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Neuroscience Research 44 (2002) 11 /30

Review article

Genetics of epilepsy: current status and perspectives

Sunao Kaneko a,1,*, Motohiro Okada1 a, Hiroto Iwasa a, Kazuhiro Yamakawa1 b,
Shinichi Hirose1 c
Department of Neuropsychiatry, Hirosaki University, Hirosaki 036-8562, Japan
Laboratory for Neurogenetics, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
Department of Pediatrics, Fukuoka University, Fukuoka 814-0180, Japan

Received 28 February 2002; accepted 28 April 2002


Epilepsy affects more than 0.5% of the world’s population and has a large genetic component. The most common human genetic
epilepsies display a complex pattern of inheritance and the susceptibility genes are largely unknown. However, major advances have
recently been made in our understanding of the genetic basis of monogenic inherited epilepsies. Progress has been particularly
evident in familial idiopathic epilepsies and in many inherited symptomatic epilepsies, with the discovery that mutations in ion
channel subunits are implicated, and direct molecular diagnosis of some phenotypes of epilepsy is now possible. This article reviews
recent progress made in molecular genetics of epilepsy, focusing mostly on idiopathic epilepsy, and some types of myoclonus
epilepsies. Mutations in the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor a4 and b2 subunit genes have been detected in families with
autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy, and those of two K  channel genes were identified to be responsible for
underlying genetic abnormalities of benign familial neonatal convulsions. The voltage-gated Na  -channel (a1,2 and b1 subunit),
and GABA receptor (g2 subunit) may be involved in the pathogenesis of generalized epilepsy with febrile seizure plus and severe
myoclonic epilepsy in infancy. Mutations of Ca2-channel can cause some forms of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy and idiopathic
generalized epilepsy. Based upon these findings, pathogenesis of epilepsy as a channelopathy and perspectives of molecular study of
epilepsy are discussed. # 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd and the Japan Neuroscience Society. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Epilepsy; Epilepsy genes; Channelopathy; Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy; Benign familial neonatal convulsions;
Benign adult familial myoclonic epilepsy; Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizure plus; Progressive myoclonus epilepsy

1. Introduction Lennox, 1960; Sillampaa et al., 1991). Environmental

influences are held to a minimum; MZ twins have
Epilepsy affects more than 0.5% of the world’s identical genotypes, whereas DZ twins are no more
population and has a large genetic component (Barais- genetically similar than any two siblings. Concordance
ter, 1990). The idea that epilepsy is not one general rates ranged from 10.8% in MZ pairs with acquired
disorder but can be differentiated into a number of brain injuries to 70% in those without these defects. In
clinical subtypes provides a basis for studies investigat- DZ twins, concordance ranged from 3 to 10%, regard-
ing the genetics of idiopathic epilepsies. Strong support less of a brain injury in the proband (Treiman and
for a genetic role in some epilepsies comes from twin Treiman, 2001). Lennox and Lennox (1960) details of
studies (Table 1) that report concordance rates consis- seizure type (Table 1). Here the MZ/DZ difference in
tently higher in monozygotic (MZ) than in dizygotic concordance is striking, and recent genetic studies of
(DZ) twins, (Berkovic et al., 1998; Corey et al., 1991; epilepsy have revealed responsible genes of some phe-
Harveld and Hauge, 1965; Inouye, 1960; Lennox and notypes of idiopathic epilepsy and progressive myoclo-
nus epilepsy.
The focus of research on the genetics of the epilepsies
* Corresponding author. Tel.: /81-172-39-5065; fax: /81-172-39-
is the identification of mutations causing epilepsies, and
E-mail address: (S. Kaneko). the abnormal properties of the neuron glia system
The Epilepsy Genetic Study Group, Japan. through which the mutations are expressed and result
0168-0102/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd and the Japan Neuroscience Society. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 8 - 0 1 0 2 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 6 5 - 2
12 S. Kaneko et al. / Neuroscience Research 44 (2002) 11 /30

Table 1
Concordance for epilepsy among monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs

Authors and year Type of epilepsy/proband Concordance

Monozygotic Dizygotic

N Percentage N Percentage

Berkovic et al., 1998 Major epilepsy syndromes 108 62.0 145 18.0
Corey et al., 1991 Febrile seizures 95 19.0 157 6.0
Sillampaa et al., 1991 Epilepsy 79 12.0 201 3.0
Harveld and Hauge, 1965 Epileptic seizures 89 3.4 221 1.4
Inouye, 1960 Undefined epilepsy 27 37.1 100 10.0
Lennox and Lennox, 1960 Seizures 14 54.0 14 7.1
Epilepsy and brain lesion 37 10.8 67 7.5
Epilepsy but no lesion 47 70.2 54 5.6
Seizure type a
Grand mal (GM) 51 82.0 52 15.0
Petit mal (PM) 20 75.0 14 0.0
GM and PM 13 77.0 8 0.0
Psychomotor 13 39.0 19 5.0
GM and psychomotor 11 27.0 10 0.0
Twins with multiple seizures types are counted more than once.

in clinical epilepsy. Once the mutated code scripts are partial hemifacial motor seizures frequently have asso-
identified in the epilepsies, it will lead to an under- ciated somatosensory symptoms and tend to evolve into
standing of how neurons are regulated in the face of generalized tonic-clonic seizures. The EEG shows high-
such abnormal code scripts, and how development is voltage centrotemporal spikes, that are activated by
affected during embryogenesis and the immediate post- sleep. Neubauer et al. (1998) found evidence for linkage
natal period (Delgado-Escueta et al., 1994). Improving of rolandic epilepsy to a region of chromosome 15q14
the classification of epilepsy genotypes will undoubtedly encompassing the 7-cM by analysis of 22 nuclear
improve calculations of sibling risk for epilepsy, and families. The a7 subunit of neuronal acetylcholine
this, in turn, improves the accuracy of risk assessments receptor (CHRNA7) is located in this region. On the
and facilitates genetic counseling. However, most idio- other hand, Vaughn et al. (1996) have reported two
pathic epilepsies are complex genetic diseases; they occur children with centrotemporal spike discharges and with
with a greater frequency in relatives of affected indivi- seminological similarities to benign rolandic epilepsy.
duals (Kaneko and Wada, 1998) yet do not exhibit a Although the two children also expressed many mani-
simple Mendelian inheritance pattern, for it seems that festations that are not detected in benign rolandic
multiple genes are simultaneously involved and that a epilepsy, which might reflect extensive deletion of
diversity of ‘susceptible’ genes collaborate in determin- chromosome 1, they suggested that the distal portion
ing risk (Delgado-Escueta et al., 1994). This article of the long arm of chromosome 1 is a potential site for a
reviews recent progress made in molecular genetics of candidate gene for benign rolandic epilepsy.
epilepsy and perspectives of molecular study of epilepsy.
2.1.2. Familial partial epilepsy
The responsible gene for familial partial epilepsy
2. Chromosomal localization of epilepsy genes and (temporal lobe) has been mapped to 10q (Ottman et
identified genes of epilepsy al., 1995), but this locus has been excluded in Australian
families (Berkovic, 1997). A single nucleotide poly-
Chromosomally localized epilepsies and identified morphism (SNP) that results in a CT transition at
mutations in the genes of some phenotypes of epilepsy 511-base-pairs upstream of the transcription start site of
have been listed in Tables 2/5. the interleukin 1 b (IL-1b ) gene (g .-511CT) was
hypothesized to play a role in the etiology of temporal
2.1. Localization related epilepsies (Table 2) lobe epilepsy (TLE) with hippocampal sclerosis (HS)
(Kanemoto et al., 2000). To confirm this finding, Buono
2.1.1. Benign rolandic epilepsy et al. (2001) determined the frequency of this poly-
Rolandic epilepsy is an idiopathic partial epilepsy morphism in a group of 61 TLE/HS patients of
syndrome that begins between age 3 and 13 years and European ancestry and compared it with that found in
remits before 16 (Lerman, 1977). The brief, simple, 119 ethnically matched control subjects. However, they
S. Kaneko et al. / Neuroscience Research 44 (2002) 11 /30 13

