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Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Programa Virtual de inglés


Class Project 20%

Final Objective: To socialize a final product (text and video) as part of the process in which the
student will be able to demonstrate the grammar and vocabulary used in level 4


Name: ___________________________________

1. Based on the videos sent - How to write an outline - answer the following questions.

a. What is an outline?___________________________________________________

b. What should not be done when writing an outline?


c. What is the idea of using reliable sources of information?


d. What is the difference between topic sentence and thesis statement?


e. What are the 3 elements in a thesis statement?




2. Answer the following True/False sentences

a. We should write connectors (transition words) in the outline T/F
b. It is necessary to write the complete paragraphs in the outline T/F
c. We can copy all the information in the outline from the internet T/F
d. The outline is the skeleton of the essay T/F

3. Let´s analyze the elements in each paragraph. Complete.

a. What are the elements in the introduction?

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Programa Virtual de inglés


b. What are the elements in the body?


c. What are the elements in the conclusion?




The first sentence of your introduction is the moment that the writer has to capture the
attention of the reader. Some people call this a “hook” because it captures a reader’s attention
with interesting statements and ideas.

There are several different ways to grab the attention of your reader:

1. A definition:
While dictionary definitions are ok, most people find them to be quite dry. Try to paraphrase, or
write your own unique take on a definition whenever you can.
“Business is more than just an exchange of funds for services or goods.”

2. A quotation or paraphrase:
If you use a quote, make sure that it is relevant to your topic, background information or your
thesis in some way. Avoid over used quotes or clichés.
The film director Woody Allen said “Those who can’t teach, teach gym”

3. A little known or striking fact:

Try to surprise and impress your reader with an interesting fact related to your topic. If it is a
commonly known fact, people won’t be as interested in learning more. Don’t forget to cite!
“A cockroach can carry more than 40 different pathogens that could spread to humans.”

4. An explanation of why the topic is worth writing/reading about:

Sometimes a general statement that pinpoints the key issue, fact, or observation that led you to
choose your topic in the first place can interest the reader.
“Students don’t always remember what they were told in class.”

5. A question that will be answered by your thesis, or will catch the reader’s attention and
lead toward your thesis topic:
Questions can immediately get attention as long as the answer isn’t immediately obvious
“Have you ever stayed up all night to study for an exam, only to sleep through your exam the
next morning?
Adapted from: Tutoring and Learning Centre, George Brown College 2014
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Programa Virtual de inglés

Background information

This part is essential too, because in here you connect the hook to the thesis statement.
So it implies that you set the context of your topic in two lines. But you cannot invent this
piece of information, here you cite a source of information with your own words

Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the most important element in the whole text. It tells the reader what the
topic of the text is with each main idea of the body paragraphs and the intention of the text.

A thesis statement:

 tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter under
 is a road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the
rest of the paper.
 is usually a single sentence near the beginning of your paper (most often, at the end
of the first paragraph (introduction)) that presents your argument to the reader. The
rest of the paper, the body of the essay, gathers and organizes evidence that will
persuade the reader of the logic of your interpretation.

Adapted from: The Writing Center, The University of North Carolina at

Chapel Hill.


a. The North and South fought the Civil War for many reasons, some of which were the
same and some different.

This one is not a strong example. It does not tell the reader where you are heading.

b. While both sides fought the Civil War over the issue of slavery, the North fought for
moral reasons while the South fought to preserve its own institutions.

This one is a strong thesis statement, it shows a clear topic, a purpose of your text and what your
two body paragraphs will be about.
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Programa Virtual de inglés

While both sides fought the Civil War (topic) over the issue of slavery (purpose or
focus), the North fought for moral reasons (body paragraph 1) while the South
fought to preserve its own institutions (body paragraph 2)

It should have THREE components the topic, a focus word and the TWO subtopics to be developed
in the body poaragraphs.

 Thesis statement:
Nowadays, more and more people are too concerned about their appearance due to the
need for professional success, and to the pressure generated by the social media.

1. Topic: We need to identify the topic clearly: more people are too concerned about their
2. Focus: A word (usually a verb or a conjunction): due to
3. The TWO subtopics: explicitly name them:
the need for professional success, and to the pressure generated by the social media.

