify actions to be taken when RDBMS detects errors, warnings, or NOT FOUND conditions. You can tell the
program to go to the next (or specifically labeled) statement, call a subprogram, or stop execution.

The general syntax for the WHENEVER statement is:

DO | STOP} <language-specific delimiter>

The error handling with WHENEVER is less specific, but much simpler than using SCLCODE or SQLSTATE. All you
have to do is use the appropriate calls somewhere before the first SQL call in your program:






Additional useful embedded SQL statements

Some additional useful embedded SQL statements are listed in Table 15-5.
Table 15-5: Useful Embedded SQL Statements

Generic statement syntax Explanation

EXEC SQL COMMIT [WORK] [RELEASE] End the current transaction making all database
<language-specific delimiter> changes permanent. The optional keyword
RELEASE also frees resources and disconnects
from the database.

EXEC SQL ROLLBACK [WORK] [RELEASE] End the current transaction, discarding all database
<language-specific delimiter> changes. The optional keyword RELEASE also frees
resources and disconnects from the database.

EXEC SQL CONNECT RESET Disconnect for the database.

<language-specific delimiter>
VALUES <values_clause>

<language-specific delimiter> Add rows to a table.

EXEC SQL UPDATE <table_name>
SET <set_clause> [<where_clause>]

<language-specific delimiter> Change existing values in a table.


[<where_clause>] Remove rows from a table.

<language-specific delimiter>

A typical embedded SQL program flow

The following example illustrates the typical flow of a program containing embedded SQL:
<host_variable_declaration>,... EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION
<language-specific delimiter> EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA
<language-specific delimiter> EXEC SQL WHENEVER <condition>

<language-specific delimiter>,... EXEC SQL CONNECT <vendor-specific

connect string> <language-specific delimiter> EXEC SQL SELECT INTO
<single_select> <vendor-specific delimiter>,... EXEC SQL
<embedded_dml_statement> <language-specific delimiter>,... EXEC SQL
COMMIT <vendor-specific delimiter > EXEC SQL CONNECT RESET
<vendor-specific delimiter > <error handling section referred from
WHENEVER directive>
Dynamic SQL Techniques
The embedded static SQL techniques discussed in the previous section can be useful in many situations, but
sometimes they are not flexible enough to satisfy all your needs. The classic example is a GUI-based application that
allows users to build their own ad hoc queries by using dropdown lists to choose column (or even table) names and
conditions for the WHERE clause. The application would build the appropriate query dynamically, send it to the
RDBMS, receive the results, and display them in some nice, easily readable form. The static SQL would not allow you
to build your queries on the fly because of the way it handles the five steps of a SQL statement execution (discussed
in the beginning of this chapter). In fact, the first four steps are carried out during the compile time; that is, the
statement parsing, validation, optimization, and the binary execution plan generation are all done when you compile
your host-language program. That means your SQL statements are hardcoded in your program, allowing you to
substitute values for the third group of tokens only (explained earlier in this chapter).

Dynamic SQL overrides these limitations by postponing all the five steps until the actual runtime. The SQL statements
could be built dynamically during the program execution based on user-supplied parameters, such as table names,
column names, search conditions, and so on.

Two varieties of dynamic SQL

Generally, all dynamic SQL can be divided into two categories. The first one includes any dynamically built DML and
DDL statements, and the other one handles dynamic queries.

The difference between these two categories is rooted in SQL processing specifics. As we mentioned in the beginning
of this chapter, there is an additional step in SELECT statement processing that involves returning query results in
organized form. Because a DML (or DDL) statement can either be successful or unsuccessful only, all we usually need
back from the RDBMS is the return code (SQLCODE or SQLSTATE); an SQL query returns the resulting set that
consists of some columns selected from some tables. The exact number of columns may be unknown until the actual
program execution, as well as the columns data types. That means the host program has to allocate an appropriate
data structure to hold the anticipated resulting set just after the dynamic query has been built and before it is submitted
to the RDBMS for execution.

For all these reasons, dynamic DML/DDL processing is much simpler than handling dynamic queries. Fortunately,
most modern programming languages, including Visual Basic, Visual C++, PowerBuilder, Delphi, Java, and many
others hide the complexity from the programmers by delegating the sophisticated part to the internal mechanisms of
the programming language. All a programmer needs to do is to dynamically assemble a character string that
represents the dynamic query and assign its value to the appropriate (often predefined within a class) variable.
Building and handling dynamic queries manually is generally obsolete, so we are not going to go into great details
when discussing dynamic query techniques. You should refer to vendor-specific documentation in case you want to
know more.

Dynamic SQL and SQL99 standards

By now, you probably are already used to the fact that ANSI/ISO standards are often quite different from what each
vendor has actually implemented. This is also the case for the dynamic SQL that existed long before any ANSI/ISO
standards were accepted. IBM implemented its own version of dynamic SQL in the early 1980s; all major RDBMS
vendors followed these standards to a certain extent, but with their own twist. This is especially true about dynamic
query processing, where each RDBMS has its own mechanism for handling the resulting set returned by a query. For
example, all three major databases covered in this book use special dynamic SQL data structure, known as the SQL
Data Area (SQLDA), to handle the dynamic query output, but all three implemented their own version of this structure
incompatible with the others. SQL99 standards replace SQLDA with a similar construct called Dynamic SQL Descriptor
that plays exactly the same role but is structured quite differently.

Dynamic SQL basic elements

Dynamic SQL shares most elements with static embedded SQL. Including SQLCA, connecting to and disconnecting
from database, declaring host variables, handling errors, and performing COMMIT and ROLLBACK are exactly the
same for both. The embedded statements start with EXEC SQL keywords and end with a language-specific delimiter.
However, since the SQL statement processing has to be done in runtime rather than in compile-time, the dynamic
SQL introduces some additional elements to enable users to build their statements on the fly. As we mentioned
before, DML/DDL statements are easier to handle than dynamic queries, which require additional preparation. In the
next sections of this chapter, we introduce the techniques of working with both.

Dynamic DML and DDL

Dynamic SQL provides two methods of executing almost any DML or DDL statement dynamically in your host
program. The first method is called EXECUTE IMMEDIATE and allows you to submit a programmatically assembled
string that represents a DML/DDL statement to the RDBMS in one step. The alternative, also known as two-step
dynamic execution, consists of two statements, PREPARE and EXECUTE.

One-step execution

One-step execution is the simplest way of executing dynamic SQL within your host program. First, the program builds
the SQL statement based on user input, command-line arguments, and so on, and stores it in a previously declared
character string variable. The variable is then passed to the RDBMS using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE; the statement is
executed by the database engine. (All five processing steps are performed at this time.) The RDBMS returns the
completion status back to the host program using SCLCA , SQLCODE, SQLSTATE, etc. The generalized syntax is
<language-specific delimiter>

The following examples illustrate how to build and dynamically execute an SQL statement that updates the
PROD_PRICE_N column of the PRODUCT table with a value of 25.50 for row(s) matching user-supplied criteria using C
and COBOL syntax, respectively:


DECLARE SECTION; ... char buffer[101]; ... EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; ...
char searchcond[51]; ... strcpy(buffer, "UPDATE PRODUCT SET PROD_PRICE_N =
25.50 WHERE "); printf("ENTER SEARCH CONDITION:"); gets(searchcond);
strcat(buffer, searchcond); EXEC SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE :buffer; ...




The query billet is in this form:


So, the user can submit any valid search condition to form a legitimate query; for example, PROD_ID_N = 990,

Note The code in this example is just to illustrate the concept of the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement; the actual
program would probably at least use a host variable for the PROD_PRICE_N rather than a hardcoded constant.

Two-step execution

Two-step execution is more complicated. You build your SQL statement in exactly the same way you would do it for
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE; the only difference is, you can use a question mark (?), called the parameter marker or
placeholder, instead of any token from group three (discussed earlier in this chapter) to be later substituted with the
actual value. The statement is then submitted as an argument for the PREPARE statement that performs the first four
SQL statement processing steps (parse, validate, optimize, and generate execution plan). The last step is to use
EXECUTE to replace the parameter markers with the actual values and execute the SQL statement.

Note Oracle uses the host variable notation (not allowed in DB2 or MS SQL Server) for the parameter markers instead
of the question marks.

The generalized syntax for the PREPARE and EXECUTE commands is



<statement_name> FROM {:<host_string > | <string_literal>}
<language-specific delimiter>



<statement_name> [USING <host_variable_list>] <language-specific

Every parameter marker in the prepared dynamic SQL statement (if any) must correspond to a different host variable
in the USING clause. When using Oracle notation, the names of the placeholders need not match the names of the
host variables; however, the order of the placeholders in the prepared dynamic SQL statement must match the order
of corresponding host variables in the USING clause.

Tip The indicator variables could be used with host variables in theUSING clause.

The following examples illustrate how to build and dynamically execute an SQL statement that updates the
PROD_DESCRIPTION_S column of the PRODUCT table with a user-supplied value for row(s) matching user-supplied
search criteria using C and COBOL syntax, respectively:


DECLARE SECTION; ... char buffer[150]; char proddesc[45]; ... EXEC SQL END
DECLARE SECTION; ... char searchcond[51]; ... strcpy(buffer, "UPDATE PRODUCT
gets(proddesc); printf("ENTER SEARCH CONDITION:"); gets(searchcond);
strcat(buffer, searchcond); ... EXEC SQL PREPARE S FROM :buffer; ... EXEC SQL
EXECUTE S USING :proddesc; ...




Note The S in the PREPARE statement is not a host variable, but rather, anSQL identifier, so it does not appear in the
declaration section.
The syntax in these examples works with DB2 and MS SQL Server; you could modify it into Oracle-compliant code by
replacing the parameter marker question marks with host variables. Thus, instead of
strcpy(buffer, "UPDATE


you use
strcpy(buffer, "UPDATE PRODUCT SET PROD_NAME_S = :n


Two-step execution benefits

The two-step execution yields better performance than EXECUTE IMMEDIATELY, especially when the prepared
statement is executed multiple times with different parameter markers. This is so because the PREPARE statement
could be executed only once for numerous EXECUTE statements with different values substituted for the placeholders,
so RDBMS does not have to execute SQL statement processing Steps 1 through 4 over and over again. A simple loop
in the host program will do. However, if the SQL statement is used only once during the program execution, EXECUTE
IMMEDIATE is the appropriate choice.

Dynamic queries

As we mentioned earlier in this chapter, dynamic queries are more complicated than dynamic DML and DDL and are
characterized by serious discrepancies between vendor implementations. In this section, we introduce dynamic query
using ANSI/ISO syntax.

Note To make the examples more usable, we created them using Oracle's version of SQL99 compliant syntax. In fact,
this is just one of many possible ways to work with dynamic queries in Oracle; for example, you could use SQLDA
as an alternative to the dynamic SQL descriptor.

Dynamic query syntax

Before you can start working with dynamic queries, you have to learn some more dynamic SQL statements.

The ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR command allocates descriptor areas for "in" and "out" parameters:
DESCRIPTOR <'descriptor_name'> <language-specific

The DESCRIBE statement obtains information on a prepared SQL statement. DESCRIBE INPUT describes input host
variables for the dynamic statement that has been prepared. DESCRIBE OUTPUT gives the number, type, and length of
the output columns:
OUTPUT] <sql_statement> USING [SQL] DESCRIPTOR <'descriptor_name'>
<language-specific delimiter>

The SET DESCRIPTOR statement lets you specify input values for the WHERE clause of your SELECT statement. A
separate SET DESCRIPTOR statement must be used for each host variable. You can specify type, length, and data
value; also, you have to specify VALUE, which is the host variable relative position in the dynamic SQL statement:
<'descriptor_name'> [VALUE <item_sequence_number>,] [TYPE =
<:host_variable1>,] [LENGTH = <:host_variable2>,] DATA =
<:host_variable3> <language-specific delimiter>
For example, if your statement is: SELECT :v1, :v2, :v3, ... then the VALUE for :v1 is 1; the value for :v2 is 2, and so on.

TYPE is the ANSI Type Code selected from the values in Table 15-6.

Table 15-6: ANSI/ISO SQL Data type Codes

Data type Type Code











DEALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR spares memory allocated for the descriptor when it is no longer needed:
DESCRIPTOR <'descriptor_name'> <language-specific

In addition to these statements, you need to know how to use dynamic cursors. A dynamic cursor is not much different
from a static cursor; it allows you to perform the same four basic operations: DECLARE, OPEN , FETCH , and CLOSE.
The main difference is, when you declare a dynamic cursor, the query is not specified using a hardcoded SELECT
statement but rather referred indirectly using the statement name prepared by the PREPARE statement. The syntax for
dynamic cursor statements is
<cursor_name> CURSOR FOR <statement_id> <language-specific
<cursor_name> CURSOR USING DESCRIPTOR <'descriptor_name'>
<language-specific delimiter>
<cursor_name> INTO DESCRIPTOR <'descriptor_name'>
<language-specific delimiter>
<cursor_name> <language-specific delimiter>

Steps to execute a dynamic query

Perform the following steps to execute a dynamic query:

1. Declare variables, including a string buffer to hold the statement to be executed.

2. Allocate descriptors for input and output variables.

3. Prepare the statement with a PREPARE ... USING DESCRIPTOR statement.

4. Describe input for the input descriptor.

5. Set the input descriptor.

6. Declare and open a dynamic cursor.

7. Set the output descriptors for each output host variable.

8. Fetch the cursor in a loop; use GET DESCRIPTOR to retrieve the data for each row.

9. Use the retrieved data in your program.

10. Close the dynamic cursor.

11. Deallocate the input and output descriptors.

Dynamic query example

The following examples (in C and COBOL, respectively) show how to use a dynamic query in your host program using
the steps described in the previous section:


WHERE CUST_PAYTERMSID_N = :payterm_data"; int payterm_type = 4, payterm_len =
2, payterm_data = 28; int custid_type = 4, custid_len = 4; int custid_data; int
name_type = 12, name_len = 50; char name_data[51] ; ... EXEC SQL END DECLARE
SECTION; ... long SQLCODE = 0 ; ... main () { ... EXEC SQL ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR
VALUE 1 TYPE = :payterm_type, LENGTH = :payterm_len, DATA = :payterm_data ;
'out' ; EXEC SQL SET DESCRIPTOR 'out' VALUE 1 TYPE = :custid_type, LENGTH =
:custid_len, DATA = :custid_data ; EXEC SQL SET DESCRIPTOR 'out' VALUE 2 TYPE =
:name_type, LENGTH = :name_len, DATA = :name_data ; EXEC SQL WHENEVER NOT FOUND
DESCRIPTOR 'out' VALUE 2 :name_data = DATA ; printf("\nCustomer ID = %s
Customer Name = %s", custid_data, name_data) ; } EXEC SQL CLOSE cur; EXEC SQL



The Future of Embedded SQL
The Embedded SQL was born of the first attempts to extend SQL with procedural language capabilities. Its main
function was to carry on the internal RDBMS control and administration. The other goal was to provide the ability to
write programs that could connect to the database, retrieve, process, modify data, and so on. The first task is being
gradually delegated to stored procedures, functions, and triggers that have better mechanisms of doing that. The
second is still mostly done using various programming languages; however, the mechanics of databases constantly
evolve. Most modern programming languages provide different (sometimes more efficient and/or easier to use) means
of accessing RDBMS. These include ODBC, JDBC, CLI, along with the object-oriented interfaces (like Microsoft ADO)
— to name just a few.

Embedded (Static) Versus Dynamic SQL: Advantages and Disadvantages

One may ask, what is more efficient, embedded or dynamic SQL? Most sources (SQL books, Web sites, etc.)
unambiguously answer this question in favor of the embedded SQL. The reason is simple — in the embedded
SQL, the first four steps of SQL statement processing are done in compile-time and do not need to be repeated
again in runtime. In theory, these speculations are difficult to argue, but in real life, not everything is that simple.

The key to the understanding of the issue lies in Step 3, which is the optimization step of SQL processing. Most
modern RDBMS have special built-in components called optimizers that create an execution plan for each single
SQL statement, usually based on dynamic system catalog information. That means the execution plan for a
SQL statement that was optimal one day may be far from optimal in a month, and even less so in a year. This is
especially true for large DML-intensive databases where the optimal execution plan may change within days or
even hours. The problem is that the plan is hardcoded into your program and you will have to recompile it to
change it. The price for bad execution plans for SQL statements in your program can thus be very high; in fact, it
could be much higher than repeating all five SQL processing steps multiple times.

Using the two-step dynamic SQL could help to improve performance even more — you might need to PREPARE
your SQL statement just once and then EXECUTE it as many times as you need during the run of the program.

However, none of previously mentioned advantages apply to databases that are static — the optimal execution
plan for such databases is probably not going to change for many years.

The final answer is — it all depends; there is no silver bullet, and developers have to make decisions for each
particular case.

Cross-References ODBC, JDBC, CLI, and other alternative methods of accessing RDBMS are
discussed in Chapter 16.

In spite of all this, embedded/dynamic SQL still has its niche in the contemporary programming world — the
embedded database market. Embedded databases are widely used in mobile and wireless devices, consumer
electronics, medical equipment, and more. Using embedded/dynamic SQL requires less memory and processor
power and provides fast and reliable access to relatively static embedded databases, and with embedded databases
making their way into a vast array of the new devices — cell-phones, microwaves, personal digital assistants (PDA),
and the like — embedded SQL is experiencing a revival.

Embedded SQL was the first commercial solution to extend SQL with the capabilities of a procedural language. It
allows a host-language-written computer program to connect to RDBMS and perform virtually any SQL operation
(retrieve and modify data, create, change, and drop database objects, grant and revoke privileges, etc.).

Dynamic SQL is a logical extension to the embedded (static) SQL that enables you to build and execute SQL
statements in runtime.

Dynamic DML and DDL statements are relatively simple to implement because they do not have to return data back to
the host program. Dynamic query standards are more complex and difficult to implement. Most modern programming
languages delegate their implementation complexities to the internal mechanisms of the programming language —
thus sparing the programmers.

Even though most sources say that dynamic SQL is generally less efficient than embedded SQL, that may or may not
be true in different real-life situations. Understanding the general five steps of a SQL statement processing is the key
to the appropriate use of embedded/dynamic SQL in each particular case.

Embedded/dynamic SQL is gradually becoming obsolete in the face of arising new database technologies, but it is far
from being dead because of large amounts of legacy programming code. Embedded SQL has also found its place
inside some modern technologies where it is the only choice — i.e., embedded databases.
Chapter 16: SQL API
Before a single SQL statement can execute, a client application that submits this statement must somehow establish
connection with RDBMS. The connection can be established through a variety of mechanisms — ranging from
proprietary call-level interface to the buzz-of-the-day like Java Database Connectivity and .NET Providers.

While not being in the domain of SQL proper, application programming interface concepts should be understood by
anyone serious enough to go to the trouble of learning RDBMS and their native SQL.

SQL/CLI Standard
The call-level interface (CLI) standard was created by the subcommittee of the SQL Access Group (SAG). SAG was
formed in 1989 with its declared purpose "to define and promote standards for database interoperability." The group
included Oracle, Informix, and Hewlett-Packard, among others. The list keeps growing and now includes virtually every
sizable company exploring the database field.

At about the same time, Microsoft, Lotus, Sybase, and DEC joined the effort in creating the SQL Connectivity
specification, which later made its way into SAG base specification.

The CLI standard was published as a work in progress in 1992, and that same year Microsoft shipped the first
commercial implementation of the standard CLI specification — Open DataBase Connectivity for Windows version 1.0.
In this release, the original specification was extended and divided into three compatibility layers, the core of which
corresponded directly to the SAG CLI standard.

In 1994, after several transformations, the original SAG CLI specification (amended and expanded) was dubbed
X/Open Preliminary Specification. Microsoft released ODBC for Windows version 2.0 the same year. That year also
marks the release of the ODBC Software Development Kit (SDK) for non-Windows platforms by Visigenic Software,
under an exclusive source-code license.

In 1993 ODBC was accepted as a base document for the SQL/CLI by the ISO/ANSI SQL committees. In 1995 it was
completed as ISO/IEC document 9075-3:1995 Information Technology–Database Languages–SQL–Part 3: Call-Level
Interface (SQL/CLI). Later it was expanded to include SQL99 standard extensions. The standard was commercialized
as Microsoft ODBC 3.0 in 1996.

In the SQL/CLI standard terminology we are speaking about binding styles — e.g., embedded SQL, module language,
and direct invocation — which represent traditional binding mechanisms.

Embedded SQL, discussed in more detail in Chapter 15, received its name because SQL statements were directly
embedded into the host language program. Before an application that contained Embedded SQL can be compiled and
executed, it had to go through a precompiling process, using a vendor-supplied precompiler.

Module Language refers to the compiled modules stored on the server, utilizing C, PL/1, Cobol, or Java, as well as
vendor-proprietary languages like Oracle's PL/SQL or Microsoft/Sybase Transact-SQL.

Direct Invocation defined a set SQL statements that can be executed directly in RDBMS, using some specific
vendor-defined mechanism.

The absence of the common standard hindered development of portable applications and reuse of the code, when
almost the entire application had to be rewritten to accommodate peculiarities of the RDBMS access and handling of
returned data.

The CLI/SQL standard allows for relative independence from a proprietary database interface, through encapsulation
of all vendor-specific details into a number of uniform functions. Table 16-1 provides a list of SQL/CLI functions (over
50), as defined by the standard.
Table 16-1: SQL/CLI and ODBC Functions

SQL/CLI Function Conforms to the Standard Description

Allocating and De-allocating Resources

SQLAllocHandle() SQL/CLI Allocates environment,

connection, statement, or
descriptor handle.

SQLAllocEnv() SQL/CLI Allocates environment resources,

returns handle.

SQLAllocConnect() SQL/CLI Allocates connection resources,

returns handle.

SQLAllocStmt() SQL/CLI Allocates statement resources,

returns handle.

SQLFreeHandle() SQL/CLI Releases allocated environment,

connection, etc., by handle.

SQLFreeEnv() SQL/CLI Releases allocated environment


SQLFreeConnect() SQL/CLI Releases allocated connection


SQLFreeStmt() SQL/CLI Stops statement processing and

frees all the resources associated
with its handle.

Opening and Closing Database Connections

SQLConnect() SQL/CLI Connects to a specific driver.

SQLDisconnect() SQL/CLI Terminates database connection

established with SQLConnect.

SQLDriverConnect() ODBC Connects to a specific driver; if

connection parameters are
omitted, displays Driver Manager
dialog box.

SQLBrowseConnect() ODBC Returns hierarchy of connection


SQL Statement Execution

SQLExecDirect() SQL/CLI Executes an SQL statement

(without preparation).

SQLPrepare() SQL/CLI Prepares an SQL statement for


SQLExecute() SQL/CLI Executes a prepared SQL


SQLCancel() SQL/CLI Cancels SQL statement


SQLBindParameter() ODBC Allocates storage for parameters

in SQL statements.

SQLParamData() SQL/CLI Supplies parameters value at

SQL/CLI Function Conforms to the Standard Description

Allocating and De-allocating Resources

SQLDescribeParam() ODBC Describes a specific parameter in

the statement.

SQLNumParams() SQL/CLI Returns a number of parameters

for a statement.

SQLNativeSql() ODBC Returns text of an SQL statement,

as it is translated by the ODBC

SQLCloseCursor() SQL/CLI Closes opened cursor (by handle).

SQLSetCursorName() SQL/CLI Defines cursor name.

SQLGetCursorName() SQL/CLI Retrieves cursor name.

SQLSetScrollOptions() ODBC Sets scroll options for a cursor.

SQLPutData() SQL/CLI Sends part or all of the data for a


Attributes Management

SQLSetConnectAttr() SQL/CLI Sets connection attribute.

SQLGetConnectAttr() SQL/CLI Retrieves value of the connection


SQLSetEnvAttr() SQL/CLI Sets environment attribute.

SQLGetEnvAttr() SQL/CLI Retrieves value of the

environment attribute.

SQLSetStmtAttr() SQL/CLI Sets statement attribute.

SQLGetStmtAttr() SQL/CLI Retrieves value of the statement


Setting and Retrieving Descriptor Fields

SQLGetDescField() SQL/CLI Returns the value of a single

descriptor field.

SQLGetDescRec() SQL/CLI Returns the value of multiple

descriptor fields.

SQLSetDescField() SQL/CLI Sets the value of a single

descriptor field.

SQLSetDescRec() SQL/CLI Sets the value of multiple

descriptor fields.

Query Results Retrieval

SQLRowCount() SQL/CLI Returns the number of rows

affected by SQL statement.

SQLDescribeCol() SQL/CLI Describes a column in a resultset.

SQLColAttribute() SQL/CLI Describes the attributes of a

column in a resultset.
SQL/CLI Function Conforms to the Standard Description

Allocating and De-allocating Resources

SQLBindCol() SQL/CLI Assigns storage of a specific data

type for a return value.

SQLFetch() SQL/CLI Returns a resultset.

SQLFetchScroll() SQL/CLI Returns scrollable resultset.

SQLGetData() SQL/CLI Returns part or whole of a

column's value for single row in
the resultset.

SQLSetPos() ODBC Positions cursor at specific

location within a fetched resultset.

SQL/CLI Function Conforms to the Standard Description

SQLBulkOperations() ODBC Performs bulk operations.

SQLMoreResults() ODBC Returns additional resultsets, if

they exist.

SQLGetDiagField() SQL/CLI Returns additional diagnostic

information (single record).

SQLGetDiagRec() SQL/CLI Returns additional diagnostic

information (multiple records).

Accessing Systems Catalogs

SQLColumnPrivileges() ODBC Returns list of columns and

associated privileges.

SQLColumns() X/Open Returns list of columns for the

specified table.

SQLForeignKeys ODBC Returns list of all columns that

comprise the foreign keys for the
table, if any.

SQLPrimaryKeys() ODBC Returns list of all columns that

comprise the primary key for the
table, if any.

SQLProcedureColumns() ODBC Returns list of input/output

parameters and columns included
into returned resultset.

SQLProcedures() ODBC Returns list of all stored

procedures and functions from a
data source.

SQLSpecialColumns() X/Open Returns information about optimal

set of columns that uniquely
identifies a row in the table, or a
list of the columns updated
automatically when any value in a
row is updated.
SQL/CLI Function Conforms to the Standard Description

Allocating and De-allocating Resources

SQLStatistics() SQL/CLI Returns statistic information for

specific table, as well as the list of
all indices for the table.

SQLTablePrivileges() ODBC Returns list of tables and all the

privileges for the specific table.

SQLTables() X/Open Returns list of table names from

the data source.

Transaction Management

SQLEndTran() SQL/CLI Commits or rolls back a


Drivers and Data Source Information

SQLDataSources() SQL/CLI Returns list of all available data


SQLDrivers() ODBC Returns list of all installed drivers

on the system.

SQL/CLI Function Conforms to the Standard Description

SQLGetInfo() SQL/CLI Returns information about a

specific driver and the data

SQLGetFunctions() SQL/CLI Returns list of all functions

supported by the driver.

SQLGetTypeInfo() SQL/CLI Returns information about all

supported data types.

Note ODBC standard does not address security concerns; in fact, unless encryption is used, all information sent
through API calls is up for grabs. Using an ODBC driver with built-in encryption alleviates this potential problem.
Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
ODBC stands for Open Database Connectivity. It started as a Microsoft-only standard and was adopted as a
vendor-independent SQL/CLI standard. There were several iterations of the ODBC interfaces, with the latest being in
version 3.0, and it remains a Microsoft product.

ODBC 3.0 aligns itself with the existing X/Open CAE specification, Data Management: SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI),
and ISO/IEC 9075-3:1995 (E) Call-Level Interface (SQL/CLI).

The functions in the ODBC API are implemented in a variety of the ODBC drivers, which can be called by applications
through the ODBC Driver Manager, which handles communications between the functions and the drivers.

Both the drivers and the Driver Manager were ported on platforms different from Windows (e.g., Unix, Macintosh).
When the driver manager receives a call from an application, it loads the corresponding ODBC driver that in turn
forwards the call to the RDBMS interface. When a response is received from the database, the driver forwards it to the
Driver Manager, which returns the results of the call to the application. Only the Driver Manager is loaded and
unloaded by an application that requests ODBC connection to the database; the rest is the task of the Manager itself.
The Driver Manager also performs ODBC functions basic checking (correct parameters, data types, and the like).

The drivers represent the libraries implementing the ODBC functions. Each RDBMS requires its own ODBC driver.
You may think of the driver as an interpreter: understanding a common language (ODBC API calls) of the application
and translating it into the RDBM-specific terms. Drivers are not supposed to understand, execute, or even translate
SQL; those tasks are solely the responsibility of the RDBMS.

The tasks performed by ODBC drivers are the following:

Establishing and closing connections to data source

Checking ODBC function calls for errors

Initiating transactions in a manner apparent to the application

Passing SQL to DBMS for execution

Sending data to and retrieving data from the DBMS

Mapping DBMS vendor-specific errors to ODBC SQLSTATES collection of predefined errors

Configuring an ODBC Data Source Name on Windows

On Microsoft Windows OS, the Driver Manager resides in the SettingsàControl PanelàAdministrative ToolsàData
Sources (ODBC) (assuming that you are using Windows 2000; the path might be different if the data source is
configured on Windows 9x or Windows XP). It maintains information about all ODBC drivers installed on the system
and assists in creating and configuring ODBC Data Source Names (DSN).

Tip The only exception to the "speak no SQL" rule are drivers for the DBMS that do not have a stand-alone database
engine (Xbase, for instance). In this case, the driver is supposed to process the SQL as well.

The DSN can be used by an application to connect to the RDBMS for which it was configured. The use of ODBC DSN
is illustrated later in this chapter, in the paragraph discussing ADO interface.

We will guide you through the process of creating an ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) on a Windows 2000
Professional machine. The DSN will be used later in this chapter in the example in which the Microsoft Visual Basic
application connects to IBM DB2 UDB database.

From the Control Panel (StartàSettingsàControl Panel; again, we assume Windows 2000 configuration, the path might
different for other flavors of Windows) menu, select the Administrative Tools option and double-click it. From the
Administrative Tools, select the Data Sources (ODBC) option and double-click it. This brings up the ODBC Data
Source Administrator. Figure 16-1 shows several tabs for the three different types of ODBC DSN that can be created
on a Windows machine; they differ primarily in scope — the System DSN has global scope, the User DSN is visible for
the user account only, and the File DSN is represented by a standard OS file. Select the User DSN tab.

Figure 16-1: Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager console

The screen will list all the DSN entries created on the machine; from here you can add new DSN or remove and
configure existing ones. Click the Add button to add a new DSN entry. The next screen (Figure 16-2), Create New
Data Source, presents you with the list of all ODBC drivers installed on the machine. Select the IBM DB2 ODBC driver
from the list and click the Finish button.

Figure 16-2: ODBC drivers selection

From this point on, you will be guided by the IBM-specific driver interface, shown in Figure 16-3. This interface is not
uniform, as it reflects RDBMS specifics. The Oracle driver will display a different screen and set of options; and the
SQL Server driver, yet another.
Figure 16-3: IBM DB2 UDB ODBC driver configuration

A DSN needs a unique name, so choose one and type it in to the Data Source Name field, as shown in Figure 16-3.
Since we are creating a Data Source on the same machine where IBM DB2 UDB is installed, the Database Alias field
defaults to ACME (you should have the same, if you've followed the instructions for the sample database installation
given in Appendix F). Click the OK button.

The final screen (Figure 16-4) shows the User DSN for the IBM DB2 UDB. This DSN can be used by any
ODBC-compliant application to establish connection to the DB2 UDB database ACME.

Figure 16-4: New user DSN entry IBM DB2 UDB

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
Java Database Connectivity was proposed (and implemented) by the Sun Corporation to provide its popular Java
programming language (some would say "programming platform," but we will not fight holy wars here) with a uniform
set of database access methods. Using JDBC you can connect to a data source (which might not necessarily be an
RDBMS data source), execute SQL statements (i.e., forward them to the SQL processing software — like RDBMS —
for execution), and process the output of these SQL statements. The most current JDBC standard is JDBC v.3.0
standard, which is included with J2SE (Java 2 Standard Edition) and J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), version 1.4.

Tip The difference between J2SE and J2EE is in scope and capabilities. Both are standards for developing
applications, applets in Java programming language; but J2EE adds a component-based model (EJB — Enterprise
Java Beans) for building enterprise level multi-tier applications.

JDBC provides two sets of interfaces: one for the database application programmers, and one for the database driver
programmers, and its core set is included with Java2 Platform.

Note Many industry heavyweights support the JDBC standard for their products; among the others the following
RDBMS vendors are IBM, Oracle, Gupta Technologies, Borland, Compaq, Pervasive Software, and POET
software. Microsoft supports JDBC/ODBC bridging with its recently released SQL Server 2000 driver for JDBC.

Figure 16-5 illustrates generic RDBMS access using JDBS drivers.

Figure 16-5: illustrates generic RDBMS access using JDBS drivers.

The JDBC functionality — basic and extended — is contained in the java.sql package (shipped with Java2 Core) and
javax.sql package, listed in Table 16-2.
Table 16-2: JDBC 3.0 Features

Feature Package Description

Enhanced resultset java.sql Facilitates programmatic manipulation of the

manipulations: scrollable set and resultsets fetched with SQL statements or
updateable resultset returned by stored procedures.

New Data Types Support java.sql Ability to manipulate with structured data types
like CLOB and BLOB server-side, without
transferring them over to the client application.

Batch Updates java.sql Ability to combine SQL statements into a single

batch, to reduce network traffic and control

Transactional Support java.sql Declares, rolls back, and commits transactions on

the client-side, including SAVEPOINT support.

JNDI (Java Naming and javax.sql Facilitates deployment of Java applications by

Directory Interface) Support abstracting JDBC driver into independently
managed components.

Connection Pooling javax.sql Maintains a cache of the database connections

for future reuse.

Distributed Transactions Support javax.sql Provides support for distributed transactions

processing (see Chapter 7).

Java Beans javax.sql Encapsulates data and functionality (rowset


Reference to JDBC Rowset javax.sql Encapsulates a driver as a Java Bean component.

Statement Pooling javax.sql Pools parameterized statements for reuse.

There are four types of the JDBC drivers available today:

JDBC-ODBC drivers (Type 1). These provide JDBC API access on top of the standard ODBC drivers.
Essentially, they add an additional level of communications slowing the whole process down. The
advantage of using this approach is that the current infrastructure can be used for the Java-based

Native API Partly Java technology-enabled drivers (Type 2). These drivers translate JDBC calls into
direct calls to the RDBMS native interface (CLI).

Net-Protocol Fully Java technology-enabled drivers (Type 3). These drivers translate JDBC calls into a
DBMS independent network protocol, which is sub-sequently translated into a DBMS-specific protocol
by some middleware server.

Native-Protocol Fully Java technology-enabled drivers (Type 4). These drivers translate JDBC calls
into a DATABASE-specific network protocol directly.

Tip Drivers usually implement a subset of the functions and features available in RDBMS; check for
the compliance level, and do not assume that every feature will be supported. Vendor's drivers are
usually most complete.

Table 16-3 lists several JDBC drivers of different types for the big three RDBMS vendors: Oracle, IBM DB2 UDB, and
Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
Table 16-3: Selected JDBC Drivers Vendors

Vendor Oracle 9i IBM DB2 Microsoft Remarks

UDB SQL Server

Atinav Inc. n/a n/a ü Types 3, 4

Attunity ü ü n/a Types 2, 2

Bea Weblogic ü n/a ü Types 2, 3

Computer Associates ü ü ü Type 3

CONNX Solutions ü ü ü Type 3

DataDirect ü ü ü Types 3, 4

Recital Corp. ü ü n/a Type 3

OpenLink Inc. ü ü ü Types 1, 3

Oracle ü n/a n/a Types 2, 3, 4

Object Industries ü ü ü Types 1, 2, 3, 4

Microsoft n/a n/a ü Type 4

IBM ü n/a n/a Types 3, 4

IDS Software ü ü ü Types 3, 4

JDBC Connector and Java Data Objects (JDO)

Sun Corporation has introduced the JDBC Connector to facilitate integration of the databases with Java 2
Enterprise Edition (J2EE) application servers. It forms an intermediate layer between the JDBC driver and an
applications server.

Another development from Sun is the Java Data Object. It is a complementary technology that provides
object-relational mappings between Java classes and object databases. From the Java programmer's
standpoint, it provides a standard, familiar, SQL-free approach to the RDBMS.

JDO integrates well into Enterprise Java Beans technology and is part of the Java Community Process, which
comes close to giving it the status of being an open standard.

In addition to the JDBC standard, Oracle provides enhanced support for Java technology through JServer, which is
Oracle's own Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It runs within RDBMS address space and provides for Java to be used for
stored procedures (instead of PL/SQL). For the outside world, Oracle complies with "regular" JDBC access and adds a
couple of its own: JDBC OCI drivers accessing RDBMS directly from Java code through Oracle Call Interface
(discussed later in this chapter), and JDBC KPRB drivers for executing Java-stored procedures and database JSP
(Java Server Pages).

The following code snippet illustrates the use of the JDBC thin driver to establish a connection to Oracle:
java.sql class JDBC_access { public static void main (Strings args[ ] ) throws
SQL Exception { DriverManager.registerDriver (new
oracle.jdbc.driver.Oracledriver()); // //connecting string includes //machine
name (@alexhome) //port (1522) //SID (Oracle's ID) ORA_TEST //User ID (acme),
Password (acme) // Connection objConn = DriverManager.getConnection
("jdbc:oracle:thin:@alexhome:1522:ORA_TEST", "acme", "acme"); // // Create a
statement object // using the connection object // Statement objStatement =
objConn.CreateStatement(); // // assemble SQl statement // String s_SQL =
"SELECT * FROM customer"; // // retrieve the result set // ResultSet
objRecordset = s_SQL.ExecuteQuery(s_SQL); // // scroll the recordset object //
while ( // // print the fourth column value // onto the
standard output // System.out.println(objRecordset.getString(4);// // clean
up // close the connection // all other objects will be dereferenced //
automatically // objConnection.Close(); } }

The syntax for any other RDBMS accessible through JDBC is essentially the same, though some differences may
appear in the connection string and, of course, you need an RDBMS-specific JDBC driver installed on your machine.
IBM DB2 UDB Call-Level Interface (CLI)
The DB2 Call-Level Interface (DB2 CLI) is an IBM standard for the DB2 family of database servers. It is tuned up for
C/C++ API programming, and it is used for establishing connections, passing dynamic SQL statements, or calling
persistent modules (like stored procedures).

DB2 CLI is based on the ODBC specification and the international standard for SQL/CLI, discussed earlier in this
chapter. The DB2 CLI driver acts like a comparable ODBC driver, and it conforms to level 2 of ODBC 2.0 and level 1 of
the ODBC 3.0. Some features of ODBC 3.0 level-2 conformance are also supported.

Figure 16-6 illustrates the way an application accesses DB2 RDBMS server using the CLI driver, the main difference
being that the ODBC driver scenario does not have the additional access layer of the ODBC Driver Manager.

Figure 16-6: Accessing IBM DB2 UDB through CLI

Table 16-4 lists DB2 CLI driver features and ODBC driver for DB2 side by side with the ODBC Standard Specification.
Table 16-4: DB2 CLI vs. DB2 ODBC Driver Comparison

ODBC Features DB2 CLI DB2 ODBC driver

Core level functions Implemented. Implemented.

Level 1 functions Implemented. Implemented.

Level 2 functions Implemented (except for SQLDrivers() , as Implemented.


Additional DB2 CLI functions SQLSetConnection(), Implemented all functions;

SQLGetEnvAttr(), SQLSetEnvAttr(), can be accessed by
SQLSetColAttributes(),SQLGetSQLCA(), dynamically loading DB2 CLI
SQLBindFileToCol(),SQLBindFileToParam(), Library.
SQLGetLength() , SQLGetPosition() ,

SQL data types SQL_BIGINT, SQL_BINARY,SQL_BLOB, Supports all types listed for
SQL_BLOB_LOCATOR, SQL_CHAR, DB2 CLI, in addition to the

C data types SQL_C_BINARY, SQL_C_BIT,


SQL_C_NUMERIC (supported for Win32

environment only).

Return codes SQL_SUCCESS, Supports all types listed for

SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, DB2 CLI, in addition to the

SQLSTATES (SQL standard Some codes are not present (e.g., Mapped to X/Open standard
compliance) ODBC Type 08S01); otherwise the same SQLSTATES(in addition to
as ODBC driver. the IBM-specific
ODBC Features DB2 CLI DB2 ODBC driver

Multiple connections for the Supported. Supported.

client application

Dynamic loading of driver N/A Supported.

The main advantage of using DB2 CLI over embedded SQL is flexibility and convenience. Embedded SQL requires a
precompiler to convert SQL Statements into executable code, which must be then bound to the DB2 database. DB2
CLI implementation is not tied to a particular product or environment, resulting in portable code; it is SQL standards
(X/Open) compliant, can connect to a multiple databases (so much for the binding concept!), can use dynamic
parameters, and, in general, is more suited for GUI (graphical user interface) applications. There is a performance
penalty to pay for all this; embedded SQL is inherently faster because it does not go through all the layers of
communication and translation.

Compared to DB2 ODBC driver, there's not much difference. True, elimination some of the middleware (ODBC Driver
Manager) offers increased speed of execution and fewer environment setup problems (no ODBC Driver Manager). But
it comes at the price of more limited set of features, and it relies squarely on IBM implementation (as opposed
third-party ODBC drivers for DB2).
Oracle Call Interface (OCI)
The Oracle Call Interface (OCI) is a set of APIs (application programming interfaces) that allow a developer to
programmatically access Oracle RDBMS and submit and control all the phases of the SQL statement execution.

The OCI provides a standard dynamic runtime library, OCILIB, that an application can link to. Essentially, this means
that the embedded SQL is a thing of the past. The OCI interface can be used by a number of third-generation
programming languages like C/C++, COBOL, and Fortran. To use fourth-generation languages (4GLs) like Java,
Visual Basic, C#, and so forth, a programmer must use some other interface like ODBC, JDBC, or OLEDB. Even in
that case, while the application is using its respective interface driver, Oracle is using OCI.

Tip Oracle supplies JDBC OCI drivers that provide access to the Oracle database using Java on the application side
and Oracle's OCI on the other; it allows you to call OCI interface directly, without incurring the overhead of JDBC.

Oracle tests client and server compatibility with every new version released. There is always an issue of compatibility
between the version of the client software with that of the server. Table 16-5 shows compatibility between various
versions of the Oracle software. The EMS acronym refers to an extended maintenance contract, a special
arrangement for the existing customers — there is usually cut-off date after which the system is no longer supported.

Table 16-5: OCI Compatibility Between Different Versions of Server and Client Software

Client 7.3.4 8.0.6 8.1.7 9.0.1 9.2




8.1.7 EMS EMS Supported Supported Supported

9.0.1 EMS EMS Supported Supported Supported

9.2 Not Supported EMS Supported Supported Supported

The typical OCI development process — that is, the stages involved in building embedded SQL applications — is
bypassed, and an application can link into the OCI library directly.

Tip It is possible to mix OCI calls and Embedded SQL in a program. Please refer to the vendor documentation for more

Oracle OCI functions can be grouped by functionality; Table 16-6 shows main groups of functions as well as some
examples from each group.
Table 16-6: Selected Oracle OCI Functions

Functional Group Examples Uses

Relational Functions OCIAttrGet(), OCIAttrSet(), Manage database access and

OCIBreak(), OCILogoff() , processing SQL statements.
OCILogon(), OCISessionBegin(),
OCIStmtFetch(), OCIStmtPrepare(),
OCITransRollback() ,

Navigational Functions OCICacheFlush(), OCICacheFree(), Manipulate the records and

OCICacheRefresh() , objects retrieved from the Oracle
OCICacheUnmark() , RDBMS.
OCIObjectFlush(), OCIObjectFree(),
OCIObjectRefresh() ,
OCIObjectUnmark() ,

Data-type Mapping and OCICollAppend(), OCICollAssign(), Manipulate the data attributes

Manipulation Functions OCICollAssignElem(), and ensure proper data casting.
OCINumberIsZero() ,
OCIStringSize(), OCITableDelete() ,
OCITableExists(), OCITableFirst(),
OCITableLast() , OCITableNext(),
OCITablePrev(), OCITableSize()

External Procedure Functions OCIExtProcAllocCallMemory(), Implement C-type callbacks from

OCIExtProcRaiseExcp(), PL/SQ programs.

To use OCI, a C/C++ program, at the very minimum, should include an OCI.H header file and link with OCI.LIB. Here
is example of a very basic C program using OCI:
<stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include
<string.h> #include <oci.h> static OCIEnv *p_OCI_env; static
OCIError *p_OCI_error; static OCISvcCtx *p_OCI_svc; static OCIStmt *p_OCI_sql;
static OCIDefine *p_OCI_def = (OCIDefine *) 0; void main() { char p_data [30];
int ret; /* Initialize OCI */ ret = OCIInitialize((ub4) OCI_DEFAULT, (dvoid
*)0, (dvoid * (*)(dvoid *, size_t)) 0, (dvoid * (*)(dvoid *, dvoid *,
size_t))0, (void (*)(dvoid *, dvoid *)) 0 ); /* Initialize the environment */
ret = OCIEnvInit( (OCIEnv **) &p_OCI_env, OCI_DEFAULT, (size_t) 0, (dvoid
**) 0 ); /* Initialize handles */ ret = OCIHandleAlloc((dvoid *) p_OCI_env,
(dvoid **)&p_OCI_err, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR,(size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0); ret =
OCIHandleAlloc((dvoid *)p_OCI_env, (dvoid **)&p_OCI_svc, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX,
(size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0); /* Connect to the RDBMS */ ret = OCILogon(p_OCI_env,
p_OCI_err, &p_OCI_svc, "acme", 4, "acme", 4, "acme", 4); if (ret!= 0) { /*
handle the possible errors */ } /*Prepare the SQL statement */ ret =
OCIHandleAlloc( (dvoid *) p_OCI_env,(dvoid **)
&p_OCI_sql, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, (size_t) 0,(dvoid **) 0); ret =
OCIStmtPrepare(p_OCI_sql,p_OCI_err, "SELECT cust_name_s FROM customer WHERE
cust_id_n = 1", (ub4) 37, (ub4) OCI_NTV_SYNTAX, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT); /* Define
the select list items */ ret = OCIDefineByPos(p_OCI_sql, &p_OCI_def,
p_OCI_err, 1, (dvoid *)&p_data,(sword) 20, SQLT_STR,(dvoid *) 0, (ub2
*)0,(ub2 *)0,OCI_DEFAULT); /* Execute the SQL statement */ ret =
OCIStmtExecute(p_OCI_svc, p_OCI_sql, p_OCI_err, (ub4) 1,(ub4) 0, (CONST
OCISnapshot *) NULL, (OCISnapshot *) NULL, OCI_DEFAULT); /* Fetch the data */
while (ret != OCI_NO_DATA) { printf("%s\n",p_data); ret =
OCIStmtFetch(p_OCI_sql, p_OCI_err, 1, 0, 0); } /* Disconnect */ ret =
OCILogoff(p_OCI_svc, p_OCI_err); ret = OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) p_OCI_sql,
OCI_HTYPE_STMT); /* Free handles */ ret = OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) p_OCI_svc,
OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX); ret = OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) p_OCI_err, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR);
return; }

The sequence of the program above follows:

OCIInitialize. Initializes the OCI process environment.

OCIEnvInit. Allocates and initializes an OCI environment handle.

OCIHandleAlloc. Returns a pointer to an allocated and initialized handle.

OCILogon. Creates a simple logon session.

OCIStmtPrepare. Prepares an SQL or a PL/SQL statement for execution.

OCIDefineByPos. Associates an item in a select-list with the type and output data buffer.

OCIStmtExecute. Associates an application request with a server.

OCIStmtFetch. Fetches rows from a query.

OCILogoff. Terminates a connection and session created with OCILogon().

OCIHandleFree. Explicitly deallocates a handle and frees up resources.

The use of OCI programming interface results in faster programs, though most often than not this advantage is
minuscule compared to the hurdles to create it. Most database applications today use a 4GL like Java, Visual Basic, or
PowerBuilder. If you need to squeeze out the last drop of performance for your application, use OCI. Refer to the
Oracle documentation for more information.
Oracle Objects for OLE (OO4O)
The Oracle Objects for OLE (OO4O) were introduced to capitalize on the huge success of the Microsoft COM
(Component Object Model) standard. Implementing OO4O allowed COM-compliant applications to connect to the
Oracle RDBMS directly, bypassing ODBC, and thus increasing efficiency and raw speed of the applications.

The OO4Os consist of an in-process OLE automation server (DLL), which provides an OLE/ActiveX interface to
COM-compliant applications, specifically Visual Basic and Visual Basic for Application (VBA); OCX custom Data
Control, to facilitate data manipulations; and two C++ class libraries — one for Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)
specification and one for Borland (OWL).

Note In Microsoft ActiveX world there is a notion of "early bound" and "late bound" objects. The former refers to the
object's data type resolved at compilation thus requiring explicit reference to the library containing the class (from
which object is to be created) to be added to the project. The latter allows for use of generic variables of Object
type or Variant to be used in code, and their data type is resolved and assigned at run-time. Each of the methods
has its advantages and disadvantages. Early bound objects are usually faster to load and execute since all
dependencies were resolved at compile time, while being prone to "DLL Hell"–a scourge created by introducing
Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL). Application compiled with one version of the library does not work with a different
version of the same library. Late Bound objects are more immune to the DLL Hell (not completely, though), but
are slower to load as all dependencies must be resolved in run-time.

The OO4Os are installed with Oracle Client. Once you've configured SQL*Net on the machine (see Oracle
documentation for more information), you may use the interface to connect to the Oracle RDBMS. The following short
example demonstrates the use of OO4O from within Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0:
' The
following example assumes that Service Name 'ACME' ' was configured using the
Oracle Net Configuration Assistant ' Please refer to the Oracle documentation
for additional ' information on Oracle configuration ' ' declare object
variables as VARIANT (VB default) ' alternatively, you may add reference to the
Oracles ' ActiveX DLL and use strongly typed variables '(if you do, the code
below cannot be used ' within "classic" Active Server Pages(ASP)) ' Dim
objSession Dim objDB Dim objDynaset Dim objFields Dim strSQL ' ' create late
bound Oracle session object ' Set objSession =
CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") ' ' connect to the database '
Set objDB = objSession.DbOpenDatabase("ACME", _ "ACME/ACME", 0&) ' '
assemble SQL query ' strSQL = "SELECT * FROM customer" ' ' create OraDynaset
object using the SQL statement ' Set objDynaset = objDB.CreateDynaset(strSQL,
0&) ' ' get handle to the fields collection of the ' dynaset object ' Set
objFields = objDynaset.Fields ' 'position the dynaset to the very first record
' objDynaset.MoveFirst ' ' scroll the dynaset object ' Do While Not
objDynaset.EOF ' ' display the value of the first field in the result set ' in
a message box ' MsgBox objFields(1).Value ' 'move to the next record '
objDynaset.MoveNext Loop

OO4O do offer an advantage over ODBC but are very similar to the OLEDB provider for Oracle; the latter offers the
advantage of a more standard interface and naming conventions.

Oracle Gateways

The Oracle Open Gateway interface is used to access data from non-Oracle databases like IBM DB2 UDB,
Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, and so on; it even provides limited capabilities to access nonrelational data

There are four types of Oracle Open Gateways, presented in the table below:
Oracle Gateway Uses

Transparent Gateways The most commonly used type to link non-Oracle RDBMS; when used,
they handle complexities of intercommunication, details of syntax, and
so on. They also manage distributed queries and transactions (i.e.,
heterogeneous queries).

Procedural Gateways Used to communicate with nonrelational data sources via mapping of
the foreign database functions into custom Oracle PL/SQL

Access Managers Used exclusively for IBM AS/400 and MVS platforms.

Oracle Replication Servers Used for heterogeneous data replication.

The Oracle Open Gateways are available for every major database product, including Microsoft SQL Server and
Microsoft Data Access Interfaces
Microsoft went through many stages of data access mechanisms in its products. Call Level Interface, while fast, was
not easy to use and had a steep learning curve. Realizing that, Microsoft introduced classes that encapsulated the
same functionality but provided a much more programmer-friendly interface. With the advent of Rapid Development
Tools (Visual Basic, Delphi, PowerBuilder, etc.), a programmer-friendly interface that allows the user to concentrate on
the implementation of the business logic, without being bogged down with low-level manipulations, became a strategic
point for Microsoft. The data access objects (classes) followed in the rapid succession: Data Access Objects (DAO),
Remote Access Objects (RDO), Active Data Objects (ADO), and finally Active Data Objects.NET. (Some may even
recall ODBCDirect — a data access library introduced specifically for Visual Basic programmers to access MS SQL
Server 6.0/6.5.) Make no mistake: While serving the same purpose, these interfaces are all different. DAO, for
instance, uses the JET Engine — Microsoft Access library — even when connecting to SQL Server, while RDO does
not have to use it; the syntax is quite different and not always straightforward.

The component-based architecture became a mainstream in the late 1990s. While who introduced the technology
(and when) can be disputed, there is no doubt that it was Microsoft who brought it to the widest audience with its
OLE/ActiveX technology (its equivalent in non-Microsoft camp is CORBA). ADO was a hierarchy of the ActiveX
objects, assembled in a collection of the ADO data library. It was working with OLEDB data providers — assuming
there was one available; for the standard ODBC connection you would have to use the OLEDB provider for ODBC.
This meant more and more layers of data access abstraction, which slowed down the process of data retrieval and
manipulation. To make things worse, initially ADO was limited to working in connected environment; that is, a
permanent connection had to be maintained to the data source); the disconnected data access model was introduced
later, and it had problems of its own (e.g., being limited to using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4 or above). Even
now, while the .NET initiative is taking firm hold on the developer community, ADO is still very much alive and will
continue for a few more years at least. (Microsoft announced that support for "classic" Visual Basic would cease in

The following Visual Basic example illustrates the process of connecting to the IBM DB2 UDB RDBMS and executing
an SQL query.
' this
example uses late bound objects ' (see note later in the chapter), which '
makes it possible to use in ASP projects ' and makes it less DLL-versions-error
prone ' there is a price to pay in terms of speed and ' typing errors (no
IntelliSense help for the ' late-bound ActiveX objects

Dim objConnection Dim objCommand Dim objADORecordset Dim strConnectString Dim

strSQL ' ' assemble the connection string ' uses Microsoft ODBC bridge for
OLEDB ' the user DSN ACME_DSN was created earlier in the chapter '
strConnectString = "Provider=MSDASQL;DSN=ACME_DSN;" strConnectString =
strConnectString & "User ID=ACME;Password=ACME;" ' ' create late-bound
ADODB Connection object ' Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
' ' open connection to the IBM DB2 UDB database ' objConnection.Open
strConnectString ' ' create late-bound ADODB Command object ' Set objCommand =
CreateObject("ADODB.Command") ' ' assign objConnection to its ActiveConnection
property ' objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection ' ' assign SQL statement
to the CommandText property ' objCommand.CommandText = strSQL ' ' set type of
the command to adCmdText ' meaning that raw SQL statement would be executed '
as opposed to stored procedure, for instance ' objCommand.CommandType = 1 ' '
the execute command returns an ADO Recordset (if succeeded) ' Set
objADORecordset = objCommand.Execute ' ' scroll the recordset ' With
objADORecordset ' ' position the cursor on the very first row ' in the
recordset ' .MoveFirst Do While Not objADORecordset.EOF ' ' display the
value of the first field ' of the result set in a message box ' MsgBox
.Fields(1).Value ' 'move to the next record ' .MoveNext Loop End With ' ' clean
up: close all the connections ' and destroy objects; usually done '
automatically by Visual Basic once the object ' goes out of scope
objADORecordset.Close Set objADORecordset = Nothing Set objCommand = Nothing
objConnection.Close Set objConnection = Nothing

ADO.NET is the latest incarnation of the Microsoft data access mechanisms, and it was specifically designed to work
with the new .NET framework, which is supposed to be a programming paradigm shift. While retaining part of the old
name, ADO.NET is a completely different data access mechanism. First, it is not an external library that you link one
way or another into your application and distribute afterward. ADO.NET is a part of the .NET framework (and —
eventually — a part of the Windows operating system itself); second, it is not OLE/ActiveX based; that is, it has nothing
to do with COM (Microsoft Component Object Model).

ADO.NET was designed to support a connected environment as well as disconnected one, and to support XML
natively. To maintain compatibility with the previous interfaces, there are .NET Data Providers for OLEDB.

The following example, of a console application written in VB.NET, uses OLEDB provider for Microsoft SQL Server
and ADO.NET classes to connect to a local server and retrieve some information:
Sub Main()
Dim objDataReader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader Dim strConn As String Dim strSQL
As String Dim lCount As Integer = 0 ' ' assemble
connection string using SQLOLEDB provider ' strConn = "Provider=SqlOleDb;Data
Source=localhost;" strConn = "Initial Catalog=Acme;" strConn = "User
ID=acme;Password=acme;" ' ' assemble SQL query ' strSQL = "SELECT * FROM
customer" strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE CUST_NAME_S LIKE 'WI%'" ' ' write
comments onto console ' Console.WriteLine("An example of using SQLOLEDB")
Console.WriteLine("Provider with VB.NET")
Console.WriteLine("-------------------") ' ' connect to the SQL Server and
fetch the data ' Try ' ' create new Connection object ' using the connection
string Dim objConnection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(strConn) ' ' open
connection to the SQL server ' objConnection.Open() ' ' create a command
object, with the SQL statement ' and connection object as initialization params
' Dim objCommand As New SqlClient.SqlCommand(strSQL, objConnection) ' '
retrieve results into DataReader object ' objDataReader =
objCommand.ExecuteReader() ' ' scroll the data reader, and reteieve ' value
from the 4th field in the recordset ' CUST_NAME_S, and increment counter ' Do
While objDataReader.Read Console.WriteLine
(objDataReader.GetSqlString(4).ToString) lCount = lCount + 1 Loop ' ' output
the final message ' Console.WriteLine("-------------------")
Console.WriteLine("Total records:" & lCount) ' ' wait for the input '
Console.ReadLine() ' ' close the connection within ' an appropriate scope '
objConnection.Close() Catch e As SqlClient.SqlException
Console.WriteLine(e.Message) Finally ' ' close DataReader '
objDataReader.Close() End Try End Sub

The results of the execution of the code above are shown in Figure 16-7.

Figure 16-7: Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 through OLEDB

The functionality of ADO.NET is contained in the following Namespaces (a .NET concept but fairly intuitive — similar to
the library, header file, or Java class), listed in Table 16-7. Both are used with VB.NET and C# (pronounced C sharp).
Table 16-7: ADO.NET Top Level Namespaces

Namespace Description

System.Data The top level class in the ADO.NET hierarchy

System.Data.Common Shared "groundwork" classes for .NET providers

System.Data.OleDb .NET for OLEDB classes

System.Data.SqlClient SQL Server specific classes; optimized for SQL server 7.0 and later

System.Data.SqlTypes Mapping RDBMS data types to handle return values

We illustrate ADO.NET usage with one of the .NET family languages, C#; the syntax for the other languages ported to
.NET (VB.NET, COBOL, Eiffel, C++ with managed extensions, to name a few) might differ, but the underlying
mechanisms remain exactly the same, since ADO.NET is incorporated into the .NET framework.

Microsoft DBLIB Legacy

DBLIB (stands for DataBase Library) is a Microsoft proprietary Call Level Interface consisting of C functions and
macros (compare to Oracle OCI) that can be used to access Microsoft SQL server 2000 from the applications
programmed in third-generation languages (mostly C). It was the original interface, and it became a legacy
interface with introduction of Microsoft SQL Server version 7.0.

The DB-Library API has not been enhanced beyond the level of SQL Server version 6.5, which means that even
if you are able to use it for communication with Microsoft SQL Server 2000, you would be limited to only the
feature set of its 6.5 version (which was all the rave back in 1997).

The principles of DBLIB do not differ much from Oracle's OCI interface: you include the header files to get all the
definitions into your C program, then you compile and link it. Samples of the DBLIB applications are installed
with the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 in default directory \Microsoft SQL

DBLIB is the fastest interface to the MS SQL Server. You can find more help about programming DBLIB in the
Microsoft documentation, but keep in mind that this interface quickly becomes obsolete (though you might not
have much choice if your server is version 6.5, or 6, or — just don't tell anyone — version 4.2, capable of
running in MS-DOS and OS/2 environments).

The following code snippet in C# demonstrates using ADO.NET SQLData to connect to Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
To try the example, start the Visual Studio.Net IDE (Integrated Development environment), select Console Application,
name it SQL_Connect, then type in the code shown below, then compile it and run. Keep in mind that C# is a
case-sensitive language, and SqlConnection is not the same as SQLConnection. You may or may not use the
namespace that automatically appears in your code pane.
using System;
using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; class SQL_Connect { static void
Main(string[] args) { // //prepare connection string //use integrated security
(Windows Authentication) //as opposed to UserID/Password pair // string s_conn
= @"server=(local);" + "Integrated Security=true;" + "database=ACME"; //
//Create SqlConnection object instance // SqlConnection connSQL = new
SqlConnection(s_conn); try { // //open connection to the local instance //of
your SQL Server // connSQL.Open(); string s_SQL = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE
CUST_NAME_S LIKE 'MA%'"; // //create command object and pass to it //connection
object and SQL query string // SqlCommand commSQL = new
SqlCommand(s_SQL,connSQL); // //retrieve all the records returned by the
//query into SqlDatReader object // SqlDataReader
sqlRead=commSQL.ExecuteReader(); Console.WriteLine("Example demonstrating .NET
Data Provider"); Console.WriteLine("connection to Microsoft SQL Server 2000");
// //scroll the result set and print the output //onto standard output console
// while (sqlRead.Read()) { Console.WriteLine("{0}|{1}",
sqlRead["CUST_ID_N"].ToString()); Console.WriteLine("--------------"); } }
catch(Exception e) { // // in the case an error occurred // display a message,
including error source // Console.WriteLine("Error occurred:" + e.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Error Source:" + e.Source); } finally { // //Close
connection to SQL Server// connSQL.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Connection
closed."); // //wait for user input //to keep MS-DOS Window //
Console.ReadLine(); } } }

If you are using VisualStudio.NET IDE, run the program either from the taskbar or by pressing F5 button on your
keyboard, or from the command line by going into the directory where the executable was compiled. Figure 16-8
shows the output results produced by the above program.

Figure 16-8: Results of the database C# program

Tip Oracle's native .NET Data Provider is not included with the Visual Studio.NET and must be downloaded separately
from Microsoft site. Once downloaded and installed, you need to add a reference to System.Data.OracleClient.dll
assembly to your project.
The database connectivity standard is an established fact, with its most successful commercial implementation being
Microsoft ODBC 3.0 interface. There are dozens of ODBC drivers for all types of data sources ranging from RDBMS to
flat text files, available on virtually every platform — Microsoft Windows, various Unix flavors, and Mac OS, to name
just a few.

The CLI/SQL standard establishes a set of functions that are used by applications in a uniform fashion to access data
sources and perform data-related tasks.

All communication between the application and the data source is conducted through ODBC drivers, which are loaded
and unloaded on demand by the Driver Manager. The ODBC (CLI/SQL) drivers work in a way similar to a live
interpreter — it speaks a common language (ODBC functions set) to the application (through the Driver Manager) and
also speaks native RDBMS dialect.

There are a number of emerging technologies for defining the application-RDBMS interaction. The most popular are
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Microsoft Active Data Objects (ADO), and ADO.NET (an object-oriented interface
to the OLEDB API or ODBC API), in addition to the new "native" .NET providers.

Every RDBMS vendor has its own version of Call Level Interface: Oracle's Oracle Call Interface (OCI), IBM DB2 UDB
Call Level Interface (CLI), and Microsoft DBLIB. Some of these are becoming increasingly obsolete, although they
provide the maximum performance in terms of the raw speed.
Chapter 17: New Developments—XML, OLAP, and Objects

SQL has been around for more than 20 years, and its age has begun to show — especially in the face of other
developments. First, the object-oriented programming paradigm, introduced at about the same time as SQL, became
mainstream at the beginning of the 1990s. And the Internet has now created a seemingly insatiable demand for
structured data and opened new ways of using and creating information. As computers become more powerful, new
uses have emerged — for example, analyzing vast amounts of data for uncovering hidden trends, replication over the
Internet, storing data in new data formats like video, MP3 and more.

These developments have all placed pressure on SQL to transform and adapt. SQL3 standards have introduced new
data types, bridging gaps between text-oriented SQL and object-oriented software. RDBMS vendors have added
capabilities to utilize objects within standard relational framework (e.g., Java-stored procedures, ActiveX (OLE)
Automation, XML etc.). New object-oriented database systems (OODBS) and object-oriented relational database
systems (OORDBMS) have sprouted.

This chapter discusses some major new technologies that relate to SQL. Some of the emerging technologies — for
instance EJB (Enterprise Java Beans) or Web services (exposing functionality over the Internet) — would be only
briefly touched. Readers interested in using these technologies in conjunction with SQL, are encouraged to read
books dedicated to the topic.

Note We recommend in particular Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans, Second Edition, by Ed Roman, Scott W. Ambler,
and Tyler Jewell (Wiley, 2001).
One can hardly open a trade magazine without seeing yet another article describing how eXtensible Markup Language
(XML) will make our life easier, and touting it as the solution for all our problems. While the jury is still out, there is no
question that XML has made its way into virtually every area of data exchange. Every major RDBMS vendor has made
a pledge to XML, and some have already incorporated it into their products.

XML was initially designed as a more rigorous approach to presenting information on the Web, as inadequacies of
traditional HyperText Markup Language (HTML) became apparent. Essentially, XML is a way to describe data — in
addition to data itself. Unlike HTML, it does not say how the data is to be presented (i.e., color, font, font size etc). To
be viewed in, say, a Web browser, the XML document must be first translated into some other form (e.g., HTML),
using style sheets to specify how the document should be rendered with the help of Extensible Style Language (XSL).
Because of the separation between the data and the presentation level, it is possible to transform the same set of data
into different representations.

The document type definitions (DTD) define the XML elements that make up the document; because of the DTD — to
which an XML document contains a link — the XML documents are considered self-describing.

Note Well-formed XML refers to an XML document that strictly adheres to the standards; being well formed is crucial
for seamless integration between applications; there are numerous programs available on the Internet to check
whether an XML document is well-formed.

The core specification of XML has achieved universal acceptance, and is ubiquitous over the Internet and is used in
many custom-designed applications that previously were the domain of the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
standard. The term itself sometimes refer to related specifications of XSL, XML Linking Language (XLink), Simple API
for XML (SAX), XML Pointer Language (XPointer), and document object model (DOM).

The document object model (DOM) is an application programming interface (API) representing an XML document in a
hierarchical treelike structure. Once parsed into the DOM, an XML document is referred to as infoset. An infoset can is
manipulated through the DOM objects, and using XPath API — a set of functions for querying/manipulating XML
document's values — one could extract and/or modify information contained in the document, which could be later
written into a file, rendered into HTML for posting on the Web, and so on.

Extensible Style Language for Transformation (XSLT, XSL) steps in to compensate for XML's inability to communicate
just how the contained information is to be presented. It defines a process of transforming one XML document into
another, even reformatting it into non-XML format.

Oracle 9i

Oracle supports XML through its built-in XML Developer Kits (XDK) (which allow developing for XML in Java or C/C++,
as well as in PL/SQL), which in the last version — Oracle 9i Release 2 — was replaced by XML DB Repository. Both
names refer to a collection of the XML related features and technologies built into RDBMS itself.

Procedures written in PL/SQL access the XDK from inside the RDBMS, whereas Java and/or C/C++ procedures have
the ability to access its functionality from outside.

These kits allow you to create and manipulate XML documents via a number of objects including XML/XSLT parsers,
XML class generators, XSQL servlets, and so on. To use these packages you must know these languages and the
underlying XML/XSLT principles.

XDK is written in Java, and is integrated with Oracle 9i. Owners of earlier versions of Oracle (prior to Oracle 8i Release
8.1.7) may download it from the Oracle Web site. The kit contains an XSLT processor, an XSQL page processor and
servlet engine, as well as an XML/SQL utility (a separate, Oracle-specific tool for parsing XML documents into
relational tables structure).

Using XSQL, you can set up publishing information in XML format. XSQL includes a page processor, XSQL Java
servlet, and a command line interface. The page processor could be called through the servlet (running on Apache
Web Server, for instance) or through the command line interface. Essentially, it enables querying relational data and
getting results back formatted as XML documents

The XDK will not work with Oracle 8.0 or earlier; to add XML capabilities (somewhat limited) to legacy versions, Oracle
introduced the PLSXML package, written in PL/SQL. This package can be called within an SQL or PL/SQL query and
will produce XML document output. It requires Oracle Application Server or Oracle 9iAS, to operate.

Within its XML DB Repository, Oracle 9i Release 2 also introduced a new native XML type to store XML documents
instead of parsing them into relational rows. It also enables non-XML data to be treated as XML by creating the
document from the data extracted from the tables. There are numerous packages provided by Oracle that you could
use to build solutions based on XML — DBMS_XDB, DBMS_XMLSCHEMA, to name a few — in addition to
XML-related functions and data types. Please refer to Oracle documentation for more information on these features.

XML and Web Services

Distributed computing has been with us for quite a while. The idea behind distributed computing is that programs
spread across a network may collaborate on a single task or related tasks. The Web services paradigm takes
distributed architecture to the next level. Instead of binary formats (like Microsoft Distributed COM [COM/DCOM]
and Enterprise Java Beans [CORBA]), it uses XML and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to send and
process requests among library components spread over the Internet or intranet. It works like a giant Lego, only
each piece can be used by more than one application and the binding between the pieces comes over HTTP as
a standard XML document.

Web services run on their respective Web servers across the globe; a Universal Description, Discovery and
Integration (UDDI) directory — very similar to that of URL server — maintains a registry of all available Web
services. When an application requires the functionality provided by a Web service, it requests it over HTTP,
using an XML document composed according to SOAP rules, describing the function requested, arguments,
etc.; the application on the other end receives the document, parses it, processes the request, and sends a
response to the calling app in very much the same way.

With the convergence of database and Internet technologies, every major vendor provides support for Web
services with their flagship products — either built-in, or through add-on components.


DB2 UDB supports XML through XML Extender component. It serves as an XML document repository, as well as a
repository for the DTD. DB2 UDB provides two options for the storage — XML column and XML collection. The first
option — XML column — enters the entire document into a column of XML data type, while the second option — XML
collection — maps the document onto the set of relational tables. IBM provides a number of stored procedures for
storing, retrieving, searching, and modifying data in the XML collection.

The DB2 XML Extender includes a visual tool that facilitates mapping of the XML document elements to the columns
in the database table. The mapping, once performed, is stored in the database as a document access definition (DAD).

DB2 also provides XML-native data type (XMLVARCHAR and XMLCLOB). Using it you could store the whole XML
document in a single column (as opposed to disassembling the document into row-level data for insertion into the
"standard" relational tables).

To generate an XML document through SQL qweries against DB2 UDB (or any ODBC-compliant source), one has to
use an IBM Net.Data component that defines a collection of macros for XML.

Microsoft SQL Server 2000

SQL Server 2000 provides native support for XML using additional XML-related keywords (built into the Transact-SQL
dialect). The XML data is disassembled into text-based tables, and could be assembled back on request. There is no
XML data type in the SQL Server 2000.

The requests could be made through usual SQL Server data access channel (ADO, ADO.NET, ODBC,DBLIB — see
Chapter 16 for more information about accessing RDBMS), or sent to the SQL Server directly using HTTP (HyperText
Transfer Protocol — the Internet standard for transferring text-based data). While exciting, the full description of these
features belongs to a Microsoft SQL Server 2000– or XML-specific book. Here we are going to cover just the basics of
the XML/SQL convergence.

The new Microsoft extensions for SQL enable you to query SQL Server 2000 tables and receive the data in XML
format, as well as to submit an XML document for saving the data into the database. The new FOR XML clause with a
standard SELECT query instructs SQL Server 2000 to produce XML output of the data. The clause should be used with
additional XML-related keywords to specify the mode: RAW , AUTO, or EXPLICIT; the mode refers to the XML output
formatting, and is explained in Microsoft documentation or numerous books on the subject.

Here is an output produced by querying the two tables ORDER_HEADER and ORDER_LINE from the ACME database.
The query returns records for two orders (30607 and 30608) and all the order items for them:
FOR XML AUTO XML_F52E2B61-18A1-11d1-B105-00805F49916B
----------------------------------------------------- <ORDER_HEADER

(4 row(s) affected)

Future of XML

While XML is an established standard, there are several new developments that might undermine it: Electronic
Business eXtensible Markup Language (ebXML), Universal Business Language (UBL), and Open Financial
Exchange standard (OFEX) are only three of these. XML itself might undergo some transformation as it is being
adapted to Web services and mobile computing using telephony. Several database products are built for XML
exclusively (including SoftwareAG, eXelon, Ipedo, and others), with integrated support for SOAP, ODBC, JDBC,
Xpath, and so on. Microsoft built its .NET technology around XML, and IBM and Oracle incorporate it into many
of their products (WebSphere and Application Server respectively); SUN pushes integration of XML and J2EE.

Touted as the most important development since the invention of the Internet, XML may or may not live up to
the hype that surrounds it nowadays. We believe that it is not a "silver bullet" solution for everything but a very
useful format for storing and retrieving text data, and that it eventually will take its place as one of the useful
niche technologies.

Using AUTO mode makes SQL Server 2000 format document according to the best guess it can make, based on the
relationships between the tables; note the hierarchical structure of the XML document. Combined with DTD, this
document can be sent over the Internet to be displayed or used as input for some application.

To enter the data into an RDBMS from an XML document, Microsoft SQL Server provides the OPENXML keyword. Its
use is much more complicated than simply querying for XML. First, you must call a stored procedure
sp_xml_preparedocument, which parses the XML document and returns a handle (a memory pointer) to the prepared
document in computer memory. This handle is passed to the OPENXML statement, which converts it into RDBMS
standard rows, ready to be inserted. A number of parameters have to be specified for the data to be correctly
formatted and interpreted.
OLAP and Business Intelligence
Every deployed database system could be arbitrarily divided into two broad categories — OLTP databases and OLAP
databases; some deployed systems could represent a mix of both.

An online transaction processing (OLTP) system is optimized to support transactions: order processing, inventory
tracking, recording employee data, and so on. Such systems are designed to process large volumes of concurrent
transactions as quickly as possible. In short, the main purpose of such a system is to accumulate structured

OLAP Rules

The term OLAP was introduced in 1993 by Dr. E.F. Codd, who also was the first to propose the relational data
model about 20 years earlier. With its various flavors — ROLAP (relational OLAP), MOLAP (multidimensional
OLAP), and HOLAP (hybrid OLAP) — it is taking data analysis from a manual, tedious combination of art and
science into a computer-aided, exact science. (OLAP does not remove need to program for data analysis; yet it
is a major improvement over just about any other way of analyzing large amount of data.) Dr. Codd established
12 OLAP rules to follow, and most OLAP products conform to these in one way or another.

Multidimensional conceptual view. OLAP operates with CUBEs of data that represent
multidimensional construct of data. Event though the name implies three dimensional data, the
number of possible dimensions is practically unlimited.

Transparency. OLAP systems should be part of an open system that supports heterogeneous
data sources.

Accessibility. The OLAP should present the user with a single logical schema of the data.

Consistent reporting performance. Performance should not degrade as the number of

dimensions in the model increases.

Client/server architecture. Should be based on open, modular systems.

Generic dimensionality. Not limited to 3-D and not biased toward any particular dimension. A
function applied to one dimension should also be able to be applied to another.

Dynamic sparse-matrix handling. Related both to the idea of nulls in relational databases and to
the notion of compressing large files, a sparse matrix is one in which not every cell contains
data. OLAP systems should accommodate varying storage and data-handling options.

Multiuser support. OLAP systems should support more than one user at the time.

Unrestricted cross-dimensional operations. Similar to rule of generic dimensionality; all

dimensions are created equal, and operations across data dimensions should not restrict
relationships between cells.

Intuitive data manipulation. Ideally, users shouldn't have to use menus or perform complex
multiple-step operations when an intuitive drag-and-drop action will do.

Flexible reporting. Save a tree. Users should be able to print just what they need, and any
changes to the underlying financial model should be automatically reflected in reports.

Unlimited dimensional and aggregation levels. The OLAP cube can be built with unlimited
dimensions, and aggregation of the contained data also does not have practical limits.

Most OLAP tools — either integrated or stand-alone — generally conform to these rules. There are many more
rules defined by theorists, as well as de-facto ones, established by the heavyweight database market players;
please refer to OLAP-specific literature and vendor's documentation for more information.
An online analytical processing (OLAP) system is designed to make sense out of the accumulated data. These
systems are used to discover trends and analyze critical factors, perform statistical analysis, and so on. While
important, speed is not the main feature of such systems, as OLAP queries typically process large amounts of data.
Normally, OLAP databases extract information from several OLTP databases called data warehouses.

What is OLAP used for? Decision support, sales analysis, marketing, data consolidation — the list goes on. Once data
is accumulated, OLAP steps in to make actual sense out of it. OLAP provides multidimensional representation of data
contained in OLTP data warehouses through the CUBE structure, which allows for creating views of data according to
different sets of criteria, and manipulate those using sophisticated analytic functions.

Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, Hyperion, Cognos are among the leading OLAP vendors. While an RDBMS can be a base for
OLAP services, the tools are usually not integrated or tied to a particular database. Oracle's Data Mining utility and
Oracle Express, for example, can utilize a "native" Oracle database or Hyperion Essbase or IBM DB2 UDB.


All these acronyms refer to the way data for the CUBE — the primary operational unit for the OLAP queries — is
stored. The functionality, methods, and principles of OLAP remain identical across all three.

Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) refers to the situation when relational data for a CUBE, along
with aggregation data, are stored in the CUBE itself. It provides for the fastest response, and is
most appropriate for frequent use (like on-demand OLAP, without the need for real-time data).

Relational OLAP (ROLAP) refers to the situation when relational data for a CUBE, along with
aggregation data, are stored in the relational database. This provides for real-time querying,
though response might be slower than MOLAP as all the data need to be assembled from

Hybrid OLAP (HOLAP) refers to the situation when relational data for a CUBE is stored in a
relational database, while the aggregation data are stored in the CUBE itself. It was designed to
get best of both worlds: it is somewhat faster than ROLAP, and CUBE structure is much
smaller than in MOLAP case.

Oracle 9i

Of course, Oracle also has incorporated business intelligence capability directly into Oracle 9i Database. It allows
OLAP queries to be executed directly against an OLTP database without transferring it into a specialized OLAP
database. This approach has its pluses and minuses; one plus would be that there is no need for a time-consuming
and expensive data transfer (and transformation) process; on the minus side is the fact that running an ad-hoc OLAP
query against your production database may slow down your operation with a resource intensive process.

Oracle 9i Database provides the foundation for the Oracle OLAP, providing data storage and management
capabilities, analytic functions, security, and so on, whereas the OLAP services themselves support multidimensional
calculations, forecast functions, models, and the like. A number of wizards are provided to guide users through the
maze of choices.

Oracle provides a set of Java OLAP APIs to program additional functionality, which enables building cross-platform
solutions using Java applications, applets, Java Server Pages, and so on. It could be installed separately, on middle
tier hardware, or integrated with a RDBMS.

Note Oracle OLAP CUBE does not relate to the GROUP BY CUBE clause that groups the selected rows, based on the
values of all possible combinations, and produces a single aggregate row for each group (cross-tabulation).


IBM DB2 UDB provides OLAP capabilities through DB2 OLAP Server and OLAP Server Analyzer. Both are add-ons
developed in collaboration with Hyperion (and its Essbase product).

The product is Java-based and uses JAPI from Essbase. IBM supports only ROLAP and MOLAP functionality IBM
DB2 UDB also features OLAP Miner — branded by IBM as an "opportunity-discovery" component of the IBM OLAP
Server. It applies data mining algorithms to the OLAP CUBEs to pinpoint the "surprise" areas and present them to an
analyst for further investigation.

Microsoft SQL Server 2000

Microsoft provides OLAP capabilities through Microsoft Analysis Services, which are bundled with SQL Server 2000
(OLAP Services Components in SQL Server 7.0).

The Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) language is used to manipulate the base unit of any OLAP analysis —
CUBE. The language is similar to SQL in many respects, and enables the manipulation of data stored in OLAP CUBEs
Microsoft also provides external access interfaces like OLEDB,Active Data Objects and SQL-DMO (Data Management
Objects) to access OLAP functionality within SQL Server 2000.

Cross-References See Chapter 16 for more information on programming interfaces.

In addition to its predefined functions, MDX permits the creation of custom functions. While having somewhat similar
syntax to SQL, MDX is not an SQL extension; it is a different language, designed specifically for OLAP.
The object-oriented approach — an interesting academic topic in the 1980s — became mainstream in the early 1990s
and the de-facto standard for every new development thereafter (the object-oriented term is explained later in the

Nearly any modern programming language is (or claims to be) object-oriented. However, even though the
object-oriented approach proved to be successful in computer programming (in terms of increased development
speed, increased robustness etc.), it is not a very popular concept in the database market so far. Although there are
some purely object-oriented databases (which we discuss later in this chapter), their market share is rather
insignificant. The implementations of the different concept — supplying objects and tools for working with RDBMS —
seems to be more practical. Many major RDBMS vendors — including Oracle and DB2 UDB — provide some kind of
using objects with traditional RDBMS (the Object Oriented RDBMS — OORDBMS — approach). Therefore, even
though the object-oriented paradigm is not directly related to the contents of this book, we will briefly introduce it in the
database context in this chapter.

In the RDBMS world, OO refers to the ability of the database to store and retrieve instances (explained in the following
paragraph) of the objects — very much the same way as XML documents: either by being parsed into text and
reconstituted on demand, or by saving the entire object AS-IS — be it Java, ActiveX or .NET object. In addition, some
databases sponsor object data types, which introduce OOP principles into their procedural SQL programming (see
Chapter 14 for more information on SQL procedural extensions). You may think of these as User Defined Data types
(see Chapter 3 for more information on data types) that also contain some methods or functions.

OOP Paradigm

Object-oriented approach treats everything as objects — i.e. programming structures that are capable of containing
data and have some relevant methods. Usually, objects are representations of real-life entities, reduced in their
complexity to a few well defined features and tasks they should be able to perform. A person, a tree, a car, an
organization — all can be represented as objects; the same goes for some abstract objects like 'bank account', or 'data
access object'. Consider an object that models, say, a bank account: it might to have an attribute 'balance' and
'account ID', methods 'withdraw' and 'deposit' — all representing some functionality that is expected of an object of this
type. The main principles of Object Orientation are encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and identity, all of which
will be discussed in the next paragraphs.

Objects and classes

Each object has its own attributes and methods. For example, for object CAR you can have such attributes as engine
size, engine type, wheel size, interior color, exterior color, shift type, and so on. The methods may include 'drive',
'turn(left | right)' and so on. The objects are defined through programming concept of classes. An object is an instance
of a class. The common analogy here is the blueprint of a house and the actual house built based on that blueprint.
You can instantiate many objects of the same class in the very same way as many houses could be built from the
same blueprint, being different only in their attributes — color, location etc.


The main idea of encapsulation is to hide details of implementation, and make it accessible only by explicitly defined
methods that reduce the impact of changes made to the internals of the objects, and enforce security. The
non-programmer's world analogy would be any programmable electronic device you may have at home like a VCR or
a microwave oven: you normally can manipulate those only through buttons devised for this purpose, though it might
be possible to open the cover and use one's best judgment to control its operations through manipulating electronic

Note Security is usually enforced by using public, private, and protected methods. Public methods are available for all
users; private methods limit the internal code access, and protected methods forbid access to all objects
instantiated from classes inherited from the parent class.

Inheritance is a mechanism that allows the programmer to create a new class based on (or inherited from) the old
(existing) class. The new class, called (unsurprisingly) child class, has all the attributes (properties) and methods of the
old class (parent), but some of them could be ignored or modified, while some new characteristics could be added. For
example, subclasses Chevrolet, Ford, Honda, Toyota, and Nissan could be derived from class CAR. This allows for
reuse of the code this class contains, and makes development process more rigorous.


Polymorphism means that a given method could be applied to different objects. For example, the same method could
perform logically consistent actions when it gets a different number of arguments or arguments of different data types.
For example, a hypothetical function ADD could add numbers, concatenate strings, and increment a date by the given
number of days, depending on the internal implementation. For the programmer that means that as long as s/he calls
the method with correct arguments, s/he does not have to worry about details of implementation, and expect correct


Since two objects can be inherited from the same class and all their characteristics can be exactly the same, their
identities must be different in order to tell them apart. Each object has its own unique identifier, or handle. Usually
handles are assigned to the objects implicitly by the system.

Note The term "object" might cause some confusion when used within common relational database terminology. From
the very beginning, in RDBMS language, database object means a table, a view, an index, and so on. An object
within your program is not a database object.

Oracle 9i support

Oracle allows you to create object types — special structures with object attributes and methods. The syntax consists
of two parts. First, you declare the object type itself:
<object_name> AS OBJECT ( <attribute_name>
<attribute_datatype>,... [MEMBER FUNCTION <function_name>
[<function_parameter> <parameter_datatype>,... RETURN
<datatype>]... [MEMBER PROCEDURE <procedure_name>
[<procedure_parameter> <parameter_datatype>,...]...);

Then you define the object type body, where all the functionality implementation code would be contained. This part is
optional unless you had any member functions/procedures in the object type declaration. The syntax is as follows
(assuming one member function and one member procedure were declared in the CREATE OBJECT TYPE section):
BODY <object_name> AS MEMBER FUNCTION <function_name>
[<function_parameter> <parameter_datatype>,... RETURN
<datatype>]... IS [<declaration_section>] BEGIN
<function_body> [EXCEPTION <exception_body>] END; MEMBER PROCEDURE
<procedure_name> [<procedure_parameter>
<parameter_datatype>,...]... IS [<declaration_section>] BEGIN
<procedure_body> [EXCEPTION <exception_body>] END;

The instances of this object could be stored in the Oracle tables, and invoked in Oracle's PL/SQL stored procedures.

IBM DB2 UDB 8.1 support

DB2 allows you to create objects in a similar way to that of Oracle, but the syntax is quite different and more complex.
Here is the simplified version adopted from IBM DB2 UDB:
CREATE TYPE <type_name>
[UNDER <supertype_name>] AS ( <attribute_name>
(<attribute_name> <attribute_datatype>,...) RETURNS
<datatype> <method_specification>

In addition to optional user-defined types, the execution of the CREATE TYPE statement generates methods for
retrieving and updating the values of attributes, as well as for constructing instances of a structured type and for
supporting the comparison operators (= , <>, < , <=, > , and >=).

For each method declared with the CREATE TYPE statement, you can use the CREATE METHOD statement to
associate a method body with a method specification. Here is the syntax:
<method_name> RETURNS <datatype> FOR"TYPE <type_name> RETURN
{<value> | <sql_statement>}

Microsoft SQL Server 2000

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 does not provide object-oriented features with its RDBMS product; the next closest thing
would be the TABLE system data type that allows you to arrange data returned by the SQL query as a set of rows. It
cannot be used as a column data type, and therefore cannot be used as permanent storage. An instance of an object
created by some external application could be saved in the binary format in the database, but it is no different from any
other binary data stored in the RDBMS.

The user-defined data type in MS SQL Server does not allow for creation of a structure data type (like a record field),
and cannot contain methods.

Compensating the lack of OOP features, SQL Server 2000 provides the ability to invoke and use ActiveX/OLE objects
from within Transact-SQL code through system stored procedures.

SQL Server 2000 also provides Meta Data Services that allow for storage and management of meta data about
information systems and applications. It serves as a central repository for data and component definitions,
development and deployment models, reusable software components, and data warehousing descriptions; it facilitates
development and modeling processes through establishing a common framework for developers and analysts,
borrowing heavily from UML (Universal Modeling Language).

Abstract data types

SQL99 introduced the abstract data type (ADT) that is in fact undistinguishable from the definition of class. ADT
specification consists of two parts: attribute specification and method specification. ADT behavior is completely
encapsulated within the type definition. The ADT enables database programmers to construct application-specific data
types in the database with built-in methods to manipulate these data types. As usual, implementation of the standard
lags behind — none of the three major vendors have implemented this feature.

Collections and Arrays

Long-time standard tools of every programming language, collections and arrays have made inroads into the
domain of RDBMS. They mostly facilitate programming process, eliminating need for additional tables. Both
arrays and collections contain data elements, the main difference between these data types being that, as a
rule, an array contains elements of the same data type, whereas collections can accommodate different data

Imagine that you have decided, in spite of all the talk about good database design (see Appendix C for more
information on RDBMS design), to store an employee's educational credentials inside the same table where you
store other employee information. If your employees generally have three diplomas, you might consider
declaring an EDUCATION_CREDENTIALS column as a VARRAY(5) OF VARCHAR(25) — using Oracle 9i features.
Now for each employee there will be five potential records to store information.
Employee ID Educational Institution

1 Stanford University

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Kalamazoo Community College

To accommodate the case, when more than five educational credentials are acquired, you may want to use a
nested table (i.e., a column is of table type, and could therefore contain unrestricted amount of data — Oracle's
feature). Both Oracle and IBM DB2 UDB support arrays and collections, while Microsoft does not.

Object-oriented databases

The topic of object-oriented databases is clearly out of scope for this book; we are going to give you only a high-level
overview of the current state of affairs.

With the advent of the object-oriented programming came the idea of object storage. Relational databases, in spite of
all modernization, new data types, and functionality, remain by and large text-based — that is, they parse, store, and
search textual data. While various new media formats — video, sound, PowerPoint presentations, Microsoft Word
structured storage — were accommodated by inclusion of the new data types, essentially it remains the same
text-based approach, somewhat expanded.

As OO languages (C++, Java, C#, Visual Basic.NET, Delphi, Smalltalk, Eiffel, etc.) become increasingly popular, it
begins to make sense to store information in objects as they are defined by the classes implemented in these
languages. Imagine a Java class EMPLOYEE, which has its properties (attributes) and methods defined; when an
application creates an instance of this class to add a new employee, it populates its properties and then saves the
whole object into a database. For an RDBMS that would mean populating a number of tables with textual information;
for an object-oriented database, it would mean saving the object as it is — either as a binary, byte-code, or text
description version, and still being able to track this object by, say, employee ID. This is what OODBMS and
OORDBMS are all about.

While pure object-oriented databases try to implement their own "pure OO" method of storing information, OORDBMS
rely on proven relational technology to establish a hierarchy of the objects. There are new standards emerging (Table
17-1), and new ideas taking hold.
Table 17-1: The RDBMS/OODBMS Standards Comparison

SQL-92 SQL-99 JDBC and JDO ODMG 3.0


Model Relational Relational/ Relational / Enhanced Java, C++,

Object Object Java object Smalltalk,
model etc. object
model; OMG
object model

DDL SQL SQL, SQL Java and XML Object

PL/SQL, definition
Transact-SQL (ODL),
partly based
on SQL92

DML Embedded/ CLI for SQL, Embedded Java Java, C++,

dynamic SQL, Java, SQL, CLI C#,
CLI PL/SQL, Smalltalk,
Transact-SQL etc.

DQL Embedded/ CLI, OCI, CLI, JDO query Object query

dynamic SQL, ODBC Embedded language language
CLI SQL, Java (JQL) (OQL), partly
based on

Because of a tight coupling of the OO database with the programming language, the application written for one
database might be impossible to use with some other products. There are several initiatives to establish a standard for
OODBMS, which so far have resulted in the ODMG 3.0 standard, in addition to a number of proprietary ways to do

While still a novelty, OODBMS are making it into the mainstream of the academic and corporate worlds, fueled mainly
by adoption of object-oriented technologies like Java (and EJB — Enterprise Java Beans) and Smalltalk.

Some object-oriented databases available on the market today are shown in Table 17-2.
Table 17-2: Database Products Supporting Pure OO Technology

Company Product Release

db4o db4o - database for objects 1.0

eXcelon Corporation, Object Design ObjectStore Enterprise 6.05

Division Edition 4.0
PSE Pro for C++ 6.05
PSE Pro for Java 1.1
Javlin 1.0

Fresher Information Corporation MATISSE 5.0

JYD Software Engineering Pty Ltd. JYD Object Database 2.0

Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. TITANIUM 8.1

Objectivity, Inc. Objectivity/DB 6.1

Orient Technologies Orient Enterprise Edition 2.0

Orient Just Edition 2.0

The Ozone Database Project ozone 1.0

Poet Software Corporation, FastObjects FastObjects j2 2.0

Division FastObjects e7 7.0
FastObjects t7 7.0

InterSystems Corp Cache 5.0

Sysra EyeDB 2.6

Versant Corporation Versant Developer Suite 6.0.1

Computer Associates Jasmine ii Object Database 2.02

The main advantage of the OODBMS over OORDBMS comes from eliminating the mapping of the objects from the
application (client) to RDBMS structure. In the current environment, in which data is still coming as text or numbers,
RDBMS are much faster than comparable OODBMS/OORDBMS; at the same time there are situations when the
object approach might prove to be superior to the "old" relational model. The jury is still out.
New developments like XML, OLAP, and object-oriented technologies continue to change the ways we are collecting,
storing, and consuming information; the very nature of the information keeps changing and often involves new media
and new formats.

XML emerged as the de-facto information exchange standard and not surprisingly, relational databases responded by
incorporating XML into their cores. The approaches taken by each of the RDBMS vendors might be different (XML
documents might be mapped and parsed in familiar text-based records, or be stored as complete documents), but the
details of these implementations have become increasingly irrelevant to the vast majority of developers and users.

OLAP became a standard for BI — business intelligence. With the enormous amount of data — structured or
otherwise — accumulated since the dawn of civilization, it was only a matter of time before someone would take data
comprehension to the next level, which is to discover statistical trends. While not part of the RDBMS technology, BI
does not make much sense without some kind of a database — relational, in our case. The main processing unit of
this information is a multidimensional CUBE, which can be manipulated using either some general-purpose language
(like Java) or some proprietary language (like Microsoft MDX). Some vendors bundle business intelligence tools with
their RDBMS, some BI tools are stand-alone tools built by third-party companies.

The object-oriented approach became the de-facto application programming standard, and as such made a
compelling case for object-oriented databases. As we model the surrounding world in terms of objects, we need a
place to store these objects. An RDBMS maps the objects to words; an OODBMS will accept them as they are. You
may compare it to a book, where images are created by your brain from mere words; the movie stores and
communicates visual objects directly to your senses, bypassing the verbalization step.

OODBMS may well be the wave of the future, which is notoriously unpredictable. As of today, many companies have
implemented object-oriented databases, designed to store and retrieve objects created within some particular
language (Java, C++, Smalltalk). Eventually, new standards will emerge and performance gaps — if any — will be
eliminated, making RDBMS outdated. For now, RDBMS remain the pillars of the business community, though they do
pay lip service to the objects, incorporating them as data types but warning against the inefficiency of using them.
Part VII: Appendix

Appendix List

Appendix A: What’s on the CD-ROM

Appendix B: The ACME Sample Database

Appendix C: Basics of Relational Database Design

Appendix D: Installing RDBMS Software

Appendix E: Accessing RDBMS

Appendix F: Installing the ACME Database

Appendix G: SQL Functions

Appendix H: SQL Syntax Reference

Appendix I: SQL-Reserved Keywords

Appendix J: SQL99 Major Features Compliance Across Different RDBMS

Appendix K: The Other RDBMS

Appendix L: A Brief Introduction to the Number Systems, Boolean Algebra, and Set Theory
Appendix A: What's on the CD-ROM

CD Content

This appendix provides you with information on the contents of the CD that accompanies this book. For the latest and
greatest information, please refer to the ReadMe file located at the root of the CD.

System Requirements
Make sure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements listed in Appendix D. If your computer doesn't
match up to most of these requirements, you may have a problem using the contents of the CD.
Using the CD with Windows
To install the items from the CD to your hard drive, follow these steps:
1. Insert the CD into your computer's CD-ROM drive.

2. A window will appear with the following options: Install, Browse, eBook, Links, and Exit.

Install: Gives you the option to install the supplied software and/or the author-created samples on
the CD-ROM.

Explore: Allows you to view the contents of the CD-ROM in its directory structure.

eBook: Allows you to view an electronic version of the book.

Exit: Closes the autorun window.

If you do not have autorun enabled or if the autorun window does not appear, follow the steps below to access the CD.
1. Click StartàRun.

2. In the dialog box that appears, type d:\setup.exe, where d is the letter of your CD-ROM drive. This
will bring up the autorun window described above.

3. Choose the Install, Browse, eBook, Links, or Exit option from the menu. (See Step 2 in the
preceding list for descriptions of these options.)

Note When installing RDBMS software, please refer to Appendix D for more-detailed installation
What's on the CD
The following sections provide a summary of the software and other materials you'll find on the CD.

Author-created materials

All author-created material from the book, including code listings and samples, are on the CD in the folder named
"sqlbib." The CD also contains complete authors' SQL scripts and examples used in the book, with different versions
for Oracle 9i, IBM DB2 UDB 8.1, and Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

Please run the specific version for the RDBMS of your choice as from the respective directories: /sqlbib/acme_oracle/,
/sqlbib/acme_db2/, and /sqlbib/acme_mssql/.

The following files are supplied for you to create and populate the sample ACME database:

create_acme_ora.sql: creates database and all database objects for Oracle 9i

load_data_oradat: populates the ACME database with the appropriate data for Oracle 9i

load.sql: runs create_acme_oracle.sql and then load_data_oracle.sql

create_acme_db2.sql : creates database and all database objects for IBM DB2 UDB 8.1

load_data_db2.dat: populates the ACME database with the appropriate data for IBM DB2 UDB

create_acme_mssql.sql: creates database and all database objects for Microsoft SQL Server

load_data_mssql.dat: populates the ACME database with the appropriate data for Microsoft SQL
Server 2000

triggers_ora.sql, triggers_db2.sql, and triggers_mssql.sql demonstrate topics discussed in

Chapter 16

empty_acme.sql (found in the vendor-specific directories): creates empty schema for Oracle 9i
and an empty database for MS SQL Server 2000 (required for examples in Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6)

The use of these files is described in Appendixes D, E, and F, as well as in chapters where they are mentioned.

Examples in Chapters 3 through 6 assume an empty ACME database created with empty_acme.sql. The rest of
the chapters rely on the database structures installed as described in Appendix F.


The following applications are on your CD:

IBM DB2 Universal Database Personal Edition Version 8.1 for Microsoft Windows Operating
Environments Evaluation Copy (Windows NT/2000/XP). It provides a single-user database engine for
deployment to PC-based users. The PE includes the ability to be remotely managed, which makes it
the perfect choice for deployment in occasionally connected or remote office implementations that
don't require multi-user capability. Detailed installation instructions are provided in Appendix D.

Note: This is a time-limited version of DB2 and will expire and become unoperational on or about November 30,

Adobe Acrobat Reader free software for viewing and printing Adobe Portable Document Format
(PDF) files on all major hardware and operating system platforms.

Shareware programs are fully functional, trial versions of copyrighted programs. If you like particular programs, register
with their authors for a nominal fee and receive licenses, enhanced versions, and technical support. Freeware
programs are copyrighted games, applications, and utilities that are free for personal use. Unlike shareware, these
programs do not require a fee or provide technical support. GNU software is governed by its own license, which is
included inside the folder of the GNU product. See the GNU license for more details.

Trial, demo, or evaluation versions are usually limited either by time or functionality (such as being unable to save
projects). Some trial versions are very sensitive to system date changes. If you alter your computer's date, the
programs will "time out" and will no longer be functional.

eBook version of SQL Bible

The complete text of this book is provided in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). It does not include the scripts
required to create sample database. You can read and search through the file with the Adobe Acrobat Reader (also
If you have difficulty installing or using any of the materials on the companion CD, try the following solutions:

Close all running programs. The more programs you're running, the less memory is available to other
programs. Installers also typically update files and programs; if you keep other programs running,
installation may not work properly.

Reference the ReadMe. Please refer to the ReadMe file located at the root of the CD-ROM for the
latest product information at the time of publication.

If you still have trouble with the CD, please call the Customer Care phone number: (800) 762-2974. Outside the United
States, call 1 (317) 572-3994. You can also contact Customer Service by e-mail at Wiley
Publishing, Inc., will provide technical support only for installation and other general quality control items; for technical
support on the applications themselves, consult the program's vendor or author.
Appendix B: The ACME Sample Database

ACME is the database for a company of the same name that sells some kind of building materials. It has 13 tables
described in detail in this chapter.

Note The database creation scripts on your CD have an additional table, PRODUCT_AUDIT, that is not a part of the
ACME business schema but rather is used for auditing. We refer to it in Chapter 14 when discussing triggers.
General Information and Business Rules
ACME has customers who buy different products. Each customer has one or more addresses — for example, billing
and shipping — and one or more phone and/or fax numbers. Customers also have default payment terms that specify
how many days they have to make a payment to get a specified discount; for example, a customer who pays within 31
days might qualify for a 2 percent discount. Customers who do not pay in time may be put on credit hold, which means
they cannot order any more until their debts have been paid. Also, customers who did not buy from ACME for over two
years are marked inactive. Customers are referred to by aliases given to them (for internal company use only).

Every customer is assigned to a default salesperson who is a liaison between the customer and the company. Each
salesperson has address, phone, and fax numbers, a code he or she is referred by, and some other properties. If all
customers for a salesperson become inactive, the salesperson is inactivated within the system.

ACME implements a kind of multi-level marketing. It sells products to resellers, who in turn either sell the products to a
lower-level reseller or directly to a customer. That means any of ACME's customers could either be a reseller (the one
who buys and resells products) or a supplier (the one from whom products are bought), or both.

ACME sells multiple products. Each product has a price, description, brand, weight, and some other characteristics.

Customers can order products. When a customer orders more than one product at a time, all order items are logically
grouped within one order. Order stores general information, such as order number, default salesperson and customer
information, quantities ordered, dates, invoice number, and so on. The actual shipped quantity can differ from the
ordered one (for example, because of a lack of sufficient inventory).

Some fields (payment terms, salesman) are populated by default when customer is selected, but can later be
changed. Some other fields have to be populated manually. Order and invoice numbers are populated automatically
and cannot be modified. Some orders are eligible for volume discount based on total order price. For example, all
orders with total amount between $15,000 and $20,000 are eligible for a 3 percent discount.

When a new order is created, the COMPLETE status is assigned to it. It is now ready to be shipped to the customer
after which the status is to be changed to SHIPPED. A sales department clerk creates an invoice for this order and
changes its status to INVOICED . The order can be canceled by the customer; the status is then changes to CANCELED.

The database also contains specific shipping information — for example, bill of lading number, total number of cases
shipped, trailer number, freight terms, dates, and so on. Usually one shipment contains one order, but special
situations when one order is distributed between more than one shipment, or one shipment can contain more than one
order, can also be handled.
Naming Conventions
The ACME database is using a simplified concept of the Hungarian notation in its naming conventions. The idea is to
encode the information about the objects in their names. Many database developers find this concept very helpful,
especially when working with huge databases which contain hundreds tables and thousands of columns.

Note Hungarian notation is a naming convention that allows the developer to determine the type and use of an
identifier. It was invented by Dr. Charles Simonyi who has worked for Microsoft since 1981. The notation is very
popular with C++ and Java developers. Dr. Simonyi says it was called "Hungarian" as a joke. The notation is
supposed to make code more readable, but in fact it looks so unreadable it might as well be written in Hungarian.

The main ACME naming rules are as follows:

1. Each table has an abbreviation used as a part of every column, index, or constraint name for the
table. For example, ADDRESS table is abbreviated with ADDR . Index names are prefixed with IDX,
check constraints start with CHK, and so on:
ADDR_ID_N (column name)
CHK_ADDR_TYPE (check constraint name)
IDX_ADDR_CUST (index name)
FK_ADDR_CUST (referential integrity constraint)

The foreign key name on the last line also indicates the referential integrity direction (from

2. All columns have a postfix that symbolizes the general data type of the column (N for numeric
datatypes; S for character strings, D for dates, etc.). For example:

3. The primary key columns include a suffix ID:


4. The foreign key columns include the name of the primary key of their parent table as well as suffix
F. For example,

is a foreign key to CUSTOMER_ID_N in CUSTOMER table.

Note ACME naming conventions are simplified and for demonstration purposes only. For example,
S stands for any character string datatype and does not distinguish betweenCHARACTER and
VARCHAR; N stands for any numeric data type I(NTEGER, DECIMAL, FLOAT), etc.
Relationships Between Tables
Tables in ACME are connected by primary/foreign key relationships (as in any relational database). The database is
normalized to a certain degree (see Appendix C for relational database design basics and Normalization rules). Figure
B-1 shows ACME tables and relationships between them.

Figure B-1: ACME database schema

Column Constraints and Defaults
Column constraints in ACME are based on the business rules and design principles discussed earlier in this appendix.
For example, invoice number and invoice date are undefined until the order is invoiced; canceled date makes sense
for canceled orders only, so fields ORDHDR_INVOICENBR_N, ORDHDR_INVOICEDATE_D, and
ORDHDR_CANCELDATE_D in ORDER_HEADER table allow null values. ACME defines only two valid values for freight
terms, prepaid ( PPD) and collect (COL), so there is a check constraint on the SHIPMENT_FRTTERMS_S column of the
SHIPMENT table. Most tables have referential integrity constraints to enforce parent/child relationships. Every table has
a meaningless primary key, that is, each record in every table has a unique number hidden from nontechnical users
that is used only by database programmers for table joins and other purposes.

Cross-References The procedure to populate meaningless primary keys differs from implementation to
implementation. Oracle uses sequences, MS SQL Server employs identity
columns, and DB2 allows both. See Chapter 4 for more details.

Some columns have default values. For example, the value Y in the ORDER_HEADER.ORDHDR_READYTOINVOICE_S
column that indicates that the order has been finalized, shipped, and signed off by the sales department, so it is ready
to be invoiced. The default value for this column is N, so when a new order is created, it is populated automatically.
All primary and foreign key columns in ACME are indexed. All indexes are prefixed with IDX.

Note Indexes on the foreign keys are unnecessary and even ineffective for a database of this size, but we created
them anyway, as if we are working with a huge database with thousands of customers and millions of orders.
SQL Scripts to Create ACME Database Objects
These statements create ACME database in DB2:


































































































CREATE VIEW v_customer_totals

SELECT customer.cust_name_s,
sum(product.prod_price_n * order_line.ordline_ordqty_n)
FROM customer,
WHERE customer.cust_id_n = order_header.ordhdr_custid_fn
AND order_header.ordhdr_id_n = order_line.ordline_ordhdrid_fn
AND product.prod_id_n = order_line.ordline_prodid_fn
AND order_line.ordline_ordqty_n IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY customer.cust_name_s,

CREATE VIEW v_customer_status

SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer


CREATE VIEW v_phone_number

SELECT phone_id_n,
FROM phone
WHERE phone_type_s = 'PHONE';


CREATE VIEW v_fax_number

SELECT phone_id_n,
FROM phone
WHERE phone_type_s = 'FAX'


CREATE VIEW v_customer_totals_over_15000

FROM v_customer_totals
WHERE total_price > 15000;

CREATE VIEW v_contact_list
SELECT cust_name_s,
FROM customer,
WHERE cust_id_n = phone_custid_fn
AND phone_type_s = 'PHONE'
SELECT salesman_name_s,
FROM salesman,
WHERE salesman_id_n = phone_salesmanid_fn
AND phone_type_s = 'PHONE';


CREATE VIEW v_wile_bess_orders

SELECT ordhdr_nbr_s,
FROM order_header
WHERE ordhdr_custid_fn IN
SELECT cust_id_n
FROM customer

CREATE VIEW v_customer_totals_wilebess

SELECT customer_name,
FROM v_customer_totals
WHERE customer_name = 'WILE BESS COMPANY'

The same set of scripts with just a slight modification will create the ACME database with Oracle. All you would need
to do is to replace the SHIPMENT_CREATEDATE_D column data type from TIMESTAMP to DATE in table SHIPMENT.

To create an MS SQL ACME database, the SHIPMENT_CREATEDATE_D column data type has to be changed to
DATETIME (or SMALLDATETIME ); in addition, all DATE columns need to be altered to the appropriate MS SQL
Note The script above is as generic as possible; the actual SQL statements on your CD-ROM are more
Appendix C: Basics of Relational Database Design

Database design still remains more of an art than exact science. A database does not exist in a vacuum; it serves
some specific business purpose. General database types could be divided into two broad categories: operational
databases and analytical databases. The operational database handles day-to-day operations: recording data, printing
payroll checks, and so on. The data in such a database changes rather frequently. Examples of this kind of database
include the ACME database supplied in this book.

Analytical databases are used to store historical data, which is analyzed for reporting purposes, used to generate
statistics, and so on. The information in such a database is static; new data can be added, but the historic data cannot
be modified.

We've listed several database types in Chapter 1, and the examples throughout the book use the ACME database,
which is a fictitious database of a fictitious hardware company.

Database design is a two-phase process. In the first phase you need to determine and define tables and fields,
establish relationships, and so on. You start with collecting user requirements and formalizing them, then you analyze
these requirements and identify entities in the specific business model; each entity is a prime candidate for being a
table in your database.

