Software Manual Software Manual: 2921 S La Cienega Blvd. Suite A 2921 S La Cienega Blvd. Suite A

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2921 S La Cienega Blvd. Suite A

Culver City, CA 90232 U.S.A

TEL (310)202-0814
(310)202 FAX (310)202-7286


Welcome to use UVSoftware for UV-2550.

In order to give good performance of the instrument, have a good
command of the correct operation methods and procedures, and make
suitable maintenances, please read this manual carefully before using the
software. It is suggested to read the manual while operating the instrument
so that you could fully understand all the functions.

Content s

Preface................................................................................................................................ 2

Contents ........................................................................................................................... 3

Chapter1 Software Functions ........................................................................................... 4

Chapter 2 Installation and uninstallation of the Software ............................................ 5

2.1 . I n st allat i on of t he softwa re ............................................................................ 5

2.2 . Uni nstal lat ion of t he soft wa re ...................................................................... 5

Chapter 3 Initial Setting and Online Testing ................................................................... 6

3.1 . Com munic at i on p ort sett ing ......................................................................... 6

3.2 . Con nect ion of th e inst rument .................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter 4 Functions and Applications of the software .............................................. 12

4.1 . Ph otom et ric m ea surement ........................................................................... 13

4.2 . Ki net ics m easurem ent ..................................................................................... 20

4.3 . Qua nt itat ive Ana lysi s ....................................................................................... 37

4.4 DN A & Prote in D et ermi nat ion ...................................................................... 48

4.5 Rep ort ed iti ng & p ri nt ing ................................................................................ 55

Appendix A Revision ...................................................................................................... 57

Chapter1 Software Functions

This software is used for PC control of UV-2550 spectrophotometer.

There are four modes for PC control analysis: Photometric measurement,
Kinetics measurement, quantitative measurement and DNA Protein
Determination (DNA Protein Determination is for UV-2550 only). Data
processing, save, load and report printing etc can also be realized.

Chapter 2 Installation and uninstallation of the Software

2.1. I nstallation of t he software

1. Put the software CD into the CD-ROM.

2. Double click the CD-ROM icon in “My Computer”. Find the “setup.exe”
file and double click it. Finish installation procedures according to the

2.2. U ninstallatio n of the software

1. “Start”--“Control Panel” Double click “Add/Remove Programs”;

2. Find the program to be deleted select it and click “Remove”. Uninstall it
according to the prompts.
Or click “Start” ---- “All programs” to find the “UVSoftware”, select “Uninstall
UVSoftware” to delete the software.

Chapter 3 Initial Setting and Online Testing


1.Find the Serial Number on the spectro.

Note: If you'd like to change the serial number on the spectro, please remember
to switch off the spectro, and then switch on again. And then go to the next steps.

2.Connect the USB calbe between the spectro and PC.

3.Find the communication port used by Spectrophotometer (under Windows XP)

4.Run the software.

5.Click 'settings' to select correct Com port and input the right serial number.

6.Click “Connect” at the lower left of the window.

7.Single c lick O n the tool bar m enu, enter the photom etr ic m easur em ent.

Find the Serial Number

Press and hold “PRINT” key when the spectrophotometer is off. Then turn on

the spectrophotometer. The instrument will enter “System adjustment”

interface, as shown in the following figure.

▌K E Y P G A S N R S T

V E R : 1 . 1 0

Press “100%” key or “0%” key to move the cursor to the front of “SN” and

press “ENTER” key. The following will be shown. Note down the SN. Such as


▌E D I T

S N : 0 0 0 9 0 3 5 1

Connect the usb calbe between the spectro and PC.

Find the communication port used by Spectrophotometer (under Windows


1) Right-click “My Computer” Icon on the desktop, then select

“Properties” to display the following window.

2) Click “Hardware” to display the following.

3) Click “Device
button to display the following window.

Click at item “Ports (COM & LTP)” and find item “Silicon Labs…..(COM?)”
as shown in the above figure. The COM port number (as “COM3” in the
figure) is displayed. This port number should be input later as the
communication port No. in the spectrophotometer PC control software

Run the software.

Double click the software icon to enter the software interface (for Windows
XP system, just double click to run software; for Windows Vista system, right
click mouse, then select “run as administrator” to run software, if not do so,
com port will not be able to select).

