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Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511

Stratigraphy and tectonic setting of the Cretaceous and Paleogene

volcanic-sedimentary successions in northwest Sulawesi, Indonesia:
implications for the Cenozoic evolution of Western and Northern
Sulawesi *
Theo M. van Leeuwen , Muhardjo
PT Rio Tinto Exploration, Jl. R H Rasuna Said Kav. 02-03, Jakarta 1295, Indonesia
Received 16 October 2003; accepted 14 May 2004

New field and laboratory data from NW Sulawesi, Indonesia, integrated with existing information, provide a tectonostratigraphic
framework for the Cretaceous and Paleogene of this region. The study area straddles two distinct provinces, referred to as
‘Northern and Western Sulawesi forms the (rifted) continental margin of eastern Sundaland. It consists of a metamorphic
partly of Australian origin, overlain by Late Cretaceous turbidites that were deposited in a fore-arc setting (Latimojong Formation).
in are
turn covered by volcanic-sedimentary successions that were deposited during the early Middle Eocene to earliest Miocene. They
a transgressive cycle from syn-rift siliciclastics, through nummulitic limestone and associated shelf sediments, to deeper marine
and turbidites (Budungbudung and Tinombo Formations). During the same period Northern Sulawesi developed as an oceanic
island arc, by bimodal volcanism (Papayato Volcanics), founded on (back arc?) oceanic crust. The Cretaceous and Paleogene
and sedimentary suites show lithological and geochemical characteristics that reflect the contrasting tectonic setting of the two
The tectonic relationship between the two domains is not clear. They probably formed a more or less continuous belt throughout
Cenozoic, but were definitely connected not later than the early Miocene. Strong deformation in the Paleogene formations in the
of part and their unconformable relationship with the overlying formations may be the result of the collision of the north
NW Sulawesi
arm of with a continental fragment, of Australian derivation, during the early Miocene, or it may be related to the formation of a
metamorphic core complex in a mid-Miocene extensional tectonic setting. A second major tectonic event, which commenced in the
Pliocene and is still ongoing, affected the entire region.
q 2004Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Cretaceous; Paleogene; Cenozoic; Age dating; Sediments; Volcanics; Tectonic history

1.Introduction and metamorphic basement complexes (Taylor and van

Leeuwen,1980; Kavalieris et al., 1992). These two
Northwest Sulawesi (Fig . 1) straddles two distinct provinces are collectively known as the West Sulawesi
geological provinces, referred to by Taylor and van Plutono-Volcanic Arc (Fig. 2).
Leeuwen (1980) as ‘Northern’ and ‘Western Sulawesi’. Except for narrowcoastal lowlands, NWSulawesi
Northern Sulawesi is a Cenozoic island arc system underlain consists of mountainous terrain. Most of the area lies
by oceanic crust, whereas Western Sulawesi forms the rifted
above 500 m, with the highest peaks rising over 2500 m,
continental margin of SE Sundaland and is characterized reflecting rapid uplift of the area during the past 5–6 Ma
by the widespreadoccurrenceof high-K volcanic (Bellier et al., 1998). The southern part of the study area,
and granitoid rocks deposited on, and intruded into, referred to by van Bemmelen (1949) as the ‘Palu Zone’, is
Cretaceous to Paleogene volcanic-sedimentary successions divided by the NNW-trending Palu-Koro Fault, ‘which at
the surface is marked by a series of linear valleys. In this
paper the area to the west of this major fault zone is named
* Corresponding author. Tel.:
C 62-21-527-4208; fax:
C 62-21-527-
4270. the ‘Lariang region’, after the largest river in Sulawesi,

1367-9120/$ - see front matter

q 2004Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
482 T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511

Fig. 1. Geographical features of NW Sulawesi and location of studied samples. Location of study area shown in inset.
T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511 483

Fig. 2. Summary of the geology of NW Sulawesi; modified after Sukamto (1973), Ratman (1976), Simandjuntak et al. (1991a,b) , Hadiwijoyo et al.
(1993) andCalvert (2000). Inset map shows the principal tectonic provinces of Sulawesi.
484 T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511

the Lariang River, and the eastern part the ‘Lindugeochemical

region’, characteristics of the Paleogene and Neogene
after Lake Lindu. The central part of NW Sulawesi consistsigneous suites present in NW Sulawesi are discussed in
of a mountainous isthmus of land, only 20–40 km across, more detail in a separate paper (Elburg et al., 2003).
which has a northerly trend and is known as the ‘Neck Geographic
of names and locations of samples mentioned in
Sulawesi’. The northeastern part of the study area forms the present
part paper are shown in Fig. 1.
of the easterly trending north arm of Sulawesi. It is named
here the ‘Tolitoli region’ after the largest town in the area.
Roads are confined largely to coastal areas and the Palu- 2. Regional tectonic setting of Sulawesi
Koro Fault valleys. Rivers are for the most part unnavigable.
The geology of NW Sulawesi is dominated by Cretac- Sulawesi (formerly Celebes) is a headless body consist-
eous and Paleogene sedimentary and volcanic deposits ing of four narrow peninsulas known as ‘arms’, a ‘neck’ and
(Fig. 2). They comprise four formations: the Latimojonga ‘trunk’ (west-central Sulawesi), which are surrounded by
Formation, the Budungbudung Formation, the Tinombo deep gulfs (Fig. 1). It is located in a highly complex tectonic
Formation and the Papayato Volcanics. These formations
region where three major plates have been interacting from
are the main subject of the present paper. The formations the Mesozoic to the present day. The region has been
were first investigated by Dutch geologists between 1890
subdivided into four lithotectonic units, which are bounded
and 1930 (Ahlburg, 1913; Abendanon, 1915; Koperberg, by large-scaletectonic dislocations and thrustfaults
1929; Brouwer, 1934), and subsequently by the Geological(Sukamto, 1975; Hamilton, 1979). These are from west to
Survey of Indonesia in the 1970s and 1980s (Sukamto, east (Fig. 2):
1973; Ratman, 1976; Hadiwijoyo et al., 1993; Simandjuntak The West Sulawesi Plutono-Volcanic Arc which, as
et al., 1991a), in all cases thesestudies were on a mentioned above, can be divided into a continental margin
reconnaissance scale, supported only by limited paleonto- segment (Western Sulawesi) and a Tertiary island arc
logical and radiometric age dating. The presence of segment
oil seeps underlain by oceanic crust (Northern Sulawesi).
in Neogene rocks in the southwestern part of the Lariang Their geological evolution is discussed in Section 6.
region, which also contains the Budungbudung Formation, The Central Sulawesi Metamorphic Belt. The meta-
spurred intermittent hydrocarbon exploration, includingmorphic rocks consist of materials of both continental and
drilling, in the area between 1898 and 1998 (Witkamp, oceanic derivation, probably including Australian crust
1940; Norvick and Pile, 1976; Evans, 1991; Chamberlain (Parkinson, 1991; Charlton , 2000 ; Hall, 2002).
and Seago,1995 ) withoutresultingin an economic The East Sulawesi Ophiolite, a dismembered ophiolite
discovery. The same area was recently the subject ofthat a is tectonically intercalated with Mesozoic deep-sea
field-oriented PhD study carried out by Calvert (2000). sediments, and probably includes Indian Ocean MORB,
Consequently the Budungbudung Formation is relatively marginal basin crust and parts of the Sundaland fore-arc
better known than the other three formations. (Hall , 2002). It was in part thrust over the eastern periphery
Between 1971 and 2000, Rio Tinto undertook inter- of the metamorphic rocks in the middleOligocene
mittent mineral exploration in NW Sulawesi. This involved (Parkinson, 1991).
large regional surveys and more detailed investigations Continental fragments of Australian derivation (Buton-
(including detailed field mapping and drilling) of three Tukang and Besi-Banggai-Sula), which collided with east-
areas: Malala, Palu and Masabo-Budungbudung (Fig. ern 1), Sulawesi during the early Miocene and Pliocene,
which contain porphyry molybdenum (van Leeuwen respectively
et al, (Fortuin et al., 1990; Davidson, 1991; Smith
1994 and Silver, 1991; Davies, 1990; Hall, 1996, 2002).
), epithermal gold, and porphyry copper mineralization
respectively. During the course of this work 285 samples This apparently simple tectonic configuration of arc-
were collected from Cretaceous and Paleogone formations. accretion complex-ophiolite-continental fragments is not
From these samples 87 were selected for petrographic the result of a single arc-continental collision (e.g. Silver
examination, 78 for geochemical analysis, 99 foretbiostrati-
al., 1983), but is a consequence of multiple events, which
as yet are poorly understood (Hall and Wilson, 2000).
graphic classification of benthic and planktonic foraminifera
and nannofossils, 18 for Sr–Nd–Pb isotope analysis, and 10
for radiometric age dating. Foraminifera determinations
were made from standard petrographic thin sections.3. Geologic setting of NW Sulawesi (Figs. 2, 3)
The objectives of this paper are: 1. To integrate the
results of these analyses with the field observations made The by
basement of NW Sulawesi comprises three meta-
the authors and other Rio Tinto geologists over the past morphic complexes. The Malino Metamorphic Complex,
30 years, with published data and with unpublished oil is exposed in the southern part of the Tolitoli region,
company information, in order to elucidate the stratigraphy
consists dominantly of quartzo-feldspathic mica schists and
and tectonic setting of the Cretaceous and Paleogenegneisses. These are intruded by metagranitoids that have
successions; 2. To reconstruct the Cenozoic history ofyielded Early Carboniferous U/Pb zircon ages G 20and
Western and NorthernSulawesi.The isotopic and 320G 4 Ma). Older ages (up to 3500 Ma) have been
T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511 485

obtained frominherited zircons in metasediments and1. An acidic (SiO O 62%) high-K calc-alkaline (CAK)
metagranitoids. The old zircon ages and isotopic character-series, consisting of variously sized plutons of monzo-
istics of the host rocks indicate that the complex represents a quartz monzonite and leucocratic syenogranite,
continental fragment of Australian origin (van Leeuwen named the Dondo suite by Kavalieris et al. (1992), which
et al., in preparation). The second complex, the Palu are commonly fringed by contact metamorphic aureoles,
Metamorphic Complex, forms the backbone of the neck and comagmatic felsic volcanic rocks, which have a
and extends further to the south into the Palu Zone. It is more restricted distribution, and consist of the Ongka
made up of biotite schists and gneisses, amphibolites, and Volcanics (van Leeuwen et al., 1994) and Gimpu
amphibolitic schists and gneisses. Higher-grade rocks, Volcanics (Elburg et al., 2003). Early Pliocene felsic to
including granulite, eclogite and peridotite are locally intermediate volcanics reported by Norvick and Pile
present as tectonic slices, mostly along the Palu-Koro (1976) from the Lariang region probably also belong to
Fault zone. The Palu Metamorphic Complexcontains this series.
metasediments and metagranitoids (dated as Permo-Trias-2. A high-K calc-alkaline, shoshonitic and ultra potassic
sic) of Australian–New Guinea derivation, but also containsalkaline (high-K) series, that occurs as dykes, small
metabasites of MORB affinity, and possibly rocks of plutons, and less commonly, extrusive rocks; rock types
Sundaland parentage (van Leeuwen et al., in preparation). latite, trachyte, minette, melasyenite and nephe-
Finally, the third complex, the Karossa Metamorphic line gabbro (Elburg et al., 2003).
Complex, which is exposed in the SW part of the Lariang3.A dominantly medium-K calc-alkaline series of andesitic
region, consists of a metabasite unit, also of MORB affinity, dacitic composition that form dykes and small stocks,
and a dominantly metapelite unit (van Leeuwen et al., and is also found as abundant volcanic material in the
in preparation). The Palu and KarossaMetamorphic Buol Beds (Koperberg, 1929; Elburg et al., 2003).
Complexes may represent young metamorphic core com-
plexes (van Leeuwen et al., in preparation). The latter series occurs only in the eastern part of the
Tolitoli region, while the other two magma series are
The metamorphic complexes are overlain by the Late
exclusively found in the remaining part of the study area.
Cretaceous Latimojong Formation and Paleogene Budung-
Unconformablyoverlyingthe basementrocks and
budung Formation, Tinombo Formation and Papayato
younger formations are syn-to late orogenic deposits, that
Volcanics. The latter consists of a volcanic sequence with
are also found in other parts of Sulawesi and are collectively
rare sedimentary intercalations, whereas the other three
known as Celebes Molasse (Sarasin and Sarasin, 1901; van
formations are composed dominantly of marine sedimentary
Bernmelen, 1949). They include the Pasangkayu Formation
rocks. The units, which are moderately to strongly folded,
of Hadiwijoyo et al. (1993) in the Lariang region. Elsewhere
have undergone low-grade greenschist metamorphism and
they have been referred to as ‘Celebes Molasse of Sarasin
are intruded by mid-Eocene to mid-Oligocene stocks and
and Sarisin’ (Sukamto,1973;Ratman,1976 ). These
dykes, varying, in composition from gabbro and diorite to
deposits outcrop along the flanks of the main mountain
granodiorite and granite. chains and in intermontane basins. Rock types include
Neogene sedimentary deposits include the late Early weakly to moderately consolidated interbedded conglom-
Miocene to Early Pliocene Lisu Formation, a sequence of quartz sandstone, greywacke and mudstone with
interbedded mudstone, greywacke and pebbly greywacke subordinate intercalations of breccia, marl and coral lime-
with rare volcaniclastic intercalations, which conformably
stone. The Pasangkayu Formation has an age range of latest
overlies the Budungbudung Formation in the western partPliocene
Early of or Late Pliocene through to mid-Pleistocene
the Lariang region area (Calvert, 2000), and the Early–
(Calvert, 2000), based on paleontological data presented by
Middle Miocene Buol Beds in the Tolitoli region, that rest
Norvick and Pile (1976), Hadiwijoyo et al. (1993) and
unconformably on the Tinombo Formation and Papayato Chamberlain and Seago (1995),and the age of the
Volcanics, and comprise a well-bedded shallow marine underlying Lisu Formation. The presence Geophyoccipsa
series of sandstone, greywacke, mudstone and limestone oceanica , a Pleistocene nannofossil, and alunite clasts
(Koperberg, 1929; Ratman, 1976). Early and Middle derived from a hydrothermal system dated as 1.7 Ma in
Miocene limestones with abundant benthonic foraminifera,
deposits found along the western flank of the neck (van
occurring as outcrop, float and reworked material have been unpublished data) suggests a Pleistocene age of
observed in widely scattered localities in the Palu zone,
deposition. An (in part) Early Pliocene age is indicated for
neck, and western Tolitoli region (Sukamto, 1973; Norvick
deposits found in the Tolitoli region based on planktonic
and Pile, 1976; van Leeuwen, unpublished data), suggesting
foraminiferaassemblages reported by Ratman (1976),
that during the Early–Middle Miocene shallow marinewhich include Goloboquadrina altispira , Globigerinoides
carbonate deposition may have been widespread. ruber, G. immatures , andGloborotalia tumida.
During the Late Miocene and Pliocene NW SulawesiThe most prominent structural feature in NW Sulawesi is
witnessed widespread magmatic activity that produced the three
Palu or Palu-Koro Fault (Katili, 1970; Tjia, 1973), which
magma series: is a transtensional fault zone (Tjia, 1981; Bellier et al.,
486 T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511