Table 2
Genes associated with localization related epilepsies

Epilepsy Chromosomal region Gene or protein Main reference

Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal 20q13.2 /q13.3 a4 subunit of nicotinic acetylcholine Steinlein et al. (1995, 1997b), Hirose et al.
receptor (CHRNA4) (1999), Phillips et al. (2000)
lobe epilepsy (ADNFLE) type1 15q24 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor sub- Phillips et al. (1998)
unit genes
ADNFLE type2 1 (pericentromeric b2 subunit of nicotinic acetylcholine Fusco et al. (2000), Phillips et al. (2001)
region) receptor (CHRNB2)
ADNFLE type3 10q24 Leucine-rich, glioma-inactivated 1 Kalachikov et al. (2002)
gene (LGI1)
Autosomal-dominant partial epilepsy 1q deletion Vaughn et al. (1996)
with auditory feature
Benign rolandic epilepsy 15q14 CHRNA7? Neubauer et al. (1998)
Benign familial infantile convulsions 19q ? Guipponi et al. (1977)
Infantile convulsions and choreoathe- 16p12 /q12 ? Caraballo et al. (2001)
tosis including BFIC

failed to confirm an association between the g .-511CT ited as an autosomal dominant trait with high pene-
SNP and TLE/HS. Recently, Kalachikov et al. (2002) trance. A first locus for ADNFLE has been mapped to
identified a causative gene, leucine-rich, glioma-inacti- chromosome 20q13.2 (Phillips et al., 1995), and a
vated 1 gene (LGI1 ), in-patients with autosomal domi- missense mutation in the neuronal nicotinic acetylcho-
nant partial epilepsy with auditory features (ADPEAF). line receptor (nAChR) a4 subunit (CHRNA4 ) gene has
ADPEAF is characterized by partial seizures with been reported in an Australian family with ADNFLE
auditory disturbances. They showed that the expression (Steinlein et al., 1995) followed by another report of an
pattern of mouse, and Lgi1 was predominantly neuronal insertional mutation of the CHRNA4 gene (Steinlein et
and was consistent with anatomic regions involved in al., 1997b). In a Japanese family with ADNFLE, a ‘C’ to
TLE. The discovery of mutations in LGI1 as a cause of ‘T’ exchange (c.851CT) was found in exon 5 of the
ADPEAF suggests a new avenue for research on CHRNA4 gene on one allele of affected individuals.
pathogenic mechanisms of epilepsies (Kalachikov et c.851CT replaced Ser284 in the second membrane
al., 2002). spanning domain (M2) of CHRNA4 with a leucine.
Ser284 is conserved characteristically in CHRNA4 (Hir-
2.1.3. Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe ose et al., 1999). Recently, a de novo mutation c.851CT
epilepsy (ADNFLE) was identified: Ser284Leu was found to be a mutation in
ADNFLE is characterized by a brief seizure during the CHRNA4 gene in a women initially diagnosed as
light sleep, and is often misdiagnosed as nightmare or sporadic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (Phillips et al.,
parasomnia. ADNFLE is a monogenic disorder inher- 2000). This discovery implies that some idiopathic

Table 3
Genes associated with generalized epilepsies

Epilepsy Chromosomal re- Gene or protein Main reference


Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (EJM1) 6p11 /p12 c6orf33 (LMPB1)a Greenberg et al. (1988), Suzuki et al. (2001)
(EJM2) 15q a7 nicotinic acetylcholin receptor Elmslie et al. (1997)
Benign familial neonatal convulsions 20q13 KCNQ2 (K  channel) Singh et al. (1998), Biervert et al. (1998), Ushida
(EBN1) et al. (2001)
Benign familial neonatal convulsions 8q KCNQ3 (K  channel) Charlier et al. (1998), Hirose et al. (2000a,b)
Childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) 20q CHRNA4? Steinlein et al. (1997a,b)
CAE with generalized tonic-clonic 8q24.3 ? Fong et al. (1998)
CAE evolving to juvenile myoclonic 1p ? Delgado-Escueta et al. (1999)
Juvenile absence epilepsy 21q22.1 GluR (kainate receptor) Sander et al. (1997)

c6orf33: chromosome 6 open reading frame 33. LMPB1: lyrosomal membrane protein in brain-1.
A newly discovered gene mutated in patient with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy has been found, and it will be reported shortly.
14 S. Kaneko et al. / Neuroscience Research 44 (2002) 11 /30

Table 4
Genes associated with specific syndrome

Epilepsy Chromosomal re- Gene or protein Main reference


Progressive myoclonus epilepsies Unverricht- 21q23 mutation of gene encoding cystatin B Pennacchio et al. (1996), Lalioti et al.
Lundborg type (EPM1) (1997a,b), Virtaneva et al. (1997)
Lafora’s disease (EPM2) 6q24 laforin Minassian et al. (1998), Serratosa et
al. (1995)
Northern epilepsy 8p ? Tahvanainen et al. (1994), Ranta et al.
Infantile type of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis 1p mutation in the palmitoyl-protein Vesa et al. (1995)
(CLN1) thioesterase (PPT)
Late-infantile type of neuronal ceroid Lipofus- 11p15 pepstatin-insensitive lysosomal pepti- Sleat et al. (1997)
cinosis (CLN2) dase
Juvenile type of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis 16p12.1 CLN3 protein Mitchison et al. (1995, 1997), Golabek
(CLN3) et al. (2000)
Finish-variant late-infantile type of Neuronal 13q21 /q32 ? Savukoski et al. (1994)
ceroid lipofuscinosis (CLN5)
Variant late-infantile ceroid lipofuscinosis 15q21 /q23 ? Sharp et al. (1997)
Juvenile Gaucher’s disease 1q21 /q31 human b-glucocerebrosidase Koprivica et al. (2000)
‘Cherry-red-spot-myoclonus’ syndrome or sia- 10q,20q,6p21.3 a-neurominidase Mueller et al. (1986), Pshezhetsky et
lidosis type 1 al. (1997)
Sialidosis type 2 ch3,ch22 stabilizing protein of the a-neuromini- Sips et al. (1985)
dase-b-glactosidase complex
Myoclonus epilepsy and ragged-red fibers Mitocondrial TRNALys mutation Schoffner et al. (1990)
Mitocondrial myopathy, encepholopthy, lactic Mitocondrial TRNA (Leu(UUR)) Moraes et al. (1993)
acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS)
DNA TRNA /Leu(UUR) Goto et al. (1990)
Dentatorubal pallidoluysian atrophy 12p CAG trinucleotide repeat Koide et al. (1994), Nagafuchi et al.
Principal inherited disorders with epilepsy As a
part of phenotype
Benign adulthood familial myoclonic epilepsy 8q23.3 /q24.1 ? Mikami et al. (1999)
Chorea-acanthocytosis 9q21 Chorein Ueno et al. (2001)

Table 5
Genes associated with febrile seizures and SMEI

Epilepsy Chromosomol re- Gene or protein Main reference


Febrile convulsions (FS)

FEB1 8q13 /q21 ? Wallace et al. (1996)
FEB2 19q13 ? Johnson et al. (1997)
FEB3 2q23 /q24 ? Peiffer et al. (1999)
FEB4 5q14 /q15 ? Nakayama et al. (2000)
GEFS plus
FEB1 19q13.1 Nachannel b1 subunit gene (SCN1B) Wallace et al. (1998)
FEB2 2q24 /q33 Nachannel a1 subunit gene (SCN1A) Wallace et al. (2001a), Escayg et al. (2000,
FEB3 5q34 g2 subunit gene of GABA receptor Baulac et al. (2001)
FEB4 2q24 /q33 SCN2A Sugawara et al. (2001b)
FSchildhood absence epilepsy 5q34 GABRG2 Wallace et al. (2001b)
Severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy
SMEI 2q24 SCN1A Claes et al. (2001)
FS plus including SMEI 5q34 GABRG2 Harkin et al. (2002)