Once you've identified the tables, you must define their attributes. An attribute is like an adjective; it describes an
entity, as "sweet" describes sugar. For the Customer entity you might think of something that identifies a customer,
such as name, address, phone number, and so on. These attributes will become columns in your table. Logical
relationships are signified via a primary-foreign key pair.

The second phase deals with the actual creation of the conceived database inside some RDBMS package. The
process is by no means linear: you'll find yourself traveling back and forth between these two phases as you fine-tune
your database requirements. SQL Bible teaches the SQL syntax for creating database objects (Chapter 4), which is
virtually independent of vendor implementations.

Note The design of the database objects could be done completely independently of the particular RDBMS software,
or it could be tied up to it. While one might argue that designing specifically for Oracle or Microsoft would increase
performance, sticking with a plain generic approach (when possible) makes your design more portable and
spares you some of the maintenance and upgrading headaches.
Identifying Entities and Attributes
Think of the purpose of your database. For a brief example, to create a database that records orders placed by your
customers, you might start with a CUSTOMER table. What are the attributes of a customer? Name, physical address,
products s/he orders, order information, credit rating, and so on.

An important part of this stage is the selection of proper data types to represent desired attributes. There are a number
of trade-offs to be considered while choosing data types, usually concerning performance versus clarity of a logical
design. For example, sales amounts or prices might perfectly fit into a numeric data type in Oracle (and Oracle
advocates using the NUMBER data type as opposed to specific numeric types like DECIMAL, INTEGER, and so on).
Making this data an INTEGER in the Microsoft SQL Server would be a mistake, because the value will be rounded to
the nearest dollar; selecting the MONEY or SMALLMONEY data type would be the correct choice. In addition to this,
searches are usually performed faster on numeric fields than on character-containing columns. When you need to
store more complex information like images or binary files, use data types appropriate for the data the column is
supposed to hold.

Cross-References See Chapter 3 for more information on data types.

Table C-1 is an example of the flat file design described in Chapter 1 — everything is dumped into one single table.
Such a design would hardly be adequate for anything but a kitchen table enterprise. To create a relational database,
this raw table must undergo the normalization process.

Table C-1: "One Table" Design



Lone Dove 1234 Elm North Pacific 3 NA1234-89 Paper Pulp Excellent
Ent. Street,
Salem, OR

ACME, Inc. 567 Pine Midwest 4 GA4358-92 Sawdust Average

Chicago, IL
Once the relationships between the database entities have been established, it is time for your database to undergo
the normalization process.

Normalizing means disassembling your large database tables into a number of smaller ones to reduce redundancy.
This, of course, means revising some relationships between the tables, even discovering new entities. The
normalization steps are called forms, and database theoreticians have so far defined five Normal Forms; this is as far
as you can possibly take your database on the way to normalization.

As you may see, designing a database is an iterational process — the same steps get repeated over and over again to
the highest level until you're quite satisfied with the results. The same goes for the normalization phase. There is no
such thing as a completely normalized database: for one thing, any database that goes beyond third Normal Form
incurs a significant performance hit (as it struggles with all the additional joins needed to accommodate additional
tables); for another, it could be difficult to detect any clues for further separation of data into the fourth and fifth Normal
Forms. Use your best judgment as to where to stop while normalizing your database. Third Normal Form is adequate
for most uses.

Note A Normal Form is a set of rules applied to a table to ensure that there is no redundant information (not only
duplicate information but also information that could be derived on demand). For example, if you store an
employee's age in addition to the employee's date of birth, you would be stuck with updating the employee age
column every year.

First Normal Form

The first Normal Form deals with repeating groups. Let's normalize the table CUSTOMER shown in Table C-1.We start
by recording all the information we feel would be relevant: customer name, address, orders they've placed, and so on.

Now, while orders definitely belong to the customer, putting them into the CUSTOMER table would be an enormous
waste of storage space, and it breaks relational database principles. Customer information would have to be replicated
for each new order, and the order's information (such as description, suppliers) would be repeated for each customer
that placed a similar order. The logical (as well as relational) solution would be to remove orders from the CUSTOMER
table and create an ORDER table. Each customer would get a unique ID, which would be the primary key for the table
CUSTOMER, and all information about orders would be moved into the ORDER table. To tie customers with their
orders, the ORDER table would have to have a column with CUSTOMER_ID as a foreign key, as shown in Table C-2
and Table C-3.

Table C-2: Table CUSTOMER after First Normal Form



1 Lone Dove North Pacific 3 1234 Elm Excellent

Ent. Street, Salem,
OR 95679

2 ACME Corp Midwest 4 567 Pine Average

Chicago, IL
Table C-3: New ORDER Table


1 NA1234-89 P01245 Paper Pulp

2 GA4358-92 SD3457 Sawdust

1 HA5432-02 WC7863 Wood Chips

While removing redundancy for customer information, this solution does nothing to alleviate the problem of
redundancy for order information. The order is unique, and the tables CUSTOMER and ORDER are in a one-to-many
relationship, where for each customer there may be one or more orders, but for each order there can be one and only
one customer. Here, the order is for some products, and keeping product alongside with orders results in repeating
product information, as new orders for the same product are entered.

The same process would be repeated for every other irrelevant group: customer's address, bank accounts, credit
rating, and so on.

Second Normal Form

The second Normal Form eliminates redundant data; it establishes that there can be no nonkey attributes (fields) that
depend on a portion (or the whole) of the primary key. The ORDER table needs to be normalized further: a composite
primary key made up of ORDER_ID and PRODUCT_ID is a possible answer. But the product description depends on
PRODUCT_ID only, not on the ORDER_ID. This works fine if each order consists of only one product; what if a
customer places an order for multiple products to save on shipping? Or the product description changes — and now
you have to update each and every order that contains this product? This calls for introducing the PRODUCT table. The
PRODUCT_ID remains in the ORDER table but becomes a foreign key.

Table CUSTOMER for again normalized to the first Form with the column CREDIT_RATING removed to CREDIT table
(not shown). See Tables C-4, C-5, and C-6.

Table C-4: Table CUSTOMER after Second Normal Form


1 Lone Dove Ent. North Pacific 3 1234 Elm Street,

Salem, OR 95679

2 ACME Corp. Midwest 4 567 Pine Street,

Chicago, IL 07891

Table C-5: New ORDER Table


1 NA1234-89 P01245

2 GA4358-92 SD3457

1 HA5432-02 WC7863
Table C-6: New PRODUCT Table


P01245 20000 Paper Pulp

SD3457 400000 Sawdust

WC7863 70000 Wood Chips

Third Normal Form

The third Normal Form declares that there should not be attributes (fields) that depend on other nonkey attributes. That
means that only relevant information describing an entity's primary key has a place in your table. The table
CUSTOMER contains SALES_REGION_ID and SALES_REGION_NAME, which do not describe a customer. This data
must be moved into a separate table called, say, REGIONS to achieve the third Normal Form as shown in Table C-7
and Table C-8.

Table C-7: Table CUSTOMER After First Normal Form



1 Lone Dove Ent. North Pacific 3 1234 Elm Street, Salem,

OR 95679

2 ACME Corp. Midwest 4 567 Pine street, Chicago,

IL 07891

Table C-8: New REGION Table


3 North Pacific

4 Midwest

5 North Atlantic

Note The fourth Normal Form states that independent multiple relationships should be isolated. It applies only to
designs that include one-to-many and many-to-many relationships. The theory states that no table may contain
two or more one-to-many and many-to-many relationships that are not directly related.

The fifth Normal Form requires isolation of semantically related multiple relationships. There might be reasons for
separating even logically related attributes into separate tables, but you would pay dearly in performance if you
decide to go there.

Things are moving along quite nicely, but now you have a problem: your customers opened more than one location
and now one order could be related to more than one customer and shipped to more than one destination; at the
same time one customer still could place more than one order. To resolve many-to-many relationships, an
intermediary table is introduced. As an example, you may look at the ORDER_SHIPMENT table in the ACME database
(see Appendix B). It links table ORDER and table SHIPMENT, since for one shipment there could be more than one
order, and each order could be sent out in more than one shipment. It consists of two columns, which represent
foreign keys — one (ORDSHIP_ORDHDR_ID_FN) from the table ORDER_HEADER , and another
Specifying Constraints
You should consider a number of constraints to enforce the integrity of the database. Primary keys and foreign keys
enforce Referential Integrity, which means that each record in the child table is linked to a record in the parent table
(no orphaned records). The database model is evolving during the database design process, and is inseparable from
RDBMS principle.

Primary key and UNIQUE constraints also enforce Entity Integrity — this concept refers to making sure that a row in the
table is unique within the table (that is, its combination of column values is unique throughout the table). Entity Integrity
is also enforced with NOT NULL constraints (NULL values are not allowed within this particular column). You should
select a primary key for each table you create and apply the NOT NULL constraint for each column of every table that
should never be NULL (for example, if you have a record for a customer, it must have a CUST_ID field populated with
some unique value — no two customers should share the same ID).

Domain Integrity refers to the data itself and is enforced by using the appropriate data type, for example, CHECK
constraints and DEFAULTs. CHECK constraints ensure that only specific data — in a range of values or formats — is
entered into the column; while DEFAULT constraints specify default values for the column in case you do not have a
value for it when inserting new records.

Cross-References Constraints are discussed inChapters 4 and 5.

Data types for the column guard against entering invalid data into it. There can be no VARCHAR data in a NUMBER
column, and SQL Server's IMAGE data cannot possibly be inserted into the column of an INTEGER data type.

In addition to these integrity constraints, it is possible to enforce custom constraints through use of triggers, stored
procedures, and other RDBMS-specific features (see Chapter 14 for more information).
Pitfalls of Relational Database Design
As the saying has it, if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem starts to look like a nail. Nothing could be
truer with regard to the mistakes that people often make while trying their hands at database design.

Programmers with previous experience in nonrelational databases may tend to design databases that resemble
hierarchical or network databases, or even flat files and spreadsheet designs, described in Chapter 1.

If you have the luxury of designing your database from scratch — consider yourself lucky and use every technique you
can find in the database literature. More often you face the task of redesigning a database to fit new business
requirements, improve performance, and so on. Whatever you do, never try reusing existing database structures as a
basis for a new database. It is wrong for your particular task if it cannot accommodate the new features you are trying
to implement. Take a fresh look without limits imposed by a previous design, already in place. If you seem to be able
to re-use some parts and pieces, maybe there is no need for redesign. Maybe you need only to improve upon an
existing database? Redesigning databases to preserve legacy data is not a small task and should be approached with

Another common problem arises from the tendency to utilize every single feature offered by a particular RDBMS
vendor. While improving performance — most of the time — this approach could lock you into that vendor's product;
and it costs you dearly both in terms of time and money to move your database onto a different vendor. Believe it or
not, there were times when dBASE, Btrieve, FoxPro, and Sybase were all the rage. Sticking to a few sound principles
might not give you the very last drop of performance you could squeeze out of a database, but it would serve you well
should you decide to go with a different RDBMS vendor down the road, or even to simply facilitate database
maintenance tasks.

This short introduction to database design is clearly inadequate to turn you into a database design guru, but rather its
purpose is to offer you help with your very first step on the road. We encourage you to look for more comprehensive
books on the subject.
Appendix D: Installing RDBMS Software
Please keep in mind that no matter which RDBMS you have chosen to install, it is for educational/evaluation purposes
only. Oracle, IBM DB2 UDB, and the MS SQL Server can be installed in many different ways, but for the scope of this
book we recommend that you follow the proposed instructions and naming conventions. That will simplify the creation
and population of the ACME database (regardless of the RDBMS you have chosen) used in the examples and
exercises given throughout this book.

Installing Oracle 9i
Undoubtedly, Oracle 9i is the most resource-demanding (and one of the most powerful) RDBMS engine out of the
three discussed in this book. From our personal experience we know that installing just for the "minimal hardware
requirements" combined with the installation defaults does not result in acceptable performance. Oracle is a really
great system, but to work well it needs to be tuned, and database tuning is a very serious undertaking usually
performed by experienced DBAs; as such, it is definitely beyond the scope of this book.

Caution To install Oracle in a production environment, you need the help of an experienced professional.

Our general recommendation is that if you want to install Oracle 9i on your machine, don't rely on the minimum
hardware requirements, but rather try to exceed what is recommended. If you don't have enough resources for Oracle,
try DB2 or MS SQL Server.

If you've decided to try out Oracle 9i RDBMS, you may download it from the vendor's site (
recommend that you install the Personal Edition of Oracle 9i, which is only available for Windows. You would need one
set of three disks (per platform) to install Personal, Standard, or Enterprise, so it's actually up to you which version to
choose; but in order to try out our SQL examples, the Personal Edition is more than sufficient.

We also include instructions on how to install Oracle 9i on Sun/Solaris and Linux, but be advised that you have to be
familiar with those operating systems to be able to proceed with the installation. For more detailed installation
instructions (for any platform) visit

Note Oracle 9i installation disks are not included with your book; you can download the disk images from Oracle
Technology Network site ( after completing a registration form.

Installing Oracle 9i software on Windows NT/2000/XP

Oracle 9i requires quite a bit of resources. Table D-1 contains Oracle's own principal guidelines; from our own
experience, we recommend at least a Pentium 400-MHz machine with 192 MB of RAM.

System requirements

Table D-1 lists the minimal and recommended requirements to install Oracle 9i on Windows.
Table D-1: Installation of Oracle on Windows: Platforms Requirements

Processor (CPU) Minimal: Pentium 200

Recommended: Pentium 266

Operating system Windows NT Workstation 4.0

Windows NT Server 4.0
Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition 4.0
Windows NT 4.0 Server Terminal Server Edition
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows 2000 Server
Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Windows 2000 Datacenter
Terminal Services
Windows XP Professional
Windows XP Home Edition
Windows 98 (special installation disk required; Oracle 9.1 only)

Service packs Windows NT: Service pack 5 or higher

Windows 2000:Service pack 1 or higher

Memory RAM:
Minimal: 128M
Recommended: 256 MB
Virtual Memory:
Initial size 200 MB
Maximum size 400 MB

Hard disk FAT System drive: 140MB

Oracle home drive: 4.75 GB

Hard disk NTFS System drive: 140MB

(recommended) Oracle home drive: 2.75 GB

Web browser Netscape Navigator 4.76 or higher

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (with Windows XP)

Other Video Adapter: 256 color

CD-ROM Drive

Tip Though Oracle 9i is not certified for the Windows XP Home Edition, it is possible to install and run it on this
operating system version.

Tip You need a special Oracle 9i installation disk for Windows 98; the set of three disks mentioned previously is good
for any other approved version of Windows.

Installation instructions

Follow these instructions to install Oracle 9i on your computer:

1. Insert the first Oracle 9i component CD into your CD-ROM drive. The installation will start
automatically (see Figure D-1.) If the Autorun window does not appear, find your CD-ROM from
Windows Explorer, open the autorun directory, and double-click on autorun.exe.
Figure D-1: Oracle 9i Autorun window

2. Choose Install/Deinstall Products from the Autorun window. The Welcome window appears. See
Figure D-2.

Figure D-2: Oracle Welcome window

3. Choose Next. The Inventory Location window appears (assuming that this is your first Oracle
installation on this computer). Accept default location and click OK.
The File Locations window appears. Do not change the directory path in the Source field. We also
recommend that you accept defaults for the Oracle Home and Directory path in the Destination
fields as shown in Figure D-3.

Figure D-3: Oracle File Locations window

5. Choose Next. You will see the Available Products window. Select Oracle 9i Database.

6. Choose Next. Select Personal Edition on the Installation Types window.

7. From the Database Configuration window, select General Purpose.

8. If the Microsoft Transaction Server is detected, then the Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction
Server window will appear. Accept the default port number for this service (2030).

9. Choose Next. Enter ACME in both the Global Database Name and SID fields on the Database
Identification window. This information is used by the Database Configuration Assistant to create
your database during the installation process. See Figure D-4.
Figure D-4: Oracle Database Identification window

10. Choose Next. The Database File Location window appears. Enter the directory location where
you wish to place the database files. We recommend that you accept the defaults.

11. Choose Next. Select the database character set. We recommend that you accept the defaults
(which are based on your operating system's local settings) as shown in Figure D-5.

Figure D-5: Oracle Database Character Set window

12. Choose Next. You will see the Summary window (Figure D-6.) Review the space requirements to
ensure you have enough space on your hard disk. Click the Install button.
Figure D-6: Oracle Summary window

13. Wait for the installation process to complete. During the installation you will be prompted to insert
the second and the third CDs (Figure D-7.)

Figure D-7: Oracle Install window / Disk Location pop-up screen

14. When the software installation process is complete, the Configuration Tools window appears
(Figure D-8). The default installation configures Oracle Net Services and Agent, creates the
sample database, and starts the Oracle HTTP server. The End of Installation window appears
when all tasks are complete.
Figure D-8: Oracle Configuration Tools and Database Configuration assistant windows

Note For the purposes of this book you don't really need to configure the aforementioned services
except for the sample database. Regrettably, there is no way to create the default database
alone unless you do it manually after the install. For simplicity's sake, we suggest that you let
the installation program configure all the default options, and then disable them as described
later in this chapter.

15. The Database Configuration Assistant window prompts you for new super user (SYS and
SYSTEM) passwords as shown in Figure D-9. Type in your passwords, write them down, and click

Figure D-9: Oracle Change passwords for system users on the Database Configuration
assistant window

16. The End of Installation window appears. Choose Exit and click Yes on the Exit confirmation
pop-up window. The Oracle Enterprise Manager Console window may open. Unless you intend to
administer the Oracle database, you should simply close this window.

Tip You can review your installation session logs in the <SYSTEM_DRIVE>:\Program
Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs directory.

Note These installation instructions assume you don't have a previous version of Oracle software
installed on your computer. Go to for upgrade instructions.

Postinstallation tasks

Usually there are no special tasks to be performed after Oracle 9i installation on the Windows platform. See the
Starting and stopping Oracle 9i section later in this chapter for basic recommendations.

Uninstalling Oracle 9i

At some point you might want to uninstall Oracle. To do so, follow the instructions below. If after the uninstall process
is complete some elements were left behind, go to for instructions on how to completely remove
Oracle from your system.
1. Go to the Windows Services control panel (Figure D-10) and stop all Oracle Services (anything
that starts with Oracle or Ora).

Figure D-10: Oracle Windows Services window

Tip To go to the Services panel, on Windows NT, select Start àSettingsàControl PanelàServices; on
Windows 2000, choose StartàSettingsàControl PanelàAdministrative ToolsàServices; on
Windows XP, go to StartàControl PanelàAdministrative ToolsàServices. To stop a service,
right-click on it and select Stop.

2. Start the Oracle Universal Installer from StartàProgramsàOracle Installation Products.

3. Choose Deinstall Products from the Welcome window. The Inventory window appears.

4. Expand the tree of installed components and check the Oracle 9i Database 9.x.x.x box.

5. Choose Remove. Click the Yes button on the Confirmation window. See Figure D-11 for details.
Figure D-11: Removing Oracle software with the Inventory window

6. Close the Inventory window and exit the Universal Installer.

Starting and stopping Oracle 9i

Oracle 9i takes a lot of your computer's resources, so it's good to know how to start and stop it, especially since it is
configured to start automatically after default installation. That might not be bad for a production server, but if you
installed if for educational purposes only, you probably don't want it to start automatically every time you boot your PC
because of resources drain. The following procedure disables the automatic startup:
1. Go to StartàProgramsàOracle — OracleHome92àConfiguration and Migration Tools and choose
Administration Assistant for Windows NT.

2. Expand the tree all the way to your ACME database, right-click on ACME database, and choose
Startup/Shutdown Options.

3. Go to the Oracle NT Service tab, select Manual under Oracle NT Service Startup Type, and click
OK (Figure D-12.) Next time you boot your computer, Oracle will not start automatically.
Figure D-12: Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows NT

4. To start Oracle manually, repeat the procedure described in Step 1, expand the tree, right-click on
the ACME icon, and select the Start Service option. To stop Oracle, select the Stop Service icon
from the same right-click menu.

Tip When you choose to start database service, the message window pops up almost immediately
saying, "Service started successfully." In fact, the startup procedures are still in progress, so
give it a little time before you try to log in.

Another service that takes your computer's resources is the Oracle HTTP Server. This is powered by the Apache Web
Server and also starts automatically by default. To change its default behavior, go to the Windows Services panel, find
OracleOraHome92HTTPServer, double-click on it, and change Startup type to manual on the General tab.

Tip You will need the Oracle HTTP Server running if you are planning to configure iSQL*Plus (more about iSQL*Plus in
Appendix E).

Installing Oracle software on SUN Solaris

Oracle installation on Unix platforms requires solid knowledge of the operating system and root privileges. Also, the
Oracle 9i Personal Edition is not available for Unix, so minimal DBA skills are also desirable. We assume you don't
have any previous version of Oracle installed on your server.

System requirements

Table D-2 lists the minimal and recommended requirements to install Oracle 9i on Sun Solaris.
Table D-2: Installation of Oracle on Sun Solaris: Platforms Requirements

Operating System Solaris 32-bit: 2.6(5.6), 7 (5.7), 8 (5.8)

Solaris 64-bit: 8 (5.8) with update 5 (07/01)

Memory RAM: 512 MB

Swap space: 1 GB or 2 × RAM (whichever is greater)

Hard Disk 4.5 GB for database software and seed database

400 MB in /tmp directory

Web Browser Netscape Navigator 4.76 or higher

Other CD-ROM Drive capable of reading ISO 9660 format CDs with RockRidge
JRE 1.1.8_12 is required for Solaris 32-bit.
JRE 1.1.8_15 is required for Solaris 64-bit.
Windows manager (any Sun-supported)
make, ar, ld, nm executables

Preinstallation tasks to perform as root

You must perform the following tasks as root before you can start the Oracle installation.
1. Configure Kernel parameters. Edit the /etc/system file, and make sure the Kernel parameters are at
least at the levels defined below:
semsys:seminfo_semmns=1024 semsys:seminfo_semmsl=256
shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=4294967295 shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1
shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=100 shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=10

If any of the above values is not large enough, change it appropriately; save the file, and restart
the server.

2. Create mount points. Oracle requires a minimum of two mount points: one for the software, and
one for the database files. The conventions are /u01 and /u02.

Note Oracle recommends that you create at least four mount points to follow the rules of the
Oracle Flexible Architecture (OFA).

3. Create a Unix group called dba. Everybody who belongs to this group will have all database
privileges, so use it carefully.

4. Create user oracle as a member of the dba group with a home directory consistent with other user
home directories (not the same as Oracle Home directory). The default shell can be Bourne, Korn,
or C.

Tip You can create Solaris groups and users with theadmintool utility.

5. Set file creation permissions for user oracle by adding this line to .profile or .login file:

Preinstallation tasks to perform as user oracle

You must perform the following tasks as user oracle (created in the previous set of steps) before you can start the
Oracle installation.
1. Set environment variables in .profile or .login file of the oracle account as described in Table D-3.
We assume you used the /u02 mount point for the Oracle software installation.
Table D-3: Unix Environment Variables Necessary for Oracle 9i Installation on Sun Solaris

Variable Explanation Recommended value

ORACLE_BASE Top of the Oracle /u01/app/oracle.

software structure

ORACLE_HOME Directory that contains /u01/app/oracle/product/9.?.?.?.?,

software for a where ?.?.?.? corresponds to
particular release the current release.

ORACLE_SID System identifier to be ACME (for purposes of this

used by Oracle server book).
instance during the

PATH Shell's search path for $ORACLE_HOME/bin:/usr/

executables (The order ccs/bin:/usr/bin:/
is important.) etc:/usr/openwin/bin:/
usr/local/bin (if exists).


beginning of your

Note We assume that you installed the Oracle 9i software from the server X Window console.
Otherwise, the DISPLAY environment variable must be set appropriately.

2. Update the environment for current oracle session (the one that will perform the installation).

Installation instructions

You have several options on how to install Oracle 9i. We assume you've chosen the installation that uses the

Tip Oracle uses a platform-independent, Java-based graphical user interface (GUI) called Universal Installer for
software installations. That means the screenshots from the Windows installation section are identical (or very
similar) to what you will see during installation on Sun Solaris, Linux, or any other OS.
1. Insert the first Oracle 9i CD (Disk1) into your CD-ROM drive. Mount your CD-ROM. The CD-ROM
is mounted automatically if you have Volume Management software installed (Solaris default).

2. Log in as user oracle. Start the Oracle Universal Installer by running the runInstaller command from
the CD-ROM root directory. The Welcome window appears.

3. Click Next. The Unix Group Name window appears. Specify the dba group created during
preinstallation steps in the appropriate field.

4. Click Next. The Installer window will pop up asking you to run /tmp/OraInstall/ as root,
which creates the /var/opt/oracle directory on your machine and gives user oracle the appropriate
permissions on it. When done, click Retry. The installation will continue.

5. The File Location window will appear. Do not change the Source field; we also recommend that
you do not change the Destination field that defaults to the directory path specified in your
$ORACLE_HOME environment variables.

Tip If you did not complete all preinstallation requirements, another Installer window might appear
asking you to run the script as root. Run it and click Retry.
6. Click Next. The Available Products window will appear. Choose Oracle 9i Database.

7. Click Next. The Installation Types window appears. Select Standard Edition.

8. Click Next. The Database Configuration Types window appears. Select General Purpose.

9. Click Next. Enter ACME for both Global Database Name and SID.

10. Click Next. The Database File Location window appears. Enter the directory for the database files
in the appropriate field, for instance, /u02 if you've created it during the preinstallation steps.

11. Click Next. The Database Character Set window appears. We recommend that you accept

12. Click Next. The Summary window appears. Review the information and click Install. The Install
window appears showing a progress bar.

13. You will be prompted to insert Disk2 and Disk3 during the installation. You will also be prompted
to run the script as root. The script sets appropriate permissions and configures Oracle
software. When done, click OK in the Alert pop-up window.

14. The Configuration Tools window appears. This window helps you to configure your network,
database, HTTP Server, and Oracle Intelligent Agent. We recommend that you accept all defaults.

15. The End of Installation window appears. Click Exit.

Tip You can review your installation session logs. The location of the logs is defined in file

Tip Noninteractive installation of Oracle 9i on Unix platforms is also available.

Postinstallation tasks

Postinstallation tasks can vary. You might want to create additional Unix accounts, check file permissions, change
group membership of the Apache user (for security reasons), and automate database startup and shutdown
procedures. If you've installed Oracle only to run examples in this book, there is no need for any of these tasks.

Uninstalling Oracle 9i

Please follow instructions below to uninstall Oracle.

1. Start the Oracle Universal Installer.

2. Choose Deinstall Products from the Welcome window. The Inventory window appears.

3. Expand the tree of installed components and check the boxes of components to uninstall.

4. Choose Remove. Choose Yes on the Confirmation window.

5. Close the Inventory window and exit the Universal Installer.

Starting and stopping Oracle 9i

Oracle 9i does not automatically start on Unix. To start and stop Oracle you have to be logged in as user oracle or as
another member of the dba group. Also, make sure your session's environment variables are properly set as shown in
Table D-3.
1. At the Unix prompt, type sqlplus /nolog.

2. At SQL prompt type connect / as sysdba.

3. Either type startup (to the start Oracle 9i instance) or shutdown immediate (to stop it).

4. Type quit to exit to the Unix prompt.

Tip You can also use Oracle's GUI to perform database startup and shutdown.

Installing Oracle software on Linux

For all the practical purposes, Linux is a Unix dialect, just as Sun Solaris is, so the installation procedures are similar
for these two operating systems. These installation instructions assume familiarity with the Linux operating system.

System requirements

Even though Oracle 9i is only currently certified for the SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 7 (SLES-7), we know from
experience that it is also installable on Red Hat 7.0 and Mandrake 8.0. If you are a Linux expert, you are more than
welcome to try to install Oracle 9i on other Linux flavors. Please refer to Oracle documentation for detailed instructions.

Table D-4 lists the recommended requirements for Oracle 9i installation on Linux.

Table D-4: Installation of Oracle on Linux: Requirements Overview

Operating system SuSE 7 with kernel 2.4.7 and glibc 2.2.2

Red Hat 7.0 (7.1) with kernel 2.4.x
Mandrake 8.0 with kernel 2.4.3

Memory RAM: 512 MB

Swap space: 1 GB or 2 x RAM (whichever is greater)

Hard disk 4.5 GB for database software and seed database

400 MB in /tmp directory

Web browser Netscape Navigator 4.76 or higher

Other CD-ROM Drive capable of reading ISO 9660 format CDs with RockRidge
Blackdown JRE 1.1.8 v3
X Windows (Gnome, KDE, or anything you like)
make, ar, ld, nm executables

Tip Binutils for Red Hat 7.2 seems to be incompatible with Oracle 9i. You can use binutils- (Red Hat 7.0) or
binutils- (Mandrake 8.0)

Preinstallation tasks to perform as root

You must perform the following tasks as root before you can start the Oracle RDBMS installation.
1. Configure kernel parameters. The minimum recommended values are listed below:
semmsl 100 semmns 256
semomp 100 semmni 100 shmmax 2147483648 shmmni 100 shmall 2097152 shmmin 1
shmseg 4096 shmvmx 32767

The 2.4.x default kernel parameters are usually sufficient for an Oracle 9i installation. If not, modify
these values; write a script to initialize them, and include the script in your system initialization
files, for example:
# cd /proc/sys/kernel #
echo 100 256 100 100 > sem # echo 2147483648 > shmmax # echo 100 >
shmmni # echo 2097152 > shmall # echo 1 > shmmin # echo 4096 > shmseg
# echo 32767 > shmvmx # echo 65536 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max # ulimit –n
65536 # echo 1024 65000 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_change # ulimit
–u 16384
Create mount points. Oracle requires a minimum of two mount points; one for the software, and
one for the database files. The conventions are /u01 and /u02.

3. Create a Linux group called dba. Everyone who belongs to this group has all database privileges,
so use it carefully.

4. Create user oracle as a member of the dba group with the home directory consistent with other
user home directories (but not the same as the Oracle Home directory). The default shell can be
Bourne, Korn, or C.

5. Set file creation permissions for user oracle by adding this line to .bash_profile or /etc/profile:

Preinstallation tasks to perform as user oracle

You must perform the following tasks as user oracle (created in the previous set of steps) before you can start the
Oracle RDBMS installation.
1. Set environment variables in .bash_profile of the oracle account as described in Table D-5. We
assume you used the /u02 mount point for Oracle software installation.

Table D-5: Environment Variables Necessary for Oracle 9i Installation on Linux

Variable Explanation Recommended value

ORACLE_BASE Top of the Oracle /u01/app/oracle.

software structure

ORACLE_HOME Directory that contains /u01/app/oracle/

software for a particular product/9.?.?.?.?, where
release ?.?.?.? corresponds to the
current release.

ORACLE_SID System identifier to be ACME (for purposes of this

used by Oracle server book)
instance during the

PATH Shell's search path for $ORACLE_HOME/bin:/usr/

executables (The order bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/
IS important.) usr/local/bin (if exists).


the beginning of your

2. Update the environment for the current oracle session (the one that will perform the installation).

Installation instructions

You have several options on how to install Oracle 9i. We assume you've chosen the installation that uses the CD
1. Insert the first Oracle 9i CD (Disk1) into your CD-ROM drive. Mount your CD-ROM. The CD-ROM
is mounted automatically to the directory specified in your auto mount configuration if you are
using mounting software.

2. Log in as user oracle. Start the Oracle Universal Installer by running the runInstaller command from
the CD-ROM root directory. The Welcome window appears.
3. Click Next. The Unix Group Name window appears. Specify the dba group created during
preinstallation steps in the appropriate field.

Tip If the /etc directory does not exist on your system or useroracle does not have appropriate
permissions on it, the Installer window will pop up asking you to run
/tmp/OraInstall/ as root. When done, click Retry. The installation will continue.

4. Click Next. The File Location window will appear. Do not change the Source field; we also
recommend that you do not change the Destination field that defaults to directory path specified in
your $ORACLE_HOME environment variables.

Tip If you did not complete all the preinstallation requirements, another Installer window might
appear asking you to run the script as root. Run it and click Retry.

5. Click Next. The Available Products window will appear. Choose Oracle 9i Database.

6. Click Next. The Installation Types window appears. Select Standard Edition.

7. Click Next. The Database Configuration Types window appears. Select General Purpose.

8. Click Next. Enter ACME for both Global Database Name and SID.

9. Click Next. The Database File Location window appears. Enter the directory for the database files
in the appropriate field, for example, /u02 if you've created it during the preinstallation steps.

10. Click Next. The Database Character Set window appears. We recommend that you accept the

11. Click Next. The Summary window appears. Review the information and click the Install button.
The Install window appears showing a progress bar.

12. You will be prompted to insert Disk2 and Disk3 during the installation. You will also be prompted
to run the script as root. The script sets appropriate permissions and configures Oracle
software. When done, click OK in the Alert pop-up window.

13. The Configuration Tools window appears. This window helps you to configure your network,
database, HTTP Server, and Oracle Intelligent Agent. We recommend that you accept all the

14. The End of Installation window appears. Click Exit.

Tip You can review your installation session logs. The location of the logs is defined in the file

Postinstallation tasks

Postinstallation tasks may vary. You might want to create additional Linux accounts, check file permissions, change
group membership of the Apache user (for security reasons), and automate database startup and shutdown
procedures. If you've installed Oracle only to run examples in this book, there is no need for any of these tasks.

Tip If you create any additional OS users to work with Oracle, then you have to make sure all environment variables
discussed above are added to their .bash_profile (unless /etc/profile is used for everybody).

Uninstalling Oracle 9i

The following are used to uninstall Oracle:

1. Start the Oracle Universal Installer.

2. Choose Deinstall Products from the Welcome window. The Inventory window appears.

3. Expand the tree of installed components and check the boxes of components to uninstall.
4. Choose Remove. Choose Yes on the Confirmation window.

5. Close the Inventory window and exit the Universal Installer.

Starting and stopping Oracle 9i

Oracle 9i does not automatically start on Linux. To start and stop Oracle you have to be logged in as user oracle or as
another member of the dba group and start it manually. Also, make sure your session's environment variables are
properly set as shown in Table D-5.
1. At the Linux prompt, type sqlplus /nolog.

2. At SQL prompt type connect / as sysdba.

3. Either type startup (to start the Oracle 9i instance) or shutdown immediate (to stop it), and hit the
Return key.

4. Type quit to exit to the Linux prompt.

Installing IBM DB2 UDB 8.1 Personal Edition
Unlike Oracle, DB2 requires fewer system resources. It also has a reputation for being fast and reliable, but its user
friendliness still lags behind its rivals' (even though it became much better in version 8.1). In this book, however, we
use command-line interface.

Installing DB2 UDB 8.1 software on Windows NT/2000/Me/XP

DB2 installation on Windows is fast and simple and does not require much user interaction and is very straightforward.

System requirements

Table D-6 lists the requirements for DB2 UDB 8.1 installation on Windows.

Table D-6: Installation of DB2 UDB on Windows: Platforms Requirements

Processor (CPU) Minimal: Pentium 200

Recommended: Pentium 266

Operating System Windows NT 4.0

Windows 2000
Windows XPWindows 98
Windows 95 v. 4.00.950 or later

Service Packs Windows NT: Service pack 6a or higher

Memory RAM:128 MB (Personal Edition)

Hard Disk 350 M

Web Browser Netscape Navigator 4.76 or higher

Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 with service pack 2 or higher

Other Java Runtime Environment (JRE) v. 1.3.1

CD-ROM Drive

Preinstallation tasks

You have to have a locally defined user account that is a member of the local Administration group. By default, any
user who is a member of the local OS Administration group also belongs to the DB2 System Administrative (SYSADM)
group. The user needs the following rights:

Act as part of the operating system

Create a token object

Increase quotas

Replace a process level token

If the user is missing any of these rights, you will see the Information window during the installation (after Step 6)
saying that user does not have the necessary rights. You can ignore this message and click OK. While it is important
for a properly configured production installation, it is irrelevant for the purposes of this book.

Tip It is recommended to shut down any other programs before you start installation.

Installation instructions
Follow these steps:
1. Insert DB2 UDB installation CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. The installation will start
automatically. If the installation window does not appear, find your CD-ROM from Windows
Explorer, and double-click on setup.exe .

2. The DB2 Setup screen opens as shown in Figure D-13. Click Install Products.

Figure D-13: DB2 UDB 8.1 Installation window

3. The Select the product you would like to install screen appears (Figure D-14.) Select DB2 UDB
Universal Database Personal Edition and click Next.

Figure D-14: DB2 UDB 8.1 Products selection screen

4. The Preparing to Install window appears; DB2 Setup wizard starts automatically then (Figure
D-15.) Click Next.
Figure D-15: DB2 UDB 8.1 Setup wizard screen

Tip The Next button on the DB2 Setup wizard screen will be grayed out for a short period of time.
Wait until it becomes enabled.

5. The License Agreement screen appears. You may read the agreement (or skip it); you have to
select "I accept the terms in the license agreement" option, and click Next.

6. The Select the installation type screen appears. Select Typical and click Next.

Note The Warning window about APPC remote server connections may pop up; ignore it by
clicking OK. It is not relevant to the goals of your installation.

7. Accept the default installation drive and directory from the Select installation folder screen. Make
sure you have enough space on your hard disk (partition). See Figure D-16.

Figure D-16: DB2 UDB 8.1 Select installation folder screen

8. The next screen prompts you for domain, username, and password for the DB2 Administration
Server. The default username is db2admin. Overtype it with your own OS username and supply
the password. Leave the Domain field blank, leave "Use the same user name and password for
the remaining DB2 services" checkbox checked, and click Next.

Tip If you accept the default username db2admin, the installation program will ask you if you want
to create the user. You can answer Yes and use the db2admin account to access your DB2
database later on.

9. The Set up the administration contact list screen appears. Leave all the defaults intact and click
Next. You may see a warning about SMTP server not being specified. Ignore it by clicking OK, it is
irrelevant for the purposes of the current installation.

10. Click Next on the Configure DB2 instances screen.

Tip We recommend that you accept the default options of the Configure DB2 instances screen.
Otherwise, if you don't want to start DB2 automatically, click Startup button on the
abovementioned screen, select "Do not autostart the instance..." option, click OK, and
continue. You will have to start the DB2 instance manually every time you reboot your
machine. The instructions are given later in this appendix.

11. Accept default settings on the Prepare the DB2 tools catalog screen by clicking Next.

12. The Specify a contact for health monitor notification screen appears. Select "Defer the task until
after installation is complete" option and click Next.

13. Click Install on the Start copying files screen (Figure D-17). Installation will start.

Figure D-17: DB2 UDB 8.1 Start copying files screen

14. When installation and setup of DB2 are complete, the Setup is complete screen appears, asking
you to shut down all programs running on your computer now. Do so and click Finish.

15. The First Steps window appears, displaying the Congratulations message. Click Exit First Steps
unless you feel like browsing tutorials or taking the DB2 UDB Quick Tour.

Postinstallation tasks
To create an empty ACME database now:
1. Open the DB2 Control Center (StartàProgramsàIBM DB2àGeneral Administration ToolsàControl

2. Expand the tree view all the way to the databases.

3. Right-click on the Databases folder and select Create àDatabase Using Wizard (Figure D-18.) The
Create Database Wizard window appears.

Figure D-18: DB2 UDB 8.1 Creating database using Control Center window

4. Type ACME in Database name field and click Finish (Figure D-19.) The Progress window pops
up, showing elapsed time.

Figure D-19: DB2 UDB 8.1 Creating ACME database in using Database Wizard

Tip If your screen resolution is 800 × 600, the Database Wizard window may appear too large and
out of the screen bounds. Resize it manually and continue.
5. When done, the DB2 Message window pops up saying the database was created successfully
and asking if you want to run the Configuration Advisor to tune your database. Click No to decline.

6. You will see the ACME icon under the Databases folder. The postinstallation tasks are now

Note You don't have an option to create a database user who is not also an operating system
user. All OS users who have Administrator privileges are also DB2 users with administrative
privileges by default.

Uninstalling DB2 UDB

The following instructions are used to uninstall DB2 UDB:

1. Drop database ACME (and any additional databases you've created). Open the Control Center
(StartàProgramsàIBM DB2àGeneral Administration ToolsàControl Center), expand the tree view all
the way to the Databases folder (InstancesàDB2àDatabases), select ACME, and choose Remove
from the right-click menu (or from the Selected menu). The Confirmation window appears. Leave
the Remove checkbox checked and click OK. Repeat for any other databases you might have.

2. Close the Control Center window and any other DB2-related programs you might have opened.

3. Go to My Computer àControl PanelàAdd/Remove Programs.

4. Find DB2 Personal Edition and click the Remove button. Click Yes on the Confirmation window.

5. The INFORMATION window might appear asking if you want to terminate running the DB2
processes. Answer Yes to continue.

6. You might still need to remove some directories manually (C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB; C:\DB2;
C:\DB2LOG , assuming default locations).

Starting and stopping DB2 UDB

DB2 will automatically start on startup if you accepted the Configure DB2 instances screen defaults during the
installation process. Otherwise, open the Control Center (StartàProgramsàIBM DB2 àGeneral Administration
ToolsàControl Center); expand the tree view all the way to the DB2 folder, right-click on the DB2, and select Start. To
stop the instance, repeat the same procedure but select Stop option instead.

Cross-References You can also stop the database manager instance using the db2start and db2stop
commands from the command line.

Note For DB2 UDB 8.1 installation instructions on different platforms (Linux, Solaris, etc.) go to The trial DB2 downloads are also available from that Web site.
Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2000
The installation instructions for MS SQL Server 2000 follow.

Prerequisites for the MS SQL Server 2000 Evaluation Edition

SQL Server is native to Windows and, as such, it is highly optimized to work with it. Before you embark on installing
MS SQL Server 2000 check your system for software and hardware requirements.

Minimum system requirements

Table D-7 lists the minimum system requirements for the MS SQL Server 2000 Evaluation Edition.

Table D-7: Requirements for MS SQL Server Installation on Windows 2000

Processor (CPU) Intel Pentium 166MHz or higher

Operating system Windows XP Professional

Windows XP Home Edition
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows NT 4.0 (SP5 or later)
For MS SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition:
Windows 98
Windows Millennium Edition (Me)

Memory (RAM) 64 MB (128 MB recommended)

Hard disk 250 MB for typical installation

Web browser Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher (usually included with any Windows edition)

Note If you are using Windows 95, you only can install client connectivity software (that is, a client to connect to a
server installed somewhere on the network).

Installing on Windows NT/2000/Me/XP

The installation instructions for these flavors of Windows are essentially the same, assuming your choice is Evaluation
Edition of Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

Installation instructions

Perform the following steps to install MS SQL Server 2000 on your machine:
1. Insert the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Evaluation Edition CD into your CD-ROM drive. (These
instructions assume that you obtained an evaluation CD from Microsoft.) The installation will start
automatically if your computer supports the autorun feature; if it does not, find your CD-ROM from
Windows Explorer and double-click on autorun.exe. Alternatively, use the Add/Remove Program
utility from your Control Panel. Select SQL Server 2000 Components menu option

2. The next screen gives you three options:

Install Database Server

Install Analysis Services

Install English Query

Select the Install Database Server option.

3. The Installation Wizard will guide you through the process. You can go back and forth to amend
your choices — until you click the Finish button. SQL Server 2000 can be installed either locally or
on a remote machine, as shown in Figure D-20. For the purposes of this book we recommend that
you use the Local Computer installation.

Figure D-20: This MS SQL 2000 installation window allows you to choose the destination
computer name.

The installation program detects any previous instances of SQL Server running on your machine
and gives you appropriate install and/or upgrade options.

We assume that you're creating a new instance of SQL Server; if so, select the default option
shown in Figure D-21. Click Next to continue.

Figure D-21: MS SQL 2000 Installation Selection window

4. The next screen prompts you for your name and the name of your company; fill in the appropriate
information (or leave it blank). Click Next to continue to the License Agreement screen.

5. Before you can proceed, you need to agree to the terms of the license agreement that comes with
your copy of SQL Server 2000.

6. Select installation options as shown in Figure D-22. Click Next.

Figure D-22: MS SQL 2000 Installation Definition screen

7. Leave Default checked as you are performing a default installation. We recommend that you do
not install Named installation as it could complicate configuration and startup tasks. Click Next to

8. For the purposes of this book we recommend sticking with the Typical setup type. You also may
wish to change the physical location of the program and database files by clicking the Browse
button. Click Next. See Figure D-23.

Figure D-23: MS SQL 2000 Setup Type screen

9. You need to specify Services Accounts (see Figure D-24). You can start each service on a
different account (for fine-tuning access privileges). We recommend selecting the same account
for each service as well as auto-start for the SQL Server. By doing so, you will have SQL Server
and SQL Server Agent started each time you start up your computer. Uncheck it if you wish to
start SQL Server manually. Choose the Use a Domain User account radio button and use your
OS login name and password (Windows 98 would not have this requirement). Click Next.
Figure D-24: MS SQL 2000 Services Accounts screen

10. Specify the authentication mode for SQL Server as shown in Figure D-25. Choosing Windows
Authentication Mode makes your on-line SQL Server databases accessible as soon as you log on
to your account with your Windows NT/XP/2000 login; Mixed Mode requires you to supply a user
ID and password to connect to SQL Server after you log on. Select Mixed Mode (for the purposes
of this book as we intend on using userID/Password), specify a password, and click Next.

Figure D-25: MS SQL 2000 Authentication Mode screen

Note The password you specify on this screen is for user sa; you will need it when installing the
ACME database (see Appendix F).

11. The setup process has collected enough information to start the installation. Click Next to finish
the installation.

Note You might see additional screens prompting you to choose licensing mode, collation order,
network protocols, and so on. We recommend accepting defaults unless you have valid
reasons for doing otherwise.

Assuming that all the steps of the installation routine have completed successfully, after reboot and logging on you
should see a small icon (a computer tower and a small encircled green triangle) in your system tray (usually found in
the lower right-hand corner of the Windows desktop). This means that MS SQL Server has been installed and started
successfully. Now you can connect to it and run the SQL scripts provided with this book to install the ACME database
and populate it with data; please refer to Appendix E.

Postinstallation tasks

Usually you do not need to do anything additional to run MS SQL Server on your machine after the install. However, if
you selected the option not to start SQL Server services at system startup, you need to know how to do it manually.
Microsoft provides an SQL Server Service Manager utility through which you can start, stop, or pause any SQL
Server-related service (see Figure D-26).

Figure D-26: MS SQL 2000 Server Service Manager

You could access the Service Manager from Start àProgramsàMicrosoft SQL Server menu, or from the system tray
icon (usually found at the lower right corner of the Windows taskbar). Make sure that the SQL Server Service Manager
is running before attempting to execute any of the SQL examples from the book — either through the command line or
through the Query Analyzer interface; otherwise you will get the "SQL Server does not exist or access denied" error.

MS SQL Server Administration is beyond the scope of this book, but for the most common scenarios, you do not need
to know much about the RDBMS administration.

Uninstalling MS SQL Server 2000

You have two options for uninstalling MS SQL Server:

Re-run the initial setup program and choose the Uninstall option.

Add/Remove Programs utility from your computer's Control Panel.

To uninstall MS SQL Server 2000 using the setup program perform the following steps:
1. Start SQL Server Installation.

2. On the first screen, select the option SQL Server Components.

3. On the second screen, select the option Install Database Server.

4. Click Next on the Welcome screen.

5. The Computer Name screen prompts you to select installation on Local or Remote computer; if
you followed our installation instructions, then your choice will be Local.
6. Select the option "Upgrade, remove, or add components to an existing instance of SQL Server."

7. Select the option "Uninstall your existing installation."

8. Click the Finish button on the final dialog box to complete the process.

The second option does not differ from any other program removal. If you installed several named instances of MS
SQL Server, you must remove each instance separately.

Note Some directories and files created during operation of the SQL Server on your computer may remain, and will
require manual removal; these are found under the folder you've installed your SQL Server into: \Microsoft SQL
Server\80 or \Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.

Caution In January 2003, the "Slammer" worm attacked a vulnerability in MS SQL Server 2000. If you have a copy of
MS SQL Server 2000 Evaluation Edition, you should verify that it is a recent version that is not vulnerable to
"Slammer." Additionally, Microsoft recommends that you should not run the trial version in a production
environment and it should be kept separate from your production network. The SQL Server 2000 Evaluation
Edition installation coverage in this appendix was written based on a version prior to the "Slammer" worm and
it is possible that future evaluation edition versions will have installation procedures that vary from the steps
described here. For non-evaluation MS SQL Server 2000 installations, you should verify that you have
updated your servers with SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2 and update MS02-061 or with SQL Server 2000
Service Pack 3.
Appendix E: Accessing RDBMS
Believe it or not, the graphical user interface (GUI) so prevalent on today's computers did not always exist; it evolved
along with the use of the cathode-ray tube (CRT) monitors and really took off with the advent of the pointing device,
popularly known as the mouse. Consequently, every database capable of interactive access has, as a legacy of the
non-GUI days, some sort of command-line interface that allows users to submit a request (usually an SQL query), and
eventually receive some response — be it requested data or an error message from the RDBMS.

Using ORACLE 9i Utilities to Access RDBMS

Oracle provides three utilities for communicating with its RDBMS: SQL*Plus, SQL*Plus Worksheet, and iSQL*Plus.
Many third-party products can work with Oracle 9i Database, the most popular being TOAD by Quest Software Ltd.


SQL*Plus is an interactive query tool that provides a mechanism to submit SQL commands to Oracle RDBMS for
execution, retrieving results, performing database administration, and more. All Oracle examples in this book are
produced using the Oracle SQL*Plus interface, and this appendix provides the basic knowledge you need to access
an Oracle database and run either interactive commands or script files against it. SQL*Plus also has the advantage of
being platform-independent — exactly the same commands can be used on Windows, Sun Solaris, Linux, or VAX

You have two choices starting SQL*Plus application: from MS-DOS (or Unix, etc.) command prompt or from Windows
Start menu; Oracle 9i also gives you iSQL*Plus — a Web browser–based interface to SQL*Plus that allows you to
query database and receive results over the Internet. This section explains how to use SQL*Plus on a local computer,
assuming that you followed the Oracle 9i installation instructions in Appendix D. At the command-line prompt, type
sqlplus /nolog; and press Enter; the screen should look similar to what you see in Figure E-1.

Figure E-1: SQL*Plus command-line interface started from MS-DOS

Now you need to connect to your database. The syntax for the connect command is connect
<username>/<password>[@<database_sid>]. For example, assuming you already ran scripts from the book's CD-ROM
that create user ACME, type connect acme/acme. If everything went as it was supposed to, you will get the SQL
prompt and can start typing and executing SQL statements. To actually send an SQL statement to Oracle you need to
add a semicolon at the end of the query and press Enter. If you press the Enter key without including the semicolon,
SQL*Plus will continue on the new line; each line will be prefixed with a sequence number. See Figure E-2.
Figure E-2: Executing SQL commands from SQL*Plus

Tip You can use a slash (/) instead of a semicolon, but this is mainly used in PL/SQL and for batch processing.

The results will be displayed in the same window. You can set a number of parameters to customize the look and feel
of the SQL*Plus interface. Please refer to the SQL*Plus manual for more details.

To load a script file use the syntax @["][<path>]<file_name>["], for example



The first example assumes the file load.sql is not in the current directory, so you must specify a fully qualified path
to the file. Double quotes are optional and needed only when directory names in your path contain blank spaces. The
second example loads the file from the current directory.

Oracle does not make an assumption that the script from a file has to be run immediately; because of that, if your
script does not end with a semicolon it would not run until you add it and press Enter.

Tip To access help from within SQL*Plus, typehelp <topic> (providing Help is installed).

You can edit your SQL statements using either SQL*Plus commands or the operating system default editor (usually
Notepad for Windows OS and vi on Unix). To edit a query from SQL*Plus, type edit or ed at the SQL*Plus prompt. This
brings up the default editor with your last SQL statement. Edit, save, and exit; you would see your modified statement
in the SQL*Plus window. Type semicolon or slash to execute.

Note The modified text will be stored in the buffer file afiedt.buf located in the same directory where you've started your
SQL*Plus session.

There are about 50 SQL*Plus commands you can use; refer to Oracle documentation should you require more
information on this interface. In Table E-1 we've included only the most commonly used commands you'll need in order
to feel comfortable with SQL*Plus.

Note The commands in Table E-1 are not to be considered as a part of SQL; Oracle calls them SQL*Plus commands.
Table E-1: Most Commonly Used SQL*Plus Commands


@ (at sign) Runs the SQL statements in the SQL> @load_data_ora.dat

specified script. The script can be
called from the local file system
or from a Web server.

@@ (double at sign) Similar to @; often used to call a @@load_data_ora.dat

script from another script(nested

/ (slash) Executes the contents of the SQL> /<query results>

SQL buffer.

CLEAR SCREEN Clears your monitor screen. SQL> clear screen

CONN[ECT] Connects a specified Oracle user. SQL> connect acme/acme

DEF[INE] Specifies a user variable. SQL> define cust_id = 152

DESC[RIBE ] Lists the column definition for the SQL> desc address
specified object (table, view,

DISC[ONNECT] Disconnects current user after SQL> disc

committing pending changes.

ED[IT] Invokes the default OS editor. SQL> ed create_acme.sql

EXIT Exits SQL*Plus. All changes will SQL> exit

be committed.

GET Loads an OS file into the SQL SQL> get create_acme.sql

buffer (but does not execute).

HELP Accesses SQL*Plus help. SQL> help get

HOST Executes a host OS command SQL> host dir

without leaving SQL*Plus.

PASSW[ORD] Allows to change user's SQL> passw acme


QUIT Same as EXIT. SQL> exit

R[UN] Lists and executes the contents SQL> run create_acme.sql

of the SQL buffer.

SAV[E] Saves the contents of the SQL SQL> save tmp.out

buffer in a host OS file.

SPOOL Stores query result in an OS file. SQL> spool tmp.out

SQL> select * from status;
SQL> spool off

SET Sets system variables for current SQL> set autocommit on

session (automatic commit, the SQL> set linesize 1000
line and page size, etc.). SQL> set pagesize 300
SQL> set pause on

START Same as @. SQL> start create_acme.sql



(previously created with the

DEFINE command).

WHENEVER SQLERROR Stops execution of a script and SQL> whenever sqlerror continue
exits SQL*Plus if an SQL
statement returns an error.

WHENEVER OSERROR Stops execution of a script and SQL> whenever oserror exit
exits SQL*Plus if an operating
system error occurs(i.e.,
connection to the databases

Note SQL*Plus commands are case insensitive.

SQL*Plus Worksheet utility

Oracle provides this simple graphical user interface to execute SQL and SQL*Plus commands, Windows style. To
start SQL*Plus Worksheet type oemapp worksheet at your command-line prompt (OS-independent). The Oracle
Enterprise Manager Login screen appears asking for Username, Password, and, optionally, Service Name. Supply the
information and click OK. The SQL*Plus Worksheet window opens. It gives you a somewhat easier way to
communicate with the RDBMS. Figure E-3 shows the SQL*Plus Worksheet window.

Figure E-3: SQL*Plus Worksheet window

Tip You can use all SQL*Plus commands fromTable E-1 (and more) when using SQL*Plus Worksheet.

iSQL*Plus utility

iSQL*Plus is a Web browser–based interface to Oracle 9i that can be considered a component of SQL*Plus. It enables
you to perform the same tasks as you would through the command-line version of SQL*Plus, but using a Web browser
instead of a command line.

Note You will have to configure Oracle HTTP Server to use iSQL*Plus. The configuration of the server is beyond the
scope of this book.
Using IBM DB2 UDB 8.1 Command-Line Processor (CLP)
CLP is IBM DB2 command-line utility that allows you to execute SQL statements and invoke online help. This
appendix provides the basic commands and options you can use with CLP to run either interactive commands or
scripts against your DB2 database. Akin to Oracle's SQL*Plus, CLP is platform-independent. You can use it in
interactive input mode, command mode, or batch mode.

Interactive mode

To enter the interactive mode, open the Command Line Processor window (Start àProgramsàIBM DB2àCommand Line
ToolsàCommand Line Processor):
(c) Copyright IBM Corporation
1993,2002 Command Line Processor for DB2 SDK 8.1.0 ... For general help, type:
?. ... db2 =>

For the most commonly used options, see Table E-2.

Command mode

Open the Command Line Processor window (StartàProgramsàIBM DB2 àCommand Line ToolsàCommand Window).
That initializes environment variables for you, so you can type the CLP commands prefixed with db2, for example:
Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN> db2 connect to acme Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/NT 8.1.0 SQL authorization ID = BORIS Local database
alias = ACME C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN> db2 select * from status
STATUS_ID_N STATUS_CODE_S STATUS_DESC_S ----------- -------------
------------------------------ 2 20 COMPLETE 6 60 SHIPPED 8 70 INVOICED 9 80
CANCELLED 4 record(s) selected.

Batch mode

Batch mode allows you to execute SQL statements stored in the operating system's files. It is invoked with -f option
(see Table E-2). For example,
Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN> db2 –f C:\myfiles\query.sql

executes the contents of file query.sql in the myfiles directory of the C:\ drive (presuming it does exist).
Table E-2: Common CLP Options

Option Explanation

-c Automatically commits SQL statements. This option is turned on by default; i.e., all
your statements will be automatically committed unless you start your session with
+c option (db2 +c).

-f <filename> Reads command input from file <filename> . You have to specify the full path to
your file unless it is in the current directory: db2 -f

-l <filename> Creates a log of commands. For example:db2 -f my_query.sql -l logfiles/my_query.log

-r <filename> Logs the command output to file<filename> .

-s Stops execution on error; usually used with -t option, when script execution
termination is desirable if a statement fails.

-t Uses semicolon as the statement termination character.

-v Echoes command text to standard output.

-w Displays SQL statement warning messages.

-z <filename> Redirects all output to file <filename> .

Command Line Processor has many commands; most of them are for database administration and not relevant to this
book. Table E-3 lists some CLP commands that you may find useful.
Table E-3: Common CLP commands

CLP command Description Example

! Invokes an operating system db2=> !dir


? Invokes online help. db2=> ?

db2=> ? echo

DESCRIBE Describes table columns or db2 describe table address

indexes for a table. db2 describe indexes for table

ECHO Writes to standard output. db2 echo "Enter your query"

GET CONNECTION STATE Displays the state of the db2 get connection state
current connection.

HELP Invokes the Information db2 help


LIST ACTIVE DATABASES Displays the list of databases db2 list active databases
ready for connection.

QUIT Exits CLP interactive input db2=> quit

mode. C:\

TERMINATE Similar to QUIT, but terminates db2=> terminate

all background processes and
frees memory.
Using Microsoft SQL Server Utilities to Access Database
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 provides two command-line utilities — ISQL and OSQL — to access databases. In
addition, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 includes Microsoft Query Analyzer — a graphical user interface to execute ad
hoc queries and scripts and analyze output.

Using Microsoft SQL Server command line interface

ISQL is a legacy application maintained for backward compatibility. It uses DBLIB (a native call level interface [CLI] for
MS SQL Server) and does not support all new features of MS SQL Server 2000. When using it, a user is limited to MS
SQL Server 6.5 capabilities only — for example, it has no support for Unicode scripts. The only advantage of using it is
that it might offer a slightly faster performance in comparison to ODBC-based OSQL.

OSQL was introduced for the first time with MS SQL Server 7.0. It uses an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) API
to connect to the RDBMS (see Chapter 16 for more information on SQL API), and it uses default ODBC settings as
defined in the SQL2 standard. It has full support for all the new features of MS SQL Server 2000 and is recommended
for use whenever there is no need to be bound by the restrictions of earlier versions of SQL Server. Here we are
giving only the basics to help you feel comfortable while trying on examples from this book; for"the full list of available
options, refer to MS SQL Server 2000 documentation. (Books Online are included with its installation.)

To start OSQL from an MS-DOS prompt, type the following command:

C:\> osql /U sa /P

This command opens connection to the default database (usually Master) for user (/U) sa identified by password (/P). If
you installed MS SQL Server 2000 with all defaults as described in Appendix D, then your user ID will be sa, and your
password will be whatever you've specified during the installation, and they would not be case sensitive.

To connect to a specific database, you would need to supply an additional parameter — the database name. For
C:\> osql /d acme /U acme /P

This example assumes existence of database acme in your MS SQL Server installation, as well as that of user acme
with password acme.

If you missed one of the required parameters (like /P), you will be prompted for it. If none of the parameters are
specified, OSQL checks environmental variables on your computer OSQLUSER=(user) and OSQLSERVER=(server); if
these are undefined, then the workstation name is used; it also will attempt to use Windows Authentication Mode to log
onto SQL Server; thus, it will use your Windows account under which the OSQL utility is running.

Once a connection is established, your screen would look like that on Figure E-4. Now you can type in your SQL
statements as they are given in this book, or you could load a script file — that is, a file that contains prepared SQL
Figure E-4: OSQL session window

To run the SQL statement — or multiple statements — (i.e., to submit them to MS SQL Server for execution) you'd
need to type GO at the end of the last statement, and press Enter; if you enter the scripts via file then the GO is
assumed and the statements in the file are executed immediately.

To run scripts stored in a file, you must specify the file name as well as a fully qualified path to that file if it is located in
the directory other than the current one. Assuming that the file is in the current directory, the syntax might look like this:
C:\>osql /d acme /U acme /P
acme /i create_tables.sql

Note The GO statement to actually run the query is a default requirement for MS SQL Server; it is possible to specify a
different command terminator. For example, if you wish to have a semicolon in place of the GO (syntax a la
Oracle), then add one more parameter when starting OSQL:
C:\>osql /d ACME /U acme
/P acme /c ;

GO, however, serves more than one purpose. For example, if you need to run the same SQL statement 10 times,
then you can type GO 10 as the last statement of your script or query.

The results of the executed query are printed at the end of execution (or an error message is displayed). There is a
limit of 1,000 characters per line, and results that exceed this limit would be split across multiple lines.

The output could be redirected to a file instead of standard screen. You need to specify that along with the name of the
file (which will be created in the current directory unless some other directory is specified):
/d acme /U acme /P acme /i create_tables.sql /o output.log

In addition to SQL statements (rather Transact-SQL statements) you could use the OSQL commands in Table E-4 to
control the utility behavior.
Table E-4: Basic OSQL Commands

Command Description

!! (double exclamation mark) Executes MS-DOS command.

Ctrl-C (key combination) Ends query without exiting to MS-DOS.

ED Invokes default built-in editor.

EXIT Exits the OSQL utility into MS-DOS.

GO Executes cached SQL statements.

QUIT Same as EXIT.

RESET Clears all statements that are currently displayed in the window.

Note The default editor is EDIT — a rather old cumbersome MS-DOS editor program. If you intend using it make sure
you know how to control it with your keyboard; press Alt to access the menu bar and then use the arrow keys to
navigate it. To change the default editor to, say, Notepad, you would need to execute SET EDITOR = notepad
command from the MS-DOS command prompt. To edit an SQL query type ED (or EDIT) while connected to the
server; your editor would be brought up, and you may type in your query or edit the one you've just entered at the
SQL prompt. Once you've closed the editor (do not forget to save your query first!) the edited text will appear at
the SQL prompt; type GO and press Enter to execute it.

To get full list of OSQL commands, just type osql /? at the MS-DOS prompt.

Using Microsoft Query Analyzer to execute queries

Windows is a graphical environment and MS SQL Server comes with a full-featured GUI utility — MS Query Analyzer.
You can invoke this utility from MS SQL Server Enterprise Manager Console, from the StartàProgramsàMicrosoft SQL
ServeràQuery Analyzer menu option, or from the command line by its name ISQLW. It is the most commonly used
query interface to Microsoft SQL Server.

Note While it is possible to run ISQLW without the user interface by specifying connect information and output/input
files, there is no reason for doing this if you use it interactively.

From the MS-DOS command line type isqlw. For example:


This will bring up the dialog box shown in Figure E-5.

Figure E-5: MS SQL Server Query Analyzer dialog box

If you set up your SQL Server to use Windows Authentication, press the OK button — you will be logged in with your
Windows login/password credentials; otherwise select SQL Server Authentication and supply User ID and Password
to connect.

Once connected, you can type in and execute any query, load script file, and so on. Of course, Query Analyzer
provides a much richer set of tools than a humble command-line interface, but the use of these tools would be a topic
for a Microsoft SQL Server book. All we need to know for the purpose of running and executing our sample queries is
how to load and execute them, and — hopefully — to see the results.

An SQL query is always executed in the context of some database. If your query brings back an error, complaining
about Invalid Object, chances are that you executed the query against wrong database. Make sure that you have
selected ACME as the database context in the drop-down list (it has Master by default). To run interactive queries you
may just type SQL statement in the query pane; there is no need to add the GO statement at the end — press F5 (or
click on the green triangle on the toolbar). The results of the query (or an error message — in case the query was
unsuccessful) will be displayed at the lower part of the split pane (see Figure E-6).

Figure E-6: Executing SQL commands using Query Analyzer

Loading and running SQL script file is very intuitive. Click the Load Script button on the toolbar of the Query Analyzer
(or press Ctrl-Shift-P); the standard dialog box appears to allow you to select a file very much in the same way as you
would open any other file in Windows OS. Once the SQL statements from the file are loaded into the query pane, you
may run them just as any other query — by pressing F5 key on the keyboard or Run button (the triangle to the right of
the checkmark) on the toolbar.
Appendix F: Installing the ACME Database
This appendix explains how to install the sample ACME database on the RDBMS of your choice. Refer to the section
that corresponds to the database platform you've created.

Installing the ACME Sample Database on Oracle 9i (Windows) Using

Following are instructions on how to install ACME sample database on Oracle 9i (Windows) using the SQL*Plus utility
(explained in Appendix E).
1. If the Oracle services are not started, start them as described in Appendix D.

2. Copy the D:\sqlbib\oracle_acme (where D is the letter of your CD-ROM drive) directory from the
CD-ROM that comes with your book to the C:\ directory of your computer.

3. Start SQL*Plus from the command line by typing:

C:\> sqlplus

4. If you want to create a log file, use the spool command (described in Appendix E). For example, if
you want the resulting log file load.log to be created in the same directory, the other files you need
SQL> spool

5. Run script C:\sqlbib\oracle_acme\load.sql:


6. This script creates the Oracle ACME database. Stop spooling (if started) by issuing:
SQL> spool

7. Type quit to exit SQL*Plus.

Script load.sql runs two other scripts, create_acme_ora.sql and load_data_ora.dat.
The first one creates RDBMS objects (tables, indexes, constraints, views, and so on) and the
second script populates ACME tables with data. You may want to run the first script by itself

before trying the examples from Chapter 6. You can run load.sql and
create_acme_ora.sql as many times as you want to create a loaded or empty ACME
database, correspondingly.

When you run your script for the first time, you may see ORA-00942 errors (table or view does not exist). That is not a
problem; the script is trying to drop tables that do not yet exist.

The most common errors you may see in your log file are in Table F-1.
Table F-1: Common Errors from Running Oracle Scripts

Error Explanation Solution

ORA-12560: TNS: protocol adapter Oracle is not started. Start Oracle and try running your
error scripts again.

ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve You supplied an incorrect service You don't need to supply a
service name name. service name, just user ID and

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges You are not a member of Either log in as a user who is a
ORA_DBA OS group. member of the ORA_DBA group
or add current user to the
ORA_DBA group.

ORA-01033: Oracle initialization or Oracle is being started. Wait and try again.
shutdown in progress
Installing the ACME Database on Oracle 9i (Unix/Linux) Using SQL*Plus
Following are instructions on how to install ACME sample database on Oracle 9i (Unix/Linux) using the SQL*Plus
utility (explained in Appendix E).
1. Start your Oracle instance. Make sure that your session's ORACLE_HOME environment variable
points to the correct instance:

Cross-References The Unix/Linux Environment Variables required to run sqlplus

utility are listed in Table D-3 and Table D-5 of Appendix D.

2. Insert the book's CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. Mount the CD-ROM and copy the
/sqlbib/oracle_acme directory from the CD to your home directory.

3. Start SQL*Plus from your home directory by typing:

# sqlplus

4. If you want to create the log file, use the spool command (described in Appendix E). For example,
if you want the resulting log file load.log to be created in the same directory as your other files,
SQL> spool

5. Run the script sqlbib/oracle_acme/load.sql:


6. This script creates your Oracle ACME database. Stop spooling (if started) by issuing
SQL> spool

7. Type quit to exit SQL*Plus.

Script load.sql runs two other scripts, create_acme_ora.sql and load_data_ora.dat.
The first one creates RDBMS objects (tables, indexes, constraints, views, and so on) and the
second script populates ACME tables with data. You may want to run the first script by itself

before trying the examples from Chapter 6. You can run load.sql and
create_acme_ora.sql as many times as you want to create a loaded or empty ACME
database, correspondingly.
Installing the ACME Database on DB2 UDB 8.1 (Windows) Using CLP
Following are instructions on how to install ACME sample database on DB2 UDB 8.1 (Windows) using the CLP utility
(explained in Appendix E).
1. Copy the D:\sqlbib\db2_acme (where D is the letter of your CD-ROM drive) directory from the
CD-ROM that comes with your book to the C:\ directory of your computer.

2. Make sure you created the ACME database as described in the Postinstallation tasks section of
Appendix D, and that your database has been started.

3. Open the DB2 UDB Command window (StartàProgramsàIBM DB2àCommand Line

ToolsàCommand Window).

4. Issue the two following commands at the prompt (if you want your log files in C:\sqlbib\db2_acme\):
Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN> db2 –tvfC: \sqlbib\db2_acme\create_acme_db2.sql
-zC:\sqlbib\db2_acme\ create_acme_db2.log C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN>
db2 -tvfC: \sqlbib\db2_acme\load_data_db2.dat -zC:\sqlbib\db2_acme

Note Each of these is actually one command, although the physical dimensions of the printed
book dictate that they be presented in this way.

Script create_acme_ora.sql creates RDBMS objects (tables, indexes, constraints, views,

and so on) and script load_data_ora.dat populates ACME tables with data. You may want

to run the first script by itself before trying the examples from Chapter 6. You can run
create_acme_ora.sql as many times as you want to create empty ACME database.

Tip When you run your scripts for the first time, you may see some messages at the beginning of
your log file saying something like: <TABLE_NAME> IS UNDEFINED NAME. The message is not
an error but rather a warning; your tables have not been created yet, so ignore it.

Some common errors from running DB2 scripts are shown in Table F-2.

Table F-2: Common Errors from Running DB2 Scripts

Error Explanation Solution

DB21061E Command line You are trying to execute db2 Start the DB2 Command
environment not initialized. commands from a command line Window and try again.
prompt rather than from the DB2
Command Window.

SQL0900N The application state is You supplied an incorrect service Specify the correct service name.
in error. A database connection name.
does not exist. SQLSTATE=08003

SQL1032N No start database Database services are not Start database services as
manager command was issued. started. described in Appendix D.
Installing ACME Database on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Using OSQL
Following are instructions on how to install ACME sample database on MS SQL Server 2000 using OSQL utility
(explained in Appendix E).
1. If your MS SQL Server services are not running, start them as described in Appendix D.

2. Copy the D:\sqlbib\mssql_acme (where D is the letter of your CD-ROM drive) directory from the
CD-ROM that comes with your book to the C:\ directory of your computer.

3. Issue the following commands:

osql /U sa
/P sa /IC:\sqlbib\mssql_acme\create_acme_mssql.sql
/oC:\sqlbib\mssql_acme\create_acme_mssql.log osql /U sa /P sa

Note Each of these is actually one command, although the physical dimensions of the printed
book dictate that they be presented in this way.

This example assumes that during the MS SQL Server installation you specified password 'sa' for user sa (see
Appendix D). If a different password and user ID were specified, replace values accordingly. After execution, a log file
is created in the specified directory (in this case C:\sqlbib\mssql_acme).

Some common errors from running MS SQL Server scripts are shown in Table F-3.

Table F-3: Common Errors from Running MS SQL Server Scripts

Error Explanation Solution

Login failed for user 'sa'. You specified an incorrect Specify the correct password or
password for user sa. change it using the MS SQL
Server Enterprise Manager.

[Shared Memory]SQL Server does MS SQL Server is not running. Start MS SQL Server (see
not exist or access denied. Appendix D).

Procedure sp_grantdbaccess, Line Script is trying to create user No action required, FYI only
126 User or role 'acme' already acme that already exists.
exists in the current database. .
Appendix G: SQL Functions

Every RDBMS maintains an ever-expanding list of the SQL functions specific to its own version. Some of the most
useful functions were covered in Chapter 10 of this book. This appendix provides a comprehensive list of the functions
available for each RDBMS in its current version: Oracle 9i, IBM DB2 UDB 8.1, and Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

All the functions are grouped in Tables G-1 through G-24 similarly to the way they are organized in each
corresponding vendor's documentation. Oracle 9i allows overloading of the functions, meaning that some functions
can be used in more than one way depending on the data type and number of arguments; because of that such
functions are listed in several categories. IBM rarely provides overloaded functions, and Microsoft stands somewhere
between Oracle and IBM in this regard.

Certain functions require appropriate privileges to be run, as well as specific output result holders. We've omitted the
arguments of the functions from the tables, because the purpose of the appendix is to show what is available, without
going into too much detail. Refer to each vendor's documentation for more detailed syntax and explanations.
Table G-1: Oracle 9i SQL Number Functions

Function Name Brief Description

ABS Returns the absolute value of n.

ACOS Returns the arc cosine ofn.

ASIN Returns the arc sine ofn.

ATAN Returns the arc tangent ofn.

ATAN2 Returns the arc tangent ofn and m.

BITAND Returns an integer.

CEIL Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal ton.

COS Returns the cosine ofn.

COSH Returns the hyperbolic cosine ofn.

EXP Returns e raised to the nth power, where e=2.71828183.

FLOOR Returns the largest integer equal to or less thann.

LN Returns the natural logarithm ofn, where n is greater than 0.

LOG Returns the logarithm, base m, of n.

MOD Returns the remainder ofm divided by n. Returns m if n is 0.

POWER Returns m raised to the nth power.

SIGN If n<0, SIGN returns –1. If n=0, the function returns 0. Ifn>0, SIGN returns 1.

SINH Returns the hyperbolic sine ofn.

SQRT Returns the square root ofn.

TAN Returns the tangent ofn.

TANH Returns the hyperbolic tangent ofn.

TRUNC Returns a value truncated to m decimal places. If m is omitted, n is truncated to 0

places. m can be negative to truncate (make zero)m digits left of the decimal point.

WIDTH_BUCKET Lets you construct equiwidth histograms, in which the histogram range is divided
into intervals that have identical size.
Table G-2: Oracle 9 i SQL Character Functions

Function Name Brief Description

CHR Returns the character having the binary equivalent ton.

CONCAT Returns char1 concatenated with char2.

INITCAP Returns char, the first letter in uppercase, all other letters in lowercase.

LOWER Returns char, all letters in lowercase.

LPAD Returns char1, left-padded to lengthn with the sequence of characters inchar2; if char1
is longer than n, this function returns the portion ofchar1 that fits in n.

LTRIM Removes characters from the left of char, with all the leftmost characters that appear
in set removed; set defaults to a single blank.

NLS_INITCAP Returns char, with the first letter of each word in uppercase, all other letters in

NLS_LOWER Returns char, with all letters lowercase.

NLSSORT Returns the string of bytes used to sortchar.

NLS_UPPER Returns char, with all letters uppercase.

REPLACE Returns char with every occurrence ofsearch_string replaced with replacement_string.

RPAD Returns char1, right-padded to length n with char2 replicated as many times as

RTRIM Returns char, with all rightmost characters that appear inset removed.

SOUNDEX Returns a character string containing the phonetic representation ofchar.

SUBSTR Returns a portion of string, beginning at a specified character position that is

substring_length characters long. SUBSTR calculates lengths using characters defined
by the input character set.

SUBSTRB Same as STRING, except SUBSTRB uses bytes instead of characters.

SUBSTRC Same as STRING, except SUBSTRC uses Unicode-complete characters.

SUBSTR2 Same as STRING, except SUBSTR2 uses UCS2 codepoints.

SUBSTR4 Same as STRING, except SUBSTR4 uses UCS4 codepoints.

TRANSLATE Returns char with all occurrences of each character infrom_string, replaced by its
corresponding character in to_string .

TREAT Returns a declared type of expression.

UPPER Returns char, with all letters uppercase. char can be any of the data typesCHAR ,
VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB, or NCLOB. The return value is the same
data type as char.
Table G-3: Oracle 9 i SQL Datetime Functions

Function Name Brief Description

ADD_MONTHS Returns the date d plus n months.

CURRENT_DATE Returns the current date and time in the session's time zone, with a value in
Gregorian calendar format with the data type DATE.

CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Returns the current date and time in the session's time zone, with the value

DBTIMEZONE Returns the value of the database time zone.

EXTRACT Returns the value of a specified datetime field from a datetime or interval
value expression.

FROM_TZ Converts a timestamp value in a time zone to a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME

ZONE value. time_zone_value is a character string in the format TZH:TZM
' ' or a
character expression that returns a string in TZR with optional TZD format.

LAST_DAY Returns the date of the last day of the month that contains this date.

LOCALTIMESTAMP Returns the current date and time in the session's time zone in a value of the
data type TIMESTAMP .

MONTH_BETWEEN Returns the number of months between datesdate1 and date2.

NEW_TIME Returns the date and time in time zone zone2 when the date and time in time
zone zone1 are the date argument.

NEXT_DAY Returns the date of the first weekday named by char that is later than the
date argument.

NUMTODSINTERVAL Converts n to an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND literal. n can be a number or an

expression resolving to a number.

NUMTOYMINTERVAL Converts n to an INTERNAL YEAR TO MONTH literal. n can be a number or an

expression resolving to a number.

ROUND Truncates time portion of the date.

SESSIONTIMEZONE Returns the value of the current session's time zone.

SYS_EXTRACT_UTC Extracts the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) from a datetime with time
zone displacement.

SYSTEMSTAMP Returns the system date, including fractional seconds and the time zone of
the database.

SYSDATE Returns the current date and time.

TO_DSINTERVAL Converts a character string of the CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or


TO_TIMESTAMP Converts char of the CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2 data type to
a value of the TIMESTAMP data type.

TO_TIMSTAMP_TZ Converts char of the CHAR , VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2 data type to

TO_YMINTERVAL Converts a character string of the CHAR , VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR, or


TRUNC Returns the date with the time portion of the day truncated to the unit
specified by the format model format. If you omit format , date is truncated to
Function Name Brief Description

TZ_OFFSET Returns the time zone offset corresponding to the value entered based on
the date the statement is executed. You can enter a valid time zone name, a
time zone offset from UTC (which simply returns itself), or the keyword
SESSIONTIMEZONE or DBTIMEZONE. For a listing of valid values, query the
TZNAME column of the V$TIMEZONE_NAMES dynamic performance view.
Table G-4: Oracle 9 i SQL Conversion Functions

Function Name Brief Description

ASCIISTR Returns an ASCII string in the database character set. The value returned
contains only characters that appear in SQL, plus the forward slash (/).

BIN_TO_NUM Converts a bit vector to its equivalent number. Each argument in this
function represents a bit in the bit vector. Each expression must evaluate to
0 or 1. This function returns NUMBER .

CAST Converts one built-in data type or collection-type value into another built-in
data type or collection-type value.

CHARTOROWID Converts a value from the CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2 data
type to the ROWID data type.

COMPOSE Returns a Unicode string in its fully normalized form in the same character
set as"the input.

CONVERT Converts a character string from one character set to another. The data
type of the returned value is VARCHAR2.

DECOMPOSE Returns a Unicode string after canonical decomposition in the same

character set as the input.

HEXTORAW Converts char containing hexadecimal digits in theCHAR , VARCHAR2,

NVARCHAR, or NVARCHAR2 character set to a raw value.


or an expression resolving to a number.

NUMTOYMINTERVAL Converts number n to an INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH literal. n can be a

number or an expression resolving to a number.

RAWTOHEX Converts raw data type to a character value containing its hexadecimal

RAWTONHEX Converts raw data type to anNVARCHAR2 character value containing its
hexadecimal equivalent.

ROWIDTOCHAR Converts a rowid value to a VARCHAR2 data type. The result of this
conversion is always 18 characters long.

ROWIDTONCHAR Converts a rowid value to a NVARCHAR2 data type. The result of this
conversion is always 18 characters long.

TO_CHAR Converts the NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB, or NCLOB data type to the
database character set.

TIMESTAMP WITH A LOCAL TIME ZONE data type to a value of the
VARCHAR2 data type in the format specified by the date format.

TO_CHAR Converts n of the NUMBER data type to a value of theVARCHAR2 data type.

TO_CLOB Converts NCLOB values in an LOB column or other character string toCLOB

TO_DATE Converts char of the CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2, data type
to a value of the DATE data type.

TO_DSINTERVAL Converts a character string of the CHAR , VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or

Function Name Brief Description

TO_LOB Converts LONG or LONG RAW values in the column long_column to LOB

TO_MULTI_BYTE Returns char with all of its single-byte characters converted to their
corresponding multibyte characters. The value returned is in the same data
type as char.

Function Name Brief Description

TO_NCHAR Converts a character string, CLOB, NCLOB, from the database character set
to the national character set.

TO_NCHAR Converts a character string of the DATE,TIMESTAMP ,TIMESTAMP WITH

TIME ZONE ......etc. data type from the database character set to the
national character set.

TO_NCHAR Converts a number to a string in theNVARCHAR2 character set.

TO_NCLOB Converts CLOB values in a LOB column or other character string toNCLOB

TO_NUMBER Converts char to a value of theNUMBER data type.

TO_SINGLE_BYTE Returns char with all of its multibyte characters converted to their
corresponding single-byte characters.

TO_YMINTERVAL Converts a character string of the CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or

NVARCHAR2 data type to an INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH data type, where
char is the character string to be converted.

TRANSLATE ... USING Converts text into the character set specified for conversions between the
database character set and the national character set.

UNISTR Takes as its argument a string in any character set and returns it in
Unicode in the database Unicode character set.
Table G-5: Oracle 9 i SQL Miscellaneous Single-Row Functions

Function Name Brief Description

BFILENAME Returns a BFILE locator that is associated with a physicalLOB binary file
on the server's file system.

COALESCE Returns the first non-NULL expression in the expression list.

DECODE Compares an expression to each search value one by one. If

expression is equal to a search, Oracle returns the corresponding result.
If no match is found, returns default, or, if default is omitted, returns

DUMP Returns a VARCHAR2 value containing the data type codelength in

bytes, and internal representation of expression.

EMPTY_BLOB Returns an empty LOB locator that can be used to initialize anLOB
variable or, an INSERT or UPDATE statement.

EMPTY_CLOB Returns an empty LOB locator that can be used to initialize anLOB
variable or, an INSERT or UPDATE statement.

EXISTSNODE Determines whether traversal of the document using the path results in
any nodes. It takes as arguments the XMLType instance containing an
XML document and a VARCHAR2 string designating a path.

EXTRACT Returns the value of specified datetime field from a datetime or interval
value expression.

GREATEST Returns the greatest value on the list of expressions.

LEAST Returns the least value on the list of expressions.

NLS_CHARSET_DECL_LEN Returns the declaration width (in number of characters) of an NCHAR


NLS_CHARSET_ID Returns the character set ID number corresponding to the character set
name text.

NLS_CHARSET_NAME Returns the name of the character set corresponding to the ID number.

NULLIF Returns NULL, if expression1 and expression2 are equal. If they are not
equal, the function returns expression1.

NVL If expression1 is NULL, NVL returns expression2. If not NULL, NVL returns

NVL2 If expression1 is not NULL, NVL2 returns expression2, If expression2 is

NULL, NVL2 returns expression3.

SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH Returns the path of a column value from root to node, with column
values separated by char for each row returned by theCONNECT BY

SYS_CONTEXT Returns the value of the parameter associated with the context

SYS_DBURIGEN Takes as its argument one or more columns or attributes, and optionally
a rowid, and generates a URL of data type DBUriType to a particular
column or row object. You can then use the URL to retrieve an XML
document from the database.

SYS_EXTRACT_UTC Extracts the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time — formerly Greenwich

Mean Time) from a datetime with time zone displacement. Returns
Function Name Brief Description

SYS_GUID Returns a globally unique identifier (RAW value) made up of 16 bytes.

SYS_TYPEID Returns the typeid of the most specific type of the operand.

Function Name Brief Description

SYS_XMLAGG Aggregates all of the XML documents or fragments represented by an

expression and produces a single XML document.

SYS_XMLGEN Takes an expression that evaluates to a particular row and column of

the database, and returns an instance of type SYS.XMLType containing
an XML document.

UID Returns an integer that uniquely identifies the session user (the user
who logged on).

USER Returns the name of the session user (the user who logged on) with the
data type VARCHAR2.

USERENV Returns information from the VARCHAR2 data type about the current
session. USERENV is a legacy function that is retained for backward
compatibility; use the SYS_CONTEXT function instead.

VSIZE VSIZE returns the number of bytes in the internal representation of

expression. If expression is NULL, this function returnsNULL.
Table G-6: Oracle 9 i SQL Aggregate Functions

Function Name Brief Description

AVG Returns the average value of an expression, could be used withGROUP BY .

CORR Returns the coefficient of correlation of a set of number pairs.

COUNT Returns the number of rows in the query.

COVAR_POP Returns the population covariance of a set of number pairs.

COVAR_SAMP Returns the sample covariance of a set of number pairs.

CUME_DIST As an aggregate function, calculates, for a hypothetical row R identified by the

arguments of the function and a corresponding sort specification, the relative
position of row R among the rows in the aggregation group.

DENSE_RANK As an aggregate function, calculates the dense rank of a hypothetical row

identified by the arguments of the function with respect to a given sort

FIRST Returns the value from the first row of a sorted group.

GROUP_ID Distinguishes duplicate groups resulting from a GROUP BY specification. It is

therefore useful in filtering out duplicate groupings from the query result. It
returns a NUMBER to uniquely identify duplicate groups.

GROUPING Distinguishes superaggregate rows from regular grouped rows. GROUP BY

extensions such as ROLLUP and CUBE produce superaggregate rows where
the set of all values is represented by NULL. Using the GROUPING function, you
can distinguish a NULL representing the set of all values in a superaggregate
row from a NULL in a regular row.

GROUPING_ID Returns a number corresponding to the GROUPING bit vector associated with a
row. GROUPING_ID is applicable only in aSELECT statement that contains a
GROUP BY extension, such asROLLUP or CUBE, and a GROUPING function.

LAST Returns the value from the last row of a sorted group.

MAX Returns the maximum value of an expression.

MIN Returns the minimum value of an expression.

PERCENTILE_CONT Is an inverse distribution function that assumes a continuous distribution

model. It takes a percentile value and a sort specification, and returns an
interpolated value that would fall into that percentile value with respect to the
sort specification. Nulls are ignored in the calculation.

PERCENTILE_DISC Is an inverse distribution function that assumes a discrete distribution model. It

takes a percentile value and a sort specification and returns an element from
the set. Nulls are ignored in the calculation.

PERCENT_RANK Is similar to the CUME_DIST (cumulative distribution) function. The range of

values returned by PERCENT_RANK is 0 to 1, inclusive. The first row in any set
has a PERCENT_RANK of 0.

RANK As an aggregate function, calculates the rank of a hypothetical row identified

by the arguments of the function with respect to a given sort specification. The
arguments of the function must all evaluate to constant expressions within
each aggregate group, because they identify a single row within each group.

STDDEV Returns the sample standard deviation of an expression, a set of numbers;

differs from STDDEV_SAMP in that STDDEV returns zero when it has only 1 row
Function Name Brief Description

STDDEV_POP Computes the population standard deviation and returns the square root of the
population variance.

STDDEV_SAMP Computes the cumulative sample standard deviation and returns the square
root of the sample variance.

SUM Returns the sum of the values of an expression.

Function Name Brief Description

VAR_POP Returns the population variance of a set of numbers after discarding the NULLs
in this set.

VAR_SAMP Returns the sample variance of a set of numbers after discarding the NULLs in
this set.

VARIANCE Returns the variance of an expression. Can be used as an aggregate or

analytic function.
Table G-7: Oracle 9 i SQL Analytic Functions

Function Name Brief Description

AVG Returns the average the value of an expression, could return multiple rows within

CORR Returns the coefficient of correlation of a set of number pairs.

COVAR_POP Returns the population covariance of a set of number pairs.

COVAR_SAMP Returns the sample covariance of a set of number pairs. You can use it as an
aggregate or analytic function.

COUNT Returns the number of rows in the query.

CUME_DIST Calculates the cumulative distribution of a value in a group of values. The range of
values returned by CUME_DIST is >0 to <=1.

DENSE_RANK Computes the rank of a row in an ordered group of rows. The ranks are
consecutive integers beginning with 1. The largest rank value is the number of
unique values returned by the query. Rank values are not skipped in the event of
ties. Rows with equal values for the ranking criteria receive the same rank.

FIRST_VALUE Returns the first value in an ordered set of values.

LAG Provides access to more than one row of a table at the same time without a
self-join. Given a series of rows returned from a query and a position of the cursor,
LAG provides access to a row at a given physical offset prior to that position.

LAST Returns the value from the last row of a sorted group.

LAST_VALUE Returns the last value in an ordered set of values.

LEAD Provides access to more than one row of a table at the same time without a
self-join. Given a series of rows returned from a query and a position of the cursor,
LEAD provides access to a row at a given physical offset beyond that position.

MAX Returns the maximum value of an expression.

MIN Returns the minimum value of an expression.

NTILE Divides an ordered dataset into a number of buckets indicated by an expression

and assigns the appropriate bucket number to each row. The buckets are
numbered 1 through expression, and expression must resolve to a positive
constant for each partition.

PERCENT_RANK Is similar to the CUME_DIST (cumulative distribution) function. The range of values
returned by PERCENT_RANK is 0 to 1, inclusive. The first row in any set has a

PERCENTILE_COUNT Is an inverse distribution function that assumes a continuous distribution model. It

takes a percentile value and a sort specification, and returns an interpolated value
that would fall into that percentile value with respect to the sort specification. Nulls
are ignored in the calculation.

PERCENTILE_DISC Is an inverse distribution function that assumes a discrete distribution model. It

takes a percentile value and a sort specification and returns an element from the
set. Nulls are ignored in the calculation.

RANK Calculates the rank of a value in a group of values. Rows with equal values for the
ranking criteria receive the same rank; the ranks may not be consecutive

RATIO_TO_REPORT Computes the ratio of a value to the sum of a set of values. If expression
Function Name Brief Description

ROW_NUMBER Assigns a unique number to each row to which it is applied (either each row in the
partition or each row returned), in the ordered sequence of rows specified in the
order_by_clause, beginning with 1.

REGR_SLOPE The linear regression functions that follow fit an ordinary-least-squares regression
REGR_INTERCEPT line to a set of number pairs:
REGR_COUNT REGR_SLOPE returns the slope of the line. The return value is a number and can
REGR_AVGX REGR_INTERCEPT returns the y-intercept of the regression line.
REGR_AVGY REGR_COUNT returns an integer that is the number of non- NULL number pairs
REGR_SXX used to fit the regression line.
REGR_SYY REGR_R2 returns the coefficient of determination (also called "R-squared" or
REGR_SXY "goodness of fit") for the regression.
REGR_AVGX evaluates the average of the independent variable (expr2) of the
regression line.
REGR_AVGY evaluates the average of the dependent variable (expr1) of the
regression line.
REGR_SXY, REGR_SXX, and REGR_SYY are auxiliary functions that are used to
compute various diagnostic statistics.

STDDEV Returns the sample standard deviation of an expression, a set of numbers; differs
from STDDEV_SAMP in that STDDEV returns zero when it has only 1 row of input
data, whereas STDDEV_SAMP returns a NULL.

STDDEV_POP Computes the population standard deviation and returns the square root of the
population variance.

STDDEV_SAMP Computes the cumulative sample standard deviation and returns the square root
of the sample variance.

SUM Returns the sum of the values of an expression.

VAR_POP Returns the population variance of a set of numbers after discarding the NULLs in
this set.

VAR_SAMP Returns the sample variance of a set of numbers after discarding the NULLs in this

VARIANCE Returns the variance of an expression. Can be used as an aggregate or analytic

Table G-8: Oracle 9i SQL Object Reference Functions

Function Name Brief Description

DEREF Returns the object reference of an argument expression, where expression must
return a REF to an object.

MAKE_REF Creates a REF to a row of an object view or a row in an object table whose object
identifier is primary-key based.

REF Returns a REF value for the object instance that is bound to the variable or row.

REFTOHEX Converts an argument expression to a character value containing its hexadecimal

equivalent. The expression must return a REF.

VALUE Takes as its argument a correlation variable (table alias) associated with a row of an
object table and returns object instances stored in the object table. The type of the
object instance is the same type as the object table.
Table G-9: IBM DB2 UDB Built-in Scalar Functions

Function Name Brief Description

ABS[VAL] Returns the absolute value of a numbern.

ACOS Returns the arccosine of the argument as an angle expressed in radians.

ASCII Returns the ASCII code of the first character of a string.

ASIN Returns the arcsine of the argument as an angle expressed in radians.

ATAN Returns the arctangent of the argument as an angle expressed in radians.

ATAN2 Returns the arctangent of x and y coordinates as an angle expressed in

radians. The x and y coordinates are specified by the first and second
arguments, respectively.

BIGINT Returns a 64-bit integer representation of a number or character string in

the form of an integer constant.

BLOB Returns a BLOB representation of a string of any type.

CEIL[ING] Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal ton.

CHAR Converts argument expression into a character string.

CHR Returns a character for the ASCII code.

CLOB Returns a CLOB representation of a character string type.

COALESCE Returns the first argument on the list that is notNULL.

CONCAT Returns result of concatenation of two strings.

COS Returns the cosine of the argument, where the argument is an angle
expressed in radians.

COT Returns the cotangent of the argument, where the argument is an angle
expressed in radians.

DATE Returns a date from a value.

DAY Returns the day part of a value.

DAYNAME Returns a mixed-case character string containing the name of the day for
the day portion of the argument based on the locale where the database
was started.

DAYOFWEEK Returns the day of the week in the argument as an integer value in the
range of 1–7, where 1 represents Sunday.

DAYOFWEEK_ISO Returns the day of the week in the argument as an integer value in the
range of 1–7, where 1 represents Monday.

DAYOFYEAR Returns the day of the year in the argument as an integer value in the
range of 1–366.

DAYS Returns an integer representation of a date.

DBCLOB Returns a DBCLOB representation of a graphic string type.

DEC[IMAL] Returns a decimal representation of a number, a character string

representation of a decimal number, or a character string representation of
an integer number.

DECRYPT_BIN Returns a value that is the result of decrypting encrypted data.

Function Name Brief Description

DECRYPT_CHAR Returns a value that is the result of decrypting encrypted data.

DEGREES Returns the number of degrees converted from the argument expressed in

Function Name Brief Description

DEREF Returns an instance of the target type of the argument.

DIFFERENCE Returns a value from 0 to 4 representing the difference between the

sounds of two strings based on applying the SOUNDEX function to the
strings. A value of 4 is the best possible sound match.

DIGITS Returns a character-string representation of a number.

DLCOMMENT Returns the comment value, if it exists, from aDATALINK value.

DLLINKTYPE Returns the linktype value from aDATALINK value.

DLURLCOMPLETE Returns the data location attribute from a DATALINK value with a linktype of

DLURLPATH Returns the path and file name necessary to access a file within a given
server from a DATALINK value with a linktype of URL.

DLURLPATHONLY Returns the path necessary to access a file within a given server from a
DATALINK value with a linktype of URL.

DLURLSCHEME Returns the scheme from aDATALINK value with a linktype of URL.

DLURLSERVER Returns the file server from aDATALINK value with a linktype of URL.

DLVALUE Returns a DATALINK value.

DOUBLE Returns a floating-point number corresponding to a number if the argument

is a numeric expression character string, or a representation of a number if
the argument is a string expression.

ENCRYPT Returns a value that is the result of encrypting a data-string expression.

EVENT_MON_STATE Returns the current state of an event monitor.

EXP Returns the exponential value ofn.

FLOAT Returns a floating-point representation of a number.

FLOOR Returns the largest integer less than or equal ton.

GETHINT Returns will return the password hint if one is found in the encrypted data.

GENERATE_UNIQUE Returns a bit-data character string 13 bytes long (CHAR(13) FOR BIT DATA)
that is unique when compared to any other execution of the same function.

GRAPHIC Returns a GRAPHIC representation of a graphic string type.

HEX Returns a hexadecimal representation of a value as a character string.

HOUR Returns the hour part of a value.

IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL Returns the most recently assigned value for an identity column, where the
assignment occurred as a result of a single row INSERT statement using a
VALUES clause.
Function Name Brief Description

INSERT Returns a string where expression3 bytes have been deleted from
expression1 beginning at expression2, and where expression4 has been
inserted into expression1 beginning at expression2.

INTEGER Returns an integer representation of a number or character string in the

form of an integer constant.

JULIAN_DAY Returns an integer value representing the number of days from January 1,
4712 B.C. (the start of the Julian date calendar) to the date value specified
in the argument.

LOWER Converts all characters in a string to lowercase.

Function Name Brief Description

LCASE Converts all characters in a string to lowercase.

LEFT Returns n number of characters starting from the left.

LENGTH Returns the number of characters in a string.

LN Returns the natural logarithm of the argument.

LOCATE Returns the position of an occurrence of a substring within the string.

LOG Returns the natural logarithm of the argument (same asLN).

LOG10 Returns the base 10 logarithm of the argument.

LONG_VARCHAR Returns a LONG VARCHAR representation of a character string data type.

LONG_VARGRAPHIC Returns a LONG VARGRAPHIC representation of a double-byte character


LTRIM Trims leading spaces off the string.

MICROSECOND Returns the microsecond part of a value.

MIDNIGHT_SECONDS Returns an integer value, which represents the number of seconds

between midnight and the time value specified in the argument.

MINUTE Returns the minute part of a value.

MOD Returns the remainder ofn divided by m.

MONTH Returns the month part of a value.

MONTHNAME Returns a mixed-case character string containing the name of month for
the month portion of the argument, based on the locale where the database
was started.

MQPUBLISH Returns published data to MQSeries.

MQREAD Returns a message from the MQSeries location specified by

receive-service. The read is non-destructive — i.e. the message itself
remains in the queue.

MQRECEIVE Same as above, but the message in the queue is destroyed.

MQSEND Sends the data contained in message data to the MQSeries location
specified by send-service, using the quality of service policy defined by
Function Name Brief Description

MQSUBSCRIBE Used to register interest in MQSeries messages published on a specified


MQUNSUBSCRIBE Used to unregister an existing message subscription.

MULTIPLY_ALT Returns the product of the two arguments as a decimal value.

NODENUMBER Returns the partition number of the row.

NULLIF Returns a NULL value if the arguments are equal, otherwise it returns the
value of the first argument.

PARTITION Returns the partitioning map index of the row obtained by applying the
partitioning function on the partitioning key value of the row.

POSSTR Returns the position of an occurrence of a substring within the string. The
POSSTR test is case-sensitive

POWER Returns value of m raised to the nth power.

QUARTER Returns an integer value in the range of 1 to 4, which represents the

quarter of the year for the date specified in the argument.

RADIANS Returns the number of radians converted from an argument, which is

expressed in degrees.

Function Name Brief Description

RAISE_ERROR Causes the statement that includes the function to return an error with the
specified SQLSTATE, SQLCODE, and diagnostic-string.

RAND Returns a random floating-point value between 0 and 1 using the argument
as the optional seed value.

REAL Returns a single-precision, floating-point representation of a number.

REC2XML Returns a string formatted with XML tags and containing column names
and column data.

REPEAT Returns string1 repeated n times.

REPLACE Replaces all occurrences of expression2 in expression1 with expression3.

RIGHT Returns a string consisting of the rightmostexpression2 bytes in expression1.

ROUND Returns number n rounded to m decimal places.

RTRIM Returns the characters of the argument with trailing blanks removed.

SECOND Returns the seconds part of a time value/expression.

SIGN Returns an indicator of the sign of the argument. If the argument is less
than zero, -1 is returned. If argument equals zero, 0 is returned. If
argument is greater than zero, 1 is returned.

SIN Returns the sine of the argument, where the argument is an angle
expressed in radians.

SMALLINT Returns a small integer representation of a number or character string in

the form of a small integer constant.

SOUNDEX Returns a four-character code representing the sound of the words in the
Function Name Brief Description

SPACE Returns a string ofn blanks.

SQRT Returns the square root of the argument.

SUBSTR Returns a part of a string starting from nth characters for the length ofm

TABLE_NAME Returns the unqualified name of the object found after any alias chains
have been resolved.

TABLE_SCHEMA Returns the schema name of the object found after any alias chains have
been resolved.

TAN Returns the tangent of the argument, where the argument is an angle
expressed in radians.

TIME Returns a time from a value.

TAMESTAMP Returns a timestamp from a value or a pair of values.

TIMESTAMP_ISO Returns a timestamp value based on date, time, or timestamp argument.

TIMESTAMPDIFF Returns an estimated number of intervals of the type defined by the first
argument, based on the difference between two timestamps.

TRANSLATE Replaces all occurrences of string1 within string2 translated into string3.

TRUN[CATE] Returns n truncated to m decimal places.

Function Name Brief Description

TYPE_ID Returns the internal type identifier of the dynamic data type of the

TYPE_NAME Returns the unqualified name of the dynamic data type of the expression.

TYPE_SCHEMA Returns the schema name of the dynamic data type of the expression.

UCASE Returns a string converted intoUPPER case.

UPPER Returns a string converted intoUPPER case.

VALUE Returns the first argument that is notNULL.

VARCHAR Returns a varying-length character string representation of a character

string, datetime value, or graphic string.

VARGRAPHIC Returns a graphic string representation of a character string value,

converting single-byte characters to double-byte characters; or a graphic
string value, if the first argument is any type of graphic string.

WEEK Returns the week of the year of the argument as an integer value in the
range of 1–54. The week starts with Sunday.

WEEK_ISO Returns the week of the year of the argument as an integer value in the
range 1–53.

YEAR Returns the year part of a value.

Table G-10: IBM DB2 UDB Built-in Column Functions

Function Name Brief Description

AVG Returns the average of a set of numbers.

CORR[ELATION] Returns the coefficient of correlation of a set of number pairs.

COUNT Returns the number of rows or values in a set of rows or values.

COUNT_BIG Returns the number of rows or values in a set of rows or values. It is similar to
COUNT except that the result can be greater than the maximum value of integer.

COVARIANCE Returns the (population) covariance of a set of number pairs.

GROUPING In conjunction with the GROUP BY clause, returns a value that indicates whether a
row returned in a GROUP BY set is a row generated by a grouping set that
excludes the column represented by an expression.

MAX Returns the maximum value in a set of values.

MIN Returns the minimum value in a set of values.

STDDEV Returns the standard deviation of a set of numbers.

SUM Returns the sum of a set of numbers.

VAR[IANCE] Returns the variance of a set of numbers.

Table G-11: IBM DB2 UDB Built-in Table Functions

Function Name Brief Description

MQREADALL Returns a table containing the messages and message metadata from the
MQSeries location specified by receive service, using the quality of service

MQRECEIVEALL Returns a table containing the messages and message metadata from the
MQSeries location specified by receive service.. The read is
non-desctructive — i.e. the message itself remains in the queue.

SQLCACHE_SNAPSHOT Returns the results of a snapshot of the DB2 dynamic SQL statement cache.

Table G-12: IBM DB2 UDB Built-in Procedures

Function Name Brief Description

GET_ROUTINE_SAR Retrieves the necessary information to install the same routine in another
database server, running at the same level on the same operating system.

PUT_ROUTINE_SAR Passes the necessary file to create an SQL routine at the server and then
defines the routine.
Table G-13: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in String Functions

Function Name Brief Description

ASCII Returns the ASCII code of the first character in the expression.

CHAR Returns the character for the ASCII code.

CHARINDEX Returns the first position of the first occurrence of the expression within another

DIFFERENCE Returns the integer difference between twoSOUNDEX expressions.

LEFT Returns part of the expression starting from a specific character to the left.

LEN Returns number of characters in the expression, excluding trailing blank spaces.

LOWER Returns an expression with all characters converted to lowercase.

LTRIM Returns an expression without left trailing blanks.

NCHAR Returns a Unicode character from the code number.

PATINDEX Returns starting position of the first occurrence of a pattern within a specified

REPLACE Returns string where all occurrences of the second expression within the first
expression are replaced with the third expression.

QUOTENAME Returns a Unicode expression with delimiters added for validation.

REPLICATE Returns an expression consisting of first argument repeatedn times.

REVERSE Returns a reversed-character expression.

RIGHT Returns part of the expression starting from a specific character to the right.

RTRIM Returns the expression with trailing blanks removed.

SOUNDEX Returns four characters code to evaluate similarity between the sounds of two

SPACE Returns string comprised of the blank spaces, repeatedn times.

STR Returns character data of numeric data type.

STUFF Deletes a specified number of characters, and inserts another set of characters at
the specified point.

SUBSTRING Returns part of a string, starting from a specified point and spanning a specified
number of characters.

UNICODE Returns a Unicode integer code for the first character in the expression.

UPPER Returns a character string converted to uppercase letters.

Table G-14: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in Mathematical Functions

Function Name Brief Description

ABS Returns the absolute value of the expression.

ACOS Returns the angle in radians for the given cosine.

ASIN Returns the angle in radians for the given sine.

ATAN Returns the angle in radians for the given tangent.

ATN2 Returns the angle in radians whose tangent is in between two given floats.

CEILING Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a given expression.

COS Returns the cosine from a given angle (in radians).

COT Returns the cotangent from a given angle (in radians).

DEGREES Returns a degrees value from a given expression (in radians).

EXP Returns the exponential value of the expression.

FLOOR Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the given expression.

LOG Returns the natural logarithm of a given expression.

LOG10 Returns the base 10 logarithm of the given expression.

PI Returns number PI (3.1415926535897931...).

POWER Returns the result of an expression in powern.

RADIANS Returns radians from degrees.

RAND Returns the random float number in the range of 0 to 1.

ROUND Returns a numeric expression rounded to a specified length or precision.

SIGN Returns +1 for positive expressions, 0 for zero, and –1 for negative expressions.

SIN Returns the sine from a given angle (in radians).

SQUARE Returns the expression squared.

SQRT Returns the square root of the given expression.

TAN Returns the tangent of the given expression.

Table G-15: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in Date and Time Functions

Function Name Brief Description

DATEADD Returns a new datetime value based on the passed value plus a specified interval.

DATEDIFF Returns number of time units (seconds, days, years, etc.) passed between two dates.

DATENAME Returns character string representing a specified date part of the date.

DATEPART Returns an integer representing the specified date part.

DAY Returns an integer representing the day part of a date.

GETDATE Returns the current system's date and time.

GETUTCDATE Returns date/time value for the current UTC time.

MONTH Returns an integer representing the month part of a date.

YEAR Returns an integer representing the year part of a date.

Table G-16: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in Aggregate Functions

Function Name Brief Description

AVG Returns the average of all the group values;NULLs are ignored.

BINARY_CHECKSUM Returns the binary checksum value computed over a row of a table or a list of

CHECKSUM Returns the checksum value computed over a row of a table or a list of

CHECKSUM_AGG Returns the checksum of values in a group.

COUNT Returns the number of selected rows or input values.

COUNT_BIG Returns the number of selected rows or input values.

GROUPING Causes an additional column to be output with a value 1 or 0.

MIN Returns the lowest input value.

MAX Returns the greatest input value.

STDEV Returns the statistical standard deviation for values in the expression.

STDEVP Returns the statistical standard deviation for the population of the values in the

SUM Returns the sum of the input values.

VAR Returns the statistical variance for the values in a given expression.

VARP Returns the statistical variance for a population of s in the values in a given
Table G-17: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in Text and Image Functions

Function Name Brief Description

PATINDEX Returns the starting position of a first occurrence of the specified pattern within an

TEXTPTR Returns the text pointer value that corresponds to a text, ntext, or image in varbinary

TEXTVALID Returns the results from checking whether text, ntext, or image text-pointer is valid.

Table G-18: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in Cursor Functions

Function Name Brief Description

@@CURSOR_ROWS Returns the number of rows in the last opened cursor.

@@FETCH_STATUS Returns the status of the last FETCH statement from any cursor within the current

CURSOR_STATUS Is a scalar function that shows whether the procedure has returned a cursor and
a result set for a given parameter.
Table G-19: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in Metadata Functions

Function Name Brief Description

COL_LENGTH Returns the defined length of a column.

COL_NAME Returns the column name from the column ID.

COLUMNPROPERTY Returns information about a column or a parameter in a procedure.

DATABASEPROPERTY Returns the property value of a given database.

DATABASEPROPERTYEX Returns the current setting for the specified property.

DB_ID Returns database identification number.

DB_NAME Returns the current database name.

FILE_ID Returns the file identification number for a given logical file.

FILE_NAME Returns the file name from a given identification number.

FILEGROUP_ID Returns the file identification number for a given filegroup.

FILEGROUP_NAME Returns the filegroup name from a given identification number.

FILEGROUPPROPERTY Returns a specified filegroup property value for a given filegroup.

FILEPROPERTY Returns a specified file property value for a given file.

FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY Returns information about full-text catalog.

