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Response to Trustee Teich Teich: Board Notification: Follow Up on Welcoming Schools and Human Sexuality Curriculum superintenaent 5 9 ual tly ~~ Kecpone: Ady Cc . WY yvceh \ Vat eau rt

Messe abso thine Hops selanehepins@acind or) Bt amactenents (19 KB} “TUC.BR Teich - atachment docx, Board of Trustees: In response toa request from Trustee Teich regarding Welcoming Schools and Human Sexuality Curriculum, the following information is provided: 1. It would be helpful to have @ point by point rebuttol/answer for each allegation made by Concerned Parents for Austin, e.g., do we teach elementary students the anatomy of the human body, and If so, how is it taught? {In looking at the Concerned Parents of Austin website, | found the following allegations: Per Texas education code, all public schools must teach abstinence as the core component of sex education. This wos the case in Austin until 2011, when Texas Freedom Network infiltrated the School Health Advisory ‘Council to push the agenda of comprehensive sex education, The newer programs designed by Planned Parenthood and LGBT advocacy organizations teach children sexual experimentation, how to consent to sex, alternative iifestyles, and gender ideology, following the Notional Sex Education Standards written by those same groups. Welcoming Schools, on anti-bullying program written by Human Rights Campaign, teaches homosexuality ‘and gender Idealagy from pre-kindergarten up. 2. How do we best counter these claims? 3. What do teachers tell students in their human sexuality lessons in elementary school? 4, After reviewing several emails expressing concern that AISD is “caving in to” Concerned Parents of Austin and ‘abandoning the Welcoming Schools training, could you please expand on the response that says that AISD is “working on an expanded program called All Are Welcome”? Does that mean that AISD will expand on the Welcoming Schools program or is AISD abandoning that progrom? 5. Also, why haven’t all AISD elementary campuses been trained in Welcoming Schools? Response: 1. Attached are the topics we address at each elementary grade level. We currently do not teach age-appropriate anatomy topics to students in grades K-4. SHAC is currently reviewing the Human Sexuality Curriculum and is being vetted by the committee and district staff in light of national research for best practices. 2. AISD follows the Texas Education Code 28.004 (EHAA LEGAL and LOCAL) including appropriate grade level and methods of instruction for human sexuality, emphasis on abstinence, curriculum parameters, and include the information on our district website. ‘Additionally, a SHAC’s responsibility is to conduct an annual review of the health education curriculum, which also includes Human Sexuality. Any changes to the curriculum undergo a thorough process of review by SHAC, district staff, campus leaders, and teachers. EHAA (LEGAL) states the instruction must: a. Present abstinence as the preferred choice of behavior for unmarried persons of school age; b. Devote more attention to abstinence than to any other behavior; Emphasize that abstinence is the only method that is 100 percent effective in preventing pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, infection with HIV or AIDS, and the emotional trauma associated with adolescent sexual activity; . Direct adolescents to a standard of behavior in which abstinence before marriage is the most effective way to prevent pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and infection with HIV or AIDS; and d. Teach contraception and condom use in terms of human use reality rates instead of theoretical laboratory rates, if instruction on contraception and condoms is included in the curriculum. 3. See attached for topics by elementary grade level. 4. With the support of district leadership, we want to build on what we've learned and offer a more all- encompassing training for our district staff with the ultimate goal of providing a safe and inclusive learning ‘environment for all AISD students and families, regardless of sexuality, religion, race or cultural differences, economic status, etc. We also want to extend the training to campuses beyond our elementary schools, Including, middle and high schools. ‘The Department of Social and Emotional Learning is developing, “All Are Welcomel,” a new professional development series for all AISD staff to launch in spring 2018 or in the 2018-2019 school year. “All Are Welcome!” will build on the foundation of Welcoming Schools and will also extend the content. The new training aims to promote a comprehensive understanding of the diverse groups of students and families we serve and to foster inclusive learning communities. Principals of the 24 campuses who received Welcoming Schools training have autonomy to utilize Welcoming ‘Schools strategies until the adoption of “All Are Welcome!” 