In this article, GEFS plus associated with SCN2A mutation was named GEFS4.
S. Kaneko et al. / Neuroscience Research 44 (2002) 11 /30 15

epilepsy syndromes may be caused by a single genetic gain-of function, indicating the necessity of further
abnormality rather than multifactorial, the accepted studies of molecular pathogenesis of ADNFLE. The
etiology for idiopathic epilepsies. genetic locus of ADNFLE type 2 (15q24), is of interest
Some families have been shown to be not linked to since the cluster of a3,a5, andb4 subunits of nAChR
chromosome 20q, and a second locus on 15q24 has been resides in this region (Phillips et al., 1998), given that
suggested in which there is a cluster of other nicotinic any constituents of nAChR could be involved in the
acetylcholine receptor subunit genes, but specific muta- pathogenesis of ADNFLE phenotype. However, since
tions have not yet been found (Phillips et al., 1998). A most ADNFLE families are not linked to CHRNA4 or
third locus resides on chromosome 1, where a G to C CHRNB2 , more genes responsible for ADNFLE await
transversion in exon 5 of CHRNB2 (whose gene product discovery.
is b2 subunit of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor), leading Note that the nomenclature for mutations is based on
to missense a missense Val287Leu has recently been the recommendations by Antonarakis, 1998 where the
reported as a cause of ADNFLE (Fusco et al., 2000). first Met of gene products is amino acid 1 and A of
Phillips et al. (2001) also reported a mutation of ATG encoding the first Met is nucleotide 1. Numbering
CHRNB2 , resulting in a Val287Met substitution within for nucleotides and amino acids of the mutations of
the M2 domain in a Scottish family with ADNFLE. CHRNA are accordingly different from those given in
Interestingly, both mutations affect the same valine the original articles, which were mainly based on
residue within the M2 domain although different amino Torpedo sequence and the nomenclature system by
acid substitutions occur. ADNFLE with genetic locus Beaudet and Tsui (1993), where the first amino acid of
on chromosome 20q13.2, 15q24 and 1 are now referred mature protein molecules is counted as amino acid
to as ADNFLE type 1, 2 and 3, respectively. number 1 and the first nucleotide encoding the first
For ADNFLE type 1, a missense mutation amino acid is counted as nucleotide number 1.
(c.839CT; Ser280Phe) (Steinlein et al., 1995), an
insertional mutation (c.873/874insGCT; L301/302) 2.1.4. Benign familial infantile convulsions (BFIC) and
(Steinlein et al., 1997b), and another point mutation infantile convulsions and choreoathetosis (ICCA)
(c.851CT; Ser284Leu) in the CHRNA4 gene were syndrome
found (Hirose et al., 1999). Both Sel280Phe and The syndrome of benign familial infantile convulsions
Ser284Leu showed similar electrophysiological charac- (BFIC) is an autosomal-dominant epileptic disorder that
teristics (Weiland et al., 1996; Kuryatov et al., 1997; is characterized by convulsions, with onset at age 3/12
Matsushima et al., 2002). In contrast, AChR bearing months and a favorable outcome (Caraballo et al.,
Leu301/302 exhibited normal receptor function but a 1997). BFIC had been linked to chromosome 19q in five
higher affinity for AChR than that of wild type. Italian families with a maximum two-point lod score of
Reduced Ca2 permeability of the mutant nAChR 6.36 at D19S114 (Guipponi et al., 1977), whereas the
was recorded indicating the Leu301/302 results in infantile convulsions and choreoathetosis (ICCA) syn-
loss-of-function (Steinlein, 1998), which is similar to drome, in which BFIC is associated with paroxysmal
Ser280Phe and Ser284Leu (Weiland et al., 1996; Kur- dyskinesias, have been linked to chromosome 16p12/
yatov et al., 1997; Matsushima et al., 2002). Mutations q12 (Szepetowski et al., 1997). ICCA is a new auto-
of the CHRNA4 are thought to decrease the activity of somal-dominant syndrome in which BFIC and parox-
nicotinic acetylcholine receptor by reducing its affinity ysmal choreoathetotic dyskinesia occur. Infantile
for acetylcholine and permeability to calcium (Kuryatov convulsions associated with various types of paroxysmal
et al., 1997; Bertrand et al., 1998). nAChRs are thought dyskinesias have been linked to the chromosome 16
to be almost exclusively presynaptic, regulating the ICCA region in additional families (Lee et al., 1998;
release of neurotransmitters such as glutamate and Tomita et al., 1999; Swoboda et al., 2000). These data
GABA. However, the mechanisms by which hypoactive suggest that families with pure BFIC can be linked to
nAChRs cause ADNFLE are unknown. chromosome 16 as well. Indeed, Caraballo et al. (2001)
For ADNFLE type 3, the major effect of the b2 obtained evidence for linkage in the ICCA region but
Val287Leu mutation was caused by the retardation of not in chromosome 19q, indicating that chromosome
channel desensitization (Fusco et al., 2000). Functional 16p12/12q is a major genetic locus underlying BFIC
receptors with the Val287Met mutation are highly and paroxysmal dyskinesias.
expressed in Xenopus oocytes and characterized by /
10 fold increase in Ach sensitivity (Phillips et al., 2001). 2.2. Generalized epilepsies (Table 3)
These mutations are considered to lead to gain-of-
function although the phenotypes of type 1 and 3 are Childhood absence epilepsy (CAE), juvenile absence
indistinguishable from each other. Mutations of epilepsy, and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) repre-
CHRNA4 seem to cause loss-of-function while muta- sent the most common idiopathic epilepsy (IGE) sub-
tions of CHRNB2 show opposite channel function, types. Regarding genes predisposing to IGE subtypes,
16 S. Kaneko et al. / Neuroscience Research 44 (2002) 11 /30

