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Giffen's PBIS

School Vision
Giffen Memorial Elementary School is an exciting learning place
where young people develop their natural gifts and abilities as
they gain confidence in their potential. Students grow to
become well-adjusted, independent thinkers as they explore
their intelligences; they realize the satisfaction of productive
teamwork as they collaborate with others from a variety of
racial, ethnic and economic backgrounds. Stimulating activity
integrates themes and basic content, resulting in higher
scholastic achievement for all. Children are empowered to
become strong, responsible citizens through the dedicated
efforts of caring and competent staff, involved parents and
supportive community organizations.

Mission Statement
The school, parents, and community will work together to have
clear consistent expectations to motivate students to be safe,
responsible, and respectful therefore increasing positive
behavior to promote academic growth.

Be Safe

Be Respectful

Be Responsible
September 2018

Dear Parents and Students,

This year we are excited to have Giffen be one of the Albany City School District’s schools who will
implement the PBIS program. PBIS is an acronym for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports,
a program that promotes a school wide positive learning approach to discipline. The objective of
PBIS is to improve school climate, teach students to be responsible members of our school
community, and reduce challenging student behaviors in a proactive, positive, and consistent
manner. This research-based program will improve student academic achievement and social

The Parent/Student Handbook was created to inform families of our school wide procedures and
Giffen expectations for student behavior. Our goal is to utilize the PBIS program to recognize
positive behaviors regarding respect of safe, responsible, and respectful. This year we will focus on
teaching behavioral expectations, recognizing positive student behaviors and addressing negative
behaviors in a consistent, clear manner.

On the following pages you will find the materials that students are being taught in the learning
environments, hallways, cafeteria, buses, playground and other common areas. This matrix,
flowchart, and definitions specifies the respectful behaviors expected in each setting. We ask that
you review the procedures with your child, read and sign the PBIS Partnership Agreement on the
last page of this booklet and return it to your child’s teacher by September 28.

This program will be responsive to the changing needs of our community. Monthly meetings will be
scheduled for staff to review this plan and to allow for input to further its development. All staff and
parents are invited to participate in this process to make it reflective of our common concern and
commitment to the children attending Giffen. We welcome your questions and comments. The
Giffen staff is enthusiastic about the PBIS program and the positive impact it will have on our school


Jasmine Brown

Please use this checklist when reviewing the Giffen Handbook with your child.

□ Read handbook and reviewed procedures and rules with my child.

□ Explained positive and negative consequences to my child.

□ Signed and returned PBIS Partnership Agreement, due September 28

Reward System
All School Personnel will be expected to hand out "We
Are" tickets for positive behavior.

 Tickets will be handed in by the student to their classroom jar. At the

end of each day, one student can empty their classroom jar into the
appropriate grade level box located in the office.

 One student name per grade level will be chosen from the boxes to
have their name announced on Friday morning announcements.

 One student per grade level will win a small prize (homework pass,
special lunch, extra computer time, extra recess, pencil, etc.)
 Monthly winners will have their photo posted on a bulletin board.

 All students who earned a specified number of points will be
rewarded with a non-referral party during the school day.

As Needed
 Classes can earn a random "dance party" for 5 minutes at the end of a
day for their classes positive hallway behavior.
Tier 2/Tier 3 Interventions
Each student has a goal to display positive behavior at least 80% of the
time while in school. If a student struggles to meet this goal, programs are
available to assist the student.

Check-In/Check-Out (CICO) - Students check-in with designated CICO

Facilitator/s before the beginning and at the end of each school-day to
receive positive contact, pre-corrects, reminders of school-wide
expectations and, if needed, basic school supplies. At the end of each
class period, classroom teachers provide youth positive behavioral
feedback, based on the school-wide expectations, on a Daily Progress
Report Card (DPR).

Social/Academic Instructional Groups (S/AIG): Youth are supported in

a small group for direct instruction of school-wide expectations and/or
replacement behaviors, including structured practice and direct behavioral
feedback. Intervention leads to generalization most effectively when youth
are also supported by CICO, where classroom teachers provide youth
positive behavioral feedback on a DPR related to their transference of
newly learned skills taught during group.
Student Identification Criteria for October 2018 start:

 Student data from 2017-2018 school year as documented by classroom and/or office
referrals showed student consistently not meeting 80%
 Student has failed to respond to school-wide and general classroom management
 Student has documented emotional issues, anxiety, impulsivity and/or frustration and
may be lacking social skills
 Student is exhibiting behavioral concerns
 Student may/may not receive counseling services and may/may not have FBA/BIP
 Student may display low motivation levels and/or poor organization skills
 Student intake form to be completed in collaboration with the classroom teacher

