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Overview of the Skeleton 5l

Xme of bone marking Descrlptlon lllustratlon

koiections that are sites of muscle and ligament attachment
Tuberosity(too"bd-ros'I-te) Largeroundedprojection; Tuberosity Trochanters
may be roughened

Crest Narrow ridge of bone;

usually prominent

Trochanter (tro-kan'ter) Very large, blunt, irregularly Anterior

shaped process (The only crest
examples are on the femur.)
Line Narrow ridge of bone; tuberde
less prominent than a crest
Tibia Medial
Tubercle (too'ber-kl) Small rounded projection or of leg epicondyle

Epicondyle (ep"i-kon'd Tl) Raised area on or above a condyle

Spine Sharp, slender, often pointed projection

Ramus (ra'mus) Armlike bar of bone

hoiectlons that help to form jolnts
Head Bony expansion carried on
a narrow neck

Facet Smooth, nearly flat

articular surface

Condyle (kon'dll) Rounded articular prolection

Depresslons and openings allowlng blood vessels

d newes to pass
Itleatus (me-a'tus) Canal-like passageway

Sirus Cavity within a bone, filled

with air and lined with
mucous membrane

Fossa (fos'ah) Shallow, basinlike

depression in a bone, Meatus
often serving fissure
as an articular surface
Grmrc Slitlike furrow

Fbsr.rre Narrow, slitlike opening

foramen (lo.ra'men) Skull

Round or oval opening
through a bone

Classification of Bones bone is dense and looks smooth and homogeneous. Spongv
bone is composed of small trabeculae (needlelike bars) of
bone and lots of open space.
Objcct ive 3 : Identify the four main kinds of Bones may be classified further on the basis of their
bmes- gross anatomy into four grcups: long, short, flat, and irregu-
The 2(b bones of the adult skeleton are composed of two lar bones.
tn"ic hinds of osseous tissue that differ in texture. Compact

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