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Listening Script

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Unit 1 Flora and Fauna
Task 2
1. It is a family of plants. This family is called Arecaceae. Most of them are trees but some
are shrubs. There are over two thousand kinds, living in many kinds of places from
rainforests to deserts. These plants are one of the most well-known and widely planted
tree families. Many common products and foods come from them, and they are also used
a lot in parks and gardens in areas that do not have heavy frosts.
2. It is a member of the plant family Cactaceae. Their distinctive appearance is a result of
adaptations to conserve water in dry and/or hot environments. In most species, the stem
has evolved to become photosynthetic and succulent, while the leaves have evolved into
3. They are the world's heaviest living lizards. They can grow to a length of 10 feet (over 3
meters), with an average length of 8 feet (2.5 meters) and weight of 200 lbs (91 kg.).
Females are usually under 8 feet and weigh about 150 lbs. (68 kg.).
4. This is the world's largest marsupial. Females have one baby at a time, which at birth is
smaller than a cherry. The infant immediately climbs into its mother's pouch and does not
emerge for two months. Until they reach about eight months of age, threatened young
animal, called joeys, will quickly dive for the safety of mom's pouch. As they grow,
joeys' heads and feet can often be seen hanging out of the pouch.
5. This is a perennial, bulbous plant with showy flowers in the genus Tulipa, which
comprises 109 species and belongs to the family Liliaceae. The genus's native range
extends from as far west as Southern Europe, North Africa, Anatolia, and Iran to the
Northwest of China. The tulip's centre of diversity is in the Pamir, Hindu Kush, and Tien
Shan mountains. A number of species and many hybrid cultivars are grown in gardens, as
potted plants, or to display as fresh-cut flowers. Most cultivars of tulip are derived from
Tulipa gesneriana.
6. It is the Indonesian word for the bird of paradise. The Raggiana bird of paradise
(Paradisaea raggiana) is the national bird of New Guinea, and its figure graces
everything from money to stamps to taxi cabs. Because they have such rare and beautiful
plumage, birds of paradise have been hunted for centuries, and their feathers have been
used for decoration and their supposed mystical properties. They are currently listed as
endangered and trapping and export are illegal, but all species of the bird of paradise are
still being traded illegally on the black market.
Task 3
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is one of the few crop species that originated in North
America (most originated in the fertile crescent, Asia or South or Central America). It was
probably a “camp follower” of several of the western native American tribes who
domesticated the crop (possibly 1000 BC) and then carried it eastward and southward of
North America. The first Europeans observed sunflower cultivated in many places from
southern Canada to Mexico.
Sunflower was probably first introduced to Europe through Spain, and spread through
Europe as a curiosity until it reached Russia where it was readily adapted. Selection for high
oil in Russia began in 1860 and was largely responsible for increasing oil content from 28%
to almost 50%. The high-oil lines from Russia were reintroduced into the U.S. after World
War II, which rekindled interest in the crop. However, it was the discovery of the male-sterile
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and restorer gene system that made hybrids feasible and increased commercial interest in the
crop. Production of sunflowers subsequently rose dramatically in the Great Plains states as
marketers found new niches for the seeds as an oil crop, a birdseed crop, and as a human
snack food. Production in these regions in the 1980s has declined mostly because of low
prices, but also due to disease, insect and bird problems. Sunflower acreage is now moving
westward into dryer regions; however, 85% of the North American sunflower seed is still
produced in North and South Dakota and Minnesota.