1998 ). It can be traced from Donggala at the tip of the

Palu exposed to the south of the study area (Reyzer,
Bay for 300 km in a SSE direction. In a northerly direction
1920; Brouwer,it 1934; Simandjuntak e t al., 1991b; Ratman
may link up with the North Sulawesi Trench, that bounds and Atmawinata, 1993; Table 1A). Limited available age
the Celebes Sea Basin to the south (Hamilton, 1979;dates Silver(see below) support the latter interpretation.
et al., 1983). Near Palu, the fault zone consists of a major The Latimojong Formation overlies/flanks the Karossa
pull-apart basin that terminates some 40 km to the SSE Metamorphic
of Complex (in the few localities where the
this town. The basin is bounded in the west by a major fault, was observed it appeared to be tectonic) and is
forming a 2300 m high escarpment, and its sedimentary unconformably overlain by the Paleogene Budungbudung
infill dips gently west off an unconformity along the east
Formation and younger formations. Its thickness is at least
margin (Marten, 1999). The total horizontal offset on1000 thism (Simandjuntak et al., 1991a; Hadiwijoyo et al.,
fault system is poorly constrained, primarily because1993; of theCalvert, 2000).
absence of unambiguous displacement markers on either The pelitic rocks are dark grey to almost black, and
side of the fault. Paleomagnetic data (Surmont et al., include
1994), shale, slate, phyllite, mudstone, and argillite. The
distribution of theasymmetric magnetic anomalies of lighter coloured psammitic lithologies are predominantly
the Celebes Sea floor (Walpersdorf et al., 1998)and siltstone and fine-grained sandstone; coarser varieties are
geologic reconstructions (e.g. Silver et al., 1983; locally
Ranginwell developed. The sandstones are generally poorly
et al., 1990) suggest a total left-lateral offset of 200–250
sortedkm and composed of abundant matrix and angular to
(Walpersdorf et al., 1998). GPS measurements indicate that
subangular grains of quartz and plagioclase with variable
the Palu-Koro Fault slips at a rate of around 3.5–4.0amounts
cm. per of igneous clasts (including andesite and dacite)
year (Walpersdorf et al., 1998; Walpersdorf and Vigny, and subordinate hornblende, biotite, pyroxene, muscovite,
1998; Stevens et al., 1999). chert, and schist fragments. Petrographically they vary
in composition from arkose to greywacke. Intraforma-
tional conglomerates contain fragments of altered basaltic
4.Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous and Paleogene to andesitic rocks, sandstone, and rare limestone. The
volcanic sedimentary successions sedimentary rocks are in places carbonaceous and/or
calcareous. Locally they show graded bedding, ripples and
The pre-Neogene stratigraphic sequence in the Westernload structures. Bed thickness is variable, being generally
Sulawesi province consists of the Late Cretaceousmeasurable
Latimo- in decimeters, though beds over 1 m thick are
jong Formation and the Middle Eocene to earliest Miocene locally present. Bed contacts are usually sharp.
Budungbudung and Tinombo Formations. In the Northern A number of samples that we collected from several
Sulawesi province it comprises only one unit, the Papayato localities for paleontological dating all turned out to be
Volcanics, which is also Middle Eocene to earliest Miocene
barren. Chamberlain and Seago (1995) report Late Cretac-
in age (Fig. 3). Of the 99 samples collected from theseeous ages for nannofossil and foraminifera assemblages in
formations, 72 yielded datable nannofossil and benthonic six shale samples from the southwestern corner of the
and planktonic foraminifera assemblages. The results Lariang
are region. This is the only locality that until now has
summarized in Fig. 4. Details for each sample are yielded
in fossils. The fossil assemblages suggest a late
the taxanomic notes at the end of the paper. Reworking Campanian
of to early Maastrichtian range. U/Pb dating of
taxa does not appear to be significant. Summaries of zircons from a composite greywacke sample (NWS 1075)
formation names, ages and rock types given by previous collected from an area located 20 km SW of Palu yielded
workers for rocks assigned in this paper to the Latimojong,
ages ranging between 78 and 2600 Ma with peaks at around
Budungbudung and Tinombo Formations and Papayato 80–120, 200–270, 500–620, 650 and 1100 Ma; no Tertiary
Volcanics are presented in Table 1. ages were obtained (C. Allan, written communication,
2003). The presence Globotruncana
of fornicata fornicata
4.1.Latimojong Formation andG. stuartiformis in the Latimojong Formation exposed
to the south of the study area (Ratman and Atmawinata,
The mountainous parts of the Lariangregion are 1993
) these rocks in the Campanian to Maastrichtian.
predominantly underlain by a thick succession of weakly Thus the limited paleontological and radiometric age
metamorphosed pelitic and fine-grained psammitic evidence rocks, in and stratigraphic relationships suggest that the
places alternating monotonously with subsidiary intercala- Latimojong Formation is of Late Cretaceous age, most
tions of conglomerate, coarsesandstone, basalticto likely Campanian to early Maastrichtian.
andesitic lava and volcaniclastics, quartzite, chert and The Latimojong Formation displays several character-
limestone. Similar rocks are locally exposed in theistics
Lindu of distal turbidite deposits. The fine-grained nature of
region. Sukamto (1973) included this unit in the Tinombo the rocks indicates a remote source area. Rapid transpor-
Formation, believed to be Cretaceous to Eocene in tation
age, and burial without significant reworking is suggested
whereas Simandjuntak et al. (1991a) and Hadiwijoyoby etthe
al. angularity of the mineral and rock clasts, and the
(1993) correlate it with the Upper Cretaceous Latimojonggenerally fresh nature of the plagioclase. The poor sorting
T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511 487

Fig. 3. Chronostratigraphic diagram for NW Sulawsi. Time scale drawn from data in Berggren et al. (1995). Planktonic foraminiferal zones use the
nomenclature of Blow (1969, 1979) as modified by Bolli and Saunders (1985). Nannofossils zones use the nomenclature of Martini (1971) as
Perch-Nielsen by Larger foraminiferal letter stages are based on Adams (1970); their boundaries are calibrated to the time scale by strontium
isotope dating following the calibrations of McArthur et al. (2001).
488 T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511

Fig. 4. Age ranges for samples from the Paleogene formations. Black squares equal benthonic foraminifera determinations, open square planktonic
foraminifera determinations, and black circles nannofossil determinations.

and argillaceous content of the rocks is consistentoriginally

with introduced by Norvick and Pile (1976) to describe
deposition under still water conditions. Rhythmic alterna-
the predominantly sedimentary portion of the unit. These
tions of mudstone and siltstone/fine grained sandstone are assigned the volcanic rocks to the ‘Kambuno
probably turbidity current products. The locally developed
Volcanics’, which they thought were, at least in part,
coarse sandstone with interbedded conglomeratelaterally
facies may
equivalent to, and in places intercalated with, their
have been laid down in submarine channel complexes. Budungbudung Formation. Calvert (2000) retained the
name Budungbudung Formation, but interpreted the Kam-
4.2.Budungbudung Formation buno Volcanics to be older than Middle Eocene, probably
Late Cretaceous. A series of volcanics and intercalated
The Budungbudung Formation, as defined in this paper,sedimentary rocks exposed in the catchment area of
the Lebo River, a northern tributary of the Budungbudung
consists of a series of Middle Eocene to earliest Miocene
sedimentary and volcanic rocks that are exposed in the River, mapped by Hadiwijoyo et al. (1993) as ‘Lamasi
Volcanic Rocks’ is includedin the Budungbudung
southwestern part of the Lariang region and in two fault-
bounded blocks further to the north. The name was Formation, as defined in this paper (Table 1B).
T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511 489

Table 1
Summary of formation names, ages and rock types given by previous workers

(1)Author(s), (2) Formation Name, (3) Area Age Rock Types

A. Latimojong Formation: Late Cretaceous
(1)Sukamto (1973) Cretaceous to Eocene; no fossils; correlatedShale, sandstone, conglomerate, chert, volca-
(2)Tinombo Formation of Ahlburg (1913) as with Tinombo Formation in north Neck. nics.
used by Brouwer (1934)
(3)Lariang region
(1)Hadiwijoyo et al. (1993) Late Cretaceous; no fossils; correlated with Shale, slate, phyllite with intercalations of meta-
(2)Latimojong Formation Latimojong Formation in central–west Sula- claystone, sandstone and meta-sandstone.
(3)Lariang region wesi.
(1)Calvert (2000) Late Cretaceous based on nannofossil and Shale with varying amounts of siltstone and
(2)Upper Cretaceous rocks planktonic foraminifera assemblages reported
minor sandstone; volcanics assigned to Kam-
(3)Lariang region by Chamberlain and Saego (1996). buno Volcanics by Norvick and Pile (1976) are
tentatively included.
B. Budungbudung Formation: early Middle Eocene–earliest Miocene
(1)Norvick and Pile (1976) Eocene to Oligocene; based on planktonic and
Unindurated to slaty calcareous mudstone,
(2)Budungbudung Formation benthic foraminifera; associated and interfingers
tuffaceous sandstone, minor shelf limestone.
(3)S. Lariang region with Kambuno Volcanics.
(1)Norvick and Pile (1976) Eocene to Oligocene; based on relationship Volcanic
with breccias and lavas.
(2)Kambuno Volcanics Budungbudung Formation.
(3)S. Lariang region
(1)Hadiwijoyo et al. (1993) Late Oligocene to Early Miocene; based on Volcanic breccias, tuff, tuffaceous, sandstone,
(2)Lamasi Volcanic Rocks planktonic foraminifera assemblages (whichmarl.
(3)S. Lariang region fact indicate mid-Oligocene age).
(1)Calvert (2000) Middle Eocene to early Late Oligocene; based
Lower part dominantly sandstone with inter-
(2)Budungbudung Formation on nannofossils and planktonic and benthic calations of mudstone, conglomerate and lime-
(3)S. Lariang region foraminifera assemblages; Early Oligocene not
stone. Upper part mudstone with minor
identified. sandstone and tuff.
C. Tinombo Formation: early Middle Eocene–earliest Miocene
(1)Brouwer (1934) Cretaceous to Eocene; Middle–Late Eocene Dominantly phyllite and phyllic claystone;
(2)Tinombo Formation benthic foraminifera in limestone; pelagic intercalation of nummulitic limestone, andesite,
(3)Neck carbonates assumed to be Cretaceous. diabase,
Globigerina-bearing carbonates, grey-
wacke, sandstone
(1)Sukamto (1973) Eocene; based on benthic foraminifera in Shale, sandstone, conglomerate, limestone,
(2)Tinombo Formation of Ahlburg (1913) as limestone. Formation thought to overlie uncon-
used by Brouwer (1934) formably metamorphic complex.
(3)South neck
(1)Ratman (1976) Eocene to Early Oligocene; based on age range
Phyllite, slate, quartz sandstone, siltstone, red
(2)Tinombo Formation of Ahlburg (1913) of Nummulites
in limestone; possibly also chert, volcanics; greenschists in lower part.
(3)Tolitoli region Cretaceous as suggested by Brouwe r (1934).
D. Papayato Volcanics: Middle Eocene-earliest Miocene
(1)Koperberg (1929) Mesozoic; no fossils; possible Cretaceous Diabase, spillite, agglomerate, locally associ-
(2)Diabase Group globigerina found to the east of Tolitoli region.
ated with red limestone and radiolarian chert.
(3)Tolitoli region
(1)Ratman (1976) Late Cretaceous to Early Oligocene; no fossils;
Pillow lavas and agglomerates of basaltic to
(2)Volcanic Rocks based on possible interfingering relation with
andestic composition; silicified diabase and
(3)Tolitoli region Tinombo Formation. spillite; minor chert.