Click “Settings” to select the com port and input the serial number.

3.1. Co mmunicatio n port setting

Select the correct communication port for connecting the

spectrophotometer, and input the serial number of instrument, as shown in
Fig. 1. Click “Connect Test” to start test.

Fig. 1
If test succeed, the following information will appear.

Fig. 2
Then click “OK”, serial number of instrument will appear at lower right corner,
see in Fig.3. If connection succeeds during connect test, then operator do
not need to click “Connect” again. Besides, once connection is success,
system will save the previous serial number and comport as default, then
operator do not need to input them again.

Fig. 3

3.2. Connection of the instrument

Click “Connect” at the lower left of the window. A prompt “Connect

success” will appear. Then click “OK”, as shown in Fig.4.

Fig. 4
Single cl ick on the tool bar menu, e nter the
photometric measurement.

Continue the next measure ment steps according to the software


Note: now you can complete all the measure ment step s just by
PC software, I me an all t he steps c an be controlled totally b y
PC. So, Plea se don’ t touch any key on the spectro.

C ontinue the next m easur em ent s teps .

Chapter 4 Functions and Applications of the software

Introduction of the software interface

The following picture is the main interface of software (see Fig.5):

Fig. 5

In this interface:

Photometric measurement

Kinetics measurement

Quantitative measurement

DNA Protein Determination

Parameter settings

4.1. Photo metric m easurement

4.1.1. Single click on the tool bar menu, enter the photometric
measurement, shown as in Fig.6.

Fig. 6
Measurement start
Stop measurement
Parameters setting
Save data
Print report

4.1.2. Parameters setting

Single click ,
on the tool bar menu set the parameters, shown as in

Fig. 7
Select the data mode: Abs or T%, select the decimals and modify the
wavelength. After all parameters setting well, click OK.
Reference Test:
Once, test reference once, and after a measurement

(without changing any parameter), click button to

start test sample;

Repeat, every time click button to start a

measurement, before sample is tested, reference shall be

Add the wavelength, according to customer’s need,
single click it can increase the wavelength.
Delete the wavelength, single lick it can delete the no
necessary wavelength.
Single click it can modify the wavelength.
Clear off, single click it can clear off all of the

In formula column, input title of formula, formula in “content” column, then

click button, formula will be added. See Fig. 8.

Fig. 8
When setting wavelength, same wavelength can not be set, if else when
click “OK” button, system will inform you as follow:

Fig. 9
Considering the limitation of report printing, number of wavelength added or
formula added shall not more than 7, if yes, system will warn you with the
following window,

Fig. 10
Then operator needs to delete some wavelength or formula, till the number
of wavelength or formula less than 7.
Formula is to calculate the measurement result, so the formula shall be input
according to the number of wavelength, if not, system will deny operation.
For example, 2 wavelengths are measured, then in the formula, only A and B
are valid, C, D or any other number of wavelengths shall not appear in the
4.1.3. Measurement

Put the reference and sample into sample cells, single click on the
tool bar menu, start the measurement, cueing the wavelength should be set
to 650nm, see Fig. 11, turn around the wavelength button and set the
wavelength to 650nm, then click OK.

Fig. 11
According to the cue in Fig. 12, place the reference in light path and click

Fig. 12
According to the following cueing, see Fig.13, place the light block in light
path, and then click OK.

Fig. 13
According to the following cueing, Fig 14, place sample in light path, and
then click OK。

Fig. 14
Now the Abs or T% measurement at 650nm is completed. The cue appears,

see Fig.15. If customer wants to measure Abs or T% of more wavelengths,
only need to add the wavelength, and operate as above procedures.

Fig. 15
When instrument is measuring, user clicks “Measure”, “Wavelength locating”
or other function buttons, system will inform as follow. Other operation shall
be done after measurement complete.

If instrument is not initialized, then user click any function button, user will get
information as follow.

Generally, if repeat test is needed, operator can click button to

continue test; or select Repeat and its repeat time in parameter setting to

finish test.

After test finish, if a new test is needed, it is not necessary to quit test window,

by click parameter to enter parameter setting window, set new parameter

then click “OK” button, system will create a new test page.