5, Welcoming Schools training is not a required training, Elementary campuses have the autonomy to elect if they wanted to receive Welcoming Schools training. Sincerely, Paul Cruz Paul Cruz, Ph.0. Superintendent Austin independent School District 1111 W. Sixth St. ‘Austin, TX 78703-5338 512-414-2482 512-414-1486 (Fax) From: Ann Teich Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2017 8:27 PM ‘To: Superintendent ‘Subject: RE: Board Notification: Follaw Up on Welcoming Schools, ‘After reviewing several emails expressing concern that AISD is “caving in to” Concerned Parents of Austin and abandoning the Welcoming Schools training, could you please expand on the response that says that AISD is * working on an expanded program called All Are Welcome”? Does that mean that AISO will expand on the ‘Welcoming Schoo's program or is AISD abandoning that program? ‘Also, why haven’t all AISD elementary campuses been trained in Welcoming Schools? Thanks! Ann Ann Teich District 3 Trustee, Austin SO From: Ann Teich ‘Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2017 8:20 PM ‘To: Superintendent Subject: RE: Board Notification: Follow Up on Welcoming Schools | appreciate having this information. tt would be helpful to have a point by point rebuttal/answer for each allegation made by Concerned Parents for Austin, e.g., do we teach elementary students the anatomy of the human body, and if so, how Is it taught? In looking at the Concerned Parents of Austin website, | found the following allegations: Per Texas education code, all public schools must teach abstinence as the core component of sex education. ‘This was the case in Austin until 2011, when Texas Freedom Network infiltrated the School Health Advisory Council to push the agenda of comprehensive sex education. The newer programs designed by Planned Parenthood and LGBT advocacy organizations teach children sexual experimentation, how to consent to sex, alternative lifestyles, and gender ideology, following the National Sex Education Standards written by those same groups. Welcoming Schools, an anti-bullying program written by Human Rights Campaign, teaches homosexuality ‘and gender ideology from pre-kindergarten up. How do we best counter these claims? What do teachers tell students in their human sexuality lessons in elementary school? ‘Thanks! Ann ‘Ann Teich District 3 Trustee, Austin ISD From: Superintendent [] ‘Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2017 6:33 PM To: Cc: Pavi Cruz ; Jacob Reach ; Elaine Hopkins Melissa Sabatino Subject: Board Notification: Follow Up on Welcoming Schools Board of Trustees ‘The purpose of this communication is to clarify two issues regarding: 1) Welcoming School Program, and 2) the Human Sexuality curriculum. 41) Welcoming Schools Welcoming Schools is a professional development training series for adults on elementary schoo! campuses, not a student curriculum. Welcoming School strategies, which have been taught to staff at 24 campuses for several years, will continue to be used on the campuses that have already been trained. ‘The training is for teachers to help them provide safe, supportive, inclusive environments for students and their families and to create a conversation among adults on campus to examine their language and practices. AISD is currently working on an expanded program called All Are Welcome that will be available to all schools, not just elementary schools. The new training would be available for all district staff with the ultimate goal of providing a safe and inclusive leaming environment for all students and families within AISD, regardless of sexuality, religion, race or cultural differences, economic status, etc. The new training may be available this spring. 2) Human Sexuality Curriculum ‘The Human Sexuality Curriculum is currently under review at the request of SHAC and is being vetted by the Committee as well as district staff in light of national research for best practices. There are no approved or directed changes to this year’s Human Sexuality Curriculum. Some of the questions coming forward from community members center on teaching anatomy at lower grade levels. Austin ISD's local policy (EHAA LOCAL) supports the teaching of a Human Sexuality unit within the Health Education curriculum. Currently, Human Sexuality is taught in the month of May for K-8 and during one unit in the High School Health Course. The current curriculum focuses on issues such as friendship and anti-bullying for elementary students and develops a functional knowledge related to sexuality and the Skills necessary to adopt healthy behaviors for middle and high school students. The curriculum