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CRIMINAL LAW REVIEW Confession must be made before the judge

FINALS and in open court. Pleading guilty is normally

Justice Villa-Ignacio done during arraignment.
Transcribed Lecture Notes
*In treason, the rule is very strict, here the law
GRADING SYSTEM: must lmit the mode of proving the guilt of the
15% Recitation accused:
35% Midterm Examination 1) two witness rule
55% Final Examination 2) confession must be made in OPEN COURT

Article 114. Treason What is the difference between admission

Formal declaration of war is not necessary. and confession?
Hostilities are enough. -Even if there is admission, the same is NOT
There are 2 ways of committing treason sufficient to hold the accused guilty of
1) Levy War treason.
2) Adhere to enemies -Admissions are merely admission of fact
- Confession is an admission of guilt.
In levying war, must there be an actual
assembly? Art. 115. Conspiracy and Proposal to commit
What if he merely enlisted? When treason is committed, then conspiracy
Mere enlistment is NOT covered. and proposal shall be considered absorbed in
treason as preparatory acts.
*Adhering would be giving them aid and
comfort Art 116. Misprison of treason – Take note that
is misprision of CONSPIRACY to commit
“Two witness rule”- should witness the SAME treason. Treason should not have actually
OVERT ACT which must be an overt act of been committed.
giving aid or comfort. And if this is proven it
is not necessary to prove adherence A is a fiscal in a particular locality, he came to
know of treasonous acts. He did not report
What do you mean by “confession”? such, what is his criminal liability?
Dereliction of Duty
*A public officer who has the duty to
prosecute a law violated may be prosecuted Art. 118. Inciting to War.
under Article 208 if he maliciously tolerates In front of the U.S. Embassy the group of A,
the crime which is going to be committed or B, C and D burned the U.S. Flag, and spilled
maliciously failed to prosecute. red paint over it. Can they be held liable
under 118?
How is the offender punished under Art. 116? Yes intent is immaterial
He is the principal of misprision of treason but
his penalty is that of an accessory of treason. Art. 119. Violation of Neutrality
*in this article it is the OTHER COUNTRIES
Art 19 (par 3)- “Guilty of treason” which are at war and take note that a
Is it necessary that the accessory be found “REGULATION” must first be issued.
guilty of treason?
It is NOT REQUIRED that there be a conviction Art. 120. Correspondence.
(People v. Bellos) *Regalado and Reyes say *Paragraphs 1 and 2 are MALA PROHIBITA.
however, that 19 is the exception.
Art. 121
ART 117. Espionage *even an alien is encompassed.
A entered a military establishment for
purposes of stealing confidential information. What if the alien would want to go home to
After obtaining the documents, he turned it his mother country, may the Philippines
over to a foreign agent who took it. But after charge him under 121?
examination, they called him and told him Yes. 121 is Mallum Prohibitum. State interest
that the information on the document was prevails over the interest of the alien. But, take
public information which you could find on note, there must first be a prohibition.
google. Was espionage committed?
Yes. Mere act of entering with purpose of A broke into a vessel in isla putting bato, with
obtaining confidential information is violence he was able to get the laptop of the
punishable person inside. What is his criminal liability?
If the nature of the vessel is that of a dwelling,
Can espionage be committed by acts other it is ROBBERY! If the nature of the vessel as a
than those enumerated under the article? mode of transportation, or a fishing vessel,
Yes. G.A. 616. Take note of Section 6. He may then it is PIRACY.
be considered as a principal under 616.
Human Security Act 2. Detains without legal grounds
Prosecution could not establish all elements
for terrorism, but they can only establish What are the instances where warrantless
piracy. Court dismisses the action for arrests are valid:
terrorism. Can the DOJ now file a case for 1. When the person is insane in a manner that
piracy? he causes violence
Yes. What is prohibited is another charge, but 2. in flagrante delicto
the court may, in the same proceeding, find 3. Ailment requiring compulsory confinement
the accused guilty of an offense necessarily (ex. SARS)
included in the charge filed in court.
Valid warrantless arrests
Look at Rule 120, Sec 4 of the Rules of Court. A peace officer or a private person may,
When the offense charged is necessarily without a warrant, arrest a person:
included, accused will be convicted. a) when, in his presence, the person to be
arrested has committed, is actually
*READ R.A. 9372 HUMAN SECURITY ACT committing, or is attempting to commit an
ART. 124, 125, 126, b) When an offense has in fact just been
*These are committed by Public Officers. committed, and he has probable cause to
What if any of these crimes are committed by believe based on personal knowledge of facts
public officers with the assistance of a private and circumstances that the person to be
individual? What is the liability of the public arrested has committed it; and
officer? Of the Private individual? c) When the person to be arrested is a
If the private individual acted in conspiracy prisoner who has escaped from a penal
with the public officer, he will likewise be establishment or place where he is serving
liable under these articles. final judgement or temporarily confined while
his case is pending, or has escaped while
What if the public officer acted in Good Faith? being transferred from one confinement to
If he acted in good faith, and without culpable another.
negligence, there can be a defense of mistake
of fact. Under Article 125, there is a duty of the officer
to deliver the detained person within what
*Elements of 124: periods?
1. Public officer
12-18-36-72 (in cases of terrorism. Sec 18 of
the Human Security Act) Art. 127. Expulsion
After the lapse of these hours, he will be liable Consists of deporting or change of residence
under 125. without lawful ground.
X, a Filipino citizen is declared #1 enemy of
When may a person arrested without warrant the country for serious crimes, he went out of
be detained for a longer period than that the country for vacation and upon return he
provided? was denied entry into the Philippines. Is this
If during inquest proceedings, the person valid?
requested for preliminary investigation, and No, every Filipino has a right to stay in the
he would sign a waiver of 125. After that the Philippines, only aliens may be deported.
person may be detained as long as the case
is pending, but the person may put Bail. *Rule: A person cannot be compelled to
(Document is called a WAIVER OF ART. 125) change his residence. EXCEPT:
1) Destierro
*The conduct of Preliminary Investigation 2) Ejectment
must be completed within 15 days (this is only 3) Expropriation for a public purpose and with
true for Preliminary Investigation WITH just compensation
waiver) 4) When leasing property and the lessee
cannot pay
Can the arrested ask for extension of the 15
day period? Art. 128.
It may be granted if the accused needed *3 Ways to commit:
more time to produce evidence, then YES. 1. The public officer enters any dwelling
against the will of the owner thereof
The detained person can apply for bail. But 2. He searches papers or other effects
where? What court? found therein without the previous
You can file it with the court along with the consent of the owner.
police report. 3. Having surreptitiously entered said
dwelling, and being required to leave
What if the crime committed by the detained the premises, he refuses to do so.
person is nonbailable? You can still apply for
bail because you still need to thresh out If A entered the home of B without his
probable cause. consent is this a violation of domicile?
No. It must be over his objection. It will be Implied that it is against the consent of the
noted that to constitute a violation of owner because the door is closed and also it’s
domicile, the entrance by the public officer or was made during an unholy hour.
employee must be against the will of the
owner of the dwelling, which presupposes *If a private person along with a public person
opposition or prohibition by said owner, enter, holding hands, the private person
whether express or implied. If the entrance by bears the same liability as the public person
the public officer or employee is only without
the consent of the owner of the dwelling, the Art. 129.
crime is not committed. Neither is the crime Note: “In addition to the liability”
committed if the owner of the dwelling *If a private person made a false affidavit to
consented to such entrance. obtain the warrant, the offenders will be liable
for perjury IN ADDITION to Art. 129.
How about search of papers or other effects
found? Art. 132. Interruption of Religious Worship
If the search was conducted without the Art. 133. Offending the Religious Feelings
previous consent of the owner of the home The only punishable act that can be
there is a violation. No objection needed. committed by a private person under this
If you find someone in your house and when
asked to leave, he leaves. What is the possible TITLE III. CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC ORDER
crime committed? JVI: Will you be able to name all of them?
Unjust Vexation You’ll never know, the examiner would be out
of his mind to ask you this.
If the owner is absent, is 128 being violated?
Entry in a domicile is “against the will” when Why must coup’ de tat be classified under
the offender ignores the prohibition of the 134-A? Because they cannot assign it to 135
owner which may be express or implied as without changing all the other numbers.
when the door is closed even though not POLITICAL OFFENSE DOCTRINE- look at the
locked. case of Satur-Ocampo v. Judge “something”.
It is an en banc resolution rendered in 2013
What if at 2am the intruder, entered the where the court compiled all jurisprudence
house and the door was not locked did he on rebellion.
violate 128?
Art. 134. Rebellion or insurrection. NOTE: Prosecution under R.A. 9372 shall be
Elements: bar to another prosecution under the RPC or
1) Public Uprising any SPL.
2) Taking arms for purposes of… *If the charge is necessarily included in the
charge, then the person can be convicted of
It is consummated at the time the take up the crime necessarily included if acquitted of
arms. It is not necessary that they accomplish the more serious crime.
Look at Art. 324. Do we still have crimes
What is the penalty for the leaders? Reclusion involving destruction of property? What is the
Perpetua status of 324? May the accused be held under
324 because the prosecution failed to prove
*There is NO crime of MISPRISON of him guilty under the human security act?
OF TREASON!!! Look at 7659. It did not reinstate art 324! It
only reinstated Art 320. Therefore, in answer
When is a person liable under rebellion or to the above, No, he cannot be charged for a
under R.A. 9372 (Terrorism) crime which was repealed and never restored.
Rebellion/ Insurrection, when considered
Terrorism: RA 9372 Human Security Act of Art 202. Amended to exclude vagrancy. It left
2007 provides that when a person who prostitution, BUT it was also repealed under
commits an act punishable as rebellion/ the expanded anti-trafficking act, what then
insurrection, thereby sowing and creating a is the status of prostitution under 202?
condition of widespread and extraordinary RA 10364 Sec 32. The repeal of 202 would
fear and panic among the populace, in order only refer to the subject of prostitution under
to coerce the government to give in… is guilty the expanded trafficking act.
of the crime of terrorism.
 The penalty here is 40 years In RA 10362 she is considered a VICTIM, if as
imprisonment without the benefit of a result of trafficking, she is forced and this
parole under the ISL. results to prostitution, this is not a violation of
NOTE: terrorism is not the most severely 202 because she is merely a victim.
punished crime. *NOTE: PD 1613 the New Arson Law.
Art 147 in relation to RA 7392 Sec 17- illegal It has to be “By reason of his office” or when
associations “shall upon application with the the mayor is in actual performance of his
DOJ, be declared as an outlawed duty, since the mayor was in his office it is
association”- should this requirement apply Direct Assault.
under the RPC?
What if a judge is in McDo and X attacked
Under the human Security Act? him because the judge previously cited him
1) there must be an application in contempt.
2) and a hearing to declare as a terrorist This is still Direct Assault because it was
group/ out lawed organization. committed ON OCCASION of the judge’s
Art 148 and 149- (DVI: In the past this has
been a source of a lot of tricky questions.) So what is the rule on when it is DA or when
it is some other crime?
- Look at 203 (who are public officers) A. if in performance of an official duty OR on
after that, define who are agents of occasion thereof.
persons in authority.
What if the judge already retired?
May be committed in 2 ways: The answer can either be:
Focus more on the 2 ! Sir cannot think of any
No because private person na siya or Yes,
jurisprudence on the 1st because lawyer pa rin siya.

The second refers to any person, who without Requisites of the second more of DA:
public uprising, shall seriously intimidate or Elements
resist any person in authority or any of his 1) There must be an attack, use of force or
agents, while engaged in the performance of serious intimidation or resistance upon a PA
official duties, or on occasion of such or his agent;
performance. 2) The assault was made when the PA or APA
was performing his duties or on the occasion
X mayor, going thru papers, A barges in and of such performance; and
demanded payment of debt, X says “balik ka 3) the accused knew that the victim is a PA or
na lang. wala pa akong pera”, A boxed X APA, that is that the accused must have the
inflicting serious physical injuries. What is the intention to offend, injure or assault the
crime? offended party as a PA or an APA.
4) NO public uprising
NOTE: if offended party is a person in Would you know why teachers, lawyers and
authority, the force employed need NOT be heads of schools are considered DA?
serious BUT with respect to intimidation/ Teachers- out of respect
resistance, the same must be serious. Lawyers- they are officers of the court.
Read U.S. v. Gumban (?)