possible association of a silent polymorphism in generalized and partial seizures, and remits sponta-
CHRNA4 with IGE has been suggested by Steinlein et neously within 8 months. However, the incidence of
al. (1997a,b), but the gene encoding the a1A-voltage- subsequent epilepsy later in life is about 11% in patients
dependent calcium channel (CACN1A4) has been re- with BFNC (Plouin, 1997).
lated neither to IGE, CAE, juvenile absence epilepsy nor BFNC has been linked to mutations in two
JME (Sander et al., 1998a). K channel genes, KCNQ2 on chromosome 20
(BFNC1) and KCNQ3 (BFNC2) on chromosome 8
2.2.1. Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) (Leppert et al., 1989; Ryan et al., 2002; Malafosse et al.,
Among IGE, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) is a 1992; Lewis et al., 1993; Biervert et al., 1998; Charlier et
commonly occurring form of IGE, and is characterized al., 1998; Singh et al., 1998; Hirose et al., 2000a,b;
by awakening myoclonus, absence seizures associated Ushida et al., 2001). Abnormalities of both KCNQ2 and
with fast spike-wave discharges on the EEG, and KCNQ3 lead to dysfunction of the M-current, a slowly
generalized tonic /clonic or clonic /tonic /clinic seizures. activating and deactivating potassium conductance
JME is widely accepted to be genetically determined, critical to determining the subthreshold electrical excit-
although its mode of inheritance remains controversial. ability of neurons (Wang et al., 1998). KCNQ2 and
Studies so far reported have provided evidence both for KCNQ3 synergistically contribute to formation of the
and against the existence of locus on chromosome 6p native M current (Wang et al., 1998). In situ hybridiza-
(Greenberg et al., 1988) (EJM1) or 15q (Elmslie et al., tion studies have shown that the KCNQ2 and KCNQ3
1997) (EJM2). Le-Hellard et al. (1999) found no messenger RNAs are co-localize in the brain (Schroeder
evidence that susceptibility to JME was associated et al., 1998; Yang et al., 1998), and K  currents of
with HLA-DR13 (6p) in a French population, but KCNQ K -channels reconstituted in oocytes are fully
Morita et al. (2000) reduced the EJM1 region to 3.7 formed only when both KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 are co-
cM flanked by D6S436 and D6S1662. With nonpara- expressed (Wang et al., 1998; Selyanko et al., 1999).
metric methods, Zara et al. (1995) reported linkage to a Thus, both KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 are considered to
locus on 8q24 but not 6p. Sander et al. (1998a,b) failed assemble into a heterometric tetramer to function as an
to confirm linkage to the 8q24 locus in affected families. active K -channels. Deficient KCNQ2 or KCNQ3 does
Therefore, the responsible gene for JME is not uncov- not necessarily abolish M-current but reduces it by 30%.
ered yet to date. However, as a candidate gene for Nominal reduction of M-current, therefore, can under-
EJM1, C6orf33 (Chromosome 6 Open Reading Frame mine the inhibitory system of the CNS in the newborn.
33: LMPB1 ), an integral membrane protein that targets Schwake et al. (2000) studied the single channel
to lysosomal structures has been reported (Suzuki et al., properties of homo- and heterometric KCNQ2 and
2001). The expression of C6orf33 in postnatal but not in KCNQ3 channels and reported that the increased
prenatal is inconsistent with juvenile onset of JME. The currents of heterometric channels were due to an
genes that encode lysosomal proteins have been reported increased expression of active channels on the plasma
to be responsible for Batten disease (CLN3 gene), membrane. The C-terminus of KCNQ2 was found to
classical late-infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis play an important role in such efficient surface expres-
(CLN2 gene), and sialidosis type 1 (lysosomal neurami- sion. Most mutations of KCNQ2 so far found in
nidase gene) (Mitchison et al., 1997; Sleat et al., 1997; BFNC1 are located in the C-terminus, some of which
Pshezhetsky et al., 1997). The defective gene product of have been demonstrated to hamper the surface expres-
Unverricht-Lundborg type epilepsy, cystatin B is also sion of heterometric channels with KCNQ3 and thereby
thought to act as a protector against the proteinases reduce K  current. The C-terminal of KCNQ molecules
leaking from lysosomes (Lalioti et al., 1997a,b; Virta- bearing conserved amino acid sequence may serve as a
neva et al., 1997). However, all these phenotypes are key element in assembly with homologous pore forming
progressive myoclonus epilepsies, and they sharply subunits, which may be essential to traffic K channels
differ from symptoms of JME. It is, thus unclear how to the plasma membrane. Alternatively, they per se may
defects in a lysosomal membrane protein such as convey export signals from endoplasmic reticulum to
LMPB1 could underlie the etiology of JME, one of Golgi apparatus to control surface K  channel num-
the idiopathic epilepsies. Further analysis of EJM1 is bers, such as demonstrated in inward rectifying K 
underway, and other candidate gene(s) will also be channels, another K  channel family (Ma et al., 2001).
reported shortly. Some mutations located in transmembrane domains
including the pore region do not interfere with the
2.2.2. Benign familial neonatal convulsions (BFNC) surface expression of channels but reduce K  current
Benign familial neonatal convulsions (BFNC) is an (Schwake et al., 2000). Reduced K  current resulting
autosomal dominantly inherited disorder of newborns from mutations in either KCNQ2 or KCNQ3 can lead
with high penetrance and is characterized by clusters of to relative hyperexcitability of neurons. Thus, dysfunc-
S. Kaneko et al. / Neuroscience Research 44 (2002) 11 /30 17

tion of either KCNQ2 or KCNQ3 results in indistin- 3. Specific syndromes (Table 4)

guishable convulsions in BFNC1 and 2. In fact, hetero-
zygous knockout mice of KCNQ2 show neuronal 3.1. Progressive myoclonus epilepsy
hyperexcitability (Watanabe et al., 2000).
We have demonstrated that KCNQ K  channels The progressive myoclonus epilepsies (PMEs) are a
serve as a predominant inhibitory system in the CNS of collection of rare disorders presenting with the triad of
neonates and GABAergic-transmission serves as the myoclonic seizures, tonic-clonic seizures, and progres-
inhibitory system afterwards, indicating that deficient sive neurologic dysfunction that often manifests as
KCNQ K  channels cause convulsions during the dementia and ataxia. PMEs generally begin in late
neonatal period. In the same study, we also showed childhood to adolescence.
that in mature CNS, dysfunction of KCNQ K  There is ethnic and geographic variation in the
channels per se cannot affect seizure threshold during frequency of these disease syndromes, and most of
the resting stage, but can lead to seizure activities under PMEs are autosomal recessive in inheritance (Kaneko
the condition of neuronal hyperexcitability. These find- and Wada, 1998). Significant progress has recently been
made in the mapping and isolation of genes for
ings indicate that deficient KCNQ K  channels are
symptomatic Mendelian epilepsies such as Unverricht /
involved in the age-dependent features of time of onset
Lundborg disease, the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses,
and early spontaneous remission, and propensity for
Lafora body disease, sialidosis, dentatorubral /pallido-
future epilepsies in BFNC afterwards (Okada et al.,
luysian atrophy and myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red
The fact that mutations of KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 only
explain the genetic mechanisms involved in a small
3.1.1. Unverricht /Lundborg disease
number of the patients with BFNC indicates the Unverricht /Lundborg disease (EPM1), described in
probable presence of a third, as yet unidentified, gene. 1891 (Unverricht, 1891) by Unverricht in Estonia and by
Lundborg (1903) in Sweden, is sometimes known as
Baltic myoclonic epilepsy because of its high prevalence
2.2.3. Childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) in that region. With onset between 6 and 15 years of age,
Childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) is one of the most the EPM1 is manifested by stimulus-sensitive myoclo-
common epilepsies. Age of onset is between 4 and 8 nus, tonic /clonic seizures, progressive slow intellectual
years, peaking at 6 /7 years. The characteristic seizure is decline, emotional lability, and eventually ataxia, inten-
an abrupt impairment of consciousness accompanied by tional tremor, and dysarthria. The disorder has an
a diffuse, bilaterally symmetric, 3-HZ spike-wave com- autosomal recessive transmission (Norio and Koski-
plex lasting not more than 10 s. CAE has been mapped niemi, 1979), and has been mapped to 21.q22.3 in 12
to chromosome 20q (Steinlein et al., 1997a,b) and Finnish families (Lehesjoki et al., 1991). A previously
8q24.3 (Fong et al., 1998). In the former, CHRNA4 is described but unmapped protein, cystatin B, encoded by
speculated as a responsible gene. In the study of the an intracellular protease inhibitor gene, is found in this
region. Cystatin B DNA mutations have been found in
latter locus, haplotype and recombination analyses of
affected patients but not in unaffected individuals
family members reduced the CAE region to 1.5 Mb
(Pennacchio et al., 1996). The most common EPM1
flanked by D8S554 and D8S502, and lod score of 4.10
mutation results from an unstable expansion of a
(u /0) was obtained at D8S534 (Sugimoto et al. (2000)).
normally polymorphic dodecamer repeat unit in the
However, Sander et al. (1998b) did not replicate the
noncoding region upstream from the transcription start
latter findings, and Delgado-Escueta et al., 1994 re-
site of the cystatin B gene (Lalioti et al., 1997a,b;
ported linkage to chromosome 1p in families whose Virtaneva et al., 1997). This expansion represents the
probands had CAE evolving into juvenile myoclonic first case of instability of a repeat unit other than
epilepsy. Juvenile absence epilepsy occurs between 9 and trinucleotides associated with human diseases (Lafre-
12 years of age, and the absence seizures are similar to niere, et al., 1997). Cystatin B is a cystein/protease
those in CAE but occur less frequently. The EEG shows inhibitor that is thought to protect against apoptosis,
faster spike and polyspike wave patterns, and frequently but the mechanisms leading to Unverricht /Lundborg
generalized tonic /clonic seizures occur at the onset or disease remain to be elucidated.
later (Doose and Baier, 1989). Using a candidate gene
approach, Sander et al. (1997) reported an allelic 3.1.2. Lafora body disease
association with a GluR5 kainate receptor gene Lafora body disease described in 1911 (Lafora and
(GRIK1 ) polymorphism in an affected family. To date, Glueck, 1911) is a polyglucosan storage disorder, and is
no convincing gene is reported for absence, including inherited through an autosomal recessive trait. Linkage
CAE and juvenile absence epilepsy. of Lafora body disease to the chromosome 21 locus
18 S. Kaneko et al. / Neuroscience Research 44 (2002) 11 /30

