Reading Log Scoring Rubric: (Proficient)

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Reading Log Scoring Rubric

• Reading log entry is written in an integrated and thoughtful

way and demonstrates an awareness of the audience
• Summarizes reading in a concise manner
• Infers the main idea
• Includes some details to help reader understand the events in

4 the text
• Questions the author’s purpose
• Makes a prediction
• Poses questions that extend beyond the text
• Makes a text-to-world connection

• Fairly thoughtful
• Summarizes reading in a concise manner
• Poses questions
3 •

Makes a text-to-self/text-to-text connection
May have minor inaccuracies

• Retells reading in own words

• Includes too many details
• May ask a question
2 •

May make a prediction
Has many inaccuracies

• Retells reading
1 • Has many inaccuracies

0 • Copies from text or has no entry

Citizenship Scoring Rubric
Citizenship scores may be improved by volunteering to perform community
service after a private conference with instructor

• Always on time
• Always demonstrates responsibility by having materials and
completed homework
• Always treats others and environment with respect
E • Always works cooperatively in groups
• Always wears the appropriate uniform with shirt tucked in.
• Always gets to work quickly
• Always has a positive attitude and takes risks by asking
appropriate questions
• Is generally pleasant and helpful

• Always on time
• Usually demonstrates responsibility by having materials and
completed homework
• Usually treats others and environment with respect
S • Usually works cooperatively in groups
• Usually wears the appropriate uniform with shirt tucked in.
(proficient) • Usually gets to work quickly

• Sometimes demonstrates responsibility by having materials

completed homework
• Sometimes treats others and environment with respect and
N must be sent to buddy teacher
• Sometimes works cooperatively in groups
• Sometimes wears the appropriate uniform with shirt tucked
• Is disruptive and interferes with others’ learning

• Rarely demonstrates responsibility by having materials and

completed homework
• Rarely treats others and environment with respect and must
be sent to the office
U • Rarely works cooperatively in groups
• Rarely wears the appropriate uniform with shirt tucked in.
• Rarely gets to work quickly
• Is disruptive and interferes with others’ learning
Dialogue and Mini-Conversation Rubric

• Participants are creative; take risks and volunteer

• Response/Dialogue flows naturally and with expression

4 •

Dialogue is memorized/Response is appropriate
Accent is good
• Participants speak clearly

• Participants volunteer
• Response/Dialogue flows naturally after some thought
• Dialogue is memorized/Response is appropriate
3 •

Accent is fair
Participants speak clearly

• Participation is requested
• Response is hesitant; dialogue requires some prompting
2 •

Accent is fair; may need clarification in English
Participants are difficult to hear

• Participation is requested

1 •
Response is uncomfortable and interrupted; dialogue is read
Accent is hard to understand; translation is required or may be
given in English

0 •

No participation
No response

Developed by the Hill Classical Middle School Foreign Language Department, Fall 2001
Project Scoring Rubric

• Project is creative, colorful, and neat

4 •

Project is typed and labelled correctly
Project demonstrates knowledge of the subject
• Subject matter and purpose is clear
• Information is accurate

• Project is colorful and neat

• Project is labelled correctly
3 •

Project demonstrates knowledge of the subject
Information is accurate

• Project is neat
• Information is labelled
2 • Information has some inaccuracies

1 •

Project is sloppy
Information is inaccurate

0 • No participation

Developed by the Hill Classical Middle School Foreign Language Department, Fall 2001
Foreign Language Writing Rubric
To be used in evaluating any written expression in a target language other than English

• Written responses are original and creative; demonstrate taking

risks with the target language

4 •

Written responses are appropriate
Phonetic realizations conform to the rules of the target language
• Spelling and diacritics are generally correct with some errors of

• Written responses are straightforward

• Written responses are appropriate
• Some phonetic realizations may conform to the rules of the
3 •
target language
Spelling may be invented in some cases; use of diacritics may
(proficient) follow a pattern but may be used incorrectly

• Written responses may be appropriate

• Phonetic realizations may be in the target language but
2 •
generally follow English language patterns
Spelling is largely invented; diacritics are used haphazardly

1 •

Responses are inappropriate or in English
Spelling is invented; diacritics are used haphazardly, if at all

0 • No response

Developed by the Hill Classical Middle School Foreign Language Department, Fall 2001
Visualization Scoring Rubric
(to be used when evaluating visualizations generated during reading)

• Visualization is original and creative

• Visualization reflects the mood of the selection
• Visualization reflects the main idea of the selection and
thoughtfully executed
• Includes all of the important details
4 •

May be realistic or abstract
Uses artistic principles
• Has an original title that tells the main idea
• Is neat and colorful; black and white visualizations are done in
an artistic way and have a rational basis for their use

• Visualization is original
• Visualization reflects the main idea of the selection and is
generally thoughtfully executed
• Includes many of the important details
3 •

May be realistic or abstract
May have minor inaccuracies that reflect a partial
(proficient) misunderstanding of text
• Has a title that tells the main idea
• Is neat

• Visualization may reflect the main idea of the selection

• Has some details
2 •

Inaccuracies reflect a misunderstanding of text
Has a title
• Lacks neatness

• Visualization reflects a general carelessness about the work

1 • Is off topic

0 • No visualization

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