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If you do not trust a supplier's performance data, how can you design building services to perform to
requirements? Eurovent certification provides lhe answer.

What's in Eurovent?
within well-defined limits,
comparable with the claims
made b y the manufacturer,
both cooling and heating
•A-weighted sound power
group s . '
'End-users can but
with confidence knowing
the proCiucts ace listed in for both indoor and outdoor that the chosen system will
the Eurovent 'Directory of non-ducted units operate in accordance with
certified products'. • A-we i g h ted sound power the design specification in
By guaranteeing that a wide range of air-conditioning radiated from the duct of terms ofenergy efficiency,
products will perform accordig to their specification, uAll products are ducted units. running costs and return
The close-control on capital investment.'
Eurovent certification benefits the whole industry - subject to regular programmes include total ' Manufacturers benefit
coofing and sensible cooling through the establishment
explains Jacques Benoist. random testing capacities together with of a I.eve) playing field for
Austria, Portugal and effective power input and competition, based on
ELIAC>"E�T Turkey. to ensure that A-weighted sound-power comparable data which
CERTIFIED PERFORMANCE In common with other measurements. h as been verified by the
Eurovent programmes, the products The fan-coil programmes standardised testing
AHU programme provides include total cooling and procedures.
continue to
a common basis for the heating capacity, water Finally the image of the
rating of air-handling units conform to pressure drop, fan -po wer HVAC industry is
using existing ISO and mput and A-weighted enhanced as Eurnvent
CE�standards for catalogue data" sound power. testing builds confidence
determination of stru ctural, between manufacturers
aerodynamic, thermal and If, however, the test "The Eurovent and specifiers.
acoustic characteristics. results do not uphold the Consultants, specifiers and
Air-handling units can now claims made by the certification end-users are spared the
be selected with the manufacturer, the task of carrying out
assurance that claimed participant will be required programmes were detailed comparison and
performance data is to rerate not only the tested performance qualification
accurate. model, but all models
developed to testing, and can now select
However, the AHU within the same basic encourage products in the knowledge
programme has yet to be product range. that manufacturers'
ad0pted by UK Alternatively the product healthy catalogue data is accurate.
man ufactu rers - in may be withdrawn from the
contrast to the programmes market. competition Commitment
for air conditioner, close­ All products are subject But perhaps more than
control units and chillers, to regular random testing to within the anything the "Eurovent
which are enthusiastically ensure that products
supported by British continue to conform to
European Union" certification programmes
rep.resent a commitment to
producers. catalogue data. TI1e chiller programme customers which says a
· Participating · The testing procedure includes the fol lo win g manufacturer has
manufacturers eJi tering a verifies a number of characteristics. voluntarily j o i n ed a system
Eurovent/CECOMAF has member associations in 11 certification programme characteristics at standard • Ne t cooling ca paci t y and o( in d ep ende n t testing
European countries. present performance and rating conditions for u nits effective power input In which offers the customer
Belgium: . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . FABfllMETAL construction data for all within the various cooling and heating modes a guarantee th;it product�
Finland: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . AFMAHE, FREA products or selected ranges program mes. • Water pressure drop at included in lhc.- di rectory
France: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .UNICLIMA within the scope of the Por comfort air conditioners evaporator and condenser will m;itch the published
Germany: ...................FG ALT im VDMA progrn�me. Th i s data is the prir,�·iple d1aracteristics in cooling and heating pNform;incc data.
Great Britain: . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .FETA then evaluated by the under sc ru tin y are the modes
Italy: .........................COAER, ANIMA Eurovent Certification follow mg. • A -weigh ted sound power
Netherlands: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NKI, VLA Company, and a number of •Total cooling capacity for level for air-cooled chille rs /ocqHcs /31•1101$1 is director cif
Norway: ..............................NVEF products are se.lected for all units and tieatmg • Net heating capacity for cl!rtific11t lo11 wi/11
Spain: ...............................AFEC independent testing. capacity for reverse-cycle reverse cycle units. cHrove11/ Ct•rlijicnlion Co111pn11y,
Sweden: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KTG, SWEDVENT I f the results of the unfts 'Eurovent certification 15 r11e Mo11torg111!il, 75001,
Turkey: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...ISKID testing procedure are, • Effective power input in offers benefits to many Pnri�.

