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1. What are the four main types of tissue?

Epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous

2. Tattoo’s are below what type of tissue in the human body? Is it a good idea
to get one?
It is under the epidermis and it would only be a good idea if you really want it
3. What is the difference between tendons and ligaments?
Tendons are white bands of connective tissue attaching skeletal muscle to bone
and ligaments are strong, flexible bands of connective tissue that hold bones
firmly together at the joints
4. Compare the 3 types of muscle tissue. Cardiac, smooth & skeletal.
All three of the muscle tissues contract and move a body part
5. Name and describe the 10 body systems. Which two provides energy to the
8 body systems? Provide images for each body system.
Respiratory- transports and exchanges oxygen from carbon dioxide
Urinary- forms, concentrates and eliminates urine
Reproductive- male and female, birth of life
Digestive- digests food, and absorbs nutrients, secretes digestive enzymes
Lymphatic- stimulates the immune response filter
Endocrine- controls all body functions regulates glucose regulates fluid balance
supports sexual hormones
Circulatory- pumps blood around the body
Nervous- processes information controls voluntary activities relays information
Muscular- for support, protection, allows movement
Skeletal- support, protection, and movement of the body
Integumentary- protects provides sensation regulates temperature sense of touch
6. Name three diseases associated with the skeletal system, muscular system
and nervous system.
Three diseases associated with those systems are brain tumors, cerebral palsy,
and fractures
7. What is the strongest bone in the body? Where are the weakest bones
found in the body?
The strongest bone in the body is the femur and the weakest bone is the collar
8. How many bones are in the human body? How many bones does a 2 month
child have? Why does the baby have more bones?
There are about 206 bones in the human body, and in a baby there is about 270
bones because the bones have not yet fused together

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