What are the rules? What if attack on a lawyer be made outside

If a person in authority is attacked and he was of the court room in a karaoke bar singing

in the performance of his duty, motive of the “my way”? Depends.

offender is immaterial. “In actual performance OR on occasion of

If he was not in the performance of his duties such performance” – if the assault was

then motive is essential BUT if the motive be committed on occasion of such, then DA. If it

because of past performance of duty of the was not committed on occasion of such, then

person in authority is it Direct Assault. not DA.

If it is NOT in performance and motive was

not because of past performance = NOT
1) if the offense was committed ON
Direct Assault but some other felony
OCCASION of duties- Motive immaterial
Evidence of motive is important when the PA 2) If NOT on the occasion of such
is NOT in actual performance of his duty. performance, attack or assault must be by
reason of his duties.
May DA be committed against a private
individual? First check if the PA is in the performance of

Yes. How and When? When such private his duties. If, NOT then check the motive.

person is a person in authority (ex. Teacher)  If the motive was in relation to the

Including persons such as: performance of his duties, then the

1) private individual coming to aid of person crime is DA.
in authority  If not, then it may be another crime
2) teachers, professors and lawyers are
private individuals but if attacked in How about teachers?
performance in of their duties= DA If they were attacked in the classroom while
3) if DA is committed in the 1st way, it is not
teaching, then the crime is DA. If however, the
necessary that the victim be a public officer.
attack was not related to her being a teacher victim is an Agent of a PA, the Slight PI will be
then it is not DA ABSORBED.

How about if the attack was made in the What if the PA was acting with abuse of
ladies room? official functions when he was attacked will
Again, look at the reason behind the attack that be DA?
No because he exceeded his authority. His is
If the teacher was dancing in a barrio fiesta deemed to be acting in Private Capacity.
Check the motive, if not by reason ho her
work then it is not DA. INDIRECT ASSAULT.
1. Person in authority or his agent is Directly
What if the accused kissed the teacher while Assaulted
at the barrio fiesta? What is the possible 2. Person comes to aid the PA or his agent
criminal liability? 3. Makes use of force on the person who
Unjust Vexation comes to aid.

*Second rule: if the cause was the past NOTE: Indirect Assault can only be
performance of the PA, the accused is guilty committed when there is Direct Assault (as a
of DA. general rule)

NOTE: DA is committed even if several days A person who comes to the aid of a police
have conspired between the performance of man?
duty and the assault. It is mere physical injuries. A police man is a
*If the motive cannot be established, the mere agent of a person in authority by direct
crime was only PI and not DA. provision of law.
*If there is DA and the crime consists of
Serious PI or less serious PI, the crime shall be If police man was in official duty of making
a COMPLEX CRIME OF DA and PI. arrest and a private individual comes to help.
Not IP because the policeman is not being
- But if it was only slight PI, and the victim is attacked. He is in the performance of a duty.
a PA, they will be separate crimes, but if the
Prior to the amendment to 153 it was then Art. 153 (tumults and other acts of
required that the person in authority made a disobedience)
request to a private individual to aid. Such is NO. What A did was not serious. The crime
no longer required. may be alarms and scandals.

*Don’t directly assume that DA is being Distinguish Public Disorder from inciting to
committed sedition
The disturbance is either of public order or
A Judge was being attacked by X, B, seeing inciting to rebellion or sedition. If the person
this came to aid of the judge, what is the who makes statement tending to incite the
criminal liability of X. listeners to rise to rebellion or sedition had
I will qualify, if judge was in the performance that original criminal intent, it is inciting to
of his duty, it is 1 count of Physical Injuries rebellion or sedition; otherwise, it is simply
complexed with DA and for the assault on B- disturbance of public order.
Indirect Assault.
*Sec. 154, if the publication is also, obscene,
What if the person who came to aid the judge they cannot be complex, because they are
was a policemen and he introduced himself punished under different acts/
as such, what are the crimes committed?
Point is, there are so many possible situation. What are these alarms and scandals?
You have to remember the rules, I ask you to 1. Discharge of firearms, firecrackers and
master these rules. other explosives in a public place;
and DISOBEDIENCE) 3. Engaging in nocturnal amusement
disturbing the public peace; or
A with a legitimate purpose, went to the 4. Any disturbance or scandal in public places
public office and tried to get the attention of not amounting to tumults.
the workers. They did not notice him and thus
he got enraged and he took a chair and What crimes can arise from the discharge of
started shouting at them. Is he liable under a?
1. Alarms and Scandals0 offender discharges alarms and scandals. This is equivalent to
a firearm in a public place but the firearm is breach of the peace in municipal ordinances.
not pointed to a particular person when
discharged. Why is intent to kill presumed?
2. Illegal discharge of firearm- the firearm was The element is provided by law.
directed to a particular person who was not
hit if intent to kill is not proved. Isn’t it against due process?
3. Attempted or frustrated homicide or Because, Intent is hard to prove, and also
murder- the offended was hit with intent to because of convenience! If the person is
kill, automatically, the crime is at least dead, you cannot charge physical Injuries and
attempted homicide or murder; frustrated if also, you have Art 4. You have to prove that
the wound is mortal. you did not intend to commit such a wrong.
4. Physical Injuries- if the person was injured
but there was no intent to kill. Art. 156. Delivery of Prisoner from Jail.
5. Threat- If the weapon is not discharged but - Removing
aimed at another. - Helping to escape
6. Other light threat- If drawn in a quarrel but Qualified if committed by intimidation
not in self defense. violence or bribery
7. Grave coercion- if the threat was direct,
immediate and serious and the person is Art. 157. “Unlawful entry” is the result of a
compelled or prevented to do something wrong translation. The Spanish version was
against his will. “escalamiente” meaning “scaling the walls”
8. Illegal possession of firearm. If the firearm
is unlicensed provided no other crime is Detentions prisoners, minors, deportees.
committed by means of such firearm. 1. Detention prisoners “cannot evade
sentence” because they have no sentence yet.
What is charivari? BUT he may be disqualified from applying for
A mock serenade where the offender actually the ISL
disturbs the peace by using cans, pans,
utensils, etc. This brings about the crime of Would there be evasion of service if the
penalty imposed was destierro. Yes, you can
still evade this if you violate the distance entitled to Parole (As provided for by special
restriction. laws)
B is liable for delivering prisoners from jail.
Art. 158. Evasion of service of sentence on the C, since he had no knowledge of the purpose
occasion of disorders, conflagration of the tool as there were no facts that he
R.A. 10592. Good time allowance act gives a knew will not be liable. If he knew then
deduction of 1/5th. But what if they did not CONSPIRACY and therefore the act of one
leave? Before, there was no incentive will be the act of all.
provided. Now congress has corrected it.
*Sir does not agree that the conspiracy
Art. 156. “Other means”- example: DECIET. applies to the prisoner who escaped because
he is the very object of the crime.
X would like to help a friend, he falsified the
signature of a judge on the release order. Par. 3 of Art. 19- if the prisoner detained for
This would be a complex crime of delivery of the crime of murder, treason, parricide,
prisoners from jail thru falsification. attempt on the life of the president, it
In this case, what would be the penalty? rendered the person delivering the person is
That of Falsification because it is the higher liable as an accessory of the crime of treason,
penalty and it shall be imposed in its murder….
maximum period. Evasion of service of sentence.

*Art. 172 penalty is higher and therefore On the occasion of a Mutiny, B a prisoner
cannot be absorbed by 156 BUT 172 can took advantage of an emergency then he
absorb 156. returned. Will he be entitled to a deduction?
Crime committed? Evasion of service.
A is a detention prisoner, B is a friend of A Art 158 if he did NOT participate
who asked C to deliver a steel pipe with intent Art. 157 if he participated.
to help A escape. A escaped, what are the
respective liabilities? Art. 158 take NOTE. “Chief Executive
A who is a detention prisoner is NOT liable announcing the passing away of the calamity.
for anything. He is not entitled to ISL and not Does this apply to Mutiny? YES. It is agreed
the reckoning point is counted from the
Proclamation of the president also. *If the penalty is higher than 6 years the
violator may serve the unserved period.
Take note of People v. Padilla. The accused
was forced by the detainees to leave, but he *if the penalty was less than 6 years= prison
returned, is he entitled to the deduction? Is correctional in its minimum (?) period.
he liable for evasion of service? The answer is
no. In this case, the accused was not held Note: Sales v. Director of Prisons (w/o
liable for evasion of service of sentence under prejudice to his being recommitted for the
Art. 157, because he acted under the unexpired term)
influence of uncontrollable fear of an equal or
greater injury, the escapists having Art. 160. “Quasi-recidivism” (this was asked
threatened to shoot at whoever remained in several times in the bar)
the jail. 1. Offender already convicted of the offense
2. Offender committed another offense either
Art. 159 Violation of conditional pardon. May a) before service or b) while serving the first
the violator be made to serve the balance of 3. Punished with the MAXIMUM period of the
his prison term? What would be the authority new felony
of the president if he violated the conditional The first offense can be the RPC or any
The Revised Administrative Code BUT the second offense must be a felony
under the RPC.
What if the accused was ruled by the court
that he did NOT commit the crime? This is of *Quasi-recidivism is a special aggravating
no moment because the president granted circumstance- It cannot be offset by an
the pardon and it partakes of the nature of a ordinary mitigating circumstance
contract. *What if we are dealing with a privileged
mitigating circumstance?
What about the presumption of innocence? Privileged mitigating circumstances CANNOT
Also of no moment because the president’s be offset! Even by special aggravating
will shall prosper. circumstances.
(The general rules is to apply Art. 48-
Title 4. however, you do not apply it if the crime is
NOTE: ART 171 and 172- They deal with the absorbed or if the law provides that “in
same punishable acts and the only difference addition to” clause)
is the capacity of the individual.
TAKE NOTE: of “Official functions” 3 types of false testimony:
1. False testimony in criminal cases. –
ART 183/184- Elements of Perjury: against/in favor of the accused
a. The accused made statement under oath 2. False testimony in civil cases
or executed an affidavit upon a material 2. False testimony in other cases (perjury)
matter; *Note the penalty of false testimony in a case
b. the statement or affidavit was made before is dependent upon the sentence of the
competent officer authorized to receive and accused.
administer oath.
c. In that statement of affidavit, the accused TAKE NOTE: even if the accused acquitted the
made a willful and deliberate assertion of a witness shall still be punished.
falsehood; and
d. The sworn statement or affidavit containing *In Art. 180, the accused must have been
the falsity is required by law or made for a charged under the RPC and NOT under the
legal purpose. special law.
* False testimony does not need to be the
What is the rule if the author of the direct cause of the conviction.
falsification cannot be identified? The person
who used it is the falsifier. In every case, there will be the version of the
Falsification can be the means of committing defense. Prosecution will procure witnesses
another offense or felony. (Ex. Art. 129 if the against the defense. Also the defense will
accused committed this also) have to bring witnesses. If the court rules in
favor of the prosecution, is this sufficient to
When would falsification and the other crime convict the witnesses of the defense? How
be taken against the accused? come there are very few cases wherein one
1. Estafa thru falsification of public document.
party files a case of false testimony against the execution of which a public official
the witnesses of another? intervened
Because, there would be no end to cases and - Official document- A document
because it would discourage the witnesses to which is issued by a public official in
appear before the courts. Because of public the exercise of the functions of his
policy, there is a reluctance to charge office. An official document is also a
witnesses. BUT if the testimony is with malice public document. It falls within the
per se, sir does NOT see why you can’t charge larger class called public documents.
the witness. - Private document- A deed or
instrument executed by a private
X forges the signature of the president: What person without the intervention of a
is the crime committed? notary public or other person legally
It depends if he signs it in his official capacity authorized, by which document some
or in his private capacity. Look at the nature disposition or agreement is proved,
of the document falsified. If it was an official evidenced or set forth.
document, Art. 161. Otherwise, it is - Commercial document- Any
falsification under Art. 171 of public officer or document defined and regulated by
172 if private individual. the code of Commerce.
X after forging the signature of the president
used it, is he liable under 162? No he is not NOTE: BUT under the ROC- only Public and
liable. Under 162, the document must be Private Documents.
forged by another person. He is still liable Art. 170 the offender is any person and the
however, under Art. 161. subject is 170 a minute resolution, or
ordinance enacted by the legislative or
Differentiate public, official, private and pending approval of congress enacted by the
commercial documents provincial board or municipal council.
- Public documents- a document
created, executed or issued by a What are these local legislative bodies? The
public official in response to the City Council, Municipal Board.
exigencies of the public service, or in *The offender in 170, alters such. The term
alter means? Alteration should have changed
the meaning of the document, what if the sworn statement containing the falsity must
alteration, was altered to reflect the TRUE be required by law.
meaning of the document? Is he still liable?
Yes because he still had no authority… but if If he said that he/she was qualified candidate
he did have authority, then not liable. in his/her COC. Is he/she liable?
*If Art. 171, the public official did not act in No. It is a conclusion of law. It is a mere
official capacity, liable under Art. 172. opinion and not a narration of facts. An
expression of an honest opinion done in
How many punishable acts under Art. 171? 8. good faith is a valid defense to avoid liability
Same as in Art. 172. of falsification.