During the process of zeroing or testing, if user presses button to stop

without quitting the test window, system will clear all the current data. Click

button again will make system restart test again.

After a test, change of any parameters will make system create a new test

page. If test mode, wavelength, reference test mode is changed, system will

rerun zero and then start new test; others doesn’t require re-zero.

When shutting off test page, user will get following information,

Select “Yes” to remain in test window, and user can save the test result

manually; click “No” to quit test page.

4.1.4 Additional function

a. Data save & export

Click button on tool bar, select drop-down menu

. In this menu, select “Save” to save data; select “Load” to

load data; select “Export” to export data to excel format.
b. Data and spectrum copy
Copy data in table, use “Ctrl+A” to select all data, then use “Ctrl+C” to
copy; or use mouse select data you need, right click mouse to select copy.
c. Report print

Click button on tool bar, select “Preview” to view the report.

User can adjust table of report by mouse.

4.2. Kinetic s measurement

4.2.1. Single click the on the tool bar menu, enter the kinetics
measurement mode, shown as in Fig.17.

Fig. 17

Start measurement
Stop measurement
Parameters setting
Save data
Spectrum calculation
+ -, ×, ÷)
( ,
Peak & valley picking

Spectrum conversion
Print report
4.2.2. Parameters setting

Single click on the tool bar menu, the following window will come
out, see Fig. 18.

Fig. 18

In this window,:
Reference Test: Once, after test complete, do not change any parameter,
click button to continue test will test sample directly,

reference will not be tested;

Repeat, after test complete, do not change any parameter,
click button to continue test will test reference

before test sample.

Scan mode: Once, test one time; Repeat, test according to set time interval
and test time; Auto, test with set time interval till operator stop the

Save mode: Auto Save, after test, system will save automatically in the folder
that user set, if scan mode is Repeat, name of saved file will be
added “_1”, “_2” etc.; Manual, system will ask if you want to save

result after a test; Not Save, system will not ask you to save result.
OverLay: by selecting this, all tested result will be shown on Data page, you
can also use this function to see certain result on Data page

Under this interface, you can select data mode: Abs, T% or Energy. Also you
can set wavelength range and photometric range (display range), sampling

interval, scan speed, reference test mode and decimals. After all parameter
has set, click “OK”.
System will create automatically a new page Data1, and update the

coordinates of spectrum (see 1 in Fig.19), the parameters that are set will be
shown at right part (see 2 in Fig.19), test result will also be displayed at right
part (see 3 in Fig.19), and current wavelength will be shown at the top of

interface (see 4 in Fig.19).

Fig. 19
4.2.3. Measurement

Separately place the reference and sample into cells, single click
on the tool bar menu, start the measurement, according to the cueing, see
Fig.20, turn the wavelength button, set the wavelength to 650nm, then click

Fig. 20
According to the cueing, see Fig. 21, place the reference in light path, and

click OK.

Fig. 21
According to the cueing, see Fig. 22, place the light block, then click OK.

According to the cueing, see Fig. 23, place the sample in light path, and
click OK, now the data can be obtained.

Fig. 23
After measurement finish, system will inform user as Fig. 24,

Fig. 24
Click “OK”, test result and its spectrum will come out, the spectrum is as Fig.

Fig. 25
Repeat measure, this test can be done manually, after a single measure is

complete, press to start; also user can set this function

automatically, select Scan Mode as Repeat, other parameter same as Once
test, then set Time Interval and Repeat Times, see Fig. 26, this setting
indicates repeat for 3 times in every 3 seconds, then display all spectrum in a
same page.
For save mode, there are 3 ways. Auto Save, save data after each
measurement, file name is _1, _2, _3 etc., see Fig. 26, file of first measure will
named as Kinet_1.knd, second file will be named as Kinet_2.knd, third file of
saved data will be named as Kinet_3.knd. etc. Manual save, after each
measurement, system will ask if you need to save the result. Or user can
select do not to save result.

Fig. 26
If user select scan mode to be “Auto”, see Fig. 27, then set time interval, this
indicates system will measure every 3 seconds, till user click button.

Fig. 27

When instrument is measuring, user clicks “Measure”, “Wavelength locating”
or other function buttons, system will inform as follow. Other operation shall
be done after measurement complete.

If instrument is not initialized, then user click any function button, user will get
information as follow.