Parent may opt out of the program(s). Forms should be returned to Coordinator.
Cafeteria Hallway Learning Bathroom Assemblies Playground Bus
Be Safe *Keep hands, feet *Keep hands, feet *Keep hands, feet and *Keep hands, feet *Keep hands, feet and *Keep hands, feet and *Stay seated
and objects to and objects to objects to yourself and objects to objects to yourself objects to yourself *Face forward
yourself yourself *Walk carefully yourself *Stay seated *Move carefully *Keep hands,
*Walk carefully *Walk carefully *Stay alert *Walk carefully *Play safely feet and
*Stay alert *Stay alert * Use materials *Stay in designated area objects to
*Stay in your seat *Walk on the appropriately *Line up when called yourself
*Stay seated until arrows *Use playground
your table is called *Stay to the right equipment
*Wait patiently appropriately
Be *Use encouraging, *Quiet wave * Listen and talk at *Honor others *Use encouraging, *Use encouraging, polite *Use
polite and kind *Appropriate appropriate times privacy polite and kind words and kind words encouraging,
Respectful words voice *Use encouraging, polite *Use a speaking *Listen and respond *Include others polite and
*Use a speaking *Be respectful of and kind words voice appropriately *Share kind words
voice others work *Be an active participant *Use polite and kind *Use the appropriate *Take turns *Listen to the
*Raise your hand if *Use an appropriate voice words voice level *Help others driver
you need help *Enter and exit *Be a good sport *Speaking
quietly voices
*Wait patiently *Respect
** Keep area clean *Keep hallways *Complete classwork and *Keep bathrooms *Follow directions *Follow directions *Keep the bus
*Throw away trash clean homework clean and throw *Accept consequences *Accept consequences clean
Be when table is *Stay with the *Work hard and do your away trash graciously graciously *Follow the
Responsible called line best *Flush *Report any incidents to rules of the bus
*Accept *Go straight to *Accept consequences *Wash your hands an adult *Keep track of
consequences your destination graciously *Get in and out in a *Take care of and return your
graciously *Report any *Be prepared and ready timely manner playground toys belongings
incidents to an for the day *Report any *Report any
adult *Listen and follow incidents to an incidents to an
*Accept directions quickly adult adult
consequences *Keep materials organized *Use the bathroom
graciously for its purpose
Giffen Memorial Elementary School
Version: 6/24/17

When a student falls below 80% of daily points
Problem When a student is removed from class:
(18 or fewer points) document Preventative behavior

Classroom/Staff  Discipline incident input by teacher into

Managed/FBP* VADIR by end of day of incident;
 Administrator determines consequence.
1st through 4th Time Below Points: Defined as: Defined as:  Teacher communicates student removal to
Student stays in Student removed guardian.
 Teacher contact parent/guardian room from room
(e.g. note, phone, text, or email), *FBP = Fell Below
 Teacher/student review behavioral
Behavior violations (1-10) will be
EITHER Classroom/Staff managed OR  Discipline incident input by teacher into
In addition to above: VADIR by end of day of incident;
Office Managed
o 2nd Time: Student completes To differentiate if a particular behavior violation  Administrator determines consequence.
reflection form with Teacher on this list should be considered classroom  Teacher communicates student removal to
managed or office managed, reference the guardian.
o 3rd Time: Student loses PBIS Operational Definitions list & Code of Conduct
acknowledgement for month
1. Academic Dishonesty/Forgery
o 4th Time: Teacher schedule 3rd DISCIPLINE REFERRAL –
2. Bullying
parent/teacher conference
3. Damage to Personal/School Property  Discipline incident input by teacher into
5th and 6th Times Below Points: 4. Use of electronic Devices VADIR by end of day of incident;
5. Harassment  Administrator determines consequence.
 Principal designee (PD) (e.g. Re- 6. Leaving Classroom without permission
 Teacher communicates student removal to
Focus Room Supervisor, Assistant 7. Physical Contact with School Personnel
Principal) contacts 8. Technology Acceptable Use Policy
parent/guardian (e.g. note, phone, 9. Threats against persons
Administrator will address issues
text, or email) or concerns regarding:
10. Verbal aggression against staff
 Student meets with PD for a
reflective conversation Classroom/Staff Office  IsclassBus referrals
at 80%?
 PBIS Tier 2/3 team member Managed/FBP* Managed  Attendance
 Referral to RtI Committee by Teacher;
meets with teacher to develop and Behavior violations Documentation mustofbe
Teacher notifies parent theprovided
RtI referral
Behavior violations
monitor a plan of action for ON- 1-3 below are
1-3 below are
GOING Tier 1 support ALWAYS
 Recommended: Administrator Managed
conduct fidelity check 1. Fighting/Physical
1. Noncompliance
7th Time Below Points: 2. Weapons, firearms,
2. Hallway Behavior explosives, Arson,
Bomb Threat
 HSC/AP/Principal contacts 3. Classroom 3. Alcohol, Illegal Drugs,
parent/guardian (e.g. note, phone, Distraction Inhalants
text, or email) These represent only a SELECTION of most
commonly observed Code of Conduct Behavioral
 Parent Conference scheduled by Violations;
HSC/AP/Principal to include it is not an exhaustive or all-inclusive list
teacher/parent (& student if age TEACHERS can access Tier 1 behavioral support
appropriate) proactively through grade level/team liaison at
any time.

8th Time Below Points:

PBIS Partnership Agreement

The Parent/Student PBIS Handbook is located on the

Giffen webpage under More and Teacher Resources.
Please take the time to review the handbook with your
child. Your child’s teacher will be reviewing it in class as
well. Once you have reviewed the handbook, please sign
and return this form.
Families who enroll after September should return this
agreement within one week after receipt.

I will read the system of rules and procedures that will
prompt and guide student behavior presented in this
manual. My signature below signifies that I will support my
child and the staff of Giffen Elementary School so that
my child can reach his/her full potential.


I understand the system of rules and procedures that are
presented in this manual to prompt and guide my behavior.
My signature below signifies that I will work with my parents
and the staff of Giffen Elementary School to achieve my
full potential.





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