Task 4
When most people think about Lavender plants, they usually also expect the flower color to
be in the purple range. This is thankfully so untrue. There are color varieties with Lavender
flowers ranging from spring green to the deepest royal purple imaginable. Then you have the
colors in between such as the whites, pinks, indigos, yellow and even red.
There is also variety when it comes to size and shape of the Lavender plant. You have the
dwarf Lavender varieties with their compact form that works well tucked into your
landscape. Then you have the show stopping large mounding varieties such as Lavender
Hidcote Giant with their long flower spikes that really put on a show in your garden as well
as take up a large piece of your garden space.
Flowers not only vary in color among the varieties of Lavender but also in shape, size,
length of stems or flower spikes, and in whether there is a single or forked end to the
The features of Lavender flower heads themselves vary although the basic structure and
anatomy of the Lavender flower is the same for the genus Lavandula. Flowers can be
compact, round and pineapple shaped with bunny ear tufts on top or the flower buds can be
spread out loosely over 3-4 inches of stem. Some even carry multiple blooms per stem as is
the case with Lavandula multifida or Lavandula latifolia. Look at this picture of Lavandula
multifida. See more Lavender flowers pictures in our gallery.
Adapted from:
Task 5
Agata : Tell me what some good things about being teenager and not adult are?
Lulu : Um, well, I think you don’t have to go to work. And you don’t have to pay bills.
Agata : And what do you think it’s like being an adult?
Lulu : In my opinion, adults have to worry about paying the bills and taking care of their
Agata : They have responsibilities, you mean?
Lulu : Yeah.
Agata : But, I think we also have certain responsibilities. We have to study hard and obey
rules made by our parents, teachers, school, and so on. We can’t always do what
we want to do without adults’ interferences and permission.
Lulu : So, do you think it’s hard to be teenager?
Agata : Sometimes yes, it’s difficult to be teenager.
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Lulu : Don’t you think it seems also hard to be adults? I mean they have to take care and
raise teenager who always want to do what they want.
Agata : Umm... It can be.
Adapted from: Headway, 2007

Task 6
Emy : Your painting is really beautiful, Boby. You are like professional artist.
Boby : Thank you. I’ve tried my best to finish this painting. Are you satisfied with the
Emy : Yes, I am satisfied with your work. How about my order, Boby? I ask you to paint
my picture and I’m sure you’ve finished it, haven’t, you?
Boby : Oh, I’m really sorry, Emy. I haven’t finished it yet.
Emy : Why? You’ve promised me to finish it today. I am disappointed with you.
Boby : I understand you’re upset with me. But don’t worry. I will give you two paintings
for free.
Emy : Great. I am happy with it.

Task 7
Bears are mammals of the family Ursidae. Bears are classified as caniforms, or doglike
carnivorans, with the pinnipeds being their closest living relatives. Although there are only
eight living species of bear, they are widespread, appearing in a wide variety of habitats
throughout the Northern Hemisphere and partially in the Southern Hemisphere. Bears are
found in the continents of North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.
Common characteristics of modern bears include a large body with stocky legs, a long
snout, shaggy hair, plantigrade paws with five nonretractile claws, and a short tail. While the
polar bear is mostly carnivorous and the giant panda feeds almost entirely on bamboo, the
remaining six species are omnivorous, with largely varied diets including both plants and
With the exceptions of courting individuals and mothers with their young, bears are
typically solitary animals. Bears are aided by an excellent sense of smell, and despite their
heavy build and awkward gait, they can run quickly and are adept climbers and swimmers. In
autumn some bear species forage large amounts of fermented fruits which affects their
behaviour. Bears use shelters such as caves and burrows as their dens, which are occupied by
most species during the winter for a long period of sleep similar to hibernation.

Task 8
Orchid of Indonesia
Indonesia has more than 4,000 species of orchid, these are native to almost every part of the
archipelago, growing at elevations from sea level (Dendrobium striaenopsis) up to 3,000
meters (Dendrobium cuthbertsonii) and temperatures between 8.7ºC and 32ºC. They are
found on branches of Tamarindus trees at roadside in big cities like Jakarta, Bandung or
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Bogor (Aerides odorata and Rhynchostylis retusa) to the canopy in our tropical rain forests.
Today, many new species are still being found. Most of these are members of established
genera (recent discovery of Dendrobium Tobaense in North Sumatra), but occasionally even
a new genus is discovered.
Kalimantan (Borneo) is the richest island in numbers of species of orchids in the world,
Sumatra has 986 species, Java more than 971, Sulawesi (Celebes) unrecorded, 123 found in
Maluku (Moluccas) at the eastern part of Indonesia and the Province of Papua (West New
Guinea) has more than 1000, mainly Dendrobium and Bulbophyllum. Most of these orchids
can be seen at Cibodas and Bogor Botanical Gardens in West Java. Bogor Botanical Garden
(s'Lands Plantentuin te Buitenzorg) is one of the oldest and most celebrated of Asia's
botanical gardens.