Views from Europe

The European market for performed by third parties a manufacturer that is not!
air-conditioning and and governed by He explains, 'Our selling
refrigera tio n products is intern a ti onal standards companies have reported
accessible to manufacturers including EN, ISO and that it is sometimes
based inside and outside Euroven t .
difficult to convince the
Europe. There has been, How does a multi-national air-conditioning company customer that an impartial,
and to some degree there reputable organisation
still exists, a situation nsome that is committed to manufacturing and selling certified our units while he
where some manufacturers has no guarantee on the
deli berately me'lke
manufacturers throughout Europe view the importance of Eurovent performances of the other
exagg era ted claims ab0ul deliberately manufacturer. Sometimes
the performance o( thl!ir certification and specification? the uncertified supplier
products. This penalises make exaggerated claims a huge 20%
reputable manufacturers With several hundred reputable manufacturer directory and be eligible to advantage of performance
and leads to unfair claims about the models listed in the could possibly arS".le with carry a Eurovent laoel. If - nonsense but a very
competition, dissrttisfaction Eurovent directory of the stated v.is1on of tests do not accord with the attractive p ropos ition for
amongst end-users and
performance of certlfied p roduc ts, Carrier Eurovent - to improve the published fi gures, the the bu yer.
distortion of mar ket forces. has demonstrated its relationship between un:it/range has to be
their products" comm itm ent to progressing supplier and customer by derated by the uln Europe the
Healthy competition the r,erfonn ance independenti y verifying manufacturer or he be
The Eurovent Product categories certification of air­ p ublished performance removed from the countries most
certification programmes covered by the cer ti fi cation conditioning eguipment. data. The aim is to help Eurovent directory.
were developed to programmes include Indeed, Carrier employees consultants, specifiers and committed to
encourage hc.-althy comfort air cond iti oners, chair three compliance installers compare the Challenge
competition within the close-control air committees. Georges relative performance of Great progress has been
conditioners, liquid-chilling Mauer and Jean-Pierre competitive products, made ov er the last few
European Union, enabling
Huguet, who are based in secure in the knowledge
specification are
manufacturers to compete packages, fa11 coils, air years. However, one
on a L ike- fo r-like basis. This coolers and condensing Carrier 's manufacturing that they are comparing challenge remains, and in the south"
was achieved by creating a units, dry coolers, heating plant in Montluel near like with like and that the that, according to Galante,
comm on set of criteria for and cooling coils, cooling Lyon in France lead the selected equipment will is to give the Eurovent Colleague Jean-Pierre
rating products - towers, fans and air­ AHU and chiller deliver what it claims. label real status in the eyes Huguet aads, '1t does not
irrespective of their country handl ing units. committees, res ,eectively, Participating of the customer. If the help anyone for all 25
of origin. The recently established whilst Antonio Galante, manufacturers submit customer - end-user, Eurovent compliant
The 13 certi fication programme for air­ who operates from the technical data for all specifier or installer - manufacturers to sit
programmes form the basis handl ing un its now Villasante'I plant in Italy is relevant products. This does not understand what around patting each other
of curovent testing includes 26 manufacturers focused on fan-coil units. data is evaluated and units the Eurovent 'badge' on the back and telling
procedures, which are from a variety of European tested in independent means in terms of integrity, ourselves how upright we
carried out at eight countries - including Vision laboratories. Subject to how can the Eurovent­ are. The whole purpose of
independent laboratories Sweden, Dc.-nmark, All three agree satisfactory performance, it certified manufacturer the ex:ercise is to enhance
across Europe. All testing is Norway, France, Germany, vehemently tnat no can be included in the compete with the claims of Continued on page 15 ...