Would there be a difference, except for the What if it was made with Malice?
status of the offender? NO LIABILITY. It has to be in GOOD FAITH.
IN Art. 172. –there is a provision on USE. But
there is none in A 171. What then would that NOTE: Falsification can be committed by
imply? imprudence.

What is the difference under 171 (4) and 183? When not liable under 174 (4)
1. in F, there is absolutely false narration of 1. no law requiring the making of such
facts in a document. IN P, the offender falsely statement or the disclosure of certain facts
testifies under oath in a proceeding other 2. There is colorable truth in the statements
than judicial. made in the narration of facts.
2. in F, the false narration of facts can be 3. When the perversion of truth in narration
made in any instrument. IN P, the document of facts was not made with the wrongful
involved is limited to an affidavit w/ … must intent of injuring a 3rd person.
refer to a material fact
3. In F, the untruthful statement is made with *there is no crime of Estafa thru falsification
the intention of injuring a third person, in P of a private document.
the same is not an element of the crime.
4. In F, there is a legal obligation to declare
the truth of the facts in the offender. IN P, the
*Falsification may be a necessary means to malice with the intent that it be taken
commit other crimes. But they must be as true in fact.
public, official or commercial documents.
Perjury cannot be willful if there is bona fide
If the private document is used to conceal the belief that the statement is true
misappropriation of private property= - Also if HONEST mistake= not perjury
crime= estafa with abuse of confidence NOT - Also, it cannot be based merely on
Falsification. Because estafa was already contradicting statements
committed already before falsification. -
The damage cause by Estafa *SUBORNATION no longer punished- instead
will be a PRINCIPAL by inducement in perjury.
When is the user of a falsified document
presumed to be the author? NOTE: 9165 Is a regular topic in the bar.
1. Possession. But before this may be applied. 5 topics as far as RA9165 is concerned:
2 requisites: 1. conspiracy
a) Closely connected in time 2. who are liable
b) Has capacity to falsify. 3. attempt
4. immunity
2 ways of committing perjury 5. custody- Sec 21. 9165- Chain of custody
-false affidavit rule -> this has been asked twice in the bar
- false testimony
*Latest amendment to Sec 21 by R.A. 10640-
Elements: > non-compliance with these requirement s
- Under oath under justifiable grounds so long as the
- Before competent officer integrity is preserved, it shall not render
- Upon a material matter invalid these pieces of evidence.
- Statement it required by law
(Villanueva v. Sec. of Justice)- Perjury R.A. 9165- Dangerous Drugs and or
being committed by Dolo there must precursors
be malice INTENTIONALLY legal
*Take note that the doctrines in the old title 5 a. The possessor has smoked, consumed,
are still valid in 9165. administered to himself, injected ingested or
Examples: rule on possession (constructive used a dangerous drug. And
possession is included) b. He has violated Sec. 15 of RA 9165.
Possession is part of illegal use because the
latter necessarily requires the former and the -diplomats, punishable- MAXIMUM
law is compassionate with users; he is PENALTY. And confiscation of diplomatic
presumed to be a used than a possessor; one passport.
information only will be made. But if the
quantity is such as to show that it is not only *When the seller is apprehended, the
for use prosecution will be for illegal quantity he is possessing must be equal to
possession. that sold by him. If so, it will be illegal sale
only, possession absorbed by the sale. But if
NOTE: possession of instruments for the quantity possessed by him is greater than
administering drugs is punished separately. the quantity negotiated, he is still liable for
But if possession of pipe when he is smoking illegal possession equal to the excess amount.
the same, possession of pipe is absorbed. If * In order to sustain conviction for selling
he is found possessing the pipe and opium prohibited drugs, the element of sale must be
and he is NOT smoking. Two crimes are unequivocally established. Also what the law
committed: Illegal possession of opium and proscribes is not only the act of selling but
illegal possession of opium pipe. also the act of delivering. The commission of
the offense of illegal sale required merely the
6425- regulated and prohibited drugs consummation of the selling transaction.
9165-dangerous drugs in general; controlled What is important is that the poseur-buyer
precursors and essential chemicals. received the drug from the accused.

What presumptions arise from the mere SEC 15 and 11. Delineate.
possession of equipment, instrument, 11 refers to POSSESSION – penalties depend
apparatus and other paraphernalia? on quantity
Prima Facie evidence that: While 15 refers to USE.
*TAKE NOTE: Last paragraph of Sec. 15: d) Manufacture of any dangerous drug
“Provided, that this section shall not be and/or controlled precursor and
applicable where the person tested is also essential chemical;
found to have in his/her possession such e) Cultivation or culture of plants which
quantity of any dangerous drug provided for are sources of dangerous drugs,
under Sec. 11 of this Act, in which case the controlled precursors and essential
provisions stated therein shall apply. chemicals
*Sec. 15= “a person apprehended or 4. Misappropriation, misapplication or failure
arrested= Violations of the DDA NOT OTHER by a public officer or employee to account for
FELONIES” the confiscated, seized and/ or surrendered
dangerous drugs… (sec 37)
NOTE: new punishable crimes under the 5. “planting” as evidence any dangerous drug
dangerous drugs act: and/or CPEC regardless of the quantity and
1. Illegal chemical diversion of controlled purity.
precursors and essential chemicals PD1829- Comprehensive Law of Police
2. Failure to maintain and keep the original Firearm
records of the transactions on dangerous 6. Violation of any regulation issued by the
drugs and/or CPEC. Dangerous Drugs Board. (sec 32)
3. Attempt or conspiracy which carries the 7. Issuance of false or fraudulent drug test
same penalty as the consummated offense of results. (art 37)
a) Importation of any dangerous drugs 8. Violation of confidentiality of records
and controlled precursors and 9. Refusal of members of law enforcement
essential chemicals. agencies or any government official or
b) Sale, trading, administration, employee to testify as prosecution witness in
dispensation, delivery, distribution dangerous drugs cases.
and transportation of any dangerous 10. Delay and bungling in the prosecution of
drug and/or controlled precursor and drug cases by any government official or
essential chemical employees tasked with their prosecution
c) Maintenance of a den, dive or resort through patent laxity , inexcusable
where any dangerous drug is used in negligence, and unreasonable delay or
any form; deliberately cases the unsuccessful
prosecution and//or dismissal of the drug What is the rule regarding corpus delicti?
cases. The corpus delicti in cases involving
dangerous drugs is the presentation of the
*Conspiracy is punishable, also attempt dangerous drug itself.
punishable as the CONSUMMATED felony.
Note: Immunity for those who give testimony R.A. 9165. Sec 21- Amended by RA 10643.
Chain of custody rule.
Despite malum prohibitum is delivery it is Important to note:
incumbent of prosecution to prove all the 1. Punishable acts
elements-> knowingly that it is dangerous 2. Who are liable
drugs. Offender must be aware of such 3. Attempt and conspiracy
possession. Regardless of intent. 4. Immunity
SEC. 4- Importation
Attempt to commit 4, 5, 6, 16, -> same The term “Controlled precursors was added”
penalty for the same consummated offenses Correlate importation with Sec. 9- illegal
chemical diversion- this is a new offense.
Protector and coddlers are any persons who
knowingly and willfully consents to the How are Sec. 4 and Sec. 9 distinguished?
unlawful acts provided for in the Act and uses Under Sec. 4- the same is illegal
his influence, power or position in shielding, Under Sec. 9- legitimate importation
harboring, screening or facilitating the escape Added elements: controlled precursors-
of any person he knows, or has reasonable legitimately imported and sold to any person
grounds to believe on or suspects, has in the manufacture of dangerous drugs.
violated the provisions of the act in order to
prevent the arrest, prosecution and Sec. 5. “Sale… delivery of dangerous drugs”
conviction of the violator.  Can be committed regardless of
quantity of the drugs.
Correlate to accessories. But in this case, he is
a principal. The offender may be convicted instead,
under SEC11 if the quantity is NOT in large
quantity- may be charged as merely a USER May the court now file a charge for extortion?
and not a PUSHER. Should the fiscal file a case for also SEC 15?
NO! March 2014 case SC explained this is the
Despite the malum prohibitum of sale, it must case of the de la cruz. SC said- Sec 15 cannot
be proven that all elements are present. be charged for any crime for which he
Knowledge is essential. committed. It has to be RELATED. If he
ELEMENTS: (1) identity of the buyer and the OBJECTS, he cannot be prosecuted because
seller, the object and the consideration; and The basis for the drug test must be in relation
(2) the delivery of the thing sold and the to a violation of 9165.
payment therefor.
*An attempt to commit a felony. If only in
11- Possession of dangerous drugs, Correlate attempted stage warrants a reduction in
11 with sec. 15 use of dangerous drugs, degree. BUT if there is a voluntary desistance.
possession is a punishable act. Then he shall be absolved of any criminal
If a person is asserted and subject to drug test
and the result is POSITIVE and at the time of CONSPIRACY- mode of in committing
his arrest, he was forced with 5 sachets of criminal liability and crime in 9165.
drugs, Should he be liable for both 11 and 15?
Only be charged under article 11 because of Under Sec. 6- Note that an attempt/
the last sentence of Section 15. “ Provided, conspiracy to commit Sec. 4 (to import or
That this section shall not be applicable where maintenance of den under 6)
the person tested is also found to have in
his/her possession such quantity of any Manufacture under Sec 16- shall have the
dangerous drug provided under Sec. 11 of this same penalty as the same consummated
Act, in which case the provisions stated offense.
therein shall apply.”
Refusal of government witnesses to testify,
A was arrested for extortion and the officer covered by SEC 91. Also, under Sec 92 is also
ordered a drug test. A refuse- result positive. a punishable act in RPC this is dereliction of
other than the information and testimony of
If this is used to stop the government from said informant or witness; and
prosecuting the offender then the crime will (5) the informant or witness shall strictly and
be OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. The crime faithfully comply without delay, any condition
may involve ANY of these crimes. or undertaking, reduced into writing, lawfully
Under which, should the offender be imposed by the State as further consideration
punished? for the grant of immunity from prosecution
- Sec 91. Last sentence “without and punishment.
prejudice” – violation of any existing Provided, further, That this immunity may be
law. enjoyed by such informant or witness who
- Sec. 92. “Without prejudice”- does not appear to be most guilty for the
Prosecution of RPC offense with reference to which his/her
information or testimony were given:
Plea Bargaining – Sec 23- allowed under Provided, finally, that there is no direct
ROC, but convicted DRUG TRAFFICERS and evidence available for the State except for the
PUSHERS cannot avail of probation. information and testimony of the said
informant or witness.
Immunity from prosecution under SEC 33.—
exempt from prosecution. Conditions: ART. 21 Chain of custody rules. – Strict
1) The information and testimony are procedure to be followed.
necessary for the conviction of the persons BUT! RA10640- under amendment, the court
described above; said that non compliance, under justifiable
2) Such information and testimony are not yet grounds as long as the integrity is preserved,
in the possession of the State; shall not render invalid custody and seizure
3) Such information and testimony can be of said drugs.
corroborated on its material points;
4) The informant or witness has not been R.A. 9208 – Anti-trafficking of persons act.
previously convicted of a crime involving RA 10364- Anti-Trafficking of persons act-
moral turpitude, except when there is no
other direct evidence available for the State Art. 195 and Art. 199- repealed this 1602- and
by 9287 law on illegal numbers game.
Illegal gambling activity. Here, the State Chapter 4. MALVERSATION Be very familiar
protector and coddler are also liable in the with this.
same manner as 9165 protector/ gambler.
Art. 208 is an example of NON-feasance- Acts
If the Protector/ coddler is also a public with malice. Prosecution of offenses.
official the penalty is higher.
Prostitution- Woman Habitually engaged in NOTE: that the same act may be covered by
sexual intercourse. a special penal law: Obstruction of Justice.
9165 is there a similar punishable act?
What if the person involved is a transgender? Gambling and failure to testify as
Will not be liable because birth determines prosecution.
whether or not a woman.
ART 208, see PD 1829. Obstruction of Justice.
Look at 266- A -> Rape thru sexual If all elements are present, it will not prevent
intercourse after rape occurred it was the government in giving separate offenses
discovered that she was transgender. What is
the criminal liability? DVI: If the problem involves the violation of
*Prosecutor filed under Par. 1, believing the a special law, include it!
victim was a woman. The prosecutor must
amend the charge. To comply and charge Art. 208 Republic v. Mendoza- crime W/N
under Par. 2 committed is a prejudicial question before
NOTE: Under Persons, Gender is determined the public officer may be prosecuted.
at the time of birth.
Officers of the BIR who having knowledge or
CRIMES COMMITTED BY PUBLIC OFFICERS information of violation of the internal
Chapter 2- Malfeasance and Misfeasance. revenue code shall fail to report shall be
Does it involve NON-FEASANCE? Although punished under such law and not under the
the title is limited to Mal and Mis, take note RPC.
that NON-FEASANCE is included. Look at Art.
For malfeasance, the most important are 210 penalized with reclusion perpetua and/or
and 211. 3 ways to commit: death.
1. Direct Bribery- The public officer will do an
act which may or may not constitute a crime, NOTE: “an act constituting a crime.” Also
or refrain from doing what he should do in must be related to official duties. If NOT
consideration of what he will receive. The related, it must be another crime.
kinds of direct bribery in Art. 210 are: * All must have the element of “in
a) 1st paragraph- the act constitutes a consideration”
crime wherein mere agreement “Not constituting a crime”, give an example.
consummates direct bribery (from Reyes):
b) 2nd paragraph- the act agreed upon - The treasurer who in consideration of
does not constitute a crime; here the money or present, awards certain stalls in the
officer must accept the gift, mere public market to a Chinaman, in spite of the
agreement will not suffice (“gift was fact that there are Filipinos who have better
accepted by the officer”) under this rights. This act of the treasurer is not a crime
paragraph: but it is unjust.
a. If the act is executed- penalty - in the case of U.S. v. Gacutan, the bribery
is the same as in the 1st committed by the justice of the peace falls
paragraph under this form of bribery, because when he
b. If the act is not accomplished- decided the case in favor of the party who
penalty is lower. gave him a female carabao worth P80,
c) 3rd paragraph- nonfeasance; the without regard to the evidence, he executed
officer refrains from doing what he is an act which is not criminal, for there was no
obliged to perform evidence that the decision was unjust and
2. Indirect bribery- the public officer does not that he knew it to be unjust. The act he
have to do anything in consideration of what executed was unjust, for it certainly was an act
he receives. The gift is given to him by reason of injustice to convict a person charged with
of his office without more. a crime without regard to what the evidence
3. Qualified bribery- a law enforcement in the case may be.
officer refrains from arresting or prosecuting
an offender who commits an offense
Example: If a lawyer approaches the clerk of in consideration of
court and asks her to place his case file on top the gift.
of the pile. She does so and is called ahead. Mere agreement The public officer
consummates the must accept the gift

