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The Earth’s Spheres


The Four Spheres of the Earth…
A sphere is…

… like a ball.

…or a series of three dimensional circles

The meaning of the prefixes
•Geo means Rock

•Hydro means Water

•Atmo means Air

•Bio means Life

The atmosphere…
… is the sphere of air that surrounds the earth.
Layers of the atmosphere
• The atmosphere is primarily composed of
nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%).
The Hydrosphere…
… is the sphere of water that covers 70% of the Earth.
The Hydrosphere…
..made up of all the salt water and fresh water on Earth.

Salt water in the

oceans and seas. Fresh water in the lakes, rivers and streams and the
frozen water on Earth.
The Geosphere…
…is the sphere of rock that is the Earth.
The Geosphere…
This includes the rock on the surface and the interior.
The Geosphere…
Volcanoes, rocks, minerals, coal, oil….
The Biosphere…
…is the sphere of living things on Earth. (The food chain)
The Biosphere…
This includes all the plants, animals, fungus, and bacteria on Earth.
They all interact…
These Spheres
Considered a system because they are always moving and being recycled.

Biosphere - the life forms have a lifespan

Geosphere - rocks are endlessly being broken down, then recycled
Sphere Interactions
Can you think of ways that they interact?
Biosphere and Hydrosphere?
How do they interact?
Biosphere and Hydrosphere?
•All living things require water to live.
•Many animals live in the water.
•Animals like beavers can alter the path of the water.
Geosphere and Hydrosphere
How do they interact?
System Interactions
How do they interact?


Atmosphere Biosphere
System Interactions
• Volcanoes erupt, sending ash and gases into the air and sending lava and
ash down onto surrounding forests and human habitations.


Atmosphere Biosphere
System Interactions
How do they interact?


Atmosphere Geosphere

System Interactions
Hurricanes sweep across the ocean and onto the land, damaging the dwellings of
people who live along the coast.


Atmosphere Geosphere

System Interactions
How do they interact?


Geosphere Atmosphere

System Interactions
Earthquakes can damage buildings which may kill people, as well as cause fires
which release gases into the air. Earthquakes in the ocean may cause a tsunami
which can eventually hit land and kill both animals and people.


Geosphere Atmosphere

Some Videos…
The Four Spheres of the Earth…

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