The Budungbudung Formation rests unconformably photographic

on interpretation, and conformable by Calver t
the Latimojong Formation. To the south of the study (2000)
area, inbecause of the apparent absence of significant
the Karama region, it passes laterally into and overlies
the differences between the two formations. The most
complete section of the Budungbudung Formation occurs in
marginal marine/terrestrial Middle to Late Eocene Kalum-
pang Formation (Calvert, 2000). Calver t (2000) placesthe both
Budungbudung River and its southern tributary, Sg.
formations in the Toradja Group, which is the equivalent of where its total estimated thickness is over 1500 m,
but this may include some fault repetition (Norvick and Pile ,
the Toradja Formation mapped by Ratman and Atmawinata
(1993) in west-central Sulawesi. The contact with the1976 ).In the most northerly block the formation is probably
more than 1000 m thick (Calvert, written communication,
overlying Lower Miocene to Lower Pliocene Lisu Formation
has nowhere been observed in the field. It is assumed 2004Hadiwijoyo
to).be et al. (1993) estimated a thickness of up to
unconformable by Norvick and Pile (1976), based on600m aerialfor the succession exposed in the Lebo River.
490 T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511

The predominantly sedimentary portion of the Budung- yielded ages ranging between early Middle Eocene and
budung Formation consists of slate, mudstone, arkose, earliestandMiocene (mostly Middle Eocene, Late Eocene, and
quartzose and volcaniclastic sandstones with intercalations early Late Oligocene). Nummulitic limestone samples
of nummulitic limestone, conglomerate and volcanics yielded
in the exclusively a Late Eocene (Tb) age. Earliest
lower (Eocene)part of the unit, and predominantly Oligocene ages (P18–P19) are reported from only a few
mudstones in the upper (Oligocene) part. localities in the Budungbudung area and northern fault
The Eocene mudstones are commonly interbeddedblock with (Norvick and Pile, 1976; Calvert, 2000). No latest
centimetre to decimetre thick, massive and normallyOligocene graded ages have been obtained. Hadiwijoyo et al.
fine sandstone and subordinate coarser sandstone or(1993) fine assign a Late Oligocene to Early Miocene age to
conglomerate. The mudstones locally have a high carbon- rocks exposed in the lower reaches of the Lebo River, but
aceous content and contain intercalations of tuff andthe lavareported
or planktonic foraminifera assemblage, which
intermixed tuffaceous material Conglomerates are well includesGlobigerina venezuelana , G. ovachitaensis
, Den-
developed in the northern zone, where they contain toglobigerina
clasts tripartite
andCatapsydrax dissimilis
, indi-
of phyllite, andesite and nummulitic limestone. In thecates a mid-Oligocene age (P20–P21).
Budungbudung area, conglomerates were observed in We collected a total of 34 samples for paleontological
several localities near the contact with the older formations.analysis,most of which containmoderately to well
Interbedded limestone beds are mostly wackestones preserved
and benthic and planktonic foraminifera and calcar-
lesser packstones, and up to 3 m thick. The sandstones eous nannofossil
and assemblages. These indicate age ranges
conglomerates are of volcanic, granitoid, and regional spanning the Middle Eocene and earliest Oligocene period
and contact metamorphic provenance. (Fig. 4, Appendix). No late Middle Eocene and earliest
The Oligocenemudstones are dominantlypinkish/ Oligocene assemblages were identified. All nummulitic
reddish (with pale green reduction spots) and pale green, limestone samples were dated as Late Eocene.
and commonly calcareous. Locally (e.g. in the upperThe available data indicate that the exposed bottom part
Budungbudung catchment area) they contain lenses of theand Budungbudung Formation is relatively well dated, i.e.
thin interbeds of volcaniclastic material. Norvick andearly Pile Middle Eocene (NP15, P10–P11; Chamberlain and
(1976) report a 100 m thick intercalation of felsic lava Saego,
in a 1995; Calvert, 2000; this study), but there is less
sequence of mudstones believed to be of Oligocenecertainty age. regarding the age of its top. Gulf Oil (in Norvick
In the Kepangi and Pangean Rivers (central zone) and marls Pile, 1976) obtained an earliest Miocene age (N4) from
with minor limestone interbeds are exposed, dated theasDodo
Late area. Similar ages are reported for three samples
Oligocene–earliest Miocene (Evans, 1991). collected from the northern fault block, i.e. N4 (Evans,
The dominantly volcanic member of the Budungbudung 1991 N4–N5,
), and P22–N4 (Bartram et al., 1991). Based on
Formation consists of various volcaniclastic rocks and Calvert’s (2000) interpretation that the Lisu Formation is
subordinate lava flows and dykes with intercalations notandolder than late Early Miocene and the fact that no mid-
lenses of sedimentary rocks containing Middle and Late Early Miocene ages have been reported, we tentatively
Eocene and mid-Oligocene fossil assemblages. Theplace volca- the top of the formation in the earliest Miocene. The
niclastics include volcanic breccias and sandstones, pyr- formation of nummulitic limestone was restricted to the
oclastics and hyaloclastics. The breccias are poorly sorted, Late Eocene. Regarding the paucity of earliest Oligocene
and matrix-or clast-supported. Both monomict and andpolymict
latest Oligocene–earliest Miocene dates, as observed by
varieties occur. The latter type contains sedimentary Calvert
(2000), this may be an artifact of sampling, or may
in addition to volcanic fragments. The volcaniclastic,be due to a lack of markerfossils. Other possible
sandstones consist typically of variable amounts of clasts explanations are that these two particular intervals are
of volcanics, volcaniclastics, sedimentary carbonate, condensed
bio- successions, form limited outcrops because of
clastic limestone, and plagioclase. The pyroclastic rocks faulting, or were largely removed by erosion. Reworked
include crystal–vitric tuff, lapilli tuff, and vitric tuffOligocene
that is in nannofossils (zones NP 23–24 and NP 24–25) are
part welded.The lavas,dykes and volcanicbreccia commonlyobserved in the overlying Lisu Formation
fragmentsare predominantly of basaltic to andesitic (Calvert, 2000).
composition; dacitic rocks are locally well developed, and The Budungbudung Formation exposed north of the
are also found as clasts in some polymict breccias. The Budungbudung
lavas River shows predominantly SE–NE mod-
are equigranular to porphyritic, mostly less than 2 merate thick,dips. Available paleontological data suggest the
and show autobrecciation and quenching textures, indica- following age sequencefrom west to east: Middle
ting deposition in water. Eocene–LateEocene–MiddleEocene–lateEarly–early
The age of the Budungbudung Formation is reasonably Late Oligocene–Late Eocene–early Late Oligocene (this
well constrained. Paleontological analyses of samples study; Calvert, 2000). Late Eocene rocks appear to have
collected from a number of widespread localities reported the widest distribution. Airborne magnetics interpretation
by Norvick and Pile (1976), Evans (1991) , Bartram et (,w rittencom., 2001),remotesensing
(1991) , Chamberlain and Seago (1995) and Calvertinterpretation(2000) (Matthews , 1991) and field observations
T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511 491

suggest the presence of a series of predominantly NEIn the type locality, the catchment of the Tinombo River,
trending faults (predominantly? high-angle reserve faults),
calcareous sandstone, sandy limestone Nummulites
with ,
which may explain the apparent juxtaposition of different
and calcareous conglomerate of Middle to? Late Eocene age
age groups. are the dominant rock types in the lower part of the exposed
The available evidence suggests that the volcanic sequence.
activity These are overlain by, and probably partly
that gave rise to the volcanic rocks occurring in the interfinger
SW part with, a series of slates/phyllites and greywackes,
of the Lariang region took place, at least in part, during
which in places alternate rhythmically. The pelitic sequence
Middle Eocene to mid-Oligocene times, and not exclusively contains intercalations of basaltic to andesitic lavas and
during pre-Middle Eocene times (with subsequent rework- somevolcaniclastics, and pelagic carbonates dated as
ing) as suggested by Calvert (2000). Middle Eocene to Middle Oligocene (see below). Float
The Eocene part of the Budungbudung Formation was observations suggest that the upper part of the Tinombo
deposited in a shelf environment between the inner to outer
River catchment is also dominantly underlain by pelitic and
neritic zones in water depths less than 200 m (Calvert, fine-grained psammitic rocks; paleontological analyses of
2000 ), withNummulitesshoals having formed acrossseveral
the pelagic carbonate float samples yielded Oligocene to
region during the Late Eocene. Some of the limestones wereMiocene ages (see below).
deposited in high-energy fore-reef environments, as indi- Greywackes and sandstones are relatively abundant in
cated by the presence of robust forams, which are theoften
southern part of the neck. In this area the greywackes are
broken, whereas common miliolids, high proportion composed
of mud predominantly of quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar
and scarcity of planktonic forams suggest depositionand in biotite,and granitic,volcanic,sedimentary and
quiet lagoonal environments in other cases. During the metamorphic rock fragments. North of the Tinombo River
Oligocene, mudstones were laid down in marginallyplagioclase,
deeper hornblende, augite, and fragments of mafic to
waters (outer neritic–upper bathyal) (Norvick and Pile,intermediate igneous rocks are common constituents of the
1976; Calvert , 2000; Evans, 1991), locally exceeding greywackes, whereas K-feldspar, biotite and metamorphic
200m, as suggested by the benthic foraminifera assem- rock fragments are virtually absent.
blages reported by Hadiwijoyo et al. (l993) from the lower Nummuliticlimestonesoccur in widely scattered
Budungbudung River, which include
Gyroidinasp.,Nodo- localities in the neck and southern fault block as lenses
sariasp.,Clamdulimasp.andBrazalinasp.Volcanic rocks and thin beds in volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The
were deposited in the marine basin(s), and reworked to carbonates have been observed only in the northern
variable extent. part of the neek and in the Tolitoli region.
The lavas, which are commonlyporphyritic,and
4.3.Tinombo Formation associated volcaniclastic rocks vary in composition from
basalt, through basaltic andesite and andesite, to dacite and
The Tinombo Formation (Ahlburg, 1913) is a thick,rhyolite. Andesitic rocks dominate. The volcanic rocks are
strongly folded sequence of weakly metamorphosed moderately sedi- to strongly altered.Alteration assemblages
mentary and subordinate volcanic rocks that is widely include sericite, illite, chlorite, epidote, biotite, actinolite
and carbonate,
exposed in the neck and Tolitoli region. It is also present in a indicating that the Tinombo Formation has
fault-bounded block west of the Palu-Koro Fault, and undergone
in the low-grade greenschist metamorphism.
Donggala Peninsula. The sedimentary lithologies consist The age of the Tinombo Formation is poorly constrained.
dominantly of pelitic rocks (slates to phyllites) withBrouwer (1934) demonstrated that it is in part Eocene, but
interbedded greywacke, and subordinate radiolarian believed
chert, the pelagic carbonates and associated rocks to be
conglomerate, quartzite, arkosic, sandstone, nummulitic probably Late Cretaceous. Sukamto (1973) and Sukamto
limestone, dark dense limestone, and various otherand Simandjuntak (1983) also assumed a Late Cretaceous–
Eocene age for the Tinombo Formation, and Ratman (1976)
eous rocks. The latter include reddish, greenish to greyish
an Eocene to Early Oligocene age (Table 1C). The Tinombo
marl, limestone, calcareous mudstone, and marly limestone,
which commonly contain planktonic foraminifera and Formation overlies the Palu Metamorphic Complex and
flanks the Malino Metamorphic Complex in the west and
nannofossils, and for simplicity are referred to as ‘pelagic
northwest. The contact with the former is thought to be an
carbonates’. The volcanic rocks (lavas and volcaniclastics)
occur as intercalations in the sedimentary sequence,angular or in a unconformity (Sukamto, 1973), whereas that with
few places as the dominant lithology. the latter is interpreted to be of tectonic origin related to the
The thickness of the Tinombo Formation has been uplift of the MMC (van Leeuwen et al., in preparation).
estimated toCbe 8000m along the Palassa River (Ratman, We collected a total of 56 nummulitic limestone and
1976 ) andC 2500m along the lower and middle reaches pelagic
of carbonate samples for paleontological analyses. Of
the Tinombo River (GRDC, 1993). However, as in both these 16 were barren or contained very poorly preserved
localitiesthe rocks are stronglyfolded and faulted fossils. The results are presented in Fig. 4 and Appendix.
(Brouwer, 1934; Ratman, 1976), these thicknesses should They suggest an age range of early Middle Eocene to
be regarded as order of magnitude estimates only. earliestMiocenefor the TinomboFormation,which
492 T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511

contradicts previous estimates. The occurrence of well-bedded

nummu- sequences of alternating felsic and mafic rocks.
litic limestone appears to be restricted to the Eocene.
The sedimentary intercalations are composed of calcareous
Oligocene–earliest Miocene rocks have been identified mudstone,
only red limestone, greywacke and minor radiolarian
from the northern part of the neck and western Tolitoli chert. Red limestone is the most conspicuous rock type.
region. Field relationships and limited available radiometric
It is hard, massiveand thickly bedded, and contains
age dates (see below) suggest that the volcanic rocks abundant,
and but poorly preserved pelagic foraminifera. It
associated granitoids were formed during the mid-Eocene commonly to fills interstices between pillows and autobrec-
mid-Oligocene. ciated fragments in underlying basalt. The volcanics have
The paleontological data, combined with sedimentary undergone low greenschist facies metamorphism.
characteristics, reflect deposition in a variety of settings. The The
stratigraphic position and age of the Papayato
abundant presence of benthic foraminifera and paucity
Volcanics of are poorly constrained. In the study area the base
planktonics in the Middle and Upper Eocene nummulitic of the volcanic sequence has nowhere been observed. The
limestones, found scattered throughout the neck, indicate formation occurs adjacent to the Malino Metamorphic
shallow marine sedimentation in lagoons, bars and the south, east and northeast, but the contact is
A high-energy shelf setting is indicated for the basal tectonic
exposedin origin, probably related to the uplift of the
part of the Tinombo Formation in the type locality, which is
metamorphic complex (van Leeuwen et al., in preparation).
dominated by well-sorted sandstones accompaniedItby is unconformably overlain by the Early–Middle Miocene
subordinate conglomerates. The overlying (partly interfin- Buol Beds in the study area, and by the Early Miocene
gering) sequence of Middle Eocene–early Late Oligocene Dolokapa Formation further to the east (Trail et al., 1974;
pelitic rocks, which in places are interbedded with siltstones,
Kavalieris et al., 1992). Ratman (1976) suggests that the
fine sandstones, and rare pelagic carbonates was Papayato
in interfinger with the Tinombo Formation
an open marine, deeper environment, affected from and timeassumes
to their age to be Late Cretaceous–Early
time by turbidity currents. The limited data available for the Koperberg (1929) assigned a Mesozoic age to
younger (latest Oligocene–earliest Miocene) part of the the unit (Table 1D). The following age dates are available
formation suggests a similar environment. for the Papayato Volcanics exposed to the east of the study
area: 1. near Labunaka, Rangin et al. (1997) observed
4.4.Papayato Volcanics reworked Upper Eocene limestone lenses in deep sea
sediments overlying pillow lavas; 2. Trail et al. (1974) and
The Papayato Volcanics comprise a bimodal suite of GRDC (1997) obtainedEarly Mioceneagesfor red
limestone intercalations several
mafic and less voluminous felsic volcanic rocks that contain in ´
locations; 3. Polve
et al. (1997)
rare sedimentary intercalations and are locally intruded by report whole rock K/Ar ages ranging between
co-magmatic stocks of gabbro and diorite. The formation 4
0–50 is and 22 Ma for six extrusive and intrusive Papayato
widely exposed in the Tolitoli region and to the east Volcanics
of the samples collected at widespread localities; and
study area, having a total strike length of around calcareous
The nannofossil assemblages in three samples
volcanics are predominantly island arc tholeiites, but collected
high-K from the middle part of the north arm have the
calc-alkaline varieties also occur (Elburg et al., 2003).following age ranges: Late, Eocene–Late Oligocene–Early
The name Papayato Volcanics was first proposed by Oligocene–Early
Trail Mioceneand Late Oligocene–Early
et al. (1972), and subsequently adopted by Kavalieris Miocene
et al. (van Leeuwen, unpublished data).
(1992) , van Leeuwen et al. (1994) and Elburg et al. (2003). We collected 16 limestone samples for planktonic
Other authors(e.g. Trail et a l ., 1974; Sukamto and foraminiferaand nannofossil analyses. Precise fossil
Simandjuntak, 1983; ´Polve et al., 1997) regard the determination
unit as was hampered by the compact nature of the
a volcanic member of the Tinombo Formation. We prefer limestone
to and generally poor preservation of the fossil
treat the Papayato Volcanics as a separate unit, because assemblages.
the The common presence Cyclicargolithus
two formations were formed in different tectonic settings.floridanus , a calcareous nannofossil, indicates a maximum
The mafic rocks (predominantly olivine-free basalt)age range of Middle Eocene–Middle Miocene. Narrower
occur as lavas, volcanic breccias and dykes. Lava flows ranges could be established for nine samples: Middle
have a pillowed, autobrecciated or massive morphology, Eocene to early Late Eocene, Early Oligocene, late Early–
and commonly show evidence of vesiculation. Vesicles early Late
are Oligocene and latest Oligocene–earliest Miocene
spherical to almond-shaped, predominantly 0.50 m –(Fig. 2 cm 4; Appendix).
in diameter, and filled with calcite, zeolites or chalcedony. Based on the limited evidence presented above we
The dykes are usually less than 2 m thick and locallyconclude
occur tentatively that the magmatism that produced
as dense dyke swarms. The felsic volcanics, which are the Papayato Volcanics commenced during the Middle
particularly well developed in the Bukal area and in the Eocene and continued into the earliest Miocene.
southeastern part of the Tolitoli region, are present asCarlile
lava et al. (1990) note that the association of basaltic
flows, pyroclastics (partly reworked), dykes and lavavolcanics and interbedded pelagic limestone, red mudstone
domes. In the latter area we observed in several and locations
radiolarian chert, intruded by swarms of basaltic dykes,
T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511 493