Generally, Press to start Repeat test after Once test, or select

Repeat test and set its parameter to start repeat test. It would be better not

to use Auto test.

After a test is finish, to start a new test, operator can click directly the
parameter button to reset parameters, after setting, click “OK”, then a new

page for test will created automatically.

In the process of test or baseline test, if operator clicks to stop, then

if one does not escape this test window, system will clear all current data

that is tested; if one click again, system will restart the test.

After a test, change any of the parameters, a new test window will created.

If any parameter of test mode, wavelength range, time interval or scan

method of reference is changed, system will restart baseline test and start a
new test; while changing other parameters will not restart baseline test.

When shutting off test window, system will inform you as Fig.28 shows. Select
Y, system will stay on test window, user can save data according to their
demand; if select N, system will quit directly.

Fig. 28
4.2.4 Additional function
a. Spectrum adjustment
After measurement, right click mouse on spectrum, you will find the following

In witch:

Select ---- Partly zoom in

Autosize ---- Adjust the spectrum to proper size automatically
Custom ---- Select a certain range for display, see in Fig. 29, after setting,
click “OK”, spectrum will be display follow the selected range

Fig. 29
Channel Color ---- set channel color for data page. See Fig.30, double click
color button, color select window will appear, select the color you want,
and click “OK”.

Fig. 30

Overlay ---- Spectrum overlay can show all the test spectrum on one data
page, see Fig.31, select spectrum you want to overlay (in Fig.31
Da_0 means property of page, 0~10s indicates scan time, 1
means time interval), click “OK”. The overlay spectrum that you
selected will be shown in Data page, see Fig.32.

Fig. 31


By selecting from the marked toolbar in Fig.32 can display certain spectrum;
if select Show all, all spectrum will be showed.

Click Overlay again to cancel spectrum overlay.

b. Cursor

Click button on tool bar, vertical cursor will be displayed, you can

observe data by moving your mouse, also you can use “←” & “→” to move

cursor slowly. If you need to move cursor fast, press “Shift+←” & “Shift+→”.

c. Peak picking

Select the spectrum that you want to pick peak, click button

on tool bar, peak picking window will come out (this function is used for

certain spectrum, not for overlay spectrum), see as in Fig. 33, then input
threshold and click “OK”, system will mark peaks and valleys on spectrum,

and list each of them in a table, see as Fig. 34 shows.

Fig. 33

Fig. 34
If system did not find any peak because of improper threshold, system will
inform you as Fig. 35.

Fig. 35
When doing Peak Picking, if you stay in Data page (Overlay page), system
will inform you to select the data you want to do peak picking, see the

Fig. 36

d. Spectrum transfer

Spectrum transfer is to make conversion for scan of spectrum. It includes the

following functions:

Abs<……>T%: Conversion between absorption and transmittance

Logarithm: Take logarithm calculation on spectrum
Reciprocal: Take reciprocal calculation on spectrum

Smooth: Smoothen the curve and remove burr

Derivative: Take derivative calculation on spectrum, you can select ∆λ and
order of derivative

∆λ: Interval when taking derivative calculation

Order of derivative can be selected directly

Attention: for “Abs<……>T%”, “Log”, “Reciprocal” and “Smooth”, just select

and click “OK”. But for “Derivative”, do not forget to select∆λ and order of

Select spectrum you want to transfer, click button on tool

bar then spectrum conversion window will come out, see as shown in Fig. 26.

Select the function you need, and click “OK” button, then system will show

the changed spectrum. For example, in Fig. 37 we select ABS<---->T%, then

click “OK” button, the changed spectrum will become as what we can see

in Fig. 38. Save of changed spectrum is same as that before changed.


Fig. 38
If you do spectrum conversion on Data page (overlay page), system will
inform you as Fig.39 shows. Then please select a certain page to do this

Fig. 39

e. Arithmetic Function

Click button on tool bar, Spectrum Arithmetic window will come

out, here we can do arithmetic for the spectrum, see Fig.40. Select the
spectrum you need to operate, and select the function, then click “OK”. A
new page will created to show the new spectrum, see Fig.41.
Fig. 40

Fig. 41

But if the wavelength range, time interval and scan mode of spectrum you
selected are different, arithmetic function will not work. System will inform
you as follow.