FULLTEXTSERVICEPROPERTY Returns information about full-text service level properties.

INDEX_COL Returns indexed column name.

INDEXKEY_PROPERTY Returns information about the index key.

INDEXPROPERTY Returns the property value from a given index name and table ID.

OBJECT_ID Returns database object's ID given name.

OBJECT_NAME Returns database object's name by ID.

OBJECTPROPERTY Returns information about objects in the current database.

@@PROCID Returns stored procedure identifier for the current procedure.

TYPEPROPERTY Returns information about data types.

SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY Returns information about the base data type in addition to other
property information.

FN_LISTEXTENDEDPROPERTY Returns extended property values of the database objects.

Table G-20: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in Configuration Functions

Function Name Brief Description

@@CONNECTION Returns the number of opened or attempted connections.

@@DATEFIRST Returns the value of theSET DATEFIRST parameter.

@@DBTS Returns the current value of the datestamp data type.

@@LANGUAGE Returns the name of the language for the current session/database.

@@LANGID Returns ID of the language for the current session/database.

@@LOCK_TIMEOUT Returns lock timeout in seconds.

@@MAX_CONNECTION Returns the maximum number of simultaneous user connections.

@@MAX_PRECISION Returns the precision level used by numeric data types.

@@NESTLEVEL Returns the nesting level of the current stored procedure.

@@OPTIONS Returns bitmask information about current SET options.

@@REMSERVER Returns name of the remote server.

@@SPID Returns the number (ID) of the current process/session.

@@SERVERNAME Returns the name of the local server.

@@SERVICENAME Returns the name of the registry key under which the SQL Server instance is

@@TEXTSIZE Returns the current value of theTEXTSIZE option.

@@VERSION Returns the date, version, and processor type for the current version of SQL
Table G-21: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in Security Functions

Function Name Brief Description

IS_MEMBER Indicates whether the user is a member of a Windows NT group or an

SQL Server role.

IS_SRVROLEMEMBER Indicates whether current login is a member of the specified role.

SUSER_ID Returns login ID for the current user.

SUSER_NAME Returns login name for the current user.

SUSER_SID Returns user's security identification number (SID) from login name.

SUSER_SNAME Returns user's login name from security identification number (SID).

USER_ID Returns user's database identification number from user name.

USER_NAME Returns database user's name from identification number.

USER Returns the current user's database name.

HAS_DBACCESS Indicates whether current user has access to the specified database.

fn_trace_geteventinfo Returns information about events being traced.

fn_trace_getfilterinfo Returns information about filters applied to a specified trace.

fn_trace_getinfo Returns information about traces.

fn_trace_gettable Returns trace information in a table format.

Table G-22: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in System Functions

Function Name Brief Description

APP_NAME Returns the application name of the current session (if set).

CASE Evaluates a list of conditions and returns one value.

CAST Explicitly converts one data type into another data type.

COALESCE Returns the first non-Null expression on the list.

CONVERT Explicitly converts one data type into another data type, behaves
similar to the CAST function.

CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Returns the current date/time; equivalent ofGETDATE().

CURRENT_USER Returns the current user; equivalent ofUSER_NAME.

DATALENGTH Returns the number of bytes in an expression.

@@ERROR Returns the error number of the last Transact-SQL statement.

FORMATMESSAGE Formats a message from the existing one in thesysmessages table.

GETANSINULL Returns the default NULL ability for the database for the session.

HOST_ID Returns the ID of the computer.

HOST_NAME Returns the name of the host computer.

IDENT_INCR Returns the increment value of any identity column in a table or a view.

IDENT_SEED Returns the identity seed value of any identity column in a table or a

@@IDENTITY Returns the last inserted identity value.

IDENTITY Used to insert into an identity column.

ISDATE Determines whether an expression is a valid date type (or could be

converted into one).

ISNULL Determines whether the expression isNULL.

ISNUMERIC Determines whether the expression is numeric.

NEWID Returns a unique value for theUNIQUEIDENTIFIER data type.

NULLIF Returns NULL if two expressions are equivalent.

PARSENAME Returns the specified path of the object name.

PERMISSIONS Returns a value for the bitmap specifying permissions for the object for
the current user.

@@ROWCOUNT Returns the number of rows affected by the last statement.

ROWCOUNT_BIG Returns the rows affected by the last statement bigint

( ).

SESSION_USER Returns the user's name that is to be inserted into a table when no
default is specified.

STATS_DATE Returns the date when the index statistics were updated.

SYSTEM_USER Returns the name of the current user with admin privileges (Windows

@@TRANCOUNT Returns the number of pending transactions for the current session.
Function Name Brief Description

USER_NAME Returns the database user name from a given identification number.

COLLATIONPROPERTY Returns the property of a given collation.

SCOPE_IDENTITY Returns the last identity value inserted in the identity column for the
current scope.

SERVERPROPERTY Returns the value for the specified server property.

SESSIONPROPERTY Returns the value for the specified session property.

fn_helpcollation Returns a list of all collation supported.

fn_servershareddrives Returns the names of the shared drives that could be used by the
clustered server.

fn_virtualservernodes Returns a list of nodes on which a virtual server can run.

Table G-23: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in System Statistical Functions

Function Name Brief Description

@@CPU_BUSY Returns the time (in milliseconds) since the start of the SQL Server.

@@IDLE Returns idle time (in milliseconds) since the start of the SQL Server.

@@IO_BUSY Returns the time (in milliseconds) since the start of the SQL Server, when
it was busy with I/O operations.

@@PACK_RECEIVED Returns the number of input packets received since the start of the SQL

@@PACK_SENT Returns the number of output packets received since the start of the SQL

@@PACKET_ERRORS Returns the number of error packets on the network that have occurred
since the start of the SQL Server.

@@TIMETICKS Returns the number of milliseconds per CPU tick.

@@TOTAL_ERRORS Returns the number of disk write/read errors since the start of the SQL

@@TOTAL_READ Returns the number of physical disk reads since the start of the SQL Server.

@@TOTAL_WRITE Returns the number of physical disk writes since the start of the SQL

fn_virtualfilestats Returns I/O statistics for the database files.

Table G-24: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in Rowset Functions

Function Name Brief Description

CONTAINSTABLE Returns a table for those columns containing character-based data types for
precise or fuzzy matches of a single word or phrase.

FREETEXTTABLE Returns a table for those columns containing character-based data types for
values that match the meaning but not the exact word.

OPENQUERY Executes a specified pass-through query on a linkedOLEDB data source.

OPENROWSET Provides an ad-hoc method of connecting and accessing remote data through

OPENDATASOURCE Provides ad-hoc connection information, as a part of a four-part object name,

without using a linked server.

OPENXML Provides a rowset view of the XML document.

Appendix H: SQL Syntax Reference

SQL99 syntax uses BNF (Backus-Naur Form) notation to specify the standard syntax for SQL.

Note The notation is named after John Backus and Peter Naur, who first introduced a formal notation to describe the
syntax of a given language.

The notation is quite complicated, so in this book we simplified it by using the most important elements only. In
addition, because the syntaxes for our "big three" differ significantly among themselves (and also are different from the
SQL99 standards), our purpose was to provide as generic notation as possible that would be applicable to them all.
For additional features not mentioned in this appendix, refer to vendor-specific documentation.

The symbols used in our notation are listed in Table H-1 along with their meanings.

Table H-1: Simplified BNF Notation

Symbol Meaning

<> Encloses term names.

| Separates alternatives (exclusiveOR).

[] Designates optional term.

{} Indicates at least one of the required terms is required.

,... Indicates term can be optionally repeated more"than once.

In addition, all SQL keywords are in uppercase letters; everything else is in lowercase.
DDL Statements
This section provides BNF notation for DDL statements.


The notations below are to create, modify, and drop database tables, respectively:
CREATE TABLE <table_name>
column_name <datatype> [<column_constraint>,...]
[DEFAULT <default_value>],...
ALTER TABLE <table_name>
{ <vendor_specific_add_column_clause> |
<vendor_specific_alter_column_clause> |
<vendor_specific_add_constraint_clause> |

Note ALTER TABLE statement clauses vary for different implementations and can hardly be generalized. See
Chapter 5
for more information.
DROP TABLE <table_name>


The following two notations are to create and drop database indexes:
CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX <index_name>
ON <table_name> (<column_name> [ASC|DESC],...)
DROP INDEX <index_name>


The notations below are to create, modify, and drop database views, respectively:
CREATE VIEW <view_name> [(column_name,...)]
AS <select_statement>
ALTER VIEW <view_name>
DROP VIEW <view_name>


The following two notations are to create and to drop database schemas:
CREATE SCHEMA <schema_name>
AUTHORIZATION <authorization_id>

Note In Oracle, the schema_name token is invalid. You can create schemas in Oracle in your own schema only, and
only with your own authorization_id.
Note The foregoing syntax is for DB2 only; Oracle and MS SQL Server don't have DROP SCHEMA statements in their

Stored procedures

The BNF notation to create a stored procedure follows:

CREATE PROCEDURE <procedure_name> [<parameter_section>]

Note The preceding specification is generic; the actual syntax is implementation-specific. Refer to vendor-specific
documentation for details.

The following notation is to drop a stored procedure:

DROP PROCEDURE <procedure_name>

User-defined functions

The BNF notation to create a user-defined function follows:

CREATE FUNCTION <function_name>

Note The preceding specification is generic; the actual syntax is implementation-specific. Refer to vendor-specific
documentation for details.

The following notation is to drop a user-defined function:

DROP FUNCTION <function_name>


The BNF notation to create a trigger follows:

CREATE TRIGGER <trigger_name>
ON <table_name>

Note The preceding syntax describes only basic trigger functionality; the actual implementations have more options.

The following notation is to drop a trigger:

DROP TRIGGER [qualifier.]<trigger_name>
DCL Statements
The BNF notations for the main two DCL statements are:
GRANT {[ALL [PRIVILEGES]] | <privilege,...>}
[ON <object_name>]
TO <user_group_or_role>
REVOKE {[ALL [PRIVILEGES]] | <privilege,...>
ON <object_name>
FROM <user_group_or_role>
DML Statements
The BNF notations for DML statements follow:
INSERT INTO <table_or_view_name>
{{VALUES (<literal> |
<expression> |
DEFAULT,...)} |
{<select_statement>} }
UPDATE <table_or_view_name>
SET {<column_name> = <literal> |
<expression> |
<single_row_select_statement> |
[WHERE <predicate>]
DELETE FROM <table_or_view_name>
WHERE <predicate>
DQL Statements
Data query language (DQL) is comprised of SELECT statements only. A SELECT statement can be single-table
(selecting records from one table only) or multitable (selecting rows from more than one table, usually using some kind
of join).

Single table select

The BNF notation for single table select follows:

{[<qualifier>.]<column_name> | * | <expression>}
[AS <column_alias>],...
FROM <tablg_or_view_name> | <inline_view> [<table_alias>]
[WHERE <predicate>]
[GROUP BY [<qualifier>.]<column_name>,...
[HAVING <predicate>]]
[ORDER_BY [<qualifier>.]<column_name> | <column_number>
[ASC | DESC],...];

Multitable SELECT

A multitable SELECT can be done using either "new" or "old" syntax; also, there are slightly different syntaxes for inner
and outer joins.

"New" syntax (inner join)


{[<qualifier>.]<column_name> | * | <expression>}
[AS <column_alias>],...
FROM <table_or_view_name> | <inline_view> [<table_alias>]
<table_or_view_name> | <inline_view> [<table_alias>]
[ON [<qualifier>.]<column_name>
<table_or_view_name> | <inline_view> [<table_alias>]
[ON [<qualifier>.]<column_name>
[WHERE <predicate>]
[GROUP BY [<qualifier>.]<column_name>,...
[HAVING <predicate>]]
[ORDER_BY [<qualifier>.]<column_name> | <column_number>
[ASC | DESC],...];

"New" syntax (outer join)


{[<qualifier>.]<column_name> | * | <expression>}
[AS <column_alias>],...
FROM <table_or_view_name> | <inline_view> [<table_alias>]
<table_or_view_name> | <inline_view> [<table_alias>]
{ON [<qualifier>.]<column_name>
<table_or_view_name> | <inline_view> [<table_alias>]
{ON [<qualifier>.]<column_name>
[WHERE <predicate>]
[GROUP BY [<qualifier>.]<column_name>,...
[HAVING <predicate>]]
[ORDER_BY [<qualifier>.]<column_name> | <column_number>
[ASC | DESC],...];

Note The "new" syntax for inner and outer joins can be combined in a single query; that is, you might want to join to
tables using an inner join and then join the resulting set with another table using an outer join, and so on.

"Old" syntax (inner join)


{[<qualifier>.]<column_name> | * | <expression>}
[AS <column_alias>],...
FROM <table_or_view_name> | <inline_view> [<table_alias>]
[WHERE [<qualifier>.]<column_name>
[AND [<qualifier>.]<column_name>
[AND <predicate>],...]
[GROUP BY [<qualifier>.]<column_name>,...
[HAVING <predicate>]]
[ORDER_BY [<qualifier>.]<column_name> | <column_number>
[ASC | DESC],...];

Note The "old" syntax for outer join is implementation-specific; please seeChapter 9 or refer to vendor documentation.
Transactional Control Statements
The BNF syntax for the transactional control statements is given below:
In our simplified BNF, predicate can be defined as a statement that can be evaluated to either TRUE or FALSE. Table
H-2 "decodes" SQL syntax for predicates.

Table H-2: Predicates

Element Syntax

<predicate> <boolean_term> [{AND | OR} <boolean_term>,...]

<boolean_term> [NOT] <search_test>

<search_test> <comparison_test> |
<between_test> |
<in_test> |
<like_test> |
<null_test> |
<exists_test> |

<comparison_test> <column_value>
{= | <> | != | < | > | <= | >=}
{<expression> | <single_row_subquery>}

<between_test> <column_value>
<expression> AND <expression>

<in_test> <column_value> [NOT] IN <expression_list> | <table_subquery>

<like_test> <column_value> [NOT] LIKE <pattern> [ESCAPE <value>]

<null_test> <column_value> IS [NOT] NULL

<exists_test> EXISTS <table_subquery>

<quantified_ <column_value>
comparisson_test> {= | <> | != | < | > | <= | >=}

<expression_list> (<expression>,...)

<expression> <sub-expression>
{+ | - | * | /}

<sub-expression> [- | +] {<value> | <function>}

<value> <literal> | <variable>

<column_value> [qualifier.]<column_name>
Appendix I: SQL-Reserved Keywords

With a limited vocabulary, SQL is a relatively efficient language (compared with many other programming languages);
the SQL99 standard defines about 300 keywords out of which vendors have thus far implemented only a small subset.

Oracle 9i lists over 100 keywords, IBM DB2 UDB has over 290 keywords, and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 reserves
over 170 keywords. Most of the vendor-reserved keywords are found in the SQL99 standard, but many more exist.
None of these reserved words should be used as a variable identifier as such use would affect portability of your SQL
code. On some systems, doing so will generate an error ( SQLSTATE 42939).

Asterisks appear after the vendor-supported keywords whenever they also are part of SQL standard.

Note In addition to keywords listed here, each vendor also has a list of keywords reserved for future use. These lists
are constantly updated. Refer to the particular RDBMS documentation.

SQL99 standard reserved keywords:




































































































Oracle 9i SQL reserved keywords:





































IBM DB2 UDB 8.1 reserved keywords:


































































































Microsoft SQL Server 2000 reserved keywords:


























































Future Keywords
Microsoft has also reserved a number of keywords for future use. These are not implemented in MS SQL Server 2000
and hence do not represent valid SQL commands. Nevertheless, it will be a good idea to avoid these altogether in
your code (as identifiers, for instance) as they might render your code invalid in future versions. You may notice that
some of the keywords listed here are, in fact, mandated by the SQL99 standard.

Microsoft SQL Server reserved future keywords:

































































ODBC Reserved Keywords
While not being within the mandated SQL core, these keywords should be avoided in applications to preserve
compatibility with SQL99-compliant drivers.

ODBC 3.0 reserved keywords:















































































Appendix J: SQL99 Major Features Compliance Across Different

Table J-1 shows which of 350 major features defining SQL99 standard compliance have been implemented in IBM
UDB2 (version 7.2), Oracle 9i, and Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Whenever an alternative implementation is available
the vendor's feature is marked as compliant. For example, the ANSI/ISO standard mandates a CHARACTER_LENGTH
function, which Oracle and UDB2 implement"with their function LENGTH and Microsoft with its function LEN — for our
purposes they are considered to be compliant, though strictly speaking they are not. For practicality's sake, we follow
the spirit, not the letter, of the standard.
Table J-1: SQL99-Defined Features across RDBMS

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

E011 Numeric data types ü ü ü

E011-01 INTEGER and SMALLINT data ü ü ü



and FLOAT data types

E011-03 DECIMAL and NUMERIC data ü ü ü


E011-04 Arithmetic operators ü ü ü

E011-05 Numeric comparison ü ü ü

E011-06 Implicit casting among the ü ü ü

numeric data types

E021 Character data types ü ü ü

E021-01 CHARACTER data type ü ü ü

E021-02 CHARACTER VARYING data ü Partial Partial


E021-03 Character literals ü Partial ü


E021-05 OCTET_LENGTH function ü ü ü

E021-06 SUBSTRING function ü ü ü

E021-07 Character concatenation ü ü ü

E021-08 UPPER and LOWER functions ü ü ü

E021-09 TRIM function ü ü ü

E021-10 Implicit casting among the ü ü ü

character data types

E021-11 POSITION function ü ü ü

E011-12 Character comparison ü ü ü

E031 Identifiers ü ü ü

E031-01 Delimited identifiers ü ü ü

E031-02 Lower case identifiers ü ü ü

E031-03 Trailing underscore

E051 Basic query specification ü ü ü


Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

E051-02 GROUP BY clause ü ü ü

E051-04 GROUP BY can contain ü ü ü

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

E051-05 Select list items can be ü ü ü


E051-06 HAVING clause ü ü ü

E051-07 Qualified * in select list ü ü ü

E051-08 Correlation names in the ü ü ü

FROM clause

E061 Basic predicates and search ü ü ü


E061-01 Comparison predicate ü ü

E061-02 BETWEEN predicate ü ü ü

E061-03 IN predicate with list of values ü ü ü

E061-04 LIKE predicate ü ü ü

E061-05 LIKE predicate ESCAPE clause ü ü ü

E061-06 NULL predicate ü ü ü

E061-07 Quantified comparison ü ü ü


E061-08 EXISTS predicate ü Partial ü

E061-09 Subqueries in comparison ü ü ü


E061-11 Subqueries in IN predicate ü ü ü

E061-12 Subqueries in quantified ü ü ü

comparison predicate

E061-13 Correlated subqueries ü ü ü

E061-14 Search condition ü ü ü

E071 Basic query expressions ü ü

E071-01 UNION DISTINCT table ü ü


E071-02 UNION ALL table operator ü ü ü

E071-03 EXCEPT DISTINCT table ü Partial


E071-05 Columns combined via table ü ü ü

operators need not have
exactly the same data type

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

E071-06 Table operators in subqueries ü ü ü

E081 Basic Privileges ü ü ü

E081-01 SELECT privilege ü ü ü

E081-02 DELETE privilege ü ü ü

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

E081-03 INSERT privilege at the table ü ü ü


E081-04 UPDATE privilege at the table ü ü ü


E081-06 REFERENCES privilege at the ü ü ü

table level


E081-05 UPDATE privilege at the ü ü ü

column level

E081-07 REFERENCES privilege at the ü ü ü

column level

E091 Set functions ü ü ü

E091-01 AVG ü ü ü

E091-02 COUNT ü ü ü

E091-03 MAX ü ü ü

E091-04 MIN ü ü ü

E091-05 SUM ü ü ü

E091-06 ALL quantifier ü ü ü

E091-07 DISTINCT quantifier ü ü ü

E101 Basic data manipulation ü ü ü

E101-01 INSERT statement ü ü ü

E101-03 Searched UPDATE statement ü ü ü

E101-04 Searched DELETE statement ü ü ü

E111 Single row SELECT statement ü ü ü

E121 Basic cursor support ü ü ü

E121-01 DECLARE CURSOR ü ü ü

E121-02 ORDER BY columns need not ü ü ü

be in select list

E121-03 Value expressions in ORDER ü ü ü3

BY clause

E121-04 OPEN statement ü ü ü

E121-06 Positioned UPDATE statement ü ü ü

E121-07 Positioned DELETE statement ü ü ü

E121-08 CLOSE statement ü ü ü

E121-10 FETCH statement implicit ü


Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

E171 SQLSTATE support ü ü ü

E182 Module language ü Partial

F021 Basic information schema ü ü ü

F021-01 COLUMNS view ü ü ü

F021-02 TABLES view ü ü ü

F021-03 VIEWS view ü ü ü

F021-04 TABLE_CONSTRAINTS view ü ü ü


F021-06 CHECK_CONSTRAINTS view ü ü ü

F031 Basic schema manipulation ü ü ü

F031-01 CREATE TABLE statement to ü ü ü

create persistent base tables

F031-02 CREATE VIEW statement ü ü ü

F031-03 GRANT statement ü ü ü

F031-04 ALTER TABLE statement ü ü ü

COLUMN clause

F031-13 DROP TABLE statement clause ü ü

F031-16 DROP VIEW statement ü


F031-19 REVOKE statement RESTRICT ü


F033 ALTER TABLE statement: ü ü ü


F041 Basic joined table ü ü ü

F041-01 Inner join (but not necessarily ü ü ü

the INNER keyword)

F041-02 INNER keyword ü ü ü

F041-03 LEFT OUTER JOIN ü ü ü

F041-04 RIGHT OUTER JOIN ü ü ü

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

F041-05 Outer joins can be nested ü ü ü

F041-07 The inner table in a left or ü ü ü

right outer join can also be
used in an inner join

F041-08 All comparison operators are ü ü ü

supported (rather than just =)
Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

F051 Basic date and time ü ü ü

F051-01 DATE data type (including ü ü ü

support of DATE literal)

F051-02 TIME data type (including ü ü ü

support of TIME literal) with
fractional seconds precision of
at least 0

F051-03 TIMESTAMP data type ü ü ü

(including support of
TIMESTAMP literal) with
fractional seconds precision of
at least 0 and 6

F051-04 Comparison predicate on ü ü ü


F051-05 Explicit CAST between ü ü

datetime types and character

F051-06 CURRENT_DATE ü ü ü

F051-07 LOCALTIME ü ü ü


F081 UNION and EXCEPT in views ü ü Partial

F111 Isolation levels other than ü ü ü



isolation level

F111-02 READ COMMITTED isolation ü ü ü


F111-03 REPEATABLE READ isolation ü ü ü


F121 Basic diagnostics ü ü ü


F121-01 GET DIAGNOSTICS statement

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

F121-02 SET TRANSACTION statement:


F131 Grouped operations ü ü ü

F131-01 WHERE, GROUP BY and ü ü

HAVING clauses supported in
queries with grouped views

F131-02 Multiple tables supported in ü ü ü

queries with grouped views
Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

F131-03 Set functions supported in ü ü ü

queries with grouped views

F131-04 Subqueries with GROUP BY ü ü ü

and HAVING clauses and
grouped views

F131-05 Single row SELECT with ü ü ü

clauses and grouped views

F201 CAST function ü ü ü

F221 Explicit defaults ü ü ü

F231 Privilege Tables ü ü ü

F231-01 TABLE_PRIVILEGES view ü ü ü

F231-02 COLUMN_PRIVILEGES view ü ü ü

F231-03 USAGE_PRIVILEGES view ü ü ü

F261 CASE expression ü ü ü

F261-01 Simple CASE ü ü ü

F261-02 Searched CASE ü

F261-03 NULLIF ü ü ü

F261-04 COALESCE ü ü

F311 Schema definition statement ü ü ü

F311-01 CREATE SCHEMA ü ü ü

F311-02 CREATE TABLE for persistent ü ü ü

base tables

F311-03 CREATE VIEW ü ü ü



F311-05 GRANT statement ü ü ü

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

F471 Scalar subquery values ü ü ü

F481 Expanded NULL predicate ü ü ü

F032 CASCADE drop behavior ü ü ü

F034 Extended REVOKE statement ü ü ü

F034-01 REVOKE statement performed ü ü ü

by other than the owner of a
schema object

F052 Intervals and datetime ü ü ü


F171 Multiple schemas per user ü ü ü

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

F191 Referential delete actions ü ü ü

F222 INSERT statement: DEFAULT ü ü ü

VALUES clause

F251 Domain support

F281 LIKE enhancements ü ü ü

F291 UNIQUE predicate ü ü ü

F301 CORRESPONDING in query ü


F302 INTERSECT table operator ü ü

F302-01 INTERSECT DISTINCT table ü ü


F302-02 INTERSECT ALL table operator ü ü

F304 EXCEPT ALL table operator ü ü

F321 User authorization ü ü ü

F341 Usage tables ü ü ü

F361 Subprogram support ü ü ü

F381-01 ALTER TABLE statement: ü ü ü


F381-02 ALTER TABLE statement: ADD ü ü ü


F381-03 ALTER TABLE statement: ü ü ü


F391 Long identifiers ü ü ü

F401 Extended joined table ü ü ü

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

F401-01 NATURAL JOIN ü ü ü

F401-02 FULL OUTER JOIN ü ü ü

F401-03 UNION JOIN ü ü ü

F401-04 CROSS JOIN ü ü ü

F411 Time zone specification ü ü ü

F421 National character ü ü ü

F431 Read-only scrollable cursors ü ü ü

F431-01 FETCH with explicit NEXT ü ü

F431-02 FETCH FIRST ü ü

F431-03 FETCH LAST ü ü

F431-04 FETCH PRIOR ü ü

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft



F451 Character set definition ü ü ü

F461 Named character sets ü ü ü

F491 Constraint management ü ü ü

F501-01 SQL_FEATURES view

F501-02 SQL_SIZING view

F501-03 SQL_LANGUAGES view

F502 Enhanced documentation ü ü ü




F502-03 SQL_PACKAGES view ü ü

F511 BIT data type ü ü ü

F521 Assertions ü ü ü

F531 Temporary tables ü ü ü

F555 Enhanced seconds precision ü ü ü

F561 Full value expressions ü ü ü

F571 Truth value tests ü ü ü

F591 Derived tables ü ü

F641 Row and table constructors ü ü

F661 Simple tables ü ü ü

F671 Subqueries in CHECK ü ü ü

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

F691 Collation and translation ü ü ü

F701 Referential update actions ü ü ü

F711 ALTER domain

F721 Deferrable constraints ü ü ü

F731 INSERT column privileges ü ü ü

F751 View CHECK enhancements ü ü ü

F761 Session management ü ü ü

F771 Connection management ü ü ü

F781 Self-referencing operations ü ü ü

F791 Insensitive cursors ü ü ü

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

F801 Full set function ü ü ü

F811 Extended flagging

F812 Basic flagging ü ü ü

F813 Extended flagging for "Core ü ü

SQL Flagging" and "Catalog
Lookup" only

F821 Local table references ü ü ü

F831 Full cursor update ü

F831-01 Updateable scrollable cursors ü ü

S011 Distinct data types ü ü

S011-01 USER_DEFINED_TYPES view ü ü ü

S023 Basic structured types ü ü ü

S024 Enhanced structured types ü ü

S041 Basic reference types ü ü ü

S051 Create table of type ü ü ü

S071 SQL paths in function and ü ü ü

type name resolution

S081 Subtables ü ü

S091 Basic array support ü ü Partial

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

S091-01 Arrays of built-in data types ü ü

S091-02 Arrays of distinct types ü

S091-03 Array expressions

S092 Arrays of user-defined types ü ü

S094 Arrays of reference types ü

S111 ONLY in query expressions ü ü ü

S161 Subtype treatment ü ü

S201 SQL routines on arrays ü ü

S201-01 Array parameters ü

S201-02 Array as result type of ü ü


S211 User-defined cast functions ü ü ü

S232 Array locators ü ü

S241 Transform functions ü ü ü

S251 User-defined orderings

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

T011 Timestamp in ü ü

T031 BOOLEAN data type

T041-01 BLOB data type ü ü

T041-02 CLOB data type ü ü

T051 Row types ü ü

T111 Updateable joins, unions, and ü ü ü


T121 WITH (excluding RECURSIVE ) ü ü ü

in query expression

T131 Recursive query ü ü ü

T171 LIKE clause in table definition

T271 Savepoints ü ü ü

T281 SELECT privilege with column ü ü ü


T301 Functional Dependencies ü ü ü

T141 SIMILAR predicate

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

T151 DISTINCT predicate ü ü ü

T191 Referential action RESTRICT ü

T201 Comparable data types for ü ü ü

referential constraints

T211 Basic trigger capability ü ü ü

T211-01 Triggers activated on UPDATE, ü ü ü

INSERT, or DELETE of one
base table

T211-02 BEFORE triggers ü ü ü

T211-03 AFTER triggers ü ü ü

T211-04 FOR EACH ROW triggers ü ü ü

T211-05 Ability to specify a search ü ü

condition that must be true
before the trigger is invoked

T211-06 Support for run-time rules for ü

the interaction of triggers and

T211-07 TRIGGER privilege

T211-08 Multiple triggers for the same ü ü ü

the event are executed in the
order in which they were
Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft


T212 Enhanced trigger capability ü

T231 SENSITIVE cursors ü ü ü



T251 SET TRANSACTION statement: ü ü ü

LOCAL option

T312 OVERLAY function

T321 Basic SQL-invoked routines ü ü ü

T321-01 User-defined functions with no ü ü ü


T321-02 User-Defined procedures with ü ü ü

no overloading

T321-03 Function invocation ü ü ü

T321-04 CALL statement ü ü

T321-06 ROUTINES view ü ü ü

T321-07 PARAMETERS view ü ü ü

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

T321-05 RETURN statement ü Partial ü

T322 Overloading of SQL-invoked ü Partial

functions and procedures

T323 Explicit security for external ü ü ü


T331 Basic roles ü ü ü

T332 Extended roles ü ü ü

T351 Bracketed SQL comments ü ü ü

(/*...*/ comments)

T401 INSERT into a cursor ü

T411 UPDATE statement: SET ROW ü ü ü


T431 CUBE and ROLLUP operations ü ü ü

T471 Result sets return value ü ü ü

T441 ABS and MOD functions ü ü Partial

T461 Symmetric BETWEEN ü ü ü


T501 Enhanced EXISTS predicate ü ü

T511 Transaction counts ü ü ü

T541 Updateable table references ü ü ü

Identifier Description IBM Oracle Microsoft

T551 OPTIONAL keyword for default


T561 Holdable locators ü ü

T571 Array-returning external ü ü ü

SQL-invoked functions

T581 Regular expression substring ü ü


T591 UNIQUE constraints of ü ü

possibly null columns

T601 Local cursor references ü ü ü

Appendix K: The Other RDBMS
This book concentrates on three big vendors — Oracle, IBM, and Microsoft — but of course, they are not the only
providers of relational database software. We intentionally tried to steer away from the "holy wars" of the RDBMS
vendors, and we hope we've succeeded.

There are virtually dozens of lesser-known RDBMS packages out there, and their merits are not always reflected by
their market share. Most of them compare very favorably with the "big three" in terms of costs (some of these are
distributed free of charge), and even performance. Some of the most popular are listed in Table K-1; the list is by no
means complete.
Table K-1: RDBMS Software Vendors

RDBMS SQL Operating System Vendor Info

ADABAS 92 Unix, Linux, mainframe Software AG

Cloudscape DBMS 92/99 Any platform for which IBM

JVM is implemented

Daffodil DB Java 99 Any platform for which Daffodil Software www.daffodil

JVM is implemented

Empress 92 Sun Solaris, HP_UX, Empress Software Inc.

UNICOS, MS Windows
NT/2000/XP LynxOS,
QNX, RTU, Bluecat,

FirstBase v9.3.2 92 Unix, Linux FirstBase Software

Open Source Database, GNU General
Public License

FoxPro/FoxBase 92 Microsoft Windows 9x/ Microsoft Corporation


INGRES II 92 Windows NT/2000, Unix, Computer Associates

Open VMS, Linux

Informix 92 IBM AIX, SGI IRIX; IBM

Linux; Reliant UNIX; Sun
Solaris; Compaq Tru64;
Windows NT/2000/ XP;

InterBase 92 Windows NT/2000/XP, Borland Software Corporation

UNIX, Linux

LEAP RDBMS 92 Unix, Linux Open Source

v1.2.6 . Database, GNU General Public

Linter RDBMS 92/99 Linux (Red Hat, Caldera, RelX Corporation
SQL/RelX Enterprise SuSe, Mandrake)
FreeBSD, NetBSD,
OpenBSD, BSDi Sun
Solaris (ix86, Sparc) SGI
PC) Digital UNIX,
Novell Netware SINIX,
USIX WindRiver
Tornado/ VxWorks, QNX
OS9, OS9000, SCO
UNIX UnixWare,

MS Access 2000 92 Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP Microsoft Corporation
RDBMS SQL Operating System Vendor Info

mSQL Unix, Linux Hughes Technologies Pty. Ltd. Open Source

MySQL 92/99 Linux, FreeBSD, MySQL AB, GNU

Windows General Public License
9x/NT/2000/XP, Sun
Solaris, HP-UX, Mac OS

Non-Stop SQL 92 Unix, Windows NT/2000 Hewlett-Packard Company

Ocelot SQLDBMS 99 Windows NT/2000/XP/9x Open Source; available for download

on the Internet, but the company is no
longer in business. GNU
General Public License

PostgreSQL v7.2.1 92/99 AIX, BeOS, FreeBSD, Open Source Software

BSD, Tru64 Unix, GNU General Public
DG/UX, Linux, Mac OS License
X, SCO OpenServer,
SCO UnixWare, SGI Irix,
Sun Solaris, MS
Windows NT/2000

Progress v9.0 92 Sun Solaris, SCO Open Progress Software Corp.

Server, IBM AIX, True64
UNIX, HP-UX, Linux,
DG/ UX Intel, Citrix
MetaFrame, MS
Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP

Pervasive SQL 2000i 92/99 NetWare, Windows Pervasive

9x/NT/2000, MS-DOS,

Quadbase SQL 92 Novell Netware, Quadbase Systems Inc.

Server v4.x Windows 9x/NT/2000

RedBase Pure Java 92 Any platform for which Bungisoft, Inc
RDBMS JVM is implemented

SQLBase v8.0 92 Windows 98/NT/2000/XP Gupta Technologies, LLC

NetWare 5.1 & 6

StorHouse/RM 92 HP-UX, Sun Solaris FileTek, Inc.

Sybase Adaptive 92/99 Sun Solaris, HP-UX, SGI Sybase, Inc.
Server Irix, IBM AIX, Windows
NT/2000/ XP, Linux, Mac

TimesTen RDBMS Sun Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, TimesTen, Inc.

Windows NT/2000/XP,
LynxOS, Linux

UniVerse 92 Windows NT, Linux, Unix IBM
RDBMS SQL Operating System Vendor Info

Versant/SQL v6.0 92/99 Solaris, Microsoft Versant Corporation

Windows NT, IBM AIX
and HP/UX
Appendix L: A Brief Introduction to the Number Systems, Boolean
Algebra, and Set Theory

We believe strongly that daily users of RDBMS and SQL will greatly benefit by understanding the basics of discrete
math and set theory that serve as the foundation for SQL.

You don't need a math degree to write and read SQL code, but the knowledge of how binary and hexadecimal
numbers are different from decimals and how they can be converted to each other can help you to better understand
issues directly related to it. Such issues include security issues, data encryption, data storage principles, and the
Oracle ROWID data type — to mention just a few.

Understanding set theory is even more important. Basically, the result of any database query is a set of values, so it
would benefit you immediately to know the rules of working with sets to create efficient queries.
The Number Systems

The decimal number system we casually use in our everyday lives is not the only number system in the world. Most of
us are used to the decimal system, take it for granted, and maybe even consider it the only possible collection of
numbers. But that assumption is valid only if we are talking about modern humans. Machines don't use the decimal
system. Moreover, humans themselves, now and in the past, have used other systems. For example, the ancient
civilization of Sumerians used a base-sixty number system six thousand years ago; that is, they had 60 different
characters to represent digits. In our own time, the English word "dozen" points to the existence of a numbering
system different from decimal.

The RDBMS connection

The bases relevant to computer science in general and to SQL in particular are represented in Table L-1.

Table L-1: Number Systems

System Elements

Decimal {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}

Binary {0,1}

Hexadecimal {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F}

The hexadecimal system is useful to represent large binary numbers. For example, a 16-bit binary sequence, called a
word in programming jargon, can be divided into four groups with four bits in each group, and then each group can be
easily represented as a hexadecimal number (Table L-2) that is more convenient to use.

Table L-2: Binary Number Represented in Hexadecimal Groups

Binary number 0010111011111100

Binary groups 0010 1110 1111 1100

Hexadecimal groups 2 E F C

Note Since the largest possible four-bit number (1111) is a decimal 15, you cannot represent it (as well as numbers
10,11, 12, 13, and 14) using just one character in the decimal number system. The hexadecimal system is very
convenient in this case because 1111 can be represented as hexadecimal F (the equivalent to decimal 15).

Converting numbers

Numbers can be converted from one number system to another using a mathe-matical algorithm — a sequence of

Binary to decimal conversion

A binary number could be converted into decimal using the following algorithm: Count the elements comprising the
number (zeroes and ones) from right to left using 0 for the first element, 1 for the second, and so on until the last
element n. Then, starting from the nth (leftmost) element, calculate the sum of each element times 2 powered by n:

n n-1 0
(An * 2) + (An-1 * 2) + ... + (A0 * 2)
Table L-3 illustrates the conversion of binary number 10011 to its decimal equivalent.

Table L-3: Binary to Decimal Conversion

Binary Number 1 0 0 1 1

n 4 3 2 1 0

Calculation 4 3 2 1 0
(2 * 1) (2 * 0) (2 * 0) (2 * 1) (2 * 1)

Result 16 0 0 2 1

Subtotal 16+0+0+2+1=19

Decimal to binary conversion

A decimal number can be converted into binary using this logic: Divide a decimal number by 2 using integer division.
Write down the remainder (from right to left). Repeat the operation using the resulting number. Repeat until the
resulting number becomes zero:
SET j to 0
SET nj to N
WHILE nj <> 0
a j := remainder of nj / 2
n j + 1 := floor (nj / 2)
j := j + 1

Table L-4 illustrates the conversion of decimal number 123 to its binary equivalent. The resulting binary number is

Table L-4: Decimal to Binary Conversion

N = 123 123

J 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

nj 123 61 30 15 7 3 1

aj 61 30 15 7 3 1 0

Remainder 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
Logic Elements of Boolean Algebra
Boolean algebra is a system named after George Boole, a mid-nineteenth-century English mathematician. It is based
on the binary number system described earlier in this chapter. In addition to the binary elements (0 and 1) it also
includes a number of operators. The four fundamental Boolean operators are:





There are two other operators derived from the three basic ones:



Note As you know from Chapter 11, operators can be unary and binary (in this case the word "binary"
is by no means related to binary numbers; it only means that the operator requires two
operands). NOT is a unary operator; all other operators covered in this appendix are binary.

NOT (complement or inverter)

The NOT operator accepts the value of one Boolean variable as input and outputs the opposite of this value. See
Table L-5.

Table L-5: NOT Truth Table



AND (Boolean product)

The AND operator accepts two Boolean variables as input and outputs their Boolean product. See Table L-6.

Table L-6: AND Truth table

VALUE1 0 0 1 1

VALUE2 0 1 0 1


OR (Boolean sum)

The OR operator accepts two Boolean variables as input and outputs their Boolean sum. See Table L-7.
Table L-7: OR Truth table

VALUE1 0 0 1 1

VALUE2 0 1 0 1

VALUE1 OR VALUE2 0 1 1 1

XOR (exclusive OR)

The XOR operator accepts two Boolean variables as input and outputs their exclusive Boolean sum (exactly one of the
variables must be 1 for XOR output to be 1). See Table L-8.

Table L-8: XOR Truth table

VALUE1 0 0 1 1

VALUE2 0 1 0 1


NAND (inversed AND)

The NAND operator accepts two Boolean variables as input and outputs the opposite of their Boolean product. See
Table L-9.

Table L-9: NAND Truth table

VALUE1 0 0 1 1

VALUE2 0 1 0 1


Note NOT(A AND B) is not the same asNOT(A) AND NOT(B).

NOR (inversed OR)

The NOR operator accepts two or more Boolean variables as input and outputs the complement of their Boolean sum.
See Table L-10.

Table L-10: NOR Truth table

VALUE1 0 0 1 1

VALUE2 0 1 0 1


Note NOT(A OR B) is not the same asNOT(A) + NOT(B).

Rules of precedence

Table L-11 shows the precedence rules of the Boolean algebra operators.
Table L-11: Boolean Algebra Operator Precedence

Precedence level Operator

1 brackets ( )

2 Boolean complement NOT

3 Boolean product AND

4 Boolean sum OR

Note Brackets have the highest precedence, i.e., everything inside brackets is evaluated first.

Table L-12 illustrates how the precedence rules are used when evaluating the expression: NOT (TRUE OR FALSE) OR

Note Remember, 1 in Boolean algebra means TRUE and 0 means FALSE.

Table L-12: Precedence Rules Illustration

Step Expression Explanation

1 NOT(1 OR 0) OR 1 AND 0 1 OR 0 is inside the brackets, so evaluate it first. The result is1, so
replace (1 OR 0) with 1.

2 = NOT(1) OR 1 AND 0 Evaluate the complement next. NOT(1) = 0. Replace NOT(1) with

3 = 0 OR 1 AND 0 Evaluate the product next. 1 AND 0 = 0. Replace 1 AND 0 with 0.

4 = 0 OR 0 Now, evaluate the sum. 0 OR 0 = 0, so the result of the expression

is 0.

5 =0 We are done.

Table L-13 contains the main identities of Boolean algebra.

Table L-13: Identities of Boolean Algebra

Name Corresponding Notation

Complement laws X OR NOT(X) = TRUE


Law of the double complement NOT(NOT(X)) = X

Idempotent laws X OR X = X

Identity laws X OR FALSE = X


Dominance laws X OR TRUE = TRUE


Commutative laws X OR Y = Y OR X

Associative laws X OR (Y OR Z) = (X OR Y) OR Z

Distributive laws X OR (Y AND Z) = (X OR Y) AND (X OR Z)


DeMorgan's laws NOT(X AND Y) = NOT(X) OR NOT(Y)


Absorption law X AND (X OR Y) = X

Set Theory
Set is a fundamental concept in all branches of mathematics and is also a very important concept for SQL because
SQL queries operate with record sets. The idea of set is very intuitive: a collection of objects. The objects may be of
the same type or of different types. In math terminology, set is a collection of well-defined objects; these objects are
called the elements of the set. The elements (or members) of the set are said to belong to the set.

The listing of sets

Sets are usually denoted by capital letters and their elements by lowercase letters (or numbers). A set can contain
anything and the elements of a set need not be the same kind of objects. In math notation a set can be defined by
listing its elements between braces or by using set builder notation:

A = {1,2,5,8}

B = {x | x in N, 10 <= x <= 200}

The order of the elements does not matter:

{1,5,2,6} = {1,2,5,6} = {6,1,2,5}

Sets can contain other sets as elements

A = {1,3,{1,2},4,7}

assuming B = {1,2} and C = {7}, A = {1,3,B,4,C}.

The empty set is a set with no elements, denoted by {} or {Ø}.

In conventional set theory, repeated elements are ignored, or more specifically, repeated elements are treated as if
they were a single element:

{a,a,c,b,c} = {a,b,c}

Sets need not be finite, and a typical example of an infinite set is the set of all integers:

Z = {...,–2,–1,0,1,2,...}

Another typical example is the set of natural numbers, which consists of all nonnegative integers:

N = {1,2,3,...}

Yet another example is the set of whole numbers:

W = {0,1,2,...}.

Sometimes a set is difficult or impossible to list; for example, the set of all natural numbers from 10 to 200. In such
cases we can define the set by stating the properties of its elements:

A = {x | x in N, 10 <= x <= 200}

This notation is read as A is the set of all x such that x is a natural number (N) and x lies between 10 and 200 inclusive.


We say that a set P is a subset of set Q if every element of P is also an element of Q. This does not exclude the
possibility that P = Q.

For example, if:

A = {1,2,3,4,5,6}

B = {1,3,7}

C = {2,4,6}

then C is a subset of A, but B is not a subset of A because it contains element 7 that is not a member of set A.

Note Related to the concept of subsets is that of the superset.A is a superset ofC, which means thatA contains C.

Set equality

Two sets, A and B, are equal if A is a subset of B and B is a subset of A. In other words, A = B if every element of A is
also in B and every element of B is also in A.

Operations on sets

Operations on sets include union, intersection, complement, difference, and Cartesian product.


The union of two sets A and B is the set containing all elements in A or B or both. It is written as A U B. The union of n
sets, A1, A2, ..., An is the set of all objects which belong to at least one of the sets:

A = {2,5}

B = {1,9}

A U B = {1,2,5,9}.

Figure L-1 illustrates the concept.

Figure L-1: Set union

Note In SQL, the UNION operator works exactly as described here. If the resulting set contains duplicates, they are
excluded. For example, {1,2,5} U {1,5,9} = {1,2,5,9}. To preserve duplicates SQL uses another operator, UNION
ALL that is not a part of the classical set theory. If you denote
UNION ALL with UA, then {1,2,5} UA {1,5,9} =


The intersection of two sets A and B is the set of all common elements that are found in both A and B. It is written as A
^ B. The intersection of n sets, A1, A2, ..., An is the set of all objects that belong to every one of the sets:

A = {a,b,d}

B = {d,e,f}

A ^ B = {d}

Intersection is shown on Figure L-2.

Figure L-2: Set intersection


The complement (or absolute complement) of a set A is the set NOT(A) or A' consisting of all elements not in A. This
definition requires the existence of a Universal set U:

A = {a,b,c}

U = {a,b,c,...,z}

A' = {d,e,f,...,z}

Note In the SQL99 standards (and all the "big three" databases) the complement is denoted by the
NOT operator.


The difference of sets A and B is defined as the set A – B consisting of all elements of A that are not also in B. The
difference of A and B is not the same as the difference of B and A. The definition of set difference does not imply that
A and B have anything in common, nor does it say anything about their relative sizes:

A = {1,3,5,7,8}

B = {3,4,6,8,10}

A – B = {1,5,7}

B – A = {4,6,10}.

Set difference is illustrated in Figure L-3.

Figure L-3: Set difference

Note The DIFFERENCE set operator is represented byEXCEPT in SQL99 and DB2 (MINUS in Oracle). MS SQL Server
does not have any operator for set difference; the result can be simulated using NOT EXISTS. See Chapter 8 for
more information.


The Cartesian product of two sets A and B denoted by A × B (also called the product set or the product of A and B) is a
set of ordered pairs where the first component is a member of the first set and the second component is a member of
the second set:

A = {1,2,3}

B = {7,8}

A × B = {(1,7), (1,8), (2,7), (2,8), (3,7), (3,8)}

Figure L-4 represents the Cartesian product.

Figure L-4: Cartesian product

Note Cartesian product is also known as aCROSS JOIN in SQL99 and MS SQL Server.

Multiple operations

For multiple unions and intersections, brackets can be used to clarify the order of operations, e.g., ( A ^ B ) U C.

Set cardinality

Cardinality is the term describing the number of elements in a set. It is denoted by |A|:

A = {1,3,5}

|A| = 3

B = {a,b,f,r,t,y}

|B| = 6

Set Operations on Multielement Operands

Set theory is fully applicable to the resultsets returned in SQL queries. In most cases, a query returns more than
one column, which implies two main rules.

First, you can only perform set operations on two sets if they have exactly the same number of subelements.
(Don't confuse this rule with set cardinality!) That means you can have a union of sets A = {(1,2), (5,6), (10,12)}
and B = {(1,3), (16,18)} (A U B = {(1,2), (5,6), (10,12), (1,3), (16,18)}), but the union becomes impossible (in
SQL) if A = {(1,2), (5,6), (10,12)} and B = {(1,3,5), (16,18,7)}.
Second, the subelements within the element are treated as a single entity; that's why the resulting set A U B
from the previous example includes both (1,2) and (1,3).

Note For the empty set, |{}| = 0.

Identities of Set algebra

Set algebra identities are listed in Table L-14.

Table L-14: Identities of Set Algebra

Name Identity

Idempotent laws A UA =A
A ^A =A

Associative laws A U (B U C) = (A U B) U C
A ^ (B ^ C) = (A ^ B) ^ C

Commutative laws A U B = B U AA ^ B = B ^ A

Distributive laws A U (B ^ C) = (A U B) ^ (A U C)
A ^ (B U C) = (A ^ B) U (A ^ C)

Identity laws A U {} = A
A ^ {} = {}
A ^ U =A

Complement laws A U A' = U

A ^ A' = {}
(A')' = A
U' = {}
{}' = U

DeMorgan's laws (A ^ B)' = A' U B'

(A U B)' = A' ^ B'

+ (addition operator)
described, 367
precedence, 383
& (AND bitwise operator), 390
' (apostrophe), 349
:= (assignment operator, PL/SQL), 490
* (asterisk)
columns, selecting all, 242?243
outer joins, MS SQL Server 2000, 295?296, 299, 300?301
@ (at sign), 494
\ (backslash), 356
() (brackets), 198
^ (caret wildcard operator), 378
: (colon)
format templates, 349
host variables, 531
, (comma)
format templates, 349
multiple indexes, dropping, 161
Oracle 9i updates, 198
|| (concatenation operator)
described, 248, 368
precedence, 383
- (dash), 349
-- (dash, double), 94
/ (division operator)
described, 368
precedence, 383
. (dot notation)
C program, connecting, 534
decimals, 57
fully qualified names, 15
" (double quotes), 51
= (equal sign)
as assignment operator, 385?386
as comparison operator, 386
join condition, 281
outer joins, MS SQL Server 2000, 295?296
/\ (exclusive OR bitwise operator), 390?392
/ (forward slash)
format templates, 349
PL/SQL function, 517
> (greater than operator), 386
>= (greater than or equal to operator), 386, 388
< (less than operator), 386
<= (less than or equal to operator), 386, 388
% (modulo operator), 368, 371
* (multiplication operator)
described, 368
precedence, 383
~ (NOT bitwise operator), 383, 390
<>, !=, !<, !> (not equal to operators), 387
| (OR bitwise operator), 390
() (parentheses), 385
% (percent sign), 378
+ (plus operator)
concatenating, 248
outer joins, Oracle 9i, 294?295, 300
(+) (plus sign within parentheses), 298
# (pound sign), 84
## (pound sign, double), 84
; (semicolon)
C programming delimiter, 531
format templates, 349
PL/SQL statements, 490
' (single quote)
character literals, 51
date and time, handling, 67
numeric literals, 57
[] (square brackets), 378
- (subtraction operator), 367
+ (unary operator), 383, 384
_ (underscore wildcard operator), 378, 379?380

abstract data type. See ADT
Access. See MS Access
attempts, monitoring, 398
DB2 UDB 8.1
CLP, 680?683
sequences, 137?138
MS SQL Server 2000 utilities, 683?688
Oracle 9i
sequences, 136?137
utilities, 675?680
access control. See authorization
ACID test, 217
ACME sample database
column constraints and defaults, 617
described, 9
general information and business rules, 613?614
indexes, 617
on DB2 UDB 8.1, 691?693
on MS SQL Server 2000, 693?694
on Oracle 9i, 689?691
naming conventions, 614?615
scripts, 617?627
tables, relationships between, 615
ActiveX (Microsoft), 578
activity, monitoring
DB2 UDB 8.1, 448?449
described, 397, 398
MS SQL Server 2000, 449?451
Oracle 9i, 447?448
ADABAS database, 14, 767
adding data
populating tables (INSERT)
for all columns, 182?183
clauses, described, 178?179
DB2 UDB 8.1, 189?190
described, 177?178
integrity constraints, 186
MS SQL Server 2000, 190?192
NULL and default values, 183?184
Oracle 9i, 188?189
from other tables, 184?185
SQL99 specifics, 187?188
value for specified column, 179?181
multiple, 189
and updating (MERGE), 202?204
secure handling, 440?441
views, restricting, 438
with SELECT statement, 248?249
adding (mathematical operation)
column values ( SUM), 37, 339?240
date and time functions (ADD_MONTHS and DATEADD), 333?335
multiple query results, 270?278
objects, 413
rows to table, 541
addition operator (+)
described, 367
precedence, 383
listing by customer ID, 254
structure, creating, 72
administrative tasks. See DBA (database administrator)
Adobe Acrobat Reader, 611
ADO.NET, 583?588

ADT (abstract data type), 68

aggregate functions
GROUP BY clause, 264
MS SQL Server 2000, 719?720
Oracle 9i, 704?705
summary tables, 105
views, joining, 119?120
checking for customers, 364
creating, 121?125
destroying, 164?165
FROM clause, 251?252
physical object, lack of, 246?248
all columns, selecting, 242?243
ALL logical operator, 373

alphabetical order, customers, sorting, 267?268

altering. See also changes
adding, 147?148, 152, 154
modifying, 148, 154?155
removing, 149, 155?156
triggering, 524
creating, 149?150, 152?153, 156
deferring, 93?94
disabling and enabling, 150?151
modifying, 149
read-only, 115?116
removing, 150, 153, 156
customer credit status, 361
database objects, cross-reference, 169?170
existing data (UPDATE)
column in all rows, 194
DB2 UDB 8.1, 151?153, 198
described, 33?34, 192?193
integrity constraints, 197
MS SQL Server 2000, 154?156, 198
multiple columns, 194
Oracle 9i, 146?151, 198
SET clause, 193
single column of single row, 194
single-row subquery, 195?197
SQL99, 146
WHERE clause, 193
flexibility, 5
identity column options, modifying, 152
physical attributes, changing, 147
privilege, assigning, 38
renaming, 151
with SELECT statement, 248?249
DB2 UDB 8.1, 168
Oracle 9i, 168
single-row subquery with correlated, 196?197
summary table options, altering, 153
DB2 UDB 8.1, 163
MS SQL Server 2000, 163
Oracle 9i, 162
restricting, 438
analytic functions, Oracle 9i, listed, 706?708
AND bitwise operator (&), 390

AND logical operator, 381, 775

ANSI (American National Standards Institute)

data type codes, 549
defaults, MS SQL Server 2000, 212
dynamic SQL and SQL99 standards, 543
history of standards, 5, 21, 29
time formats, 67
ANY | SOME logical operator, 373

API (Application Programming Interface)

DB2 UDB 8.1, 571?573
MS SQL Server 2000, 683?686
SQL99 standard, 557?562
DOM, 592
JDBC, 566?571
Microsoft Data Access Interfaces, 581?589
OCI, 573?578
ODBC, 562?565
OO40, 578?580
apostrophe ('), 349
caution about renaming tables, 151
CD-ROM, back of the book, 611?612
name of, MS SQL Server 2000, 482?483

applications, installing
ACME database
on DB2 UDB 8.1, 691?693
on MS SQL Server 2000, 693?694
on Oracle 9i, 689?691
DB2 UDB 8.1, 658?666
MS SQL Server 2000, 666?673
Oracle 9i
general information, 637?638
on Linux, 653?658
on SUN Solaris, 648?653
on Windows NT/2000/XP, 638?648
DB2 UDB 8.1, 666
MS SQL Server 2000, 672?673
Oracle 9i, 646?647, 653
approximate numbers
DB2 UDB 8.1, 58
MS SQL Server 2000, 59
Oracle 9i, 58
SQL99, 58
business rules, complex, 185
values from other tables, 184?185
arguments. See parameters
arithmetic operators, 367?372
arrays, 605
AS/400, 357
ascending order. See sequences
blank space in string, indicating, 319
commands, typing, 40
data, encrypting, 445?446
defined, 46
NULL sorting precedence, 269
string function, 316
Ashton-Tate database, 476
assignment operator (:=), PL/SQL, 490
assignment operators, SQL, 385?386
assignment value, deriving, 195?196
asterisk (*)
columns, selecting all, 242?243
outer joins, MS SQL Server 2000, 295?296, 299, 300?301
at sign (@), 494
ATM withdrawal operation, 217?218
atomicity rule, 217
identifying in relational database design, 630?631
managing, 560
pairing names with system data types, 68
tables, defining, 629?630
audio files, holding. See binary strings
DB2 UDB 8.1, 448?449
described, 397, 398
MS SQL Server 2000, 449?451
Oracle 9i, 447?448
Ault, Michael (Oracle Administration and Management), 209

DB2 UDB 8.1, 401
defined, 397, 398
author-created materials, 610?611
authorities, database, 466

authorization, 397, 398

authorization ID, session, 208
automatic changes (CASCADE )
foreign key, 92?93
privileges, revoking, 425, 429
rows, deleting, 201
table constraints, 90
tables, dropping, 157
average (AVG)
NULL, ignoring, 342
set of values, 37, 343

backslash (\), 356
Backus-Naur Form. See BNF
ATM withdrawal operation, 217?218
security standard, 452
batch mode, 681?683
BETWEEN expression and expression logical operator, 373?375

BETWEEN operator, 256

BFILE, SQL data type, 74

biggest orders, 344

binary data
encrypting, 443
read-only access, 74
binary instructions, executing, 528
binary numbers
converting to decimal, 773
storing bytes and bits, 44

binary strings
DB2 UDB 8.1, 52
described, 44, 51
MS SQL Server 2000, 52?53
Oracle 9i, 52
SQL99, 52
length of expression, 308
storing, 44, 52, 74
bitwise operators
AND (&), 390
exclusive OR (/\), 390?392
NOT (~), 383, 390
OR (|), 390
blank spaces, removing from strings (TRIM, LTRIM, and RTRIM), 327?328
BLOB (binary, nonstructured objects)
described, 52
encrypting, 443
block structure, procedural language, key elements, 491?493

BNF (Backus-Naur Form)

DCL statements, 731
DDL statements
indexes, 729
schemas, 729?730
stored procedures, 730
tables, 728?729
triggers, 731
user-defined functions, 730
views, 729
described, 727?728
DML statements, 731?732
DQL statements, 732?734
book, recommended, Oracle Administration and Management (Michael Ault), 209
books, storing. See CLOB

Boolean expressions
complement or inverter (NOT), 775
described, 774?775
exclusive sum ( XOR), 776
identities, 778?779
inverse product (NAND ), 776?777
inverse sum (NOR), 777
negating (NOT), 381?382
precedence, 777?778
product (AND), 381, 775
SQL data types, 73
sum ( OR), 775?776
Borland database, 130
brackets (()), 198
BS7799 security standard, 451
B-Tree indexes, 106, 108
business rules
ACME sample database, 613?614
archiving complex, 185
minimum and maximum order amount, discounts, 284?286
security through stored procedures, 440
table structure, changing, 145
values, changing, 285
checking number, 357
storing, 44, 309

calculating set of values
average ( AVG), 343
column values, adding (SUM), 37, 339?340
described, 338
exclusion of NULL values, 342
functions listed by database
DB2 UDB 8.1, 339
MS SQL Server 2000, 339, 719?720
Oracle 9i, 339, 704?705
GROUP BY clause, 264
minimum and maximum (MIN AND MAX), 344
quantity for all orders, 265
records in table or view (COUNT), 340?342
summary tables, 105
views, joining, 119?120
call-level interface. See CLI
capacity, sufficient, need for, 2
cardinality, set theory operations, 784?785
caret wildcard operator (^), 378
Cartesian product
inner joins, 289?290
old syntax, 290
set theory operations, 783?784
SQL99, 289?290
CASCADE automatic changes
foreign key, 92?93
privileges, revoking, 425, 429
rows, deleting, 201
table constraints, 90
tables, dropping, 157
C/C++ programming language
data types, corresponding, 532
dynamic query, 551?552
dynamic SQL, executing, 544, 546?547
error handling, 538?539, 540
multirow query results, storing with cursors, 537
OCI, 575?578
SELECT INTO statement, 535
XML, developing, 593
CD-ROM, back of the book
applications, 611?612
author-created materials, 610?611
eBook, 612
system requirements, 609
troubleshooting, 612
Windows, using with, 609?610
all or none made, 217
automatic (CASCADE )
foreign key, 92?93
privileges, revoking, 425, 429
rows, deleting, 201
table constraints, 90
tables, dropping, 157
committing, 82
tablespaces, 166
character set
conversion functions, 355?357
default, 208
character strings
columns, collating sequence, 87?88
fixed-length, 44?45
functions, replicating (REPLICATE and REPEAT), 325?326
literals, 51
national, 45?51
varying length, 45
ANSI/ISO code, 549
columns, changing
DB2 UDB 8.1, 152
Oracle 9i, 148
encrypting, 443
finding and replacing within string (TRANSLATE), 326?327
length of expression, 308
number of (LENGTH), string functions, 322?323
Oracle 9i functions, listed, 697?698
position, determining (CHARINDEX, INSTR, LOCATE, and POSSTR), 318?320
programming languages, corresponding, 532
check constraints
described, 85?86, 186
dropping, 149, 155, 201
updating, 194
data entry, 199
deferring, 93?94
domain, 457
information, viewing
DB2 UDB 8.1, 466
MS SQL Server 2000, 471
listing, 460
mode, setting, 208
name, maximum length, 8
relational database design, 635?636
security, 438?439
copy, creating new table as, 101?104
creating, 149?150, 152?153
deferring, 93?97
describing, 457
disabling and enabling, 150?151
example, 88?89
FOREIGN KEY , 88, 89?90
identity clause, 100?101
modifying, 148, 149
ON COMMIT clause, 97
physical properties, 97?100
removing, 150, 153, 156, 157
restrictions, 89?93
summary tables, 105
temporary, 97
viewing, 456
without, finding, 474?475
child object
automatic changes (CASCADE ), 90, 92?93
B-Tree indexes, 106
circular references, 126
approach, described, 601
news, created from old, 601?602
clause, populating tables ( INSERT)
described, 178?179
inserting value for specified column, 179?181
C2-level security certification, 451, 453?454

CLI (call-level interface)

DB2 UDB 8.1, 571?573
defined, 30
MS SQL Server 2000, 683?686
Oracle 9i, 557?562
client application
data, accessing from, 39
described, 28
explicit transactions, 218

CLOB (large, nondatabase-structured objects)

described, 48, 50
encrypting, 443
cloning tables, 101?104
Cloudscape, 767

CLP (Command Line Processor) compiling tool, 512

CMEA, 445
data types, corresponding, 532
development, 14
dynamic queries, 545, 547, 552?553
error handling, 539, 540
multirow results, storing with cursors, 537
programming delimiter, 531
SELECT INTO statement, 536
CODASYL (Conference on Data Systems Languages), 14, 23
Codd, Dr. Edward Frank (IBM researcher), 22, 597
code reusability, 365, 490
collating sequence, table columns, 87?88
OOP, 605
reference type, 68
set and list types, 68?69
colon (:)
format templates, 349
host variables, 531
color bit mask, 390

describing, 456, 458, 460
listing, MS SQL Server 2000, 478
characters, displaying, DB2 UDB 8.1, 213
collating sequence, 87?88
concatenating when updating subquery, 195
constraints, 85?86, 617
data dictionary objects, 465
DB2 UDB 8.1 functions, listed, 715
default values, 86?87
defined, 15, 80, 85
accessible, describing, 457
columns, 85
fully qualified names, 283
integrity, 635
integrity constraints, 438
RDBMS objects, creating, 130
SQL99, 130
indexed, 108
listing, 473?474
viewing, 471
inserting, 147?148, 152, 154
aggregate functions, 119?120
creating, 113
by one than one, 286
restricting, 437
updates with subqueries, 197
maximum name length restrictions, 8
modifying, 148, 154?155, 194
multiple, SELECT statement
all columns, 242
all columns plus an extra, 242?243
distinct values, 243?245
several columns, 241?242
names, INFORMATION_SCHEMA , 468?469
privileges, information about, 466
removing, 149, 155?156
sorting by more than one, 268?269
storing, 74
synchronizing, 203?204
update triggers, 524
adding (SUM), 339?340
setting all to NULL, 194
vertical restriction, 436
creating, 115
definition, listing, 473
limiting, 421
ordering display, 36

COM/DCOM (Microsoft Distributed COM), 594

comma (,)
format templates, 349
multiple indexes, dropping, 161
Oracle 9i updates, 198
command line interface, 311, 683?686
Command Line Processor compiling tool. See CLP
comments, 94
rows, deleting all (TRUNCATE), 205
table changes, effecting, 82
transactions, 218?225
horizontal limits, setting (WHERE clause), 253?255
SQL, listed, 386?389
choosing values (ANY and ALL), 261?262
returning one (MAX), 262
compatibility, 40?42
complement, set theory operations, 782
complex data types, overview, 60?61
compliance, SQL99, 753?765
compound operators (AND and OR), 255?256
computation, sorting by, 269?270
computer programs, storing. See binary strings
columns when updating subquery, 195, 214
product id with blank spaces, 248
string functions (CONCAT), 317?318
concatenation operator (||)
described, 248, 368
precedence, 383
concurrency control mechanism
deadlocks, 233?234
described, 228?229
modes, 229?233
releasing (CLOSE), 502
conditional execution
DB2 UDB, 497?498
PL/SQL, 497
Transact-SQL, 498
conditions, precedence, 383
Conference on Data Systems Languages. See CODASYL
configuration functions, MS SQL Server 2000, 480?481, 722
conflicts, resolving
deadlocks, 233?234
privileges, 413
embedded SQL, 533?535
ending, 541
JDBC driver to Oracle 9i, 570?571
number, MS SQL Server 2000, 480?481
opening and closing, 559
Oracle 9i, 208
switching, 208
consistency rule, 217, 398

described, 85?86, 186
dropping, 149, 155, 201
updating, 194
data entry, 199
deferring, 93?94
domain, 457
information, viewing
DB2 UDB 8.1, 466
MS SQL Server 2000, 471
listing, 460
mode, setting, 208
name, maximum length, 8
relational database design, 635?636
security, 438?439
copy, creating new table as, 101?104
creating, 149?150, 152?153
deferring, 93?97
describing, 457
disabling and enabling, 150?151
example, 88?89
FOREIGN KEY , 88, 89?90
identity clause, 100?101
modifying, 148, 149
ON COMMIT clause, 97
physical properties, 97?100
removing, 150, 153, 156, 157
restrictions, 89?93
summary tables, 105
temporary, 97
viewing, 456
without, finding, 474?475
binary to decimal numbers, 773
constraints, deferring, 97
data type to character data type (TO_CHAR, CHAR , and STR), 324
decimals to binary numbers, 773?774
column values, constraining, 186
described, 308, 344?345
listed by database, 345
numeric data into fixed-length string (CHAR ), 318
Oracle 9i, listed, 700?701
specific types, by database, 357?358
implicit, 117
string expressions to lowercase or uppercase (LOWER and UPPER), 323?324
Coordinated Universal TIme. See UTC
copying tables, 101?104
correlated queries, 303?304
correlated subqueries, 263
corruption, data, 4
cost, total ownership, 6
countable numbers. See integers
credit status, customers, listing with, 360?361
cross join
inner joins, 289?290
old syntax, 290
set theory operations, 783?784
SQL99, 289?290
currency. See money
dynamic, 550
functions, listed, 720
multirow query results, storing with, 536?537
current row, retrieving (FETCH ), 501?502
deallocating memory, releasing locks, and making result set undefined (CLOSE), 502
described, 500
examples, 502?505
query, executing and identifying result set (OPEN ), 501
SELECT statement, associating (DECLARE), 500?501
stored procedures, MS SQL Server 2000, 475
aliases, checking, 364
average order, 343
credit status, listing with, 360?361
inactivating all, 194
missing elements, listing by
orders, 301?302
salesman, 270?272
telephone number, 258?259
multiple addresses, listing, 254
orders placed by, 340?342
selecting only matching, 387?389
sequential IDs, generating for columns
accessing, 136?137, 137?138
altering, 168
ascending and descending, 135
caching, 136
collating, 87?88
creating, 100, 133?138
cycling, 135
described, 133?134
dropping, 169
generating, 74
identity clause, table constraints, 100?101
information, listing, 467
inserting, 189
listing accessible, 460, 461, 462
order of values, guaranteeing, 136
syntax, 134
sorting in alphabetical order, 267?268
telephone numbers, retrieving with order, 303?304
cycling, Oracle 9i sequences, 135

Daffodil DB Java, 767
dash (-), 349
dash, double (--), 94
client application, accessing from, 39
consistent state rule, 217
corruption, restoring, 391?392
DB2 UDB 8.1, 442?443
MS SQL Server 2000, 444?446
input/output, 32?35
loads, 97
manipulating while retrieving, 35?36
redundancy, 11, 13
security, 38?39
source information, 561?562
tablespaces, specifying, 98
transforming while retrieving, 37
data entry
errors, limiting, 199
invalid, constraining, 438
Data Manipulation Language. See DML

data, restricting accessible

accessible, describing, 458, 460, 461
DB2 UDB 8.1, 163
MS SQL Server 2000, 163
Oracle 9i, 162
based on another view example, 120
DB2 UDB 8.1, 116?118
MS SQL Server 2000, 117?118
Oracle 9i, 114?116
SQL99, 112?113
DDL statements, syntax, 729
different totals, 120
DB2 UDB 8.1, 164
MS SQL Server 2000, 164
Oracle 9i, 163
FROM clause, 251
indexes, creating, MS SQL Server 2000, 112
INFORMATION_SCHEMA objects, 466?467
joining, 119?120
DB2 UDB 8.1, 467
MS SQL Server 2000, 473
nested tables, 70
OR REPLACE, simulating, 119
Oracle data directory, 459?462
records in (COUNT), 340?342
security, 38?39, 435?438
stored procedures, 477?478
with subquery, 121
with UNION example, 120?121
updateable, 469
data retrieval. See retrieval, data
Data Source Name. See DSN
Data Transformation Services. See DTS

data types
absence of value (NULL), 75
approximate numbers, 58?59
attribute names, pairing, 68
benefits of using, 43?44
binary strings, 51?53
BIT, 74
bitwise operands, compatibility for, 392
character strings, 44?51
choosing, 630
collections, 68?69
column values
constraining, 186
displaying, 213
complex, 60?61
constraints, 636
to character data type (TO_CHAR, CHAR , and STR), 324
described, 344?345
different character sets, 355?357
listed by database, 345
pitfalls, 365
specific types, by database, 357?358
between types (CAST AND CONVERT), 345?355
correspondence, host variables, 531?532
date and time implementations, 61?68
DB2 UDB 8.1, 72?73
defining using existing types, 72?73
described, 30
encrypting, 443
exact numbers, 54?57
indexed tables, storing unique addresses (UROWID), 73
information about, 466
matching (IN operator), 375
Oracle 9i, 69?71
programming languages, 43
rows, unique addresses (ROWID), 73
storage blocks, operating systems and, 41
structural, defining (ADT), 68
table, changing
DB2 UDB 8.1, 152
Oracle 9i, 148
user-defined, viewing, 471
valid, listing, 466
XML, 594
data warehouse system, 8, 10
example, 31?32
listing, 472, 478?479
multiple, transactions with, 224
name of current, 481
OOP, 605?608
database administrator. See DBA
database auditing
DB2 UDB 8.1, 448?449
described, 397, 398
MS SQL Server 2000, 449?451
Oracle 9i, 447?448
database connection
embedded SQL, 533?535
ending, 541
JDBC driver to Oracle 9i, 570?571
number, MS SQL Server 2000, 480?481
opening and closing, 559
Oracle 9i, 208
switching, 208
DataBase Console Command. See DBCC
DataBase Library. See DBLIB
database links
accessible, listing, 461
creating, 140?141
database objects. See objects
database user. See user
DATALINK, SQL data types, 74

date and time

ANSI/ISO code, 549
arithmetic, 369?370
complex data types, overview, 60?61
DB2 UDB 8.1, 63, 64, 66?67
formatting, 209?210, 348?351
adding dates (ADD_MONTHS and DATEADD), 333?335
current, returning, 308
listed by database, 329
months between two dates (MONTHS_BETWEEN AND DATEDIFF), 337?338
MS SQL Server 2000, listed, 719
name of date/time part, returning (DAYNAME, MONTHNAME, AND DATENAME), 336?337
Oracle 9i, 698?699
part of date/time, extracting (EXTRACT and DATEPART ), 335
settings (GETDATE, SYSDATE, and CURRENT DATE), 330
strings, formatting, 354?355
time zone, 330?333
MS SQL Server, 63?64, 67?68
Oracle 9i, 62?63, 64?66
problems, 59
sessions, controlling, MS SQL Server 2000, 214
SQL99, 61, 64
table creation and name belonging to current user, 463


parameters, passing, 494
variables, 491
DB2 UDB 8.1
ACME database, 617?627, 691?693
aliasing, 164?165, 247
ALTER statements, listed, 169?170
auditing, 448?449
blank space in string
indicating, 320
removing, 327
C program, connecting, 534
CD-ROM, back of the book, 611
CLI, 571?573
batch mode, 681?683
command mode, 681
described, 680
interactive mode, 681
COBOL, connecting, 535
constraints, 86
names, 468?469
selecting all, 242?243
concurrency control mechanism, 229
conditional execution, 497?498
data types
approximate numbers, 58, 59
binary strings, 52, 53
conversion, implicit, 186
date and time, 64
described, 72?73
external files, managing large (DATALINK), 74
listed, 41
national character strings, 50
numbers, 56
OLAP, 599
OOP, 603?604
date and time
arithmetic, 334?335, 370
formatting, 63, 64, 66?67
time zone, adjusting, 332
deadlocks, 233?234
distinct types, 72?73
DROP statements, listed, 171?172
check constraint message, 187
handling, 506
script, 692?693
aggregate, 339
column, listed, 715
conversion, 345
data type specific conversions, 357?358
date and time, 329, 338
formatting, 353?355
grouping, 309
NULL values, finding (COALESCE), 363?364
numeric, 310
procedures, listed, 716
string, 316?317
table, listed, 716
user-defined, 72, 516, 518
creating, 110?111
dropping, 161
information, obtaining, 469?470
installing, 658?666
integer remainder, calculating, 371
keywords, reserved, 742?745
loops, 499
lowercase and uppercase, converting, 323?324
market share, 6
maximum name length restrictions, 8
modifying existing data (UPDATE), 198
objects, creating, 141?143
operating system security, 430?431, 432
operators, logical, 372
Oracle, accessing data, 580
parameters, passing, 496
physical object, lack of, 246
PSR, 488
quantities, average, 266
excluding results of first in second (EXCEPT), 275?277
matching results from two, 274?275
output combining product number, price, and description in special format, 322
reference types, 72
repeated execution, 499
right outer join, 300
schemas, 128, 165

data encryption, 442?443
object-level privileges, 417?420
operating system integration, 430?431, 432
revoking, 423, 425?426
system-level privileges, 411?413
accessing, 137?138
altering, 168
dropping, 169
sessions, 211
specification, exact numbers, 54?55
SQL99 compliance, 753?765
stored procedures, 508, 511?512
string, converting to Unicode (VARGRAPHIC), 357
synonyms, 122, 125
altering, 151?153
constraints, 90
creating, 81
dropping, 157?158
populating (INSERT), 189?190
temporary, 84
tablespaces, 166, 167
committing, 219
isolation levels, 226?227
locking modes, 231
multiple databases, 224
rolling changes back to specified point (SAVEPOINT), 223
triggers, creating, 523
user, creating, 401
altering, 163
creating, 116?118
dropping, 164
INFORMATION_SCHEMA objects, 466?467
updateable, 469

DBA (database administrator)

files, adding to tablespace, 166
privileges, 413, 431
sessions, manipulating, 216
tables, partitioning, 188

DBCC (DataBase Console Command), 216

DBLIB (DataBase Library), 586

dblinks, 224

DCE (distributed computing environment), 432

DDL statements
changes, recompiling views after, 162
dynamic SQL
one-step execution, 544?545
two-step execution, 545?548
indexes, 729
stored procedures, 730
tables, 157, 728?729
triggers, 731
user-defined functions, 730
views, 729
deadlocks, 233?234
decimal numbers
ANSI/ISO code, 549
converting to binary, 773?774
described, 54
programming languages, corresponding, 532
quantities, average, 266
storing, 56
truncating, 313
declaration, host variables, 530?531
DECODE and CASE functions, 359?361

default values
MS SQL Server 2000, 155
Oracle 9i, 148
populating tables (INSERT)
MS SQL Server 2000, 190?192
NULL, 183?184
setting, 86?87
deferrable table constraints, 93?97
definitions, column, 85
deleting data
described, 33, 34?35
DML (Data Manipulation Language)
described, 199
integrity constraints, 200?201
MS SQL Server 2000, 202
Oracle 9i, 202
WHERE clause subqueries, 201?202
updating tables, 193
views, restricting, 438
Department of Defense, 453
DES, 444
descending order. See sequences
fields, setting and retrieving, 560
products sold in specific quantity, 376
design, relational database
constraints, specifying, 635?636
described, 629?630
entities and attributes, identifying, 630?631
normalization, 631?635
pitfalls, 636
deterministic functions, 307
difference, set theory operations, 783
disconnection, 541
distinct values, selecting, 243?244
minimum and maximum order amount, 284?286
disk space. See memory
accessible, describing, 458, 460, 461
DB2 UDB 8.1, 163
MS SQL Server 2000, 163
Oracle 9i, 162
based on another view example, 120
DB2 UDB 8.1, 116?118
MS SQL Server 2000, 117?118
Oracle 9i, 114?116
SQL99, 112?113
DDL statements, syntax, 729
different totals, 120
DB2 UDB 8.1, 164
MS SQL Server 2000, 164
Oracle 9i, 163
FROM clause, 251
indexes, creating, MS SQL Server 2000, 112
INFORMATION_SCHEMA objects, 466?467
joining, 119?120
DB2 UDB 8.1, 467
MS SQL Server 2000, 473
nested tables, 70
OR REPLACE, simulating, 119
Oracle data directory, 459?462
records in (COUNT), 340?342
security, 38?39, 435?438
stored procedures, 477?478
updateable, 469
with subquery, 121
with UNION example, 120?121
distinct types, DB2 UDB 8.1, 72?73
distinct values, multicolumn SELECT statement, 243?245
distributed computing environment. See DCE
distributed transactions, 224
division, calculating remainder, 368, 371
division operator (/)
described, 368
precedence, 383

DML (Data Manipulation Language)

dynamic SQL
one-step execution, 544?545
two-step execution, 545?548
event triggers, SQL99, 520?521
introduction, 23
MERGE statement, 202?204
modifying existing information (UPDATE)
column in all rows, 194
DB2 UDB 8.1, 198
described, 192?193
integrity constraints, 197
MS SQL Server 2000, 198
multiple columns, 194
Oracle 9i, 198
SET clause, 193
single column of single row, 194
single-row subquery, 195?197
WHERE clause, 193
Oracle 9i versus MS SQL Server 2000, 205
populating tables (INSERT)
for all columns, 182?183
clauses, 178?181
DB2 UDB 8.1, 189?190
described, 177?178
integrity constraints, 186
MS SQL Server 2000, 190?192
NULL and default values, 183?184
Oracle 9i, 188?189
from other tables, 184?185
SQL99 specifics, 187?188
removing data (DELETE)
described, 199
integrity constraints, 200?201
MS SQL Server 2000, 202
Oracle 9i, 202
WHERE clause subqueries, 201?202
TRUNCATE statement, 204?205

document type definitions. See DTD

documents, holding. See binary strings
DOM (document object model), 592
accessible, describing, 457
columns, 85
fully qualified names, 283
integrity, 438, 635
RDBMS objects, creating, 130
SQL99, 130
dot notation (.)
decimals, 57
fully qualified names, 15
MS SQL Server 2000, connecting C program, 534
double quotes ("), 51
DQL statements, syntax
multitable SELECT, 733?734
single table SELECT, 732
DB2, 572?573
information, 561?562
JDBC, 568?569
ODBC, 562?563

DSN (Data Source Name), 563?565

DTD (document type definitions), 592

DTS (Data Transformation Services), 440

DUAL table, 246, 315

blocking entry, 439
eliminating from queries, 243?245
filtering, 272?273
durability rule, 217
dynamic SQL
described, 39, 542?543
one-step execution, 544?545
two-step execution, 545?548
embedded SQL versus, 554
executing, 550?551
sample, 551?553
syntax, 548?550
standards, 543

eBook, 612
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) standard, 592
effectiveness, judging, 4
efficiency. See performance

embedded SQL
data retrieval and SELECT INTO statement, 535?536
database connection, 533?535
described, 39
dynamic SQL versus, 554
errors, handling, 537?540
future of, 553?554
host variables, 530?533
multirow query results, storing with cursors, 536?537
program flow, sample, 541?542
standards, 529
inactivating versus deleting, 199
raises, applying to all, 194
Empress database, 768
empty string, 44
empty table, creating
MS SQL Server 2000, 104
Oracle 9i, 102
empty values (NULL)
allowing, MS SQL Server 2000, 212, 213?214
arithmetic operators, 372
column constraints, 85, 86, 148
data types, 75
excluding, calculating set of values, 342
host variables, embedded SQL, 532?533
multiple columns, populating, 183?184
setting all values to, 194
sorting precedence, 269
specifying, MS SQL Server 2000, 259
en queue deadlocks, 233
encapsulation, 601
described, 398
system table columns, 118
accessible, listing, 460, 461
adding, 413
aliases and synonyms, 164?165
ALTER statements cross-reference, 169?170
indexes, 158?160
schemas, 165
sequences, 167?169
tables, 145, 146?156
tablespaces, 166?167
views, 161?164
aliases and synonyms, 121?125
CREATE statement cross-reference, 141?143
database links, 140?141
domains, 130
indexes, 106?112
materialized views, 138?140
schemas, 125?129
sequences, 133?138
tables, 79?105
tablespaces and filegroups, 130?133
views, 112?121
data entry errors, preventing, 439
database and object-relational database models, 17
defined, 16
DROP statements cross-reference, 171?172
indexes, 160?161
tables, 156?158
views, 163?164
identifying in database design, 630?631
information about, MS SQL Server 2000, 479?480
integrity, enforcing, 635
maximum name length restrictions, 8
OOP, 601
Oracle 9i, 69?70
reference functions, 708
stored procedures, 475
synonyms, 124
table contents, 79
equal sign (=)
as assignment operator, 385?386
as comparison operator, 386
join condition, 281
outer joins, MS SQL Server 2000, 295?296
equality, set theory, 780
equijoin, 282?284
error handling
DB2 UDB, 506
modularity, 491?492
PL/SQL, 505?506
Transact-SQL, 507
error messages
check constraints, 187
session, listing severity, 215
duplicate entries, deleting, 199
embedded SQL, handling, 537?540
flat file databases, 11
rounding, 56, 57
DB2 UDB 8.1, 692?693
MS SQL Server 2000, 694
Oracle 9i, 690
event-driven programming, 489
exact numbers
DB2 UDB 8.1, 54?55
literals, 57
MS SQL Server 2000, 55?56
Oracle 9i, 54
SQL99, 54
Excel. See MS Excel
NULL values, calculating set of values, 342
results of first query in second (EXCEPT), 275?278
exclusive OR bitwise operator (/\), 390?392
executables, user-defined functions, 365
queries, 550?551
statements, 559?560
EXISTS logical operator, 275, 376?377

exiting, loops, 499

explicit transactions, 218
comparing to predefined values (CASE), 359?361
equal, finding (COALESCE and NULLIF), 362
length, returning, 308
string functions replacing (REPLACE), 325
eXtensible Markup Language. See XML
eXtensible Style Language for Transformation. See XSLT
eXtensible Stylesheet Language. See XSL
external files, managing large (DATALINK), 74

false. See Boolean expressions
FEAL, 445
fields, database. See columns
DB2 UDB 8.1, 131?132
described, 130?131
MS SQL Server 2000, 132?133
Oracle 9i, 131
specifying, 99?100
adding to tablespace, Oracle 9i, 166
large external, managing ( DATALINK), 74
physical location, specifying
altering and destroying, 166?167
changing, when table created in wrong, 147
creating, 131?133
described, 130?131
dropping, 167
information, listing, DB2 UDB 8.1, 467
specifying, 98, 110
equal expressions (COALESCE and NULLIF), 362
NULL values (COALESCE), 363?364
NULL values (NVL, NL2 , and ISNULL), 363?364
and replacing characters within string (TRANSLATE), 326?327
tables without constraints, 474?475
First Normal Form, 632?633
FirstBase v9.3.2, 768
fixed server roles
MS SQL Server 2000, 433
Transact-SQL privileges, 415
fixed-length character strings, 44?45
flat-file database, 11?12, 630?631
floating-point numbers
ANSI/ISO code, 549
storing, 58?59
foreign key
changes, automatic (CASCADE ), 90, 92?93
described, 18
information, viewing
DB2 UDB 8.1, 466
MS SQL Server 2000, 472
listing, 457
constraints, 88, 89?90
dropping, 158
relationships, ACME database, 615
constraints for security, 438
date and time
altering, 209?210
ANSI, 67
specifying, 333
strings, DB2 UDB 8.1, 354?355
products output combining price and description, 321?322
format template, 347, 349
forward slash (/)
format templates, 349
PL/SQL function, 517
four-digit years, 351
FoxPro/FoxBase, 768
free databases, 11
FROM clause, SELECT statement, 250?252

full outer join, 301?302

fully qualified names, 121

calculating set of values (aggregate)
average ( AVG), 343
column values, adding (SUM), 339?240
described, 338
exclusion of NULL values, 342
listed by database, 339
minimum and maximum (MIN AND MAX), 344
records in table/view (COUNT), 340?342
caution about renaming tables, 151
converting data types
described, 344?345
different character sets, 355?357
pitfalls, 365
specific types, by database, 357?358
between types (CAST AND CONVERT), 345?355
date and time
adding dates (ADD_MONTHS and DATEADD), 333?335
listed by database, 329
months between two dates (MONTHS_BETWEEN and DATEDIFF), 337?338
name of date/time part, returning (DAYNAME, MONTHNAME, and DATENAME), 336?337
part of date/time, extracting (EXTRACT and DATEPART ), 335
settings (GETDATE, SYSDATE, and CURRENT DATE), 330
time zone, 330?333
DB2 UDB 8.1
column, listed, 715
procedures, listed, 716
table, listed, 716
DECODE and CASE, 359?361
described, 307?310
listed by database, 359
MS SQL Server 2000
aggregate, 719?720
configuration, 722
cursor, 720
date and time, 719
information, viewing, 472
mathematical, 718
metadata, 721
rowset, 726
security, 722?723
statistical, 725
string, 716?717
system, 723?725
text and image, 720
numeric, 310?315
NVL, NVL2, and ISNULL, 363?364
OCI, 575
Oracle 9i
aggregate, listed, 704?705
analytic, listed, 706?708
character, listed, 697?698
conversion, listed, 700?701
datetime, listed, 698?699
number, listed, 696
object reference, listed, 708
scalar, listed, 709?715
single-row, listed, 702?703
blank spaces, removing (TRIM, LTRIM, and RTRIM), 327?328
character position, determining (CHARINDEX, INSTR, LOCATE, and POSSTR), 318?320
concatenating (CONCAT), 317?318
data type, converting to character data type (TO_CHAR, CHAR , and STR), 324
described, 315?317
finding and replacing characters within ( TRANSLATE), 326?327
lowercase or uppercase, converting string expressions to (LOWER and UPPER), 323?324
number of characters (LENGTH), 322?323
replacing expressions (REPLACE), 325
replicating characters ( REPLICATE and REPEAT), 325?326
starting position and required character length ( SUBSTR and SUBSTRING ), 320?322
user-defined, 365?366
fuzzy logic, LIKE operator, 377?381

German language, 356
GLOBAL temporary tables
creating, 84
defined, 82

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), 332

GRANT statement privileges
described, 404?405
object level, 415?421
system level, 405?415
graphical user interface, importance, 5
greater than operator (>), 386
greater than or equal to operator (>=), 386, 388
Greenwich Mean Time. See GMT
aggregate values, 37
privileges, granting, 420?421
relevant data (normalization)
defined, 16, 631
First Normal Form, 632?633
Second Normal Form, 633?634
Third Normal Form, 634?635

CD-ROM, back of the book, 609
database, overall, 18
DB2 UDB 8.1, installing, 658?659
MS SQL Server 2000, 667
Oracle 9i, installing, 638?639, 649, 653?654
upgrades, 5
health care provider database, 9?10
help, SQL*Plus, 677
hierarchical databases, 12?14

HOLAP (Hybrid OLAP), 598

homogenous data types, storing. See set and list types
horizontal limits, setting (WHERE clause)
index functions, 109
modifying existing data (UPDATE), 34, 193
removing data (DELETE), 201?202
SELECT statement
comparison operators, 253?255
compound operators (AND and OR), 255?256
subqueries, 259?263
unknown, 377?381
views, restricting, 437
host variables, embedded SQL
data types correspondence, 531?532
declaration, 530?531
input versus output, 531
NULLS and indicator variables, 532?533

hours. See date and time

HTML (HyperText Markup Language), 592
Hungarian notation, 283, 614?615
hybrid database, 10
Hybrid OLAP. See HOLAP

IBM DB2 UDB 8.1. See DB2 UDB 8.1

IBM IMS (Information Management System), 12, 22

IBM standards, 529
Idempotent Law, 274
identification. See authentication
identifier, SELECT statement, 239
Boolean algebra, 778?779
OOP, 602
set theory, 785?786

identity clause, table constraints, 100?101

identity column
described, 74
Oracle 9i equivalent (sequences), 100
tables, modifying
DB2 UDB 8.1, 152, 190
MS SQL Server 2000, 190?192
image functions, MS SQL Server 2000, listed, 720
images, storing. See binary strings
implicit transactions, 218
IMS (Information Management System), 12, 22
IN operator
emulating, 375?376
SELECT statement, 256?258

ACME sample database, 617
altering, 159?160
clustered, 13
columns, dropping
MS SQL Server 2000, 155
Oracle 9i, 149
DB2 UDB 8.1, 110?111
MS SQL Server 2000, 111?112
Oracle 9i, 109?110
DDL statements, syntax, 729
described, 106?109
DB2 UDB 8.1, 161
MS SQL Server 2000, 161
Oracle 9i, 160?161
join tables, 305
listing, 461, 466?467
maximum name length restrictions, 8
partitioning, Oracle 9i, 188
tables, storing unique addresses (UROWID), 73
tablespaces, specifying, 98
indicator variables, host variables, embedded SQL, 532?533
Information Management System. See IBM IMS
MS SQL Server 2000, system catalog, 470?675
Oracle 9i data dictionary, 462?464
system catalogs, 456?458
Informix, 768
inheritance, object, 601?602
INITIALLY DEFERRED table constraints, 97

inline views, joins involving, 302?303

inner joins
described, 279?280
multitable queries
cross join, 289?290
equijoin, 282?284
nonequijoin, 284?286
self-join, 287?289
syntaxes, 279?281
older syntax, 281
SQL99, 280?281
data, 32?35
versus output host variables, embedded SQL, 531
populating tables (INSERT)
for all columns, 182?183
clauses, described, 178?179
DB2 UDB 8.1, 189?190
described, 177?178
integrity constraints, 186
MS SQL Server 2000, 190?192
NULL and default values, 183?184
Oracle 9i, 188?189
from other tables, 184?185
SQL99 specifics, 187?188
value for specified column, 179?181
multiple, 189
and updating (MERGE), 202?204
secure handling, 440?441
views, restricting, 438
with SELECT statement, 248?249
installing applications
ACME database
on DB2 UDB 8.1, 691?693
on MS SQL Server 2000, 693?694
on Oracle 9i, 689?691
DB2 UDB 8.1, 658?666
MS SQL Server 2000, 666?673
Oracle 9i
general information, 637?638
on Linux, 653?658
on SUN Solaris, 648?653
on Windows NT/2000/XP, 638?648
DB2 UDB 8.1, 666
MS SQL Server 2000, 672?673
Oracle 9i, 646?647, 653

ANSI/ISO code, 549
bit operations, 389?392
numbers, described, 54
programming languages, corresponding, 532
storing, 55
tablespaces, specifying, 131
integrity constraints
modifying existing data (UPDATE), 197
populating tables (INSERT), 186
removing data (DELETE), 200?201
integrity, data, 398
interactive mode, DB2 UDB 8.1 CLP (Command-Line Processor), 681
described, 768
domains, 130
Internet protocols, 40, 592
intersection, set theory operations, 782
intervals, time, Oracle 9i, 66
invoice numbers, generating sequential. See identity clause; sequences
IS NULL operator, 258?259

ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

data type codes, 549
defaults, specifying, MS SQL Server 2000, 212
dynamic SQL and SQL99 standards, 543
history of, 7, 23
security standard (No. 17799), 451?452
standards documents, 29
time formats, 67
isolation levels, transactions, 217, 225?228
iSQL*Plus, 680

stored procedures, creating, 440
XML, developing, 593
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), 569, 606
JDO (Java Data Objects), 569, 606
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), 569
updates with subqueries, 197
aggregate functions, 119?120
creating, 113
restricting, 437

keyword operators
arithmetic, 367?372
assignment, 385?386
bitwise, 389?392
Boolean expressions, 372?382
SQL, listed, 386?389
WHERE clause (horizontal limits, setting), 253?255
compound (AND and OR), 255?256
DB2 UDB 8.1, 742?745
described, 737
equal (=), 212
greater than or equal to (=>), 256
less than or equal to (<=), 256
ALL, 373
AND, 381
ANY | SOME, 373
BETWEEN <expression> and <expression>, 373?375
EXISTS, 376?377
IN, 375?376
LIKE, 377?381
listed, 372
NOT, 381?382
OR, 382, 775?776
MS SQL Server 2000, 745?750
not equal (<>), 212
ODBC, 750?752
Oracle 9i, 741?742
precedence, 382?385
SQL99 standard, 738?741
user-defined, 392
wildcard, 379

session, setting default, 214
supported, describing, 457
languages, programming
embedded SQL
data retrieval and SELECT INTO statement, 535?536
database connection, 533?535
described, 39
dynamic SQL versus, 554
errors, handling, 537?540
future of, 553?554
host variables, 530?533
multirow query results, storing with cursors, 536?537
program flow, sample, 541?542
standards, 529
OCI interface, 574
SQL, 30
large objects. See LOBs
LEAP RDBMS v1.2.6, 768
left outer join
columns containing NULL values, 296?299
DB2 UDB 8.1, 298
MS SQL Server 2000, 299
old syntax, 298?299
Oracle 9i, 298
SQL99, 296?298
character strings, 44?45
column name, maximum, 8
expressions, 308
number of characters, 322?323
rounding number to specific, 312
less than operator (<), 386
less than or equal to operator (<=), 386, 388
library cache deadlocks, 233
LIKE logical operator, 377?381

accessible, listing, 461
creating, 140?141
Linter RDBMS SQL/RelX Enterprise, 768
ACME sample database, 690?691
Oracle 9i, 653?658
table constraints, 88?97
with corresponding values, 182?183
displaying combined, 120?121
approximate numbers, 59
dates and times, 64?68, 334
defined, 51
exact numbers, 57
functions and calculated columns, SELECT statement, 245?249
user-defined functions, 519?520

LOBs (large objects)

described, 53
tablespaces, specifying, 98
LOCAL temporary tables
creating, 84
defined, 82
deadlocks, 233?234
described, 228?229
modes, 229?233
releasing (CLOSE), 502
log shipping, 475
logical database object holder. See also system catalog
DB2 UDB 8.1, 128
Oracle 9i, 126?128
SQL99, 126, 129
DDL statements, 729?730
described, 125?126
information, listing, DB2 UDB 8.1, 467
altering and destroying, 165
creating, 125?129
setting, 208
SQL statements, validating, 528
views, binding, 118
logical operators
ALL, 373
AND, 381
ANY | SOME, 373
BETWEEN <expression> and <expression> , 373?375
EXISTS, 376?377
IN, 375?376
LIKE, 377?381
listed, 372
NOT, 381?382
OR, 382, 775?776

login to logoff, actions during. See sessions

loops, 499
lowercase or uppercase, converting string expressions to (LOWER and UPPER), 309, 323?324

machine code, storing. See binary strings
mainframe computers, 12?13
maintenance tasks, 475, 476
data integrity, 398
data while retrieving, 35?36
objects, 413
market share, database software, selecting, 6
columns, joining, 282?284
results from two queries, 274?275
materialized views
aliases, 251
Oracle 9i, 138?140
mathematical functions, MS SQL Server 2000, listed, 718
maximum, calculating ( MAX), 344

MDX (Multidimensional Expressions) language, 600

membership test, setting ( IN operator), 256?258

indexes, releasing (DROP INDEX), 160?161
sequence values, caching, 136
tables, releasing storage space (DROP TABLE ), 156?158
views versus tables, 112
MERGE statement, DML (Data Manipulation Language), 202?204

metadata functions
MS SQL Server 2000, 481, 721
Oracle 9i, 464?466
Microsoft. See also Windows
SQL/CLI standard, 557?558
system stored procedures, 476
Microsoft Calculator, 384?385
Microsoft Data Access Interfaces, 581?589
Microsoft Distributed COM. See COM/DCOM
Microsoft Open Database Connectivity. See ODBC
Microsoft SQL Server. See MS SQL Server 2000
Microsoft Windows
CD-ROM, back of the book, 609?610
Data Source Name, configuring, 563?565
DB2 UDB 8.1, installing, 658?666
Microsoft Calculator, 384?385
Oracle 9i software, installing, 638?648
privileges, revoking, 426?427
security, 414
standardization, 7
user authentication, 401
minimum, calculating (MIN ), 344
minutes. See date and time
modes, locks, 229?233

modifying. See also changes

adding, 147?148, 152, 154
modifying, 148, 154?155
removing, 149, 155?156
triggering, 524
creating, 149?150, 152?153, 156
deferring, 93?94
disabling and enabling, 150?151
modifying, 149
read-only, 115?116
removing, 150, 153, 156
customer credit status, 361
database objects, cross-reference, 169?170
existing data (UPDATE)
column in all rows, 194
DB2 UDB 8.1, 151?153, 198
described, 33?34, 192?193
integrity constraints, 197
MS SQL Server 2000, 154?156, 198
multiple columns, 194
Oracle 9i, 146?151, 198
SET clause, 193
single column of single row, 194
single-row subquery, 195?197
SQL99, 146
WHERE clause, 193
flexibility, 5
identity column options, modifying, 152
physical attributes, changing, 147
privilege, assigning, 38
renaming, 151
DB2 UDB 8.1, 168
Oracle 9i, 168
single-row subquery with correlated, 196?197
summary table options, altering, 153
DB2 UDB 8.1, 163
MS SQL Server 2000, 163
Oracle 9i, 162
restricting, 438
with SELECT statement, 248?249
modularity, procedural language, 491?493
modulo operator (%), 368, 371

MOLAP (Multidimensional OLAP), 598

money, 56, 57
monitoring database activity
DB2 UDB 8.1, 448?449
described, 397, 398
MS SQL Server 2000, 449?451
Oracle 9i, 447?448
months. See date and time

MS Access, 11, 769

MS Excel, 12

MS Office, 11

MS SQL Server 2000

ACME database, 627, 693?694
aliasing, 247
ALTER statements, listed, 169?170
blank spaces in string
indicating, 319
removing, 328
C program, connecting, 534
character sets, converting, 355
characters, replicating, 325?326
check constraint error message, 187
column constraints, 86
selecting all, 243
sorting, 269
concurrency control mechanism, 229
data encryption, 444?446
data types
approximate numbers, 59
binary strings, 52?53
bits, 74
character strings, 49
converting, 324
date and time, 64, 74
format output, 348?349
NULL, specifying, 259
numeric, 56, 57, 59
database auditing, 449?451
database organization, displayed, 123
date and time
arithmetic, 333?334, 370
calculating months between two dates, 338
data types, 63?64, 67?68
time zone, adjusting, 330
deadlocks, 234
decimal numbers, truncating, 313
DML (Data Manipulation Language), Oracle 9i versus, 205
DROP statements, listed, 171?172
messages, 187
script, 694
exact numbers, 55?56
aggregate, 339, 719?720
configuration, listed, 722
conversion, 345
cursor, listed, 720
date and time, 329, 719
grouping, 309
integer remainder, calculating, 371
mathematical, listed, 718
metadata, listed, 721
numeric, 310
rowset, listed, 726
system, 482?483
system-level privileges, revoking, 423?424
clustered, creating, 111
creating, 111?112
dropping, 161
inserting, secure handling, 440?441
installing, 666?673
introduction, 23
keywords, reserved for future, 745?747
market share, 6
maximum name length restrictions, 8
modifying existing data (UPDATE), 198
national character strings, 50?51
objects, creating, 141?143
OLAP, 599?600
OOP, 604
operating systems, 41
arithmetic, 369
bitwise, 390?392
matching results from two queries (EXISTS), 275, 376?377
Oracle, accessing data, 580
OS security integration, 432
outer joins, 295?296
parameters, passing, 496
physical object, lack of, 246
queries, excluding results of first in second (MINUS), 275, 277?278
removing data (DELETE), 202
right outer join, 300?301
rounding numbers, 312
rows, deleting all (TRUNCATE), 204?205
application roles, 433
object-level, 420?421, 426?427
OS integration, 432
privileges, 421
revoking, 423?424, 426?427
roles, 429, 431?435
session environment, controlling, 212?216
SQL99 compliance, 753?765
statistical, listed, 725
stored procedures
columns accessible in current session, listing, 478
databases, listing, 478?479
described, 512?514
information, obtaining, 479?480
rows, returning, 478
tables and views, listing, 477?478
string, 316?317, 716?717
synonyms, 122, 125
system, 723?725
system catalog, 470?475
altering, 154?156
constraints, 90
creating, 81?82
dropping, 158
populating (INSERT), 190?192
temporary, 84?85
tablespaces and filegroups, 132?133
text and image, 720
committing, 219?220
isolation levels, 227?228
locking modes, 231?233
multiple databases, 224
nested, 220
rolling changes back to specified point (SAVEPOINT), 223?224
Transact-SQL procedural language
conditional execution, 498
cursors, programming, 504
data encryption, 445?446
error handling, 507
loops, 499
parameters, passing, 494
privileges, 415
repeated execution, 499
session environment, controlling, 212?216
stored procedures, creating, 440?441, 508
triggers, creating, 523?525
user-defined functions, 516, 519?520
variables, 491
defining, 401?403
managing, 401?403
privileges, 413?415
command line interface, 683?686
Query Analyzer, 686?688
altering, 163
creating, 117?118
dropping, 164
simulating (OR REPLACE), 119
wildcard operators, 379

MS Word files, 52
mSQL, 769
Multidimensional Expressions language. See MDX
Multidimensional OLAP. See MOLAP
multilevel marketing, 287?289, 614
multimedia, 30
multiple columns
modifying existing data (UPDATE), 194
SELECT statement
all columns, 242
all columns plus an extra, 242?243
distinct values, 243?245
several columns, 241?242
multiple element operands, set theory operations, 785
multiple queries, combining results
EXCEPT (MINUS ), 275?278
INTERSECT, 274?275
UNION, 270?274

multiple row query results, storing, 536?537

multiple table queries
columns containing NULL values
full outer join, 301?302
left outer join, 296?299
right outer join, 299?301
syntaxes, 294?296
union join, 302
inline views, joins involving, 302?303
inner joins
cross join, 289?290
equijoin, 282?284
nonequijoin, 284?286
self-join, 287?289
syntaxes, 279?281
more than two tables, 290?293
SELECT, DQL statements, syntax, 733?734
with correlated queries, 303?304
multiples, set theory, 784
multiplication operator (*)
described, 368
precedence, 383
multiuser environment, database, need for, 4
MySQL, 11, 769

checking for customers, 364
creating, 121?125
destroying, 164?165
FROM clause, 251?252
physical object, lack of, 246?248
attributes, pairing with system data types, 68
conventions, ACME sample database, 614?615
current database, MS SQL Server 2000, 481
length restrictions, database objects, 8
parameters, passing by, 495?496
part of date (DAYNAME, MONTHNAME, AND DATENAME), 336?337
altering, 164?165
creating, 121?125
destroying, 164?165
Oracle 9i, 123, 124, 460, 462
reasons to use, 121?122
SQL99, 122?123
system-generated, altering, Oracle 9i, 159
changing, 151
and creation date belonging to current user, 463
defined, 15
NAND (inverse AND), 786?787

national character strings, 45?51, 345

National Security Agency. See NSA
natural join, SQL99 Equijoin table join, 283

NCSC (U.S. National Computer Security Center)

C2-level security certification, 453
standardizing security procedures, 451
queries, 302
subqueries, 249, 262?263
tables, Oracle 9i, 70?71
transactions, 220
Netscape Communications, 445
connections, sharing, 140
databases, 14?15
transactions over distributed databases, 224

NIST (U.S. Government Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology), 24, 444
nondeterministic functions, 307
nonequijoin, 284?286
nonprofit organization database, 10?11
Non-Stop SQL, 769
NOR (inverse OR), 777

normalization, relational database

defined, 16, 631
First Normal Form, 632?633
Second Normal Form, 633?634
Third Normal Form, 634?635
NOT bitwise operator (~), 383, 390

not equal to operators (<>, !=, !<, !>), 387

NOT logical operator
complement or inverter, 775
described, 381?382
precedence, 383
SELECT statement, IN operator, 257?258

NOT NULL columns, 178

NSA (National Security Agency), 454

NULL values
allowing, MS SQL Server 2000, 212, 213?214
arithmetic operators, 372
column constraints, 85, 86, 148
data types, 75
excluding, calculating set of values, 342
host variables, embedded SQL, 532?533
multiple columns, populating, 183?184
setting all values to, 194
sorting precedence, 269
specifying, MS SQL Server 2000, 259
number of joins, multi-table, 291?293
approximate, 58?59
columns, scale, changing, MS SQL Server 2000, 155
connection, 772?773
converting, 773?774
encrypting, 443
exact, 54?57
format templates, 352?353
Oracle 9i functions, listed, 696
programming languages, corresponding, 532
SQL functions, 310?315
NVL, NVL2, and ISNULL functions, 363?364

object-level privileges
described, 415?416
DB2 UDB 8.1, 417?420
MS SQL Server 2000, 420?421
Oracle 9i, 416?417
revoking, 424?427
object-oriented approach. See OOP

accessible, listing, 460, 461
adding, 413
aliases and synonyms, 164?165
ALTER statements cross-reference, 169?170
indexes, 158?160
schemas, 165
sequences, 167?169
tables, 145?156
tablespaces, 166?167
views, 161?163
aliases and synonyms, 121?125
CREATE statement cross-reference, 141?143
database links (Oracle 9i), 140?141
domains, 130
indexes, 106?112
materialized views, 138?140
schemas, 125?129
sequences, 133?138
tables, 79?105
tablespaces and filegroups, 130?133
views, 112?121
database and object-relational database models, 19
DROP statements cross-reference, 171?172
indexes, 160?161
tables, 156?158
views, 163?164
information about, MS SQL Server 2000, 479?480
maximum name length restrictions, 8
OOP, 601
Oracle 9i, 69?70
reference functions, 708
stored procedures, 475
synonyms, 124
Ocelot SQLDBMS, 24, 769

OCI (Oracle Call Interface), 573?578

ODBC (Microsoft Open Database Connectivity)
Data Source Name, confkguring on Windows, 563?565
described, 562?563
introduction, 557?558
ODMG standard, 606
Office. See MS Office
DB2 UDB 8.1, 599
described, 39?40, 596?598
MS SQL Server 2000, 599?600
Oracle 9i, 599
queries, 598
OLTP (online transaction processing), 8, 596
ON and USING clauses, inner joins, 280?281

ON COMMIT clause, table constraint, 97

one-step execution, DML and DDL, 544?545

OO40 (Oracle Objects for OLE), 578?580

OOP (object-oriented approach)

abstract data types, 604
collections and arrays, 605
databases using, 68, 605?608
DB2 UDB 8.1, 603?604
described, 17, 600
encapsulation, 601
identity, 602
inheritance, 601?602
MS SQL Server 2000, 604
objects and classes, 601
Oracle 9i, 602?603
polymorphism, 602
SQL99 standard, 25

operating system
accounts, 430?431
compatibility, 40?42
security, 432
SQL standards, 7, 41
operations, restricting. See views
operations set theory
cardinality, 784?785
cartesian product, 783?784
complement, 782
difference, 783
intersection, 782
multielement operands, 785
multiple, 784
union, 781

arithmetic, 367?372
assignment, 385?386
bitwise, 389?392
Boolean expressions, 372?382
SQL, listed, 386?389
WHERE clause (horizontal limits, setting), 253?255
compound (AND and OR), 255?256
equal (=), 212
greater than or equal to (=>), 256
less than or equal to (<=), 256
ALL, 373
AND, 381
ANY | SOME, 373
BETWEEN <expression> and <expression>, 373?375
EXISTS, 376?377
IN, 375?376
LIKE, 377?381
listed, 372
NOT, 381?382
OR, 382, 775?776
not equal (<>), 212
precedence, 382?385
user-defined, 392
wildcard, 379
optimistic concurrency, 229
optimizer, 105, 305, 528
options, session, listing, 215?216
OR bitwise operator (|), 390

