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Pronouns and Determiners

Possessive Pronouns

They show that something belongs to someone ( That book is mine ).

They inform you of a person or being who possesses or owns something

without saying the name of the person or being.

The form mine, yours, ours... cannot be used before a noun.

( The laptop is ours ).

I - mine / you - yours / he - his / she - hers / it - its

we - ours / you - yours / they - theirs

Reflexive Pronouns

They are used to express that you are doing something on your own.

( I built this big house by myself ).

They can be used to emphasize the object or the subject.

We cannot use them after: feel, meet, concentrate, relax and: wash,
dress, shave- unless you want to make it clear who does the action

I - myself / you - yourself / he - himself / she - herself / it - itself

we - ourselves / you - yourselves / they - themselves

Possessive Determiners

They are sometimes named possessive adjectives.

They are a part of speech.

They modify a noun by attributing possession to someone or


( This is his book ).

I - my / you - your / he - his / it - its

we - our / you - your / they - their


1. My name is Steve. This is sister Susan.

2. This old woman often talks to when she is all alone.

3. My sister has got a black dog. name is Rex.

4. This computer is . Don't use it!

5. This bed is mine. That is . Fortunately, my bed is more

comfortable than your bed.

6. I hurt when I was fixing my car and I needed to visit a


7. We prepared the dinner . Help yourself.

8. He has some interesting computer games. This one

is favourite.

9. She lives with grandparents in this small village.

10. A friend of works in Warsaw. He teaches English.

11. The town was so small that it only had two shops.

12. Tom and Robert ate dinner and went to the cinema.

13. We will visit friends when we go to Spain.

14. My hobby is tennis. What's ?

15. He blames for the accident.

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