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When I started to write my session plan, the things that came up to my

mind was what would be the best topic that can emphasize the essence of Food
and Beverage Services NC II. The topic that I should choose should be
interesting, valuable and relevant. Our mentor in Divine Mercy guided us to
choose the write topic and also taught us how we can make it short and
meaningful. The components of my session plan are the qualification, learning
objectives and learning activities. Learning activities comprises, Learning
contents, Training methods, Presentation, Practice, Feedback, Resource and
Time. When selecting training methods, factors should be considered was the
best procedure for students to learn the given topic. It could be individual study,
discussion, lecture or demonstration. The Training Regulations for Food and
Beverage Services NCII which is made available online helped me organize my
chosen topic. For my topic which is Table Napkin Folding, I believe that the best
teaching method was individual study, discussion and demonstration because
to learn this the trainee should study first the napkin folding style, discuss to
them how it is done and demonstrating it by practicing in front of them. When
I have prepared my assessment tools I made sure to ask our mentor if my chosen
topic was relevant and that it is also cost efficient because the thing that I only
need was table napkins. The five adult learning principles according to Malcolm
Knowles are self-concept, adult learner experience, readiness to learn,
orientation to learning and motivation to learn. Two of these principles that are
always on my mind while preparing my session plan were self-concept and adult
learner experience. Self-concept because the CBLM was a learner-based module
which requires independent or study at your own terms and adult learner
experience because we consider the RPL’s knowledge as compared to the


The training equipment and

machines in the workshop includes but
not limited to air conditioning unit,
refrigerator, laboratory, tables and
chairs, oven and bar. The trainees has
a scheduled shifting of cleaning the
room not just to promote cleanliness
and orderliness in the classroom but to
also practice their discipline. A
housekeeping maintenance schedule is provided so that the list of the
responsible person are properly scheduled. To enhance this, the responsible
persons should also have proper cleaning tools and equipment to fast track and
ease their maintenance of the workshop.
If the training requires additional tools and equipment a Purchase Request
Form must be filled up and the authorized personnel will review their request
and grant the acquisition of new tools and equipment. To improve the acquisition
of tools and equipment, the training facility should also establish a budget and
necessity review appropriate for the requests.
When an equipment is out of order, a breakdown or repair report must be
duly accomplish to notify management of the current situation of the machines
and to make necessary procedures so that the operations will not be affected. To
improve this, the equipment must be regularly maintained with the equipment
maintenance schedule and checklist or a technician’s number must be known
so that the problems will be addressed immediately.
The waste disposal system in the training facility is located in the left-most
area of the training facility and a biodegradable, non-biodegradable, recyclables,
hazardous/special waste are properly segregated and the wastes are collected
every day.


To identify and establish relationship with potential companies, the

training facility should always follow and surpass the standards of training these
days. The trainees produced by the facility should be competent and
knowledgeable with their chosen qualifications. A training plan must be provided
to the trainees to ensure that their learning experience were properly organized
and well-taught. The training plan comprises the training requirements, training
activity/ task, mode of training, the staff, tools and equipment, venue,
assessment method and date and duration. Also before we send the trainees to
the participating companies a practical demonstration or on-the-job training
must be conducted first so that they will be prepared for the real based learning
experience. The training must be well monitored using a Trainee’s Progress Sheet
so that the trainees will be notified for their performances and if there are a need
for improvement. The Trainee’s Progress Sheet includes Unit of Competency and
Module Title, Training Activity, Training Duration, Date Started and Finished
Adjectival Grade, Numerical Grade, Student and Instructor’s Initials. This helps
the facility to assess who are the qualified persons ready to be sent out to the
participating companies. If a company makes an unfavorable remark, we have
to assure them that the training facility will be responsible and that the problem
will not happen anymore. The work based learning will be evaluated using a
Training Session Evaluation Form and must be rated from poor to outstanding
so that the Training Session will be in accordance to the required standards set

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