NOTE: the elements of bribery: crime of direct to consummate the

bribery if the act crime of indirect
- Public officer within the scope of 203
agreed upon bribery.
- Officer accepts the offer (by himself or
amounts to a crime
thru another. Not necessary that he
They both receive a gift
receive it personally).
- Be received with a view of committing
Qualified bribery- if he refrains from
a crime, or to do an act that does not
punishing an offender who committed (Art.
constitute a crime or to refrain from
211-A) take note of the penalty.
doing a duty.
- Must be related to his official duties.
Art. 204-205, 206, 207- Misfeasance in office
that judges can commit.
What is the liability if he refuses to accept the
In 204. Sta. Maria v. Ubay (87 SCRA 179) The
The offeror will be liable for corruption of
judge must be aware that the judgement is
public officer. The public official will not be
unjust, meaning he made it deliberately and
maliciously. If there was no malice, it could be
* Another principle of bribery- cannot be
more of negligence.
complexed with other crimes because of the
Judgment (final) v Interlocutory Order
“in addition to” phrase.
(pending MR)

Indirect bribery
In which case, it may fall under 205.
Principal distinction with direct bribery
INEXCUSABLE negligence or ignorance
Direct Indirect
present. Will not apply if simple negligence.
The public officer There is no such
What will be the degree of ignorance?
must do or omit the requirement
doing of something
In 206, X an employee charged and collected here was merely an act of hiding/ covering up
from A an amount, and misappropriated the the crime.
entire of what offense?
Malversation requires:
What crime did X commit when he collected 1. accountable public officers
an amount greater than due from the 2. he has custody or control of funds or
taxpayer and misappropriated it? property by reason of the duties of his office;
- Illegal exaction for collecting an 3. The funds or property involved are public
amount more than due funds or property for which he is accountable;
- as to the amount representing, the and
true amount: Malversation is 4. He has appropriated, taken or
committed misappropriated, or has consented to, or
- as to the excess, the crime is estafa. through abandonment or negligence,
permitted the taking another person of such
X charged and collected an amount more funds or property.
than what is allowed by law. Only 10K, but the
employee demanded 20K, the taxpayer paid May a private individual commit malversation
20K. The employee on the tax receipt to the (People v. Sendaydiego) YES. Where it was
taxpayer placed 20K, but in the duplicate he held that a private person conspiring with an
indicated the amount of 10K. What accountable public officer in committing
offense/offenses did X commit? malversation is also guilty of malversation
Illegal exaction for collecting an amount more
than due. May private funds be the subject of
As to the amount representing the true malversation?
amount, malversation. The provisions of Art. 217 apply to
2 acts of falsification administrator or depository of funds or
And Estafa for the excess of 10k which is property attached, seized, or deposited by
private funds. public authority, “even if such property
belongs to a private individual”
*Not complexed when the charged higher, it Such phrase denotes the express intention of
was already punishable act. The falsification the Penal Code to make accountable public
officers guilty of malversation not only of legis and its misappropriation would
national, provisional or municipal funds, constitute malversation.
revenues or property, but also of other funds
or property, even if they belong to private *Note: There is prima facie evidence of
individuals, as long as such funds or property malversation if the PO has duly forthcoming
are placed in their custody. any public funds or property with which he is
chargeable, upon demand by any duly
The rule: only public funds may be the subject authorized officer. BUT this may be rebutted
of Malversation BUT private property as if it is shown that he did not misappropriate.
impressed with public character as declared
by law (COCOLEVY funds is a fund impressed Under 218. Actual misappropriation is NOT
with public character.) required.
U.S. v. Saberon. The reason for this is that the
How about the funds of the boy scouts of the law does not contemplate the possibility of
Philippines (Please check the status of W/N malversation as the need of enforcing by
GOCC) penal provision the performance of the duty
incumbent upon every public employee who
When a public officer had no authority to handles government funds to render an
receive the funds, he shall be liable for estafa! account of all he receives or has in charge by
reason of his employment.
The defendant, marked in evidence 10K peso
bills, the court marked them accordingly, Art. 219-> Departure must be against the law/
exhibits 1-10, thereafter, the clerk of court, unauthorized.
pulled out from the records these bills and Art. 220-> Technical malversation applying
misappropriated them. What crime was public funds for another purpose… If diverted
committed? for personal use the crime is malversation
(People v. Abraham) Infidelity in the custody under 217.
of public documents since at the time, the
money is considered documentary exhibits. *Elements under ART. 221:
Not money. If the case was terminated a. That the public officer has Government
already, it would now be funds in custodia funds in his possession
b. That he is under obligation to make This article punishes minor official betrayals,
payment from such funds. infidelities of little consequence, affecting
c. That he fails to make the payment usually the administration of justice, executive
maliciously. or official duties, or the general interest of the
public order.
Infidelity of public officers. What are their
classifications? Art. 231 only by judicial/executive are
1. Infidelity in the custody of prisoners punished. Legislative officers are exempt
2. Infidelity in the custody of documents from liability (9745)
3. revelation of secrets
Compare maltreatment of prisoners and anti-
1. Infidelity of custody of prisoners (may be torture act.
committed by Public or private persons) -> if
a private person, liable the same way as Maltreatment may be committed:
public officers. 1. by an officer overdoing himself in the
correction or handling of a prisoner or
What is the liability of a public officer who detention prisoner under his charge.
shall reveal secrets to the public, such as 2. By imposing punishments not authorized
when a person enters military establishments by the regulations; or
and effects information and gives it to an 3. By inflicting punishments in a cruel and
enemy country? humiliating manner.
If the secret revealed foes not affect public If the purpose of the maltreatment is to extort
interest, the revelation would constitute no a confession, or to obtain some information
crime at all. Espionage is not contemplated in from the prisoner, the penalty is higher.
this article. This article does not include the
revelation of secrets of the State to a NOTE: the penalty for maltreatment shall be
belligerent nation because such acts are “in addition to” the physical injuries or the
already defined and punished as espionage damage caused.
in Art. 117 or CA 616. *If the victim was NOT detained but
maltreated to extort a confession= penalty is
If he was under the custody, it will be
maltreatment. TITLE 8!!!
A killed his wife with evident premeditation
If the custodian allowed a third party to and cruelty. What crime is committed?
maltreat a prisoner? The custodian will be Parricide
liable for prevarication under 208 OR 247 was repeated several times in the bar.
tolerating the commission of the offenses of In 246, relationship is the essential element of
“Maliciously tolerating the commission of a the crime. If relationship is ABSENT it is NOT
crime” parricide.
1st rule: If father, mother of child, it does NOT
If a PO shall submit his resignation to the matter if legitimate or illegitimate.
appointing authority and the following day 2nd Rule: If ascendant/ descendant, they must
he refused to report for work and later on his be legitimate.
application was refused. What is his liability? 3rd Rule: Consanguinity and Direct Line.
Art. 238 Abandonment.
The purpose of acceptance is to deter any P committed parricide thru reckless
stoppage of work. imprudence, The husband, who, while
struggling for the possession of the gun with
But what is the reason was because of health? his children, without intent to kill anyone,
Would it still require acceptance? Yes! pulled the trigger of the gun which exploded
QUALIFIED ABANDONMENT: Par. 2 Art. 238 and hit his wife who was approaching them,
is guilty of parricide through reckless
X was arrested brought to the police station, imprudence.
his mother found out and went to the police
station and pleaded to the police officer. The What if an unmarried, 15 year old mother
PO says, let’s talk about it in a motel tonight. killed her new born child. The crime
Would she fall under 245? committed is infanticide (255)
NO. The mother is NOT included here. What about the age of the girl? 15 years old.
Therefore the public officer cannot be held This case shall be covered by the Justice and
liable here. Juvenile act 10630
245 is consummated by mere solicitation.
To be absolutely exempted the crime should having sexual intercourse with the victim and
have been committed BEFORE the 15th the time the latter was actually shot, the
birthday. If 15 and 1 day, you cannot invoke shooting must be understood to be the
the exception anymore. continuation of the pursuit of the victim by
the accused appellant. The RPC, in requiring
The child victim must not be more than 3 that the accused “shall kill any of them or
days old in order for the crime to be both of them… immediately” after surprising
INFANTICIDE. his spouse in the act of intercourse, does not
*247 is NOT a felony/crime it is a special say that he should commit the killing instantly
mitigating circumstance. thereafter. It only requires that the death
*247 is an absolutory cause only for caused be the proximate result of the outrage
circumstances obtaining in 247. overwhelming the accused after chancing
upon the spouse in the basest act of infidelity.
NOTE: the spouse should be properly But the killing should have been actually
charged under parricide, murder or PI. IT IS motivated by the same blind impulse, and
THE COURT which will determine W/N the must not have been influenced by external
case falls under 247. factors. The killing must be the direct by-
product of the accused’s rage.
X found spouse and paramour in an empty JVI: Sir thinks it is a bit of a stretch of the
house, all circumstances indicate that they interpretation but if this question appears in
just had sexual intercourse. He killed the the bar, just use the case of Acarca. Rule the
paramour and his wife. Is he liable? Yes! same way the SC ruled.
Parricide but what about the case of
Gonzales. IN this case the majority of the What if the wife knew about the adulterous
Justices of the SC believ4ed that there must relationship?
be ACTUAL sexual intercourse. She cannot avail of 247.