Read the following thesis statement example and identify the components.
 Thesis statement: The use of technology has increasingly create changes in the society
mainly in education and social interactions.
1. Topic:
2. Focus:
3. The TWO subtopics:

Body Paragraphs

These type of paragraphs develop the ideas introduced in the Thesis Statement. Each
paragraph has a Topic sentence (the main idea of each paragraph, which is the subtopic
form the thesis) after that, you should include the supporting information found on your
sources. But remember that you need to cite. But do not copy exactly from the original
source you need to interpret, understand and explain. You should also include examples
and a closing sentence.


Currently, people generally think that the body image is necessary for professional success (Topic
sentence). In fact, a survey made by Forbes (2016) found that 61 percent of people believe that the
appearance is “the most important fact” that determines if a person is hired or not. (Supporting
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information 1+ example) Besides, this survey also revealed that people felt “at a disadvantage”
when competing for a job upgrade with physically attractive people, which affects their career
possibilities.(Supporting information 2+ example) conclusion
Problem solution paragraph

First of all, the number of inhabitants increases very rapidly which inevitably gives rise to overcrowding in
big cities(Topic sentence).. A study conducted by the Yale University revealed that UDPs promote the idea
that the quality of life improves significantly in the capitals in comparison to the countryside (Supporting
information 1). As a result, the urban population has risen by 43% in the last 2 years + example. To solve
this problem, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce must protect the local population density by creating a
space management plan that accounts for the number of people per meters square and encourage people to
settle in the countryside by offering them attractive and affordable housing projects there (solution). If this is
done, overcrowding might be controlled in big cities (conclusion)

Descriptive paragraph
When you buy flowers for someone important in your life, there are a few things you should
consider to make your gift even more special. (Topic sentence).. First, you should look for
flowers that have special meanings or associations(Supporting information 1. For example:
Lilacs mean “beauty”, so you could give lilacs to someone you think is beautiful example. You
should also buy flowers when they’re in season, because that is when they are freshest
(Supporting information 2. The best time to buy roses is in summer, but tulips are prettiest in
spring example. Finally, there’s no need to wait for a special occasion to buy someone flowers.
Flowers make a great gift at any time! conclusion


This is the moment to close your text. You mention again the thesis statement in different words,
the main points of your body paragraphs (key elements in the supporting information) and a
general conclusion of the topic.

It is your turn now

4. At this point you should have already analyzed your topic, searched two sources, and
brainstormed your ideas. So it is the moment to start organizing them in a mind map
before you write your outline. Please use only key words in the mind map. Start thinking
what kind of body paragraphs you want to develop
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Programa Virtual de inglés

Support 1

Body Paragraph 1

Support 2

Topic: Support 1

Body Paragraph 2

Support 2


5. Write your thesis statement.

Avoid the use
General topic: ___________________________________________________ of informal
Focus word: _____________________________________________________ language.
Subtopic 1: ______________________________________________________

Subtopic 2: _______________________________________________________

Thesis statement:
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Programa Virtual de inglés

6. Take the information form the mind map and organize your outline. Remember the
characteristics of it.


Hook (capture the reader’s attention)

Introduction Background - key words only (help the reader to understand the topic)
Thesis statement (clearly state the 2 subtopics that will the text explore)

Topic sentence

Supporting idea 1 + example

paragraph 1
Supporting idea 2 + example

Topic sentence

Supporting idea 1 + example

paragraph 2
Supporting idea 2 + example

Re-state the thesis statement

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Programa Virtual de inglés

Source 1.
Where did you
take this
Author, year, 2.
name of the
article, webpage.
Remember to write short sentences!
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Programa Virtual de inglés

7. Read the Rubric for evaluation

YES Partially NEEDS NO

0.71 each 0.42 each 0.25 each 0.12 each

Does the introduction propose a hook, a background and a

thesis statement?
Are there 2 coherent Topic sentences?
Is there evidence of research?
Are the supporting ideas relevant?
Are the authors and information sources acknowledged with
Is the thesis restated concisely and precisely in the
conclusion? (topic, focus and 2 subtopics)
Has the outline been written with short phrases as is

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