Fig. 42

f. Data and spectrum copy

Spectrum copy, right click mouse on spectrum, select “Copy”, then you can
paste the spectrum into Word or Excel file.

Save spectrum as picture, right click mouse then select save, spectrum can
be saved as bmp, jpg, emf or png format.
Copy data in table, use “Ctrl+A” to select all data, then use “Ctrl+C” to

copy; or use mouse select data you need, right click mouse to select copy.

g. Save data

Click button on tool bar, select load from pull-

down menu to load a spectrum; by Export function operator can export the
data to Excel.

g. Report print

Click on tool bar, select to preview the report.

4.3. Quantitative A nalysis

4.4.1. Single click on the tool bar menu, enter the quantitative

analysis measurement, see Fig. 43.

Fig. 43
Start Measurement
Stop Measurement
Parameters setting
Establish the Curve
Save data
Print Report

4.3.2. Set the parameters

Single click on the tool bar to set parameters, see Fig. 44 & Fig.45.

Fig. 44

Fig. 45
In this window, you set measurement method, wavelength of measurement,
also you can select reference test method, calculate formula, test method
(concentration method or coefficient method, if use coefficient method,
you need to input coefficient into coefficient settings), zero insertion (use this
function to make the curve goes through zero point).

In this window:
Method Wavelength test method
M WL Test wavelength
Reference Scan Test method of reference
Formula Calculate formula
Power Power of the formula
Conc.Unit Unit of concentration
Conc Concentration method
Coef Coefficient method
4.3.3. Establish the standard curve
At least two points are needed when establish the curve.
Separately place the reference and sample into cell holder, click the
sample on right top of the screen, change “Standard” into “Standard----

Using”, single click on the tool bar to start the measurement.

According to the cueing, see Fig. 46, turn the wavelength button to set the
wavelength to 650nm, then click OK 。

Fig. 46
According to the cueing, see Fig. 47, place the reference in light path, and
click OK.

Fig. 47
According to the cueing, see Fig. 48, place the light block in light path, and

click OK.

Fig. 48
According to the cueing, see Fig. 49, place the sample in light path, and
click OK. Now the Abs of the sample can be obtained.

Fig. 49
Input the corresponding concentration on standard sample, and click

on the tool bar, the corresponding curve appears on the screen,

see Fig. 50.

Fig. 50

If the created curve is not ideal because of certain result of reference, for
example in Fig. 51, then right click mouse in the data column, then delete it.
After deleting, you can retest this standard sample and recreate this curve.

Fig. 51
4.3.4. Concentration measurement
If selected reference test as Once, then in the following steps, it would be
unnecessary for users to test reference and block, but place the sample into
light path directly.

Put reference and sample into cell holder, click Unknown Sample, making

“Unknown” becomes “Unknown----Using”, then click button on

tool bar to start measurement. See Fig. 52, adjust wavelength to 650nm
according to the cueing and click “OK”.

Fig. 52
After that, system will inform to pull reference into light path, see Fig. 53. Pull it
in then click “OK”.

Fig. 53
Next, system will inform user to pull light block in, see Fig. 54. Pull it in, and
click “OK”.

Fig. 54
At last, system will inform user to pull sample into light path, see Fig. 55.

Fig. 55

Pull it in and click “OK”, the measurement result will be shown, as in Fig. 56.

Fig. 56
4.3.5 Coefficient method
Parameter setting is same as Concentration method. Select Coefficient
method in test method column, and input the coefficient of known curve,
see in Fig. 57, then click “OK”, after that, system will create the curve
according to the formula that is set, see Fig. 58.

Fig. 57

Fig. 58

In put the unknown sample into cell position, use mouse click “unknown

sample” on the lower right corner, make becomes

. Then click button to start test. Other steps are

same with concentration method.

When instrument is measuring, user clicks “Measure”, “Wavelength locating”

or other function buttons, system will inform as follow. Other operation shall

be done after measurement complete.

If instrument is not initialized, then user click any function button, user will get
information as follow.

If standard sample or unknown sample is not selected, then is

clicked to start measurement, system will not respond. After standard sample

is tested, click without concentration input, system will not respond.

After a test, if a new test is needed, it is not necessary to quit test window,
enter setting window, input parameter for new test, click OK, a new test
page will created automatically.

