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Retell the text using the PAST SIMPLE

I wake up at 8 am. I stay in bed 10 minutes before I get up. I wash my face and
have a shower. I have breakfast at 8.30. For breakfast I eat fried eggs, cheese, and
broccoli and I drink a cup of tea. I brush my teeth. I get dressed. I leave home at about
I take a bus to work. I am late for work because I stay in traffic jam. I arrive at
work at about 9.30. I have a cup of coffee and I read the news in the newspaper. Then,
I check my emails. Then, I report to my boss.
At about 1:00, I have lunch. I work on the computer. I drink tea at around 4:00 and eat
some cake. I finish work at 6:00.
I go back home. I change my clothes and I have a shower. I am not tired and
I cook dinner. I have dinner at 9:00. I relax on my couch and watch TV. I wash the
dishes and clean everything. I lock the door and brush my teeth.
At 11.30 I set the alarm and read a book for about 30 minutes. Then, finally at
12:00 I turn off the lights and go to bed.

1. Before- inainte
2. After – dupa
3. Fried eggs- oua prajite
4. Cheese- cascaval
5. A cup of tea- o ceasca de ceai
6. Because- pentru ca
7. Change my clothes- imi schimb hainele
8.Dish- vesela
9. Clean- a face ordine, a curata
10. Everything- totul
11. Lock- a incuia
12.To set the alarm- a seta alarma
13. Turn off- a stinge
14. Turn on- a aprinde

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