Computing Schemes of Work: Rodborough School M Walker

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Rodborough School

M Walker


KS3 enquiry-based curriculum, following on to mandatory 1 year IT (year 10) and optional GCSE Computer Science (years 10 & 11)

This is an ‘enquiry-based’ curriculum where students are presented with a question at the start of the course and through a combination of their
own research and classroom guidance are – hopefully - in a position at the end of the topic to answer the question.

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Why is Facebook
successful? Why is programming

Why are video games How is software really

fun? written?
Why do computers
need electricity?

How can I make pigs

How can I make an
unbreakable code?

How does Google How can I make a

work? mobile app?
Can I teach a machine
to think?

Rodborough Computing Schemes Of Work, 2012-13


Learning Strands
Software Adaption & Tool Selection

•Selection of appropriate tools for purpose

•Selection of appropriate functionality within a tool
•Ability to independently further understanding of tools
•Interleave different tools to acheive desired result
•Use tools to assist and enhance learning

Computational Thinking

•Work with accuracy and precision

•Develop solutions to problems using a reflective, iterative approach
•Relate known solutions to new problems
•Meaningfully analyse problems
•Construct programs that image solutions

Effective Communication

•Interpret and present information in formats suitable for audience and environment
•Create and edit digital media to enhance communication
•Safe and responsible use of communicating with technology

Data Manipulation & Processing

•Efficiently search fo required information

•Use compational methods on data to collect, sort and analyse
•Use computation methods to process data and test hypothese

Use & Impact of Computers

•Construct practical models of computation that relate to the real world

•Understand the impact and effect of computing in the wider world

Rodborough Computing Schemes Of Work, 2012-13


Year 7

Why is Facebook Why are video games How can I make an Can I teach a machine
successful? fun? unbreakable code? to think?
(Autumn 1) (Autumn 2, Spring 1) (Spring 2, Summer 1) (Summer 2)

Introduction to our IT systems,

Using a variety of tools and
OPENHIVE and online safety and
Programming with sensor boards environments to encrypt and Artificial intelligence, game
effective note taking. Also
and the Scratch environment to decrypt data. Leading on to strategies, testing for
exploration of social networks
create virtual sprites that binary number representation of intelligence and low-level
with their methdos of data
respond to their environment characters and use of XOR with programming
storage and asoociated need for
keywords and one-time pads.
responsible use.

Software Adaption & Tool

Computational Thinking Computational Thinking Computational Thinking

Effective Communication Data Manipulation & Processing Data Manipulation & Processing Use and Impact of Computers

Formal Assessment 2 Formal Assessment 3 Formal Assessment 4

Formal Assessment 1 (Notebook)
(Commented Program) (Exam) (Screencast)

Rodborough Computing Schemes Of Work, 2012-13


Year 8
Why is programming Why do computers How can I make a pig How does Google
simple? needs electricity? fly? work?
(Autumn 1, 2) (Spring 1) (Spring 2) (Summer 1, 2)

Designing and programming

with functions using the BYOB
environment. Fractal geometry Investigating what makes a Using graphics packages to Searching for data in large
with recursive functions and computer system and how the create and manipulate digital datasets (including the web)
genearlly building on prior components work together. images. and creating webpages.
year's work with increased
expressive power of BYOB.

Software Adaption & Tool Software adaption & Tool

Computational Thinking Data Manipulation & Processing
Selection Selection

Effective Communication Use & Impact of Computers Effective Communication Computational Thinking

Data Manipulation & Processing Formal Assessment 2 (Exam) Use & Impact of Computers Data Manipulation & Processing

Formal Assessment 3 (Digital Formal Assessment 4 (Practical

Formal Assessment 1 (Program)
Image) Exam)

Rodborough Computing Schemes Of Work, 2012-13


Year 9
How is software How can I make a
really written? mobile app?
(Autumn, Spring) (Summer)

Using AppInventor
Using Python to
(from MIT) to
develop solutions
create Android
to problems
mobile apps

Software Adaption Computational

& Tool Selection Thinking

Computational Effective
Thinking Communication

Effective Data Manipulation

Communication & Processing

Data Manipulation Formal Assessment

& Processing 3 (Mobile App)

Formal Assessment
1 (Program)

Formal Assessment
2 (Practical Exam)

Rodborough Computing Schemes Of Work, 2012-13


Key Stage 3 Level Descriptors

Systems Development Programming Modelling Analysis

Understand that Be able to create a Be able to plan a Be able to read a Be able to describe the

3 computer systems work

step-by-step and can
only do what we tell
sequence of
instructions and
improve it if necessary.
sequence of
instructions for
something that you
sequence of
instructions and predict
what the result will be.
goals of a given

them. want to happen.