. .
... Continued frompage 13 decide in favour of certified

New roles tor

the reputation of the products in the future, and
industry and help our this additional investment
customers.' will be repaid many times
"The aim is to
Another Eurovent
objective should be the .
help consultants, I !I
harmonising of accepted
specifiers and 'tolerances' where
differences exist between
installers standards, manufactu � Alan Duttine sees Eurovent's
tolerances and individ
compare the unit performance
sphere of influence growing -
relative tolerances, particularly for
equipment that has been on
both geographically and
performance of the market for some time. commercially.
'W hatever its ..
. competitive I ,

weaknesses, we are seeing Over the past decade who can see the need to
products, secure more and more
consultants' specifications
Eurovent/Cecomaf has
made significant
ensure that products
perform in a manner
in the knowledge asking for Eurovent- achievements - consistent with the claims
specified products, not achievements so numerous being made in sales and
that they are �
only in Eur e but also in that it is impossible to list technical brochures. The
comparing like the Middle ast who
traditionally work with the
them all in our present
enthusiasm for the
Eurovent certification
with like and ARI standard', comments There are, however, a programmes has raised
Georges Mauer. 'We must number of areas where standards throughout the
that the selected I I

strive to achieve a parallel Eurovent/Cecomaf has entire industry by

equipment will status that declares "i.f you
are not in the Eurovent
excelled, and these are
worthy of special mention.
providing a common
h u rpose amongst the
deliver what it Directory, you are not in �
undreds of com anies
the market".' United stance participati ng in t 1 e 13
claims" 'In Europe the countries Perhaps the single most programmes.
most committed to important outcome of
To complete this weak h
Eurovent s ecification are Eurovent/Cecomaf's work Active
link in the supply chain, in the sout - Italy and is the manner in which it Eurovent/Cecomaf has
Galante sees the need for Spain are the leaders' has forged a united stance also been very active in
further investment by
partic ating
reports Jean-Pierre Huguet. i
amon st the major building relationships with
'We must not forget that .it manu acturers operating other industry groups
manu acturers in a is a relatively young within the European 1.
thro hout the rest of the
promotional drive to organisation and the ramp markets for air- worl . The relationship
educate the market to the up is gaining momentum. conditioning and with the American
benefits of Eurovent. His h
Participation is not et �
refri era t ion prod u cts . �
Refri eration Institute is an
colleagues all agree with r
mandator but we ope T e certification excel ent example of two
him ttiat once customers r;
that it wil be by the ear programmes have been bodies with similar goals
really understand what it 2002, for equipment elow voluntarily embraced by and interests sharing
means, they will always 750 kW.' enlightened manufacturers Continued onpage 16 ...

@rm linn@ . com

Carrier lras major mm111fncturi11gplants at Montl11e/ i11 France

(top) making air-ha11dli11g 11nits 1111d at Villasanta i11 Italy, where
f(111-coii 1111its arB produced.

The revolutionary new Quiet Vent concept from Helios

THE SURFER'S PARADISE TO . . ! RECUPOVENT Ventilation Systems combines lowest noise levels
within a truly brilliant design. The QuietVent is
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BUILDING SERVICES WEB·SITES !i with the added advantage of choosing a facfa to meet

Get the full picture any colour co-ordination requirement.

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The QuietVent is very easy to fit with simple bolt­
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What and why e'commerce? And operates at sow1d levels below 3 4dBA at one metre on
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your clients on the world-wide-web complete with back-draught shutter that can be fitted
*Mechanical ventilation with
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the BSEE Web Directory is the place heat recovery.
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*Uses aluminium plate recuperator
you can list your Web-site, The Helios QuietVent is available from a nationwide
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Helios Venti l a ti on Systems Ltd
5 Crown Gate, Wyncolls Road,