Table 2
Radiometric age data for Paleogene igneous rocks from NW Sulawesi

No. Unit Rock Type Method Material Age (Ma) Source

NWS 53* Tinombo-Budong- Qtz diorite K/Ar Hornblende 44.5G 0.9 1
budong suite
NWS 25* Bt granodiorite K/Ar Hornblende 37.5G 0.3 1
NWS 1051* Tonalite U/Pb Zircon 51.5 2
TS 140A Basalt dyke K/Ar Whole rock 34.46G 0.78 3
TS 142A Basalt dyke K/Ar Feldspar 44.04G 2.72 3
KS 63B Andesite dyke K/Ar Feldspar 44.13G 1.21 3
Whole rock 52.65G 1.44
Granodiorite K/Ar Feldspar 31 4
Granodiorite FT Zircon 29.50G 2.13 5
Apatite 29.27G 2.53 5
NWS 11* Renangkali granite 2-mica gr dyke K/Ar Muscovite 33.4G 0.2 1
NWS 14* 2-mica gr dyke K/Ar Muscovite 34.40.7 1
NWS 309* 2-mica granite K/Ar Biotite 13.6G 0.3 7
Ar/Ar Biotite 22.4 6
Muscovite 41.9
NWS 311* 2-mica granite K/Ar Biotite 4.2G 0.1 7
2-mica granite Ar/Ar Biotite 6.2–6.8 6
NWS 312 2-mica granite Ar/Ar Biotite 5.8–6.0 6
Muscovite 36.6
NWS 313* 2-mica ranite Ar/Ar Biotite 19.4 6
NWS 549* 2-mica gr dyke Ar/Ar Muscovite 40.1 6

´ (2002); 3) Polve et al.

Location of samples marked with * are shown on Fig. 1. Sources: 1) Elburg et al. (2003); 2) C. Allen, written communication
(1997);4) Sukamto (1973);5) Saefuddin (1994);6) Vasconcelos (2000); 7) van Leeuwen, unpublished data.

is characteristic of rocks that formed on an ocean floor,

on their commonly close spatial association and similarities
as previously observed by van Bemmelen (1949) andin geochemistry and mineral compositions (van Leeuwen,
Trail et al., (1974), whereas on the other hand the abundant
unpublished data). Limited K/Ar and fission track dates
presence of large vesicles suggests water depths of available
less thanfor intrusive and dyke samples show an age range
300m, as suggestedby modem (ocean ridge) basalt between 51.5 and 30 Ma. (Table 2).
analogues (Jones , 1969). However, neither situation would Mineralogically and chemically different from the
seem to be applicable. The geochemical features of Tinombo-Budungbudung
the suite is a two-mica peraluminous
Papayato Volcanics clearly point to a subduction-related
granite exposed
arc in the catchment area of the Renangkali River
origin (Elburg e t al., 2003; Section 5), and the natureandofadjacent
the areas, east of Tompe. Late dykes of similar
intercalated limestone indicates water depths incomposition
excess of cut the granite and basement rocks. This granitic
500m (A. Wonders, written com., 1997). The presence suite,
of named Renangkali Granite by Elburg et al . (2003 ),
Cyclammina sample CSW III also yielded K/Ar and Ar/Ar ages ranging from 34 to 42 Ma for
indicates deeper water conditions of at least several muscovite,
hundred and 22.4 to 5.8 Ma for biotite (Table 2). The
metres. Regarding the presence of large vesicles, themuscovite
work ages are interpreted to represent the time of
of Jones (1969) only applies to MOR basalts, which usually
have a rather low volatile content, whereas most to arcbebasalts
(partially) reset by (a) later event (s), including a major
have a much higher volatile content, and consequently metamorphic/uplift
large event that took place between 7–5 and
vesicles could form at greater depths in an arc environment
2 Ma (van Leeuwen et al., in preparation; Section 7).
(Hall, written communication, 2004). Based on the above The intrusive rocks are altered to varying degree and
considerations we interpret the Papayato Volcanics commonly
to have exhibit signs of moderate to strong deformation
developed as a submarine volcanic arc under relatively
deep extinction in quartz, recrystallization alonggrain
water conditions. boundaries, kink banding, and in the case of the Renangkali
Granite also weak foliation defined by preferred orientation
4.5.Paleogene intrusive suites of micas and crude segregation of feldspar and quartz).

A number of small plutons, up to 4 km in diameter, and

dykes intrude the Budungbudung and Tinombo Formations,
5.Geochemical affinities of the volcanic and sedimentary
and underlying basement rocks. Rock types include diorite,
quartz diorite, granodiorite, and subordinate gabbro and
granite.These intrusive rocks arebelievedtobeco-magmatic
NW Sulawesi is an ideal place to test the model that the
with the Budungbudung and Tinombo volcanic rocks,West basedSulawesi Plutono-Volcanic
Arc consists of two
494 T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511

Table 3
Whole rock analysis of representative samples

Sample no. CWS 110 NWS 760 NWS 676 NWS 620 CS1 NWS 201 NWS 75 NWS 730
Sample type volcanic volcanic volcanic volcanic volcanic volcanic volcanic volcanic
SiO2 61.36 63.94 56.87 58.48 75.88 52.87 50.54 61.02
Al2O3 14.16 16.87 19.79 16.56 13.1 18.59 14 18.51
Fe2O3 5.58 6.38 5.93 6.18 1.66 7.17 7.84 6.88
MnO 0.11 0.052 .015 0.136 0.01 0.14 0.16 0.176
MgO 1.04 0.76 1.19 4.26 0.32 2.97 5.58 3.91
CaO 4.33 0.96 7.29 7.96 0.73 4.96 14.67 1.31
Na2 O 5.69 8.32 2.69 3.06 4.96 6.53 1.42 6.28
K2 O 1.39 0.31 2.08 0.43 2.26 0.94 0.05 0.16
TiO2 0.92 0.59 1.12 1.01 0.15 0.78 0.62 0.83
P2O5 0.34 0.13 0.17 0.13 0.04 0.20 0.2 0.36
LOI 3.18 1.05 3.14 2.34 1.5 3.42 3.99 1.05
Total 98.18 99.25 100.19 100.45 100.32 98.58 99.45 100.21
Sc 26 13 14 28 N.A 19 N.A 20
V 155 108 196 155 10 194 233 165
Cr 130 91 K 20 108 210 33 267 166
Co 39 8 9 16 1 15 39 25
Ni 0.75 17 24 45 K 15 K 15 81 73
Cu 25 14 K 10 805 12 52 68 83
Zn 56 41 47 67 41 65 41 57
Ga 12 12 18 15 10 17 15 22
Ge 1.07 K1 1 1 K1 1 0.75 2
Rb 25 6 63 15 54 20 2.2 9
Sr 1250 381 269 229 127 164 457 213
Y 34.52 6 2 22 26 23 13.9 17
Zr 16 114 101 137 164 93 69 145
Nb 5.78 3 3 4 5 2 1.65 7
Cs 0.58 1.1 1.7 0.32 1.8 K 0.5 0.25 2.2
Ba 498 51 153 123 303 102 13 77
La 17.36 9.3 2.3 6.1 19 3.9 4.65 26.5
Ce 37.79 15.8 3.7 23.1 41 17 11.47 52.9
Pr 4.99 1.8 0.37 2.93 4.97 2.27 1.63 6.03
Nd 22.31 6.5 1.4 12.4 20 11 7.85 23.1
Sm 5.24 1.2 0.3 3 4.1 3.1 2.26 4.3
Eu 1.49 0.68 0.82 1.04 0.55 1.09 0.62 1.04
Gd 6 1.1 0.3 3.5 4.3 3.5 2.17 3.7
Tb 0.85 0.2 K 0.1 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.37 0.6
Dy 5.53 1.1 0.4 3.9 4.4 3.8 2.28 3.1
Ho 1.1 0.2 K 0.1 0.8 1 0.8 0.48 0.6
Er 4.39 0.7 0.3 2.5 2.9 2.4 1.63 2
Tm 0.43 0.13 0.06 0.39 0.47 0.38 0.2 0.31
Yb 2.93 0.9 0.5 2.6 2.8 2.5 1.34 2.1
Lu 0.42 0.14 0.08 0.38 0.46 0.39 0.21 0.32
Hf 4.23 2.7 2.4 3.4 5 2.7 1.1 3.7
Ta 0.45 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.11 0.6
Pb 5.5 K5 K5 18 7 5 2.5 5
Th 5.55 2.2 1 3.2 14 3.16 1.78 7.1
U 1.26 0.6 0.7 0.7 2.6 0.7 0.33 1.5

Sample no. NWS 41C NWS 745 NWS 245 NWS 74 NWS 938 NWS 796 NWS 213 NWS 722
Sample type volcanic volcanic volcanic volcanic greywacke greywacke greywacke greywacke
SiO2 57 57.32 74.9 45.2 70.75 69.4 67.24 47.4
Al2 O3 15.2 16.28 11.6 20.85 11.18 14.36 15.08 15.9
Fe2 O3 10.8 7.32 3.46 8.9 4.43 4.03 4.45 8.72
MnO 0.18 0.123 0.02 0.16 0.052 0.841 0.044 0.14
MgO 3.3 3.16 0.26 5.77 2.14 1.8 1.13 10.82
CaO 4.16 8.07 0.41 9.82 2.47 0.12 0.14 9.18
Na2 O 5.9 4.0 5.58 2.54 3.76 1.02 2.2 2.49
K2 O 0.08 0.19 0.13 1.32 0.68 2.79 2.07 0.67
Ti O2 1.03 0.62 0.18 0.65 0.558 0.71 0.99 1.16
(continued on next page
T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511 495

Table 3 (continued

Sample no. NWS 41C NWS 745 NWS 245 NWS 74 NWS 938 NWS 796 NWS 213 NWS 722
Sample type volcanic volcanic volcanic volcanic greywacke greywacke greywacke greywacke
P2O5 0.13 0.13 0.05 0.10 0.11 0.14 0.19 0.14
LOI 2.23 3.6 1.19 4.25 4.13 5.04 5.29 2.02
Total 100.01 100.71 99.49 99.56 100.27 99.35 98.71 98.7
Sc 36 35 9 38 13 13
V 286 247 12 235 81 107 164 236
Cr 49 70 159 26 302 181 137 431
Co 29 19 2 37 13 12 10 46
Ni 13 17 21 16 49 43 48 212
Cu 20 43 K5 95 96 28 27 212
Zn 62 69 23 67 K 30 31 K 30 72
Ga 17 18 16 16 11 15 18 17
Ge 0.9 2 0.5 0.8 1 1 1 1
Rb 1 K2 13 19 24 103 75 16
Sr 68 123 36 531 157 39 108 378
Y 22.8 19 42.8 11.9 17 11 19 23
Zr 52 46 154.8 26 140 203 225 80
Nb 1.17 K1 1.85 1.35 5 7 7 4
Cs 0.03 K 0.5 1.07 0.05 1.9 4.2 7.6 96
Ba 215 18 8.71 130 68 2.35 433 69
La 2.68 1.1 5.26 3.36 17.3 21.6 18.5 24
Ce 7.52 3.1 12.9 7.77 34.2 38.8 37.3 19.1
Pr 1.092 0.56 1.917 0.95 4.06 4.39 4.55 2.74
Nd 6.64 3.4 11.35 5.14 16.1 15.8 17.6 12.2
Sm 2.42 1.4 3.83 1.6 3.4 2.4 3.5 3.0
Eu 0.89 0.62 0.99 0.62 0.88 0.47 1.03 0.88
Gd 3.19 2 4.86 1.9 3.2 1.7 3.4 3.3
Tb 0.58 0.5 0.92 0.32 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.6
Dy 3.91 3.2 6.76 2.14 3 1.8 3.5 3.7
Ho 0.84 0.7 1.47 0.44 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.8
Er 2.65 2.3 4.97 1.4 1.9 1.5 2.4 2.3
Tm 0.385 0.38 0.757 0.207 0.28 0.25 0.4 0.36
Yb 2.61 2.5 5.48 1.27 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.3
Lu 0.432 0.36 0.925 0.198 0.26 0.27 0.42 0.33
Hf 1.59 1.5 4.89 0.79 3.5 5.0 5.6 2.4
Ta 0.052 K 0.1 0.14 0.081 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.38
Pb 6 K5 K5 K5 6 K5 K5 K
Th 0.462 0.1 0.87 0.83 5 6.6 7.6 1.5
U 0.092 K 0.1 0.36 0.18 1.1 1.6 1.8 0.62