(EPM1) associated with PME was excluded by Lehes- differentiated according to age of onset, pathology, and
joki et al. (1992). Serratosa et al. (1995) reported linkage genetic linkage. These are infantile NCL (CLN1),
to a 17-cM interval of chromosome 6p23 /25 in nine classical late-infantile NCL (CLN2), juvenile NCL
families with a maximum multi-point lod score of 10.58 (CLN3), adult NCL (CLN4), two variant forms of
and no evidence of heterogeneity. The gene (EPM2A ) classical late-infantile NCL (CLN5 and CLN6), and
encoding a novel protein tyrosine phosphatase (a possibly other atypical forms (Boustany, 1996; Sharp et
tyrosine kinase inhibitor) called laforin has been re- al., 1997).
ported to be mutated in the Lafora type PME (EPM2 )
(Minassian et al., 1998; Serratosa et al., 1999). Subse- 3.1.5. Infantile type of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
quently, a number of presumably loss-of-function muta- (CLN1)
tions in EPM2A have been identified in families with CLN1 typically presents at 12 /18 months with
Lafora body disease (Minassian et al., 2000a,b; Gomez- developmental regression, myoclonus, ataxia, visual
Parre et al., 2000). Laforin may play regulatory roles in failure, and some other features such as incoordination
glycogen metabolism (Serratosa et al., 1999; Minassian of limb movement, acquired microcephaly, and optic
et al., 2000b; Ganesh et al., 2000). A recent study atrophy. Seizures include myoclonic jerks, and astatic,
suggests that laforin is involved in translational regula- atonic, or generalized seizures. EEG recordings show
tion and that protein misfolding may be one of the progressive loss of electrocortical activity and attenua-
molecular bases of the Lafora disease phenotype caused tion of the background (Santavouri, 1988). The defec-
by missense mutations in EPM2A (Ganesh et al., 2000). tive gene in CLN1 has been identified by positional
Laforin is functionally conserved in mammals and is candidate methods, and defects in the palmitoyl /protein
involved in growth and maturation of neural networks thioesterase gene have been reported to be responsible
(Ganesh et al., 2001). The identification of other for the diseases (Vesa et al., 1995).
proteins/substrate(s) that interact with laforin , in parti-
cular the enzymes involved in glycogen synthesis are 3.1.6. Classical late-infantile neuronal ceroid
now essential. lipofuscinosis (CLN2)
CLN2 shares many clinical features with the CLN1.
3.1.3. Northern epilepsy By age 2/4 years, insomnia and intractable seizures
Northern epilepsy, also known as progressive epilepsy develop. As the disease progresses, irregular myoclonic
with mental retardation (EPMR), is a recessive inherited jerks evoked by proprioceptive stimuli, voluntary move-
childhood epilepsy found in northern Finland (Hirvas- ments, or emotional fluctuations become prominent.
niemi et al., 1994, 1995). Cognitive decline, ataxia, and visual failure with optic
With onset between 5 and 10 years of age, the disease atrophy and an abnormal EEG are typical (Harden et
is manifested by generalized tonic /clonic seizures. The al., 1973). Giant visual evoked responses and somato-
seizures increase in frequency until puberty, but subse- sensory potentials are observed. A characteristic EEG
quently seizure frequency declines, and by 35 years pattern of occipital spikes on low-frequency photic
many patients become seizure free. Mental development stimulation is observed (Pampiglione and Harden,
deteriorates after the seizures begin, and becomes 1973). The gene responsible for most cases has been
progressively severe. Tahvanainen et al. (1994) assigned mapped to 11p15 (Sharp et al., 1997), and the identified
EPMR to the distal region of chromosome 8p by linkage protein, a pepstatin-insensitive lysosomal peptidase was
analysis of 11 families. Haplotype analysis demonstrated deficient in CLN2. Mutations in the gene encoding this
that, with one exception, both parents of all sibships but protein were identified in CLN2 patients but not in
one descended from one or two founding couples normal control (Sleat et al., 1997).
(Ranta et al., 1997), suggesting that there is a different
mutation or a more widespread distribution of the 3.1.7. Juvenile type of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
EPMR gene than occurs in the isolated Finnish popula- (CLN3)
tion in which the disorder was identified. CLN3 also known as Spielmeyer /Vogt disease or
late-onset Batten disease is the most common neurode-
3.1.4. Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses generative disorder of childhood. Clinical onset begins
The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs) are a with visual failure between the age of 5 and 10 years,
group of diseases that result in storage of lipopigments slow intellectual deterioration and seizures. Diagnostic
in the brain and other tissues, and most are transmitted criteria include the presence of inclusions in many cell
as autosomal recessive traits. Diagnosis is frequently types that appear as so-called fingerprint profiles on
based on visual problems, behavioral changes, and electron microscopy (Wissniewski et al., 1988). The
seizures. Progression is reflected by a decline in mental CLN3 maps to 16p12.1 (Eiberg et al., 1989; Mitchison
abilities, increasingly severe and untreatable seizures, et al., 1995), and Lerner et al. (1995) have reported that
blindness, and loss of skills. Several forms of NCL are the disease gene encodes a novel 438 amino acid protein,
S. Kaneko et al. / Neuroscience Research 44 (2002) 11 /30 19

and subsequently a cDNA was cloned by Mitchison et region of homozygosity was observed on chromosome
al. (1997), Golabek et al. (2000) showed that CLN3 15q21/23 in the two variant families. (Sharp et al.,
protein increased lysosomal pH in cultured human 1997).
kidney cells, whereas inhibition of CLN3 protein synth- The tissue findings of all types of CLNs are almost the
esis by antisense approach acidified lysosomal compart- same at the light-microscopy level, with an accumula-
ments, and suggesting that the pathogenesis of CLN3 tion of storage particles consisting of ceroid- and
was associated with altered acidification of lysosomal lipofuscin-like lipopigments in a majority of tissues.
compartments. An interesting point of this report is that The final outcome of the disease is also similar,
CLN3 protein affects the metabolism of proteins suggesting that more than four independent genetic
essential for cell functions, such as the amyloid-beta loci are involved in the pathogenesis of CLNs. The
protein precursor implicated in the pathogenesis of defect could be the result of a dysfunction of a multimer-
Alzheimer’s disease. molecule whose functional components are controlled
by independent loci spread in different autosomes, or
3.1.8. Adult neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (CLN4) the defective genes in subtypes of CLN could code
CLN4 is the rarest, most heterogeneous and poorly different proteins, which function in successive steps of a
defined of the Batten subtypes. Berkovic et al. (1988) has thus-far-uncharacterized metabolic pathway, essential
subdivided the entity into two main types: Type A, for the normal function and maturation of cortical
characterized by generalized seizures and myoclonic neurons (Savukoski et al., 1994).
jerks and the absence of any visual symptom, and
Type B defined by the presence of facial dyskinesias 3.1.11. Sialidosis
and an evolving picture of pyramidal and extrapyrami- In mammals, three types of sialidoses, lysosomal,
dal dysfunction. There are many reports on differential plasma membrane and cytosolic, have been described
diagnosis, neuropathology, ultrastructure, biochemistry, (Verheijin et al., 1983; Miyagi et al., 1990; Schneider-
and cell biology; however, at present, it is impossible to Jakob and Cantz, 1991). For lysosomal sialidosis in
yoke all of them into one plausible unifying theory. This humans, the primary genetic deficiency results in an
may not become feasible until the defective genes and autosomal recessive disease, sialidosis, associated with
their products are identified (Boustany, 1996). tissue accumulation and urinary excretion of sialylated
oligosaccharides and glycolipids. The human lysosomal
3.1.9. Finnish-variant late-infantile type of neuronal enzyme occurs in complex with beta-galactosidase and
ceroid lipofuscinosis (CLN5) protective protein/cathepsin A (PPCA), and is deficient
CLN5 is a variant subtype of the late-infantile form of in two genetic disorders: sialsidosis, caused by a
CLN which is a rare recessive disease enriched in the structural defect in the neuraminidase (sialidosis) gene,
limited region of Finland. Several atypical forms of and galactosialidosis, in which the loss of neuraminidase
NCLs differ clinically and neurophysiologically from activity is secondary to a deficiency of PPCA.
CLN2 and CLN3 patients. The age at onset falls within Sialidosis includes two main clinical variants: late-
that of CLN3, but the clinical manifestations, the course onset, sialidosis Type 1 (Cherry-Red Spot/Myoclonus),
of the disease, and the neurophysiological findings are characterized by bilateral cherry-red spots and myoclo-
very similar to those of classical CLN2 (Neubauer et al., nus (Durand et al., 1977; O’Brien, 1979), and infantile-
1979). Savukoski et al. (1994) have reported the assign- onset, sialidosis Type 2 (Galactosialidosis), character-
ment of the locus for CLN5 to a defined chromosomal ized by skeletal dysplasia, mental retardation and
region 13q21.1 /q32 and demonstrate that, despite the hepatosplenomegaly (Till et al., 1987; Oohira et al.,
similarity of these clinical phenotypes, the classical form 1985; Beck et al., 1984).
of late-infantile form of NCL represents a nonallelic, Regarding sialidosis Type 1, Mueller et al. (1986) have
still-unidentified locus. The genealogical studies and the shown that the sialidosis disorder results from a muta-
observed linkage disequilibrium provide evidence that tion on chromosome 10, presumably encoding the
the mutation causing the variant late-infantile form of neuraminidase structural gene. Galactosialidosis is
NCL is the result of a relatively recent founder effect in caused by a mutation in a second gene required for
the genetically isolated population of Finland. neuraminidase expression on chromosome 20. Pshez-
hetsky et al. (1997) mapped the lysosomal sialidosis gene
3.1.10. Variant late-infantile neuronal ceroid to chromosome 6p21.3, which was consistent with the
lipofuscinosis (CLN6) previous chromosomal assignment of this gene in
CLN 6 is sometimes called ‘early juvenile’. A new proximity to the HLA locus (Bonten et al., 1996).
strategy based upon homozygosity mapping was However, enzyme assays for deficiency of a-neuroami-
adopted in which a subset of five classical late infantile nidase, the structural components of which are encoded
NCL and two variant late infantile CLN consangui- on chromosome 10, offer definitive diagnosis (Mueller et
neous families were used in a genome search. A common al., 1985).
20 S. Kaneko et al. / Neuroscience Research 44 (2002) 11 /30

