Reed 144

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REED144 – B03 February 1, 2018

CEE34 – 201534046 Prof. Manolo P. Del Fin

“Fake” News

Never in the country that the social media platform have become a piece that
affected its people. It has become an important factor that had changed the
perceptions of the Filipinos in the real situation of the country’s gruesome politics. It has
also affected those of the News Media outlets as more Filipinos are leaning towards
social media for news and answers. Bloggers have emerged that brought out a
different side of the news that is not usually read or heard in News Media. But this has
also brought out the allegations of fake news.
In my own opinion, the issue has never been about fake news but rather about
“biased” news. People have already noticed that the News Media have been bringing
some biased news to them which is why some of them turn to bloggers to confirm what
really happened. The commentaries in the articles have always been lively where
debates can be read to deliberate the worthiness of the news. All in all, the Filipinos
today have now develop a more open mind in finding answers to the things that are
happening to the country. With the yearning for truth, our spirituality will also improve.


With the start of the Duterte Administration, it has focused on the drug problem
of the Philippines. And with this, the ever so powerful Narco-Politicians have started to
come to light. The only problem now is whether they’ll be convicted or not. With so
many politicians that have been mentioned to have a connection in the drug trade,
you will only realize that the country is truly a corrupted and dangerous. But, people
have already known about it, they just don’t have the courage to help the country
deal with it. Turning a blind eye to the obvious problems of the country will only make
you its accomplice.

ISIS’ Religious War

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria or ISIS's motive is to create a perfect Muslim
society based only on the Quran and the Hadiths. Their mindset is based entirely on
texts written in the 7th century when Islam was first founded. They wish to form a
worldwide Muslim empire called a caliphate with a caliph as their leader where they
welcome confrontation as fulfilling an apocalyptic prophecy of a battle between
jihadist and 'infidel' armies.
As what had happened last year, the ISIS has also attacked Marawi City in
Mindanao that lasted for months. Martial Law have been declared in Mindanao to
effectively defeat the terrorist. But even with their defeat, their idea didn’t die which will
only bring up more of them in the future.
Sustainable Development

It is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising

the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. However, with how
undisciplined the country is, only few have taken this kind of development into
considerations. They have prioritized how much money they will save and gain rather
that how they can lessen the harsh effects of such developments. This has then turned
to a series of violations of our environment which I hope will not continue in the future

Crab Mentality

This kind of mentality have long been an aspect that Filipinos have described
themselves. But people in other countries have it too. The problem right now is that with
the numerous developments and projects that the current administration is doing, some
people still find faults in them. It has been such a long time wherein the country has
undertaken a step into its improvement of the transportation sector and some people,
especially in the social media, would criticize such plans. In the end, those kind of
people are still an important factor of the society as they also bring balance of

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