Be able to explain why Write sequences of Use selection and Be able to trace Understand what is

4 we must be accurate
when working with
instructions and data in
a way that a computer
will understand.
repetition correctly in
your programs.
instructions using
variables, selection and
repetition and predict
meant by a
what the result will be

Understand how data, Be able to plan, create, Correctly use variables, Be able to recognise Be able to take a

5 such as numbers, sound

and images are
physically stored on a
test and reflect on a
solution to a problem
that a computer could
lists and simple
procedures in your
similarities between
simple problems and
the ways in which they
problem and divide it
into its main sub-
computer system. solve. can be solved.

Understand how Be able to develop Correctly use Be able to take Be able to take a

6 instructions are run

inside a computer.
solutions for problems
that are described to
you by someone else.
procedures and
functions with
parameters in your
solutions to one
problem and adapt
them for similar
problem and divide it
into all its sub-
problems and show this
programs. problems. as a diagram.

Rodborough Computing Schemes Of Work, 2012-13


Computer Systems Development Process Programming Skills Modelling Analysis

Understand how Be able to test the Be able to write Be able to create a Be able to define an

7 instructions can be
written efficiently and
be able to describe the
different modules of
your programs as you
are developing them,
programs in a text-
based language like
Python and be able to
simple model for a
complex problem.
outline of a solution in
terms of functions and
global values.
efficiency of your reflect on the results create your own data
programs. and then improve structures.

Be able to show how Make sure that the Be able to create your Be able to create an Be able to analyse real

8 elements of real life can

be represented in
programs and the
programs you develop
have been written so
they are unlikely to
own relational
databases and use
them in your programs
accurate, detailed
model for a complex
world problems and
develop low-level and
high-level plans for a
difficulties that crash or cause errors. and be able to find, solution.
sometimes exist when understand and use
doing this. techniques for specific

Learners have a thorough conceptual understanding of

EP computer systems and can competently and confidently use a

general-purpose text-based programming language to
produce efficient and robust solutions to complex problems.

These level descriptors are based on the proposed Computing at School curriculum (
schools.pdf) with alterations and amendments.

Rodborough Computing Schemes Of Work, 2012-13


Mapping to other KS3 Curriculum

Topic Overview Content CAS Curriculum (2012) NaaCE Curriculum (2012) NC ICT PoS (2007)
7.1 Why is  Use of school system  Safe and Responsible Use – Online  1.1b
Facebook including VLE and identities, Personal e-safety  1.2a
successful? email  Digital Literacy – Online Identities  1.4b
 Generic Office  Technology in the World – Common
application use Productivity Software and
 Online Safety Applications
7.2 Why are video  Programming with  Algorithms 1  Digital Literacy – Gaming  1.1a, 1.1b, 1.1c
games fun? sensor boards and  Programs 1, 2, 3, 4,  Skills – Producing and editing all  1.3a, 1.3b
Scratch 6, 7 types of media  2.2b, 2.2c, 2.2d,
 Reactive systems  Computers 1  Skills – Modelling, Control Data 2.2e
Logging and Programming, Problem
 Technology in the World – Design
and Specifications, Creative
 Technical Understanding –
Programming and Control
7.3 How can I  Using spreadsheets  Algorithms 1, 3  Safe and Responsible Use – Legal  1.1a, 1.1c
make an to encrypt, decrypt  Programs 1, 3, 4, 5, issues, Legislation concerning ICT  1.3a, 1.3b, 1.3c
unbreakable and crack data. 6, 7  Skills – Modelling, Control Data  2.2b, 2.2c, 2.2d,
code?  Use of binary  Data 1, 2.1 Logging and Programming, Problem 2.2e
number system and  Computers 1 Solving
characters sets  Technology in the World – Common
Productivity Software and
Applications, Design and
 Technical Understanding –
Programming and Control