What about the case of Abarca? Problem of vacant room- did not have ALL
In this case, though quite a length of time, INDICATIONS THAT SEXUAL ACTIVITY
about an hour, had passed between the time happened
the accused-appellant discovered his wife
When is the killer not liable for murder even Absent conspiracy, court must establish
if premeditated to the killing? independently. Here the court must
1. Parricide determine the liability independently because
2. Infanticide the prosecution failed to establish the
3. Not alleged in the information accused on proof beyond reasonable doubt.
4. When means employed is by means = must be acquitted.
5. When the person killed is different X married A in China, X came to the Phil. And
from intended victim. married B. X killed B! What is the crime?
HOMICIDE because the RPC requires a
Circumstance of night time and uninhabited legitimate marriage in order to be parricide.
place is not a qualifying aggravating
circumstances. A and B fought each other, with intent to kill,
A struck B, cutting off his private part. What is
Wife knew that the husband is having an illicit his liability? FRUSTRATED HOMICIDE because
relationship to the servant.. Serious physical there I s intent to kill (cutting off the private
injuries- must the wife be sentenced to part was only incidental.)
penalty of destierro or serious physical
injuries or 247? In crimes against persons, corpus delicti will
SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURIES not destierro of not prefer to the body.
247 because she knew but did not do
anything about the relationship of thr Prosecution of drugs- corpus delicti is
husband and the serves. Thus, it appears that physically in the body of the person who
she consented to such relationship. committed the crime

What is the liability of A and B, who without Infanticide- treachery is inherent. Not
conspiracy dealt blows on the victim resulting qualified.
to his death? The victim had 2 wounds, one
slight, one mortal, there is no evidence as to COMPLEX CRIME OF HOMICIDE WITH
who dealt which blow. What is the criminal UNINTENTIONAL ABORTION
A shot his fun to B, who suffered only slight No liability. No intentional abortion: no
physical injuries. What is his liability? abortive intent. No unintentional abortion: no
1. Slight physical injuries and another crime physical violence. Not 264 coz this requires
for illegal discharge. It is NOT complexed “knowingly” administering the injurious
because slight physical injury is a light felony. substance, in this case, the substance was
A, committed suicide in a manner suggested given by mistake.
by B. Is B liable for giving assistance to
suicide? The wife was informed by the doctor that the
According to Reyes: Giving suggestions to poison administered rendered the wife
manner of suicide= assistance. impotent, what is the recourse of the wife?
A suffered abortion thru natural cause, the (Declaration of nullity under 36-
expelled fetus already had a human form (5 Psychological incapacity)
months old) while the fetus was still alive, it
was buried by the servant girl in the backyard. Rape was used to be clarified as CRIMES
What is the crime committed? AGAINST CHASTITY
Nothing. Abortion was thru natural cause; How is rape committed?
there is no infanticide because there is no Thru sexual intercourse by a man against a
showing that the fetus can survive on its own. woman. OR thru sexual assault where the
A, a stranger poisoned a pregnant woman to victim is any person and any person can
kill her. As a consequence, she and the fetus commit the crime.
inside her died. What is the crime?
Murder. There is no intentional abortion What is the effect of reclassification of rape
because the abortion was only incidental to into a crime against persons?
the death of the mother; there is neither It is now a public offense
unintentional abortion because there is no 1. The procedural requirement of consent of
violence employed. the offended to file the case is no longer
needed. This is now a public crime unlike
when it was a crime against charity. Thus, the
Wife suffered an abortion due to an injurious case can be filed by the State motu proprio.
drug administered by her husband by 2. The impossible crime of rape can now be
mistake? committed.
3. Rape can now be committed against males NOTE: Rape is always committed through (…
since it is no longer a crime against chastity shet nawala notes ko ditto pero mga 3
where the victims are females only paragraphs lang yun.)
4. The aggravating circumstances relevant to
crimes against persons shall apply. 1. Subsequent marriage shall extinguish
criminal liability
What is rape under Art. 266-A. 2. In multiple rape, insofar as the other
1. Carnal knowledge of a woman under … accused in the other act of rape,
2. By any person, who under any of, (Par. 1. -for the one who marries the
Carnal knowledge by a man against a offended party, his participation is
woman. extinguished and the liability of the
NOTE: Par. (c) is NEW other, based on their participation by
the one who marries the victim is also
What is a new mode of committing rape? extinguished. But not the other
(c) Fraudulent machination liability of rape committed by them or
Examples: the other co-accused.
- Promises to marry- scheme that he
will marry but did not. No actual Art. 267. Kidnapping with Serious Illegal
intimidation, no violence, BUT he is detention.
liable under fraudulent machinations.
- Guy picks up a prostitute and offers Would it mean then that BOTH kidnapping
10K. The prostitute accepts and they and serious illegal detention must be present
have sex! But AFTER, the guy says, I in this situation?
FORGOT money!- this may be As a general rule, they must be jointly tried.
convicted under (c) While kidnapping involves taking one person
to another place, illegal detention can occur
How should the second paragraph be even before or without kidnapping. No need
described? to move from one place to another so long
DVI: There might have been an oversight in as the detention was against the will of the
placing par. 2. person detained.
4 circumstances in 267: If the victim was suffering from an ailment
1. If the kidnapping or detention shall have and because of such kidnapping or illegal
lasted more than 3 days detention he died because he did not take his
2. If it shall have been committed simulating medication, does he fall under the last
public authority. paragraph of 267?
3. If any serious physical injuries shall have YES it will. It is kidnapping with homicide.
been inflicted upon the person kidnapped or Kidnapping with serious illegal detention is
detained, or if threats to kill him shall have committed by a private individual. IF
been made. committed by a public officer then it will be
4 If the person kidnapped or detained shall arbitrary detention, BUT if the Public Officer is
be a minor, except when the accused is any acting without authority or outside the scope
of the parents, female or a public officer. of his duties, he will be liable under Art. 267.

*If in consequence of the kidnapping, death, *The last paragraph of 267 created a special
rape, torture occurred, the penalty will be complex crime.
What is the liability of the person who
FELONY- Act or Omission punishable by law. furnished the place where the victim was
Abandonment. detained?
If the crime is serious illegal detention= mere
PD 603 – Paragraph 4 accessory
If slight= co-principal
150- specific subject BUT if he conspired with the kidnappers then
282- general act the act of one is the act of all.

RA 7610- sec 10 e- amended the penalties in Slight illegal detention.

the RPC in art 248, 249, 260. X kidnapped A, a female but he released her
Whenever a victim is a minor, the penalty 2 days later. What is the liability of X?
shall be one degree higher. When the victim is a female, the detention is
punished under Article 267. Voluntary release
is NOT mitigating under this article!
There used to be 2 paragraphs here before.
A and B forcibly took B, a woman to marry BUT is has been repealed!) While kidnapping
her! But she refused and was released the appears in the title it only really refers to the
next day! The crime is serious illegal failure to return a minor.
detention because the victim was a female.
If there was lewd designs the crime will be Republic v. Pastrami- It is not kidnapping
forcible abduction which is punished but the DELIBERATE failure
The difference between kidnapping and of the custodian to deliver.
forcible abduction is the presence or absence *“Deliberate” must be more than mere
of lewd designs. If the original intent is to negligence. It must be intentionally and
detain or deprive her of liberty, it is maliciously wrong.
Art. 271. Inducing a minor to abandon his
SEC 7 RA 9745 ANTI TORTURE ACT home. But look at 347.
SEC 13 In 276- the offender is in custody of the child
ART 208 In 347- the offender is any person
In 276- the offender avoids the obligation of
Illegal detention v. Arbitrary detention. rearing and caring.
Illegal detention Arbitrary Detention In 347- the offender caused the child to lose
Committed by a Committed by a its civil status.
private individual public officer or
who unlawfully employee who X induced A, a minor to abandon the home
kidnaps, detains, or detains a person of his parents. The minor refused. What is the
otherwise deprives without legal
liability, if any?
a person of liberty ground
The mere act of inducing a minor
Crime against Crime against the
consummates the crime in 271.
personal liberty and fundamental law of
security the State.
Art. 272. Slavery.
Acts punishable are: Purchasing, selling,
In 270, there is NO KIDNAPPING. So how do
detaining a human being for the purpose of
you explain the title 270?
enslaving him.
*You may now delete the term kidnapping- it You will be liable for homicide. Under Art. 275
is an oversight on the part of the legislature. “unless the omission shall constitute a more
If the purpose is to enslave this falls under serious offense” You may also use Article 4 as
Paragraph 1. your authority.
If it is to assign to an immoral calling then it Article 276- Abandoning a minor of 7 years
falls under Par. 2. old.
If none present: either 267 or 268.
NOTE: Paragraph 3: “Not prevent the
Art. 273 and 274 refers to forms of imposition of a penalty provided for the act
involuntary servitude in payment of a debt. committed” -> the more serious offense shall
be punished.
In 274 as a household servant or a farm
laborer! If it is OTHER FORMS OF WORK the NOTE: there are additional penalties for other
crime will be COERCION. crimes in the code.

Art. 273 Note that: Indebtedness is not a RA 1074 amended the penalties: If the victim
ground of detention. was under 12 years old, the penalty is 1 degree
Art. 274, the debtor- creditor relationship In regard to trespass to dwelling- compare
must exist- if this does not exist the crime is with Art. 128.
coercion. 128 deals with public officers.

Art. 275- Abandonment of person in danger GRAVE THREATS

Paragraph 2- Abandonment of one’s own - If the act threatened is a crime, it will
victim. always be grave threats
Take note of UNINHABITED - If the act threatened is NOT a crime it
- If the place is uninhabited, you are will be light threats
directed by law to render assistance. Threats v. Coercion
Threat Coercion
What is your liability, if the person who you The threatened The threatened
abandoned, later on died? harm or wrong is harm or wrong is
future and immediate, X boxed him several times. What is the
conditional personal and direct liability of the offender?
It may be done It cannot be done Liability is only physical injuries because for
through an by means of an grave coercion/threat it must be BEFORE the
intermediary or in intermediary or in act sought to be prevented be done.
writing writing.
Generally, it is It is generally
committed by committed by
means of violence, although it
Grave coercion is committed in 2 ways:
intimidation which is may also be by
1) Preventive- the offender uses violence or
future and intimidation if it is
conditional serious enough, intimidation to prevent the victim from doing

direct, immediate what he wants to do, and

and personal, as for 2) Compulsive- the offender uses violence or

example intimidation to compel the offended to do
intimidation with what he does not want to do.


A threatened a woman that he will kill her FIRST paragraph covers light coercions: it
husband if she would not have sexual must be applied to the debt of the debtor,
intercourse with him, the next day, the otherwise the crime will be robbery
woman agreed to the condition imposed by
A to save her husband, A had sexual Par. 2- UNJUST VEXATION
intercourse with him. There is no attempted/frustrated UNJUST
Not rape because the woman agreed to it, VEXATION. Being a light felony. Also, it is not
there was no actual intimidation before the a crime against persons or property, it is only
sexual intercourse. punished when consummated.