LF, Latimojong Formation; BF, Budungbudung Formation; TF, Tinombo Formation; (N), (D), (TT), samples taken from the neck, Donggala Peninsula
and Tolitoli region respectively; PV, Papayato Volcanics; M, Mafic; F, felsic; KCA, high-K calc-alkaline.

distinct provinces, i.e. an island arc system built on are

shown in Table 3 and plotted as extended spidergrams
crust (NorthernSulawesi)and a continentalmargin (Fig. 5). The analyses were undertaken by Actlab in Canada.
(Western Sulawesi), as it straddles both domains. Different
Elburg et al. (2003) provide a description of the analytical
methods used and discuss some of the results. Based on their
tectonic environments may impart distinctive geochemical
geochemical characteristics these authors subdivide the
signatures to volcanic and sedimentary rocks, and therefore
geochemical investigations may be useful to fingerprint Papayato Volcanics into three groups: mafic, felsic and
high-K calc-alkaline, and the volcanics associated with the
magmas and sediments from different settings. As observed
Tinombo Formation into four groups: Tinombo Volcanics
by Rollinson (1993), such investigations are most fruitful
when a particular model or hypothesis is being tested. (located in the neck and fault-block adjacent to the Palu-
We carried out geochemical investigations of a suite Koro
of fault),Tinombo Volcanics Donggala (Donggala Penin-
volcanic and sedimentary rocks from the Latimojong,sula), and Tolitoli Volcanics A and B (western Tolitoli
Budungbudung and Tinombo Formations and Papayato region). The paper of Elburg et al. (2003) does not include
Volcanics, and examined the spatial distribution of thedata on the volcanics from the Latimojong and Budungbu-
dung Formations.
geochemical data. Whole rock analyses of selected samples
496 T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511

(Elburg et al., 2003), a feature that has been commonly

observed in both modern and ancient oceanic arcs (e.g.
Morrison, 1980; Gill and Whelan, 1989;¨ Muller et al.,
1992; Stern et al., 1995). The low concentrations of LILE,
LREE and HFSE shown by the high-K rocks are typical
of high-K volcanic rocks formed in a late oceanic-arc
setting (Muller et al., 1992).
We have plotted the results for the various volcanic suites
on four tectonomagmatic discrimination diagrams that use
relatively immobile elements (Fig. 6). The four plots show
the following main features: 1. the various igneous suites are
all subduction-related volcanic arc rocks, a feature that
is also indicated by their spider diagrams, i.e. negative
Nb, Ta and Ti anomalies and positive spikes at K, Pb
and Sr (Fig. 5), and 2. on each diagram the Latimojong,
Budungbudung, Tinombo and Tolitoli A samples plot
consistently in the continental arc field, the Papayato
samples predominantly in the oceanic arc field, and the
Tinombo Donggala and Tolitoli B samples in both fields.
The various diagrams support an oceanic arc setting for the
high-K Papayato volcanics. Tolitoli A sample MB2, a
picrite with MgO 29%, Zr 0.2%, Cr 0.3% and Ni 0.1%,
which may represent a primary magma, plots in the depleted
mantle field.
The isotopic compositions of the various igneous suites,
Fig. 5. Chondrite normalized trace element patterns for selectedincluding
samples at intrusive rocks, obtained by Elburg et al. (2003)
similar SiO
2 content (49–51%), except NWS 250 (68%SiO2). Normal- show a similar picture, with Papayato and Tolitoli B
ization factors from Sun and McDonough (1989).
volcanics resembling those of oceanic arc rocks, such as the
products of the Sangihe Arc (143Nd/144Nd 0.512874–
0.513006), and the other rocks units showing generally
Chemically, the most distinctive features of continental
lower Nd isotopic ratios (0.512602–0.512797) that are
marginvolcanicsuitescomparedto thoseeruptedin
similar to those of continental arc rocks, or magmas that
oceanic arcs are the higher concentrations of K, Sr, Rb, have suffered contamination with sedimentary materials
Ba, Zr, Th and U, which are largely explained in terms of
(Elburg et al., 2003).
crustal involvement in the petrogenesis of the magmas, Turning to the geochemical features of the sedimen-
although such a signature can also be inherited fromtary the rocks of NW Sulawesi, on the basis that different
subduction of continentally derived sediments (Wilson ,
tectonic environmentshave distinctiveprovenance
1989). Using this criterionmost of the Latimojong, characteristics and are characterized
by distinctive
Budungbudung, Tinombo, Tinombo Donggala and Tolitoli sedimentary processes, various discrimination diagrams
B volcanic samples show a continental margin affinity, for clastic sediments have been proposed using either
and the Papayato and Tolitoli A volcanic samples anmajor elements or trace elements such as La, Th, Zr, Nb,
oceanic arc affinity (Table 3; Fig. 5). Y, Sc and Co (e.g. Bhatia, 1983; Bhatia and Crook,
The Papayato Volcanics show a bimodal distribution 986;
1 Roser and Korsch, 1986, 1988). Diagrams designed
(mafic–felsic) and are predominantly of low-K affinity. forIngreywackes are particularly useful, as these rocks are
contrast, the Latimojong, Budungbudung and Tinombo immature sediments containing a significant volume of
igneous suites belong mostly to the calc-alkaline magma lithic fragments from which provenance may be ident-
seriesand show a greaterproportionof intermediate ified (Rollinson, 1993).
rocks. In modern island arcs tholeiitic rocks are dominant We have plottedanalyticalresultsfor a suite of
in arcs related to the rapid subduction of old lithosphere greywacke samples from the Latimojong, Budungbudung
beneath thin oceanic crust, and are commonly associated and TinomboFormationsand PapayatoVolcanicson
with back-arc basin formation, whereas relatively high variousmajor elementand trace elementdiagrams
proportions of intermediate calc-alkaline rocks are charac- designedby Bathia (1983) and Bathia and Crook
teristic of more mature island arcs underlain by thicker (1986). All plots show similar trends and therefore only
crust (e.g. Gill, 1981; Stern et al., 1995). There is some one diagram (La–Th–Sc) is shown (Fig. 7). The diagrams
evidence to suggest that the high-K Papayato Volcanics suggest an oceanic island arc setting for the Papayato
rocks were produced late in the evolution of the arc samplesand a continentalisland arc settingfor
T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511 497

Fig. 6. Trace element tectonomagmatic discrimination diagrams. (a) Th–Hf–Ta diagram for basaltic to silicic lavas (after Wood, 1980). The fields are:
A and B,
MORB; C, within plate basalts; D, volcanic-arc lavas, divided in primitive arc tholeiites (D1) and calc-alkaline lavas (D2); (b) Diagram for basalts and
andesites based upon Zr/Y–Zr variations. The shaded area is the field of overlap between the two basalt types (after Pearce, 1983); (c) Th/Yb versus
Ta/Yb plot for basalts and basaltic andesites (after Pearce, 1983). Dashed lines separate the boundaries of the tholeiitic (TH), calc-alkaline (CA) and
fields; (SH)
(d) La/Yb–Sc/Ni diagram for andesites (after Bailey, 1981).

the Latimojong and Budungbudung samples and Tinombo Cretaceous to Paleogene. The volcanic rocks and grey-
samples from the neck, whereas the Tinombo samples wackes from the western Tolitoli region, which may be
from the Tolitoli region plot in both fields. Greywackeregarded as the contact zone between the two provinces,
samplescollectedfrom the Latimojongand Tinombo give ‘mixed signals’,suggestingthat both domains
Formationsyielded87Sr/86SrratiosO 0.0706(Elburg impacted their geochemical signatures on the rocks in
this area. The Tinombo Donggala samples also show both
et al., 2003), implying contiguity to a continental margin
(Howell, 1989). oceanic arc and continental margin features. Interestingly,
Thus the geochemical and isotopic compositions of the original position of the Tinombo Donggala volcanics,
prior to a 250 km left lateral shift along the Palu-Koro
various volcanic and sedimentary suites in general support
a continental margin arc setting for Western Sulawesi Fault
and(see above),was closerto the westernTolitoli
an oceanic arc setting for Northern Sulawesi during the
498 T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511

Subordinate volcanicrocks of basic to intermediate

composition are intercalated in the sedimentary sequences.
The only geochemical data available for these rocks are the
ones obtained in this study. As discussed above they show
subduction-related continental arc characteristics, support-
ing a fore-arc setting above a subduction zone. The main
magmatic arc was located probably further to the west in
East Kalimantan (e.g. Hamilton, 1979; Sikumbang, 1986,
1990 It
). is generally assumed that eastern Kalimantan and
Western Sulawesi were positioned closer prior to the mid-
Paleogene, based on similarities in Meosozoic and early
Paleogene stratigraphy (Hamilton, 1979; van Leeuwen,
), fabrics (Calvert, 2000), and paleomagnetic
data (Haile, 1978; Sasajima et al., 1980; Fuller et al., 1999).
Isotopiccompositions availablefor Latimojongand
Tinombo Formation sediments from NW Sulawesi (Elburg
Fig. 7. La–Th–Sc discrimination diagram for greywackes (after Bhatia and
et al., 2003) are very similar to those of Upper Cretaceous
Crook, 1986). The fields are: (A) oceanic island arc; (B) continental margin
arc; (C) foreland basin margin; (D) passive continental margin. Abbrevi- rocks in the south arm of Sulawesi and Sumba
(Vroon et al., 1996; Elburg and Foden, 1999), which
ations: LF, Latimojong Formation, neck; IT, Tinombo Formation, Tolitoli
region; PV, Papayato Volcanics. according to Vroon et al. (1996) have a Sundaland isotopic
signature, including relatively unradiogenic Pb. A regional
6.Tectonostratigraphic evolution of Western unconformity that separates the Late Cretaceous deposits
and Northern Sulawesi from the overlying Tertiary formations, including the
Paleocene Bua Formation in SW Sulawesi, indicates that
The Cenozoic tectonostratigraphic evolution ofthe Western
Western Sulawesi region was tectonically deformed and
and Northern Sulawesi is summarized in Figs. 8 and 9, towards the end of the Cretaceous. In SW Sulawesi,
respectively. The sections presented in these figures the Late areCretaceous
not strata were tilted moderately to the east
true cross-sections, but composite sections, showing (van salient
Leeuwen, 1981; Hasan, 1990). Elsewhere, they appear
features from different parts of the respective provinces. more strongly deformed and slightly metamorphosed. It is
Western Sulawesi began to develop as a continental uncertain what caused this latest Cretaceous tectonic event.
marginduring the Late Mesozoic, when continental No Paleoceneand Lower Eocene rocks have been
fragments that had rifted from northern Australia identified accreted in the study area (Calvert, 2000; this study). The
to SW Borneo by subduction beneath the eastern margin only earlyof Paleogene rocks found to date elsewhere in the
Sundaland (Audley-Charles et al., 1988; Metcalfe, 1996). In
West Sulawesi Plutono-Volcanic Arc are volcanics that are
NW Sulawesi these fragments are incorporated within the exposed in SW Sulawesi (Sukamto, 1982; van
Palu and Karossa Metamorphic Complexes, togetherLeeuwen, with 1981; Yuwono et al., 1988). One reason for this
oceanic crust and sedimentary rocks formed or accreted apparent atlack of early Paleogene strata may be that during
the subduction zone (van Leeuwen et al., in preparation). this time Western Sulawesi was largely emergent (Wilson
The presenceof very old zircons in the overlying and Moss, 1999; Hall, 2002) and the Northern Sulawesi arc
Latimojong Formation is consistent with this interpretation. had not yet begun to develop.
Accretionary complexes, which yielded mid-CretaceousThe oldest dated Tertiary sedimentary rocks in NW
metamorphic ages, are exposed at several localities Sulawesiare in the early Middle Eocene (NP15; P10–P11;
south arm (Wakita et al., 1996; Parkinson et al., 1998). 48–43 Ma: Chamberlain and Seago, 1995; Calvert, 2000;
The Latimojong Formation in NW Sulawesi is lithologi- this study), and date a marine transgression. They are found
cally similar to other Late Cretaceous formations exposed in
in the lowermost exposed parts of the Budungbudung and
Western Sulawesi, including the Latimojong Formation Tinombo Formations and commonly contain conglomer-
(Djuri and Sudjatmiko , 1974; Ratman and Atmawinata, ates, suggesting that faulting induced strong syn-deposi-
1993 ) in west-central Sulawesi, and the Marada Sandstone tional relief (Calvert, 2000). In west-central Sulawesi and
Formation (van Leeuwen, 1981) and Balangbaru Formation the south arm the Middle Eocene is developed as coal-
(Hasan, 1991) in SW Sulawesi; these units are therefore bearing fluvio-deltaic and marginal marine facies, and
considered to be laterally equivalent. The Late Cretaceous includes the Kalumpang Formation (Calvert, 2000), Toradja
formations have been interpreted as being formed, in part,
Formation (Ratman and Atmawinata, 1993) and Malawa
by turbiditic processes in a deep marine fore-arc basin Formation (Sukamto, 1982). Such facies have not been
setting situated to the west of a NW dipping subduction zone in the study area, but the occurrence of active
(van Leeuwen, 1981; Sukamto and Simandjuntak,hydrocarbon 1993; seeps in the SW Lariang region could indicate
Hasan, 1991;Bergmanet al., 1996; Calvert,2000). that coal-bearing clastics are present in the subsurface
T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511 499