Rodborough Computing Schemes Of Work, 2012-13


7.4 Can I teach a  Investigation into  Algorithms 1, 3, 4  Digital Literacy – Impact of ICT on  1.1a, 1.1b
machine to think? basic AI, machine  Programs 1, 6, 7 society  1.3a, 1.3b
learning, game  Data 1, 2.1  Skills - Control Data Logging and  2.2e
strategies and Turing  Computers 1, 2 Programming, Problem Solving
test  Technical Understanding –
Programming and Control
8.1 Why is  Designing and  Algorithms 1, 2, 3, 4  Skills – Producing and editing all  1.1a, 1.1b, 1.1c
programming programming with  Programs 1, 2, 3, 4, types of media, Modelling, Control  1.3a
simple? functions using 5, 6, 7 Data Logging and Programming,  2.2b, 2.2c, 2.2d,
Scratch BYOB,  Computers 1, 2 Problem Solving 2.2e
sensor boards and  Technology in the World - Design
robotic arms and Specifications, Creative
 Technical Understanding –
Programming and Control, ICT
Systems Lifecycle, Organisation of
Data and Data Standards
8.2 Why do  Investigating what  Data 1, 2.1, 2.2, 3, 4  Skills - Problem Solving
computers need makes a computer  Computers 1, 2, 3, 4,  Technology in the World – Common
electricity? system and how the 5 Productivity Software and
components work Applications, Progress and Future
together Applications
 Technical Understanding – How
Computing Devices Work,
Embedded Systems, Data Storage
8.3 How can I  Using graphics  Data 2.4  Digital Literacy – Creating and  1.1a, 1.1b
make a pig fly? software to create sharing  1.3a
and manipulate  Skills – Producing and editing all
digital images types of media
 Technology in the World – Creative
8.4 How does  Searching for data in  Algorithms 1, 3, 4  Safe and Responsible Use –  1.1a, 1.1b
Google work? the web and  Programs 1, 4, 6, 7 Computer e-safety, Ethical issues  1.2a

Rodborough Computing Schemes Of Work, 2012-13


creating webpages  Communication and  Digital Literacy – Finding retrieving  1.3a, 1.3c
the Internet 1, 2.1, and validating information, Critical  1.5a
2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 4 thinking and evaluation  2.1b
 Skills – Modelling, Control Data  2.2b, 2.2c, 2.2d,
Logging and Programming, Problem 2.2e
Solving  3b
 Technology in the World – Common
Productivity Software and
Applications, Web Design, e-
 Technical Understanding –
 Technical Understanding –
Programming and Control,
Organisation of Data and Data
9.1 How is  Using Python to  Algorithms 1, 2, 3, 4  Skills – Producing and editing all  1.1a, 1.1c
software really develop solutions to  Programs 1, 2, 3, 4, types of media, Modelling, Control  1.3a, 1.3b, 1.3c
written? problems 5, 6, 7 Data Logging and Programming,  2.2b, 2.2c, 2.2d,
 Computers 1, 2 Problem Solving 2.2e
 Technology in the World – Common  3b
Productivity Software and
 Technology in the World - Design
and Specifications
 Technical Understanding –
Programming and Control, ICT
Systems Lifecycle, Organisation of
Data and Data Standards
9.2 How can I  Using MIT  Algorithms 1, 2, 3, 4  Skills – Producing and editing all  1.1a, 1.1b, 1.1c
make a mobile AppInventor to  Programs 1, 2, 3, 4, types of media, Modelling, Control  1.2a
app? create Android 5, 6, 7 Data Logging and Programming,  1.3a, 1.3c
mobile apps  Computers 1 Problem Solving  2.2b, 2.2c, 2.2d,
 Technology in the World - Design

Rodborough Computing Schemes Of Work, 2012-13


and Specifications, Creative 2.2e

Industries  3b
 Technical Understanding –
 Technical Understanding –
Programming and Control, ICT
Systems Lifecycle, Organisation of
Data and Data Standards
EMBEDDED  Safe and Responsible Use – Offline  1.4b
THROUGHOUT Safety  1.5b
 Digital Literacy – Functional Use,  2.1a [although not
Social Networking, Learning, Impact necessarily in the
of ICT on Society way it was
 Skills – Digital Communication intended]
Including Online Environments  2.2a, 2.2f
 Technology in the World –  2.3a, 2.3b, 2.3c
Collaboration and Communication  2.4a, 2.4b, 2.4c
Tools and Use  3c, 3d
 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d
AREAS NOT  Data 5, 6  Safe and Responsible Use –  1.4a
COVERED  Computers 6 Environmental Issues  2.1c
 Communication and  Skills – ICT Skills for Career Paths  2.1d
the Internet 5 (5.1, and Working Life  3a, 3e
5.2)  Technology in the World – Use of  4e, 4f [dependent
ICT in Practical Contexts [as on other areas of
described in the curriculum], learning]
Working with ICT
 Technical Understanding – Industry

Rodborough Computing Schemes Of Work, 2012-13

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