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The following quote is from What is In Tibetan Buddhism mind training is

meditation, why meditate and how to called lojong. The essence of lojong is training
meditate? A discussion of the rationale the mind to stop grasping at the self.
and practice behind the undertaking of
meditation practice in Buddhism, Daoism “Whatever harms are in the world, whatever
and Yoga By Shaun Ramsden dangers and sufferings are in the world- all of
these arise from grasping at the self; what
Defining Meditation good is this great demon for me (Jinpa, 2011,
p. 58)?”
The following definition is proposed, “training
the mind to have a concentrated focus on one The question than is, if “self grasping” is the
object or to be in a state of concen- greatest demon to ever exist, what is the
trated awareness.” The more absorbed in antidote for it? Nagarjuna, in a Letter to a
focus or awareness you become, the deeper Friend gives the answer:
the meditation. Mindfulness is especially
important to Buddhism because there is “Even stupid animals such as cows know how
generally no other form of meditation like it, to rescue themselves from suffering; they
hence the results and outcomes from know how to get water when they suffer from
practicing such meditation is especially thirst; they know how to get fresh new shoots
unique. when they suffer from hunger. Thus, being
concerned about our own suffering is not the
From a vocabulary technical standpoint (and Wise Ones' way of thinking. Bodhisattvas
training) one needs to be very careful in using always neglect their own happiness and
the word “focus” in regards to Buddhist wisely concern themselves with the benefit of
meditation. In the authors experience nearly countless other beings. This is their great
all meditation training tends to “focus” on significant quality. Through this, Wise Ones
something. In Buddhist meditation you should are not only able to accomplish their own
not focus on anything but instead just be highest happiness, but are also able to fulfill
“aware.” Do not “focus” on the breath, instead the needs of countless other beings
be “aware” of the breath. Focus is active, (Wangchen, 1987, p. 100).”
while awareness is passive. A subtle word
change but drastically different results and Another example of mind training (not
therefore final outcome. Therefore awareness meditation) are the brahmavihāras which are
/mindfulness of “something” is what known as a series of “four Buddhist
separates Buddhist meditation (in a generic meditation practices” designed to cultivate
sense) from all other ancient meditation them. They are sometimes known as the,
schools. Was this one of Buddha's ancient Four Immeasurables (Sanskrit: apramāṇa,
discoveries? A new method of meditation Pāli: appamañna
̃ ̄) (Bodhi, 2000, p. 89).
based on “pure awareness.” Are there any
Hindu/yogic or Daoist texts pre dating The Brahma-viharas are:
Buddhism that meditate in such a way? It
appears to be uniquely Buddhist. 1.Loving-kindness (Metta) – generally
wishing happiness for all
Mind Training versus Meditation
2.Compassion (Karuna) – the wish for all
being to be free of suffering
There needs to be a very distinct line drawn
between mind training and meditation. Mind 3.Empathetic joy (Mudita) – happiness for
training techniques help people to think in a others good fortune
certain way and train certain thought 4.Equanimity (Uppekha) – equanimity in all of
processes, while meditation is teaching and life’s ups and downs
training one to stop the thought processes.

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