OR logical operator
described, 382, 775?776
IN operator, emulating, 375?376

first commercial relational database, 23
market share, 6
Oracle Administration and Management (Michael Ault), 209
Oracle Call Interface. See OCI
Oracle 9i
ACME database, 627, 689?690
aliasing, 247
ALTER statements, listed, 169?170
blank spaces in string
indicating, 319
removing, 328
bytes, checking number, 357
check constraint error message, 187
COBOL, connecting, 534
constraints, 85
selecting all, 242?243
sorting, 269
concurrency control mechanism, 228
connection, establishing, 208
data dictionary
described, 458?459
metadata, 464?466
SQL standards, 462?464
static view prefixes, 460
structure, 459?462
views, selected, 460?462
data encryption, 442
data types
approximate numbers, 58
binary files, read-only access (BFILE), 74
binary strings, 52
character strings, 49
conversion, implicit, 186, 346, 365
date and time, 64
exact numbers specification, 54
excluding results of first query in second (MINUS), 275, 277
listed, 69?71
national character strings, 48
numeric, 56, 57, 59
database auditing, 447?448
database links, 140?141
date and time
arithmetic, 334, 370
data types, 62?63, 64?66
formatting, 349, 350?352
months between two dates, 337
time zone, adjusting, 331
DML, MS SQL Server 2000 versus, 205
aggregate, 339, 704?705
analytic, listed, 706?708
character, listed, 697?698
conversion, 345, 700?701
data type specific conversions, 357?358
date and time, 329
datetime, listed, 698?699
finding NULL values (NVL, NL2 , and ISNULL), 363?364
grouping, 309
integer remainder, calculating, 371
NULL values, handling (COALESCE and NULLIF), 362
numeric, 310, 696
object reference, 708
scalar, 709?715
single-row, 702?703
string, 316?317
creating, 109?110
dropping, 160?161
rebuilding, 159?160
renaming, 159
tables, 99
inner join (USING option), 280?281
general information, 637?638
on Linux, 653?658
on SUN Solaris, 648?653
on Windows NT/2000/XP, 638?648
JDBC driver, connecting, 570?571
keywords, reserved, 741?742
LIKE operator, 380
matching results from two queries, 274?275
materialized view, 138?139, 251
maximum name length restrictions, 8
modifying existing data (UPDATE), 198
number format templates, 352?353
objects, 69?70, 141?143
OLAP, 599
OOP, 602?603
operating systems, 41
operators, 368?369, 372, 392
outer joins, 294?295
output combining product number, price, and description in special format, 321
parameters, passing, 496
physical object, lack of, 245?246
PL/SQL procedural language
caution about renaming tables, 151
conditional execution, 497
cursors, programming, 503
described, 28
error handling, 505?506
loops, 499
parameters, passing, 493
repeated execution, 499
stored procedures, creating, 508
triggers, creating, 521?522
user-defined functions, 515?518
variables, 490
XML, developing, 593
precompiler for C/C++, 534
quantities, average, 266
removing data (DELETE), 202
revoking, 422?423, 424?425
right outer join, 300
roles, 427?430
deleting all ( TRUNCATE), 204?205
inserting and updating (MERGE), 202?204
unique addresses ( ROWID), 73
schemas, 126?128
object-level privileges, 416?417, 424?425
operating system, 432
system-level privileges, 405?411, 422?423
SELECT statement, modifying output (DECODE), 360?361
accessing, 136?137
altering, 168
cycling, 135
dropping, 169
order of values, guaranteeing, 136
syntax, 134
values, caching, 136
SQL99 compliance, 753?765
stored procedures, 509?511
substitutions based on NULL, 364
destroying, 164
objects, 122, 124
public versus private, 123
system requirements, 638?639
altering, 146?151
constraints, 90, 91?92, 94
creating, 80?81
dropping, 157
indexes, 99
nested, 70?71
populating (INSERT), 188?189
temporary, 83
described, 131
dropping, 167
removing, 166
committing, 218?219
isolation levels, 225?226
locking modes, 229?231
multiple databases, 224
rolling changes back to specified point (SAVEPOINT), 222?223
Unix/Linux, installing ACME database, 690?691
creating, 399?401
defining, 400
iSQL*Plus, 680
SQL*Plus, 675?679
SQL*Plus Worksheet, 679?680
varying arrays, 71
altering, 162
creating, 114?116
dropping, 163
Oracle Objects for OLE. See OO40
Orange Book, 453
order of values, guaranteeing, 136
average by customer, 343
biggest, 344
calculating quantity for all, 265
customers without, 301?302
management system database, 9
matching values (EXISTS), 377
minimum and maximum amounts for discount, 284?286
payment terms, 297
placed by customers, total, 340?342
sequential numbers, generating for columns
accessible, listing, 460, 461, 462
accessing, 136?138
altering, 168
ascending and descending, 135
caching, 136
collating, 87?88
creating, 100, 133?138
cycling, 135
described, 133?134
dropping, 169
generating, 74
information, listing, 467
inserting, 189
order of values, guaranteeing, 136
syntax, 134
table constraints, 100?101
shipped product quantities, summarizing on demand, 139
smallest, 344
snapshot, summarizing automatically, 139?140
status, 110
telephone numbers, retrieving by customer, 303?304
values in table, manipulating, 36
orphaned sessions, 216
OS. See operating system
OSQL, 683?686
outer joins
MS SQL Server 2000, 295?296
Oracle 9i, 294?295
SQL99, 294
data, 32?35
input versus, host variables, 531

caution about renaming tables, 151
information, listing, DB2 UDB 8.1, 467
papers, storing collections. See CLOB

listing information, DB2 UDB 8.1, 467
passing, 493?496
setting sessions, 209?210
parent key, 149
parent row, automatic changes to child ( CASCADE ), 90, 92?93
parentheses (()), operations, precedence of, 385
parity, 391
parsing, SQL statements, 527?528
partitioning tables and indexes, 188
encrypting, 443, 444
existing user, Oracle 9i, 406
pattern matching, finding and replacing characters within a string, 326?327
payment terms, 297
percent sign (%), 378
percentages, 243?245

concurrency control mechanism, 229
cross join, 290
databases, installing, 208
flat file databases, 11
indexes, 106
multi-table queries, 304?305
nested subqueries, 262
orphaned sessions, 216
stored procedures, 489
tables, partitioning, 188
triggers, 489
user-defined functions, 489
views, recompiling, 162
XML, 40
permanent tables, 82
permissions. See privileges
persistency, 6?7
persistent stored routines. See PSR
Pervasive SQL 2000i, 769
pessimistic concurrency, 229
phone numbers. See telephone numbers
physical properties, tables
changing, 147
constraints, 97?100
specifying tablespaces
altering and destroying, 166?167
changing, when table created in wrong, 147
creating, 131?133
described, 130?131
dropping, 167
files, adding, Oracle 9i, 166
information, listing, DB2 UDB 8.1, 467
specifying, 98, 110
pi, 58
pixels, 390
platform. See operating system
caution about renaming tables, 151
conditional execution, 497
cursors, programming, 503
described, 28
error handling, 505?506
loops, 499
parameters, passing, 493
repeated execution, 499
stored procedures, creating, 508
triggers, creating, 521?522
user-defined functions, 515?518
variables, 490
XML, developing, 593
plus operator (+)
concatenating, 248
outer joins, Oracle 9i, 294?295, 300
plus sign within parentheses ((+)), 298
polymorphism, OOP (object-oriented approach), 602
populating tables (INSERT)
by default, ACME database, 614
clauses, 178?181
DB2 UDB 8.1, 189?190
described, 177?178
from other tables, 184?185
inserting for all columns, 182?183
integrity constraints, 186
MS SQL Server 2000, 190?192
NULL and default values, 183?184
Oracle 9i, 188?189
SQL99 specifics, 187?188
PostgreSQL, 11, 130, 769
pound sign (#), 84
pound sign, double (##), 84
Boolean algebra, 777?778
columns, sorting by more than one, 268?269
SQL operators, 382?385
precision, rounding number to specific, 312
DB2 UDB 8.1 operators, 372
joins, mixing, 284
syntax, 734?736
price, 321?322
primary key
constraints, 635
described, 17
indexes, dropping, 160
information, viewing
DB2 UDB 8.1, 466
MS SQL Server 2000, 472
listing, 457
single column of single row, updating, 194
constraints, 85, 88
dropping, MS SQL Server 2000, 158
index-organized, 99
relationships, ACME database, 615
values, generating
accessible, listing, 460, 461, 462
accessing, 136?138
altering, 168
ascending and descending, 135
caching, 136
collating, 87?88
creating, 100, 133?138
cycling, 135
described, 133?134
dropping, 169
generating, 74
information, listing, 467
inserting, 189
order of values, guaranteeing, 136
syntax, 134
private versus public synonyms, 123, 164

assigning at object level, 434
connection, establishing, 211, 415?421
described, 398
groups, 420?421
object-level, 415?421, 456
revoking, 421?427
security, data, 38
SELECT statement, 240
DB2 UDB 8.1, 411?413
Oracle 9i, 405?411
user, creating, 399
viewing, 471
Pro*C, 534
procedural language
conditional execution
DB2 UDB, 497?498
PL/SQL, 497
Transact-SQL, 498
cursors, 500?505
described, 308
error handling, 505?507
DB2 UDB 8.1, 716
user-defined, 365
modularity, subprograms, and block structure, 491?493
parameters, passing
DB2 IBM SQL, 494
by name and by value, 495?496
PL/SQL, 493
Transact-SQL, 494
repeated execution, 498?499
DB2 IBM SQL, 491
PL/SQL, 490
Transact-SQL, 491
ACME database, 614
columns, synchronizing, 203?204
descriptions of all sold in certain quantity, 376
ID with description and price, 373?375
output combining price and description in special format, 321?322
program executables, holding. See binary strings
program flow, embedded SQL, 541?542
programming languages
embedded SQL
data retrieval and SELECT INTO statement, 535?536
database connection, 533?535
described, 39
dynamic SQL versus, 554
errors, handling, 537?540
future of, 553?554
host variables, 530?533
multirow query results, storing with cursors, 536?537
program flow, sample, 541?542
standards, 529
OCI interface, 574
SQL, 30
programs. See applications
Progress v9.0, 769

PSR (persistent stored routines), 488

public key encryption, 445
public versus private synonyms, 123, 164

Quadbase SQL Server v4.x, 769
quantity, specified, 376
QUEL nonprocedural language, 22
analyzing, 686?688
cursors, executing and identifying result set (OPEN ), 501
dynamic SQL
executing, 550?551
sample, 551?553
syntax, 548?550
multiple, combining results
described, 270?274
EXCEPT (MINUS ), 275?278
INTERSECT, 274?275
OLAP, 598
output sorting (ORDER BY clause), 267?270
results, retrieving, 560?561
Query Analyzer utility, 686?688
double ("), character literals, 51
single (')
character literals, 51
date and time, handling, 67
numeric literals, 57

RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks), 391

RC5, 445

RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems). See also applications; objects

connection, numbers system, 772?773
database characteristics, desirable, 4?5
error messages, 187
examples, 8?11
flat file databases and, 11?12
foreign key, 18
hardware needs, 18
hierarchical databases and, 12?14
implementations, 7?8
network databases and, 14?15
object database and object-relational database models, 19
other than "big three", 767?770
primary key, 17
relationships, 16?17
tables, 15?16
adding to table, 541
affected by last SELECT statement, MS SQL Server 2000, 482
all possible pairs, joining, 289?290, 783?784
calculating set of values (COUNT), 340?342
defined, 15, 79
deleting, 97, 199, 201?202, 204?205
different table, defining
collections, 68
DB2 UDB 8.1, 72
table constraints, 89?90
horizontal restriction, 436?437
index-organized tables, 99
individual, working with cursors
current row, retrieving (FETCH ), 501?502
deallocating memory, releasing locks, and making result set undefined (CLOSE), 502
described, 500
dynamic, 550
examples, 502?505
functions, listed, 720
multirow query results, storing with, 536?537
query, executing and identifying result set (OPEN ), 501
SELECT statement, associating (DECLARE), 500?501
stored procedures, MS SQL Server 2000, 475
inserting, 189, 202?204
integrity, ensuring, 439
limits, 16
matching values (EXISTS), 376?377
order populated, 178
clustered, 13
DDL statements, 729
described, 106?109
information, listing, 466?467
join tables, 305
listing, 461
maximum name length restrictions, 8
partitioning, Oracle 9i, 188
tables, storing unique addresses (UROWID), 73
tablespaces, specifying, 98
privileges, describing, 458
restricting number based on search criteria, 387?389
returning, stored procedures, MS SQL Server 2000, 478
session, listing affected, MS SQL Server 2000, 215
unique addresses, storing (ROWID), 73
recursion, 30
RedBase Pure Java RDBMS, 769
Redundant Array of Independent Disks. See RAID
reference type
collections, 68
DB2 UDB 8.1, 72
table constraints, 89?90
referential integrity, 439
on demand, 139
periodically without user interaction, 139?140
Relational Database Management Systems. See RDBMS
Relational OLAP. See ROLAP
releasing locks ( CLOSE), 502
remote database objects
accessible, listing, 461
creating, 140?141
synonyms, 124
alias, 164?165
blank spaces from strings (TRIM, LTRIM, and RTRIM), 327?328
columns with tables, 149
objects, database cross-reference, 171?172
all (TRUNCATE), 204?205
selected, 541
schema, 165
sequences, 169
stored procedures, 515
synonym, Oracle 9i, 164
tables (DROP TABLE ), 145
tablespaces, 166, 167
triggers, 525
user-defined functions, 520
views, 163?164
removing data (DELETE)
described, 33, 34?35
DML (Data Manipulation Language)
described, 199
integrity constraints, 200?201
MS SQL Server 2000, 202
Oracle 9i, 202
WHERE clause subqueries, 201?202
updating tables, 193
views, restricting, 438
repeated execution, 499
replacing characters within string (TRANSLATE), 326?327
replacing expressions (REPLACE), string functions, 325
characters in string functions ( REPLICATE and REPEAT), 325?326
setting up, MS SQL Server 2000, 476
resellers, 287?289
resources, allocating and de-allocating, 558?559
described, 85?86, 186
dropping, 149, 155, 201
updating, 194
data entry, 199
deferring, 93?94
domain, 457
information, viewing
DB2 UDB 8.1, 466
MS SQL Server 2000, 471
listing, 460
mode, setting, 208
name, maximum length, 8
relational database design, 635?636
security, 438?439
copy, creating new table as, 101?104
creating, 149?150, 152?153
deferring, 93?97
describing, 457
disabling and enabling, 150?151
example, 88?89
FOREIGN KEY , 88, 89?90
identity clause, 100?101
modifying, 148, 149
ON COMMIT clause, 97
physical properties, 97?100
REFERENCES , 89?90removing, 150, 153, 156, 157
restrictions, 89?93
summary tables, 105
temporary, 97
viewing, 456
without, finding, 474?475
restrictions, table constraints, 89?93
result set
making undefined ( CLOSE), cursors, programming, 502
multiple queries, combining
EXCEPT (MINUS ), 275?278
INTERSECT, 274?275
UNION, 270?274
summarizing (GROUP BY and HAVING clauses), 263?267
updating columns with, 195
resumes, storing. See CLOB
retrieval, data
current or previous sequence value, 137?138
hierarchical databases, 13
manipulating data while, 35?36
SELECT INTO statement, 535?536
transforming during, 37

retrieval, data (SELECT statement)

BETWEEN operator, 256
copying portions of tables, 102
cursor name, associating ( DECLARE), 500?501
FROM clause
aliases, 251?252
subqueries, 253
tables and views, 251
literals, functions, and calculated columns, 245?249
membership test, setting ( IN operator), 256?258
all columns plus an extra, 242?243
all columns, selecting, 242
distinct values, 243?245
several columns, selecting, 241?242
nulls, testing (IS NULL operator), 258?259
privilege, assigning, 38
query output, sorting (ORDER BY clause), 267?270
single column, 240?241
single table, 239?240
FROM clause, 253
generating values dynamically, 376
horizontal limits, setting (WHERE clause), 259?263
rows, deleting, 201?202
SELECT statement, 249?250
values, inserting, 178
with views, 121
views, creating, 118
WHERE clause, unknown, 377?381

revoking privileges
described, 38, 421?422
object level
DB2 UDB 8.1, 425?426
MS SQL Server 2000, 426?427
Oracle 9i, 424?425
system level
DB2 UDB 8.1, 421?422
MS SQL Server 2000, 423?424
Oracle 9i, 422?423
right outer join
DB2 UDB 8.1, 300
MS SQL Server 2000, 300?301
old syntax, 300
Oracle 9i, 300
SQL99, 299

ROLAP (Relational OLAP), 598

DB2 UDB 8.1, 430?431
DENY statement, 429
described, 420?421, 427
fixed database, 433, 434
MS SQL Server 2000, 429, 431?435
Oracle 9i, 427?430
rows, deleting, 205
transactions, 221?222
root, Oracle 9i, 649?650, 654?655
errors, 56, 57
functions, 311
to specific precision, 312
row query results, multiple, storing with cursors, 536?537
ROWID, SQL data types, 73

adding to table, 541
affected by last SELECT statement, MS SQL Server 2000, 482
all possible pairs, joining
inner joins, 289?290
old syntax, 290
set theory operations, 783?784
SQL99, 289?290
defined, 15, 79
all (TRUNCATE), 204?205
based on data from other tables, 201?202
deferred (ON COMMIT clause), 97
one at a time, 199
horizontal restriction, 436?437
index-organized tables, 99
multiple, DB2 UDB 8.1, 189
and updating (MERGE), Oracle 9i, 202?204
integrity, ensuring, 439
limits, 16
matching values (EXISTS), 376?377
order populated, 178
privileges, describing, 458
restricting number based on search criteria, 387?389
returning, stored procedures, MS SQL Server 2000, 478
session, listing affected, MS SQL Server 2000, 215
unique addresses, storing (ROWID), 73
rowset functions, MS SQL Server 2000, 726
rules. See also constraints
archiving complex, 185
minimum and maximum order amount, discounts, 284?286
security through stored procedures, 440
table structure, changing, 145
values, changing, 285
information, viewing, 471
Russian, 47

SAG (SQL Access Group), 557

sales tax, calculating, 371
sales, total grouped by customer, 339?340
customers without a telephone number, 258?259
unassigned, listing, 255
sample database
column constraints and defaults, 617
described, 9
general information and business rules, 613?614
indexes, 617
on DB2 UDB 8.1, 691?693
on MS SQL Server 2000, 693?694
on Oracle 9i, 689?691
naming conventions, 614?615
scripts, 617?627
tables, relationships between, 615
savepoint, 30
scalability, importance of, 5
functions, Oracle 9i, 709?715
number, allowable, 54
parameters, DB2 IBM SQL, 494
Scandinavian language, 356
schema. See also system catalog
DB2 UDB 8.1, 128
Oracle 9i, 126?128
SQL99, 126, 129
DDL statements, 729?730
described, 125?126
information, listing, DB2 UDB 8.1, 467
altering and destroying, 165
creating, 125?129
setting, 208
SQL statements, validating, 528
views, binding, 118
scientific database, 10
scientific notation, 59
scope, adding to reference type column, 163
ACME sample database, 617?627
DB2 UDB 8.1, 692?693
MS SQL Server 2000, 694
Oracle 9i, 690
user-defined functions, 365
scrolling cursor, 501, 504
Second Normal Form, 633?634
secondary key, viewing information, 472
seconds. See date and time
Secure Socket Layer. See SSL
security. See also system catalog
account, 129
basic mechanisms, 397?398
certification, auditing, 398
constraints, 438?439
data, 38?39
database auditing, 447?451
database user, defining, 399?404
GRANT privileges
described, 404?405
object level, 415?421
system level, 405?415
importance, 3
materialized views, creating, 138
MS SQL Server 2000 functions, 476, 722?723
objects, encapsulating, 601
ODBC standard, 562
privileges, 38
REVOKE privileges
described, 421?422
object level, 424?427
system level, 422?424
roles, 427?435
standards, 451?454
stored procedures
data encryption, 442?446
described, 439?442
MS SQL Server 2000, 476
user-defined functions, 489?490
views, 38?39, 435?438
SELECT INTO statement, embedded SQL, 535?536

SELECT statement
BETWEEN operator, 256
copying portions of tables, 102
cursor name, associating ( DECLARE), 500?501
FROM clause
aliases, 251?252
subqueries, 253
tables and views, 251
literals, functions, and calculated columns, 245?249
membership test, setting ( IN operator), 256?258
all columns plus an extra, 242?243
all columns, selecting, 242
distinct values, 243?245
several columns, selecting, 241?242
nulls, testing (IS NULL operator), 258?259
privilege, assigning, 38
query output, sorting (ORDER BY clause), 267?270
single column, 240?241
single table, 239?240
FROM clause, 252
generating values dynamically, 376
horizontal limits, setting (WHERE clause), 259?263
rows, deleting, 201?202
SELECT statement, 249?250
values, inserting, 178
with views, 121
views, creating, 118
WHERE clause, unknown, 377?381

described, 287
inner joins, 287?289
old syntax, 289
SQL99, 287?288
semicolon (;)
C programming delimiter, 531
format templates, 349
PL/SQL statements, 490

DB2 UDB 8.1, 137?138
Oracle 9i, 136?137
altering, 168
ascending and descending, 135
caching, 136
collating, 87?88
creating, 100, 133?138
cycling, 135
described, 133?134
DB2 UDB 8.1, 169
Oracle 9i, 169
generating, 74
information, listing, 467
inserting, 189
listing accessible, 460, 461, 462
order of values, guaranteeing, 136
syntax, 134
sequential programming, 489
defined, 28
roles, 433

date, retrieving current, 332
described, 207?216
local temporary tables, 82, 84
lock, trying for same resource, 233?234
parameters, setting, 208, 210
privilege, granting, 410?411

set and list types, collections, 68?69

SET clause, modifying existing data (UPDATE), 193

SET statement, standard, 208

set theory
equality, 780
identities, 785?786
listing, 779?780
cardinality, 784?785
Cartesian product, 783?784
complement, 782
difference, 783
intersection, 782
multielement operands, 785
multiple, 784
union, 781
subsets, 780
settings, date and time functions (GETDATE, SYSDATE, and CURRENT DATE), 330
several columns, multicolumn SELECT statement, 241?242
shareware programs, 611
Simonyi, Dr. Charles (Hungarian notation developer), 615
Simple Object Access Protocol. See SOAP
single column
modifying existing data (UPDATE), 194
SELECT statement, 240?241

single quote (')

character literals, 51
date and time, handling, 67
numeric literals, 57
single row
Oracle 9i functions, listed, 702?703
updating column
assignment value, deriving from another, 195?196
described, 195
update with correlated, 196?197
single table
DQL statements, syntax, 732
SELECT statement, 239?240

cross join, 291
values for columns, 178
smallest orders, 344

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 594

caution about renaming tables, 151
CD-ROM, back of the book, 611?612
name of, MS SQL Server 2000, 482?483
software, installing
ACME database
on DB2 UDB 8.1, 691?693
on MS SQL Server 2000, 693?694
on Oracle 9i, 689?691
DB2 UDB 8.1, 658?666
MS SQL Server 2000, 666?673
Oracle 9i
general information, 637?638
on Linux, 653?658
on SUN Solaris, 648?653
on Windows NT/2000/XP, 638?648
DB2 UDB 8.1, 666
MS SQL Server 2000, 672?673
Oracle 9i, 646?647, 653
sorting, SELECT statement output (ORDER BY clause), 267?270
speed. See performance
ALTER statements, listed, 169?170
collections, 68?69
compliance, 753?765
dates and times, 61, 64
DROP statements, listed, 171?172
index recommendations, 108?109
keywords, reserved, 738?741
new developments, 39?40
objects, creating, 141?143
privileges, revoking, 422
described, 126, 129
Oracle Data Dictionary views, corresponding, 462?464
stored procedures, 508
synonyms, 122?123
altering, 146
creating, 80
populating (INSERT), 187?188
temporary, 83
transactions, isolation levels, 225
triggers, creating, 520?521
user-defined functions, creating, 515
views, creating, 112?113
SQL Access Group. See SAG
SQL data types. See data types
SQL99 data types
abstract, 68
approximate numbers, 58, 59
binary strings, 52, 53
character strings, 49
date and time, 64
exact numbers, 54
national character strings, 47?48
SQL functions. See functions
SQL2 functions, 308?309
SQL99 joins
cross, 289?290
equijoin, 282?283
inner, 280?281
more than two tables, 293
outer, 294
right outer, 299
self, 287?288
SQL operators. See operators
SQL PL, 28
SQL Server. See MS SQL Server 2000
SQL (SQL3), 31?32
SQL92 standard, 606
SQL standards. See standards
SQLBase v8.0, 769
SQLJ, 606
described, 675?679
session parameters, 210?211
worksheet, 679?680
square brackets ([]), 378

SSL (Secure Socket Layer), 40, 445

ANSI/ISO documents, 29
dynamic SQL, 543
embedded SQL, 529
Network Database, 14
Oracle 9i data dictionary, 462?464
RDBMS, 20?25
security, 451?454
SQL (SQL3), 30?31
SQL89 (SQL1), 23
SQL92 (SQL2), 23?24
SQL99 (SQL3), 24?25
DB2 UDB 8.1, 666
Oracle 9i, 647?648, 653
privileges, 411
string position and required character length (SUBSTR and SUBSTRING ), 320?322
basic SQL, 33
executing, 559?560
processing steps, 527?529
static SQL. See embedded SQL
static view prefixes, Oracle 9i data dictionary, 460
statistical functions, MS SQL Server 2000, 725
DB2 UDB 8.1, 666
Oracle 9i, 647?648, 653
privileges, 411
stored procedures
creating, 440, 508
DB2 UDB 8.1, 511?512
DDL statements, syntax, 730
information, viewing
DB2 UDB 8.1, 467
MS SQL Server 2000, 472, 478?480
MS SQL Server 2000, 512?514
Oracle 9i, 509?511
removing, 515
security, 439?446, 489?490
for security
data encryption, 442?446
described, 439?442
StorHouse/RM, 770
string functions
blank spaces, removing (TRIM, LTRIM, and RTRIM), 327?328
finding and replacing within (TRANSLATE), 326?327
lowercase or uppercase, converting to ( LOWER and UPPER), 323?324
number of (LENGTH), 322?323
position, determining (CHARINDEX, INSTR, LOCATE, and POSSTR), 318?320
replicating (REPLICATE and REPEAT), 325?326
starting position and required length (SUBSTR and SUBSTRING ), 320?322
concatenating (CONCAT), 317?318
data type, converting to character data type (TO_CHAR, CHAR , and STR), 324
described, 309, 315?317
replacing expressions (REPLACE), 325
converting to Unicode (UNISTR), 356
format templates, 347?349
MS SQL Server 2000 functions, listed, 716?717
striping, RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks), 391
structural SQL data types, 68
subprograms, procedural language, 491?493
deleting rows, 201?202
FROM clause, 253
generating values dynamically, 376
horizontal limits (WHERE clause), 259?263
inserting values, 178
SELECT statement, 249?250
with views, 121
subsets, set theory, 780
subtraction operator (-), 367
limiting display, 437
SELECT statement results (GROUP BY and HAVING clauses), 263?267

summary tables
altering, 153
creating, 103?104
similar case in Oracle 9i, 138?140, 251
table constraints, 105
Boolean OR, 775?776
column values, 37, 339?240
NULL, ignoring, 342

SUN Solaris, installing Oracle 9i software, 648?653

support, database software, selecting, 6?7
domains, 130
early commercial relational database, 21
market share, 6
Oracle, accessing data, 580
system stored procedures, 476
wildcard operators, 379
Sybase Adaptive Server, 770
symbols. See operators
synchronizing, columns, Oracle 9i, 203?204
altering, 164?165
creating, 121?125
destroying, 164?165
Oracle 9i
examples, 124
listing, 460, 462
objects, 124
public versus private, 123
remote database objects, 124
reasons to use, 121?122
SQL99, 122?123
BNF, 727?728
DCL statements, 731
DDL statements, 728?731
DML statements, 731?732
DQL statements, 732?734
inner joins, 279?281
outer joins, 294?296
predicates, 734?736
queries, 548?550
transactional control statements, 734
date and time
obtaining current, 332?333
functions, MS SQL Server 2000
configuration, 480?481
listed, 482?483, 723?725
metadata, 481
security level
granting, 405?415
revoking, 422?424
system catalog
accessing, 561
DB2 UDB 8.1, 466?470
described, 455?458
MS SQL Server 2000
stored procedures, 475?476
system functions, 480?483
Oracle 9i data dictionary, 458?466
setting, 208
view definition, removing
DB2 UDB 8.1, 164
MS SQL Server 2000, 164
Oracle 9i, 163
System R (IBM), 20
system requirements
CD-ROM, back of the book, 609
DB2 UDB 8.1, installing, 658?659
MS SQL Server 2000, 667
Oracle 9i, installing, 638?639, 649, 653?654

ACME sample database, relationships between, 615
adding rows, 541
Cartesian product of two
inner joins, 289?290
old syntax, 290
set theory operations, 783?784
SQL99, 289?290
changing, recompiling views after, 162
adding, 147?148, 152, 154
collating sequence, 87?88
constraints, 85?86
default values, 86?87
definitions, 85
described, 80
modifying, 148, 154?155
removing, 149, 155?156
copy, creating new table as, 101?104
creating, 149?150, 152?153, 156
deferrable, 93?97
disabling and enabling, 150?151
example of usage, 88?89
FOREIGN KEY , 88, 89?90
identity clause, 100?101
modifying, 149
ON COMMIT clause, 97
physical properties, 97?100
removing, 150, 153, 156
restrictions, 89?93
summary tables, 105
DB2 UDB 8.1, 81
MS SQL 2000, 81?82
Oracle 9i, 80?81
SQL99, 80
DDL statements, syntax, 728?729
FROM clause, 251
functions, 716
identifying, 629
identity column options, modifying, 152
indexed, storing unique addresses (UROWID), 73
information, listing, DB2 UDB 8.1, 467
MS SQL Server 2000, 472, 477?478
Oracle 9i, 460?461
maximum name length restrictions, 8
MS SQL Server 2000, 154?156
name and creation date belonging to current user, 463
Oracle 9i, 146?151
partitioning, 188
permanent, 82
physical attributes, changing, 147
privileges, 410, 457
records (COUNT), 340?342
renaming, 151
rows, 79
SELECT statement, identifying, 239
SQL99, 146
stored procedures, 477?478
summary table options, altering, 153
constraints, 97
DB2 UDB 8.1, 84
MS SQL Server 2000, 84?85
Oracle 9i, 83
in SQL 99, 83
values, changing, 541
VARCHAR column size, increasing, 152
without constraints, finding, MS SQL Server 2000, 474?475
table queries, multiple
inline views, 302?303
inner joins
cross join, 289?290
equijoin, 282?284
nonequijoin, 284?286
self-join, 287?289
syntaxes, 279?281
more than two tables, 290?293
outer joins (columns containing NULL)
full outer join, 301?302
left outer join, 296?299
right outer join, 299?301
syntaxes, 294?296
union join, 302
SELECT, DQL statements, syntax, 733?734
with correlated queries, 303?304
altering and destroying, 166?167
changing, when table created in wrong, 147
DB2 UDB 8.1, 131?132
MS SQL Server 2000, 132?133
Oracle 9i, 131
described, 130?131
dropping, 167
files, adding, Oracle 9i, 166
information, listing, DB2 UDB 8.1, 467
specifying, 98, 110
TCP/IP, 445
TCSEC (Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria), 453
DB2 UDB 8.1, 332
MS SQL Server 2000, 330
Oracle 9i, 331

telephone numbers
customers with orders, rgtrieving, 303?304
leaving space for future entry, 75
missing, listing customers, 258?259
multiple, handling, 69
salesmen without assigned customers, 271?272
temporary tables
constraints, 97
copying, 104
DB2 UDB 8.1, 84
MS SQL Server 2000, 84?85
Oracle 9i, 83
in SQL 99, 83
sessions, 216
transactions, 218
character sets, converting, Oracle 9i, 355?357
functions, MS SQL Server 2000, 720
binary, nonstructured ( BLOB), 52, 443
large, nondatabase-structured (CLOB), 48, 50
searching, stored procedures, MS SQL Server 2000, 475
Third Normal Form, 634?635
time. See also date and time
interval literals, Oracle 9i, 66
orders snapshot, summarizing automatically, 139?140
time zone
date and time functions, 61?62, 330?333
default, setting, 208
timeout, 234
Oracle 9i, 65
SQL data types, 61?62, 74
TimesTen RDBMS, 770
TOAD utility (Quest Software Ltd.), 675
COMMIT, 218?220
control statements, 734
described, 82, 217?218
distributed, 224
ending, 541
explicit and implicit, 218
isolation levels, 225?228
managing, 561
nested, 220
ROLLBACK , 221?222
rolling changes back to specified point (SAVEPOINT), 222?223
conditional execution, 498
cursors, programming, 504
data encryption, 445?446
error handling, 507
loops, 499
parameters, passing, 494
privileges, 415
repeated execution, 499
session environment, controlling, 212?216
stored procedures, creating, 440?441, 508
triggers, creating, 523?525
user-defined functions, 516, 519?520
variables, 491
transforming data while retrieving
described, 37
GROUP BY clause, 264
MS SQL Server 2000, 719?720
Oracle 9i, 704?705
summary tables, 105
views, joining, 119?120
accessible, listing, 460, 461, 462
caution about renaming tables, 151
DB2, 523
PL/SQL, 521?522
SQL99, 520?521
Transact-SQL, 523?525
DDL statements, 731
defined, 30
information, listing, 467
removing, 525
data encryption, 442?446
described, 439?442, 489?490
troubleshooting, back-of-the-book CD-ROM, 612
true and false. See Boolean expressions
truncating, DML (Data Manipulation Language), 204?205
Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria. See TCSEC
two-digit years, 351
two-step execution, DML and DDL, 545?548
types. See data types

UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) directory, 594

unary operator (+), precedence, 383, 384
underscore (_), wildcard operator, 378, 379?380
character sets, converting, 355
data, encrypting, 445?446
described, 46, 47
MS SQL Server 2000, 50
string, converting (UNISTR), 356?357
DB2 UDB 8.1, 666
MS SQL Server 2000, 672?673
Oracle 9i, 646?647, 653
join, columns containing NULL values, 302
set theory operations, 781
views example, 120?121
UNIQUE table constraint
described, 88
indexes, dropping, 160
Universal Description, Discovery and Integration directory. See UDDI
UniVerse, 770
University of California, Berkeley, 20
ACME sample database, installing, 690?691
standardization, 7
updating. See modifying
uppercase or lowercase, converting string expressions to (UPPER and LOWER), 309, 323?324
UROWID, SQL data types, 73

U.S. Government Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology. See NIST
U.S. National Computer Security Center. See NCSC

database communication, limiting, 440
DB2 UDB 8.1, 401
MS SQL Server 2000, 401?403
Oracle 9i, 400
overall, 399
friendliness toward, 5
grouping, 9
information about, 461
security, 399?404
session environment, controlling, 211
synonyms, 122, 123
table creation date and name belonging to, 463
user locks
deadlocks, 233?234
described, 228?229
modes, 229?233
releasing (CLOSE), 502
user oracle, 650?651, 655?656
user sessions
date, retrieving current, 332
described, 207?216
local temporary tables, 82, 84
lock, trying for same resource, 233?234
parameters, setting, 208, 210
privilege, granting, 410?411
user transactions
COMMIT, 218?220
control statements, 734
described, 82, 217?218
distributed, 224
ending, 541
explicit and implicit, 218
isolation levels, 225?228
managing, 561
nested, 220
ROLLBACK , 221?222
rolling changes back to specified point (SAVEPOINT), 222?223
user views
accessible, describing, 458, 460, 461
DB2 UDB 8.1, 163
MS SQL Server 2000, 163
Oracle 9i, 162
based on another view example, 120
DB2 UDB 8.1, 116?118
MS SQL Server 2000, 117?118
Oracle 9i, 114?116
SQL99, 112?113
DDL statements, syntax, 729
different totals, 120
DB2 UDB 8.1, 164
MS SQL Server 2000, 164
Oracle 9i, 163
FROM clause, 251
indexes, creating, MS SQL Server 2000, 112
INFORMATION_SCHEMA objects, 466?467
joining, 119?120
DB2 UDB 8.1, 467
MS SQL Server 2000, 473
nested tables, 70
OR REPLACE, MS SQL Server 2000, simulating, 119
Oracle data directory, 459?462
records in (COUNT), 340?342
security, 38?39, 435?438
stored procedures, 477?478
with subquery, 121
with UNION example, 120?121
updateable, 469
user-defined functions
DB2 UDB 8.1, 516, 518
PL/SQL, 515, 516?518
Transact-SQL, 516, 519?520
DDL statements, 730
described, 365?366
information, viewing
DB2 UDB 8.1, 467
MS SQL Server 2000, 472
removing, 520
security, 489?490
SQL99, 515
uses and benefits, 488?490
user-defined operators, 392
user-defined types, 72

UTC (Coordinated Universal TIme), 332

MS SQL Server 2000
CLI, 683?686
Query Analyzer, 686?688
Oracle 9i SQL*Plus
described, 675?679
session parameters, 210?211
worksheet, 679?680
TOAD utility (Quest Software Ltd.), 675

validating, SQL statements, 528
caching, Oracle 9i sequences, 136
changeable, storing, 285
changing existing, 541
constraints, 85?86
default, 86?87
concatenating, 214
expression, comparing to predefined (CASE), 359?361
from other tables, 184?185
grouping larger than certain number (HAVING ), 266?267
matching (IN), 375
parameters, passing by, 495?496
populating tables (INSERT), 182?183
providing missing, 259?263
rows matching (EXISTS), 376?377
same, populating, 137
single for each order, 265?266
skipping columns, 178
value, empty (NULL)
allowing, MS SQL Server 2000, 212, 213?214
arithmetic operators, 372
column constraints, 85, 86, 148
data types, 75
excluding, calculating set of values, 342
host variables, embedded SQL, 532?533
multiple columns, populating, 183?184
setting all values to, 194
sorting precedence, 269
specifying, MS SQL Server 2000, 259
VARCHAR column size, tables, increasing, 152

variables, 490?491
varying arrays, 71
varying length character strings, 45
C2-level security certification, 454
databases other than "big three", 767?770
JDBC, 569
overall SQL compliance, 24
proprietary versus SQL-compliant language, 42
Versant/SQL, 770
version information, MS SQL Server 2000, 481
video files, holding. See binary strings

accessible, describing, 458, 460, 461
DB2 UDB 8.1, 163
MS SQL Server 2000, 163
Oracle 9i, 162
based on another view example, 120
DB2 UDB 8.1, 116?118
MS SQL Server 2000, 117?118
Oracle 9i, 114?116
SQL99, 112?113
DDL statements, syntax, 729
different totals, 120
DB2 UDB 8.1, 164
MS SQL Server 2000, 164
Oracle 9i, 163
FROM clause, 251
indexes, creating, MS SQL Server 2000, 112
INFORMATION_SCHEMA objects, 466?467
joining, 119?120
DB2 UDB 8.1, 467
MS SQL Server 2000, 473
nested tables, 70
OR REPLACE, simulating, 119
Oracle data directory, 459?462
records in (COUNT), 340?342
security, 38?39, 435?438
stored procedures, 477?478
with subquery, 121
with UNION example, 120?121
updateable, 469
Visual Basic, 581?583
VisualStudio.NET IDE, 588?589

Web sites, addresses listed
database vendors, 767?770
information systems security, 453
TOAD utility (Quest Software Ltd.), 675
Wiley Publishing customer service, 612
Weiss, Chuck (Oracle developer), 246, 315
WHERE clause
index functions, 109
modifying existing data (UPDATE), 34, 193
removing data (DELETE), 201?202
SELECT statement
comparison operators, 253?255
compound operators (AND and OR), 255?256
subqueries, 259?263
unknown, 377?381
views, restricting, 437
wildcard character, subqueries, 377?381

Windows (Microsoft)
CD-ROM, back of the book, 609?610
Data Source Name, configuring, 563?565
DB2 UDB 8.1, installing, 658?666
Microsoft Calculator, 384?385
Oracle 9i software, installing, 638?648
privileges, revoking, 426?427
security, 414
standardization, 7
user authentication, 401
Word files. See MS Word files

XDK (XML Developer Kits), 593

XML (eXtensible Markup Language)

DB2 UDB 8.1, 594
described, 19, 40, 592?593
future, 596
MS SQL Server 2000, 595?596
Oracle 9i, 593
Web services, 594
XOR (exclusive OR), 776

XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language), 40

XSLT (eXtensible Style Language for Transformation), 593


years. See date and time

zeroes, leading, 347
List of Figures

Chapter 1: SQL and Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)

Figure 1-1: Hierarchical structure

Figure 1-2: Hierarchical database example

Figure 1-3: Network database example

Figure 1-4: Multiple columns to resolve multiple addresses for CUSTOMER

Figure 1-5: Multiple records to resolve multiple addresses for CUSTOMER

Figure 1-6: Primary/Foreign Key relationship between tables

Figure 1-7: Resolving the multiple customer addresses problem within relational model

Chapter 3: SQL Data Types

Figure 3-1: Fixed-length character string storage

Figure 3-2: Varying-length character string storage

Figure 3-3: Fixed-length Unicode character storage

Figure 3-4: Varying-length Unicode character storage

Figure 3-5: Table with column declared as an object type

Figure 3-6: Nested tables in Oracle

Chapter 4: Creating RDBMS Objects

Figure 4-1: Mary's rows in the TMP_CUSTOMER_ORDER_TOTALS temporary table

Figure 4-2: Susan's rows in the TMP_CUSTOMER_ORDER_TOTALS temporary table

Figure 4-3: Kyle's rows in the TMP_CUSTOMER_ORDER_TOTALS temporary table

Figure 4-4: Index use

Figure 4-5: B-Tree example

Figure 4-6: Database organization in Oracle

Figure 4-7: Database organization in MS SQL Server

Figure 4-8: Relationship between tablespace and datafile (one-to-many).

Figure 4-9: Using sequence-generated numbers to populate primary keys in multiple tables

Chapter 6: Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Figure 6-1: Using data from other table as an assignment value

Figure 6-2: Updating multiple rows using correlated subquery

Figure 6-3: Deleting from table referenced by ON DELETE CASCADE constraints

Figure 6-4: Deleting from table referenced by ON DELETE SET NULL constraints

Chapter 9: Multitable Queries

Figure 9-1: Simple inner join

Figure 9-2: Primary/foreign key nonequijoin

Figure 9-3: The contents of DISCOUNT table

Figure 9-4: Self-join

Figure 9-5: Four tables join

Chapter 16: SQL API

Figure 16-1: Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager console

Figure 16-2: ODBC drivers selection

Figure 16-3: IBM DB2 UDB ODBC driver configuration

Figure 16-4: New user DSN entry IBM DB2 UDB

Figure 16-5: illustrates generic RDBMS access using JDBS drivers.

Figure 16-6: Accessing IBM DB2 UDB through CLI

Figure 16-7: Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 through OLEDB

Figure 16-8: Results of the database C# program

Appendix B: The ACME Sample Database

Figure B-1: ACME database schema

Appendix D: Installing RDBMS Software

Figure D-1: Oracle 9i Autorun window

Figure D-2: Oracle Welcome window

Figure D-3: Oracle File Locations window

Figure D-4: Oracle Database Identification window

Figure D-5: Oracle Database Character Set window

Figure D-6: Oracle Summary window

Figure D-7: Oracle Install window / Disk Location pop-up screen

Figure D-8: Oracle Configuration Tools and Database Configuration assistant windows

Figure D-9: Oracle Change passwords for system users on the Database Configuration assistant window

Figure D-10: Oracle Windows Services window

Figure D-11: Removing Oracle software with the Inventory window

Figure D-12: Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows NT

Figure D-13: DB2 UDB 8.1 Installation window

Figure D-14: DB2 UDB 8.1 Products selection screen

Figure D-15: DB2 UDB 8.1 Setup wizard screen

Figure D-16: DB2 UDB 8.1 Select installation folder screen

Figure D-17: DB2 UDB 8.1 Start copying files screen

Figure D-18: DB2 UDB 8.1 Creating database using Control Center window

Figure D-19: DB2 UDB 8.1 Creating ACME database in using Database Wizard

Figure D-20: This MS SQL 2000 installation window allows you to choose the destination computer name.

Figure D-21: MS SQL 2000 Installation Selection window

Figure D-22: MS SQL 2000 Installation Definition screen

Figure D-23: MS SQL 2000 Setup Type screen

Figure D-24: MS SQL 2000 Services Accounts screen

Figure D-25: MS SQL 2000 Authentication Mode screen

Figure D-26: MS SQL 2000 Server Service Manager

Appendix E: Accessing RDBMS

Figure E-1: SQL*Plus command-line interface started from MS-DOS

Figure E-2: Executing SQL commands from SQL*Plus

Figure E-3: SQL*Plus Worksheet window

Figure E-4: OSQL session window

Figure E-5: MS SQL Server Query Analyzer dialog box

Figure E-6: Executing SQL commands using Query Analyzer

Appendix L: A Brief Introduction to the Number Systems, Boolean Algebra,

and Set Theory
Figure L-1: Set union

Figure L-2: Set intersection

Figure L-3: Set difference

Figure L-4: Cartesian product

List of Tables

Chapter 1: SQL and Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)

Table 1-1: Maximum Name Length Restrictions for Some of Database Objects

Table 1-2: Flat File Records Keeping

Chapter 2: Fundamental SQL Concepts and Principles

Table 2-1: Key SQL99 Areas

Table 2-2: Four Basic SQL Statements

Chapter 3: SQL Data Types

Table 3-1: Major Vendor Implementations Character String Data Types

Table 3-2: Binary String Data Types

Table 3-3: Exact Numeric Data Types

Table 3-4: Approximate Numeric Data Types

Table 3-5: Date and Time Data Types

Table 3-6: Interval Literals in Oracle

Chapter 4: Creating RDBMS Objects

Table 4-1: Valid CREATE Statements Cross-Reference

Chapter 5: Altering and Destroying RDBMS Objects

Table 5-1: Valid ALTER Statements Cross-Reference

Table 5-2: Valid DROP Statements Cross-Reference

Chapter 7: Sessions, Transactions, and Locks

Table 7-1: SQL Standard SET Statements

Table 7-2: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SQL-92 Settings

Table 7-3: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SET Statements

Table 7-4: Vendor-Specific ROLLBACK Statements

Table 7-5: SQL99 Transaction Isolation Levels

Table 7-6: Oracle 9i Lock Modes

Table 7-7: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Lock Modes

Table 7-8: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Locking Hints

Chapter 10: SQL Functions
Table 10-1: Standard SQL2 Functions

Table 10-2: Numeric Functions

Table 10-3: String Functions

Table 10-4: Date and Time Functions

Table 10-5: Getting Current Date Out of RDBMS

Table 10-6: Valid Range of the Time-Zone Values for Oracle's NEW_TIME Function:

Table 10-7: Aggregate Functions

Table 10-8: Conversion Functions

Table 10-9: Formatting MS SQL Server CONVERT Function Output for Dates

Table 10-10: Selected Oracle Datetime Format Templates

Table 10-11: Selected Oracle Number Format Templates

Table 10-12: IBM DB2 UDB Date Strings Formats

Table 10-13: IBM DB2 UDB Time String Formats

Table 10-14: Miscellaneous Functions

Chapter 11: SQL Operators

Table 11-1: Arithmetic Operators

Table 11-2: SQL Logical Operators

Table 11-3: Wildcard Characters for use with Operator LIKE

Table 11-4: Operators Precedence

Table 11-5: Comparison Operators

Table 11-6: Bitwise Operators

Table 11-7: Data Type Compatibility for Bitwise Operands

Chapter 12: SQL and RDBMS Security

Table 12-1: Selected Microsoft SQL Server 2000 User Management

Table 12-2: GRANT Statement Options

Table 12-3: Common Oracle 9i System Privileges

Table 12-4: Oracle 9i SYSDBA and SYSOPER System Privileges

Table 12-5: Common IBM DB2 UDB System Privileges

Table 12-6: SQL Object-Level Privileges

Table 12-7: IBM DB2 UDB Object-Level Privileges

Table 12-8: Oracle 9i Predefined Roles

Table 12-9: IBM DB2 UDB System Authorities

Table 12-10: Microsoft SQL Server Fixed Server Roles

Table 12-11: Microsoft SQL Server Fixed Database Roles

Table 12-12: Selected Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Role Management System-Stored Procedures

Table 12-13: IBM DB2 UDB Encryption Functions

Table 12-14: Oracle 9i Audit Levels

Table 12-15: Oracle 9i AUDIT Level Options

Table 12-16: IBM DB2 UDB Events Categories Available for Audit

Table 12-17: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Event Categories

Chapter 13: The System Catalog and INFORMATION_SCHEMA

Table 13-1: SQL Standard INFORMATION_SCHEMA Views

Table 13-2: Static View Prefixes

Table 13-3: Selected Oracle Data Dictionary views

Table 13-4: Oracle Data Dictionary Views Correspondence to SQL99 INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

Table 13-5: Selected IBM DB2 UDB INFORMATION_SCHEMA Views

Table 13-6: INFORMATION_SCHEMA Views Column Names

Table 13-7: Updateable IBM DB2 UDB INFORMATION_SCHEMA Views

Table 13-8: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 INFORMATION_SCHEMA Views

Table 13-9: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 System Stored Procedure Categories

Table 13-10: Result Set Returned by sp_tables System Stored Procedures

Chapter 15: Dynamic and Embedded SQL Overview

Table 15-1: Data type Correspondence

Table 15-2: Indicator Variable Values (Input)

Table 15-3: Indicator Variable Values (Output)

Table 15-4: Selected SQLSTATE Codes

Table 15-5: Useful Embedded SQL Statements

Table 15-6: ANSI/ISO SQL Data type Codes

Chapter 16: SQL API

Table 16-1: SQL/CLI and ODBC Functions

Table 16-2: JDBC 3.0 Features

Table 16-3: Selected JDBC Drivers Vendors

Table 16-4: DB2 CLI vs. DB2 ODBC Driver Comparison

Table 16-5: OCI Compatibility Between Different Versions of Server and Client Software

Table 16-6: Selected Oracle OCI Functions

Table 16-7: ADO.NET Top Level Namespaces

Chapter 17: New Developments—XML, OLAP, and Objects

Table 17-1: The RDBMS/OODBMS Standards Comparison

Table 17-2: Database Products Supporting Pure OO Technology

Appendix C: Basics of Relational Database Design

Table C-1: "One Table" Design

Table C-2: Table CUSTOMER after First Normal Form

Table C-3: New ORDER Table

Table C-4: Table CUSTOMER after Second Normal Form

Table C-5: New ORDER Table

Table C-6: New PRODUCT Table

Table C-7: Table CUSTOMER After First Normal Form

Table C-8: New REGION Table

Appendix D: Installing RDBMS Software

Table D-1: Installation of Oracle on Windows: Platforms Requirements

Table D-2: Installation of Oracle on Sun Solaris: Platforms Requirements

Table D-3: Unix Environment Variables Necessary for Oracle 9i Installation on Sun Solaris Platform

Table D-4: Installation of Oracle on Linux: Requirements Overview

Table D-5: Environment Variables Necessary for Oracle 9i Installation on Linux

Table D-6: Installation of DB2 UDB on Windows: Platforms Requirements

Table D-7: Requirements for MS SQL Server Installation on Windows 2000

Appendix E: Accessing RDBMS

Table E-1: Most Commonly Used SQL*Plus Commands

Table E-2: Common CLP Options

Table E-3: Common CLP commands

Table E-4: Basic OSQL Commands

Appendix F: Installing the ACME Database

Table F-1: Common Errors from Running Oracle Scripts

Table F-2: Common Errors from Running DB2 Scripts

Table F-3: Common Errors from Running MS SQL Server Scripts

Appendix G: SQL Functions

Table G-1: Oracle 9i SQL Number Functions

Table G-2: Oracle 9i SQL Character Functions

Table G-3: Oracle 9i SQL Datetime Functions

Table G-4: Oracle 9i SQL Conversion Functions

Table G-5: Oracle 9i SQL Miscellaneous Single-Row Functions

Table G-6: Oracle 9i SQL Aggregate Functions

Table G-7: Oracle 9i SQL Analytic Functions

Table G-8: Oracle 9i SQL Object Reference Functions

Table G-9: IBM DB2 UDB Built-in Scalar Functions

Table G-10: IBM DB2 UDB Built-in Column Functions

Table G-11: IBM DB2 UDB Built-in Table Functions

Table G-12: IBM DB2 UDB Built-in Procedures

Table G-13: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in String Functions

Table G-14: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in Mathematical Functions

Table G-15: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in Date and Time Functions

Table G-16: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in Aggregate Functions

Table G-17: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in Text and Image Functions

Table G-18: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in Cursor Functions

Table G-19: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in Metadata Functions

Table G-20: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in Configuration Functions

Table G-21: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in Security Functions

Table G-22: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in System Functions

Table G-23: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in System Statistical Functions

Table G-24: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Built-in Rowset Functions

Appendix H: SQL Syntax Reference

Table H-1: Simplified BNF Notation

Table H-2: Predicates

Appendix J: SQL99 Major Features Compliance Across Different RDBMS
Table J-1: SQL99-Defined Features across RDBMS

Appendix K: The Other RDBMS

Table K-1: RDBMS Software Vendors

Appendix L: A Brief Introduction to the Number Systems, Boolean Algebra,

and Set Theory
Table L-1: Number Systems

Table L-2: Binary Number Represented in Hexadecimal Groups

Table L-3: Binary to Decimal Conversion

Table L-4: Decimal to Binary Conversion

Table L-5: NOT Truth Table

Table L-6: AND Truth table

Table L-7: OR Truth table

Table L-8: XOR Truth table

Table L-9: NAND Truth table

Table L-10: NOR Truth table

Table L-11: Boolean Algebra Operator Precedence

Table L-12: Precedence Rules Illustration

Table L-13: Identities of Boolean Algebra

Table L-14: Identities of Set Algebra

List of Code Examples

Chapter 4: Creating RDBMS Objects

Listing 4-1: Default (NO ACTION) option

Listing 4-2: CASCADE option

Listing 4-3: Using deferrable constraints

Chapter 5: Altering and Destroying RDBMS Objects

Oracle 9i

DB2 UDB 8.1

MS SQL Server 2000

Oracle 9i

DB2 UDB 8.1

Chapter 9: Multitable Queries

SQL99 standard syntax

Old syntax

Syntax for right outer join

Syntax for left outer join

Syntax for right outer join

Syntax for left outer join

Chapter 14: Stored Procedures, Triggers, and User-Defined Functions






DB2 procedural language




DB2 procedural language


Chapter 15: Dynamic and Embedded SQL Overview

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Oracle example

DB2 UDB example












Appendix H: SQL Syntax Reference

"New" syntax (inner join)

"New" syntax (outer join)

"Old" syntax (inner join)

List of Sidebars

What Is a Sidebar?

Chapter 2: Fundamental SQL Concepts and Principles

ANSI/ISO Standard Documents

Chapter 3: SQL Data Types

Introducing Unicode

Character vs. Special Files

Precision and Scale for NUMERIC and DECIMAL Datatypes

Selecting Correct Data Types


Chapter 4: Creating RDBMS Objects


Index Organized Tables and Other Physical Properties

Creating Summary Tables

Clustered Indexes

Simulating OR REPLACE Clause in MS SQL Server

Chapter 6: Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Archiving Based on Complex Business Rules

RDBMS error messages

Dangers of the WHERE Clause

Chapter 7: Sessions, Transactions, and Locks

Setting SQL*Plus Session Parameters

Orphaned Sessions

Explicit and Implicit Transactions

Nested Transactions

Distributed Transactions
Chapter 9: Multitable Queries
Fully Qualified Column Names

Chapter 10: SQL Functions

Getting Random Numbers in a Different Range

NULL and Aggregate Functions

Conversion Pitfalls

Chapter 11: SQL Operators

Why Operator Precedence Is Important

Using Boolean Logic for Data Safety

Chapter 12: SQL and RDBMS Security

Oracle 9i User PROFILE

SQL Server 2000 DENY Statement

OS Security Integration

How XOR Encryption Works

What Is C2 Security Level?

Chapter 13: The System Catalog and INFORMATION_SCHEMA

Getting Help

Chapter 14: Stored Procedures, Triggers, and User-Defined Functions

Sequential and Event-Driven Programming

Passing Parameters by Name and by Value

Chapter 15: Dynamic and Embedded SQL Overview

Embedded and Dynamic SQL Terminology

Embedded (Static) Versus Dynamic SQL: Advantages and Disadvantages

Chapter 16: SQL API

JDBC Connector and Java Data Objects (JDO)

Oracle Gateways

Microsoft DBLIB Legacy

Chapter 17: New Developments—XML, OLAP, and Objects
XML and Web Services

Future of XML

OLAP Rules


Collections and Arrays

Appendix L: A Brief Introduction to the Number Systems, Boolean Algebra,

and Set Theory
Set Operations on Multielement Operands
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. .Steal This Computer Book 3: What They Won't Tell You About the Internet
by Wallace Wang ISBN:1593270003

No Starch Press © 2003 (359 pages)

This offbeat, non-technical book looks at what hackers do, how they do it, and how you can
protect yourself. This edition also covers rootkits, spyware, web bugs, identity theft, hacktivism,
wireless hacking (wardriving), biometrics, and firewalls.

Table of Contents

Steal This Computer Book 3?What They Won't Tell You About the Internet
Part 1 - Information Overload (Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics)

Chapter 1 - Finding What You Need—The Magic of Search Engines

Chapter 2 - Alternative Sources of News and Information
Chapter 3 - Censoring Information (We Know What's Best for You)
Chapter 4 - Hacktivism—Online Activism
Chapter 5 - Pledging Allegiance—Hatred as Patriotism
Chapter 6 - Where the Hackers Are
Part 2 - Dangerous Threats on the Internet

Chapter 7 - Viruses and Worms

Chapter 8 - Trojan Horses— Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts
Chapter 9 - CON Games on the Internet
Chapter 10 - Online Stalkers
Part 3 - Breaking and Entering Computers

Chapter 11 - Probing a Target

Chapter 12 - Sneaking into a Computer
Chapter 13 - Digging In
Part 4 - Protection Yourself

Chapter 14 - Computing on a Shoestring

Chapter 15 - Protecting Your Data and Your Privacy
Chapter 16 - Waging War on Spam
Chapter 17 - Web Bugs, Adware, Pop-Ups, and Spyware
Part 5 - Protecting Your Computer

Chapter 18 - Firewalls, Intrusion-Detection Systems, and Honeypots

Chapter 19 - Computer Forensics: Recovering and Deleting Data
Chapter 20 - Protecting Your Computer
Appendix A - Software
Appendix B - A Hacker's Gallery of Rogue Tools
Appendix C - A Bit of History—Phone Phreaking and Other Phun
Appendix D - Glossary
List of Figures
List of Tables
Back Cover
WARNING: This book is not to be used for hacking into government computers, shutting down AOL, cracking software,
phone phreaking, spreading viruses, or any other illegal activity.

Is your computer safe from computer viruses and malicious hackers? No matter how secure you think your computer is, it’s
still vulnerable to a variety of attacks that can ruin your files or hoodwink you out of thousands of dollars.

This newly revised third edition of the best-sellingSteal This Computer Book will help you protect yourself. You’ll discover:

How to tackle spyware, web bugs, and adware—seemingly innocent programs that harvest your private information
How hackers hide their identities and shred their files
How hackers write computer viruses and worms
How Trojan Horse programs work and how to defend against them
How hackers steal software and defeat copy protection mechanisms
How to fight back against spammers
How to tell when your machine is being attacked and what you can do to protect it
Where the hackers are, how they probe a target and sneak into a computer and what they do when they get there

About the Author

Best-selling computer book author Wallace Wang is a former contributor to Boardwatch magazine, where he wrote a monthly
column called “Notes From the Underground.” He is also a successful stand-up comic who has appeared on A&E’s “Evening
at the Improv” and appears regularly at the Riviera Comedy Club in Las Vegas.
Steal This Computer Book 3-What They Won't Tell You About the
Wallace Wang


Copyright © 2003 Wallace Wang.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior
written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher.

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symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, we are using the names only in an editorial fashion and to the
benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark.

Publisher: William Pollock

Managing Editor: Karol Jurado
Cover and Interior Design: Octopod Studios
Composition: Octopod Studios
Copyeditor: Andy Carroll

Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Publishers Group West, 1700 Fourth Street, Berkeley, CA 94710;
phone: 800-788-3123; fax: 510-658-1834.

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The information in this book is distributed on an "As Is" basis, without warranty. While every precaution has been
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Wang, Wallace.

Steal this computer book 3 : what they won't tell you about the
internet / Wallace Wang.
p. cm.

1. Computer hackers--Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Internet--Handbooks, manuals, etc. 3.

Subculture--Computer network resources. I. Title.

HV6773.W35 2003


If it weren't for the wonderful people at No Starch Press, this book would still be just another good idea floating around
the publishing industry. The most important person involved in the creation of this book is William Pollock, who
provided guidance for the book and gently nursed it from a rough idea to a completed manuscript. Two other extremely
important people include Andy Carroll and Karol Jurado, both of whom worked tirelessly to ensure that the manuscript
was as complete and error-free as possible.

Many hackers deserve credit for their work that directly or indirectly influenced this book. While I have never met many
of these people, their books, text files, websites, and software creations have helped influence my thoughts about the
"underground" aspect of the computer industry.

I'd also like to thank David Hakala, Jack Rickard, and Todd Erickson of Boardwatch magazine
( for giving me the chance to write a monthly column for several years that covered the
world of computer hacking. Much of the material in this book originally came from these columns, dubbed "Notes From
the Underground."

Additional thanks go to Steve Schirripa and Don Learned for giving me my break in performing at the Riviera Comedy
Club ( in Las Vegas. Also a big thanks go out to all the stand-up comedians I've had the
pleasure of working with over the years including Dobie Maxwell, Judy Tenuta, Larry Omaha, Kip Addotta, Bob Zany,
Gerry Bednob, and Patrick DeGuire.

Final thanks go to stand-up comedians Barry Crimmins, Jimmy Tingle, George Carlin, and Will Durst for their
delightfully insightful humor that reveals the truth while making you laugh at the same time. If you want to know what's
really happening with our governments, foreign policies, and world leaders, listen to any comedy album from these
four comedians. I guarantee you'll learn more about world news, government policies, and international politics from
their stand-up comedy acts than you ever could from Newsweek, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the
CBS Evening News, or CNN.

Wallace Wang

San Diego, CA


This book is dedicated to truth, justice, honesty, and the American Way-which are too often mutually exclusive ideas.
The successful revolutionary is a statesman, the unsuccessful one a criminal.

TURN YOU INTO A SOLDIER. You won't find step-by-step instructions explaining how to break into a computer, nor
will you find technical discussions that show all the flaws inherent in any particular type of operating system. This isn't
a technical book about computer hacking. This is a philosophy book about the implications of computer hacking.
Hacking isn't just about breaking into computers. Hacking is about exploring, extending boundaries, and searching for
knowledge for its own sake.

So if you're looking for detailed information about finding flaws in the latest version of Red Hat Linux or how to
configure a Cisco router to protect a corporate network from attack, look somewhere else. But if you want a book that
explores both the technical and social implications of the hidden, darker side of the Internet that most people never
see, read, or hear about, keep reading. The world of hackers, virus writers, political activism, censorship, racism, and
government, religious, and corporate propaganda and intolerance disguised as news, advertising, and press releases
awaits you.

Not surprisingly, some people will find the information in this book distasteful, disturbing, and downright dangerous. Yet
others will see this same information as an excuse and a reason to cause havoc and make trouble for others. But
neither side is correct.

The purpose of this book isn't to teach you how to be a hacker, but rather to teach you to think like a hacker, which
means challenging your own preconceived notions about right and wrong and looking beyond the mental limitations
that your culture has trained you to think no matter what part of the world you may live in. Computers and the Internet
can help open your mind to new worlds that you never dreamed could possibly exist-or it can shut off your mind and
funnel your thinking down the narrow confines of a fantasy world that only you choose to see. The choice is up to you.

So if you want to use your computer as a tool to expand your awareness rather than substitute for it, this book is for
you. We need you more than ever before. But don't get me wrong. This book isn't advocating the overthrow of your
government or the development of a radically different one.
Instead, this book advocates a more personal form of revolution—the revolution within your own thinking. Instead of
blindly blaming national governments, international corporations, ethnic groups, sexual preferences, multi-cultural
organizations, ideological beliefs, religious institutions, or political parties for all the world's problems, this book
suggests that:

If you change the way you think, you'll change the way you act.

If you change the way you act, you'll be able to change the way others act and think.

If you change the way others act and think, you can help change the world— one person at a time.

But it all begins with you.

That's why this book advocates changing your own way of thinking first, because none of us can be correct 100
percent of the time, and the first step toward true change is admitting that neither you nor I—nor your parents, your
boss, your spouse, your family, your government, or your church—know everything.

There's no shame in not knowing everything, but there is shame in pretending that we do. We can and must learn from
each other, regardless of what we look like, where we live, what we believe in, or which country we might be living in.
Open, honest communication is the only way we can change this world for the better, and that's where this book and
your personal computer come into play.

Communication's the thing

Although computers are still notoriously difficult, confusing, and downright frustrating to use, they represent a quantum
leap in communication similar to the inventions of the alphabet or the printing press. With personal computers and the
Internet, people can send and receive email, research information through the World Wide Web, and exchange ideas
with people all over the world.

But don't be fooled by the marketing hype designed to suck you into the computer revolution. The world of computers
is fraught with hidden dangers that the computer marketing departments don't mention, such as Trojan Horses,
electronic espionage, remote computer monitoring, hate groups, con artists, pedophiles, pornography, and
terrorism—all just a mouse click away.

This book not only reveals these dangers, but will also help you understand how people create them in the first place.
The more you know about anything, the better you can avoid or fight it. Besides exploring the underground nature of
the Internet that television and magazine ads conveniently ignore, this book also exposes the darker side of the
computer industry itself.

Truth is nothing but a point of view

Although this book won't pretend to be a comprehensive resource for every possible legal and illegal activity you
might run across on the Internet, keep in mind that the information provided in this book can help or hurt others. The
information itself is neutral. Crash your government's computer network and you may be labeled a terrorist. Do the
same thing to an enemy's computer network, and your government may proclaim you a hero. Good and evil depend
solely on your point of view.

So welcome to the side of computers that the computer industry doesn't want you to know about, a world where slickly
printed tutorials and training classes don't exist.

This is the underground of the real computer revolution, where everyone is encouraged to question, explore, and
criticize, but most importantly, to learn how to think for themselves.

And to many governments, corporations, and religions, people who know how to think for themselves can be the most
dangerous weapons in the world.
Part 1: Information Overload (Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics)
Chapter 1: Finding What You Need—The Magic of Search Engines

Chapter 2: Alternative Sources of News and Information

Chapter 3: Censoring Information (We Know What's Best for You)

Chapter 4: Hacktivism—Online Activism

Chapter 5: Pledging Allegiance—Hatred as Patriotism

Chapter 6: Where the Hackers Are

Chapter 1: Finding What You Need—The Magic of Search Engines

The wise man doesn't give the right answers, he poses the right questions.

BASED ON AN INCOMPLETE PICTURE OF REALITY. Then again, having too much information can be just as bad,
since finding the relevant facts about a topic can be time-consuming and tedious, which encourages people to make
snap decisions based on perception rather than accuracy.

Trying to find just enough useful facts without being overwhelmed by too much irrelevant trivia can be a delicate
balancing act. Still, if you want to make informed choices based on reason and information rather than on emotion and
ignorance, you must take the time to research your topic thoroughly.

As a research tool, the Internet offers a wealth of information about virtually every topic. Unfortunately, the Internet
poses a few problems of its own when it comes to research:

How do you find the information you need?

How do you know if the information you find is accurate, obsolete, misleading, or just plain wrong?

Finding information on the Internet is relatively easy: You just type one or more words into a search engine, and then
the search engine lists all the websites (that it knows about) that contain the words or phrases you want to find.

The easy part is sifting through the different websites to find the information you need. The hard part is deciding
whether you can trust what you find, knowing that every source of information selectively chooses which facts to report
and which ones to omit. Because we all have a natural tendency to interpret facts based on personal biases and
experience, don't be surprised to find that one set of facts may cause you to reach a conclusion that's completely
different from what someone else might reach.

Sometimes there might be a right answer and sometimes there might be a wrong answer, but more often than not,
there won't be any one answer that's either completely right or completely wrong. What you decide may be the right
answer depends on your point of view.
The key to finding anything on the Internet is to use a search engine, but if you ask different search engines to find the
same information, each one will find a number of websites not found by the others. Rather than limiting yourself to the
tunnel vision of a single search engine, experiment with some of the different search engines listed below, and you
may uncover information that your favorite search engine missed.

Even better, you may find that one search engine is better at finding certain types of data or offers a unique
perspective to searching for information. For example, the Teoma search engine tries to cluster search results into
subjects. So if you search for "Mustang," the Teoma search engine clusters the results according to "Ford Mustang"
and "Mustang horses." The following list includes some of the more powerful search engines:




AOL Search

Ask Jeeves





Open Directory Project



Meta-search engines

Rather than visit multiple search engines yourself, you can save time by using a meta-search engine, which
simultaneously sends your query to two or more general-purpose search engines and eliminates duplicate results.
Here are some popular meta-search engines:




Specialized search engines

Finally, don't ignore specialized search engines designed to search only for websites pertaining to a particular topic.
Specialized search engines often find obscure web-sites that the larger search engines might overlook. There are
specialized search engines for everything from caring for fish to the latest crafting fads. Here are a few interesting
AvatarSearch Finds occult information about witchcraft, vampires, pagan rituals, astrology, tarot cards,
and other topics that often panic right-wing conservatives (

Black Web Portal Finds websites of particular interest to blacks (

Crime Spider Searches for websites providing information about various crime and law enforcement
sites and organized by topics such as serial murder, urban legends, and cybercrime

Disinformation Conspiracy theory-laden search engine that helps you uncover websites offering the
"real truth" behind the pyramids of Mars, the sightings of black helicopters over America, film footage
of Bigfoot, and the government secrets hidden in Area 51 (

Education World Finds websites that can help students, teachers, and parents learn more about
education (

Federal Web Locator Lists many of the websites from various government agencies and organizations
(except for the really cool ones like the CIA and FBI). Maybe you can use it to find out where all your
hard-earned tax dollars are going (

GovSearch Collection of government search engines for finding information about the U.S.
government: IRS documents, Customs Service, NTIS, U.S. law code, legislative information, OSHA
regulations, and information from many other agencies and departments

CopSeek Directory and Police Search Engine Helps you find websites related to law enforcement so
you can find a policeman when you need one (

NerdWorld Search engine dedicated to computer and technology fanatics


Que Pasa! A bilingual search engine geared towards Hispanics and Latinos, available in both English
and Spanish (

Satanist Net Search engine geared to helping you find satanic information on the Internet
( and WWWomen Two search engines geared toward helping women find information and
resources on the Internet ( and

Kid-safe search engines

If you leave your children unsupervised, it's likely that they'll eventually find bomb-making instructions and
pornography on the Internet. While keeping children isolated from such information may be impossible, you can at
least limit their searching to kid-safe search engines. Unlike general-purpose search engines, kid-safe search engines
won't accidentally display links to pornographic or bomb-making websites. Try one of the following:

Ask Jeeves for Kids



Multimedia search engines

Most search engines help you find text, but what if you want to find a song, a picture, or a video clip? Rather than
waste your time using a general purpose search engine to find an MP3 file of your favorite band, try using a special
multimedia search engine instead. These multimedia search engines specialize in searching only for specific audio,
graphic, or video files.

Here are some of the more popular multimedia search engines:

Ditto (see Figure 1-1)

FAST Multimedia Search

MIDI Explorer

Figure 1-1: The website allows you to search the Internet by using pictures.

Regional search engines

Search engines often include websites from all over the world. If you'd rather limit your search to a specific region or
country, try using one of the regional search engines listed in Table 1-1 instead.
Table 1-1: International Search Engines



General GlobePage

China SINA Online

Hong Kong

India 123India


Japan Search Desk

Philippines G-Spot


South Korea Yahoo! Korea-Seek


General Woyaa!

South Africa Ananzi



General Search Europe

France Francité


Iceland Iceland on the Web

Italy Italia Mia

Malta Search Malta

Netherlands Search NL

Russia Russian Internet Search Engines

Switzerland Swiss Search

U.K. Everyday UK

UK Plus


General Ajeeb

Egypt Egypt Search

Iran Iran Index

Israel HaReshima

Syria Syria Gate



Mexico Radar


Bolivia Bolivia Web


Brazil Cadê

Chile Chilnet

South Pacific South Pacific Search

Australia WebWombat

WebSearch AU

Searching for more search engines

New search engines seem to appear almost daily (see Figure 1-2).The following sites will help you find the latest and
best Internet search engines:

Figure 1-2: You can find a search engine in any language.


Search Engine Watch

Search engines can help you find specific information on the Internet, but they also flood you with large amounts of
irrelevant information. With a little bit of extra effort on your part, though, you can make sure that a search engine
finds exactly what you want, as quickly as possible. The next time you use a search engine, try some of the following

Search within categories

Many search engines, such as Yahoo!, display categories such as Computers & Internet or Business & Economy. If
you click on a category and then use the search engine, you'll have the option of searching the entire Internet or
limiting your search to within the currently selected category. Obviously searching within a selected category will take
less time and avoid a lot of irrelevant websites.

Still, you might like to search the entire Internet just for the surprise of seeing what the search engine might uncover
that is not in your specific category.

Use specific words

If you want to find all websites that focus on birds, you could type the word "bird" into a search engine. Unfortunately,
the search engine might return thousands of irrelevant websites that talk about badminton birdies or different ways to
cook game birds. Instead of searching for general words, use more specific words such as "ornithology" (which is the
branch of zoology dealing with birds). The more precise your search terms, the less likely the search engine will be to
return irrelevant websites.

Use multiple words

You can also narrow your search by typing in multiple words. For example, if you wanted to find information about
Miami, Florida, type in the two words "Miami" and "Florida." If you just search for "Miami" or "Florida," the search
engine might bombard you with websites about the Miami Dolphins football team or the Florida Marlins baseball team.
In general, the more words you search for, the more likely the search engine will find exactly what you want.

Use Boolean operators

Many search engines allow you to focus your search by using two different Boolean operators: AND and OR.

If you wanted to search for all websites that contain both the words "hot" and "dog," you would simply type the
following into the search field:
hot AND dog

This search would find websites devoted to hot dogs, but could also turn up websites that talk about ways to cool
down a dog on a hot day.

If you wanted to search for all websites that contain either the word "hot" or "dog," you would type the following into the
search field:
hot OR dog

This could turn up websites that talk about hot dogs along with sites that mention dogs, different ways air conditioning
can cool you down on a hot day, hot chili sauces, or dog food.

Be wary of what you find

The order that a search engine ranks websites can influence which ones people may visit, so to increase the odds that
people will visit a specific website, some websites pay search engines to put them first (or at least near the top) of any
list of related websites. The better search engines identify which websites paid for greater exposure, but other search
engines may not be so honest.

Also, because search engines scan websites for keywords that people are most likely to search for, many websites
hide multiple copies of the same keyword on their web pages. This tricks a search engine into thinking the website
contains more information about a particular keyword than it really does.

As with reading newspapers, listening to the radio, or watching the news on television, always be wary of the source
of your information. Search engines can find information for you, but they can't verify the accuracy of the information.
Anyone can put any information on a website.
No search engine will find everything available on the Internet, so be sure to use several search engines to find
websites that other search engines might not have found. The more search engines you use, the more information
you'll find, and the more information you find, the more likely you'll have most of the facts you need to make an
intelligent decision.

Sometimes the hardest part about finding an answer is knowing how to look for it in the first place. With so many
different search engines available at your fingertips, there's no excuse for not finding the information you want on the
Internet right away.
Chapter 2: Alternative Sources of News and Information

I trust the newspaper. The news people are very intelligent, and if they are giving the story, it must be true.

Think again. Newspapers tend to contain detailed information about local events, but relatively little historical
background or contextual information about international events. If you rely solely on local newspapers for information,
your knowledge of national and international news is likely to be incomplete at best, and one-sided or completely
wrong at worst.

Reading publications from other countries is one way to get a more balanced view of world events. Try looking at how
newspapers from England and the United States cover a particular event, compared to how a newspaper from the
Middle East or Asia covers that same event.

This chapter lists online newspapers, magazines, and other sources to get you started, but remember that these
selections reflect the author's point of view. Be sure to spend some time searching for different newspapers and
magazines on your own, as well.
Newspapers don't report facts; they report information filtered through the eyes and opinions of the reporters, writers,
editors, and news services that provide the information in the first place. Even worse, many newspapers find it more
profitable and easier to tranquilize the public with shallow sensationalism, local stories, and trivia in order to capture the
largest market share possible for their advertisers.

If you begin reading newspapers from different cities and countries, you may be surprised to find that African,
European, and Asian newspapers report international events that American newspapers never bother to cover at all.
Furthermore, even when foreign and American newspapers do cover the same event, the overseas newspapers often
provide completely different points of view based on facts that American newspapers gloss over or completely ignore.

Browsing through multiple newspapers can give you a much wider exposure to news and a greater appreciation of a
newspaper's inherent bias. Read an Iraqi newspaper to get a better understanding of how the Iraqi media portrays the
feelings of their people toward America. Or read a Brazilian or Australian newspaper to learn about events affecting
the Southern Hemisphere that North American newspapers routinely ignore.

The following links point to some of the more prominent English-language newspapers (with the exception of Le
Monde, which is French). Remember that English-language newspapers may offer information that differs slightly or
dramatically from newspapers in other languages, and that the following links aren't the only newspapers available on
the Internet.
Bahrain Tribune News about the Middle East from Bahrain (

Bangkok Post News from Thailand (

Buenos Aires Herald Get information about South America from an Argentinean newspaper that's been
in business since 1876 (

China News English-language website providing news about and from China

Christian Science Monitor A highly respected newspaper that maintains its own news bureaus in 13
countries, including Russia, Japan, Germany, France, the U.K., South Africa, and Mexico, as well as
throughout the United States (

Financial Times Covers financial news from around the world (

Gulf News News from the United Arab Emirates (

Ha'aretz Daily newspaper from Tel Aviv, Israel (

International Herald Tribune A well-respected newspaper edited in Paris and published in conjunction
with the Washington Post and the New York Times (

Investor's Business Daily A financial newspaper that covers international events, with an obvious
emphasis on money and how the news affects different stock markets (

Irish Times Keep up with the latest business, sports, and politics of Ireland, and use this website as a
search engine for Irish topics as well (

Japan Times Provides the latest news of interest about Japan and Asia (

Los Angeles Independent Media Center A news media that provides alternative viewpoints to the
clone-like views offered by the more traditional news sources, which may be too timid to upset potential
advertisers, government officials, or the status quo (

Le Monde France's leading newspaper (written in French) covering world events from a uniquely
French point of view (
Moscow Times Read news from a Russian perspective in this English-language newspaper

NetIran Provides links to five sources of news from Iran: IRNA (Islamic Republic News Agency), Iran
News, IRIB (Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting), ISNA (Iranian Student News Agency), and the
Tehran Times (

The New York Times and The Los Angeles Times Get the latest news from two of the largest cities in
America ( and

The New Zealand Herald News from New Zealand's major newspaper (

The Norway Post Get the latest news from Norway and the rest of Europe, as seen from Norway

The Paperboy Provides links to the most popular international newspapers-see Figure 2-1

Figure 2-1: The Paperboy website provides links to major newspapers from around the world.

Pravda Once the political mouthpiece of the Soviet Union, Pravda is now a national newspaper
covering all aspects of political and social life throughout Russia (

Rwanda Post Since news about Africa is often scarce, visit the Rwanda Post site to read the latest
information about Rwanda and the rest of the African continent (

Russia Today The Russian equivalent of USA Today, this newspaper provides information about daily
activities in Russia (

South China Morning Post The South China Morning Post is Hong Kong's English-language
newspaper, covering financial, political, and technological news about Hong Kong, China, Thailand,
Japan, and Singapore. Read this to get a better idea what the Asian public thinks about Europe,
America, and the rest of the world (

The Sydney Morning Herald Read the latest news from down under (

The Telegraph (London) Major British newspaper providing news about England, Europe, and the rest
of the world (

The Times of India One of India's major newspapers, covering national and world events

The Times (London) International news from a distinctly British point of view

Toronto Star News from one of Canada's largest daily newspapers (

USA Today An American newspaper that covers a broad range of news from around the United States.
Best known for its colorful weather maps (

The Wall Street Journal Provides financial news from all over the world, emphasizing Europe, Asia, and
North America (

The Washington Post News from another well-respected American newspaper, most commonly known
as the newspaper that helped break open the Watergate scandal in the early '70s

The Onion A satirical American weekly newspaper (see Figure 2-2) that uses humor to reveal the truth
behind the latest headline stories (

Figure 2-2: Sometimes the news can be funny if you just look at the hidden context behind the

By opening your mind to the wealth of newspapers available through the Internet, you can be as fully informed (or
ignorant) about world events as you wish to be. Once you start reading a British, Egyptian, or Japanese newspaper (or
even just a newspaper from another city) on a regular basis, you may never look at your own world the same way
Whereas newspaper coverage is pretty much confined to stories that are deemed acceptable by a paper's corporate
owners, magazines usually have more freedom to target specific audiences and advocate specific opinions and
beliefs. As a result, two different magazines will often reach completely different conclusions about the same topic.

Although it's tempting to read only those magazines that support your own opinions, take some time to learn what
people who have different political views or are from another country or continent might have to say. For foreign
magazines, visit one of the websites listed below, or visit your favorite search engine and try to hunt up some
magazines not listed in this book. Online magazine that offers an alternative to mainstream investigative journalism.
Regularly covers topics that the mainstream either ignores or glosses over, such as the drug war,
sexual politics, and health issues (

The Economist Comprehensive magazine that provides news about events from around the world,
including places most American high school graduates can't find on a map

Federal Computer Week Offers stories about how various U.S. government agencies are using
computers to (hopefully) streamline their organization and improve efficiency (

Monday Morning Lebanon's English-language weekly news magazine (

The National Review Conservative American magazine providing its own unique point of view on
American politics and international events (

The New American An ultra-conservative magazine that takes American patriotism to the extreme.
Reading this magazine will certainly open your eyes to the way people can interpret world events

Philippine News Link Links to an enormous range of newspapers and magazines that cover the
Philippines, including The Manila Times, Filipinas Magazine, Asiaweek, and The Manila Bulletin

ZMag Available in English, French, Spanish, and Swedish, and billing itself as a magazine for people
concerned about social change (
Newspapers and magazines often get their information from national and international news services, which often get
the information directly from people at the scene of the event itself. Local writers, unable to attend the news event in
person, simply embellish, exaggerate, or expand on the information from these news services to create their own
newspaper or magazine articles. So, rather than wait for news to appear in your favorite newspaper or magazine, go
directly to the source by visiting a news service website.
21st Century Digest Provides the latest news articles and links to several major news networks,
including CNN and the BBC (

ABC News, CBS News, and MSNBC News from the three largest television news networks in North
America (,,

Agence France-Presse French news service that offers news in English, French, Spanish, German,
and Portuguese (

Associated Press One of the most popular wire services, AP provides stories to newspapers
throughout the United States, including the Los Angeles Times, the Detroit News, and the
Washington Times (

Baltic News Service The largest news agency in the Baltic states (

Business News Americas Financial news about Latin America (

China Daily News from mainland China covering Chinese and international news

CNN You can't ignore the only American news service that can get inside countries like Iraq and Cuba
and interview world leaders like Saddam Hussein and Fidel Castro (

Federation of American Scientists Information from the scientific community regarding various
environmental, political, and technology stories (

Fox News News from the fast-growing Fox Network (

Good News Agency Unusual news service that only offers positive, uplifting news to counteract the
deluge of pessimism so prevalent with most news services today (

Intelligence Online This news service is especially designed for diplomats, military and political
officials, heads of company security services, or academics interested in intelligence matters,
business intelligence, and international political issues. Find news on money laundering, terrorist
activities, weapons smuggling, and other types of crimes that are occurring at this very moment

Inter Press Service This non-governmental organization delivers daily news from around the world in
English, Finnish, Dutch, German, Norwegian, Spanish, and Swedish (

Korean Central News Agency The official news service of North Korea. Learn about world events as
seen from communist North Korea's point of view (

Nando Times Another news service providing information from around the world

One World Provides news from over 150 global organizations, such as Save the Children, ActionAid,
UNICEF, and Christian Aid. It is one of the few sites that presents news from a brutally honest point of
view with headlines such as "Brazil to celebrate date that meant genocide for 5 million"
Reuters Read information from one of the most popular and famous news services in the world
( Analyzes global events to offer the general public information normally reserved for
governments (

Total Scoop Displays the tops stories of the day organized by categories such as Politics,
Entertainment, Sports, Technology, and Travel (

Voice of America Voice of America offers the official United States government's view on the news.
This is broadcast around the world, especially into countries that limit access to information

Voice of Russia Voice of Russia broadcasts interviews, discussions, and historical information about
Russia. Unlike the Voice of America, the Voice of Russia is primarily an entertainment and
educational broadcast about life in Russia (
Because space permits only a select listing of news sources, and since the number of newspapers, magazines, and
news services present on the Internet keeps growing, you can get a more complete listing of sources by visiting the
following websites, which list news services by region, continent, or country:



Editor & Publisher




For a monthly fee, a service such as TracerLock ( will scan through various news sites,
magazines, and newspapers, and will email articles to you based on keywords that you give it. By using such a
service, you can stay up-to-date on the latest news about a particular subject without having to search news sources
Most news media (newspapers, television and radio stations, and magazines) are owned by corporations that rely on
other companies to place advertisements and help the media pay their bills. So what are the odds that a newspaper
will run a story criticizing a major advertiser, or run a story exposing the media's corporate owner? More importantly,
what news company is going to risk raising the ire of its own government, when doing so could jeopardize that
company from attending any future government press conferences that their competitors will surely attend?

If you think that any of the news sources listed in this chapter are free from any bias, influence, or censorship, it's time
to rethink your perception of how the news media really works. Every year, Project Censored
( offers their top ten stories that the news media conveniently ignored, that inevitably
turn out to be major environmental, political, or social disasters that make a prominent corporation or government look
corrupt, exploitive, or just plain incompetent.

Some recent stories that Project Censored highlighted include a report by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences
warning that catastrophic climate changes could be imminent due to global warming, the pesticide poisoning of 10,000
Ecuadoran farmers and Amazon Indians by DynCorp, and America's covert war in Macedonia to establish an oil
pipeline to link the Black Sea with the Adriatic coast.

The Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting site ( reported that Dan Guthrie, a columnist for the Grants
Pass Daily Courier, claims he was fired for criticizing President Bush as "hiding in a Nebraska hole" in the aftermath of
the September 11 terrorist attacks. The column sparked angry letters to the editor, causing the newspaper to print an
apology that stated, "Criticism of our chief executive and those around him needs to be responsible and appropriate.
Labeling him and the nation's other top leaders as cowards as the United States tries to unite after its bloodiest
terrorist attack ever isn't responsible or appropriate."

In another example, Tom Gutting was fired from the Texas City Sun for also criticizing President Bush on the day of
the terrorist attacks. The newspaper later printed an editorial with the headline, "Bush's Leadership Has Been Superb."

Other corporate influences show up in the thinly disguised advertisements masquerading as news, such as stories
urging Americans to get more calcium by drinking milk (indirectly promoting the dairy industry by ignoring other
sources of calcium, medical information that suggests that milk is not a particularly healthy food after all, or listing the
types of drugs that dairy farms use to force cows to produce more milk-drugs that can deform the cows and
contaminate the milk itself).

Besides promoting a particular product, the news media may simply ignore information that puts the welfare and safety
of individuals ahead of the liability and financial well-being of corporations. Common news stories offer tips about how
parents can reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) while ignoring New Zealand research from 1994
( that links SIDS to a fungus and toxic gases released by fire retardant chemicals in
mattresses and blankets.

For more information about media bias and sources of alternative news, visit the following websites:

Chicago Media Watch

Free Speech TV

No matter how much you may trust a particular news source, remember that they can always be wrong, and given
enough time, they probably will be at one point or another. The news media gets its information from its own reporters,
wire services, and anyone who faxes them what appears to be an interesting story. Slip some misleading information
to the news media through any of these routes, and the media may not have the time to verify the facts and will simply
report the information as "news" in the interest of higher ratings.

One self-proclaimed artist, Joey Skaggs (, has turned misinformation into an art form,
using the media itself as his canvas to demonstrate the media's unfailing gullibility to broadcast "news" without
verifying the credibility of the source. Joey Skaggs has appeared on the television show Good Morning America and
on CNN, as well as appearing in print in The Philadelphia Inquirer and The Washington Post for such outrageous
"news," such as a vitamin pill made from cockroaches, a brothel for dogs, and an artificially intelligent computer
program that could examine court evidence and spit out a verdict (it found O.J. Simpson guilty, by the way).

So the next time you form an opinion from something you've read, seen, or heard from your favorite trusted news
source, it could be the truth, it could be partial information lacking crucial facts, or it could just be another media hoax
perpetrated by someone like Joey Skaggs. Whatever the case, the odds are good that it won't be the whole truth, so
read the news carefully and be aware that no matter how strongly you may hold an opinion, you could always be
completely wrong.
There's no better way to learn about the past than by seeing what type of news people were reading and watching
back when historical events actually occurred. For a trip back in time, visit the Internet Archive (
which provides early web pages from the fledgling days of the Internet to major events such as the September 11,
2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. By browsing through these web pages, you can get a feel for the
mood surrounding a particular newsworthy event, as shown in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3: Viewing history through web pages from the past.

The Internet Archive also stores old video clips of television reports about historical events, along with a library of old
television commercials and U.S. government films distributed since the 1940s. By viewing these old government films,
you can see how much (or how little) the American government has really changed.

Some classic government films to view include the infamous Duck and Cover film that teaches children how to survive
a nuclear attack by holding a jacket over their head and a short film explaining the hazards of biowarfare, which warns
that communist agents could attack the United States by pouring toxins in our water supply or using crop dusters to
spray an entire area with germs. Substitute the word "communist" with "terrorist" and you can see how relevant this
particular film is today.
Whatever your background, reading news from different countries and political viewpoints can open your
eyes—especially if you've never previously gone beyond the information readily available around you. Reading
something different every day will undoubtedly expose you to opposing, conflicting, and possibly confusing
information. How you decide to react to any information that contradicts your own way of thinking is (of course) up to
Chapter 3: Censoring Information (We Know What's Best for You)

Censorship cannot eliminate evil, it can only kill freedom.

example, want the right to control what their kids may explore on the Internet, using their own ethical standards (which
may be completely different from another parent's ethical standards) as a guideline. One parent may feel that children
should freely explore any topic, such as homosexuality or Buddhism, in an intelligent, rational manner, while a second
parent may be horrified to find a child learning anything that contradicts the parent's own beliefs, such as studying how
another religion worships God. In this situation, the ultimate authority must rest with the parents, regardless of whether
anyone believes they can make intelligent decisions or not.

National governments face a similar dilemma. What should a government allow its citizens to access on the Internet?
Not surprisingly, many governments want to prevent their citizens from viewing any information that may contradict or
criticize the government's official version of the news.

Some countries, like Saudi Arabia and China, funnel Internet access through state-owned Internet service providers,
which have filters that only allow users to access government-approved websites. Prodigy filters Internet access for
Chinese citizens with the blessings of the Chinese government, while Saudi Arabia relies on technology purchased
from another American company, Secure Computing (, to filter Internet access for its citizens.

(The irony of any company knowingly accepting money from an oppressive government to keep its citizens ignorant
should not be lost on anyone. When Secure Computing's Saudi Arabian contract expires, companies from America,
Germany, England, and the Netherlands plan to bid on the multimillion dollar contract, in the hopes of supplying much
of the Middle East with Internet filters. Apparently the biggest problem with freedom of speech is that it's more
profitable to suppress it instead.)

While many people expect that communist governments and dictatorships will readily embrace Internet censorship,
they may be surprised to learn that many so-called democratic governments eagerly view censorship as a way to
tackle the twin problems of pornography and terrorism (and also anti-government information) on the Internet. Under
the guise of protecting children from Internet pornography, Australia has passed some of the most restrictive filtering
laws in the world, holding Internet service providers responsible for filtering Internet access. Essentially, Australia
deems pornography illegal when it is online, but perfectly legal to buy offline.

The problem isn't that Internet filtering blocks pornography from both adults and children, but that the Internet filters
themselves are highly unreliable and totally subject to the whims of the manufacturer, which are often foreign
companies. So programmers in other countries are essentially in charge of deciding what Internet sites Australian
citizens can access on their computers.

Another form of censorship has been considered by the Internet Service Providers Association of India—charging a
tariff on overseas Internet websites. Under this system, if a company such as eBay or MSN wanted citizens from India
to access their websites, the site would first need to pay a fee to the Indian government. Any website that refused to
pay this tariff would simply be blocked from India's Internet market.

One potentially disturbing trend in the United States is the consolidation of Internet service providers, especially those
that offer high-speed broadband Internet access. If only a handful of cable and telephone companies control
high-speed Internet access, there's the chance that they (either alone or under the coercion of the government) could
filter or block access to certain websites, and thus create a form of corporate censorship that might be more
threatening than any government-sponsored censorship could ever be.
While hackers can always circumvent any type of Internet filters, ordinary citizens aren't always as skillful. Rather than
force everyone to develop hacking skills, programmers around the world have united to offer simpler solutions for
defeating Internet filters. The oldest and simplest method is to retrieve web pages through email. A newer and more
advanced method is to access websites through a neutral third-party site.

Accessing banned web pages by email

Blocking access to specific websites is easy. Scanning email to determine whether someone is sending or receiving
banned information is more time-consuming and labor-intensive. To exploit this limitation in most Internet filters,
programmers have developed a way to retrieve web pages by email through something called a Webmail server.

Basically, a Webmail server acts like a middleman between you and a banned website. You ask the Webmail server to
access a banned website for you and it retrieves either the text or the entire web page (complete with text and
graphics), which it then sends to you by email.

To use a Webmail server, you need to send an email to a Webmail server and list the URL address of the web page
you want to see (such as Within a few minutes, hours, or days (depending on the server) the
server will email your chosen web page as either plain text or HTML code so you can read information that your
Internet filter doesn't want you to see.

For example, if you wanted to retrieve information from the CNN website using a Webmail server at, you would send the following email message:
Subject: none

In the above example, you would type GO in the body of your message where you would normally
type your message. (Each Webmail server may use a slightly different syntax to retrieve web pages, so while the server uses the GO, another Webmail server such as would require you to type SEND instead.)

Here are some Webmail servers and the syntax to be used in the body of your message. Leave the subject line blank
in all cases. Most of these Webmail servers will email you the complete HTML code for a particular website but a few
only retrieve the text or require special commands to retrieve graphics too.

WEBMAIL ADDRESS SYNTAX TO USE SEND <URL> SEND <URL> SEND <URL> (To receive the page as an HTML attachment, omit the GET

WEBMAIL ADDRESS SYNTAX TO USE GET <URL> (retrieves text) GET <URL> (retrieves graphics) GO <URL>

Note To learn more about accessing web pages through email, visit the Web-to-Email website at For more detailed instructions about using a specific Webmail server, send an
email message to the server of your choice with the word HELP in the body of the message (leave the subject
line blank).

Accessing banned web pages through a third-party website

An Internet filter may keep you from accessing a specific website, such as However, an
Internet filter won't always block you from accessing a website that appears harmless. Some programmers have taken
advantage of this fact by letting you use a seemingly harmless website as a browser to access a banned website. The
apparently harmless third-party website then conveniently encrypts any information you receive from the banned
website, disguising it as an ordinary encrypted business transaction so that the filter can't recognize it.

One of the more popular projects designed to circumvent censorship is the Peekabooty Project
( Anyone can run the Peekabooty program to link their individual computer to the
Peekabooty network consisting of other computers scattered all over the world.

When somebody wants to access a banned website, they connect to the Peekabooty network, which selects a
computer out of its network at random. This randomly selected computer then grabs the web pages from a website
and sends them back to the user.

If you want to help people in other countries access information freely on the Internet, download and run the
Peekabooty program today. Your computer just may help someone in an oppressed society find the banned
information they need.

At one time, a CIA-sponsored company called SafeWeb ( offered a similar network
called Triangle Boy. The CIA used Triangle Boy to allow Chinese citizens to circumvent the Chinese
government's Internet filters. (Wouldn't it have been easier just to tell Prodigy not to filter the Internet for the
Chinese government in the first place?) While the CIA used Triangle Boy ostensibly because the Chinese
government restricts their citizens' right to information, they didn't use the same technology to help citizens in
Saudi Arabia access websites that the Saudi government didn't want them to see-perhaps because China
doesn't supply the United States with much of its oil, like Saudi Arabia does?

SafeWeb eventually licensed Triangle Boy to a company called PrivaSec ( because
they claimed it wasn't profitable enough to continue supporting. Researchers later discovered that Triangle Boy
didn't mask a user's identity as much as it claimed. So the lesson is that, no matter how much a government
might try to censor information, there will always be a way to circumvent those restrictions. Unfortunately, any
attempts to circumvent censorship won't always be 100% successful either, so if you don't want to get caught
violating your government's Internet restrictions, your best bet is to make sure you never support any
government that endorses censorship in the first place.
While children (or even adults) could use email or programs like the Peekabooty software to slip pornography past
any Internet filtering software that their parents or company may have installed, the intended purpose for
circumventing Internet filters is to visit government-banned websites.

To learn what type of information may threaten certain governments, try looking at the following websites. Who
knows? Maybe you'll find ideas to help you circumvent your own government's attempts to suppress any information it
doesn't like.


One of the more prominent anti-Castro groups is the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF, at CANF provides firsthand reports of Cuban human rights violations (written by Cuban
refugees), as well as reports of religious repression and debates about U.S. foreign policy toward Cuba.

CubaNet posts information it receives from Cuba's underground democracy movement to
(which it hosts outside of Cuba), and regularly sends email back into Cuba so that Cuban dissidents there can spread
their message to the rest of the world.


China regulates the use of the Internet by controlling the national telecommunications system, which all Chinese
Internet providers must use. Thus, it can permanently block the websites of foreign newspapers (like The New York
Times) and sites deemed pornographic (like Playboy magazine) from being accessed inside China.

Despite these restrictions, a few Chinese citizens still manage to access forbidden sites. A New York–based site,
Human Rights in China (HRIC, at, claims dozens of hits each week from people inside China.
Founded by Chinese scientists and scholars in March 1989, HRIC monitors the implementation of international human
rights statutes in China. It also supports human rights and is an information source for Chinese people both inside
China and abroad.

While the Chinese government can restrict access to particular sites from inside China, it can't screen the vast amount
of email that crosses the Chinese borders every day. Exploiting this weakness, Chinese dissidents write and edit a
weekly electronic magazine called Tunnel (, sending their articles
from inside China to a U.S. email account, from which the magazine is then distributed via email to readers in China.
Using this method, the magazine hopes to prevent the Chinese government from identifying the writers and blocking
the magazine's distribution in China.

Another newsletter, dubbed VIP Reference (, provides information about human rights and
pro-democracy movements inside China.

Saudi Arabia

The Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia (MIRA, at has also managed to find
its way onto the Saudi banned website list. MIRA's aim is to seek major reforms in Saudi Arabia, including freedom of
expression and freedom of assembly. Saudi Arabia has a long history of oppressing women and foreigners and relies
on a highly secretive justice system that denies fundamental due-process rights to suspected criminals. Prolonged
solitary confinement, coerced confessions, torture, and secret trials are regular features of the Saudi justice system.
For more information about the latest human rights violations of Saudi Arabia, visit the Human Rights Watch website
( and read information about Saudi Arabia that its own citizens can't access freely.

Oppression and censorship everywhere else

To learn more about worldwide oppression, visit the website (, shown in
Figure 3-1. To learn more about worldwide censorship, visit the Index on Censorship website

Figure 3-1: can show you how different countries around the world, including your own, are
currently oppressing their own citizens.

If you're specifically interested in Eastern Europe, visit the Radio Free Europe website ( By
promoting free speech in any available form (Internet, newspapers, radio, etc.), Radio Free Europe hopes to create a
well-informed citizenry that will act as a foundation for democracy in countries still struggling to shake off the
destructive effects of communist rule.

For more information about censorship around the world, visit the following websites:

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Electronic Privacy Information Center

Global Internet Liberty Campaign

Internet Free Expression Alliance

Reporters Without Borders

Just as national governments use filtering software to block certain websites, parents can use parental control
software to monitor and filter their children's Internet use. These programs allow parents to block access to a list of
URLs of their choosing, or to limit access to certain content by content scanning—blocking access to URLs or web
pages that contain specific words.

When content scanning is in use, if your children enter a URL with a word like "love," "sex," or "nude" (such as, or they try to access a page that contains similar words, the parental control program refuses to
grant access. However, URL scanning does have limitations, since the program does not understand the context and
cannot, for example, distinguish between scientific and pornographic use of the word "sex."

While few people argue that parents have the right to decide what their children can see, the debate about parental
control software centers on the types of websites that parental control programs block. Most parental control programs
block the obvious, such as Condom Country, Playboy, or Hustler. But since new pornographic websites appear every
day, the publishers of parental control software must constantly update their lists of banned sites to maintain their
programs' effectiveness, which presents a problem of time versus resources. Publishers of parental control software
can't afford to hire enough people to visit and check suspect websites, so most publishers use programs that
automatically scan websites and search for keywords.

When these programs determine that a site contains too many banned keywords, they store that site's address in their
updated list of banned websites. The result is that parental control programs often block many innocent websites.
Even worse, many blocked sites have no knowledge that they're being blocked by a particular parental control

Blocking political and educational sites

The biggest problem with parental control programs is the criteria they use to block specific websites. Besides blocking
the obvious pornographic sites, many parental control programs also venture into the shady area of political
censorship as well. Here are some examples:
Net Nanny ( has blocked the Banned Books page at the University of
Pennsylvania (

I-Gear ( has blocked The Wisdom Fund (, an Islamic

non-profit organization that provides information about Islam and opposes anti-Islamic bias in the
media, and the Human Rights Campaign (, an organization working to protect
lesbian and gay rights.

CyberPatrol ( has blocked such "dangerous" and "sexually explicit" sites
as Envirolink (, an animal rights website; the Ontario Consultants on
Religious Tolerance (, an organization devoted to promoting
religious diversity and acceptance; Adoption Links Worldwide (; and the MIT
Student Association for Freedom of Expression (

SmartFilter (, installed on computers in Utah schools and public

libraries, blocked access to web pages that included the Holy Bible, the U.S. Constitution, the
Declaration of Independence, antidrug information, all of Shakespeare's plays, The Adventures of
Sherlock Holmes, and the Koran.

Parental control software gone really bad: CYBERsitter

Perhaps the most controversial parental control program is CYBERsitter (, which has
blocked both NOW (National Organization for Women, at and the Human Awareness Institute site
(, which promotes workshops for personal growth focusing on love, intimacy, and sexuality.

While most parental control programs allow sites to appeal a block, CYBERsitter seems to have constructed a wall of
self-righteousness. For example, when NOW appealed its ban by CYBERsitter, Brian Milburn, the CEO of Solid Oak
Software (CYBERsitter's publisher) replied, "If NOW doesn't like it, tough … We have not and will not bow to any
pressure from any organization that disagrees with our philosophy."

CYBERsitter on the offensive

A heated battle has occurred between CYBERsitter and Bennett Haselton, cofounder of Peacefire
(, an Internet anticensorship site. After Bennett posted information on the Peacefire site
criticizing CYBERsitter, along with instructions for disabling various parental control programs including CYBERsitter,
Peacefire was promptly added to the CYBERsitter banned website database.

Peacefire also claimed that during installation of the trial version, CYBERsitter scans the Internet Explorer cache and
aborts the installation with a cryptic error message if it finds evidence of visits to the Peacefire site (such as the files
peacefire.html or peacefire.gif).

Brian Milburn defended his software by saying, "We reserve the right to say who gets to install our software for free.
It's our software—we own it, we publish it, we have an absolute legal right to protect our software from being hacked in
any way, shape or form."

Cyber Patrol vs. cphack

In a dispute similar to the Peacefire versus CYBERsitter debate, Microsystems Software, the publisher of CyberPatrol,
once filed a lawsuit against two computer programmers, Eddy L.O. Jansson and Matthew Skala, for creating the
cphack program, which allows children to uncover their parents' passwords and view CyberPatrol's entire list of more
than 100,000 banned websites.

"I oppose the use of Internet filtering software on philosophical grounds," Skala said. "The issue here was to see what
does CyberPatrol actually block. Parents have a right to know what they're getting and without our work they wouldn't

To avoid a drawn-out legal debate, Microsystems Software announced that Jansson and Skala, the original authors of
the cphack program, had settled with the company and granted them all rights to their cphack program. Microsystems
then claimed that websites that posted the cphack program were violating the Microsystems Software copyright.

Project bait and switch: revealing the double standard of censorship

To show beyond a doubt that many parental control software publishers are using questionable tactics, Peacefire ran
an experiment, dubbed Project Bait and Switch, to see if parental control programs would block certain content if it was
hosted on a personal web page while not blocking the same content on the website of a large, well-funded, and
well-known organization. (Read more about it on their site.)

They collected anti-gay quotes from the Family Research Council (, the Concerned Women for
America (, Focus on the Family (, and Dr. Laura's websites
( Then they posted these anti-gay quotes on free websites and submitted the pages
anonymously to the publishers of SurfWatch, CyberPatrol, Net Nanny, Bess, SmartFilter, and Websense.

All of the companies agreed to block some or all of the "bait" pages (since they met their criteria for "denigrating
people based on sexual orientation"), at which point Peacefire revealed the sites that were the source of these quotes.
Surprisingly, none of the publishers agreed to block any of the four originating websites, yet they continued to block
the "bait" pages, even though both sites contained identical homophobic quotes.

While this censorship may seem justified to protect children, there's still the question that always surrounds censorship
in any form: Who decides what can and cannot be seen?

Defeating parental control software

To help people circumvent parental control programs, Peacefire offers a free program
( that can disable a variety of programs, including SurfWatch, CyberPatrol,
CYBERsitter, Net Nanny, X-Stop, PureSight, and Cyber Snoop. (Unfortunately, the Peacefire bypass program only
works under Windows 98.)

Although defeating parental control programs could allow children to access pornography, it also allows them to
access a flood of other information at the same time. If you're going to use a parental control program, learn what type
of websites they block (and why), and decide for yourself if you want to censor your children's access using someone
else's criteria. If you don't want a stranger to tell you what you can and cannot let your children see and read, would
you want a parental control program to do the same thing as well?

For more information that argues against censorship, visit Families Against Censorship (
For more information about defeating censorware, visit The Censorware Project (

Child-safe browsers: the safe alternative to parental control programs

As an alternative to parental control programs, consider a child-safe browser instead, such as ChiBrow
( and SurfMonkey ( Unlike parental control programs that keep a
proprietary list of banned websites that even parents can't see (let alone modify), child-safe browsers give parents
complete control over which websites a child can access, while also offering the option to block Internet access during
certain times of the day or after a specific amount of time has passed.

By offering complete control over the times and exact websites a child can visit, child-safe browsers protect your
children while giving them access to educational, scientific, and intellectual websites that a parental control program
might have blocked. While there's no substitute for parental supervision, a child-safe browser may be the next best
In 1993, the school districts in Fairbanks, Alaska, and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, came close to banning its students
from reading the Bible, claiming that it contains "language and stories that are inappropriate for children of any age,
including tales of incest and murder…. There are more than three hundred examples of ‘obscenities’ in the book."

In 1986, Gastonia, North Carolina, burned The Living Bible, by William C. Bower, claiming it was "a perverted
commentary on the King James Version."

Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird has been considered "dangerous" because of profanity. Parents throughout
the years have claimed that the plot of a white lawyer defending a black man undermines race relations, at least
according to school districts in Eden Valley, Minnesota, 1977; Warren, Indiana, 1981; Waukegan, Illinois, 1984;
Kansas City, Missouri, 1985; and Park Hill, Missouri, 1985.

Despite persistent bans on classic literature and religious works, many parents, teachers, and government authorities
still insist on the right to ban books that they consider harmful to someone else's intellectual, emotional, and spiritual
development. To combat such governmental restrictions on books, Project Gutenberg offers famous works such as
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Dracula, and A Tale of Two Cities as plain ASCII text files that any computer can
display and print. Their goal is to provide copies of famous and noteworthy works of literature so anyone can enjoy
them for free.

To find banned books online, visit Banned Books Online (,

MIT Press Bookstore (, The Online Books Page
(, or Project Gutenberg (

Of course, you still need to access the Internet to download a free e-book. But once you've downloaded it, you can
share it with others. By copying and sharing, you can preserve your right to read certain books that other people (your
parents, boss, or government) don't want you to see.

Secretly reading a banned book in broad daylight

Most websites that offer banned books as ASCII text files assume you're going to read the book using your computer.
Of course, you could still get in trouble if someone catches you reading a banned book on your computer screen.