Sips et al. (1985) reported that the structural locus for mutated alleles in non-Jews (Beutler and Gelbert, 1993).
the beta-galactosidase polypeptide was located on Among the Japanese population with this disease,
chromosome 3, and the protective protein on chromo- neither mutation Asn370Ser nor c.84 /85insGly are
some 22 was essential for the in vivo stability of beta- seen, but Leu444Pro and Phe213Ile are relatively
galactosidase by aggregating beta-galactosidase mono- common (Eto and Ida, 1999). These reports support
mers into high molecular weight multimers. Zhou et al. the founder-effect theory. Tayebi et al. (2000) recently
(1991) suggested that the dimerization process might be reported a novel recombinant allele consisting of a
a condition for the proper targeting and stable con- duplication of the glucocerebrosidase pseudogene and
formation of the protective protein. In the majority of a fusion between the metaxin gene and its pseudogene,
sialidosis Type 2, a partial deficiency of b-galactosidase resulting from a crossover between metaxin and pseu-
can be seen in addition to neuraminidase deficiency, and dometaxin in the region downstream of the glucocer-
this may be due to a defect in protective protein; the ebrosidase gene. This type of study can contribute to
gene locus for this protein is 20q13.1 (Wiegant et al., genotype-phenotype analysis, and some genotype-phe-
1991). notype correlation’s do exist. However, Koprivica et al.
(2000) caution against relying solely upon genotype for
3.1.12. Juvenile Gaucher’s disease prognostic or therapeutic judgements because other
Gaucher’s disease, the inherited deficiency of the genetic and environmental factors also contribute to
enzyme glucocerebrosidase, is the most common inher- the phenotypes.
ited lysosomal hydrolase deficiency. Three types of
Gaucher’s disease are known: type 1, a chronic form
with adult onset which has no associated neurologic 3.1.13. Dentatorubural-pallidoluysian atrophy
manifestations; type 2, a rare form associated with (DRPLA)
infantile demise; and type 3, a chronic form with DRPLA is a rare autosomal dominant disease seen
neurological impairment that develops in childhood or predominantly in the Japanese population. The disorder
early adulthood. is related to a trinucleotide (CAG) expansion on
The gene for glucocerebrosidase is located on chro- chromosome 12p (Koide et al., 1994; Nagafuchi et al.,
mosome 1q21. Over 100 different glucocerebrosidase 1994). Symptoms begin in infancy to early childhood
mutations have been identified in DNA from patients with myoclonus, ataxia, dementia or seizures (general-
with Gaucher disease (Koprivica et al., 2000). The ized tonic /clonic, atypical absence, or atonic), and these
molecular diagnosis of this disease is complicated by clinical manifestations are dependent on the length of
the presence of a pseudogene sharing 96% homology in the unstable trinucleotide repeats and vary from a
the coding region, which is located 16 kb downstream of juvenile-onset PME to an adult-onset syndrome with
the functional gene on chromosome 1q21 (Winfield et ataxia, dementia, and choreoathetosis (Hattori et al.,
al., 1997). Metaxin , a convergently transcribed gene 1997).
adjacent to the 3? end of the glucocerebrosidase pseu-
dogene, also has a highly homologous pseudogene 3.2. Principal inherited disorders with epilepsy as a part
located between the glucocerebrosidase gene and pseu- of phenotype
dogene (Long et al., 1996). The metaxin gene encodes
for a 317 amino acid protein which is part of a
preprotein import in the outer membrane of mammalian 3.2.1. Benign adult familial myoclonic epilepsy
mitochondria (Armstrong et al., 1997). (BAFME)
There is significant phenotypic variation, not only BAFME is an autosomal dominant-inherited idio-
among patients with the same disease type but also pathic epileptic syndrome characterized by adult-onset
among patients with identical genotypes (Grabowski, tremulous finger movement, myoclonus, epileptic sei-
1997). Even among patients from a geographic isolate */ zure, and a non-progressive course. The gene for
such as the Norrbottnian region of Sweden, where type BAFME was recently assigned to chromosome
3 Gaucher’s disease is seen with increased frequency */a 8q23.3 /q24.1 in a Japanese family (Mikami et al.,
wide spectrum of presentations are encountered, 1999). This data clearly revealed that BAFME and
although all of the patients are homozygous for the some other epilepsy phenotypes such as familial adult
point mutation Leu444Pro (Dahl et al., 1990). myoclonic epilepsy (FAME) were the same disease
The frequency of specific mutated alleles varies in (Plaster et al., 1999). Lewis et al. (1993) have reported
different populations. Founder effects may account for linkage of benign familial neonatal convulsions
such population differences. Mutations Asn370Ser, (BFNC2) with markers D8S284 and D8S256 localized
Leu444Pro, c.84 /85insGly, and IVS2/1Gly 0/Ala ac- at 8q24.13-qter, and familial febrile convulsions have
count for /96% of the mutated alleles in Ashkenazi been mapped to 8q13 /21 (Wallace et al., 1996). How-
Jewish patients, although they constitute B/75% of the ever, the locus of BAFME is distinct from these loci.
S. Kaneko et al. / Neuroscience Research 44 (2002) 11 /30 21