Adapted from:

Unit 2 Fables
Task 2
Why Cats and Dogs Always Fight
Favourite stories from Taiwan
Long-long ago, in northern Taiwan, there lived a farmer and his wife. They had a ring of
gold. They didn’t know it was a lucky ring. Whoever owned it would have enough to eat. The
farmer and his wife sold it to the jeweller. Soon afterwards, they grew poorer and poorer.
They did not even have enough money to buy food.
The couple had a dog and a cat. They also did not have any food to eat. The animal
wanted to help their owners but they did not know what to do.
”I’m sure that must have been a magic ring,” the dog said.
”Perhaps,” answer the cat, “But how can we get it back from the jeweller?”
After many days, they thought of a plan.
”You must catch a mouse, “said the dog. “Then carry it to the jeweler shop. The ring is
locked up there in a box. The mouse must gnaw a hole in the box and fetch out the ring. If the
mouse does not want to help, you must bite him to death.”
Soon the cat caught a mouse. The dog followed behind while the cat carried it to the
jeweller’s shop. The mouse crept into the shop and gnawed a hole in the box and brought out
the ring.
The cat put the ring in its mouth and ran home. The dog followed. Now the dog could
only run on the ground. He had to go all the way around the houses and through the streets.
But the cat was able to run over the house tops. So the cat arrived home long before the dog.
She brought the ring to the farmer and his wife.
This is a magic ring,” said the cat. ”You must not part with it otherwise we shall be poor
and have nothing to eat. I have brought it back. Please keep it carefully. You will find that we
shall now be able to live comfortably again.”
”What a clever cat!” said the farmer. ”We shall look after you as if you were our own

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Just then the dog ran in. The farmer and his wife beat him for not helping the cat bring
home the ring. The cat sat on the lap of the farmer’s wife and purred. So the dog became very
angry with the cat. Every time he saw her after that, he chased her and tried to beat her.
This is why cats and dogs always fight.

Favourite stories from Taiwan. Loen Comber and Charles Shuttleworth, 2000

Task 5
The Monkey and the Crocodile
The crocodile was very greedy for the bananas, which grew on the palm trees around its
pool, but no matter how hard it tried, it could not manage to pick them. A generous
monkey noticed this, and threw him down a bunch. The crocodile ate its fill and also
left some of the bananas for its wife. But the wife turned the crocodile against the
monkey: ‘If that monkey lives on bananas, then its liver must be big and sweet,’ she
She went on so much that the crocodile began to think like her. He went back to the
monkey the next day, and asked it to pay a visit to his wife, as she was sick and needed
advice on the proper medicine to take.
The monkey jumped onto the crocodile and was ferried to its island.
As soon as she saw it. The female crocodile cornered the monkey, and said, ‘Foolish
one, your liver is the only medicine I need.’
‘You should have told me that before you brought me here,’ replied the monkey,
without bathing an eyelied. ’My liver is so valuable to me whenever I go out. I leave it
in a save place up in the tree. You’ll have to take me back to fetch it.’
So the monkey was ferried back across the pool where it climbed quickly up its
banana tree. . . and the story goes that the crocodile is still waiting for it to come back.

Task 8
1. I don’t feel good. I think I should go home and take a rest.
2. There are so many things to do about my garden this weekend. I don’t think I can do it
3. Can you please help me with my luggage?
4. I’m going to participate in the next tennis tournament. What would you recommend me?
5. May I borrow your car, Dad?

Task 9
Susan : Hello, Susan’s speaking here.
Budi : Hi, Susan, I‘m Budi! What can I do for you?
Susan : Bud, are you busy at the moment?
Budi : No, why?

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Susan : I really need some advice, concerning my math problem.
Budi : Sure! Go ahead.
Susan : My Math teacher gave us a lot of homework, but I learn very slowly on Math.
Budi : I think you should join a study club at school after class, or have private math
teacher at home.
Susan : I prefer the first, but you can help me, can’t you?
Budi : Of course. See you tomorrow after class then.

