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Three Step Guide Questions

TASK: Answer the following questions.

1. Whose cattle did Mercury steal?


2. Who was Mercury’s mother and what kind of goddess was she?


3. What was Mercury the god of?


4. Who were the Lares? Why are they significant in Roman mythology?



5. According to Roman mythology, what did Mercury invent?



6. If Mercury were depicted as a statue, what symbolic items would he be wearing and why?


7. Explain what Mercury’s caduceus looks like. Why does it symbolise Mercury?





8. According to the video, Mercury invented music and the lyre. Is there any other god(s) or
goddess(es) who are also depicted as the inventor of music and the lyre? Can you explain
how they came to be known as the inventor of these things?





9. Who are Virgil and Ovid? What kind of literature did they write? How is Mercury depicted in
their work?






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