(Evans, 1991). The Middle Eocene, or possibly somewhat

nature of the basement in the Gulf of Gorontalo as suggested
earlier,was a period of widespreadextensionin by gravity data (Silver et al., 1983), an interpretation that is
the Sundaland region caused by major plate readjustment consistent with the occurrence of serpentinized ultramafic
in SE Asia (e.g. van de Weerd and Armin, 1992; Hall, xenoliths in microgranodiorite ejects from the Colo Volcano
2002 ). Western Sulawesi rifted away from Borneo, forming on Una–Una (Fig. 2; CSIRO, 2001), and the occurrence of
the Makassar Straits (Hamilton, 1979; Situmorang, 1982; pillowedbasalt flowsof Middle Eoceneage in the
Cloke et al., 1999), probably as a result of the opening Labuanaki
of the area, which display characteristics of back arc
Celebes Sea (Weissel, 1980; Hall , 1996). Graben and basin
half-(BAB) basalts, similar to those of basalts of the
graben developed along the margins of the Makassaradjacent Straits, Celebes Basin (Rangin et al., 1997;´ Polve et al.,
with major faults predominantly down to the west (Evans, 1997 ).Rangin et al. (1997) propose that these basalts form
1991; Chambers and Daley, 1997; Calvert , 2000), partand ofwere
a larger oceanic basement that underlies most of the
filled with terrestrial to marine sediments (Fig. 8a).north
By the arm. They point out that the superimposition of island
latest Middle Eocene–Late Eocene, subsidence/sea level arc rocks on a BAB basement is a highly unusual feature in
rise had increased further, allowing extensive carbonate
modern arcs, where back-arc basins develop some distance
platform development in the south arm, while further awayto thefrom the main volcanic chain. In order to explain this
north many localized limestone shoals formed. These situation
shoalsthey invoke tectonic erosion having taken place at
may have, in part, been deposited on the tops of fault theblocks
leading edge of the volcanic arc, which induced the
(Calvert and Hall, 2003). There was further deepeningretreat of the arc onto its own back-arc basin as modelled by
during the Oligocene (Fig. 8b). In the Lariang region von Huene and Lallemand (1990). The authors suggest that
mudstones were deposited in a shelf environment that the was
lower part of the volcanic arc was completely removed
marginally deeper than that required for shelf carbonate by tectonic erosion, since the age of the Celebes Basin
accumulation (Norvick and Pile, 1976). In the northern basalts
part is 48–43 Ma, whereas the oldest available radio-
of the neck and Tolitoli region outer shelf to deep-water metric age date for the arc rocks is 37 Ma. However, the
pelitic sediments, turbidites and minor pelagic mudspresence
were of Middle Eocene–earliest Late Eocene volcanics
deposited. Limited paleontological evidence suggests in the
thatstudy area suggest that not all of the older arc rocks
clastic sedimentation in the study area continued into were removed.Clearly,more detaileddatingof the
the earliest Miocene. The widely scattered occurrencesPapayato Volcanics would be required in order to determine
of Early–MiddleMioceneshallowmarinelimestone the extent of the proposed tectonic erosion.
(Section 3) suggest a relative drop in sea level. In the The structuralrelationshipbetweenNorthernand
south arm, stable carbonate platform sedimentation Western
per- Sulawesi is poorly known. Ratman (1976) suggests
sisted throughout the Oligocene and continued into the thatearly
the Tinombo Formation and Papayato Volcanic rocks
Middle Miocene, with marls, reworked carbonates and may interfinger, in which case both provinces would have
shalesbeing depositedin adjacentbasins(Tonassa formed a continuous magmatic belt during the Paleogene
and Makale Formations; Coffield et al., 1993; Wilson (and and thereafter). Possible evidence in support of this
Bosence , 1996). interpretation is provided by the mixed geochemical
During late Early Eocene (or locally earlier) to mid-characteristics shown by the sedimentary and volcanic-
Oligocene times periodic and rather localized volcanism rocks in the western Tolitoli region. Several plate tectonic
took place in Western Sulawesi, which was relatedreconstructions
to north of the region agree with the continuous belt
westward-directed subduction. No Late Oligocene igneous concept (e.g. Hamilton, 1979; Rangin et al., 1990; Hall ,
rocks have been identified in NW Sulawesi (Elburg et1996 al.,). Others assume that Northern Sulawesi was located
2003 ; this study) or elsewhere in Western Sulawesi. upThis to 300 km to the south of its present position during the
apparent lack or reduction in magmatism may possibly periodbe 45–15 Ma (Lee and Lawver, 1995; Villeneuve et al.,
explained by the fact that Western Sulawesi, together 1998; Hall, 2002). Yet other reconstructions envisage that it
Borneo, rotated about 8anticlockwise
40 in the Oligocene,formed a N–S trending arc located about 600 km east of its
which changed Western Sulawesi from an active continental present position during the Paleogene, which connected
margin to a dominantly strike-slip margin (Rangin et with al., Western Sulawesi around 10 Ma (Daly et al., 1991;
1990; Hall , 1996, 2002). Carlile and Mitchell, 1994; Longley, 1997). 8clock-
A 90
In Northern Sulawesi, a submarine volcanic arc began wise rotation
to of the north arm during the Tertiary proposed
develop during the Middle Eocene above a northerly by Otofuj i et al. (1981) on the basis of paleomagnetic
directed-subduction zone around the same time thatstudies the would seem to support the latter interpretation.
Celebes Sea formed (Fig. 9a). The building of this arcHowever, both the measurements themselves (taken in a
continued into the early Miocene (Fig. 9b). As discussed major fault zone) and their interpretation are suspect
above, the lithologic, chemical, and isotopic characteristics
(Surmon t et al., 1994 ; Hall, 1996; Walpersdorf et al.,
of the volcanic products suggest that the arc is underlain1998 ).by
A much smaller rotation of about8is20–25
oceanic crust. Additional evidence in support of an oceanic
by other paleomagnetic studies (Sasajima et al., 1980;
arc setting for Northern Sulawesi includes the oceanic Surmontet al., 1994), geodynamicreconstructions
500 T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511

Fig. 8. Schematic composite sections showing the Cenozoic evolution of Western Sulawesi. (a) regional extension, formation of Makassar Straits;
graben and
half-graben fill with fluvio-deltaic to shallow marine siliclastics; fault induced topography is subsequently buried and region becomes a stable
shallow marine
shelf; calc-alkaline volcanism related to westerly directed subduction, (b) generally slight rise in sea level; platform limestone persists in South Arm;
(c) subduction/volcanism slows down/ceases; (c) regional extension resulting in block-faulting, local tilting and folding of Paleogene strata;
potassic magmatism, by continues into Pliocene; (d) Banggai-Sula microcontinent collides with eastern Sulawesi causing thick-skinned thrusting
and folding, uplift and deposition of syn-to late orogenic sediments; unroofing of Miocene granitoids;? formation of metamorphic core complexes.
T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511 501

Fig. 9. Schematic composite sections showing the Cenozoic evolution of Northern Sulawesi. (a) Opening Celebes Sea; north-directed subduction
submarine volcanic arc develops on back-arc(?) oceanic crust; (b) arc continues to develop; final stage of volcanism. is high-K; continental fragment
beneath arc; (c) major tectonic event associated with docking of continental fragment involving thrusting and folding of Paleogene strata, and uplift
of (part of) fragment; followed by renewed subduction and calc-alkaline volcanism; sediments deposited in shallow marine basins; (d) Sula-Banggai
collides with eastern Sulawesi causing deformation of Neogene strata; flipping of subduction; followed by intra-arc rifting, deposition of syn-to late
orogenic sediments, and sub-aerial volcanism.
502 T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511

(Silver et al., 1983), and the amount of Celebes Sea whether

crust the potassic rocks formed an in extensional
subducted along the North Sulawesi Trench (Fig. 2; Rangin (Macpherston and Hall, 1999; Elburg et al., 2003), post-
et al., 1997). All three paleomagnetic studies indicatecollision-extensional
that (Yuwono et al., 1988; Kavalieris et al.,
the north arm did not undergo any significant latitudinal 1992; Priadi et al., 1994; Polve ´ et al., 1997), or syn-
shift during the Tertiary. The two provinces, if initially
collisional setting (Bergman et al., 1996; Elburg and Foden,
separate (in which case they could be designated ‘terranes’),
1999 ). The onset of the potassic magmatism, around
were connected not later than 23 Ma as the greenschists 3–14
1 Ma (van Leeuwen, 1981; Polve ´ et al., 1997; Harahap
forminga discontinuous selvage aroundthe Malino et al., 1999; Elburg et al., 2003; van Leeuwen, unpublished
Metamorphic Complex, which was uplifted between 23 data) roughly coincides with a period of block faulting
and 11 Ma, have beenderivedfrom both Tinombo (van Leeuwen, 1981; Wilson and Bosence , 1996; Harahap
Formation and Papayato Volcanic rocks (van Leeuwen etet al., 1999). This and evidence for extension during the
al., in preparation). Middle and Late Miocene in the Gulfs of Tomini and Bone
Strong isoclinal folding and thrust faulting within the
(Hamilton, 1979; Coffield et al., 1993; Sudarmono, 2000)
Tinombo Formation in the Tolitoli region, and the presence and eastern SW Sulawesi (van Leeuwen, 1981; Ascaria,
of an angularunconformitybetweenthe Paleogene 1999) support an extensional setting for the potassic
formations and younger successions in this region, com- magmatism (Fig. 8c). Isotopic features displayed by the
bined with an early-mid Miocene uplift of the Malinopotassic igneous suites in NW and central–west Sulawesi
Metamorphic Complex suggest that a major tectonic indicate
event involvement of old continental crust of Australian
took place in the Early Miocene in the northern part of affinity
the (Bergman et al., 1996; Elburg and Foden, 1999;
study area. This event also appears to have affectedElburg the et al., 2003). The continental fragment was most
central part of the north arm (Kavalieris et al., 1992;likely
Carlile accreted during the late Mesozoic (see above), and
et al., 1990; Pearson and Caira, 1999). It may have been not during the Miocene as proposed by Coffield et al.
caused by the underthrusting and subsequent(1993) exhumation
, Bergmanof ´
et al. (1996) and Polve et al. (1997),asin
a continental fragment of Australian origin that is now the latter case one would have expected to see signs of a
exposed at the surface in the Malino Complex (Fig. 9c), collision
or event in the Miocene in Western Sulawesi.
alternatively it may be related to the formation of a In Northern Sulawesi (Fig. 8c), following the collision
metamorphic core complex in an extensional settingevent, (van northerly dipping subduction recommenced and a
Leeuwen et al., in preparation). In the latter scenario
the volcanic arc developed as a chain of submarine
continental fragment may have accreted to Sundaland to subaerial strata volcanoes (Bilungala Volcanics) with
around the same time as the Palu-Karossa fragment(s), contemporaneous
i.e. sediments being deposited in flanking
late Mesozoic. To what extent the event may have affected basins (Dolokapa Formation; Wobudu Breccia); andesitic
the remaining part of NW Sulawesi is difficult to determine,
volcanics and their erosion products dominate (Trail et al.,
as there is an Oligocene–Late Miocene hiatus in the 1974; Kavalieris et al., 1992; Pearson and Caira, 1999).
stratigraphic record, with the exception of the SW part A ofmajor orogeny affected the whole of Western and
the Lariang region where the hiatus is smaller (Fig. Northern
3). Sulawesi during the Plio-Pleistocene. It is widely
Calvert (2000) argues that the apparent conformable attributed
contact to the collision of the Banggai-Sula microconti-
between the Budungbudung and Lisu Formations in this nent with the east arm of Sulawesi, but there is less
area and absence of Miocene syn-orogenic sediments agreement on the precise timing of the collision event:
suggest that there was no significant tectonic impact Middle during
Miocene (Simandjuntak et al., 1991 a,b; ´ Polve et al.,
the Miocene. Similarly, no Miocene regional unconformity 1997), Middle Miocene–Pliocene (Garrard et al., 1988),
or syn-orogenic sediment have been observed in west– Late Miocene (Hamilton, 1979), or latest Miocene (Davies,
central Sulawesi and the south arm (Hall and Wilson 1 9, 90;
Longley, 1997; Hall , 2002). The collision caused a
which has led Calvert and Hall (2003) to conclude that 258“inclockwise rotation of the north arm (Surmont et al.,
the Miocene Western Sulawesi was not, as is commonly 1994 that
) has been accommodated by predominantly left-
assumed, the center of an orogenic belt, but was instead lateral strike-slip faulting, including the Palu-Koro Fault,
either a region of no deformation, or at times was and
a region
by underthrusting of Celebes Sea oceanic crust beneath
of extension”. the north arm at the North Sulawesi Trench (Hamilton,
During the Neogene contrasting styles of magmatism 1979; Silver et al., 1983).
took place in Western and Northern Sulawesi, i.e. high-K In Western Sulawesi, the effects of the collision event,
cal-alkaline toultrapotassic and normalcalc-alkaline which had its greatest impact on the central and northern
respectively (Polve et al., 1997; Elburg et al., 2003), parts of the region and adjacent Makassar Straits area
reflecting differences in both the pre-Miocene tectonic(because of their location perpendicular to the main centre
setting of the two provinces and their subsequent of evolution.
collision), include development of a fold and thrust belt,
It is generally assumed that the potassic magmatic activityinversion of buried Paleogene graben and half-graben,
in Western Sulawesi is not related to contemporaneous strong uplift and erosion, and development of a regional
subduction beneath Sulawesi, but opinions differ as to unconformity separating syn-to late orogenic deposits
T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511 503