To disguise what you're reading, use a reading program like AceReader (, which displays
the entire text of an ASCII document across your screen in large letters, one word at a time, at speeds up to 1,000
words per minute, so that it's virtually impossible for anyone to see what you're reading at a glance. With this program,
you can read the ASCII text of a book that your parents, school officials, or government authorities don't want you to
read, right in front of their eyes without them ever knowing it.
Despite the problems of censoring information, whether it's against religious, government, or sexual norms, many
people continue to insist that censorship is necessary—just as long as they're the ones who get to pick and choose
what others can and cannot see.

(Ironically, some foreign translations of this book had to delete certain chapters before some governments would
allow the book to be published. If certain information is deemed too harmful for the public, shouldn't it also be too
harmful for the censors to look at too?)

Fortunately, no matter what obstacles people may use to block your access to information, there will always be ways
to defeat or avoid them if you just exercise a little bit of creativity. Perhaps the only form of censorship we have to
worry about is self-censorship, when people are either too frightened to speak honestly and openly about anything
they want, or so close-minded that they willingly shut their minds to any new ideas that disrupt their static way of
thinking. Once that happens (usually under the guise of "political correctness"), censorship may finally succeed in
stifling free speech.
Chapter 4: Hacktivism—Online Activism

The state calls its own violence law, but that of the individual crime.

ONE WILL HAVE THE MOST INFLUENCE OVER A POLITICIAN? One solution for individuals who hope to have
their voices heard by government officials is to band together with like-minded people and form a group too large for
the politicians to ignore.

In the days before the Internet, such activists relied on meetings, newsletters, and mass mailings to keep their
members organized and informed. However, the popularity of the Internet has given activists a new medium for
spreading their ideas and making their goals known.

To learn more about using the Internet to form or improve an activist group, read The Virtual Activist training course
offered by NetAction ( If you want to find a protest rally near you, visit Protest.Net
(, which lists protests around the world and offers an Activist's Handbook to help people get
involved with a cause they believe in (see Figure 4-1).

Figure 4-1: Protest.Net lists different types of protests by geographical location, date, and topic so that you can
protest around the world at your convenience.
Email is one of the simplest, yet one of the more powerful, tools that activists use. The moment someone proposes a
particularly interesting (or disturbing) bill, activists send out a flood of email, informing their members about the latest
news and telling them what they can do to support or stop it.

Besides spreading news to members, activists also bombard the various news media with press releases by email.
Since the press is always hungry for a story, a particularly interesting press release can spur them into giving a
particular topic additional coverage, providing the activist group with greater exposure that could attract even more
people to their cause.

Americans who want to find an email address for their particular representatives can visit
( Besides listing American government representatives' email addresses, this website
also lists various petitions you can support, or you can even start your own and post it on the site.

Another site, Progressive Secretary (, allows anyone to start or join a

letter-writing campaign to various American government officials, petitioning them on topics ranging from the
environment and arms proliferation to the death penalty and the Cuban embargo. By combining forces with thousands
of individuals, you can make your voice heard much faster than if you tried to write a single letter yourself.

Of course, email is simply a faster version of the mass mailings and faxing that activists relied on before the growth of
the Internet. What gives activists greater visibility are websites that promote particular groups, their goals, and their
philosophies to a worldwide audience. For greater influence, many activists have formed alliances with similar
organizations. To learn more about networking over the Internet with other activist groups, visit the following sites:

Coalition for Networked

Information Global Internet Liberty

Campaign Peoples' [sic] Global Action

Internet Free Expression

Alliance Internet Democracy Project

To find a particular activist group to join or form an alliance with, visit these sites:

Action Without Borders

GuideStar also provides more technical information about using a computer to promote your cause, including
discussions of anonymous remailers and cryptography.

Of course, even activists need help once in a while, so visit Cause Communications
( or Grassroots Enterprise ( to learn more about two
consulting services that help activists achieve their goals. If you need facts to support your cause, visit Political
Research Associates (, which offers its research on various antidemocratic, authoritarian,
and oppressive movements, institutions, and trends.

In case you have information that your government doesn't want anyone to see, contact Cryptome
(, which will post any secretive or banned information on their website for everyone to see.
With so many activists using the Internet, it's only natural that many governments will try to outlaw or restrict Internet
use for their citizens as a way to censor their speech. To counter this disturbing trend, activists such as the
self-proclaimed Cypherpunks ( focus on using various technical
tools like encryption to protect and ensure free speech on the Internet. Still other activists use the Internet itself as a
medium for expressing and disseminating their beliefs. Combining hacking with activism, these "hacktivists" promote
their ideas through computer viruses, web page defacements, and denial-of-service attacks.

Computer viruses as activist messages

Teaching people about a worthwhile cause can be the hardest job of any activist group. Ideally, activists need a way to
deliver their messages for free that will spread to as many people as possible. Email may be free and have the
potential to spread around the world, but an even more ideal communication medium is a computer virus.

Unlike email, which must be manually and intentionally transmitted from one person to another, a computer virus can
act entirely on its own without any human intervention whatsoever. One of the earliest hacktivist viruses was an
MS-DOS virus called the Fu Manchu virus, which buried itself in memory and waited for the user to type in the names
of Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, or former South African President P.K. Botha. The moment the user typed in
one of these names, the Fu Manchu virus changed the names into obscene words.

To protest French nuclear testing, someone wrote the Nuclear virus to infect Microsoft Word documents and insert
the text, "STOP ALL FRENCH NUCLEAR TESTING IN THE PACIFIC!" at the end of every document.

Computer viruses can spread from one computer to another, but the speed of their infection can rarely match the
speed of distribution that an email worm can achieve. Two hacktivist worms include the Mari@mm worm and the
Staple worm, both of which can send a copy of themselves to every email address stored in a Microsoft Outlook
address book. When the Mari@mm worm infects a computer, it puts a marijuana icon on the screen. If the user clicks
on this icon, a dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 4-2, promoting the legalization of marijuana.

Figure 4-2: The Mari@mm worm promotes the legalization of marijuana.

The Staple worm emails itself to the first 50 email addresses stored in a Microsoft Outlook address book and displays
the following message:


Remember that one day YOU may be in this situation.

We need every possible help.

Israeli soldiers killed in cold blood 12 year old Palestinian child

Mohammad Al-Durra, as his father tried to protect him in vain with

his own body. As a result of the indiscriminate and excessive use of

machine gun fire by Israeli soldiers, journalists and bystanders

watched helplessly as the child was savagely murdered.

Palestinian Red Crescent Society medic Bassam Balbeisi

attempted to intervene and spare the child's life but live

ammunition to his chest by Israeli fire took his life in the process.

The child and the medic were grotesquely murdered in cold blood.

Mohammad's father, Jamal, was critically injured and permanently

paralyzed. Similarly, approximately 40 children were slain, without

the media taking notice or covering these tragedies.



Unlike regular viruses or worms, hacktivist viruses or worms rarely destroy data deliberately, because their intent is to
spread their message and not harm any users.

Defacing web pages with activist messages

Burying your activist message in a virus or a worm is like shoving a newsletter in a bottle and throwing it in the ocean
with the hope that somebody will find it. Rather than risk letting their messages travel haphazardly around the world
(and possibly appearing in front of people who can't even read that particular language), many hacktivists take a more
assertive approach and deface web pages instead, as shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3: A defaced web page can publicize your message to a worldwide audience, such as this message
defacing the website of Microsoft's office in Saudi Arabia.

Defacing a web page means sneaking past the website's security and modifying or replacing the home web page.
Hacktivists would love to deface a highly visible website, such as or,
which would promote their message to thousands of people all over the world, but the more visible a website is, the
more secure and closely watched it is likely to be. Deface the web page of a prominent newspaper, such as USA
Today, and within minutes, someone will notice and contact the system administrators to shut it down and remove all
your hard work.

As an alternative, many hacktivists target more obscure websites. Not only is security likely to be much weaker, but
there's a greater chance that web page defacements will go unnoticed for several hours or even days, increasing the
odds that more people will view the defaced web page, as shown in Figure 4-4. (Of course, although an obscure
website that has been defaced may not be fixed as quickly, fewer people will likely see the defaced web pages no
matter how long they may remain online.)

Figure 4-4: Defaced web pages often display graphic images to promote their messages, such as this web page
that defaced the site of the Republic of Cameroon.

Web page defacements tend to increase during any period of conflict between opposing forces, such as during the
bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO forces, the tension that occurred between China and the United States after an
American spy plane made an emergency landing at a Chinese air base, and the never-ending battle between the
Palestinians and the Israelis. Both sides tend to target the other side's websites with the goal being to deface as many
web pages as possible, ideally targeting websites that have some direct relationship to the conflict in the first place.

Online monkey wrenching

Even web page defacements can be too timid for some hacktivists. Rather than simply publicize their ideas, some
hacktivists would rather directly attack an enemy instead. This extreme form of hacktivism, similar to the
monkey-wrenching tactics of environmentalists who spike trees or blow up bulldozing equipment, seeks to deny an
enemy's ability to use their computers to promote their message to others.

To mimic the work-stopping abilities of sit-in protests, where hordes of people physically bring a factory, school, or
government building to a standstill by getting in the way, a hacktivist group calling themselves the Electronic
Disturbance Theater ( decided to create software to help others stage virtual
sit-ins that can disrupt an enemy's website or email access.

The Hacktivist ( offers the Electronic Disturbance Theater's tools, including Tribal Port
Scan (written in Java) and FloodNet (a Java applet that tries to slow a targeted webserver to a standstill by continually
requesting web pages). Also available from other sources are additional virtual sit-in tools with names like ClogScript,
FloodScript, and WebScript, all of which allow multiple users to assault a target for a coordinated denial-of-service

To help learn specific tactics involving hacktivism, you can even attend a training camp offered by the Ruckus Society
(, which had previously trained protesters for disrupting the 1999 World Trade Organization
(WTO) summit in Seattle. The Ruckus Society tends to attract all types of hacktivists, from those opposing Microsoft's
monopoly on the operating system market to those fighting to allow free speech on the Internet by all citizens,
regardless of nationality. For more information about the growing hacktivist movement, visit the Hacktivism site

Of course, some activists have no qualms about breaking the law or allying themselves with questionable
organizations in order to further their agenda (which makes activists no more morally or ethically superior than the
politicians, governments, and corporations they're attacking). For another look at different activist groups, visit the site (, which reveals information about activist groups that may not
endear them to the general public.

For example, reports that PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) once gave $70,500 to
Rodney Coronado, a convicted arsonist who served a five-year prison sentence for a 1992 animal-rights-related
firebombing at Michigan State University. also reports that the founder of Mothers Against Drunk
Drivers (MADD), Candy Lightner, recently broke ties with the group, believing "that the movement I helped create has
lost direction." Rather than focus on eliminating drunk drivers, many believe that MADD has unnecessarily expanded
their aims to prohibit any alcohol use at all.
Back in the 1950s, the American government blamed nearly every social, economic, and political problem on
communists. Nowadays, every possible social, economic, and political problem is being blamed on terrorists. With the
possible threat that terrorists could use the Internet to communicate with each other, many governments want to limit
their citizens' privacy, free speech, and access to the Internet. (Of course, terrorists can also communicate using paper
and pencil, but so far no government has tried to ban writing instruments or office supplies.)

At the simplest level, terrorist groups can simply post information about themselves and their goals on websites
located in other countries, as shown in Figure 4-5. For a peek at what a terrorist's website looks like, visit two of
Hizbullah's websites:

Figure 4-5: The Hizbullah website, offering information about their goals. Provides basic information about Hizbullah Describes Israeli aggression and Hizbullah's attacks against Israeli targets

Even Sri Lanka has their own terrorists, known as the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam ( For
more information about terrorist groups around the world (at least according to the United States), visit the Terrorist
Groups Profiles site (

The real danger is that cyberterrorism can evolve from the hacktivist denial-of-service and virus attacks to outright
destruction of property and loss of lives. Some possible examples of what cyberterrorists could accomplish range from
the frightening to the bizarre. One possible cyberterrorist scenario involves hacking into an air traffic control system
and redirecting civilian aircraft to collide. A more unusual study warned that hackers could break into the processing
control system of a cereal manufacturer and change the level of iron supplement in the cereal, causing children to get
sick and die.

A third scenario envisioned cyberterrorists disrupting the computers controlling international financial transactions,
causing banks to fail and stock markets to crash (which means that corrupt politicians and CEOs of major corporations
could be classified as cyberterrorists if they only used a computer).

While the threat of terrorism is real and cyberterrorism is a possibility, there's still a fine line separating terror from the
law. From the British point of view, the Boston Tea Party was an act of terrorism, but from the American point of view,
it was an act of valid protest. So the next time you hear about the latest act of terrorism or activism, find out the
motives and beliefs of each side of the conflict, and then decide for yourself who is right and who is wrong (if you can).
Chapter 5: Pledging Allegiance—Hatred as Patriotism

If we believe absurdities we shall commit atrocities.


As early as 1995, Don Black, the ex-Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan and owner of the white supremacist Stormfront
website (, said that the "… Internet has had a pretty profound influence on [the white
supremacist] movement whose resources are limited. The access is anonymous and there is unlimited ability to
communicate with others of a like mind" (New York Times, March 13, 1995).
Because so many hate groups use the Internet to spread their messages, the organizations Positive-Youth Foundation
(, (, and the Southern Poverty Law Center
( were founded to keep track of the different hate groups and their activities. The more people
learn about different hate groups, the more concerned individuals, academics, organizations, and media can study and
fight back against the activities of these hate groups.

After browsing through the various links in this chapter to the sites of hatemongering white supremacists, skinheads,
black radicals, neo-Nazis, Holocaust deniers, Christian nationalists, antigay activists, anti-Christian groups, and
anti-Arab groups, you may wonder whether people will ever learn to live together in peace.

While there are people who might use these links to find the nearest hate group to join, existing hate groups can also
browse through these same links to find groups that hate them just as much as they hate others.

White supremacy

Perhaps the most well-known white supremacy group in the United States is the Ku Klux Klan
(, an organization that promotes the idea of "an America in which our borders are secure
and non-whites who don't share our concepts of liberty find entrance impossible." (Missing from this proclamation is
whether whites who don't share the Klan's concepts of liberty will also find entrance impossible.)

The vision of the Klan further emphasizes their desire to see "an America in which our children are not confronted by
anti-white and anti-Christian propaganda, where they are not confronted with the ‘joys’ of homosexuality or race
mixing, but rather the condemnation of these behaviors by God. We envision an America in which these anti-Christian
behaviors are punished and serve as additional deterrents to anyone toying with the satanic notion of race mixing or

Like other groups that promote apartheid, the Klan claims that it does not hate non-whites. For example, it claims that
"We envision an America in which all races are given the opportunity to return to their native lands, to govern
themselves and to choose their own destiny. We envision an America where those non-whites choosing to stay to
enjoy the benefits of Christian living are respected, protected, and given the opportunity to prosper to the best of their
ability while recognizing the lawful authority of White Christians to rule over America. A guest in your home is always
expected to respect your authority. Likewise non-whites who reside in America should be expected to conduct
themselves according to Christian principles and must recognize that race mixing is definitely wrong and out of the
question. It will be a privilege to live under the authority of a compassionate White Christian government." One can
only question how "compassionate" such a White Christian government really would be in achieving their goal of
promoting racial separation.

Another group working for the advancement of the white race is The Creativity Movement (,
which offers the following insights into their philosophy:

The World Church of the Creator is often described with words like "hatemonger,""hate organization,""hate
speech." Is this fair?

No, it isn't fair since every organization—whatever it may be—hates something or someone.
Since other organizations aren't labeled "hate" groups, etc., why should we be singled out like
this? We don't exist out of hatred for the other races but out of love for our own Race.

But isn't it part and parcel of your religion to hate the Jews, blacks and other colored people?

True, but if you love and want to defend those whom you love, your own family, your own White
Race; then hate for your enemies comes natural and is inevitable. Love and hate are two sides of
the same coin. Only a hypocrite and a liar will go into battle against his enemies proclaiming

What then is CREATIVITY'S final position on love and hate?

We follow the eternal wisdom of Nature's laws, which are completely opposite to the suicidal
teachings of Christianity. Whereas Christianity says to "love your enemies" and to hate your own
kind (see, e.g., Luke 14:26), we say just the opposite. We say that in order to survive, we must
overcome and destroy those that are a threat to our existence; namely, our deadly enemies. At
the same time, we advocate love and protection for those that are near and dear to us: our family
and our own race, which is an extension of the family.

If you think that all white racists are men, visit SIGRDRIFA Publications ( or Women for Aryan
Unity (, two groups that promote the woman's role in the white pride

One of the more devious tricks of white supremacy groups is to snatch up domain names that appear to belong to
legitimate organizations. For example, the domain names and are actually owned by
the two white supremacy groups Stormfront and National Alliance. Both domain names point to the same website,
which deride Martin Luther King as "Just a sexual degenerate, an America-hating Communist, and a criminal betrayer
of even the interests of his own people." Ironically, much of the negative information about Martin Luther King comes
from declassified FBI documents from the 1960s when the FBI organized a smear campaign against King. Although
the FBI's propaganda has been largely discredited, it does show how the FBI, at one time, discriminated against
blacks and by today's standards would have been considered a hate group in its own right.

You can even buy pro-white merchandise from Resistance Records (, which sells a wide
variety of pro-white T-shirts, CDs, and even video games such as "Ethnic Cleansing," a first-person shooter game
where players wander through urban streets and subway tunnels in search of African-American, Hispanic, and Jewish
characters to gun down.

For more exposure to white supremacy ideas, visit these websites:

Heritage Front

National Alliance

White Aryan Resistance

Or browse these select Usenet newsgroups: alt.politics.white-power, alt.skinheads, alt.politics.nationalism.white,, or alt.flame.niggers.


Unlike the white racists who claim they aren't necessarily enemies of non-whites, neo-Nazis advocate violence
against non-whites in support of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich. One of these organizations is the American Nazi Party
(, based in Michigan. After reading their message of hate, blaming non-whites for
all the problems of society, you have to wonder why so many neo-Nazis live in countries that their leader, Adolf Hitler,
tried to bomb during World War Two.

To get the inside scoop on two more American organizations that probably didn't know which side to root for in Saving
Private Ryan, visit the National Socialist Movement ( see Figure 5-1) or The New Order
( The New Order site proclaims:
Figure 5-1: The National Socialist Movement can help Americans become Nazis.

We are the Movement of Adolf Hitler. We are His heirs. He has given us a commission, which it is
our duty to discharge. For it was Adolf Hitler who came into the world to remind modern man of
Nature's eternal laws, and to make them the basis for a miraculous regeneration in human affairs.
That is why we proudly recognize Him as the greatest figure of the age, and why we regard His
cause as the one great hope of Aryan mankind on this Earth.

To learn about other groups that combine white supremacy attitudes with a socialist political twist, visit American
Nationalist Union ( or try the alt.flame.jews or Usenet newsgroups.

Holocaust deniers

While many Holocaust deniers do not claim to be Nazis (or neo-Nazis, if there's any difference), they still upset many
people by their persistent denial that the slaughter of six million Jews ever took place. The Adelaide Institute
(, for example, asks for proof of the Holocaust:

Anyone who claims that homicidal gas chambers existed at the Auschwitz concentration camp,
makes the terrible allegation against Germans, and those of German descent, that during World
War Two Germans exterminated European Jewry, et al, therein.

Individuals who make such an allegation owe it to the world to answer Dr Robert Faurisson´s

"Show me or draw me the Auschwitz homicidal gas chambers!"

To date not a single person has produced evidence that proves these huge chemical
slaughterhouses ever existed.

For another denial of the Holocaust, visit the Air Photo Evidence website (, which claims that
aerial and ground-based photographs prove that the Holocaust could not have happened, even to the point of stating
that "ground photos show happy well-fed inmates" at the Plaszow Camp, but fails to include any supporting
testimonials from all these happy, well-fed inmates.

To probe further into the bizarre and dangerous world of Holocaust deniers, try visiting the following sites:

Institute for Historical Review

Campaign for Radical Truth in History

The Zundelsite

Or share your thoughts with others in the alt.revisionism Usenet newsgroup.

Black racists

Not all racists are white. Blacks can be racists too, and their favorite targets are usually whites and Jewish people. If
you visit the Blacks and Jews Newspage website (, you'll find the following, which
attempts to justify hatred of an entire group of people based on the actions of a few:

The following passages are from Dr. Raphael's book Jews and Judaism in the United States a
Documentary History (New York: Behrman House, Inc., Pub, 1983), pp. 14, 23-25.

"Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife
and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro
slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed
if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British
colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major
role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British,
or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.

Using this same logic against the Blacks and Jews Newspage, white racists can justifiably claim that blacks should be
held accountable for the actions of a few—since some blacks have committed crimes, then all blacks must be

While black racists attack whites and Jews for profiting from the slave trade, they ignore any evidence that many black
Africans sold their own people into slavery for profits too.

To learn more about how blacks can be just as racist as whites, visit the or
alt.flame.whites newsgroups. As an extra challenge, ignore all references to skin color and try to determine the
difference between a white racist and a black racist.


While you might expect neo-Nazis to be anti-Jewish, it is surprising how many other groups also have no qualms
about attacking the Jews, usually accusing them of conspiring to control world governments. The Holy War website
(, shown in Figure 5-2) claims:

Figure 5-2: The Holy War site claims that the Bush administration is part of the Jewish Mafia.

The only Nazi country in the world is the satanic State of Israel! All of their leaders are wanted for
crimes against humanity. They are wanted for 50 years of ethnic cleansing in Palestine, and the
Palestinian Holocaust of six (6) million. They are also responsible for the Jewish Communist
Holocaust that cost the lives of 300 million Christians.

If you want to explore the minds of people who believe that all Jewish people are secretly conspiring to control the
world and all non-Jews in the process, you might find the following websites interesting:

First Amendment Exercise Machine

The Tangled Web

Anti-Arab groups

The radical Jewish Defense League (JDL, at has taken what it calls self-defense to the extreme in
the following statement: "It has always been a JDL priority to encourage as many Arabs as possible to leave Israel to
make new homes in America or wherever they wish to live." Hmmm. Sounds strangely similar to the Ku Klux Klan's
belief that non-whites can live anywhere they want, just as long as they get out of America.

The Kahane web page (, another extreme Jewish group, toes a similar line:

It is a central tenet of Judaism that G-d wished the Jew to create a unique, total, pure and
complete Jewish life, society and state in Eretz Israel. This being so, who can honestly believe
that He then sanctioned the democratic right of a non-Jew, who is totally alien and outside the
Jewish society and who is free of its religious obligation, to have the slightest say in its workings?

To see that there is little unique or new in the rhetoric of hate groups, try this exercise: The next time you read or hear
anything from radical Jewish groups or the Ku Klux Klan, substitute the name of a new villain in the diatribe, such as
the word "Arab" for "black" (or vice versa). Then see if you can still tell which group is talking.


While Muslims and Jews take the brunt of most anti-religious attacks, a few people have decided that Christians
shouldn't be exempt from hatred. Some anti-Christian groups target Christianity as the source of everything wrong in
society, as shown in this message found on the Black Plague website (

The Christian Holocaust movement founds its kinetic potential upon the simple discovery of how
language, culture, and social inculcation dictate individual human intellectual precepts, forming
the filter which the individual uses to process the world. Christianity believes heavily in that filter
with its duty-centric justification-based system of moral logic and its karmic work ethic, the primary
elements of control in society today.

For this reason there came about a movement which realized that the shared cultural
understanding of this filter permits the brutal abuse of environment, human rights, and human
value as we are abused in jobs designed to leave us four waking hours of free time. Society has
brought us many good things and the addiction of their continued expense; Christianity believes
this is progress and conveniently denies the importance of death with its explanation of the

If you want to learn more from another anti-Christian group, try The Altar of Unholy Blasphemy
( or the Judeo-Christian Holocaust ( websites.

Antigay activists

When people use the Bible to rationalize attacks on homosexuals, they ignore that same Bible that tells people to
practice forgiveness. One of the most prominent antigay hate websites is God Hates Fags
(, run by the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas. Its FAQ web page offers
insight into their way of thinking:

Why do you preach hate?

Because the Bible preaches hate. For every one verse about God's mercy, love, compassion,
etc., there are two verses about His vengeance, hatred, wrath, etc. The maudlin, kissy-pooh,
feel-good, touchy-feely preachers of today's society are damning this nation and this world to hell.
They are telling you what you want to hear rather than what you need to hear, just like what
happened in the days of Isaiah and Jeremiah.

Do you ever pray for the salvation of those who you feel are condemned?

Of course not! For, if we follow (as we ought) the example of our Saviour and the clear
commandment of God, we would not dare to do so.

And here's more from the antigay sermon of the Westboro Baptist Church:

The only true Nazis in this world are fags. They want to force you by law to support their filth, and
they want to shut you up by law when they hate what you say. They would be perfectly happy to
make it a crime to preach that "God hates fags" under the guise of "hate speech legislation."
Likewise, baby-killers support the genocide of millions of innocent babies, and then act indignant
that Hitler killed a few million innocent Jews.

The only true Jews are Christians. The rest of the people who claim to be Jews aren't, and they
are nothing more than typical, impenitent sinners, who have no Lamb. As evidence of their
apostacy [sic], the vast majority of Jews support fags. Of course, there are Jews who still believe
God's law, but most of them have even departed from that.

In case this website hasn't opened your eyes to the way people can turn religion into a forum of hatred, there's even
more evidence in the God Hates America ( see Figure 5-3) and Bob Enyart Live
( sites. Or try joining the alt.flame.fucking.faggots Usenet newsgroup and share your thoughts
with others.

Figure 5-3: The God Hates America website is an example of a site that uses religion to justify its hatred of
Anytime you join an organization based on race, religion, or nationality, it's easy to target people outside your
organization as enemies. What an insider might call "a patriot," an outsider might call "a hate monger." Hatred can
come in all colors, religions, and nationalities, so rather than blindly condemn entire groups of people, ask yourself
what you really fear or what you're angry about, and then decide if the destruction of an entire group of people will
really help you solve your problem.

After browsing through various hate group websites, you may notice a common denominator: Hate groups want the
freedom to prevent others from exercising the same rights that they enjoy. If you look beyond the surface distinctions
(skin color, national citizenship, religious affiliation, etc.) that hate groups use to identify their members, you'll see that
hate groups are often more similar to each other than they are to the people they're trying to recruit.

While people like to believe that hate groups only represent the extreme fringe elements of society, every individual or
group is susceptible to prejudice and revisionism. Many churches hold the unspoken belief that other religions are
blasphemous, and national governments regularly extol their innocence while carefully shunting aside any mention of
atrocities they may have committed in the past.

To learn what other governments want to hide, look in the history textbooks that they give to their school children.
Japanese history books portray Japan as a victim of World War Two, culminating with the atom bomb attacks on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki (while avoiding any mention about the Bataan Death March that killed 10,000 American and
Filipino soldiers, or the fact that Japan was also trying to develop an atom bomb as well). American history books
gloss over the fact that they consistently broke treaties with the Native Americans and deliberately gave them small
pox–infected blankets in an effort to wipe them out.

So the next time you pledge allegiance to any group, organization, or nation, take some time to think. While you may
be pledging allegiance to some noble idea, don't let that blind you to the fact that your cherished group, organization,
or country may also have a questionable and immoral history as well. If you blindly support any cause using any
means necessary to advance it, other people may see you as part of a hate group, and you won't even know it.
Chapter 6: Where the Hackers Are

Idealism is what precedes experience; cynicism is what follows.

HACKERS THEMSELVES. Although the term hacker often conveys an air of mystery and intrigue, hackers are simply
people who are very skilled at using technology. To differentiate between "good" and "bad" hackers, the media has
created a variety of terms such as white hat hackers (the "good" ones) and black hat hackers (the "bad" ones). Other
terms for a "bad" hacker include malicious hacker and cracker.

Whatever you call them, the fact is that hackers are people, and, like any group of people (Americans, police officers,
teachers, accountants, Christians), some will be good and some will be bad. But unlike most other groups, hackers
rely exclusively on computers and the Internet to communicate with each other.

Finding a hacker on the Internet is fairly easy if you know where to look. Just as you can quickly find a drug dealer or
policeman if you know where to look in a city, you can also find good and bad hackers if you know where to look on
the Internet.

Warning Hacker sites tend to appear and disappear with disturbing regularity. When a hacker site disappears, a
pornographic site inevitably takes over the domain name. If any of the websites listed in this chapter suddenly
disappear, you may find an X-rated site appearing when you type in the domain address, instead of the
Many hackers have banded together to post and advertise their own websites. Most hacker sites provide information
about the hacker world told from the hacker's point of view, which mainstream media typically ignores. On hacker
websites you'll find the latest security holes found in the more popular operating systems, and even hacker programs
for invading other computers.

To learn more about hacking from the hacker's point of view, take a look at any of the following sites: News and archives of hacker text and program files (

BlackCode Full-service hacker site selling merchandise, offering free downloads of hacker tools, and
providing a proxy server to strip away your identity so you can surf the Internet anonymously

Cipherwar Provides news about hacking and the political debates surrounding the government's
efforts to legislate, regulate, and otherwise control the Internet (

Cult of the Dead Cow Infamous hacker group responsible for releasing the Back Orifice remote
administration tool that can also be used as a Trojan horse to hijack another computer

Hack Canada Unique website focusing on hacking, phone phreaking, and anarchy from a Canadian
point of view ( A hacker site that pledges to uphold the "old school" of hacking, which provides
information to the curious, but avoids destructive and malicious hacking tools such as computer
viruses or Trojan horses (

Hideaway.Net Specializes in covering news about computer security so that you can see the latest
flaws in various firewalls, servers, and browsers ( Lists plenty of security flaws and "exploits" in all your favorite operating systems,
including Windows, Solaris, and Linux (

New Order Provides plenty of links to various hacker resources, such as anonymous remailers,
encryption software, ICQ exploits, Novell network hacking, and hacker e-zines

Sys-Security Group dedicated to computer security research, offering plenty of information about port
scanning (

Underground News Offers hacker tools and news, and sells backpacks and messenger bags as well

Wiretapped Website specializing in intrusion detection software and cryptography

On the other side of the hacker world are the professional computer security people, who include many former hackers and many
so-called white hat hackers. By browsing through different computer security websites, you can read about the latest flaws and
vulnerabilities that hackers could use to break into your computer.
@stake Once known as L0pht Industries, this hacker group decided there was more money to be made as a
security consulting firm than as a renegade hacker group (

AntiOnline Offers hacker news, virus source code, and Trojan horse programs, along with a comprehensive
profile of hackers for use by law enforcement agencies (

InfoSysSec Yahoo-like portal (see Figure 6-1) providing links to various computer security resources

Figure 6-1: The InfoSysSec site lists the top ten ports that hackers use to break into a computer.

SecurityFocus Tries to offer news about the latest computer security flaws before they are known by the rest of
the computer security field (

SecurityNewsPortal Provides the latest headlines covering hacking, information warfare, and virus outbreaks
( Offers articles and white papers covering anti-virus software, firewalls, intrusion detection
systems, and network auditing (
One of the best ways to keep up with the ever-changing underground culture of computer hackers is to read hacker
magazines. Because you probably won't find a hacker magazine at your favorite newsstand (with the exception of
2600 magazine), your best bet is to read some hacker magazines online. Hacker magazines tend to have an irregular
publishing schedule, so don't be surprised if the latest issue is several months old.
2600 The home of the quarterly hacker magazine, 2600. While its website doesn't offer any articles
from the magazine, it does provide the latest hacker news along with an archive of defaced web
pages (

Computer Underground Digest A journal carrying news, research, and discussion of legal, social, and
ethical issues concerning computer culture. Publication has since ceased, but this site can still be a
rich source of hacker history (

Crypt Newsletter An online publication that pokes fun at the latest media hype surrounding computer
viruses, hacker attacks, or encryption regulations. Covers computer crime, viruses, and the comical
attempts of governments and corporations to control hackers for their own profit

Phrack The online version of one of the oldest hacker magazines, in operation since 1985. Phrack
focuses on networking, telephony, and phone phreaking, and occasionally delves into other computer
hacking topics as well (

TelecomWriting An unusual website specializing in the telephone system. At one time, this site
published a magazine called Private Line, but when that magazine failed, the publisher focused on
creating a comprehensive site covering all aspects of the telephone network
Only a handful of hacker sites stay up for longer than a year. The majority of them appear with a flurry of activity, and
then disappear when the founders lose interest and move on to other hobbies. Because hacker website life spans are
so short, finding these sites can be difficult. Fortunately, there are ways to find them.

Hacker search engines

There are a variety of specialized search engines for finding hacker websites (see Figure 6-2). These hacker search
engines can help you quickly find anything from source code to the latest dreaded virus to the current version of an
online harassment program that attacks America Online or ICQ users. If none of the hacker sites listed earlier in this
chapter have what you need, try one of the following specialized search engines instead:

Figure 6-2: Use a hacker search engine like to find the hacking tool you need.


Cyberarmy HakSearch


Hacker website lists

Many hackers like to claim that their website is the best, most comprehensive source of hacker information on the
Internet. Since so many websites make this claim, hackers have put together lists that arrange competing hacker sites
according to the number of votes each one gets from users. So, if you want to find the most popular hacker sites at the
moment, browse through these lists and vote for your favorite:

Elite Toplist



Web rings
Instead of blindly groping around the Internet with a search engine, you might want to try using a web ring instead.
Web rings provide links to websites that focus on a specific topic. If you're interested in, say, computer virus writing,
harassing America Online, or defacing web pages, visit the Web Ring site (, click on the
Computers & Internet section, and then on the Cyberculture category and finally on the Hacking category for a list of
additional hacker websites.
Hackers often communicate with each other through Usenet newsgroups. Unlike ordinary newsgroups where people
share information and answer questions, hacker newsgroups more often resemble shouting matches full of insults,
sprinkled between ads for get-rich-quick schemes or pornography websites.

Still, if you don't mind wading through these types of messages cluttering hacker newsgroups, you can learn about the
newest hacker websites and share source code and hacker programs with others on the newsgroup.

General hacking newsgroups

To start learning about hacking in general, try a general-purpose hacking newsgroups. Unlike other types of
newsgroups that focus on stamp collecting or photography, hacker newsgroups tend to stray from their topics. For
example, the alt.binaries.hacking.beginner newsgroup, which says it is about helping new hackers find and use
hacking programs, is often filled with discussions about virus programming and encryption or, if you're lucky, vicious
insult wars. Here are some more hacking newsgroups: alt.hacker, alt.hacking, alt.binaries.hacking.beginner,
alt.binaries.hacking.websites, alt.2600.hackers, and comp.hackers.

Computer virus newsgroups

Computer virus writers often publish their latest creations in newsgroups (or post URLs where you can download their
latest virus creations). If you want to find the latest live virus (or the source code to a virus), visit one of the following
newsgroups: alt.comp.virus, alt.comp.virus.source, alt.comp.virus.source.code, or comp.virus.

Encryption newsgroups

Since hackers often skirt the legal boundaries of their nation's laws, they wisely hide their identity or messages using
encryption, the same technology that government agencies use to protect national secrets. To learn the latest about
using and writing encryption (which you'll learn more about in Chapter 15) to protect your sensitive data, visit one of
the following newsgroups: alt.cypherpunks,, alt.sources.crypto,, sci.crypt, or

Cracking newsgroups

Most games and applications are copy-protected to keep people from sharing them with their friends. Likewise, many
shareware programs provide limited features until the user pays for a code or key to unlock the additional features.

Some hackers try to circumvent, or crack, copy-protected and "locked" shareware programs. Cracking methods
include sharing serial numbers, unlocking codes, or using programs designed to unlock or copy copy-protected
games. To read about these programs and techniques, visit any of the following newsgroups: alt.2600.crack,
alt.2600.crackz, alt.binaries.cracked, or alt.cracks. To learn more about how programmers try to protect their software
from crackers, pick up Pavol Cerven's Crackproof Your Software, published by No Starch Press.
You can chat with a hacker in real time in one of the many hacker chat rooms that pop up on nearly every Internet
Relay Chat (IRC) network.

To do so, you need a special IRC program, such as mIRC (available at Once you have an IRC
program, you'll need to pick an IRC network to join. Some of the more popular networks are EFnet, DALnet, Undernet,
and 2600 net (run by the hacker magazine 2600).

Once you're connected to an IRC network server, you can create a new chat room or join an existing one. While the
2600 network is specifically designed for hackers, you may have to search other networks for chat rooms containing
hackers. To find a hacker chat room, look for rooms with names like #2600, #phreak, #carding, #cracks, #anarchy, or
any other phrase that sounds hackerish.

Using IRC is a special skill in itself, and many hackers may get upset if you intrude on their chat rooms, so use care
when exploring the different networks and chat rooms. With enough patience, you can eventually meet and make
friends in the various chat rooms. Soon, you too can become a regular and experienced IRC user and you'll be able to
chat with hackers all over the world. To learn more about how to use IRC, pick up Alex Charalabidis' The Book of IRC,
published by No Starch Press.
A hacker convention is a good place to meet people you may have only met in a chat room or through a newsgroup;
it's also a good place for meeting new friends from both the hacker side of the computer underground as well as the
law enforcement side, including FBI and Secret Service agents who may be attending the conference. Anyone can
attend a hacker convention; you don't need credentials! Whether you're a hacker, a law enforcement agent, or just
someone curious to see what life looks like in the computer hacking world, you might find something of interest at
these top hacker conventions.
DefCon Annual hacker convention held in Las Vegas, often attended by hackers, media, and
government officials. One popular contest is "Spot the Fed," where attendees attempt to locate FBI
agents keeping an eye on the conference (

HOPE (Hackers On Planet Earth) An annual convention run by 2600 magazine, focusing on all aspects
of hacking, including phone phreaking, virus writing, social engineering, and information warfare

SummerCon One of the oldest hacker conventions, it focuses on hacking, phone phreaking, and
computer security (

ToorCon One of the newer computer security conferences run by another group of talented hackers
who wish to spread their knowledge to others (
As you meet more and more hackers, whether through newsgroups, websites, or in person at a hacker convention,
your perception of hackers may well change. Some hackers you meet might fit into the hacker stereotype, but others
will vary dramatically from any preconceived notions you may have about them.

Of course, like any group of people, there will always be some that you would do well to avoid. Some of these
malicious hackers may try to snare your credit card number, use your identity online, or just harass you by routing a
900 sex hotline to your home phone.

Rather than openly harass you, many hackers may just ignore you and label you a newbie, a derogatory term for
"newcomer" that is meant to intimidate you, in the hopes that you'll go away and stop wasting their time. Don't let them
frighten you away! You have the right to learn whatever you want, and even the most seasoned hacker was once a
novice too. Just keep learning on your own and from others who are willing to help you, and soon you too can be as
knowledgeable as the rest of them.
Part 2: Dangerous Threats on the Internet
Chapter 7: Viruses and Worms

Chapter 8: Trojan Horses—Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts

Chapter 9: Con Games on the Internet

Chapter 10: Online Stalkers

Chapter 7: Viruses and Worms

Freedom is the most contagious virus known to man.

Although some viruses and worms are completely harmless, the majority of viruses and worms cause a wide range of
trouble, from displaying nonsensical messages on the screen, to making the keyboard work erratically, to deleting files
or entire hard disks.

While a virus or a worm won't always cause any damage, it is always unwanted on any computer. Table 7-1 lists some
of the more infamous viruses, worms, and Trojan horses throughout history:
Table 7-1: Virus, Worm, and Trojan Horse "Milestones"

1986 Brain virus: First computer virus released in Pakistan.

1986 PC-Write Trojan: First Trojan horse disguised as a major shareware program, the PC-Write word

1988 MacMag virus: First Macintosh virus released.

1988 Scores virus: First major Macintosh virus outbreak.

1988 Internet worm: First worm to cause widespread havoc on the Internet, shutting down computers all
over the country and making worldwide headlines.

1989 AIDS Trojan: First Trojan horse that held the user's data hostage by encrypting the hard disk and
demanding that the user pay for an encryption key that would prevent the Trojan horse from
deleting data.

1990 First Virus Exchange Bulletin Board System (VX BBS) appears in Bulgaria where callers could
trade live viruses and virus source code.

1990 The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses published by Mark Ludwig. This was one of the first
books to provide detailed instructions and accompanying source code to teach people how to write
computer viruses.

1991 Tequila virus: First polymorphic virus capable of changing its appearance to avoid detection by
antivirus programs.

1992 Michelangelo virus: First computer virus that caused a major media alert. Despite claims that
millions of computers were in danger, the Michelangelo virus actually caused relatively little

1992 Dark Avenger Mutation Engine (DAME): First toolkit designed to turn any computer virus into a
polymorphic virus. Despite its threatening appearance, its wide-scale use was prevented by the
toolkit's complexity and program bugs.

1992 Virus Creation Laboratory (VCL): First toolkit for creating a virus using pull-down menus.

1996 Boza: First Windows 95 virus released.

1996 Concept virus: First macro virus released that infects Word documents.

1996 Laroux virus: First macro virus released that infects Excel spreadsheet files.

1996 Staog virus: First Linux virus released.

1998 Strange Brew virus: First Java virus released.

1998 Back Orifice: First remote access Trojan horse (RAT) that allows others to completely take over a
target computer through the Internet.

1999 Melissa virus: First virus to spread by email through Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express
address books.

1999 Tristate virus: First macro virus capable of infecting Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files.

2000 First large-scale denial of service attacks to shut down major websites, including Yahoo,, CNN, and eBay.

2000 Love Bug worm: The fastest spreading worm in history, causing an estimated $2 to $15 billion in

2000 Timofonica worm: First worm to attack mobile phones using calls generated from an infected

2000 Life Stages worm: First worm to spread as an SHS (Microsoft Scrap Object) file that appears as a
harmless text file.

2000 Phage: First virus to infect the Palm operating system.

2000 Liberty: First Trojan horse for the Palm operating system. It claims to be a cracking tool for the
Liberty Gameboy emulator program.
2000 WebTV/Flood: First virus to affect WebTV users by infecting through Usenet newsgroups messages.

2000 Hybris: First worm that can automatically update itself by connecting to the alt.comp.virus
newsgroup and looking for new plug-in components to install.

2001 Klez: A fast-spreading worm that mass mails itself and infects computers with a polymorphic virus
named ElKern even if users just preview the infected email message using Microsoft Outlook or
Outlook Express.

2001 Rans: First virus to infect Perl files.

2001 Peachy: First worm to infect Adobe Acrobat PDF files.

2001 MTX: First combination worm/virus/Trojan horse. The worm component mass mails itself to infect
computers. The virus component attempts to block the infected computer from accessing popular
antivirus websites. The Trojan horse component attempts to open a back door allowing access into
an infected computer.

2002 SWF.LFM: First virus to infect Shockwave Flash animation files.

2002 Myparty: Mass mailing worm that installs a Trojan horse back door and contacts the worm author so
he can break in to all infected computers.

2002 Scalper: First worm to infect Apache webservers.

Viruses use one or more of the following methods to infect a computer:

Infecting program files

Infecting the boot sectors of floppy disks

Infecting documents using the macro capabilities of a word processor or spreadsheet

Spreading a file-infecting virus

File infectors only infect programs, such as WordPerfect or Microsoft Excel. A file-infecting virus spreads whenever
you run an infected program. The two most common ways to spread a file-infecting virus is through a removable disk
(such as a floppy disk, a Zip disk, or even a CD) or by email.

Parasitic program infectors

When a virus infects a file, it has three choices: It can attach itself to the front or back of a file, or it can plant itself in
the middle. (If the virus deletes part of the file it's infecting, it's known as an overwriting virus.)

When a virus attaches itself to the front or back of a file, it changes the file's size and usually doesn't harm the infected
file. This virus is known as a parasitic program infector and can easily be spotted by the change in file size (see Figure
7-1). While it's possible to notice a change in file size by browsing through your files, you're more likely to detect an
infected virus by running an antivirus program instead.

Figure 7-1: How a parasitic program infector works.

Overwriting file infectors

Overwriting viruses are a bit more dangerous. Because they physically alter any files they infect by replacing some of
the program's code with their own, they can damage or destroy files. If you run a program infected by an overwriting
virus, the program usually won't work. Overwriting viruses can often escape detection because they infect a file without
changing its size (see Figure 7-2).
Figure 7-2: How an overwriting file infector works.

Chernobyl virus

On April 26, 1999, a virus struck in Korea and infected as many as one million computers, resulting in more than $250
million in damages. Dubbed the Chernobyl virus (or the CIH virus), this virus was written by 24-year-old Chen Ing-hau
and is considered one of the most destructive viruses ever written.

The virus can infect 32-bit Windows 95 and higher executable files but can only run under Windows 95/98/ME. If you
run an infected program, the virus resides in your computer's memory and infects every file that your computer

To avoid detection, the CIH virus never alters the size of any files it infects. Instead, it searches for empty space in the
infected file, breaks itself up into smaller pieces, and inserts those pieces in the unused spaces.

There are three known variants of the CIH virus. Version 1.2 and Version 1.3 attack on April 26 (the date of the
Chernobyl Soviet nuclear disaster) and Version 1.4 attacks on the 26th of every month.

When the CIH virus triggers, it launches two separate attacks. The first attack overwrites the hard disk with random
data until the computer crashes, ultimately preventing the computer from booting up from the hard disk or floppy disk,
and making the overwritten data on your hard disk nearly impossible to recover. The second attack targets the data
stored in your computer's Flash BIOS (the Basic Input Output System, which is the part of your computer that controls
all system devices, including the hard drive, serial and parallel ports, and the keyboard). Fixing this problem requires
replacing or reprogramming the BIOS.

While every antivirus program can protect against the CIH virus, the 26th of every month still finds some companies
getting their data wiped out.

Spreading a boot virus

Boot viruses only infect the boot sector of a disk, which is the part of every disk that tells the computer how to use that
particular disk. A boot virus spreads whenever you boot from (or access) an infected hard or removable disk (floppy,
Zip, CD, etc.). Since every disk has a boot sector with instructions that tell the computer how to use that particular
disk, it's possible for a boot virus to infect any removable storage device as well.

When you turn on your computer, it first checks to see if there's a floppy disk in the disk drive. If a disk is present, the
computer reads the boot sector of that floppy disk. If the floppy disk in your drive has been infected by a boot virus,
that boot virus now infects your hard disk and could spread to every floppy disk you insert in your computer from this
point on (see Figure 7-3). If no floppy disk is present, the computer uses the boot sector on the hard disk, called the
Master Boot Record (MBR).
Figure 7-3: How a boot virus works.

You can also boot from a CD, which means if a boot sector virus has managed to infect your CD when you created it,
it's possible for that boot sector virus to spread each time you boot up from the infected CD.

Michelangelo virus

The Michelangelo virus became, in 1992, the first virus to warrant worldwide media coverage. The virus scare began
when Leading Edge, a major computer manufacturer, accidentally shipped several hundred computers infected with
the Michelangelo virus, and it was another boot virus. Within a month, two software publishers, DaVinci Systems and
Access Software, also shipped disks infected with the Michelangelo virus.

For some odd reason, the media quickly latched on to the Michelangelo virus story and spread hysteria far and wide,
warning computer users that the Michelangelo virus would destroy their hard disks on March 6, Michelangelo's
birthday. The Houston Chronicle called the virus "a master of disaster." USA Today warned that "Thousands of PCs
could crash Friday." The Washington Post displayed its own scare tactic headline, "Deadly Virus Set to Wreak Havoc

Estimates about the number of infected computers ranged wildly, from a low of five thousand to a high of five million.
In the meantime, antivirus software publishers sold thousands of antivirus programs to a hysterical public. When
March 6 arrived, computer users around the world braced themselves for the impending attack—and nothing

Although the Michelangelo virus is real and did attack a few computers, the danger was nowhere near what the media
proclaimed. Some experts say that if the media had failed to warn the public of the virus, the Michelangelo virus would
have proven more disastrous. Others claim that the Michelangelo virus was never widespread to begin with, and that
the media hype simply made antivirus program publishers wealthier.

Whatever the case, the great Michelangelo virus scare of 1992 did make the general public aware of the virus threat
for the first time. And every year, around March 6, software publishers report that sales of their antivirus programs
increase dramatically, much to the delight of their stockholders.

Spreading a multipartite virus

Both file infectors and boot viruses have their strengths and weaknesses. File-infecting viruses can only spread if you
run an infected program. If the virus happens to infect a seldom-used file, then the program may be infected, but the
virus may never spread and do any damage. Some computers can be infected for years without ever having any

Similarly, boot viruses spread only when you boot up from an infected floppy or hard disk. If you don't boot up or use
an infected disk, the virus can't spread.
To increase their chances of spreading, some viruses combine the features of both file infectors and boot viruses.
Called multipartite viruses, these viruses can infect either (or both) files and boot sectors. Although this increases their
chances of infecting a computer, multipartite viruses also make themselves more vulnerable to detection by increasing
the places an antivirus program can find them. They're also more complicated to write, so there are fewer multipartite
viruses in the wild to worry about.

Natas virus

The Natas (Satan spelled backward) virus is one of the more common multipartite viruses, originally discovered
running rampant in Mexico. Natas can infect both files and boot sectors on both hard disks and floppies while also
changing its appearance in an attempt to hide from antivirus programs.

Besides being one of the more common and destructive viruses in the wild, Natas also has the odd distinction of being
written by a hacker, dubbed Priest, who later accepted a consulting job at Norman Data Defense Systems, an antivirus
company. The company later decided they could not trust a known virus writer and let him go, but not before the entire
antivirus community screamed in protest and vowed that they would never stoop so low as to hire virus writers to help
write antivirus software.

Spreading a macro virus

Macro viruses only infect files created by a specific program, such as documents created in Microsoft Word or
spreadsheets created in Microsoft Excel. Macro viruses spread when you load an infected file, such as an infected
Word document.

Unlike other types of viruses that are written using assembly language, C/C++, BASIC, or Pascal, macro viruses are
written using the macro programming language in a specific program. Most macro viruses are written using Microsoft's
macro language, called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), although a few older macro viruses are written in
WordBasic, an older macro programming language for Microsoft Word.

Macro viruses infect the templates that define the margins, font, and general formatting for documents. Every time you
create a new document from a template infected by a macro virus, the macro virus tries to infect another template and
your new document.

Because most people share document files instead of template files, macro viruses cleverly convert infected
documents into template files, while maintaining their appearance of ordinary document files. So while you think you're
opening up a document for editing, you're actually opening up a template instead.

Despite their prevalence in the wild, macro viruses (at least at the time of this writing) have been limited to infecting
documents created by Microsoft products such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. Although some people have tried
writing macro viruses to infect WordPro or WordPerfect documents, these don't spread as easily because WordPro
and WordPerfect documents store their macros in a separate file. In contrast, when you copy a Word or Excel
document file onto a floppy disk, through a network, or over the Internet, you're automatically copying both your
document and any macros in a single file, which gives the macro virus a chance to spread.

The Concept macro virus

The world's first macro virus, dubbed the Concept virus, can infect Microsoft Word documents on both Windows and
the Macintosh. This virus was written in the macro language found in Microsoft Word version 6.0, although it can also
infect Word documents created by other versions.

The Concept macro virus appears to have been written to prove that viruses really could be written using a macro
programming language. As a result, Concept simply displays a dialog box announcing its existence, but it won't
deliberately wreck any files on your disk.


Taking macro virus programming one step further was the Melissa virus, which made headlines in early 1999 by
becoming the fastest spreading virus in history. This virus infects Word documents and then uses VBA macro
commands to read the address book of Microsoft Outlook, a common email program that comes with Microsoft Office.
The Melissa virus then creates an email message and sends it to the first 50 names in the Outlook address book,
where each message appears with the subject "Important Message From" (followed by your name), with a body text
that states, "Here is that document you asked for … don't show anyone else;-)." The virus then attaches a copy of the
infected Word document to the email message.

As soon as the recipient opens the infected Word document, the virus spreads to that computer and repeats the
process of emailing itself to another 50 people stored in that person's Microsoft Outlook address book.

If you peek inside the macro virus source code, you'll find the following message:
'WORD/Melissa written by Kwyjibo
'Works in both Word 2000 and Word 97
'Worm? Macro Virus? Word 97 Virus? Word 2000 Virus? You Decide!
'Word --> Email | Word 97 <--> Word 2000. . . it's a new age!

The original Melissa virus didn't do anything destructive, but variants do cause damage by erasing files.
Viruses can survive only if they remain undetected long enough to give them time to spread to other computers. To
increase a virus's chance of surviving, virus programmers have used a variety of tactics.

Infection methods

Antivirus programs can spot a virus in one of two ways. First, the antivirus program may recognize a particular virus's
signature, which is nothing more than the specific instructions embedded in the virus that tell it how to behave and act.
A virus's signature is like a criminal's fingerprint—each one is unique and distinct.

A second way antivirus programs can detect a virus is through its behavior. Antivirus programs can often detect the
presence of a previously unknown virus by catching a virus as it tries to infect another file or disk.

To sneak past an antivirus program, many viruses use a variety of methods to spread:

Direct infection

Fast infection

Slow infection

Sparse infection

RAM-resident infection

Direct infection means that the virus infects a disk, or one or more files, each time you run the infected program or
open the infected document. If you don't do either, the virus can't spread at all. Direct infection is the simplest but also
the most noticeable way of infecting a computer and can often be detected by antivirus programs fairly easily.

Fast infection means that the virus infects any file accessed by an infected program. For example, if a virus infects
your antivirus program, watch out! Each time an infected antivirus program examines a file, it can actually infect that
file immediately after certifying that the file is virus-free.

Slow infection means that the virus only infects newly created files or files modified by a legitimate program. By doing
this, viruses attempt to further mask their presence from antivirus programs.

Sparse infection means that the virus takes its time infecting files. Sometimes it infects a file, and sometimes it doesn't.
By infecting a computer slowly, viruses reduce their chance of being detected.

RAM-resident infection means that the virus buries itself in your computer's memory, and each time you run a
program or insert a floppy disk, the virus infects that program or disk. RAM-resident infection is the only way that boot
viruses can spread. Boot viruses can never spread across a network or the Internet since they can only spread by
physically inserting an infected floppy disk into a computer, although they can still infect individual computers attached
to a network.


Viruses normally reveal their presence during infection. For example, a file-infecting virus typically changes the size,
time, and date stamp of the file that it infects. However, file-infecting viruses that use stealth techniques may infect a
program without modifying the program's size, time, or date, thus remaining hidden.

Boot viruses always use stealth techniques. When the computer reads a disk's boot sector, the boot virus quickly
loads the real boot sector (which it has safely stashed away in another location on the disk) and hides behind it. This is
like having your parents call you at home to make sure you're behaving yourself, but you really answer the phone at
the neighborhood pool hall by using call forwarding. As far as your parents are concerned, they called your home
number and you answered. But in reality, their call got routed from your home phone to the pool hall phone. Such
misdirection is how boot viruses use stealth techniques to hide their presence from the computer.
In most cases, stealth techniques mask the virus's presence from users but cannot always fool an antivirus program.
For further protection against an antivirus program, viruses may use polymorphism.


To keep from infecting the same file or boot sector over and over again (and revealing itself), viruses must first check
to see whether they have already infected a particular file or boot sector. To do so, viruses look for their own
signature—the set of instructions that make up that particular virus. Of course, antivirus programs can also find viruses
by looking for these signatures, as long as the virus has been caught and examined—if that hasn't happened, an
antivirus program will never know the virus's signature.

If convicted criminals could modify their fingerprints each time they committed a crime, they would be harder to catch.
That's the idea behind polymorphism.

Theoretically, a polymorphic virus changes its signature each time it infects a file, which means that an antivirus
program can never find it. However, because polymorphic viruses need to make sure they don't infect the same file
over and over again, polymorphic viruses still leave a small distinct signature that they (and an antivirus program) can
still find.


The best defense is a good offense. Rather than passively hiding from an antivirus program, many viruses actively
search out and attack them. When you use your favorite antivirus program, these retaliating viruses either modify the
antivirus program so that it can't detect the virus, or they infect the antivirus program so that the antivirus program
actually helps spread the virus. In both cases, the attacked antivirus program cheerfully displays a "Your computer is
virus-free" message while the virus is happily spreading throughout your computer.
Unlike viruses that need to infect a file, a boot sector, or a document, worms can spread all by themselves. The two
most common ways a worm can spread are through email and security flaws in computers connected to a network or
the Internet.

Worms that use email to spread are known as mass-mailing worms, are typically written in a variant of the Visual
Basic programming language, and usually exploit the Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express emailing programs on
Windows. Typically, the worm checks a user's Outlook or Outlook Express address book for a list of stored email
addresses and then the worm sends a copy of itself to each address.

Mass-mailing worms can spread particularly quickly since they tend to come from someone that the victim knows. The
recipient is likely to read the email and accidentally help the worm spread to their own address book of email

Mass-mailing worms most often target Microsoft Windows users running Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express,
because those are the most common operating systems and email programs. Thus, one way to protect yourself
against a mass-mailing worm is to either use a different operating system (such as Linux or the Mac OS) or use a
different email program (such as Eudora or Pegasus).

Internet worms, in contrast, spread by searching the Internet for a computer running a specific type of operating
system or webserver with a known flaw in it. Once the worm finds a vulnerable computer, the worm copies itself to that
computer through the known flaw and then proceeds to use that computer to look for other targets to attack.

Sometimes the mere existence of a worm mass mailing or copying itself across the Internet can cause your computer
to slow down or even crash without the worm deliberately trying to harm your computer. Other times the worm may
include a pay-load that wipes out data, infects your computer with a virus, or retrieves documents at random from your
hard disk (which could include sensitive business or highly personal documents) before mass mailing them to
everyone listed in your Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express address book.

Like mass-mailing worms, Internet worms often target the most popular operating systems (such as Microsoft
Windows or Unix) or webserver programs (such as Apache or Microsoft IIS).To reduce the risk that an Internet worm
will target your computer, you can either use less popular operating systems or webserver programs, or constantly
install software "patches" to your operating system or webserver program, which essentially close all known flaws that
Internet worms use to spread themselves.

Note Many antivirus programs can now detect worms as well, so make sure you keep your antivirus program updated
regularly for maximum protection against both viruses and worms.
Since each new outbreak of a virus causes hysteria and panic among computer users, you can cause nearly as much
trouble by inventing a fictional virus rather than creating a real one. By visiting the page
(, you can learn about the latest virus hoaxes. The following are examples of some more
common virus hoaxes.

The chain-letter virus hoax

Some of the more annoying virus hoaxes are those that encourage you to email copies of the hoax to your friends. Not
only does this spread the virus hoax, but it creates undue panic and confusion.

To convince people to propagate the hoax, virus hoaxes often contain information that sounds valid and threatening.
One virus hoax, dubbed the Disney hoax, consists of this message:

Hello Disney fans,

And thank you for signing up for Bill Gates' Beta Email Tracking. My name is Walt Disney Jr.
Here at Disney we are working with Microsoft which has just compiled an email tracing program
that tracks everyone to whom this message is forwarded to. It does this through an unique IP
(Internet Protocol) address log book database. We are experimenting with this and need your
help. Forward this to everyone you know and if it reaches 13,000 people, 1,300 of the people on
the list will receive $5,000, and the rest will receive a free trip for two to Disney World for one
week during the summer of 1999 at our expense. Enjoy.

Note: Duplicate entries will not be counted. You will be notified by email with further instructions
once this email has reached 13,000 people.

Your friends,

Walt Disney Jr., Disney, Bill Gates

& The Microsoft Development Team.

The publicity stunt virus hoax

Since warnings of a new virus almost always grab someone's attention, many people have deliberately created virus
hoaxes for publicity. A pornographic website once issued a virus hoax purportedly from a "Dave Norton," with a message claiming, "CNN Brings you information on the new devastating computer
virus known as the ‘Lions Den’ virus. This virus is reported to be costing internet providers such as AOL, MSN, Yahoo,
and Earthlink millions of dollars due to loss of members." The end of the message provided a link where readers could
find more details about protecting their computer, but clicking on that link led directly to the porn site.

A struggling rock band named Disturbing The Peace, concocted a phony virus dubbed the New Ice Age virus, which
they used to promote their new CD. The hoax warned that terrorists had stolen the New Ice Age virus from a top
secret government information warfare program and provided a link to the band's website for additional details.
Whenever you hear of a possible new virus, check with one of the following websites for additional information:

AVP Virus Encyclopedia

F-Secure Security

Information Center Sophos


McAfee Security

Trend Micro

These websites list all known viruses (and virus hoaxes), their characteristics, what damage (if any) they cause, and
how to detect them. To exchange messages about computer viruses, visit the comp.virus or alt.comp.virus Usenet

Whether you're a beginner or advanced computer user, expect that your computer will be attacked by a virus or worm
at some time or another. The best way to protect your computer is to buy an antivirus program and update it regularly.
Then take care to limit the chances that a virus or worm may infect your computer by doing the following:

Never open suspicious email (stops macro viruses and mass-mailing worms)

Install a firewall (stops Internet worms)

Never run a program for the first time without scanning it with an antivirus program (stops file-infecting

Never boot up your computer with a disk in the floppy drive (stops boot viruses)

Buy an antivirus program and update it regularly (detects and removes all types of viruses and

Download any patches for your operating system, browser, and email program regularly (stops
viruses or worms from exploiting known flaws in your programs)

Remember, the time to learn about viruses and worms is now, before you lose any data. Tomorrow may be too late.
Chapter 8: Trojan Horses— Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts

It's strange that men should take up crime when there are so many legal ways to be dishonest.

LONG AND GRUELING YEARS OF WAR. Thinking the Trojan horse was a gift to the gods and a symbol of the Greek
defeat, the people of Troy pulled the horse into their city. Later that night, Greek soldiers—who had been hiding inside
the wooden horse—snuck out, attacked the Trojan guards, and opened the gates of the city to their returning army.

In the computer world, a Trojan horse is any program that masquerades as something else while concealing its true
purpose. The main difference between a virus, a worm, and a Trojan horse is that a Trojan horse cannot spread by
itself, but instead relies on unwary users to spread it far and wide.
Before a Trojan horse program can attack, it must first find a way to entice the victim to copy, download, and run it.
Since few people knowingly run a malicious program, Trojan horses must disguise themselves as other programs that
the victim believes to be harmless (such as games, utilities, or popular applications).

Besides disguising themselves as harmless programs, Trojan horses can also disguise themselves inside a legitimate
program, such as Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Excel. To do this, malicious hackers have created special wrapper or
binder programs with names like Saran Wrap, Silk Rope, or The Joiner, which can package any Trojan horse inside
another program, thereby reducing the likelihood that someone will discover it. Since most users won't suspect that a
program from a large, well-known publisher would contain a Trojan horse, the victim is likely to run the linked program
containing the Trojan horse.

Once someone has written a Trojan horse, the next step is to spread it by copying it onto a victim's computer, posting
it on a website for others to download, sending it as a file attachment via email, distributing it through IRC and online
service chat rooms, or sending it through ICQ and other instant messaging services.

Physically copying a Trojan horse to a computer

If someone has physical access to your computer, he can simply copy a Trojan horse to your hard disk. If the attacker
is particularly skilled, he can create a custom Trojan horse that mimics the appearance of a program that is unique to
that particular computer, such as a corporate log-in screen or a company database program. Not only would such a
Trojan horse be more likely to trick its victim, but the Trojan horse could also perform an action specific to that
particular computer, such as stealing a company's list of credit card numbers or copying the source code of a game
company's unreleased products and posting them on the Internet.

Downloading software from a website

Trojan horses are commonly found on websites that offer free software, such as shareware programs. These
communal gathering spots on the Web give Trojan horse writers a degree of anonymity along with the chance of
attacking as many random victims as possible. Since website operators rarely have time to thoroughly examine every
file posted, an occasional Trojan horse can slip through the checking procedures unnoticed.

Of course, as soon as the website administrator discovers the existence of the Trojan horse, she can delete it to
prevent others from downloading it. However, between the time that the Trojan horse was posted and the time the
website administrator deletes it, many people could have downloaded the Trojan horse and passed it along to others.
So, even though deleting a Trojan horse may be easy, finding and deleting all copies of that Trojan horse will be
time-consuming, difficult, and nearly impossible.

Rather than post a Trojan horse to somebody else's website, some people set up their own websites and pretend to
offer hacker tools or pornographic files for others to download. Naturally, some of these files will be Trojan horses, so
the moment an unwary user downloads and runs them, the programs are free to cause whatever damage their writer

Receiving a Trojan horse as an email attachment

Another common way to spread a Trojan horse is to attach the program file to an email message. To get you to open
the file attachment, it may be disguised as a message from a legitimate organization (such as Microsoft or America
Online); as a tempting program, such as a hacker tool for gaining illegal access or privileges to a well-known
computer; or as a contest announcement, pornographic file, or similar message designed to pique your curiosity.

Catching a Trojan horse from a chat room or instant messaging service

Many people send Trojan horses to people visiting online chat rooms because they can do so without having to find
an email address. The hacker typically strikes up a friendly conversation with a potential victim and then offers to send
the person a hacker program or pornographic file. When the victim accepts the file and tries to open it, the Trojan
horse attacks.

Hackers also send Trojan horses to people who use an instant messaging service such as ICQ or AOL Instant
Messenger. Like email, instant messaging services allow an attacker to send a Trojan horse directly to a particular
person, based on the person's instant messaging ID, which is readily available through member directories.
Once a Trojan horse has found a way onto your computer, it can unleash a variety of different payloads, much like a
computer virus. These attacks range from harmless to destructive, including

Displaying taunting or annoying messages

Wiping out data

Stealing information, such as a password

Placing a virus or another Trojan horse on your computer

Allowing remote access to your computer

To help Trojan horses avoid detection, many hackers simply rename the Trojan horse file. While this won't fool an
antivirus program or a Trojan horse detector, a simple name change is often enough to trick an unsuspecting user into
running the Trojan horse.

Joke Trojans

A joke Trojan causes no damage but may play an annoying sound from your computer's speaker, warp the
appearance of your computer screen, or display a taunting message on the screen, such as "Now formatting hard
drive!" Although irritating and unwanted, joke Trojan horses are harmless and easily deleted.

NVP Trojan

NVP Trojan is a Macintosh Trojan horse that modifies the system file so that when the user types any text, the vowels
(a, e, i, o, and u) fail to appear. To entice victims to run this Trojan horse, the NVP Trojan masquerades as a utility
program that can customize the look of the computer display.

IconDance Trojan

The IconDance Trojan minimizes all application windows and then starts rapidly scrambling all the desktop icons.
Beyond scrambling your desktop icons, it does nothing more than make you take the time to reorganize your Windows

Destructive Trojans

A destructive Trojan can either wipe out your hard drive or selectively delete or modify certain files. Although these are
the most dangerous Trojans, their very nature tends to limit their spread: In the process of attacking your computer,
they reveal their presence, often by displaying a taunting message on the screen. And, if they reformat your hard drive,
they also wipe themselves out.

The only warning you may have that you've been hit by a destructive Trojan may be a blinking light or grinding noise
from your hard disk. By the time you notice this suspicious sound, at least some of your files will likely already be
wiped out.

Feliz Trojan

When the Feliz Trojan runs, it displays the image shown in Figure 8-1. If the victim clicks the Exit button, a series of
message boxes appears, warning the user not to run programs. At the end, the program displays a message wishing
the user a Happy New Year.
Figure 8-1: The Feliz Trojan horse displays a threatening image to warn users that the program is about to

While the program displays its message boxes, it deletes the core Windows files, thus preventing the computer from

AOL4Free Trojan

In 1995, a Yale student named Nicholas Ryan wrote a program called AOL4FREE, which allowed users access to
America Online without having to pay the normal subscriber fee. Immediately following news of the AOL4FREE
program, someone started a hoax, warning that the AOL4FREE program was actually a Trojan horse:

Anyone who receives this [warning] must send it to as many people as you can. It is essential that
this problem be reconciled as soon as possible. A few hours ago, someone opened an Email that
had the subject heading of "AOL4FREE.COM". Within seconds of opening it, a window appeared
and began to display all his files that were being deleted. He immediately shut down his computer,
but it was too late. This virus wiped him out.

Inevitably, someone actually wrote a Trojan horse, called it AOL4FREE, and on March 1997, began distributing it to
America Online users by email. Attached to the email message was the archive file named AOL4FREE.COM, which
claimed to provide the original AOL4FREE program for allowing access to America Online for free.

Once executed, the Trojan wipes out every file from your hard drive and then displays "Bad Command or file name"
along with an obscene message.

Trojans that steal passwords and other sensitive information

One of the most common uses for a Trojan horse is to steal passwords. Hackers often build custom Trojans to gain
unauthorized access to a computer. For example, if a school computer requires a password before anyone can use it,
a hacker can install a program that looks like the log-in screen, asking the user to type in a password.

When an unsuspecting victim comes along and types a password, the Trojan stores the password and displays a
message like "Computer down" to convince this person to go away or try another machine. The hacker can then
retrieve the saved passwords and use them to access other people's accounts.

If hackers can't physically access a targeted computer, they can sometimes trick a victim into loading the Trojan under
the guise of a game or utility program. Once loaded, the Trojan can steal files stored on the hard disk, and it can then
transmit them back to the hacker. Because you may not even be aware that the Trojan is on your computer, it can
steal information every time you use your computer.

Once someone has stolen your password or other vital information (like a credit card number), guess what? The thief
can now access your account and masquerade as you without your knowledge, using the account to harass others
online in your guise or your credit card information to run up huge charges.

Hey You! AOL Trojan

The Hey You! AOL Trojan often arrives in an unsolicited email with "hey you" in the subject line and the following text:

hey i finally got my pics scanned..theres like 5 or 6 of just download it and unzip it..and
for you people who dont know how to then scroll down..tell me what you think of my pics ok?

if you dont know how to unzip then follow these steps

When you sign off, AOL will automatically unzip the file, unless you have turned this feature off in
your download preferences.

If you want to do it manually then

On the My Files menu on the AOL toolbar, click Download Manager.

In the Download Manager window, click Show Files Downloaded.

Select my file and click Decompress.

If the victim downloads and runs the attached file, the Trojan horse hides in memory and tries to send your ID and
password by email to the waiting hacker. Armed with your America Online ID and password, anyone can access
America Online using your account and even change your password, locking you out of your own account.

ProMail Trojan

In 1998, a programmer named Michael Haller developed an email program dubbed Phoenix Mail. Eventually, he tired
of maintaining the program and released it as freeware, even to the point of providing the Delphi language source
code so that anyone could modify it. Unfortunately, someone took the Phoenix Mail source code and used it to create
a Trojan horse dubbed ProMail v1.21.

Like Phoenix Mail, ProMail claims to be a freeware email program, and has been distributed by several freeware and
shareware websites including and as the compressed file,

When a victim runs ProMail, the program asks for a whole bunch of information about the user's Internet
account—similar to the information you'd enter when setting up email software to download your email:

User's email address and real name


Reply-to email address

Reply-to real name

POP3 username and password

POP3 server name and port

SMTP server name and port

Once the user provides this information, ProMail encrypts it and attempts to send it to an account
( on NetAddress (, a free email provider.

Since ProMail allows users to manage multiple email accounts, it's possible that this Trojan horse can send
information about each account to the waiting hacker, allowing that person complete access to every email account
the victim may use.

Remote access Trojans

Remote access programs are legitimate tools that people use to access another computer through the telephone or
the Internet. For example, a salesman might need to access files stored on a corporate computer, or a technician
might need to troubleshoot a computer online without physically accessing that computer. Some popular remote
access programs are pcAnywhere, Carbon Copy, LapLink, and even the remote assistance feature built into Windows
XP. Remote access Trojans (RATs) are simply remote access programs that sneak onto a victim's computer. While
people knowingly install remote access programs like pcAnywhere on their computer, RATs trick a victim into installing
the Trojan on their computer first. Once installed, the RAT allows an unseen user (who may be anywhere in the world)
complete access to that computer as if he were physically sitting in front of its keyboard—he can see everything that
you do and see on your computer.

Using a RAT, a hacker could erase files on your hard disk, copy files (including viruses or other Trojan horses) to your
machine, type messages in a program that the user is currently running, rearrange your folders, change your log-in
password, open your CD-ROM drive door, play strange noises through the speaker, reboot the computer, or watch
and record every keystroke that you type, including credit card numbers, Internet account passwords, or email

RATs come in two parts: a server file and a client file.The server file runs on the victim's computer and the client file
runs on the hacker's computer. As long as a hacker has the right client file, he can connect to any computer that has
inadvertently installed the server file of that particular Trojan horse.

To fool someone into installing the server file of a Trojan horse, hackers often disguise this file as a game or utility
program, as shown in Figure 8-2. When the victim runs the Trojan, the server file installs itself and waits for anyone
with the right client file to access that computer.
Figure 8-2: To trick a victim, many hackers disguise the server file of a Trojan horse as a game for the victim to

Once the server file has been successfully installed, it opens a port on your computer that allows your computer to
send and receive data. Many hackers methodically probe a network of computers (such as those connected to cable
or DSL modems) and try client files from different Trojan horses. The hope is that if they or another hacker has
managed to infect a computer with a server file, they'll be able to connect to it using the right client file.

Some Trojans will even secretly email the hacker once they're installed and notify him that the server file has
successfully been installed on a target computer and give that target computer's IP address. Once a hacker knows the
IP address of an infected computer, he can access that computer through the Trojan horse. Or if he's particularly
devious, he can publicize his find and let any hacker with the right Trojan horse keep returning to that computer again
and again and again….

Back Orifice (BO)

The most famous remote access Trojan is Back Orifice (dubbed BO), named to mock Microsoft's own Back Office
program. Back Orifice is one of the few Trojan horse programs with its own website

An underground computer group, called the Cult of the Dead Cow (, originally wrote Back
Orifice as a Trojan and released it in 1998. The program caused an immediate uproar as hackers around the world
began infecting computers with the Back Orifice server file and accessing other people's computers.

In 1999, the Cult of the Dead Cow released the updated version of Back Orifice called Back Orifice 2000 (or BO2K).
Unlike the previous release, Back Orifice 2000 came with complete C/C++ source code so that anyone could examine
how the program worked. In addition, Back Orifice 2000 provided a plug-in feature so programmers around the world
could extend its features by writing their own plug-ins.

With the release of Back Orifice 2000, the Cult of the Dead Cow moved the program away from its hacker roots and
promoted BO2K as a remote administration tool for Windows, putting it in the same class of remote access programs
as pcAnywhere and Carbon Copy. Besides giving away Back Orifice 2000 for free along with its source code, the Cult
of the Dead Cow further embarrassed the commercial vendors by comparing the features of BO2K with commercial
remote access tools.

Besides costing you money, commercial remote access programs hog more disk space and memory than BO2K.
While BO2K requires just over 1MB of disk space and 2MB of RAM, Carbon Copy requires about 20MB of disk space
and 8MB of RAM, and pcAnywhere requires about 32MB of disk space and 16MB of RAM. Perhaps more surprising is
that both BO2K and Carbon Copy offer a stealth remote installation feature, which means that both programs could be
used to remotely access a computer without the user's knowledge!

Although the computer community shuns Back Orifice 2000 as a cheap hacker tool, it's really no more a hacker tool
than Carbon Copy. Yet considering the group that made it and its original intent, Back Orifice treads the fine line
between a Trojan and a legitimate remote access tool for administrators. Used carefully, Back Orifice can be an
invaluable program. But used recklessly, it can become a dangerous weapon.


SubSeven (see Figure 8-3) is another Trojan that has been growing in popularity. Besides the standard features of
remote access (deleting, modifying, or copying files and folders), SubSeven can also steal ICQ identification numbers
and passwords, take over an instant messaging program such as AOL Instant Messenger, and make the victim's
computer read text out loud in a computer-generated voice.

Figure 8-3: The SubSeven client program lists all the Trojan horse features in a user-friendly interface.

The Thing

The server files for RATs such as BO2K or SubSeven can range in size from 300KB up to 1.2MB or more. Trying to
hide such a large file may be difficult, so hackers sometimes use smaller Trojans like The Thing.

The Thing takes up only 40KB of space, thus ensuring that it won't be detected when linked or bound to another
program. Unlike other RATs, The Thing won't give you complete access to a victim's computer. Instead, it only opens
a single port so a hacker can later upload a larger RAT, like Back Orifice or SubSeven, which does provide complete
control over a victim's computer. Once a hacker has uploaded and installed one of the more sophisticated RATs, he
can erase The Thing from the victim's computer and use the other RAT to wreak havoc.
Hackers have written Trojan horses in practically every programming language, including MS-DOS batch files and
BASIC. The choice of programming language isn't as important as creating a Trojan that can avoid detection, install
itself without the victim's knowledge, and do its work. Still, the two most popular programming languages for writing
RATs are C/C++ (Back Orifice, for example) and Delphi (NetBus), because both languages can create small programs
that can be stored in a single executable file.

While it's possible to write a RAT in a language like Visual Basic, the chances of such a Trojan running are much
lower, since Visual Basic programs require special, large run-time files, while C/C++ and Delphi programs do not. If a
computer lacks the correct run-time files, Visual Basic programs won't run.

Some Trojans are easier to write than others. A Trojan horse that mimics a login screen to steal passwords will be
much easier to write than a remote access Trojan. To help each other out, many hackers provide the source code for
their Trojans on hacker sites. Hackers can then study the source code and try to write a new Trojan from scratch or
modify the source code to create a new variant instead.

Another way to get source code to create a Trojan horse is to copy the code from any open source project. (Linux is
the most famous open source project, but there are other ones as well, such as Phoenix Mail, which was used to
create the ProMail Trojan horse.) Once hackers have the source code to a legitimate program, they can add their own
code to turn the program into a Trojan horse.
To protect yourself against Trojan horses, use a combination of different protective tools and a little common sense.

First of all, make sure you know who has access to your computer. Lock it up, password protect it, or disconnect it
from a network if you're not using it.

Second, be careful where you get your software. Anytime someone tries to give you a program through email, a chat
room, or an instant message, watch out! That program could be infected with a Trojan horse, either with or without the
sender's knowledge.

When downloading software, download only from the software publisher's official website. If you download a program
from another website, someone could have inserted a Trojan horse into that program. Many hacker websites even post
pirated software and hacker tools for others to download, and some of those files could also be infected with a Trojan

But no matter how careful you may be with your computer, someone could also slip a Trojan horse on your computer
in your absence. To further protect yourself, consider installing a rollback program, an antivirus program, a firewall, and
an anti–Trojan horse program.

Rollback programs

One of the biggest problems with today's software is that much of it, once installed, seems to muck up even perfectly
fine computers. Rollback programs guard against these problems by tracking changes made to your hard disk and
taking periodic "snapshots" of the contents of your hard disk. That way, if a newly installed program crashes your
computer, you can run the rollback program to undo the changes you made to your hard disk and return your computer
to its prior condition.

Although originally designed to protect against software conflicts, rollback programs can also protect your computer
against viruses or Trojans. The moment a Trojan wipes out your data, run your rollback program to return your
computer to the state it was in before the Trojan horse wiped out your hard disk.

While rollback programs can recover your computer from damage caused by a Trojan horse, virus, or even hard disk
crash, they can't prevent problems from happening in the first place. But when used together with frequent backups, a
rollback program can provide valuable insurance for your important data and reduce the chance that a Trojan horse
attack will prove catastrophic.

Some of the more popular rollback programs that you can buy include ConfigSafe (,
FlashBack (, GoBack (, EasyRestore (,
and Undelete (

Antivirus programs

Although antivirus programs are designed to detect and remove computer viruses, many can also detect and remove
the client files of the more common RATs. However, antivirus programs may only recognize the most popular Trojans,
so they may not protect you against lesser-known, destructive Trojans, RATs, or custom Trojans. Consider an antivirus
program a supplement to the defense of your computer, but not your sole defense against Trojan horses.


A firewall can isolate your computer network from any outside threats (see Figure 8-4). While a firewall can't remove a
Trojan horse, it can monitor and shut down external traffic flowing through any open ports on your computer. By
shutting down a port, a firewall prevents hackers from accessing your computer through a RAT. Firewalls can also
track and log all attempts to access your computer, trace an intruder probing your computer for openings, and sound
an alarm whenever someone tries to access your computer without your permission.
Figure 8-4: A firewall can monitor specific ports and notify you if any are being used without your knowledge.

Some of the more popular firewalls include: BlackICE PC Protection (, Personal Firewall
(, Norton Internet Security (, Outpost and Jammer
(, and ZoneAlarm (

Anti–Trojan horse programs

Your best defense against a Trojan horse is to install a program specifically designed to scan and remove any Trojans
from your computer. Anti–Trojan horse programs contain a database of Trojan horse signatures that are unique to
particular Trojan horses (see Figure 8-5). The program scans the hard disk and checks whether the content of any file
matches a known Trojan horse signature stored in its database. If the program finds a match, it knows it has found a
Trojan horse, and it can then remove the offending program and fix any changes it might have made to other parts of
the hard disk, like the Windows registry.
Figure 8-5: An anti–Trojan horse program knows how to detect and remove dangerous Trojan horses before
they have a chance to attack your computer.

Unlike firewalls that can block ports that would allow access to your computer through a network or the Internet,
anti–Trojan horse programs can monitor open ports for suspicious behavior associated with Trojan horse activity. The
moment a RAT tries to access or open a port on your computer, an anti–Trojan horse program can detect the activity,
find the Trojan horse, and kill it.

Like antivirus programs, anti–Trojan horse programs must be constantly updated to protect against the latest Trojans.
Some popular anti–Trojan horse programs include: Hacker Eliminator (, Tauscan
(, TDS-3: Trojan Defence Suite (, NetSpyHunter
(, Anti-Trojan (, and The Cleaner (

Hacker anti-Trojan tools

Since hackers often target each other, many hackers have written their own tools to remove specific Trojan horses
from their computers. Unlike general purpose anti–Trojan horse programs that scan for all known Trojan horses,
hacker Trojan horse–removing programs are meant to detect and remove a specific Trojan horse. (Just be careful that
some malicious hacker doesn't infect an anti–Trojan horse program with a real Trojan horse and trick you into
downloading it.)

To find a hacker anti–Trojan horse program, look for programs with names such as Back Orifice Eradicator, Busjack,
NetBus Remover, Nemesis, Anti Socket, Anti BD, Backfire, BO2K Server Sniper, TW-Trojan Scanner, or Toilet Paper.
To protect yourself against Trojan horses, use a combination of different protective tools and a little common sense.

The best way to stop a Trojan horse is to make sure you block all possible ways it could infect your computer, such as
installing a firewall, taking care not to run unknown programs, and physically blocking access to your computer so
some stranger doesn't purposely or accidentally install a Trojan horse on your computer when you're not looking. For
more information about Trojan horses, visit HackFix (, which offers information about Trojan
horses, or TL Security (, which provides Trojan horses and source code for you to examine.

Trojan horses may be dangerous, but by avoiding unknown programs and protecting yourself with a handful of
defensive programs, you should be able to keep your computer free from any Trojan horses that might threaten your
data. Now you just have to worry about the people around you.
Chapter 9: CON Games on the Internet

You can't cheat an honest man.

unparalleled opportunities for mass communication on a worldwide scale, the Internet has created global opportunities
for cheating people, as well. Of course, the Internet itself isn't to blame for con games. The Internet simply provides a
new medium for con artists to lure new victims.

Con games always involve three elements:

Exploiting the victim's trust

Enticing the victim to pay money in advance

Promising a fantastic reward in return for little or no effort

Because nearly everyone would love to make a lot of money without doing anything to earn it (which may explain why
so many people go into politics), all of us risk becoming potential con game victims. To keep yourself from falling prey
to a con game, take some time to educate yourself on the different types of cons that have been fleecing people for
Area code scams play off people's ignorance of the growing proliferation of different telephone area codes. The con
artist starts by contacting you, either by leaving a message on your answering machine, by sending you email, or by
paging you. The goal of the message is to get you to call a telephone number in another area code by claiming that
you won a fabulous prize in a contest, that your credit card was wrongly charged so you need to call and correct the
matter, or that one of your relatives has died, been arrested, or fallen ill.

The moment you call the phone number, you may be put on hold, directed to a long-winded recorded message, or put
in touch with someone who claims to speak broken English. In any event, the person on the other end simply tries to
keep you on the phone as long as possible because (surprise!) the phone number has a "pay-per-call" area code
(much like 900 numbers) where you (the caller) ring up astronomical charges, which can amount to as much as $25
per minute!

The most common area code used in the scam is the 809 area code, which is actually located in the Caribbean, so the
scammer can avoid any American laws warning you of the charge, the rate involved, and a time period during which
you may terminate the call without being charged. And, since you don't need to dial an international code to reach the
number (you simply dial 1-809 and the number), most people won't realize that they're making an international call.

Area code scams are extremely hard to prosecute. Because you actually did make the call, neither your local phone
company nor your long distance carrier will likely help you or drop the charges, because they are simply providing the
billing for the foreign phone company.

To avoid this scam, be careful when returning unknown phone calls with a different area code. To help you locate
other area codes located in the Caribbean, visit the LincMad website ( To
learn about all the area codes around the world, visit the North American Numbering Plan Administration website
( To learn more about the 809 scam, visit your favorite search engine
and look for the phrase "809 fraud" or "809 scam."
Many people in other countries hate Americans, which may seem natural because the only contact most overseas
countries have with Americans is through the actions of American tourists (whom they don't like) and American
politicians (whom we don't like).

Other countries also get their information about Americans through American television shows. So after watching
shows like Baywatch or Sex and the City, most countries believe that Americans are not only rich and beautiful, but
lousy actors as well.

But no matter how people in other countries perceive Americans, the fact remains that America is one of the wealthiest
countries on the planet. Given the wide disparity between the average American's income and that of people in other
countries, it's no surprise that other countries feel no guilt or shame in conning Americans out of their money at every
available opportunity.

For some odd reason, not only have many of these scams originated in Nigeria, but the Nigerian government has often
been involved to the point where many people believe that international scams make up the third-largest industry in
Nigeria. The general view in Nigeria is that if you can cheat an American out of her money, it's the American's fault for
being gullible in the first place.

Nigerian scams are often called "Advance Fee Fraud," "419 Fraud" (four-one-nine, after the relevant section of the
Criminal Code of Nigeria), or "The Fax Scam." The scam works as follows: The victim receives an unsolicited email,
fax, or letter from Nigeria containing a money-laundering proposal, a seemingly legitimate business proposal
involving crude oil, or a proposal about a bequest left in a will.

The fax or letter usually asks the victim to facilitate the transfer of a large sum of money to the victim's own bank and
promises that the recipient will receive a share of the money if he (or she) will pay an "advance fee," "transfer tax,"
"performance bond," or government bribe of some sort. If the victim pays this fee, complications mysteriously occur
that require the victim to send more money until the victim either quits, runs out of money, or both.

With the growing popularity of the Internet, Nigerian con artists have been very busy, so don't be surprised if you
receive email from Nigeria asking for your help. The following is a sample letter sent from Nigeria offering the lure of
fantastic wealth in exchange for little work on your part:

Dear Sir

I am working with the Federal Ministry of Health in Nigeria. It happens that five months ago my
father who was the Chairman of the Task Force Committee created by the present Military
Government to monitor the selling, distribution and revenue generation from crude oil sales
before and after the gulf war crisis died in a motor accident on his way home from Lagos after
attending a National conference. He was admitted in the hospital for eight (8) days before he
finally died. While I was with him in the hospital, he disclosed all his confidential documents to me
one of which is the business I want to introduce to you right now.

Before my father finally died in the hospital, he told me that he has $21.5M (twenty one million
five hundred thousand U.S. Dollars) cash in a trunk box coded and deposited in a security
company. He told me that the security company is not aware of its contents. That on producing a
document which, he gave to me, that I will only pay for the demurrage after which the box will be
released to me.

He further advised me that I should not collect the money without the assistance of a foreigner
who will open a local account in favor of his company for onward transfer to his nominated
overseas account where the money will be invested.

This is because as a civil servant I am not supposed to own such money. This will bring many
questions in the bank if I go without a foreigner.
It is at this juncture that I decided to contact you for assistance but with the following conditions:
1. That this transaction is treated with Utmost confidence, cooperation and
absolute secrecy which it demands.

2. That the money is being transferred to an account where the incidence of

taxation would not take much toll.

3. That all financial matters for the success of this transfer will be tackled by
both parties.

4. That a promissory letter signed and sealed by you stating the amount US
$21.5M (twenty-one million five hundred thousand US Dollars) will be given
to me by you on your account and that only 20% of the total money is for
your assistance.

Please contact me on the above fax number for more details. Please quote (QS) in all your

Yours faithfully,


To learn more about scams originating from Nigeria, visit one of your favorite search engines (see Chapter 1) and use
one or more of the following keywords: 419 fraud or Nigerian scam.

Since the United States sent troops to Afghanistan, a new variation of the Nigerian scam has emerged where potential
victims receive an email supposedly from an American soldier who has discovered a large stash of money and needs
the help of an American citizen to sneak the money back to the United States. Other than using the name of an
American soldier instead of a Nigerian official, the scam is the same.

(For an entertaining analysis of various Nigerian scam letters, visit
The idea behind a pyramid scheme is to get two or more people to give you money. In exchange, you give them
nothing but the hope that they can get rich too—as long as they can convince two or more people to give them money.
The most common incarnation of a pyramid scheme is a chain letter.

A typical chain letter lists five addresses and urges you to send money ($1 or more) to each of the addresses. You
then copy the chain letter, remove the top name from the list of addresses, and put your own name and address at the
bottom of the list. Then, mail five copies of the chain letter to other people and wait for fabulous riches to come pouring
into your mailbox within a few weeks.

To avoid the stigma of the chain-letter label, many chain letters claim that you must sign a letter stating that you are
offering the money as a gift or that you are buying the five addresses as a mailing list. In this way, the chain letter
claims you will not be breaking any laws.

Multilevel marketing (MLM) business opportunities are similar to chain letters. Valid MLM businesses offer two ways to
make money: by selling a product or by recruiting new distributors. Most people get rich within an MLM business by
recruiting new distributors. Unfortunately, many scams masquerade as legitimate MLM businesses with the key
difference that, as a phony MLM business, you can only make money by recruiting others and that the only product
being sold is a nebulous "business opportunity."

Pyramid schemes often make a few people very wealthy, but at the expense of nearly everyone else at the bottom of
the pyramid. Most pyramid schemes attempt to recruit new members through Usenet newsgroups or by spamming
(see Chapter 16) multiple email accounts. As long as you realize that pyramid schemes need your money to make
other people rich, you can learn to ignore pyramid scheme offers that come your way, no matter how tempting. (And if
you want to con others out of money, there's no faster way than by starting your own chain letter with your name at the

Beware of Mega$Nets

The prevalence of computers and the Internet has brought with it an electronic version of the chain-letter pyramid
scheme known as Mega$Nets (see Figure 9-1). Unlike paper chain letters that require each person to be honest (and
not put their own name at the top of the chain-letter list), Mega$Nets uses software to track a list of names and keep
people from cheating. You often buy the Mega$Nets software for about $20 (although many people just give it away
for free).
Figure 9-1: The Mega$Nets program is simply a chain letter in the form of a freely distributable program.

Once you have the Mega$Nets software installed on your own computer, a list of five names and addresses appears.
You're supposed to send each person $20 and, in return, each person sends you a six-character computer code. After
you have paid for computer codes from all five people, the program adds your name to its list. From this point on, you
can sell (or give away) copies of the Mega$Nets program to others, who will have to pay you $20 for your special
computer code so that they can put their names on the Mega$Nets list, and so on.

The Mega$Nets program prevents people from cheating in two ways. First, people can't erase someone else's name,
because Mega$Nets stores the names in an encrypted file. Second, the only way you can put your own name on the
Mega$Nets list (so others will send you $20) is to first pay all five people on your list $20 for their codes.

To avoid the appearance of being a chain letter (which it is), the Mega$Nets "business opportunity" claims that you are
selling both the Mega$Nets program (for $20) and computer codes (for another $20) that only the Mega$Nets program
can generate. Unlike valid MLM plans where people get a usable product (like vitamins or food supplements), the
Mega$Nets plan simply sells everyone the Mega$Nets program itself, which you can only sell to other suckers who
think they can make money by selling the Mega$Nets program too.

To view various websites created by people who got suckered into the Mega$Nets scam (as shown in Figure 9-2), visit
your favorite search engine and look for the "mega$nets" string.
Figure 9-2: Many deluded souls have put up websites in an effort to convince others to download the Mega$Nets
software and join in on the online scam.

Cracking Mega$Nets

Mega$Nets can be cracked by using a Visual Basic program that is whimsically dubbed Mega$Hack (as shown in
Figure 9-3). Mega$Hack can edit the Mega$Nets encrypted data file so you can erase other people's names and add
your name to the list without paying anyone $20 for their codes. By cheating, you can either convince others of the
futility of relying on Mega$Nets to make money, or you can con others into paying you money because they think you
legitimately joined Mega$Nets.

Figure 9-3: Mega$Hack allows you to crack the Mega$Nets database.

Besides pyramid schemes, many people receive messages offering them fabulous moneymaking opportunities that
can be done at home. Here are some typical scams.

Stuffing envelopes

The most common work-at-home business scam claims that you can earn hundreds of dollars stuffing envelopes in
your spare time.

First of all, who in their right mind would want to spend their life stuffing envelopes for a living? If this logic still escapes
you, and you actually send money for information on how you can earn money by stuffing envelopes, you need to
seriously examine your dreams in life. If you do send money, you'll probably receive the following:

A letter stating that if you want to make money, just place your own ad in a magazine or newspaper
offering to sell information on how others can make money by stuffing envelopes. In this case, stuffing
envelopes is just a pretense to get you to send the company your money in the first place.

Information about contacting mail-order companies and offering to stuff their envelopes for them.
Unfortunately, the money you can make stuffing envelopes is so trivial, you'll soon find that stuffing
envelopes pays less than making Third World wages. See? They tricked you into thinking that you
could actually make money doing mindless work without getting a government job.

Make-it-yourself kits

Another work-at-home business scam offers to sell you a kit (like a greeting card kit) at some outrageous price. You're
supposed to follow the kit's instructions to make custom greeting cards, Christmas wreaths, flyers, or other useless
products that people are supposed to buy. The business may sound legitimate, but the kit is usually worthless, and the
products that it claims you can sell will rarely earn you enough money to recoup the cost of your original investment.

Work as an independent contractor

If you don't want to stuff envelopes or make custom greeting cards, why not pay to work as an independent contractor
(once again, at a phenomenally inflated wage)? This scam typically claims that a company is willing to pay people
thousands of dollars a month to help the company build something, like toy dolls or baby shoes. All you have to do is
manufacture these items and sell them to the company.

What usually happens is that the work is so boring that most people give up before they even have a chance to sell
one product. For those stubborn enough to actually manufacture the products, the company may claim that the
workmanship is of poor quality and thus refuse to pay you for your work. Either way, someone else now has your

Fraudulent sales

People have been fooled into buying shoddy or nonexistent products for years. The Internet just provides one more
avenue for con artists to peddle their snake oil. Two popular types of fraudulent sales involve "miracle" health products
and investments.

Miracle health products have been around for centuries, claiming to cure everything from cancer and impotence to
AIDS and indigestion. Of course, once you buy one of these products, your malady doesn't get any better—and may
actually get worse. In the meantime, you're stuck with a worthless product that may consist of nothing more than corn
syrup and food coloring.

Investment swindles are nothing new either. The typical stock swindler dangles the promise of large profits and low
risk, but only if you act right away (so the con artist can get your money sooner). Many stock swindlers are frequent
visitors to investment forums or chat rooms on America Online or CompuServe, and they scout these areas for people
willing to believe that the stock swindler possesses "groundfloor" opportunities, which entices people to hand money to
complete strangers.

Like worthless miracle health products, investment scams may sell you stock certificates or bonds that have no value
whatsoever. Typically these investments focus on gold mines, oil wells, real estate, ostrich farms, or other exotic
investments that seem exciting and interesting but prove to be nonexistent or worthless.

The Ponzi scheme

One of the oldest and more common investment scams is a variation on a pyramid scheme known as the Ponzi
scheme, named after post—World War I financier Charles Ponzi, who simply took money from new investors and used
it to pay off early investors. Because the early investors received tremendous returns on their investments, they quickly
spread the news that Charles Ponzi was an investment genius.

Naturally, as this news quickly spread, new investors rushed forward with wads of cash, hoping to get rich too. At this
point, Charles Ponzi took the new investors' money and disappeared.

Ponzi schemes can usually be spotted by the promise of unbelievably high returns on your investment within an
extremely short period of time. If anyone claims that they can double or triple your money with no risk in a week or two,
be careful. You may be about to lose your money in a Ponzi scheme.

The infallible forecaster

Any time you receive a letter or email from a stranger who wishes to help you for no apparent reason, watch out. Many
con games start by offering a victim something for nothing, which immediately plays off the victim's greed and
willingness to cut corners (proving the adage "You can't cheat an honest man").

In this investment scam, a "broker" may contact you and offer you an investment prediction at no charge whatsoever.
The purpose is simply to demonstrate the broker's skill in forecasting the market. The broker may tell you to watch a
particular stock or commodity—and sure enough, the price goes up, just like the broker claimed.

Soon you may see another message from the same broker, offering still another prediction that a stock price or
commodity is about to drop. Once again, the broker simply wants to convince you of his infallible forecasting
abilities—and once again, the price does exactly what the broker predicted.

Finally you may receive a message offering a third prediction, but this time giving you a chance to invest. Because
the broker's previous two predictions seemed accurate, most people are likely to jump at this chance for a "sure thing,"
often by giving the broker as much money as possible. At this point the broker takes the money and disappears.

What really happened was that in the first letter, the broker contacted 100 people. In half of those letters, the broker
claimed a stock or commodity price would go up; in the other half, that the price would go down. No matter what the
market does, at least 50 people will believe that the broker accurately predicted the market.

Out of these remaining 50 people, the broker repeats the process, telling 25 of these people that the price will go up
and 25 people that the price will go down. Once more, at least 25 of these people will receive an accurate forecast.

So now the con artist has 25 people (out of the original 100) who believe that the broker can accurately predict the
market. These remaining 25 people send the broker their money—and never hear from the broker again.
The lonely hearts scam involves fleecing a rich victim by dangling the promise of love and affection. In the old days,
the con artist had to physically meet and talk with the potential victim, but nowadays, con artists can use the Internet to
fleece victims from afar.

The con artist simply contacts potential victims and claims to be a beautiful woman currently living in another country,
such as Russia or the Philippines. After sending a potential victim a photograph (which is usually a picture of someone
else), the con artist steadily gains the trust and confidence of the victim through email, faxes, or letters.

When the con artist believes he has gained the victim's trust, the con artist makes a simple request for money to get a
visa so the woman can leave the country and meet the victim. Inevitably, if the victim sends the con artist money,
complications arise, and the victim needs to send more money for bribes or additional fees.

Sometimes the victim realizes he's been fleeced and stops sending money, but other times the victim honestly
believes that the con artist is a woman trying to get out of another country, and keeps sending the con artist money in
hopes of eventually meeting the beautiful woman in the photograph. The longer the con artist can maintain this
illusion, the more money he can fleece from the victim.
Many con games have been around for years; others are brand new to the Internet. The prime con game on the
Internet involves stealing your credit card number so the con artist can rack up charges without your knowledge. Con
artists have several ways to steal your credit card number: packet sniffers, web spoofing, phishing, and keystroke

Packet sniffers

When you type anything on the Internet (such as your name, phone number, or credit card number), the information
doesn't go directly from your computer to the website you're viewing. Instead, the Internet breaks this information into
"packets" of information and routes it from one computer to another, like a bucket brigade, until the information reaches
the actual computer hosting the website you're viewing.

Packet sniffers search for credit card numbers by intercepting these packets of information. Typically, someone will
plant a packet sniffer on the computer hosting a shopping website. That way a majority of packets that are intercepted
will contain credit card numbers or other information that a thief might find useful.

Packet sniffers intercept information on the Internet in much the same way that a thief can intercept calls made with
cordless or cellular phones. If you order merchandise over a cordless or cellular phone, a thief could intercept your call
and steal your credit card number as you recite it over the phone for the order taker. After the packet sniffer intercepts
a credit card number, it copies it and sends the credit card number to its final destination. Consequently, you may not
know your credit card number has been stolen until you find unusual charges on your next bill.

To protect yourself against packet sniffers, never send your credit card information over the Internet. If you still wish to
order merchandise online, only trust websites that encrypt your credit card number (a tiny lock icon appears in the
bottom of the screen when you're connected to a supposedly secure online shopping site).

While the threat of someone intercepting your credit card number through a packet sniffer is fairly remote, the biggest
threat to your credit card is actually a company storing it on their (usually insecure) computer. Hackers can break into
that computer and steal all the credit card information stored there, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Web spoofing

Web spoofing is quite similar to packet sniffing, but instead of secretly installing a packet sniffer on a computer host,
web spoofing involves setting up a fake website that either looks like a legitimate online shopping website or
masquerades as an existing, legitimate website (see Figure 9-4).
Figure 9-4: Web spoofing tricks you into visiting a phony website masquerading as a legitimate website.

Fake websites often have URLs similar to the website they're spoofing, such as (misspelling
Microsoft), so victims will believe they're actually connected to the legitimate site. When you think you're sending your
credit card number to a legitimate firm to order merchandise, you're actually handing the thieves your credit card

To protect yourself against web spoofing, make sure you can always see the website address in your browser. If you
think you're accessing Microsoft's website (, but your browser claims that you're actually
accessing a website address in another country, you might be a victim of web spoofing.


The boldest way to get someone's credit card number is just to ask for it. Naturally most people won't hand over their
credit card numbers without a good reason, so con artists make up seemingly valid reasons.

Phishing involves contacting a victim by email or through a chat room. The con artist may claim that the billing records
of the victim's Internet service provider or online service need updating, so would the victim be kind enough to type
their credit card number to verify their account? (See Figure 9-5.) Phishing is especially popular in the chat rooms of
America Online or CompuServe.
Figure 9-5: Phishing means sending potential victims seemingly legitimate messages, asking for passwords,
credit card numbers, or other confidential information.

Obviously, no legitimate business has any reason to ask for your credit card number through a chat room or by email.
To protect yourself from these scams, make sure you never give out your credit card number to strangers through the
Internet or any online service.

Keystroke loggers

A keystroke logger is a special program or piece of equipment that secretly records a user's keystrokes, such as the
keystrokes that person uses to type a password or credit card number. If a con artist has access to your computer, he
or she can secretly install a keystroke logger on your computer to record everything you type. Then when you're gone,
the hacker can return to retrieve your captured keystrokes.

Software keystroke loggers hide in memory, while hardware keystroke loggers either connect between the computer
and the keyboard or hide inside specially disguised keyboards. Visit KeyGhost ( to view
examples of both types of keystroke loggers.

If a hacker doesn't have access to your computer, he or she can still install a keystroke logger on your computer
remotely by using a remote access Trojan horse or RAT (see Chapter 8.) The con artist simply contacts potential
victims through email or chat rooms and convinces them to download and run the Trojan horse. Once the victim runs
the Trojan horse, it opens a port and contacts the hacker. From this point on, the hacker can read any files or watch
the keystrokes on the victim's computer without the victim's knowledge.
Along with web spoofing, sniffers, and phishers, another Internet-only scam involves rerouting your Internet
connection. This scam begins by inviting you to view pornographic graphic files. The catch is that if you want to view
these files, you need to download a "free" program.

Once you have downloaded this "free" program, it takes control of your modem, turns off your computer's speakers,
cuts off your local Internet connection, and then secretly dials a number in the former Soviet republic of Moldova.

The more time that people view the pornographic files, the longer they stay connected to this foreign Internet service
provider, which may ring up toll charges of $2 to $3 a minute. The customers don't realize they have been scammed
until they receive their phone bills.

Although the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) shut down the original scam shortly after it appeared, watch out for
copycat scams. Anytime a website requires that you download "free" software before you can continue browsing their
web pages, watch out. If you have an external modem, watch the status lights to make sure your modem doesn't
disconnect and then mysteriously reconnect all by itself. If you have an internal modem, your only defense is to be
careful whenever a website lures you into downloading "free" software as a prelude to spending more time browsing
the Internet.
One of the more recent crazes on the Internet is online auctions, where people can offer junk, antiques, or collector's
items for sale to anyone who wants to bid on them. But be careful! Besides having to deal with fraudulent bids from
people who have no money or intention of buying an item up for auction, consumers have to watch out for con artists
selling their own fraudulent items.

The simplest con game is to offer an item for auction that doesn't even exist. For example, every Christmas there is
always a must-have toy that normally costs $10 to purchase, but because of its scarcity in stores, it can cost up to
several thousand dollars if purchased from a private seller. Many con artists will claim to offer such a product, and
when you send them the money, the con artist simply disappears.

Other online auction frauds include misrepresentation. For example, selling counterfeit collector's items such as
autographed baseballs or sports jerseys. To protect yourself against online auction fraud, follow these guidelines:

Identify the seller and check the seller's rating. Online auction sites, such as eBay, allow buyers and
sellers to leave comments about one another. By browsing through these comments, you can see if
anyone else has had a bad experience with a particular seller.

Check to see if your online auction site offers insurance. eBay will reimburse buyers up to $200, less
a $25 deductible.

Make sure you clearly understand what you're bidding on, its relative value, and all terms and
conditions of the sale, such as the seller's return policies and who pays for shipping.

Consider using an escrow service, which will hold your money until your merchandise safely arrives.

Never buy items advertised through spam. Con artists use spam because they know that the more
email offers they send out, the more likely it is they'll run across a gullible victim who will send them
money. If someone's selling a legitimate item, they're more likely to go through an online auction site

The ScamBusters website ( offers additional sage advice:

Don't conduct business with an anonymous user. Get the person's real name, business name (if
applicable), address, and phone number, and verify this information before buying. Never send
money to a post office box.

Be more cautious if the seller uses a free email service, such as Hotmail, Yahoo!, etc. Of course,
most people who use these services are honest, but most problems occur when a free service is
used. After all, with a free email service, it is very easy for the seller to keep his or her real identity and
information hidden.

Always use a credit card to purchase online so that if there's any dispute, you can have the credit
card company remove the charges or help you fight for your product.

Save copies of any email and other documents involved in the transaction.
You may receive email or junk mail urging you to start your own business by offering products or services through an
Internet Mall. By selling your products through an Internet Mall (so the mall owner claims), you can realize the benefits
of an actual shopping mall with the convenience of the Internet.

Although the cost to set up a "storefront" through an Internet Mall may not always be extravagant, the real con is that
Internet Malls fail to provide the same benefits that a physical shopping mall offers. In a real shopping mall, people
often browse neighboring stores. But in an Internet Mall, the customer has to click on a store to see it. So even though
your store is "only a click away," the chances of a customer seeing it are quite slim.

Given the choice between setting up your own website or paying someone extra money to set up a storefront in an
Internet Mall, you're better off just creating your own website. Not only will it be less expensive in the long run, but
you'll be able to choose your own easy-to-remember domain name as well. In general, the only people who get rich off
Internet Malls are the ones selling the concept to unsuspecting merchants.
An urban legend is a story that everyone swears is really true but that nobody seems able to find any proof of actually
happening. Common urban legend stories include free (but non-existent) promotional offers from major companies like
Microsoft or Hewlett-Packard, horror stories about insect parts or other unsavory items found in meals served by
popular fast-food restaurants, or terrifying killings or mutilations occurring in certain parts of the world. Urban legends
are not only false and potentially libelous, but highly annoying. If you email someone one of these urban legends, it
can be as unwelcome as unsolicited email (spam) from advertisers.

To learn more about the various urban legends, both past and present, visit these sites:



Urban Legends

Reference Pages
While many people worry about typing and sending credit card numbers over the Internet, the reality is that few credit
card numbers are stolen off the Net. Not only would a potential thief need to tap into your Internet account at the exact
moment you're sending your credit card number to a website, but he or she would have to break the encryption
scheme that many websites use to protect your credit card numbers online.

If someone's going to steal your credit card number, they're more likely to get it by breaking into the computers of a
large organization, such as or CD Universe, and stealing the credit card numbers stored there. Such
companies may also have the odd untrustworthy employee who has access to the company's list of customer credit
card numbers, and who can steal a number simply by copying it off the computer screen.

Credit card fraud is actually much more troublesome for merchants, because merchants are responsible for verifying
credit card orders. If a thief steals someone's credit card and orders thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, the
merchant pays for the loss, not the owner of the stolen credit card.

So if you're a merchant, be extra careful when accepting credit card orders. To help protect your business, follow these

Validate the full name, address, and phone number for every order. Be especially vigilant with orders
that list different "bill to" and "ship to" addresses.

Watch out for any orders that come from free email services (,,, etc.). Free email accounts are easy to set up with phony identities, which means most
credit card thieves will list a free email account when asked for an email address.When accepting an
order from a free email account, request additional information before processing the order, such as
asking for a non-free email address, the name and phone number of the bank that issued the credit
card, the exact name on the credit card, and the exact billing address. Most credit card thieves will
avoid such requests for additional information and look for a less vigilant merchant to con.

Be especially careful of extremely large orders that request next-day delivery. Thieves usually want
their merchandise as quickly as possible, before they can be discovered.

Likewise, be careful when shipping products to an international address. Validate as much

information as possible by email or preferably by phone.

For more information about protecting yourself from credit card frauds and other online thievery, visit the AntiFraud
website at
To protect yourself, watch out for the following signs of a scam:

Promises of receiving large quantities of money with little or no work.

Requirements of large payments in advance, before you have a chance to examine a product or

Guarantees that you can never lose your money.