During the process of zeroing or testing, if click to stop, all data will

be deleted. Click again will restart the test for the current sample.
After test finish, any change of parameter will create a new test window. If
wavelength or reference test mode is changed, system will rerun zero then
start new test; while change other parameters will not rerun zero.
When shutting off test page, system will inform you as Fig. 59 shows. Select
Yes to stay in test page, user can save tested data according to your usage;
if select No, system will quit test page.

Fig. 59

In parameter settings, same wavelength can not be set. If else, user will get
following information:

4.3.6 Additional function

a. Save data

Click button on tool bar, select save from pull-

down menu to save spectrum; Lord to lord data; Export to save to excel.

b. Data and spectrum copy

Spectrum copy, right click mouse on spectrum, select “Copy”, then you can

paste the spectrum into Word or Excel file.

Save spectrum as picture, right click mouse then select save, spectrum can
be saved as bmp, jpg, emf or png format.
Copy data in table, use “Ctrl+A” to select all data, then use “Ctrl+C” to
copy; or use mouse select data you need, right click mouse to select copy.

c. Report print

Click on tool bar, select to preview the report.

Width of table can be adjusted by mouse.

4.4 DNA & Protein Determination

4.4.1 Enter DNA & Protein measurement

Click on tool bar to enter DNA % Protein test mode. See Fig. 60.

Fig. 60

In this window,

Start measurement

Stop measurement

Parameter setting

Data save

Print report

4.4.2 Parameter settings

Click on tool bar to enter parameter setting window, see Fig. 61.

Fig. 61

Generally, there are two common methods for protein test, A230/A260 and

A280/260 (users can also custom their own method). Select method, set
parameters (coefficient is already set, just set concentration, decimal,

reference test method, repeat and file save mode).

After parameter set finish, click “OK”.

4.4.3 Measurement

Select A230/260 method, put reference and sample into cell position, click

to start measurement, adjust wavelength to 230nm according to

the tips, see Fig.62, then click “OK”.

Fig. 62

Then pull reference into light path, see Fig.63. Then click “OK”.

Fig. 63

After that, according to tips, pull light block into light path, then click “OK”

button. See Fig.64.

Fig. 64

Then system informs to pull sample in, see Fig.65, pull it in and then click

Fig. 65

Now instrument will measure the absorbance on 230nm. Then adjust

wavelength to 260nm according to the information, see Fig.66.

Fig. 66

Later, instrument will inform to put reference in, pull in reference, then click


Fig. 67
According to the information, see Fig.68, pull in light block, then click “OK”.

Fig. 68

At last, see Fig.69, pull sample in to complete measurement. Then click “OK”.

Fig. 69

After measurement complete, instrument will inform the operator, see Fig.70.
Click “OK”, measurement result will be shown, see as Fig.71.

Fig. 70

Fig. 71

When instrument is measuring, user clicks “Measure”, “Wavelength locating”

or other function buttons, system will inform as follow. Other operation shall
be done after measurement complete.

If instrument is not initialized, then user clicks any function button, user will get

information as follow.

After a test, if a new test is needed, it is not necessary to quit test window,
enter setting window, input parameter for new test, click OK, a new test
page will created automatically.

During the process of zeroing or testing, if click to stop, all data will

be deleted. Click again will restart the test for the current sample.

After test finish, any change of parameter will create a new test window. If

wavelength or reference test mode is changed, system will rerun zero then
start new test; while change other parameters will not rerun zero.
When shutting off test page, system will inform you as follow. Select Yes to

stay in test page, user can save tested data according to your usage; if
select No, system will quit test page.

Fig. 72

4.4.4 Additional function

a. Save data

Click button on tool bar, select save from pull-

down menu to save spectrum; Lord to lord data; Export to save to excel.

b. Data and spectrum copy

Copy data in table, use “Ctrl+A” to select all data, then use “Ctrl+C” to

copy; or use mouse select data you need, right click mouse to select copy.

c. eport print

Click on tool bar, select to preview the report.

Width of table can be adjusted by mouse.

4.5 Report editing & printing

Click button on tool bar to edit and print report, see Fig. 73.

Fig. 73

When editing finished, then click “OK”.

Appendix A Revision

Edition Revision record

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