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Bridge House, Station Road,
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:::= Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 4HS
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... Continued from page 15 organisation associations from America,
information and ex erience � Eurovent/Cecomaf now �
J an, China and Canada. n1
to the benefit of bot represents hundreds of I ARMA meets twice m
parties. producers who face similar yearly to discuss issues S1
The ARI now has a challen es, especially in the such as global warming, Ei
commercial arrangement F
areas o refrigerant policies, refrigerant policy, and Cl
with Eurovent for the the environment ano enerw efficiency and
testing of SO Hz systems energy efficiency. morutors their
produced in America and environmental impact. g1
destined for European fc
Lookin to the future, a1
markets. Since American "The certification Eurovent Cecomaf will a1
Environmental Air Management power supplies are based continue to play a a1
on 60 Hz, access to testing programmes have
6 Hither Green, Clevedon North, Somerset BS21 6XT within the SO Hz region of
significant role in the
maintenance of healthy
been voluntarily
Tel: 01275 876851 Fax: 01275 343086 Europe provides a valuable
service to the ARI and its embraced by
competition within the
European Union. At

membership. esent there are more than E1
enlightened 00 manufacturers from 19 E
Merger h
countries partici ating in I A
The merger between manufacturers" the various certi ication R,

Eurovent and Cecoi:naf, pr ammes. in
representing respectively Eurovent is an ther countries will be
n;. h

air-conditioning enthusiasti articipant in re resented as the an

manufacturers and ICARMA ( e in uence of m•
refrigeration equipment
manUfacturers, brought
together two indust 2'
International Council of Air
Conditioning and
becomes even more
wides read, and the
r a1:

groups which share Manufacturers' libera isation of Eastern

several important Associations) which European economies will
characteristics. The joint includes member Continued on page 17 ...


Thermal Technology
Hydronic air-handling
units, which are distributed
in the UK by Thermal
Technology, have been
submitted�for certification
by Eurovent. Hrdronic is
one of 19 major Emopean
Hydronicair­ manufacturers of air­
lrandling writs handling units that is
certified by participating in the scheme.
Eu.rovent aTI.' A Eurovent ilirectory of
available in certified air-handling units
tlte UK througli is due for publication by
the end ofthe year.
Reader Reply No. 95 .
Potters Leisure Resort - Hopton On Sea The company's product
PM Lun .. range includes the VVVA

·Dantherm can:
air-fiandlin � unit, the
Compact Air system for
offices, scltools and shops,
n..,.. u,.,� ,_ the economical Gold
, .,. � � ....... system and the roof­
mounted TA system for
�Efficiently satisfy your requirements They are available in the

� for your buildings heating & cooling

UK through PM-Luft UK,
Eurove11t­ whose managing director
certified Graham Barnes says,
'Customers need to know
for air­
liandli11g 11:11its that catalogued
made bJ! performance data is
�Give many years experience in PM-L'fft·
absolutely accurate. By
having the performance of

� environmental control for the PM-Luft AB has become

one of the First European
airflow, acoustics, pressure
losses, power consumption,
our systems checked and
verified by an independent

swimming pool & leisure market

manufacturers of air­
handling units to have its·
heating, cooling and heat
recovery. Th.e certification
resource of the caliore of
Eurovent, customers can be
products tested and procedure also includes an certain that performance
certified by Eurovent. The annual audit to check and data we �ve is absolutely [
comprehensive test evaluate any design accurate.
progra.mme encompassed changes. Reader Reply No. 96
�Offer you/ your designers full support
� in the heating, cooling & ventilation ABB Flakt
2000 air-handling units
made by ABB Flakt
Products have been
requirements for commercial buildings awarded the Eurovent
t=c �®®Cl> r..v..r.tV.>foT.m;;'; The company explains
that this independent test
progr amme assures
�From concept to completion & beyond S{'ecifiers that qualifying

� give help advice & assurance au-handling units have

passed the strictest
standards for noise,
efficiency and performance
ABB Flakt's - and can be incorporated
EC 2000and in building scltemes with
�Save you money with our Heat EU 200 ranKes the ubnost confidence.

� RecoverySystems
of air-handling
rmits are
ABB Plakt also argues
among tlle fi.rst that buildings with this
to be certified Corl"' AHIJ.l&OJ.(IJI accepted level of air­
by Eurovent. handling equipment will be
Send for our Technical CD Rom & information pack Following tests at Eurovent RwrUv in Essen,
viewed more favourably by
prospective tenants.
Call now on 0161 370 0258 licensed faboratory at Germany, EU 2000 and EC Reader Reply No. 97

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