Task 10
The Frog Prince
A young and very beautiful princess lost her ball in the water, while she was playing by the
side of a lake. She began to cry so sadly that the frog who sat beside the lake croaked to her,
‘What will you give me if I get your ball back?’
‘All the gold you could wish for!’ replied the princess. ‘No, I ask only that I be
allowed to stay with you and be your friend,’ said the frog. The princess gave her word
(what did such a promise cost her if it meant she could have her ball back?), but she
had absolutely no intention of keeping her promise. In fact, the moment she had her
ball back she ran off so fast that the frog could not keep up with her. Nevertheless, after
a while the frog arrived at the palace.
As soon as she saw the frog, the princess was frightened. She ran to ask for help
from her father, but the king, who knew what had happened, ordered his daughter to
keep her promise. So the princess picked the frog up gently in her hand, but, with a
shiver of disgust, she let it drop to the ground again. But that one brief touch was
enough to break the spell that bound the frog, and caused it to turn back into the young
and handsome.

Unit 3 Global Issues

Task 2
1. A very large ocean wave that is caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption
and often causes extreme destruction when it strikes land. It can have heights of up to 30
m (98 ft) and reach speeds of 950 km (589 mi) per hour.
2. It occurs due to overflow of a body of water, most commonly when water from heavy
rainfall, from melting ice and snow, or from a combination of these exceeds the carrying
capacity of the river system, lake, or ocean into which it runs.
3. It is an opening or rupture in a planet’s surface and crust which allows hot magma,
volcanic ash, and gases.

Task 3

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Greenhouse Earth
What happens when you go into a greenhouse on a sunny day? It's hot, isn't it? That's because
the glass in the greenhouse traps the heat from the sun. This gas carbon dioxide does the
same in the earth’s atmosphere. It acts like glass in a greenhouse, doing the same as penguin
feathers do when penguin is swimming in the very cold sea: my feathers keep it warm, the
glass in the greenhouse keeps the plants inside warm, and the carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases keep the planet warm. Without them, we'd freeze. Too much of them
means that we boil! Because people are burning fuels with carbon in (that's oil, gas and coal
which you use in cars, aero planes, power stations and so on), all this carbon gets dumped
into the air, combined with the oxygen we all breathe, and so adds to our greenhouse gas
problem. And the planet warms more than it should.
Task 4
We Should Do Something to Save the Globe
There is no other planet where life is accessible. The only earth of those thousand bodies of
the universe that life is existed. To save this planet from extinction we should do something.
Global warming is one clear phenomenon that faces us with its effects such as typhoon,
floods, the rising of the sea level, and the melting of the cap rock of ice in both poles.
First, bane the burning of fossil fuel, such as coal, oil and natural gas and turn to fuel
which is hospitable to nature. We should turn our activities by using the means of
transportation that are more economical in using gas, such as bike, cart or on foot.
Second, use the public transport such as bus, trains, subways rather than private cars.
The government should support this by providing the public transport which are comfortable,
save, and clean. The passengers should look after the public cars, buses, and trains and they
should be discipline.
Third, support the program of ’Blue Sky’ by growing new plants in every space that we
find: In the garden, yards, and fields. Never let any space without plants. Stop the cutting
down the forest trees in the contrary start planting every bare patch.
From the facts above, it is obvious that if anyone on the world population considering this, I
believe we can stop the global warming effect and we can save this globe.

Task 5
Hi Melody,
I hope you’re all well. Things are busy right here. Maya moved out last week, She found a
small apartement not far from here, so we still see her all the time. She also got a new job at a
radio station. Unfortunately it doesn’t pay very well, but at least she likes it. Now that Maya
has moved out, it’s only Joe and me at home. After 24 years of having kids around the house,
it’s a little strange to have the place all to ourselves. However it’s nice to come home to a
clean house at the end of the day. :-)
Samantha is going to graduate from Oberlin College this year. We’re all very proud and
of course we’re going to have a party of her. Actually, it’s going to be a surprise party! So,
shhh! Samantha says she wants to travel somewhere intersting this summer, but she hasn’t
decided where to go yet. Joe’s fine, so he’s been able to do much in the garden because it’s
rained every day for the last two weeks! In fact it’s been rainiest summer for 20 years.
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Anyway, that’s enough of our news.
Write back and tell me everything!
Task 6
Dialogue 1
A : I think you have to reduce the consumption of this medicine. They don’t help.
B : Yes, I think so. But should we ask the doctor’s advise?
A : Of course, we should. We see the doctor now.

