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MTI Newsletter

Current projects of
Organisational and Personnel Development

MTI Award – Best in Class

March 30, 2009 in Singapore

MACHWÜRTH TEAM INTERNATIONAL invited existing and potential customers for the so called
MTI award.

Every year the best MTI projects of an outsourced IT department. ing but the competition was ex-
are selected and presented by the The integration and alignment tremely tough.
consultants or the clients. More was carried out at the clients sub-
than 50 participants -an interest- sidiaries in 4 countries. Over 900 MAN - Assessment Centres as
ing mix of customers and MTI employees and managers partici- a key of strong sales develop-
consultants – enjoyed a full pated in various modules within ment, presented by Stefan
packed programme of six presen- the integration programme. MTI Schitzler, MD MTI Europe. He
tations and could get loads of in- designed the concept, facilitated explained how the Development
sights into interesting and innova- the implementation and supported Centre worked as a key to qualify
tive MTI projects. the global alignment in coopera- the sales people in a demand-
tion with the HR departments. oriented way and thus has
strengthened MAN’s market posi-
The winners of this year’s 3rd Place tion in the Middle East.
award are: Carl Zeiss
Bosch Thermotechnology –
building a symbiotic relation- Trainer Qualification
1st Place ship in the creation of core Presented by Sabine Rieck, Sen-
Panalpina Pearl River Delta, competencies ior MTI Consultant Germany &
Asia. The programme empha-
Putting 6 Sigma into Practice The third price went to Ven sises on a customer-oriented way
and Creating Value Ramen, Managing Director Carl of transferring knowledge and on
6 Sigma has become a buzz word Zeiss and David Goldwich, MTI the changing role of the trainer
in many organisations as a tool to consultant for the exciting and from technical specialist to a pro-
reach business excellence. Not special presentation of their pro- vider of value added service to
only in production-oriented indus- ject as a stage play. The two of Bosch TT customers.
tries has it gained popularity but them engaged in a role play and
also in service-oriented compa- fascinated the audience with their ITT Cannon – the rallying cry to
nies. The concept of continuous talent for acting. get full and general commit-
improvement and including the The project focused on building a ment
complete organization in the effort symbiotic relationship in the crea- Paolo Pugni, Global Senior Con-
allows companies to reach sus- tion of core competencies, the sultant MTI presented how he
tainable results and create more development of the leadership manged to support the new board
value for their customers. skills of the talent pool. The train- of directors of ITT cannon Veam
Markus Muecke, Managing Direc- ing consisted of 4 modules Italy to improve their synergies,
tor from Panalpina Pearl River spread out over a ten month pe- define shared goals and strategic
Delta held a passionate speech riod. The leadership programme plans and launch the full en-
and won the first price. will now become a requisite for all gagement project.
selected managers in the talent
2nd Place pool across all emerging markets. MTI would like to thank all the
T-Systems speakers and co-speakers for
Transition Care Program their excellent performances and
efforts. The presentations were
Further projects outstanding and very passionate!
was presented by Michael
Hardtmann and Andrea Bradley The following projects didn’t reach
who won the second prize. The the top three whereas it doesn’t
project dealt with the integration mean that they ware not interest- MTI

MACHWÜRTH TEAM INTERNATIONAL • Dohrmanns Horst 19 • D-27374 Visselhövede

Phone: +49 (0) 42 62 / 93 12 - 0 • Fax: +49 (0) 42 62 / 38 12
Email: • Internet:

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