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Texto # 1: The Future of Nanotech: Ultrasmall technology, revolutionary impact.

Eric Bender
Monday, October 02, 2006 01:00 AM PDT

Nanotechnology: Why It Matters

Interest in nanotech is strong because standard silicon techniques have nearly reached their limit--CPUs
and similar products can't get much smaller with current technology because makers can't keep stuffing
more and more transistors in the same space. With nanotech, they can.

Materials shrunk to a few billionths of a meter go crazy. Magnets demagnetize, and conventional
techniques of semiconductor information processing--used for everything from storing data to moving
bits and bytes around your PC--don't work. But though the rules change, they can be exploited in ways
that offer more, not less, functionality and speed. And it will all eventually cost less, too.

This is the world of nanotechnology, and you're already starting to live in it. "The whole trillion-dollar
information technology industry is based on the continuing drive of miniaturization," says Thomas
Theis, director of physical sciences at IBM's Watson Research Center. Imagine, he says, how big that
economy can be when you can get a million times the complexity of today's information systems for
the same dollars.

Nanotech research by government and private industry promises to create breakthroughs across
information technology--creating dramatically faster, smaller, and cheaper devices that will permit
ubiquitous computing, some forms of which we haven't conceived of yet--along with enhancing just
about everything else humans make.

"We and others are using nanotechnology to create smaller and smaller chips that have more and more
power and communicate with everything around them," comments Nantero CEO Greg Schmergel.
"Everything in your home and office and car will have intelligence and the information you need."
Texto # 2: Proposal for the graphic representation of structural adhesive joints in
engineering drawings and their integration in a computer-assisted designing system

Arenas, J.M.a , A.b

, C/Ronda de Valencia, 3, 28012 Madrid, Spain
, Spain

Currently the process used by designers to specify the features of structural adhesive joints consists of
writing explanatory notes on the assembly plans. Thus, there is no graphic standard for these joints that
allows us synthesise the technical information on the plans, in contrast to what happens with other
joining processes, such as those of welding or riveting. For this reason, a graphic standard is proposed
to draw these joints, unifying and simplifying the technical design criteria, and facilitating the exchange
of unambiguous information throughout the entire project stages. The development of a computer-
aided design (CAD) application, including the proposed graphic standard, together with the general
design criteria of structural adhesive joints, provides a comprehensive tool for the project, facilitating
the design of the adhesive joint and improving the quality and interpretation of the assembly plans. ©
2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Texto # 3: Conception of thermoelectric flux meters for infrared radiation measurements

in industrial furnaces

Ploteau, J.P., Glouannec, P., Noel, H.

, Centre de Recherche, Rue St Maude, 56321 Lorient Cedex, France


To help optimise the design and command of infrared (IR) emitters which are frequently used in
industrial installations, this paper aims at presenting the development, the construction, the calibration,
and the test of flux meters designed to make "in situ" measurements of infrared radiation in industrial
furnaces. These sensors must be able to measure high heat flux in difficult thermal ambiances, and be
adapted to the characterization of existing processes; therefore the output signal has to directly reflect
the IR received flux. The sensible part is made with a semiconductor thermoelectric module which
offers a great sensitivity. While the top part of the module is exposed to convection and infrared
radiation, the bottom is stuck on a metallic mass. Three different devices have been developed. The
first one uses a water cooling circuit to maintain the bottom at a constant temperature. Then, two
autonomic devices are developed to allow an on-line assessment of the system state. A flux meter using
a paraffin buffer to maintain the reference temperature is designed to measure global heat flux. The
third device presented has a floating reference temperature and uses two thermoelectric modules. A
mathematical model has also been developed in order to analyse the three different flux meters with
regard to the different levels of convective and radiative heat flux. Our flux meters are relevant to test
IR furnaces. They can measure up to 50 kW m-2 heat flux in more than 120 °C ambient. Autonomous
sensors can help characterise and adjust existing installations. They are also interesting tools for
maintenance shift. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Universidad de Carabobo Nombre: _____________________
Área de Estudios de Postgrado C.I.: ____________________
Facultad de Ingeniería Fecha: 04-11-06

Examen de Suficiencia de Inglés

Responda, en castellano, las siguientes preguntas de acuerdo con la información contenida en los
respectivos textos.

Texto # 1: “The Future of Nanotech: Ultrasmall technology, revolutionary impact”

1. ¿Por qué el interés en la nanotecnología es fuerte? (3 pts.)


2. Explique cuáles son las promesas que trae la investigación en nanotecnología en el sector privado y
gubernamental. (3 pts.)


Texto # 2: “Proposal for the graphic representation of structural adhesive joints in engineering
drawings and their integration in a computer-assisted designing system”

3. ¿Cuál es el propósito del estudio? (3 pts.)

4. ¿Qué proporciona una herramienta exhaustiva para el proyecto y cuál es su ventaja? (4 pts.)

Texto # 3: “Conception of thermoelectric flux meters for infrared radiation measurements in industrial

5. ¿Cuál es el propósito del estudio? (3 pts.)


6. Describa los tres tipos de dispositivos desarrollados en el estudio. (4 pts.)


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