Dialogue 2
A : Do you think this new dress fit me?
B : Absolutely yes!

Task 7
Cindy : Hi, Rendy. How was your day?
Rendy : Oh. . . not so good.
Cindy : What’s the matter?
Rendy : I’ve been so sick all afternoon, with a very bad stomachache and a fever.
Cindy : Did you take any medicine?
Rendy : Yes, but it didn’t do any good.
Cindy : What did you eat?
Rendy : Not much. Just a hamburger for lunch.
Cindy : How was it cooked?
Rendy : Rare.
Cindy : What do you mean?
Rendy : I always eat my hamburgers rare.
Cindy : Rendy, sounds like it might be the cause!
Rendy : Oh! What should I do?
Cindy : I will take you to the clinic. I will help you and take care of you.
Rendy : Oh, thank you very much. What a relief. Finally, someone can help me.
Cindy : Never mind. You really do need to see a doctor. It’s my pleasure to help you.

Unit 4 Short Funny and Love Stories

Task 2
Mr. And Mrs Wiliam got married when he was twenty-three, and she was twenty. Twenty-
five years later, they had a big party, and a photographer came and took some photographs of
Then the photographer gave Mrs.Wiliam a card and said,”They ’ll be ready next
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Wednesday. You can get them to us.”
The photographer arrived a week later, but Mrs.Wiliam was not unhappy when she saw
them. She got into her car and drove to the photographer’s studio. She went inside and said
angrily,”You took some photographs of me and my husband lastweek, but I’m not going to
pay for them.”
”Oh why not?” the photographer asked.
”Because my husband looks like a monkey,” Mrs. Wiliam said.
”Well,” the photographer answered,”That isn’t our fault. Why didn’t you think of that
before you married him?”
Taken from Elementary Anecdotes in American English, L.A. Hill, 1980

Task 4
Do You Speak English?
I had an amusing experience last year.
After I had left a small village in the South of France, I drove to the next town. On the
way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked for a lift. As soon as he got into the
car, I said something to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few
words, I don’t know the meaning at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey.
I had nearly reached the destination, when the young man suddenly said, “Do you speak
English?” As I soon learned, he was foreigner himself!

Task 5
Dialog 1
Ratih : What is your hobby, Angga?
Angga : I’m really fond of fishing. How about you? What is your hobby?
Ratih : I have many interests. I like swimming, reading comics, listening to radio,
shopping, etc.
Angga : Wow. It seems that you will never get bored.
Ratih : Not really. Sometimes, I don’t feel like doing anything.
Dialog 2
Sasha : I love Smash very much.
Lucy : So, you are one of Smash blasts, aren’t you?
Sasha : Yes, that’s right.
Lucy : What makes you adore Smash?
Sasha : I admire Morgan. He is so cool. That’s one of reasons. Besides, I like their music.
Lucy : I see. Did you come to their concert last week?
Sasha : No, I didn’t. The ticket was sold out. I was so disappointed.
Lucy : You can come to their next concert.
Sasha : Yes, I hope they will soon hold a concert again.
Lucy : By the way, why do they use the name Smash?
Sasha : Smash stands for Seven Men as Seven Heroes.
Lucy : Oh really? I have never heard about that.
Task 6
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Wedding Dress
Audrey Hepburn was in Rome, making the film Roman Holiday with Gregory Peck. She was
engaged to James Hanson, a London 'playboy', and she asked a famous Italian designer, Zoe
Fontana, to make her a dress for the wedding.
Signora Fontana said, 'Audrey was 23. She was so young and so beautiful then. She tried
the dress on many times. It was in white lace, with a lot of tiny buttons down the back, and
she wanted to wear flowers on her head.
But two weeks before the wedding, Audrey Hepburn decided not to get married. She
phoned Zoe Fontana and said, 'I've cancelled the wedding. But I want another girl to wear my
wedding dress, perhaps a poor girl who could never pay for a dress like this one. Find a
beautiful girl and give the dress to her.'
Signora Fontana found a poor 20-year-old girl in Latina, a town near Rome. She was
exactly the same size as Hepburn and the dress fitted her perfectly. Her name was Arnabile
Signora Altobello said, 'I wanted to get married, but my fiancé and I didn't have enough
money for a wedding. When Audrey Hepburn gave me the dress it was like a dream come
Everybody in the town was very excited, and they also gave us furniture, and even
organized a honey moon for us in Paris.
Today Signora Altobello is over 70 years old but she still has the dress. 'We are still poor
and we have had a hard life, but we have three daughters and five grandchildren. We have
had a happy marriage, so the dress brought me luck.'
Taken from: New English File