Assurances that "This is not a scam!" along with specific laws cited to prove the legality of an offer.
When was the last time you walked into K-Mart or McDonald's and the business owner had to
convince you that you weren't going to be cheated?

Ads that have LOTS OF CAPITAL LETTERS and punctuation!!! or that shout "MIRACLE CURE!!!" or
"Make BIG $$$$$ MONEY FAST!!!!!" should be viewed with healthy skepticism.

Hidden costs. Many scams offer free information, and then quietly charge you an "entrance" or
"administrative" fee.

Any investment ideas that appear unsolicited in your email account.

Just remember: You can't get something for nothing (unless you're the one running a con game on others).

To learn more about scams (whether to protect yourself or to get ideas on how to fleece others), visit your favorite
search engine and look for the following terms: scam, fraud, pyramid scheme, Ponzi, and packet sniffer. Or contact
one of the following agencies:
Cagey Consumer Offers updated information about the latest promotions, offers, and con games

Council of Better Business Bureaus Check out a U.S. business to see if it has any past history of
fraud, deception, or consumer complaints filed against it (

Federal Trade Commission Lists consumer protection rules and guidelines that all U.S. businesses
must follow; also provides news on the latest scams (

Fraud Bureau A free service established to alert online consumers and investors of prior complaints
relating to online vendors, including sellers at online auctions, and to provide consumers, investors,
and users with information and news on how to safely surf, shop, and invest on the Net

International Web Police The International Web Police provide law enforcement services for Internet
users. Many International Web Police officers are also land-based law enforcement officers who can
help resolve crime through the Internet (

National Fraud Information Center Issues timely news on the latest scams and the status of ongoing
and past investigations. The site allows you to lodge your own complaint against a business and read
information to help avoid scams (

ScamBusters Provides information regarding all sorts of online threats, ranging from live and hoax
computer viruses to con games and credit card fraud. By visiting this website periodically, you can
make sure you don't fall victim to the latest Internet con game (

Scams on the Net Provides multiple links to various scams circulating around the Internet. Search
through here to make sure any offer you receive doesn't fall under the scam category that has tricked
others (

ScamWatch ScamWatch assists victims of web fraud and scams. Their website allows anyone to post
suspected scams for other web users to read and post their comments or suggestions concerning
these scams. If ScamWatch determines that a scam exists, they'll work to help resolve the problem

Securities and Exchange Commission The U.S. SEC regulates security markets and provides
investing advice, information on publicly traded companies, warnings about investment scams,
assistance to investors who believe they may have been conned, and links to other federal and state
enforcement agencies. If you're one of those boomers flinging money into the stock market, check it
out (
Chapter 10: Online Stalkers

I have always believed that to have true justice we must have equal harassment under the law.

AWAY YOUR PRIVACY. Even worse, your information will likely be stored on a computer where any government,
company, or individual may be able to access it 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you're worried that others can
access your personal information without your knowledge or consent, your fears are completely justified.

Of course, information works both ways. Even though others may be able to retrieve your personal information, you
can retrieve personal information about them as well. You can find an old roommate, track down a family member,
even stalk someone you are obsessed with. With the help of the Internet and this chapter, you can find names,
addresses, and phone numbers of others and minimize the spread of your own personal information to others.

If you think your private life is private, visit any of the websites listed in this chapter and search for your own name. You
may be surprised to find out how much information is available about you on these websites-information available to
anyone, anytime.
People may join the ranks of the "missing" for many reasons. Some may appear missing to you because they change addresses
and phone numbers so often that eventually you lose touch with them. Others may have deliberately erased their trail by
adopting a false name and disguising their appearance. Still others seem to simply disappear.

Yet no matter how people wind up missing, they almost always leave behind some form of paper trail you can use to find
them—phone book directory listings, tax records, or utility bills. Even when people deliberately "disappear" to avoid arrest,
lawsuits, or other legal responsibilities, they usually leave behind at least a clue about where they've gone.

The first step to finding someone is to gather up as much personal data about your target as possible, details like his or her full
name, Social Security number, date of birth, age, and last known address. Useful information sources include marriage,
medical, and military records, property transfers, and vehicle registrations. The more you know about your target, the quicker
your search will be.

People finders

Since you probably know at least the person's name, use a people-finding website (like the one shown in Figure 10-1) to search
for a recent mailing address or home phone number. These websites get their information from publicly available sources like
telephone books, and while some charge for their services, many others are free.

Figure 10-1: The Yahoo! search engine can help you find the phone number and city of someone you know.

You can also use the following people-finding sites to track down your target's relatives, friends, or former neighbors. Although
the person you're trying to find may be erasing his or her paper trail, chances are good that ex-colleagues or neighbors are not. Provides Yellow Pages directory to search for businesses, White Pages directory to search for
individuals, and reverse lookups to find someone based on their telephone number, email address, or street
address (

Freeality Look for individuals based on name, city, and state using a variety of the most popular people-finding
search engines, such as Switchboard, WorldPages, and Four11 (

InfoSpace Search businesses by name, category, or city, or search for individuals by name or city

Switchboard Search for businesses and individuals by name, city, and state (

Telephone Directories on the Web Search for businesses and individuals using telephone directories published
all over the world, including North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. They also sell CDs containing names and
addresses of businesses all over Europe ( Fee-based search service that offers a variety of results ranging from basic street address and
phone numbers to property records, friends and relatives, and marriage and divorce records of a specific
person (

WhoWhere Search for people by name to find their email address, phone number, or any web pages that
contain their name (

Yahoo! People Search Search for individuals by name, city, state, or email address (

If you'd rather not dig through the Internet to look up somebody's name, you might find it more convenient to use a CD containing
information scanned in from the White Pages of telephone directories from around the country instead. (Just remember that by
the time a company scans in and saves names and addresses on a CD, packages the whole thing in a fancy box, and ships the
package to a store, that data may well be out-of-date.) To locate a CD containing a database of names, visit InfoUSA

If all else fails, visit your local public library. Many libraries keep old phone directories and criss-cross directories (from city
censuses) indexed by year. Old phone directories can help you verify the correct spelling, middle initial, and previous address of
a person. City census directories often contain unlisted phone numbers, names of a spouse or children, occupation information,
and mailing addresses.

If your local library doesn't store old census directories, check with the Chamber of Commerce or the Better Business Bureau in
the city where you think your target may be living. You can also request information from the public libraries in the other cities by
phone or letter, if it is impractical to visit them yourself.

Reverse searches

Telephone numbers are another great way of tracing someone. If you have a phone number scribbled on an envelope or cocktail
napkin but can't figure out who the number belongs to, use a reverse phone search. This searches through publicly available
phone books to match a name and address to a given phone number.

Just be aware that reverse phone searches can only search through phone books, so if someone has an unlisted number, a
reverse phone search may not turn up anything. Some reverse search engines can also work with someone's email or street
address. To do a reverse search, try one of the following websites:




Track down someone using a Social Security number

The fastest way to track someone down in America is through a Social Security number. Because it is required by employers,
the Internal Revenue Service, and banks, a Social Security number can be the quickest tracking device for pinpointing where
someone lives and works.

Finding the Social Security number may be difficult unless you once employed or were married to that person; then your search
may not be too difficult. For example, if you're trying to track down a former spouse, try to find your former spouse's Social
Security number on an old joint tax return. If you don't have a copy, you can order old copies of your joint tax returns from the
IRS or your local State Tax Commission.

Joint applications for credit cards, loans, and bank accounts almost always list both partners' Social Security numbers, and you
can ask the credit agency or bank for a copy of these old applications. Take a look at your divorce papers, because many states
require both parties to list their Social Security numbers.

If you're trying to track down a former employee, you can find Social Security numbers on old employment applications or tax

Once you have your target's Social Security number, a number of websites can help you track down that person for a small fee.
Here are a few:



Find A Friend

The Social Security Administration's location service can also help you find a person if you have the person's Social Security
number. Although they won't give out addresses, they will forward a letter for you, and you might get a reply. You might increase
the chance of getting a reply by making up a phony letter offering a prize, inheritance, or similar incentive to trick your target into
replying and revealing his or her current address.

To forward a letter through the Social Security Administration, write to:

Social Security Location Services

6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235

Using a Social Security number is the fastest and most accurate way to track a person down. If the person is still alive, the Social
Security number can lead you to a current mailing or work address. If that person is dead, the Social Security Administration will
verify this information too.

Finding people in the military

The military maintains a vast database of everyone who has served in it. If you're looking for someone currently on active duty in
the armed forces, the military should be able to help you track a person down, no matter where in the world he or she might be

To find someone on active duty, call or write to the appropriate address below and include as many of the following personal
details as possible:


Service serial number

Last known address

Date of birth

Social Security number

You'll need to pay a fee for this search. Here's some contact information for the different branches of service:

Air Force: Directorate of Administrative Services

Department of the Air Force
Attn: Military Personnel Records Division
Randolph AFB, TX 78148
(210) 565-2660

Army Personnel World Wide Locator:

(703) 325-3732

Coast Guard (Enlisted Personnel) Commandant (PO)

U.S. Coast Guard
1300 East St. NW
Washington, DC 20591

Marine Corps
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Attn: MSRB-10
Washington, DC 20591
(703) 784-3942

Chief of Naval Personnel

Department of the Navy
Washington, DC 20270
(901) 874-3070

If you're searching for someone no longer on active duty (such as an old military buddy), try the Department of Veterans Affairs
website ( or GISearch (

Searching public records

Public records are another good source of names and addresses. If you know the general vicinity in which the person last lived,
check with the utility companies and services (garbage collection, cable television) in that area. Also check with that state's motor
vehicles department and search its voter registrations. Marriage records can be especially helpful in discovering a woman's
married name, because they contain the wife's maiden name and address along with witnesses' and parents' names. Look also
for the marriage license application, which may include each partner's Social Security number.

Here are some more ideas:

Tax records can provide another clue to someone's location. Every homeowner pays a property tax, which the
government records. These records list the person's name, current address, and sometimes a forwarding

Licensing and certification boards in many states regulate certain professionals, such as real estate and
insurance agents, attorneys, and doctors. If your target needs a license to run a business, the state licensing
agency can give you a business address and phone number.

Try the county or state fishing and hunting license department. License applications contain the applicant's full
name, date of birth, and address.

Dog licenses, building permits, and boat, car, or airplane registrations are other sources. Check with the Federal
Aviation Agency for both aircraft registration and pilot certification by contacting Aircraft Registration (post email
to or Pilot Certification (405-954-3205).

The FAA can provide you with a copy of someone's pilot's license, which includes an address. To get this
information, you need a name and birth date or Social Security number. To use this service, contact:

FAA Airman Certification Branch VN-460

P.O. Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125

Because almost everyone gets a traffic ticket at one time or another, check the county court records. Traffic
tickets will not only list someone's name and address, but also date of birth and driver's license number.

If you're trying to find someone who once worked for the federal government, you can obtain records with a
Freedom of Information Act request. This information won't give you that person's home address, but it will
include present and past positions (and maybe locations) that person held in the federal government. For more
information write to:

National Personnel Records Center

111 Winnebago Street
St. Louis, MO 63118

To check a person's driving record, credit history, voter registration information, criminal record, or birth and
death certificates, have your credit card ready to pay a fee and visit the National Credit Information Network

If you're looking for someone who has committed a major crime, visit The World's Most Wanted website
( Who knows? If you find a criminal before the police do, you could get yourself a
reward (see Figure 10-2).
Figure 10-2: You can check to see if a friend, loved one, or enemy's name appears on The World's Most
Wanted website.

Searching driver's license and automobile registration records

If the person you're looking for owns a car, try searching state vehicle registration records. To search the vehicle registration
records, you just need your target's full name and (in case of duplicate names) date of birth. The vehicle registration records can
give you the last known address of the person you're looking for. If that person sold the vehicle, you can use these records to
find the address of the buyer, who might be able to provide some information to help you further track down your wanted person.

You can also order the driver's license records from the state motor vehicle department. These records provide a wealth of
information about a person, including his or her current or last known address; height, weight, eye, and hair color; previous
names, if any; and the numbers and types of currently owned vehicles. If your target has moved, driver's license records will also
show the state where the person surrendered his or her driver's license. Even if a person uses phony names, you may recognize
one of the aliases.

For a list of every state's driver's license bureau, visit the Foundation for American Communications (FACS) website
( The FACS organization provides tips and resources to help journalists track down information for their
news stories.

Searching death records

If the above methods fail, try searching the death records of the person's relatives. Death records often reveal the names and
addresses of a dead person's survivors and heirs. Every state provides a bureau that tracks births, deaths, and marriages. To
find the state bureau near you, visit the FACS website.

If state records don't provide you with what you need, try the Social Security Administration's Master Death Files. These records
contain more than 43 million names, and the details of everyone who has died in the United States since 1962, the year the
system was automated. The Master Death Files provide the following information about each dead person:

Social Security number

First and last name

Date of birth

Date of death

Zip code where the death occurred

Zip code where the lump sum death payment was made

To access the Master Death File, contact the Social Security Administration. For faster access, visit a large city library,
particularly a federal depository library, which will likely have the Master Death File available on a compact disc that you can
access for free.

To use the Master Death File, follow these steps:

Search the Master Death File for the missing person's parents. If one of them has died, the search will
reveal the ZIP code where they died.

2. Using this ZIP code, determine the town where the parent died and order a death certificate from the local
county clerk or health department. The death certificate will identify the funeral home that performed the
burial or cremation.

3. Contact the funeral home and examine their records to determine the names and possible addresses and
phone numbers of the dead parent's next of kin.

Finding relatives

When you're looking for someone, always check the public records at the county courthouse or other state government building.
If you're looking for a relative, this search can be quite easy because either you or other family members are likely to know
specific information about a missing person, such as full name, birth date, and birthplace.

To find a birth parent, start by examining the Birth Index Records—an index of all births in a particular state, indexed by name or
date. The Birth Index is usually available as a public record, whereas most birth certificates are not.

If you know someone's birth date, scan the Birth Index for a list of all children born on that date. Then, eliminate all children of the
wrong gender. Finally, to narrow the search to a few names, eliminate all children born in cities other than the one you're looking
for. Scan through this remaining list, and you should be able to find the names of that person's birth parents.

To track down brothers or sisters, start with school records. High schools hold regular reunions, and these reunion committees
can often lead you directly to a brother or sister. Colleges also keep records of students and often solicit donations from alumni.
If you know what college your target attended, you might be able to find his or her address. Even if the address is old, you can
use it as a starting point.

If you're adopted and would like to find your birth parents, or if you gave up your child for adoption and would like to see what
became of him or her, visit one of the following websites, which can help reunite parents and children:


International Soundex

Reunion Registry Reunion Registry

Seekers of the Lost

WhereAbouts, Inc.

Also try browsing your county civil court records for information about lawsuits, divorces, name changes, adoptions, and other
litigation. Divorce records can be particularly revealing, because they contain property settlement agreements (listing vehicles,
houses, boats, real estate, bank accounts, and so on) and child custody agreements (including detailed information about the
children—their names, ages, and Social Security numbers).

Finding email addresses

With so many people flocking to the Internet, the odds are getting better that the person you want to find could have an email
address. To track down somebody's email address, you need his or her name and, if possible, location (such as city, state, or
country). Start here: Search for someone's email address by name or their last known email address

MESA Search several search engines simultaneously to look for someone's email address by name

NedSite Search for someone's email address by name, phone or fax number, street address, college attended,
ancestors, or military history (

If you don't know the person's location, or if the preceding search engines can't trace an email address, try Google Groups
(, shown in Figure 10-3). Maybe your target has contributed messages to a newsgroup recently. If so,
searching Google Groups for his or her name will find the message, and the elusive email address.
Figure 10-3: The Google Groups website can help you track down messages left by a particular email address.
Now that you know how to track someone down, you also know how others can track you down, and you can take
steps to protect your private information. If you don't want to find your name and home address splashed across the
World Wide Web, try one or more of the following techniques:

Get an unlisted phone number. This prevents most of the people-tracking websites from finding your
name, address, and phone number (it won't be in the telephone directory).

Use a fake or misspelled name. The phone company doesn't care what name you use, just as long as
you pay your phone bill on time. A fake name will throw off the majority of these people-tracking
websites, even if someone knows your actual phone number.

Avoid listing your street address. This way, even if someone finds your phone number in a phone
directory, they still won't be able to find out where you live.

Contact the people-finding website directly and request that your name be removed from their listing.
Unfortunately, with so many people-finders popping up all the time, this might mean having to contact
a dozen different websites-and then there's still no guarantee that a new people-finding website won't
turn up with your information anyway.

If you don't want to make your email address available to anyone who might be searching for it, try one or more of the
following techniques:

Use an anonymous remailer before posting any messages to a Usenet newsgroup. This method also
helps keep your email address off mailing lists used by spammers.

Change email addresses frequently. If receiving email isn't that important to you, use multiple email
accounts, and shut them down periodically. If you include a signature file with every email you send
out, make sure you don't give out any personal or important information in that signature file, such as
a home phone number or a website address that could list even more information about you.

If you really need to hide, avoid leaving a paper trail of any sort. Don't sign up for telephone service
(or, if you must, use a fake name); avoid using credit cards; pay cash for everything; and avoid
magazine subscriptions that use your real name. Eliminating your paper trail can be a lot of work, but
it might be worth it if you're hiding from someone dangerous (like the Internal Revenue Service).

Despite your best efforts, you may wind up becoming an online stalker's next victim anyway. The moment someone
starts sending you harassing emails or instant messages, send them exactly one message asking them to stop. In
many cases, a firm and short message such as, "I'm sorry you feel that way, but I feel that you are crossing some
boundaries for me, and I would prefer it if we end our communication here," will be enough to stop most people who
may simply be angry at you for whatever opinions you may have expressed. If the person continues harassing you, do
not reply. Some stalkers simply enjoy harassing people, so the minute you stop responding in any way, they'll get
bored and look for easier prey.

The more frightening stalkers are the ones who specifically target you either because they know you or because they
hold a grudge against you simply because of something you might have written in a chat room. If you continue
receiving harassing emails, examine the email header to find out the harasser's ISP, and then send an email informing
the ISP of the harassment. Often the ISP will send a warning to the harasser, which will end the harassment.

If the harasser's ISP doesn't respond to you and the harassment continues, store copies of every form of harassment
for evidence. If the stalker makes a direct threat to you or your family, such as naming what schools your children go to
or what color car you drive, contact the police immediately and give them copies of all the evidence (such as harassing
email messages) you may have received. Sometimes stalkers delight in terrifying victims from afar and have no
intention of harming or getting anywhere near you, but you never know, so it's better to play it safe and protect
Just as you would never wander around a dangerous neighborhood and not expect trouble, so you shouldn't roam the
Internet without taking precautions. For more information about protecting yourself from cyberstalkers, visit the
following sites:

Antistalking Web Site


Online Harassment

SafetyEd International

Part 3: Breaking and Entering Computers
Chapter 11: Probing a Target

Chapter 12: Sneaking into a Computer

Chapter 13: Digging In

Chapter 11: Probing a Target

Perseverance alone does not assure success. No amount of stalking will lead to game in a field that has none.

THE EASIEST COMPUTER TO BREAK IN TO. Once they break into a computer, they can use that computer to store
incriminating files that they don't want found on their own computers. Other times they may use a compromised
computer as a launching pad for attacking larger, more sensitive computers, such as those belonging to government
agencies. That way when the government tries tracking down the hacker, the trail leads to your computer instead of
the hacker's.

Of course, nobody can attack your computer if they can't find it. If you keep your computer disconnected from the
phone lines and the Internet, and then lock it up so no one but you can touch it, you can be pretty sure that no one will
ever be able to hack into your computer. Unfortunately, most people use their computers to connect to the Internet or a
local area network, which means that every computer can be a potential target for a hacker, including every computer
that you use.

When an army needs to find a target, they send out scouts who attempt to sneak across a battlefield to report back on
what they find. Likewise, when a hacker wants to break into a computer, he needs to scout out possible targets to
determine which ones to attack. Three common ways that hackers scan for targets include war-dialing, port scanning,
and war-driving.
The most common way to access another computer is through the Internet, but just cutting off Internet access won't
stop a hacker. After installing firewalls and intrusion detection systems, many companies essentially circumvent their
own defenses by installing modems connected to outside telephone lines so that sales people or telecommuting
workers can access that computer from any telephone line in the world.

Individuals may also be vulnerable if they run remote access programs such as pcAnywhere on their computers.
Whenever you connect a computer to a modem and an outside telephone line, that telephone line suddenly opens a
doorway into your computer.

To prevent unauthorized people from accessing these computers, corporations and individuals keep the telephone
numbers of their computers secret and unlisted. While this may stop the majority of people, it won't stop a hacker.

To find a telephone number leading to a computer, hackers start out by using educated guessing. If they want to
attack a specific target, they first find out the telephone numbers that a company may use. For example, if a hacker
wants to find the telephone number to a computer that belongs to the local corporate office, he just looks in the
telephone book to find all the phone numbers that lead to that particular building. Generally when the telephone
company assigns numbers to a corporate office, all the telephone numbers share the same prefix, such as 234-1090
and 234-3582.

So if there's a vulnerable computer with a modem stored anywhere in this company, chances are nearly 100 percent
that the telephone number that reaches this computer also begins with the same 234 prefix. While a hacker could
spend all night dialing different telephone-number combinations until he reached a modem on the other end, hackers
simply let their computers do this tedious work instead, by running a special program called a war-dialer or demon
dialer (see Figure 11-1).

Figure 11-1: A war-dialer dials a range of telephone numbers and keeps track of all numbers that lead to a

If a hacker knew that a certain company's telephone numbers all started with 234, he could program his war-dialer to
dial every number from 234-0000 to 234-9999. Each time the war-dialer finds a telephone number that leads to a
computer modem (such as 234-3024), the war-dialer saves that number for the hacker to examine later. This means
that if there's a telephone number that allows others to access a computer, it's only a matter of when, not if, a hacker
will find that telephone number.

After a war-dialer finds all the telephone numbers that connect to a computer, a hacker can then probe each telephone
number individually. Before a computer will allow access through a telephone line, it usually asks for a password. All
the hacker needs to do now is guess the correct password, and the computer will open its gates and let the hacker

One of the simplest defenses against war-dialing is a call-back device. The moment someone (a valid user or an
intruder) calls the computer, the call-back device hangs up and dials a prearranged telephone number that only a valid
user would be at. Of course, a determined hacker would simply find out the phone number that the call-back device
will dial and then use call forwarding on that number to reroute the call to the hacker's phone number.
While some computers allow access through a telephone line, more computers allow access over the Internet. Instead
of having a unique telephone number that identifies a computer over the phone network, Internet-connected
computers have a unique Internet Protocol (IP) address that identifies them over the Internet. Instead of using a
war-dialer to find computers on the Internet, hackers use a hacking tool called a scanner (also called a port or network
scanner). See Figure 11-2.

Figure 11-2: A port scanner can search for a range of IP addresses for a computer to attack.

Some popular scanners include NetScanTools (, Nessus (, iNetTools

( ), SATAN (, and Nmap (

Scanning works much like war-dialing, but instead of dialing multiple phone numbers to find a way into a computer,
scanners probe a range of IP addresses. When the scanner finds a computer at a particular IP address, it then
examines the ports on that computer to see which ones could be exploited.

A port isn't a physical cable or opening in your computer. Instead, a port represents a specific way for a computer to
communicate over the Internet. When a computer connects to the Internet, it needs to know when it's receiving email
and when it's accessing a web page. Since information from the Internet flows into the computer through the same
physical connection (a telephone line or cable modem), computers create separate channels or ports that only accept
certain data. That way, whenever information flows into a computer through a specific port, the computer knows how
to handle that data.

To identify different ports, computers give each port a number. So if a computer wants to access a web page stored on
another computer, it asks for this information through port 80. Computers that display web pages (also known as web
hosting computers) simply keep port 80 open and wait for another computer to ask for a web page through port 80.

Every computer connected to the Internet uses ports, which means that ports open up a door that hackers can use to
access a computer. Table 11-1 lists the more common ports, but keep in mind that a computer may have several
hundred ports that could be open at any given time.
Table 11-1: Ports Commonly Available on Every Computer on the Internet


File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 21

Telnet 23

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 25

Gopher 70

Finger 79

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 80

Post Office Protocol, version 3 (POP3) 110

When a computer wants to communicate with another computer through a port, it sends a SYN (synchronize)
message to that computer, which essentially tells the other computer, "I'm ready to connect to your port." When the
target computer receives this message, it sends back a SYN/ACK (synchronize/acknowledgment) message, which
says to the first computer, "Okay, I'm ready." When the first computer receives this SYN/ACK message, it sends back
a return ACK (acknowledgment) message to the target computer so the first computer knows the port is open and the
other computer is ready to send data through the port.

Port scanners use this basic sequence of events to find open ports and probe them for vulnerabilities.

Ping sweeping

Ping sweeping checks for computers at a specific IP address by sending a message to that computer. If the computer
responds by returning the data, this tells the ping sweeper that the target computer is up and running. If the scanner
doesn't receive a return ping, it concludes that there is either no computer at that IP address or that the computer
normally connected to that IP address is temporarily offline.

An ordinary ping uses a protocol called Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), which defines the way two
computers transfer messages to one another. ICMP pings are harmless and not necessarily considered an attack,
although some firewalls may block ICMP pings to certain ports to guard against ping flooding (one of the earliest and
most primitive denial of service attacks, also called the "Ping of Death," where the attacking computer simply sends
more pings than the receiving computer can handle).

If an ICMP ping can't get through to a computer that a hacker knows should be up and running, they often try using a
port scanner, such as Nmap (see Figure 11-3), to send an ACK message (ping) to the target computer. ACK pings
sometimes fool firewalls because they trick the target computer into thinking that it's receiving an acknowledgment
message from another computer that the target computer already contacted. Because the firewall assumes that the
target computer initiated the communication, the firewall lets the ACK ping through, which tells a scanner like Nmap
that the target computer is available even though an ordinary ICMP ping couldn't find that same computer.
Figure 11-3: Nmap can probe the Internet for vulnerable computers.

Pinging a range of IP addresses can be slow and time-consuming, because your computer needs to send a ping and
then wait for a reply. To speed up this process, some scanners send a flood of pings without waiting for replies; each
acknowledged ping reveals a computer that is a potential target.

Port scanning

To attack a computer, you need your target's IP address, which you can get either through ping sweeping or by looking
up a domain name on the Network Solutions website (at and
shown in Figure 11-4). Once you know a computer's IP address, the next step is to find which ports are open so you
know which ones you may be able to use to access the target computer.
Figure 11-4: The Whols command can help you identify the IP address of any website.

Some common port-scanning techniques include:

TCP connect scanning Connects to a port by sending a synchronize (SYN) packet, waits for a return acknowledgment
packet (SYN/ACK), and then sends another acknowledgment packet (ACK) to connect. This type of scanning is easily
recognized and often logged by target computers to alert them of a possible hacker attack.

TCP SYN scanning Connects to a port by sending a SYN packet and waits for a return acknowledgment packet
(SYN/ACK), which indicates that the port is listening. Known as half-scanning, this technique is less likely to be logged
and detected by the target than ordinary TCP connect scanning because the scanning computer never sends back an
acknowledgment packet (ACK).

TCP FIN scanning Connects to a port by sending a "No more data from sender" (FIN) packet to a port. A closed port
responds with a Reset (RST) message, while an open port simply ignores the FIN packet, thereby revealing its

Fragmentation scanning Breaks up the initial SYN packet into smaller pieces in order to mask your actions from a
packet filter or firewall. This is used in conjunction with other scanning techniques, such as TCP connect, TCP SYN, or
TCP FIN scanning.

FTP bounce attack Requests a file from an FTP server. Because the request contains the IP address and port number
of a target computer, an FTP bounce attack masks the source of the attack and can bypass any firewalls or other
security measures aimed at keeping outsiders (but not other computers on the same network) from accessing the
target computer. A successful file transfer indicates an open port.

UDP (User Datagram Protocol) scanning Uses UDP instead of TCP. When a port receives a probe, its closed ports
send an ICMP_PORT_UNREACH error. Ports that don't send back an ICMP_PORT_UNREACH error are open.

Fingerprinting the operating system

Finding a computer and an open port can get you into a computer, but finding an open port is not enough. Hackers
must find out which operating system the computer uses so they can know which commands to use and how to take
advantage of any known vulnerabilities in the software that could save them from having to guess the computer's

Most webservers use a variation of Unix (such as Linux, Digital UNIX, or Solaris), but many run a version of Microsoft
Windows. A handful of webservers may even use OS/2 or the Mac OS.
Operating system probing works by sending data to different ports. Since different operating systems respond
differently depending on the data they receive at a specific port, hackers can deduce the type of operating system
used on a target computer. These are some common probing techniques:

FIN probing: Sends a FIN ("No more data from sender") packet to a port and waits for a response.
Windows responds to FIN packets with RST (Reset) messages, so if a RST message returns from
your FIN probe, you know the computer is running Windows.

FIN/SYN probing: Sends a FIN/SYN packet to a port and waits for a response. Linux systems respond
with a FIN/SYN/ACK packet.

TCP initial window checking: Checks the window size on packets returned from the target computer.
The window size from the AIX operating system is 0x3F25 and the window size from OpenBSD or
FreeBSD is 0x402E.

ICMP message quoting: Sends data to a closed port and waits to receive an error message. All
computers should send back the initial IP header of the data with an additional eight bytes tacked on.
Solaris and Linux systems, however, return more than eight bytes.

By using a program like Nmap, hackers can also scan a target computer and narrow down (or pinpoint) the operating
system name and possibly even the version number as well.

Probing can be difficult to block, since it's difficult to tell the difference between a probing hacker and a legitimate
connection with another computer. These hacker probes can often go unnoticed by firewalls or system administrators
since their probing actions may appear completely harmless. Once a hacker knows the IP address, the open ports
available, and the type of operating system for a target computer, the hacker can plan his strategy for breaking into the
computer much like a burglar might study a house before trying to break into it.
Rather than physically connect computers with cables to form a network, many companies and individuals are turning
to a wireless network standard known as 802.11b or Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity) instead. The idea is simple. You just plug
in a device known as an access point as part of your network, and that access point relays signals from your network
to any computer with a wireless network interface card (NIC), which can then access that network as if it were
physically connected through a cable. If you use an AirPort card with a Macintosh computer, you're using an 802.11b
wireless network.

Every computer with a wireless card can access a wireless network. Unfortunately, that means that a wireless card
plugged into a hacker's laptop computer across the street can also access that same network. A wireless network is
essentially the equivalent of a normal wired network with cables sticking out of every window of the building, and
anyone can plug in and access your network at any time without your knowledge.

To prevent unauthorized users from accessing a wireless network, most wireless networks use encryption (dubbed
WEP for wired equivalent privacy) and authentication. WEP encryption hides the data passing through the airwaves
and authentication only allows pre-defined computer access to the wireless network. Like most security measures,
these two methods can stop some, but not all, hackers from getting on a network. WEP encryption is relatively weak
and can be cracked easily. Only allowing pre-defined computers access to a wireless network can stop most hackers,
but many people don't bother turning on this feature. Even if this feature is turned on, hackers simply trick a computer
that they are actually authorized to use the wireless network.

Hackers can scan for wireless networks by driving around any neighborhood with a laptop computer, a wireless
network interface card, an antenna to pick up the signals broadcast by the network, and a scanning program to detect
the presence of the wireless network (see Figure 11-5). Sometimes hackers also include a global positioning system
(GPS) for mapping out the exact location of a wireless network. This whole process of driving around scanning for
wireless networks is called war-driving, and with so many corporations and individuals setting up wireless networks, it
is fairly easy to find one. (There is also war-strolling, war-flying, and war-boating, but the main idea is the same: Cruise
a neighborhood and search for wireless networks.)

Figure 11-5: A North American map showing the location of all known wireless networks found by the
NetStumbler program.

For more information about the different techniques, hardware, software, and news about war-driving, visit the site ( To read "The Definitive Guide To Wireless WarX'ing," visit For more information about Wi-Fi networks, pick up a copy of
The Book of Wi-Fi by John Ross, published by No Starch Press.

The key to finding a wireless network is a wireless sniffer program as shown in Figure 11-6. Some of the more popular
ones include NetStumbler ( for Windows, MiniStumbler ( for
Pocket PC, Kismet ( for Linux, and MacStumbler ( for the
Mac OS.

Figure 11-6: A wireless sniffer program can help you find and identify wireless networks nearby.

To make finding a wireless network even easier, hackers have adopted the techniques of the hobos, who used to
carve or draw marks on trees or buildings to alert other hobos to unfriendly towns, sympathetic households, or good
places to hop on a passing train. Similarly, war-chalking ( involves drawing marks in a
neighborhood to identify the location and features of a particular wireless network, as shown in Figure 11-7.
Figure 11-7: War-chalking symbols identify the location and status of a wireless network.

Once that first hacker discovers a wireless network and leaves behind a war-chalking mark, other hackers will likely
explore that same wireless network. With so many unwanted intruders poking around a network, it's only a matter of
time before one of them accidentally or purposely disrupts, deletes, or alters some important files.
Through war-dialing, port scanning, or war-driving, hackers can locate nearly any computer that communicates with
another computer through a network, a phone line, or the Internet. Unfortunately, once hackers find a computer, they
often can't resist the temptation to explore and break into that computer, and once a hacker has broken into a
computer, the results could range from simple browsing to trashing the entire system and wrecking everything in sight.
Chapter 12: Sneaking into a Computer

Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.

STEP. Generally, hackers don't succeed because of some innate brilliance on their part. Most hackers succeed in
breaking into a computer by exploiting the carelessness, ignorance, or outright laziness on the part of the people who
use or maintain the computer.

Once a computer offers an outside connection to the world through a telephone line, the Internet, or a wireless
network, the first line of defense for stopping a hacker is usually a password.
The easiest way to get into any computer is to ask someone to give you access. Naturally, computer administrators
aren't going to give access to anyone who asks, so hackers just ask the people who have regular access to the
computer but little interest in protecting that computer. In other words, hackers target the ordinary user.

Phone anonymity

Most people see computers as a necessary nuisance, so when they receive a call from someone claiming that they're
having trouble using the computer, they can sympathize with that caller. When that caller claims to be in a rush to
complete a project before a looming deadline, they can once again understand the caller's frustration. And when that
caller rattles off company phrases and names of corporate executives or projects with the familiarity of a long-time
worker, most people accept the caller as legitimate.

So when that caller finally asks for help, whether it be for a telephone number to the computer or even a password to
an account on the computer, most people are only too happy to help out what seems to be a fellow coworker. The
trouble is that the caller might actually be a hacker using social engineering tactics to get you to volunteer valuable
information that the hacker needs in order to break in and access a computer. The beauty of social engineering is that
the hacker can get other people to help him without them ever knowing the hacker's ulterior motive. Even better, the
hacker can get information just by picking up a phone. If one person fails to give him the information he needs, the
hacker can just dial another number and talk to someone else until he eventually gets the type of information he

Sometimes hackers practice reverse social engineering. Rather than call someone and try to get information out of
them, reverse social engineering gets other people to call you and volunteer information on their own initiative.

One type of the reverse social engineering scam works by a hacker disrupting a network in a small but noticeable and
obvious annoying manner. After sabotaging the network, the hacker posts his telephone number and name (usually
not his real name) for all computer users to find. Inevitably, someone will call this telephone number, thinking that it
leads to a computer administrator when it really belongs to the hacker.

At this point, the hacker requests certain information from the user, such as the user's account number or name and
the accompanying password. The user who initiated the call isn't likely to suspect that the hacker is anyone but a
helpful technician, so that person freely volunteers this information. Once the hacker gets this information, he can fix
the problem that he created in the first place. The user is happy and the hacker has the information he needs to break
into the computer.

To mask their own identity, some hackers are adept at mimicking different voices such as an older man or a young
woman. By drastically altering their voice, hackers can often milk the same person for information without raising any

Because they may only get one chance to break into a computer, hackers can afford to be patient. They can take
days, weeks, or even months gathering information about a particular target from different sources so that they can
talk about a company or computer with the jaded familiarity of someone who has worked there for years.

Social engineering in person

Talking to people over the phone has the advantage of hiding the hacker's appearance from sight. After all, if most
people knew that the person who sounds like their boss is actually a twelve-year-old kid, they would definitely not give
out any information.

However, social engineering over the phone has its limitations. You may want direct access to a computer, which
means that you have to show up in person. Although deceiving someone in person takes a lot of confidence, most
people never dream that someone standing right in front of them would deliberately lie about who they are or what
they're doing, which means they'll be more likely to cooperate without questioning the hacker's true intentions.
When hackers use social engineering in person, they often masquerade as a consultant or temporary worker, since
that explains the hacker's unfamiliarity with the building layout and their presence in the office in the first place. Once
on the premises, hackers may simply scout the site to get more information about the company and the way it uses its
computers. If the opportunity presents itself, hackers may access the computer directly, claiming to be security
consultants or technicians.

Under the guise of repairing or maintaining the computer, the hacker may secretly install a back door to the computer
so that they'll be able to access that computer after they leave. While wandering through an office, hackers may look
for passwords taped to the sides of monitors or engage in shoulder surfing and peek over the shoulder of someone as
they type in their password.

As an alternative to masquerading as someone else, hackers may simply get jobs working as night janitors. This gives
them free access to all the office computers without the nuisance of other people getting in the way.

Whether the hackers do their social engineering over the phone or in person, the goal is still the same: Find a way into
the computer, whether that way be through a password conveniently given to them by an unsuspecting worker or
through direct physical access to the computer where they can shoulder-surf a password, find a password written on a
slip of paper stuck to a monitor, or simply type and guess different passwords at the computer terminal itself.
The first line of defense for many computers is a password. Although passwords restrict access to a computer, they're
the weakest link in any security system. The most secure passwords are lengthy, consisting of random characters, but
most people tend to choose simple, easy-to-remember passwords and use the same password for several different
systems (for example, their work computer, their America Online account, and their Windows screensaver). If hackers
discover a person's password, they'll often have the key to their other accounts, as well.

When a computer requires a password, but you don't know what that password may be, you have several options:

Steal a valid password

Guess the password

Discover the password with a brute-force attack

Stealing a password

If you can get physical access to a computer, the easiest way to steal a password is by shoulder surfing-peeking over
someone's shoulder as they type in a password. If that option isn't available, poke around the person's desk. Most
people find passwords hard to remember, so they often write them down and store them where they can easily find
them, like next to their monitor or inside their desk drawer.

Still can't find that pesky password? Try one of these methods:

A keystroke logger

A desktop-monitoring program

A remote desktop-monitoring program

A password-recovery program

Note All of these programs require that you have access to the victim's computer so you can install or run the
programs without the user's knowledge.

Using a keystroke recorder or logger

Keystroke recorders or loggers record everything a person types, and either sends their typing to a monitoring
computer or saves it to a file. The simplest keystroke loggers record anything a user types (see Figure 12-1), which
can include incriminating email messages, credit card numbers, and passwords.
Figure 12-1: You can configure what you want a keystroke logger to capture.

When the user leaves the target computer, you can remove the keystroke logging program from their machine and
retrieve the logging file that contains the password and anything else they typed (see Figure 12-2). The more
advanced keystroke loggers can email the log file of a user's keystrokes to you so you can monitor their activities from
another location.

Figure 12-2: A keystroke logger can capture keystrokes so you know what someone typed and what program
they used at the time.

To avoid detection, keystroke loggers run in stealth mode, which means that they hide their presence from the user,
although they can still be spotted if you know what and where to look. Unless someone suspects that someone has
planted a keystroke logger on their computer, chances are good they will never look for, let alone find, a keystroke
logger hidden in stealth mode.

To avoid giving away their presence at all, some keystroke loggers are available as hardware devices that plug in
between the computer and the keyboard. Such hardware keystroke loggers can be spotted easily just by looking at the
back of the computer, but their presence is completely invisible to any software running on that computer. Best of all,
unlike their software equivalents that only work under specific operating systems, hardware keystroke loggers work
with any operating system running on that computer, such as FreeBSD, Linux, Windows XP, or OS/2.

Some popular hardware keystroke loggers include KeyGhost (, Hardware KeyLogger
(, and KEYKatcher ( To find a software keystroke
logger, visit (, which rates the different keystroke loggers by their features and
ease of use.

Spying with a desktop-monitoring program

More powerful than keystroke loggers are desktop-monitoring programs. Like a computer surveillance camera,
desktop-monitoring programs secretly record the programs a person uses, how long the person uses each program,
the websites viewed, and every keystroke the user types. To show you what a user might be doing, some
desktop-monitoring programs can periodically capture the contents of the screen or secretly turn on a webcam to
record the person sitting in front of the computer.

Many desktop-monitoring programs can store days of recordings, and some can be set to record at specifically
designated times, when certain applications are run, or when a user logs on to the Internet (see Figure 12-3).

Figure 12-3: A desktop-monitoring program can track every program and keystroke used on a specific computer.

To find a desktop-monitoring program, visit Computer Monitoring Software or try

these programs:


Desktop Surveillance


Net Vizor



WinWhatWhere Investigator


Remotely viewing another computer's desktop

Desktop-monitoring programs are useful if you have regular access to the computer you want to watch. But if you
don't, you can use a remote desktop-monitoring program instead. Just install a program such as Q-Peek
(, Spector (, or PC Spy ( on the computer you
want to monitor. Then, anything anyone types, views, or manipulates on that computer will appear live on your
computer's screen.

Using a password-recovery program

Because typing a password over and over again to access a program can be a nuisance, many programs let you store
passwords directly in the program, hidden behind a string of asterisks (see Figure 12-4). Because people often forget
these passwords and then can't access their programs or files, password-recovery programs have been developed to
retrieve these lost or forgotten passwords. You can, of course, also use these programs to retrieve other people's

Figure 12-4: The Revelation password-recovery program can reveal the password needed to access a user's
Internet account.

There are many commercial and free versions of password-recovery programs, such as these:

iOpus Password Recovery XP

Passware Kit



Besides blocking access to a program, passwords can also block access to files, like WordPerfect documents or
Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. To retrieve or crack password-protected files, get a special password-cracking program
from one of these companies (see Figure 12-5):
Figure 12-5: A variety of password-cracking programs are readily available for purchase over the Internet.


Alpine Snow

Crak Software


Password Crackers


Guess a password with a dictionary attack

Most people choose easy-to-remember passwords, which means the odds that someone will choose an ordinary
word for a password are extremely high. To find passwords that use ordinary words, hackers have created special
password-cracking programs that use dictionary files (sometimes called word lists), which contain actors' names,
names of popular cartoon characters, popular rock bands, Star Trek jargon, common male and female names,
technology-related words, and other common words found in most dictionaries.

The password-cracking program takes a word from the dictionary file and tries this word as a password to access a
computer. If the first word isn't the right password, the password-cracking program tries another word from its
dictionary list until it either finds the right password or runs out of words. If the password works, you have access to the
program you want. Of course, if it runs out of words in its dictionary file, you can try another dictionary file until you find
a valid password or run out of dictionary files. If a password is an ordinary word, it's only a matter of time before a
dictionary attack will uncover it.

To increase the odds of uncovering a password, some password-cracking programs will not only try every word in a
dictionary file, but also subtle variations of each word, such as spelling the word backwards or adding different
numbers on the end. So even though a password like SNOOPY12 won't be found in an ordinary dictionary file, the
password-cracking program can still uncover this password by manipulating each word in its dictionary file.

For an example of a dictionary attack tool sold commercially for people to test the security of their networks, visit
SolarWinds ( For one of the largest collections of word lists, visit the Wordlist Project
(, which offers word lists in various languages, including English, Spanish, Japanese,
and Russian.

Brute-force password attacks

Dictionary attacks can find ordinary words or variations of words, but sometimes a password may consist of random
characters. In these cases, the only solution is to use a brute-force attack.

As the name implies, a brute-force attack is like prying a password out of a computer by smashing it with a
sledgehammer. Instead of trying common words that most people use as passwords, the brute-force method simply
tries every possible combination of characters in varying lengths. So, if someone's password is as obscure as
NI8$FQ2, a brute-force attack will find that password (and every other password on that computer) eventually.

Brute-force attacks are especially popular when cracking Unix systems, because most Unix systems store the list of
account names and passwords in the /etc/passwd file. To provide a small degree of security, Unix encrypts each
person's password using an encryption algorithm (also called a hash function), usually using the Data Encryption
Standard (DES).

To gain access to Unix computers, hackers simply copy the /etc/passwd file to their own computer so that they can run
a dictionary or brute-force attack on that file at their convenience, without risk of being spotted. With a copy of the
passwd file on their own computer, hackers can take as much time as they need until either the dictionary or
brute-force attack succeeds. Once it finds just one password, the hacker can use that password to gain access to that
unlucky person's account.

To find password-cracking programs that use word-list or brute-force attacks, visit these sites:



New Order

Rather than trying to get a password, many hackers take the alternative (but not always reliable) route of trying to
exploit a flaw in the operating system or application server, thus bypassing the target computer's security altogether.
Exploits (called 'sploits among hackers) that use software flaws are especially popular with novice hackers, called
script kiddies, because they can use them to sneak into a system without knowing much about the system they're
breaking into. In fact, script kiddies are often more dangerous than more technically skilled hackers because a script
kiddie may damage or delete files through sheer clumsiness, while a more technically sophisticated hacker would
know how to avoid causing accidental damage (although he would know how to do even more serious damage if he

Buffer overflows

Perhaps the most common flaw in many operating systems and in server software is the buffer overflow, which occurs
when you feed a program too much data, or sometimes a type of data that the program isn't expecting. In many cases,
overflowing a computer with data simply crashes it.

While crashing a computer might be fun for some people, buffer overflows have a potentially dangerous flaw. If a
hacker floods a target computer with too much data along with a program, the overload of data tricks the computer into
running the program, which can tell the computer to open a port, wipe out files, or give the hacker access to parts of
the computer that only an administrator should be allowed to modify.

To see how prevalent buffer overflow vulnerabilities are in a variety of programs, including ICQ, Microsoft Internet
Information Server (IIS), WS-FTP, Macromedia Flash, HP Tru64 UNIX, and AOL Instant Messenger, visit the CERT
Coordination Center ( and search for "buffer overflows" as shown in Figure 12-6.

Figure 12-6: An ever-growing list of known buffer overflow vulnerabilities.

Hidden back doors

When creating software, programmers often create back door or default accounts and passwords to test their
software, so they can bypass the login process and quickly access and test other portions of the program. Before the
company ships the finished program, the programmers need to remove any back door accounts and passwords, but
inevitably they forget a few, which leaves a back door open to any hacker who can find it.

When Red Hat shipped its Linux Virtual Server (LVS) software (nicknamed "Piranha"), the developers inadvertently left
in an undocumented backdoor account with the username set to "piranha" and a password set to "q", giving anyone
who knew of this exploit access to servers running on Red Hat's LVS.

The piranha problem highlights the double-edged nature of open source software, such as Linux. While revealing the
source code can help strengthen its security by allowing others to study the program, it also allows hackers the chance
to find flaws they might not otherwise have been able to discover and exploit.

Default settings

Many programs, such as operating systems or webserver software, come packed with plenty of built-in security. The
only problem is that when you install the software, it fails to install any of its security features unless you specifically tell
it to do so. Since most people rarely customize the installation of their software, it's possible and common for someone
to install a perfectly secure program with all the security features turned off.

If you're using Windows XP, you may not realize that it comes with a built-in Internet firewall to protect your computer
from unauthorized access over the Internet. Unfortunately, many manufacturers install Windows XP with the firewall
turned off, because it can interfere with someone's Internet connection if they don't realize that the firewall is turned on.

To turn on (or off) the Windows XP firewall, follow these steps:

1. Click the Start button and click Control Panel.

2. Click Network and Internet Connections.

3. Click Network Connections.

4. Click the Local Area Connection icon.

5. Click Change Settings of This Connection, which appears in the left side of the Network
Connections window. A Local Area Connection dialog box is displayed.

6. Click the Advanced tab.

7. Click in the "Protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access to this computer
from the Internet check box." (If the check box already has a check mark in it, the firewall is
already turned on.)

8. Click OK.

9. Click the close box of the Network Connections window.

Finding more software exploits

Every program has flaws, and someone discovers a new one practically every day, so website administrators spend
much of their time just keeping up with the latest information and installing the latest patches. Inevitably, some
administrators won't hear about a particular patch, which means that a commonly known exploit can often be found in
computers years after the vulnerability has been discovered. Sometimes installing a patch to fix one flaw accidentally
creates and opens up another flaw, which means installing another patch again in the future.

To exploit these flaws, hackers create tools that allow anyone to probe a computer and test for commonly known
flaws, which is how novices (script kiddies) can access a computer without even understanding what they're doing.

To read about the latest security exploits for Windows, visit Microsoft's Security & Privacy site
( and download patches, or read bulletins describing just how insecure your
Windows network may really be.

To stay up to date with the latest security breaches in products as diverse as Windows 2000, Linux, ColdFusion,
Solaris, FreeBSD, and Unix, visit these sites:

Security Administrator


Packet Storm


Linux Security

Wireless networks deal with the paradox of making access easily available while also making it secure, which means
that most wireless networks emphasize convenience over security. While many wireless networks don't take any
security measures at all, a few use the built-in wireless encryption standard known as WEP (Wired Equivalent

Of course, WEP is considered insecure, which means it's like locking your screen door and expecting that to keep
intruders out. To defeat any WEP-encrypted wireless networks, war-drivers have created a program called AirSnort
(, which passively gathers encrypted packets off a wireless network. When it has gathered
enough of them (approximately 5 to 10 million), it can guess the encryption password, thus granting anyone access to
the wireless network.

To ensure that you can crack WEP encryption, try another program called WEPCrack
( Both AirSnort and WEPCrack come with source code so you can study how the
programs work and either add new features or create a similar program on your own.

For added security, wireless network manufacturers also include two additional features: SSID (Service Set
Identification) and MAC (Media Access Control) address authentication. SSID identifies every wireless network with a
unique identifier, so only computers that know this identifier can access that particular wireless network. Likewise,
every wireless access point can include a list of MAC addresses of computers that it will allow into the wireless
network. If a computer has a MAC address that doesn't match the list of allowable MAC addresses, the wireless
access point won't let the computer use the network.

Both SSID and MAC addresses act like passwords, but many people don't bother turning either of these features on. If
they do turn these features on, they don't customize the settings. As a result, most wireless networks use the default
passwords that every wireless network manufacturer ships with their products. Hackers also know these default
passwords, so they just try these known passwords until they find one that works.
Choosing a unique, hard-to-guess password will likely stop all but the most determined hackers. To foil most hackers,
just sprinkle some random characters (such as symbols and numbers) in your passwords, or use a special
password-generating program such as Quicky Password Generator (, Masking
Password Generator (, and Randpass (, which can create truly
random passwords of varying lengths.

Unfortunately, the more people who use a computer, the more likely one of those users will choose an easy-to-guess
password. All it takes is one password to allow a hacker to break into a computer. If you thought keeping hackers out
of a computer was tedious and difficult, finding a hacker on your computer and kicking him out is a lot more work.
Chapter 13: Digging In

Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

to gain a system administrator account on the computer, otherwise known as a root account or just plain root.

To gain root access, hackers have created special tools called rootkits, which are designed to punch holes in a
computer's defenses. That way, if a system administrator finds and blocks the first way the hacker broke into the
computer, the hacker can still use one of many alternative ways to get back into that same computer.

Some of the more common rootkit tools include sniffers and keystroke loggers (for snaring additional passwords),
log-cleaning tools (for hiding the hacker's presence on the system), programs for finding common exploits (for taking
advantage of flaws in the operating system or server software), and Trojan horses (for opening up back doors into the
computer and masking the intruder's activities). Once a hacker has installed a rootkit on a computer, he can sneak
back into that computer at any time without worrying about being detected.
Log files track the activity on a computer so administrators can see who has used the computer, what they did, how
long they stayed connected, and where they came from. Since a log file can also record the activity of an unauthorized
intruder, much like a surveillance camera can record a burglar breaking into a store, hackers look for the log file as
soon as they get access into the computer.

Script kiddies often delete the log files to prevent the administrator from seeing exactly what they did on the computer.
Unfortunately, deleting the log file reveals the presence of an intruder as blatantly as using a stick of dynamite to get
rid of a surveillance camera. The moment an administrator notices that someone has deleted the log file, he or she
immediately knows that a hacker must be on the system.

Rather than announce their presence by deleting the log files, the smarter and more technically skilled hackers
selectively modify the log files to hide their presence by deleting their own activities from the log files but otherwise
leaving the log files intact. At a cursory glance, a system administrator would find the log files seemingly untouched,
thereby giving the hacker a chance to infiltrate the computer without alerting the administrators.

The log file typically contains the following information:

The IP address of the machine that performed an action or "request" on the target computer.

The username, which simply identifies the account being used. A perfectly valid username could
mask the presence of a hacker who has secretly hijacked a valid user's account.

The date and time that the user did something.

The exact command or "request" that the user gave the target computer.

The HTTP status code that the target computer returned to the user. That status code shows what
action the target computer did as a result of the user's command or "request."

The amount of bytes transferred to the user.

In many cases, simply editing the log files can hide a hacker's tracks, but system administrators have their own ways
to ensure the integrity of their log files. One of the simplest involves printing out the log files as they're generated. That
way, if a hacker does delete or modify the log files, he will never be able to destroy or change the printed copy. If the
system administrator suspects something is wrong, he or she can compare the log file on the hard disk with the
printed-out log file. While tedious, this virtually guarantees that a hacker cannot hide his presence by modifying the log
files alone.

Another way to preserve log files involves creating duplicate copies. The original log file appears where hackers expect
to find it, while a duplicate copy of that same log file gets stored on another computer altogether, preferably one that
no one else (including anyone with a root or administrator account) can modify or delete. The system administrator can
use log-file analysis programs that can compare the two log files and notify the system administrators of any
discrepancies, which can indicate the presence of a hacker.

To learn about the capabilities of various log-file analysis programs, take a look at one or more of the following





Modifying the log files can hide what a hacker has done in the past, but hackers still need to hide their presence while
they're logged on to a computer. So, after the log files, the second target that hackers go after are the programs that
can help system administrators notice any changes on their computers. In the world of Unix and Linux, the most
common commands that hackers try to alter include the following:

find-Looks for groups of files

ls-Lists the contents of the current directory

netstat-Shows the network status, including information about ports

ps-Displays the current processes that are running

who -Displays the names of all the users currently logged on

w-Prints system usage, currently logged-on users, and what each user is doing

Planting Trojaned programs

When they introduce malicious programs onto a computer, hackers simply substitute the computer's current programs
or binaries with their own hacked or Trojaned versions. If an unsuspecting system administrator uses these hacked
versions, the commands may appear to work normally, but they secretly hide the hacker's activities from view. The
longer it takes system administrators to find the hacker, the more time the hacker has to cause damage or to open
additional back doors to ensure that he can return at a later time.

Of course, when a hacker replaces the original programs or binaries with his own deceptive versions of those same
programs, he risks giving away his presence. This danger occurs because every file contains two unique properties: a
creation date and time, and a file size. If a system administrator notices that a program's creation date was yesterday,
that's a sure sign that the programs have been altered.

To protect their files from alterations, system administrators use file integrity programs that calculate a number, called
a checksum, based on the file's size. The moment someone changes a file's size, even by a small amount, the
checksum changes.

To avoid being detected by a file integrity checker, a skilled hacker may run the file integrity checker program and
recalculate new checksums for all the files, including the modified ones. Now, if a system administrator didn't keep
track of the old checksum values, the file integrity checker won't notice any differences.

With a little bit of tweaking, hackers can make their altered versions of certain programs the exact same size as the
files they're replacing. This means that if they just change the date and time of this altered file to match that of the real
file, any checksum comparisons won't notice the substitution.

A system administrator using a file integrity checker must run it right after setting up a computer. The longer the
system administrator waits, the more likely a hacker will have time to change files, and then the file integrity checker
will think the changed files are actually the valid ones.

Even more importantly, system administrators need to calculate a cryptographic checksum using an algorithm such as
MD5. Unlike ordinary checksums, a cryptographic checksum can be nearly impossible to fake, which means that
hackers can't fake the checksum values for any files they modify.

To learn more about the various file integrity programs that system administrators use, visit these sites:



GFI LANguard

AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment)

Loadable Kernel Module (LKM) rootkits

The simplest way a system administrator can defeat any altered or Trojaned programs is by storing unaltered copies of
all the common programs that hackers try to modify, and just recopying them back on the computer. By using these
clean copies of various monitoring programs, a system administrator can hunt around the computer and likely find new
traces of a hacker that the Trojaned versions hid from sight.

To get around this problem, hackers have started exploiting loadable kernel modules, commonly found in Unix-like
systems such as Linux. In the old days, if you wanted to add a feature to Linux, you had to modify and recompile the
entire source code of your operating system. Loadable Kernel Modules (LKMs) eliminate this task by letting you attach
new commands to the Linux kernel (the heart of the operating system) through an LKM. This means you don't have to
recompile the kernel over and over again, and it also prevents any changes you made from keeping Linux from
loading altogether-if you modified the Linux source code incorrectly, it might never work again. If you modify code as
an LKM, the Linux kernel can still load, and if the code in your LKM fails, it won't crash the entire operating system.

Hackers can also take advantage of LKMs. Rather than replace any existing programs and risk detection, LKM rootkits
simply load their programs into memory. If a system administrator checks the file integrity of the various monitoring
tools, they appear untouched (because they are). But if the administrator tries to run these seemingly untouched
programs, the hacker's LKM module intercepts the commands and runs its own commands, which mask the hacker's
presence. As far as the system administrator can see, the monitoring programs are untouched and working fine.

Some popular LKM rootkits sport odd names like SuckIT, Knark, Rial, Adore, and Tuxkit. To learn more about various
tools used to make up a rootkit, visit Rootkit (, shown in Figure 13-1.

Figure 13-1: provides source code for various rootkit tools, including Trojan horses and patches to
hide a hacker's activity.
The most common way to open a back door in a computer is by opening a port, usually one of the more obscure
ports that won't likely already be in use (unless another hacker has gotten there first). The rootkit often sets up a
default password, such as "password" so the next time the hacker connects through this particular port, he or she just
needs to type in this default password to get back into the computer.

If the hacker had taken time to insert Trojan versions of monitoring programs beforehand, these Trojaned monitoring
programs will ignore both the open port (reporting it as closed when it's really open) and any activity coming from this
back door.

If a hacker opens a port as a back door, a system administrator might discover this open port during a routine port
scan of the system. To mask their presence even further, hackers may create special "open sesame"-type back doors
that remain shut until the hacker transmits a certain command to the computer. When the computer receives this
seemingly innocuous command, the back door opens a port and the hacker slides right through.
Another component of a rootkit is a sniffer or a keystroke logger, which the hacker can plant on a system to snare
passwords, credit card numbers, or other valuable information transmitted across the network. A hacker may install a
keystroke logger on one or more computers, though this increases the chance that the keystroke logger program may
be detected.

Sniffers are less obvious because a hacker only needs to install it on one computer and then set that computer's
network interface card (NIC) to promiscuous mode. Normally, each computer on the network only peeks at traffic
specifically addressed to that computer, but when set in promiscuous mode, the computer peeks at any data passing

Once the sniffer retrieves one or more passwords, the hacker can use those valid passwords to hijack a legitimate
user's account. Now the hacker can enter the computer under the disguise of a legitimate user, even in the middle of
the night on a weekend when few legitimate users would be on the system. As a seemingly legitimate user, a hacker
can leisurely browse a computer to better understand the software being used and the configuration of the network.

If the sniffer happens to snare the password of a system administrator, the hacker can use the system administrator's
account to gain root access. With root access, the hacker can create additional accounts, even accounts with system
administrator privileges, so the hacker can get back into the computer through a phony "legitimate" account later.

To learn more about the capabilities of sniffers, take a look at these programs:








Sniffers actually have legitimate users for analyzing and fixing a network. However, few people want a total stranger
running a sniffer on their network. Rather than check to see if a computer's NIC card may be running in promiscuous
mode, system administrators can run a variety of anti-sniffer tools (such as AntiSniff, shown in Figure 13-2) to help
them find any rogue sniffers running on their network. Here are a few anti-sniffer programs:
Figure 13-2: The AntiSniff program can check for hidden sniffers on a network.




The sentinel project

It may be impossible to keep a computer hacker-free. A system administrator may diligently wipe out all rootkits and
shut down all the back doors a hacker may have set, but there's still no guarantee that there still isn't one back door
that the system administrator may have missed. If even one back door remains, the hacker can return, install more
rootkits, and open up more back doors once again. The only sure way a system administrator can remove hackers
from a computer is by erasing everything and reinstalling everything from scratch.

Since erasing everything can be a drastic measure, most system administrators have to balance their time between
keeping a computer up and running, and trying to keep hackers out of the system. Despite their best efforts, system
administrators can't be perfect, while hackers only need one lucky break to slip into a computer undetected.

To help tilt the balance in favor of the system administrators, many people have developed dedicated rootkit detectors.
These rootkit detectors scan a computer for signs that betray the existence of a rootkit, such as files that a specific
rootkit is known to plant on a computer. Two popular rootkit detectors are chkrootkit ( and
Carbonite (, which can search a computer for LKM rootkits.

Besides running rootkit detectors periodically, system administrators should also run a port scanner to detect any
ports that may be open. An open port may be a signal of sloppy administration or of a back door left behind by a

When a system administrator first sets up a computer, he or she should create cryptographic checksums of all the
important files and store these checksums in a separate location, such as on a CD that can only be written to once.
Along with the checksums of important files, system administrators should also save spare copies of crucial program
utilities on the CD as well. Now if a hacker breaks into a computer, the system administrator can at least be certain that
the files stored on the CD can be trusted.

Finally, system administrators need to keep up with the latest security flaws and vulnerabilities so they can patch them
up, or at least watch out for hackers who may exploit the latest known flaws.

Still, no matter what a system administrator does, there will always be a chance that a hacker could be lurking in a
computer at any given time. Some system administrators leave hackers alone as long as the hackers leave their
important data alone, but most system administrators must constantly try to throw hackers off their system, while the
hackers can keep coming back with new techniques, tools, and ideas again and again and again….
Part 4: Protection Yourself
Chapter 14: Computing on a Shoestring

Chapter 15: Protecting Your Data and Your Privacy

Chapter 16: Waging War on Spam

Chapter 17: Web Bugs, Adware, Pop-Ups, and Spyware

Chapter 14: Computing on a Shoestring
Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.

you to think that you need the absolute latest computer that just coincidentally costs more than you want to spend. The
trick to buying a computer is knowing that few people need the most advanced computer available: New computers
plummet in value faster than new cars. To cut costs, do a little research and you could save hundreds of dollars on
your next computer—and, with a little creativity, load it with software for nothing, or next to nothing.


If you need another computer, never buy a new one. Instead, save money and buy a used or refurbished computer.
Since computer prices drop every day, even the latest computer will become obsolete and overpriced within a few
weeks. With a little bit of careful shopping, you may even be able to get the latest computer at a cut-rate price, but only
if you know where to look first.

Refurbished computers

Refurbished computers are products that someone either returned because of a defect or because they didn't like it for
some reason—even though it may be working perfectly well. Once a manufacturer receives a returned computer, they
tear it apart, test every component, and then put the computer back together again so it's just like new—but with one
problem. Legally, manufacturers can't sell a returned computer as new, so they have to sell it as a refurbished

Since the manufacturer has already lost money accepting a returned computer, they offer to sell it at a greatly reduced
price just to get rid of it. If the computer were to fail a second time and force someone to return it, the manufacturer
would lose even more money. So when manufacturers receive a returned computer the first time, they actually test it
more rigorously than a new computer, because they want to make sure that customers won't have a technical reason
to return the computer again.

Refurbished computers come with the same technical support and warranty as the identical new model, but at a much
lower price. Perhaps the one major drawback with refurbished computers is that you may have to customize them to
get all the features you want. When you buy a refurbished computer, you can only buy what the manufacturer
happens to have in stock that day. So if you want a computer with a 120Gb hard disk but the manufacturer only has a
refurbished computer with an 80Gb hard disk, you'll either have to wait until the manufacturer gets a computer with a
120Gb hard disk or just buy the computer with the 80Gb hard disk and replace the hard disk (or add a second one)

Still if you don't mind getting a computer that someone else may have opened and used, buying a refurbished
computer can be a great way to get a top-of-the-line machine without paying top-of-the-line prices. You won't find
refurbished computers sold at your favorite store, though. Most computer manufacturers only sell refurbished
computers through websites. Although best known for selling books, also sells new and refurbished computer systems
and accessories (; 800-800-8300).

Astak Sells various name-brand computer systems and parts, many of which are OEM (Original Equipment
Manufacturer) parts that computer dealers normally buy to build and repair computers, so manuals may be missing or
non-existent, and products arrive in plain cardboard boxes (; 408-519-0401).

HP Shopping Hewlett-Packard's online computer store that also offers a special outlet section for selling discontinued
and refurbished desktop and laptop computers. In addition to computers, you can also buy refurbished printers,
monitors, and handheld computers (; 888-999-4747).
Dell Computer Dell Computer is another mail-order computer giant that has its share of returned products, which it
sells at a discount (; 877-471-DELL).

Gateway Gateway sells refurbished desktops, laptops, and servers (; 1-800-846-3614).

Opportunity Distributing Opportunity Distributing contacts companies that are upgrading their computers and sells
their old equipment to the public (; 952-936-0221). Besides selling refurbished and discontinued products from various manufacturers, including Gateway,
Sony, Dell, and Toshiba, also sells consumer-oriented software at cut-rate prices, such as children's
games and educational programs (; 800-989-0135).

PC Factory Outlet Packard Bell, eMachines, and NEC sell their returned or discontinued models here
(; 800-733-5858).

PCnomad Specializes in selling refurbished laptop computers, including those from IBM, Toshiba, Dell, and Compaq
(; 800-278-4009).

PCRetro Buys computers and office equipment from failed or bankrupt companies, and refurbishes them for sale to the
public (; 877-277-3872).

TigerDirect Sells new and refurbished computers and computer parts, so you can build your own computer if you have
the desire (; 800-800-8300). Offers a clearinghouse for a variety of dealers who specialize in selling used and refurbished
computer and office equipment at prices way below retail (;

Floor models and returns

Every computer store has floor models that customers can bang away at for a test drive while browsing through the
store displays. If you must have the latest technology, consider buying a floor model. Most stores will be happy to cut
the price a bit to make a sale.

Alternatively, consider buying a returned or "open box" machine. Many of the larger computer stores allow customers
to return new computers within a specified period of time. Usually stores will have one or two returned models that are
perfectly good but out of their original packaging or in an opened box, so the store will sell them at lower prices.

Online auctions

If your local computer store doesn't sell returned or floor models, try online auctions or resellers. Online auctions are a
great place to buy inexpensive computers and computer parts. The computers, computer parts, and even "antique"
computers sold on these sites come from individuals off-loading their old hardware or from liquidators and brand-name
distributors (such as Dell Computer) that need to dump their surplus or old stock. And, if you hunt around long enough,
you just may find that elusive part you need to keep your computer running, and get it at a bargain price to boot.

Since online auctions offer so many different computers and accessories, make sure you know what you're buying
before you dive in. With a little research and plenty of patience, you can buy new or used equipment or software at
prices far below what you could ever find through mail order or in a retail store. Just be careful that you don't get so
fixated on buying a particular item that you wind up bidding more than the retail price.

To find computer equipment through an online auction, visit one of the following websites:

CNET Auctions


Dell Auction

CompUSA Auctions

Government auctions

Every year, police departments around the country confiscate property from criminals. After taking the good stuff for
themselves, the police hold an auction to get rid of what's left and to raise money.

At police auctions (usually held monthly, depending on where you live) you'll see everything from cars and yachts to
houses, office furniture, and, of course, computers. (Call your local police department to see when they hold property

Before the auction begins, try to inspect the equipment to make sure it's working. (This may not always be possible.)
Auctioned computers come with no guarantees, so either assume they won't work and be prepared to strip them for
parts, or just hope for the best.

Recycled computers

A few computer companies have popped up that buy old computers from corporations, refurbish them, and then resell
them. Although you won't get the latest models when you buy recycled equipment, you can get a fairly decent used
machine with a warranty to boot. Just make sure that the cost of the recycled computer really is less than buying a
refurbished computer, a floor model, or an auctioned computer.

Here are some good sites for recycled machines:



Build it yourself

If you're handy, you can build your own computer. Depending on the parts you buy, you could either save a lot of
money building a bare-bones model or create a souped-up computer for the same price you might pay for an ordinary
name-brand computer. Best of all, you get the experience of building your own machine, so you'll know how to fix and
upgrade it later.

Look online or in any issue of PC Magazine, PC World, or Computer Shopper to find tons of dealers who sell computer
parts, or find a local computer store (usually one without a fancy franchise name), and buy the parts you need. If you
need help, pick up a do-it-yourself computer book that explains how to build your own PC (although the best way to
learn is simply to watch someone else build one), or search online where you'll find lots of tutorials and reviews of
various hardware (try,,, or

Computers are relatively easy to build because they consist of easily purchased and replaceable components that you
simply snap or screw together. If you can build a toy house out of Lego building blocks, you should have little trouble
putting together your own computer. It just takes a little more fiddling around to get it to work.

The biggest hassle with building your own computer is getting the right parts, and getting them to work correctly
together. Even new computers crash, so don't expect a computer you've built to be any different.

Buy a new computer

Sometimes you absolutely must have the latest computer model available. While you could wait a few months until
people start returning these models so you can buy a refurbished computer, you may just want to go ahead and buy
the latest computer right now. For people who can't wait, at least make sure you don't spend more than necessary.

To help you find the lowest prices on the Web, visit these sites:

By using these websites, you can search for the lowest price offered by various online retailers for the exact same
piece of equipment. Once you've found the lowest price, you can buy your new computer knowing you got the best
price available at the time.

When you're in the market for a new computer, consider buying machines with processors from a company other than
Intel. Because Intel is the leader in the processor market, their prices are usually higher than those of compatible
rivals, such as Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). AMD processors are often just as fast (or sometimes even faster) than
their Intel rivals, yet AMD processors almost always cost much less.

Soup-up your old computer

Many people want another computer because their current one is too slow. But rather than buy another computer,
those on a budget might consider just yanking out their current processor and replacing it with a faster processor. If
the computer won't accept a new processor, you can often yank out the entire motherboard and replace it with a new
one that accepts a faster processor. The cost of a new processor and a motherboard will almost always be less than
buying another computer.

For an even cheaper way to boost the performance of your computer, try overclocking it. Basically, overclocking
means tweaking your hardware (typically the main processor but sometimes the video cards too) at a higher clock
speed than what the manufacturer designed it to run. Overclocking may void your equipment's warranty and even
overheat and damage your equipment if you're not careful, but with a little bit of care, you can boost the performance
of an ordinary computer into a super powerhouse, using the equipment you already own.

For more information about overclocking your equipment, visit ClubOC ( or Extreme (, or pick up a copy of The Book of Overclocking by Scott
Wainner and Robert Richmond, published by No Starch Press.
When you buy a computer, you'll probably need a printer to go along with it. For ordinary black and white printing, get
a laser printer. Although a laser printer initially costs more, the cost to print pages on a laser printer is much less than
printing on an inkjet printer. If you need color though, you'll have no choice but to buy an inexpensive inkjet printer (or
a really expensive color laser printer).

Watch out, though. Many printer manufacturers seduce you with low prices on their inkjet printers, but when you buy
replacement ink cartridges, you'll find that the cost of two or three ink cartridges alone equals the original price of the
inkjet printer. Even worse, inkjet printers tend to suck up ink rapidly, so over the lifetime of your inkjet printer, you may
wind up spending several times more for inkjet cartridges than you did for the printer in the first place.

To help reduce your ink usage, try a program dubbed InkSaver (, which claims to reduce the
amount of ink your printer uses without any noticeable difference in print quality. InkSaver works with most Epson,
Canon, and Hewlett-Packard printers, but you can download a trial version of InkSaver to see if it works with your
particular inkjet printer.

No matter how much ink a program like InkSaver can help you save, you'll eventually need to buy replacement inkjet
cartridges. Instead of buying inkjet cartridges from the printer manufacturer, buy refill kits or alternative inkjet
cartridges from Amazon Imaging ( or Rhinotek ( To find
more online retailers that sell replacement inkjet cartridges, visit Buy Ink Cartridges (

These third-party ink companies sell refill kits and replacement inkjet cartridges for most inkjet printers, at as low as
half the amount that an original manufacturer's inkjet cartridge would cost. Visit their websites and see if they sell
replacement cartridges for your particular inkjet printer.

If you're shopping for an inkjet printer, compare the prices of replacement ink cartridges at Amazon Imaging or
Rhinotek first. You may find that the inkjet printer that looks so appealing today might wind up costing you several
hundred dollars in the future for replacement inkjet cartridges alone. Look for the cheapest replacement inkjet
cartridges, and then look at the printers that work with them.

To foil companies (such as Amazon Imaging and Rhinotek) that make replacement inkjet cartridges, printer
manufacturers have come up with several tactics to force consumers to buy only inkjet cartridges from the printer

Both Hewlett-Packard and Epson are planning to put computer chips in the inkjet cartridges to prevent them from
being refilled. The moment the cartridge runs out of ink, the computer chip implanted in that cartridge prevents that
cartridge from ever being used again, no matter how much you may refill the cartridge with replacement ink.
Hewlett-Packard's DeskJet 2000C supposedly uses such a computer chip in its inkjet cartridges. Lexmark and
Hewlett-Packard have even patented the print heads on certain inkjet cartridges, thereby preventing anyone from
making a compatible replacement inkjet cartridge. So if you can't find a third-party replacement inkjet cartridge for your
printer, now you know why.

If you have a laser printer, don't throw away your old toner cartridges. Check your local Yellow Pages under computer
supplies, and look for local stores (or contact Amazon Imaging) that refill or sell used toner cartridges for your
particular laser printer model.
Once you have your computer, you'll need an operating system and software. Many computers come bundled with an
operating system (such as Windows XP or Linux), but if you build your own computer or buy a used computer, you
may still need an operating system.

Because Microsoft Windows is still so popular, you might be tempted to buy a brand new copy of Windows XP. But if
you can find an old copy of Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition (Me), you can buy the upgrade version of
Windows XP and save money over the full version. Just load Windows 98/Me on your computer, and before you start
installing any software, load the upgrade version of Windows XP.

Be careful though. If you can only find an old copy of Windows 2000, you must upgrade to the Windows XP
Professional Edition instead of the Home Edition. Naturally, the Professional Edition costs more, so you may find it's
easier just to wipe Windows 2000 off your hard disk, install Windows 98/Me, and then upgrade to the Home Edition of
Windows XP.

If you plan to use Linux, you can download a copy for free. Some popular Linux distributors that offer free copies
include Red Hat (, Mandrake Linux (, and Debian

If you don't have the time or patience to download a copy of Linux and you don't want to buy a boxed retail version
from a store, you can order Linux CDs from CheapBytes (

For true computer renegades, skip both Windows XP and Linux and go for a pure Unix environment in the form of
FreeBSD ( or OpenBSD (

Shareware and freeware

Shareware programs can be used for free during a trial period (usually 30 days or so) after which they generally ask
you to pay a reasonable amount if you continue using them. Shareware programs are often just as good (or even
better) than their higher-priced, brand-name counterparts. No matter what type of program you need (virus scanner,
word processor, paint program, and so on), you can almost always find a good shareware version that equals the
features of a commercial program.

Freeware programs are given away—you can legally use and own them without ever paying for them. Freeware may
be software that has been abandoned by a company, or it may be a limited version of a program given away to help
market the full-featured commercial version. (The idea is that if you like the freeware version, you might want to
upgrade to the commercial version later to get more features.) To find great collections of freeware and shareware,
visit the following sites:




Buying software at an academic discount

College and university bookstores usually sell academic versions of nearly all major software at a substantial
discount—the software companies want to get students hooked on using their program instead of a competitor's. So a
program that normally costs $495 might be sold by a university bookstore for $100.

Of course, the catch is that if you want to get this academic discount, you must have a student ID. If you know of
someone in college, ask them to buy software for you (and in exchange, you can buy them beer). As another
alternative, just sign up for one class, get your student ID, and then drop out (just pretend you're a football player).
Now you can use your student ID to buy all the software you want, at academic discounts.

Upgrade offers

In an effort to grab as much market share as possible, nearly every software publisher offers two different prices: an
ordinary retail price and a discounted upgrade price for people who own the previous version of the program (or
sometimes a similar rival program). Unless you have more money than sense, you never need pay full retail price for
any software.

To qualify for the upgrade price, you may need proof that you own either a previous version or a rival program, or have
an actual copy of a previous version or rival program on your hard disk. Microsoft typically sells special upgrade
versions of their software that peeks at your hard disk for a previous version or rival program. If neither one exists, the
upgrade version won't install itself.

Here's where you can get creative. If you're buying software directly from the software publisher, they'll ask that you
mail or fax them proof that you own a previous version or a rival program, such as the front page of the manual. So if
you want the upgrade version of Microsoft Excel, you'll need to prove that you own a rival spreadsheet, such as Lotus
1-2-3 or Quattro Pro.

The simplest way to handle this is to find a friend who owns the program you need (such as Lotus 1-2-3), and fax a
photocopy of the manual's front page.

If you can't find anyone with the program you need, try to find an older version of the program either online or at your
local computer store. By buying an older version (which you can always sell on eBay), you'll qualify for the
less-expensive upgrade. The cost of the upgrade plus a boxed older version will nearly always be less than the full
retail price for any program. Or maybe better yet, just use the older version of the program—who needs the latest
version anyway?

Try these sites for older versions of software:

Ellen's Software Collection

Surplus Computers


Low-cost Microsoft Office alternatives

Most computer stores and mail-order dealers sell the most popular software, but unless you know better, you might
think that what you see in the stores or mail-order catalogs is the only software available. Rather than spend hundreds
of dollars paying for commercial software, hunt around the Internet and look for alternatives instead.

If you need to share work with others, chances are good you'll be stuck using Microsoft Office. Of course, Microsoft
Office costs hundreds of dollars and offers hundreds of features that most people never need or use, so rather than
torture yourself using and learning Microsoft Office, try one of the many Microsoft Office alternatives listed below:



PC602 Pro PC Suite

SOT Office 2002

ThinkFree Office

Pirating software

Sometimes even the best shareware or freeware programs don't come close to offering what a commercial version
offers. So rather than buy software, many people just copy it instead, a practice known as software piracy.
Legally, you could be practicing piracy every time you install a program on two or more computers, even if all those
computers belong to you and you're the only one who uses them. Because software piracy laws can seem ludicrous
at times, many people feel no qualms about copying and using software that they never bought.

When "borrowing" a friend's copy of a program, you'll probably find that you need a CD key or registration number to
install it. If you're installing from an original CD, the CD key is usually printed on a sticker glued to the back of the CD
case. If you don't have the CD key or it's missing, you have two choices:

Visit a hacker website that lists valid keys for various programs, and pick the one you need (search for
the product you're looking for together with the search term "serial," "crack," or "appz").

Use a special CD key generator program (on a friend's computer if yours isn't working yet) to create a
key for your particular program, and use the generated key to install your software (see Figure 14-1).

Figure 14-1: The XPKeyGen program claims it can create valid codes necessary to activate
illegal copies of Windows XP.

If you can't be bothered with borrowing a CD (or you can't find anyone to lend one to you), there's another simple
solution to getting software—find and download your programs online. Many hacker websites post entire pirated
programs, called warez or appz, that have been cracked to remove annoying copy-protection schemes. Just visit one
of these websites and download all the software you want.

Note Most pirated programs on websites are games, but if you hunt around, you'll find all kinds of pirated programs.

Needless to say, warez and appz sites with serial numbers, CD key generators, or pirated software move around a lot.
To find them, search for "serial numbers" (see Figure 14-2), "pirated software," "warez," "cracks," "serials," or "CD key
Figure 14-2: Many websites contain lists of valid keys for a variety of programs.

Just don't forget the risk involved in using warez. Sometimes the programs aren't complete, so you could waste time
downloading them only to find they don't work. Even worse, many hackers like to infect warez with viruses or Trojan
horses to "punish" people for trying to use software they haven't bought.

Cracking software

But don't let someone else do all of the work—why not crack some software yourself? Software cracking involves
modifying a program to either turn a trial version into a fully functional one, or to shut off a shareware program's nag
screen that keeps reminding you to register. Essentially, cracking allows you to trick a program into thinking it's
registered when it's not.

To crack Windows software, you need several tools:

A disassembler to reveal the program's assembly language source code, so you can see how it
works, such as IDA Pro (

A debugger to examine how a program runs, so you can identify the part of the program that you want
to change (generally the part requiring a registration number), such as MULTI Source-Level
Debugger (

A hex editor to modify the executable version of a program, such as UltraEdit

( or Hex Workshop (

A Windows registry viewer to modify any Windows registry entries necessary to make the cracked
program run properly, such as Registry Crawler ( or Registry Toolkit

Remember, software cracking requires an intimate knowledge of assembly language, so it's not for the beginner. To
learn how people crack software or how to become a software cracker yourself, search Astalavista
( or CyberArmy ( for the programs and tutorials you'll need. To
read more about cracking software and how programmers try to defend their programs against crackers, pick up a
copy of Crackproof Your Software by Pavol Cerven, published by No Starch Press.
Nearly all new computers come with a CD-ROM drive, a sound card, and speakers, which can turn any computer into
a simple CD audio player. You can play your own audio CDs on your computer, but you may have more fun scouring
the Internet for free music to play from your hard disk or a CD-R (CD recordable) drive.

One reason there are so many free music files on the Internet is the restrictive nature of the recording industry. In the
old days, recording artists could only get massive public exposure by signing with a major record label. If they couldn't
get a contract, they were rarely heard by the general public.

To get around this problem, a few renegade musicians offered samples of their music for free over the Internet.
However, in the early days of digital sound (prior to the arrival of MP3), a high-quality sound file of a single song could
be as large as 30MB.

Then came MP3—Moving Picture Experts Group Audio Layer-3 compression technology. MP3 allows entire songs to
be compressed into relatively small files (a few megabytes), while retaining the audio quality of the original recording.
Fast Internet access (such as cable or DSL modems) has made downloading and sharing MP3 files fast and
convenient. Many enterprising bands and musicians regularly release their songs in MP3 format for people to
download, copy, and enjoy for free, hoping that if you like their songs, you'll buy their albums.

Of course, that's the legal, sanctioned use of MP3 technology. Many people use MP3 illegally to record songs from
their favorite CDs, store them as MP3 files, and trade them with others over the Internet, violating copyright laws and
cheating artists out of their royalties.

Once you have your favorite songs stored in MP3 format, you can use a recordable CD drive to create your own audio
CDs. Just as cassette tape decks have allowed people to record, copy, and trade their favorite songs with one another
on blank cassette tapes, the MP3 format has done the same thing on a global scale using the power of the Internet.

To take advantage of music stored in MP3 format, you need a player (so you can hear the music stored in MP3
format), a ripper (for saving your MP3 files on a CD), and one or more websites where you can download MP3 files.

MP3 players

Here's where to get some of the more popular MP3 players:

MuzicMan (for Windows)

Sonique (for Windows)

Winamp (for Windows)

RadioDestiny (for Windows and Macintosh)

Mpg123 (for Unix)

MP3 rippers

These programs will let you save your MP3 files to CD so that you can play them back later:

AudioCatalyst (for Windows and Macintosh)

Cdparanoia (for Unix)

Play & Record (for Windows)

MP3 search engines

Start with these sites when searching for MP3 files:

Lycos Music


Yahoo! Digital

An alternative to using an MP3 search engine is to run an MP3 peer-to-peer sharing program that lets you connect
with others and swap music files. These are some of the more popular peer-to-peer sharing programs:








While law-abiding citizens may use peer-to-peer sharing programs to exchange their favorite recipes or tips for winning
at computer games, others have used peer-to-peer networks to exchange pornography or copyrighted materials, such
as MP3s or commercial software.
Network television is free because advertisers pay the cost of producing the shows in return for marketing their
products to a vast audience. Similarly, many Internet providers now provide free Internet accounts in exchange for
displaying advertisements on your computer screen or tracking your online usage for marketing purposes. Many of
these free Internet accounts have limitations or restrictions that change over time, so read their descriptions carefully.

To find the latest and greatest free Internet accounts, visit the Internet 4 Free website (, or
try one of the following:




Rather than set up your own Internet account, just visit one of the larger public libraries that have computers
connected to the Internet. Libraries offer free Internet access, although they may place a time limit and charge a fee if
you need to print anything out.
Free email accounts are perfect if you need to send email that can't be easily traced to you, and so that, if your boss
scans your work email account, there won't be any embarrassing messages.

Many free email accounts offer special features such as encryption (to protect your email from prying eyes), a
self-destruct capability (to wipe out your email after a specified period of time), support for multiple languages, and
anonymity (to hide your true identity from the rest of the world).

To sign up for a free email account, visit your favorite search engine and search for the string "free email." For a quick
overview of what the different free email services have to offer, visit one of the following websites:

MSN Hotmail


Yahoo! Mail

If you need to send a fax to someone, you don't need a fax machine or even fax software. Various free services let you
send a free fax anywhere in the world. Some even capture faxes that others send to you and forward them to your
email account as graphic files for later viewing. Try these:


Many online services or Internet providers give you several megabytes of storage space so you can put up your own
website. Unfortunately, the amount of space available may be too small, or the Internet provider may censor what type
of information you can post. For example, online services like America Online tend to frown on anyone using their
service to post anti–America Online comments on a website.

If the rules or storage space of your current Internet provider aren't satisfactory, try one of the many companies that
offer free websites. These companies usually don't care what type of information you post—all they really care about is
attracting people to their own website so they can sell ads. Search for "free website" or "free web page" to find a
company that offers free websites, or try these:




Free Website Hosting

Free Web Hosting

Although the cost of computers can widen the gap between the haves and the have-nots, this doesn't have to be the
case. With a little creativity and a lot of persistence, everyone can access the Internet. Who knows? Using your access
to the Internet, you might one day help change political policy, meet new friends, or just broaden your mind by
exploring the whole world from the comfort of your home-all without going bankrupt buying lots of expensive computer
equipment that you don't really need after all.
Chapter 15: Protecting Your Data and Your Privacy
The issue is privacy. Why is the decision by a woman to sleep with a man she has just met in a bar a private one,
and the decision to sleep with the same man for $100 subject to criminal penalties?

EXPEDIENCY AND SHORT-TERM ECONOMIC PROFIT. Because governments are less interested in protecting the
rights of individuals than they are in protecting their own members, the only person who has the most interest in
protecting your individual rights is you.


Whether you store confidential business secrets on your computer, personal notes, incriminating email, financial
records, or just plain ordinary information that you don't want other people to see, you have the right to keep your data
private. Of course, having the right to privacy is one thing—exercising that right can be a completely different problem.

Besides blocking physical access to your computer (see Chapter 20), you can password-protect your data, encrypt it,
or hide it and hope no one knows where to find it. Better yet, combine several of these methods and you can make
access to your data as difficult as possible for someone other than yourself.

Password protection

Passwords are only as good as their length and complexity. Still, if you choose a good one, you can block access to
most would-be data thieves. Rather than rely on the weak password protection available in screensavers, use a
dedicated password-protection program instead. Not only can a dedicated password-protection program block access,
but it can prevent someone from rebooting your computer to circumvent your password protection.

Windows users can try Posum's Workstation Lock (, which can password protect your computer;
Password Protection System (, which can password protect individual
files, such as data files and actual programs; or WinLock (, which restricts access to
certain programs to people with the correct password.

Encrypting your data

Password-protection programs can restrict access, but don't rely on them to keep your data safe. For further
protection, use encryption to scramble your data beyond recognition. Of course, encryption is only as good as your
password—if someone steals your password, encryption will be as useless as a bank vault without a lock.

Besides choosing a weak password, another flaw is choosing a weak encryption algorithm. Encryption algorithms
define how the data is scrambled, and not all encryption algorithms are alike.

Proprietary encryption algorithms are often the worst, since hiding the way an algorithm works (known as "security by
obscurity") won't disguise the fact that it scrambles data in a predictable manner that can be used to crack the
encryption. Any program that claims their proprietary encryption algorithm is secure most likely doesn't know anything
about encryption in the first place.

The better encryption programs use algorithms that have been published worldwide and survived the scrutiny of
security experts over the years. That doesn't mean that they don't have any flaws—it's just that no one has found any
weakness yet—or the NSA has and isn't telling. (Studying an encryption algorithm can reveal how that algorithm
encrypts data, but it won't necessarily show you how to crack it.)

Some of the more popular encryption algorithms include the Data Encryption Standard (DES), International Data
Encryption Algorithm (IDEA), Rivest Cipher #6 (RC6) (, Blowfish and
Twofish (, and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

Encryption scrambles your data, but passwords protect it. In the world of encryption, two types of password methods
have emerged: private-key encryption and public-key encryption.

Private-key encryption uses a single password to encrypt and decrypt data, which means that if you lose or forget your
password, you can't get your data, and anyone who discovers your password can decrypt your files. Even more
troublesome is that if you want to send someone an encrypted file, you have to figure out a safe way to send them the
password first so they can decrypt the file when they receive it.

To overcome the flaws of private-key encryption, computer scientists developed public-key encryption, which gives
you two passwords: a private and a public key. The private key is (hopefully) known only to you. The public key can be
given freely to anyone.

You can use your private key to encrypt a file, and anyone with your public key can decrypt it. If someone wants to
send you data, they have to encrypt it using your public key. Then that encrypted file can only be decrypted using your
private key.

One of the most popular encryption programs is Pretty Good Privacy ( and,
written by Phil Zimmermann, who is generally credited with making public-key encryption widely available by releasing
the source code to his Pretty Good Privacy program (PGP) over the Internet. When the source code managed to find
its way to other countries, the U.S. government began a fruitless five-year criminal investigation to determine whether
Phil had broken any laws that classified encryption technology as a "munition." Eventually the government dropped
the charges after realizing they didn't have a case and popular opinion was against them.

Similar to PGP is a free and open source version dubbed GNU Privacy Guard ( Besides PGP,
there is other encryption software:



Absolute Security


To read a free monthly newsletter covering encryption, visit the Crypto-Gram Newsletter
( written by Bruce Schneier, author of Applied Cryptography. Or, to
discuss encryption, visit one of these newsgroups:,,, or

Defeating encryption

The simplest way to defeat encryption is to steal the encryption password. Failing that, you can try a brute-force attack,
which essentially involves trying every possible password permutation until you eventually find the correct one.
Brute-force can defeat every encryption algorithm, but the stronger encryption algorithms have so many possible
combinations that to exhaustively test for each one would take even the fastest computer millions of years, so in
practice the encryption is secure.

The faster and more powerful computers get, the easier it will be for brute-force attacks to pry open weaker encryption
algorithms. On June 17, 1997, a team of college students used a brute-force attack to crack a DES-encrypted file in a
$10,000 contest sponsored by the RSA Security. This "cracking" program, code-named DESCHALL
(, was distributed and downloaded over the Internet so volunteers could link
thousands of computers together and attack the problem simultaneously. Now, if a team of college students can crack
DES using ordinary computer equipment, think what governments can do with their higher budgets and specialized
hardware. The moral of this story is that if the strongest encryption algorithm a program offers is DES, look elsewhere.
Triple-DES (a derivative of the DES encryption standard) is stronger than ordinary DES, although many encryption
programs prefer the newer AES encryption standard.

Hiding files on your hard disk

One problem with encryption is that it can alert someone that you're hiding something important. Because no form of
encryption can be 100 percent secure (someone can always steal the password or crack the encryption method), you
might try a trickier method: Hide your sensitive files. After all, you can't steal what you can't find.

To do so, visit PC-Magic Software ( and download their Magic Folders or Encrypted Magic
Folders program. Both programs let you make entire directories invisible so a thief won't even know they exist.
Encrypted Magic Folders hides and encrypts your file, so even if someone finds the directory, they won't be able to
peek at its contents or copy any of its files without the proper password.

Similar programs that can hide and encrypt your hidden folders include the following:


Hide Folders


Encryption in pictures

Since few people encrypt their email, those who do use encryption immediately draw attention to themselves. If you
want to use encryption while looking as if you aren't, use steganography, a term derived from the Greek words
steganos (covered or secret) and graphy (writing or drawing), literally meaning "covered writing." Steganography is the
science of hiding information in an apparently harmless medium, such as a picture or a sound file.

For example, suppose government agents decide to snare every email message sent to and from a particular website.
With unencrypted email, spying computers could easily search for keywords like "nuclear," "missile," "nerve gas," or
"bomb" and store copies of these messages for further analysis. If you encrypt your email, they can just as easily grab
copies of your encrypted messages and use their supercomputers to crack them open later.

But if you use steganography, you can send seemingly innocent graphic files of famous paintings, antique cars, or
bikini-clad models that actually contain hidden messages inside. These ordinary files could easily contain underground
newsletters, censored information, or simply ordinary text that you want to keep private. If someone intercepts your
email, they'll see only a picture. Unless a snoop is certain that the picture contains hidden messages, he'll most likely
ignore it.

Steganography programs break up your data (either text or encrypted text) and bury it within a graphics or sound file,
such as a GIF or WAV file. In the process, the steganography program slightly corrupts the graphic or sound file, so
the more data you try to hide, the greater the degradation.

You can use two techniques to prevent total degradation (which would flag the fact that a graphic or sound file
contains hidden information). First, use black-and-white instead of color graphic files, because slight degradation in a
black-and-white graphic isn't as noticeable as it is in color graphics. Second, store small files in multiple graphic or
sound files rather than cramming all the information into a single graphic or sound file.

To toy around with steganography programs and learn more about this relatively obscure branch of encryption, visit
the StegoArchive website at and look for popular steganography programs
such as S-Tools, Invisible Secrets, or Hide and Seek.

You might also like to visit Stego Online (, download the free Java source code, and practice
encrypting text files within GIF files on your own hard disk. If you're serious about encrypting your data and disguising
that fact, browse through the steganography newsgroup at alt.steganography.

In an effort to help people communicate against their government's wishes, a group of hackers from the Cult of the
Dead Cow developed a steganography tool called Camera/Shy ( Once you hide a
message inside a GIF image using Camera/Shy, you can post that GIF image on a web page. Anyone with a copy of
Camera/Shy and the right password can browse your web page and display the hidden messages in each GIF image
(see Figure 15-1).
Figure 15-1: The Camera/Shy program can hide messages in GIF images on a web page so other people can
read them.

Although steganography might seem like the perfect way to communicate in secret, it can be detected. Two programs,
Stegdetect ( and Stego Watch ( can scan graphic, sound, and
video files to look for hidden messages. While they may not necessarily be able to read any hidden messages buried
inside a graphic image, both programs can alert someone that a hidden message exists. Depending on what part of
the world you live in, that could cause the authorities to watch you more closely or give them a "reason" to make you
disappear in the middle of the night.

To learn more about encryption, visit Cryptography A-Z ( to find links to free encryption
software, companies selling encryption packages, and universities offering encryption course materials, and as much
about encryption as you care to learn, provided (of course) that the government hasn't already confiscated your
Sometimes the biggest threat doesn't come from an unknown stranger but from someone you already know, whether
it's a coworker, a relative, or even your own spouse. When you're away from your computer, how can you be sure that
nobody is using it in your absence? If you know that someone is using your computer, maybe you're suspicious of
what they're really doing with your computer.

In cases like these, you may want to spy on your own computer. That way you can see who is using your computer,
what programs they are running, and even what they are typing at any given time. Perhaps your employees are giving
trade secrets away, your children are looking at pornography, and your spouse is setting up extra-marital liaisons with
people through chat rooms.

Spying with a webcam

With the right software, you can turn any webcam into a surveillance camera. The moment someone steps within view
of the webcam, the webcam software detects the motion and starts recording video or still images so you can see
exactly who used your computer at a specific time and date. For greater security, the webcam program can even email
the images to you or post them on a website. That way, if the intruder erases your hard disk, you'll still have copies of
the images that can identify who the perpetrator may be.

Sometimes you may want to monitor an area where people come and go all the time, such as inside a store. Just tell
your webcam program what time to start and stop capturing images, and how long you want your computer to store
those images before deleting them (see Figure 15-2). Now if something unusual happens, such as someone robbing
the cashier, your webcam will capture it all on your computer.

Figure 15-2: You can program your webcam to capture images in secret and email them to you.

To turn your webcam into a surveillance camera, download Microsoft's free Webcam Timershot
( or try these programs:


Video Security


Spying with software

A webcam may show you who used your computer, but it won't necessarily show you what they did while they were
using your computer. To find out this type of information, you need to use a desktop-monitoring program that can
show you which programs someone used, what they typed to someone else in a chat room or instant messenger
program, and even what images they saw on the screen (see Figure 15-3).

Figure 15-3: A desktop-monitoring program can capture screen images so you can see exactly what the other
person did on your computer.

By using a desktop-monitoring program, you can capture proof of someone's illegal activities that you can use to
confront them with later, or just keep it a secret so you can gather even more incriminating evidence later. (See
Chapter 12 for more information about desktop-monitoring programs.)
If you use the Internet, you may not want others to know which websites you've been visiting. Unfortunately, anyone
with access to your computer can find this type of information just by looking at the Internet cookies and browser cache
stored on your computer, so if you want to cover your tracks, you have to erase every file that traces your activity.

Stopping cookies

When you visit some websites, they may store information on your computer in a cookie file, which contains the
address of the website along with any additional information you may have typed, such as your name or email

When you return to that site, the cookie sends the information stored on your machine to the website computer.
Cookies allow the website to customize or personalize its web pages, such as displaying the message, "Welcome
back, John Doe!" at the top of the page.

While cookies themselves are harmless (they cannot spread a virus or delete any of your files), they can reveal your
favorite websites to anyone who looks around in your web browser settings. Neither teenagers nor employees will want
their parents or boss to know they've been visiting the Penthouse website during working hours, but no matter how
discreet you are, the tell-tale cookie will give the game away.

If you don't like the idea of websites hiding cookies on your computer, you can change your browser's preferences to
refuse them. To do this in Internet Explorer 6.0 for Windows, follow these steps (see Figure 15-4):

Figure 15-4: Changing the way the Windows version of Internet Explorer handles cookies.

1. Choose Tools → Internet Options. An Internet Options dialog box appears.

2. Click the Privacy tab.

3. Click the Advanced button. An Advanced Privacy Settings dialog box appears.

4. Click the "Override automatic cookie handling" check box so a check mark appears.

5. Click the Accept, Block, or Prompt radio button to choose how you want Internet Explorer to handle
6. Click OK in this settings dialog box, and then click OK in the main Options dialog box.

To delete existing cookies and filter incoming ones, use a cookie utility program like these:

Cookie Crusher

Cookie Pal

MagicCookie Monster

Cookie programs can filter cookies as you browse, allowing some to pass (like cookies from shopping sites that store
your shopping preferences) while blocking others (like cookies from companies that want to track how long you've
spent browsing their site). Best of all, these cookie crushers can find and delete existing cookies on your hard disk
automatically (see Figure 15-5).

Figure 15-5: A program like Cookie Pal can show you all the cookies already stored on your hard disk.

Cleaning out your web browser cache

Besides storing information about your web browsing habits in cookie files, your browser may also store pictures, web
pages, and the addresses of the last few web-sites you visited (your "history") in a temporary folder (buried inside the
Windows folder), as shown in Figure 15-6.
Figure 15-6: You can find the addresses of the last few websites someone visited in the Address Bar list box.

To clean out this information in Internet Explorer, follow these steps:

1. Choose Tools → Internet Options. An Internet Options dialog box appears.

2. Click the General tab. The History group shows how many website addresses the browser stores
(such as 20).

3. Click the Clear History button. A dialog box appears, asking if you want to delete all items in your
history folder.

4. Click Yes.

5. Then click the Delete Files button in the Temporary Internet files group.

6. Click OK.

To avoid having to always manually clean up these files, try running one of these programs:


MacWasher or Window Washer

SurfSecret Privacy Protector

These programs can automatically clean out your Temporary Internet Files and History folders along with deleting
cookies, old email messages, and any downloaded program files at the same time. By running a clean-up program
regularly, you can make sure no one can trace your web browsing usage and violate your privacy (see Figure 15-7).
Figure 15-7: Window & Internet Washer Pro can delete all traces of your browsing history.
Besides protecting your privacy from snoops who can access your computer, you may want to shield your privacy from
websites, government agencies, and corporations that may be curious about your Internet browsing habits. While it's
unlikely that the National Security Agency or Central Intelligence Agency is spying on your computer, the thought of
leaving your personal life exposed to others can be as disturbing as trying to disrobe in private while living in a glass
house. To protect your privacy, consider browsing the Internet anonymously and encrypting every email you send.
Here's how.

Anonymous browsing

Because purging your Internet usage history from your hard disk can be troublesome, most people won't bother doing
it. But what if you could prevent your Internet usage information from being stored on your computer in the first place?
Or, if you could browse in secret?

Anonymous browsing services, like (, (,

and Rewebber (, block access to your computer so websites can't plant a cookie on your
computer, detect which type of browser you're using, or identify your IP address. When you visit them, you simply type
in the URL you want to visit, and the anonymous browsing service takes you there-in secret. Best of all, they provide
their basic services for free. To find other anonymous web browsing services, visit the Anonymous Browsing
Quick-Start Page (

One caveat though-anonymous browsing services aren't always reliable. You'll probably run into difficulty with many
shopping sites (which rely on cookies), and other sites that want to detect your browser and such. Still, they're a free
and simple way to browse discreetly.

Browsing as someone else-sort of

Bell Labs and AT&T Labs have a really interesting twist on anonymous browsing in their Crowds service
( The idea is similar to blending in with a crowd in a public place.

When you use Crowds, you're randomly thrown into a crowd of other randomly chosen users. Rather than accessing a
web page yourself, the computer randomly selects another user in the crowd to access the web page and pass it along
to you (which could have the unwanted side-effect of revealing what one individual in the crowd may be doing). By
masking any individual's actions within the larger actions of a group, Crowds shields the privacy of everyone because
no one can tell which actions any specific individual has taken at any given time.

Freedom WebSecure software from Zero-Knowledge Systems ( allows you to connect
to the Zero-Knowledge Systems' server, which then redirects you to any website you want to see. If a website tries to
track you, they can only trace you as far as the Zero-Knowledge Systems server.

While many people worry about giving away their web surfing information, you may just want to sell this information to
others instead. Visit Lumeria's SuperProfile ( and you can do just that. Not only can you
control who gets your personal information, but you can also (theoretically) make some money in the process.

Sending anonymous email

If you want to express your opinion, leak information in secret, or even simply participate in medical or other support
groups in confidence, send your email anonymously and securely. One way to do so is to keep opening and closing
free email accounts, but anonymous email services, like ( can protect
your privacy for a fee. Then again, another way to keep your identity private is to use any free email service and simply
fake your personal information. For more information about sending email anonymously, visit eMailman

If these anonymous email services aren't enough, try a secure, encrypted, anonymous email service, like these:



Like other anonymous email services, encrypted anonymous email services don't require a name, address, phone
number, or other method of tracing you, so your email can remain truly anonymous. ZipLip will even shred your email
after it's been read.

Using a remailer

Still another way to mask your identity through email is to use an anonymous remailer, such as Anonymous. To
( An anonymous remailer sends your email from your computer to a remailer, which is another
computer connected to the Internet. The remailer masks your identity by stripping away your real name and address
and replacing it with a phony one before sending your email to its final destination.

You can even use multiple remailers to cover your tracks even further. Send your email to the first remailer (which
strips out your address), then tell it to send your email to another remailer. Continue this process for two or more
anonymous hops, and it will be nearly impossible for anyone to trace or monitor where your email came from.

Although each remailer may work differently, a typical one works as follows. The message you write starts out looking
like this:
To: remailer@RemailerAddress
Subject: Anything
Anon-To: destination@address
This is my message.

Your real address appears only when you're sending email to the remailer. Once the remailer gets your message, it
ships it off to the address defined by the Anon-To field. (The two colons let the remailer know a destination address will
follow. That way, the remailer doesn't think the Anon-To field is part of your real message.)

To filter your email through multiple remailers, your message might look like this:
To: remailer@RemailerAddress
Subject: Anything
Anon-To: second@RemailerAddress
Anon-To: destination@address
This is my message.

In this example, you're sending your email to the first remailer located at the remailer@RemailerAddress. This first
remailer then sends your message to a second remailer located at second@RemailerAddress. The second remailer
then sends your email to its final destination at destination@address. For the truly paranoid, you can keep adding
remailer addresses indefinitely.

To further protect your privacy, ask an anonymous remailer to hold your email for a random period before forwarding it
to its final destination. This delay can prevent snoops from tracing the origin of your email by noting that it arrives at
the remailer at 4:00 and then leaves exactly one minute later.

But don't think that anonymous remailers allow you to conduct criminal activities. If you harass others through email,
send out death threats, or plot bomb attacks, remailer administrators will likely help the police find and prosecute you.
Don't abuse the privilege.

The biggest problem with remailers is that they appear and disappear as quickly as democracies in Third World
countries. Running an anonymous remailer costs time and money, and most remailers don't charge for their services
because asking someone to pay by check or credit card destroys their anonymity. And some anonymous remailers
aren't really anonymous. Some require that you open an account with them, which means that whoever runs the
remailer has a record of your real email address.

Although anonymous remailers and encryption can help protect your privacy, nothing can guarantee absolute privacy.
Anonymous remailers are only as secure as the people running them. Anyone can set up a phony anonymous
remailer and read every message that passes through it. Although encryption can protect your email to some extent,
the real danger lies in exposing your real email address. For this reason you should use a remailer in another country.

For example, someone living in communist China should view a Chinese remailer with suspicion. But that same
person would probably be safer using an anonymous remailer located in Finland, Canada, or Mexico, because its
administrators probably won't care about Chinese citizens, and the Chinese authorities are less likely to be able to
access the remailer's records.

To learn from people who are using anonymous remailers, browse the Usenet group alt.privacy.anon-server to read
the latest developments.

Your own Private Idaho

If the idea of trying to combine anonymous email with encryption seems cumbersome, you might want to try a program
designed to simplify this process. Private Idaho ( works with the Pretty Good
Privacy (PGP) program to encrypt your email. PGP is a highly regarded encryption program that is considered to offer
encryption tough enough to resist cracking even by well-funded intelligence organizations, such as the CIA and NSA.

Best of all, Private Idaho is free and comes with complete Visual Basic source code so you can modify it or just study
the source code to make sure it doesn't contain any back doors that government authorities can use to spy on your
email. For a 32-bit version of Private Idaho, visit the Private Idaho email website (

Chatting anonymously

Besides sending emails anonymously, you may also want to chat with people in IRC (Internet Relay Chat) rooms
anonymously. Normally when you visit an IRC chat room, someone can use the whois command to identify your IP
address. If you download the Invisible IRC Project software (, though, you can mask
your true IP address from strangers.
In the 1990 movie "Darkman," a scientist develops a synthetic skin, but before he can announce his discovery to the
world, mobsters blow up his laboratory with him in it. Although he survives, he's badly burned and hides his disfigured
face from society. Using his synthetic skin and his knack for mimicking the voices of other people, he assumes the
identity of various people to get back at the criminals who tried to destroy him.

Of course, the idea of imitating another person so perfectly is so far-fetched that nobody believes it could ever happen
to them. Unfortunately, in today's world, no one has to mimic the way you look, speak, and act because everyone's
identity is wrapped up in a string of numbers and words that define that person in a computer database. Just steal
certain information that only your victim is supposed to know, such as that person's Social Security number, and as far
as the computer is concerned, you are that other person.

Once someone has stolen your identity, they can do anything they want while you get blamed for their actions. Identity
thieves have opened credit card accounts under other people's names and racked up thousands of dollars worth of
debts before disappearing, essentially wrecking the victim's credit rating. Other identity thieves have purchased new
cars, opened cell phone accounts, and taken out loans.

By the time an identity thief has wrecked your credit rating and saddled you with legal and financial bills, he (or she)
can simply repeat the whole process all over again with another innocent victim. A smart identity thief can work for
years off other people's credit and never get caught or punished, which means that you could be the next target and
not even know it.

Guard your personal information

To steal your identity, a thief just needs to copy any numbers or passwords that uniquely identify you, such as your
Social Security number, driver's license, checking account, and credit card numbers; passport information; or personal
information, such as a home address, mother's maiden name, and birth date.

The first step to protecting yourself against identity theft is to strip your wallet or purse as clean of any of this
information as possible. After all, how many times during the day do you really need your Social Security card, birth
certificate, or passport? And if you can't remember your mother's maiden name or PIN number, then you probably
have bigger problems than worrying about identity theft anyway.

Stripping your wallet of as much unnecessary identification as possible can protect you against pickpockets or just
plain forgetfulness, in case you leave your wallet or purse behind somewhere.

After purging your wallet or purse, the next step requires a more conscious effort. Be careful about giving out your
personal information to others. Don't print your Social Security number or driver's license number on your check, and
be sure to shred any pre-approved credit card applications you get in the mail.

Dumpster diving, a popular hacker technique for finding useful information among the trash, can also be used by
identity thieves who can fill out any credit card applications you've tossed in the trash, write in a new address, and
have a new credit card (in your name, of course) sent to the identity thief's home (or phony) address instead. Armed
with a credit card that you've never seen before, an identity thief can go on a shopping spree, leaving you stuck with
the bill months later.