(‘CelebesMolasse’) fromolder formations(Fig. 8d; felsic (Pani and Pinogu Volcanics; Trail et al., 1974). It has
Bergman et al., 1996; Hall , 1996, 2002; Calvert, 2000; been linked to (reversed) subduction along the North
Calvert and Hall , 2003; Fraser et al., 2003). Thrusting Sulawesi Trench (Perello, 1994) and intra-arc rifting
and folding (prominent in west–central Sulawesi, the(Kavalieris et al., 1992). Quaternary to Recent volcanics
Lariang region, and adjacent areas in the Makassar andStraits),
active volcanoes in the northern tip of the north arm and
was thick-skinned, involving basement, with thrust faultsadjacent Sangihe Islands are in response to west dipping
exposing successively older units in their hanging walls subduction of the Molucca Sea Plate (Hamilton, 1979).
from west to east (Coffield et al., 1993; Calvert and Hall, Ongoing deformation and uplift throughout most of
2003; Fraser et al., 2003). Rapid uplift between 7–5 and
Western and Northern Sulawesi is shown by the presence of
2 Ma is indicated by fission track data obtained fromuplifted Quaternary reef limestone (up to 1000 m; Rutten ,
Miocene granitoids (Bergman et al., 1996; Bellier e t 1927 al.,), folding and tilting of syn-to late orogenic sediments
1998 ) and metamorphic cooling ages shown by the Palu
(Brouwer, 1934; Calvert, 2000) and present day displacement
Metamorphic Complex (van Leeuwen et al., in preparation).along the Palu-Koro Fault (Walpersdorf and Vigny, 1998).
Bergman et al. (1996) estimate uplift rates in the order of
200–700 m/Ma, pointing out that these rates are typical of
fold and thrust belts such as Taiwan and the Himalayan
chain. Hall (2002) suggests that the rapid elevation of 7.Conclusions
mountains to more than 2.5 km in the central part of
Western Sulawesi was due largely to thrusting. AnotherThe geology of NW Sulawesi is dominated by Late
Cretaceous and Paleogene volcanic-sedimentary succes-
factor that may have played a role is the possible formation
of metamorphic core complexes, accompanied by volumi- sions. These consist of the Latimojong, Budungbudung and
nous granite magmatism(van Leeuwenet al., in Tinombo Formations, and Papayato Volcanics.
preparation) New paleontological and radiometric age data provide a
In Northern Sulawesi, the collision caused folding,Late Cretaceous age (at least in part early Maastrichtian) for
and thrusting of the Neogene strata, uplift and erosion, the arc-
Latimojong Formation, and an early Middle Eocene to
parallel rifting, and cessation of volcanic activity (Fig.earliest
9d; Miocene age for the other three formations.
Ratman, 1976; Carlile et al., 1990; Kavalieris et al., 1992; The stratigraphy of the Budungbudung and Tinombo
Perello, 1994; Pearson and Caira, 1999). Erosion to Formations
a deep is characterized by a well-developed transgres-
level is indicated by the extensive exposures of Miocene sive cycle, which commenced with deposition of siliciclas-
granitoids (Kavalieris et al., 1992). Much of the syn-to tics
latein rift-related graben structures during the Middle
orogenic sediments that fringe parts of the coast, cap Eocene,
ridge followed by nummulitic limestone shoals and
crests up to 500 m in elevation and fill intermontanesiliciclastic
graben, sediments formed in a shallow marine shelf
was probably deposited during the Late Pliocene–Quatern-environment in the latest Middle Eocene–Late Eocene, and
ary (Kavalieris et al., 1992). During that time thereterminated
was in outer shelf sediments (in the south) to deeper
renewed volcanism, which was dominantly subaerial water
and pelitic sediments and turbidites (in the north) during

Table 4
Main characteristics of the Western and Northern Sulawesi provinces in NW Sulawesi

Western Sulawesi Northern Sulawesi

Basement Metamorphic complexes consisting of imbricated continen-
Oceanic crust; possibly part of Celebes Sea back-arc crust.
tal crust of Australian origin, oceanic crust and locally
derived sediments.
U. Cretaceous Pelitic and fine grained arenitic rocks, in part turbidites, with
intercalations of volcanics; deposited in a fore-arc basin.
Paleogene Shallow to deep marine siliciclastics and subordinate Submarine tholeiitic basaltic and rhyolitic rocks with thin
carbonates; calc-alkaline volcanics as intercalations,intercalations
locally of deep marine chert and pelagic carbonates;
well developed, ranging in composition from basalt to high-K calc-alkaline volcanics in upper part of sequence.
rhyolite with a high proportion of andesite.
Geochem signatures of Predominantly continental arc. Oceanic arc
Paleogene igneous and
sedimentary suites
Isotopic characteristics of87Sr/86Sr: 0.703807–0705407
Nd/144Nd: 0.512874– 0.703807–0.705407 0.512874–0.513006 17.246–18.591 15.
208 204 208 204
Paleogene igneous suites 0.513006 Pb/ Pb: 17.246–18.591 Pb/ Pb: 15.520– 520–15.613 37.255–38.748
(Elburg et al., 2003) 15.613208Pb/204Pb: 37.255–38.748
Neogene igneous suites High-K calc-alkaline acid granites and volcanics; high-KNormal-K calc-alkaline volcanics. Subduction-related.
and their tectonic regime calc-alkaline to ultrapotassic basalts-andesites, syenites and
gabbros. Post-subduction; extensional.
504 T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511

the Oligocene–earliest Miocene. Thetwo formations Appendix A. Taxonomic notes

probably formed a continuum at the time of deposition.
NW Sulawesistraddlestwo distinctprovinces,a A.1.LEBO FORMATION
continental margin (Western Sulawesi) and an island arc
system that developed from a submarine tholeiitic oceanicA.1.1.Benthonic foraminifera
arc in the Paleogene to a more mature calc-alkaline island NWS614Bioclastic limestone with lime mud matrix;
arc in the Neogene (Northern Sulawesi). The two provincescoralline algae fragments; angular to subrounded,
coral and
show significant differences in basement lithologies, poorly
magma sorted,Asterocyclina incisuricamerata . Age: Late
types and sediment provenances (Table 4). Their contrasting (Tb). Environment: back reef.
tectonic settings have imparted distinctive geochemical NWS615 Red calcareous claystone containing abundant
signatures to the Cretaceous and Paleogene volcanic and Discoaster deflandrei; also present Nummulites pengaro-
sedimentary suites (as well as to the Neogene igneous nensis , Asterocyclina matazensis , Dentoglobigerina tripar-
rocks). tita, Subbotinaeocaena . Ag e : L a t e E o c e n e ( Tb).
Western and Northern Sulawesi probably formed a more Environment: fore reef.
or less a continuous belt throughout the Cenozoic, or ifNWS627Bioclastic
they limestone with fragments of large
were initially separate, they were connected not later than forams and subordinate coralline algae embedded in
the Early Miocene. micritic sediments. Nummulites semiglobula, N. pengar-
As pointed out by Calvert (2000), the term ‘West onensis , Asterocyclina matazensis (reworked) Dentoglobi-
Sulawesi Plutono-Volcanic Arc’ is somewhat of a mis- gerina tripartita , Acarininaspironinflata , Subbotina
nomer. Only the Northern Sulawesi segment represents a eocaena . Age: Late Eocene (Tb). Environment: shallow
true (subduction-related) volcanic arc throughout most of its moderate energy, fore reef.
Cenozoic history. In Western Sulawesi on the other hand, NWS675Layered limestone: 1) packstone with frag-
volcanic activity during the Paleogene was localized in both of algae, small benthic forams planktonic foram and
mollusks, 2) mudstone with abundant planktonic forams, 3)
time and space, and during the Neogene it was not related
packstonecomposedof small benthicforams,lithic
to contemporaneous subduction, but to deep-seated faults,
fragments and planktonic forams embedded in carbonate
created in an extensional environment, that tapped the
mud.Asterocyclina matazensis , Globigerinatheka mexi-
cana, Lithothamnium sp.,Quinqueloculina sp. Age: Late
Significanttectonicdeformationand uplift of the
Eocene (Tb);G. if mexicana in situ age is early Late Eocene
Tinombo Formation and Papayato Volcanic in the northern
(P15). Environment: shallow marine.
part of the study area (and further east) may have been
NWS681 Bioclasticlimestoneconsistingof small
caused by the subduction and subsequent uplift of a
benthic forams, planktonic forams, algae, pelecypoda, and
microcontinental fragment of Australian origin (Malino lithic fragments; matrix is lime mud and partly micritic
Metamorphic Complex) during the Early–Middle Miocene,lime. Fossil fragments are dominated by milliolidae such as
or by the formation of a metamorphic core complex in an
Quinqueloculina sp.; also present are Asterocyclina mata-
extensional tectonic regime. A second tectonic eventzensis that andAlveolinella quoyid Orbigny . Age: Late Eocene
took place around the Mio-Pliocene boundary and affected (Tb). Environment: back reef.
the whole of Western and Northern Sulawesi resulted inNWS774Bioclastic limestone (wackstone) with frag-
strong uplift, folding and thrusting, inversion of Paleogene
ments of large benthic forams showing good preservation
grabens and half-grabens, regional unconformities, and Asterocyclina matazensis , A incisuricamerata , A. penuria ,
deposition of syn-to late orogenic sediments. Nummulites semiglobula , N. pengaronensis , D. omphala .
Age: Late Eocene (Tb). Environment: fore reef.
NWS780Bioclastic limestone (wackstone) containing
small fragments of planktonic and benthic forams (domi-
Acknowledgements nant)embedded in lime mud.Discocyclina omphala ,
Asterocyclina penurai , A. incisuricamerata , Nummulites
We gratefully acknowledge the many contributionssemiglobula
made , N.pengaronensis . Age: Late Eocene. Environ-
over the years by our collegues in Rio Tinto. We appreciate
ment: back reef.
the paleontological analyses provided by Marietta de Leon, PK1Bioclastic limestone (wackstone) composed of fine
Sapri Hadiwisastra, Antoine Wonders and H. Heinkel, and and planktonic foraminifera and algae fragments
petrographicexaminations by AnthonyCoote,Y.S. embedded in lime mud. Asterocyclina matazensis , A
Yuwono and Michele Hawke. We thank Mangontang and penuria , Discocyclina omphala , Heterostegina aequatoria ,
Heru Pratomo for creating the figures, and Tuti Mariani for
Nummulites semiglobula
, N. bagelensis . Age: Late Eocene
preparing the manuscript. We also thank Robert Hall,(Tb). Environment: low energy, shallow marine.
´ Stephen Calvert, Peter Lunt, Peter PietersPK2 Bioclastic limestone (packstone), asAster-
Mireille Polve, PK1.
and Dennis Taylor for helpful reviews. ocyclinamatazensis , A penuria , A incisuricamerata ,
T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511 505

Discocyclina omphala , Heterostegina aequatoria , Nummu- angulisuturalis, G. venezuelana, G. sellii, G. tripartite,

lites pengaronensis . Age: Late Eocene (Tb). Environment: Carapsydraydissimilis . Age: P21 (mid-Oligocene).
fore reef. Environment: open marine.
MB1 Bioclastic limestone (wackstone) with fragments SK1 Calcareous mudstone. Globigerinatheka mexicana
of large benthic forams, and planktonic forams embedded mexicana,
in G. subonglobata, Turborotalia griffinae, Acar-
lime mud. Heterostegina aequatoria , Asterocyclina incisur- inina broedermanni , Morozovella aragonensis . Age: early
icamerata , Nummulites pengaronensis , N. bagelensis , N. Middle Eocene (P10–P11). Environment: open marine.
semiglobula . Age: Late Eocene (Tb). Environment: low SL1 Calcareous mudstone. Turborotalia cerroazulensis
energy, fore reef. cerroazulensis, T. opima nana. Globigerina ampliapertura,
KR1 Bioclastic limestone (packstone) with fragments G.corpulenta,
of Pseudohastigerina. Age: micralatest Eocene
benthic forams embedded in micritic sediments. Asterocy- (P16–P17). Environment: open marine.
clina incisuricamerata , A. matazensis , A. penuria, Discocy-
clina omphala ,N semiglobula ,N.mamilla ,N.djogdjakartae , A.1.3.Nannofossils
Hesterostegina saipanensis . Age: Late Eocene (Tb). NWS613 Calcareous claystone containing abundant
Environment: mixing of large and fine fragments indicates nannofossils, showing moderate preservation. Dominant
high energy, shallow marine environment. taxa:Cyclocargolithus abisectus , Sphenolithus moriformis ,
UKB1 Bioclastic limestone (packstone). Asterocyclina S.pseudoradians ; others:C. floridanus Coccolithus pelagi-
penuria, A. incisuricamerata , Discocyclina omphala , Het- cus, Discoaster deflandrei ; Reticulofenestra samodurovii ,
erostergina aequatoria , Nummulites semiglobula , N. pen- Helicosphaera heteromorphus . Age: Middle - early Late
garonesis, Operaculina pasifica . Age: Late Eocene (Tb). Oligocene (NP23–NP24). Environment: open marine.
Environment:fore reef with rapid sedimentation as NWS629Calcareous mudstone with abundant nanno-
indicated by closely packed forams. fossils showing good preservation. Discoaster deflandrei ,
LKB3 Bioclastic limestone composed of fragmentsCoccolithus of pelagicus
, C. miopelagicus,Cyclocargolithus
large and smallbenthic forams, algae and molluscs. abisectus , C. floridanus , Sphenolithus moriformis , S.
Asterocyclina matazensis , A. incisuricamerata , Nummulites pseudoradians, Reticulofenstra bisecta . Age: Early-early
semiglobula , Bolivinitasp. Age: Late Eocene(Tb). Late Oligocene (NP23–NP24). Environment: open marine.
Environment: mixed fine and coarse fragments embedded NWS673Sandstone consisting of volcanic fragments,
in lime mud indicates low energy back reef. feldspar and quartz with rare nannofossils. Sphenolithus
UPK1 Bioclastic limestone (packstone) with fragments moriformis , S. pseudoradians , Cyclicargolithus floridanus .
of large benthic forams and corallineAsterocyclina algae. Chronostratigraphic significance: S. pseudoradians ranges
incisuricamerata , A penuria , Nummulites semiglobula , N. from Late Eocene to Middle Oligocene C. floridanus
and is
pengaronensis . Age: Late Eocene (Tb). Environment: common in younger Paleogene, therefore age likely Early-
mixing of fine and coarse fragments dominated by benthic early Late Oligocene. Environment: open marine.
forams embedded in lime mud matrix indicates moderate NWS800Claystone with poorly preserved nannofossils.
energy conditions and shallow fore reef deposition. Reticulofenestra hillae , R. samodurovii R. ornate , Cycli-
3978611 Bioclastic limestone with fragments of coral- cargolithus floridanus , Coccolithus pelagicus , Discoaster
line algae, large forams and planktonic forams in a micritic saipanensis , Sphenolithus moriformis , S. pseudoradians,
sediment matrix. Asterocyclina matazensis , A. penuria , Cribrocentrum reticulatum . Age: early Late Eocene (mid
Nummulites pengaronensis , N. semiglobula , D. omphala , NP17–NP18). Environment: open marine.
Operculina complanata , Hesterostegina saipanensis . Age: NWS802Marl containing abundant planktonic forams
Late Eocene (Tb). Environment: shallow marine. and nannofossils. Discoaster deflandrei , D. calculosus,
B61SABioclastic limestone. Nummulites sp.,Pellatis- Dictyococcites bisecta , Coccolithus pelagicus, C. miopela-
pira crassicolumnata , P. orbitoidea , Biplanispira mirabilis , gicus, Cyclocargolithus floridanus , C. abisectus , Spheno-
Discocyclina spp . Age: Late Eocene (Tb). lithus moriformis,S. pseudoradians, S. ciperoensis,
B1/122Bioclastic limestone. Discocyclina spp.,Num- Helicosphaera euphratis. Age: Late Oligocene (NP24).
mulitesspp.,Pellatispira crassicolumnata, P. ruffeni . Age: Environment: open marine.
Late Eocene. NWS804Sandy marl with abundant, poorly preserved
nannofossils. Discoaster deflandrei , Cyclicargolithus flor-
A.1.2.Planktonic foraminifera idfanus, ?C. abisectus,Coccolithus pelagicus , Reticulofe-
NWS801Red chert containing abundant well preserved nestrabisecta , Sphenolithus moriformis , Sphenolithus
small planktonic forams and volcanic fragments. Pseudo- pseudoradians . Age: Early-MiddleOligocene(NP21–
hastigerina micra , Subbotina inaequispira , S. eocaena , NP23) based on abundant presence D. deflandrei
of in the
Turborotalia griffinae . Age: latest Early Eocene–Middle absence of D. saipanensis ;if C. abisectus present, probably
Eocene (P9–P12). Environment: deep marine. NP23. Environment: open marine.
LB1 Calcareous mudstone with abundant planktonic B1/123 for Calcareous mudstone. Sphenolithus moriformis,
Globorotaliaopima opima,Globigerinaciperoensis S. distentus , S. ciperoensis , Dictyococcites bisecta ,
506 T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511