3.2.2. Chorea-acanthocytosis tions appear only when the proportion of mutant

Chorea-acanthocytosis (CHAC) is a neurodegenera- mtDNA exceeds 90% of the total cellular mtDNA
tive disorder with peripheral red cell acanthocytosis, and pool (Moraes et al., 1993).
is a rare hereditary disease with autosomal recessive
transmission that produces adult-onset choreic involun- 3.3.2. Mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic
tary movement. Other clinical symptoms include psy- acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS)
chiatric features, epilepsy, peripheral neuropathy, MELAS is one of the clinically defined mitochondrial
myopathy, and oral self-mutilation (Brin, 1993). Link- diseases, characterized by early onset and stroke-like
age of CHAC to 9q21 has been found (Rubio et al., symptoms. A point mutation at nucleotide pair 3243
1997), and Ueno et al identified a gene, named chorein within the tRNA /Leu (UUR ) gene was found (Goto et
(2001). They found a deletion in the coding region of the al., 1990) in 80% of patients with MELAS and another
cDNA leading to a frame shift resulting in the produc- mutation at 3271 was found in 10% (Goto et al., 1991).
tion of a truncated protein in both alleles of patients and
in single alleles of obligate carriers.
4. Febrile seizures (Table 5)
3.3. Diseases of the mitochondrial DNA
4.1. Febrile seizures (FS)
Mitochondria contain a circular genome (16.569 bp)
that codes for a number of proteins required for FS affect approximately 3% of all children under 6
mitochondrial function. Mutations in mitochondrial years of age and are by far the most common seizure
DNA will lead to defects in oxidative phosphorylation disorders. No specific gene responsible for simple FS has
and a reduction in energy production by the mutated yet been identified but, four putative loci of FS have
mitochondria. The heterogeneity in mitochondrial DNA been mapped (FEB1 : 8q; FEB2 : 19p, FEB3 : 2q, FEB4:
composition within a cell, termed heteroplasmy, is an 5q) (Wallace et al., 1996; Johnson et al., 1997; Peiffer et
important cause of variable expression in mitochondrial al., 1999; Nakayama et al., 2000).
disorders. All mitochondrial genomes are inherited from
the mother and this means that only females can 4.2. Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus
transmit mitochondrial diseases to their male and female (GEFS/)
offspring with equal incidence. Although a number of
deleterious tRNA mutations have been described, the A clinical subset, termed generalized epilepsy with
two most common are nucleotide substitution in the febrile seizures plus (GEFS/type 1), in which many
tRNALeu gene at 3243 and in the tRNALys gene at 8344 family members have seizures with fever that may persist
(Sternberg et al., 2001). beyond 6 years of age or be associated with afebrile
generalized seizures has been mapped to chromosome
3.3.1. Myoclonus epilepsy and ragged-red fibers 19q13.1. And Wallace et al. (1998) identified a mutation
(MERRF) in the b1 subunit gene (SCN1B ) controlling voltage-
Onset of MERRF occurs before 20 years of age, with gated sodium (Na )-channel. Co-expression of the
ataxia and seizures that are predominantly myoclonic. mutant b1 subunit with a brain Na -channela subunit
Like many of the PMEs, giant somatosensory evoked in Xenopus laevis oocyte demonstrates that the mutation
potentials are observed. Lactic acidosis and the presence interferes with the ability of the subunit to modulate
of ragged-red fibers on muscle biopsy are essential for channel-gating kinetics consistent with a loss-of-func-
the diagnosis. The inheritance pattern is compatible with tion allele (Wallace et al., 1998).G
maternal transmission. In the majority of cases, an A to GEFS/type 2 has been associated with mutations in
G mutation at nucleotide pair 8344 in human mitochon- SCN1A , and Arg1648His is a mutation in SCN1A that
drial DNA (mt DNA) has been identified as the cause of may reduce the rate of inactivation of SCN1A , resulting
MERRF. The mutation alters T psi C loop of the tRNA in increased Na  influx, and increased excitability in the
(Lys ) gene, resulting in a point mutation (tRNALys), and CNS (Escayg et al., 2000). Wallace et al. (2001a)
creates a CviJI restriction site, providing a simple performed single-stranded conformation analysis of
molecular diagnostic test for the disease (Schoffner et SCN1A in 53 unrelated index cases to estimate the
al., 1990). Another mutation in tRNALeu found by frequency of mutations in patients with GEFS/, and
Moraes et al. (1993) caused a neurological syndrome found that the combined frequency of SCN1A and
resembling MERRF plus optic neuropathy, retinopa- SCN1B mutations in familial cases with GEFS/ was
thy, and diabetes. This mutation was heteroplasmic, 17%.
with higher percentage of mutant mt DNA pool in Recently, Baulac et al. (2001) reported that a Lys289-
affected tissues, and undetectable levels in maternal Met mutation (Lys289Met) in the GABA-A receptor g2
relatives. The morphological and biochemical altera- subunit (GABRG2 ) was identified in a family with a
22 S. Kaneko et al. / Neuroscience Research 44 (2002) 11 /30

phenotype closely related to GEFS/, and this pheno- inhibitory response to GABA and, consequently, to
type was named as GEFS/type 3. The Lys289Met increased neuronal excitability and seizures.
mutation affects a highly conserved residue located in
the extracellular loop between transmembrane segment 4.3. Severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (SMEI)
M2 and M3. A to T transversion in exon 8 resulted in
the substitution of a positively charged lysine residue for SMEI is a rare disorder that occurs in isolated
a neutral amino acid, methionine. Analysis of mutated patients. The disease is characterized by generalized
and wild-type receptors in xenopus laevis oocytes con- tonic, clonic, and tonic /clonic seizures that are initially
firmed that there was a decrease in the amplitude of induced by fever and begin during the first year of life.
GABA-A activated currents due to the mutation. Thus, Later, patients also manifest other seizure types, includ-
functional deficit resulted from the incorporation of the ing absence, myoclonic, and simple and complex partial
g2 Lys289Met-subunit into pentameric receptors. seizures. Around the 2nd year of life, psychomotor
However, GEFS/ is not a proper nomenclature, development also becomes delayed. Claes et al. (2001)
because seizures in individuals who are thought to have screened seven unrelated patients with SMEI for muta-
GEFS/ apparently encompass partial seizure pheno- tions in SCN1A and identified a mutation in each
type (Sugawara et al., 2001a,b; Ito et al., 2002). There- patient: four had frameshift mutations, one had a
fore, we proposed that this phenotype should be called nonsense mutation, one had a splice-donor mutation,
‘autosomal dominant epilepsy with febrile seizure plus’ and one had a missense mutation. All mutations were de
(Ito et al., 2002). In addition, it is noteworthy that novo mutations that were not observed control chromo-
Val1418Ala is the first instance of a mutation in the pore somes. For these findings, they speculated that in the
region of a Na channel causing a human disorder. majority of patients with SMEI, the mutation results in
Recently, Wallace et al. (2001b) found that a muta- early termination of translation, thereby producing a C-
tion in GABRG2 in a large family with various forms of truncated SCN1A protein from one of the SCN1A
epilepsy, such as childhood absence (CAE) and febrile alleles. Rapid degradation of these truncated transcripts
seizures (FS). The 245 Gly to Ala nucleotide substitu- or proteins could lead to a loss of function comparable
tion in exon 2 changes a highly conserved arginine to a with haploinsufficiency. Alternatively, some of the
glutamate at residue 43 of the mature GABRG2 protein. transcripts could lead to abnormal proteins with a toxic
Arg 43 is located within the first two high-affinity increase in function. Fig. 1 illustrates schematic repre-
benzodiazepine-binding domains. This mutation abol- sentation of the sodium channel protein with the
ished the actions of benzodiazepine on the GABA position of mutations associated with GEFS/ and
receptor; however, there was no difference in the SMEI.
GABA-A receptor activated currents. The mutated Thus, autosomal dominant epilepsy with febrile
GABRG2 may cause incorrect assembly of the GABRG2 seizure plus (GEFS/) and SMEI are now associated
subunit with the receptor complex, which would abolish with mutations of genes encoding both Na  channel
sensitivity to benzodiazepine. Wallace et al. (2001b) subunit and the g2-subunit of the GABA-A receptor.
speculate that the GABRG2 mutation contributes to the These mutations may contribute to lowering the epilep-
pathogenesis of both FS and CAE, and that this togenic threshold in a nonspecific manner. However, as
mutation is one of the genes that contributes to, but Na  channel blockers and GABAergic neurotransmis-
alone is insufficient to cause, the CAE phenotype in this sion enhancers are the two major categories of AEDs
family. used clinically, the nature of the mutant channel may
They studied another family that has GEFS/, modulate the response to a given treatment.
including severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (SMEI)
and found a novel GABRG2 mutation (Harkin et al.,
2002), lies in the intracellular loop between the third and 5. Characterization of epilepsy as channelopathies
fourth transmembrane domains of the receptor and
introduces a premature stop codon at Q351 in the CHRNA4 has been identified as the first gene under-
mature protein (Q351X). GABA sensitivity in Xenopus lying an idiopathic partial epilepsy syndrome in humans,
laevis oocytes expressing the mutant g2Q351X subunit is ADNFLE (Steinlein et al., 1995, 1997b; Hirose et al.,
completely abolished, and fluorescent-microscopy stu- 1999; Phillips et al., 2000). The mutant receptor
dies have shown that receptors containing GFP-labeled exhibited faster desensitization upon activation by
g2Q351X protein are retained in the lumen of the acetylcholine and recovery from the desensitized state
endoplasmic reticulum. Based upon these data, they was much slower than in the wild type receptor
speculated that for individuals heterozygous for the suggesting that the reported mutations caused seizures
Gly351X mutation, the truncated receptor subunit via a diminution of the activity of the a4b2 neuronal
reduces the density of functional GABA-A receptor nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (Weiland et al., 1996).
complexes on the cell surface, leading to a decreased The gene for the electroencephalographic variant pat-
S. Kaneko et al. / Neuroscience Research 44 (2002) 11 /30 23