X warned A not to report for work because Art. 288 and 289- Impliedly repealed by the
there was a strike. A, despite this, went to labor code BUT the acts of violence are still
work. On his way home, A encountered X and covered by the RPC.
What are the other crimes in which the act * intent to gain is something in the person’s
constitutes coercion? mind.
- Art. 131. A public officer who shall People v. Reyes (26 March 2003) The court
prevent by means of violence or reiterated the principle that in robber intent
threats the ceremonies or to gain is presumed from the unlawful taking
manifestations of any religion is guilty of property belonging to another person.
of interruption of religious worship. The person divested of the personal property
- Any person who, by force, prevents need not be the owner therefor.
the meeting of a religious body will be *defense of good faith of the offender,
liable under Art. 143 destroyed the presumption of intent to gain.
- Any person who shall use Here, animus lucrandi will not exist. BUT if
force/intimidation to prevent any there is bad faith, animus lucrandi is present.
member of congress from attending
the meetings thereof is liable under SECOND ELEMENT: unlawful taking.
Art. 145. * Prevailing rule: sufficient that the object
- taken and held by the offender in a manner
TITLE 10- FOCUS ON THIS! It is always a sufficient to dispose of it as he intended even
regular question in the bar. if his possession only be temporary or
ROBBERY- there are 29 articles in title 10 As to the SUBJECT MATTER- any personal
ROBBERY can be classified into 2: property may be taken as long as it does not
-use of violence or intimidation belong to the offender. It does not matter if
- use of force upon things stolen from owner or possessor or even a
*common elements: thief.
1. Taking with intent to gain
2. Unlawful taking LAST ELEMENT: mode of commission of
3. Personal property taken robbery:
1. Violence/ intimidation against persons
*ROBBERY v. THEFT- in robbery there is 2. Force upon things.
violence and intimidation. In theft, there is RULE: as long as there is
mere stealth. Violence/intimidation against persons it is
ROBBERY. Such violence and intimidation What is the liability of the owner if he forcibly
should be present upon the takes HIS OWN property from the possession
COMMENCEMENT of the offense. of the lawful possessor?
Since he cannot rob something which he
It will be force upon things if the robbery is already owns the crime is ESTAFA
committed under 299:
- Entering a house or building or Robbery with homicide- Another favorite in
- Breaking of doors, wardrobes, chests, the bar.
or any other kind of locked or sealed If a robber fires a gun up to the ceiling and
furniture or receptacle; kills a person on the 2nd floor, is he liable for
- By taking such furniture or objects robbery with homicide?
away to be broken or forced open The court ruled that the homicide resulted by
outside the place of the robbery. reason of the robbery, therefore, YES, he is
liable. If on the occasion of the robbery a
If robbery with force upon things, entering a homicide is committed, there is no distinction
building thru an opening not intended for of the circumstances surrounding the death.
entrance, there is no ACTUAL force here. The crime will always be robbery with
ALSO, using fictitious name, or pretending to homicide.
be a person of authority, there is also no force
here. A and B riding in tandem, A as the driver and
WHERE IS THE FORCE?!?! B as the passenger, stole the shoulder bag of
Well, the law has considered BOTH actual and a person walking. There was no violence. It
constructive force was a very swift act. Unfortunately, the driver
crashed into a taxi and died. What is the crime
What if BOTH violence/intimation and force committed?
upon things are present? It will be The court ruled that the crime committed is
categorized and punished under the FIRST only theft. And there is NO THEFT with
MODE. homicide!

What will be the crime then?

Since the passenger did not do anything to PEOPLE v. SULTAN- these additional “Other
cause the death of his friend there will be no rapes” or other homicides can neither
liability. increase the penalty nor be prosecuted
*The presence of violence is an important separately. They are to be disregarded as if
difference between theft and robbery. such crimes were never committed and their
victims never existed.
If in the robbery, the policeman killed a Why? Parang unfair? BUT look at the list of
robber. What is the crime? aggravating circumstances, RAPE is not
Still robbery with homicide. enumerated and therefore the court has no
If a bystander is killed in a crossfire? STILL authority to consider the other homicides/
ROBBERY WITH HOMICIDE! rapes as aggravating.
BASTA PAG MAY NAMATAY ON THE The enumeration under article 14 is exclusive!
ROBBERY IT IS HOMICIDE!!!! People v. Carriaga- Robbery with attempted
rape does NOT fall under Article 48 or 294.
People v. Magaluban – If homicide on the They are distinct crimes.
occasion or in the course of robbery, then it In robbery with rape, the offender before
is robbery with homicide. committing the rape must have the intention
If after the robbery has already been to take the personal property belonging to
consummated, the killing occurred (take another with intent to gain and the robbery is
note: AFTER the robbery) is it still robbery accompanied with rape
with homicide?
Depends! IF the killing took place after the Robbery with Mutilation
robbery and the intention of the robber was *Slight physical injuries are absorbed in
to retain the possession or to do away with a robbery.
witness or to make good their escape, the
crime is robbery with homicide! What are the different forms of robber with
force upon things?
What is the rule if there are multiple There are 2:
homicides/ rape on the occasion of robbery? 1) in an inhabited house, public building,
edifice devoted to religious worship
2) in an uninhabited place or private building. 3. Personal property- if it is NOT personal
If in an uninhabited place= this is a special property then it may be another crime.
aggravating circumstance
NOTE: claim of ownership over the property
*Take note that using a false name of made in good faith is a VALID defense
impersonating a person of authority cannot
be punished in an UNIHABITED place The acts of unlawfully taking the property of
because there is no person there to deceive! another presupposed intent to gain.
Also, the use of firearms is irrelevant because
there is no one there to threaten. They only differ in the MANNER they take the
UNINHABITED PLACE should be uninhabited In robbery: there is violence/intimidation or
BUILDING. force upon things
In theft: there is absent violence or
If a person possess false keys what is his intimidation or force upon things BUT here it
liability? is made thru stealth and strategy.
Art. 305 merely defines FALSE KEYS without
any penalty provided for the same. Nullem DVI: immediately determine the elements of
crimen nullum poena sine legis. robbery/theft
Distinguish robbery and highway robbery
under PD. 532 and also car napping. Accused entered thru an open door, took
valuable things and left, but after leaving, he
Title 10 is a regular subject in the bar. The realized he left his baf with his ID inside. He
most common: Robbery, Theft and Estafa returned and saw the victim in his home with
*Robbery and Theft have 3 common the bag next to him. He took a club and killed
elements: the victim. What is his crime?
1. intent to gain- this is difficult to prove It can be argued either way. Theft w/
because it is only in the state of mind of the homicide. DVI thinks this is better.
accused OR
2. Unlawful taking- it has to be owned by Robbery w/ homicide
Case of Conception (2014- no complex crime
of thedt with homicide. ROBBERY WITH RAPE

Note that robbery is committed by breaking Rape must also be consummated in order to
of doors to gain entry. What if the accused be punished under 294 and 297 to apply.
broke a portion of a wall, reached inside and People v. Sultan, Apr. 27, 2000: Robbery with
grabbed valuable items iniside? multiple homicide and multiple rape - The
Crime is theft! Because in Robbery, you have court said that it will be only 1 robbery with
to enter the building. homicide. The other homicides and acts of
rape committed are to be considered as if not
But what if the robber breaks the glass committed and the victims as if they have not
window of a car or forced open the car door existed. Because article 14 of book 1— there
and when inside took everything? Still theft. is nothing in article 14 would increase
Because entry refers to a building! aggravating circumstance, due to increase in
multiple homicides/ multiple rape
BUT if it is a watercraft used exclusively as a
dwelling place? Robbery is possible. Note: applicable only when robbery with
homicide—by reason of robbery
BUT! If the watercraft is used as a means of
transportation then the crime is PIRACY. Robbery and its stages of execution:
- Force upon things
The rule when both violence and intimidation Consummated when – able to leave the
and Force upon things is present-> the building
prosecutor should prosecute under violence Frustrated – not able to take the ting outside
because it is more serious. the building
Attempted – caught with the indications of
Robbery with homicide the victim can be any unplugging the tv set, etc
person as long as on occasion or in the
course of the robbery - Intimidation
The homicide is used in its generic sense.
Frustrated: A intimidated B, to get hold of A’s
backpack, A, frightened, agreed and was What would be the rule when rape is
ready to part with his bag, when B was trying committed in the course of the robbery?
to get the backpack, one of the buttons won’t People v. Cariaga: The court ruled that
unlock and was stuck, then a policeman robbery with attempted rape does not fall
arrived. under art. 48 or art. 249—as they are distinct
Attempted crimes
Look at the definition of attempted,
consummated, and frustrated In robbery with rape, the offender before
committing rape must have the intention to
Note: There is no frustrated theft. take the personal property belonging to
For robbery—refer to the title of art. 297, it another with intent to gain and the robbery is
means that there is attempted and frustrated accompanied with rape
robbery. Attempted and frustrated robbery with
Modes of committing robbery homicide
1. Violence art 297 is also a special complex crime with
a. Full possession of the property, robber is only 1 penalty whether it was in its attempted
deemed consummated or frustrated stage
2. Force upon things – there is a need to enter
the building, his full body must be inside the When physical injuries was inflicted, with
building intent to kill, the victim was not killed, the
a. Breaking open a window, for the purpose injuries are absorbed in attempted or
of reaching the window for the purpose of frustrated robbery robbery under certain
reaching a personal property: THEFT circumstances.
b. Attempted stage: when the item was not
able to get the property outside of the [When article 48 will be applied: when a single
building act producing 2 or more felonies, or when the
c. Frustrated: when he was able to get the other felony is a necessary means of
property and was apprehended inside, committing another…]
d. Consummated: arrested even if he was just
able to take two steps out of the building
Question: X removed the radio of A from the b. Received by the offender for any purpose
car of the latter and on the way, A recognized which will give rise to an obligation to make
X and delivery or to return the same
asked where he had gathered it and A looked c. Misappropriation or conversion of such
out and opened when X got his fan knife and personal property
threatened to kill A. What crimes were d. Such misappropriation caused injury
committed? e. There be a demand made by the offended
- Two crimes committed party
o Theft – at the point where the offended i. Not an indispensable element; not
party was intimidated, theft has already necessary when there is evidence of
been consummated misappropriation or conversion of money,
o Grave threats - not robbery because the goods, or personal property received by the
radio was taken from a car, and not from offender or when the offender cannot be
a building located anymore
IF there are PI with intent to kill and the victim ii. Just show evidence to the court that there
did not die- they are absorbed. was a demand to avoid this issue
2. Estafa by means of deceit
NOTE: Motor vehicile= qualified theft -> a. False deceit
unlawful taking of a motor vehicle is now b. Other fraudulent means
subject to anti-carnapping law.
How do you distinguish this estafa under art,
ART. 315. SWINDLING/ESTAFA 315 from art. 226?
2 basic and indispensable elements: - In estafa there must be a specific intent to
1. Abuse of confidence, as a means of defraud those who are concerned in or
committing the crime affected by those papers, if there is absent
2. Damage or intent to cause damage any specific intent to defraud and the act is
culpable of pecuniary estimation committed by a public officer who is officially
entrusted with those documents or papers, it
2 general classification of estafa will not be estafa, but infidelity in the custody
1. Estafa by abuse of confidence of documents. In 226, the offender is having
a. Money, goods, or other personal property custody of this official documents
from a contract will only give rise to a civil
Estafa has features similar to theft. liability, there will be no criminal liability
- US v. Vera: In theft, there is taking; estafa,
there is receiving—not absolutely correct— PAR. 1(A). ALTERING SUBSTANCES
even if the personal property was received by A is supposed to deliver high-grade meth to
the offender but only the physical possession B; but instead he delivered a low-grade meth.
of the object was transferred, his People v. Manansala: This paragraph applies
appropriation thereof would still be the crime even if the ting to be delivered is illegal such
of theft. There is need to qualify this as opium or illegal, such as obscene literature
distinction. or items.