Discoaster deflandrei
, Cyclicargolithus floridanus, Cocco- SAL2 Bioclastic limestone.
Pellatispira madarazi var.
lithus pelagicus
. Age: Early Oligocene (NP23). Environ- provalei
, Nummulites mammilla
, N. semiglobus
. Age: Late
ment: open marine. Eocene (Tb).

A.2.TINOMBO FORMATION A.2.2.Planktonic foraminifera

NWS42aCalcareous mudstone Globorotalia (T) cen-
A.2.1.Benthonic foraminifera tralis, Globigerina spp, Cyclicargolithus floridanus, Sphe-
NWS27bBioclastic limestone. Nummulites spp ., Assi- nolithus moriformis; reworked Cretaceous forms such as
lina spira, Discocyclina spp.,Lithophyllum spp., echinoid Watznaueria barnesee . G. centralis
indicates a mid-Middle
spines. Age: late Middle Eocene (upper Ta3). Environment: to Late Eocene age (P12–P17). Environment: open marine.
restricted shallow marine, probably lagoon. NWS47dGrey calcareous mudstone. Globoratalia (T)
NWS27a, NWS28, NWS30, NWS31, TNB13, TNB14 . centralis, Globoratalia sp ., Globigerina spp. Age: mid
Bioclasticlimestones. Nummulites spp., Assilina spp., Middle to Late Eocene age (P12-P17). Environment: open
Discocyclina spp,Lithophyllum spp. Age: Late Paleocene marine.
- Middle Eocene (Upper Ta1 - Ta3). Environment: shallow NWS66b Red calcareous claystone containing abundant
marine. and moderately preserved planktonic foraminifera including
NWS200Discoclyclinasp, small. Age: Paleocene - Dentoglobigerina tripartita, Subbotinainaquispira , S.
Eocene. Environment: shallow marine. frontosa, S.eocaena. Age: late Middle - earliest late Eocene
NWS330Bioclastic limestone consisting of benthonic (P14). Environment: open marine.
foram and coralline algae fragments in a micritic sediment NWS541Calcareous claystone. Globigerinatheka mex-
matrix.Nummulites bagelensis , N. semiglobula , N. gerthi, icana mexicana , G. index index , G. subconglobata ,
N. mammilla , Asterocyclinamatazensis , Discocyclina Subbotina eocaena , S. frontosa , Acarinina spiroinflata
omphala . Age: Late Eocene Tb. Age: Middle Eocene (P11–P14). Environment: low energy,
NWS332Bioclastic limestone as NWS330. Nummulites outer nertic-bathyal.
variolaria, N. semiglobula, Asterocyclina penuria , Disco- NWS546 Red calcareous claystone containing abundant
cyclina sp. Age: Late Eocene (Tb). planktonic forams. Subbotina frontosa, Globigerinatheka
NWS333Bioclastic limestone as NWS330. Nummulites mexicana . Age: Middle Eocene (P11–P14). Environment:
pengaronensis , N. semiglobula
, Asterocyclina matazensis , outer neritic - upper bathyal.
A. penuria , Discocyclina omphala. Age: Late Eocene (Tb). NWS547Calcareous claystone containing planktonic
3978610 Bioclastic limestone consisting of fragmented forams showing moderate preservation. Globigerinatheka
benthonic forams, including miliolidae, and Nummu-
coral. mexicana mexicana, G. index, Dentoglobigerina tripartite,
lites globula , N. mammila , Asterocyclina matazensis , A. Subbotina eocaena, Tenvitella sp.Age: Late Middle - early
penuria, Discocyclina omphala . Age: Late Eocene (Tb). Late Eocene (P14–P15). Environment: low energy, open
Environment: back reef. marine.
MLMK-1 Bioclastic limestone. Nummulites pengaro- NWS714 Calcareousclaystonerich in planktonic
nensis, Discocyclinaspp., Asterocyclina sp., Wilfordia foraminifera, including Dentoglobigerina tripartita, Globi-
sarawakensis , Borelis pygmaeus/Fasciolitessp.,Halkardia gerinatheka subconglobata, G. mexicana mexicana, Sub-
sp.Chronostratigraphic significance: Halkardiaranges from botina eocaena, Acarinina spiroinflata . Age: late Middle
middle of Zone Ta3 upward, and Asterocyclina is known Eocene (P14). Environment: low energy, open marine.
from the uppermost of Ta3 and Tb only A. Wonders. TheNWS716Red claystone rich in moderately preserved
absence ofPellatispiraandBisplanispira suggests Zone foraminifera including Globigerinatheka inaequispira, G.
Ta3. However, Sarawakensishas been described from Zone mexicana mexicana, Acarinina spiroinflata, Globigeri-
Tb only (written com., 1995). Age: latest Middle Eocene noides
- higginsi . Age: early Middle Eocene (P11–P12).
Late Eocene (uppermost Ta3-Tb); Fasciolites
if sp
present Environment: low energy, open marine.
latest Middle Eocene. Environment: inner neritic, carbonate NWS725 Red calcareous claystone containingrare
shoal, nummulitic bank. poorly preserved planktonic forams. Globigerinatheka
ORE-1 Bioclasticlimestone.Nummulites spp., N. subconglobata subconglobata, G. mexicana mexicana,
pengaronensis , Discocyclina spp
., ? Borelis pygmaeus . Globigerinasenni.Age: Middle Eocene(P11–P14).
The presenceN. ofpengaronensis
indicates upper Ta3 - Tc. Environment: low energy, open marine.
Brouwer (1934) reports Fasciolitessp andAssilinasp from NWS728 Light greenclaystonewith rare pelagic
a nearby location (Ta). Age: probably late Middle Eocene foraminifera. Globigerinatheka subconglobata subonglo-
(upper Ta3). Environment: offshore bars/shoals, probably bata, Globigerina lozanoi, Subbotina eocaena . Age: early
! 30m water depth. Middle Eocene (P10–P11). Environment: low energy, open
SAL1 Bioclastic limestone. Nummulites laevigates var.marine.
vredenburge, N. mammilla, Discocyclina dispansa, D. TNB11Marl. Common globigerinidsincludingGlobor-
javana, Assilina sp.Age: Middle Miocene (Ta3). otalia optimagroup (Zones P21–N16). The assemblage as a
T.M. van Leeuwen, Muhardjo / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2005) 481–511 507

whole likely to be of Late Oligocene to Early Miocene absence

age. of Eocene marker taxa suggest zones NP20–NP22.
Environment: one benthonic deep water Bathysphon
form Age: probably latest Eocene - Early Oligocene. Environ-
sp and abundant globigerinids suggest outer neritic -ment: probably bathyal.
bathyal. TNB17 Red lime wackestone containing abundant
globigerinids withcommon large forms. Dictycoccites
A.2.3.Nannofossils stavensis, Cyclicargolithus floridanus
. Age: in the absence
NWS44b Grey-green compact limestone containing of Eocene index species this suggest latest Eocene to Late
abundant poorly to moderately well preserved nannofossils. Oligocene (NP20–NP25).
Sphenolithus conicus, S. compactus, S. moriformis, Cycli-
cargolithus abisectus, C. floridanus, Discoaster .deflandrei A.3. PAPAYATO VOLCANICS
Age: earliest Miocene (NN1). Environment: outer neritic to
bathyal. A.3.1.Planktonic foraminifera
NWS47aGrey limestone rich in planktonic foraminifera. NWS256dPlanktonic foramiferal packstone. Catapsy-
Globigerinoids spp., Globorotalia ssp.,Globigerinaspp., dray sp., large Dentoglobigerina spp., Globigerina angu-
Cyclicargolithus floridanus, Coccolithus pelagicus, Sphe- lisuturalis,G. ciperoensis,Globigerinoidsprimordius,
nolithus conicus, Clausicoccus fenestratus, Discoaster
(6 Globoquadrina .sp Age: Late Oligocene (P22). Environ-
armed),Reticulofenestra stavensis . Age: Early Miocene ment: open marine, bathyal.
(NN1-NN3). Environment: open marine. CWSI Globigerina packstone.Globigerina venezuelana,
NWS49Limestone. Cyclicargolithus floridanus, Sphe-G. sellii, G. ciperoensis, G. praebulloides, G. gortani,
nolithus moriformis, ? Dictyococcites bisecta, D. stavensis,Globorotalia opima . Age: late Early - early Late Oligocene
Coccolithus pelagicus. Reworked Cretaceous forms like (P20–21). Environment: open marine, bathyal.
Micula spandWatzaveria sp.Age: Middle Eocene - Late BL3 Reddish globigerina packstone.Pseudohastigerina
Oligocene (NP16-NP24). Environment: open marine. micra Globorotalia increbescens, G. opimanana, Globiger-
NWS65aGrey limestone. Sphenolithus compactus, S.ina gortanii, G. ampliapertura, G. yeguaensis, G. . tripartite
moriformis, S. conicus, Cyclicargolithus floridanus, Cocco- Age: Early Oligocene (P18–P19). Environment: open
lithus pelagicus
. Age: Early Miocene (NN1–NN4). marine, bathyal.
NWS65cCalcareous mudstone. Sphenolithus ciperoen-
sis, S. moriformis, S. predistentus, S. delophix, Cyclicargo-
lithus floridanus,Coccolithuscopelagicus . Age : L a te NWS 244Dense micritic wackestone. Cyclicargolithus
Oligocene (NP24–NP25). Environment: open marine. floridanus, Dictoycoccites bisecta, Ericsconia formosa,
NWS66Purple limestone containing frequent poorlySphenolithusto obtusus,S. compactus, ? Helicosphaera
moderately well preservednannofossils.Sphenolithus compacta. Age: Middle to earliest Late Eocene (NP16–
compactus, S. moriformis, Cydicargolithus floridanus,NP17). C. Environment: open marine, probably bathyal.
abisectus.Age: Middle Oligocene to earliest Miocene NWS256aDark grey limestone. Sphenolithus compac-
(NP23-NN1). Environment: open marine. tus, S. moriformis, Cyclicargolithus floridanus, C. abisectus,
NWS67Calcareous mudstone. Cyclicargolithus florida- Discoaster adamanteus . Age: latest Oligocene - earliest
nus, C. abisectus, Sphenolithus predistentus, S. moriformis,Miocene (NN1). Environment: open marine.
Clausicoccus fenetratus, Dictycoccites bisecta, Discoaster NWS256bBrown, slightly muddy limestone containing
deflandrei, Coccolithus pelagicus. Age: late Early - early abundant nannofossils. Sphenolithus compactus, S. dissim-
Late Oligocene (NP23–24). Environment: open marine. ilis, Cyclicargolithus floridanus, C. abisectus
. Age: latest
NWS226Planktonic foraminiferal packstone with super- Oligocene - earliest Miocene (NN1). Environment: open
abundant globigerinids and rare benthonicDento- forams. marine.
globigerina tripartita
, D. altispira ? globasa, Fohsella ? NWS256cGrey green/purple limestone. Sphenolithus
group opima, Fohsella kugleri, Catapsydraxsp,Dictycoc- conicus, S. compactus, S. moriformis, S. dissimilis, Cycli-
cites scrippsae, Cyclicargolithus abisectus Sphenolithus cargolithus floridanus, C. abisectus, Coccolithus. pelagicus
moriformis, S. compactus; rarePleurostomella sp.,Textu- Age: latest Oliogocene - earliest Miocene (NN1). Environ-
sp.Age: Late Oligocene (P22/NP24–ment: outer neritic to bathyal.
25). Environment: open marine, bathyal. CWSII Red brown compactlimestonecontaining
TNB5 Red lime mudstone containing rather large abundant poorly to moderately-well preserved nannofossils.
globigerinids, including Dentoglobigerina, Sphenolithus Sphenolithus conicus, S. moriformis, S. compactus,S.
pseudoradians, Cyclicargolithus floridanus. Age: in the belemnos,Cyclicargolithusfloridanus,C. luminis,C.
absence of Eocene marker species, probably latest Eocene abisectus,
- Discoaster deflandrei, Dictyoccocites .antarticus
early Late Oligocene (NP20–NP23). Environment: prob- Age: latest Oligocene - earliest Miocene (NN1). Environ-
ably bathyal. ment: outer neritic to bathyal.
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Cyclicargolithus floridanus, Lanternithus minutus in the nus, C. luminis, C. abisectus, Sphenolithus conicus, S.
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