Tropical Design Answers Definition of Terms: 1

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Definition of terms:
1 The taking into consideration the building design w/c does not have any 1
sophisticated mechanical equipment in order to induce comfort conditions in
building interiors.
2 As the rays of the sun hit the earth's surface, which part of the earth receives the 2
most amount of radiation?
3 Which part receives the lesser amount of radiation? 3
4 The rotation of the earth deflects the air from its direct paths, this penomenon is 4
5 With the north pole as point of reference, it will be observed that the rotation of 5
the earth is?
6 This word is derived from the Arabic word "mawsim" w/c means "season". 6
7 A relatively persistent & mature cyclone observed to originate in the tropical 7
regions from about 5 degrees to 15 degrees north latitude.
8 The time of year when the sun reaches its northernmost point on the celestial 8
sphere, marking the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere.
9 It approximately begins during this date. 9
10 The time of year when the sun reaches its southernmost point on the celestial 10
sphere, marking the beginning of winter in the northern hemisphere.
11 It approximately begins during this date. 11
12 Either of the two times during the year when the sun crosses the plane of the 12
celestial equator & when the length of day & night are everywhere
approximately equal.
13 Vernal equinox or spring equinox usually occurs during this date. 13
14 Autumnal equinox usually occurs during ths date. 14

Characteristics of Monsoons in the Philippines:

15 This kind of weather recurs yearly during the summer months, characterized by 15
general cloudiness w/ drizzle or rain.
16 It is technically referred to as the_______________? 16
17 This kind of weather occurs during the winter months, characterized by heavy 17
stratocumulus clouds in the lower levels, associated w/ showers & occasional
heavy drizzles.
18 It is technically referred to as the ______________? 18
19 The winter monsoon usually first affects the Philippines as a weak stream during 19
what month?
20 It usualIy attains maximum strength during what month? 20
21 It gradually weakens during this month. 21
22 It finally disappears during this month. 22
23 The southwest monsoon is sometimes referred to as ___________________? 23
24 The southwest monsoon first appears in the Philippines during what month? 24
25 It attains maximum intensity during this month. 25
26 It gradually disappears during this month. 26

Characteristics of Typhoons:
27 The part of the typhoon characterized by light winds & nearly clear sky. 27
28 Around the eye is the pheripery of the typhoon extending as much as _______ 28
from the eye?
29 The average typhoon has an average life span of _____________? 29

Cooling systems:
30 The type of cooling system that is already integrated in the building fabric. 30
31 The type of cooling system that utilizes machines to heat or cool the structure. 31
32 This cooling system has an advantage of lower initial cost. 32
33 This cooling system makes use of orientation to enjoy maximum sun & wind. 33
34 One disadvantage of this cooling system is of its maintenance cost. 34

Wind shadow:
35 Given the height of a well-foliaged tree (H), what is the approximate length of its 35
wind shadow.
36 A row of closely spaced trees whose row is 4 times its height (4H), it can have a 36
wind shadow of ___?
37 If the length of a tree row is equal to 8 times its height (8H), its wind shadow can 37
be measured at approximately ___?

Types of heat transmission:

38 The process in w/c heat energy is transferred from one vibrating molecule to the 38
one immediately adjacent to it w/o any relevant displace ment of the molecules.
39 The transfer of heat between a surface & a moving fluid or the transfer of heat 39
by movement of the moleculesfrom one point in a fluid to another.
40 The transfer of heat through a space by electro-magnetic waves & is measured 40
as temperature at the surface of the material.

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