Fig. 1. Organization of Na  channel and localization of mutations with GEFS/ or SMEI The neuronal voltage-gated sodium-channel a-subunit
(SCN1A , SCN2A ) is a monomer and consists of four homologous domains, in which each domain has six transmembrane segments. The fourth
transmembrane segment of each domain has several positively charged amino acids and represents the voltage sensor. Both b1 and b2 subunits bear
one transmembrane domain shown left and right in the figure, respectively. Green circles: SCN1A mutations identified in patients with SMEI. Blue
circles: SCN1A mutations identified in patients with GEFS/. Red circle: A SCN2A mutation identified in a family with GEFS/. White circle: A
SCN1B mutation identified in a family with GEFS/.

tern 1 (EEGV1 ) also maps to the same region, suggest- Xenopus oocytes elicits voltage-gated, rapidly activating
ing that CHRNA4 may possibly be involved in several K -selective currents similar to KCNQ1 ; however,
epileptic disorders, such as CAE and juvenile absence unlike KCNQ1 , KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 currents are not
epilepsy. augmented by co-expression with the KCNQ1b subunit,
BFNC (EBN1 and EBN2) is caused by mutations in KCNE1 (min K, IsK). Co-expression of KCNE1 with
the KCNQ2 or the KCNQ3 potassium channel genes. the two channels strongly suppressed current amplitude
KCNQ2/KCNQ3 mutations identified in BFNC pedi- and slowed kinetics of activation (Yang et al., 1998).
grees compromise the function of the respective sub- The functional interaction between KCNQ2 and
units, but exert no dominant-negative effect on KCNQ2 / KCNQ3, and that between KCNQ-channel dysfunction
KCNQ3 heteromeric channels. Schroeder et al. (1998) and dysfunction of the inhibitory neurotransmission
predicted that a 25% loss of heteromeric KCNQ2 / system provide a framework for understanding the
KCNQ3 channel function is sufficient to cause the occurrence of BFNC and how mutations in channels
electrical hyperexcitability in BFNC, indicating that can cause a form of idiopathic generalized epilepsy
BFNC is due to a loss of KCNQ2 /KCNQ3 heteromeric (Yang et al., 1998; Zhu et al., 2000).
channels which may lead to impairment of repolariza- SCN1B , SCNA1 , SCN2A and GABRG2 were identi-
tion. Amino acid sequence comparison revealed that fied as responsible genes underlying febrile convulsion
both genes shared strong homology to KCNQ1 , which is plus generalized epilepsy and SMEI. Animal studies also
responsible over 50% of inherited long QT syndrome. suggest that genes encoding K, Na  and Ca2
Individually, expression of KCNQ2 or KCNQ3 in channels are at least partly responsible for convulsions,
24 S. Kaneko et al. / Neuroscience Research 44 (2002) 11 /30

and most AEDs bind to or affect various ion channels al. (1996) is designed based on sequence information
(Kaneko and Okada, 1998). These reports support a alone and is synthesized in situ using a combination of
hypothesis that some types of idiopathic epilepsy are a photolithography and oligonucleotide chemistry. This
form of channelopathy. Understanding gained from approach provides a way to directly use the growing
work in this area of epilepsy research not only enables body of sequence information for highly parallel experi-
characterization of the molecular and physiologic basis mental investigations.
of these epilepsies but also ultimately sheds light on our
understanding of the pathophysiology of more common
epilepsies, and promises new vistas of AED treatment 7. Conclusions
that may benefit large numbers of affected individuals
(Hirose et al., 2000a,b). The discovery of dysfunction of ion channels in
idiopathic epilepsies has led to the concept of channe-
lopathies. At the same time, the genetic heterogeneity of
6. Perspectives of molecular study of epilepsy epilepsies has also become apparent. Different genes and
different mutations may cause the same epilepsy phe-
Responsible genes for idiopathic epilepsy phenotypes notype. Intrafamilial phenotypic heterogeneity is also
so far reported all follow simple Menderian inheritance, clear. The expression of the mutated genes may differ
but common phenotypes such as absence and general- among family members, causing clinical heterogeneity,
ized tonic /clonic convulsions do not. Multiple genes or the gene may intervene in epileptogenesis at a very
may be simultaneously involved and diversity of suscep- general level, affecting the epileptogenic threshold, and
tible genes may collaborate in determining the risk of other genetic or environmental factors may influence the
such common phenotypes of epilepsies. Although more electroclinical profile of the epilepsy in each affected
epilepsy genes await discovery, the mode of inheritance subject (Gourfinkel-An et al., 2001). The progress in
of these phenotypes of epilepsy are not known. There- epilepsy genetics facilitates genetic counseling, elucidat-
fore, the new tools such as x-ray crystallography, mass- ing pathogenesis, clarifying the definition of syndromes,
spectrometry, and new methods such as nonparametric and generates new treatment methods. Genes respon-
allele-sharing analytic techniques, including sibling-pair, sible for common phenotypes of epilepsy have been
affected sibling-pair, or affected pedigree-member meth- uncovered yet;, however, research in this area is moving
ods, can be used. Association studies also do not depend rapidly, and genes that relate to major phenotypes of
on analysis of familial inheritance patterns but compare epilepsy will undoubtedly be discovered soon.
the frequency of alleles at a marker locus in patients and
a control population. If the distribution of alleles is
different in the two populations, an association is said to
exist. Thus, association studies are also useful in
identifying genes responsible for common phenotypes
Our research was conducted as part of a comprehen-
of epilepsy.
sive project organized by The Epilepsy Genetic Study
Recently, attention has focused on the use of whole-
Group, Japan (Chairperson, S.K.) and supported in part
cell linkage disequilibrium methods to map common
by Grants in Aid for Scientific Research from the
disease genes. Such studies would employ a dense map
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to detect
Technology of Japan (09470206, 13035049, 12470174,
association between a marker and disease (Kruglyak,
12559010, 14658263), The Epilepsy Research Founda-
1999). Construction of SNP maps is currently under-
tion, Uehara Memorial Foundation, Heiwa Nakajima
way. When a dense map of SNP becomes available, the
Foundation, Kobayashi Magobei Memorial Medical
whole-cell linkage disequilibrium will be a good tool for
Foundation, Brain Science Foundation, International
identifying the genetic basis of common phenotypes of
Fund of Kyushu University School of Medicine Alumi-
epilepsy. Microarray technology permits the measure-
ni, The Clinical Research Foundation, and grants from
ment of the expression of thousands of genes simulta-
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