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-Juab Wasps Gaming Club- 

2018-19 Disclosure
We would like to welcome you to the club! We as a club are very excited for you to join us! We
hope to create an amazing group here at Juab High School which will last long into the future!

Objectives and Goals:

-Establish a space for people to build lasting relationships
-Lasting experience of work and responsibility for students.
-Create an environment for students to be engaged in school activities and academic life
-Build friendships and bolster self-esteem.
-Provide opportunities for students to develop various skills in the workplace and collegiate level

As we move forward we hope this club will help reduce urges for students to game during class
time, by providing a time and place for this activity to take place outside of school hours. It is our
belief that this activity of gaming may help push and incentivise students to achieve greatness,
work towards self-fulfillment, and create a desire to achieve enduring success. Our hope is to
provide a space where your child may use their interest in gaming to work towards building a
productive and meaningful community, as well as use their talents in this field to enrich their
lives and opportunities.

Requirements and Guidelines:

We as a group, hope for this club to have a beneficial impact on your students lives. In order to
accomplish this, there are several guidelines:
● GRADES​: Students are required to maintain a ​2.5 GPA,​ with ​no F​’s
● ATTENDANCE​: No sluffs or unexcused absences will be allowed, parent contact.
● BEHAVIOR:​ Any behavior against JHS or District policy will not be tolerated.
● RESPECT:​ Respect others, yourself, and the equipment which the club will be using.

Competitive Members Guidelines:

● Attend decided practices (dates will be decided as teams are created).
● Attend and participate in required tournaments.

Student Name: (Print) ____________________________________

Student Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____________

Parent Name: (Print) _____________________________________

Parent Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ____________

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