Task 7
Thanks for telling me about the English homework. I’m worried I won’t be able to do it
because I missed the lesson. Why don’t you come to my house on Staurday and we can do
the homework together? I don’t want to be like last week. I missed all the lessons and I
couldn’t answer my teacher’s questions.

Task 8
Dialog 1
A: "Hey Jack. How's it going?"
B: "I'm falling in love."
A: "What! With who?"
B: "That girl in my economy class. She is so beautiful."
A: "Did you guys go on a date already?"
B: "No. I didn't even talk to her yet. But I think I'm in love."
A: "Does she have a boyfriend?"
B: "I don't think so. I've been following her around campus and I haven't seen another guy."
A: "Dude, you're a stalker man. Just ask her on a date."
B: "I plan on running into her in the cafeteria when she's alone. I think I'll ask her then."
A: "So why do you think you're in love?"
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B: "She's the only thing I can think of all day long."
A: "That's called blind love. Well, I gotta run. Tell me how it goes next week."
B: "Alright. I'll talk to you later."
Adapted from:

Dialog 2
Student: May I know why you look sad, Sir?
Teacher: I’m really upset; you know, my uncle passed away day before yesterday.
Student: I’m very sorry to hear that, Sir.
Teacher: In fact, it was he who brought me up. He was my godfather too.
Student: How sad, Sir!
Teacher: We’ll miss him a lot.
Student: Time is the best healer, Sir.
Teacher: Thank you for the comforting words.
Student: It was the least I could do.

Task 9
Dear Cindy,
I'm really sorry to hear about your Dad. We both know that he is now with God in a better
place with his suffering gone. I know how much his pain caused you sorrow and grief, and I
found it extremely difficult to see you bear it. But, God will never give us more than we can
bear, and he is with you through every step in your life.
Your dad will always be with you; his spirit and good will be part of you no matter where
you go. I know that you wanted, needed, and hoped for more time to spend with your father
but the time you did spend with him meant so much to him. Your dad loved you very much
and I know you will miss him terribly. God gives us examples on this earth of how we
should live our lives and your father was one of the best examples I know.
I wanted to let you know that I am here for you at any time you need me - just to listen, or
to talk. I already told you this, but I wanted to say it again. Please, don't hesitate to call me at
home or work. You can call me at home (insert number), or on my cell (insert number),
With my deepest sympathy, your friend, (sign your name including surname).
Taken from:

Unit 5 Folk Tales

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Task 2
How the Philippines was Made
The Folktale from Philipine
May thousands of years, a man and his wife lived in the Philippines. They were called
Angngalo and Angngarab.
One morning, they went to gather some shellfish. Inside one, they found a pearl. It was an
unusual yellow color and very large.
Angngalo gave it to Angngarab. “Oh!” she said, “I can find many more pearls than you!”
Soon they were quarrelling and shouting at each other. They ran along the seashore
looking for shellfish. Before long, they have a big pile in front of them. They pulled open the
shells and looked in for pearls.
“I’ve got more pearls than you!” shouted Angngalo
“No, you haven’t!” answer Angngarab. “Anyway, my pearls are bigger than yours!”
Soon they were fighting. They threw the shells and pearls at each other. That is why there
are so many shells and pearls in the Philippines? They rolled on the ground and stamped their
There was aloud “Boom!” and “Crack”. The mountain and hills began to split. The water
in the rivers and lakes flooded the land.
They still continued fighting. Suddenly, there was a great storm, with thunder and
lightning. The land broke into several parts. Luzon was in the north, the Visayan Islands were
in the middle and Mindanao in the south.
Because of this, there are now over seven thousands islands in the Philippines.
Taken from: Favorites Stories from the Philippines.