Rather than steal your personal information without your knowledge, identity thieves may take the less obvious, but
more effective, route of just asking you for your personal information directly.

Obviously if a total stranger asked for your Social Security number, you would be suspicious, but imagine if you've
recently lost your wallet and a concerned bank employee calls to verify your ATM personal identification and account
number. Without thinking, most people would automatically give out this information over the telephone, not realizing
that the phony bank employee is actually an identity thief.

One particularly devious scam targets elderly African-Americans. Flyers often appear around churches, nursing
homes, or through email with headlines boasting:
Apply for Newly Approved Slave Reparations!

Claim $5,000 in Social Security Reimbursements!

The flyers claim that elderly African Americans are eligible for slave reparations under a fictional "Slave Reparation
Act" or for Social Security funds due to a "fix" in the Social Security system.

To be eligible for this money, people must contact someone who then asks for their name, address, phone number,
birth date, and Social Security number to process their request for this nonexistent money. Once the identity thieves
have the information they need, they can open up credit card accounts under the victims' names.

Although identity theft has been around since long before computers, the Internet has brought renewed attention to
identity theft. Hackers can break into a corporate website and steal credit card information. Less likely, but still a real
possibility, is that someone could plant a remote access Trojan horse (such as Back Orifice or NetBus), which can
capture keystrokes as you type your credit card information over the Internet.

While you may be defenseless against hackers who infiltrate corporate databases containing your credit card
information, you can guard your personal computer against Trojan horses by installing a firewall (which can block
suspicious activity on the Internet) and antivirus or anti–Trojan horse programs that can detect the presence of a
Trojan horse and wipe it off your hard disk.

If it happens to you

Despite any precautions you may take, there's always the chance that you'll be the next identity theft victim. Once you
find out that someone has stolen your identity, you need to take action immediately by canceling every credit card you
have, including bank cards, department store cards, gasoline cards, and even video store cards.

After shutting down your existing charge accounts to minimize any damage from the identity thief, contact the following
three credit agencies and explain that you've been a victim of fraud. These credit agencies will place your accounts on
a fraud alert list that can further protect you from any charges run up by the identity thief.

PO Box 105069
Atlanta, GA 30348
(800) 525-6285

PO Box 6790
Fullerton, CA 92634
(800) 680-7289

PO Box 1017
Allen, TX 92634
(888) 397-3742

Since trying to repair your credit rating can be time-consuming and frustrating, consider subscribing to a fraud
protection service that your credit card company might offer. Such a service limits your liability from identity theft and
can help repair your credit rating quickly.

Of course, fraud protection services only protect you for a single charge account, so you might want to consider the
services of a company such as PromiseMark (, that can protect your entire identity.
PromiseMark offers an Identity Theft Protection Plan that can help you through the process of repairing your credit and
establishing new accounts. That way you can minimize the financial damage and get your life back in order as quickly
as possible, without going through the frustration and hassle of repairing your credit rating all by yourself.

For more information about identity theft and ways to prevent, protect against, or recover from identity theft, visit
Victims Assistance of America (, the United States Department of Justice
(, or the United States government's dedicated website about identity
theft (
So what are the chances that you may lose your identity? Probably not that great, but ask Oprah Winfrey, Steven
Spielberg, Warren Buffett, or Martha Stewart what they might have thought about becoming an identity theft victim. Or
visit the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse ( to read the long list of ordinary
citizens who lost their identities and spent months (or even years) trying to repair the damage.

To help you recover from identity theft, buy a copy of the Identity-Theft Survival Kit, available from
( This kit includes a book to help you understand what you can do after being victimized by
identity theft, attorney-written form letters to protect your legal rights and help you reestablish credit, and six audio
cassettes that explain how to recover from identity theft.

The odds of getting in a car crash aren't that great, but most of us probably have car insurance anyway. So if the
thought of losing your identity frightens you, perhaps a little bit of protection might not be such a bad thing after all.
Just make sure that any organization you trust with your identity isn't really an identity thief in disguise.
Chapter 16: Waging War on Spam

A speech is like a love affair. Any fool can start one, but to end it requires considerable skill.

finding important messages from business associates, friends, or your favorite newsgroup, you find a long list of junk
email from companies advertising totally useless products, like bogus vitamins, "free" vacation giveaways, or
money-making schemes. Unlike newspaper or magazine advertisements that you can ignore without losing a
moment's thought, spam just doesn't seem to leave you alone.

Spamming means sending unsolicited messages to multiple email accounts or Usenet newsgroups. Victims of
spamming must then take time to delete the unwanted messages so they can make room in their mailboxes for useful
email. Some of the more common spams are chain letters or other suspicious "business opportunities" like this:

$$$$$$$$ FAST CASH!!!! $$$$$$$$

Hello there, Read this it works! Fellow Debtor: This is going to sound like a con, but in fact IT
WORKS! The person who is now #4 on the list was #5 when I got it, which was only a few days
ago. Five dollars is a small investment in your future. Forget the lottery for a week, and give this a
try. It can work for ALL of us. You can edit this list with a word processor or text editor and then
convert it to a text file. Good Luck!!

Dear Friend,

My name is Dave Rhodes. In September 1988 my car was repossessed and the bill collectors
were hounding me like you wouldn't believe. I was laid off and my unemployment checks had run
out. The only escape I had from the pressure of failure was my computer and my modem. I
longed to turn my avocation into my vocation.

This January 1989 my family and I went on a ten day cruise to the tropics. I bought a Lincoln
Town Car for CASH in February 1989. I am currently building a home on the West Coast of
Florida, with a private pool, boat slip, and a beautiful view of the bay from my breakfast room
table and patio.

I will never have to work again. Today I am rich! I have earned over $400,000.00 (Four Hundred
Thousand Dollars) to date and will become a millionaire within 4 or 5 months. Anyone can do the
same. This money making program works perfectly every time, 100 percent of the time. I have
NEVER failed to earn $50,000.00 or more whenever I wanted. Best of all you never have to leave
home except to go to your mailbox or post office.

I realized that with the power of the computer I could expand and enhance this money making
formula into the most unbelievable cash flow generator that has ever been created. I substituted
the computer bulletin boards in place of the post office and electronically did by computer what
others were doing 100 percent by mail. Now only a few letters are mailed manually. Most of the
hard work is speedily downloaded to other bulletin boards throughout the world.

If you believe that someday you deserve that lucky break that you have waited for all your life,
simply follow the easy instructions below. Your dreams will come true.

And so on.
Nobody likes to receive spam because it wastes time and clogs email accounts, yet many companies continue to send
it anyway because, unlike direct mail advertising, spamming is essentially free. For the cost of a single Internet
account, anyone can reach a potential worldwide audience numbering in the millions. In the eyes of spammers, even if
they upset 99 percent of the people on the Internet, having 1 percent buy their product can make spamming worth it.

When sending spam, you don't need to type multiple email messages either. Just as bulk mailers never lick their
stamps, many companies use bulk emailing software that automates the addressing process. Click a button and you,
too, can scatter unwanted email messages across the Internet.

Many ISPs respond to users' outrage at spam by blocking mail from the accounts of known spammers, though some
groups question the legality of doing so, because it amounts to a form of censorship.

Spammers are often stereotyped as scammers and con artists, but that's not necessarily the case. Many are like you
or me, just trying to make a buck-but just going about it the wrong way. To learn more about how spammers think and
the techniques and software they use, visit the Bulk Email Store ( and read some testimonials
from spammers satisfied with their spamming software.

Retrieving email addresses

Before spammers can start flooding the Internet with their messages, they need a list of email addresses. Although
lists of email addresses can be bought, they are not always accurate or up-to-date. Rather than rely on purchased lists
that may contain too many obsolete addresses, spammers use programs that extract email addresses to build their
own lists. These programs harvest email addresses from three sources: newsgroups, websites, and database

Newsgroup extractors

When you post a message to a CompuServe forum or Usenet newsgroup, your message appears with your email
address. Newsgroup extractors download the messages from online services (like America Online) and Usenet
newsgroups, strip away the text, and store the return email addresses in a list to produce a free, up-to-date email list.

Even better (from the bulk emailer's point of view), online service forums and Usenet newsgroups focus on specific
topics, such as health and fitness, computer programming, or sports. So if, for example, they're selling vitamins, they
can simply visit any America Online forum or Usenet newsgroup related to health and fitness, and bingo! They've got a
valid list of prospective customers' email addresses.

Website extractors

Website extractors work like newsgroup extractors except that they pull their email addresses from websites. That's
because spammers know that if someone puts up a personal or business websites (as shown in Figure 16-1), they're
likely to post a contact email address on the web page.
Figure 16-1: Bulk email programs can use popular search engines to find websites that list valid email

Website extracting programs browse the Internet to find websites based on similar topics, such as camping or stock
markets. Then they scan these websites until they find one or more email addresses.

Database directory extractors

Database directory extractors pull email addresses from people-finding directory services like Bigfoot. While the list
they produce won't be as tightly targeted as those found on websites or in newsgroups, they can produce useful lists
targeted toward specific geographical groups or people with particular surnames.

Masking your identity

Spammers often incur the wrath of several hundred (or several million) irate victims. Some respond with angry
messages; others launch their own email bombing attacks, sending multiple messages to the spammer's email
address, clogging it and rendering it useless.

Unfortunately, crashing or clogging the spammer's ISP can also punish innocent customers who happen to use the
spammer's ISP, as well. To avoid such counterattacks, many spammers create temporary Internet accounts (on
services such as Hotmail or Juno), send their spam, and then cancel the account before anyone can attack them. Of
course, this means constantly creating and canceling multiple Internet accounts, but getting kicked off an ISP and
opening new accounts is just part of the game that bulk emailers play. When an interested customer responds, the
spammer sends out an actual email address, phone number, or postal address so the prospective customer can learn

Of course, for those spammers who can't be bothered opening and closing email accounts, there's an easier way.
Many bulk emailing programs, like Email Magnet, simply omit or forge the sender's email address to avoid

Finding a bulk emailing program

You probably won't find a bulk emailing program sold at your local computer store, but you'll find lots of them on the
Web. Two sites that sell a variety of bulk emailing programs include Bulk Email Software Superstore
( and ( (See Figure 16-2.)
Figure 16-2: Anyone can buy a bulk emailing (spamming) program from websites all over the Internet.

Since publishers of bulk emailing programs make tempting targets for spam avengers, they protect their identity by
selling their programs through individual distributors who create their own websites and then, in typical
pyramid-scheme fashion, sign up others to sell those same programs through their websites too. By using this
multilevel marketing approach to sell their software, bulk emailing publishers can remain relatively anonymous while
ensuring that their software will be available from multiple locations, no matter how many times anti-spam activists try
to attack and shut down a website that offers spamming software.
Now that you know spammers retrieve email addresses, how can you fight back? Depending on your mood and
temperament, your response may range from politeness to hostility. While you may ignore and simply delete most
spam, some may enrage you.

Complain to the spammer

When you receive spam, the message may include an email address that you can write to in order to remove your
address from the spammer's email list. Sometimes this works, but more often this email address itself is phony, or
replying simply alerts the spammers that your email address is valid, which can encourage them to sell your email
address to others and keep sending spam to you.

Complain to the spammer's ISP

To protect themselves against retaliation, most spammers either strip out or fake their return email addresses. But
even if you can't find a valid return address in the email to respond to, you may still be able to uncover one. To do so,
search the spam's header for the ISP's address, such as, buried in the From or Message-ID header.
Once you identify the ISP, you can complain directly to them.

In the following example, a quick search of the email header reveals that the spammer's ISP is (which
could be forged to hide the spammer's true ISP).
Subject: Absolutely NOT Risky ! Nothing to lose !!!
From: Hidden <>
Date: Fri, 01 Aug 1997 00:02:54 +0800
Message-ID: <>

Because spam is so annoying, most ISPs prohibit their subscribers from sending bulk email. If they receive
complaints, the ISP will often cancel the spammer's account.

To notify an ISP of a spammer, email your complaint to,,, or, where "" is the site the spammer used to send the junk
email. ISPs can't monitor all of their users, but if they receive a flood of complaints about one of their customers, they
can take action against the spammer and stop future abuses (maybe).

Unfortunately, whenever there's money involved, there's always someone willing to take it regardless of the
consequences. While many ISPs explicitly forbid spamming, other ISPs specialize in it, such as
(, which sells their services solely to bulk emailing customers. Another such ISP even

Does your website get shut down as a result of your email marketing campaigns? If so, then Bulk
Email Superstore's Bulk Friendly Web Hosting is a must! Our high speed servers are linked to
bulk friendly backbones specifically designed to absorb excessive traffic and heat linked to your
email marketing campaigns.

So if you complain to a bulk email ISP about one of their customers, chances are you'll just add your valid email
address to their "customer lists" that they'll just sell to someone else.

Complain to the Internal Revenue Service

Since many spammers promote get-rich-quick schemes, there's a good chance they may not keep proper tax records
of their earnings, so one way to take revenge on these spammers is to contact the Internal Revenue Service (or your
own government's tax agency) so they can investigate whether the spammer is properly reporting all income.
American citizens can forward spam to either to report fraudulent make-money-fast
(MMF) schemes or to report tax evaders. Reports of tax fraud should be sent directly to your
regional IRS Service Center; there is currently no Internet email address for reporting those suspected offenses.
Use an email filter

Email programs like Microsoft Outlook, Eudora Pro, and the web-based email sites like Hotmail and Yahoo! let you
filter incoming email based on From addresses, subjects, and keywords. You can set the filtering rules to search for
particular spammer email addresses or keywords in messages or subjects (like "MAKE MONEY FAST") and have the
filter automatically delete the message or route it to a special folder. Some of the more common keywords found in
spam include: "to be removed," "not mlm," "serious inquiries only," "earn $2000-$5000 weekly," "sent in compliance,"
"at no cost to you," "spam," "work from home," "dear friend," "not multi-level marketing," "xxx," and "call now," so try
using these.

Or you can subscribe to an email filtering service like SpamCop (, which can screen your email for
spam and route suspicious messages to a designated location, so you can review it just in case a legitimate message
got routed there by mistake. Anti-spam programs like Spam Buster ( automatically filter
suspicious email, analyze email headers, and track down spammers' ISPs by checking received email against a
database of known spammer addresses or by searching for keywords (see Figure 16-3). When the program finds a
likely match, it moves the suspect email to a special folder where you can review or delete it later.

Figure 16-3: Spam Buster can help you track down and locate spammers.

Locating the spammer's postal address

Perhaps the most satisfying way to deal with spam is to find the spammer's actual email address, phone number, or
postal address—and use it. If a spammer registered a particular address for a website, visit the Network Solutions
registry at, type in the domain you want to search, and the
Network Solutions database cheerfully provides you with the postal address of the person who registered the domain
name, along with the server currently hosting the web pages.

If the spammer doesn't list a web address but gives you his or her real email address, strip away the spammer's ID to
find the domain. For example, if the address is, remove "spammer" and you're left with the domain
name of the spammer's ISP, which in this case is By typing this domain into the Network Solutions registry,
you can find out how to reach the ISP by mail or phone, or you can add "www" to the front of the domain, which in this
example would give you, and visit its website, which should list an email address that you can
complain to.

Unfortunately, spammers know that their websites will become targets, so they often disguise their real website
address through a third-party server, such as a specialized bulk email ISP. When you receive spam, the spammer lists
an address that leads directly to the bulk emailing ISP, which then redirects a potential customer's browser to the
actual spammer's website. By masking and redirecting the actual website address, spammers can advertise their
website without worrying that a hacker will attack it or complain to their ISP.

One bulk emailing ISP even advertises the following:

IP Tunneling is a method where the recipient of your email message accesses your web site
through a (non traceable) binary encrypted link similar in appearance to the following:

Once the recipient clicks the email message, their browser references our servers through the
binary encoding within the link. Our servers (behind the scenes) then call upon your web site's IP
which resides either on your server or a 3rd party's server. This technology provides its users with
COMPLETE protection and anonymity.

As a result, it's possible to browse a spammer's website without ever knowing the exact domain address, which means
you can't look up and find the spammer's actual address and telephone number.

Dealing with forged email addresses

If a spammer opens a temporary email account just to spam the Internet, there's not much you can do about it—the
spammer can keep opening up new email accounts and shutting them down afterwards. However, if the spammer
forges a return email address, there's still hope.

Forged email addresses may hide the spammer's email address, but the email itself can reveal the spammer's ISP if
you know how to decipher its cryptic-looking headers, which contain information on the route the email traveled.

Most email programs hide email headers to avoid burying you in irrelevant technical email–routing details. However,
by revealing these headers, you can trace the route a spam email has taken and possibly identify the spammer. For
more information about displaying email headers from a variety of email programs, including Outlook, AOL, Eudora,
Pegasus, Netscape, and WebTV, visit the SpamCop site (

Let's take a look at some headers sent from a valid email account to see what they mean.
Received: from [] by; Sat, 9 Dec 2000 10:38:19 -
Received: from (yorktown.
[]) by (8.8.5/8.8.5)
with ESMTP id KAA45964 for <BO@prodigy.
net>; Sat,
9 Dec 2000 10:36:04 -0500
Received: from (verdun.
[]) by (8.8.7/8.8.5)
with SMTP id JAA07105 for <BO@prodigy.
net>; Sat,
9 Dec 2000 09:38:25 -0600 (CST)
Received: by with Microsoft Mail id
<>; Sat, 9 Dec
2000 09:36:39 -0600

In the preceding message, the Received headers describe where the email came from, along with the time and date it
was sent. Starting with the bottom Received header, you can see that this email came from a domain named, sent on Saturday, December 9, 2000, at 9:36 a.m.

The next Received header (starting from the bottom and working your way up) shows that the email was transferred
within the domain (from verdun. to on Saturday, December 9, 2000, at
9:38 a.m. Notice that the domain is also identified by its numeric (IP) address in square brackets,

The next Received header shows that the domain sent the email to the domain on Saturday,
December 9, 2000, at 10:36 a.m.
The top Received header shows that the email was transferred within the domain to the receiving email
inbox on Saturday, December 9, 2000, at 10:38 a.m. Notice that the domain is also identified by its
numeric address in square brackets, [].

This example shows how each Received header records the transfer of the email from one domain to another. Forged
email often omits all the Received headers that show the route of the email, or displays too many Received headers in
an attempt to confuse you.

The following example of spam is obviously a forgery, because the Received headers do not show how the email got
from the Sender domain ( to the receiving email account, a CompuServe account.
Received: from ([]) by (8.8.6/8.8.6/2.9) with ESMTP
id TAA09818; Sun, 3 Dec 2000 19:52:30 -0500 (EST)
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 19:52:30 -0500 (EST)
Message-Id: <199712040052.TAA09818@arl-img-10.>
Subject: ''Earn Insane Profits At Home!''

Besides not showing enough Received headers to trace the email's route, another big clue that the email address has
been forged is the use of a single capital letter ("B") in the Received header, listing (Most Received
headers use either all lowercase or all uppercase, but rarely a mix of both.)

Note From first appearance alone, you might conclude that the spammer is using either or to
send the spam, but in both cases these domain addresses could be forged. Unless you know for sure, you
shouldn't complain to either domain, because they might be completely innocent.

Here's another example of a forged email address:

Return-Path: <>
Received: from (
[]) by (v36.0) with
SMTP; Wed, 13 Dec 2000 14:09:15 -0500
Received: from ( []) by (8.8.5/8.8.5/AOL-4.0.0) with ESMTP
id MAA21540; Tue, 12 Dec 2000 12:23:29 -0500 (EST)
Received: from 34lHT27yw (sdn-ts-003nynyorP15.
[]) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with
SMTP id OAA13401; Tue, 12 Dec 2000 14:23:04 -0300
Received: From j1dqu3p1J (sdn-ts-003nyorP04.
[306.203.08.10]) by (8.8.5/8.7.3)
with SMTP id JJA109; Tue, 12 Dec 2000 12:20:35 -400

You can tell this email has been forged because the bottom Received header sports three glaring flaws. First, you
can't trace the email from the recipient's email address to the sender's email address (in this case, it's an America
Online email account).The top three Received headers show that America Online received the email from, which in turn received it from The bottom Received header is
garbage designed to confuse you, because it doesn't trace any email being sent to the domain.

The second flaw in the bottom Received header is the domain, which claims to
have an IP numeric address of [306.203.08.10]. The numbers used in an IP numeric address can only range from 0 to
255, so any number greater than 255 (306 in this example) immediately reveals that this particular Received header is
The third flaw is that the word "From" begins with a capital letter; the other Received headers use "from" instead.

Because the bottom Received header is obviously forged, you can ignore it completely. Studying the remaining
Received headers, you can conclude that the email originated from the domain. To
verify that this is an actual domain and not a forged one, look at its numeric address in square brackets. In this case,
the numeric address is [].

DNS lookup programs

Once you have identified a spammer's name and numeric Internet address, you can verify the domain's existence by
using a handy online tool called Whois. To run it, visit the Network Solutions registry
( Or run the Whois command using a DNS lookup program like
one of these:

DNS Workshop


Sam Spade

For additional help in tracking down spammers, visit the UXN Spam Combat website ( where
you will find more tools for doing DNS lookups, traceroute, DNS probes, and so on (see Figure 16-4).

Figure 16-4: The UXN Spam Combat website provides plenty of tools for helping you track down an elusive

Whichever version of Whois you use, it will tell you whether the domain really exists. In this example,
Whois reports the following:
Sprint Business Operations (DIALSPRINT-DOM)
12490 Sunrise Valley Dr.
Reston, VA 22090
Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
Sprint DNS Administrator (SDA4-ORG) dns-admin@
Billing Contact:
Sprint Internic Billing
(SIB2-ORG) nicbills@SPRINT.NET
Record last updated on 23-Jan-00.
Record created on 12-Feb-96.
Database last updated on 22-Dec-99 05:27:44 EDT.
Domain servers in listed order:

This tells us that is a valid domain and gives us the administrator's email address.

To further verify that the Received header information is correct, try one of the DNS lookup programs like Sam Spade
or NetScanTools to see whether the IP address belongs to a specific domain name. In this example, the last valid
Received header is:
from 34lHT27yw (sdn-ts-003nynyorP15.dialsprint.
net [])

This shows that the domain name has been masked by the garbled string of characters "34lHT27yw." Examining the
other Received headers shows that this string should list the same domain name as that which appears in
parentheses ( Because the spammer deliberately scrambled this information, you
can be pretty sure that this information reveals the address of the ISP they used to send the email.

Examining the [] numeric address with the Name Server Lookup (NSLookup) command confirms that it
belongs to the domain. Thus, we can be pretty sure that the spammer sent email
from the domain. Of course, the spammer might have opened an account with just to send
spam and then canceled it, but at least you can complain to the ISP.

Disguise your email address on a website

To retrieve valid email addresses, many spammers run website extractor programs that grab the HTML code that
makes up a web page and searches for an email address. So one way to fool website extractor programs is to
disguise your email address with ASCII code equivalents within your HTML code. Normally, an email address appears
as raw HTML code in plain English. For example, if you wanted to list your email address as on a
web page, it would look like this in the equivalent HTML code:
<p>Email address: <a

With the email address clearly visible in the HTML code, website extractor programs have little trouble retrieving any
email addresses. But if you substitute each letter of your email address with the ASCII character equivalent, such as
typing &#109 for the letter "m", &#121 for the letter "y" and so on, your HTML code now looks like this:
<p>Email address: <a

Both versions of the HTML code displays the email address on a web page, but the ASCII version
prevents spammers from retrieving your email address since the spammer programs won't recognize the ASCII code
as a valid email address.

To find the ASCII code for each character in an email address, visit ASCII table (

Final tactics for avoiding spam

One of the earliest methods for fighting spam was to maintain a database of known spammer email addresses and
ISPs. Unfortunately, spammers can change ISPs rapidly, making most anti-spammer databases obsolete. To avoid
this problem, the Kill The Spams program ( uses a list of rules to screen the headers of
incoming emails for signs of spam. If a header looks suspicious, the program can flag the email as possible spam or
just delete the message automatically.

Programs like Spam Buster (, SpamButcher (, and

SpamKiller ( combine both filtering and a database of known spammers to help keep spam out
of your inbox. For more accuracy, Spam Buster can do a DNS lookup on email to verify that the header lists a real
address. To avoid having the anti-spam program mistake valid email for spam, many anti-spam programs offer a
special Friends list, which tells the anti-spam program which email addresses you will always accept messages from.

To reduce the chances of receiving spam in the first place, give out your email address sparingly. Create a separate
email account with a free service such as Hotmail, and use it for posting messages in Usenet newsgroups or when
buying online (many companies sell your email address when you register with them). By creating a decoy email
account, you can redirect spam to accounts that you rarely use, and keep your everyday email account free from most
annoying spam.
Despite laws, threats, and physical action taken against spammers, spamming is so cost-effective that it's probably
here to stay. If spam really irritates you, consider joining and helping CAUCE (Coalition Against Unsolicited
Commercial Email) at, an organization consisting of Internet users who have banded together to
lobby for new laws to regulate unsolicited email.

To show you how influential one person can be in the fight against spam, visit Netizens Against Gratuitous Spamming
( website offers tips for identifying and dealing with spam and offers an example of "chaff,"
which is garbage data designed to fool spammers who retrieve email addresses off websites.

To keep up with the latest news regarding spam, and to learn more about how to defeat spam, visit Death to Spam
(, SpamNews (, an e-newsletter
provided to ISP administrators so they can learn different ways to fight spam on their own systems, or Junkbusters
( Or try Fight Spam, an international anti-spam group (

For the latest news about different spammers, or to warn people about new ones, visit the following newsgroups:,, alt.spam, alt.privacy,,, and
Chapter 17: Web Bugs, Adware, Pop-Ups, and Spyware

Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.

IN THE WORLD OF ADVERTISING, NOTHING IS REALLY FREE. When you listen to a radio or watch a television
show, advertisers pay the costs and earn the right to broadcast their messages any time they want. Most people
tolerate radio and television advertising since they've grown accustomed to its constant interruptions.

However, in the world of the Internet, people have a much lower tolerance level for advertisements. While
advertisements pay for many free web hosting services and free or low-cost Internet services, there's a fine line
between product promotion and invasion of privacy. When you hear or see a commercial on radio or television, you
can freely ignore it. Unfortunately, advertisements on the Internet aren't always like that.

Ideally, an Internet advertisement would pop up once and give you the option of making it go away. Instead, Internet
advertisements not only pop-up (and keep popping up over and over again), but they may also track which web pages
you visit, to determine your preferences, which would be like having a radio or TV that could peek into your living room
to see which brand of potato chips you might be eating at the moment. To intrude upon your privacy, Internet
advertisers use a variety of tools including web bugs, adware, and a never-ending cascade of pop-up windows.
Advertisers always need to know how effective their current marketing campaign may be. Since the Internet spans the
world, it's nearly impossible to tell how many people looked at a particular ad and who they might be. To solve these
two problems, advertisers created web bugs.

Tracking the websites you visit

When you visit a website, your browser asks the website server to send your computer all the text and graphic images
that make up the web page. Thus, every webserver needs to know the IP address of your computer so it knows where
to send the text and graphics.

When your browser receives information about a web page, that information appears in the form of HTML (Hypertext
Markup Language) code, which tells your browser exactly how to display and position text and graphics. The specific
HTML code that your browser receives from a web page defines the name of the graphic file, its size, and the name of
the server it came from. In the following HTML example, the graphic file is called dotclear.gif, its width and height are
both one pixel, and the server it came from is
SRC= width=1 height=1>

Web bugs hide on ordinary web pages as invisible, one pixel by one pixel size images so you won't notice when you're
being tracked. When the server sends the web bug to your browser, the server can immediately identify the following:

The IP address of the computer that fetched the web bug

The specific web page that contains the web bug (useful for seeing which web pages someone might
have visited)

The time and date the web bug was retrieved

The type of browser that fetched the web bug

At the simplest level, web bugs help advertisers determine how many people have visited a particular website and
viewed a particular web page. On a more insidious level, web bugs can work with cookies to track which websites
each person visits so they can display advertisements specific to that individual.

Using web bugs in spam

Web bugs can sometimes appear in spam too (see Chapter 16), buried inside email so an advertiser can see how
many times people read (or at least open) a particular message. If someone doesn't bother to view a web bug in an
email, this tells the advertiser that the email address may not be valid or that this particular person didn't bother to read
it. In either case, the advertiser will likely remove that person's email address to avoid wasting time sending
advertisements that no one will read.

Some companies accused of planting web bugs in email marketing messages include Experian
(, Digital Impact (, and Responsys (
By browsing their websites, you can get a better idea of how email marketing firms work, and how they might target
you sometime in the future.

Bugging newsgroups

Besides slipping web bugs in target email messages, it's possible to embed a web bug into a newsgroup message,
too. Not only could this tell an advertiser how many times someone looked at the ad, but it can also track down the
specific IP address of each person who downloaded the web bug.

The extremely paranoid believe that web bugs can identify people who subscribe to politically incorrect newsgroups,
while less-conspiracy-minded people believe that governments might use web bugs to track down anyone trading child
pornography or illegal MP3 files. Since web bugs are invisible, and you aren't likely to even notice their presence, it's
possible that a web bug has already given away your IP address and browsing habits to a faceless corporation without
you even knowing it.

Protecting yourself against web bugs

Since web bugs often work with cookies to track your browsing habits, your first line of defense is to make sure your
browser refuses all cookies. Since this won't always be practical, especially when you visit online shopping sites, visit ( and download their free Bugnosis tool (see Figure 17-1).

Figure 17-1: The free Bugnosis tool can identify websites that use web bugs.

As you browse through different websites, Bugnosis scans each web page, gives an audible warning, and highlights
suspicious web bugs on a web page. By using Bugnosis with Internet Explorer, you can see how prevalent web bugs
may actually be, especially if Bugnosis finds suspicious GIF images on your favorite websites, such as the DM News
site (, the Detroit News (, or the New York Times
For the longest time, there were four categories of software: commercial programs that you purchased before you
could try them, shareware that you could try and purchase if you found it useful, freeware that you could use without
ever paying for it (although the programmer retained the copyright), and public domain software that nobody owned so
you could freely use it and modify it if you wanted.

When programmers wanted to make money selling a program, they often released their creations as shareware, so
people all over the world could try it for free. If the program proved popular, they usually turned it into a commercial

Although a handful of shareware programs turned their creators into millionaires, many more simply earned a small
amount of change for the programmers and that's it. To increase their odds of success, many shareware programmers
decided to turn their creations into a new category of software dubbed adware.

As the name implies, adware displays advertisements as the program runs (see Figure 17-2). If you're connected to
the Internet, the adware program may access a server and display an ever-changing array of advertisements every
time you use the adware program.

Figure 17-2: Adware programs display advertisements every time you run the program.

By incorporating advertisements in their programs, programmers can ensure that they earn a certain amount of
money whether people ultimately register and pay for the program or not. Advertisers love adware because it provides
access to more potential customers. Unfortunately, the only people who don't seem to care for adware are the people
using it.

By itself, adware can be annoying but harmless. However, instead of being content to just display advertisements,
some adware programs secretly retrieve information from the user's computer and transmit this information back to the
advertiser, which is a characteristic of programs known as spyware. This information could be as simple as the type
and version of the operating system on your computer, or your IP address along with a list of all the cookies stored on
your computer, which an advertiser can examine to determine your browsing habits. When you run an adware
program, it's possible that the adware program could be transmitting your browsing and online shopping habits to the
advertiser without your consent, which can be as disconcerting as finding a stranger in your kitchen making a note of
all the name-brand food products you bought in the past three days.

For more information about adware, visit the site ( In case you're curious about
the types of companies that help programmers develop adware, visit the Software Marketing Resource page

Defending against adware

Because so many people find the idea of their programs bombarding them with advertisements less than appealing,
most adware programs disguise their built-in advertising. To help you find adware programs that may be lurking on
your computer, download a free copy of Ad-aware, as shown in Figure 17-3 (

Figure 17-3: Ad-aware can detect and remove adware programs that may be hidden on your computer.

Like an antivirus program, Ad-aware scans your memory, hard disk, and registry file to look for files that may be
unique to known adware programs, such as CuteFTP, NetSonic, or Go!Zilla. Once it finds a known adware program,
Ad-aware gives you the option of removing it completely from your system.

For another adware removal tool, visit Bulletproof Software ( and try their BPS
Spyware/Adware Remover. Unlike Ad-aware, BPS Spyware/Adware Remover isn't free, but it does include features to
scan and remove any spyware it finds on your computer. (For more information about spyware, see the "Detecting
Spyware" section later in this chapter.)

Better yet, visit the Spychecker site ( before you download that shareware or freeware
program. Spychecker has a database of all known adware programs, so you can find out if a program will spy on you
before you decide to download and install it.

Adware vs. Ad-aware

Not surprisingly, Ad-aware's efforts have upset a great many advertisers and adware programmers, who see
Ad-aware as a threat to their sources of income. One adware program in particular, RadLight version 3.03 release 5.0
(, would scan your hard disk for Ad-aware. If it found Ad-aware lurking on your computer,
RadLight would secretly uninstall it without your knowledge. That way it could continue flooding your computer with
advertisements and transmitting your data back to the advertiser without Ad-aware's interference.

At the time Igor Janos, author of the RadLight software claimed, "As Adaware's behavior was hostile to our bundle, I
had to defend."

This immediately set up a backlash against RadLight, so the later version of RadLight 3.03 release 5.2 gives you the
option of uninstalling Ad-aware or not. To further distance itself from the negative label of "adware," RadLight now
promotes its ad-supported version as "helpware," as if advertisements somehow "help" the user in any way. While this
compromise isn't perfect, at least it gives you, the user, a choice in the matter. Naturally, a far more effective choice is
to simply avoid using any adware programs at all, while using the Ad-aware program regularly to keep your computer
free of such annoyances.

Killing ads in AOL Instant Messenger

With ads popping up in shareware programs, email, and web pages, it was inevitable that ads would start appearing in
instant messenger programs. Ads have started appearing in AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), one of the more popular
instant messenger services around. As you chat, ads pop up in your AOL Instant Messenger window.

In case you find these ads annoying, you can try to manually kill them by editing the "aim.odl" file with any text editor,
such as Notepad. Look for the following code:
on_group(5) { load_ocm advert
required } on_group(11) { load_ocm
advert required }

Just put semicolons in front of the load_ocm lines, like this:

on_group(5) { ; load_ocm advert
required } on_group(11) { ; load_ocm advert required }

Save the file as "aim.odl" in its original location, and AOL Instant Messenger should no longer annoy you with
advertisements. If you don't want to mess around with editing strange files on your hard disk, grab a copy of the
DeadAIM program (, which can remove those annoying advertisements from AOL
Instant Messenger automatically.
In the beginning, advertisers relied on banner ads strategically placed around a web page. However, they found that
people routinely ignored them, so to force people to at least acknowledge the advertisement's existence, they created
pop-up and pop-under ads.

Pop-up ads blanket your screen with windows, advertising anything from lower mortgage rates to vacation trip
giveaways (see Figure 17-4). Since these windows cover any web page you're currently browsing, you can't see
anything until you close the pop-up ad window. Pornography advertisers have created particularly annoying pop-up
ads that spawn three or four more pop-up windows every time you close one.

Figure 17-4: Pop-up ads can keep appearing on your screen faster than you can get rid of them.

Pop-under ads are a bit more subtle. They also appear in little windows all over your screen, but they hide under your
currently displayed web page, so you won't even see them. The moment you close your browser, though, those
pop-under ads seem to magically appear, cluttering up your screen. Since pop-under ads don't intrude upon your
browsing activities, advertisers hope that more people will be more receptive to them.

One of the largest email and Internet marketing companies is DoubleClick ( It offers the
public a way to store a special cookie from DoubleClick that prevents your computer from receiving any more
advertisements from DoubleClick. Just visit the DoubleClick site, click to view their Privacy Policy, and follow the
directions to opt out from DoubleClick's advertising. Now you just have to worry about online advertising from other

Even if you decide to opt-out from DoubleClick's ads, you may still find yourself bombarded by pop-up and pop-under
advertisements. To learn how to stop pop-up and pop-under ads from wrecking your Internet experience, visit the Web
Ad Blocking site (

If you want to automatically block pop-up and pop-under ads from appearing, you'll need to get a pop-up blocker
program. Go to ( or Tucows ( and search for
"pop-up blocker." Both sites offer plenty of free and shareware pop-up ad blockers, such as the one shown in Figure
17-5, and you can try to find the one you like best.
Figure 17-5: A pop-up blocker like Stopzilla keeps track of all the pop-up ads it stops.

For a free way to block pop-up ads, stop using Internet Explorer or Netscape and grab a copy of Mozilla
( or Safari ( Both browsers offer commands that let you block pop-up
ads from appearing and disturbing your web surfing experience.
The thought of unseen advertisers peeking at your browsing habits may unnerve you, but what may be more disconcerting is
finding that someone you know, such as your boss, your spouse, or your parents, are secretly monitoring what you do on your
computer through a desktop-monitoring program, otherwise known as spyware.

Spyware can capture screenshots of your activity, record every keystroke you type, track every program you use, and log how
much time you spend using each program on the computer. Bosses use spyware to catch employees using their computers for
personal activities, parents use spyware to make sure their kids don't visit forbidden sites, hackers use spyware to snare credit
card numbers and passwords from unsuspecting victims, and spouses use spyware to gather proof that their husband or wife
may be cheating on them. To see what type of spyware someone could plant on your computer, visit the Top Secret Software
site ( and read about the different capabilities of various spyware programs.

Unlike ordinary programs that appear in a list of running programs tracked by the operating system, such as Windows XP,
spyware programs bury themselves out of sight, so unsuspecting victims don't accidentally stumble across the program while it's
running. Unless you suspect someone has planted spyware on your computer and you know where to look, chances are good
that you'll never detect any spyware on your computer.

Several companies sell anti-spyware programs, such as Nitrous Anti-Spy (, PestPatrol
(, SpyGuard (, and SpyCop ( These programs,
like the one shown in Figure 17-6, can search your hard disk for any traces of known spyware programs and keystroke loggers
that someone may have slipped onto your computer.

Figure 17-6: Anti-spyware programs can keep someone from secretly monitoring your activity on the computer.

Warning Anti-spyware programs will not be able to detect hardware-based keystroke loggers that connect between a computer
and the keyboard.

Besides rooting through your hard disk for known spyware files, anti-spyware programs can also monitor the ports on your
computer to detect any unauthorized communications being sent from your computer. Such clandestine communication is
almost always the result of either adware, a remote access Trojan horse (see Chapter 8), or spyware, which may be trying to
send a record of your activity to the email account of the person spying on you. An anti-spyware program can block such stealth
communication from taking place, effectively shielding your privacy.
If you never connect to the Internet, you can protect yourself against the large majority of web bugs, adware, pop-up
ads, and spyware. Since that isn't an option for many people, your next best solution is to understand how various
threats to your privacy work, and then use protective programs to defend against each threat, such as Bugnosis,
Ad-aware, and anti-spyware programs.

Maybe your computer isn't bugged, and maybe nobody is spying on you. But is it worth the risk of losing your privacy
not to find out?
Part 5: Protecting Your Computer
Chapter 18: Firewalls, Intrusion-Detection Systems, and Honeypots

Chapter 19: Computer Forensics-Recovering and Deleting Data

Chapter 20: Protecting Your Computer

Chapter 18: Firewalls, Intrusion-Detection Systems, and Honeypots

Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire, it wafts across the
electrified borders.

FOR A HACKER. While it's unlikely that hackers will specifically target your computer, that doesn't mean they won't
leave your computer alone if they happen to find it while prowling around the Internet.

Hackers like easy targets, so even though they may not care about reading your letters to your grandmother or your
2002 tax returns, hackers may break into your computer just for fun to practice attacking a relatively safe computer, to
use your hard disk as storage for illegally copied files (music, programs, or videos), or to plant a "zombie" program on
your hard disk that can command your computer to flood a specific website with useless data in a denial-of-service
attack. Your data may be unimportant to a hacker, but your computer itself can still be a valuable resource.

If you don't like the idea of someone taking control of your computer and having the power to wipe out your data at any
moment, you need to protect your computer with a firewall.
At the very least, every computer should have a firewall, which acts like a locked door to keep intruders from the
Internet out of your computer. A firewall can't provide 100 percent protection against hackers, but it can protect you
against a large majority of hackers who simply prowl a range of IP addresses, searching for a vulnerable computer.
The moment a hacker finds a computer without a firewall, it's relatively trivial for that hacker to break in. Although
computers connected to the Internet through a DSL or cable modem are particularly susceptible to hacker attacks,
computers that rely on dial-up access can still be vulnerable.

If you get a firewall, you can choose between hardware or software firewalls. It's possible to use both hardware and
software firewalls together, although this will not necessarily give you twice the protection, since the two firewalls may
guard (and ignore) the same types of intrusions. Firewalls, like other types of computer equipment and programs, also
have their share of bugs, so it's entirely possible to install a firewall only to find that a hacker has found some flaw and
managed to bypass it anyway.

How firewalls work

Firewalls work by blocking communication to and from your computer. Many hackers use port scanners to locate
potential targets (see Chapter 11), so a firewall can block port scanners to keep the hacker from reaching your
computer. At the simplest level, the firewall blocks a port scan, which tells the hacker that a firewall exists. On a more
complicated level, the firewall may mask your computer's existence, essentially making it invisible to hackers using
port scanners. In this case, the hacker won't know if he found a computer protected by a firewall or just an invalid IP
address. In either case, the hacker will likely leave your computer alone and look for an easier target to attack.

Firewalls also serve a second purpose in controlling what your computer can do over the Internet. Many firewalls
examine the programs on your computer that connect to the Internet, and allow you to choose the programs that have
your permission to connect, such as your browser, your email program, and an instant messenger program. If the
firewall detects a program that you haven't specifically approved, the firewall blocks it and notifies you. By blocking
unauthorized programs from accessing the Internet, firewalls can stop remote access Trojans (RATs) from secretly
connecting to a hacker and giving the hacker control over your computer. Since many spyware programs (see Chapter
17) can transmit records of keystrokes and screenshots of the programs you use to someone who may be spying on
you, firewalls can help you detect and block spyware programs, too.

To allow legitimate traffic to pass through a firewall, you may need to tell the firewall what is and is not permissible on
your computer. Four criteria that firewalls may use to block illegal traffic are IP addresses, protocols, ports, and specific

IP addresses identify specific computers, so a firewall can either block traffic from certain IP addresses (such as the IP
address of Playboy 's website) or conversely, only accept connections from specific IP addresses (such as a trusted
corporate computer).

Firewalls may also allow or block certain protocols, which are specific ways that computers send and receive data (see
Figure 18-1). For example, a firewall may only allow HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) through, which sends web
pages over the Internet (this is the "http" that appears at the beginning of website addresses). Likewise, a firewall may
block FTP (File Transfer Protocol), which can send and receive files. Some other types of protocols that a firewall may
block include the following:
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) Used for transmitting information that does not require a response,
such as streaming audio or video.

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) Used to report errors to other computers.

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Used for sending and receiving email.

Telnet Used to access and control a remote computer.

Figure 18-1: You can define the types of protocols that the firewall allows.

By blocking certain protocols, firewalls can prevent certain types of attacks on a protected computer. For example,
blocking the Telnet protocol can keep a hacker from controlling and manipulating your computer over the Internet
(although it's possible for the hacker to use a different protocol to achieve the same purpose).

Besides blocking certain protocols, firewalls may block certain ports. Ports allow certain types of communication into a
computer, so firewalls typically block every port except for the essential ones, such as port 80 (used for browsing web
pages) and port 25 (used for sending and receiving email). By shutting down certain ports, a firewall can prevent a
hacker from sneaking in through a forgotten open port or from opening an obscure port to transmit information from
your computer back to the hacker. Of course, shutting down ports only forces hackers to direct their attacks through
the open ports, but it does limit the types of attacks a hacker can use against your computer.

Firewalls may also allow access to the Internet only from certain trusted programs, like a web browser or email
program. If any other type of program tries to access the Internet, the firewall blocks its attempt, assuming that the
program could be a Trojan horse or hacker trying to send data out from your computer.

Through the combination of filtering IP addresses, protocols, ports, and even specific words or phrases, firewalls can
block most unwanted attempts to break into your computer. To find a hardware-based firewall, visit one of the following




To find a software-based firewall, Windows users can look at these options:

Tiny Personal Firewall


Look ‘n' Stop

Norton Internet Security

Outpost Firewall

Sygate Personal Firewall

Personal Firewall

Many versions of Linux come with a firewall, and if you happen to be using Windows XP, you have a built-in firewall
that you can turn on by following these steps:
1. Click the Start button.

2. Click Control Panel.

3. Click Network and Internet Connections.

4. Click Network Connections. A Network Connections window will open.

5. Right-click on the Local Area Connection icon, and when a pop-up menu appears, click Properties.
A Local Area Connection Properties dialog box appears.

6. Click the Advanced tab.

7. Click the "Protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access to this computer from
the Internet" check box so a check mark appears.

8. Click OK.

Macintosh users can take a look at these two firewalls: Firewalk ( and NetBarrier
( And if you want to contribute your programming skills to developing a firewall for Linux, visit
the Falcon Firewall Project ( By studying the source code to this firewall, you can get a better
understanding of how firewalls work and possibly modify the firewall to protect everyone against the latest threats on
the Internet.

One of the biggest problems with firewalls is that most novices have no idea how to evaluate them. Besides looking at
a pretty user interface, novices aren't likely to understand the capabilities of what each firewall may offer. To learn
more about the details of firewalls and how to choose the best one for you, visit the following sites, which offer
technical comparisons of the most popular firewalls:

Home PC Firewall Guide

How firewalls can be defeated

Perhaps the biggest problem with firewalls is that they take time to configure, which means that most novices will
likely configure the firewall incorrectly, which either gives a false sense of security while leaving gaping holes open in
the firewall's defenses, or causes increased frustration when the firewall winds up stopping legitimate programs from
working, such as an email or instant messenger program. If a firewall gets too aggressive in stopping programs from
connecting to the Internet, users may be tempted to just shut off or uninstall the firewall altogether.

Another problem with a firewall is that it can only protect inbound and outbound Internet connections; it can't do a thing
to stop someone from accessing a computer through a telephone line, through a wireless access point located behind
a firewall (see Chapter 11), or through the keyboard if someone is physically sitting in front of the computer, such as a
coworker or the janitor.

Even worse, firewalls can be fooled. If a firewall only allows certain programs to access the Internet, a hacker could
simply rename a remote access Trojan horse so that it has the same name as your web browser. Then when this
remote access Trojan horse tries to access the Internet, the firewall checks the program's name, finds it matches the
list of programs allowed to access the Internet, and falsely allows this program to get through the firewall, which is like
a thief fooling a police officer by using a fake picture ID.

Perhaps the most curious way to circumvent firewalls is through a technique known as firewall tunneling. Since
firewalls may only allow a computer to use certain protocols and ports, firewall tunneling simply uses whatever ports
and protocols the firewall allows to sneak data through. This can be as effective as a hijacker sneaking past airport
security dressed up as a pilot.
Two products that allow firewall tunneling include RemFTP ( and HTTP-Tunnel
( RemFTP boasts that it is "a program that connects your home and work computers for
file transfer, without having to think about firewalls." HTTP-Tunnel advertises that it "allows people behind restrictive
firewalls to use previously blocked applications through their firewall." By using either of these commercially available
programs, or the firewall tunneling techniques that they're based on, hackers can circumvent practically any firewall
with impunity.

Even worse is that you could configure your firewall correctly, and it could still leave gaping holes in your computer's
defenses simply because the firewall happens to lack certain vital features that another firewall may offer. Until you
buy and try several different firewalls, you may never know how defenseless a particular firewall may actually be. To
test the capabilities of your firewall, download some of the following firewall testing programs to determine if your
firewall would stop a typical hacker attack:




PC Flank

Port Detective



Figure 18-2: A firewall testing program can tell you if your firewall is really protecting your computer or not.

Hardening your operating system

Besides installing a firewall, make sure you update your operating system with the latest bug fixes or security patches.
Hackers quickly learn all the flaws in a particular operating system, and if they find that flaw on your computer, they
may be able to exploit the flaw to get into your computer, regardless of any firewall you may have installed.
The most secure operating system is OpenBSD (, but if you're using Red Hat Linux, the
friendly folks at the National Security Agency have developed a special version dubbed Security-Enhanced Linux
(, which can harden your version of Red Hat Linux from attack.

For another way to battle-harden Red Hat Linux, visit Bastille Linux ( Like
Security-Enhanced Linux, Bastille Linux adds extra security to your Linux operating system to make sure that all
possible flaws in your operating system have been shut down.
Firewalls can only deter, not prevent, break-ins. Once a hacker breaks into your computer, a firewall won't provide any
protection whatsoever. At this point, you need an intrusion-detection system (IDS). Where firewalls act like locked
doors and windows leading to your computer, intrusion-detection systems act more like burglar alarms to alert you
when an intruder has already broken in. Few personal computers use an IDS, although most corporate computers,
such as webservers, use one.

How intrusion-detection systems work

To protect against known hacker attacks, an IDS may do something called signature analysis, which means that the
IDS recognizes the unique characteristics or "signatures" of common hacker attacks, such as those often created by
script kiddies. When an IDS detects the signature of a hacker attack, the IDS will know exactly how to stop that
particular attack.

Because hackers keep coming up with new strategies for breaking into a computer, an IDS can't rely on signature
analysis alone. To complement signature analysis, an IDS may monitor a network or computer and look for suspicious
activity, such as increased traffic coming from an obscure port or repeated attempts to log on to the computer. When
the IDS detects suspicious behavior, it contacts the system administrator. By using an IDS, system administrators don't
have to search for a hacker by manually scanning the log files or tediously monitoring Internet connections on their

Since many hackers often replace some of the computer's existing programs with Trojan horse versions that will let the
hacker hide, many intrusion-detection systems include a file integrity checker. This simply calculates a mathematical
result (or checksum) for each file based on that file's size. Now if a hacker replaces a file, that file will likely change in
size, so when the IDS does a routine check of the computer's files, it will notice the file-size change and alert the
system administrator.

To learn more about intrusion-detection systems and to download various IDS programs for Windows and Linux, visit
these sites:

Internet Security Systems




How intrusion-detection systems fail

An IDS works as an aid to a system administrator, but it isn't meant to replace a real person. By itself, an IDS won't
stop a hacker, but it can alert you when a hacker may already be in your computer. Unlike a firewall or an antivirus
program, you must respond to every alarm from the IDS. If the IDS generates too many false alarms, the system
administrator is likely to get bored and ignore most of the warnings altogether.

To make an IDS fail, hackers often attack a computer, such as with a denial-of-service attack, thereby setting off the
IDS alarm. While the IDS and system administrator's attention is focused on the denial of service attack, the hacker
can try to slip into the computer undetected.

Since intrusion-detection systems look for signatures of known attacks or evidence of suspicious activity, hackers can
alter their attack methods to avoid alerting the IDS. Also, an IDS is nothing more than a computer program with its
own share of bugs and flaws, so if hackers can identify the specific IDS program on a computer, they may be able to
use known flaws to disable or bypass the IDS completely.
Rather than try to block a hacker (with a firewall) or find a hacker (with an intrusion-detection system), some people
prefer the more labor-intensive method of using a honeypot instead. A honeypot can serve two purposes. First, it can
lure a hacker away from the important data on your computer and isolate the hacker from causing any damage.
Second, a honeypot can allow you to study a hacker's methods and techniques so that you can better learn how
certain attacks work and how you might be able to defend yourself against them in the future.

Honeypots typically run on a single computer that mimics the activity and breadth of an entire network, even down to
emulating the details of a specific operating system, such as Linux, Windows, Mac OS, Solaris, or HP-UX. Although a
honeypot looks and behaves just like a real network, it often offers several easily exploitable flaws to encourage the
hackers to waste their time exploiting this fictional network.

To learn more about honeypots, visit the Honeynet Project (, which has been running
honeypots and studying hacker techniques for years. The Distributed Honeypot Project ( plans to
create a network of honeypots around the Internet so that system administrators can share the latest hacking
techniques. For a list of different honeypots available, visit Talisker (

The friendly folks at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) ( have even set up a
wireless honeypot near Washington, D.C., to learn the latest war-driving hacking techniques (see Chapter 11).

To learn about the various honeypots currently used by businesses, visit these sites:

Tiny Honeypot


Symantec ManTrap

The Deception Toolkit

Many honeypots are freeware and include source code so you can study how they work and even contribute some
ideas of your own.

Because honeypots take time to set up and maintain, most individuals aren't likely to run a honeypot on their personal
computer. If you have the time, though, you may want to try running a Trojan horse honeypot-the next time someone
tries to access your computer using a remote access Trojan horse, your honeypot can trick the hacker into thinking he
has secret access to your computer when he's really isolated from your data and you're watching his activities every
step of the way (see Figure 18-3).
Figure 18-3: NetBuster can create a honeypot to trap hackers trying to access your computer with the NetBus
remote access Trojan.

Here are some of the many Trojan horse honeypot programs available:



Tambu Dummy Server

The Saint

Hackers can attack any computer in the world that's connected to the Internet, which means that someone could be
probing your computer right now and checking it for weaknesses. Even worse is that you may catch a hacker in your
computer, but the second he disconnects, he's gone.

Since hackers can appear and disappear at any time, there's nothing to stop them from attacking any computer they
want, since it's highly unlikely that they'll ever get caught. To eliminate the hacker's refuge in anonymity, Sharp
Technology has developed Hack Tracer (, which can trace a hacker
back to his Internet service provider (ISP) and possibly even find the hacker's IP address as well.

Knowing an IP address may identify the hacker's location, but the cryptic series of numbers that make up an IP
address might not give you a clue where the hacker is located. The next time your firewall or IDS identifies a hacker's
IP address, run it through McAfee Visual Trace, which is part of the McAfee Personal Firewall program
( or VisualRoute ( to see the hacker's approximate location on a
world map (see Figure 18-4). After tracing enough hackers' IP addresses, you may be surprised to find that your
personal computer in Nebraska has been targeted by hackers in Korea, Canada, Israel, or Germany.

Figure 18-4: With a program like VisualRoute, you can identify the geographical location of a particularly
persistent hacker.

To further track down hacker activity, visit myNetWatchman ( and share hacker
attempts on your computer with people all over the world. The more people who pool information about hackers, the
more likely myNetWatchman can identify specific types of attacks and pinpoint the IP addresses of the more active
hackers in the world (see Figure 18-5).
Figure 18-5: MyNetWatchman can identify the top ISPs used by hackers around the world.

While hackers can always choose when to attack a computer, that doesn't mean that your computer needs to be
defenseless. With a good firewall, an intrusion-detection system, a securely patched operating system, and even a
honeypot, you can protect your computer and possibly turn the tables on the hacker by tracing him and revealing his
location for everyone to see. If enough people contact the ISP used by a particularly annoying hacker, the ISP may
disconnect the hacker and force him to look for alternative ISPs. If this happens often enough, this may not discourage
the hacker, but at least it can cause him enough trouble that he might restrict his activities and spare many potential
victims from future attacks.
Chapter 19: Computer Forensics: Recovering and Deleting Data
This invention involves a device, referred to herein as a "cabinet," which provides physical and biochemical support
for an animal's head which has been "discorporated" (i.e., severed from its body).

ALL TRACES OF THEIR CRIME. Not only do many hackers leave incriminating notes and printouts of their latest
exploits scattered around their computers, but they also can't resist bragging to others about their exploits in public
chat rooms. Yet even this blatant disregard for secrecy and indiscretion wouldn't be so damaging if these same
hackers didn't unwittingly leave incriminating evidence stored all over their computers, as well.

The biggest problem with data is that once you store it on any form of magnetic media, it stays there forever. When
you delete a file, your computer takes a shortcut. Instead of physically destroying the file, the computer simply
pretends that the file no longer exists by replacing the first letter of the file name with a special character (hex byte
code E5h), which leaves the contents of the file intact.

This process is like taking your name off an apartment building directory to make it look like you no longer live there,
but staying in the apartment until someone else moves in. Only when the computer needs the space taken up by the
deleted file will it actually overwrite the old file with new data. If your disk has plenty of extra space available, you could
go weeks, months, or even years without ever overwriting previously deleted files. (Although, when you defragment
your hard disk, your computer will likely overwrite many of these "deleted" files.)

If you delete a file, you can usually undelete it if you run an undelete utility program right away. Undelete utilities simply
give a previously deleted file a new name so the computer will recognize it again. However, the longer you wait, the
more time your computer will have to overwrite some or possibly all of the deleted file with new data, making it difficult,
if not impossible, to recover the original deleted file.

Some utility programs, such as Norton Utilities, come with a file-deletion protection feature that saves any deleted files
in a special folder so you can quickly and accurately undelete a file any time in the future. Obviously this feature can
save you if you accidentally delete something, but it can also work against you by preserving those sensitive files that
you thought you deleted months ago.

To find an undelete program, try one of the following:

Norton Utilities




Executive Software, the makers of Undelete, also offers a free Deleted File Analysis Utility, so that you can analyze
your own hard disk and see how many files may still be recoverable, as shown in Figure 19-1. The results may
surprise you.
Figure 19-1: The Deleted File Analysis Utility from Executive Software can reveal all the files you deleted in the
past that someone may still be able to undelete and read.

File shredders

If you deliberately erase a file and then overwrite it, most undelete programs will not be able to recover it. But if you
want to make sure you've deleted a file as much as possible, use a file shredder to be sure.

File shredders overwrite deleted files one or more times using random characters, such as zeroes and ones. As a
result, when an undelete program tries to recover the deleted file, the file shows only random data.

Levels of file-shredding security

Not all file shredders are equal. A good one offers several ways to shred your files, balancing speed and security (see
Figure 19-2). To defeat ordinary undelete programs and wipe files quickly, a file shredder may make one pass at
overwriting your deleted file with random data. While this quick wipeout defeats most undelete programs, it will not
defeat specialized computer forensics tools.

Figure 19-2: A file shredder can offer you different ways to shred your files, giving you a choice between speed
and security.
For additional security, file shredders make multiple passes over a deleted file; the more passes, the longer the
deletion takes, but the more likely you'll delete all data beyond hope of recovery. The Department of Defense (DoD)
even has its own shredding standard, dubbed DoD 5220.22-M (, which defines the
government standards for deleting computer files.

The DoD file-shredding technique wipes a file seven times, each pass replacing the deleted data with a different set of
random data. Since each additional pass adds another layer of random data to obscure the original, seven passes can
virtually destroy all traces of the original file, although it will always be possible to recover data later using a magnetic
sensor or electron microscope (discussed below).

Shredding temporary, web cache, email, and slack-space files

If you shred your sensitive files, don't forget to delete all your temporary and web cache files too. Many file shredders,
such as 12Ghosts Wash ( or the Macintosh-based Shredlt
(, can automatically find and destroy these types of files. BCWipe
( can even wipe the slack space of specified files and simultaneously delete temporary and web
cache files.

For further security, you can even configure some file shredders, such as the Macintosh-based NetShred
( and the Windows-based Evidence Eliminator (, to delete
your old email messages.

If you're really paranoid, shred your files and then defragment your hard drive. Then shred the free space remaining on
your hard drive to get rid of any traces of files you don't want others to find.

Integrating a shredder into your operating system

Loading the file shredder every time you want to delete a file can be a nuisance, and you may not use it as often as
you need to. Fortunately, file shredders such as Shredder95/98/NT (, CyberScrub
(, and Shred-X ( can integrate themselves into your operating
system so that when you delete a file, the file shredder automatically shreds the file without any additional effort on
your part.

Shredding swap files

One particularly vulnerable area of your computer is the swap file. A swap file allocates part of your hard disk for
storing data so the computer can free up room in random access memory (RAM) for other programs that may be

Any time you run a program such as a word processor, your operating system may temporarily store your data in the
swap file. When you save or delete the document, much of your information still remains in the swap file for anyone to
look at. For complete protection, make sure you shred your swap file regularly (ideally, every time you turn off your
computer) with a file shredder such as AbsoluteShield File Shredder (

Panic-mode shredding

Your file shredder may work perfectly if you methodically delete incriminating files. But what happens if you're sitting at
your computer and the police suddenly barge into your house? Some file shredders offer a panic mode for just such
emergencies. To use it, you define ahead of time which files and directories you want to delete in an emergency;
then, you assign a unique keystroke combination to activate the panic mode (see Figure 19-3).
Figure 19-3: Many file shredders offer a panic mode to wipe out your files quickly in an emergency.

When the police (or other unwanted authorities) break in, press your magic panic-mode keystroke and the file
shredder starts deleting all your predefined important files. If you're serious about protecting your privacy, a
panic-mode feature is essential.

Password protecting your shredder

Since file shredders make undeleting files nearly impossible, they can be powerful weapons in the hands of a
particularly malicious person. Just run a file shredder on your enemy's computer and you can irreparably shred the
contents of an entire hard disk in minutes. Even worse than having someone deliberately shred your files is if you
accidentally shred files you really wanted to keep.

To protect against an enemy or your own clumsiness, some file shredders offer a password protection feature. Before
you can shred any files, you have to type in your password. Not only does this keep you from shredding your own files
by mistake, but it also keeps your enemies from turning your file shredder against you.

Caution Password protection can stop you from accidentally deleting any files, but you wouldn't want this feature
turned on if you might need to use panic-mode shredding to delete a bunch of files instantly.

Writing your own file shredder

If you want to see exactly how a file shredder works, download the source code to the file shredder called Eraser
(, written by Sami Tolvanen. Not only is this file shredder absolutely free for anyone to
use, but it also includes Microsoft Visual C++ source code, so you can examine how it works and even customize the
program for your own particular needs.

Linux users can download a file-deleting program called Wipe ( Like Eraser, Wipe is free to
use and includes C source code so you can see how the program works and modify the program to add new features
if you want.

Self-destructing email

Email can form a long incriminating trail of evidence, so you should also delete your email regularly and shred your
email message directories. Since this can be a nuisance, several companies have come up with self-destructing email.
The idea is that after a certain amount of time, the email message either shreds itself (using a secure file-shredding
method that can defeat ordinary undelete programs) or encrypts itself so it can't be read after a certain date.

Omniva ( offers a unique self-destructing version of email. When you send a message to
someone and run the Omniva Policy Manager program, you receive a unique encryption key from the Omniva Access
server. Using this key, you can encrypt your message and send it out on the Internet. When someone wants to read
your email, the email has to get the encryption key from the Omniva Access server, which opens the message.

However, once the expiration date of the message has passed, the Omniva Access server destroys the encryption key
needed to open the message, effectively locking out anyone who tries to read the message ever again. In this case,
the email isn't physically destroyed, but is rendered useless.

Another company that offers self-destructing email is Infraworks (, which offers a program
called InTether. The InTether program consists of a Receiver and a Packager. To send a file (text, video, audio, etc.),
you encrypt it using the Packager program. To read, view, or hear the file, another person needs the Receiver
program. After a specified date, or after someone opens the file a certain number of times, the Receiver package can
delete and shred the file.

While self-destructing email can protect your information in transit and at its final destination, it still won't protect prying
eyes from finding traces of your data on the computer where you created the email in slack space, temporary files, and
swap files. Self-destructing email can be one step to protecting your privacy, but don't count on it to protect your
privacy all by itself.
No matter how many times you've deleted a file, or what methods you may have used, there will always be a way to
retrieve it again. While you could extract an overwritten file's data by analyzing its magnetic traces on your hard disk
(discussed below), it's far easier to look for electronic traces of it.

The keyboard buffer

Most operating systems store everything you type in a portion of memory called the keyboard buffer, so when you
create a text document (containing all the subversive actions you plan to take against your government, for example),
the keyboard buffer temporarily stores this information in your computer's memory. When you close the file, your
computer clears the keyboard buffer by dumping its contents into a temporary copy of that particular file, which you
can then view with a computer forensics tool (discussed below).

So if you're trying to get rid of evidence, simply encrypting or deleting a file won't be enough. Encryption or file deletion
protects your final file, but it does nothing to hide or erase information dumped in any temporary files created along the
way. To ensure you are not incriminated by the keyboard buffer, use your favorite file shredder to delete any
temporary files stored on your hard disk.

Cleaning your web browser cache

When you search the Internet, your web browser stores (caches) the web pages you visit in a directory on your hard
disk called the cache directory. Since the cache directory records all the websites you've visited in the last two weeks,
it can leave behind an incriminating trail if you've been visiting sites you're not supposed to visit.

In case you're curious what kind of information someone might find in your web browser cache, run a program such as
Cache Auditor ( for Internet Explorer or Cache, Cookie & Windows Cleaner
( for either Internet Explorer or Netscape. Cache, Cookie & Windows Cleaner shows the
contents of your cache files, so anyone can see which web pages you've looked at in the past few days.

Other cache-purging programs include Cache and Cookie Washer (, and IEClean or NSClean
(, which can clean up the cache in Internet Explorer and Netscape. Macintosh users can try
MacWasher ( If you're a Windows user running AOL, Internet Explorer, Netscape, or even
Opera, try the Complete Cleanup ( program for purging your cache files.

Just remember that purging the cache simply deletes the files and won't physically remove them-anyone can undelete
your erased cache directory file later. (For more security, use a file shredder instead, as discussed earlier in the

If you think purging your cache, deleting old email messages, wiping out temporary files, and shredding all your files
is too much trouble, guess what? That's exactly what computer forensics experts are counting on when they examine
a suspect's computer.
Depending on the seriousness of the crime and the skill of the criminal, computer forensics experts generally rely on
four basic tools when searching for incriminating data: file undeleting programs, hex editors, magnetic sensors, and
electron microscopes.

File undeleting programs

File undeleting programs, readily available in utility programs like Norton Utilities, are often sufficient to catch novices
or people unfamiliar with the way computers work. As described previously, they work by renaming undeleted files (if
they have not yet been overwritten by your system) so that your system will recognize them again. These programs
only work if the files have not been overwritten on your hard disk, so undeleting programs are a relatively weak
forensics tool.

Hex editors

If the suspect has deleted files and has overwritten them on his or her hard disk, you can always use a hex editor to
view any data stored in (or deleted from) both files and disk sectors. A hex editor allows you to peek at the physical
contents stored on a disk, regardless of the boundaries of files, directories, or partitions. Hex editors are often used to
crack copy-protected software, study how computer viruses work, or in the case of forensics, identify and retrieve
information that can't normally be accessed by the operating system.

To understand how hex editors can work, you need to know that all information saved on a hard disk gets recorded in
tracks, which are concentric rings on the surface of each hard disk platter, like the rings in a tree trunk. Each track is
subdivided into sectors, which typically holds 512 bytes of data. These disk sectors are particularly important because
they store the keyboard buffer. Figure 19-4 shows a hex editor at work. Hex editors read this physical medium directly
and don't rely on operating system services to read "files."

Figure 19-4: A hex editor like VEDIT can display the hidden contents of any disk sector or file.

Note For some great online information about how computers work, visit Charles Kozierok's "The PC Guide" at
Forensics experts generally use a hex editor to search for evidence in specific parts of a disk—trying to use a hex
editor to examine an entire hard disk would be like scouring the inside of a skyscraper for fingerprints. Still, hex editors
can often recover some or all of the data in a deleted file that you might not otherwise be able to access. To see what
a hex editor can find on your hard disk, download and try one of the following:

Hex Workshop



Magnetic sensors and electron microscopes

Every file you save leaves magnetic traces on the disk it was saved on. By measuring the changes in magnetic fields
on a disk, forensics experts using magnetic sensors can reconstruct part or even all of a deleted file—or they can use
an electron microscope (expensive, but available to many governments).

Electron microscopes can measure tiny changes in magnetic fields that not even overwriting a file can completely
obliterate. Because each time the computer overwrites a file the disk heads may not be aligned directly over the file,
fragments of the deleted and overwritten file may remain, which an electron microscope can detect.

Disk splicing

No matter how many times you overwrite a file, or format and partition a hard disk, traces of your original data may
still remain. File shredders simply make it progressively more expensive and difficult to retrieve data, but not

Under the illusion that they'll have complete protection, many people burn floppy or hard disks, crush and mangle
them, cut them into pieces, pour acid on them, and otherwise physically manhandle them so that there's no possible
way they could ever be used by another computer again. Unfortunately, physical destruction of floppy and hard disks
still can't guarantee that your data will be safe, since government agencies such as the FBI and CIA practice a
specialized technique known as disk splicing.

With disk splicing, someone physically rearranges the pieces of a floppy or hard disk so that it is as close as possible
to its original condition. Then they use magnetic sensors or electron microscopes to scan for traces of information still
stored on the disk surface.

Obviously, disk splicing is a time-consuming and expensive procedure, so don't expect that your local police force will
have the knowledge, skill, or equipment to do it. But if you've destroyed evidence that involves national government
agencies such as the NSA, CIA, or FBI, don't expect a mangled disk to hide your secrets from the prying electronic
eyes of rich and powerful government agencies either. In fact, the American government even has a special laboratory
called Computer Forensics Laboratory (, located in Linthicum, Maryland, that specializes in
retrieving information from computers, no matter what condition the hardware or disks may be in.

The ultimate lesson is that if you don't want to risk having certain information retrieved from your hard or floppy disk no
matter what precautions you may have taken, don't store that information on a computer.
With so many different ways to leave behind a trail of incriminating evidence, you may want to examine your own hard
disk for ways that someone could use your data against you.

Free forensics tools

To experiment with a variety of free forensics tools, visit AntiOnline ( or the New
Technologies site ( For example, the dirsnp program can recover
previously deleted files, the dd program can read individual sectors off a disk and display their contents, and the readit
program can search a file for a particular word or phrase, such as "nuclear missile," "nerve gas," or the name of your
boss's mistress.

Since recovered files often contain non-alphanumeric characters (such as smiley faces, triangles, or odd mathematical
symbols), the filter program can screen out such useless characters, allowing you to see more clearly the actual data
buried inside. To preserve the contents of a suspect's computer, the disable program can turn off the keyboard.

Commercial forensics tools

To learn about some of the tools law enforcement agencies might use against you, visit the Digital Intelligence Inc.
website (, which sells a unique forensics tool called Drivespy. Drivespy accesses physical
drives using pure BIOS (Int13 or Int13x) calls. Not only does this allow Drivespy to access both DOS and non-DOS
partitions, but it also ensures that you won't risk having the operating system modify or erase data (such as modifying
the swap file) during normal use.

Drivespy lets you do the following:

Examine hard disk partitions using a built-in Sector (and Cluster) hex viewer

Copy files to a designated work area without altering file access or modification dates

Unerase files to a designated work area without altering file access or modification dates

Search drives, partitions, and files for text strings or data sequences

Store all the slack space of an entire partition to a file for examination

Save and restore one or more contiguous sectors to or from a file

For those who need more power than Drivespy offers, Digital Intelligence also sells dedicated computer forensics
workstations (whimsically dubbed FRED, for Forensic Recovery of Evidence Device) and a portable version called
FREDDIE (for Forensic Recovery of Evidence Device Diminutive Interrogation Equipment). If you ever see the police
hauling a FRED or FREDDIE into your computer room, you'll know that they'll be able to copy data from any hard disk
or any other removable storage device, such as Zip disks; create images of your entire hard disk; connect directly to
your computer and monitor any communications that your friends may be trying to send to you; examine any visible
and hidden partitions for data; and capture video images from a camera to record the appearance and location of
equipment at the scene of the crime.

You can also visit Guidance Software ( to learn about its EnCase program. Not only
can EnCase examine MS-DOS/Windows computers, but it can also examine Macintosh and Linux computers. EnCase
can hook up to a target computer and scan the target computer's hard disk for graphic files (useful for hunting down
child pornographers). Once it has retrieved all these graphic files and copied them to another computer, it can display
or print the contents of these graphic files.

While searching graphic files may help find child pornography images, searching text and other files can help find
evidence against ordinary criminals or terrorists. Since their information is likely to be stored in word processor
documents or email messages, EnCase can search a hard disk for all files that contain certain words or phrases. Once
EnCase finds a file containing a specific word or phrase, it can list or copy those files for further examination.

To learn how the American and British governments may be using computer forensics tools to catch criminals, visit the
websites of the Electronic Crimes Task Force ( and U.K.'s National Hi-Tech Crime Unit
Even if you use a file-shredding program consistently, law enforcement officials can always use a variety of computer
forensics tools to pry out any secrets your deleted files may be hiding. So how can you protect your computer from
their prying eyes? Basically, you can't. While you can make recovering data harder by periodically purging your cache
directory and only storing files on removable disks (such as floppy or ZIP disks) and physically destroying them
afterwards, just remember that everything you do on your computer can be recovered and examined later.

Even if you use encryption, guess what? Any information that you encrypt could still be stored in slack space or
temporary files, which means a forensics expert can avoid your encryption and uncover your information by finding the
unencrypted version of your data elsewhere on your disks.

If you don't want your computer to incriminate you, learn what computer forensics experts are capable of recovering.
Experiment with some of the free or commercial forensics tools to recover data on your computer, or see what you can
find on other people's computers. Try secretly examining a coworker's computer. You might learn how to better protect
your own data.
Chapter 20: Protecting Your Computer

I thought that a Jewish state would be free of the evils afflicting other societies: theft, murder, prostitution … But now
we have them all. And that's a thing that cuts to the heart….

CAN AFFORD TO LOSE YOUR COMPUTER EITHER. No matter how inexpensive computers may get, nobody
wants to buy a second computer if they can keep their first one. To keep your computer from disappearing, spend a
little extra time and money so that your computer doesn't wind up slipping out of your hands and into the hands of a

Besides using a little common sense, such as never leaving your laptop computer unattended, you can take some
extra precautions, such as locks or alarms. If someone does happen to get your computer, you may be able to find it
again with a tracking device. To make a thief's life even more miserable, you may also want to invest in a biometric
device that only allows you, or a select group of people you choose, to use your computer.
The simplest way to keep your computer from disappearing is to lock it down with a cable. Most laptop computers
have a security slot that can hold a cable, while desktop computers often require a special plate that attaches to the
side of the computer, monitor, or desk (see Figure 20-1) with glue.

Figure 20-1: A restraining cable can lock your computer to an immovable object, such as a desk.

Security cables, like bicycle locks, can deter novices and probably slow down opportunistic thieves, but they can't stop
determined ones. Given enough time, ordinary nail polish remover can dissolve the adhesives used to glue the cable
attachments to the computer, and laptop security locks can be broken with a few well-placed blows from a hammer. As
a faster alternative, thieves may just snip the restraining cable in half with a pair of wire cutters.

Besides locking down your computer, make sure you lock any doors and windows that can allow access to your
computer in the first place. The more barriers (motion detection alarms, guard dogs, strong door and window locks,
etc.) you put in the way of a thief, the less likely a thief will want to overcome all of them.

For further protection against theft, make sure you record your computer's model number, make, and serial number in
a safe place. Then if someone does steal your computer, you can enter the stolen computer's information into the
Stolen Computer Registry (, a free service that maintains a database of stolen
computers. If someone finds your stolen computer, the Stolen Computer Registry can help get it back to you.

For additional protection, use an etching pen to scratch your driver's license number or other identification on the
inside of the computer case (where thieves won't likely find it) or on the outside of the computer case (to reduce the
value of the equipment, since the thieves must remove that identification before they can resell it).
Sometimes stealing an entire computer may be too obvious or difficult, but stealing the components inside may be a
lot easier. After all, anyone can tell when a computer suddenly disappears from a desk, but who will notice when a
computer suddenly loses a hard drive, a video card, an external Zip drive, a trackball, or a memory chip?

To stop someone from walking off with an external device, such as an external hard drive or computer speakers, you
can glue a metal plate to each item, thread a computer security cable through these plates, and anchor everything to
your computer.

Anti-theft cases

Of course, computer cables may stop someone from stealing the computer, but they may not stop them from opening
up the computer case and stealing everything inside. To prevent someone from opening up your computer, you can
buy a protective computer cover, which looks like a metal case that fits and locks over your computer. Such protective
metal cases deter theft of both the computer itself and any internal components.

To some people, a metal protective case can look ugly and take up space. So rather than cover your computer in a
metallic shell, you may just want to get a lock that attaches to the back of your computer, which prevents anyone from
opening up the case (but it won't stop anyone from stealing the entire computer).

For another alternative to a protective metal case, you can get a security pad that attaches to a fixed object, such as a
desk, and then uses glue to hold the computer (or any other item of value, such as a copying machine or a laser
printer) on top of the security pad.

While many people worry about outside hackers breaking into their computers and wiping out their data, the truth is
that many hacker attacks come from people who already have legitimate access to the computer, such as coworkers,
consultants, or technicians. To prevent insiders from accessing your computer to steal data or to slip a virus or Trojan
horse onto your computer, you can also buy protective disk drive locks. These disk drive locks simply cover the front of
the disk drive and stop anyone from using that floppy, Zip, or CD drive.

To learn more about physical security devices, such as cables, locks, and protective covers, visit the websites of the
following companies:



Computer Security Products



PC Guardian


Security Solutions


An alarm can act as a deterrent to any type of theft, because the last thing a thief wants is noise that draws attention.
Many companies make motion-detection alarms that plug into an ordinary expansion slot in the computer and run off
their own power, so they can work whether the computer is on or off. When the alarm detects abnormal motion that's
likely due to someone moving the computer, the alarm shrieks out a high-pitched wail, scaring off the would-be thief.

For those serious about protecting their computer, consider a unique product by Barracuda Security Devices
( that works like the exploding dye capsules used by banks to foil heists. (These
capsules give a warning, and then they explode, spraying ink over the money and the bank robber so the police can
later identify the thief and trace any attempt to put the money into circulation.) The Barracuda Anti Theft Device fits into
an internal expansion slot in a desktop computer and detects changes in internal ambient light, signaling that the case
has been opened. If the cover is removed without disarming the device with a PIN, an alarm sounds and the device
sprays indelible ink across all of the internal components, making them easy to identify as stolen and impossible to
In 2001, Safeware ( estimated that thieves stole over 500,000 laptops for that
year but only 15,000 desktop computers. Laptops make the most obvious and enticing targets because of their small
size, light weight, and high resale value, so if you're traveling with a laptop in public, do your best to hide it.

Walk through any airport and you'll see many people carrying their laptops in distinctive black carrying cases, easily
recognizable to a thief and nearly impossible to identify by sight if stolen. Instead of carrying your laptop in a case that
screams out "Laptop! Steal me!" put it in an ordinary briefcase or backpack, or even in a paper shopping bag to
disguise it as a souvenir from an overpriced airport gift shop.

If you're going to lose your laptop in an airport, the most likely place will be at the metal detectors. One person will step
in front of you, loaded down with pockets full of metal objects (keys or coins), and wait until you pass your laptop on
the conveyor belt for the X-ray machine. Then, while he beeps the metal detector and delays the passengers behind
him (including you), an accomplice on the other side of the detector picks up your laptop at the end of the conveyer
belt. By the time you get through the metal detector, your laptop is gone-in its unidentifiable black case.

To get through the airport security checkpoints, go in pairs. Have a friend get through it first who can grab your laptop
when it gets through the X-ray machine. That way a thief won't be able to grab it first and run off with it.

Laptop alarms

But what if, despite your best efforts, your laptop gets stolen anyway? One option is to try an alarm, like the one sold
by TrackIT ( or Caveo ( Unlike desktop computer alarms, laptop
alarms consist of two parts: a sensor attached to your laptop and another sensor carried by you (attached to your
keychain or kept in your pocket). The moment your laptop gets separated from you by a fixed distance (such as 15
feet), an alarm in the laptop screams out. If this doesn't cause the thief to drop the laptop right away, it calls your
attention to your laptop and allows you to follow its piercing whine to retrieve it.

If the thief does get away with the laptop, the motion detection alarm can password-protect and encrypt your hard disk.
Now if a thief tries to use the laptop, the password prevents access and the encrypted hard disk prevents anyone
from copying any data.

Remote tracking services

Another protective mechanism is a tracing or monitoring program that buries itself on your laptop computer's hard
drive. Every time you connect to the Internet, the tracking program contacts a special server and sends the IP address
of the current laptop computer's location. The moment you report your laptop stolen, the server waits for your laptop to
contact it again. Once the server receives the IP address of the laptop computer's current location, the company
contacts the authorities to help track down the missing laptop computer.

Some remote tracking programs even go one step further. Once they receive an IP address from the stolen laptop, the
servers can send a command to the remote tracking program to shut off the speakers and search for a telephone line
connection. Then the laptop silently dials a phone number that allows the server to trace the phone number to further
pinpoint the laptop computer's location.

For added security, the server can also command the remote tracking software to encrypt your hard disk to prevent the
thief from accessing any of your data. That way, even if you don't get your laptop back, at least you can rest assured
that no one will be able to steal any data on your laptop either.

For more information about various remote tracking programs available for laptop computers, visit the following sites:

Absolute Protect

Absolute Software

CyberAngel Security Solutions

zTrace Technologies
Locks can be broken and alarms can be disabled, so one way to block access to a computer is through biometrics,
which uniquely identifies authorized users through their fingerprints, retina scans, or voices. The main advantage of
biometrics is that they cannot be easily guessed, as poor passwords can. While any hacker can try obvious passwords
like SEX or PASSWORD, it's much more difficult to duplicate someone else's fingerprint, retina, or voice. Biometrics
works on the principle that every person has unique characteristics that are impossible to duplicate; even identical
twins have different sets of fingerprints.

Typically a biometric device works like this. First, you have to store every authorized user's biometric data in the
device, such as their fingerprints or retina scans. This creates a database that the biometric device can use to decide
who to accept and who to reject.

Once you've given the biometric device a few samples of each person's data, you need to test the device to ensure
that the biometric device can accurately identify each person. The biggest problem facing biometric devices is finding
the proper balance between false acceptance and false rejection.

As the name implies, false acceptance means that the biometric device's criteria accepts too many variations as valid,
so anyone whose fingerprint may be slightly similar to an authorized user may still be granted access. False rejection
means that the biometric device's criteria are too narrow, which means that even authorized users may have trouble
getting the biometric device to recognize them as valid users.

Biometric devices

Since most people pick simple passwords or forget their passwords altogether, some people have chosen to get rid of
passwords altogether and rely on tokens or smart cards instead. A token or smart card contains information
magnetically coded on a plastic card. When you insert the card into a reader device, the computer can tell whether
you're authorized to use the computer. Of course, if someone happens to steal your smart card, they can get access
and keep you locked out.

Since passwords can be guessed and both passwords and smart cards can be stolen, many people are pinning their
hopes on biometric devices to restrict access to their computers. The most common biometric devices and the
simplest to implement are fingerprint scanners. These scanners can come as separate units that connect to the
computer through a cable or as PCMCIA cards that plug into a laptop computer.

To learn more about fingerprint biometric devices, visit these sites:



Precise Biometrics


Utimaco Safeware

Besides fingerprints, no two person's signatures are alike, so several companies market signature-recognition devices.
For more information about signature-recognition devices, visit Communication Intelligence Corporation
( or Cyber-SIGN (

Hook up a camera to your computer, and with the right software you can verify authorized users through face
recognition. Users just have to stare into a camera, and once the computer recognizes them as an authorized user,
they can get access to the computer. One company that sells face-recognition software is Identix
( To learn more about face recognition, visit the face-detection algorithm demonstration by the
Robotics Institute ( Just upload photographs of different people so
you can see how accurately the face-recognition algorithm correctly identifies the same face in different poses and
Offering a unique twist to biometrics, Real User ( offers a program called PassFaces. Instead
of forcing people to remember obscure passwords and spell them correctly, PassFaces lets users pick a unique face
as their password. When they want access to the computer, the computer flashes several different faces on the
screen and the user must choose the right face.

Iridian Technologies ( offers an even more exotic biometric device that scans the retina of
users' eyes to identify authorized users. Rather than rely on a single biometric measurement, SAFlink
( uses voice, face, and fingerprint recognition to identify authorized users through an ordinary
digital camera, microphone, and fingerprint reader. Another company, BioID (, uses face, voice,
and lip-movement recognition to identify authorized users. If someone fools one biometric device, they probably won't
be able to fool the second or third one at the same time.

For more information about security in general, from protecting your possessions to guarding yourself on the streets,
visit Ardent Security Solutions ( or the National Security Institute ( For
specific information about protecting the security of your computer and data, visit the Computer Security Institute

Defeating biometrics

The theory is that no one can duplicate a fingerprint, signature, or face scan of another person, so biometrics should
be the answer to securing access to a computer, right? Wrong.

Biometrics can be fooled. Besides the cruder methods that involve holding a gun to an authorized user's head and
making him scan his retina into the computer, or simply cutting off a person's finger and using the decapitated fingertip
to get past a fingerprint scanner, there are subtler, less violent ways to trick biometric devices.

When authorized users put their fingertip on a fingerprint scanner, the computer verifies their access and they walk
away. Of course, their valid fingerprint still remains on the fingerprint reader device. Many fingerprint scanners can be
fooled just by cupping your hands and breathing over the device to fog it up, which causes the residue of the
authorized user's fingerprint to appear on the fingerprint scanner. The scanner sees this valid fingerprint once again
and thereby gives you access.

To capture a valid fingerprint for future use, sprinkle graphite powder on the fingerprint scanner and then stick a piece
of ordinary cellophane tape over the surface to capture the fingerprint on the sticky side of the tape. Now you can stick
this piece of tape over the fingerprint scanner, which will recognize it as the fingerprint of a valid user.

Face-recognition devices are even simpler to fool. Just take a picture of an authorized user, hold that picture up to the
camera that scans the face, and chances are good that the biometric facial recognition device will think you're a valid
user when you're not. Fooling voice-recognition devices can be just as easy. Hide a tape recorder and stand near an
authorized user speaking into the microphone. Then, play back this recording and you've got yourself a valid voiceprint
that the biometric device will recognize.

Retina scanners can be fooled the same way, just as long as you can get a picture of an authorized user's retina. Hold
the picture of the authorized user's retina in front of the camera, and chances are good that you'll fool the biometric
retina scanner.

Perhaps the best way to fool any biometric device is to intercept the data going from the biometric reader to the
computer. If you can sneak a hardware device such as USB Agent ( in between the
biometric device and the computer, you can intercept data from valid users. Then you can ignore the biometric device
altogether and just use the USB Agent to feed the computer the data it expects from a valid user (see Figure 20-2).
Figure 20-2: The USB Agent can intercept and analyze data sent across a USB cable.

Another tool for intercepting data sent across a USB cable is USB Sniffer for Windows
( or USB Snoopy ( Both programs can snare data so you
can analyze what a valid user's biometric data looks like to the computer.

No matter how advanced biometric devices may get, there will always be a way to fool them. Biometric tools can
supplement security, but they can't substitute for it. To keep someone from fooling a biometric device, you need a
guard to watch over the biometric device. Of course, if you can afford to station a guard by your computer, then you
don't really need the biometric device.

All the protective locks, alarms, and biometric devices in the world can only deter a casual thief and slow down a
determined one—you can never protect your computer with absolute security. As long as you remember that all
protective devices are deterrents, you'll be able to balance security with your budget. But the moment you believe that
security can be bought through the latest technology, that's when you're certain to be disappointed—and you'll
probably be missing a laptop computer as well.
Appendix A: Software
freeware, shareware, free trials, and demos of defensive programs. Whenever possible, we've listed the program's
main site which you can visit for the latest version of the software.

Freeware programs are free for you to use, copy, and distribute without license restrictions. (In some
cases, they even include source code that you can study and modify.)

Shareware programs are "try before you buy." You get the full program but if you continue to use it
you must pay for it.

Demoware and trialware are time limited or "crippled" versions of a piece of software. If you like the
program you must buy the full version to continue to use it.

To save money, try the many freeware programs first. Many freeware programs offer equal (or better) protection than
shareware or commercial software. For example, while BlackICE is a well-regarded (and excellent) firewall program,
ZoneAlarm offers similar protection for free.
Since installing many of these programs may be tricky, we've made no attempt here to tell you how to install or
troubleshoot them. Before you install a program, you should visit the program's website (listed with each program) and
follow the software publisher's installation instructions.

Uncompressing, Unzipping, Unstuffing, and So On

Many of these programs are compressed; you'll recognize the compressed files by their extensions.

.zip files are Windows files which may be "unzipped" with Stufflt Expander or WinZip.

.exe files are program files; double-click them from within Windows to extract them and run the

.sit and .sea files are Macintosh Stufflt files which may be "unstuffed" with Stufflt Expander.

.gz and .tar are gzipped or tarred Linux files which may be uncompressed with LinZip or tar.

You must expand or uncompress these programs before you can run them. Here's a list of useful tools for that


Programs to expand compressed files.


Aladdin Expander Decompress, decode, convert, and access the most popular compression archive
formats, including Stufflt (.sit), ZIP (.zip), UUencode (.uu), MacBinary (.bin), BinHex (.hqx), and more.
Freeware. (

WinZip A straightforward zipping and unzipping utility. Shareware. (


Aladdin Expander Decompress, decode, convert, and access the most popular compression archive
formats, including Stufflt (.sit), ZIP (.zip), UUencode (.uu), MacBinary (.bin), BinHex (.hqx), and more.
Freeware. (

Aladdin DropStuff Compress, encrypt, and make self-extracting archives. Shareware.



LinZip A full-featured compression utility. Shareware. (

tar Compress and manipulate tar archives. Freeware.

Hide your identity with these programs.


No Referrer Helps you surf anonymously by stripping out identifying information normally sent out by
your computer. Freeware. (No installation support.)

Privacy Companion Protects your privacy by alerting you when a website is trying to give your
computer a cookie, which could be used to gather information about your computer. Works with
Internet Explorer only. Freeware. (

Private Idaho Email utility program to help you encrypt your email using PGP and anonymous
remailers. Freeware. (


Cone of Silence Prevents keystroke capturing programs from recording anything you type. Shareware.

Free Guard Hides files and folders. Freeware. (

VSE My Privacy Encrypts private information, such as credit card numbers, passwords, confidential
names and addresses, and so on, to keep it safe from prying eyes. Shareware.
Protects you from falling for Internet con games.
MegaHack Cracks the Mega$Nets online pyramid scheme.
These programs block or disable advertiser-sponsored programs that could secretly transmit information about your
computer over the Internet.


Ad-Aware Helps detect and block advertiser-sponsored software (spyware) from retrieving information
from your hard disk. (

Aureate/Radiate Remover Removes the Radiate/Aureate spyware DLL files from your computer to
prevent them from retrieving information from your hard disk. Advertiser-supported freeware.

FlowProtector Blocks cookies, spyware, and Internet connections that could send data from your
computer without your knowledge. Freeware. (

OptOut Removes the Aureate/Radiate DLL files that turn shareware into spyware. Freeware.

Silencer Blocks communication between spyware and the server that the spyware is trying to send
your data to. Freeware. (
These programs can help you detect, block, and remove remote access Trojan horse programs.


BODetect A comprehensive Trojan horse detection and removal program. Shareware.


The Cleaner Scans your system for Trojans. Shareware. (

Jammer Protects you against NetBus, Back Orifice 1.x, and BO2K.

NetBus Remover Finds and removes the NetBus Trojan horse that affects Windows 95/98/NT.
Freeware. (No installation support.)

NetBuster Detects and removes the NetBus Trojan horse. Will also create a fake NetBus connection
to help you fool any hackers trying to access your computer using NetBus. Freeware.

StartupMonitor Monitors all programs that automatically start up when you boot up Windows. Use this
to detect Trojan horse programs that may be secretly starting when you boot up. Freeware.

Sub-Net 2.0 Trojan horse port scanner useful for analyzing and securing your Internet connection.
Freeware. (

SubSeven Server Sniper Detects and removes the SubSeven Trojan horse; can also trace an attacker
over the Internet. Freeware. (

Tauscan Detects and removes remote access Trojans installed on your hard disk. Trialware.

TDS:Trojan Defence Suite Detects and removes hundreds of Trojan horses from your computer.
Trialware. (

Trojans Database Describes the most popular Trojan horses including their features and the ports
they use to attack a computer. Freeware. (No installation support.)

Trojans First Aid Kit Detects and removes hundreds of Trojan horses. Freeware.

Win Trinoo Server Sniper Detects and removes the Trinoo Trojan, which can use your computer to
launch a distributed denial-of-service attack against another computer. Freeware.
These programs can detect, remove, and block viruses from infecting your computer.


eSafe Multipurpose program that provides content filtering (so you can selectively block certain
websites from users), an antivirus program, a desktop lockdown program (to prevent unauthorized
access to your computer), and an anti-vandalism program to keep malicious worms and viruses from
attacking your hard disk. Trialware. (

F-Prot DOS-based antivirus program. Freeware. (

Mail Cleaner Scans your Outlook or Outlook Express email for viruses hidden as file attachments. If it
finds one, the program deletes the suspect email and notifies you of its action. Freeware.

Norton Antivirus 2000 Well-known leading antivirus program. Trialware. (

ScripTrap Blocks the running of malicious scripts, such as viruses written with VBScript. Freeware.

Script Defender Protects against all forms of malicious code (such as macro viruses) that run scripting
languages such as VBScript or JavaScript. Freeware. (

SurfinGuard Monitors programs for suspicious behavior; if malicious behavior is detected,

SurfinGuard kills the suspect program. Freeware. (

Virus Trap Helps detect and capture viruses by offering "bait" files for viruses to infect. Once a "bait"
file has been infected, the program alerts you so you can send the trapped virus to an antivirus
company for further analysis. Freeware. (


Agax An expandable, free antivirus program that offers both standard virus-scanning and more
advanced background protection. Freeware. (

Disinfectant Adds basic virus protection by scanning files when opened and monitoring your system
for unusual activity. Freeware. (

McAfee VirusScan One of the most popular antivirus programs in the world. Shareware.
This program is typical of the type of programs that spammers use to flood email accounts with their advertisements.


Express Mail Server A bulk emailing program. We don't like these any more than you do, but you
might check out this example. Demoware. (
Clean your browser's cache and wipe out any cookies with these programs.


AdSubtract SE Selectively blocks unwanted ads or cookies. Free for personal use.

Complete Cleanup Deletes temporary files, cookies, and web cache files to guard your privacy.
Trialware. (

Cookie Crusher Automatically accepts or rejects cookies for you. Trialware.


Cookie Pal Manages your cookies. Shareware. (

CyberClean Removes cookies, history files, bookmarks and cache files, and registry entries that refer
to recently visited websites. Trialware. (

SurfSecret Removes cookies and Internet surfing debris. Trialware. (

Window Washer Cleans up any files created by your browser, such as cookies or lists of recently
visited websites, to prevent others from tracking your Internet usage. Trialware.


MacWasher Cleans up cookies or lists of recently visited websites to prevent others from tracking your
Internet usage. Trialware. (
Generate secure passwords and protect your computer while you're away with these programs.


Password Generator Generates random passwords. Freeware.


ISS Complock II Password-protects your computer to prevent someone from booting it up without your
knowledge. Shareware. (

Magic Folders Hides files and folders from view to keep a thief from finding them. Shareware.

Quicky Password Generator Helps you create a unique and difficult-to-guess password (which may
also be difficult to remember). Freeware. (

PGP Desktop Security Protects your data across your network and the Internet by encrypting
information in email, hard drives, and more. Trialware. (

Security Officer In addition to monitoring the programs run on your computer, this program can also
protect your files from being modified or deleted. Shareware. (

WinGuardian Logs all programs run along with keystrokes typed in each program. Trialware.
These programs can tear a program apart and reveal its assembly language source code so you can see how the
program works.


IDA Pro Disassembler Shows you the assembly language source code of an executable file.
Demoware. (

Letun Disassembler Disassembles Windows executable files. Shareware.

Verify a domain's existence with these tools.
Cyberkit Ping, TraceRoute, Whols, Finger, and more in one easy-to-use utility. Postcardware.

DNS Workshop Converts between IP addresses and Internet host names. Trialware.

Domain Searcher Searches for and investigates domain names. Trialware.

Crack files encrypted with DES.
BrydDES Brute force cracker for the DES encryption algorithm. Freeware. (No installation support.)
These programs will scramble your data using a variety of algorithms, to keep your files safe.


Absolute Security Protects the confidentiality of sensitive information. Shareware.


Blowfish-C C source code implementation of the Blowfish encryption algorithm. Freeware.


Blowfish-Java Java source code implementation of the Blowfish encryption algorithm. Freeware.

CuteZip Compression utility that includes 128-bit encryption using the Twofish algorithm. Trialware.

Encrypted Magic Folders Hides files and folders and protects them with encryption. Shareware.

GNU Privacy Guard A complete and free replacement for PGP. Freeware. (

Kryptel Lite A free version of Kryptel, a file encryption program. Freeware. (

PC-Encrypt Encrypts and compresses any type of file used in Windows 95/98 and NT. Shareware.

PGP The popular PGP encryption program for protecting your files. Freeware. (

PGP Personal Privacy Protects your email, files, folders, disk volumes, and network communication
from prying eyes with one integrated product. Trialware. (

ScramDisk Encrypts your hard disk with various encryption algorithms including IDEA, Blowfish, DES,
and Square. Freeware. (

Twofish-C C source code implementation of the Twofish encryption algorithm. Freeware.


Twofish-Java Java source code implementation of the Twofish encryption algorithm. Freeware.

Twofish-VB Visual Basic source code implementation of the Twofish encryption algorithm. Freeware.


PGP The popular PGP encryption program for protecting your files. Freeware. (

Tresor File encryption program for protecting individual files and entire folders using IDEA.
Shareware. (

VSE My Privacy Encrypts private information, such as credit card numbers, passwords, confidential
names and addresses, and so on, to keep it safe from prying eyes. Shareware.


GNU Privacy Guard A complete and free replacement for PGP. Freeware. (
PGP The popular PGP encryption program for protecting your files. Freeware. (
These programs can help you detect changes in your files that could indicate a hacker has gotten into your computer.


Veracity A network intrusion detection tool that uses cryptography to detect unauthorized changes to
files. Trialware. (


Veracity A network intrusion detection tool that uses cryptographics to detect unauthorized changes to
files. Trialware. (


Tripwire Monitors and protects your data against changes. Freeware. (

Veracity A network intrusion detection tool that uses cryptographics to detect unauthorized changes to
files. Trialware. (
These programs can securely delete files to prevent all but the best-funded authorities from recovering your data.


BCWipe Shreds your files and disks to eliminate traces of your data. Free for non-commercial use.

CyberScrub Securely shreds and deletes confidential files beyond recovery. Shareware.

Eraser File shredder with Visual C++ source code. Freeware. (

Evidence Eliminator Securely shreds files and disks. Defeats forensic analysis software. Trialware.

Shredder 95/98/NT Completely destroys files and even free space beyond any hope of recovery.
Shareware. (

Shred-It Shreds your files and folders beyond recovery. (

Shred-X Removes all traces of your files. Shareware. (


Burn File shredder to keep your deleted files from being recovered. Freeware.

NetShred Shreds your web cache and other related files to prevent someone from tracking your
Internet usage. Shareware. (

Shred-It Shreds files and folders beyond recovery. Shareware. (


Wipe Includes C source code. Freeware. (

These programs can retrieve information from deleted files and formatted disks.


Directory Snoop Recovers erased files and data from individual clusters. Can also wipe sensitive data
from a disk to prevent recovery. Shareware. (

File Scavenger Scans a disk to find previously deleted files that can still be recovered. Shareware.

NTIDoc Lists all files and creation dates and times stored in a directory. Freeware.

Omniquad Detective Searches and examines a hard disk for information. Shareware.
Programs that peek inside files and disk sectors so you can see what's inside them or so you can modify their


FRHED Windows-based hex editor with Microsoft Visual C++ source code. Freeware.

Freeware Hex Editor Hex editor for peeking inside files and disk clusters. Freeware.

Hex Workshop A powerful hex editor for examining the contents of files and disk clusters.
Shareware. (

UltraEdit Hex editor with a dictionary for spell-checking. Trialware. (

VEDIT Hex editor that can edit files up to 2 gigabytes in size. Includes a manual stored as an Acrobat
PDF file. Trialware. (
Programs to help you catch and counterattack hackers.


NetBuster Detects and removes the NetBus Trojan horse. Will also create a fake NetBus connection
to help you fool any hackers trying to access your computer using NetBus. Freeware.

Tambu UDP Scrambler Watches ports for hacker probes and floods attackers with a flurry of
messages. Freeware. (
These programs can help you block or monitor the ports on your computer to determine if a malicious hacker is trying
to access or probe your computer.


Anti-Hack Monitors your open ports to detect unauthorized access attempts. Shareware.

AntiSniff Detects port sniffing on a network. Freeware. (

Attacker Monitors your ports for suspicious behavior and notifies you when someone tries to connect
to your computer through a Trojan. Freeware. (

BlackICE Defender Intrusion detection and a personal firewall. Demoware.


Jammer Monitors ports on your computer to detect attempted break-ins. Shareware.


McAfee Personal Firewall Secures your computer from hackers. Trialware. (

Netmon Monitors your ports for suspicious behavior and detects the more common Trojan horses.
Freeware. (

NukeNabber Monitors your computer ports to alert you when someone may be trying to access your
computer using a Trojan horse. Freeware. (

Port Blocker Blocks open ports on your computer to prevent them from being used by hackers or
Trojan horses. Freeware. (No installation support.)

ProtectX Monitors your ports to detect and remove any Trojan horses that could be used to access
your computer. Shareware. (

Rainbow Diamond Intrusion Detection Detects suspicious activity through your ports. Demoware.

SuperScan Port scanner that probes your computer to detect any open ports that could be vulnerable
to a remote attack, such as through a Trojan horse. Freeware. (

ZoneAlarm Firewall that protects your computer from port scanners and remote access Trojans.
Freeware. (


TrashScan Monitors the ports on your Macintosh to make sure an intruder isn't secretly accessing
your computer over a network or the Internet. Freeware. (
These programs connect you to Internet Relay Chat (IRC) rooms so you can chat in real time with people all over the


mIRC Very popular Windows IRC client. Shareware. (

Pirch98 Shareware. (

Visual IRC Easy-to-use IRC program. Donationware. (


Ircle Popular Macintosh IRC client. Shareware. (

ShadowIRC Open source IRC client. Shareware. (


Bitch-X The most popular Linux IRC client. Free (GPL). (

ircit IRCIT (IRC for the Information Terrorists) is a full-featured, text-mode, macro-extensible modern
IRC client. Free (GPL). (
See what others are doing with your computer in your absence.


2Spy Logs all activity on your PC so you can see what others may be doing on your computer in your
absence. Shareware. (

AppsTraka Records all programs run, when they were used, and all keystrokes typed to help you
detect unauthorized users on your computer. Shareware. (

Ghost Keylogger Secretly records keystrokes so you can see what someone may have been doing on
your computer. Demoware. (

iOpus STARR Monitors the use or abuse of your PC. Shareware. (

Key Interceptor Logs all typed keys. Freeware. (

KeyKey Records keystrokes in Windows or a DOS box. Shareware. (

Omniquad Desktop Surveillance Runs as an invisible agent, which unobtrusively captures keystrokes
and records screen contents for replay. The program also compiles activity reports that include all
user activities: websites, chat rooms, newsgroups, games, files, and folders.Trialware.

PC Activity Monitor Records keystrokes to help you monitor what people are doing on a computer
without your knowledge. Shareware. (

RedHand Secretly monitors your computer to determine which programs someone may be using
without your knowledge or permission. Can also limit users to performing only certain functions on a
computer. Shareware. (

Security Setup II Restricts different users from accessing certain features, such as disabling the
Control Panel and limiting users to running only certain programs. Shareware.

WinWhatWhere Investigator Quietly monitors and reports date, time started, time elapsed, program
captions, and keystrokes. Shareware. (


Cone of Silence Prevents keystroke capturing programs from recording what you type. Shareware.

Free Guard Hides files and folders. Freeware. (

Keystroke Recorder Records each keystroke into a file for later viewing. Shareware.

SuperLock Pro Prevents unauthorized access to your Macintosh by recording any break-in attempts,
sounding an alarm, automatically going into sleep mode, and stopping someone from rebooting your
computer. Shareware. (
These programs allow you to play or record MP3 files.


Audiograbber Grabs music from CDs digitally. Freeware. (

AudioCatalyst Transforms your CD files to MP3s. Shareware.


CD'n'Go Extracts and encodes digital MP3s. Freeware. (

HyCD Play & Record Lets you create your own MP3 audio CDs. Demoware. (

MP3 JumpGate Lets you play, create, decode, and mix MP3s. Freeware.

MuzicMan Organizes and plays MP3 files. Shareware. (

Rosoft CD Extractor Creates WAV and MP3 files. Advertiser-supported freeware.


Winamp Popular MP3 player. Freeware. (


Macast Lite Plays MP3 files on your Macintosh. Shareware. (

SoundJam MP Free MP3 player (encoding features are time-limited). Shareware.



cdparanoia MP3 ripper. Freeware. (

MPG123 A real-time MPEG audio player. Freeware. (

ripperX Extract CD audio and encode it to MP3 format. Freeware. (

Analyze information traveling across a network with these programs.


Sniffer Intercepts and analyzes packets transmitted over a network. Network Sniffer can take plug-ins
for different protocols, including IP, TCP, and UDP. Shareware. (

TraceWolf Packet Sniffer Opens all packets passing through your modem or Ethernet card and
displays header and data fields. Demoware.
Limit and monitor Internet access and program use on your computer.


ENUFF Limits and monitors computer use. Shareware. (

IamBigBrother Filters what your kids can access on the Internet. Demoware.
These programs can recover forgotten passwords from password-protected files.


007 Password Recovery Retrieves passwords hidden behind asterisks. Freeware.


Advanced Zip Password Recovery Retrieves a password from a password-protected ZIP file using
bruteforce, dictionary, and plain text attacks. Shareware. (

Fast Zip Cracker Executes a brute force attack to retrieve a password from a password-protected ZIP
file. (

John the Ripper Password cracker to help you detect weak UNIX passwords. Freeware.

Password Recovery Toolkit Helps recover passwords from password-protected files created by a
variety of popular programs including Quicken, Lotus 1-2-3, WordPerfect, and Outlook. Demoware.

Passware Kit Retrieves passwords from password-protected files created by programs such as
Quattro Pro, Microsoft Money, Excel, and Windows NT. Demoware. (

Peek-a-Boo Retrieves a password hidden behind asterisks. Freeware. (

Revelation Displays passwords hidden behind asterisks. Freeware. (

The Ultimate Zip Cracker Retrieves the password for any password-protected ZIP, ARJ, Excel, or
Word file. Shareware. (


John the Ripper Password cracker to help you detect weak UNIX passwords.
Analyze ports on your network and detect vulnerabilities with these programs.


AATools Scans a network for vulnerable computers and open ports. Shareware.

AntiSniff Detects port sniffing on a network. Freeware. (

NetBrute Searches for shared resources, detects open ports on a computer or network, and tests a
website for password security. Freeware. (

PortBlocker Blocks open ports on your computer to prevent them from being used by hackers or
Trojan horses. Freeware. (

SATAN (Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks) Recognizes several common
networking-related security problems and reports the problems without actually exploiting them.
Freeware. (

TJ Ping Ping, traceroute, and lookup utility. Freeware. (


Nmap Linux-based port scanner regarded as the most comprehensive port scanner currently
available. Freeware. (

Snort A lightweight network intrusion detection system, capable of performing real-time traffic analysis
and packet logging on IP networks. C/C++ source code available. Freeware. (
Disguise what you're reading by displaying the entire text of an ASCII document on your screen in large letters, one
word at a time, at speeds up to 1,000 words per minute, so that it's virtually impossible for anyone to see at a glance
what you're reading.
AceReader Read or skim text on your computer. Demoware. (
These programs can help you remotely monitor a computer (such as your own) without the knowledge of anyone
using it.


Spector Pro A remote access program that has moved away from its original remote access Trojan
horse roots. The current version of the program allows you to control another computer from a remote
location. Shareware. (

PC Spy Monitor your computer while you are away by capturing and saving screen images.
Shareware. (

Q-Peek View the desktop of a computer from anywhere on the Internet or on your local network using
a standard web browser. Shareware. (
These programs can return your computer to a previous state to help you recover from all types of malicious attacks
such as virus, Trojan horse, or hacker attacks.


Aladdin FlashBack Saves all previous versions of your files so you can retrieve previously created or
deleted data at any time. Trialware. (

ConfigSafe Tracks changes in your computer so you can return to a previous state at any time.
Demoware. (


Aladdin FlashBack Saves all previous versions of your files so you can retrieve previously created or
deleted data at any time. Trialware. (
These programs block or filter email to reduce or eliminate spam from clogging your email account.
Spam Buster Advertiser-supported freeware. Filters your email to remove spam.

SpamKiller Filters your email to remove spam from known spamming addresses, while allowing email
from a list of addresses that you define. Shareware. (

SpammerSlammer Tags suspected spam so you can delete or read it if you choose. Freeware.

WebCrypt Unique program that encrypts your HTML code so spammers can't retrieve email
addresses from your website. Shareware. (
Hide data in graphics or sound files with these programs.


dc-Steganograph A very small DOS-based program that hides data in PCX images. Freeware.

Gif-It-Up Hides data in GIF files. (No installation support.)

Hide and Seek Encrypts data using Blowfish and then hides it in GIF files. Freeware.

Hide4PGP Works with PGP to encrypt and hide data in bitmap or sound files. Freeware.

Hide in Picture Hides and encrypts data in a bitmap file. Freeware.


Invisible Secrets Hides files in other files not usually suspected of encryption, including JPEG, PNG,
and BMP. (

MP3Stego Hides data in MP3 audio files. (Includes C source code.) Freeware.