Prevailing doctrine: In estafa with abuse of - Will the offended party be sane enough to
confidence, juridical possession of the object file a case of estafa because the quality of the
is transferred to the accused who shall meth of which the other party promised to
convert the same to his own use or purpose, deliver is not in accordance with the
while in theft, there is only physical agreement? – I doubt it. (DVI)
possession transferred.
What then would constitute juridical MUST BE THE VERY OBJECT HE RECEIVED.
possession? - There must be a formal demand of the
When the transfer of the property is made by offender to comply with his obligation before
virtue of an obligation created by a valid he can be charged with estafa. However 2
contract or by law which grants the transferee exceptions are provided for in the cases of
a right to possession which can be set up as People v. Pendon. People v. Librea, and,
against the transferor, then this set up is a People v. Villegas:
juridical possession. 1. When the offenders obligation to comply is
subject to a period and;
If material possession is transferred juridical 2, The accused cannot be located despite due
possession and ownership is also transferred. diligence
The default of the offender may consist of an
obligation to do so or will one which arises
- The offender also commits this form of for the damages of material, and at the end
estafa by denying having received such of the course, the student did not cause any
money, goods, or other property. damage or consume any material.
The transaction is not a contract of deposit.
If he does not deny his receipt thereof but Notwithstanding the fact that the parents are
denies that he holds them in trust, on required to make a deposit. Here, the school
commission, for administration, and so forth, acquired to ownership subject to
that would also be estafa as it amounts to the reimbursement—civil liability only.
false blanket denial punished by this The thing that the offender must return must
provision. be the very object he received, and there
must be abuse of confidence
If he does not deny having received such
goods under any of the obligations requiring PARS. 2 AND 3. ESTAFA BY MEANS OF
him to deliver or return the same, but he DECEIT
denies their value or quality, that would only
hold him civilly liable. The accused may be convicted for both illegal
recruitment and estafa. Illegal recruitment is
- Failure of the entrustee of a trust receipt to malum prohibitum while estafa is malum in
account for the proceeds of the sale se, hence the criminal intent of the accused is
constitutes estafa even if the money involved not necessary for conviction in the former but
did not come from the entrustor. is required in the latter pursuant to art. 315,
par.2. of the RPC.
The former conflicting views on this matter
have been laid to rest by P.D. 115, the Trust Sale of jewelry by an agent on commission
Receipts Decree, which specifically declares basis and the agent disappears after selling
such act as estafa under Art. 315. (People v. the jewelry
Cuevo) If sold on credit, while the original agreement
is on cash basis: liability of the agent—estafa.
What is the nature of the money paid by the
parents of the students to a school requiring If sold at prices much lower than agreed upon
them to deposit of a sum of money to answer by the owner:
No estafa. not give his objection, and at the end of the
But if the agent misappropriated the reduced trial period he disposes the same?
sale price, it is estafa. - Ownership of property goes to him
- Not liable under par. 1(b)—exercised
Agent was asked to sell a diamond ring, with ownership
a commission to be deducted to the sale, but - But if the transfer specifically says that there
instead, agent pledged the ring, and failed to is a reservation of property/title, the
account for the thing— estafa ownership of the appliance remains with the
seller, and its disposition will make the buyer
When the owner gave the diamond ring to a liable for estafa.
friend with instruction that the same be PAR. 2(D) ESTAFA THROUGH BOUNCING
pledged, but the agent instead, sold them. CHECKS
The crime is only theft. - Par. 2(d) governs the crime of estafa
What kind of possession of the agent? through postdating a check, or issuing a
Material possession. And not juridical check in payment of an obligation when the
possession offender has no funds/has insufficient funds
(Estafa through bouncing checks)
The owner asked the agent to sell a diamond
ring. The agent after receiving the jewelry Distinguish estafa from B.P. 22
engaged the services of another agent to - Similarities: delivery of check,
dispose of the jewelry without the knowledge subsequent dishonor due to
and consent of the principal. But the insufficient funds
proceeds was never recovered. - B.P. 22 is malum prohibitum, while
Liability of the agent is estafa. Par. 2(d) is malum in se;
If the arrangement was with the principals - The element of deceit and damage in
knowledge, the agent incurs no criminal estafa are not required in B.P. 22
liability, absent any condition with the sub- - B.P. 22 is classified as a crime against
agent. public interest while estafa is crime
against property
What is the rule on the sale of appliance on - In B.P. 22, the drawer is liable even if
trial basis for a fixed period and the buyer did the check is issued is in payment of a
pre-existing obligation; in estafa, such PAR. 3 (C). REMOVAL, CONCEALMENT OR
will absolve the liability under par. 2(d) DESTRUCTION OF COURT RECORDS, OFFICE
i. The issuance by the offender must be prior FILES, DOCUMENTS AND OTHER PAPERS.
to or simultaneous with the transaction - Done by the accused with the specific intent
otherwise, if the check is issued of a pre- to defraud those who are concerned in or
existing obligation, no estafa obligation but affected by those papers.
may render the offender liable for B.P. 22 - If there was no intent to defraud anybody, it
could be malicious mischief,
Recuerdo v. People: The reimbursement and - If committed by the public officer, it can be
restitution made by the drawer or maker infidelity of public defined and punished
would not extinguish criminal liability, under art. 226.
criminal liability or estafa is not affected by a
compromise between the complainant and What is the liability of the drawer or maker
the accused with instruction that this is only for security
purposes and that the check should not be
RESTAURANTS, HOTELS OR LODGING - The check is a guarantee or security check
In a Lodging or hotel by obtaining credit with or memorandum check.
the use of force and by abandoning or - No criminal liability.
surreptitiously leaving the place without - Liability under BP 22: liable. “even if he
paying. What would be the basis of holding indicated that the check is only a guarantee”
The offender never announced that he had all Special law where malice or criminal intent is
the money, so no representation. Where not a principal consideration
would the deceit or intent to defraud come o Read People v. Recuerdo. The court
in? realized that there is something law
- If there is fraud, and if it is designed by a
There is an implied representation by the person not particularly punished or covered
customer that he is capable of paying the by 315 or estafa or swindling, you apply article
food that the management is offering 318—a catch-all provision
What is a NOW CHECK? (Negotiable Bill of 1. If by reason or on occasion of arson, there
Withdrawal) result the death or the homicide is absorbed,
together the liability is only arson
If the endorsee knew of the lack of funds (Par. a. Court reiterated this principle in People v.
2 (A) if drawer was in collution. Malngan, Sept. 26, 2006 and laid down its
Usually only the drawer/maker is liable BUT if i. If the object is to burn the building, but
there was collution, the payee may be liable death results on the occasion or reason –
(Issier, maker drawer???) crime is only arson
ii. If the main objective is to kill a particular
Estafa by removing, concealing documents  person and he resulted to arson or fire as a
W/ specific intent to defraud those who are means of accomplishing the desired death of
concerned w/ these documents the victim – only murder. Go back to article
-If there was no intent to defraud= malicious 248—it is a qualifying circumstance, that the
mischief fire is used to kill another
- But if public officer= Liable under Art. 226. iii. If the objective is to kill a particular person,
and in fact, the offender had killed the victim,
Art. 318 is a catch all provision and fire is resulted to as a means to cover the
killing, there are 2 separate crimes
ARSON committed—murder and arson.
P.D. 1613, Mar 7, 1979 1. Murder: the real objective is to kill and has
Three kinds of arson under the Revised Penal accomplished such
code 2. Resulted to arson to hide or covered the
1. Destructive murder he has earlier committed
2. Qualified iv. If homicide, murder, arson is committed
3. Simple for the purpose of obtaining widespread
panic for the purpose of giving in to an
Current rule: A burned the house, B was unlawful demand etc. (Human Securities Act)
inside and died. What is the liability of A? 1. Arson murder homicide are considered
only as predicate crimes
2. If the state cannot establish by evidence If part of the thing was burned=
terrorism, may the state file a case for murder consummated
or arson against the offenders?
a. No. Look at article 49 of the Human Art. 320- 326- expressly repealed but 320 was
Security Act, there, it is very specific, that it will restored and amended
bar the subsequent prosecution of the
offender for the predicate crime used as basis Malicious Mischief
for filing the crime of terrorism. It will be - Committed out of hate/revenge or
violative against the right of the accused other ill motive for specific purpose of
against double jeopardy destrying the property of another-
- if no intent= cannot be committed
b. But if it is the same proceeding: thru reckless imprudence. TITLE PA
i. RoC allows that he can be convicted of a LANG! MALICE is an element
crime which is necessarily included in the
offense and charged during pre-trial for There is simple malicious mischief and
which he is being tried for qualified malicious mischief.
NOTE: that the offender in addition shall be
X during a drinking spree, said, I want to burn liable for the other consequences of his
the house of C, B warned C of such. X, the criminal act.
next day was caught throwing gas on the
house of C. What will be the liability of the offender by
When is it attempted, frustrated, or maliciously damaging the property of
consummated? another and shall later secure the same?
Theft under Art. 308, par. 2.
A person intended to burn a wooden Note: Persons exempt from criminal liability
structure, places the flammable material by relationship (absolutory cause) - Theft,
(rags) and places it next to the wooden swindling, estafa, and malicious mischief.
structure= attempted
Committed by:
If he lights up the rags= frustrated. - Spouses, ascendants and descendants, or
relatives by affinity in the same line
- The widowed spouse with respect to the What is the nature of crimes against chastity?
property which belonged to the deceased - They are private crimes. Prosecution is
spouse before the same shall have passed based on the written complaint of the injured
into the possession of another; and party, which is a condition sine qua non.
- Brothers and sisters and brothers-in-law
and sisters-in-law, if living together But there are 2 crimes which can be
Are common law relationships included in prosecuted by the state notwithstanding
“spouses”? reluctance, or failure of the victims to do so
Yes, principle of co-ownership. They are - Violation of article 340 (corruption of
considered co-owners of the property they minors) and
were able to establish or put up in the course - Violation of article 341 (white slave trade)
of the common law relationship (p.899, Reyes
2012) These two crime against chastity may be
prosecuted by the state de officio
Take note that the offender in addition shall Take note also in libel, the same cannot be
be liable for the other consequences of his prosecuted de officio, it must at least be upon
criminal act. the written complaint of the offended party
(last paragraph or article 360)
“Maliciously damage the property of another - Libel by defamation (last paragraph of 360)
- Note that libel is crime against honor
Persons Except- the enumeration shall
operate as an absolutory cause. Adultery- committed by a women who shall
have sexual relations with another man who
CRIMES AGAINST CHASTITY is not her husband.
also referred to by private crimes
What are the felonies covered? Essence: Violation of marital promise
1. Adultery
2. Concubinage A single intercourse consummates the crime
3. Acts of lasciviousness of adultery.
4. Seduction
5. Abduction
Given the text of 333, must there be absolute Concubinage is harder to prove!
proof of sexual intercourse?
Husband told wife, his cousin would stay in
NO. It is not essential to consider, provided their come because she needs help. Every
the circumstances proves in the case can lead time the wife left, he would have sexual
to no other conclusion. relations with her. Is the husband liable? NO
- Consent applies to future acts
- Pardon refers to past acts. By keeping a mistress= a concubine must be
taken in by the husband as a concubine.
Consent of valid will exculpate the offending There must be an information given to the
spouse. wife “my mistress is coming over.

Consent applies to future acts while pardon OR if the husband keeps her in a
refers to past acts. The importance of the condominium in Rockwell- NO VIOLATION
distinction lies in the fact that consent is valid because NOT under scandalous
and will exculpate the liability even if granted circumstances.
only to one offending spouse, but pardon Proof of actual sexual intercourse is not
must be granted to both offenders. required, as long as it may be inferred from
Death of offended spouse before filing of the circumstances. Here, Element of
complaint= bar to filing. habituality not needed (required only in the
1st and 3rd)
Death after complaint filed- the complaint
may continue. “Cohabiting”- transient visits do not fall under
this. They must cohabit. Elements of
Last Par. 333- special mitigating habituality required only under the 1sr and 3rd
circumstances mode of the crime.

U.S. v. Mata. Can there be separate crimes of Occasional visits or transient interviews
bigamy and adultery? between the accused will not constitute
Yes. They are separate crimes. cohabitation which is expressly required by
the code.
Art. 336. Consummated against a person of
Art. 336. Acts of lasciviousness without either sec.
consent of the victim.
Art. 339- Acts of lasciviousness with consent But in 339- only woman is the victim and the
of victim. man the offender.