Task 5
Expressions: Responses:
1. Hey, what have you done? Sorry for that.
2. It makes me mad. I don’t like it either.
3. What a nuisance. I know what you feel.
4. I’m very annoyed. I’m so sorry.
5. I’m so embarrassed. Never mind.
6. I’m ashamed, sorry. It’s OK.

Task 6
Gatot : What’s wrong with you Mayang?
Mayang : I’m really upset with the homework. Each teacher gives a lot of homework. We,
students have to do them all.
Gatot : Really? I’m sorry to hear that. But the students need more exercises to get
Mayang : You are right but it burdens us with such tasks. I hate it.
Gatot : Calm down, we can solve it by group study. You can join us after school.
Mayang : Okay then, thank you for helping me.

Task 7

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1. What have you done? Be careful with your steps.
2. It’s so dirty, here.
3. I’m sorry to tell you but I’m so annoyed that you ignore my complaints.
4. You make me mad. Why don’t you tell me the truth since the first time?
5. What a nuisance. You make me confused now.
6. It’s so embarrassing. How could you do that to me?

Unit 6 Hot Issues

Task 2
The Bad Impact of Hand Phone for Students
Now days, mobile phone has already been a fashion as well as a need. Initially, we need it as
means of communication. Adults, youths and children, males and females own and need it.
Mobile phones are necessary and useful as long as we use it wisely. However, some use it
unwisely, for example students. Almost all students bring mobile phones to the school. I
would like to tell you that mobile phones have given bad impact for students.
First, a lot of students are getting lazier-and lazier, they are more attracted to the features
offered by the mobiles than the lesson. They chat, send SMS, play games. They are easily
distracted by phones. They look busy answering the phones calls or sending SMS.
Second, they break the morality of some weak person. They save porn pictures or video.
It will disturb their attention and concentration.
In this case the students must be smart and wise in using mobile phones. Parents and
teachers should cooperate to control the use of mobile phones of the children or students.
Limit the duration or the pulse they use for phone, so they will not be addicted to the features
offered by phones. Besides, they need to switch of their mobile phones while learning in the

Task 5
1. It was excellent. Have you seen it yet? The stars are Keanu Reeves and Julia Roberts.
2. The holiday was great. It made me refreshed, but the weather wasn’t very good.
3. It’s newest gadget. I like it because it has complete features of mobile technology.
4. It was really boring! I fell asleep since the beginning.
5. They were delicious. Andy had sausage and paprika and I had tuna and sweet corn.
6. It was really exciting, especially when David Beckham made a goal in the closing

Task 7
1. A : What do you think of living in a big city?
B : In my opinion, living in the city is not so healthy. There are too many cars which
pollute the air. The air pollution is terrible.
A : Yes I agree with you.
PAG Fácil: Advanced Learning English 2 | 149
2. A : Do you agree with the government’s plan in building a subway line?
B : I agree. Because I think it will decrease the traffic jam.
3. A : How about the traffic lights? Don’t you think the city should install more traffic
B : Sorry I have to say “no.”
4. A : The local governments seem do not really care about public transportation. What
do you think about it?
B : Yes, I agree with you.
5. A : There isn’t enough public parking in the city. What do you think of it?
B : I reckon that the city should build many parking buildings, since we need parking

Task 9
1. Zoo 8. Airport
2. Park 9. Toilet
3. Main Road 10. Bar
4. Bank 11. Lavatory
5. Hotel 12. Car workshop and services
6. Petrol Station 13. Luggage lounge
7. Train Station

150 | PAG Fácil: Advanced Learning English 2

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