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MT121: Week 3 Questions

Oscillatory Motion

Question 1 : One end of a spring, natural length l and spring constant k, is suspended
from a fixed point. The other end is attached to a mass m, and is found to be at a
position l + x below that point. If the spring is subject to a resistive force of strength
b dx
dt for b > 0, the differential equation describing the motion of the particle is

d2 x
(a) dt2+ b dx
dt + kx = mg
Be careful with factors of m!
(b) ddt2x + mb dx k
dt + m x = g
d2 x
(c) dt2+ b dx
dt + kx = 0
This is the equation if x is displacement from the equilibrium position, which is
how the problem is commonly set up, but that’s not what the question asked.
d2 x
(d) dt2 + b dx
dt + kx = kl

Question 2 : What is the amplitude of these oscillations?

(a) 7
This is the magnitude of the most negative value, but things are not symmetric
about 0.
(b) 5
(c) 3
This is the largest positive value, but things are not symmetric about 0.
(d) -7
Amplitude is a positive value.

(e) 57

Question 3 : What is the period of these oscillations?

(a) 3
(b) 3

(c) 3

(d) 3
(e) 18
Be careful to measure the distance between two maxima. The first is not at t = 0.

Question 4 : What is the phase of these oscillations?

(a) 18
This is the time offset of the maximum, but this is unscaled and meaningless unless
you also know about the period.
(b) π
(c) − 18

(d) 12
This is the ratio of the offset to the period. You’ve missed the factor of 2π in the

(e) 18

Question 5 : The following two functions describe the same oscillations:

x(t) = 3 cos(2t) + 4 sin(2t) x(t) = 5 sin(2t + δ)

where tan δ = − 43 .
(a) TRUE
It is 5 cos(2t − δ), but that’s not what the question said.

Question 6 : If the solutions to the auxiliary equation for a differential equation

d2 x dx
+a + bx = 0
dt dt
are complex (a > 0), the solutions must display
(a) Oscillations of constant amplitude
(b) Oscillations with exponentially decaying amplitude
(c) Exponential decay, no oscillations
(d) Exponential growth: resonance

Question 7 : A mass m attached to a spring is subject to a total √force F = −kx − bẋ
where x is the displacement from the equilibrium position. If b = 8mk, what type of
motion does the particle exhibit?
(a) Underdamped motion
(b) Critically damped motion
(c) Overdamped motion
(d) Resonance

Question 8 : An oscillating system experiences a driving force which means that, at

long times, the oscillations obey
x(t) =  cos(ωt + φ).
4β ω + (ω 2 − ω02 )2
2 2

For what driving frequency (ω) are the oscillations of maximum amplitude?

(a) ω 2 = ω02 − 2β 2
(b) ω = ±ω0
This is certainly a good approximation to where the oscillations are of maximum
amplitude, but is not the exact answer. You need to perform the optimisation
(c) ω = ω0
This is certainly a good approximation to where the oscillations are of maximum
amplitude, but is not the exact answer. You need to perform the optimisation
(d) ω = 0

2β 2
(e) ω = 1 − ω02

(f) I don’t know


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