S-Tools Hides data in bitmap, GIF, or WAV files. Freeware.


Steganos Security Suite Encrypts email using ordinary encryption or steganography to hide your email
from prying eyes and can shred files beyond recovery. Trialware. (

wbStego Hides data in graphic, ASCII, HTML, or Adobe Acrobat files. Trialware.


Stego Hides and recovers encrypted data in GIF files. Free (Open Source). (
These programs can keep unauthorized users from accessing your computer in your absence.


DesktopShield 2000 Secures your PC when you're not using it. Freeware.

Workstation Lock Password-protects your system at startup without using a screensaver. Shareware.


SuperLock Pro and SuperLock Lite Prevents unauthorized access to your Macintosh by recording any
break-in attempts, sounding an alarm, automatically going into sleep mode, and stopping someone
from rebooting your computer. Shareware. (
This program can help your computer recover from an accident, malfunction, or malicious attack.


System Safe Automatically detects and repairs corrupted system files so you can restore your
computer after an accident or hacker, virus, or Trojan horse attack. Shareware.
Use this program to encrypt voice transmissions over the Internet or other networks.


PGPFone Encrypts voice transmissions over the Internet or other networks. (Includes C/C++ source
code.) Freeware. (


PGPFone Encrypts voice transmissions over the Internet or other networks. (Includes C/C++ source
code.) Freeware. (
Vulnerability scanners combine the features of an ordinary scanner with a database of all known weaknesses that
hackers commonly exploit. The scanners list weaknesses that they find in a network and then offer suggestions for
closing these possible openings.


Kane Security Analyst A network security assessment tool that provides a fast, thorough analysis of
network security for Windows NT and Novell NetWare. Trialware. (

Retina Scan, monitor, and fix vulnerabilities within a network's Internet, Intranet, and Extranet.
Windows NT. Trialware. (


The Security Administrator's Integrated Network Tool (SAINT) An updated and enhanced version of
SATAN, designed to assess the security of computer networks. Freeware.
These programs can help protect your website from getting attacked or abused.
WebAgain Automatically fixes vandalized web pages. Trialware. (

WebCrypt Helps stop linkbacks to your web pages that eat up your bandwidth, and blocks spammers
who use spiders to get email addresses from your site. Trialware.
Appendix B: A Hacker's Gallery of Rogue Tools
to see, let alone use, these hacker tools, this appendix contains screenshots from a selection of recent and previously popular
hacker tools. This will give you a historical and present-day perspective of the tools that hackers use when they attack someone
(maybe even you) over the Internet.


Hackers are generally lazy but intelligent, which means they don't like doing something boring that they can program the
computer to do for them instead. As a result, hackers have unleashed a variety of tools designed to make their lives easier (but
their victims' lives more miserable). Some of these tools include scanners (to find open ports on vulnerable computers), remote
Trojan horse programs (to take over a computer through the Internet), and password crackers (designed to exhaustively try out
different password combinations until they finds one that works). To see what types of tools hackers may use against you,
browse through the following:


Released around 1995, AOHell (see Figure B-1) defined the standard for online harassment programs and quickly spawned
numerous copycats for harassing other online services including CompuServe, Prodigy, and the Microsoft Network. Written in
Visual Basic 3.0, AOHell was a relatively simple program that helped hackers send spoofed email, create phony credit card
numbers for making fake AOL accounts, con AOL users out of passwords and credit card numbers, and send insulting
messages to others in chat rooms.

Figure B-1: AOHell, the first and original online harassment tool.

Although AOHell initially caused problems for America Online users, the program is now obsolete. Few hackers are currently
developing AOHell copycat programs, preferring to channel their energy towards creating more sophisticated Internet hacking
tools such as port scanners or harassment tools that cause chaos on IRC or in ICQ chat rooms.

BO2K – Back Orifice

With a name deliberately chosen to mock Microsoft's Back Office program, Back Orifice caused a sensation when released in
1998 as one of the first remote access Trojan horse programs that could remotely control another computer over a phone line or
through the Internet (see Figure B-2).
Figure B-2: Back Orifice 2000 is the latest incarnation of the popular and ground-breaking remote access Trojan horse.

Developed by a hacker group calling themselves the Cult of the Dead Cow, Back Orifice ( made headlines
again in 1999 when it was released at DefCon 7.0 with improvements, including the option of adding plug-in programs written by
others, and the complete C/C++ source code so that anyone could study and modify the program. Ironically when introduced at
DefCon, the Back Orifice 2000 CD was infected by the Chernobyl (CIH) virus.

Although Back Orifice still poses a threat to computers, the buzz surrounding BO2K has faded. Still, the program has spawned
numerous remote access copycats programs that have improved upon the original Back Orifice design, and despite its age,
Back Orifice still remains a favorite tool for hackers to probe computers connected to cable or DSL modems.

Crack Whore

One of the new breed of website hacking programs, Crack Whore uses a brute force/dictionary attack against a website to find
the password to a legitimate account (see Figure B-3). Since so many people use weak, easy to guess passwords, programs like
Crack Whore are surprisingly successful far more often than they should be.
Figure B-3: Crack Whore probes a website for easily-guessed passwords to give a hacker access to a system.

Once hackers have access to a legitimate account, they can either modify web pages and other data directly or attempt to
burrow through the system and either gain access to additional accounts or elevate the current account to get greater access to
the rest of the computer hosting a particular website.

Death ‘n Destruction

One of the simplest denial-of-service (DoS) hacking tools, Death ‘n Destruction sends endless streams of useless data to a
victim's computer port (usually port 139), effectively overwhelming the target computer and causing it to crash or disconnect from
the Internet (see Figure B-4).

Figure B-4: Death ‘n Destruction can flood a computer with useless data as a primitive, but effective, form of a
denial-of-service attack.

ICQ War 2000

With the popularity of instant messaging services (and the dwindling popularity of online services), hackers quickly turned their
attention from writing online harassment programs such as AOHell clones and started writing ICQ harassment tools instead (see
Figure B-5).
Figure B-5: ICQ War 2000 provides multiple features for harassing someone (and protecting yourself) while using ICQ.

ICQ War 2000 is one of many multi-purpose ICQ harassment programs that can flood a victim with messages, track down a
person's IP address, and disrupt chat rooms with insults and obscenity.

John the Ripper

One of the more popular password cracking programs available, John the Ripper runs under UNIX and MS-DOS to crack weak
UNIX passwords and systems such as Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, Digital UNIX, AIX, HP-UX, and IRIX.

John the Ripper can automatically detect DES, MD5, and Blowfish encrypted UNIX passwords and use a brute force attack to
uncover easy-to-guess passwords (see Figure B-6). Once hackers have a password, they can log in to a valid account and
establish a foothold on a computer.

Figure B-6: John the Ripper is a command-line program that can find weak passwords on UNIX-based systems.


Originally developed as a remote access Trojan similar to Back Orifice, newer versions of NetBus are now being marketed as a
legitimate remote access administrative tool. Despite this change of focus by the NetBus programmers, hackers continue to use
earlier versions of NetBus (see Figure B-7) to secretly access other computers. In addition, many hacker websites provide the
original Delphi source code so anyone can make modifications to create a new version of NetBus or write an entirely different
remote access Trojan horse.
Figure B-7: NetBus is one of the more popular remote access Trojan horse programs.


Considered one of the best scanning tools for probing a system, Nmap incorporates almost every scanning technique known into
one single program (see Figure B-8). Depending on the scanning option you use, Nmap can offer you speed or stealth (to
prevent a target computer from knowing it's being probed) using a variety of different protocols (ICMP, UDP, TCP, etc.). You can
safely assume that given enough time, Nmap can find an opening in practically any computer.

Figure B-8: Nmap provides a variety of scanning techniques to help you probe the vulnerabilities of a computer.

Nmap runs on UNIX-based operating systems such as Linux and FreeBSD, and comes with full C/C++ source code that you can
study and modify. With an active programming community behind it, Nmap is likely to continue for some time as the most
powerful scanning tool available to both system administrators and hackers.

While development of Back Orifice has slowed to a crawl, a new Trojan horse named SubSeven has taken its place as the most
popular Trojan horse to use (see Figure B-9). SubSeven's programmers continue to add new features to the program, such as a
text-to-speech module, a spy program for retrieving passwords and other data used by instant messaging programs, and the
ability to retrieve a variety of information from an infected computer such as the user's name, address, and even Windows CD
key number.

Figure B-9: SubSeven has surpassed Back Orifice as the most popular remote access Trojan horse currently in use.

To help stay in touch with other users, SubSeven's programmers even offer a mailing list and IRC chat room. With the popularity
of SubSeven, more computers could eventually be infected by SubSeven than other remote access Trojan horse.


For a brief period, email bombs surged in popularity. The idea was to flood a single email account with multiple messages or to
subscribe a victim to multiple mailing lists, usually to topics that included child pornography, sexual bondage, or necrophilia.

In 1996, a hacker named "johnny xchaotic" made the headline news when, on two separate occasions, he email bombed
various organizations and prominent people including Bill Gates, the Ku Klux Klan, Pat Buchanan, Bill Clinton, the Church of
Scientology, and Newt Gingrich.

Email bombing quickly faded as ISPs shut down their mail forwarding services and removed websites that offered email bombing
programs. While still an effective tool, email bombing programs like UpYours can reveal an attacker's IP address, further
reducing the appeal of attempting a large-scale email bombing attack (see Figure B-10).
Figure B-10: UpYours was one of the original email bombing programs that provides a variety of options for email
bombing a victim.
In the early days of computers before the Internet, hackers had to communicate through the telephone lines. Since
making multiple long-distance phone calls for extended periods of time cost money, hackers soon learned to
manipulate the telephone company's computers to make free phone calls or wipe out previously recorded charges on
their phone bills.

These early hackers, dubbed phone phreakers, also developed tools to help them control and cause havoc over the
telephone lines. While most hackers spend their time creating Internet tools, a few phone phreakers still exist and
many hackers still find that phone phreaking tools can help them sneak into a computer through the telephone lines
when the usual Internet connections are too heavily protected by firewalls and intrusion detection systems.

Master Credit Card Generator

Master Credit Card Generator created seemingly valid credit card numbers using the same formula that the credit card
companies use. By using a program such as Master Credit Card Generator, hackers could create fictitious credit card
numbers to help them set up Internet accounts through online services such as America Online. Once the online
service verified that the credit card number wasn't valid, they would shut down the hacker's account, but with the aid of
a few dozen more credit card numbers, hackers could simply create new accounts over and over again.

Figure B-11: Master Credit Card Generator helped hackers create fake Internet accounts at no cost.


In the early days of the telephone network, the telephone company's switches communicated by emitting specific
tones to one another. If you knew which tones to use, you could play those tones into an ordinary telephone and
literally reprogram the telephone company's computers. Although these tones no longer work on the newer telephone
networks, a program like CyberPhreak shows a typical tone box generator program that phone phreakers have

CyberPhreak (see Figure B-12) mimicked the two common telephone color boxes that phone phreakers once used to
manipulate the telephone networks: blue boxes and red boxes. A blue box emitted the 2600 Hz tone (which is where
the hacker magazine 2600 got its name) while a red box emitted tones into a payphone to trick a pay phone into
thinking you inserted a nickel, dime, or quarter.

Figure B-12: CyberPhreak can make your computer generate tones to trick the telephone company's computers
into giving you free phone service.

Shit Talker

More of a harassment tool than a hacker tool, Shit Talker (see Figure B-13) lets you use the sound capabilities of your
computer to create a computer-generated voice that reads insults to someone on the telephone, which can be perfect
for dealing with annoying telemarketers.
Figure B-13: Shit Talker can turn your computer into an annoying voice harassment tool.


An old MS-DOS based war dialer that's still used by hackers today, ToneLoc provides a variety of options for hunting
out a modem (see Figure B-14). Despite the growing use of the Internet, many corporations and organizations still
provide phone modems for connecting to their network, particularly for sales people who need to use remote access
programs like PCAnywhere or Carbon Copy to access a computer through the phone lines.

Figure B-14: ToneLoc is a DOS-based wardialer that can search a range of phone numbers to determine which
ones are connected to a modem.

Once a hacker has found a connected modem to attack, the last line of defense is usually a password, which can often
be guessed. As a result, many hackers use wardialers to connect to a network and bypass any firewalls that may be in
the way.
By their nature, most viruses attack your computer without your knowledge. However, some viruses display whimsical
pictures or messages on the screen just for fun (or to warn you that it just wiped out all your data). Since few people
will ever see a virus, here are some of the more interesting ones that have infected computers in the past.

AIDS virus

Although most viruses try to hide their presence on a computer, the AIDS virus (see Figure B-15) blatantly announces
its presence with a message designed to taunt the user. Despite its threatening message, the AIDS virus is rare, so
unless you're still running any version of MS-DOS, chances are good your computer will never risk infection by this
particular virus.

Figure B-15: The AIDS virus attempts to frighten a user after it has infected a computer.

Ambulance virus

Not all viruses deliberately damage files. Some of them, like the Ambulance virus (see Figure B-16), simply infect
computers so they will display an animation of an ambulance rushing across the screen, complete with the wail of a
siren. While not dangerous, the Ambulance virus can still demonstrate that even harmless viruses can still be a
Figure B-16: The Ambulance virus does nothing but make noise and draw an ambulance rushing across your

Boza virus

Sometimes a virus deliberately announces its presence simply to boast that it has succeeded in infecting another
computer. The Boza virus (see Figure B-17) infects computers and then displays a simple dialog box that announces
its claim to fame as the world's first Windows 95 computer virus.

Figure B-17: The Boza virus does nothing but remind people that it was the first Windows 95 virus in the history
of the world.

Casino virus

Once a virus has infected a computer, it can trash any files at any time. Since random hard disk trashing can get
boring, the Casino virus (see Figure B-18) makes a game out of its infection. After an infection, the Casino virus
displays a video slot machine on the screen for the user to play. If the user plays and wins, the Casino virus leaves the
hard disk alone. If the user tries to exit out of the video slot machine game or plays the game and loses, the Casino
virus trashes the hard disk.
Figure B-18: The Casino virus threatens to trash a hard disk if the user fails to win at the video slot machine.

Senna Spy Internet Worm Generator 2000

In much the same way as hackers tried to create special programs for mass-producing viruses and Trojan horses,
hackers have now created the Senna Spy Internet Worm Generator 2000 for mass-producing worms that use the
VBScript language (see Figure B-19).

Figure B-19: Senna Spy Internet Worm Generator 2000 simplifies the creation of VBScript worms.

While the program can create worms quickly and easily, the worms it creates are not necessarily malicious; they
simply provide a skeleton program that can retrieve addresses stored in Microsoft Outlook to email themselves to
other people. If you want to customize the worm to add a malicious payload of some sort, you'll still need to
understand the VBScript language. Still this program is likely to help an aspiring worm programmer understand the
basics to retrieving Outlook addresses and getting the worm to email itself to others.

VBS Monopoly Worm

While not one of the more dangerous digital threats out there, the VBS Monopoly worm may be one of the more
amusing ones. Written in Visual Basic Script, this worm consists of three files: a picture named MONOPOLY.JPG and
two additional Visual Basic scripting files MONOPOLY.WSH and MONOPOLY.VBE.
The MONOPOLY.WSH files executes the MONOPOLY.VBE file, which sends out an email message to everyone in
the user's Outlook Address Book. The message has the following subject and message:

Subject: Bill Gates joke

Message: Bill Gates is guilty of monopoly. Here is the proof. :-)

After executing the MONOPOLY.VBE file, the worm displays the MONOPOLY.JPG file (as shown in Figure B-20) and
displays the message:

Figure B-20: The VBS Monopoly worm displays a picture of Bill Gates after it infects your computer.

Bill Gates is guilty of monopoly. Here is the proof.

VBS Worm Generator

This is a sophisticated worm generator that offers pull-down menus for mass-producing custom worms that can start
infecting the Internet as soon as you release them into the wild (see Figure B-21). Some of its replication methods
include sending itself to email addresses stored in Microsoft Outlook and through IRC by infecting the mIRC or Pirch
IRC programs.

Figure B-21: The VBS Worm Generator can mass-produce custom worms to spread to your enemies.
To avoid detection, the VBS Worm Generator tries to encrypt its VBScript code. For payloads, the program allows a
hacker to display a message and picture, crash the computer, or gain access to a website. Since the VBS Worm
Generator provides the complete VBScript source code to a worm, hackers can just modify the code and create
custom worms nearly as fast as the VBS Worm Generator can produce them.

Virus Creation Laboratory (VCL)

Released in 1992, the Virus Creation Laboratory (VCL) was written by a hacker dubbed the Nowhere Man (see Figure
B-22).VCL provided pull-down menus so users could customize a virus with little or no knowledge of programming. In
theory, VCL sounds formidable but in reality, bugs and its limited features kept VCL from creating any new viruses that
could seriously threaten anyone.

Figure B-22: The Virus Creation Laboratory offered a graphical user interface for mass-producing computer

Most of the viruses VCL creates either don't work or don't spread. On top of that, VCL viruses are easily identified by
nearly all antivirus programs. Although the threat that hackers could mass-produce viruses using VCL initially panicked
the antivirus community, the limited capabilities of VCL have guaranteed the program a place as an interesting but
unsuccessful footnote in computer virus history.

Other hackers have tried to create similar virus-making toolkits, such as the ScareMaker Project (see Figure B-23),
but like the Virus Creation Laboratory, the viruses and worms these toolkits create are rarely successful.
Figure B-23: The ScareMaker Project was an attempt to create a Windows version of the Virus Creation
Appendix C: A Bit of History—Phone Phreaking and Other Phun

SYSTEM. Instead of using the Internet, people crowded into online services with odd names like The Source and
GEnie, and not so odd names like CompuServe and America Online. Instead of setting up web sites, people set up
electronic bulletin board systems (BBS). Most importantly, instead of linking computers together through high speed
cable, DSL, or satellite Internet connections, people had to connect to one another through the much slower telephone

The problem wasn't necessarily the slowness of the telephone system. The problem was that the cost of multiple long
distance phone calls quickly added up. To avoid paying the least amount of money to the telephone company as
possible, many people simply figured out various ways to manipulate the telephone company's computers to remove
charges from their bills or grant themselves free telephone service so they could make as many long distance phone
calls as they wanted.

These early hackers were called phone phreaks, and their methods were known as phone phreaking. On the noblest
level, phone phreaking was about exploring, experimenting, and learning as much as you could about the telephone
system out of sheer curiosity. On a more malicious level, phone phreaking meant making free phone calls at
somebody else's expense, denying phone service to valid customers, or even wrecking telephone company

Unlike computer hacking, which can often be practiced in isolation on a single personal computer, phone phreaking
requires more extensive preparation that includes software, hardware, and social engineering expertise. One moment
you may be reprogramming the phone company's computers, another you may be soldering wires together to alter a
pay phone, and still another you may be chatting with a telephone employee to get the passwords for a different part of
the phone system. Like computer hacking, phone phreaking is an intellectual game where players try to learn as much
as they can about the system (usually) without breaking any laws to do so.

Note Although much of the phone phreaking methods described in this part of the book are obsolete, much of the
techniques that phone phreakers invented, such as social engineering, are still valid today. So read this section
with the eye of a historian to see how people hacked their way through the telephone company's computers
armed with nothing more than their wits and a rotary telephone.
In the early days of the phone system, you picked up a telephone and talked to an operator who put your call through.
As more people got phone lines, the phone company began to replace its operators with special switching equipment.
When you dialed a number, your telephone sent a signal to the switching equipment, which routed your call to its
destination. Such switching systems could handle more calls more efficiently than human operators, but they also
opened the door to phone phreaking. Trying to trick a human operator into letting you make a free phone call to Brazil
was nearly impossible, but tricking a mindless machine into letting you make free phone calls only required sending
signals identical to the phone company's. If you knew the right signals, the switching systems would blindly obey your

Perhaps the most famous phone phreak was a man nicknamed Captain Crunch because of his accidental discovery of
a unique use for a toy whistle found in a box of Cap'n Crunch cereal. He found that blowing this toy whistle into his
phone's mouthpiece emitted a 2600 Hz tone, which was the exact frequency used to instruct the telephone company's
switching systems.

Other people soon discovered this secret, and some even developed the ability to whistle a perfect 2600 Hz tone. For
those unable to obtain the original Cap'n Crunch toy whistle, entrepreneurs started selling devices, known as blue
boxes, that simply emitted the 2600 Hz tone. With the introduction of personal computers such as the Apple II, phone
phreaks started writing computer programs that could emit the proper 2600 Hz tone from their computer's speaker.

Blue boxes worked as long as the telephone company relied on their old electromechanical switching systems. But
eventually these were replaced with newer electronic switching systems (known as ESS), which rendered blue boxes
(and the infamous 2600 Hz tone) useless for manipulating the telephone system (although blue boxes may still work
on older phone systems outside the United States).

Of course, the introduction of ESS brought a whole new set of problems. With the older electromechanical switching
systems, a technician had to physically manipulate switches and wires to modify the switching system. With ESS,
technicians could alter the switching system remotely over the phone lines.

Naturally, if a technician could perform this feat of magic over the telephone, phone phreakers could do the same—if
they only knew the proper codes and procedures to use. Obviously the telephone company wanted to keep this
information secret, and the phone phreakers wanted to let everyone know how the telephone system works (which is
partly what the ongoing struggle between the telephone company and phone phreakers is all about).

To learn more about phone phreaking, visit one of the following phone phreaking websites: Hack Canada
(, Phone Losers of America (, Phone Rangers
(, or United Phone Losers ( Or try the alt.phreaking and
alt.2600.phreakz newsgroups for messages about phreaking.
If you have a telephone, anyone in the world, including the legions of phone phreakers just goofing around with the
telephone system, can call you. Steve Wozniak reportedly once called the Vatican and pretended to be Henry
Kissinger. Other phone phreakers have attempted to call the Kremlin through the White House hot line and have
rerouted a prominent TV evangelist's business number to a 900-number sex hot line. Because a large part of phone
phreaking lore involves performing progressively more outrageous acts and then boasting about them, the following
phone phreaking stories may or may not be true. Nevertheless, they will give you an idea of what phone phreakers
can achieve given the right information. The three stories are "urban myths" circulating around the Internet and are
reprinted here verbatim.

The toilet paper crisis in Los Angeles

One thing that was really easy to do was pop into the AutoVerify trunks by accessing the trunks
with that "class mark." You couldn't just dial an 800 number that terminates into Washington DC;
you also had to pop over to a trunk class marked for "auto-verification."

This is used when a phone user has to reach someone and the line is busy. The normal
procedure goes like this: The operator selects a special trunk, class marked for this service, and
dials either the last five digits of the phone number, or a special TTC code like 052, followed by
the whole seven-digit number. After that, the operator hears scrambled conversation on the line.
The parties talking hear nothing, not even a click.

Next, the operator "flashes forward" by causing the equipment to send a burst of 2600 Hz, which
makes a three-way connection and places a beep tone on the line so that both parties originally
on the line can hear the initial click (flash, in this case) followed by a high-pitched beep. At this
point, the parties can hear you, and you can hear them. Usually, the operator announces that it's
an emergency, and the line should be released. This is called an "emergency interrupt" and is a
service normally reserved for emergencies. It's available today for a $2 fee ($1 in certain areas).

Earlier, I had mapped every 800 number that terminated in Washington DC by scanning the
entire 800-424 prefix, which then indicated Washington DC.

That scan found an impressive quantity of juicy numbers that allowed free access to
Congressional phone lines, special White House access numbers, and so on.

While scanning the 800-424, I got this dude whose bad attitude caught my attention. I determined
to find out who it was. I called back and said, "This is White Plains tandem office for AT&T, which
subscriber have we reached?"

This person said, "This is the White House CIA crisis hot line!"

"Oh!" I said, "We're having problem with crossed lines. Now that I know who this is, I can fix it.
Thank you for your time—good-bye!"

I had a very special 800 number.

Eventually my friends and I had one of our info-exchanging binges, and I mentioned this incident
to them. One friend wanted to dial it immediately, but I persuaded him to wait. I wanted to pop up
on the line, using AutoVerify to hear the conversation.

Our first problem was to extract what exchange this number terminated in, because AutoVerify
didn't know about 800 numbers.

At that time, all 800 numbers had a one-to-one relation between prefix and area code. For
instance, 800-424 = 202-xxx, where xxx was the three-digit exchange determined by the last four
digits. In this case, 800-424-9337 mapped to 202-227-9337. The 227 (which could be wrong) was
a special White House prefix used for faxes, telexes, and, in this case, the CIA crisis line.

Next we got into the class marked trunk (which had a different sounding chirp when seized) and
MF'ed KP-054-227-9337-ST into this special class marked trunk. Immediately we heard the
connection tone and put it up on the speaker so we would know when a call came in.

Several hours later, a call did come in. It did appear to have CIA-related talk, and the code name
"Olympus" was used to summon the president. I had been in another part of the building and
rushed into the room just in time to hear the tail end of the conversation.

We had the code word that would summon Nixon to the phone. Almost immediately, another
friend started to dial the number. I stopped him and recommended that he stack at least four
tandems before looping the call to the White House.

Sure enough, the man at the other end said "9337."

My other friend said, "Olympus, please!"

The man at the other end said, "One moment sir!" About a minute later, a man that sounded
remarkably like Nixon said, "What's going on?"

My friend said, "We have a crisis here in Los Angeles!"

Nixon said, "What's the nature of the crisis?"

My friend said in a serious tone of voice, "We're out of toilet paper, sir!"

Nixon said, "WHO IS THIS?"

My friend then hung up. We never did learn what happened to that tape, but I think this was one
of the funniest pranks — and I don't think that Woz would even come close to this one. I think he
was jealous for a long time.

To the best of my recollection, this was about four months before Nixon resigned because of the
Watergate crisis.

The Santa Barbara nuclear hoax

General Telephone, once the sole phone service for Santa Barbara, used older equipment. Some
calls into certain exchanges got routed through inter-region exchanges. A lot of these used the
older 2600 Hz–pulse method of signaling.

One of my phone-phreak friends got the bright idea of dialing out on two lines at once to see what
happens. Normally, one line would be busy, and the other one would get through. But sometimes,
this would jam the lines on both sides of the trunk but still indicate the trunk was free. In telephone
talk, this creates a "glare" condition, where one side glares at the other. Calls coming in would
just terminate into emptiness, and the trunk would appear to be free to the trunk selector.

Eventually calls came in that terminated to our phone(s). One of my pranky friends said the
following to a caller: "What number are you calling? This is a special operator!" The other person
said they were calling Santa Barbara and gave us the number. My friend asked, "What area is
that in?" then said, "We've had a nuclear accident in that area, please hang up so we can keep
the lines open for emergencies only."

Pretty soon, others called—some reporters and other official types. When calls really started to
pour in, we broke the connection.

That next day, the Los Angeles Times carried a short news article headlined "Nuclear hoax in
Santa Barbara." The text explained how authorities were freaked out and how puzzled they were.
The phone company commented, "We don't really know how this happened, but it cleared right
up!" Five years later, Santa Barbara replaced that old faulty equipment with newer electronic
The President's secret

Recently, a telephone fanatic in the Northwest made an interesting discovery. He was exploring
the 804 area code (Virginia) and found that the 840 exchange did something strange. In all of the
cases except one, he would get a recording as if the exchange didn't exist. However, if he dialed
804-840 followed by four rather predictable numbers, he got a ring!

After one or two rings, somebody picked up. Being experienced at this kind of thing, he could tell
that the call didn't "supe," that is, no charges were being incurred for calling this number. (Calls
that get you to an error message or a special operator generally don't supervise.) A female voice
with a hint of a southern accent said, "Operator, can I help you?"

"Yes," he said, "What number have I reached?"

"What number did you dial, sir?"

He made up a number that was similar.

"I'm sorry. That is not the number you reached." Click.

He was fascinated. What in the world was this? He knew he was going to call back, but before he
did, he tried some more experiments. He tried the 840 exchange in several other area codes. In
some, it came up as a valid exchange. In others, exactly the same thing happened—the same
last four digits, the same southern belle.

He later noticed that the areas where the number worked were located in a beeline from
Washington, DC, to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He called back from a pay phone.

"Operator, can I help you?"

" Yes, this is the phone company. I'm testing this line and we don't seem to have an identification
on your circuit. What office is this, please?"

"What number are you trying to reach?"

"I'm not trying to reach any number. I'm trying to identify this circuit."

"I'm sorry, I can't help you."

"Ma'am, if I don't get an ID on this line, I'll have to disconnect it. We show no record of it here."

"Hold on a moment, sir."

After about a minute, she came back. "Sir, I can have someone speak to you. Would you give me
your number, please?"

He had anticipated this and had the pay phone number ready. After he gave it, she said, "Mr.
XXX will get right back to you."

"Thanks." He hung up the phone. It rang. INSTANTLY! "Oh my God," he thought, "They weren't
asking for my number — they were confirming it!"

"Hello," he said, trying to sound authoritative.

"This is Mr. XXX. Did you just make an inquiry to my office concerning a phone number?"

"Yes. I need an identi- …"

"What you need is advice. Don't ever call that number again. Forget you ever knew it."

At this point my friend got so nervous he just hung up. He expected to hear the phone ring again,
but it didn't.

Over the next few days, he racked his brains trying to figure out what the number was. He knew it
was something big — so big that the number was programmed into every central office in the
country. He knew this because if he tried to dial any other number in that exchange, he'd get a
local error message, as if the exchange didn't exist.

It finally came to him. He had an uncle who worked in a federal agency. If, as he suspected, this
was government related, his uncle could probably find out what it was. He asked the next day and
his uncle promised to look into it.

When they met again, his uncle was livid. He was trembling. "Where did you get that number?"
he shouted. "Do you know I almost got fired for asking about it? They kept wanting to know where
I got it!"

Our friend couldn't contain his excitement. "What is it?" he pleaded. "What's the number?"


He never called the number after that. He knew that he could probably cause quite a bit of
excitement by calling the number and saying something like, "The weather's not good in
Washington. We're coming over for a visit." But my friend was smart. He knew that there were
some things that were better unsaid and undone.
To start phone phreaking, you need access to a telephone other than your personal phone. Phreaking from your own
phone will not only cost you in phone charges, but will also provide the telephone company with a convenient way to
track you by tracing your phone line. To be a true phone phreak, you need access to the telephone system and a way
not to get billed.
The crudest level of phreaking is known as shoulder surfing, which is simply looking over another person's shoulder
who is typing in a calling card number at a public pay phone.

The prime locations for shoulder surfing are airports because travelers are more likely to use calling cards rather than
spare change to make a call. Given the hectic nature of a typical large airport, few people will notice someone peering
over their shoulder while they punch in their calling card number, or listening in as they give it to an operator.

Once you have another person's calling card number, you can charge as many calls as you can to it until the victim
receives the next billing statement and notices your mysterious phone calls. As soon as the victim notifies the phone
company, they will usually cancel that calling card number, and you'll have to steal a new calling card number. Since it
is theft, true phone phreakers look down on calling card number stealing as an activity unworthy of anyone but
common thieves and juvenile delinquents.
The simplest method to access the telephone system anonymously is through a pay phone. One of the earliest ways
phone phreaks learned to manipulate the telephone system was through telephone "color boxes." These boxes emit
special tones or physically alter the wiring on the phone line, allowing anyone to make free phone calls, reroute phone
lines, or otherwise raise havoc with the phone system.

Although the Internet abounds with different instructions and plans for building various telephone color boxes, just
remember that many of them no longer work with today's phone system—although they might work in other countries
or in rural areas. To satisfy your curiosity, though, here are some descriptions of various color boxes that others have
made and used in the past. But first, a warning from a phone phreaker regarding the legality of building and using such

You have received this information courtesy of neXus. We do not claim to be hackers, phreaks,
pirates, traitors, etc. We only believe that an alternative to making certain info/ideas illegal as a
means to keep people from doing bad things - is make information free, and educate people how
to handle free information responsibly. Please think and act responsibly. Don't get cockey, don't
get pushy. There is always gonna be someone out there that can kick your ass. Remember that.

Aqua box

The surest way to catch a phone phreak is to trace his phone calls. One technique the FBI uses is called a
Lock-in-Trace, which allows the FBI to tap into a phone line much like a three-way call connection. Because every
phone connection is held open by electricity, the Lock-in-Trace device simply cuts into a phone line and generates the
same voltage as when the phone line is being used. The moment you hang up, the Lock-in-Trace device maintains the
voltage of the phone line as if the phone were still in use, thus allowing the FBI (or anyone else) to continue tracing the
origin of a particular phone call.

The aqua box simply lowers the voltage level on a phone line, preventing the Lock-in-Trace device from maintaining
the necessary voltage to keep the line open (and possibly even shorting out the Lock-in-Trace device itself). It should
block any attempt by the FBI (or anyone else) to trace your phone call.

Beige box

A beige box mimics a lineman's handset, which means that you can do anything a telephone company lineman can.
Just open up any of the telephone company's protective metal boxes (usually found on a street corner), attach your
beige box to an existing phone line (preferably not your own, which would defeat the whole purpose of the beige box),
and you can make free long-distance calls at your neighbor's expense or eavesdrop on their calls.

Black box

Before you receive a phone call, the voltage in your phone line is zero. The moment someone calls you and the
phone starts ringing, the voltage jumps to 48V. As soon as you pick up the phone, it drops to 10V, and the phone
company starts billing the calling party.

A black box keeps the voltage on your phone line at a steady 36 volts so that it never drops low enough to signal the
phone company to start billing—incoming callers never get billed for talking to you.

Cheese box

A cheese box tricks the phone company into thinking that your ordinary phone is actually a pay phone that can make
outgoing calls but can't accept incoming calls. Cheese boxes were supposedly invented by bookies as a way of
making calls to people while making it impossible for others (such as the police) to call them.

Crimson box
A crimson box is a device that lets you put someone on hold so that they can't hear you but you can still hear them.
Great for listening to what telemarketers say to their co-workers when they think you're not listening.

Lunch box

The lunch box connects to an ordinary phone and turns that phone into a transmitter. That way you can use a receiver
and eavesdrop on other people's phone calls while listening from a safe distance away.

Red box

Each time you drop a coin into a pay phone, the pay phone sends a tone over the line. When you toss in enough
coins, the telephone company opens up the line so you can place a call. The red box simply generates the same tones
that the pay phone generates when it receives a coin. By playing the tones from a red box into the mouthpiece of a
pay phone, you can fool the phone company into thinking that you dropped coins into the pay phone, thus allowing you
to make a free phone call.

Many of the above color boxes were developed to work with the older phone systems, which means they may not
work with your phone systems. Of course, if you happen to live somewhere remote that hasn't updated its phone
system, or if you're living in a country that still uses obsolete telephone equipment, you might experience better results.
Since phone phreaking is about experimenting, you could try these telephone color boxes at your own risk and see
what happens.
To make a telephone color box, you often needed to solder or connect different wires together. But with the popularity
of personal computers, people soon wrote programs to mimic the different telephone color boxes. By running a
telephone color box program on a laptop computer, you can experiment with the phone system from any pay phone in
the world.

Of course, personal computers aren't the only tools available to phone phreaks. If you visit the Hack Canada
( Web site, not only can you learn about hacking the Canadian phone system, but you
can also download the source code to telephone color box programs (dubbed RedPalm) that run on a PalmPilot
handheld computer.

By using the RedPalm program, you can make your PalmPilot emit tones that mimic the sounds made when you put
real money into a Canadian payphone. The tones make the pay phone respond as if you had dropped in a nickel,
dime, or quarter, letting you make phone calls for free.

In addition to using a personal computer or PalmPilot to run telephone boxing programs, a group of hackers calling
themselves TeamKNOx has released a program called PhreakBoy, which mimics red and blue telephone boxes and
includes C source code. The PhreakBoy program even runs on Nintendo GameBoy systems.
Besides writing programs to mimic telephone calling boxes, phone phreakers also created special programs called war
dialers or demon dialers. War dialers are an old, but still effective, method for breaking into another computer.

War dialers work by hunting for telephone lines connected to a modem and a computer, which means that every
person, corporation, and organization are potential targets. Because most people don't advertise their modem
numbers, war dialers dial a range of phone numbers and keep track of any of the dialed numbers that respond with the
familiar whine of a computer modem. A hacker can then use this list and dial each number individually to determine
what type of computer he has reached and how he might be able to break in to it.

For example, many businesses have special phone lines that allow traveling employees to control their desktop
computers with their laptop computers and special remote-control software, such as pcAnywhere, RapidRemote, or
CarbonCopy. If a hacker finds this special phone number and uses a copy of the same remote-control software, guess
what? With the right password, the hacker can take over the desktop computer too and then erase or copy all of its

Since war dialers can dial a number over and over again, they can also be used to harass people. Some of the more
unusual harassment programs include a pager program that repeatedly dials a victim's pager number and randomly
types in a phone number. Other phone harassment programs dial a single number over and over again at random
intervals or play a computer-generated voice to insult a caller the moment he or she picks up the phone. (Just
remember that with caller ID, available in most parts of the country, a victim can track your phone number, so it's not
a good idea to call from any phone number that can be traced back to you.)
Voice mail is the corporate alternative to answering machines. Rather than give each employee a separate answering
machine, voice mail provides multiple mailboxes on a single machine. Because a voice mail system is nothing more
than a programmable computer, phone phreaks quickly found a way to set up their own private voice mailboxes buried
within a legitimate voice mailbox system.

The first step in hacking a voice mail system is finding the system's phone number — something a war dialer can do
for you. (Many voice mailboxes even have toll-free numbers, so don't forget to scan those numbers too.) If you have
legitimate access to a voice mail system, you could practice hacking into it so you have a better idea of what to expect
when you work on somebody else's.

When you call a voice mail system, you might have to press a special key, such as * or #. Then a recording will usually
ask for a valid mailbox number, typically three or four digits. After choosing a mailbox number, you'll need a password
to access the mailbox, play back messages, or record your own messages.

People will usually choose a password that's easy to remember (and easy to guess). Some people base their
password on their mailbox number, so try typing the mailbox number itself or backward (if the mailbox number is 2108,
try 8012 as the password). Other people might use a password that consists of a repeated number (such as 3333) or a
simple series (6789).

Once you manage to guess a password, you'll have free access to the voice mailbox, which means you can play back
or erase any stored messages. Of course, if you start erasing somebody's messages, they'll notice fairly quickly and
get the system administrator to change the password to lock you out again.

Most voice mail systems always have several empty mailboxes, either leftovers from previous employees or extra
capacity for anticipated newcomers. Voice mailbox hackers simply hunt around a voice mailbox system until they find
an unused mailbox that they can claim for themselves.

After they've claimed a voice mailbox, hackers can send and retrieve messages from their buddies all over the world.
Many companies are providing mailboxes for hackers without even knowing it while other companies ignore or tolerate
this minor transgression. As long as the hackers don't mess up the voice mail system for legitimate users, it's often
cheaper just to pretend they don't exist on the system at all.
With the introduction of cellular phones, a whole new realm has opened up for phreaks. Unlike a beige box, which
requires a physical connection to make a free call on an existing phone line, cellular phone theft requires only a radio

Even when your cellular phone isn't in use, it must constantly transmit its electronic serial number (ESN) and mobile
identification number (MIN) so the cellular network knows where to send an incoming call. With a radio scanner and
additional data-capture equipment, a thief can capture and store the ESN and MIN of a legitimate cellular phone.
Later, the thief can program the stolen ESN and MIN into another cellular phone. All calls made from this "cloned"
cellular phone now get billed to the victim's cellular phone.

(The cellular phone equivalent of shoulder surfing calling card numbers is to sign up for cellular phone service using a
fraudulent name. Then just use the service until the cellular phone company cuts you off for nonpayment.)

To prevent cellular phone "cloning," phone companies now use encryption. When a user makes a call with these
newer cellular phones, the cellular network asks for a special code. Legitimate cellular phones will be able to supply
the proper authentication code; cloned cellular phones will not.

Cable and satellite TV companies face a similar problem: Cable and satellite TV broadcasts often get intercepted by
people using special receivers and descramblers. By browsing the Internet, you can even find companies that sell
plans, instructions, and actual kits for building your own cable or satellite TV descrambler (for educational or legitimate
purposes only, of course!).

The corporations continue to develop more sophisticated methods for protecting their broadcasts, and the video
pirates always come up with new methods for cracking the protection schemes. Video pirates often claim that if the
broadcasting companies lowered their prices, fewer people would steal their services. Broadcasting corporations
make the counter-claim that the cost of fighting the pirates keeps prices artificially high.

The question is, if video pirates and cellular phone cloners disappeared overnight, would corporations lower their
prices? If you think so, then perhaps video pirates and cellular phone thieves deserve to be caught. But if you think
that corporations would keep their prices the same whether they had to absorb the cost of fighting thieves or not, then
video pirates and cellular phone thieves might be considered modern-day Robin Hoods after all.

Be careful if you steal service from the telephone or cable TV companies. Stealing service for yourself is enough to
earn you a free trip to the police station, but if you get greedy and try to resell the service to other people, you're really
asking for trouble.

Of course, if your government restricts the flow of information, stealing from the telephone and cable TV companies
may be the only way to communicate with others and receive news from the rest of the world. Ultimately, you have to
decide if you're breaking the law out of greed or rebellion against unfair government laws. And take the consequences.
Appendix D: Glossary


Programs that display advertisements, often retrieved off the Internet. See Freeware, Open source, and Shareware.


(Advanced Encryption Standard) An encryption standard defined by the United States government. See DES.

Anonymous remailer

A program or website that strips away an email address from a message and then forwards it, allowing you to send
email without revealing your identity or location.

Antivirus program

A program that detects and removes computer viruses.


(America Online) The most popular (and hated) online service in the world.

Assembly language

A low-level machine programming language. Each specific family of microprocessors (such as Intel or Motorola
microprocessors) has its own assembly language that allows maximum flexibility in controlling the computer. Most
viruses are written in assembly language, although a few are written in BASIC, C, or Pascal.

Back door

A hidden entry point into a computer or program. Hackers often create back doors in a computer so they can return
later and quickly bypass any security or log-in procedures normally required.

Back Orifice

One of the most popular remote access Trojan horse programs. See RAT and Trojan horse.

Black hat hacker

Term describing a hacker who uses his or her skills for malicious purposes, such as deleting files and crashing
computers. See White hat hacker.


Popular encryption algorithm freely available for anyone to use.

Boot sector

The part of the disk that identifies the disk type (floppy or hard), the size of the file allocation table, the number of
hidden files, and the number of files in the root directory. Every disk has a boot sector, which makes every disk
vulnerable to boot viruses. See Boot virus.

Boot virus

A virus that infects the boot sector of a disk.

Brute-force attack

A method of discovering a password by exhaustively trying all possible combinations of words and numbers until you
find the right one.


Popular programming languages used to write most operating systems and programs such as Linux, Windows, and
Microsoft Word. C was the original language used to develop Unix, while C++ is an object-oriented version of C.


Generic term for programs, such as parental control programs, that block or limit access to certain websites and
Usenet newsgroups. See Parental control software.


The numeric result of some calculation (for example, a one-way hash function) based on the physical contents of a file,
that uniquely identifies that particular file. If the file changes in any way, its checksum also changes. Checksums are
often stored in a separate file that may be encrypted, hidden, or saved on a separate floppy disk. Antivirus and
anti–Trojan horse programs use checksums to identify when a file may have been altered (and thus possibly infected).
Similarly, computer forensics experts often use checksums to verify that a file hasn't been changed since the computer
was first seized by the police.


One or more sectors on a disk, containing all or part of a file. See Slack space.


(complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) A battery-powered chip that stores information about a computer's
configuration. Many viruses target this chip because it can keep your computer from working properly.

Cold boot

To turn a computer off and then back on again. See Warm boot.

Companion virus

A now obsolete type of MS-DOS virus that stores itself as a separate file, usually as a .com file. Companion viruses
name themselves after an infected program file, such as wp.exe, but with the .com file extension.


A program that converts source code into an executable program. See Decompiler.


1. A malicious hacker. 2. A type of program that can defeat encryption or copy protection.

Defeating a program's copy-protection method or bypassing any password or encryption scheme.

Credit card generator

A program that creates credit card numbers using the same mathematical formula used by the credit card companies.


Capable of running on multiple operating systems.


A type of program that reconstructs a program's original source code from an executable file. Decompilers exist for
Visual Basic, Java, and other programming languages. See Disassembler.


Rapid-application development tool based on the Pascal programming language. Often used to write remote access
Trojan horse programs. See RAT and Visual Basic.

Denial-of-service attack

The tying up of a computer's resources to prevent its use by others. Often abbreviated as DoS.


(Data Encryption Standard) An encryption method. DES can be cracked and is thus considered useless for encrypting
valuable or sensitive information. See AES.

Desktop-monitoring program

Program designed to spy and record the activities of a person on a computer without his or her knowledge. See

Dictionary attack

A way of finding a password by trying a list of common passwords such as Star Trek lingo, names of cars, or titles of
popular movies.

Direct action virus

A virus that does something immediately each time you run it, such as attack your hard disk or display a message on
the screen.


A program that generates assembly language source code from an executable program file. See Assembly language
and Decompiler.

Email bombing

Clogging up an email account by sending a large number of email messages or several huge files. See Fax bombing
and Phone call flooding.


A method of scrambling data to make it unreadable by others. See AES and DES.

EXE file

A common name for a file that contains a program such as a word processor or a game. An EXE file is a relocatable
program that can be used to store larger programs.
False negative

When a program, such as an antivirus or anti–Trojan horse program, fails to detect a result. When an anti-virus
program fails to detect a legitimate virus, that result is called a false negative.

False positive

When a program, such as an antivirus or anti–Trojan horse program, incorrectly claims an error. When an anti-virus
program incorrectly identifies a virus where none exists, the result is called a false positive.

Fast infector

A type of virus that infects program files whenever the computer loads or examines the virus file.


(file allocation table) Part of the disk that contains information about the size and location of all the other files on the
disk. Each time you format a disk, it creates two identical FATs, which store information on the clusters used by each
file stored on the disk. If your disk's FAT gets messed up, the files are still on the disk, but your computer will no longer
be able to find or use them.

Fax bombing

Sending multiple messages to a fax machine to prevent others from using it. See Email bombing and Phone call

File infector

Another name for program infectors.


Utility designed to keep intruders out of a network or individual computer.


A malicious program designed to overwhelm a target computer with more data than it can handle. See
Denial-of-service attack and Email bombing.


The science of recovering deleted files for evidence.

Fortress phone

Slang name for a pay phone, referring to its extensive defenses designed to keep people from breaking into it.


Software that can be copied, distributed, and given away without payment of any kind. See Adware and Shareware.

Program designed to allow people to "share" audio and video files with each other over a distributed network. See


Slang name given to someone extremely knowledgeable about computers. Pejorative in some circles—but not here.
See Cracker.


The process of examining and experimenting with something, such as the telephone system or a computer, in order to
find out how it works. Hacking often occurs without the owner's knowledge or permission.


Form of protest that uses computer skills, mostly focusing on website defacing, to spread a message. See Web site

Hate group

An organization or collection of people who advocate violence and discrimination against another group of people.
Usually motivated by religious or racial differences.

Heuristic analysis

Sometimes called rule-based or artificial intelligence analysis, it uses intelligent guesswork, which more often than not
finds the solution faster than a standard algorithm. Antivirus programs use heuristic analysis to examine a file, and
based on typical virus characteristics, make an educated guess as to whether a file is infected or not.

Hex editor

A program that can directly examine and modify the contents of a file or disk.


A phony target used to tempt hackers. Often used to keep hackers logged on to a system long enough to trace their
location, or to lure a hacker into a harmless part of a network so that he or she can't get out and cause real damage .
Also called a goat file.


Popular instant messaging program.

Identity theft

Passing yourself off as another person electronically.

Information warfare

Popular term to describe hacking on an individual, commercial, and international level.

Integrity checker

A program that examines each file and calculates a numeric result based on that file's size, time, and date stamp. If
the integrity checker notices that the file's size, time, or date has changed, it assumes the file may have been infected
by a virus or modified by a hacker. See Checksum.

Intrusion-detection system

Program designed to detect the presence of a hacker who has already penetrated a system. Often abbreviated as IDS.


(Internet Relay Chat) A loosely structured network where people can type and send messages to each other in real


Cross-platform programming language used to create web page applets and full-blown applications.

Keystroke recorder

A program that records keystrokes and/or mouse clicks on a computer, usually without the user's knowledge.


A free version of Unix designed for personal computers. Although Linux can be copied and distributed without
restriction, many companies sell their own versions of Linux that include technical support, software, or other
value-added services.

Logic bomb

A type of program, often buried within another program, that is set to go off on a certain date or by a specific event,
erasing data or crashing the computer. Logic bombs are often inserted by disgruntled programmers willing to sabotage
their own programs to get back at their employers.

Macro virus

A virus written using the macro programming language of a particular program. The most common macro viruses are
written in WordBasic or Visual Basic for Applications, although a few macro viruses have been written in the macro
programming language for WordPerfect and Lotus 1-2-3. See Visual Basic for Applications.

Master Boot Record

(MBR) The information stored on a hard disk that tells the computer how the hard disk is partitioned. Most hard disks
have only one partition but can usually be divided into as many as four partitions.

Michelangelo virus

A virus that made headlines in all the major newspapers worldwide in 1992. The Michelangelo virus isn't as common
as many other viruses.


Acronym that stands for Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) Audio Layer- 3, a file compression format for storing
digital audio. See Napster and Gnutella.

Multipartite virus
A type of virus that can infect both files and boot sectors.

Mutation engine

A programming tool kit designed to help virus writers create polymorphic viruses, which can modify themselves to
avoid detection by antivirus scanners. See Polymorphic virus.

Program designed for "sharing" MP3-compressed audio files over the Internet. See Gnutella and MP3.


Slang term to describe a novice or beginner.


A malicious program designed to crash another computer.

Online harassment program

A program designed to harass users on specific online service, such as America Online, or in chat rooms. Such
programs are often used to trick people into giving up their credit card numbers or passwords.

Open source

A type of program where the source code can be studied and modified with no or few restrictions. Any changes made
to an open source program are meant to be shared with others. Linux is an example of an open source program. See
Adware, Freeware, and Shareware.

Overwriting infector

A type of file-infecting virus that erases part of a file while infecting it.

Packet sniffer

A program that surreptitiously captures information flowing through the Internet. Often used to intercept credit card
numbers and passwords.

Parasitic infector

A type of file-infecting virus that attaches itself to the beginning or end of a file.

Parental control software

Programs that block access to certain Internet resources (such as websites or FTP sites) that may contain
adult-oriented material. Can also filter email or chat rooms, and control access to certain programs stored on the
computer. See Censorware.

Partition table

The part of a hard disk's boot sector that defines the size and partition of the hard disk, the operating system each
partition uses, and the partition the computer uses to boot from.


A program designed to correct a flaw or bug in a program. See Service pack.

(Pretty Good Privacy) One of the most popular and effective encryption programs used on the Internet. See


To trick or fool chat room attendees into revealing their passwords, credit card numbers, or other valuable information.
Often a special feature provided in an online harassment program. See Online harassment program.

Phone call flooding

Dialing a single phone number over and over again. Often used to harass a specific company or individual, such as a
company or individual that sent unwanted email. See Fax bombing.


Manipulating the phone system.

Pirated software

Illegally copied software. Check any computer in any organization, and you'll probably find at least one pirated
program somewhere.

Polymorphic virus

A virus that modifies itself each time it spreads in order to avoid detection by antivirus scanners. See Mutation engine.

Ponzi scheme

A con game where early investors receive their money when others invest money into the scheme. Similar to Social
Security. See Pyramid scheme.

Pop-up/under ads

Advertisements that appear on your screen when you're browsing the Internet. Pop-up ads cover the web page that
you're viewing while pop-under ads hide and only appear when you close your browser window.


An "opening" in your computer used to send and receive data. When a computer connects to the Internet, it opens
several ports, where each port performs a specific function, such as sending and receiving web pages or email. See

Private-key encryption

Method of encrypting and decrypting data that uses a single key. See Public-key encryption.

Program infector

A virus that infects program files, such as word processors or spreadsheets.

Public-key encryption

Method of encrypting and decrypting data that uses two separate keys: a private key (known only to one person) and
a public key that anyone can use. Data encrypted with one key can only be decrypted using the other. See Private-key
Pyramid scheme

A con game where one person receives money from two or more other people in exchange for the promise that they
can make money if they recruit others to give them money too.

(remote access Trojan) A program that allows hackers to access your computer from a remote location. See Trojan

Rollback program

Utility that restores a hard disk's contents back to a previous state. Often used to repair damage caused by erratic
software installations but can also be used to repair damage caused by hackers, viruses, or Trojan horses.


A collection of one or more programs designed to hide a hacker's tracks on a computer and install additional back
doors to ensure that the hacker can get back into that computer at a later time.


An acronym that stands for Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks. SATAN is a program designed to
probe a website for security weaknesses.


1. A type of antivirus program that contains a database of known virus characteristics. By comparing files to this
database, a scanner can accurately determine the exact type of virus that may be infecting your computer. 2. A type of
program that searches the Internet or a network for computers.

Script kiddie

Derogatory term used to describe hackers who use programs written by other people without understanding the
technical details.

Service pack

A collection of several programs designed to correct multiple flaws or bugs in a program. See Patch.


A method of software distribution that lets you freely copy and try the program without payment. If you use the program
regularly, you are legally obligated to pay for it. See Adware, Freeware, and Open source.


The unique structural characteristic of a virus or Trojan horse, much like a fingerprint on a person. Every virus and
Trojan horse has a unique signature, which antivirus and anti–Trojan horse scanners use to detect and identify it.

Slack space

The unused space in a cluster, which often contains keystrokes or other fragments of a file that can be recovered and
used as evidence. See Clusters.

Slow infector
A virus that only infects files when they are created or modified. By doing this, slow infectors avoid detection by
antivirus programs, such as integrity checkers. See Fast infector.


A program that copies data as it the data passes through a network.

Source code

The actual commands that make up a program. If you have the source code of a virus, you can modify its behavior.
Virus source code is usually written in assembly language or Visual Basic for Applications, online harassment
programs are usually written in Visual Basic, and Trojan horses are usually written in C/C++ or Delphi. See Assembly
language, C/C++, and Visual Basic for Applications.


Slang name for unwanted email.

Sparse infector

A virus that infects files only occasionally to avoid detection by antivirus programs.


Slang term for "exploits." Often used by hackers to identify the latest vulnerabilities found in a particular program, such
as an operating system or firewall.


Programs that retrieve information from a hard disk and send that information to another computer. Often used by
advertiser-sponsored shareware programs or desktop-monitoring programs designed to spy on people using a
computer. See Adware.


A virus that tries to avoid detection by antivirus programs.


The science of hiding information like text in another medium, such as a graphic file, sound file, or another text file.
See Encryption.

The event that causes a virus to act. The trigger can set off the virus on a certain date (Friday the 13th, or April 15) or
when certain conditions have been met (such as when the hard disk is 80 percent full).

Trojan horse

A type of program that pretends to be a useful (usually well-known) program while it really does something else, such
as erase files from your computer. Unlike computer viruses, Trojan horses can't duplicate themselves.


Operating system originally developed at Bell Laboratories in the early 1970s. Unix is one of the most popular
operating systems in the world, developed primarily for larger computers, such as mainframes and minicomputers,
although a free version of Unix, called Linux, has been gaining popularity on personal computers. See Linux.


A type of antivirus program that claims to protect files from virus infection.

Virus monitor

A program that hides in your computer's memory and watches for signs of a virus infection.

Visual Basic

A program sold by Microsoft that lets you visually design a program and then write BASIC commands to make the
program work.

Visual Basic for Applications

A special version of Visual Basic, often abbreviated as VBA, designed for creating programs within Microsoft
applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access.

War dialer

A program that can dial a range of phone numbers, searching for a modem on the other line. Can also be used to
repetitively dial a single phone number, thereby harassing the recipient. Also called a demon dialer.


Slang term for pirated software, usually games. Also called appz.

Warm boot

To restart a computer without turning it off and on again. Most computers have a restart or reset button, or you can

Web bug

A tiny, invisible graphic file used to track a person's activities on the Internet.
Website defacing

Modifying or replacing web pages with new ones that often display profanity, pornography, or political messages. See

Web spoofing

To intercept a user's request to view one website and display a different Web site with the intent to deceive.

White hat hacker

Term used to describe a hacker who uses his or her skill for constructive purposes, such as hunting down pedophiles
or guarding against malicious (black hat) hackers. See Black hat hacker.


A type of program that copies itself from computer to computer. Unlike a virus, a worm doesn't infect a file or disk but
simply reproduces itself.


A program that can combine two separate programs into a single file, most often used to combine a Trojan horse
installation program with an installation program for a legitimate program. Also called a binder or joiner.

123India, 11. See also search engines
12Ghosts Wash, 252
21st Century Digest, 22
2600, 64, 67. See also hacker magazines, 120
802.11b, 142
809 fraud, 101-102
@stake, 63. See also computer security websites

ABC News, 22
About search engine, 8, 116. See also search engines
Absolute Protect, 265
Absolute Security, 191
Absolute Software, 265
Access Data, 153
access point, 142
Access Software, 78
AceReader, 39
Action Without Borders, 43
ActionAid, 23
Active@UNDELETE, 250, 43, 47
Ad-Aware, 227-228
Adelaide Institute, 55. See also hate groups
Adobe Acrobat, 74
Adoption Links Worldwide, 36, 127
Adore, 164
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 190-191
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), 177
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, 39
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 36
adware, 226-228, 230, 232, 227
Agence France-Presse, 22
AIDE (Advanced Intrusion DetectionEnvironment), 164
AIDS Trojan, 73. See also Trojan horses Aileena, 24
Air Force, Department of, 123
Air Photo Evidence, 55. See also hate groups
AirPort, 142
AirSnort, 158-159
Ajeeb, 12. See also search engines
Al-Durra, Mohammad, 44
AllSearchEngines, 12. See also search engines
AlltheWeb, 8. See also search engines
Alpine Snow, 153
Altar of Unholy Blasphemy, 58. See also hate groups
AltaVista, 8. See also search engines, 21
Amazon Imaging, 178-179, 174

America Online (AOL), 66, 85, 92, 109, 112, 149, 187, 209, 215, 217, 255
AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), 89, 156, 228-229
AOL Search, 8. See also search engines
American Nationalist Union, 55. See also hate groups
American Nazi Party, 54. See also hate groups
Analog, 162
Analyzer, 166
Ananzi, 11. See also search engines, 200
anonymous browsing, 200
Anonymous Browsing Quick-Start Page, 200
Anonymous.To, 201
anti-Trojan horse programs, 98-100
Anti BD, 100
Anti Socket, 100
Anti-Trojan, 99
Back Orifice Eradicator, 100
Backfire, 100
BO2K Server Sniper, 100
Busjack, 100
Cleaner, 99
Hacker Eliminator, 99
Nemesis, 100
NetBus Remover, 100
NetSpyHunter, 99
Tauscan, 99
TDS-3: Trojan Defence Suite, 99
Toilet Paper, 100
TW-Trojan Scanner, 100
AntiOnline, 63, 155, 258. See also computer security websites
AntiSniff, 166-167
Antistalking Web Site, 130

antivirus programs, 85, 97

McAfee Security, 85
Symantec, 85
Trend Micro, 85
AnyWho, 122
AOL. See America Online (AOL)
AOL4Free, 91. See also Trojan horses
Apache webservers, 75, 83
Applied Cryptography, 191
AppsTraka, 152
Ardent Security Solutions, 267
area code scam, 101-102
Army Personnel World Wide Locator, 123
ASCII table, 220
AsiaWeek, 22
Ask Jeeves for Kids, 10. See also search engines
Ask Jeeves, 8. See also search engines
Associated Press, 22
Astak, 174
Astalavista, 65, 184. See also search engines
AT&T Labs, 200, 62. See also hacker websites auctions
government, 176
online, 175
frauds, 114-115
AudioCatalyst, 185
automobile registration search, 126
AvatarSearch, 9. See also search engines
AVP Virus Encyclopedia, 85

back doors, 157, 165
Back Orifice, 74, 94-96, 205
Bahrain Tribune, 18
Baltic News Service, 23
Bangkok Post, 18
Banned Books Page, 36
Banned Books Online, 39
Barracuda Anti Theft Device, 264
Barracuda Security Device, 263
Bastille Linux, 242
Bataan Death March, 60
BBC, 22
Bell Labs, 200
Bess, 37. See also parental control software
Bigfoot, 209
BioID, 267
biometrics, 265-268
BIOS (Basic Input Output System), 77, 259
Birth Index Records, 127, 177
Black and Jews Newspage, 55-56. See also hate groups
Black Plague website, 58. See also hate groups
Black Web Portal, 9. See also search engines
Black, Don, 51
BlackCode, 62, 155. See also hacker websites
BlackICE PC Protection, 98
Blowfish, 190
Blubster, 186
Bob Enyart Live, 59. See also hate groups
Bolivia Web, 12. See also search engines
Book of IRC, 67
Book of Overclocking, 178
Boolean operators, 14
Botha, P.K., 43
Bower, William C., 39
bProtected, 192
BPS Spyware/Adware Remover, 228
brute-force attacks, 155, 191
Buenos Aires Herald, 18
buffer overflows, 155
Buffet, Warren, 206
Bugnosis, 225-226, 225
Bulk Email Store, 209
Bulk Email Software Superstore, 211
Bulletproof Software, 228
Bush, George W., 25
Business News Americas, 23
Buy Ink Cartridges, 178

Cache and Cookie Washer, 255
Cache Auditor, 255
Cache, Cookie & Windows Cleaner, 255
cache, web browser, 198-199, 255-256
Cade, 12. See also search engines
Cagey Consumer, 117
call-back device, 137
Camera/Shy, 193
Campaign for Radical Truth in History, 55. See also hate groups
Canada, 202, 246, 12. See also search engines
Canon, 178
Carbon Copy, 93-94
Carbonite, 167
Castro, Fidel, 23, 11. See also search engines
CAUCE (Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email), 221
Cause Communications, 43
Caveo, 264
CBS News, 22
Cdparanoia, 185
Censorware Project, 38

Central Intelligence Agency, 32, 199, 203, 258

CERT Coordination Center, 156, 201
Cerven, Pavol, 184
CheapBytes, 179
ChiBrow, 38
Chicago Media Watch, 25
child-safe browsers
ChiBrow, 38
SurfMonkey, 38
Chilnet, 12. See also search engines
China Daily, 23
China News, 18
chkrootkit, 167
Christian Aid, 23
Christian Science Monitor, 18
CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency
CipherWar, 62. See also hacker websites
CleanSearch, 10. See also search engines
ClogScript, 47
ClubOC, 178
CNET Auctions, 176
CNN, 22, 23, 26-27, 31, 45
Coalition for Networked Information, 42
Coast Guard, 123
ColdFusion, 158
Communication Intelligence Corporation, 266, 176
Complete Cleanup, 255
Compu-Gard, 263
Compucage, 263
CompUSA Auctions, 176
CompuServe, 109, 112, 209, 216
Computer Forensics Laboratory, 258
Computer Monitoring Software, 151
Computer Registry, 262

computer security websites, 62-63

@stake, 63
AntiOnline, 63, 155, 258
InfoSysSec, 63
SecurityFocus, 63, 158
SecurityNewsPortal, 63, 63
Computer Security Institute, 267
Computer Shopper, 176
Computer Underground Digest, 64. See also hacker magazines
ComputerCost, 181
CompuTrace, 122
con games
809 fraud, 101-102
area code scam, 101-102
credit card fraud, 116-117
infallible forecaster, 109-110
Internet Mall scams, 115
lonely hearts scam, 110
Mega$Nets, 105-107
Nigerian scam, 102-104
online auction frauds, 114-115
Ponzi scheme, 109
pyramid schemes, 104-105
work-at-home business scams, 107-109
Concerned Women for America, 37
Condom Country, 35
Cookie Crusher, 197
Cookie Pal, 197
cookies, 196-197, 225
CopSeek Directory, 9. See also search engines
Coronado, Rodney, 47
Council of Better Business Bureaus, 117
cphack, 37
Crackproof Your Software, 67, 184
Crak Software, 153
Creativity Movement, 52. See also hate groups
credit card fraud, 116-117
Crime Spider, 9. See also search engines
Crowds service, 200
Crypt Newsletter, 64. See also hacker magazines
Crypto-Gram, 191
CryptoForge, 191
Cryptography A-Z, 193, 201
Cryptome, 43
Cuban American National Foundation (CANF), 33
CubaNet, 33
Cult of the Dead Cow, 62, 94, 193. See also hacker websites
Cute-FTP, 228
Cyber Snoop, 38. See also parental control software
Cyber-SIGN, 266
CyberAngel Security Solutions, 265
CyberAngels, 130
Cyberarmy HakSearch, 65, 184. See also search engines
CyberClean, 199
CyberPatrol, 36-38. See also parental control software
CYBERsitter, 36-38. See also parental control software
Cyperpunks, 43

D-Link, 239
Darkman, 203

Data Encryption Standard (DES), 190

DaVinci Systems, 77-78
DeadAIM, 229
death record searches, 126-127
Death to Spam, 221
Debian, 179
debugger, 184
Deception Toolkit, 244
DefCon, 68
Definitive Guide to Wireless WarXing, 143
Deleted File Analysis Utility, 250
Dell Computer, 174-175
Auction, 176
Delphi, 96
Department of Veterans Affairs, 124
Department of Defense (DoD), 251
DES. See Data Encryption Standard
DeskJet 2000C, 179
desktop monitoring program, 151-152, 195
Desktop Surveillance, 152
Detroit News, 22, 226
dictionary attack, 154-155
Digital Impact, 224
Digital Intelligence Inc., 259
DigitalPersona, 266
disassembler, 184
Discover, 24
Disinformation, 9. See also search engines
disk splicing, 258
Disturbing The Peace, 85
Ditto, 10, 11. See also search engines
DM News, 226
DNS lookup programs, 218
DNS Workshop, 218
DoD 5220.22-M, 251
DogPile, 8. See also search engines
DotNow, 186
DoubleClick, 229-230, 180
Dracula, 39
driver's license search, 126
DriveSpy, 259

E, 41
Earthlink, 85
EasyOffice, 181
eBay, 30, 114, 176, 181
Economist, 21
Editor & Publisher, 24
Education World, 9. See also search engines, 187
Egypt Search, 12. See also search engines
ElcomSoft, 153
electron microscopes, 257
Electronic Frontier Foundation, 35
Electronic Disturbance Theater, 47
Electronic Privacy Information Center, 35
Elite Toplist, 65. See also search engines
Ellen's Software Collection, 181
eMachines, 174
accessing banned web pages, 30-31
anonymous, 201
disguising, 220
free, 186-187
remailer, 201-203
searches, 128
self-destructing, 254
Email Magnet, 210, 128
eMailman, 201, 212
EnCase, 259-260
Electronic Crimes Task Force, 260
Encrypted Magic Folders, 191
encryption, 190-194
private key, 190
public key, 190
steganography, 192-194
Envirolink, 36
Epson, 178
Equifax, 205
Ethereal, 166
EtherPeek, 166
Eudora Pro, 83, 213, 215
Everyday UK, 12. See also search engines
Executive Software, 250
Experian, 206, 224
exploits, 158
Extreme, 178

F-Secure Security Information Center, 85
Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting, 25
FakeBO, 245
Falcon Firewall Project, 240
Families Against Censorship, 38
Family Research Council, 37
FAST Multimedia Search, 10. See also search engines
Fast-Track, 122
fax services, 187
FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Aviation Agency (FAA), 124-125

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 53, 258

Federal Computer Week, 22
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 114, 118
Federal Web Locator, 9. See also search engines
Federation of American Scientists, 23
Feliz, 90. See also Trojan horses
Fight Spam, 221
file shredders, 250-254
12Ghosts Wash, 252
AbsoluteShield File Shredder, 252
BCWipe, 252
CyberScrub, 252
Eraser, 252
Evidence Eliminator, 252
NetShred, 252
Shred-X, 252
Shredder95/98/NT, 252
Shredit, 252
Wipe, 254
Filipinas Magazine, 22
FIN probing, 141
FIN/SYN probing, 142
Financial Times, 18
Find A Friend, 122
Find-Me, 127
Finland, 202
FireHole, 241
Firewalk, 240, 240, 240
firewalls, 98, 237-242
BlackICE PC Protection, 98
defeating, 241-242
Falcon Firewall Project, 240
Firewalk, 240
Jammer, 98
Look ‘n’ Stop, 240
NetBarrier, 240
Norton Internet Security, 98, 240
Outpost Firewall, 98, 240
Personal Firewall, 98, 240
Sysgate Personal Firewall, 240
Tiny Personal Firewall, 240
tunneling, 241
Windows XP, 157-158, 240
ZoneAlarm, 98, 240
First Amendment Exercise Machine, 56. See also hate groups
FloodNet, 47
FloodScript, 47
floor models, 175
Focus on the Family, 37
forensics, 256-260
Foundation for American Communications (FACS), 126
Fox News, 23
fragmentation scanning, 141
Francite, 11. See also search engines
Fraud Bureau, 118
FRED (Forensic Recovery of Evidence Device), 259
FREDDIE (Forensic Recovery of Evidence Device Diminutive Interrogation Equipment), 259
Free Speech TV, 25
Free Web Hosting, 187
Free Website Hosting, 187, 240
Freeality, 120
FreeBSD, 151, 158, 179
Freedom WebSecure, 200
FreeFax, 187
freeware, 180, 226
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 238
FTP bounce attack, 141

G-Spot, 11. See also search engines
Gates, Bill, 84
Gateway, 174
GeoCities, 187
Germany, 246
GFI LANguard, 164
GISearch, 124
Global Internet Liberty Campaign, 35, 42
global position system (GPS), 143
GlobePage, 11. See also search engines
GNU Privacy Guard, 191
Gnutella, 186
Go!Zilla, 228, 10. See also search engines
God Hates America, 59-60. See also hate groups
God Hates Fags, 58. See also hate groups
Good Morning America, 26
Good News Agency, 23
Google, 8. See also search engines
Google Groups, 128-129
GovSearch, 9. See also search engines
Grants Pass Daily Courier, 25
Grassroots Enterprise, 43
Grokster, 186
Guidance Software, 259
GuideStar, 43
Gulf News, 18
Guthrie, Dan, 25
Gutting, Tom, 25

Ha'aretz, 18
Hack Canada, 62. See also hacker websites

conventions, 67-68
DefCon, 68
HOPE (Hackers On Planet Earth), 68
SummerCon, 68
ToorCon, 68
magazines, 64
2600, 64, 67
Computer Underground Digest, 64
Crypt Newsletter, 64
Phrack, 64
TelecomWriting, 64
tracing, 245-247
websites, 61-62, 62
BlackCode, 62, 155
CipherWar, 62
Cult of the Dead Cow, 62, 94, 193
Hack Canada, 62, 62
Hidaway.Net, 62, 62, 158
New Order hacker site, 62, 155
Sys-security, 62
Underground News, 62
Wiretapped, 62, 62. See also hacker websites
HackFix, 100
Hacktivism site, 47
Hacktivist, 47
HackTracer, 245
Haller, Michael, 92. See also Phoenix Mail
Hardware KeyLogger, 151
HaReshima, 12. See also search engines
Haselton, Bennett, 36

hate groups
anti-Arab groups
Jewish Defense League (JDL), 57
Kahane, 57
Altar of Unholy Blasphemy, 58
Black Plague website, 58
Judeo-Christian Holocaust, 58
anti-gay activists
Bob Enyart Live, 59
God Hates America, 59-60
God Hates Fags, 58
Westboro Baptist Church, 58-59
Holy War website, 56-57
First Amendment Exercise Machine, 56
Tangled Web, 56
black racists
Black and Jews Newspage, 55-56
Holocaust deniers
Adelaide Institute, 55
Air Photo Evidence, 55
Campaign for Radical Truth in History, 55
Institute for Historical Review, 55
Zundelsite, 55
monitoring, 51
American Nationalist Union, 55
American Nazi Party, 54
National Socialist Movement, 54
New Order organization, 54
Heritage Front, 53
Ku Klux Klan, 51-52, 57
National Alliance, 53
Resistance Records, 53
SIGRDRIFA Publications, 53
Stormfront, 51, 53
White Aryan Resistance, 53
white supremacy, Creativity Movement, 52
Women for Aryan Unity, 53
Heritage Front, 53. See also hate groups
Hewlett-Packard, 178-179
hex editor, 184, 256-257
Hex Workshop, 184, 257
Hey You! AOL, 92. See also Trojan horses
Hidaway.Net, 62. See also hacker websites
Hide and Seek, 193
Hide Folders, 192
Hiroshima, 60
Hitler, Adolf, 54
Hizbullah, 48
Holy Bible, 36, 38-39
Holy War website, 56-57. See also hate groups
Home PC Firewall Guide, 240
honeypots, 244-245
HOPE (Hackers On Planet Earth), 68
Hotbot, 8. See also search engines
Hotmail, 115, 187, 210, 213, 221
Houston Chronicle, 78
HP Shopping, 174
HTML (HyperText Markup Language), 220, 224
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 238
HTTP-Tunnel, 241
Human Awareness Institute, 36
Human Rights Campaign, 36
Human Rights Watch, 34
Human Rights in China (HRIC), 33
HushMail, 187, 201
Hussein, Saddam, 23
Hustler magazine, 35

I-Catcher, 195
I-Gear, 36. See also parental control software, 177
Iceland on the Web, 12. See also search engines
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), 238
message quoting, 142
IconDance, 90. See also Trojan horses
ICQ, 89, 155
IDA Pro, 184
identity theft, 203-206
Identity Theft Survival Kit, 206
Identity Theft Protection Plan, 206, 206
Identix, 266, 200
IEClean, 255
IndiasWeb, 11. See also search engines infallible forecaster, 109-110
InfoSpace, 121-122
InfoSysSec, 63. See also computer security websites
InfoUSA, 121-122
Infraworks, 254
Ing-hau, Chen, 76
InkSaver, 79
iNoise, 186, 62, 158. See also hacker websites
Institute for Historical Review, 55. See also hate groups
integrity checker, 163-164
Intel, 177
Intelligence Online, 23
Inter Press Service, 23

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 213

International Herald Tribune, 18
International Soundex Reunion Registry, 127
International Web Police, 118
Internet Archive, 26
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), 139
Internet Democracy Project, 42
Internet Explorer, 196-198, 226, 230, 255
Internet Free Expression Alliance, 35, 42
Internet Information Server (IIS), 83, 156
Internet Mall scams, 115

Internet Relay Chat (IRC), 67, 203

Invisible IRC Project, 203
EFnet, 67
DALnet, 67
Undernet, 67
2600 net, 67
Internet Service Providers Association of India, 30
Internet Security Systems, 243
intrusion detection systems (IDS), 242-244
Investor's Business Daily, 18
Invisible IRC Project, 203
Invisible Secrets, 193
IOpus Password Recovery XP, 153
Iran Index, 12. See also search engines
IRC. See Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
Iridian Technologies, 267
Irish Times, 18
IRS. See Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
ISpyNOW, 152
Israel, 246
Italia Mia, 12. See also search engines

Jammer, 98
Janos, Igor, 228
Jansson, Eddy L.O., 37
Japan Times, 18
Java, 74
Jewish Defense League (JDL), 57. See also hate groups
Joiner, 87. See also Trojan horses, binder programs
Judeo-Christian Holocaust, 58. See also hate groups
Jumbo, 180
Juno, 186, 210

K-Mart, 117
Kahane, 57. See also hate groups
Kazaa 186
Kensington, 263
KeyGhost, 113, 151
KEYKatcher, 151, 151
keystroke loggers, 112-113, 149-151, 166
KeyTronicEMS, 266
Kill The Spams, 220
King, Martin Luther, 53
Kismet, 143
Knark, 164
Koran, 36
Korea, 76, 246
Korean Central News Agency, 23
Kozierok, Charles, 256
Kryptel, 191
Ku Klux Klan, 51-52, 57. See also hate groups

LapLink, 93
Le Monde, 18, 19
Leading Edge, 77
LeakTest, 241
Lee, Harper, 39
Lexmark, 179
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, 48
Liberty Gameboy, 74
Liberty, 74. See also Trojan horses, 12. See also search engines
Lightner, Candy, 47
LincMad, 102
Linux Security, 158
Linux, 74, 83, 141, 151, 158, 163-164, 179, 242, 259
firewall, 240
Virtual Serve, 157
Little Black Book of Computer Viruses, 73
log files, 161-163
Lokace, 11. See also search engines
lonely hearts scam, 110
Look ‘n’ Stop, 240
LookSmart, 8. See also search engines
Los Angeles Times, 19, 22
Los Angeles Independent Media Center, 18
Lotus 1-2-3, 181
Ludwig, Mark, 73
Lycos Music, 185

Mac OS, 83, 141
Macintosh, 80, 259
Macromedia Flash, 156
MacStumbler, 143
MacWasher, 199, 255
Madster, 186
magazines, 21-22, 21
AsiaWeek, 22
Economist, 21
Federal Computer Week, 22
Filipinas Magazine, 22
Monday Morning, 22
National Review, 22
New American, 22
Tunnel magazine, 33
ZMag, 22
Magic Folders, 191
Magnetic sensors, 257, 187
Mamma, 8. See also search engines
Mandrake Linux, 179
Manila Bulletin, 22
Manila Times, 22
Marine Corps, 124
Masking Password Generator, 159
Master Boot Record (MBR), 77
Max, 11. See also search engines
McAfee Security, 85. See also antivirus programs
McAfee Visual Trace, 246
McDonald's, 117
MD5, 164
Media Access Control (MAC), 159
MediaChannel, 24
Mega$Hack, 107
Mega$Nets, 105-107
MelCam, 195
MESA, 128
Metacrawler, 8. See also search engines
Mexico, 202
Michigan State University, 47
Excel, 74-75, 80, 181
Internet Explorer, 196-198, 226, 230, 255
Internet Information Server (IIS), 83, 156
MSN, 8, 30, 85
Office, 80, 181
Outlook Express 74, 83
Outlook, 74, 80, 83, 213, 215
PowerPoint, 74, 80
Security & Privacy site, 158
Webcam Timershot, 195
Windows 2000, 158, 179
Windows 95, 74, 77
Windows 98/Me, 77, 179
Windows XP, 151, 157-158, 179, 231, 240
Word, 74, 79-80
Microsystems Software, 37
MIDI Explorer, 10. See also search engines
Milburn, Brian, 36-37
MiniStumbler, 143
mIRC, 67
MIT Press Bookstore, 39
MIT Student Association for Freedom of Expression, 36
Monday Morning, 22
Morpheus, 186 Moscow Times, 19
Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD), 47
Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia (MIRA), 34
Mozilla, 230
MP3, 184-186, 225
players, 185
rippers, 185
search engines, 185, 185
Mpg123, 185
MSN, 8, 30. See also search engines
MTX, 74. See also Trojan horses
MULTI Source-Level Debugger, 184
multilevel marketing (MLM), 105
Musicseek, 185
MuzicMan, 185
myNetWachman, 246-247
Myparty, 75. See also Trojan horses

Nagasaki, 60
Nando Times, 23
National Alliance, 53. See also hate groups
National Credit Information Network, 125
National Fraud Information Center, 118
National Organization for Women (NOW), 36
National Personnel Records Center, 125
National Review, 22

National Security Agency (NSA), 190, 199, 203, 242, 258

National Security Institute, 267
National Socialist Movement, 54. See also hate groups
Navy, Department of, 124
NEC, 174
NedSite, 128
NerdWorld, 9. See also search engines
Net Nanny, 36-38. See also parental control software
Net Vizor, 152
NetAction, 41
NetAddress, 93
NetBarrier, 240
NetBus, 96, 205. See also Trojan horses
NetBuster, 245
NetFacade, 244
Netfirms, 187
Netgear, 239
NetIran, 19
Netizens Against Gratuitous Spamming, 221
NetScan Tools, 218-219
Netscape, 215, 230, 255
NetSonic, 228
NetStumbler, 143
NetTracker, 162
network interface card (NIC), 142, 166
Network Solutions, 213-214, 218
NetZero, 186
New American, 22
New Order hacker site, 62, 155. See also hacker websites
New Order organization, 54. See also hate groups
New Technologies, 258
New York Times, 19, 33, 51, 226
New Zealand Herald, 19
news services, 22-24
21st Century Digest, 22
ABC News, 22
Agence France-Presse, 22
Associated Press, 22
Baltic News Service, 23
Business News Americas, 23
BBC, 22
CBS News, 22
China Daily, 23
CNN, 22, 23, 26-27, 31, 45
Federation of American Scientists, 23
Fox News, 23
Good News Agency, 23
Intelligence Online, 23
Inter Press Service, 23
Korean Central News Agency, 23
Nando Times, 23
One World, 23
Reuters, 23, 24
Total Scoop, 24
Voice of America, 24
Voice of Russia, 24
NewsDirectory, 24
newspapers, 17-21
Bahrain Tribune, 18
Bangkok Post, 18
Buenos Aires Herald, 18
China News, 18
Christian Science Monitor, 18
Detroit News, 22, 226
Financial Times, 18
Gulf News, 18
Ha'aretz, 18
International Herald Tribune, 18
Investor's Business Daily, 18
Irish Times, 18
Japan Times, 18
Le Monde, 18, 19
Los Angeles Independent Media
Center, 18
Los Angeles Times, 19, 22
Manila Bulletin, 22
Manila Times, 22
Moscow Times, 19
NetIran, 19
New York Times, 19, 33, 51, 226
New Zealand Herald, 19
Norway Post, 19
Onion, 20, 21
Pravda, 20
Russia Today, 20
Rwanda Post, 20
South China Morning Post, 20
Sydney Morning Herald, 20
Telegraph (London), 20
Times (London), 20
Times of India, 20
Toronto Star, 20
USA Today, 20, 46, 78
Wall Street Journal, 20
Washington Post, 20, 26, 78
Washington Times, 22, 24
Nigerian scam, 102-104
Nitrous Anti-Spy, 231
Norman Data Defense Systems, 79
North American Numbering Plan Administration, 102
Norton Internet Security, 98, 240
Norton Utilities, 249-250
Norway Post, 19
NSA. See National Security Agency (NSA)
NSClean, 255
NVP, 89-90. See also Trojan horses

Okena, 243, 181
Omniva, 254
One World, 23
Onion, 20, 21
online auctions, 175
frauds, 114-115
Online Books Page, 39
Online Harassment, 130
Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance, 36
Open Directory Project, 8. See also search engines
Open Office, 181
OpenBSD, 179, 242
Opera, 255
operating system fingerprinting, 141-142
Opportunity Distributing, 174, 34
OS/2, 141, 151
OutBound, 241
Outpost Firewall, 98, 240
overclocking, 178, 174

Packard Bell, 174
packet sniffers, 110-111, 166
Packet Storm, 158
Palestinian Red Crescent Society, 44
Paperboy, 19

parental control software, 35-38

Bess, 37
CyberPatrol, 36-38
CYBERsitter, 36-38
Cyber Snoop, 38
I-Gear, 36
Net Nanny, 36-38
PureSight, 38
SmartFilter, 36-37
SurfWatch, 37-38
WebSense, 37
X-Stop, 38
PassFaces, 266-267
Passware, 153
Passware Kit, 153
Password Crackers, 153
password cracking, 149-155
Password Protection System, 189
password-recovery programs, 152-154
PC Factory Outlet, 174
PC Flank, 241
PC Guardian, 263
PC Guide, 256
PC Magazine, 176
PC Spy, 152
PC World, 176
PC-Encrypt, 191
PC-Magic Software, 191
PC-Write Trojan, 73. See also Trojan horses
PC602 Pro PC Suite, 181
pcAnywhere, 93-94
PCnomad, 175
PCRetro, 175
Peacefire, 36-38
Peek-a-boo, 153
Peekabooty Project, 32
Pegasus, 83, 215
Penthouse magazine, 196
people finder websites, 119-121
Peoples' Global Action, 42
Perl, 74
Personal Firewall, 98, 240
PestPatrol, 231
PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals), 47
PGP. See Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
Philadelphia Inquirer, 26
Philippine News Link, 22
phishing, 112

Phoenix Mail, 92, 96

Phrack, 64. See also hacker magazines
ping sweeping, 139-140
Play & Record, 185
Playboy magazine, 33, 35
Police Search Engine, 9. See also search engines
Political Research Associates, 43
Ponzi scheme, 109
pop-up/under ads, 229-232
Port Detective, 242
port scanning, 137-138, 140-141
Positive-Youth Foundation, 51
Posum's Workstation Lock, 189
Pravda, 20
Precise Biometrics, 266

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), 190, 203, 177
PriceWatch, 177
Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, 206
PrivacyX, 201
PrivaSec, 32
Private Idaho, 203
Prodigy, 29, 32
Progressive Secretary, 42
Project Bait and Switch, 37-38
Project Censored, 25
Project Gutenburg, 39
ProMail, 92-93, 96. See also Trojan horses
PromiScan, 166
PromiscDetect, 166
PromiseMark, 206
Protest.Net, 41-42
public record search, 124-127
PureSight, 38. See also parental control software
pyramid schemes, 104-105. See also Social Security

Q-Peek, 152
Quattro Pro, 181
Que Pasa!, 9. See also search engines
Quicky Password Generator, 159

Radar, 12. See also search engines
Radio Free Europe, 34
RadioDestiny, 185
Radlight, 228
Randpass, 159
RE-PC, 176
Reagan, Ronald, 43
Real User, 266
RecommIT, 176
recycled computers, 176
Red Hat, 157, 179, 242
refurbished computers, 173-175
Registry Crawler, 184
Registry Toolkit, 184
relative search, 127-128
RemFTP, 241
remote access Trojans (RATs), 93-96, 113
Reporters Without Borders, 35
Resistance Records, 53. See also hate groups
Responsys, 224
Restorer2000, 250
Reunion Registry, 127
Reuters, 23
Revelation, 153
reverse searches, 121-122
Rewebber, 200
Rhinotek, 178-179
Rhodes, Dave, 207
Rial, 164
Richmond, Robert, 178
Rivest Cipher #6 (RC6), 190
Robotics Institute, 266
rollback programs, 97
ConfigSafe, 97
EasyRestore, 97
FlashBack, 97
Undelete, 97
rootkit, 161
killing, 167-168
Loadable Kernal Module (LKM), 164, 164
Ross, John, 143
RSA Security, 191
Ruckus Society, 47
Russia Today, 20
Russian Internet Search Engines, 12. See also search engines
Rwanda Post, 20

S-Tools, 193
Safari, 230
SafetyEd International, 130
Safeware, 264
SafeWeb, 32
SAFlink, 267
Saint, 245
Sam Spade, 218-219
Samhain, 164
Saran Wrap, 87. See also Trojan horses, binder programs
Satanist Net, 10. See also search engines
Save the Children, 23
Saving Private Ryan, 54
Sawmill, 162
ScamBusters, 115-116, 118
Scams on the Net, 118
ScamWatch, 118
Schlessinger, Laura, 37
Schneier, Bruce, 191
script kiddies, 155, 161
Search Desk, 11. See also search engines

search engines, 8-15

general, 8
About search engine, 8, 116
AlltheWeb, 8
AltaVista, 8
AOL Search, 8
Ask Jeeves, 8
Google, 8
Google Groups, 128-129
Hotbot, 8
LookSmart, 8
MSN, 8, 30, 85
Open Directory Project, 8
Teoma, 8
Yahoo!, 8, 85, 115, 120-121, 213
hacker, 64-65
Astalavista, 65, 184
Cyberarmy HakSearch, 65, 184
Elite Toplist, 65
Secureroot, 65, 65, 65
kid-safe search engines, 10
Ask Jeeves for Kids, 10
CleanSearch, 10, 10
Yahooligans, 10
meta-search engines, 8
DogPile, 8
Mamma, 8.
Metacrawler, 8, 8
multimedia search engines, 10
Ditto, 10, 11
FAST Multimedia Search, 10
MIDI Explorer, 10, 10
regional search engines, 10-12
123India, 11
Ajeeb, 12
Ananzi, 11
Bolivia Web, 12
Cade, 12, 12, 11
Chilnet, 12
Egypt Search, 12
Everyday UK, 12
Francite, 11
G-Spot, 11
GlobePage, 11
HaReshima, 12
Iceland on the Web, 12
IndiasWeb, 11
Iran Index, 12
Italia Mia, 12, 12
Lokace, 11
Max, 11
Radar, 12
Russian Internet Search Engines, 12
Search Desk, 11
Search Europe, 11
Search Malta, 12
Search NL, 12
SINA Online, 11
South Pacific Search, 12
Swiss Search, 12
Syria Gate, 12, 11
UK Plus, 12
WebSearch AU, 12
WebWombat, 12
Woyaa!, 11
Yahoo! Korea-Seek, 11
searching for more search engines, 12
AllSearchEngines, 12
Search Engine Watch, 12
specialized search engines, 9-10
AvatarSearch, 9
Black Web Portal, 9.
CopSeek Directory, 9
Crime Spider, 9
Disinformation, 9
Education World, 9
Federal Web Locator, 9
GovSearch, 9
NerdWorld, 9
Police Search Engine, 9
Que Pasa!, 9
Satanist Net, 10, 10
WWWomen, 10
Search Engine Watch, 12. See also search engines
Search Europe, 11. See also search engines
Search Malta, 12. See also search engines
Search NL, 12. See also search engines, 8. See also search engines
SEC. See Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Secure Computing, 29
Secure-It, 263
Secureroot, 65. See also search engines
SecuriTeam, 158

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 118

Security Administrator, 158
Security Solutions, 263
Security-Enhanced Linux, 242
SecurityFocus, 63, 158. See also computer security websites
SecurityNewsPortal, 63. See also computer security websites
Seekers of the Lost, 127, 211, 201
Sentinel Project, 166
Service Set Identification (SSID), 159
shareware, 180, 226, 92
Sharp Technology, 245
Shockwave Flash, 74, 177
shoulder surfing, 149
Siemens, 266
SIGRDRIFA Publications, 53. See also hate groups
Silk Rope, 87. See also Trojan horses, binder programs
Simpson, O.J., 26, 92, 180
SINA Online, 11. See also search engines
Skaggs, Joey, 26
Skala, Matthew, 37
SmartFilter, 36-37. See also parental control software
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 238
Sniffer, 166
Sniffit, 166
Snort, 243
social engineering, 147-149

Social Security, 203-205

searches, 122-123, 126, 128
software loopholes, 155-158
Software Marketing Resource, 227
software privacy, 181-182
Solaris, 141, 158
SolarWinds, 155
Solid Oak Software, 36
Sonique, 185
Sophos, 85
SOT Office 2002
South China Morning Post, 20
South Pacific Search, 12. See also search engines
Southern Poverty Law Center, 51
Spam, 207-221, 224
database directory extractors, 209
newsgroup extractors, 209
website extractors, 209
SpamCop, 213, 215
SpamKiller, 221
SpamNews, 221
Spam Buster, 213-214, 221
Spector, 152, 10. See also search engines
Spielberg, Steven, 206
SpyBuddy, 152
SpyCop, 231
SpyGuard, 231
spyware, 230-232, 238, 65. See also search engines
StegDetect, 193
Stego Online, 193
Stego-Watch, 193
StegoArchive, 192
Stewart, Martha, 206
Stormfront, 51, 53. See also hate groups, 24, 177, 65. See also search engines
SubSeven, 95-96. See also Trojan horses
SuckIT, 164
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), 25
SummerCon, 68
SuperProfile, 200
SurfMonkey, 38
SurfSecret Privacy Protector, 199
SurfWatch, 37-38. See also parental control software
Surplus Computers, 181
Swiss Search, 12. See also search engines
Switchboard, 121
Sydney Morning Herald, 20
Symantec, 85. See also antivirus
ManTrap, 244
Norton Internet Security, 98, 240
Norton Utilities, 249-250
Syria Gate, 12. See also search engines
Sys-security, 62. See also hacker websites
Sysgate Personal Firewall, 240

Tale of Two Cities, 39
Talisker, 243
Tambu Dummy Server, 245
Tangled Web, 56. See also hate groups
TCP connect scanning, 140
TCP FIN scanning, 141
TCP initial window checking, 142
TCP SYN scanning, 141
tcpdump, 166
TelecomWriting, 64. See also hacker magazines
Telegraph (London), 20
Telephone Directories on the Web, 121
Telnet, 238-239
Teoma, 8. See also search engines
Terrorist Groups Profiles, 48
Texas City Sun, 25
Thatcher, Margaret, 43
Theglobe, 187
ThinkFree Office, 181
TigerDirect, 175
Times (London), 20
Times of India, 20, 11. See also search engines
Tiny Honeypot, 244
Tiny Personal Firewall, 240
TL Security, 100
To Kill a Mockingbird, 39, 51
Tolvanen, Sami, 254
TooLeaky, 242
ToorCon, 68
Top Secret Software, 231
Toronto Star, 20
Total Scoop, 24
TracerLock, 24
TrackIT, 264
Trans Union, 205
Trend Micro, 85. See also antivirus programs
TRENDware, 239
Triangle Boy, 32
Tribal Port Scan, 47
Triple-DES, 191. See also Data Encryption Standard
Tripod, 187
Tripwire, 164

Trojan horses
AIDS Trojan, 73
AOL4Free, 91
Back Orifice, 74, 94-96, 205
binaries, 163-164
binder programs
Joiner, 87
Saran Wrap, 87
Silk Rope, 87
destructive, 90-91
Feliz, 90
Hey You! AOL, 92
honeypots, 244-245
jokes, 89-90
IconDance, 90
Liberty, 74
MTX, 74
Myparty, 75
NetBus, 96, 205
NVP, 89-90
password-stealers, 91-93
PC-Write Trojan, 73
ProMail, 92-93, 96
remote access Trojans (RATs), 93-96, 113, 230, 238, 241
SubSeven, 95-96
Tucows, 180, 230
Tunnel magazine, 33
Tuxkit, 164

uBid, 176
UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 238
scanning, 141
UK National Hi-Tech Crime Unit, 260
UK Plus, 12. See also search engines
UltraEdit, 184, 257
Undelete, 250
Underground News, 62. See also hacker websites
United States Department of Justice, 206
University of Pennsylvania, 36
UNIX, 83, 141, 158, 163
HP Tru64 UNIX, 156
Solaris, 141, 158
urban legends, 115-116
Urban Legends Reference Page, 116
USA Today, 20, 46, 78
USB Agent, 268
USB Sniffer, 268
USB Snoopy, 268, 176, 175
Usenet newsgroups, 74, 209, 221, 228
alt.2600.crack, 67
alt.2600.crackz, 67
alt.2600.hackers, 66
alt.binaries.cracked, 67
alt.binaries.hacking.beginner, 66
alt.binaries.hacking.websites, 66
alt.comp.virus, 66, 74
alt.comp.virus.source, 66
alt.comp.virus.source.code, 66
alt.cracks, 67, 221, 221, 55
alt.flame.fucking.faggots, 59
alt.flame.jews, 55
alt.flame.niggers, 53
alt.hacker, 66
alt.hacking, 66, 53
alt.politics.nationalism.white, 53
alt.politics.white-power, 53
alt.privacy, 221
alt.revisionism, 55, 191, 191
alt.skinheads, 53
alt.sources.crypto, 67
alt.spam, 221
alt.steganography comp.hackers, 66, 191, 191
comp.virus, 66, 67, 221, 221, 221
sci.crypt, 67
sci.crypt.research, 67, 121-122
Utimaco Safeware, 266
UXN Spam Combat, 218

VEDIT, 257
Victims Assistance of America, 206
Video Security, 195
VIP Reference, 33
viruses, 73-86
boot sector infectors, 77-78
Boza, 74
Brain, 73
Chernobyl, 76-77
Concept, 74, 80
Dark Avenger Mutation Engine (DAME), 74
file infectors, 75-77
Fu Manchu, 43
infection methods, 81-82
Laroux, 74
MacMag, 73
macro, 79-81
Melissa, 74, 80-81
Michelangelo, 73, 77-78
MTX, 74
multipartite, 79
myths and hoaxes, 84-85
Natas, 79
New Ice Age, 85
Nuclear, 44
Phage, 74
polymorphism, 82
publicity stunt, 85
Rans, 74
retaliators, 83
Scores, 73
Staog, 74
stealth, 82
Strange Brew, 74
Tequila, 73
Tristate, 74
Virus Creation Laboratory (VCL). 74
Visual Basic, 83, 96, 107

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), 79

VisualRoute, 246
Voice of America, 24
Voice of Russia, 24

Wainner, Scott, 178
Wall Street Journal, 20
Walt Disney, 84
war chalking, 144-145
war dialing, 135-137
war driving, 142-145, 143
warez, 182-183
Washington Post, 20, 26, 78
Washington Times, 22
Web Ad Blocking, 230
Web bugs, 223-226, 232
Web Ring, 66
Web spoofing, 111-112
WebActive, 25
WebAttack, 230
Webalizer, 162
Webcam Timershot, 195
webcam, 194-195
WebScript, 47
WebSearch AU, 12. See also search engines
WebSense, 37. See also parental control software
Website hosting, 187
WebTrends, 162
WebTV, 74, 215
WebWombat, 12. See also search engines
WEPCrack, 159
Westboro Baptist Church, 58-59. See also hate groups
WhereAbouts, Inc., 127
White Aryan Resistance, 53. See also hate groups, 122
Who@, 130
Whois, 218-219
WhoWhere, 121
Wi-Fi, 142-143
Winamp, 185
WinDefender, 192
Window Washer, 199
Windows 95, 74, 77
Windows 98/Me, 77, 179
Windows 2000, 158, 179
Windows registry viewer, 184
Windows XP, 151, 157-158, 179, 240, 63. See also computer security websites
WinDump, 166
Winfrey, Oprah, 206
WinGuardian, 152
WinLock, 189
WinWhatWhere Investigator, 152
wired equivalent privacy (WEP), 142, 158-159
Wiretapped, 62. See also hacker websites
Wisdom Fund, 36
Women for Aryan Unity, 53. See also hate groups, 10. See also search engines
WordBasic, 79. See also Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
WordList Project, 155
WordPerfect, 75, 80
WordPro, 80
work-at-home business scams, 107-109
World Trade Organization (WTO), 47
World's Most Wanted website, 125
Hybris, 74
Internet worm, 73
Klez, 74
infection methods, 83-84
Life Stages, 74
Love Bug, 74
MTX, 74
Myparty, 75
Peachy, 74
Scalper, 75
Staples, 44
Timfonica, 74
Woyaa!, 11. See also search engines
WS-FTP, 156
WWWomen, 10. See also search engines

X-Stop, 38. See also parental control software
XPKeyGen, 182

Yahoo!, 8, 85, 115, 120-121, 213. See also search engines
Yahoo! Digital, 185
Yahoo! Korea-Seek, 11
Yahoo! Mail, 187
Yahoo! People Search, 121
Yahooligans, 10
YALTA, 242

Zero-Knowledge Systems, 200
Zimmermann, Phil, 190
ZipFax, 187
ZipLip, 201
ZMag, 22
ZoneH, 158
ZoneAlarm, 98, 240
zTrace Technologies, 265
Zundelsite, 55. See also hate groups
List of Figures

Chapter 1: Finding What You Need—The Magic of Search Engines

Figure 1-1: The website allows you to search the Internet by using pictures.

Figure 1-2: You can find a search engine in any language.

Chapter 2: Alternative Sources of News and Information

Figure 2-1: The Paperboy website provides links to major newspapers from around the world.

Figure 2-2: Sometimes the news can be funny if you just look at the hidden context behind the story.

Figure 2-3: Viewing history through web pages from the past.

Chapter 3: Censoring Information (We Know What's Best for You)

Figure 3-1: can show you how different countries around the world, including your own, are
currently oppressing their own citizens.

Chapter 4: Hacktivism—Online Activism

Figure 4-1: Protest.Net lists different types of protests by geographical location, date, and topic so that you can
protest around the world at your convenience.

Figure 4-2: The Mari@mm worm promotes the legalization of marijuana.

Figure 4-3: A defaced web page can publicize your message to a worldwide audience, such as this message
defacing the website of Microsoft's office in Saudi Arabia.

Figure 4-4: Defaced web pages often display graphic images to promote their messages, such as this web page
that defaced the site of the Republic of Cameroon.

Figure 4-5: The Hizbullah website, offering information about their goals.

Chapter 5: Pledging Allegiance—Hatred as Patriotism

Figure 5-1: The National Socialist Movement can help Americans become Nazis.

Figure 5-2: The Holy War site claims that the Bush administration is part of the Jewish Mafia.

Figure 5-3: The God Hates America website is an example of a site that uses religion to justify its hatred of

Chapter 6: Where the Hackers Are

Figure 6-1: The InfoSysSec site lists the top ten ports that hackers use to break into a computer.

Figure 6-2: Use a hacker search engine like to find the hacking tool you need.

Chapter 7: Viruses and Worms

Figure 7-1: How a parasitic program infector works.

Figure 7-2: How an overwriting file infector works.

Figure 7-3: How a boot virus works.

Chapter 8: Trojan Horses— Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts

Figure 8-1: The Feliz Trojan horse displays a threatening image to warn users that the program is about to

Figure 8-2: To trick a victim, many hackers disguise the server file of a Trojan horse as a game for the victim to

Figure 8-3: The SubSeven client program lists all the Trojan horse features in a user-friendly interface.

Figure 8-4: A firewall can monitor specific ports and notify you if any are being used without your knowledge.

Figure 8-5: An anti–Trojan horse program knows how to detect and remove dangerous Trojan horses before
they have a chance to attack your computer.

Chapter 9: CON Games on the Internet

Figure 9-1: The Mega$Nets program is simply a chain letter in the form of a freely distributable program.

Figure 9-2: Many deluded souls have put up websites in an effort to convince others to download the
Mega$Nets software and join in on the online scam.

Figure 9-3: Mega$Hack allows you to crack the Mega$Nets database.

Figure 9-4: Web spoofing tricks you into visiting a phony website masquerading as a legitimate website.

Figure 9-5: Phishing means sending potential victims seemingly legitimate messages, asking for passwords,
credit card numbers, or other confidential information.

Chapter 10: Online Stalkers

Figure 10-1: The Yahoo! search engine can help you find the phone number and city of someone you know.

Figure 10-2: You can check to see if a friend, loved one, or enemy's name appears on The World's Most
Wanted website.

Figure 10-3: The Google Groups website can help you track down messages left by a particular email address.

Chapter 11: Probing a Target

Figure 11-1: A war-dialer dials a range of telephone numbers and keeps track of all numbers that lead to a

Figure 11-2: A port scanner can search for a range of IP addresses for a computer to attack.

Figure 11-3: Nmap can probe the Internet for vulnerable computers.

Figure 11-4: The Whols command can help you identify the IP address of any website.

Figure 11-5: A North American map showing the location of all known wireless networks found by the
NetStumbler program.

Figure 11-6: A wireless sniffer program can help you find and identify wireless networks nearby.
Figure 11-7: War-chalking symbols identify the location and status of a wireless network.

Chapter 12: Sneaking into a Computer

Figure 12-1: You can configure what you want a keystroke logger to capture.

Figure 12-2: A keystroke logger can capture keystrokes so you know what someone typed and what program
they used at the time.

Figure 12-3: A desktop-monitoring program can track every program and keystroke used on a specific computer.

Figure 12-4: The Revelation password-recovery program can reveal the password needed to access a user's
Internet account.

Figure 12-5: A variety of password-cracking programs are readily available for purchase over the Internet.

Figure 12-6: An ever-growing list of known buffer overflow vulnerabilities.

Chapter 13: Digging In

Figure 13-1: provides source code for various rootkit tools, including Trojan horses and patches to
hide a hacker's activity.

Figure 13-2: The AntiSniff program can check for hidden sniffers on a network.

Chapter 14: Computing on a Shoestring

Figure 14-1: The XPKeyGen program claims it can create valid codes necessary to activate illegal copies of
Windows XP.

Figure 14-2: Many websites contain lists of valid keys for a variety of programs.

Chapter 15: Protecting Your Data and Your Privacy

Figure 15-1: The Camera/Shy program can hide messages in GIF images on a web page so other people can
read them.

Figure 15-2: You can program your webcam to capture images in secret and email them to you.

Figure 15-3: A desktop-monitoring program can capture screen images so you can see exactly what the other
person did on your computer.

Figure 15-4: Changing the way the Windows version of Internet Explorer handles cookies.

Figure 15-5: A program like Cookie Pal can show you all the cookies already stored on your hard disk.

Figure 15-6: You can find the addresses of the last few websites someone visited in the Address Bar list box.

Figure 15-7: Window & Internet Washer Pro can delete all traces of your browsing history.

Chapter 16: Waging War on Spam

Figure 16-1: Bulk email programs can use popular search engines to find websites that list valid email

Figure 16-2: Anyone can buy a bulk emailing (spamming) program from websites all over the Internet.

Figure 16-3: Spam Buster can help you track down and locate spammers.
Figure 16-4: The UXN Spam Combat website provides plenty of tools for helping you track down an elusive

Chapter 17: Web Bugs, Adware, Pop-Ups, and Spyware

Figure 17-1: The free Bugnosis tool can identify websites that use web bugs.

Figure 17-2: Adware programs display advertisements every time you run the program.

Figure 17-3: Ad-aware can detect and remove adware programs that may be hidden on your computer.

Figure 17-4: Pop-up ads can keep appearing on your screen faster than you can get rid of them.

Figure 17-5: A pop-up blocker like Stopzilla keeps track of all the pop-up ads it stops.

Figure 17-6: Anti-spyware programs can keep someone from secretly monitoring your activity on the computer.

Chapter 18: Firewalls, Intrusion-Detection Systems, and Honeypots

Figure 18-1: You can define the types of protocols that the firewall allows.

Figure 18-2: A firewall testing program can tell you if your firewall is really protecting your computer or not.

Figure 18-3: NetBuster can create a honeypot to trap hackers trying to access your computer with the NetBus
remote access Trojan.

Figure 18-4: With a program like VisualRoute, you can identify the geographical location of a particularly
persistent hacker.

Figure 18-5: MyNetWatchman can identify the top ISPs used by hackers around the world.

Chapter 19: Computer Forensics: Recovering and Deleting Data

Figure 19-1: The Deleted File Analysis Utility from Executive Software can reveal all the files you deleted in the
past that someone may still be able to undelete and read.

Figure 19-2: A file shredder can offer you different ways to shred your files, giving you a choice between speed
and security.

Figure 19-3: Many file shredders offer a panic mode to wipe out your files quickly in an emergency.

Figure 19-4: A hex editor like VEDIT can display the hidden contents of any disk sector or file.

Chapter 20: Protecting Your Computer

Figure 20-1: A restraining cable can lock your computer to an immovable object, such as a desk.

Figure 20-2: The USB Agent can intercept and analyze data sent across a USB cable.

Appendix B: A Hacker's Gallery of Rogue Tools

Figure B-1: AOHell, the first and original online harassment tool.

Figure B-2: Back Orifice 2000 is the latest incarnation of the popular and ground-breaking remote access Trojan

Figure B-3: Crack Whore probes a website for easily-guessed passwords to give a hacker access to a system.
Figure B-4: Death ‘n Destruction can flood a computer with useless data as a primitive, but effective, form of a
denial-of-service attack.

Figure B-5: ICQ War 2000 provides multiple features for harassing someone (and protecting yourself) while
using ICQ.

Figure B-6: John the Ripper is a command-line program that can find weak passwords on UNIX-based systems.

Figure B-7: NetBus is one of the more popular remote access Trojan horse programs.

Figure B-8: Nmap provides a variety of scanning techniques to help you probe the vulnerabilities of a computer.

Figure B-9: SubSeven has surpassed Back Orifice as the most popular remote access Trojan horse currently in

Figure B-10: UpYours was one of the original email bombing programs that provides a variety of options for
email bombing a victim.

Figure B-11: Master Credit Card Generator helped hackers create fake Internet accounts at no cost.

Figure B-12: CyberPhreak can make your computer generate tones to trick the telephone company's computers
into giving you free phone service.

Figure B-13: Shit Talker can turn your computer into an annoying voice harassment tool.

Figure B-14: ToneLoc is a DOS-based wardialer that can search a range of phone numbers to determine which
ones are connected to a modem.

Figure B-15: The AIDS virus attempts to frighten a user after it has infected a computer.

Figure B-16: The Ambulance virus does nothing but make noise and draw an ambulance rushing across your

Figure B-17: The Boza virus does nothing but remind people that it was the first Windows 95 virus in the history
of the world.

Figure B-18: The Casino virus threatens to trash a hard disk if the user fails to win at the video slot machine.

Figure B-19: Senna Spy Internet Worm Generator 2000 simplifies the creation of VBScript worms.

Figure B-20: The VBS Monopoly worm displays a picture of Bill Gates after it infects your computer.

Figure B-21: The VBS Worm Generator can mass-produce custom worms to spread to your enemies.

Figure B-22: The Virus Creation Laboratory offered a graphical user interface for mass-producing computer

Figure B-23: The ScareMaker Project was an attempt to create a Windows version of the Virus Creation
List of Tables

Chapter 1: Finding What You Need—The Magic of Search Engines

Table 1-1: International Search Engines

Chapter 7: Viruses and Worms

Table 7-1: Virus, Worm, and Trojan Horse "Milestones"

Chapter 11: Probing a Target

Table 11-1: Ports Commonly Available on Every Computer on the Internet

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