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August 25, 2018

Making Sense of Kerala’s Flood Disaster

The humanitarian response to Kerala’s calamity has risen above blame games.

he recent tragedy in Kerala seems to have evoked public But, the stakeholders in Kerala’s economy have concerns about
responses at three levels. At the first and basic level, it the devastating impact of the calamity on the economy, its produc-
evoked a spontaneous humanitarian response from several tive sectors, and the demand for goods and services. It has been
segments of society, which transcended regional and national voiced by the economists that the calamity has implications for
boundaries. Responses at this level seem to have been unmediated the banking and insurance sectors with exposure to Kerala, the
by any prior calculations or instrumental factors. The humanitarian tourism and housing sectors, and, of course, the agriculture and
aid that continues to flow into Kerala both from within the country primary producing sectors, apart from traditional industries.
and abroad, particularly from the non-governmental organisations, While the preliminary estimates of damage are put at `20,000
has been quite phenomenal. These acts have transcended all the crore, the Kerala government expects it to go well beyond these
defined boundaries, and demonstrated how our common human- initial estimates as the damage is yet to be systematically as-
ity mattered more, leading to the mobilisation of resources from sessed. The tourism sector, estimated at `30,000 crore, which ac-
different corners of the country and the world, evoked by human counts for 10% of Kerala’s gross state value added and employs
emotions. This first level of response has acquired a form that is around 1.4 million people, has been severely affected. The con-
morally pure on three counts. First, it is devoid of any blame- sumption demand for both durables as well as non-durables is
gaming. Second, it encapsulated a moral narrative of individuals expected to drastically fall in the short term, especially during the
and groups who had volunteered to donate their personal assets current Onam season. It has adversely affected the demand for au-
in solidarity, to mitigate, to even some extent, the devastating tomotive sales during the festival season as well. Thus, these set of
consequences of the ravaging floods. Finally, the moral initiative responses are also related to instrumental reasons wherein costs
does not wait for any particular direction or guidance as it and livelihood losses are involved and needed to be ascertained.
happens quite instinctively, without any delay. At the third level, the response understandably was a bit delayed,
But, this is not the case with the response which occurs at the but was articulated neither on scientific nor instrumental grounds,
second level and begins with relentless criticism of the handling of but through causes mediated by a supernatural force. This was
the situation, this time targeting the Kerala government that is evident in the responses by right-wing politicians and their sup-
caught in the vortex of the disaster. As the case of Kerala shows, porters who were eager but unable to attack the Kerala govern-
this response was led predominantly by two kinds of critics: envi- ment, and who seem to have chosen to attack it by making a cun-
ronmentalists, and stakeholders in Kerala’s polity and economy. The ning move of offering a problematic response that sought to put
environmentalists have sought to criticise the successive govern- the blame squarely on the government for the latter’s efforts to
ments for failing to heed the warning that was given to the former make the entry of women in Sabarimala temple possible. But, this
from time to time. But, the politics of the Kerala model of develop- mediation of reason is different from the one that was offered by
ment and the remittances-fuelled development of a large consumer M K Gandhi in the tragic context of the Nepal–Bihar earthquake in
and housing market along with the “growth” fetish led to the dismis- 1934. Gandhi did attribute the earthquake to the god who punished
sal of the timely cautions by these experts, both from within Kerala Bihar’s upper castes, who committed the sin of practising untouch-
and outside. Similar warnings had been given to different govern- ability against a vast number of fellow human beings. Unlike the
ments that, in the recent times, have faced calamities of flood, but right-wing reading of Kerala’s disaster, Gandhi, through god, sought
these have almost been reduced to a development ritual, inasmuch to fix social responsibility on human beings who, according to him,
as they are noted and kept aside, if not thrown into the dustbin. failed to treat a large number of people as fellow human beings.
Thus, the politics of development which is driven by instrumental In the present case of the right-wing reading of Kerala floods, god
reasons tends to overrule the warnings and cautions, only at the cost is invoked rather deviously, as a mediator, not for holding human
of inviting devastating consequences for humanity. Thus, the second- beings responsible for the latter’s failure to practise equality, but
level response, unlike the first, is not emotionally spontaneous and to perpetuate gender inequality in the practice of worship.
involves the force of scientific truth, and hence morally empowers However, going beyond, over and above these three levels of
the experts to fix the responsibility not on nature, but on human responses and reactions, the post-disaster relief and rescue
self-interests and the public institutions that protect those interests. operations by the administrative machinery and the state officials,
Economic & Political Weekly EPW august 25, 2018 vol lIii no 34 7

along with the valiant rescue efforts carried out by army, navy, air quite admirable, if not inspirational. In the event of the devastating
force, national defence and rescue forces, and the teams of medical tragedy that gripped most parts of rural and urban Kerala, the
doctors both from the state and other parts of the country, has people of Kerala have risen over superficial boundaries, and
been commendable. The expertise of the fishing community and have demonstrated their tenacity, grit and, unity in spirit to tide
their noble-minded attempts to rescue the affected people was over a common tragedy that has engulfed them.

8 august 25, 2018 vol lIii no 34 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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