Acts of lasciviousness: Note special protection of children punished

- Under the circumstances by reclusion temporal in its medium period if
- Consent? (may be committed with the the child is 12years old.
consent of the victim)
- But without intercourse Qualified seduction – there is abuse of
- Essence: lewd design authority, confidence or relationship as the
- Always consummated. means of committing the crime
- May be committed against a person of
either sex but note that with respect to article Simple seduction – there is deceit.
339, only a woman can be a victim and only Note that the doctrine of mutual desire, as a
a man can be an offender. If the victim is a defense that the woman yielded not because
virgin, single and 12 years or older but below of deceit but because of her own desire is
18 years old. only applicable to simple seduction, not
- RA 7610: the law provides that when the applicable to qualified seduction.
victim is under 12 years of age, the - Essence of crime: abuse of confidence,
perpetrator shall be prosecuted under Art. confidence, relationship
336 of the RPC for lascivious conduct,
Here the consent of the victim but without Corruption of minors (art. 340) v. white slave
intercourse trade (art. 341)
-essence: Lewd design - CM: it is essential that minors be used; WST:
- always consummated minority need not be involved
- CM: victims may be of either sex; WST:
limited to females
- CM: may not necessarily be for profit; WST: - Complex crime of forcible abduction
generally for profit with rape
- CM: may be committed by a single act; WST: - The “under 12 years old” could not
generally committed habitually have validly given her consent.
Note that WST may be with or without the Abduction can be 1) forcible or 2) consented
consent of the woman while slavery for the
purpose of assigning the woman to immoral Art. 344. PROSECUTION OF THE CRIME OF
traffic is committed against her will. ADULTERY, CONCUBINAGE, ABDUCTION,
2 kinds
- Forcible (art. 343) They are all falling as private crimes/crimes
- Consented abduction (art. 344) against chastity. But rape is still included. But
we all know that under the anti-rape law, the
Taking away of a woman from her house or classification of rape against crimes against
the place where she may be for the purpose chastity has been transformed into a crime
of carrying her to another place with the against person and that the original article
intent to marry or corrupt her. 335 has been changed to 266-A and 266-B
- Delete rape in the enumeration.
Abduction and consented abduction - Rule in concubinage and adultery: can only
- Victim may be a married woman be prosecuted by the offended spouse
- Civil status and reputation, are immaterial - Seduction, abduction, and acts of
for the purposes of forcible abduction lasciviousness: they can be prosecuted
- In both forms of abduction, there must be exclusively and successively by the following
lewd design parties:
- There must be the taking of the woman, not 1. Offender party even if she is a minor (US v.
necessarily with some degree of permanence, Balboso)
but for some appreciable period of time. a. If she is of legal age and not otherwise
- Note: if the girl victim taken away is less than incapacitated, she alone may file the
12 years old and a virgin, and the offender complaint
had sexual intercourse with her.
b. If she is a minor or is otherwise - Subsequent marriage shall extinguish
incapacitated and refuses to do so: parents or the crime and remit the penalty
grandparents or guardian may file the claim already imposed together with the
(successively) principal, accused
i. Parents grandparents or guardian in their - Except: adultery and concubinage
successive order may also file the complaint where marriage is invalid or
ii. Either of the parents contracted in bad faith
iii. Either of the grandparents whether in the - Liability of the co-conspirator or
paternal or maternal may file accused: It will also benefit them, as
iv. If none, the state under its parens patriae well as the accessories
- Except in:
*U.S. v. LUNA the offended party must also o adultery and concubinage,
pardon o Marriage was contracted in
bad faith
- Pardon and consent in adultery and o Private libel
concubinage: only the offended spouse even o Multiple rape in so far as the
if the minor can validly extend pardon or other accused are concerned,
consent consequently if there are 3
- The pardon in seduction, abduction, and offenders and all the 3 raped
acts of lasciviousness must be express, but in the victim and then one of the
adultery and concubinage the pardon may be offenders married the victim,
expressed or implied the liability can be
extinguished, while the liability
Will bar criminal prosecution (People v. Dela of the other 2, will also be
Cerna) extinguished but not the rape
committed by B and C (People
What if there is marriage between the v. Bernardo)
offended party and the accused (assuming, Only rape committed by the husband
that they are legally capacitated)
Marriage between the offended party and the For the one who married the offended party,
accused his liability as a principal in the rape he
committed and his participation in other
rapes is extinguished and the liability of the Simulation of birth and Substitution:
other accused based on or with respect to his Note: simulation of birth and substitution of
participation in the rape committed by the children: It is not required that the child is
one who marries the victim is also legitimate, in concealment or abandonment,
extinguished. the child must be legitimate.
But the liability of the other accused in their - US v. Castillo: The court ruled that for the
own rapes are not extinguished, only their sale of the child by its father was not
participation with the rape of the offender punishable or covered by the RPC, but sale is
who married the victim now punishable under P.D. 603 and if it will
constitute the crime of child trafficking, it is
BUT if the offended spouse already filed a also punishable under sec. 7 of R.A.
divorce in another country? (Pilapil v. Ibay- 7610.
somera) There is no longer an offended
If the purpose is to defraud the offended
- Seduction, abduction and acts of party, it is punishable as such, but where the
lasciviousness may be prosecuted intent of such usurpation is merely to enjoy
exclusively or use the usurped civil rights by using
another’s license or getting a cedula in
CRIMES AGAINST CIVIL STATUS another’s name or to avoid military service or
Art. 347. to secure a passport it would be violation of
Distinguish abandonment of a legitimate article 173—using fictitious names. Or estafa,
child under 347 and abandoning a minor if there was intent to defraud a third person
under 276 art 325 OR it may even constitute perjury or
- 347, offender is any person; in 276, the
offender has custody of the child Art. 349. Illegal marriages
- 347, the purpose is to cause the civil status Contracting a second or subsequent
of the child; 276, the purpose is to avoid the marriage before the former marriage has
obligation of rearing and caring for the child been legally dissolved, or before the absent
spouse has been declared presumptively
dead But in one case if there is no marriage to
speak of, the parties merely signed a
Three kinds of illegal marriages: marriage contract. There was no ceremony.
 Art. 349: Bigamy There is no marriage to speak of
 Art. 350: Marriage contrary to the
marriage law Art. 351. Amended by 10655. (should be
 Art. 351: Premature marriage, now removed)
subject of a pending bill in the senate Purpose: to avoid doubtful paternity
for total repeal
Note: it will not apply if the widow was not
- In, bigamy it is essential that the first pregnant by the first spouse since he was
marriage is valid and existing and the second permanently sterile or completely impotent
marriage would have been valid were it not
to the existence of the first marriage What is the liability of the new husband for
the marriage entered under art. 351?
The ruling in People v. Dumpo, People v. There is none. Since this offense is intended
Mendoza, etc. have all been put to rest by the only for the woman who contracts a
Family Code adopting the doctrine in Gomez, premature marriage
Vda. De Consuegra and Wiegel.
Performance of illegal marriage ceremony if
Prior to the effectivity of the family code court a pastor of a sect. with authority to solemnize
issued conflicting rulings. in fact solemnized a marriage without the
requisite marriage license. When charged, he
Current holding: There is a need of a judicial claimed it was merely a blessing. NO it was a
declaration of the fact that the marriage of marriage because if you ask the “do you take
the person is void before the person can this man/woman…” it is already a ceremony
marry again, otherwise, the second marriage
will be void and this pronouncement finds LIBEL
application to both void and voidable What is the doctrine of privileged
marriages communication?
Malice is an element which can be malice in
- An offense of defamatory imputation of a law which is presumed malice and malice in
discreditable act made publicly with malice or fact, which is actual malice
lawful intent
- Test of a defamatory utterance - Every publication in a libelous article is a
- Rules: separate crime, but it is required that the
1. If in its face, the article is defamatory, even victim be identified, from the contents of the
if it is true: it is presumed that the offender libelous article, otherwise the case must be
acted in malice – it is malice in law dismissed

2. If the article is not defamatory in its face, or Art. 353- television broadcast is not included.
it is ambiguous it can be considered libelous Wala pang tv noon but they are included
in light of surrounding circumstances which under “any similar means”
gave rise to its existence, then actual malice
on the part of the offender or malice in fact
Art. 354. Requirement for Publicity.
must be established or proved
- Doctrine of privileged communication
(which can be qualified or absolute)
Generally, whether defamation is directed to
Absolute: When it is not actionable, even if
or in connection with the private life of the
the author has acted in bad faith. (Statements
victim, there is malice in law. But when it is
connection to his public life or his conduct as made by members of congress sin the

a public officer or a public figure, malice in discharge of their official duties or Allegations

law does not arise since the public has the or pleadings during judicial proceedings)
right to comment thereon.
(public figures are not necessarily pubic Qualified privileged communication: would
officials) not be actionable unless made with malice or
bad faith
- It is considered as a derogatory utterances,
even if what you said was that the person was
- Prescription of libel is one year for which the
convicted of an offense
crime is discovered by the offended party

Art. 356. - A special form of threat but is not

to be classified as grave threats under art. 282
and this offense is always consummated as a his information which was given to him in
mere threat to publish or offer to prevent is confidence (RA 4077)
constituting the crime itself - Except: when such info is demanded by the
security of the state
Art. 358 Slander Art. 363 and 364. Incriminatory Machinations
- Grave; or Simple Limited to acts not constituting perjury but
- The word, “Puta” is not an implication of directly intended to cause prosecution by
prostitution but an expression of distrust or planting evidence against the victim
displeasure - There is no crime of malicious prosecution
under our law or RPC as it is a civil law
o Not oral defamation or slander concept more particularly covered by article
2028 par. 3 of the civil code.- take note of the
Art. 359- Slander by deed officer concerned
- Simple or grave
- The intent is to humiliate the offended Tanim bala – a violation of 10591 law on lose
party firearm
- But if such intent cannot be proven,
the offense may still be maltreatment May that person be charged under the RPC.
by deed under art. 266 No jurisprudence yet but since the elements
are different yes.
People v. Perez: act of the accused by holding DVI: you file under both.
the school teacher by her hair and shaved is
ill-treatment by deed Art. 365- IMPRUDENCE
Rules :
But now, after the amendment in art. 152 B.P. What is imprudence? Depicts the Deficiency
873, it would be direct assault under art. 148 of action and Failure to take precaution
since a teacher is considered as a person in What is negligence? Depicts the Deficiency of
authority and actual performance of duty perception and Failure in advertence

Note: the publisher, columnist, or reporter Note: there are crimes in the code particularly
cannot be compelled to reveal the source of constituting criminal negligence or culpa, and
for this reason you don’t apply art 365. What • Applicable only or mitigating on the civil
are these crimes? liability of the offender
- Malversation through negligence
covered by art. 217 - Art. 365 does not absorb crimes under
- Violation of article 224, evasion special penal laws because they are crimes
through negligence mala prohibita.
- Article 218: Failure to render accounts - Rules of graduating penalties under art. 64
through negligence is not applicable to offenses committed
through criminal negligence
If the act of negligence is particularly - Contributory negligence is not applicable in
punished in the code, then the person must cases under this article or its criminal aspects,
not be charged under article 365, if only, it is only mitigating for the civil aspect, or civil
there is not specific article punishing it will liability of the offender
you charge under 365 and if there is - See also the case of Aguilar v. People:
imprudence and negligence. i.e. reckless o Vehicular accident resulting to death, PI,
imprudence resulting in damage to property and damage to property
Reckless imprudence resulting in homicide o Prosecutor correctly reserved that the light
felony may not be complexed under art. 48
Where several crimes result to criminal and filed a separate charge sheet for it and
negligence, and they are grave or less grave, another charge sheet for reckless imprudence
article 48 may apply and in this regard, read and damage to property
the case of Jason Ivler Aguilar: o There is more than one crime committed,
365: is a felony in itself, it should be studied consequently, if the offender has been
in relation to article 48. You cannot apply 48 charged tried and convicted under 365, he
if the other felony is slight physical injuries cannot be charged anymore to the same
In a vehicular accident and the other party is violation under 365.
claiming as a defense, contributory
negligence, may the other party raise it as a
• Contributory negligence is not applicable in
criminal aspects.

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