is available for review for all parents through thelr campus principal, and parents have the opportunity to opt ‘out of the Human Sexuality Unit. The School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) is made up of parents, community members, and district staff. SHAC annually reviews health education in the district. Any changes to the curriculum undergo a thorough review by SHAC, district staff, campus leaders, and teachers. Sincerely, Paul Cruz Paul Cruz, Ph.D. ‘Superintendent Austin independent Schoo! District, 1111 W. Sixth St. ‘Austin, TX 78703-5338 512-414-2482 512-414-1486 (fax) Confidentiality Notice: This email message, including all attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential student and/or employee information, Unauthorized use of disclosure is prohibited under the federal Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. §1232g, 34 CFR Part 99, 19 TAC 247.2, Gov't Code 552.023, Educ. Code 21.355, 29 CFR 1630.14(b)(c)). If you are not the intended recipient, you may not use, disclose, copy or disseminate this information, Please call the sender immediately or reply by email and destroy all copies of the original message, including anschments AISD Sexuality and Responsibility Curriculum Kindergarten © DWversity Identify similarities and differences between students © Identify positive aspects of diversity + Bullying (© Learn to recognize bullying (© Identify trusted adults to approach for help with bullying, © Relationships ©. Define friendship ©. Identify how students are Influenced by friends + Safety ‘© Learn to differentiate between a stranger and a trusted adult ‘© Understand the importance of trusting one’s feelings in an uncomfortable/unsafe. situation * Family ‘© Discuss the importance of family roles 9 Students demonstrate family jobs 1*Grade + Selfcaring (© Learn the importance of appreciating oneself © Identity trusted adults and resources = Bulying (© Recognize bullying situations © Identify trusted adults for assistance in bullying situations Relationships ‘© Learn to identity confi © Demonstrate conflict resolutions techniques Feelings © Identify uncomfortable feelings © Learn to use “Imessages” to express uncomfortable feelings © Family (© Discuss how family systems can change © Learn to identify people they can turn to for help coping with changes in family systems 2 Grade = Communication (© Identify components of a good listener (© Demonstrate good listening skills ‘© Relationships (0 Learn the importance of having friends ‘© Describe what friends do for each other © Feelings (©. Discuss why feelings are important © Identity ways to express feelings ‘© Conflict Resolution (© Leam to resolve contlicts peacefully (2 Demonstrate ways to resolve conflicts without hurting others © Family © Learn to identify oneself as a family member ‘© Identify a family member as a source for help Grade = Communication © Identify components of a good listener 2 Demonstrate good listening siils Relationships (© Learn the importance of having friends ‘2. Deseribe what friends do for each other + Confiet Resolution © Learn to resolve conflicts peacefully ‘2 Demonstrate ways to resolve conflicts without hurting others = Bullying (© Learn the role of "upstanders" in intervening in bullying situations (©. Leam appropriate communications skills when bullying occurs +Family Health and Sexuality © Identity types of changes (© Describe how growth and des 4 Grade ‘¢ Caring for self and others ‘2 Identify personal assets (© Analyze characteristics of families © Communication (© Learn the importance of expressing thoughts and feelings to family members ‘© Demonstrate positive ways to communicate thoughts and feelings © Bullying (© Recognize bullying situations (© Learn the role of “upstanders” in in preventing and intervening in bullying situations © Family (© Identify changes that occur as a result of growth and aging © Discuss influences that create change in families, © Identify resources for individuals and families ‘© Describe ways family members help each other (© Identify famity influences and role models 5% Grade © Communication (© Demonstrate positive ways to communicate thoughts and feelings © Learn steps for confit resolution © Bullying © Define what it means to be a bully © Learn why people bully others © Learn skils to avoid being bullied © Family © Identity resources for individuals and families (© Identify actions that show respect ‘© Analyze why people show respect © Feelings 2 Identity ways to cope with stress ‘© Leam the importance of expressing thoughts and feelings to family members © Passage to Puberty © Leam the physical, emotional and social changes of adolescence © Identify sources of information about adolescence

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